,-,.. AND- . SUBURBAN. Cant met as usual -yesterday morning, • - .ledge stowe on the bench: . Charles Itanwey, indicted - for steeling a was placed on trial, • R. S. Morrison, appearing as Ids counsel.. The jury found a verdict of note guilty. The defendant was retiauded, there being another toilet ',vent pending against him. John fienniseyarso arraigned on &charge of adultery. preferred by Win. Vaughn. The Jury found a verdict of not gniity, but divided Ina costa between tbe parties. Wilsoneit esse talon up was that of Alfred and Jolla Cumrans, !minted for the larceny of two dtamand rings from the jewel. z‘ e store of Messrs. Johnson & Scott, Liberty . Johnston; one of the trin, testified that there was a pace of glass broken ont of the • window of the store, oppaute the sbow cue containing the rings, and from widen they were extracted. Martin Kagott was the main witness in the case. Ile: saw, as he taatified, the looses at the winds*. Cummings manip ulating with a stick, crooked at ties end, through the opening, whilst "Williams Stood near by. Ergott saw them communicating with each other, and presently saw • • smell • object drop to the pavement. lletheit at once - K=led to the Mayor's office and gave M- . en of the occurrence. In lhe mean time lir. Johnston came to °matte and made 11:120M1 the fact of the,robberr, ' -- Ctunstlinge and Wilson were arrested on the same even , ing, and whilst in the tombs a- conversation • between them was overheard, which led to the - ..reetivert Of therings.- Cummings said. HMIs. - . don't blow,. (or don't give upaund Wilson re. sJlenniy O'Donnell bas got the two:tad . if he :don't do what's fair, lel fix him,. or words tettust effect. This was the substance •.'Ol thsevidence offered by the Commonwealth., . • nottitugheLng aborts as to how the einge,,eaa been recovered, or to whose poet.e.W. .'„;•1 46 - Were traced.FOr the defetnee, , land, Esq., coun se l) nsina , oeme or Pt CuMwas sworn,Asna iodide teat on the a. be sad one of the :serried, of- ro bbery pas the stOre lOWtbertnis,lnnawingtade- an ha d em_ent tr; Steal them - but staled Maths had nothing to • do With 2"11* The guilt ot CuOmln was ltie admitt ed Curry, to that Cummings WM him that fi a tMusnit the larceny, and Wilson was nOt Coilderned but, the Court s ustained the objection made. lie the de daratloasolCummings(codefenda nt)conl4 not be offered to show the innocence of lett ings.. Judge Stowe charged the jury that Use robbery was a bold and open ono. The guilt 'of Cummings bring admitted, and clearly sp . t arent fro wh 'W m the evidence; it waa for.the jury to say ether ill was present; aiding and abetting.. lf so, balsas equally EMMY. i • The jury so found. after brier deliberation. wan ordered to be remanded.- The boy COmMings was called up for :sentence. lie bad previously been convicted'of the larceny of one dollar and sixty-liae cents. from Mat . Shea Lawton. Upon ono indictment the court., sentenced him to be ocedinedin tin -jail far ' ' twenty-four hours, and upon the other, order ad to tice custddyof the Managers of the Mouse of Refer, there to remain, nista twenty-one Conrad .6chadd was indicted tor keeplug tour ferocious dogs. John Oxenhardt appear moss .picsecnting witness. °innards, tea . • tilled that Schadd kept four (sometitnes nye) doges that on Sunday evening, September 6tb, ( after dark, while seated at his door-step, with , his oat oft, the defendant's hired man came along with four dogs, and when nearlyloppca alto him, ther fell upon a eat which bast been tatting maths curbotone. Turning. tam the oot the large dog attacked the witnee, as be first seizing him by the left lore arm, lacerating it terribly; next by the left, shod. Ayer. and next by the right band, LOOM= it to . at an extent as to render his thumb aLmost powerless. liefollowed the does to - -defe nd. ante daughter house, In the neighborhood of then resided fourteen families. There i the large dog renewed the attack, seising him `by the seat of Ins pantaloons. The witness I exhibited the clothing he wore onthe occasion, and else the marks upon his arm. shoulder and l' . hand which plainly indicated the terrible ferocity of. the attack u lons. Mrs. °isobar& testithrthat came time re p atoms to the occurrence the dog attacked her, and that she had Usld Mr. Saud that he had better takerhint'alray or muffle him. Several airier witnesserappeared andtestidel Where been 'bitten by dogs of the defendant, not by • '..the larger one; hut by the *maharanee: The Court suggested than asAlle counts in the in , • dictment referred ,to different thriparit. would be well. Wexercise same ..putimdartty, and not make one of the doge_ responsible for acts of another. . Far the-defense-Mr, Bruce aiserdsih, The tu dlotmentclorglngtbedefendant withireeping four ferocieus dogs, and the exhibition by tbe prosetintOr of his wounds, could not but in some degree prejudice the lory. In- all, some ten or twelve witnesses were Culled to Trove the character of the dog—as many as are ordinarily called to prove the aramter of; a man charged with murder. When Mr:Howard. for the defense, anhormcea that he would not call the remainder, the Court and -jury'. felt relleve& -- - The defense simony cloaca thalr testimony by proving that the big dose was now- in the , posseeslou of a resident of Birmingham, and therefore the nuisance, if any, so Iss as Seined is concern ed, is abated. The case-want to [neje ry. at ad- *Massengale. . Orates. iferse.The auditailuln of this es tablistiment was comfortably tilled last even ing by . an appr eciative audience to witness Shakspearee. tragedy of... Macbeth," with Mr. . • and Mrs J. W. Wallach - in the leading roles. The part of tits am bitiths Thane was well slut , 'Mined by Mr. - throughout the per. trithisnce, ln . Wale parts rising so far above' - 'mediocrity u to makes near sppithelittiner -faction, abile.M Other parterres he - allowed, old conventionalities to - control hSm and de tract from the merit, of 'his effort..., :Mille, therefore, we cannot. call - his , blacbeth great, Ras rally entitled to the adjective of good. The Lady Msabeth of his talented wife was artistic In the highest tingles, and_wthaiv... With a foroe—• powerttratthtllled her and!. tors with admiration.for.ber tired detemnina lion and horror for her boundless iniquity. The rest et the characters ware in good hands, a lil r iile d 4 l 7trtt'll!& attend oil otaer, ais en the stagsla evening than we have earn it for a number of years in this city... Tornhibt tildney , Marlowe, ti". young gentle ' `man of - this city. will essay te part of the crooked4ack tynuit hl hetragedy of Richard , - , • , Tesirith—The benefit of Rise Kate Retell.' - atthts - house last evening wan liberally pa. Mouthed, smiths performaffee was of a char - ether to_deserrathei raved of the drama-loving • public. Of course, bliss Estelle , s Lady imbel• la. wan not as doe a piece of acting an many we leave witnessed in this part, yet It was, nenrertheless, much batter than any of the la _ dy!s _admirers. hoped ,It would and she shoMIL therefore be-prouder. her • endeavor and the manner in which it was received. Animmense bill Ii offeresitnis ermine by Manager ilenderson, and we look for a crows laseosto Ilath—•Ther Peak family of bell• ringers continuertastirset fair audiences to witness their unique and entertaining Varier '• mance"- This afternotmthey will give a grand matinee 'for • ladies- and. children, and their • Cell elhibition This evening- =1 The Monongahela ettfirepublteen, says: On Thursday night last about three an _ . _ attempt Wes reedit° break into the store of S. OUver.