.• -- mr..k.,;,, ,c==;l =ME Igto Wittoburgh 6agettt. Penniman,.Reed & Co., Al 13kZt,TTE BUILDING, Igo.; Eta Moirth. atrop!e•t. . F., B. PIENAMAZI, Eater.. P. 4101;111011. $ J°ls/-4-1E HIGH Business Nansicess. _gittausom P. REED, DECEMBER 1866. CONSERVATIVE DOLOR. Awhile ago the Conservatives were brim- With-delight. " 'Airritniti WARD expresses it, they were so full they "sloped over." What moved them to ecstacy was the President. As he "swung round the circle," in a manner altogether unrivaled, 'leaving the American flag" to the guard!. unship, of the motley crowds, that awaited his advent, and deriorinced Congress as an excresence "hanging on the verge of the.-governtnent,"- - hut- not constituting a part. of it, their souls were lifted up with letaiagresscould only be got rid of; if the President could grasp all an .thority in his clutch; if he could make his single will stand Instead of the will of the nation . ; if be eotdd,' to appease scruples growing out of habitejof soli-government, swer in. me to lo- get up what rewese ald -giti;ate rep -no p ntative bodies, name but yet be re than ,regiatrars of his - receipts; th e y,aarr the way to the accomplishment of Certain cherished 'delis; and asked nothing beyond. In their infatuation they saw double; that is to say, ,they saw twice as many citizens applauding their ideas as did actually applaud them.- Hence, in their vie*, the elections, then not far off, Were to be in . some sort days . of judgment, in which conservatism was to be glorified and radiCalism condemned. The'result did not cerifoint to these anticipations. The voters 'Vern obstinate and refractory. They had 'the audacity to conceive they were the teal owners of the goverzunent; hail a right M run it, through. their representatives, in the . interests - of justice and liberty; and if the machinery needed mending.in order to do its prbdestfned workmore completely, they had, following the prescribed form, fall au thority to discard such parts as were effete or incongruous, and to put in such addi tions as should enable it to work smoothly " Thireat the Consenatives are plung ,:od indeop affliction. : Their lamentations , are eatessive, andtbover a whole diapason of discords. :One . of them shouts in our ears, all the way' from Boston, "the Radi- cal Co:ingress seems actually to suppose it esti. in _effect 'attolish'the Executive depart.- .Me:itkit' the federal Government;" it "re gards the.Presideittial office, and the Pres& m dent; as ere surplussage; as a'nuisance to =bra abated at the earliest opportunity." *hi, thin, moderate your , Arief, and let us reason together. A little commonsense Insinuated into your mind may bring great relief.- We have known •itto be adminis— tered, with the best effect, in many in stances, where people have been disor dored by a lack of it. - If either the Executive or the Legisla- ' tine department must be abolished;vrhich olio be spared with least inconvenience? Congresses and Parliaments have been Ere. quemtly suppressed. It has always proved a difficult task to bring them back again. It has happened that holders of Executive Power have been sent on their travels, sometimes with their heads in baskets. It has been the easiest thing in the world to 'get a King or President._ There seems to be no danger in that particular. But, is Congress disposed to trample on any prerogative of the President? The people have considered that case, and have decided that the President was stretching his hands farther than the framers of the government intended, and farther tbah was compatible with the continuance of free government. The people, at the ballot boxes, gave orders that the President should be hedged about with . restrictions ; that he should be made to keep on his own side of the fence ; and that his fence, moved Soiw: ard, on all sides, arbitrarily, by him self, should be, set back again ; nay, that the Presidential enclosure should be made smaller than it originally was, if contrac tion - became necessary to the security. - Yrhen the fathers died they deased to have ownership in this government, and wisdom did'not die with them. Whatever respect . is dim their memories, is best paid by cor recting the faults they made in consequence of sharing in human imperfections, and in not letting them "rule us from their urns" in furtherance of what is - wrong. there : fore,the Conservatives have cause of quer rellt is not with Congress, but - with the people, whase aoyereign orders Congresg is obeying. - 'HFAiSPAPEMA The press is an educational force of won derful potency. The bamble and unpre tending newspaper that comes every week into a dwelling contributes imperceptibly ' buttertamly to the intellectual growth of all the people therein. Indeed, it is not difficult, In the obscurer walks of life to :'detect'svlust kind of newspapers a man reg. ularly reads by the opinions he draws and tha methods by which he states and defends „Ahem— Some men who pass for more than ordinarily intelligent and thoughtful know very little except what they have learned from the newsimpers. Nay, let any one . sit down and deliberately pass in review his stock of knoWledge, accurately discrim inate what he is indebad to the newspa• per for, and what be has acquired through other sources, and he will be surprised to And how largo are his obligation* to the public journals. An uncommonly shrewd observer of men, and ono per/smalls, an . aittainted With most of the eminent men of hln • day; remarked that some of the most'con. spleitons among them, radiant with genius and all other qualities requisite to conga . tatngreat leaders, were mainly newspaper - men; that is, they relied throughout long - . ,sutd'brilliant careers chiefly upon newspa pent for facts suggestive of ideas, aed large ;ly for- the discussions whereby the real and t apparent were separated frum each other. It may be said, moreover, that newspa- pars manufacture more great men than are made by any other process. It Is a matter s of notoriety that very few public men, up• on deliberate hearing and' actual review, bear any lair proportion to the reputation they enjoy.. Many men for whom nature • has done better, and art less, have a collos- Mil fame, which will not bear to be exain .lned too , closely. In these cases the differ ,.ence between the real and the imaginary , is the 'product of newspaper landMion. ••• ',."The play not feel uoder obligations 'to the press