Site fittolnagh audit TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 4, 18136, i To TTATLT ADYEUTJAVAS owing to the large amount of lie r milling Do'foli age with which we are favored, and for which in ire duly thankfhl; and the 'lncrease of our eircula Von, altogether beyond our present moans to mirk: hly as promptly as we . Onght.Yfo AO, It generally, sometimes-faconsentent, and 'mistimes- finite" Impoiailde,•l4 insert changes for yearly, adyertisers, untesiaell at_ our counting-won hefore seven o'clock In the TUE PSEfIDFT'B MESSAGE. Themost aimfilicent peculiarity. in tuts document is the addressing of it to the very. bodies whose constitutional functiqn•the President but reemitly; most . : unsparingly impeached; which' he_ denounced, as not 1 -. constituting_ a - legitimate:portion of the national authority; aabeing an excrescence, W:elks onV.te Ircirgo of the government; liii ... dirbieli" he threatened, by a stuanisi7 -.:two of power, r militay wer, to 'sweep oat of ex istence. -, - , . After this; the most commendable thing ' - about it is its comparaUrs brevity. But, even In this, connection, this must be Said ~. ; Of it, there w - hearaP,iilica, 11 011 ,, is indulged, . 4, 9 i m : ! , h ., iru b . l ec t - lif recoristrnetion, a rigid emidensatlon would have . been an id, ~, , p rorkrieni L ai l d where curtness is exhibit as on the_. question of the contemplated Ifexican ' entanglement; : leiger degrees Of • *illness 'and - frankness would have teen advantagemim . . . , It will be see — ii 'tliat the President ad: liens to. his distinctive Policy, and reads.. Congtetis a.smait lectire for not submit-, Carte his dictation in reference to it The manner ofthis lecture is sufficiently objec "--tionahltrhritself;,.-but, 'the fret that he pre tomes to lecture Congress on a natter which - is no' tone:ern of - his, and - en which the authority - of the two Houses Is com pletelindttreinsive; is yet more otrensive. In other parts of -the 'message, as in the . , paragraph relating to a claim of a citizen of the Vatted- States for , spoliation on the high seas by the French authorities, the _President seems to indeiitand well enough . _ that hid duty iddischarged, and his power iii thOpreinisei exluinstekby simply pre , ,actithigthe aim to . Congress, and leating it to adopt such measures as it shall deem, justind - salutary. If-,h6 lad acted with -, tholame-Moderation, and, sircurespectiort ' - in regard* - recenstruetion, the solution of _ .-the - probkim wptild :be much farther ed.: Tamed than It now ia, soul, perhaps, would • ' '' sbe44l A l'il°*+tcnt.t. It-ht due t howeiter,..yscandor to say, that - the President, tiller rehearsing his Policy, - -;:,-and fortifying itititimploded arguments; ..' mite"; deziYhig; lifthe PArest implications,' if not by ! direct statements; the right of • C'ongresti.*:4lO'renitliing. bat Accept the tich4mebylhim - marked mit ; concludes hia lilespage by urging "harmony between the ea natii departments of the govern . inelit,"-and by suggesting. that "each in " " its proper Sphere may cordially ea-operate = with the other."' These expressions, taken by ti.emvives; sound well enough. But,' let Material facts be looked at. No attempt . Itss 'teen made by any Mae, or collection - of men, to abridge the rightful authority. .., of ..the Preside/A, or ti.lunder him in the . perfbrrnanee of any part of hbtoffielal duty. , He !violently invaded the department of legialutiont, dezdekthe just authority of ;Congress as the law: makingbranch of the government; and undertook to .• give his reairipts, *multiplied cases, the force and cant of statutee„, ~,f3n. far as definitely ap ` Pears; - he still = proposes to do this, •--_ crudsr these - circurestances, ivharis essential to ....,`-hirmany,.betweenthesrrordins*ttepart,- - , - mental" - Clearly . nothing, but . for:the .. President* reeede from the,-false position he maintains, ' mid to confine_ his eflorta,to ' the - execution of the lawa as he finds them. So soon as he shall do tide there will be no contention, between him and'engress, - end the Work of reisteratibi will go on rapidly. and satisfactorily. - . - .., - If, : however,- .by these suggestions of "harmony" and "co-operation" the Fred . dent intenits - Oven in an ungracious, way, , ,to indicate a deal= to cease his crusade --„againit . „Congress and;the loyal States and people whose representatives sit in lite two '. Houseic'wo are in a, roped to vielcome the indication. CoricOrd . between - the Presi dent .-- and_Congresa is .desinible, but only on conditions which, fully -recognize the ' light of the loyal people;' through their ebotten, representatives, to control the des tiny of the republic.. What the President says about complicit %lone with Mexico is not sullicientto tip - • pease enxiety;bitt only to intensify it. The _ feeling is wide-spread among thoughtful . men that sinister , . influences and expecta tions arc at the bottore of the deep in trigue, the wavy amfaceof which -is only, exposed; that vast financial speculations, ) have been hatehed; in-which' : Heads! Of' - . Detiartnientiritul their billinates aro, em barked., and that these are to bo prosecuted `Miner preterise - °Ca cause of national oni ,coritment, Mid it the - iisi: of a foreign war. Detibtless,, Congress, as in dUty bound;. will thoroughly Oxes4gattallusuuittir, and . 