DRY 000 I Z TR SPECRL INDUCEIBENt'S T? BUYERS, BATES&BELL'S Irma 'Merinos, 74 cis. Frisch Merinos, 87 eta. French Meriiios, $l,OO. French Merinos, Kra, Square Shawls, plankets, LARGE AESORTIEENTS. 21 FIFTH ST. GrnEAT REDUCTION SALE DRY GOODS, GIRDNER & SMELTER'S, 921 stm siirwcErErr. • Including a Large Stock or HEW GOODS pkas ed at a very GUEAT REDUCTION, and w ilt be sold folly SO per cent. Ises than prices TEE DAVIS AGO. TWO CASTS' * rum BAUATIIEA CIAYTEIS At 30 cents. Reduced from cents •TWO CASKS DARK PLAID rorLiNm, At i 0 cants. Reduced from 73 cents VISE EMPRESS REPPS. At 59 Cents. Reduced from 15 bents BLACK FRENCH RERLNOS, I , I, ALLISLCO per yard. Itediteed from $1.23 WIDE BLACK ALPACCAS, Reduced 30 cents T•rd PLAIDS, POPLINS; EMPRESS CLOTIIR HEPPS, FRENCH PLAIDS, MOIIAIRS • New Dress Goods Just parehued. and wlll be sold at LARGE REDUCTION BLANKETS AND FLANNELS REDUCED. Domestic Gi-oods REDUCED. PRINTS AND MUSLIM'S l2i CTS BALMORAL SKIRTS BEDEWED ONE ILf LF ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW DRY GOODS AT A l BEDUCTION. NEW Goons .7IIST RECEIVED 33ir JOB. HONE & CO f B 0 Ara" .er S d YD .1/74 •1 Ahe leading ?mu styles. • MECillizzleq-sr; 1311 , coeelis. , • oi *eland Prunes. Parlsranaja4oolored 131 k 178: eta in most desirable shades; rase Tangy Eau. nes and Trimming Ilibbons, new and rich colors; Irlowers. choicest French and American; Feathers. gases hat and QUE.. 711 3E5 11 , CP XID 311 211, ' =no, Well assorted.)e, Clan Oanittrie. re. &Ma, Lomiralen. amine Edgingsibunbu and Buntings; Irlouncle a, Bands and iteMings, Istataltidered mid Plain en Col lacr,athttra,es. Laces and Lace Goods. t eon and Moat Trim:deg , and Ornamental Z ric Ti te . ,4rin ß aat GOODS: A raw% complete stock of fawners, Cambrica, Ypßs, Ea.. *rt. andkerchlefs, PIM. Lace, Bent-stitched. em med, Embroidered, Tape Bordered, ete...ete. Hosiery and Glom in every tariaty and aU sires. Ladles . and tieut's Underwear. _ Vurntshing Sonar: enertenders and Beck-Tlesi and Shirts and litrrejgr. -Ton and LEL 'loop_ Warts; Bair Puffs. Nets. Unton and Bilk Belting. 'Titirtas—lbe West novelties, all kinds. anirdWU-riegslltheThr trills Cam j ar Orog ,end random._ gent's raper Contort, and ererithing In (be No. tier,' line. Prices se ow as Eastern Jobbing Hansel. No. TT and T 9 Market Street. sort NEW G43ODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, WILC)LESALE.AND RETAIL NLICIAWNI, GLYDE & 78 and 80 Market Street, Woad call Amni Wiens on toock, MID st larje sod a 4 ILIDDIOLDENIES-Oreserf deocripPoo• LACES-rank, Tolnt..".ottnlasl. utuns7..nrm,a. 111.161.gehill e in f erlato. &amide:ed. / 1412. Htne-844,"0d Luc. d mini. el I f 8 011"Tailiguais AND BUT. 'a:lstria — W*loM ism= RIBBONS. . inv ns•Abio n osizar—ssinnov i l , .vs,". 7ANa 86P fiif U WDB-¢ IITLID.4 'Lad" iwo r , PAriZakii oz;.. In bTinakes. ViTatentfientlX4rf-terrX reedteildgiz.... • sIZAITLEMNN PIIHNItiaIIAiT GOODS - A Inn and complete stock. - YANUIC.ILe'r ICLYS AND NOTIONS-40=1r tni ,:nrltili k ate r n i rtan c igiglc ehltarl ror *handsome and ...entable Preflalt. den N" ram Goons, BEN N CP reat, ,xo. r FIFTII STREET. ENBEKOCRED IiLEDESECIEttId; EILE-OTITCLIZI) do kpIiTATION sod =EL LAVE to gran 1it%114 . 41; LA d C o II "STT L UXON d - Fe' killlP E LAZE, do MITRE do fsT=Fklie IT EIT 4 ItI. NJ= incus,Tais. rarsa cwt. iffeys V 244 it!! 8 SHE • Tuagais, B N isol a 7fewvias.ca.,. 1 1 , NOTIONS, &o Sow &Aft irsioia ea zm j xroart N''r'loeso ,A,sclEgjleo DRY GOOD , pIMENEEK CLOSENG OUT SALE. I^Z3l $50,000 OF FINE FILL AND WINTER Cl..®'x ix G. DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS, COTTON AND WOOLEN HOMEY, Cloals,s, Silks, Also, $5,000 Worth of Gloves, ACTUAL COST AND MUST BE SOLD ON' IE!Ll J. D. RAMAINEY) $2.5,00 0 WORTS OF FOB. BALE AT 31e4R,ArrrTY'S Cheap - Clothing House, Corner of Ohio Street and Diamond, rE133113 CET= Mil= 1EC1233 Ton smart:sent et Awl of. $lO,OOO Worth of WRITE SHIRTS, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, &c. ill Destriptiono, all of ohich ell' he sold at FOR SIX T 1 DAYS, • Before remoelata ray New Beth Hug Opposite the• Union Depot. ail -The lease of Store gad tnreillog, together Ith Counters. Shelving, Show Cum& t., for rale. 834 and 336 Liberty Street, Opposite Wayne. 11010:1TS CLiCITHIIVar ALLEGHENY CITE, At Wholesale and Beta il. =1 I= Pine FallCy Callihan% Salts Tina Taney Heavy Caasbnere Bane 25 00 Plna Watt Bang Up Overcoat+ HelTi Bearer Overcoats Cuter BeliT,et Overcoats = Fine Black Cloth Frock Goats nun Black Trench Iryork Coats All Wool rail ts and Vats WoolFreachCay. Pants sp,i Fats..:. It 00 Ones Mere Vests froxii Al4o, A. LXILUZ STOCK. OF Ready-Made Boy's Clothing CUSTOM. WORK IRLDE TO ORDER ON TUE suulvrEsT 1233110 GENT'S FILTBNISHDVG GOODS. NECLICEE SHIRTS, Mos3lin Shirt!, Silk Underw ear, Merino Underwear, Wool Under Wear, Merino Half Hose, Shaker Knit Half Hose, French Suspenders, Awerican Suspender U, FANCY scaurs, ?weir PINN, SCARF RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, PINS, 7.11E11L . TIES. LINEN AND PAPER COLLABB Q crrrs, lIIITATION Luria no LINEN AND NILE lIANDECEIVIEL P. H. EATON, 1741fth St. MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth St i reet. BIIGNIFICENT HOLIDAII PRESEICTS. Bleb Jerral and Work floxesV otch, Handkerchief and Wore 1101“; _Elegant PerfaMelY Wand.; I -. Cigar dtands and Dressing Cares; • pine ram, Belt Clasp.. Albems: • BOvrood and Jet Jewelry; Tine ',loran° Wallets and Bag.. are also openings choice roller Hon of Real and indention Lace tioodst Plato god Embroidered Handkerchief.: Ladles' Cashmere rout.: - Pine Cloth and lild Glares; • il= e ll o rtArd t Viat i r:;:. ; &complete stock Mar Mod', new article. atA cittrfir.•&,caniaffac - Bole Aunts Mehl' city for the WOK% COD CLOTEI DV • Ni) ALL PA - PIN COLL nitii• . hariPs Malt Tagus and Dbection Labels: ft rar•• Moulded Paper ete'llars; - "The Linte l Indeatioe Collars; • "dose , shirt, warrantee to At; Bradley's Dante: Elliptie 131tirts. ill deco—To Dealers selisnufseturers , Prices; Balmoral aktrts. k at LESD THAN HALF TEEM C AND DALDVS will and one prises muck '7 uAg.reliteed. IC and many articles at les. %Mineola, in order to close out. Ladies and Uentlariben wishing to make Holiday Presents is in And many useful and suitable articles it Greatly Esilueed • MAOIIII2I & OABLISLE, ==M2 WHOLESALE DBE GOODS. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & N 0.115 Wood Sl o Pittsburgh, San to Cora and reCeiTing,Al fall implrtment DRY GOODS AND NOTION Which they Offer at EASTERN PRICES A2n;TO Irma' f The Attention of Dealers is Invited. c.unnonsur..w. T. ULMNO:Ca. G. sTirneasOr. dalo I URN, RUCANLDESS& tuns wisaos. cats c 0..) wuovissAss °SALIM" 111 FORIIIN AND DOMESTIC DRY 000 BS. we. so veraca. 