in this matter, but the fortun ate individuals who reach high positions through this expenditure if in it have abundant reason to prove that the newspa per is a power. • • Tze Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago lisped a circular, complaining that the city is too, full of persons of tho male gender in search of employment.. The association advises_young men in the country to•stay at home if. they can get' -any work to do there, and to stay at home ,any how. The sarise condition of affairs oziste kere. ECM EDITORIAL OLEADIDOS The Fen fens are active in every town and city of the country and large amounts of money are being daily forwarded to the head-quarters. What disposition will be made of the funds is hard to determine, and it is equally impossible to surmise any good to follow for old Ireland out of the present spaittodic ruovement. The Irish are warm hearted stud easily drawn Into . whirlpools 01 excitement and enthusiasm, . but are impracucable and lack judgment. Doubtless the intentions .of We leaders in the Fenian niovement are honorable; if so they unwittingly are victimizing thousands and thousands of their fellow countrymen. BEN. Noon, State Senator of New York, and John Morrissey, Congressman elect, met in New York the otber evening. Edu cated an d h ig hly moral gentlemen never hate any ditlicuity in enjoying themselves in company with each other, and these two . distinguished sons of the virtuous and h a ppy Democracy formed ,no exception to the rule. The politics of the copntry with them was not so particularly one-sided as faro. Ben challenged .Tohn or John chal lenged Ben. Ben cleared John out of $140,000, and John retired in the best pos sible grace. AT Memphis, a spirited public meeting of merchants and citizens, was held to in augurate some plan whereby the present exorbitant rents in that city may lie brought devils to an honest level. Such a meeting should also be held here, as business inust certainly be seriously impaired during the coming year, if the - proposed advance in rents goes into effect. THAD. STEVENS' position assumed ic cently upon the case of Jeff Davis, has caused considerable talk Itt Washington. He says that Davis cannot be tried as a traitor, as ho occupies the position of a belligerent, and it would be cruel to pass a law after an offence for the sole purpose of hanging the man. Cu cruaarr DMA be a dark hole of in iquity. It contains no less, than one hund red and•eight notorious houses of prostitu tion, and fifteen gambling hells. - • Fours hundred shares of Dunkard Oil Company stock, sold at two cents per share at a Philadelphia sale; somewhat of a de cline. THE National Guard Regiment,of Phila delphia will be in attendance at the inau gnration'of Governor Geary. THE SENATORI4L : QUESTION IN EDII'OIIS Gazuvva::--There e is hardly a paper. comes out but has some new name offered as a candidate for United. States Senator; and most of the men that have been offered are good and true, and no doubt would serve the country honbrably and faithfully; but, how could we spare such manse MOORHEAD and EMILIE:iII from the hallo, of Congress. Why not take up an outside man, one who has no superior among them all, and but few that arc his equal?--arid that man is our worthy Gov ernor, A.CDREW G. CL'Ealti. lAM satisfied if the question was left to the votes of the Republicans of Beaver county, that he would get ninety-nine out of every onq hundred votes, and I have no doubt but it would be the same all over. the State. He has been fairly tried and not found wanting.. , Every soldier of Pennsylvania will always feel grateful to GoveritorCuuvut for his kindness and at tention to their comforti while in the ser vice. I don't look upon there being a shadow of a chance for any other . man in the contest. BEAVER COUNTY. —Garroting prevails In Detiolt. —England Is described as iortarbated. —The trichina has reappeared In Germany. —San /iambics) Is spreading one over sand —A. Mobile paper says that city Is becoming moral. —a negro has been hung for rape in litleh mond. —A woman in Detroit was ricontly frighten od into insanity. —We regret to announce the death of the Maharajah of Itategnrb. —A murderer has been captured in Illseourl br means of a fortune teller. —A Virginia Court has decided that a wife's clothing pelongs to her husband. —The new bridge across the Ohlo, at Cincin nati, was predicted forty-seven years ago. • Sedgewick made the mistake o Ithlnk- Mg that the occupation of Mexican cities was his proper, occupation. —A hunter recently found 97,900 In coin hur led in a keg, near Wolf island, on the Mississip pi. The treasure is supposed to have oelong ed to some deceased rebel. —The statue of air John Pmnltiln, the Arctic. explorer, was recently uncovered with impos ing commie& • Lady Franklin made her last public, appearance on the occasion. —An Exchange says:—"The President says he is Just as guilty of the charges of commie!. ty In the assassination plot as of Muer charges -and no more. "Then why not hang him! —An exchange says: "The Ilenken intends to be at the great Exposition." There is gen erally a great exposition wherever she Is. It is said she will represent the popular /agenda of America. —the Wage and Means Committee will soon take up the Tariff Bill. If the Senate Finance Committee's amendments are ,unsatisfactory, the Ways and Means Committee will get up an independent bill. •rllie Italians having:recovered their high ly prized Iron crown, which 'was taken Away by thelaustrians, have become so elated that, it is to be exhibited to the public in a sort of triumph -at the Royal Gallery of Anna in Turin. —Mrs. fintratt's house at Washington has been occupied by aeveral families since that lady's death by hanging but none of them stay long, and,Lhere in a b loody-cording story that Mrs 8. Is a ghostly visitant there almost every night. —The purchase of Lower California has now been formally confirmed by the Juarez Gov ernment, and the title is settled beyond rea sonable doubt. It is the largest purchase by private, persons In modern times. It covers 10,800 square miles, extending from the gulf to• ocean, between the Derail els Cl twenty-four de grees and twenty minutes, and thirty degrees of north latitude. CONS UNIDOTION CAN BE CUBED, ad Is being cured every day by persors wbo nae the Ser. IS. d. WILSON'S 011E412111/113DY Flat (X)2:13131112110$. noise who have end It are call• lap constantly to testify to Its great merit, and the wonderful enteis Ratite performed when Men, ease was eonsldered''honeless, Bold only lri rlttsburgh 1 JOSEPeI Ps.l.lBiNti'D Dreg aria PatentBiealcl. e Depot, No. 84 Menet street. • dent by mall anywhere on receipt aims and procure ► pare plet, string tall history ai Uanextraordinery medicine. detitY76 What Migrantes Dint m ant Will Do 2 ' I , t u l Iteb in from gt to SS ooura. .1,1 ‘ ,.418 , 4 i moat obstinate eases Of Tatter. " 1 4yonla Kriel psi asi of ttiePee. will . 