14 the facts opento`Pnblio impection. ' - --la will not escape attention that the Pres --:` Mehl talker tur allusion to the pending cimalltutiona , amendment He quietly igiorea its terice. . r , - IN " AS 'SEM of the deMeeratic jourpals . :are StrOiigif.kipsisell over rumors to the effect thatrtma, i t net au,. the members of the Legislature: iditheir party, have bar _ ga i ne d to help elect a republican to - the rnited gtates Eciate:: o . yea pans/. bility to those rumors is the factlhat dem , ocraticmembers have alre a k am i s twit particular which rendCrs thet9 p e e„,uo 3 , liable -to suspicion. they haste sever had an opportunity to sell themselves errant `clucestion which they.did not improve; '?ad never failed to' mike the sale go o d t i ut ens, and_then the terrors of mob law.b a a to be called in to iteep thetn within the _party . lines. If any .body has tempted them this year, we doubt not be has forma them willing ; but we do not believe any body has'pandered to thrill weakness, by tempting their cupidity. _General C.ts- SttoN .denies having opened negotiations with them, or being Inclined in tiiiii`Way. GoVeruor Cusirriv protests, {hat he has not _sought their ttilistzt,4 l; ,,,yirtue which no body_ tesipis ;milt lie ; Weak indeed If it Foie a month , past . the trriters of Wash ington ;Irecials have expended no little in .gentity in manufatturing 'reports as 114 . , :,contentsof the President's message, •Who 'evei hia - read that document, with, , n - recol.;. Asanest of these specials mind, must beAenplyin! with.their and general vorthleisiess. . . _. . . • -me Cl4l44lA4Pokr4wfai thue - descalbei rea_ 2 4 , 4 ,10, 4 1 , 1 .R 4 4,-; u#S , agored'Poei f or Tolauo. 'web Naas , ' porsropi In Cincinnati: .4aUe , nOwnrintlY•bullt , man with &larger well4Disped--bestl, 110041 COCitits. mutes, and fine, resonant, .0100 prer.which he has gcqtdredlenfeCt Odthillara. 'llet 14 cagy - g od graceful - kW and: brpressee feeling•, with yocal oreene;tbdro....thin by. ' the eztrinzWinuenbritgelltiordation. Judging birds color, 1111 'probable - 113AV tdf.Altsean *.bWOd'bredomurateni:anit J letenlng - tahr = rem ft re egniarent tbatthlijich I tungery l at Abe 9rient Bode 41pogrol:expreb w - ucer 2.hiChnitinerilariblik 4 Windienbil two 1161thrbeld - spellTioiificr!Witk the;; brit . oty'' owl power of ILO imagery. # :- ~ "~~'~- For the I.lttahurgh Gazette. The festietershtti. Masses. EDITORS—An editorial article 'in your paper of this morning fa calcidated to do serious damage, - purposely or not; to the party partial to the nomination of a Western man to the Senate of the United States. if the nomination is to be conceded. to the East, then, unquastion'alhy, Ile contest lies in ween Cam eronand Curtin. but the people of the West are net 'initialled to lay aside their claim for tho election of either one of these Pall.. ;They , have ii choice, and they mean to Make that fact appear* Theyirnow that the All!. Pen,' delegation hare the derision of that chef , e ilnn thedrhands, and theymean to hold theatg strata acCountablllty for the manner. is its ddtermination reached. been Ton say that "no entbustarn Las kindled in his (Williams') nsi.l:,;,,„k kindled then pray , has any entlinsisst akuo oll I And Has Curtin excited "I 11 0 " which you have out of all the common esti . 1)4 .4. received, has there bee in favOr n . i p / e. ny ru e, a be n f o o iger e. th a a ir ii r ft s b . e le i n fluenek of your claims of a can= Journal to the a "P lat come In direct conflict didate when Teo u: l e of another local paper, be with, I . l l,.Prif te sT he a representative organ, to -[sett letve capressiOn upon this point ° VI I ° peels? , are heard from. N. CONSIIMPTIVE&—The Bev. EDWARD A. WILSON'S Prepared Prescription for the care of CONSOMPTIttN. ASTAIktA, SEWN. COUGHS, COLDS, and all THIIOAT and LUSO AFFECTIONS, has•noW Wes is Doe over ten Team with the most marked success.. • Theltemedr, prepared ender Mr. -Wilson 4 s per. banal soperrisiont also •pamphlet contesting the crlithelFseteciPtiorh.with fell and explicit dire°. Onus for pre paratien and use, together w th a short history of his ease, may be obtained of — JUSEPII FLEMING, Druggist, " . • Corner Market s Erect sad the Diamond, • Pittsburgh, Penna. WPrice.of Remedy $3,00. Pamphlets Punished tree of charge. Pent by mail anywhere br JOSEPH YLEILUIG,iort receipt of deititTW Itch! Itch!! Stratch! Scratch! MAXIM'S OLNTAIE.NT cures Itch In from LI to 0 tours. .ITCH. Pr. Meaystes itintment, .TETTEM. ../TOll. Dr. Nionynes Ointment. ..TETTEH. NEVNIANNOWN - ...TETSER" .TETTEK" To PAIL • ..TETTEM. "ITCH. "BETTER. ..ITCH. 11l CHMllitt THIS • ..TETTEH. .ITOII. ; '•TEWEE. TORMENT/NO ..TETTEM. -.ITCH.. ..TETTEn. "ITCH" • COMPLAINT. .TitTTEIL" u t imitchtusl4ll4. - Rheum. Bond Bead; Bub, W Diseases. • Prcrered only Dl I) . r. BWAYNE a BON, Phila. Esluble Bold by M•CLARBAN a M.IIIINNAN. BS market street, OEOI A. KELLY, 37 Wood et., sadIJOS. PLE&IINO, BA Market it., Pittsburgh. BANS it DEU/TE. Alleghens. ataLlZiaTa ..TO• TUE DEBILITATED AND THZ „ DSCURfflp.—For .getteral debility and ex haustion of the powers of nature, Whether occaslon-1 od by sickness. , fast living. constiuttinnal decay; ; olu sp., or any other physical or mentel came, the , one thing needful and Indispcisabhi L HOBTILT", TER'S CELZBEATED STOMACH *TTERS. Wheat the Ore of life stems to be absolutely dying' out In the system. and the mintfriympathlrlng with the body, is reduced almost to • •tstW of INettity. this mighty itestorattre seems. as it were,: ilit the - sufferer ou ho r n e bloggirof Despd. , and r ecruit and reittre both the frame e. .0! she Intellect. An old farmer In the yof pg. Monongahela Writes thus to Dr. Mortemart can compare the opsratton of your Bitters upon use toned:dog but toe effect of a rain alter a long dry ape lln the fail of the year. The rain falling on the Meadows starts the second crop or grass, and your srtiolesolne medicine seems tohave Started a second crop of life and spirits tn." And this is truly the effect et this grate Pal and powering preparation. Smiles of weak constitution. or whose strength has been Impaired be sickness or age. Ind its most ef ticactons and delightful Tonne, anu It Is adrelols- , tared with great •nceeas In inarssmns or wail , g of the Verb to young children. In fact,. It Is s much aster and surer cordial foe: the 'nursery than any thlngadiertlses.l specially for tilt PhrOune. 10r.-ivirisilat:V4tziD4o.34t4l:l WM. BINGHAM; Jr., Adams Express Office, 54 EVA afresh is an authorised Agent to mean 4tdeerdseinente /or the cuuternr., and all other papers throuohotd the Untied &cps and thi I.MrA GRAND FENIAN MILITARY. BALL City pall, Thursday Erenig, Dec. 6th .iissong the Invited greats, General O'NEILL, Of Eldicrll3 , ioteriety, ban signified bit intertion Of belagyresent. The best Music . ..stitch the city affords .111 be . in ettendance. • " Cardionf Invitation and Adialtinnee,•sl.oo. del • • • tgrLECTIEIRE I .stairizr. J. 40. roxioicza-sr .21 0 .11 0 .121 U.. P. CHURCH, • Center We bitez and Washingtoreets., ON Tit.D.E9DA,T IHVENLNEi. December etb, MN, - . for ale Bevel& of the NAHUATL! SCHOOL.. - ELLbJect — Al3l AND IMCCHOH. &dmtssloa 50 cent.. Lietore to commence defy, o'clock. - , PLIE - 111OUTII CHURCH FAIR AND FESTIVAL, CITY H~.LL lec. fl, 12, 13 and 1-1. , Tito Ladles PL TMOUTII CHURCH. will °pea to the piddle oa the days abotio mentioned, a GRIND FAIR AND FESTIVAL, And will offer forwee I:I3ICTUL &NI) FANCY ALUTICI.. 6d—TUYB: C 0 0N Y1aT.611.13. FECTI &c. OBAUX, The New England Kitchen Wilt Nil oven, and all the OLD AND TOUNG YOLNA lan be - at Name, In good old fgobloned Co.. tome. A 13.1111,1 furnish BAKT43 Bi.ANtt, rUMP KIN - I.II , IS; . DOITOHNUTti; • Arriums, TO WHITTLE WITH, AO.: AO.; &o. YgogramMe-of, SPLENDID TABLEAUX Will be offered, In which THIRTY YOUNG LA DIEE„ huldtint THREE FlUbfk RED YARDS u.ff YEU L 'WHLTL AND BLIC, Atli WEAVE A /SURD OT UNION not easily broken—a unique and beautiful slant. 4 riliBr-cz4Bs DAN ER Will be furnished each day, to all who will' come torte. - 31311.01.1001 , ZIEL.TeID Will be is attendance, and (air Ideate will be offered. • " Admisstou Tleketr... slat. .I)lnner Ticket., and no eitrs cLarge for ad- miss oik.-.....:." ......... ....... ......... .—...-114.00 .Besecri,Tickets..... 1 . ' G.,. 1.30 airdil articles will be sold at reasonable prices; ndadraulaie 'slit be taken Of tbe cc cubit, or • four thendi Who shell visit us. deli:090:5:10M ,• , tar'nERCANTILE LIBILMY X...3EICITITZIaEIO3. The'Lettoio Committee wood Te.pecttollr an notmee that • • .Dll. R. SHELTON M.CCILENZILE RA deliver the fourth leetute of the come. at the N 4 4) ur 1113.110 2 . on. Tilt 11131/AY EVEN ' t • ..m her Stb 12e. • wilainiv r ANE.LB : ABROAD AND i 22230.1113 A,...' gte e, es ' l l.ula, 50 mitts . ReSerred seats 22 els. m.k.,,, Th easa. Ink amused at the A estleray of c od oc k. 2 4 ...4g241 , Dee. GM. W se o s n ti. i • h . c. ' id.,. . l. l ;:aou rts :au secure more than . 12 - to " the tte ebecks please Due BAN. 0 8 . 8 11 . i i ncti "Yrt aa: I ' OLIVER LE212)2, • BEJ.. /ENnta e;,, lit• P. II aliti2KT, at..ummen., 1 0 - If- ecul.iYE. • do.eB • _ Committee. ' MUSIC, arAT ACIDE , MEM STREET. KIEV . TATTIER: JEREMIAH TM:Volum ur cov3ar =ABE. IRELAND, 911!.'r11111fdarivetifislE. Dee. 4321. Isoo. Bvetlo- 4 ,2IIIIWEONGS ' or IDEL.filiD.,l' . Vela/. 50 cents, to be had at etc 'Upon Stites on Pint' atreet.orat thtrgoon. ...proceeds to be appltid to the balldleg ore RUUD Catholic Cluitellln tlleConrity Clare, Ireland. • NOVlCE.— • Whereas - 'Letters Tes tament•ry upon the estateof KELLY, i late of the t h e f Alleibeny, tailog Loon emoted .MO • subsalbeta. all persons Indebted to sold estate are 'requested to Make Immedtetelmyment, and those hotly/ Mahal ):11 . demands exalt= the aame sstll make known Me lame without deism. to - MAUI K 61.1.1, Itneentrta • t Jenne, Kelly, deceased, [IrT Te. 0 rale Alto street, Allegheny. del;pliel WILL BE ADDEO TO THE LIST or 61•001 C 8 to be ea , d 'EVENING, on the deco ft floor of the Commorclel aka Itooaj, • le *bane Tradesmen** S in Wad Ilask:•. • - ritteturgb Gra ltbmtber Co. ••• 2 4 . 4 4 IfeltWAlNE,Auttloef tr.. THERILIAVIBBEBBELTING. nosE a ad: stedw.rpktnr. Msatets sae atzei •t the t o a s subbtr llitpat. la and 2.atit. (aO2) LL runaa I • It 2MA I E 11333 E 3113 T ' ceturC to be3tren by the p.; I avitt : " ra JO T. BRADY & CO., to B. Joiem • C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Elts" BANKERS & BROKERS, ~„it.... ix ALL =DB 07 Government 13ecuritiets, " Foreign Exchange, ' Gold, Silver and Coupons. , OULLECTIONI made en :all seceeethle Petits IS the United Mates and Oelaaftes. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. ROQUETS; CAM/ELIAS. &c.—We A- , have the largest and be.t stock of Wi 'STEIL FLOWERING PLANTS about the city, and are. prep.od to funstah wedding and mbar parties with Table and blend Iloqueta. lore Designs: he.. on short notice. We can also furnish Floral Wreaths, Creases, Ito. All orders promptly :encoded to. :Cars ran to the Greenhouses eacry Gw minute.. del JOIIN IL. al 311JU00CH. • THE FIRM OF lIIPPELT ik MUTTERER Has Ibis daj been .llsbolred by mntual 4, - , usent. The business alit be earrltd on ,by ISAAC MP PELY, °title flan. Any claims against Mr. MUT TEILEMIO3I be settled by MM. MAAC HIPPELY. dettni C=M=l:! .110117 SE AND LOT LI ALLEGEIL, NY AT AUCriox.—POSPTIVE PALE.—The Mame and Lot No. 53 Webcter street, oPPositn UiQ Perinea slaty, will be cold on Situ on ThUItSEA:I., "re. 613. at o'clock. The house is brie,. PIZ rooms, welt Awaked, papered. grained; with vrater,,ges, bath, range, garden.uthouse.. dnd eery comfortable. Pe•vons in qv:11. o f • neat, esirable dwelling In a Quiet neighborhood, are speCiaily Invited to Inspect these premises prior to cu lt. ay of sale. Possession given Ap Auctione ers c (des) A. LEtallATit. er. JEST RECEIVED AT CIOEUEL I SS; arimmarlarartir Ohio Street, Allegheny. A flue issortment'or Plited Spoons find Forks, Of the 'beat manufacture. I have also , ru hand sell aelected stuck of . WATCHES, CLOCES and JEWELRY, Which lam selling low tel cash. Give me a Call. tIe4,IITUF LADIES' FURS, • XISBKS 9 FURS, GEJrT'S FURS THE. LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. BELLING AT VEBI LOW PRICES, AT THIS HAT, CAP 'KED FUR STORE 3bZ Cr iarX 71, 09 •40 ~ 181 WOOD STREET. der CHEAP AND COMFORTABLE THREE STORY BRICK DWELLIBC Lgopod on Second et., liecond klusburgb =2 Got '2O by 67 feet to a payed alley feet :10de Pijee APPIy to = 111101X315 ►AD BM EVULTZ A(1,12126, Na. 136 BmILDIS elAStree, CLOTHS, CASSIHERES, IE3 Fancy Cloalcingß,, FOR SALE'AT REDUCED PRICES BY WHITE, ORR & CO., EIS N. 1.11.15. ktree,t. 4e4 TO WHOM IT Mu CONCERN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that If the lot of 11ARR61,3 and TWO BUNDLES HOOP IRON are not remored from the m4miscs of tho rENN'A. HALT MANUPACTCRINO CO., at NATRONA, stored there In ISM, by Moors. HET. DBICK BROS., of Cincinnati, .it►in one erect after expiration of time of adsettislux tills notice, the same will be sold to pay charges. on DECE3I-. BEif 13th, between the hours of 10 and-12 o'clo it HT order 01W1 H. PEUBERTO.N. StCpt. • Wx. U. Mealt.eato. Aunt. act:0101 LILEG BENT COUNTY. NS.—I n the Court of Common Pleas, No. 619 December Term. MO. In 'he matter of the application of the Great Western Building ,and Lou . A ..sochttPin ol Allegheny City fora Charter ogneorporation, And now, to Et: Not. nth 1 , 66. Petition tiled after bele/presented toted examined by the Court. and the ob.hets , articles and conditions therein set lgj r git g We l b e c o d mlr. " l ` ,/f Ito be lawful a:nddndT reeled that s•ld writing be tiled la the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Viers, and that notice or ••td anlitiostion be give h as required by In.. in a nen , paper printed the City of rat,- burgh and county of Allegheny , for at least three weeks, netting forth that an applicetlon has bomb dote the Court to grant bald Great Western thalliteg and Loan Assoctstion of •Ileg h BUT City a .Charter of incorporation. and that alld o r . • granted • t hn next term of the Court or Common rica.s, unless exceptions hereto ho .died In proper time. . . . JACOB IfirTeTEtty All persons interested +ill please to tale .nottee of the above order of Court. A. WIEDUANN, A !tome! for the Association mom C BABB.IIV.H. TH. EtAZE .. W. L. lITETTLT.B. Q4S. BARB. KNAKE & BiasTi'LEß, Boecesoon to WANZLINti & BMW, N 0.12 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh 1=2:19 3Pia,nos, - CPrgans, 31u.lcal Goole elicit): rdirdate Agents far the Celcb - ated BRADBURY New York. andBCHWIACKSR• & Yhtlade' phis, PIANOS. Alga. ESTILY & CO.•B ••COTTAGE," and B. D. £R. W. WkltTlf,'S “AXERICAN ,, URGANb. aud TILTUN'3 PATENT GIIITAIt. The best Italian and faconau Vtolln and Galt always on band • n017:07.5 pirrenvitan PIPER MNEFACTURING CO., 311.1 O7ACIMEIIIS OF Printing and Wrapping Pipers -CaNTOM MILL, STEUBENVILLE. OHIO. BRIGHTON MILL, NEW BIUBBTON. PA. OFFICE AND MA11E1101:14E; No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • orncras—A UGUST HAZTJE, President. .ISO. B. LIViIfiIISTON, Treasurer. SAMUEL RIDDI.E. Se retary. Dlll¢C7'oo.l3—Atikust Hartle. Jahn Atwell. S. H. Harianan, Jahn B. Swlnitstou. Juba At. Perkin., C. H. Merrick. Cask Paid for Paper Steek. uomsoSs FOB THE HOLIDAYS. • FINK STOOK, ADAPTED FOR . =Oita /AV Foreisersto, OF ALL RINDS OF 7 - 3EI NAT M Ls R. -4 ir GOLD ANDSH.ViIt WATCHES for Ladles and Gents; CHAINS AND GI:MEM .• ELEGANT BETA_ In rug sus sunup: GOLD AND SILYES YENS• • sILV AR seousit t v•sr.s, WINS; -- TA;WY AUTICLAS, As, As" . JOHN MITSCH. No. 111 Z teneral!ll., Allegheny. SoMolD POU BALL—One-fourth Interest A. lathe To an acceptable partzler: Apply to .W. JI. Cf llama CLL Alt Co.. 240. 80 Water street, dasOIOCI 826. . • B4Errizifir 825 ; SEWING MACHINE, Best cbeiip T.Pensed Iktranlie . In Oa United State,. Agentewanted everywhere. Pay •30 to 0.000 per month. .Yweloge Aesop and addresil ISHAYfIt Claneral Agent', aalpletaalanfhlianelphia. and NlNtn• . rc e. i .SIVAIIKLIARNESIV a t the EA ULS GE Grover& Baker No. 1 Sewing Maihine 13 2r . ;alMele!tehet4. It Is the best Jur their DOEPAIM. IJNDEBS/ON• YD have removed She often or the ROPE OIL WORKS from 86 K saketstrect, Pittsburgh. to (bele Works on CA.lnsObt Inns= Brownstown, where Shei esu hereafter be resold. Fro:Unice Address 1136, Pittsburgh. ..;07,114 , • Tirlwns r,T.I %N. CRESSOIIi SPRIT4 C OI The eredttnirs of said Company wm piaa•o .end theUlAila tramodlately, d xly autbentlestid, to A. ly.'llEl4, oortso7l fro:l4 ilk Tonna An. at, Pitlabarab. tlk B: 1 TOINIETLIN IREPt*EIg.. 4/0 tub, eettre ttfrt l r Dr s &L2 4 All.: no:0 Whot‘sas amaag, aeo axe,. " ' " " 6 "8. . !VIEW ADITERTIS " Aar' . ;s• tz Dr al • 7_ SILITES! SKITES! SKIM! I HAVE RECEIVED MOST OFMY qucs, an T °OWN) the Tre,le s selection from 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MAKES Before purchasiu,g elsewhere, call and examine my Stock, as Ican OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JANES BOWN, No. 136 Wood Street. por.;01. MPORTANT TO BRICK rdiKERS. 111c),c•c•O 13ria1. lel _TEA" HOURS, With Eight Men! pWORD'S STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, =9 The Pittsburgh Brick Machine AND BRICK . MANUFACTURFSG CO., Per the Pattern, Late and Sontklasten Slates. TUE MACHINE IS SELF-TEM. ..PERI.S(I„ co , teonlY 41.500, (right PS use being proportioned totheexient an I popil•atlon of terrl to ry.) is ran by an o luck cylinder cnaine, work. all kind. of clay. makes. SUPERB WHICH, pressed In steel moulds, requites only eight men to dig hut clay, feed the grinder. take away the Wick; and hale them In the yarn, and make. brick as fat as you Welt to run the engine. to Our own yarn, our rate of making Is from 45 to 50 Atalanta. We claim this 10 bethe beat PAYING Machine In ine. A machine may he seen In operttion In our var.!, at Glenwood fent miles ahoy* the city. ou the north side of the MonougabeLi firer, reached by the Coimellsitile Railroad. Machine. Yard; County and State Rights for sale. Yor Intl Information. apply for clreularn, in per son or by mall, at be office. We:are prepared to nil large contracts of brick. Samples of the. brick to be seen it 80. 70 Fifth • street, and the Ofece, 230 LIBERTY PIT, PITTNER:BRIE PA. O. M. KIER. Pre‘ldent, A. ACKLEY. Vice President: Vir.'lL McCRACKEN, Treasurer . S. A. SHEPPARD.. Secrtlary. Diumcrons—S. M. Kier. A. Ackley. lirletel. John Aiken, W. t. Coln. JAMIb E. R. 311011LIDGE.. IRON CITY SPICE STRICKLER & IVIORLEDCE. FIFTH BTILIZT 4ILTENBIO7I icar Penni. PITTSBURGIL, Having recently purchased the above 11111, we reepeetfellyinfOrm the public that we will neat/ace the mannfaeture of rUILE ericES and MUSTARD, &a, attach we will be able to furnish to WHOLE SALE and RETAIL DE *LEES atone LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Also, COFFEE and (HOUND NUTS ROASTED teenier cm t notice. HEE FLOUR and FEICSEI Gift/11bl) CoUN 111 EAL eon. alantly on hut.; • Alining to deal Aar we solicit the patronage of We pebht. - R. J. ISAXTER. Conned) , of the Centre,. Spice Mills, will he Mend on band at the millet all times to attend to the wants of customers. • STRICKLER 46: MORLEDGE r027:174 • HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR, by WHITE, nnos: se,. co., New York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, . No. 1 St. Clair Street, Plittsbutetth, Pa., .Seey'ronitantly on hard tort'Cott n Woolen Mill 1, 01 rut= - L be (.:91:.,kEngloe OD. • I Path car OD, No . /14 Lit'd Bcrelr-Lbt- Dark Car Olt. rwsi;o6l 4013 N VALIdIi6..TII6O. Jr. !INSULT. puzrzEn, ANSIEUTZ & CO., scucEs.sows ro BOBINNOIF !I' CO.. DEALIAIb IX BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, .7ro. 61 Market Street, Scar Fourlth, rffrsnVili,lis, PA IRE $lOO 'ou'r PROMPTLY COLLECTED BY M'MASTER, GAIIAM & BUTTERFIELD, ATTURNEYLI AT LAW. CeE=!!=Ml ALLEGHENY COUNTY, es. COP MIS WE ge.LTEI OP Pt PIiSYLVANIA To the Heirs and Legal Represeutatleres of JOHN WHlLTEtttlutip late of sold county, deceased: You aro hereby cited to be and appear heroic we. jos. H. OHAY , Register of Wills. An, In sad for said county, on or trefore'WEDNES DAY. tht lath day of December next, at said lkillator'o other. at Pittsburgh, then sod there to takeout Letter. of Aninintstration on the estate of said John White house, deceased, or Mow cause, it any, why the same should n.,t ors granted to ILAUELhOti BUM LEY. or some other dt. Person. When under my band and seal of oaten. at Pitts burg., this 7.lth day Of Hoeember, A. H. Me. no 4:4s4:rdelOdniT JOB. H. illtaY. Heglster. ALLEN'S REFINED • CIDER. Supekior .Article, FOR MALE By GRAFF & REITER, Sole Agts., _ 215 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. nota.ks THE Geomt & BAILER ' • SEWING MACHINE L the Ultima Thule of Meehatilam. Please call and ehamlne it at • ' NO IS FIkTII.BIBICKT. PITTSBURGH CUTLEII7 him on hand the finest stock of • POCKET CUTLERY • -Inin Is city. Also; Hollow - Groundßazors. . In lindieseVarlety. msratc. picsa2iarkr, Agent Pittsburgh Chtl , prj Company, Moe. 67 and 69 Fifth Street. (DIIBPAITH BIJILDINU.) °cif DISSOLUTION OF PARTNehIIII% Tim PAUTNE 118111E 0 HERETO fore ez biting between Cifitlf.ll. ARMSTILONti and .1110 BTAUX, ender the style or o,lbn:tr./NU t STAGY. Coke Manufacturers. Isthis day dimly ed by the withdrawal of JNi.f b TAOY atom swd Mat. The business of the Arm will be settled e 7 CHAS. U. AltaitiTgOrtU. who alone is authorized to collect tai debts and pay alb Indebtedness of wild Arm. - • 7 -.CHJUit, ARIesTIIONU. • dOlite ISTAICY. - . I Iwo' rumend soy former partner. CHAS. H. AltliblltON lb, to the former eu.tomers of the late firm for le coutlonance of theirpa troy e. JUB Pittsburgh, NOT. aith, D 111.1681 DBUGBII•DIMGBIti . JAMES T. SAMPLE HAVING BOUGHT THE WELL It GOWN DRUG HOUSE ON CIO/LNWE OP PILLIERAL AND ittGONSON dTd.. ALLEM/11N V. WM keep on toad a - fall assortment *tall kind' of • 7,1:1.1170/ES, And "which will hal sold cheaper than any other bowers la the two cltlat. r/elmPtlella VareE ll 4 Prepared by a tint clan da or r/LIOURIEBY sod FANCY SOAPS on hand. . ore° COUNTY, Caw NONWISAVNIOic PaLswrittrAstr. To the Helm and basal Aepresentettlrei J4BIES UEL Y, late of said county, deceased: You aro barony cited to no and appear Were me, .24'd• tilitnY, naglatet.or M, Me, tre., In and (or nad count , . On otbefore 14TIJILDAY:.1.1.12ttit day at .i.r it lieeeteber h next, at Old isaillfdabuomAt of d Igt b o n t r uttti en n al i t tha tdr tb gratg co Ir el ltd JaMel daunt!: or showrooms: If any, W 47 the rams aboold som e drained one.'Sa ir more or_llitt ered nose or eotter.tle - prtion.. • , Alvan anderlay band and mat • of oiled, at PI tta burgh thl• tilt. day of NoeenterA A. O. n " 10 1 i1 01, iay7 . LUr, Bew ; ster. • ATES & BELL HIVE IN STORE A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Plaids. Shltsvls SILK, VELTET & CLOTH 5 • MANTLES. e - r :• POraliaS, - 29111K.5, , 313 - talmackvEtlei. 33lax:Os-et:9, Dream; Goods. 2i FIFTH ST. Go, T° t I . . . Pa.4033 - m.,rt. was?, • NO. 16 Fifth Street, i i ' ' -• ' F. It: H OLIDAY GIFTS. rr o lEarretlrecelred a large and well !selected ai If 1 , VINE GOODS; j ? piSzI.STING OF S- ! D ---111 LA AM C:fi•tr).s. AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Noun sxxxia WARE. . . FABIAN GOODS. • .FORIKS AND SPOONS. TABLE CIJTEre:BY, AbEIIICAIfi 7 AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, Icr,...iimhei, tiro. . • •nd a very lariMetock. of I MR SHOR-ELATER WARE, From the 4,eat 31anufacturm'au'd the • rERI" LATEST STYLES. Do not forget the Old Stand NO: 16 (FIFTH STREET. ..23:...,,y , . x GENT'S FiItifISHING GOODS. - NECLICEE SHIRTS, Muslin Shirts, Silk Underw ear, Merino Underw ear, , Wool Underwear, Merino Hail Hose, Shaker Knit Half Hose, • - French Suspenders, _American Suspenders, rAst seAurs, MAW: PINS, SCAIIEDINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS. WERT PINS, NECK TIES. LINEN A 4Jo PAPER COLLARS fp CUFFS, 1311TAiION LINEN DO DO LINEN AND SILK lIANTIKEIVES. F. H. EATON, 17-Fifth Bt. SeC> Weed,Lock Stitch Sewing Machine. BEST IN USE. THIS IS WHAT $6O WII L DO. 400 Mgcbthe will Hem, Fell and Mud; .. . . . ~. . .. •, Braid; Tuck and Cord; . . Gather and (F. 111; • •1' Make a Beaver Cloth overcoat; 1• • Make a Frock Coat: . . Make a Satin Vest; • - • Make cloth rants: • lllnd lincms; 11 Dress 111 do eve i ry acrerlption!ef Makn_ $6O Maclaine wilt do all kinds of. Fatally &whir. . 1160 Machine will ran over seems without bleak lyneedles or skipping at Lamb ' ........i 60 Machine nil hes a !talon both sides. 1 .10 Machine is the ;item est Machines by 20 per cent. In use, and wilt sew faster, Ir not empeelor to any Machine In the market, he can return It and have his money. Warranted four roan. , AMEN KNITTING MACHINE• Will knit 14 pairs of soul" lu a da►. Braid and Embroidery Siampt furaale and •taap luß dorm. Also a, model for. costing ladles and chlldren's dresses. Any person eau learn from It. AIIaNTS air All kinds of fatally seising doae. • / It. H. lA)Nti, Agent. 119 Grant street, opposlta Cathedral noI7:T.T.a PlTTanVitoll. OA. MURDOCK & PUTNAM, Are daily reelving et their GENT'S FURNISHING STORE, 72 301.1112. leltirc•cot, Nearly opposite Post Office. All the nee . and elegant styles In SCARFS, TIES, I.BOWS AND lIDIEFS, • penes Underwear, GLOVES, HALF HOSE. SUSPENDERS, •Xlloboss cla Crlarszszlore s Fin t Shirts and Collars, Everything to complete the OenttemenalWardrobe. MURDOCH 'Sr, PUTNAM. ne3:l4s:rra 111ARCUS DLO. B. BARCEJS Er. GRAFF, 96 Liberty Street, .DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PRODUCE, Pned. and Ohotee Artieles, AT LOWEST 'CASH TIMES. • ' 0111 still Is to keep a • First-Class Family Grocery, Slid make It P. SATISFACTION to .11:zzarbo may favor ns nub three patronage, In QUALITY, PRICE awl 1)ICAL1.0. 114111CUS 1 6111.10 F, DO Marcy street, (Truer °ltem. • se2ilkli:TTß FRINKLIN COTTON IVOILKS, HYDE'S SONS . Are now prepared to manufacture COTTON TARN, O.IIITIT CHAIN, • COVERLET TARN, CANDLEWICE, TWINE. RATTINUS. COTTON WARTN,,dc., WEST iiitriAL STREET. between . Robinson and Laconic. AllegbenY City. Ps. I'. n.—All orders or mall attended to. n09•n19, EASTMAN '8 PATENT _ Portable Folding FAMILY BEDSTEADS: the Bot ikifileaila for Family Lie in the Wog We manufacture various nines and titles of bOth DOUBLE.LNDSINtiLItIEELMTEALM. orwhlch !Card larZuon d ; . ib t rl ' a 'd :go t te " o f r2s i ge.. ' : . b . : l"l ie r n s Sl7 arrao.lng the oeudlnn! Waco zoldetftne r iaro per fmtlY Odredatr. and can at be carded from room to •oom or from 0,0000 to Louie. "ro be men at BMITII & DIOTTZ , B, 136 fi eld Street. no21:olla 11. P. 0117ENP, Anent. MADE'S PIANOS • IRE THE BEST lIIBL for isle gulf bY del CHARLOTTE BLUME, 43 Yin street. =I CLOSING OUT SALE. X 50,000 WORTH OF FINE FILL AND WINTER GL®TI - 3x rc . $lO,OOO Worth of DRAWERS, UNDERSRLRTS, WHITE SHIRTS, COTTON AND WOOLEN HOSIERY, Scarfi, Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also, '55,000 Worth . of Gloves, Of 04 Description, all of iihich sill be sold at ACTUALX. COST FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Before removing to my New Balding • Opposite Me Union -Depot. - • sir The legaear Store. and Ilvrellivul; toKegier with Counter., She! v ins. Shop Cales,& 1., For Ode. J. D. RANI.A.LiEY, 834 and 336 Liberty Street, Opposite Wayne. 1=7211 ALES AND PORTER. • throrgh the careful releetlon of Malt Ikons our ex ten. Ire malting (.tinnier mad Moue from the yards slot awl West, we can guarantee U be pure and tathifae , OrY to the t , edr- Our INDIA. AIX boo been highly re , mmuunSed b7 4- 'l 4l ' .lg:Ffittlrs c r....oiaer. particular .o leave their ord re at lila onto. adleln wl'l 11,000 he lug his old Brewery, or saner Mike, , Caner of Duquesne Vey and Barker's Alley, . neoune Our specialty now Ir .DR. - J. El. KING • • IC.axstioas.paact Ci-0312.V0w • H.ILLERNANIs lIIT BD FUR 1111PORIM IS FILLED FROM CELLAR TO loft a Ith • BICH ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, which le offered at 17311iFt."27 XecON7ll7 3FL.A.TII/9. 3E 2 IC7 SLEIGH & CARRIAGE ROBES, • Al thoo el:prepared wl th • full line or HATS AND CAPS, =I 1131.11,LETLNIA....INT's No. 75 Wood Street. .017:02. PITTSBURGH GIS SAVING CO., Nice, No. 2 Illerelkants' Hotel, COR.THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. CIIIPMIX47E111.0: JAMES I. BiaIBIS, President. ROBERT FINERY, Vice President. HOBS CHRISTY, -Sec'y and Treas'r. ME= T. 41.107: - I. l lllo 7 .trgSfk, JOHN W. VU. L.A.NT. N. J. 1114.i1...E1C, • W. K. MMUS. Office Hours, 8. a. to 4p. is., daily. noande KAMM PATENT PETROLEUM SOAP. • SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP & BEAUTIFUL • • IN lIILCISITB TOILET INDITISHING SOH EO3IIIIIED, • - 7 - K4.47E 1 9 PETROLEUM 80.1 P .Ikfter homeroom vathiftetory tests In hundred. of lamilles, Conddently offered to the public, Cu its established merits, u the best Toilet neap In the miirket; as • ili.t.rate Washing Soap and Kt Wee of all Cloth plains. It Is alsoand - edleselous emolleut s being excellent remedy for all (Intanerms OlsessenJ From Its peculiar onemleal combinations, It I. en- Weis' free from unpleasant odors, and foreign Soh n. sale at the principal Druggists and Grocers In Pittsburgh awl Alleglirnr• iii W. J. C. nOrria....C. J. 11. MUM. MYERS, HOPPER & 4;0, tilneeenors to It. Itt r . INlgor.) No._ 45 Smithfield St... Manufacturers and //cairnln rindsof rarLor, Chamber, • and Dining Room Seta, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITILRE, Together with a fall assortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture, 09.t.e, on hand and (oriole at the Lowest Catc h. 2E41.0010 menUss23 ("HEAT DEVOLIITION IN THE NINL TRADE OW THE UNITED STATE& —P1)111: UAL 4'oll}lLl UHAMPAUNE, made abd prepared aa If done In Preece, f om pure Cadfar• Ws Mine, and taking the place of Imported (Ns am- P Vb n a t indere rued would rat the attention of Wine Dealer* and Lotel Ifeepertto the follo In fetter, which may glira • correct Idea of the gm:Hilo( their \Vinci .`CaIiTIESSTA.L TIOTZL. ' Puthenahrut A fate I '`'Kenana. BOreusa & Co.—Gent/emen: Having [IV= year California Chazonanne a thoroneh teal, Ire take pleasure In earlng Mat we Male it the beet Smelt an Wive we have ever need. We shall at Once piece lt on oar bill °tram. lours mit , J. E. IlltiGeLEY & CO.'s Call and fri our Centered& Chscupause. 1te12:3311 BOUCHER it tAk. 36 Day St., N. Y. 'ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers oft 1861 - and 1862. All wile ,served three years are entitled to 000 lx"'"7 ;= r lVaa .l ntTLlT wcr . ° T e Tiara. sao• -2br. Xonliss Extra Pisy Is due Volunteer Oileers in the service March al, Mit, and discharged, mustered out, or resigned VN A gU i .gg. l —Permanntly disabled are entitled to 1010 or $55, according to degree of ambit. 6 IV. Jj a HA.LL rs'irEssoN. Attormr., X5l - i T 1 Grant RI mat. Phiwahnrith. (.EOUGE ItEAVEN . , CANDY MANUFACTUR EH And detr , FONERIN AND AXEIIICAN . ,WS, rumLaus. NOM, de.. 110.112 Federal.Blreet, Second door honk tha lit National Bank. GET HONE BET A oRoVER & BAKER Tor a Holiday la tolable. partici tad therefore the beat. Doti' t all to es/1 mid see It at Q. le NEW Ar, vERTISE DEE Wr. AMUSEMENTS. FITE !C4SYL'9 BEST DELLENES, =! I= I'Vr Cents r:trd =! 16 t,ut, per Yard ONE ILILLEOE I RED FLANNEL al iCe&... per Yard. , ONE 4..1[4 ,0/* Mafia: 12 Catita per Yard ON I - -SP or 11 VY 14PLINS, •'.O Cents per Yard O\1: CAME or o,r.otsos. 147:v Ce i'Ard ONE CASE OF ntiptonAst,s, KEE! EDIT =AVER (LOTIL 1i4.0441v 17.00 fad,. TEN PIEi'ES OF BLACK SILK, $1,25 per Sari 100 PIECES PLAID POPLINS, ♦ll Vert. Chen,. Mtlazi.lx.otes, W•3.eisma CLOTHS, SHAWL', XOUR'XIMG ft 0:0 IP S EEO Fine Dress G'o vEay Low. GARDNER 43; EiCELEf 02 JBTRI7 ,wv:o7s:Trs ' f/ITTSBIPAGH I BBEwEIer. 'CARSON, DARLINGTON tic CO., BREWERS, MALSTERS & HOP DEALERS, Sueces•ors to JORIIQA lIIIODIES CO., - POI aborgb, MI. W. ANDERSON, Mies Deny, Tile attention of the enotomers of Um two firm I.lyartleoloxly Invited too= Has renamed the vacant of Dentistry at I%Te. 1.04 I'IN"MME Opposite the Cathedral, Where be wishes to reeetre his frleadS sad piations who are In need 01 the services of an experienced DENTAL TRA.turrlololll. thin attention. wilt be given to fillings ei-ra. thin of the natural teeth try_skillfully them with the most select material. and by giving them other proper treatment, thus Pre . terviug them fur future utes and f 417 fort In &ripe old age. Irregularity of the teeth or young persons skill• full attended to and correrted. • Those beautiful life-like artificial teetb, rendered so comfortable and useful by the magic, of. the Dot tor`s mechanism; will be madu ready for-all who may order them. All recent discoveries of • value In se ring relief from pain in the extraction of teeth, will be skill fully administered to those whomay desire them. ()Mee boons:rola OA. st. to 4 r. 51.. ae17493 1866 . • FALL 1866. :CALTIARE'rtii4. We are now exhibiting fo; PALL. TRADE the most extensive stock of goods we haveni. had the pleasure of offering to our patrons. • : I. English Brussels and ,Tapestries, • Of our own Importation. comprising many new and choice pamerns never before In this market. • ECH VIITOI AID ULU? CASPITS IND RUB, ENBRUII4.IIICD SWISS LICE CUSTALND.: N!lr 11d Elwit Patlerni of Conti" Side & Centre Tassels, Loops & Binds, Choice Styles Notting C d rtains. I wreausn & COLLIRS: Na. 71 and 73 711771 STREET. Next house to D. S. Custom House and Yost UM*, Second Floor. CARD.c IN CONSIDENIATION OF NETHER. .01111 aXPLuSIUNN lbatl are weekly cm:cornea from the um of I hiElitlllt OIL, the - untlerstgeed have rnneluded to sell their OIL AT Fte.TAIL at the! WARalittl.WE, • No. 438 MitlesslizApt g3treet. he Oil Is guaranteed IW STAND A. FIRE TEST OV ILO DEOtlatES and onwards, and Is Irottacted for export by competent InspectorS. Those who desire a uniform and UELI•BLE AR TICLE Will do Well to purchase the SuLIO OIL. • . nurruSs. KEIIIEW Az CO., X.U. 33 MARKET aTILEET. Alachtulsta aid all other, Can; be - throbbed Lard, Spe at and Petroleum Lubricators at retalL nol3:onS C. 'a e r s ALMIIC3 . 3OOO, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, toz:r_ozrEs• AND • French. Clocks, &c. ' Sneelat attent'on iteen to the_ ItErAlltINO OF ME WATCHES. arch 22 Filth Sired. sea:poare • . . J/1/11,8 X. PAIN ........ . .......... 112CAlus lEL.S.C3.IILIOSIXCIMIL OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE, - AV. 410 rents /Street. -DUN PITPbIBB , Proprietors.. thrinlbuns and carriages turn tahrtl for ill tralna. Also, Carnage* (or tihiaerita, Weddlna and Parties, at abort notice and rcasonablo rata.. Stable Open Day and Night Iv3;e9ctr.TiLs BUTT DBE BESTa PETRI:ILIA BLUE LEAD, • - TOIL OIL REPIIMILS. 'Manufactured only and for sale•u7 T. ENA 1f CO., Foi.cwrioor X" a...4=e Tific.rixer, N. W. Cor. 3d and Market Sta g y oat. PITIXBUEUR. 825,0011T0 MC!. Person. dulling to borrow motel on BOND A.-.D MOBTUMBR. - • roeone , two , nor. years. will 4:10 well to call on UtUBOE N, PETTY onft ma Estate Brent. i.e. 11Bt- Clair atwok, (Roan ERLILLS. ii., n ent, Pitch, All, Para/Inns rarnisk and Mack Paint, r.le` i ' 7 4`e" m !il t arealgobanii .11• 11.11 , 1 b Wkavt.ll.lel.46, ICO dittstar sale br CHABLIS C. HAII_LIT. .2(0. 401 Liberty street. Mr - N C E7 li teElki lIOILTSIE. - • 0 111ECT011. fruccd•7) EN 4 EhING, lasi tha f e Davitive of— '7• 11111. in the or I=3 Wadnesdai—Ur.lTallack la bi• !mat rendition of SeiTLOCK. In THE Mb:RCM:NT OF VENICE,' SatunlayArteraroon--lirailtl Fashionable 1l allncf of the It!Jlt •NCE OF A POWS YOUNG IttAL IarPITTABUIIGh THEATRE. LE,LI AND MAN ..oLn. WM. 1115NDEnwx • Second nista of the InbaltaMe YANKEE LOCK , }:! YANELEE LOCKE: li.tN Et: E: Wltowiti appear in two ellttilr, ter, THIS t Tut , W.) I EVENING. Um favorlie Drama of 1111 S I..a2fEN MOUNTittl ltuYd. Overture •elc<ted To conclude with the I OkiEhT RUSE. tiaturday •fle , iuwn—tirand ma•luci, ONIC HALL, FOR SE . % EN NIGRTS MI commenting Saturday Evening, Dee. 11766, TtlegreaCcoufederd'on of astlngulabil Zthto. Pl.ll Art 1 ta, BURGESS - Of Mut' xrnisTatia. Untversally admit:edged undeniably the Chainnioe Troupe of America, and the autocrats Of all Yin. •t•eley. 24. lirlllll, t Ethlopr an Stars. 0 Cos etlans, clueing the great,. t of all 11. tuglittriesounamors COui BUR.' ES.. P. n. rilitDl and H. W. Et, ale. 4 ClOg Dancers. the Champions. MIKE KA., Asc. Na %MST and the no.t.lerlul UTICA BIAS. Marvelous Vocal Quartclto. Street Frederick's Church and Brandeni. FRAN h Itu WLEI•u n EAT DRAM BAND. NED KNELLAND.'S Magnificent (net calm. An entire change of programmer:ton e cuing by the largest and most . verolalle company and 1.1305 i extraordinary combination of instrumental. Von. Comic and Terpsiehorean talent Over conAderatea in one organisation. 7. At:miss:on. 33. Reserved !eats, 30. . • Doors oyes st tO.Cortimeuccat 6 o'clock. WANTS 'ED—A.thoroughly relia. =patent and energetic MAN. to act a. S perluitodent and Manager of the Pitts ' avings Company. Arri...cieroms will be received for iTS at the cake ••rittaborgla Una No. 2 2,1.11.2' Hot,' flnllding,da W3f. PhILLIVS, corner of Third and dreeta,. ED-MEI- At 10 . 4 St. L. Mom No. 2./ • ' .lett Clair sired., Itooli: D-21122 —At CIAlr street, Itoom D EN —Aog' . , lit. Clair street. Iloutu ca at - 10 ,, yi. Clatr street, Boom No. 2. ee at 1( St. Clair street. Room No. Z. dIED—AGENTS-31A LE AND dtA LE—lnovery part of Western I'eou ,7I;irdic?69IVAIT:AVOTT4II"4 "THE MAIDEN'S PRAYER," -.L1.2.C0L2in3 111,11 Z AT 81 . 117.12;1371ELD,' Either or the montb , oron commission. era• ratcsal2ovrett.,:.Fol fell particulsrs apply, person, or hddress, FARGO a CO., • nta 43 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. WANTED,,_ I3CIIOOL TE4C HE I/ • Either male or fe m ale; to eterT inurnshiP. to art , at Agent in the sale of our publications. :One In %Ott, repnrterthe sairrot 41 copies in three its) . .. Scud for • eirculueiVilth tern", • dares W. J. tOrt.LAND .t CO.. no:Orrrrr Pittsburgh Ps. R • lESICH &80 . - Engine ßuijd- R EltS AND MACUINISTS. manufacturers Ur Rimick's tuteot balance Valvs, for Siesta . Erl- Fr i ZYu nd g;k ki .Pgricy " s, B li e gigtit "l XlTi wun or ' wlibout itmance Valves, Rollers, Fire Fronts, Walking. 1111,,m Connections, Shleves, Pumps. AU: CORN lILKSISON Liu Plfit. STREETS, Pittsburgh. Pa. kepairtax and puffing UP maubluury promptly WANMED-AGENTS--476 to $24 T T PER MONTH for Oeistlemen. and 133 to AT 5 for Ladies, everywhere, to. introduce the Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improved and per• footed. It will hem, fell, stlteb, (milt, bind, braid, and embroider beautifully—pri fi l l y I.T 82ak ing the elastic lockwtitch, acid woranted tor torte years. We pay the airdve wages; or a com mission, from which twice' that amount can be made.,Addreas or call on C. 50W1C111 01. L. Umfe Ho. 353 S.. Illtlestreet; Philadelphia, Pa, littersanswered promptly. with circulars and : WANTED. : AtiAaNT • Of goal niontretninli and i temporzto hoOlts,who 1/willing to LW* int! enure ;AU:cotton .o litudyond ones, Rill betakenS,l ishTlilify.iiiT 011 31610- - OLNEwith a tizat-IaSS ptiislCiaii r ot this city. pita or CUAEOE. those iosalrg 'Fab good teem:s en d atlorm'wl.ll heard. I Address PELISIbIAIN, Ukt , ETTE OTFICK nuls:on Wmi.TED; • ACENTS SALESMEN Ia every Town. City end County in the Middle • eel:ahem sad WesterAttatet. Everybody out of emptoyment find It to interest to at No. 43 Fifth St., up Stairs, Or address P. 0. Box 301 PlOsbuegb. Pa.. • coci.Trg IV G ANTED--AENTS=To lien the I only alcb.l SOUTIIY.BaI lIISTOILY OF Mr. The Lost„ Cause, I • CocAplete to use LARGE ROYAL GCTA V O VOLUME of uelr.y 800 pages. lUustraG d. Also one Usod• Books of reference, K KV-HUI. OF A.sIErtIGAN LILIEttrI 11.214 EV HOES FEU)( THE MOUTH.-- - ; Ants would do well , to send for our circular Sad - Serum before engsglbg the sale of other works., Address or apply to A. L. TALCOTT. , - 5S Market Street, Pittaberth. nodmr7:2-reodiedr AGENTS XVTED FOR THE MOST POPULAR AND BEST MING SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS TOWED • We are the inn% hien:Ave publishers la thc.tlul led Maws, ((having six houliesa and therefore eau Alford to sail boots cheaper mid pay skeet.. flora liberal eounnisslon that any othercomosny. Our hoots do not pass through the hand. of Gen eral Agent., I , u nearly all other subscription work, do,) therefore we are ermoled to glee Our C• 11.1141- ert the extra per cent. which Is usually allowed VI neutral Agen:a. Experienced cant oesei l s will see the draniages of dealing directly with the pal, Iletwrs. - Our series ethbraces the most popular works o all subjects or importance, and Is sel ling tepidly both North and bouts. Old agent.. sad all others, who want the her& py lug agencies, will please send for circulars all,1;41.:1 , our terms, and catopareinem sod the character. oi our works with those or other patriot.... Addrest NATIONAL PUBLIaIIING oildwr NOT klluor St.. Philadelphia, l'a. AGENTS WANTED FOR A NEW BUOX, BOW EXAM. WOMEN OF THE WAR. By MASK MQOI2IC, Lathe of "The Rebellion Record,” ego. The object of this work I. t collect and present narratives of the services of the women who shared the of the war. and °cabs to inherit its aloe' The volume contains shout 0000. oct.ore Pages; and ls litnetroted with steel plate portraits.; engraved In the moot improved style. hold only by, snbecription. For Circulars, address or apply to EMT T a 130 . 171[3. No. 68 MTh .trees. Pltto4toB6. AGENTS WANTED BY THE EE 'teas bzwirie MACHINE comreNT tr sell their NEW $25 MACHINE. sew Mee tissue paper to bean , Beaver cloth or leather w ith l out change of feed, needle or tenstoe. he.f - alnvtluf pressnre foot and newly designed four in 0.0 .0 ,. UNDIRYZYD. Address. enclolung stamp ' J lt. BALL 6 CM. 68 ITU Street, (Second rioor,) eel Pittsbergh. I a. i MEN WANTED, • • • TO ACT AS SALESMEN, Either permanently or temporarily. who are n potent to engage 10 erst.elsas business relations. Apply In person or address • W. D. BASER, seLLJES • 9813ra0t street. Pittsburgh. pa. AGENTILWANTE.For the Gold MEDAL PE WINO XaC hISZI, In every Cltll and County In the Union. The least comTl'eahsl, tiro-threw llneaine In theorld. Address A. tx.,.131 Washin w gton street, Boston; Mud. 1207:n47 CO-PARTNERSHIP. • - TEE - ENDEESIGNED . lIAVENE; 4.. overheard the nisct and machinery of the Let nuramucx ASiCjitLEIIANN, . have on the trlf day of October. 1964 eniered throe partnership an, der the style of a &EPEE., tityritalf R. CU. lot the manufthture of WAtiONS, sic., at the old tahlished stomas of #. Frederiek Aeschlemann and: Thomas Harrier. on Heaver street, Manchetter,i and wo old respectfully solicit 'a continuance of the: patrossage nituerto in liberally bestowed. • r TIIOIIA9 HARFM As Oe12.:114 tbjEf'TACelYll2LldAal.ti: LEATHER itELTILNiti. • CHESSMAN & ..CILARti." 4 , No.. UHIO STEM .. near the Penitentiary. gheny City. - manufacturers of every destription ut - .1 Potent istrciehed,_ Cemented and Riveted 01.11...:, TANNED LATHER BILLY:LNG : .. ,117usId d e 7. i . o: oraer and repaired at short notice. Farlicalar 5t.,..,i -tetttlon paid to lielts for Roiling ki ilia and heavy, - , prerhe. ..1.11 souk warranted. Orders respeetfulir , olleited. NOTICE. • - • THE MEETING OF TAIELI ntectbolitro of the BANTA-ND BAILIV Al' :.: CO, bold St (*blood notion November loth. I" tbo fol‘onlng perSOlnf lon circled 1-nrottors or. oird Company forth' ensulogyear: b1Et....4.1t4 B. Y. PETIT. i. .-A. utrzvir.u.2.l3, r. 'A. 31ABEIIIA. no= obi And Y. DNB AA B. _ _ 1 THE CELEBIt&TED i HTEEL I ..k. TOOTH BAT BAEZ& "rrairte d" aal "Meadow Lark" are tuanatartartd ni t a tge DIIQUIenniZ WOBBIL near tka Fennintim". , Ant-, thaw Ct 44 Ray r rpringand riot Wagons, Wherital- oif- WWII an Trim" or erojo d. scatle 44 the bett, i . , moterto4 al abort not Lo. 1 , w arranted. .: ' :I‘.. lizt • LI ilktUn CULLY AN. I. . . , ME
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