-Wylle 6- Co., on: Main, street. The tnievei made an attempt to enter the store by way Of an-untinislitid sidebefiding,arid by the teak window. Mr. Wylie was absent at the time, and the only occupant of the building leas Maw= W. Smith, wtro slept m a betiding at the back part of the store room. The noise made by the thieves awakened him. and mill ing out MY than be Wrapped smartly_ on the door with a poker, (having no 'weapon to_de tendinmsella glitch &Muted the notice of - Itis brother, sleeping in the next house. _Even this erase didnottirtre the burglars away. or canes them to desist from their work, but they ..tattled at the froutdoor calling Mason to come Out. The design evidently was to pinion or knixklitta down as. soon as he atoned the eeer, Bat In this they tailed , and astir. J. K. amuneurning tattle door of his grocery Mere, ob segaSzthealtuation, ,, he called to its wife bea revolver.n 'Hearing. this, the m thleves ens of them jumping from tue "`" ---lic l=r, above the hall. Owing toextreme ou s t ar utii,,,um :ki ",• the s k atu n. es_cddsPed 71t.h . I-! very newspaper vep on „. 4? „ 4 impeomred /nving the present ter et Convt,',lnutictilar y, great trouble In reporungth. promemno. We vets. imaged, le"" 4 1Y, afternoon at Andins the reporters' tains d _ placard tacked thereon, reading a, to' ; • " Bub Is the IteporiSt.,, th ,7 Gentlemen:will elease end seats tnis Is exclusively for the secommeeetkVZ •tne Press." For this act of cour'esy we Judge Rears in. debted to Mr. J. "attersau,.Court (law. 'We thank him, sloven • -and hope that "all whom It may concern , * will regard the hint glven. _ _ Disehampol. , We hive already announced the ie-arreid,Of Thomas MUM= Olia clause:Of larPenipre . . • fermi against him by :Henry Miller. On a bearing before' Mayor Wiitiettly it was discov ered that William bad returned the watch to the saloon-keeper before the information had bias made by Miller; stating that he tad talc en it to the way of a practical Joke. and In atrnotingyre to retina it: =Miller gtgariailT=l:liiiigielgrg l g 4 g, It Mould have been t to establish a fel- eltilig - Buriaid . fa Deatla.—Mecently the girl named - Maly. daughter of Torrence Lynch. of Jenkins' works, near Monongahela City, met with an aceideut 'Which resulted in her death. WbUst playing near the fire its eldtbee caught and the child fell upon the floor eireamLug sett struggling with the' darnel. The mother rushed In and seeing her darling enveloped in flre, seised and carried her to a rain barrel near the door. Into which she planed the screaming child, The child was burned sobadly t howavar, as to cause its death in-less tventpteer hours after the sad • ShithinnWanor.—Melchor Veinal., a iinensed auctioneer in Snowden township, Yesterday pada latOrination beton. Alderman Eittian, chatting al. Wood. a neighbor . 01 big. wit . esseanor, Weenie that Wood had . ono. Need an anotlowar's nonctume without- ham, ins procured an auctioneer . " license. _A war. 4111Ai' - laws arargattari ta • vertlataap wins at 110316Darat °blain Namparium, Am fa and al Ftftb:stamA Auc " " ialitalWMr: anal, sales of limbo: shoal sad gallery as -110011alland'a LaMan, ispaseageasogazuk Si suet San= Wilms Prssentstsaj be Selectea out of tberyaried stock it T. A, NeCtellead's, 65 itn4 stab street. • , Victimised. .. _ , . Walrelm hielchlog ls:a farmer, and is the possessor of fourteen hundred acres W of, land, located short distance conch of Yort ayrie."' Inctlava, which land he velure at about fifty thatutand dollars, and which helms term cal- 1 • tiviting. Be also has a wealthy'uncle resid.• lag in Amsterdam, Germany. Wilhelm deter, m i n ed to taken journey to the l•Fatheillarte,'" • to seethe! uncle. Be arrived in this' city cit Wednesday night, from Port Were, en route! thither Almost immediately after his arri val here, he visited the house of Barbara Zol her, on Liberty street., which bears aquestlon [ able mutation. •• Re remained: at the house until .Tbuiriday morning. „Allot leaving, he had. occasion to make some DUrehleSees bar when ho mut his •• hand in his. pocket for hie wallet, he discovered that It was missing. The -pocket took contained over one hundred del; tars in greenbacks, with parr of which be I. intended to defray his eXPernie3 The fr that .he had been robbed, and the attenti I show:thins by one Betty NaProat'a m baa of the house , lad him to susplt t t 9 g upon this =emitted the robbery- a wan anspi n elon wo h r e , anreodaiodtreire4d toethia,_,,,ecouic:e.tioofewAc23l,l47l:, -Ina linty with lames/. - r.. 1,8 rested and had beaslactrz.rtilta!u.lo.: man yesterday moVtatiitzst. ho he Mont to warrant,_, umwo,. the scouted f " tO "‘" 11 lodged.an Inforetatlon ed. Wilhelm., ,„ --e l, 2 oner ging her with %lams& Bar ' °— "or iu•reinte, tor - Sealant stoups her smelt was issued... . • Grand Vines sit 'the readmit Patti: • The skating at Central Park is magnidoent; . . and has been so since the first opening.Of the' institution. The ice IS in superb Weal.... and all the appointments complete: Tester-- day and laid evening the throng of ladles and gentlemen boys and girls, who 'swung arid and'etreledpiver the glittering surface, was something wonderful in Delete( numbets and brilliancy. Last evening particularly the ice was crowded With the gay pleasure seekers, and not a taw ladles in fell “skaterial" cos 4 tume enlivened the scene. theer and evening, however. are to be gayest and liveliest of the season so far. A genuino ear -1 naval will be enjoyed. Daring both the atm. noon and B a n d ingvn a band of music will be in attendance n wak the pleasant echoes. •In the evening the' gmllghts will be lighted and reflectors and colored lanters will flash in various directions, while over ell the bril liant moonlight will Shed its softness. alto gether, any one deatnng to spend the one evening of relaxation andpleasure la the Most splendid manner itnaginable, should go, with out fall, to the Central Park this afternnOn or evening. The Inn will be magnificeuL to, The First O ff enee.—Ltszte James tame . the office of alderman albeitz yesterday and. preferred a charge of assault and - battery. against her spouse, Thelma James, who she stated, struck her with his foot, in the ab• domen, causing considerable bodily suffering. This she avers is the drat time since their Mal rhul life began, that Illeliard has offered totter such an .Indignity. Nevertheless she deter mined, by her mode of dealing with the lint error, to prevent him from ever repeating It. The offender was arrested and held to bag tors having. Struck stilts a Broom..—lhrs. Carreto:ono to the office of Justice p yesterday:and Instituted legal proc ee d ings . Remittal. Dirs. Black for assault. and battery. Bottrparties reside In the Seventh ward, elle 're on -Wed— nesday evening, it is alleged, Zs: „Mack called the prowntrix a liar, and then added injury to the Insult by striking her to the tae, with a bream. T.le assaulting party ISM been arrested and held in three hundred dollsia to" Arrested ere Samplelon.—A youth netted Andrew Thayer and the wellknown 'John Knox, were *nested last evening and'iodged in the ,tomos on suspicion of th e larceny of a watch from an olu German near the Pant, fall particulars of which we published taxes. terday's Issue. FALL 1866. _ CJAIL.IELP'EITS. Re are cow eiblbltln [ ( pr FALL stock of =lt blew= of o meet grlng Woor-pZrous. English BruMS - and Tapestries, Of our own bAporuition. eoroprlithgm.soy new bid alcove pat erne never before In tine menet, : - BIM 1111101 I3IIIISII CLIPBTS LSD %M < ' MILIMOIDZICID FRISS L LCI CURT/Wars lar la Legal Maud Claim; Side & Centre.Tassels, Loops & Cholas litTles Nottlac Curtains. ICLISILLICD & Neat bone to UNfielmi:tid 13m H FIFTH "TRIKZ.4 RotheI a... 4 Floor; ".1.°31.1)11*1 SUPERIOR OAK TANNED, PAT It-NT STBETCLITD AND .111YETSu LEATHER BELTING AND _HOS% kfatottittond at 'So.' BB ISSIITHPILLD vrt, by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO alit: •Chao lot "New York Rubber Co. Gt.um Mteltrug.;. 4 1 a AmBUAL% U erlor_ralltt or LAM LICATni KU and (luta HY MW., 001 . 1 . 811 RlVETaand BaLT gas. t lanriu I3 r BEAT WiESTEIIa PLANING MILL, taw of Lim sheet isi .hvieue -- PITTSDVUOU. PA. Bash Boers, Blinds and Mouldings try but o l t.. 7 .ll o .4= ll. l. DEtt rduedßlz. Orta bilek sbed gi.takvir,E i gu l ub it m sll.o .. 1 4 1% older. PROENEE lITE4IBBEWEILY Jos. ..... . ... . ... brEACER & NEST S all BRBW g Ale, Porter sad Brown Stont, _ MTABURGH, PA. 4 ROVItaT WATSON. KIM WPM. 101:11/11 V. s. GIABILLIID....P. 'BOOTH...AV. T. 9ABILILILIT POINT MALT- HOME& . GARRABD & CO., Iffalsters, Grain & Hop Dead*, Nd.'l7Water-Stiet4 and Nag. a ;ma iNinis St rr r , • • - PitIiBURCH, PA. NUSI• . CO;PARTNERSKIP. T'HE UNDERSIGNED ,• HAVING iriractuurialreatehiAltirbTa. or the arell dey of October. OM catered into• partnership trtt.. der the rile of fidElf.E GUTMAN CO. for t t = 9 .ltVkair. a lla=l a sod Thomas Harper.. ea Bearer /Ural, ltenthecter, and would retr u c to tfally follelt a coati:na flt me of the p "" d r 1 1 1111 1 .4 Y LV11 4 .141 1 4 N • • • A. AFTILONXIEtttAIf, - ADLK 41.01CliZLIIAN . MEI STEP#EIIi iff..OTT, - We Sinker, deal and Medal Engraver, mg, Emit+ sum urns wynt. stiPEßion SEAL PRESSES; Cancelyng.StimPr ind Vlsitlng Carl* also, PLAT= IfOlt MASKIXO C/AY,IIIINe. 93 Wood St., tor. Diamond Alley, "13""tnv WEST C 4 O/111,10S "ItIALTIIIIVE WrO2:E.WURIL 5, Hontiireiq Conic: at Weil FRED% A.VIVATEII. it CU. Rime on Laud or prepare on ißtort notice., ~ * HEARTH ARO . kIEP RTONER, _rkios. Fop . eiv i r i mo i ttarmyttL . i . s i i . .., 1 .. ,41134.17.1.PremPuT executed. ivirmek: PBATATE PISEASES. ' L- • 'aims aux pun hear Hand :t ter i t s t 41aessas of sort , Ste notafOr freof tma os it sm. -- A, -- aary u sp en onus u e s, l7ttevrrl otha llOMl - Maoists of the moue and lOW Oroftotion ours mirfaatUlltkin Mee boors-7 ul • ~,,•••• itil4; _ A LLIEGIIENiriiii - FLOCII AID WM Et: M 0 M AST , No. I 5 Ohio St.. Alletu e ttibolesala and Retail Drig. r . u py.. im0rw...7 8 ...el (lb cult Imo or Waces and XIV. , q4,., 4 ' • NNEW AURIV.ALI NEW AltitliVAZQ '3o)pleksits ew croD Sabina, In whole, giq quarter basest , Salts new Currants; - 47 ballet* lu tans nutr_eraD. •' an bags lune wannessre Nu Nuts, f - 10Ciffresb Cocoa NutS. ••- • • in it" and,uric " ItBYII CS At OROS. 20. NO. /SO lb 'Vaud stmt. jE[O2UNIre . • • leObbla: new prime Se'blus flint forage:V. on.tp,Las o. ssuitrY 10 BILLS. PUTTY. In blwldcrs, eti.fts Int4iOr sale br wbol.sto Pr okra*. Cutert YELLS.. • rAr_EL , PAPEIIS-Wall and Cell br mons,. an U. 4 .1: ta . d.RiVe s lt t lr 'OD del ' 11l Wood strut. 26, Innit u putAso o N -KELL°, bikralrA. CM, At CO Whirleis • Dreanata. 4104 uzow Asio TINTED PAPER tIANOINEIV" . !' r, 1111118FIALL, ' OHWI WOOD stre•l, 1101 n4 1: 11TD• ATLANTIC , ‘-111111 1.CRA • PN COMPANY CPZ.:47**A:tristeci OFFICES. , • ~.',4olllll4lqad Trade Doom. and • VOrarliillst Street and Duquesne Way. - tide !Oa Pendent Line of Telegraph Is now open tor the trai.malislon of messages to and from Wadi nagtoMainisore, rlnlaitelptaa. New York, Bos• titian& Unita' ralltera town. and cities; also an ponds os 11b Monongahela Hirer to Morgantown. jairovaroltagiottbe panne la sollellod, and evil,' 'Onitsifinie Dada Were sattrfactlonto mutomers. . H. TUVRSTON, President. deittent PEE. 'la: - 3.IEIERTI.7Z, •4711nlinkeir and Broker, it* Wood St.. near corner of fifth. 411,401olifitictrui of Government Bonds .' ' London intregiltilinental anll Exchange sold 'at lewiCm r at Taid Morns boughtAt Etched , gii- tafi l itt ra. Drafts maned on .New Tars. rurANaE :iiND TRADE. Gym= al irga Pressuren's RAZITTII, f Ftunat, December 14, Wed. .1 ,The NOW York stook quotations to-day, I *ported by ItobLuson. lifeCleam di Co., Were - as follows : Gold, 137?;,; Eighty.one bends...llf; Five Twciitlei, old, 10731; Five Twenties, t 6.5,104 Five Twenties, new, ,/053,1.1 devenTldrtiiti„l,o3; do seeded and third issue, 104 Canton, 43; Cumberland, CS; Quiekativer, .51 ; Mar r 'Preferred. 314; Michigan L. WO .Cleveland Pitts burgh:9lX, Pittsburgh, Fort WaYne & Chi cago, lIMXI Chleago Mock ]eland, SOtyi; _Erlai;:tlalirtnidi 1 .741: . Western Union Tele- IrePh COmpany, 41X; Chicago and !forth Trnltorn 2.11., Wit do preferred, 7F -I Ohio & iiiiitssikil,.ego 'New York Central, 1W ; Lill mole Contral,ll7X. • The wiarket atcady on gold,. stronger on l/ittlisayis, but still heavy and a shade weaker on Governments. Money reported abundant. clar bacal:bsarket exhibits but little life this *oak. - Monet will rule close until the holi days art tialyovor, lied there will doubtless boa slight deeltne, even in the most favored Iltesidts.: - -After that period we look for a mo lten; aid more ready sales for all classes of „essittritles. For the present everything Is dull anti everybody complaining. All branches of trade In feeling the dullness, and business Is greatly, curtailed. We report sales of Alter shiny Valley Railroad Ftrat Mortgage 7.30 Benda •^n^ ago Dank at 67'.4 recedes Sitlista . tat I. Citizens , held at 64. Stiles Fourth National at par. bales Mechanics , Ns , stalitl at 211.-1 . —Hon. E. G. Spaulding, of the Farmers , and idecitaaka , Eater:a Bank of Buffalo, having. Ins letter to Secretary McCulloch, expressed the opinion that the currency could be mode rste ly contracted ..110 - 113 to presort° a tolera bly easy money money market, In order to be able to fund - the compound Sixes and the . Belren•Thirtles into long gold bearing bonds, between this end the 15tH of July, Pas, and list the specie standard could be reached with at $256,000,00.1 of plain legaldender Milted Buttes notes still outstanding: , lir. McCullOch replied as follows: 1866 DC er - Ageittneton, December 7, VW. ' Data Suit Your tayor of the tth instant m received. You will receive S roPY.et InVre portthrough the Controller or the currency. It wasyery haell-written, but, is, I think, areas ia trin e.b, we need is an in crease (labor. or If we wild have the produc tivemeauntry ot;the countrrin 'full exereise we youltireturn to specie payments without airy very large curtailment of Catted States twee. lay o'rfeettiss teen to keep ' the mar. scat 'milady, pad to work back to epecle Par. merits without, a dnanclal tollawe. I 'ball act ta- ^ ttm future as I have tn. the great caution, and attempt no impracticable - , -.me following 13 Mr. Prioes bill proposing to give bondholders the prl. liege of exchang ing registered (or coition bonds, now before the centamittee of Ways and Means "That from and after the passage of tins get say holder of any registered bond of the .CalloK litotes shalt, upon application to toe Treasurer of the States, have the right behave the same exchanged for a coupon bond orange amount, with a like rate or to. terestodulmatn , leg at the same time with the register. d bond; and for the purpose of I paying the expense Incurred In making such egellange„,the party making the application lbrertehange shad pay tote the Treasury of theNnited States tun sum of one-fourth of one per cent and no more." --A eorrespondent (says the Phllaileipbia Press) wishes to know why compound Inter est noiesure worth a premium above their Lam and intereet• 1 The answer Meanly given. Esterynattseal banking association Is obliged by Use thirty.ilest section of the national nun sweep act, to keep on hand in lawful money (rein fifteen to twentydive per cent of lii Us, tattles - for circulation and deposits. These cordonnd notes are a very convenient end PrO table, _kind money to bold to matte upVtbo nmerve, since they are the only inters eart np legal lenders now outstanding. The banks have been purchasing them very hesellyst timpresent market brine, alpi at -, even'higher figures, and they cling very tens. teas i y to s im ne l have secured. It is stated • that Won, Sne flapper will be likely to no- , '.new his tooPooltion in Congress to deprive the Wake of theprtedsgs of pains these cot., Pots lathe manner we have described, Ws success is doubtful, a nd shoulder:lth amassers 'sell taw compound interest notes will seW at a dacount from their face end ln m•AtilrhMS frau Frankfort mentos'. tb et - • tesostmore ammatinn on the Bourse, ra=t the great plethora at discou n t the luta brought [berate of own to legs then 3 per neat. An opinion privalls abwarllke complications are to tut rip. inebeDded: fat the present, and this draws out. the - hitherto , boarded supplies of coin. 'Large Parehasels Of American sectmitles have *Abed natteesto is point above those of London or Now York, so that remlitanges of bonds come in from all parts. Three bonds are, of Worse, the old bones of ISCO, as It has been valalrtrled Om far to introduce the now or 'annealed bends Of PBS. pnirsurson - moitearo numit MAR ., • • MIIM-.IW.S.MILT SEVIER. FhieldrCd(ena PTrzsinineaGazwies, FRIDAY. Duo. It, hlro. The_,..llOialpnrkes Manua rather dull and ONO _tooted, Cho, - demand being somewhat re _ stclided th ; bit, us Car, Deices are notquotably sunkly ot Poundry Irons is con siderably:hi -Wittig of- the demand, and un less there Di an 4mproyement In the Inquiry fur thlf.*BB-, o,.taetal. and UM, coo, be before lezikpaili4l4 SOO= dawn The , elontstnelittrMlll Dons Lading off some. wlisceinsrAhi eildliti . iCriatitetlng their pur. chaltul -consbieritblY - stonsetinenee of the dullness which prevails In the market for inatnkedured-troui were .11 not for the Lace tha there lib and has been all season, te= rd •15 flails, mills w outleu ld :tut.Zns but without quotable Change. Wo quote the - itersoclerea. ACtionalo.iAniltratilto..:.....4.4ss co- cash 71111z.slia'• all -do . ..... On do , , SO-do 0.1 found .91. to do I Igo -.4o.Urey seatria Purge 59 SO do WAMOIZO /1001 eIIaiCOAL: atilt 010.1 - Blootti Par. U.11.....56 8.5-I mos 1 10 d0d0... . - do A • du '" CO . do lir do' - ' - ilolteyitOnti do ... 58 00 do do: doLawreneo do ... 58 Co do d: OP , Centre do Goan do TT.% wimai. tiny- Fora - win 00- cash Alto.' Coal Smelted terma Fia . tosiir`..itritJtinlata: • 411500- ca.th lere*sswiAt omeircum MAR 'thni:tcrs Am , Prrinstrit iI*DATarF) r 13, 1861. - .:•CatlDS—The",trirket for 'Crude Is item)) , inkiniWleMitit!p,:itetire—prices have tinder. grunif4o:". : qtininkle; ' ebabge. We can report siffintAi.o9ool4", on the. spot,:at Sginiq bale, , Thiett64l)' ilk , 1i1.4 paelinges - returned,:and A bbliyieUltiii •, :kind, °Olt, :pookagen lnebided. Tfigi*Sik.Of ell ie pretty well redueod outside ibt.itifiteidtit , :laak on spot:lllation and In rbe. andeof refiners, ood, consequentv, there is trattlirely Milo offering.. Tim do "mond, '.nollniver;:eannot. by any means, be .fortgegliseffire; Lbw great majority of our re• Astern ',Wear ,pretty. well eupplitol—come of iiminglik"Walrtileir tanks, full to , overflow• ingi u . , lntff.titeretbrei no material improvement 11 0gtaiMilit t eg t 1i . 7%L a git91, 1 14t.: era mid kturopeazt roarkets; - —., • " - ,ffitrilltElk.°The market fOr banded oil Was *ay itniet.•;:but . - a ',single sale - Tenoned, 1000 i bbls for ,latualgditilrery in PbilsrAelpela, at I ;VA% quote , '4O 2e% for Decembers no for t ftsittarm audit fer February,: but at present, Namnotuionysellersantbese quotations, teasers seem disposed' to hold Doak in nriiiieotlf Lotter, VII ' t 41 ' 114 , egg, ~.„. .b. ... gained., at ,t 5 to le, inkkond '4O barrel. porlaa' l'Offoiring arrivals were re. ,„,.,,,,,,..,, „....,; .;;Aseo IW. P: Logan ' 264 .. 777.7:77_77 - 2!1.41. Wilkins ' : let , , J.; 710w_ltinit Day Ack x , 4 - '' ali_ pt.' T . __ ,inwi December IL,' ! a. "'" ammo Onnaiderabliw- dry goods 'abstNirfilunand.szt4 la ivuurovement .1 aug .t m ilt, µ th e likuant a w hich ,_ v ilemsow ,1 0 : 4011 " *4lll i l its m rea64 a. ' d bre wa =Oa to InDota n r,trren and'A . _ u n ,; ;nuilrat .. .' '24,01 . ..., & 11 %t_tr ix trd p a• litr a ge. r ig aiVar go mialiairil active tort! 1111ille s laildatah - , antr r $ 1 4• 11 ._al_a Wan Iran NATIAOII una_un Vona virshotterod from ell Pala therrtaa ttiliagUir tolitibs: Print, 31 .art Aran and snore satire." rziatiareglxvi In Manta' bands aisbOnMallat s igard abnti n gr a tth r z ia ta i go : 411 0 / ,, 1211 " 4411 Ur - No 201 Llberif street. eirranunGn DIAIUiETS. 0111 MI 2712 Preratircion Gum!, 1' ltxusimr. ilecembez 14, IBM There's:strati new new features Iu thu pro duce markers worthy of special notice. The cold weather - and the prospect of navigation being suspended very soon, has a tendency to stiffen some few articles, but generally speak- Ingthe demand for all of the leading core verrlanch- restricted, and we have very few round lot operations to re. (ißAlN—Whent is dull and unsettled; in fact, there are nit.. established quotations. Corn in in grant dentand, and In light supply; new crop Is selling in lots 'from store at Be to BS.. Barley Is dull but' unchanged; may be quoted at al to $1,03 for good to prime spring —sale of MO bush prime fall at 51,15. Oats In good supply.but steady, at 45 to kr, on track— usual advance for small lots In store. No movement ni . Eve, FLOUR—ds a shadednxier and a little more active but unchanged. We continue to quote at 414,60 told:Mt - Spring Wheat; $l3 band;. for Winter, and el 4 to itlc for fancy Rye Fleur Is selling at $S per bbl, and Book wheat at $4,4, in bulk, and 031, in sacks. .11AT-1s steady, with', a demand about equal to the supply. Prime baled sells readily on wharf, dales at att, while loose Is selling At 435 VI, according to In rather tier demand, and yrbile the market is a eta, e firmer, prices re- Main unchangsul. Primo Roll sells without much difficulty-se Mt RUGS—Coming in pret y freely and the market 15 doll at the asking prices, 37 to 3S. and it looks as thougN there must be a de cline. APPLES—Steady with 'a fair demand told light arrivals, and the market may be quoted firm at $3 to sap per bbl, for fair to choice. POTATOES—The demand Is less active, and the tales at quolatlOnti—el per bushel, and 4 3 per bbl—are rather light. The arrivals are commencing to fall off. FlEEDS.