11 1g..5.. ...6p i gis nit gain Itistases. •OTCH" O Dr. l!eiers.4l,tre soratel no more. .41TO14" Dr. Frew.aunt, •• TETTER" iTq "w , • xisk jwy • - .TETTIit .TILTTIt B it" " , •ITCH'. TO TAIL "ITCH" . rTETTER" li ge rgeti ralt , b r yitr 6 BLi UTI%4 akTTS.II ., , BdSV:lielltreet, OHO. A. MELLY k aT.. 412 2 144 . J(18. YbEgiliSti. 8* Market et., a:Tuu - kre_ st.. ear. 4th and Mutat Otranto, Pittsburgh. u,alli.r . Diurrr, Aikshenv. ..zslawres. ..AN AUTUMN • SUGGESTION Now, u heavy toga arise and searchlag winds com mence to blow; novr.si the human body, exhanin.d lite inanimate nature by the heats of rummer, be. phis town! . and droop; now, ere 'the Inclement lantern:aka Its trying onset; KOW la the time for *preparatory rooms of the Bert acclimating medi cine In nab - Linnet . Fever and Ague Is rampant in ell puts of the country. ilninine. the, physicians admit. will Dot quell trill phase of the altease "'bleb at prerent per !notes the entire West. It ts well that It 1e so, for the remedy (so-called) Is deadlier Than the malady. liat. If quinine Is inefficient In intermittent foyers EttaiTWlTEft`b taTTILIta irreslrtible. /mould be safe to make a contract, underlie avy penalties, that any "tech "Yever-and-Airits District" should be exempted front the disorder for any particular time, _ provided every inhabitant would - take the, ITTE - 1113 sec rding to affections, doting the term of the contract There has never been an instance to medieloo which this sterling Izmir:mint and slat-febrile medicine has failed to Warta" the com plaint, when taken duly as preteetion against malaria - Hundreds of plat stelae, tutvo - abandoned at gra *dicing sweeties and now prescribe this haw ,. yesetable tonic, awl emitting, else, as • preventive one cure for all Ills forms or chills and :ever. v s . the t . l . llllff . emOst heedful In these ereineeroai "erection, etattgigsginalrirtislitiare the safest, ehr: est, and roost estelase:l2e .11rehlethentn6 peepers. ttth that bombs skill bum 001100C1ear BEAVER COUNTY EtiAL NEWS HOSTLTTKE'S STOMACH BITTICKS WM. B ' rHAM, Jr., Adams fitrinur G YA" . 54 4Vgli &rad. is an authorised SD" to re.." Advirarennents for the GAZETTE, and aU other. papers throughout the United Biala and He. . osnadas. g 0 .11;L:hEl aiv Taira xirr U g. i ll! . cr. d i SUNDAY A. tOla a.. •• come School at 9 A. X. 'Al i the pe op l e rFIBSTMAPTIST CHURCH.— Until the completion of the new Chapel. ...mic. will be held fn1f1A19)14110 HALL. Preach ' Lan by the Palter, Ras. JtltEtt S. DICKERSON, ""I:l,l3l.Agniiigg at 1t t ° ol ' inliot. m l; tt ' . firt be annro,late to the death Of /BA B. Me ' AYE tats an °dire ef the church. • SABBATH SCHOOL at 2 Wrlock. y. All are cordially invited to attend. ar" RELIGIOUS . THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Alletheny City. of which JOSEPH KANO Is Pastor. till the comPle lion or tcelr new house or worship, wI I continue to meet In-EXCELSIOR HALL, corner or Federal and Lacock streets. hervkcs every LORD'S DAY at ling a. nt. and 7y D. in. Prayer Meting on WED NESDAY E YES IN II at o'elortf_ 2rIVOUNG 111E111 CIIBISTI IIII ASStit lIATION.—In accordance with a res• elation of the Association, at Its last usseting, the roll-book It now open at the storo of WAVER lid• CIANTOCK On fifth street. All who are been pressot at ady o g of the Assort. lion, and such oilier t umorala yonag men of. Pitts. burgh, Allegheny or surrounding , boroughs as de- Are to hreome nismbers. are Melted to do to by the payment of TN 4 , DOLL/SUS (the the ter to Oilier. McClintock, and nll Wag the Constitution, at any time before the V,th Inst. deM:Pel ' - ' , ""SABBATEI SCHOOL. TEACH. ERR , INSTITUTE.—IIy ordtr of the Con vention recently held In Sharpsburg. the following Institute will be bed In tom Pr•sbytertan Church wrarentum, on WEDNESDAY and THU Relt•T. December lath and anti, that. All C. C. Teachers, and °dicers and pastors are Welted. Help la ex pected froM tne City. Programme. Mona INO.-10)00-10)30—DeVOtIonal-7 . Tap- Ic—Entire Consecration to Christ. 10:3o-11:3A—Dis cussion. What aro the Features of • a uood Sabbath School. and how can they be Secured? 6 minutes: m—Review of !Mum kisbleet. ArrenlicoN.-2WO-I:3l—ltesponslvo Reading by the r or remarks. Tonle—G Love forlnstitute Soul ; s 2111-S:CO Id Tht odel S. S. alicreat In titute edit he' Cratedi vlded Into classes. each appointing its teacher, and going over the lesson, Luke le, 1-in. the same as in ) followed by reports sad criti cisms of the method adopted In emit east. a rile . 17 al review Of th e lee,oll by theeneductor..".... - d Mason. EVLdilat).-7:OC-7)—Prayer or Iremgrk). Topic— Convtralon of nil the Children and Youth in our S. bees s. 7.3o—Addre. 4 on the general subject °title work, with special erfcrence to tile wants and dial cultlos of country ,ehools. Followed by criticisms and discussions. SECOND rretbn al—Prayer or Remark.. Tople—Chrlaclaella Unity. 9:n:-I0)30-110del Traceer , Meetleg) followed by 10,30-17 , 1•1 sr—Specimen °hied Teach leg—Specimen Concert Exercises. Discussion. •rrenNOON.-2»o-2:i..0—Devotional—Uraver and Remarks. linie3:oo—Question Drawer Opened. a:00 —Mechem Infant Cla-s Teaching. delfdr9l Or:MERCANTILE LIBRARY 14.131CM'Cr1 = 1.13 03 . MIL GEO. VANDENHOFF Will Seller TWO entirely neer Headings, at II ACA DEMI' OF Artrsic, Tatsdly and litindaylrtuirp, Iletemitr t ihacd 20i SADING TUEND.II EVENING, Itte. IN from TIZE4O , 7—•X3EIFILIEI, • The tireat French Comtc Dramatltt. Concluding vrlth the vrtiole Comedy of Lr. MIDECIN rIT SI .1. E 1..GR E L .ll.3l.l Ul r6Lrrlll: DOCTOR IN L 4 Or 1. • H[ADIMu THUBSDAY n. nom ..• 23731%Trtir Q. • ' .Coneledlog with the hlghly humorous sketch of THE rzemarr FAMILY AT TUIRIZIN Dome open at 7. Reading at' 4. Tiet eta 30 cent , . it itaEn t ED Stall. JAMES B. SCOTT, I OLIVER LEillkioß, JAB. B. RoRDAN, WK. P. It 10411/SET. BENJ. Y. J ENNIEUS, r. WAIVE; T. R. BILLER. Committee dele:ea% • IarCITY HALL. Grand Concert, Vocal sad Instranarntal, alien under the sonde, of the Bons of Tempera.e. Ptltaburrrh dlyhdon, No. ^t at CITY / 1 / 4 0, 1 l:eul)AV Y.VENING. Dec. ti. lu - 4 On Int o oe• ca.lon the fullowlus selected prusramma wlll,be yr...en...h. . . . . . Datable go artette—; .- The Bagley , lni, •• .lien4rl4ooo Yrs. ad ehelb, mid 31i eelnhart, Ileusbovr I..olthDa an eot . d Erred t w ant s. Denham. aeMr -ra.Wade. rreurler Conrerto (dr Vianoatee. DC Ilerl - 1 or. Man . m - • • . , Barcorolle....••Trll e ger tie 3lablon"....Uounod Miss Mary 1.. Laughlin. . . (natal° Violin A crompanlmeo t by Mr. Manning: Scena....llcarye. lerael..” from I.llJati.Mendelmot • Mrs. Ann'e M. etteln... Grand Doett (Two Manor, ' Kotteror On Themes from Ilendelroolln'•1111.1sommer Slants Dream. . Mr. De ll= Mell or. Mr. ellor. Recitative and e .I.ncretia , 11 1.f., Reinhart. rani oaf oar,. \lent 13 mla Vendetta . Mr. W. Ii : Edward. • "Beware.' Mr.. Annie M. nbelb. ••111. wa. Desplsed,•• "Mcsalan • Mrs. .Norman M. Saint.. CM • . • •• • - • Urand.Tantanste de Concert, nu nlotlft— From — ll Trucatore.” tiottrenstk • - . Yr. De Ilan, ...irriss Sumo •• . Reinhart • Qaartette. "The rr.l.e of thl i r, asr lj., . l,nixcro Wade,ll7veco C. c a gtont, llreedtad . u £4 , l : 7 l.o rdo x . m,c Sel - Tbe two se pet b Concert Grand Plans...saw d na ibis v.:easiest are of Chlckesing .t. Con's. Inewurse (ere. and bees ben & 'kindly fornlsbed by Messrs. Melton S, Co.. from their Ithorrie, Wood street. Cards fill'Adentoolon I 00. Trout 'irate reserved or I F„..,tieamm acemar.rac I with ladies. Doors open at 1 o'clock.' Conc.:et to commence at Ifi o'clock. • dog: GOLD WATCHES AND CHAINS =EI J. R. REED (0., .i.,„ MY CHRISTMAS GIFT. No. 69 riNts meet. FIIIXEIIt ARTICLE OF USE , Ij i. House Furnishing Emporium. Too can Ond BOOT BLACKENEICASES, SILVER PLATED TEA AND DINNER SETS, iILDCK 11N Ana BRITTANIA TEA oETS, and In (hid Pieces; PLATED TEA itrid TABLE SPOONS, PUKKA SOUP LADLES, COYFEE DENS. ICE PUKKA Y. PITCHEIIS And TEATS. tiIIt)LETS. CUPS, KNIFE BESTS CANTORS, from $l.OO to eGrk or 00 , +Mae Yon mto nelt for In the lint of. Monteith Iluuec.YornlshlßY Hardware, No. 12.1 Wood Street. deli W. W. BRADSHAW. BAILEY, FARREL & CO., LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD MANUFACTVREHA AND DEALEBNIX =I Dram and Steam Goods, Gas Fixtures; Gas Stoves, Earthen Ware, Silt and Force rumps of ati deserirtiona Tqcs. 167 elmitkinol.crielt., PITTSBURGII, 0132:1 CHEAP HOUSE, THREE STORY BRIDE DIVELLINO. F1E133:132 Location—Unit street, Dear Fourth, Flttsburreli l!MME111 luqutre of lIITEXL W1L5.011, NDANSAB AND /ARAL ,NI ZATZ AUDITS, No. tki rsoltbfleld Stria, 'VALUABLE STOCKS & BONDS.— , TUESDAY EVE:NINO. Dec. IRS. at No'clor.s. vrlll lx sold on eecond noor of Commercial baler Itootne. ICti Ilasilthaeld 40005. 15 snare. 0111100.' N ational BanY : 15 . 6 pirmlusham Una Company; ttq` • trine Uht Company; " entrat tit this fork; 60 " Union do do 10 a. Colombia Oil CoteprnY: * City*, rittaburgli 6 per CI at. Coin. Bond. 6.000 Alle .; gheny County pct mot. Com'prosilla Bond 1 .000 Allegheny City 4 per cent. Bondi. , dela A. 31cIL.WA1NE. Auctioneer. ADNIINISTILILT RIVES NOTICE.-- Wk., Letters of Administration on the ca ttle V Andrew. Wolfe, dree•se.., have been •rant• ed to the ooderalgoed. all lie met knowing theni• w a s Indebted to sold estate will call and mate tloy:Lltgond Mote having claim. will present iIiSU AN A • WOLFE, d°14 1.6% otlrttt ntrett.. GOLD WATCHES AND CHAINS vottlikLK BY M=Ml delFs p', Nu, 131 , 1 Fifth street • . .F L° T . ,9l 3 sy li ßri_L lE 4; ° 4 l . l „CORN MEAL! " wiolott at • luood do do pa lour; Rakers . Flours, good to Chub,b r Rya Floor: Ituckwhtst Flour; Whits COM Kral, kiln dried: do and al i ti A ll t ar d a dra t. r, N. ' 0 •Lt l b s e r Cr i l i ru r t d . 4 1 ° 71 IiENRY AEA, Jr., • - 110IIR, ORLIN, PRODUCE AND nazastaxcaacrir. wits LIBERTY AT.; ITITSBOTS9II, PA detalrq NSW ADTlKEingranorrs. JANET. BRADY & CO., 1 0110011mors to 5. Jones d C 0.,) Corner Fourth and Wood Ste. BANKERS BROKERS, ;Dilixas in.t.t. manna or GovOnment Secnriticth - Fore_ Exchange, GoloN Silver and Coupons. COLLICTIO I6 made on all aceessibla Point+ In thelJnited &Mai and Canada& Interest allowed on Time Deposits. G' OLD-WATCDES AND CHAINS FOR S& LE ItY J. R: REED A 1:41., FOR SALE. ° rout 33axwailis. SHOE OTOUG Di GOOD PART OF CITY. Dolg,liood Holiness. Enquire it .N . Z64 ' IIII.IIK ET 611168 T )Cr MIIioxONOASILILA DION R - 01105, / Mil December 10, MG rOPAIRTIIIERSULIP NOTIEE.--We hate assoelated wills as as 0 member Or Our dm, DATin IL OLIVER. Hatioe room Neetemtu r r 11th, Ike. Name and style detG of the Una unchanged. c ' OLIVES it PHILLIPP. e n VALI(' LE BUSINESS STAND CoirL ELILT-213. • Thal3iestness Maisie fidw Occupied by HANNA. BAWL' a CU., with h front of2o feet on Wood street and 60feet on Third Atreet. At 25 feet from Wood street and thence to the rear Cll4. the lot to 25 feet wide. Title amiltrotstat. Apttly to I 0 J td. e I fURINSON, or • R O3l KI N AUDERIAWS FINE WATCHES. AUUEMAN•tI nNE.V(ATCHES, AUDEMAWS PISS WATCHES, 171262111 J. R. REED Ac No. 118 Fifth strtel FOR THE HOLIDAYS. LADIES' FURS, The Lergestandilest Stock lo Meaty'. SELLING EERY LOW AT THE HAT, CAP AIM FOB STORE Or HS OCI 11. 7:/ eft 00.. 131 WOOD STREET. CLOTH SAOtitrES, Waterproof Circulars, Plaid Wool Shawls, d. Brach(' Sh alas, • FOR BALE AT LOW lIRICEB, BY WHITE, ORR t - CO., No. 23 Firth Street. den SEASONABLE GOODS SOAPSTONE GRIDDLES, PAT EST USIDIIIIII , Ia. Porcelain Lined Iloilo 5•4%1Pgrtztr...... .., roaceleable article to our line, at in • liorsixrnmurists Inronarx, No. 124 4 121kpcma latzroot. W. W. BRADSHAW. „ONTAQS AL:lin BREAKFAST 811ANVI.S. GLOVES, MITTS AND WRISTLETS, LADLES' ADD °mumps LEacallos WOOLEN nom, seeQuEs, AT PHELAN'S 01:0 STAND STOCKING STOR Pi 24 Fifth Street deL , GOLD WATCHES AND CHAINS ram I=i3 BEIM M SKATES! MUTES! SKATE: HAVE RECEIVED MOST OF 32Y trrOCK. en! coticr to the Trutt • setecUrm from 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS RAKES Before purchasing elsewhere, ca and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES SOWN, No. 136 Wood Street n 015.013 SKATES! SKATES! Club Skate., SKATES F6B THE MILLION c•arr,mw , es. Dispatch Bs'Mimi, Fifth Street. 4101 GOLD WATCHES AND CDAINs =MI deln:p%. JISSO LUZON OF PARTNERS Ell P. —The partherehip heretofore .exiltins by and bitten the andenlausd. anderlhe name and atyle eroW6:.9, 11.6NNEDT k WARPEII. hes been MI6 day dinolre4 by mutual reasent, Harper retiring from the dm. The Iniel nee. n.lll be hereafter conducted by Frederic% uwcne and John Kennedy, under i.e name and at) le of A KENNEDY, at the old stand, 76 Federal street, Allegheny. FREDERICK K. OWE:in, JOHN KENNEDY, WILLIAM HARPER. CEO DISSCUTION OF PARTNEIiw 1011 P.—The parineechlp heretofore existing between J. FILIDIOULI and H. 11. baIITrIADIII. In the OIL silb s _under the erm name of BARBOUR a s'IdITHSON, wee dissolved on De- Ecember erh,•1866, Inst. be business of the late lm will b.., settled try H. 11. SMITHSON, at Room No. 7 111 . 11 Block, Pittsburgh ra, 11.41. lIMITIIRON. det4;pss M==!l CANDY TOYS! CANDY TOYS 3,000 HOSES CANDY TOTS On baud and for sale at PASTERN PIM Ed, by ' P. ZIMMER dkCO., Candy and Toy Manufacturer*. dct•pst Corner lUxtb areiLlberty street. FORTY TBOUSAND IN USE OF PEINOSII4IIII4II4IIU 01t0ANIS • siDISW LODEIeiIi. Iteerp luitrament warranted for FIVE 'YEAS'S. An Illustrated Quonset'''. with Ihll description of ogles, will be sent IVet, to any address. • IrIIABLOTIT DUMB, NO. 43 ruin stmt, second door above Wood. deli • Wholesale and iletwil Agents. fro CONTRACTOBS.--Healed Pro. A pmle will be received a thls othae until SAT URDAY-, P.C. tfith, at 4 o'clock r. M., for MAX IMA A WHAliff from Goodrich' street to Gray's alley.' One vinare to be completed by April Let. OM, and the balance to be completed by tic Lobar MT. Inform. tion relatlng_to the Ulna Can he otnalooo from JOHN MatlltAW, enelnuan of Coto natter. or. It. li. YEAntibil. dethipTe • Olty Controller. • BUTTER AND EE S. ID bt d d:. frvd. inr Jwt recd ved and tar F la by d. " f . can aittlet an A" d Ignits°tralL.44e.s CORN MEAL—IOU bush. Sifted Heal waived and int gala br Yrarden aIIbfIITIONO. mutat, awl SIM strectl. NE I NT ADITEatTNEENEENTA. J. r. STARK & CO., BANKERS, Orner of Wood and Third Streets, l 3311:rir -AST= fEEETaTJ BIM) STATES BONDS, GOLD, SILHE, LID COTEONs, D ,V TU. and SIRLI Bing Ex.elmo go on ENGLAND. FRANGE. G I.IIMANY, ITALY, 2tc. OE! COME. AND SEE • Our Superb Assortment of CARPET CII 'IRS, • . ORIENTAL. CIIAIRs, ABM CHAIRS. RUSTIC ARM CHAIRS, CAMP STOOLS. FOLDING REDS, _1 TABLE & DOORMATS, •LOTIIES HAMPERS, FANCY B.tSKETS, TOILET WARE, Vol KEY AND • • • TABLE CUTLERY. WIRE, WILLOW • awl WOODEN GOODS, Thr largeot ,took nod Inn st assortntrut In tbn West at Now York prleen, at the Hootc-fura Ming Eta. orlmo. FlAh t!ett 3aca.11241. Wood. Eitroc.t. W. W BRADSHAW. SKATES! SKATES! . ' SKATES! 2,500 PAIRS OF SKATES Jost recelved.dlruct from the Idanufeclurers, and .elling at DUSUF-AOTURERS' PRICES.. .46.. r. . __ HENRY MINER'S MAMMOTH BOOK STORE, Next Door to the Post Office. Call an,lesaultn. the btovk lot pal...before ',de cimated. 4lel2:p4A KANE'S PATENT PETROLEUM SOAP. SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP & BEAUTIFUL. AA }JOUSTS HIM ANDIASIIIAG SOAP COIBINED, - I K.CTE' PETROLEV.Xf 80.1 P • After numerous ratiofvtory tests le hundreds of conedemtly uttered to the publle, co Us retablialted merits, es the best Tellet soap in the market•, as a Mot-rate Washing Celan and I.:easier of all clotb Stains. It to also anti eferacloue emollesta, being excellent remedy for all ellt.eo. Diseases. /roue its peculiar chemical combinations. Is is en tirety free from o ebb...et odors, and [OM'Su sob" stancee. For sate at the princloal Druggists and Greeters In Pittsburgh-sod Allegheny. no2Dola CHEAP DRY GOODS . FOB CORIFIMIS PREEN Fp. • ANOTHER LOT OF THE CHEAP /LIT MICILINOti AND THIDET CU./111SW the atty. Also Gill oneoftment o PLAIN AND DABBED POPLINS, EPACCAMI, • DLIACLIED & ENDLEAVD Nth LINN, 'RIND LIN ENN, BARRED & PLAIN (VENTRE FLAN- N ELN AND BLA NM FTEN. 13=1 J. A. REED Jk 1' 0 .trtr. Betreeta rirth .trtet and it, Dt.moml det2:1,71 ,FIRANKLIN SAVLNGS BANK, No, 13 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Pa, STOCKHOLDERS. INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE TDU Bank baring been lately organized. 1, no forn f . ViT!::."froVi .° "o* On: l'oblie bl nare.• Deposltamealved to p,r and current fund,.,okra,, .Lowed on 'lam depotits. Colleetioe. made On all principal point. In 11. tilted Pint," and Canada.. Itlaeount Day.—EV city TVEPDAV suit FE 1)A V. Pt Gee. R. /3110 k,• I John A. Scott. /Omen Drum. Jura. W. 11.11. .nl.l Raererron. George W. 1.11030, William 1 . 8 , 13. JAMES 11. RIDDLE. Cashier dela:pll .fln-s..lliatt 1;aI-n.Jtaa.I..d. 4! BARR. KNAKE & BlaalLEß, N 0.12 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh nulAnslY Pianos, Clrgans, 1re.341e. Agents for the C.lo trilled BRADBURY New York. arId§CIPALACKER a CO.. PlAlladel PIAN.S.. Also, EsrEy a CU.II '•CCTTACT.,•• .0.1 E. D. 11. blf MIPS •'A9ILIRICAN" 01t0ANS, .od TILTUN•ii PATENT. OUITAE. The Last Italian and German Violin and tiultar airing, alway• on Land nolnoZ .1•11Re•X STIIICRLXIL C 11. MORLS PUS IMON CITI SPICE MILL. STRICKLER& MORLEDCE. likar Peons. A.... llavinc recently tiurchtee't the above Mill. we respectfully Inform the public that we will continue the manufacture of PURE SPICES and MUSTARD, ste., which we will bo able to foretell to WHOLE SALE and RETAIL DE aLEIts at the LOWEST MAiticrr PRICE. Also, COFFEE and DIMMED NUTS ROAIsTED to order on abort notice. RYE 111.00 k andirltliatt GROUND CORN MEAL con stantly on hand. Aiming to deal fall .we solicit the patronage Of the nubile. It J. 11A XTEIL formerly of the Coupes. Spice Huh, will he 1000.100 !mod at the mill at all times to attend to the wants or c.taint tn. J. H. HEED A CO., No. AR YIRb gree rEMEM AMEN'S REFINED'. CIDER. A Superior Article Feat SALE BY GRAFF & REITER, Sole Agte., 215 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. n073:.4 IN CONSIDERATION OF NUNIEB. outs IXPLUtIIONS that are weekly occurring from the hoe of IN FICKILOIt OIL, the understgned hare c.neludell to .11 their OIL AT ILLTAIL at their WAIIILIIOUnE, No. 88 SlZeis-Vs.ot Eftroot. 'the 011 le guaranteed to STAND A FIRE TEST OP 110 D UltttlS and onwards, andL Inspected for export ey competent Inspectors. Those who desire •un [form and ItILLIABLIC AR TICLE wlll do well to purchase the 001100 lb. BUFFUM. IKETIEW & CO' 2 , 0. 3J 3IAREET bTIIEICT. Machinist* and all others ean be fttralshed Lard npe.in and Petroleum Lubricators at retail. notnonc pAnTNEns HIP NOTICE—JAMES M. CH ItlbTli has purchased the interest of 'JOHN HALL, la the firm of JOHN HALL A CO. The muse an , l style ut the Arm will be JOHN HALL & CH., as heretofore. r7v. flj€ tV=ll VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, 191 sod 188 Liberty S eeeeee e Pittsburg!, JOHN HALL & CO.. litannfs(tarera of all varieties of Northern and Sonthern PLOWS, UNION NOWILLIN, NUIALLY TIAT BAKES OULTIVATOIInr, to, and dentate In AIiftIOULTUNAL , 11111.Z.11aliT8 of all de scriptions. Yirfailtrana, 'Da:. 1, ISM 10 . nI f Ia LINSEED OIL receive bY GEOROIC A. lESLLY • CO.. 643 • iniolosal• Mania& Wood stmt. H. J. LYNCH'S, xg"c.. 69 ThErtarls..crt Saco... to W.L.3IE.LINK ♦ R•Rtt tad Muotcal loot generally FIFTH STREET EXTENSION PiTlllll'li LER d 310121LEDUT. cATt.33. E=l2=2 = SELLING • FFI THE ENTIRE STOCK IF CLOAKS & F U RS..! STOCK, LEASE L',;'l4 . RES Foy Male. BABE MANCE TO GO INTO MUSS. 'EU BE SOLD TO LEAVE TH CITY. GUNSEMIRSER CO., No. 6S MARKETS ET. Erma GO TO PL.C.)3E3303FUr.% 7 7 No. 16 Fifth Street, FOR ROLM GIFTS. They have Ju it received a large and well selected stock of FINE GrOCVDS, VF DlA79Clorq MOO. AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS `V‘rArECIIES, NOLID SILVER WADE. PADIAN GOODS, FORKS AND SPOONS. • TABLE CUTLERY. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, -craing - Eses, deo. And • eery large stock of • EWE BILVEB,PLATED WARE, Yrom the beat Manufacturer. and the rERr LATEST STYLES. Do not forget the Old Stand NO. 16 FIFTH STREET. _aoN:o9s,ly MERRY CHRISTMAS! hALL AND SEE OUR ASSORT 511ENT OF USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL GOODS, .oltablo for tilft., coo alsting of SKATES, ALL SORTS AND !M.S. FROM 181.10 To 823.00, BROWN'S PATENT BABY TENDER. WALNUT BRACKETS. BOOK SHELVES, BOOK BACKS, TOILET WARE. JEWEL CASKETS. FINE WRITING DESKS. • LAVA SMOKISCI SETS, ' LAVA VANES:Acrid IATCII SAFES, CHINA AND LAVA SPITTOONS. AT THE HOUSE-FURNISHINO EMPORIUM 184 ‘7lVc>coct IStroet. W. W. BRADS HAW. HILLERMAN'S NT FOR EMPORIUM, ISFILLED FROM CELLAR TO lon with a UCH 615bOUTSLENT OF 0001)8, vat Sch la offered at 1 17133R.4 7-BICIPAIST FL.ELTIEI6S. I.)lll . .6ptelallT DOR Is LemaloWaimaCii-emWm .1I TJr I , SLEIGH & CARRIAGE ROBES, Although proMilla wl lh a ran Ilne of HATS AND CAPS, .WISOLESALE AND RETAIL, HILLEIt3 LA N's No. 75 Wood Street. noI7.TS BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS MEM 13 g "V" IS, I=l lIIG-13"V'S, 1%0. 22 Wood Street ACHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CHINA AND BOHEMIAN VASILS of new and rue dr.tgus and style,. A doe lot of • PARIAN STATUETTES, LAVA WARE. DECORATED TEA. TOILET. I= All of which Is offered on the sostoessonable rates H. HIGBY. IBM W. J. C. U0P718....C. A. U. =CBS. MYERS, HOPPER & IThsteessors to IL H. Bolger.) - No. 45 Smithfield St.. Manntacturen and Dealers In all klnd4f .VrCITILIVIWCTELE Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Sets, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, Together telltt • full ueortment of _ Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture, Constantlr on band and for sale at the r-scovtrost lammla hriooo FINE WATCHES. NirLEgf• tPEF'I,Nrm APPOINTED ed . SWISS WATCHES. Mute try A. NDAM AI. one of the vest Watch M.C. utecturers In Swltteeland. Persons In want 'of a VERY YIN& WATCH would do well to call and seo them before purchasing elsowlter, 'J. R. REED it CO. delt:p67 BnospwAv ENCH&NGE RESTAURANT, - tot CORNER Jule AID FalTetlitD SlB. 104 Ladies' Dining Rooms 2dZtory. ' FRI MI CAN 0113TERS &VD UAME of all Made ou 1 ".' " G. r. VIRITHELLER.t tors" tleHpte H. VI CHU ELLER, eePe e. • EASTMIAN'BPATEII7 Portable Folding FAMILY BEDSTEADS: The Best Beitelade for Family Beam the Verld. We mantsfacture varloue Ogee and styles of both DOUBLY: ANI3BINULIt ISELMTK&Int, ell of which are so arranged as to admit of their being cooly jolted without ormoring o brat or *crew, or even dis arm:lr log the bedding. When folded they aro per fectly pociobk, and can &telly be carried, horn room to room or from hones to hoot, ' To be seen at HALITIII 6 NOTTZT. tIH Smith 1t1e1.3 street. 0,221mg9 H. r. OWENP,Agent. BELTING ! BELTING ! • LEATHER AND CUM BELTING. Also. ILIUM IROISE PACKING. • GASKETS, Av. 01 the best quality end 'swoop/Icel. ar lb. Taxcllea Flaalcilkaor =e3i3c.t, NOS. 26 AND 28 ST. GLAIR STREET. del:. J. & 11. PHILLIPS. SIXTH WARD TAX PAYERS., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ALL TAX of the Above and mut, be rain over axr aux THY SlCrra INSTANT. or cod Ida be put on the 11=10,, LS farther lidulgeace Cannot be givrn. JOISEPLI A. BUTLIS, Collector. Unice, No. 1110 Wylleetreet. . dell pts WO.l MINTER ISTRiLIirED +1 OIL; An i a Met .7; thed-Lard 011; ruts Lack Creeklfb , learAoiki . a sox. dei .77761 iiut TO Water Welt. Oroltow RATIONAL BA NY. rtriettCMU. December vltn. 1:164. 1 • N ELECTION FOR NINE D 1... ... 1IECTOILS, to oorre for Um ensoloir yr... VIII beheld et the BANK' Nti HOUSE. on Ttirtlit &T. .linnary Blh, ISA 7, between the hotel of 10 A. U.. Ili 2r. v. de131,1 MIMM DRIP Tilr...ercOND N Arlo SAL . ILV, ALLEGULNI, December sth, is 6. THE - ANNEAL ELIECTIOY FOR Directors a thin Bank' wi t be held on TIIEsDAY. JANUARY BM. • Between the hoar, of II .t. X., and 2P. Srat the ilaziklaa Haase. 4. V. DAVIIAON. ctriithi'SCahier. sorLe's 14.6.210YrAt. HAN," Plvisnuuou, December Bch, trA , . ELECTION NOTICE.—Ark •Elec ttou for Berea Directors or this Book, to fen, for th 'i" u ". Year, will be held at the Rank. on TIANtf •Inanaro trtwern the hours of 11 and 2r. N. nelltpro P. M.•6UttWO3, Cashier NATIOXAt. I I ANA Or ALLYOIII,4T. ALLI7.OIIINT, it., 1100. gull, IScO. THE ANNUAL ELECTION Fos - I. lIIECTOBS of this Bank, will take lane& at the BANKING LIOUSE,• nut TUEnDAY, January 6th 1111. between the hours of 11 A. as. and 1 e. at. de11:1156 JOEIN P. KRA.. Elt, Cashier. ALLOGnON NATIOXa.t. Past rrratiCnnp. December Stb. mu. THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF DI RECTORS of this Bank, will take place at the Booking Malec, ou TUESDAY. January kb ! 13. V. between the !Mars °lll A. 31. and 2. r. u. del I:NS 11. W. ILe,CICET. Cashier. ONION NATIONAL BANK. t • Eirrantrnalt. Vecensber Bth. 1614. AN ELECTION FOR NINE DI RECTORS, to servo for the ensuing Tear, will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on TUESDAY, January ath, ISO, between the hours on' e. u. and 11. Y. d 0104,4 2 21. B. BbitTli, disables. LION eat NATIONAL NANA' Or e, / llrrOnvon. Dec. VG% THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIREOTOILS OP THIS BANK, will be Geld 'on TUESDAY,' January Lb, HU, between the hones of 1 and 3 o'ctoek P. IL, at the Bloating Glorlee. aelo:o2lvrT JOHN DIAGOTFM, Cublee. EXCHANGI NATIOWAL BANK OF PITTSBUTEGII, PITTIMUMOII, PA.. Mc. 1566 'THE ANNVAL ELECTION OF DI RECTORS take place "Cabe BANKING HOUSE. on TUESDAY. January alb. MO. betWeett the boon °FAUN - LW A.R. and TWO r. P. delepletdreT 11. M. MURRAY. Cashler. AILECIIANTS AND3I.I,II7FACTI:IIEItS V.T. BANE, I'ITTSIICRGII, Dee. ath, Dors TUE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS of thls Bank will tate place it the RANKLE:O 11 1, 11nE, on TUESDAY, January the 6th.l/62, between toe hence of Ili. Y. and 2T. Y. - drlo;per JOHN SCOTT, JR., Cashier. - 77 - Tit3Ani NATIONAL BANN, lice. riSTSHU ni RGII, ah ELECTION NOTICE.--The Anim al Election for NINE DIBECTOBS for this lla • k. to tervc . during the ensuing year, will be held at the Bank, on TUESDAY, the sth day of January, 1967, between the hours id of 11 A. a. aad P. Weioirho JOHN B. LIVINGSTON, Cashier. -11/XIILNICII , NATIONAL BANN, j 1 . 1211317110 n. Dec. 7tb,1868. TIIE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIRECTORK UP THIN B ,NK, will be held at the BANKING HUGHC.'on TUEDAY. -Jannarr 6th, 1567, between the Nonni of 11 A. r. and I o'clock J.!, U. L. MAKTIN, de,:p33 Cashier. CITY OF ALLEGHENY. / THEASCELIVS/OFFICN. December Mai, I. NOTICEIS 11EllEllT GIVEN TO the hoer. of the six Der cent. DUNI CIPAL BONDS of the City of Allegheny, that the rouporis on mild llomia coming due January let. letl:will be paid on Add day (les• the ntate Tax) at the Dant of rataburgb. in theD City o C f Pitteburgti, . IFERRON. dcaip437 Trell"lrprnf the Olty of • lireh.T. ITT or ...hi -Long-IT. TRZAStrnTll , 6oralcx, December Igth. ALLEGHENY CITY COMPHO. , Id ISE BONDS WANTED—Persons holdingCona premise Bonds of the City of Allegheny. arc hereby nothled that the Ws ht FIMI) for INS. .111 be invested In these Bonds at the lowest rata caved. Proposals will be received Ina.nder signed until Tuesday. the lat of January. D. SIACVEUEON. del2:p7d Treasurer of the City of Allegheny. DIVIDEND.—The Directors of the BIRMINGILA-Y OAR COMPANY hare de clued a dleldend of FOUR PER CENT. iet the Capital Stock. parable at the *Me° of ROBINSON. SIeCLEAN t CO.. No. 73 Fourth-street, PlM burgh, on add after the 1413rIndtaa t. 1). ROBINSON, Treseurer. BISMINGELLY, Dec. CR. 119 , 4. de.S.pl7 IMPORTANT TO BRICK MAKERS t3co.coco 0 313r1015. 1.4" TEN HOURS, With Eight *Len SWORD'S STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE) 4IANITFACTrUED BY The Pittsburgh Brick Machine EEO BECK MANVFACTIJRUN for the fasten, Ladle aid South•fastem States. • • THE MACIELNE , IS SELF-TEM. costeonlylll.3Qo. Gight to tine being prolartloned to there% tent an I pope ation of terri to orfocolal'l7, '' .a7: ` ,tl/411/rBTIVie: 174: k a , n l l n steel moulds. requires only eight men to die the Clay, feed the grinder, take away the brlek-and belie them In the yard. and 'makes brick as fast n 1 Ton WWI to 31111 the engine. in oar. own Yarn. our rate of mating Is from 45 to 50 'a minute. We claim Lids to bo the best FAYIISI.* /Lachine In nit. A mublne may be seen In operation In our yard) at Glenwood. four miles above the city. ors the north slde of the klenougatela ricer . reached by the Connellsylile Hallroad. Machine, Yard; County and State Eights for sale.• For full Informationospply for circulara. In per son or by mall. at he oelee. , We are prepared to fill large contracts of brick. Samples of the brick to be seen at No. 10 Finh Street. and the OMee. /Address TIM PITTIIBURRIFIFRICK NACklibilt alias BRIGJA 111A211.174041711.14iG Cu., 230 LIBERTY ST.. PATT2IIIIBGIT, PA. I. B. K160._ Plvsident, ACOLILET., Vice' Presluot: NV: MEN • Treasurer:• A. 211EPrAILD. Becret eCkt arz t • DiaccTLat.,-0. X. Ater. AoA. A. , eater. 2. B. lirickel. John Aiken. W.. 1. Cy. tp. decre WETIIEUILL & SLOAN'S , I:3J36.4r3EnVilli. LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS F 1-45r':; pry Gas Condensing Burners, . _ Ciao be used on any Lam, and Dispense entirely Ilk p Chimneys.- The Dame produced by these Burets - . spreads out similar to that - at ties. The construction Is such that the smoke Is counned In a its, Condensing Chamber, arid Is wholly converted lath name. he burner does not depend directly upon the wick for Its light, but borne the smoke which is produced thesefrom. and Buns Less 011 Tbantlihnaey Lamps, And produce* a room Brilliant Light than miyolher Burner lathe market; STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. Booing purelMsed the righter dlsposlen of the above Burners in Allegheny Comity. parties wish log to examine or purchase. can be accommodated b iVTit Y a l3* WA-21r41 " I ". I T' anigtle,rgrg JAMES BLACKMORE. sar•CATii.IIBBERISWINSICIL- mCCI MURDOCK & PUTNAM Ara di.by reelvthg M their GENTS FI3IEIIBIEI6 STORE, 72 78PL1V..12. 11311gre4Foto Nearly appetite Poet Mice. All the hew and elegant atTleala SCARFS, TUN, BOWS AND HDHFS, Gent's Underwear, GLOVES, .HALF HOSE. SUSPENDERS, Mica:bong clo Crlscsasslare, - Fin t Shirts and Collars, Everything to complete the lilentlemenalWardrobe. !MURDOCK & PUTNAM!, a:l=U ITTSBIIRGII ; PIPER NINLIFICTURING CO., =I Printingand Wrapping Papers. CLINTON MILL, bTICIIBILNYILLE, OLUO. BRIGIITON KILL, NEW BUSOFITUN, FA. OFFICE A'SUWAREHOESE, • No. 82 Third- Street , Pittsburgh; Pa. . Hy ysounts.-A OGOST HASTJ President. Pit). u LIU iNoBTON, Treasurer. BAYOU'S. 17.1U.OssE.Bettetary. Dutactous—Aeaust Hartle. ..I•bn Aterell B. H. Hartman. John B. I.lslursseu. AMMAN. Amu. Cast' Feld for raper Stock. ' REBIOVAL.—THE' ID here removed the *Moo of the HOMO= WOILES rrom.33Tizate.tntreet, Rittannalik to (Ilex Werke on tainICLTETL4I7g grown/town, where they annotator On foind. • Postale* Additel gabattlinn - oa:111 - ITUJAOIII a ien. 'mums. IVI • AVIIISIOI--Gcad men to sell, by sample 'or Otherwise, several rapidly manna i and praiseworthy articies. Men that hare lest looney seldng Patent rtaht , and •',llll-tall gas get. cr.tors." can pet permanent emoloyment. Money and goals advanced surticirnt to start any man tu n PnYinp intstnothat Ing , ...• fi applied ationt4 exit a". °6°"ef:l'irt)'.Clll.'..M.. nnticr. Altoom No. Y.l WA TpD, wcYcra rtescrAti - o, By > LADY, with tyro 'ctillarou oror torclro ram, of age. (load rcfcretaCO Adart. MRS ___ .I. 21u , OrFICZ. ~IOULDE It WA'iTE D• WANTED, A GOOD MOULDER TO WEE CAE CASTIMUS. Enquire of HARZ.% JACKSON 1 . CO Cm. nnrrL Latrobe, SIM A GET WANTED-THE DES? A-nsCIiANCE rET.—A Work of Ittstoriesd Value and National Item. lance. The only Work on our Nary yet In the Geld. A uents dud an competition. In Press • /Atilt AtiUT AN U OUR NAVAL COM. NIAN DEBS. by Ron J. T. lIE ADLEY. the di.. tinguished Author and Historian: TA one Mug. some volume. illustrated. Send at Once for terms and territory. Addre.s A. L. TALCOTT. dela:P9)• - 5$ 31arket street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED BY let JAN - Dila, - A GOOD STABLE, For TWO OD TURNS HOMES AND DUDDY. AK , ' to ]!'VASTER. OAZZAN & CO . OS nrant Street WANTEI), TEN CARPENTERS I At the PENNA. BALI 31 LNUFACTIIBI.2IO PANY'n 11111/1113, Natrona, Allegheny Connie. Penna. AGENTS WANTED BY THE EIU 11:ZHA SEWING .IIaCEINE COMPANY to m Wa ah peap NrW e o2 vy 3 M v Ce rlN Eth o W r l E oa I t s h a e w vtftthsi t Oli change of feed, ittedlo tehaton. Ealf-alusUag preuure foot and stalar deahtaod four tootloalo lauDiErwth. Address anclonn It ataxau. * a J. H. HILL a' 100., 60 /UM &net. Okeoud lbw.) dell Pittsbargb. Ps. ANTED—=AGENTS—BIALIS AILD YEASALE—lnurery part of Mutant PTA. "Ir VitA f lrElnT a nt e lVil l u E Ll4 WWs. “THE MAIDEN'S PRAYED," “ICLN'S HOPE AT SPIUN OPIELD„. Either by the month °roil commission. ?Matadi en' rates allowed. For PM partieuisrs person, or address, /ARNO CO., tied 43 Fifth street. Pittsburgh. IXrANTED-AGENTS — S 7S to pee PER MONTH for Eicutlemen. and gas to rui for Ladles, everywhere. to introduce th e Common lleme Family Bowing Machine, Improved and Per. Meted. 11 will hem, fell, atlion. quilt. Mn=d. and embroLler beautlfttlly—priee only a k. lug the elastic lock-atiteh, and fully warranted for surer rear. We pay the above wages, ors oom. misaift, from which twice that amount eau be made. Address or cull on U. BOWILItd a 00..' OEMs No. 235 B. lflfth street, Fbiladelphla, Pa. Ail letters autocrat promptly, with circulars and suillbPo AGENTS WANTED FOR THE MOST POPULAR AND BPS! SELLING SOSCBIIIIO3 BOOKS HURD, We seethe mast extensive publishen in the lint.' ted ?Retell. (having Mx houses,) and therefore cal adord to sell boots cheaper and pay &rents a Kars liberal commission tear. any other company. Oar boots do not pass through the bands of Gen eral Agent.. tea nearly all other antocriPtlon weeks do,) therefore we are coaled to give oar eanvass ere the extra per cent. 'which Ir usually allowed to General Agents. Experienced eanvauers will sea the advantages of dealing directly witt - tlai•Eab— - Ushers. Onrserl!s embraces the most tpu1Ar.....w0rk5..2% .iraNTe;i7OrtIFOR ;nee both berth and South. old agent.. and sal others. also 'want thebest agencies. will please send for circulars and see out terms, and compare tnem and the character of our works with those of other publishers. Address NATIONAL PLIBLISHINO CAL, none cr=dwF 507 Minor St.. ridiadelphia, A GENTS WANTED FOR BOOK, li9W BRADY. • WOMEN OF THE WAR. By /BABB 2.100E1,, &UM' of "The Reberlloa 8000 rd,,, _The object of this work is t collect and prevent narratives of the unites of the women who shared the perils of the vrar,and ought to Inherit , The • volume contains about COO OCtillt pages, and Is Illustrated with steel plateportraits; engraved in the moat Improved idyls. Gold Only try subscription. Nor Camara, address or apply to EMI blf • HOWLS. === MEN, WANTED, TO ACT AS SALESMEN, Either permanently or temporarily. who are d Went to engage to last-elm badness relations. Apply In person or address - W. D. Beillat, 485 • sel3 98 Grant street. Patatereth Ps. Pat'al $6O Weed,LOCk Stitch Sewing Machine. , BEST IN USE- TIIS IS WHAT 1360 WILL DO. 11 Dischlneadll limo, sad Bind; Braid, Tuck and Cord; Gather and Quilt; Enke a Bearer Cloth Overeoalt !lake a Frock Coat; • Make &Satin View' • Slake Cloth Pant.; • Bind Enos; • Will do eveo description of - _ Pros Manna._ - 460 Machine will do all kinds of - Family Bawler. 980 Machine will run over imams Without break byneedles or skipping .itches. BO Butane stitches alike on both sides. • BO Maclaine Is the chearest ilaehlees by 110 Per cant. in use, and will sew lf not superior to any Machine In the market, be can return it and hots btu mono. Warranted four rem. • 111 1 AKEN losure KNIof S ND MACHINE • • Wnit c •in day. .• Braid and Embroidery Sumps for sale and -tamp big done. • : 61.0 • model for casting ladles and childreiVi dresses. Any_pemon canto= from lt., AGENTS WANTED. - //iirell kinds of (sadly sewing diwe. . B. k1.1.0Nt1./rent, 119 Grant street, opposite Lathedral.' • n01.7.0.e.e • Pyrzentasen. Pb GIiOVEII & BAILIEWS ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Axe THE BEter tor Yerotry And Marneacturing pores. Coil And see Om et dro. 18.1`iftle Street. DON'T BE DECEIVED BY _-- Flourtsblng half column advertisements of Infer lischtnes, bat get • UHLWKII it BAKES. . /t has been fully tested for sixteen". -; je.arS, and is by all coolinpe•. ,e- - tent Judges. bes. , - .-. noaneed the . . - 11 t 8 8 T E I . N . . No, MEI M*121,33. Street. no9:neS - GET NONE HUT A GROVES &13ATIER For s, Holiday' GiH. la is Yelialle. Deflect 1 014 be Wore the but. Doa•C tall Westland see hat e _ rtrTH STREET, VIE GUOVEII & BAKER SEWING 'MACHINE U the Ultima Thole of If eel= Please tall and , - , -NO ,111 21.1111.81117.F.T. QHOE, HARNESS & CARRIAGE DIANZII3 shonidiee the new Grover it Baker No.l Sewing !halm Before Parlor eloewbere. It is the best for heir use. Forest° at notagiS ZIFT/1 BTRE T. 8 25. BARTLETT , 825 . SEWINC MACHINE. But cheap Licensed Machine In the United States. Agents wanted eceryw here. Tay $3O to $2OO Per month. Enclose stamp Mid Addams • PAGE B.EOTII cgs. tienerai Agents. is WatCrbert.Urotint%.job.lisdelPl" and *llle3tPin NF;RCHANT.: TLILORL HENRY t€t, HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nortturentearserairk-ItSt. ask ISts. ze Desires to ta= Minks kts =ends sat the pub. es for the may mist resPecibtliT sons' tts a dime of Aheis thlihre! WILCOX/ I g% tar- :Wool pleased to tuese them wham his Lazge and tarefally Selected Stock .Fine Woolen Goods Partieularly adapted 104 mum um .lot nu, wunn, wiperru wrocu or • = Boys Clothing Now lo store a large end complete gtock of SIIITi3 AND oviatimaers, For the Winter Season. Prices Low. GRAY & !..Vo. 47 St. aotr Street. ROOFISO MATERIALS. 13en$038, Pilch; - .Mr s Parafilne -_--1 10 70 .1 70 8 # ta ck Palnt Manufactured 2 to puelliß. 41 rid ea ciorßaltysatnaziwase i . Men= 'MUM itattMaia. "-`
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