'r!III,"""woldmma" araimron OF AiWant" . ions noluallos W . lll bee candidate for re4llotfon. roio 0 11 . Ka Or" - . Slot; raVeot to the fiction of the ilatcoo BoptibUCol,l sisbetr:',qoialnatlo, 25 BBL& lIMETIAN BER . Sug! WL,n 9f Q 9% stmt. ' arc. CITY AND_ SUBDRBAN. (11:BaIONAL LOOM, lEWB 011 Inn PAGE) The Biaer4 or Fire raderwriters. The Board of Niro Underwriters of Aileghc• ghany county, having adopted anew tariff of minimum rates of Premium, which went into effecton theist Instant, it is considered duo to the propeity owners of Pittsburgh and vi cinity, that Una reasons which led to this ac tion on the part of the Board, should be bridy statod. That the business of Insetithee may be ade quately sustained by Capital, It must be Made equally remunerative with other branches of business. and that it is not thus remunerative can be shown by a glance at the increase of Mum, erpenses Mad Sines of insurance Com panies over what they were previous to 1860. Losens,—The losses by are during the pact eighteen months in this country, have beets some ninety millions of dollars. For the ten twenty mil ions or dollars annually. The years.pmceeillnic the war the hisses did not ex. seedtoss by fire in Al eglieny county from. August lllth, 154, to March Mtn, ISial, embracing a per led of nineteen months, as taken from the °Metal reports of the Fire Marshal, teetclied the enormous amount Of one Million seven thousand three laundered and fifty-three dol lars! and during:the last twelvemonths of that period, tile losses by fire in this county, (and principally in the two cities,) averaged abollt sixty-two thousand dollars &month. Carre.tt.—The Municipal state end Tinned States taxes, paid by insurance companies, 'have increased more than 500 per cent. within the last five years, while the other expenses have increased since the change in' cerrency. In proportion to the increase of expenses In other braneheft insurance losses are Manly partial, and Mechanics will not repair bellils lags for Insurance companies for a less sum than fermi:ere. Delete, enriber and goods, to replace others lost Or damaged must be paid for at the increased prices; thus while hares, capense4 and fosses have largely increased, the prices paid for insurance have not adVanced; on the contrary the rates In this city.= many descriptions of property are actually toner than they were in ISOM DiVaDENns.—lnsuranhe capital has not been nearly so remunerative as 15 generally sup posed. An examination 'of the amount of dividend declared within the past three years by the various companies doing business in hew York, as shown by thf4roperts of Super intendent Barnes, will oho that teren-feeths of those companies have p ssed from one to three dividends; that only about onsteinft of the whole number have realized far their stockholders over per reef. atonally and that the dividends paid hate, In a majority of instances, been reedited from the investment of the capital, and net from the lire business of those Companies., The business of fire in surance has been: equally liaremunem tire in this city. Qfithe fen older local com panies, only eta kayo, within the Last three years, paid six pet . cent. or overt annually, while all except nee 'hart Passed one ormore dividends, it having required all of the pros miums received In their tiro business, together with the amounts ;unitized by investment of their capltal,—after deducting leases, expen ses, and taxes--te lay by an adequate reserve fund for the protection of their policy holders. It may les granted that it is contrary to the nature of things teat the alarming epidemic of fires, which hka been raging for three years last past, ehould continue ter an indefinite po lled, but it requires no extraordinary knowl edge of the laws of finance to determine that, unless the income of tire insurance Companies can be increased in nearly the same propor tion as their outlay, their soundness financial ly and their ability to protect trie policy hold ers, must soon beenclo seriously impairedt in fact the. manCgers of insurance companies, both In this country and in Europe. aro pre f.:int:Ally convinced that Unless there Is an ad vance in rates commensurate in some degree .alth the increase of current expenses and losses, these auxiliaries to commerce must in a lee' years cease to exist; and for obvious reasons. The strong companies will lenge on, the weak encores, nod, The rates heretofore received were not ade quate for the losses of ordinary fires. It these were to continue, upon whet is the policy holder to rely to meet those inevitably recur ring conflagrations from which few, if any, lingo cities and towns are exempts? The country requires en increase of premium. it is not lees the Interest of the insured than the insurer: The Board therefore coned catty appeal to an intelligent, bu.sineas public, to sustain them in this slight advance on the rates of premium heretofore Paid. Sew Counterfeit We give below the description of two new counterfeit greenbacks, compared with the genuine bluest - es. imitation. Mead on top, Act of March 5, 191;3. The female Is In the centre with left hand resting on a shield and right hand on a sword; Lae the hand turned to the left and the eyes looking .in the earns direction. In the genu ine the head to turned the same, but the eyes are ooking front. The foot, in fourcoer feit is distinctly seen, and counta toes; in the genuine it is not visible. fi k the reverse side, In the words "United Ma tesof Ameri ca," the ehading le t te rs through the letters; in the genuine the are shaded on the edge only, showing white between. 59 on the lance of March lii, INS. The words "United States," when compared with those of a genuine bill, have a scratchy appearance. In general appearance, paper and printing. they are well calculated to deceive. MCI AO 00 Mil E 3311 MI:1 Allegea larceny Ellen . Clay, an aged lady, claiming the First ward as her place of ;cadet*, was up before Alderman Ilumbert, yesterday, to. answer a charge of larceny preferred against her by Slaty Ilea:ill: it appears that the prosecu. tn . ; allowed certain articles of clothing which she had washed on Wednesday to hang on a clothes line In her yard Mirth if the night, be. tiering the freezing would enhance their pa rity. In the morning; however, the articles were non at, and remained so until yesterday morning, when Mrs. Idetkill ascertained that they were in possession of Ellen Clay, being be-stowed In a wood shed m the rear of her dwelling. On going to the place designated she found the articles, as reported. and with out removing them. proceeded to the Millis. t rate's °face and made the information against Ellen. She was admitted to ball in the sum of We fora hoaxing to-day.. EOM 24 50 900 Fl 50 to 5 00 New Patents. Among the new patents issued for the week ending December 11th, ere the following henry C. Van Thie, 'or 'Fittaborgh, Ps., lOr improvement ln. relining petroleum. Thos.!". roster, of Vl3lOll Mille, Pa., for Ito. provement In oil wells. Henry J. Leasure anti James S. Gill, of Wheeling, W. Va.. for Improved cooling glass press. C. IL 'Roberts and 3: S. Hartsell, of /Wilson, re.,for Improvement In fruit gatherers.l Aron Dasebees, of Slperville, Pa.. for Im provement In ininstrumenj for: . destroying embryo caterpillars. Clemens Weaver, of Easton, Pa., for Improv ed car coupling. A. Wells of Morgantown, W. VS., for im provemeneln cotton seed cleaners. • The Turkey Trouble Again. Joseph Thomas, the active market cOnste , bin, yesterday arrested Margaret Grant, who approached the poultry stand of a country woman named ,Isabella Wilson, in the second story of the Market' ' House. After looking over sumo turkeys, it is alleged that she seized one, pinned it under her shawl, and started MT, imagining herself the lawful pos sensor of the fowl. Officer Thomas thought otherwise, arrestea the woman end conveyed her to the lock-up. Mrs. Wilson made infor mation against Margaret before the Mayor, and the accused. after a hearing, was commit ted for trial In default of bail. Officer Thornas conveyed her to Jail, and afterwards appeared before the Grand Jury, who found a true bill against Margaret. i! A Word to the Christine Pithlie.—The Lay Missionary of the City hisslonary hoard tells me that it meets a great many cases of draditntion. 'lbis we are to expect and pro vide for in inch a season as this. Will the be nevolent please send to the Church Book More, No. ISO Smithfield street, such clothing as they can spare, directed to Mr. John H. Morris, Lay Mlssionaryt Ile will distribute it Treasurer carefully. of the Any Missionary Board money sent to Mr. IL , J. o. Ly Marnch, - ket street, will be carefully used by the Lay Missionary. Help of every sort is needed ot one, and none who are destitute are denied a share of the mes entrusted to me. I beg that aid may at o nc e be lityerally given In OILS work of mercy. J. B. KIOEPOOT, DiShOp. • - Venal'lln PaTIOPSInk.—Tho advertise ment of this reliable banking Institution, of which James ii. Riddle, Esq., is Cashier, will ho found in another column. The - place of business is at No. 43 Ohio street, Allegheny. Every stockholder Is lndivWually liable, gad there can possibly be no safer place to deposit funds. The busluess wilt be managed upon the molt liberal system, one that will prove highly sulvantageous to the depoaltorse cheerfully recommend the Franklyn Sa . W evi Bank as a reliable and safe instltutien to all of Our readers. - • Eastman's Patent Bedsteads.—Decided ly thn most beneficial Invention In the cham ber furnishing lino we have recently exam ined, is the Eastman patent bedstead. now on exhibition at No. fin Smithfield Street. They aro Lingle and double. and can be instantly folded and made. isortable without even dam aging the bedding, on moving a nut, bar or bolt. Housekeepers should call and examine this truly great invention. mr. It. P. Owens is the general agent. A Sellable Firm,—Any of rs contemplating purchasing wagons,c arts, bar. rows, Ac., A cannot find any better or more durable manufactured articles than at the re liable factory of per, Gutman A, Co., Bea ver street, Allegheny. 'They pay particular attention to all orders entrusted to their care, .and In °you rep warrant to give entlre satis faction. We respectfully commend them to the.patronage of the community. Their card appears elsewhere, refl.—The chimney of Snyder" blacksmith shop, in the Eighth ward, fell yesterday morn. Mg about eight c onsiderableo'l terrible crash, carrying with It a c portion of the roof and slightly injuring °neat the workmen named Fletcher Smith. The chimney bad been erected on a platform of planks which the assaults of time bad so far weakened as to make it Inadequate to sustain the weight of the structure, and hence the accident on;lcursed. I cursed. airkrepaper Chanam.—The Lim and spicy American Elificen, of Dialer. Ps-, has changed hands. AM i n Robinson vacating the ed itorial chair in favor of Major U. - A. Anderson. Under the administration of our gattiotia and highly gifted friend A.nderson, we look for de. clued improvement in the Cdfans, and trust that he may be awarded aLt the success which his enemy cud' r . meri ts• Our best wishes foUow Mr. Robinson. • AdJassed.—Asum aaoll9 wu betara,N• Berman Johns yesterday, ohusedirlth surety of ths pesos, ou ath. of Slictueotlns Dither, a holy of color, and a resident at Fort 11,-n t oa Outtall street. in the Sereoth ward.' Alter conshlerable dlsouslon,tho cutter was c ow auusto4 try Amu plyhtir the OCee odd Olomenuasv witlidsloniog gult. • ruirf EARLY TELEGRAMS. OM EUROPE Arrilral of t.e Steamer Vrib Man Privateer Emelle—llead.centre Stephen. In Parte—Advance In toured. erate Bonde--.The Mexican Empire Ended. New Coax - , Dec. 11.—Tlie steamer Cuba, wnlch arrived yesterday afternoon, reports that two hundred and slaty miles off the liook, She Saw d scflodner making signal.% Probably the Fenian privateer Estelle. English advlces show that the government Is making groat preparation to suppress the Fenian! In, Ireland. Large ntiantities Of breoch•loadera have been sent there for the troops. Four thousand percussion caps were found at Dundalk. Detectives are watching everywhere for Stephens' arrival. • A. Paris letter says that Stephens reached there alter staying a day and" night in Lon don. Confederate bonds In London had advanced to The Impression Awful Where In Prance Is that the Mexican Empire Is ended. The LA's Liberie considers the affairs of France with the United States as very deli cate. FROM WASHINGTON. The Bale of Goverment GOld—Congtets. tonal Prayer Meeting— Ex• Governor Lyoli fobbed bf 101,000—roythtfatr Patiltilag Pardoned. WAA1113(11TO3, Dec. li.—The , House Commit. tee is equally divided on Ide. DcutwelPs Mil. directing twenty millions of gold to be sold weekly. Mr. Harper has not yet declared him % self, and tt, is untie tool that it piactically Iles with him whothe it shall be reported or sleep In the committee. Thirtrone members Congress organised a player niceties last nib t.. Senator Foster I presided. , Ex-Governor Lon; of. Idaho, was robbed In the cars from New York of four thousand dollars. PIVIDaSter Paulding has been pardoned by the President. All delinquent Southern Postortices will be closed, The Sanford-Conover case comes up to-day. Heeling' of the western Astoetated Peens. CrIMAOI3, December li.—The Western Asso elated Press re.assembled at ten o'clock a. m., and resumed the discussion on the action of Messrs. Halstead aiol White, of the Execttlive Committee in New York. [ Tending the discussion, a motion was made that Mesas. Brook and -Beech, of the New York Associated Tress, he Invited to seats In the meeting, with. the right to participate In the discussion. This was at first voted down, but was subse quently re-considered anddiarrled by unani mons consent, Mr. Halstead, of the Cincinnati Commereird, made a specchof half an hour, concerning the action of toe Executive Committee In New York. Mr. Brooks, of Now York, spoke about all hour in reply, mAking no propositions, hut as suring the western tree of the rectitude of the intentions of the .sew York Associated rress. Mr. Medill, of the Chicago Tribune, replied to Mr. Brooks in a speech or about an hour, exposing the despbtisui of the New York press gang, after which an u.ijournment was sllsti. ed until eight r. M. On re- assembling, Mr. Story, of the Chicago Times, moved the previous luestlon, on the ratilleation of the recent action of the Execu tive Committee in New 1 ork. Previous ques tion sustained by yens, [23; nays, 1 1. Tne report or the Executive Committee was then adopted and confirmed by yeas di, nays 3. Neative votes w ere east b the Chicago Journa g l, Cleveland Ircent,l and CleVidand Ptainderiler. The Chicago Rel./thefts announced that it would he bound by the action of the Associa tion, and therefore would not vote. The meeting then appointed a Committee, consistin of Messrs. Story, of the Chicago Times; H eldman, ldman, of the Louisville bburicr, and Smith, of the Cincinnati Garotte, to me, moralize the Western Union Telegraph on the subject of the tranamisslon of reports of the Western Associated Press; said Committals to forward their memorial through the Board of Directors. A committee;conslsting of Mt sore. Halstead, of the Cincinnati Cbuinfercia/: White, of the Chicago Tribune, and Cowley, of the Cleveland Lender, were appointed to arrange the details of business growing out of the relation of [the United States and European AP , 4OCIatIODS.. • A committee wits also appointed to commu nicate the ,adios of the Association to the press of the country outside of the city of New Reaolutions were unanimously adopted in • favor of the repeal of the tux on advertise ments and tariff on printing payer. At eleven p. m. tan IlASOClailtal adjourned v.ite air. From Non Mexico Lawreswonvu,December 11.—A petition, fifty-two feet long, containing the names of nearly all the prominent citizens of New !tox ic°, has been forwarded to Washington, pray log for the increase of the military fore; in that Territory as absolutely necessary to ;um tent the lives and property of the people agstrist the Indians, who aro plundering and .murdering with impunity. The shipments of gold from Denver City, for the week ending December ith, amounted to ounces—en increase of - 71 ouncesover the previous Week. . 4 From illontreal hiCIPTIMAL. Dec. 11.—]Ire. Jed. Davis has cc turn.' to thin city. The conduct of Ir. Devilujulhe S +rect., burg trial was severely critic:oc.! us affording di rect encouragement to lenlenhan. WILLIAM MILLER, I= j MILLER & RICKLTSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND 1m rum Elttl et- Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, Corner of • Liberty and Irwin Streets, riwrsnunou, PA IRON. NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., Conats.tir on tistl. . ifslicTre: GUAFF, 96 Liberty Street, DEALERS IR GROCERIES & PRODUCE, Fresh and Choice Arise les, AT LOWEST CASH PRICER. Our aim Is to keep is First-Class -Family Grocery, And mate It a lIATIB/ACTIOX to ALL whomay favor n. wtth PkTi r Critf 'DT o.toA BwiIICUS # GII4EF, 04 Liberty street, corner or Ferry. selatEletTA _ 14 • 111 ST CIAI-4-1-A GIAS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Keeps on hand and manufactures to order, the YINEBTSTYLEOI 01 LT. KuSlaWool.l and W AL. It'ilOtitz`VlT2lll , lt E eNllTC ,6P s l,Tl t: 2 sod BrntAIIIII Consols, Tripod and Ilrletec Tables °VII,IIIVITddrIV VIEdO7III7NTI". e b l P e . eut ad in the sty of the art. 11/IPlllLtdatl MUM:KATE, I:Lr_ac:a.mc), DEALER IN NE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS Asas.a. 12P1%XLMI, AND French Clocks, &c. ,Trivt4 viv v . I, en . to the HEMMING OF .Vo. 22 Fifth Street =Ea JA.AII , I K. PAIN AL ES . I ITCAARN 3335r.c19x.3xc0u. ON:EINES AND LIVERY STABLE, .Iro. 410 Penn Street. VAIN &PITCAIRS, Proprietors. id- Oxintlmsci and earriages.lurnished for all trains. Also, Carriages for rimers/a, Wedding. and Parties, at abort notice and reasonable rates. Stable Open Day and. Night 313:001T.T11.1 PIESICK & 8110., Engine Build; .L.ICItI3 AND 71A(3111NIBTS, manufacturers of Ritaick , s Patent balance Valvp, for Bunn En faxies,and all kinds of Brower. /Machinery of , Shaft wlll trirttiniiilliatacVVVrger 'll,* Rev ISTfleini.'elttsburgh. Pa. 11414tilig and polling up machinery promptly .1" omplo• !:ff=ll • GEORGE BEATEN, . CANDY MANUFACTURER /Ind dealer In. TORSION AND AMERICAN YLLOITS. TICKLES, NUTS, do., dc., No. 112 Federal Street, Second door hem ltta First Nation. , Rank, • , . WILL[AM & COWAN, COIVAA PLASTIC CUTE CEMENT ROOFERS. uT:lTlHueii..t.iff"gLl Ati vunAs.TVMpn.l 101tentXbalre s eR 1 LlZlo,l'ltr l. l 4ll .. u . t , itakllttlfr WALL , PAPER-Ol all 9s ir iv :. for Porto% Ha ""P a rr, moriosir.... " Al a Er "t r 16.°214 auenzs i. t AD • 8 OR T YORTIINATIL . . . . BELL ' S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all eases. for the speedF andper manent acre of sill diseases arleing from sea nal-ex cesses or YOUTHFUL INLIIISCH.FT/ON. hernias! Loss. Nighty Mansions and Semen( Dreams. Gen ital., Physical and•Herrous Debility, Impoteuce, Lllslet., bestial Dlsesses,_lc-, Re. NO CIIANGS 4 or - DIET /SI( ECK6IIIIIY.__TE year]. be used with out detection, and never fall 10eff ect a core, If tined secordnig to instructions. • - -- • - BELL'S 'SPEC C PILLS, lee one dollar per box, or six boxes for ire dot- Wet also, large bones. °Outgoing lour small.. Price three dollars. - Fp= four to six boxes are ge crane required to epee ordinary wee of Bernina l eskness and Elul. nuns, though benefit is derived Dom using a single 1t Chronic domes, nnd.parti ly when Imp*. , teOce or Genital Deblilif wi Die nous Prostra- Hen has affected the system BELL'S TOM PILLS Art recommended as the most Nucleus reJorinat. log sad Invigorating rem yin the world. A package, price five dollars will last a month, tad llgenerally sueleient. --. . In extreme cases of DeblUte d impotence. • , t Ilellls External Remedy, Price two dant., sUnicient or a monto. can roe need to good ad. ntsge. . It gives strength to the o s us, and with the Pale wUI restore thento ... l4 tr i orroal condition. before j FeC l a r cli e Tt roVVZ2l'si le r i tkili v r esw greatbseuecs eon lathe alleviation of huMln misery, ass excited tl e s s pe 'u cregill f , A e gp n r xl7= l' lll7 h e o irglu t s b ; n 6 d a ltl! Yedisements, sometimes wont for word, and put up Morthlese cmpounds teat disappoint the lust; ex pectations of ihepurchmer. I If you cannot purchase Belt's Spectfic named les of your Druggist, take nO other, but send the !honey West to DIL JAIWIES BRYAN, Conanßing l'hystelan. No, 810 Broadway. New York And Ton 1.111 [keel. them, BY return Of ma ll post paid, and free trout observation. JOSEPH FLEnorriG, Draxelst, Corner ticket and Inamond, - .6 gent, au3:lZuwe IWT • Pittsburgh, Fa. WTO LAIDIEB4-11 you require a tellable rernedy.to t estoreync, and remove irregularitleo or obetruetions, WHY NOT MBE THE DEBT. Every lady knows the Wag ularity of nature Is likely, to bring on Headache, Giddiness. Low Spirits, Painting, Hysterics, ,fills. then the bloom of health fade.. the appetite falls, and other symptoms more dlstreastog, continence, as Weakness, Spinet Complaint, the White,. Pro lapses. de, R de. A REVE.FAILING REMEDY 11l be found In DR , ItAiINEVII PILLS. The extorience of 31 years a r V I 0 ., , they have no equal for removing ye a ' s and Irregularltiee, no matter from what cause they arise. They are salt and sere In every case. Up. wards of 00,000 boxes are sold annually, and TIO cum plstrit of their efficacy Hever Ourd. for theyaccom felts what they are represented to do. Sold in boxes containing stay pins. Price one dollar. lilt. HARVEY S GOLDIN PILLS is a remedy four degree. stronger than the above, and lutended for special eases °flour standing. Price live dol lars per box. 11 you cannot purchase the Pills at your Dreggist, they will be sent by mall, post paid. eceere fronLob .ervation, on receipt of the money, by Dr. JAMBSBRYAN, Conseltieg Physician, No. 519 Broadway, New York. JOSEPH PLEHING, Ornirest, ,corner Market and Diamond, Agt for Pittsburgh. au:nl.l=YsAw r BARNIMAL ? BOILER MAKERS Ell SKEET 'IKON WORKERS, N 05.20, 22, 24 and 20 Penn R. • Having secured a largeard, and furnished itWith the most approved machi y nery, we are prepared to Man every deserintiair m adehe hest manner, and warranted equal to lay la the country. Chimneys,' Breeching. Fire Zeds, Mans Pipes. Locomotive Ballets. Oondesaers, Balt Parts. halls, Agitators, Battling Pans. Boller Iron. Bridges, boast. Pans; ands ole manu facturers of BAUNLIILL'S PATENT 1101.a.ESS. Itepairlng done on the shortest notice. 1e6m41 tar -LAKE SUPERIOR -- COPPER MILL AND SMELTING:WORKS. iITTNIMBQH PARK, BIcCITRDY di CO., Manufacturers of Sheathing, Brasiers` and Bolt Copper. Pressed Copper Bottoms, Still Bot toms, Spelter doldur. Abu., Importers and dealers' In Metals, Tln'Plate. Sheet Iron, Wire. £e. Con. stantly on band. Tinners , Machines and Tools. Warehouse, lib. 140 glass and =I SZCOND eiTILLITS. Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper rut 1 . 1.1 desired pattern. ntyl4:ol:ditseT Or PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS, r.r. or PREtt i ann i ratcttif/t= l: ed CAtiT n'T EEL SAD of rfeI74eICIVUOSI. SW, Mute Cross-Cut, Gan , and all other varieties. Altitude °PK NI V and lirnlii On nude (rep sheet Cott Steel:KlM reline i lilf.Arkill and MOW it MN' line dz. SigeWsrebouse and Works, Oriel WaTin and 31 Vartl R? e dr"Z"L alar siten9lrri bu d h. to re-tOotnnalt." ram ming end atrsightenint Circular gams; also, repairs of. all kind.. rune: Ling and Drilling done at rea sorubla rates.. les:tas . IarROBEICSON, REA & (Sue.. *mon to )loatraox. MINIS at Alums%) WASHINGTON WORKS, ren.den i nachuit.g., pus.buisb. Yana:unarm of Boat and titaitonafy Steam En git=44,"Ctalitigre all Mi d l earfr2l1 1 1., 7.0:r2=2: and ntlus, itogr e finiencS Iron Wort. 'el PATENT ainCTOll folire=lotiers. . lAL INSTITUTE FOll iSpeolta3. CO.amis N 0.1.11 BOND STREET. NEW YORK. Tail nformation.with th• hiptrstastr.onwor; also. • Book on Special Dissent. L. • eeugeeeen sue/T., sent free. ISsre Be sure owl afoul fur 18.1 n. and sue will nor mind Br for, as . d iet alb:4 physicians are genersil• importer, , without erne, enr44 no ti tiger should be tro.ted. Enclose No. for po4twge, LE T . diecLAWUENCE! No. 14 BONDISTIL NEW YOILE. nol2:cet 4 - d„ COKE, 8:13. PITTSBU RCN NATIONAL OIL IND:COKB CONPINY MINIMS, SHIPPERS AND DEAL KIM- Wholesale sod Ectatt. t itto - BEST FAMILY COAL, Nut C7creal t 1 Olassiolx.. •ND TABU, CRNED. Ft/WITH AND TltY ealtEr. rlttaborgtt, All orders for delleery Aho City, or: ohlpMent West, will meet prompt mod Immedlatle attention. It. A. Sell NABZ ,, , Supertotentlent. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUMIEL . & RABER vit.e the attention of the public to Mel r lee stock of COAL Just received, including the following •a 'tette.. RAMP, 2. 3 and Men &nit, Lyklis Not. 641, and Chostnalk All .r which they Ire preps+ to deliver at-the LOWIitIT ILATZe, by the liagit boa, car load, host load or thousand tons. AU orders prouiptly attended to.. Depot. Ohre: 102 Chestnut streeti stratinDiai. rA. COAL I COAL 31 COMA! DICKSON• STEWART & CO., Heelag tempted their Oltlee to DkTa. 567 lailaort9 Mitrecot (Lately City flout Allll tICON 13 'Loos. Axe nagger, g r r jounAth OS alrimjahlt.gben7 It the lovrestUarketprice. to air Ali order. left at Ilmlr oak*, or adolressed them through the mall, wall* attended to PromPt l 7 • mil% :MS CUMILES U. ABBISTRONG, MS= to • Youghioghenly an kland Connellaville Coal /Junlactarus of coat, Slack, and Vestal ptiorized Ccike , , orneig_ AM D YARD. Corner of Butler sun Morton; anti yarn o. Meal Vara ou headed "t 2 C h i l u7 " Look ri 4 o. tnaill Iles andlilanufeeturers s peUed with the bosttllcle of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. linters lett at say of the Turd' willreOcire/riMl nOS.D3IIIW4 BACCO CIGAR EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS R. & W. JENKINSON. NIANUTACTIMOLS or ALL larrDS or Tobacco, Snail and Cigars No. 6 FEDZIRAL:SIMELT, 1 "a JD" humßui""" B a r raGERYI,P A. Ilmoch Store at. WWI. Ohio. mys4;l4s R. B. JEFFRIES, 'l"anic.tY.T.r.li.vorgnsieorind 114 alt TOBACCOANUFF AND CICADA, No. 6 T. CLAIN' tITIMIT, Pitionosau, To. sr A witi, asewiMent of ALICEBSCHAUkt PI ViS ondeintimuiu TOBACCO. of the beat coolity.,kort on bona. . soyooMn GEORGE BLIIMEN SCREI. DRALsn tr ronzaaN Alro'Doxzeno SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipes,bc novroxitla. Sltroceg, (Neu corner of 14bert7a my93:tai PITTSBII RGI4 • JOHN NLEGRAIN, Dannisetorer of and Wholesale and Metall Dealer Di all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 48 isr-prim asTEtElerr. PAINTEBB. J ()BEN rr. 431-11,A:Y, - I SOUSEI2II 51ONJ PAINTER, swam AND GLAZIER, 54 and Onursultitia elAsiote atseeptlon v2:40 order. ♦All waft liamproiewy milaitcr WILLIAM BROWN, (Lou or the inn or !magma Itoxecnr, Mass AND I.le*rapm Ncotlrolot corm of Thlr4 ash Mirka itreeti rin Hi CHILDS WHOLESALE DEALERS IR 800 1 1%, snow IS. N a SOLE T, F. A nER,, No. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. TO IIHORT•TIMR and CASH Drivers wp offer MI. parlor Inde "'Nettie, as our taellltles for buying are unsurnassed by AR'T house &all Or West. Purchas ing directly front FIRST nalrne entirely 'or Caen, we are enabled to sell as low as any East ern Jobbbag Elbe. SIERCHAITTS are Invited to call end examine our stock and note our prices Wore Durnhseln elsewhere. csrciors for HOPE DII,LELS uperior Conan Yarns, SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS , Batting, Twine, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET CHAIN, dr iCs ~ 03 0., Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES. gAil orders by mall will receive Immediate and careful attention. H. =Lbs & co. =IIMI THE VERY LATEST STYLES OF Fine French Calf Boots, Fine Kip Boots, Water-Proof Boots, Heavy Boots, Ladies' Pctlish Boots,' Ladies' Batton Gaiters, Ladles' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Balmorals, Misses and Childress' Shoes of Every Description, at THOMAS H. PHELPS', .16 Smithfield Streak' kIN 1,1.11111-THEO. ANSIICTI PAL)t ALNIER, ANSUUTZ & CO, =I J. A. ROBINSON A: CO., DIALESI. IX BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, ro: 61 Market Street, Near Fourth. PITTS1111.71341!1, .0t 0 4:012_ isiccLuiuicws BOOT AND 8110 E EMPORIVAI, N - o 9'2 Federal Street, A LLEG HEN CITY 330'x - 6rarue for 811. BOOTS AND SHOES. J. WILHELM, No. OS Market, St., Pittsburgh klnd. of Hes lest reeelvett • very 'Wee stock of all XICOCOIFES 8NX: 1 JESSCOEIII3, Which he It Alsoo tell cheaper than the.cbear. est le the elty—: take. orders for hie OWN MAKE Ur MOTS AND SLIMES, which he tr rants t EM o EM BE gore-est ß, i...faction: R or..lo:mhZ A . LAAGE i i iiESII AIWIVAL SUMMER BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS .ind Balt:sera/4k Jest received, and will be sold at the VERY LUW JEST rims , either Wholesale or Retail. arra ES 1 Cis:. Bsroaz rracussisa• IL81• WHUL J. Qe &W. C. BORLAND; • No. 9113larket street, 24 door from Elftb St. Ciiorsa 'max 11ILDIN C . FIELDLNO Manufacturers .d . Deaterl la Chafflotcorta. ' 211104:14 , BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio tit., Alleghehy. Hosictud promptly executed oa the shorten n tice. le 7m52. FITTSBBRGR BREWERY. CARSON, DARLINGTON I& CO., BREWERS, MALSTERS & HOP DEALERS I= JOSHUA RHODES & CO., Pittsburgh Wid. W. ANDERSON, ADOEheO7, The attention of the eettomeri of the two Arms Is particulatly Invlted to our ALES AND PORTER, Which, throogh the careful 'election of Malt from out exte.lve malting facilities and Ilona trout the yards last and Weal, we eau guarantee to lin pure and aatisfastory to the tied°. Our INDIA Atilt has been highly reeotrukernded pT riggl[Boll l. B " gistouters will please be Pug + o leave their ord. riot his alien adloin lug his old Brentry, or at our °Mee - Corner of lloqlemie Way and Ruler's Alley, • n09;1110 &o. JAKIS Wren. a. A. YOUNG, TtIOWAS YOU= 1110XA8 BROWN. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Ila (o>t poreha~ed the old iravAVIN, t".eirt; owned by we tuned.. the Pee Mb, we would Inform the public that we Intendcontleulng the manufsetUre of SPRING WATER ALES, Isle from Pare Spring Water, and from our :uni ties and long experience In the business, ■e reel satisfied that we will be enabled to give entire sat• mrsetton to those who map , fesor us with their Dal• ISTILEIT'S 465 Rebecca Street, .A.IMEGIEEITY CITY. sirkil orders let st SHOWN & 011ANA1113, 003 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, mil be promptly L to. ocedel FRANKLIN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S SONS ♦re DOW prepared to manufectire COTTON TARN, CARPET CRAIN, COVERLET YA.N, CANDLEWICK TWINE; BetTl3lll.lB, .WEBT CANAL 11TBEZT. between Itobtason and Laeoek, Allegheny City. ra. P. orders hl zw . aile, DROGlit DRUGS!! DIWGIOU JAMES T. SAMPLE HAVING BOUGHT Vic iral•LicalV A lI ROG I .llaist . rgikt QL.Firual2ll% NlultseP on haed• NU assortment WWI =diet • OIXICA4BI,, tzter.w.t.g. r cheaper . Os any ennay Preoertptiona wean' PreDuedby Orliteekaa dr ag gets of rszWriitlar Anct FANOIr BOIPB I On MO, PLTIVLBUIGN pnt•SALE.---A Fairmot about 68 must]: Union Township, Allegheny ethinty. Pa.. eituste about four miles from the city OP toe Waalrington Pike. The Lui_proveMeetaar• • Large two story driek Dwelling . lioose With L 7 rooms, a t w itVireVgg, 'g a li DlO. " i ir:e l l:1 1 17Z q , bliog toinclent for 60 head of cattle. There • one lonne orchard comprg about 13 urea. I stocked with the beat:varieties of fruit trees. It Is ali underlaid with coal. The land ts la *high state "‘ stye well wat.red, fences plod, and won suit uon, aimirably for dairy or gardening Per. peAlto , 0 7 A:f e e e.sma n age i laVh e above. with 1[ ptinh Oat nn and other ort-buildingat with :got Q ' Orchard in 3:fle . hr•g " tL ' gr:l. l"'On. TbU piecej eie• ail nn. Alio, 12 acres ad:Meee the abo rdm • d for l•w. Title Pleeels •140 coal. The above three pieces of property Ile be the Little Saw Mill Run and elieobeaville "reel' sod the coal can be reached eully from e i t he r itt. Tee coal Cone Is worth an Mal Is asked for the ilq • en- Also .1173 sues, slit:stein ISt, Clairtown. able, Westmoreland county. j a, immediately on the line of the Penes. Ballet: . Tile improvements area two-story Frame House With eve rooms . o ne good cellar, a Frame Bank Barn, SODA fees, nee other out-b.tbdlor. Milere icon:the place • good Young, Apple Orc ud:l2o acres cleared, balance in good timber: farm ng generatly good. well watered: underlaid with coal and Meese.= Werealnel to shorchea mills, schools and blacksmith thew. t , with the personal Property Ouch al stock. implements, grata in the ground, EM • Foneetl en given immediately. •Is o.Farrn of 53 urea, situated In Clutrtiell township, Allegheny county Pa., about.losnOles from the city, near the line of the Istenbenville B. within one-half mlle of a etation; ID sensor the beet of creek bottom land, and in a high state Th of cultivation; acres of w d and pastlift , e soil is No. 1, and I X lL liVa i n s teTi ‘ o ' r r itra Ml ening . . The attention of thou andth embark le the business will call at ono* and secure • good bargain. as this Is a rare chance. Also, Farm of 0 4 acres, situate In Ellesoesti township. A ll egheny county, Pa., on the Nonun gshela rtver,about one mil* from the Borough of Ellaabeth. The soil Is of the best onailty. 12‘e un provements area farm house with six roues, a barn and other out buildings; fencing &CI 60 sere. of coal. Churches, imbOols ana mills eery convenient. Possession immediately, Also, the best Yarm In Elisabeth township. containing about go acres, tying on the BreconF•" belt river Immediately below Lock No. 3, on watch is erected a large two-story brick dwelling, one 1 and one inane bent barn, corn crib, wagon shed. brick spring house, granary, work shop. do.: *boo 30 acres of the above is first quality river bottom: the balance being limestone land, and underlaid with coal, sod about 2D acres of limestone. There are two orcherde of apple trees, in good bearing undo 4n.r1811 2 11:41:1 gardening purposes, being a abort distance from the thriving borough of Elosbutit, creating s market at cheap or all the products. The property will be sold and On reaaonable terms. Also, A Farm of 00 acres, situated in Elleabeth townehip, Allegheny county, Pa., about one mile from Lock No. 3, on Moncrtuothels river. Improve. meats Sr. one frame house, with Ilve rooms, Data. spring house and other outbuildiegs. The land is uf the best quality. The above will be sold at very ' :re flgares. For further part:cuter - a, env:l l o . l' 7omm. BeelEstate Aunt. ifiltrouith street. & CO.. _FOR SALE-100' Acres of Land in Washington eoanty. Wesley township, Ohio, goodres clesred, balan large Umber; toed house, barn; wate_rhandy, orchard. school and churches bendy, and within 4t mile. of Cutler Sta tion, on the Marietta and Weep:anti Railroad. tpoper acre. ' . 1 Acre in Hankrville, 0 miles back OfTeMperaneez vine, ea c hich there are three tenant houses of rooms one tame house of fou rootos, lot good condition, 130 Aerm of Lesd for $2,000, Must. to Swung ' Valley, Blear county, Pa. five :Mies from Altoona by the bunking Valley ifoad. The advantageo of this propertr are numerons, and by ca/lingontmwe V4VreLL, Zres' which 11 undmiald with coalodtume In North Fayette Township, on the dteubenvilie Road; Improvement., good Yrurne House, air looms, good Book Horn; about =Fruit Trees hat 100 their prome. Re 36 Acres in Union Toon the Washington Pike, three miles Hum skit, 31 Acre. In Scott Township, alz miles out on the old Washington Me. 15 Acre. fn Sou Township, three miles cut frost Allegteny Market. 5 Dwelling Houses tot—Alleglieny City, one in Vitthlu.hurg. one to Freeport, one at Ed ,wood nation, on the Central rennsylvenba Hallooed. Also immediately adjoining thl. etation, few more ACRE LOTS. Flom can be glen at thls gene. Also, Ronda and Mortgages bought and .011. .1011.5 CROFT, nolo Reel Estate Agent.. 139 Fourth Arcot. FOR SALE, ' X4IIIKJET FdRAIr. A piece orland containing 1". to 60 acres or rich Modal ground. coureLtent to the cities. is .9w Qered for sale ru reasonable terms. The Improve . cuts are a • And otb et outbuildings. It b now aged as a 31arke Gorden, and is In blab order. i 1 For further particulars, apply to 5i • • . . BRYAN. • , Bloke: to Stoca• and Beal Zotata. dell 57 Foarth at.. (Soma's Building.) FOR. SALE, THE TWO-STORY BRIO% DWELLING, No. 441 Afonterey arrest; Adleghery. Contains nine roams, besides nrdshed attic, balb.room and wreb.house. Tor convenience of arrangement, and tasty and substantial &deli. It le probably un excelled by annln the two cities of similar alai. The house is quite new, and bat gas, and hot and cold water up and down Stalii. Apply for Information to S. S. /MIA. • ...13roker la Stocks and Neal Estate. a 02.1 57 Fourth street, t Hurke•s Balbllng. LOTS LOTIR—I can nenv offer' Lots r e ion as we 1010, ll located and In it pleas ant place. Also. Lots locatid on the Pike from .660 to 1,000 tin Liberty street, 7601,0)) Co Bellefontalne street, from tau to 900 (in Horne street, from., to .630 10 Liberty Township. adlotrang the ' Borough 101 g, from. MO to Oh in Pitt Townstdp,Lots from... 16010 ' 650 TOO shore lots will be sold. termeeto salt per. eh.ers. • leo, some very desirable Improved prop. crap located In the Boroughs, Pitt 'township, lesl:eny tlty. Pittsburgh. and attiolnlng counties. For scror, gODIT at (helical YAW. a.4.lnourgae• ODIC< Of • O. Itt- BATES, nol2 Butler street. Laerrerte. • DRUM STORE FOR SALEo—SIT. ats oa Peon btreet,ln uneof the best 'Death:rug In tee City. having an establl.bed Imminent:if from IS to Za yeses standing. A A ,, Cld alofkol Drool en band and ntore Rooms fitted up In good style. %glib the above 'slit be veld the lease of the whole band ing; contain:no. beeldes the burro Boom., 1167011 Remus bee dwelling purpose. and Twpiliseaent Booms. Apply to 11. lintalS 27 . C0. ' Fourth Stns. von SALE-12 acres of Ground, +L. well timbered and watered. WaltonletelEill, _ten tenni e• walk loom Passenger station at Shady Lane Fourth etre.% Road. Also I sena at Homo, wood etation; and several Warm. well l _ _ o r Westmoreland and Allen he ny counties" trl rt.. t perty. Home. and Lou In the ear 1 , 0 1 /P4 further parilculan enon.re of WILLIAII W.IF 4 (Qpposite th e Cath ) ...tn No. 110 WWI Street. J. NVII...CLM. 3.ll.l.tarket street. BALL—One-lour" 14terest Ii ibe Kittanning Rotting a4a, To an acceptable panne:. .Ilpp to Lt. BBICKEU , , OL IltAPTVlterni..f...L. del:o1C0 A LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, With all modem tElTrOValleffill, iscomplete order, and situate on the Yellen: lialissay, - Inquire at No. 119 mist' STBICILT, noTO:o37:Yre - Flitsneren. I : '3l Stook and Real Estate Broker. JOHN D. BAILEY. • STOCK AND REAL ESTATE. BROKER AND AUCTIONEER. Raring taken out a commas/dense Anctioneer, and effected art engagement with the Pittsburgh Board of Trade, securing the ate of their rooms:aßove the Title° National Bank, t ant now prepared to sell at Public. Auction, blocks. Bonds, becurities, Beal Estee, Sr.. either at the *bore rooms or on the preml :es. Particular attention paid. as heretofore to , the sale of Real Estate at titivate sale. Oaks ofiteal Estate in the boutletrrettaltled. ,:-_- !)Vise. 1112 Fourth street. lie= - peon SALE-400 • Acres of Coal Land. lyisou immediately upon the 'Ohio Slyer, 1:0 miles below tinting:AL, and lit Milts above eln etnnatL On the above tract Is • four loot vein of Coal. which. for general purposes, isnot surpassed. It le entirely different from the Southern Ohio Coal; contains rat little snipbur. forges and cokes well. and for making stanza cannot be excelled. The lo cation being about midway from Pomeroy and Hanglnigithek, mutt make It valuable for coaling bolls. There Is water front of of o mile, wins I tzanee bas n d I" un to htf e i tign g t h gir tr ' s i N ed to river, together with the necessary fixture' Inc mining and delivering cost afloat. On amid tract la nret-Claa• double Portable Oreille? Saw Mill to gether with nffortabie 41rist Mill, all In good run olog order, end plenty of the very best oak, ash and - poplar timber. Would sell one-bait Internal if destred, , to a party with experience and capital Pm working same .. JOthit D. SAILS!, - SO* and Heil Estate Broker, .- neni No. Ica Fourth street. 11 — ESIOABLE LOTS FOR - COUSI.• A- , TRY RESIDENCES —On amount of the lntlam eoeyof the weather on Tuesday last, the sale of those desirable Building Lota, trout Oro to four acres each, tbe rerryirrille Plank Road; one tulle from Allegheny City. was adjourned. • She tots are now offered at priratesale. TuloreDne - half wont balance In E. 1. 4 and S years, with interest. For pieta of:the proPerti and furtheepartleulari, apply to JOHN' D. BAILEE. doB No. ICI Fourthetrosts gib N-ROSS -Cay WM. N. OGDEN CO.. _ militrricr Emzus asp via.t.intarar (Urban , Oil. Lamps `sila'rlittlfflh CHANDELIERS,CARBON OILS. &C. mac,. ea. ZlAlCAm.r. cot _____rwrannwit. PA.. • P aY ot r ilregefli l dr id gegl Hi. TS , s ise i snpa .sle &incoe. Tra iT 7l.7 l l,:tiaht . Lo X ao= ever e le t u l i r: m = l g g0.,11. wax Ilte most suceesstal employed esse toSpes OpsmAy Map t,O the afiLlatiaL Ladles Will n UrliMealtogue ip sp epea yp n pe kaatm Mao 2 g ,Drtn o the 1,. touts. No. 1, ',bleb to toot Olett ooo Itoonxerout desired for obotlaile coo", The Dp4SZl[pg (Mace bestial& 21. , 2 3. .0 5 T. D ro s: 14E0, Tstta=w : ta mp. . 1•410111:41) CIYTTON W/IPS. •0., 15M FOR FRAM E 110 ENE, BARN, : I . R)ltittN . 4 , t iA 4 avoTu ILLY, 81318. :, ?ma - betnxed gyn . ~ itx t, .citiggrulaiNnuaaa mar %us reauenusk s h it licas, ming 11114 Insts it rim4 ---- • - ahem and raci. of een37 ansabat Idia • m•lerinl. at idlor. an ~ . tad. , if :tn. . e I Ailf• ......1111101 If t * D 'O lL; Z ►a6 wirl 4i " 4 Wi ' 44 . I . sttalne9,, ;Or ale Irr OSMLLES C. muanzr. , aO. 'XI I.lbolly • 11131311G1i T t A - • sr t.- The Brestent Baultday Ntsbt Bill of the Damn. TWA Afternoon. at 2 o'clock. 422ana 2Letlaee WILD Ora& • TUIS (Saterday) EVINING. performance will °mien. with the Romantic Irish Drama of M= • Overture Orrbervra. To be followed by the beautiful Nautical Oraw a of the OCEAN CUILD. Overture To conclude with • Faserlte!ratte. HU sULY EVESlNG—lrdalliThorne fOrNEW OPERA MOVSE. , ' ... aa _ . C. D. MESS t - DlaaCrs. SATURDAY. December ISth. Extra Dela Der. Grata Grithat daunt Matinee, at 2 o'clock In "the atternoOn al Cents adtalssloll tO til parte of the house, Thhi evening last •Opearanee Of , MR. 3. W. WALLACH. Who will appear as Wlllla,n In ' , . iBLACK EYED SUSAN. • . - And the eequeat of uncross of our molt leen b.eeith.dYlf!uellgleEt"*llAV'tin..-,tklrgrkFi,t,r. - .,.._ r t , ease It the entire roll Of RICRA.III.IIu. .".. a...UT Mr. RICKETY will appear. arDLASIWIC HALL. r0.iti..1 7 tut tn..e utita. longer. • znzi.a.s. 37.8710.1.T-alr A.YD BERGER WAJMILY SWISS BELL RINGERS. GRAND MATINEE SATURDAY ANTERNOON • Children to Matinee, 95 cents. - _ Tie tots cents. No extra charge for reserve d tea t s. Tickets for sale at Moll °Vs Must° Store. U 09,74 . 0. 0. CHASE, Business Agent. igg - CEIJUSTLIL.N CHIIBCU FAIR AND FESTIVAL The ladles or the Christian Church, Alleghen7 City. Ssloscah Xi, Pti!tor.) Win open , In EXCEL SIVE HALL, rec ite r of Federal and - L=oa streets. On Tuesday Evening. DeCeMbeg 18th inst • .• tineFil 13 AND FESTIVAL, which will con hrough this week, and the proceeds will be de voted to the new church bonding now In process of erection on the corner of Beaver street • Sal the North Common. Fancy &elicits of all kinds, children's clothing. snits; [ldles. votes, toys confectioneries; gentle NALl'a tresetng gOgrrle be slipners; omen, coffee. ice creams, to. . WM be offered for saloon reasona ble teems. AN EXOELLINT DINNER will be screed each SUPont 1.2 to 3 o'clock to all giving us avail. Also . PER. from 6 to 9 oicialt. Admission Tickts, Season Tickets, 51.033 Dinner Tickets, to those having admission or sea son tickets, 71 ctn.; to others, $1.03. • A BEAM BAND will be in attendance; also. other • musk, both vocal and leatenmental, will be Sea ubated. . Mr -PROF. COWPER'S DANCING ACADEMY. AT WILKINS` HALT" rourth Street, near Smi th field, now -open for. the recep tion of - Pupils for aeoond tenn. Days G e n tuiti- rEliffiliDAY and !SATURDAY. lemen." Class arYli o'clock. evenings. - Ladles,_ , Masters' aad glisses . Masi at 3 T. R. PrITSLa Lessons on FRIDAY. WILILINIS HALT, to rent lot &tact Balls and PIItION when net engaged by classes. Apply to Prof. COUPE& For Circulars, please call at the Music Stores. deld:Ds4 ) 1 fkill) : 4 :47- I ‘ero vA I aizit...,7l cirsx_as ;01X-31111 U gar.asa SOHO OIL WORKS. Bl=flCiaticeo,, 11131117A0T13X33/ 8 OP TELL CELEBRATED SPEEN LIIBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS: Sperm. Laid and While Oils, IMO LIM WSW 011 MEMEL 61119 ALSO, tandaid White Burning Oil, No. 88 Biarket:Street, rn'rsBUBGH, PA. MOND VOR A BEST =I eM 1= I=gl PIZ IZMI Urn • me TIIE BY --- d. del l . V I VAL1 11 0 1 V, CINCYRNATTI, 0010. IIEbT CASIDLLI, Jte..A.TLOWLSX BATE& ". no=aof7 WARING & KING, comma mans AD 110108 Petroleum and its Products, 4 DVQUEII. 7 rE War, zarriveuErtrze.cazlC,. rEIMIDJUXEL II . 41DIRSINSB: WARINC, KING &. CO..- • w v.,45.. IS4 Walnut St. Phil& r: I 01813 PIO:JO On 00 :1 ataimmetarea by, WHITE, BROS. & CO., New York. E. d.ROBEATS, Agent No.ft Clair atm*, Pittsburgh. Pa, - ' Keettconstantly on ha nd: - t :. Cotton ifietory Oil, 1 ' Dui il•elli . :•11011. Woolen 31111 011, I Dark Mese Ott. Light Cord Engine OIL 1I / o I.ark Car Oil, No. I. iift, Cloi.d Iterew-Cut- Dirk Car Oil. N, o WOOLDRIDGE OIE RENINING ocomrssaszrwr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. wouKszarTrarmalAr ' Ofilee, No, 2 DliqUesne Way, vosra.Bruigeo) - muroirActrazas or roam WBITZ .- 331WENINGE CMG. Brand--niacifer„7,,. OIL WORKS nAMMACITISing " • EUREKA CAIRSOX The ode:ode:4 EUREKA - SPERM LUBRICATOR 'OILS, And Wlnds nide Palatalb • _ Crude, Relined and Lubrica 'eus, LARD, IDIDDE. waLts AND 115/1„0/1 4 . 710. 81 Pitubnrgh, O. O. MiTa33 7 - 210, • Call and eziuntn• iamPlu and mad 0 ""Ic alia • non:o14 _ BVIE THE MEM PETRBLIA BLUE LEAD; "you 011. ILEII ss ltiAaheiared oat/ and for sale by T. /I. E rr.ir s co.,_ • . Vic seer Va.tarrnrforlani , N. W. Cor.itd and Market db., OCI9 PITThBUEUU, PA. TICE , LIGHTNING G S. C. rico. Tarn; JONES,CRAWFORD &VOGEL, - Agents.. Tnk • MOST rOwEllitric, TautystaLt.wrr com. taL AMB LIGHT Lima re,opuunk. , Aidcipted by theE. S.Goiennzient lass amplostre. Cheap sad BeatitlPO, Elteht talltLeat tight tassii4old. assites SASS? VW other' hemp: Thlapateahle adapted. Pa 011 Mule Parfaalea. ganftea as the erielc is merely s conductor; :smssr_siss anh Irlaunla&Bilzseeamtlistrepor, ii/OHrEtritrilLLlL P!h _ " I'TACCf' Mew opposite foss oats; par: fliisFi's • we. RAG= OLL.W WICHTgiaIIoAOnDPEnSP, • - • P 0 T.11,-Cai-EtUAt I.lgiStrahnirrimi"`"l"jt BMA &c.--11ire theararbeirr dock., of Witmer— noure a *Doti the per. sod ir.o araddlisad laqtrtel 13"thaTpodirisanirarli - arms notice. Vire eau also fereleb Mord w.. " (tresses. to. All orders gordeprly Wended td. MCOirs ma so es ereathonw ern? OW anted . MI MC 11 11 H II EZ=Z! !EMI SOLD Cr MCI R , ... , , C" WC .-. uon IWA
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