‘,lla.xseed is In steady demand at $3. Timothy. Seed is nominal at 63, No move ment in Clover. • OlL—Lard 011 la quoted at 95 for N 0 .., and el .% for No. I—demand only moderate. CUBES—Continues very imli with a sIiPPIY considerably in excess of the domain'. naatiLays ay TELEGRAPII • Asir Tali* Financial Natters. Nam roan, Deeemberll3.—Money easy at al per emit. gterling is galet at 100 , 401 09 14. Gold opened at 138, declined to 13;14, and closed at lPf.q. Governments are without material change. Freights to Liverpool a shade easier at Stocks lower... Fort Wayne, 0714; North weilean, o.t Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 110%'; idlehigati Southern, [11%., Bowling, eV.; Eric, 1%; New York Central, 1004; Western " Union Tekgraph, 4i%; lialcoupone, T. es, second aeries, les; Milwaukee and ht. Pauli] preferred, .tartly. The money market was a little more iettCO In some quarters toslay, and the team made Meat efforts to create a all ingency but were not successful. There were some extravagant rumors afloat about the Government calling on the National Banks. which were without foundation In truth. The Treasury Depart meet will commence to disburse tomorrow 11.1,000,1200 as interest cm the7-7.i notes 'and has no object in making money tight. Call loans were done at GOT per cent. and prime ills cone ts at 64 per cent. The Gold Market 0,1°8114.1v steadily, at 147 X. leans were made fist tosday,and 203 percent was also paid for carrying It. There was a firmer feeling in the Foreign Exchange mar ket, with an increased business for prime bankers. Sterling *as laiilielCojj for sixty day bills. ' Government iecurities continue depressec and the closing prices were the low est ot the day: Registered el.101 1 .;;0110 ;.; pens el, 1113‘0111%; Snits registered 03 106 4 i., liat ooo Weonse 't,lo7jJeleljj• ii-tra cou pons aia,loSXOlooji; 5-inea couponeiGs. lay„;g do. Jan and July, 103%41108'4; Itstue terit s dered,774oool.4l 10-40's coupons ire,;,tirtot,;.. Stock Market was generally lower at the hut open board, but after the session there was firmer tone and a rally from the lowest potnt of the board. The bimrs have hammered the market throughout the tiny, but the tendency is evidently toward a higher range of values. The business in the Nort. western shares has teen very heavy, espech ially in the preferred, and the ductuations were Vida and freqlocat. The following were the closing prime: Ohio led al Cer upsets.%•....arTit ,Frie r Tijkialij.“ Hodson Rive:NOW 4'; Beading, lutilieleJS: gan Southern, catf,geo,;• Illinois Central. 'IVO Italj; Clevelidel and Pittsburgh, 50.'4 9 0; Cleveland and Toledo. 11SelLrif„. Pock !stand, lali%OlOtiVrthwestern, 03(-fp:ii; do pre ferred, Vert Wayne; 104, , 0110.3; II eat en, Union ehigraph, tiltfi4Wg. Petri:denim . and Alining elutes.—There was more activity Amid animation in the Mining Shares this afternoon than for some time past. Alptnewaa grin and rose to E.% with light of fer-Mae. jitilaleall Ville declined to V,: and leeroses was steady at to. Consolidated Greg ory" opened at TMI and declined to 7.15, tint afterwards raltlel to T.sei the brisiness In this stock was very large. C1)1111011 Ras active' and gold up to 3.33; nmith and Pennleo .toitt freely at 6.6.23. The Other changes edge t.nt ImpOrtant. Bennettoff Pon Putrolcum, Yithole, It. copper stocks were more active and Ifeaerally higher In Boston to-day. Cana.M Mateo at CO; Copper ' Lluron, :C,,, ; Franklin, 114; fLanecet t itiit qulney,z4. = New Toes. December U.—Cotton loser, et S4Ao. Flour :151rDo better; Extra etate 10111:ie better; for ,Isntery.slo,M; /towel lioop Ohio, 4111Xel hen; trade brands, $11,33,211Ai. II beat Mrill better tun; more 000le 6S.k , eiti,te tor Stilwankee, and 43,33 for White, t:antoruld. Barley: Me for-Western. Corn firmer, but not very active, at 1013110 (or mixed. Western, afloat, and DOM from store. Ont. stently. Pork firmer, et $22421ia- a.:5 tor new, sod el,- 5(4101,31Or donne at Aihild cash. Prime Heet,triwer. Preasett jtogs dull, et it! , ;dIOIX for Western cot meets. /been tinier Lerd stesdy, IWO/lain. Petroleum quiet; at 19a ma for Crude, ..and 3101.11t0 for Refined •111 Wed. Whisky doll, et MQ:;:e: fur bonded (Mugu kaar.lie eiriesno. ()Member 11.—The native move -men% in hog proditce has Increased. The d, mend for money is easier; F scarce and eery orxsc flWheat htraprrl,lneg mend and higher; sales of I n No. fat 42.0 81,97%; of firm outside at VA; elostogarna at theeztreme figure. Corn , more settee. plosive Hoye loner, at StaMaeONo for tio. I,_77olDeforlgo.9. gat* quiet at tuq, sitg • Ulglawines nominal at fd.:l Mr free, 42.111 bonded. Mess York opened firm Y;ta!e,e high. er, elomeNalet boo. Lard quiet and arm OS 11;101 e f or. new firm steamed. iltio for old. nem foe. Ilretsed Hogs opehed arm at e7,7:47,72; }No opened. active and 11(115‘.; higher; lint one receipt of govern'ved7 heavy trains ofpsekers held off the advance entire. lyi last tales, 4,000 at - eliff . o)4e. for :mown to good Mani*. /low Orleans Karkipt New Ostues, Dee. N•—Cotton unchanged! sales 4,11:0 tales low middling, at Wilkie; mid dung, .b• 'wept' for the week I^ooo bales against 2soo{ exportsM,4oel stock ltu,Oth the sales for the week 40,0C0 bales. Sugaia!e g aer ; fair at o,le. Molluscs; Inferior Mc; prime to icUlgr id a i v r r u itc:c a 7l . lNa d s . m i l .iats ll i o r u n r , , a$ le. QOM, at 137* New 'fork Exchange ~,, 9:;dlseCitirlf. • 1=1:=1:21 CIXCINSAIrt, December M.—Flour Is driner, and holders ask for higher price., but there has not been any advance established yet. Whisky ls dull and lower, at 270 In bond. lingo dull at 220 lower, and qooted at 107,2507,501 ro. celpta, WOO, Pork quiet at . 1 9. 5 00X,110, and $11.215.41120 =West the Inside rate for- future delivery' Utak Ileatedull. Green Monte dull, and prices lower. Lard: dull, and Is offered at I•M. Money tight, at 9412. Gold, 111tankeeillilarket, 31)Liriricr.y., Dec.ll.—Tlour active and rg millibar, Wheat activn and i higher at 02,0 :IVO. °g ilt l lroVr or iiii4c r°! f ' or ProgtatOna finaar. • Hear Pork 19c, Dre.s4 Hoge firmer at 41,17007,73, [arirni Totzoo, -IMoutiber. 14.—Wboat 3e better; nblte 11loblgan, WAS; amber. e2,7e. Corn 4 shaMa lower; No. 1 mixed, 833ie.. Oats, 44e. live nominal at 41,01. Pressed uop better; I a SL fetula Market. Br. I.4:nus, Deo. U.—Tobaoco and 'cotton, steady and unobangod. Flour. morn active, n man /104‘aX, I singly extra, SO:;3a4 double extra, a1.p0014%, choice, alat/Ili Iplita illarket. - PRIL•DGZTHIA, Decetabor IL—Flour arm at 41.1,0)01140. i Wheat. dull, but Urmer. Pro, 1. atone armor. Mut Market. BCIPPAI.O. MOM:ober 14.—Marke t genOndly unchanged, In store and afloat, hens to-day. WOW/A nI. MAILIELOA FOZT WAXXII d CIIWACIO It. It. December 14.11 doe browns, el 11 Tldball; 2 bbls Stewart; F 2 broom eorn, W e lf:41; 1 4;1 car illarrs,- 8 P Adams; 103• socks oats, W di, corn, 70 do barley J Conga lee; I car tolllfeed; Kelt at Illtebarti 1 do barley, 11 It andwaytt do dodl Eitrong; 10 cars mend, Jan Wood d on 1 ear bay,.t J Hogan; Ido do, U Bea J r ; 110 that band/roi Postley, Nelson it Col 103 undies bides, liana & 111 v ;• 100 bele rye flour, Culp & Shepard 260 bun Pollock . co; 00 bags oats, Alex Taylor" 2 earn stave., lialya oat 1 ear • bay, 1 1 rog. 11 3'ers a co; bbls dblpton Wallarel 1 car bulk meat. Y Sellers. eo; 1 ear lumber, I, Long horn; Li care hay, L X Courtney. • CLITLLAND' AXD PITTPIIIOOII Ilati o nos December 11-100 bbls lime King a eo 144,7 bars iron_l COI billets do, hiledck 44 co; cur lumber, Miler 111 lildwelli4 do iron ore, Bryan & Cangney; do do, W , atiocnberger - Blair; le kgs apple, bolter, W bale broom roi SR om Pl. And/ 1V1Illums; ban. ees, olgt co; 3 oars pig Iron, Hallman, Babes & co; 8.1 wheel barrows, Willie, Aro & co; 5 cars Iron .ore, Lloyd - a. Black; 1 ear do, Wood it, Laing; 1 car Shingles, John Grazier; 18 bbls knobs, Adams.Mcfree I col 2 Iron auf6s, Burke I Darnerreentipty ale bids, Spencer a McKay; Nibble apple& Ilooney; 1 cur an, lay, D tiMweyt} car rye. - KiitlY, Dro & boxes old iron. 'Ullman, /intim 4 CO3l hog., 4 butter, Yedgt.loo. " • - Prrrinitmag, COMMITS 1 Cllmex4Tl It. I;. Decemberl4, 13 bbls apples, 8 she do drl..d, .1 W Tipton' 1 oar lumber, Ugh * Speer, 1 car bile., 11 4 5 A 8141earti 2 bbls eggs, Ikg lard, Frazier; 4 sack; dried apples, DloCtindlago, JamisonONO blals egg., Voigt . & co; 4 do do, .1 8 Dilworth *Ai n s /E . Progn,:ia cke Uir t ferf i littithelni, taller • co* 1/1 7 dg do, F Bbtel ;10 age lard, W liett eeo; 4 bbls molasses, P.Bcott, • • ALLsionart -Brartow, December 14-3 care wheat, Kennedy* Bern 465 • bides, Grootringer .1 Sony 5 bbls eth,„.*P Getty; 4 bads eggs, johr. Ilerbert; 6 'Ow butter, Bennis, Bon & co; KO 0011 tour, 1 -Oet .Wheilit, Coy, Noble & co;.11 drawled hogs, .D Myers] 1 car barley, Kennedy a Lathrop' 9p_kgs MLR* A Carson; l Oar bar., ley, Luta i Halal; do' 40 It Hein; 1 dajuty. Stewart 4t Co, " Ma=ka BELT,uvu. CEVeIiDIAN - k - ,crailta,, No. 11 Lante- • kal& . reg; 4 / 1 111TIA ren Hrttaly PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. MARSHALL, FULTON & ROLLMAN, Only /Intionactotort to the West of HEAVY CORDAGE, tultable for Steam MA ClAlDostit. IIAWNETI LAID 0H . .. WELL ROPE. Tared Ropts for Cate Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING. C/CLhINII COTTON, de., lam. Warehouse, 114 and 115 ;Water liireel, Scar Monongahela Mouse CM= RIVER IrkWl The river continues to :recede steadily at this point with flVe and a half feet lu the channel by the marks last evening. The Alle glieuy is full of floating Ice, and as it is get-, flog hetivy, boats coming up the Ohio erne rtence considerable ,dlttleulty in getting through it. The weather yesterday was cold, bet very favorable for out door business. 'rho Ezra Porter, from St. Louts, is the only transient arrival we have to report. She had a fair trip, including ono hundred and fifty tons of metal, and a large number of oil bar rels. Tito itobt. Moore', from Portsmouth,due her to Thursday afternoon, had not Arrived up noon yesterday, having been delayed doubtless by ice. :she was expected in last ni Ce ' l a -e " n d l w L il eo l ei r g o o b l, L l ' n ly fi g o C m t o l l' a t rtat a rli toA rgAi , did venture out again, in cOnsequence the ice. A packet boat, has a great many land ings to make, and it is very dinicalt to make landings when the river is fell or floating ice. The Maggie 'Mays, from Cincinnati, is tine Isere to-night, and the Minnie may be ex pected In to-morrow. • 'The Ida Hoes, Capt. Joe Brown will leave for Cincinnati and Louisville to- day, without and passengersand snippets should bear this fact in mind, and act accordingly. The Arabian, it, command of Captain M. Cox, is announced to leave for St. Louis this evening, and us there is every appearance of a "freeze-up" soon, shippers should take.ad vantage of um opportunity now presented. The Kato Robinson, capto itobinson,and the Leonidas, Capt. A: It. Mebowin, are both an nounced for New Orleans. The Echo succeeded In getting In trorn nil City on Friday morning, having telt there on Thursday foreuuon, and she, together with all of the boats 'comprising the Allegheny Packet Line, hag gone into winter quarters. The Al legheny river is still receding at, nll City, the telegraph reporting twenty-four inches In the channel—weather hail moderated, and snow watt falling. The tow boat Baltic on her recent down trip sunk It boat of coal at, or near, Portsmouth, ittle, belonging to the Union Coal Com pany. Captain .1. IL Porter contemplates putting larger engines on his boat, the Ezra Porter, with a view to increasing her speed, land than mining her as a regular pac'tet between Pittsburgh and St. Louis: With this attilittati to her power, Capt. P. thinks 'she cull Udib the round trip in eighteen days. The Emma No.:I for Cincinnati, and the Glendale for Pittsburgh, were advertised to leave St. Louis on WeditesdaY. The Maggie Mays and 21111101 e left Cinein. nail for Pittsburgh on Wednesday, as did also the Wananda for n i l. Louts The Glasgow has arrived there from et. Louis, anti was adver tised to leave fort is port on Thursday. The Importer was at Louisville on Wednesday. and the R. C. Di es . at Evansville. The towboats Whale, Simpson, Horner,. Ti gress and llorttet, were at Cairo on Wcllllo, day. Capt. Dryden telegraphs the Cincinnati Coseutered that Charles Miller tt Co.have amt with. another misrortune, having lost t wo more coal boats, containing 15,000 bushels, at the head of Corn Island. It Is thought that a portion of the coal will he eared. This some hem, we believe, lost a boat on tllO falls ut Loulsville on Friday last. Captain George W. Scare, PresT rn ent of the Queen City insurance Compan , returned trout 111.. southern tour yesterday Capt. - Frank V. Batchelor, having retired from the -river, Is now busily engaged on the levee re presentlng the interests of his new business— the Untied States It!iiiery The Glasgow, Capt. G. W, .loniudon, front at. Laois, dl. charges :se tiel•l freight at this port, and tot tons pig iron ut Covington. The Wallow will depart tor Pittsburgh this evening 6..0. 0. "Eater, a well-known New Or leans and Si. Luau pilot, died In St. LouLs on the huh In thlity.elelith year of Ills age. .Yesterday WaS 11112 coldest day of the season, tin the 1.111 tops surrnmellng the city the mercury went down to twelve degrees above zero, and Pittteell degree.; Itliol'/1 ant,. In the city. night, however, the indlea• thane were favorable toe slight moderation—. ..our dispatehes report 'the Missis•tippl full of running Ice at st. LOUIS last night, and the river failing fast. sbould the present cold weather , rontin ee much longer, navigation will Ito ..runkiVll at St . , Louts, which will have a ter/dela-3 . to Improve trade and ',hip ill this quarter for the south,' say., the Cincinnati Csatinercinf, el Thurs day. STEAMBOATS VO It IRO AN I) Lo1;13. C ( —Thr Capt. Itt A. Cos. W/11 roallta.ty le.,' fur the aboar an./ all UAL.mt. di.- porta. on >ATUI[UA Y. at, r. Y. 3 - or tzrlallt or .n . 1, 1) 4 t . :11,1%4.)10 1). AgClll4. >lt 801:c I' I.VAIN 11/ ..1111 51, - 10AN - AVIU 3A.: above. awl alt lotottordlate porta ant VMS 1...01C. 1: frel/4/A or patr.tar aptly on tam , or 10 tlelj al./LC.. A Utt...1.1141.i1/4.001/. •rents. Vollt CINCINNATI.-SAT A 'iwiiiiiowaft — ' UGUA 1 ' I'AtISET, AT Ixlll.. IS PLACE Or THY: SgUICKSTEY..—Tne nor passene gar arsamur stAlfri. IS. L. fl3ll. Cs...wanner; IL If. isinrna, Clerk, will run ay a KESS LAIC WEEKLY I'AUKET as annousced absi•e. Vol . !freight or passage anDly On le - is.r.l or 10 • jASIEn COLLIN'. I Jrl t'slith. I A"'"' tivit br. 'CHILE A N t —The epletulbt otoome KATE KIWI . ..... E'PL NI• 1 10 .1 ,, CM WIP I4Ato rt.l cud lIA Intermediate ports, on nA ru 'WAY. At 4 p. to•. potltt.Cll4 Yor (4 4 .1p0t ar I.A•sage Apply on board Or to CHAAILEP HA)INE-P..1 • it. 4 ' JAHR:4 •AILLI:•S, Agents. VOR CINCINNATI AlNlDg e eM i t Due Hoz., lIIA Itt: 4'PR N 11l Ir•veJor [Lie aIKIVe and all lniertno.itat4 poris, co DAY. at 41 . 01. Ye rfrelzht 40p0. on taard or to 4i,i r LALIi & CuLLINGWI)III). AKenta. - pEOPILE'S UL AltY.F.Iil.l" •CKET be• twe , n viTmuultil II ).1 CINCIN. • • • NATl.—ltir new atnl rtrrancr ARURRY. apt. L. 040 Va.jlesrltr.W. 'I. Yenit, Clerk, loaves Pltbhurah EVERI tVC .NlCtil/nY. 12o'clort if. Leaves Clneln ..att EVERY FRIDAY, at 12 o',lnel t . ,Fur frel,ht or psossge sold, on hqsrd or to - CHAO. N In. Arent. ET.—The ate twlld r.Larxitger steamer BAY Capt. 1111L08611. MOOll2. l'ittaboWb MONDAY AND TILUL:OII , LY ....at 11 o'clock L. Laves l'ukernburg TI . nil , AY A NO ..... o'clock ?. Y. For f0r...'.. .eln:kl PENNA, SAO' NIANUFik. FUR% CO ALT IVIANUFACIIIWG CO 'CTSBURGII. PL. PENNA. S PI J. LANCE, SILK AND WQOLSN• DYER AND SCOURER, ME Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Coven Cleaned ik Iteglazed without unpacking. Nos. 135 and 137 Third Strout, IJoLw gen Wood and I =1 MEM F. MUSSMANN, FtflhStrect,betseeen Tunnel and Chatham Streets, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE Tint owa goods of all dead - 1441ml aiways oe V""'" 14'"I f i M d 12 BELL 8c CU, , 7 -- 7 ---- inchor Cotton Mills, Plasburgti, _ Marko (Atli:ran of ANCHOR (A) /6 lIICETINtIif. ANCIIWft (II) 1111EXTIN4113. ANOffli Ms MI ICRT IMK vo.lo. Sea ...”161, Illiiii SOO - boxes Goshen, Factory and Hamburg for sale by. CHAILLEti u. EALSLIY. NO. Nil Mort street BRCPONS. ICO dosen for sale by caesUcts 0. metier, No. - 331 Llbortr strtet, ad . AIIERICIN IRON WORKS. UNION IRON MILLS GREENBACKS I JONESBz LAUGmns NINTH WARD, PiTrSBURMI. 1 9 A LVVitIPA76I?S'I i. , xriu'rei3Esicri=tctrmr, I= AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Haili,l6 and 10 lbs. to the yard Train Balls, punched and coun- ter sank Boiler, Bridge a - td Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car lt iteels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Ailes; Patent Cold Rolled shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAHEHOIISE AND MICE. 120 Water and 153 Front tits. BRANCH HOUSE, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., 1e1.15 CHICAGO. ILL. KEYSTONE! IRON WORKS. lIITTCHISON';dLASS & Manufacturers of the dtlforcnt Maas of Bound, Square, Flat and ' llorse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &c. Works, PITT TOWNSI3II% on Monongahela river. Office and Warehouse: No. 146 Water street. oc4:141 KENSIEICTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, KINUFACTVMIRR OF Beat Comtnon, Refined Charcoal AND • Juniata Bloom Iron. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON UMW, BAND. 'rand ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and Nil RET IRON. MOWER and ILYJil.fiti BARS CYLINDEU..4 O CARD Olt FINGER IRON . SHALL T RAILS. 2 r and DI lba. tattle Tar WROUGHT CHAIRS anti SPINES for amt. • FLAT RAILS, Punebed Asti Coroleriunk. COAL SCRLEN IRON, , • NAILS and SPIKES. Warebooae. No. kI Water and No. s Market sta. Works, Neroa4 street. Ellin Ward, adjoining City Ow. Works, Fitliburri. FORSYTH'S . .STANDARD SUMS. Copying Presses, • Warehouse Trucks, Baggage Barrows, Sugar Milk , &c. FORSYTH, TAYLOR & .30 11. A tuira kiTLOSKT. r pITTSBUIMH ATEEL WORK ANDERSON, COON * CO., CISUCCLIZOkttI TU JONIS. BUTD • C 0..) Ilanntaaturen 01 tt brat nenne4 Cast Stall, Sonaia. riot Octagon, o fall alata, U.r PILLO4., Hoc, For! and Want Cast tlseel, Cut ntael for,,, REAPING AND MOWING MACHINV, NTICZT PLOW WINGFI, RIMING% &TIMM CIIILIJLASIS, Le. Cut add common Plough and Spring Meal, (Moo—Corner or First and Ross streets, two bloats too itononsaliala EIEZ4 IHE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES NEPHEWS I=l . HEAVY ORDNANCE, AND ALL KINDS oi HLAVY CASTY:WS. Special attention paid to BULLINU MILL WOUK BLAST .11ACHINFAtY and 11ET011.15. BICYAIBB attended to promptly. As heretofore, the beat materials will alWari be used It Ott. Foundry.. Having dlapos,l of our old patterns, we are pre pared, an NOW AND ImreOven_patterns. con structed under the eupervlelee of Mr. KuNsAT, t furnish NAIL IlAell IN ES at short nutlet. tuNiat ISM= W. IL. 111 . 13H11.10.2, - C. T. aaawr. DIACULNL HONES. CHARLES F. GRATTAN!' & GO., - 151ICCr11.011{ to VLSI! In, Olt AILLAI & CO Engine Builders and Machinists, 11CA.NUTACICILLIIII Or Oil Engines, Oil, Tools, • • Arid everything necessary for Boring 011 Wells. rartioulsr attention paid to gating op litiattlng Pulleys, Hangers, &c. • 'Blanton Avenue near Ft. W.& C. Ili 11.. .A.3-ICia,2lo2Xy, gyp. REPAIRING DONE lattlt4B NY. Wart. ..000tt ILLLXN JAS. L. VALLEYr STOVE WORKS. A ALLEN. Ni'KEE Ik'CO.i Chnea and Waighonaa 3.olLibagtg filaiont topposit• tinalahlteld, klaunfactnrea a great variety of COOK, rnaLos HKATINti OTOVEO, among which are thelcel ebratcd Allegheny and Slonitor Coal Cooking Stove.; also,. the , Autoerat and Sentinel for coal or wood, and the unrivalled Si ar of the Empire,. for I r n i v ; '.."d°11!"" pETBOLIA MAC HILNE WORMS / i. u x.assimx. , l", Rau MI Ohle Street, Allegheny, I= IMPROVED SURING MILS. AND PIITIDLIS USED IN SINKING OIL AND SALT W ELIA. partlcalu attention Invited to Ida Patented rovementa to Jar. and Jolo i ts. , mode of donlatta a neilier n o ' d 4 , to anitilf:inisruel'a h u e ordered b . y t‘ in s 'allitr telegraph,S ~la'rtlebbol!ol:sralgOtst eolt,'..se., re those who may with o.Lagos. and machine work made to order. Order. by mall promtly attended to. Iwo prepared to grant licensee to other inanutac. tore?, for them. Improvements on liberal terms.. Son 17 All id egneny P. U. JeZitd • B LACK DLLIIO.7D • 4-• 13 , 3%1E1WT-s Wir.:O3SUME3,, PTITSSINIVIt. Pa. PARK, BROTHER as Co., Itannheturert BENT (].I3ALITY SEFLNED OAST STEEL. ail:are, Vim and Octagon. or all sires. NY arrante equal to any WIN/ Lili or tuantfactared In this coon q7pOltice and le arelannt , and 17913rtsoad streaf PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. ILAIMPACTUAIRS Cr Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunl HOOPS AND arrEETs. rein:o3 PITTSBURG 11. IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD. Alauurooturers of • ULLIIINVIEI, CHARCOAL:, JUNIATA & COLISHILD 1933037M•V orrice AND WAAAROvot, NO. LIS paxlila ST. ucL.13.1. r . w. mall s J. P. noii.aus AL BELLE STEEL WORKS. I=LEirrilllt.sb CO, Mannlantanni 4;71 CAST MUM; BYROM, PLOW and ISLUSTiaIa krPLat.L.:BPALNUS. AXLES, CROW' B t la bint Piaborcia. No W ,WLTES ITIEET gaVaWiSOI JOS. P. 11•1011 4 U. MILLIS. DEQUESNE AND WEST POINT LeN PAIR ER, PITTBIIOIIOH, Penns.. mat. erecters all clam. of Forelnge, Tilt Ste=host Mat_ ,S Greeks, Piston Rods, Levers. Pitman JAWS and Wrieta; also, Railroad 4,alui, Locomotive frame., and all shape work. The andersig led lumina been for many year. encased le the beans/ are prepared to Mullah all orders alitrimMil to item with promptness and dispatch. JUL.. P. latilGH A IR% GEO. F. EICHUCIMAN & CO.. PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, w err iOP L T r iiroWnizof Ise terr mg, Lam, 'tt.t..B.rdpogaz , 1,511%: gliATruirviriflraVitegr. 1121=1 IRON AND FORGINGS Speciel attention Oren to the manufacture of Hammered and Rolled Locomo tive and Car'Axles, mrx.t=tner.aiNT RAILROAD CHAIRS. st'Llt . E RARs, lIRIIItiG InuN I)(JLTs, LINKS ANL) SuLTS, I ISKAR”, LIIRDE.R IKON: OUCAOONALktOLLOW WAL)l3Oler iltoN pu...1•,); AN» AN KI.K INARE.Iiot SE, 95 Water and 1•26 rir,t_streetn; OFFICE, ATTIIE WORKS, NINTH WARD, .1../ rrsßußo H. FORT PITT BOILER • STILL AND TANK WORDS: CARROLL& SNYDER , yAsurAcronmis dr TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED, TUBULAR' FIRE-BOX /t CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLLNG PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS, • STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES. 0111ce and 'Works. corner Second, Third, • Short cud Liberty Streets" • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. promptly ail-Orders se ded nt t o. s will o the above address will:be atten tIY9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MMUS & CO JELNOTACTITREAs o BEST REFINED CAST STEEL ISQUADI, &Cap OCTLEON, OF ALL Ella MILL, MOLLY, CiKFELAK, GANG AND cnoss CPS _SAWIPLATES. ELLIPTIC AND VEMI-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY ~ SPRINGS, Cast Spring Steel, Cant and German Plow Steel PLOW WINOS AND MOWER RARE, . SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, bIIoVEL, HOE RAKE, FORK, TOE CALK ANO MACHINKRI CAST STEAL. .I CROW-BARS, As., Le., ae. Warehouse, 83 Water Si., Pittsburgh, sela:l4 • • ATLAS WORKS, • .11 - 011TOX .STItEE T. Nlutb Bard, fillsburgL. THOMAS N. MILLER, Pre, ident. Mt..« Work, are among the lareval and most corn “tatill,,rnent la the Wei I, and an, 0,, per p,red to furnlin Etegitlenuf Every Destriptinn„ _ HollerS, 011 Takka, Sheet' Iron 11 ark, Railroad Castings, lolling 31111 Castings, Engine Castings.. Machine Callings, General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED.. • MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, - Butler Street, Ninth Ward, P0311 . E Ul.:11./3: IKON 3111.L5, PIT 'l' StO 3317.1=1.43-.13. ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS. ACHINERY AND CASTINGS GINISILLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. 11E.LSO:LILIILE. EBILERT St SIACKLEVIL CRESCENT STEM WORKS MILLER, BARR 41c ?ARUM, BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warranted littlual to any In the Starke either Imported or or Dom Matt talaatsurt. SYNC/AL ATTENTLON PAID TO .11Nr. CAST AND MB STEEL. • Oftlee, 38 Wood Street, IN ST. CHARLES HOTEL /SUILDINO PLTIORIMOLI. brut nth. MIL FIQUESNE ICON AND STEEL WORKS. HALLMAN, KAHN Beoo., mAlioracniql or Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, EUIIGIL AND A. B. BTEEL, AO, . I =c). 77 Water Mitre et, =I -s- Et OSED4LE STOVE WORK& 1.. PETERSON, Sr., & CO., I Kaurstacturers and Dealers to all Muds of Conking and Heating Stoves, the very LATEST FATTIER/NB and STYLE. Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, PITTSIIIIIIGH f PA. WORIS.3, MANCHILSTICIL. as37:1118 IEILAJECILIWA..I B. WOLF. JR., Dzatant Hardware .8v Cutlery: Ale now receiving lame additions to our stock, which is offereet to Dealers at 3ELAS3'I"..IILVLTS Corner Liberty anfl St. flair Ns, ..man X 3 l.ttalibusala, Nom. hIPPINCOTT & BAKEWFIL, No. 118 Water Street, =I M. 1 707.1C71:0113113 07 PATENT ou.oti.NL), PATEN TEMpEIiED PATENT TOOTHED iVIRCULAB ES 11. NAT . !to. 149 and 13171,1 t, as ttaLarrh fel l ma Tliara w irOlLEß 0 MORROW a rauntia, Steam Hollers, Olt Stllls,'Akitatirii, tants, Salt Paue. Gasometers; Wrought Iron Brldgea,Sheet Iron' Work, B•t ., CORNER LIBERTY. AHD SECOND W . 116 PITTSBURG/if:l Pd. /PBEI'AIEINU DONE PROMPTLY. - To7111.:bil UTILITY WORKS. McLEAN & EiLA.TOR, : No. Si Liberty St., opposite Fourib, ttiaturacrcritiasm, 01i13MT If A 111 7 11gi HI c MDWARE' They make a speola ty of Iron Bedstead and Pleat Castors: Foreelaln, Bedstead and flynatiaraesa: Bef dstead Fastenings: Stops for E.U.511610.111 Tants.. onde, They als* insanfacture and bare L oonstanti, band Latches, ttp:lttslett.BditlL . • l4 ...4 Window Saab nupportor. M*Lect!....els.". Button, Utility Knauer and Matt L llinfrelle.' Atone n•ngings, nut Imes, Bask yirttsals; ors.s'ont BILADLIY 111111.11Diml Aiwa i . tOVE WOlllll4 • COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVEV wtt lotH T wit GRAM, GUATZ PROMS, Am, tt.lll oft= saa{lib W ut .rett"oisa. coma mr nearli4 ..woo f itree Watriiir WOO DE MARITTACTORIIIS or =I PITTSBURGH. HOLJLOW WARE3.&c, 111 'ILK! RILL AND CRINSII-0111 =I A. 1310DLEY 4 CO. msal.atioiars a?virieti or ti 4RE GOOD. Lliil 11110 NO IRE BETTER, Robaek's Stomach Bitters, After years or esperlenre and Id .1. have proven to be the best remedy extant fur all ,omplalnts where a tonic and stimulant are required. They never fat 1 to strengthen the weak, Impart vigor to the strong. and In sit respects restore shattered and broken down constltntlons. No remeir has been reeelved • 'din as much favor as 11.1.1BACE.IISTOMAC11 ROBACICPS BLOOD PILLS CIC7I:VE SICK FP: A DACE, Costiveness, 4►► d 411 Diseases of the Bowele. DR. RO BACK'S.- Blood Pills, Blood Pills, AND BLOOD iPURIFIER ARE UNEQUALLED E=l Scrofula, Syphilis, Skia Disease, Old Sores, Salt Intent, Dpspepsia, or Indigestion, Sick-'Headache, LiVer Complaint; Rheumatiim, ftVER I\D ABUT; St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. GREENBACKS ARE gOODi BET VP-i-rmrasu.r2.l ; l.ritr.. ' E 4 24" iIL I I of a riddle laxativ. all efacieut auti-bilhuursfre.d. smiths best stomachic kaaller to the world. ROI3ACK'S • BITTERS about,' Be ate.C. by eonealteeente So attengthen the plostratton which always follow• acute diseases. • • . In dhe hlllona dbtrleta of the' Weet and Booth, there hu. for • lanf time, , peen touch needed. an . article of Stomach Bitters; which, If taken lo prop. er ollantltlee and at the proper tlate..are a NM pre-- Tentative of Hlnom Fever, .Fever and. Agne;. Liver Compbilut, DYePePsi!a, Indigestion, JaundiCe,ll44- n - ey fAimplatnis, Dheasea or a tar nature, and ALre 33ei.te.r . - As apreveullse for baton. deaangement, reanlat I ug the system. and giving tone to the di:owlet's...- Law. than any other known remedy. . Now that the wore o-er, then, wtll be teoeseade • seeking homes in the South. No persow wise Inane' Wallin should go there without bare eettstantly on hand the t ITTEILS, at a sat eireere ellbiese einis• demles sad nutjadlea engendered .br sad. Traweers Wand all residents 'or tabs rank srew. bottoms of the west and sown , and the valley of the Mississippi and Its tributaries, seeald provide them— selves vr111: the BITTL'RS„ PRINCE, -WILTON & =CO -< .Sitctesur3 te Dr, e, W. ReLa. SOLE PRO,PMETOIIS To wbpto all lettersstionld be,4dreotd. N05;':'56;.58,.;.:...69 . and . .:_ii . 2 EAST THIRD STREET, cr.,wevr.xili, O, w•w.■urs . . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers