the Wittohitegh (barite, PCIILLSIIED BY Penniman,. !Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, 2Vc.. 00 Sift illitroet. T IPSTNIX •T. % T. P. 111101ISTOX. s JORIAII 'LINO tt amineivissaterg 8111801 P. SEED. . • Ploste.(3opla.. 3 Oasts. De(lmpel by carder, (per lirep2) ...1115 cents( Mel anoicilbels. Y..r) 33.0 u. Lams! r•ducuons to Newsboys wd Agents. .WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER. 19 1866 PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLIMILLE RAILROAD. ' The Sand Patch Tunnel, in Somerset county, oaths line of this road, Is so near ly completed, that it can easily be made ready IZr the transit of cars by the time the rest of the road can be finished. On no other part of the line south of Connells ville, except , this great tunnel, has any work been prosecuted since the company was divested, by a most uarighteous art of legislation, of their franchises on the south prn division of their road. - This tunnel runs under the suannit of the Allegheny mountain, 'just as does the • great tunnel of the . Pennsylvania Central a few miles west of Altoona: Its length is 4,1110 feet, and the altitude of its floor above tide - water is 2,486 leet, and above low water at Pittsburgh, 1,736 feet. The work upon it was commenced in 18-56. As it was necessarily a long job, the company did well, and manifested a commendable confidence in the ultimate justice of the Legislature of their own State, by prose. cuting the work 'during the suspension of their chartered rights. We say suspensiOn; for it is impossible that the 'repeal of their 'charter—so far as it was repealed by the abt: of April, 1864:--could work anything more than a vexatious and injurious delay in the completion of their great enterprise. In June last, as is well known, the issue was tried la the District Court of the United States at Williamsport, Pa., whether the Company bad forfeited, its charter by abase or misuse. The verdict of the jury was that it had not. The agreement of the jury on this verdict was prompt, and-ar rived at withlut difficulty, The Court then made the injunction , which had been granted the year before, restraining the Connellsville and Southern l'ennsylvania Railroad Company from interfering with the route or franchises of the Pittabnigh and Connellsville Railroad Company per petual, on the ground that the law of Rem.- repealioa the charter of the last named company south and east of Conne4l.- - rale was inoperative and roid. , had the matter been' permitted to rest there, that verdict of a Pennsylvania jury, and that decree of the Court, would have restored to. this deeply wronged Company Its franchises, and the work upon this im portant road, so greatly needed by the peo ple of these cities, and sail more by those of .the poradons and wealthy counties through which it passes, would have been in a state of vigorous prosecution. But the tm succeasful wrong-doingparty in the contro versy—although It had no prospect of ulti mate success—had still the power to cause further delay ; and to effect this it has taken an appeal from the decree of the Circuit Court to the Supreme Court of the United . States. Such Is the attitude In whirls these great parties stand before the country and the .world, and millions are looking on to see If the State of Pennsylvania will persist, in the face of this decree and in violation of, what all impartial men feel to be common justice, in the perpetration of a great wrong, not to these. corporators merely, but to hundreds of thousands of its own people—to the damage of its interests, and to the diminution of its popubstion, resources and revenues, until the unrighte ous statute shall be stricken, by alsigher and jester authinity, and by a Anal decree, • from its book of laws. This decree—unless averted by a repeal of the obnoxious itat ute—will assuredly come sooner or later. What a disgrace What a blot upon the fair fame of our good old Commonwealth would such a decree be 1 To be compelled, by an extraneous and constitutionally su perior authority, to do justice to its own . citizens ! Think of it. We beg our friends in the Legislature to save the State from this dishonor, and to honor themselves by doing right, by a prompt repeal of the re pealing act. Honor, justice, common hon esty and true expediency all demand that this be done, and done quickly. There should be no hesitation at all ; for the law and the facts are now patent to them and to tho world. ' Mill We ask in all earnestness, is this a time to strike doWn the arm of enterprise, and throw obstructions in the way of progress? Is this a time to say that the great natural Ira:ewes of our State, locked up in those mountains and valleys, shall not be devel oped? Is this a dme—when enterprising men, some of them our own citizens, are Pushing parallel lines of railway beyond the hounds of settlement to the farthest - West—to sant up such an. avenue as this We ask.that no wrong shalt de done to the Connellsville and - Southern Pennsylvania Company and its projected road—we trust . that it Neill , go on and prosper;—bnt we do ask that it gall not be permitted to inter fere with the biters of the people of this end of the Steal:lla tuurrferene• with the progress of the Pittsburgh and Councils villa road to its orialriel destination; The importance of thi atuid and its con. nections with East and w 1.6 - will- be the subject of another article. OBJECTION Is made to 3lr. bill Testing in the Chief Justice the siippi t i t ,. mentor the Internagnerenue officers, EA to Mr. WARD'S bill authorizing him to sp. . point, Provisional (oTernors for the unrep resented Statia. The objection is that these bills, if paised ititolaws, -- will clothe the Chief 4tuttice with almost Imperial pow ers. To thri objection it ,may be answered that in the matter of appOlntments neither at these bills look to conferring the ower of absolute appointment upon the Chief Justice. It is simply proposed to give him- MEI the right to nominate to certain offices, and to give to the Associate Judges the right to say whether the nominations so made shall stand.: If any greater peril inheres In this method of appointment than that now in use, we fall to make discovery. The two methods are strictly analagous. What is now proposed is a division of pat ronage, so as to make the power of dispen sing It less formidable; and this dlyition was careinlly provided for by Um framers of the Cotustitutlon. StIII, we =not my we fully concur In the proposition either of 'KELLEY or Mr, Wenn. We certainly prefer to keep :the power of nomination li the President, and the advisory end con . stinting power In the Senate, provided the „President can be - hedged alma: with ' such conditions 'swill render his use of so tact lin_authosity safe.tothe people. Tunas nur es were employed to wet& over s sick min .at Louisville, Two tell Asleep end the other robbed them of their. money, some ,one' hundred end twenty dollars. I t 4. .==s IMPORTANT It) ILORPoRATIONS The loose manner in which some of our corporations in this State arc carried on is surprising, and we cannot but wonder that we have not more failures, when we reflect that so many: plain provisions of thelaws incorporating:and, regulating them are ig nored. Insurance coMpaides and agents of foreign ccitnpanies, are iv/plied to make padication of their affairs for - the informa- l - Lion of insured and Of stocktiolders, and a similar provislOn assts as to all manufac turing companies, publication of unclaimed dividends and - deposits, &c., but we sup pose they will not be enforced until some officers or- directors find th-einselvea held Personally liable to both creditors and stockholders tot ; the omission. That our skirts may be kept clar, we give below an abstract of a few laws not generally ob served, to which we mtli ifttention of all concerned : TIIIWIt . "It shall be the ditty of ,every agent of ev ery such corporation or company as aforesaid, to publish annually a copy of the statement forwarded to the Auditor General, within one month from the time the license is granted, at least three times. a week for the space of two weeks in the city or county in which they do business, or in which their said agency maybe estab ilahed."—Act of April 9, 1856, sec. 5. Par don, page 555. The above section applies to all insurance companies not incorporated by the laws of Pennsylvania, but the third section of the act of March, 1865, Pardon, page 1, 396, exempts those Which take out a licemse; for the whets State from making publication, except in the county in which their prin cipal office is situated. The annual state ment, by section 1, act of 6th of April, .1866, (Purdou, page 653) must be filed Within one month after the first Monday of January, with the Auditor General. The fifth section of the same act requires dis trict attorneys to specially enforce its pro visions. SECTION' 19. "It,shill be the duty of eve:l' ry company incorporated under the movie iona of this act (of April 2, 1856, Pnrdon, page 552) to publish, within thirty days after the first 81onday in January in each year,-at least ,three times a week for the space of three, weeks, in a daily newspaper published in the County in which they do business, a statement showing particularly \ in tabular fora the amount of their capital, authorized and paid in; the amount, nature and actual value of their assets; the annual amount of their premiums, and the amount derived from interest on loans or invest. plants daring the said period—and the amount of their risks, insurances and an nuities." The eighteenth section of the same act forfeits thicbarter of any company violat ing the law in this or any other respect The sixth section of the act t•f April 5, 1E42, prescribes that the description of the assets, thus published, shall include "real - ebtate; what kind and where; mortgages, whether first( second or otherwise; stock, what kind and a description of the same— designating, if bank stocks, what bank or banks; what amount, if any, islcrarted upon other securities, together with the amount of cash upon hand." The ninth section of tbe General Manu facturing Law of April 7, 1848, Pardon 602, provides that: "Every such company slat] publish for two ISUCCCFSIVC weeks in the mouth of De cember, annually, in the newspapers before mentionedlat least two newspapers print— ed in the county where the operations of the company shall be 'carried on--...gection 4] a notice or statement, showing the amount of its capital stock subscribedthe amount thereof actually paid In, and the amount of its debts, as they severally existed on.the last day of November Immediately preced .l4, which notice or statement shall be Rigged by the President, Treasurer and Secretary, under oath or affirmation." vonE;as truivn.txcE couriaino Donnie INSURANCE comreifiss =CO DIVIDENDS AND DEPOSITS DECLAIMED "Each of the banks, savingsinatitntions, loan companies and inearancecompaniez," and every corporation of the Common. wealth "authorized to declare and make dividends," are required by the first three sections of act of March 0, IBC, Pardon, page 559, to patina' annually for four weeks "In one or more public newspapers having the largest cireulation," a state ment of all dividends of five dollars or more, and all deposits of ten dollars or more, which have remained unclaimed for three years or more. We trust all companies, officers and stockholders of_ the various corporations included in the above provisions will at once see that they are not, as heretofore, neglected or ignored. It 15 certainly not to the credit of any of them to violate laws made for their own security and that of the public. ' AT TIM opening meeting of the Trinity College Historical Society, held recently at the University in. Dublin, Ireland, Isir. Lane, the Auditor, delivered a very bold and remarkable address. He was severe to the last degree upon the character-of Eng land as a powerful nation. _lie denounced the holding of Gibraltar man Outrage upon Spain and declared its possession far out weighed in moral turpitude the French oc cupation ol Rome, Italy should at once be made free and Spain cleared of the tyr anny ot Queen Isabella. Austria is falling to pieces on her own account while Prussia mast be watched and her ninbition check ed. The only means by which Poland could be freed, he. said, wait; by an united expression of opinion on-the- part of Wes tern Europe. The speaker proceeded to stigmatize England as a bully' to weaker nations,- holding out to them no other al tentative; than. that of commerce or imitlu goner'. Mu had trodden down the rights of nations, and forgotten the first princi• pies of Justice, and shamelessly set herself upon territori al-. possession. The speaker was about to enter upon the subject of Ire lend in her relation with Britain, when his coke was drowned in storms of hisses, ap- Please and disapprobation which forced 11 . ( ta so withdraw from the rostrum. The s r"nte.b 'wu a very remarkable one and SL° ,_ , Mee that the freedom, of opinion ' and melt is not dead in Ireland. Ates.%,j, e , it Board of Minions are about , twain from ,Boston a collection of interesting articles 04the grand F renc h Expoeitlon at Pak. , Among them is a map of the wqridt el euflit long and el: feet wide,min which — -lared ferent k missionary stations et- th the dif Board throughout the world, and" Ufa Board their their organization and transfer. It le . atte. ly executed, entirely by hand, and is th e result of shout three months' patient tabor of William C. Cleveland, of Cambridge, e young Civil Engineer. In the collection are about twelie hundred specimens of the more than two thousand different publica tions issued from the preffies id the Board. includes forty-two works on Ethno graphy, forty-one on Philology, and thirty ono Biographies of Missionariee, and miff thousand others', printed in fourteen ent dialects: - 11. number of idols fOrmeily worshipped by the people of itut /faWaills Tabula accompany , the collectien, together with copies of the papers at:eiesent pub- Hatted there, three in English and four to the native language. , Anadng is the eVigifial Bazul,wich ,Isbutt War:Bod, the only :one in eilstence. There !salsa a Rs** 4 4 1 ‘ 0 1..aiit ;sped miens of cloth,' beaten from bark, formerly made an 4 worn by the females of She Mandl". ilEatiTlrub and accomplished young lady of one of the wealthiest fail:lilies of Louisville has recently pipet: away to n mere shadow without any p3rcZptible cause. Her friends were sorely perplexed to learn the cause, but all to nn avail. Last seed the mystery was solved. The girl was discovered to be a sleepwalker, getting up in her night clothes every night and visit ing sat arbor attached to hernerd, deuce, where she spent, in dreamy silence, eeveral hours and would ro - ths paten ,tal root. Of course she would be uncon scious next day of her walk and rigid air ing of the night previous. D. IL LOCKE, of the Toledo Miltle,' an nowiees that he is the only "Petroleum V. Nashy" in America. Good thhig for America. SLIDELL is In the best of health and sir• cumitances In France. The Confederacy was not a losing operation to this polishei traitor. IRA - ALDRIDGE, the black American Tra. gedian, is playing to, crowded house In France. A nnv; dilly paper la talkedof In Brook lyn, N. Y., with ex-Postmaster Lincoln is Editor. TUE ENATORSUIP. EDITORS PITiIIUURCIEI GiZETTE I am of the opinion' you made a mis take yesterday in allowing "Hawkeye" to Insidiously disparage Governor Curtin, as a sort of foil by which to set off General Cameron's claims to the Senatorship; and so appeal to your sense of justice to let the other side have a hearing. Governor Curtin did not come to the ad *ministration of affairs in Pennsylvania un der circumstances of ease and quiet. A. storm of great violent* was gathering, and it soon burst upon the country with terrific violence. I appeal to the history of the past eventful six years on all questions re. lating to his capacity, fidelity, coarage, and patriotism. I shall not stop to defend him against minute criticism. In 'common with all other public men he may have erred in matters of detail. But I main tain that he so performed" his trust as to stand up the full peer of any, loyal Gov• ernor iq the Union. He displayed remark able forecast and energy In providing . for the future, as was shown in the organiza tion, of the "Reserves," which splendid body, by taking the field In a day of great darkness, was of incalculable service. What if he did not mix up outside and in ferior questions in the great contest When it became necessary to declare off , be nev er shrank from responsibility, and was uniformily found on the right side( 'fhis is why he is honored all over Pennsyl vania as * good and true, and great i man; and Is held n higher esteem in all the other loyal States than any other man who ever filled the gubernatorial chair of Pennsylvania. There is no sense in saying that such a reputation signifies nothing It must be taken as the popular judgment, and it is fair to infer that one who has done so well is Governor, cannot 'fail in the higher sphere of United States Senator. The people have twice trusted Hr. Curtin with the Governorship and he has done so well they are not afraid to trust him once more and in a different office. Politicians who have other ends than the public good to look after, may object; bat, I tell you, if this matter could be submitted to a vote of the republican party, Governor Curtis would get two-thirds of all the ballots cast. The people know him and believe in him,' and feel sore' in his guidance. Of what avail is it for "Hawkeye" to disparage the new Governor as well as the old one? Gen. Geary is not a fool, and so I conclude has . not put his foot into a controversy that does not concern him by taking sides whit Cam eron or Curtin. Ha is the elected head of the Union party and of the State, and is too wise to take part with either faction. That story will not go down, even with crowding. • MAX. SAMAMATAILVS GIFT.—The Most Cartala Remedy aver Ured.—“Tre, • Positive Carr, „ for. tisarrhee, •nd all Inmates arising faro ll'ottLlAr Indlsnreda,' Casten' no !lint sal no Salaam, no Mercury. Only tea Lpllla to be tales to attic. a cne... Tary are •ntlrtly Vegetable, hr.- leg no eacU. l ot say erlPliPinat lane. and will tut In my Lear Injure the stomach ur bowels of the rant delicate. Cares In trope two to four days. and cad recent eves la Meaty-Goat boar a. Beat by Prise, Yale pa eeeee 4!: i'sma;• Plikaga. Bold ouly la PDtsburgh at JOSEP/I Drug nag rata= Iledtr-t-e Depot, No. 04 Racket street. WIAY SLAM, _BALDNESS, BAND BUR. ANY ...MANNY or THE ISCALr.—AI• 111/3CUYZNY VAN .A.INVAItE WITH ••LoNLMJN LIAM CULANI ItraITUILEIS AND LINISSINt..•• MEM Flair Color RraUn et I=EZI Itatz==2S Rim B;MMIBMMM . . "L.sidon ..London ".ondoo E===tltaltlttil E=tl 11==1T 4 1=t1 -.London COBen wand It. Italr Color gestorre• It neert fall. to Impart 111, growth, and rigor to the weartett hair, tn.tenlatd stop. It• and It sure to produce a now grow , trot Saar. ranting It to grow th.ek and apron'. eat) 74 mots • bouhr, Itt the bur dr teat_ Bold by MOULAItraaN & IteIECNINAN, 53 Mar bet 'trot, WV.. A. KELLY. 31 Wood at?, et, lad JOS. 7LEXINO, b 4 Market West. Ittrburgb. MANI & _A.legttrOY• walt:MatWit AN AUTUMN SUGGESI lON. New, aa heavy togs mist ail ...webby com mence to blow; aow,as the human body, ',abatis ed like Inaalmate nature by the beats of summer. W ain., to wilt and droop; now. ere • the Inelawrat *tutor makes Its trying *rail; NOW Is the [motor propaeitory coon* of that boil acclimating medi cine tai extatatara. HOSTIIT7I6.B STOMACH DITTLIIII. Fever and ague Is rampant le all parts of the country. Vetoing:l4* paysiclane admit. will Dot quell tee phase of the dPease which al present we 'ad., the maim st. It Is well that it Iv so, f the remedy (so-calle4l Is deadlier than the malady. But If /0101u* Is la egleent In tetertalttent firer.. PITTIMIS Is Irreelstluts. Iteremiel be safe to Make • *entreat, under heavy peoaltlee, that any given `glover-end-Ague Irleteleve should be exempted from the disorder for any 'particular time, provided every Inbahttent would take the Efta ace, rdlog to dtrectione. during the term of the contract Then has never been ao Instate* In medicine which MIA Menem lavigorant sod antl.fellirint medicine hes fallen Ps ward off the corn valet, when taken dell as Proteetion unleet malaria Hundred. of ph; delans have abandoned all the officinal specill, and now prescribe this barmle es vegetable Lou.i. mad etnthleg el/Le. as preveuilve and mare for all the germs of chllls and fever. V gur 1. the thing most neediel to these cases es well as In oyebepais and nor rem affections, .ndkIOSTILTICIVS ntTrzuts ars the salved. cut est, and most lidluleSocae strengthening prepare. tl a that/Wean 5%111 bag yet concocted. 1; 1 4 .;14 blej 0 - 4 naV)3i143,111 WM. BINGHAM. Jr., Adams Hyloress Gros, 54 ivuk Street, h an authartisd ...igent to reams Adverttsessents - for Vie ,GAZMITM and all other papers Ihreaphoid M. iiteUed &Wes and Ow IgriFIENT ARRIVAL COURSE OF LECTURES AND READINGS ' • ny Tut Public Catholic Library Association, ar af4I3OA7C LOLL, _ _ WIT, HilidOß AND PATHOS. • • ALF. BURNETT, The tiresteatof Americas Eioeultoulsts, .111 . Ore two of ids irdroltsede Used ngs FRIDAY and KAT UNDAY EVAMNistI, December Not sad Nig. No lieterred gest/. Cards er odzolininis AO etc.. tote obtained at the Library. Nom , s 31t , 1. Book sod Musks Mores. dor At Cm door. Kuilro chugs or programme tug eesuleg. Pours open At 7 o'clock. gendlug V. am me non at 0. 7:43 1 TIIKODUNK TACK, • • • • 0. 1.. •A A. NNA tu B.t.zy Ler. Com. s, meows T. r. BOIJATUN.' LioNsiGsmksTe., bastliosohh'ow I otalo . &Odom tor boleithiSitalslto, 30 boxy* Uninse.; to barrel's stomper s lettlest 03 Took Plato Uosbes Cheese; AV. Lt. • do ome• Ilaotbstrit . 1 1 :1 *.. " 11. P rime "I Pc*. ten: lievelvtrowAt tm. ,,, 4* , * d o !..trr t. d. ' " • •' R 401. 16 11.1f.XL4 ISHIPARD ••-• uston 1 14; . el eh otos Lest- A. P 647 . 111 IN 41te Lime; U OV•trell • taelc Poorl 2a, • porghou t Wortley: at - wow vote.] Loathes: .2C*,• 1 7 C . "..e• and ittLlVrlotte4.l t 4 '&14" 1114 t er 'isAr'n. C 42.4 and 300 BARRELS APPLES la atarcaad (orals by • • JaIISIS GLENN, I deleaqUl No. 61 Water awl 64 ring 'treats RED, Zap, 24 IL . melted Ibt sale be_ A. eza_T • OM. noo7 - Wltolessig A AGIN Nash JAMB I. BRADY'I4 CO., • a... to B. Jones & C 0..) _ Corner fourth and 'Wood BANKERS 8 BROKERS znon Government Securities, Foreig.n Exchange; 13old, Silver and Coupont COLLICTIONS nude on an seasilbts points In the Untied States and Canada& Interest allowed on Time Deposits. SKATES! - SKITES! SKATES! IHAVE RECEIVED MOST OF MT =OCR, mil offer to tits ?rods • selection from I. . . 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MARRS Before purchasing elsewhere, call and.rcamine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWN, No. 136 Wood Street. no13;o12 prrTsnuntat CHURCH GUILD. —.V merlin, of this Society whl be held at their Rem BON.. corner Liberty street and• Virgin alley, third floor, on • Thursday Evening, December 20th, At Pi o'clock. A. full attendance is pertzeddacif desired. J. M. knAr. deieuir Chair' t' Committee milleedluk Room. PrENIIT REA. Jr., No. 2S Libirty A-LAtrett, opposite fevebtb street. 81. ELLIS buibels prime; IiftELLIKU tiOltiti-2 ear toads; N O -100bsrrels White /lint; ItoOS-40 Itresssdeorure.i; Bl.l , l•Zit-6 barrels prime; • b treat, OW SUMER TA BEE ac -TEASPOONS, Ellscr Table and Te• Fork.. ellver-Table sad Tea Kale.% liilver hour mad Cream La di s. litekr fee Pitchers and Cake baskets, • Cast...pros/ad Pickle naiads. . I II et the les ki heathy, (.r male by ' J. R. REED 4 (0.. det9Kig No. di Ilftla 'Get I Oltit & CO., No . Jae Wirth Elltroet. ladle tlic`aileatios of Lurk era Lothar large stuck of Lace Ha n dkerth le fa, w Lace collars. Lace Sets. IC N THE MATTER OF THE ES. I TAT' t•V SAMUEL. ectITT. dreemed• DI. 47 December Term. tri.. • • Abd hue , . to December lith, IN:,. the Court appoint W.. 11. LIDDUERS, • Auditor W distribute the balance In the baud. of the BY VIC C 01.1151. /Meat: A. kin.CVD..i. Clerk. ♦ll prraonll Interest./ ahr I entry vintlilid Met %ha eadartlinnloil ...end for thr ppnnrpoaea of 0•• wept In Meat. at r le orrice. No. ha Ltlantcrad ,treat, ll.tabortb. on tl a TUAIJA V. lath JOivary. 1667. at r. a., at wallet, time and place th-y • an a.ttand. W. B. ItOtateltha. drat:V.4,r DIMUES, I=2 roc KICT BOOK!, 11=1 = Im= W. S. HAVEN. l;orou of Wood sad rodfd Bl.*L. BAILEY, rannEL & co., I= Patent Lead and Block Tin Pipe, 013=13ZT X.M111.7a. dba. w 1.411 Invite the ettcatlon •f 141. 110114- tro, Plalatorm. (las flue,. and Illanktf•ctarets 10 osit.tock of BRASS & STEIN 00038 GENIER ILL Y All g0 . .5.1, aratra¢:cl of a superior siuslllr, AAA Prices re aounable. No. 107 Ellmitlallold Bt., PITTSBURGH, OH! COME AND SEE Oar Superb Assortment of cAnParr (II .nios„ uniENTAL /'IIAIRM,• Ant 1.31A1 RI • MTIC AIM ClIA.lllOs, NTooLlt,.. FOLDING 11/40%. THOLE £ nook NAII4 CLOTHE,* nAitrzam, rANtir HANK ETM, TOILET WAIL C. PO* KET AND TA MAE CETLEH Y. WHIT. WILIAM alba 'WOODEN 4:00111.1. Tllt lutte•t .t yet ►o4 hors* imortment In tae at flaw Tot► prieza, a the lloase-for.alsblog 2470. 3.134 171nacontl. Btroot. W. W Ml= Cl i llfa HOOKS ON ALL THE Time Llooki, Pass Rooks out 4 MesmusaJois9 I= OEM= Blank Rion. of eerily description tin hand and ma4etooFter: Copying Books sad rfilit4ll OUtlOncrl. Tie navelopee I= arrEps,seliorzn Ss virrit 1111Ittl" SIXTH .WARD DIRETIRC.7- . THE REPUBLICANS OF. - RPE A. MiXTII WARD, will meet at the Sfitlool, It' t:tin. on 'SHUR WAY ICVZNIIiti, notaniber . Intl.. at 7 o'clock. for the purpose of nomrting renal late. for ply end Ward rithorm, to e bal• toted for at the Nomination Meeting, to bo 10 on PALTUUDAY, 'hectare:Y.4. delfts MANX CITIZEDO3. SIXTH WARD TAX PAYERS. NOTICE IS UEUEUW GIVENthal AM, TA XIS of the above Ward most be ralo over 111,10112 Tll2 SlOnt IbISTAND, or cost erlo be pat on the same, es further Indulgence *sego% be elven." JiotKPII A. BVTLIIt l Collector. 011 Ice, No. 190 Willa SUM. AbilltAA 331..a.A114. HAS NOW A LAUGE STOCK OF ...PUBIC ?INC CONS' ItCTIODIABIEt. CANIS, TOYS and all other good. la his Hoe YOU THE LIOLIDAYS,and he call. special attentlonto his al S superior IS 0 DANDY. at Ba end 91 rederal areal, Allegheny. dei7:pie) THE TA* PANcus OF Tit& NINTH: WARD • Win Sue notice tbst libels Sexes Ire e 4 by tee VI.UST or JAB UMW, costs sillies added 'JANES miwm, .1e18:40 • No. 012 Yens Wait. WETTACU & MEASON, • • CU COESoODS TO 4:11I189 MAN I CL, us. ManorOctaresi of • OAK 'LEATHER BELTING, 1f..01A0 otreati - Alltifbeniettf. ...4 1 Joo ILA &unruliest of ItelOscotO It: 2" ' 1 ttot:bV.lrtatilifartTalia.. WALL PAPEUZCIf AU 111111 1 ...,04 for Par MU*. Dbglar tWan N ind T— evizria Mai TulinT.lkt 114,11 . _ • wica. I. /MUM•DB% CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ]WW COX.MENT7 COMPRISING TUE LARGEST assortment eeeee rhlblted In the OM. •lhrse Eloodsare Imported direct by oure•lrer. sad sot through eeeee s Mottle ,udswllt be sold E IN THE CHT. ESS MAN ANY Ladles' and men's Dressing Cases; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Satchels; Fine Work Boxes; Fine Glove Boxes; Fine Portfolios & Tourists' Cases; Fine Writing Desks; . • Stereoscopes and Views; Cigar Cams: Pocket Books and Cabas; Fine Bohemian and China Vases; Motto Cups and Saucers; Fine Toilet Sets: Chess Men and Boards, With as endless 'deny of FANCY UOODB and WHOLESALE and 19CM/tn... C. IT E.A.GER CO.. 110 Market Street. 1121 MI NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, Aior SHEPHARD'S Steam Cracker Bakery Aavri CONFECTIONARY, (311 mar•ertyr street PITTSBUSGH, PA., SELLING OFF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOAKS & FURS. STOCK, LEHR& FIXTIIIIOS For Bale: BASE OUNCE TO GO MO BUSINESS. TV BC SOLD TO MUSE THIC CITY. GUNSENIIMER ) :i No. 68 MARKET STREET. 11511i414.444:1:04i: I= SOLZDA. - SE" JUST UPENED ►2 H. TA I. Cr 13 ' S . No. 22 Wood Street • A CHOICE .ASSORTMENT OF CHINA ANL sioHE,III AN VASES of new and rue designs and styles. A due lot of PAEAN STATUETTES LA VA W LUZ, DECOM &TM) 111LZAKVAIVI AND !ANN ill SZIII, All of which lc °Chilled on' tlu moat rassosable rates. IL ILEIGBY. 1122 MERRY CHM= CALL - AND BEE OUU AVEIOIIT MIST or MIMI. AND URN AIIANTAL 0000 V. su I.te for lilni.o*.auas st It ATEA, ALL ROUT* AMP MU R. *BOY 01.40 TO =SAO, EIDOWA'S PATENT BAST TENDER. *ALB BILACSEICTO BOOM Nit terzia, BOOK mucus. TOILET WART JEWEL vAssurni, • FINE WRITING DISEEN. LAVA $6771. LAVA VAST" and DATCII MAVEN, CHINA AND LAVA sr:lwo:vs, AT THE HOUIE-FURNISIMII EMPORIUM 31.134 1717'aioci 111PLIDSIE AW. lIIIT=I piton UOGI.E•S Earish and classical School. The "kerma Term of Prof. Polies Zugllth 004 Clarete*l School for Hues a el Female% •111 open JAIIUMIT ATM, Ittell. sad easterner. 'Portal!' lit eel& ' Thoroggh lartractios /area to the Una= taught. Patella are ' , paint •I say 1103 S• charred from the time they tat...114100t. The Principal la 1111146tE4 by a thorough, expert;. emceed and popular leather. TIIITION PAIVIBLE IN 'ADVA`ACE. erllillol. ROOMS. No. 14 Skewed flout. 51. Char Wert, PltUharoh, Pa. • MCI ZDENCLII: Her. R. Uranee. U. D., Der. Ws Coleman, kr, . W. R. Andrews, des. J.T.D,IJ H. Mart. B. 11: der. W. J. Held. • ,Jarnes Bsyd,r, Req., Bee. In R. Rent, D. D.. moo KWlne.lltlJames..obb, , !lig: • l_ll,A J. F. STABIL & CO., BA.NIKERS, Corner of Wood and Third Streets, 1111113,r .A.Z1711:1 11113SEralra ninto RIM BONS, MOM AD crank Draw 'alma and 5414 DIM of Itzobange . Viti GADD. 1 114302. DERDAN T. /TATA). to. FOR THE , IIOI4IDAYS. LADIES' FIRS, 'nos LAsigest Dual/lest leteOr in Itheelty. .. 1 AELLIN9, VERY LOW AT THE flis k :CAT", AND FIB . STORE or 241.73 - a co., dtl 181 WOOD 821/186T. SKATES! SKATES! Prize Skates, Club Skates; SKATES FOR THE MILLION, AT CP CA .121 331 'O9. Dispatch itunding;nna Streat. SEASONABLZ GOODS. QOAPSTONE GRIDDLES* PAT. 14 - 7 /CHT ORIIHRWM, Pomolath Lined Hollow Ware lta: o a l r or=i=ri. Sign! es, will. a, oryynneelvo.lo article ww/lie, 01 UM 1110IINE4VANIIIIIINLI iIMPORIIIN. ZirCr. 3434 17tre•cicl street. - W. W. BILOSIIAW. TJ 110AIP DIAREIZS. 150 BBL& STRAINED ROSE I:=1 li= . alD2B ZING. ,No. IX Fifth auto NM wcal. A. HOLIDAY GIFT, 'NOTHING COULD 'BE.' MOE ACCEPTABLE THAN A WEELER & SON SEWING wA,.O az NE. Them is no investment that pa3rs a betterinterest, or brings more = comfort, health, happi nese and relief to the House hold. WM. SUMNER & CO., No. 27 Fifth Street Pittsburgh, Pa. I= GO TO • 121.033311CIELTIMV, No. 18 Fifth Street, FORAIGIDAY GIFTS. Thee c r elan received large sad well selected stookP Gio•corns, CONENSTLNO 01 , rb X ALE& Eq AMERICAN, ENIMIIN MN moss WATCHES, SOLID AIMED WADE swims coopi. YORKS AND SPOONS. SARIS OVTLEDY• ARIERICAN ARD nums CLOCKS, Vifinsul, And a very lens stock p t Fr tavra,puerED WARE,. i 7l i ram the beat lesnulhetarets sae the rEnr LATZST arrz,z& - Do not forget the Old Stead NO. 16 FIFTH STREET. , naSherAdy HILLERMAN'S liT 4 D RR &POEM. it. with a 11 " 9 1 1;11SN'T OOODO. whlr.l4 Is oared at mmerreir LOW 2 , 1411=1/110. Oar spadaltv low fa Xasbalegav matudt Cimeastris ior it, , mum k. certuream Berms, Aitken* PorOared will •• tall Ila• of HATS AND GAPS, WIIOLLOALX &ND I.llTall. EirliALaaariceaws • Mo. 75 Woad Street. norttoll CHEAP DRY GOODS ' FOR CHRISTMAS mums. A MOTHER LOT OT THE CailLllP z% Ziff MILZINOIAZU TWIST CLOT= in Us CUT. Waestall saasesmatet PL*l3 AXIIIIIMMIIMIPIINS, ALPACCAII, BLEACHULD * trsaLzac•O ors unrs, MUM LINIXS, BAUM= * PLIIIIIII .001712111 NW NEL' AND MILANNXT/11. &It sad toilbas, et • • • IL J. LYNCIIVII, airch. BB 7MZehr.ftet OM, rktwen littlitrest lad the Dlsmoicad. NY CHEW= EFL pm EVERT ARTICLE O ESE a. TIM OUTS. WI al the Rouse Furalablug iniperbun. Tau aia ilia NWT IIZIA IrEj r 'MOT Axil IRMO It 41171141."earMS falit/AVoIiaVeRIFI ait far eiteeffirarnorearalt= No. 111,1 Wood Stmt. dsltaws W .W; BRADSHAW. CUM. IL SAIII-.1111211. TT. IMAIX-.11. L. arZITIXI. BARL MAE BWITTIAMI Summon to WALKILLept II east►, No. 12 et. Char Stiree4Pittonuitt MIXES LI 431"gano, AWL Goolitittenlly. Arnow }teats to eta CaUDragi JOL&DINUOT. New Ton, sal OCIIqII4.OILIM CO.. ItilsOO. Ptak FLOC*. ' • • 'MP. UM% f , sad $. D. n. w. slararo ..akituomr.tinesAlikase TILTON, PATENT 001 TAIL Tbsbortaallaa mai Ostoss lOWA iota Millar allows co UM. • parr CLASS LOOSEN! GLASS MID MIME UAW lUMPACTUT. • i 1 0 Woad SL i IPlttsburib, 49A1% odriov u e l e o a lgl e rlo iuk•A SMatterrQWo oasW• tT .maß tau.Cw% gd °f t:gin2 fallnattzt ti la tbe hi " Y van U r SWIG udailinrs pAwinemsurprionam—nzin l roallfithooirMsi or F7qmoss r etOsatuta ins ‘lll be ara CU, sa locums% Jausii U. maim' ."7". toolAs l i ti M triratX 1/04111.11•••fr••••••••••AIX•111. • - VOLLEY FO OE .111 LOW IMPOOON • nil sad 1113 Lllbarty Wm& littanorOb. - ts T JOHN HALL It COO - Itieractirm of on oratiel o o PAT Z1111411 4 .V.0.T010,. ,D/FLlMizrzo. Ser n l =011; DM - % • daties VariiittiritiirAm .11.11ZNIM: . 1111) . 11 ...ent osar gi w o me niF iz az r irrs t ur sartr s7 . A i r o mic om rs.— am., us nar•by that Ise di fa i thipg bu bit la lay °MAR Wit of GU 4e for tie carotlin , et • *Mr v i er s Mime ID Masts NNW, with& tau% *Midas local*. and Rants et thellk Tao coaditloits efts tante. awl =tent That Mho imam% ataielit bole. Ms er_d of Mtn, sit e sae-gam et noun. It •11114 air il•tv to Ma OW a owe ta bands of Mt br aettrilSoilel.lbr miet bl a nd percent. trlth Wi ad r o , . 011.0 • • CANDY CAME MIR Aka* itozai eilMi %Tit- , , as Wind ius!l tor iias'at KAZTW n 14.11111, . re4.' gnaws dtwo. Cubity eartirt N...+. 011 , 114 Versa Willi •141 itiblttrafilli. EW ADVER ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GOOD, • 'USEFUL, HANDSOME, and ENDURING. CHRISTMAS .& NEW YEAR'S PIMS=ME; WE ARE NOW. BY41:111Mfiel OUR Holiday tltk of MORINO & SONS' PIANOS, L P.- EVISON'S PIANOS, 411.247 X) Mason & klarnlin's CABINET ORGANS, inlets 1011 be the Meet Co:leciton of those In _ 'truncate ever Ixtlblke la Ibis City. THE GRE4T OffiCKEINO PIANOS, Wiakl bare balm before the Daigle for nearly MU • Main* LIM aralitala Oats 'gyp/mu - Z. belair Sao Mao &Mara used b 7 ttu world.' areal arttata lima gar beat =Maury as vrall as gar lora made. larlag cabana; Tam fact th at oNu . , ' 2,000 011113MIBING PL&NOS • Ha be beta sold it this brOht Pointy , of tbeldgb estlatetlea l 0 olden Shay are held by oar elt:teas. t 1 s tber demand ell over the esantsmfer tbe grimace. that it Is la Ins = b iTlins f i l ly by ailgya2.4,422l:l,,r74L lassatsclassrs that Ise bate acetate- the Preteat elk erbiet tor the 11•114sysorbatholll be ecusstant- Iv - arriving rut my to thee =Kb last •lad cent re:Wes the eheletil styles that are made. ' Pricer Bute as at the Factory. The tupproaehable lEDIERSON PI/NOS, I The Cheapest fladfibeMade. Sbe Paterson Plus manes a loaf &ad severely wsalv-shat la a rood. atklbtaadit, Ina toned, awl WULF Instrument at a saceletate pates. ZVI. art nada of the Inlaid therealraly atastated stet PIO leOtt approved melee by • teleattle mem ataatarer; bar. °wavy/ lama felt hammers. boa basks. tad all modem latprovereata. Sae raratiare Is °rebuts lad stegast duets., anhavd ta bre resurnod: Roar varatated aftd Wile/ad. Tee great Mettle we nye bed with lee .I{l. inso Massa dad to Mute great wartta _The , patdlo tag styes theta avalat. km round they are wor- Jav arooaems tie ldeace, tad ors . bap - Incas Put to vs* eau got atm tectany • • • Prices abut Onal/alf stet Is asked Per ike west renowned wakes, WE UMW ThEM FUL BYE TEAM THE H IFEET-TIMED Mason "tan:aim. CUM OUIN, The Mat Perfect lisiefaant Era UM . . , . TioMonad. sad irrilmv.lll.l re Mad In every Paror,rablair &roots •ErS l lllB - Boom. sad ru lov. aceM star sundae fbr War& Ar eal or UrUnatair 21,1 - Abider re ...:r V 4 14; l i erlierm ... zgrar i zm u rrneLtr . Vir d vany. ILI eaorprnewevoereitinflite jes. =. 12 S OMR tra to Mew as widen can lel Aril% ta oar rooms, and my us parcinued as tae . . , oast iaetory. VII WAIT W do tte 1111(10 'Holiday trade gas sweat ever done twin; our loin eatabttthed bull. lunts, sad int knew we.ira aal)ae Ito by edertnd great ladaeseteate. witch Si u gar stock to %mutually tugs. and 'irelukit, cat dent* pike. to the iary lowed diares. ' We bops to have all the Wale call ea ear room& whetnenthey want to buy or net. sad we eballbe basin tieshow than our a ll= Met. . , simmerr =mac AND Musical 'Goods, In fiat 7ariet.y. FOU ' NIMUIIMNIEN'TEL. REMEMBER THE MACE 831. WOOD STREET, letween BUXOM Aft aid 401 St., . PITT InION,,PA. . Etsiallitt SOLE:-ACM FOB addicting Bens' _l4lwok. Enterso c allanolitil* masa aundthwavieTen VITAINTED — A GOOD CIGAR NU TLIKE. erica • Caintal. MI uae = a Pgrease us the Magefseentiej good. .Ettesengea =Maud S. Arrilt su k kx deli dl' Maiming. Indiana Co.. Pte. - A GENTS WANTED TO SELL ' OLULD o lr'll ALBUM: "TIOTIDILS AND STORMS. Wel. tan and complied h 7 Roo. ASA BULLARD. The Book ennuaha a Nab Portrait of the author. liana than ono 'hundred pictures, and b nlcab & M r " . Z= oo l , V. ' l. ** llo l un ta t tio,. ekit debrr yr !Be. 15 Third st.. nuabarth Pa. WANTED—Good men to .sell, by IF sample or otherwise, several rapidly selling and praiseworthy artteles. Men that Rare lei/ money selilng patent right s and t•rish-talimas fen. eon get permanentemoloyment• Money and goods advanced eudletent to start any Man In • paying beano.. AU t e hat hare applied Omuta cal/ agam. tkood referenc required. NO. Id , . BT. CLAIR STRUM. dell . Moms tie. to IffeWTED, • T'01740 ROO IGEN. • BT LADY. with two children OTC!TiCITII pin silage. Good celestite' Oren. Address Maj. L TRIG onus. AGENTS WANTED-THE BEST CHAWCZ TZT.—a Wort of Bloc/teal Valse and Hatton.' Ta l ton . ie. n T t ri. i s i rr o Wort oa oar grgesi t . YTS Bak/ IPP.rN U la ida.T.E t tft. WA tt DE 88, by lion. 1. T REaDLiT. the dla. Undulated Lothar and Historian . /a one bond. some volume. Illustrated. Send at *see tar Wiwi sad territory. Address A. L. TaLCUTT, deill:p10 Itartet street, PltWburnb. Pa. WANTED Dr lAt JANUARY, A GOOD STIR% for Tk o l OR TRUER RUM AND B UGG Y APPIi W/LISS7.R. COWAN • CO.. ' 911 Orsat Stmt. =1 AGENTS WANTED BY THE Er- YZICA. EIZWING sum nut. 00111:PA3Y to sell their NSW Wid MAIN.WiII. Will veer treat tissue paper to item Seam' atoll' cm test=ii oat clumge of fee, doodle ortouswet MMUS Daot sad sooty WZOLUWIW: Addsees. MI 68 Illtdi am dell t. . n 14:. WANTED—AGENTS—MILE ANS v 71MALX—In evert Weitera Yew sylvarda - for tbs dna 1 Ilkarrairleiri. 411. 7 311111Writ i alte i.. .14.31COLIPSHONZATBra..NOITZI& uk Either by Ibex:oath ores eammlsataa.- us•rstes Vowed.. Nor fat palm or additail. /111.1ralfr WANTED-seerstitos9o l l PZB KOS= tor Gentleman. and It 6114+111 tor Ladles, seerywna=ntrodnos toa d = 7 TIIU= 4 . 1 :37 sa beald. and embroider brAnttruargton 4 irar ig; ffelaatie r lorn.alten. and tally etare. Wzrz a tlAMmages, JlM ore eaez made. Addles's or cull on tl RNA. Moe No. Ana S. Mb • . • All terms. A GELIV6WARVID FOR A SEW WOMEN OF THE WAN. NI MANX MOINS i a.OI of:"Tbs Itaballoo I=ttalt w erethtlas wort ffoSS t ee m/lag stl e p . mn tbezalls e of ths wir,ss4 41bs scrl=arlts gW *Dose 600 sages, artth the =X ee t statplate th AM =Mos. lot Masan. lianas*, 10917 ntrttlr a ===2=Z:l3l MEN WXMS4 - TO ACT a SILLESMEII, Mae? tt7at rol•P• 122 1 1 7. Was Ira • po Apply la paws or tent iro ammo la 12=1 batboy Marton.. WINS 96 Guar stroi r l. far•FizaXili%•. l'ere2,`, • s GROVER & BASER'S • ELASTIC STITCH 00 LOCK. STITCH - Sewing Machines Axe THE BM for Yasaly cad Iltanabetartnit yams. Calland net them az .ro. is ruts shwa. DON'T BE DECEIVED HI nowt& eelautn edvoriXteskepts gSgertor Mack, nes, bat get • 8111.1 VIS. I UAXZL bas beta.lsl4 tested tor axle= ' Years. lu t lits i b/ =Ma aacareengr ILE9TI.II -usc. TO'co. MD Wirth altreat. 1101PakiS GET NONE BUT . A • - _ GROVER & BASER Per Holiday - elft. It Is WWl', perfect Sad hereto* the beet. Doan fill to tail sad see Iles ==l TUE GROVER & RARER SEWINC MACHINE "- lathe Ultima Thule elllselualsa. name ealt mut = SHOF _HARNESS & CAILBUGE ILMEsze ehoulelsee the mew - - Groiretaßakerawi Seethe Midas Beforitaaznymbete. la the best en Wir italuela - 20; II rum mix r 8 25 MAIITLEIT - 8 2 5 . • _:,- SEWING MACHINE.., Bast cheap Warmed Xiaataella the rafted DWl's. Arcata wanted emery, bort. Pay $3O to 00 par swath. Y.aelaaa atuay_and address Airm um= LIM feenteatAC 1114 Chestnut stmt. thUattelpta. and It Bum. alt atamia, Toledo, OIIW. HOLIDAY SALE. We en now cll . , /lei daring the fieltdisf. 'Dodo' ladseeseata to those erlahhis to snatches. BOY'S, - YOL3H7 On. • ' 13111213 AND . O V326 :"Trje sad eusalas at' as 47 44 Clair Street. 41RAT & LOGAN. HALL KIMMUUri t MUM Northwest Caner of Peas 44 Ode Ike. Deifies so/Bmi MIMI telt. Maids paio so for the sassy sattlino resiectedly sons. Us • dialtartheir adult- Dittrueigs. L ■oat swwdtola»tlenaot»m • Large and Cannd4 Selected Neck ON Fine 'Woolen -PartleatsitradaSettla ' . UMW - 1!,11 - 111,1 . 14 - .) n EMI, NVZr:I3=M /*, SLOAIWS I= I ,4LEMNI° LIGHT Ectipm, TO GAB! Pa~~s Gas: . Condensing : Burins, - Can banged en onyjamb..intt lllmmue entirely with Cithatief.. Tioluµm, produced. br them Boman eons otteltarlo that et Um. Tho la such that the maim la wafted It a Qu ' Coodenalatt Chamber, and la 'wholly minuted into dame. he burner doe oat Armed elreetly opm the mkt for to Calm, bat berm the Moths whtrd is produced them:drank ant Bum . Less Oilliiiiehney Liips, . And produces • • mars BrillitM i tthda anTelher Mauer lathe STATE ASO SOUITTINIFFS FOR SALE. bereltased ChattMol or dimmable ir the above Bernersis Jaleaheny, Lionety. parties wish tag toexamtn• or par OS accommodated 2 4,, ,TaiwAr r able, , g irt WATZU STILCZI, . JAMES SLACKSSORE4 sarroA3lvAsums lirasTzer: Brume COMMERCIAL COLLECE . ilss. 6 mid S tit Gate Street, book • M Piala sad Aram. 4e, allaitted_ Ailtbautid roaasia por faamiablth SLOG per 11.00 roe ousuaraor ttp!ciateaa. - addreis - J. V. YeCLA-14110XDIE, bwoostexammilim: „. tikturt itaiiitekerait in malcr posimer Jod, Auclumaz _ 11,kinVifi runnatcxamkAr., - . No. US Nedeial Sheet s , •- swam ddat OM the Pint Natiocie_eatik. algal ' SOL I% l ; 7 . - L ..., 0 cirnaarws
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers