. . . . . . r . . .. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ? . . . . . . . . . , . . . . - _ . . . . . . _ . ; . . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ' . , . . . . • ~, . . . . , . ( . . , . . . .. . . ... . . . - . . .4...' . . . . . ... . . . ; i . - - . ..: . . . • . , , .. , . 14 . - .. ' • .. 1 , • . . , . , . . ~ . . . . . ... . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . .. _ . . . . . . ... . , . . - . . r • . • . . . • . . . . . •... . . . . •• 1 i 4 • . .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •••.^ GAZVIT. .PIIIBLISKIIED BY Penniman, Re'ed & Co., AT. GAZETTE BUILDING, Zel.o. 317 8 .12t13. Eitroot. P n. Persia:tin Y. nonsroni 1E 41 (ors. tthi mao lAil lu e gs IiRI ED • Easiness ialtaceri.• EIZZ:11 8111 M• Coplm.. ...... Delivered by carrier. (par weak)... MM‘ s .blictiberl. (Deryesil Liberatretlnelb:= to 2fswi ' b;ays and +!LiaLts• CITY ITEMS. ITME.NI rauTuAt LIFE Tnsurance Cosnpany TT~~7iT' . ' Y4'?~t.Y3~: imiaTeN,Presidenl. 4+E§E'Es PYER 047,43•C0c0,c0Cm"; IMO EXCLUSIVELY CAM. Aumial,lllvMeude_Avallable Immediately, ro INCREASE TILE IiAILIBANCE . biI. ILEDUCE Tire PREALIII3II. AT TIIE OPTION - -UNE ASSFILED. .Policy.holdera and other permits Interested In the an.Jecc of LIVE NtSUHANt; IC are invtuM to call on the nodenienc4.. Agent or the Company. lobo mpl enceendly.allye them nall.lotormailon as to the =smite and practical worting of the Company. GEO. N. BLICESTOES, Agent;- Bro.. o'7 . Flit& ' Street, Vittabnegh. 830 neward. If the Indian Herb Doctor falls to describe 40; etismiaml tell 116 patfoiti .tite notifie of 'their eomplaintorlllnesevithont receiving any in formation from them. ..No charge lorctuat!ilaT tattoo or advice. . .. OUR Morro. ~. We use suet; 'name ite have no strife, _. With Nature or the Laws of Life ; With (At blpo4 our hands we never Ante, Nor poison men to ease tneir pain. ' Our Fatber;witom all goodness Ills, • Provides the MEADS to cure all our ilia ; eunple herb beneath our feet, Well used; 'relieve our pnine complete. A almplo Herb, a /ample rower, Called froMtho dewy j.OO.- - These; thaam - 'shall r alliak touching Of elLongoaMa healtla to thee. OfiliciNo. ipieityattcet, petwecli Sixth tuxdMaket,Tlttabutith;ra.:.:: axon sr m 'tree TOtaiteo Thelnw el - e lies andters can-.dud , Christmas presents actor their kusbandtt, brothers - and beaux at it. Allegheny, third door from /Magas:mien Bridge, titterer there - VIM altrays - be toted, besides all the common varieties, a very. eholcotnelectlon of meerechatun, briar tiotxl, and other , pip* cl gar holders, ece.,,of neat: and ornatt4msignt a large, and varied stook of smoking Said-chew ing tobacco, and many of the popalarrands of Cuban and American cigaca. • . The Howe 'seining Machine, : Most certainly take therread of aliotherani a shOrt time. It -was awarded five premiums on work, at the World's Fair, ISO; four premi ums for work and on the machine. at the New York State Fair, IE4 . Sea Abe Ardhoctin, of September 22d. A premium ote the tenehtne at, thehhiaAtaniXati..hilgs...hei-this-pagioa 'earned; October 19th. Ttte chip agency ter Its Salo for Western Pennsylvania, Is at No. 4 et. Clair street, Plttsbargh. ' Ilettlet ran MeHesinnisie pis kStare ~ , H aveCthellueiat stook: f nags ; Have the largest sasortmoatof patent m4: - lelnesrL: ' Haett the most elegant stock of peitiimip r ii Have the attest inedleleal !teems; Have the iree:atest Variety of tolletssOppsf.::'. !lave the best stock *thrushes, sponges, Se; 'and are aelle3g them for less znonerfhan auk , other house. Dose -forgot, Markeilitscet. Garrett% 211,0telkanistIr Can tO biughi for lean neonei, wlfehjildisf*, retnit,',' at MallruTanitEellerdian , s drug stem, than elsewhere. Itereember iXat, and golizidi Market street. • - • Good Prunes, • raLelea, buriants,<Atzen; Orange' and Limnos Peel, Fags, Jellies. gun:Led ,Frolts, and Mixed Clandlea, at 112 Federal street, Allegheny City. A call Is soucitAut• Gs°. Br Cheapest BouseL In AtnerteN 7 : , And'tho best goods In 'America, at this Opera Hansa Shoo Store, justly eelebratod andmade famous by selling their goodn'eheope• ithennest inthe City. ' • Poplin inaip, Emprees'Cloths, french lie. iinoes; and FtneDress GOode, at-poditcr & sthwuren, ilartet [area. 4 • Mark Cashmere Long Shanis. Fine Brocha.• Paisley, Black Thbet;Stalla, Fancy Plaids, Woolen Sha%rls, cheJper at Gar dner & lithleßer , a tluan ellarielicro in the city. Iropr Feet Dry Tlie'ridy genuine Water-proof Zoete to be found in'thefdtjraioii . ttio celebrated Gesell. lintuie shoe score. • • F.verytillng• lathe soot and BUR:cline aro sold cheaper than at any once else, at Gardner's Opera Lionoo Shot:ll6E6re. . , .•! Ton Mu flnj koiclgn Liqtiore .of: all kinds 'aCJ:ostilt 6. Finch's' Dlailletp, ?Cf. 1. 193 and 193 Mot do to Fleming's Drug Wore, • No.abliazket street, for %Willey WileoWs . igestitemedy-for .. C,onsumpt_lon—Sops,. Agept. fOr•ritUburgh; ' _ . Rend. bead, Head, 7. . 43ardlier ft Soblolteeo odrortlroment, and go thorn to boy yonr Dry Goods. 9131oruot Direct. Cloths. - - . Now stpcle r cheakcy than eye:. ilanlincr-a 12 Market strict. ' Go to Ftetalore Drag Store, No sic Market street; for OOo'a Dyspeptic cure awl Cough Babssifi. chenp, . Vattcy,nad Staple - . , foots find Sbeics, nit Waifinl, the 9PCM 1101280 Shoe btOZO. • • Greater - Basinfuls. Than you can see in do iyorl4 at the Opera /Lewis Shosfitote, • Pilt.bnrgh r reuiple College Vintei term opens, Dedoinoeir Gula. Apply . . _ . tiOtha, , Beautiful goods, ctgy fifty ce.nui. Gardiner & ' Black Stlks. hew stock cheaper than over, (Dadaist- 98 percent. A16511.91bx Joseph S. Finch's ‘- Yon C1in . 11137 Now Flops nkJosoph S. Finch's. Tic alcoraii;,t i,,, bin* Xong, -.December S.—A correspondent, at Dltiledgavllle, Georgia, says that Ma rot sons-for. the rejection•of Constitutional amendment by the logislatttre or that State, were that, there wore no guarantees of tOth n gven woulheadomis n dopt h i e o S a a ndnthat ehp consider It -the the beigeit of ingratitude to duaranchise those who were soldiera. They have hegua looking calmly at tee 'poialtdlity •of nen* Stabil% •It 13 1ain.261/0/il 1.0 tbl=l: A au has been , _under -consideration intim Loguilutnie looking to_ the establbsinneot of comet= sehools for whims- and blacks throughout the State, - and toll_ probably be .0.1 OSP . • ),migration troll2 thb North is-en couraged, and much capital bee already liowoaln tem Mat 6tnn4on, - I - 1 - . im i i , 1 : /1 Ia L____ BEIMI=I ErM2l VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 291. = SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'OLOCK, A. M. YERY LATEST TELEGRIMS. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS, (19EtOgi D. 6E.53 10N.) , • Vrfdintaorox, Dee. 3, ISG3. SENATE. The Uteti4realfleiat.presoff fed a commith framllie Goveinor of Vermont, Comity fog that Mr. rotund had been dSly elected • Stinited!frotit (bAt State I•3r six -care. Mr. Fasselidett presented a communication from the Governor of New Jersey, annonne leg election of Ales. Cation, na United Stattes Senator for that State; also, that T. 1 . , rrollughuysen had been appointed Pro A itcm. to act us Senator In place et Lion. Mr. Wright: A communication was also received froth the Governor of Vermont, announcing that Mr. Edmunds had been elected to MI the place of Senator Poland.. Mr. Cragin presented a communication from the Governor of New llampshire ' that :Mr. Fogg had been elected Senator for that State. The President of the Senate then adminls tenet' the pittliof erne° In 1110 above namo.l Senators. . . On motion a committee was appointol to inform the Mouse that the ibmoto was organ ized.;-.: ..-:- - Mr. Sumner moved to ptneeed to the con i sid- Cration of the bat to regulate the elective franchise-of the District. of Columbia. ..1 t had helm lintedneed the list day of the last session autLextensit ely discussed.' it had neon refer. nod to a committee, however, and had not :t.MIL Ret , 24 PPM .% He hoped it. would If acted .on now.. . _. .; ,Mr. McDougall Objected to it as being out of order. . . The ?mattlent of the Senato so decided. Amessage was yeeeleest from the House of Representatives announcing that it had or ! razed, and that , a - cotemlttee of three had ass appointed to stet - with n.' stretlar_commtt• ten tho Senate, Inform leg the Pres t deut that they were organized met ready to pro etlatto bustnese.- - On motion of Hr. Trithibull; Schate took a recess past pnw,o'crock. Mr: dn tbony moved that the mesiago and accompanying documents be printed, and that :AM extra copies be urintenl for the use of the Senate, which was agreed t 0. .: Oa motion, the henata then adjoriied. • .. . . The. Ronie . - met at 'twelve o'clock,' noon. Speaker Colfax called thellouse to order.' •" Acv. Dr. Boynton, the Chaplain, then-merlo n brret 'prayer, In which he invoked .the Divine blessing upon Congress, upon all lie thegovernor and Presidenthigh ollinatra of the government, th included.- ite alseupnved that GtiErwonni so direct nit who have any Influence over the destinies of the country, that harmony between all depart. Menu of the national government might re: snit—not such harmony as might he WO by the yielding of lhe right—ha only such es comes by the yielding or Those is ho ure to the wrong. The members et the Tennessee delegation who had not linen admitted peters were.then admitted.. - , Nlr.-Watahburn,. of Illinois, offered a resoltof than that- tho Speaker' appoint a committee, to watt upon the President. and antiounosittpt a .quorum of the ilottsa had asaerabled; nod idso. that-a committee - be aointed tojoin the Senate Committee, and t o p * nit upon the ['resident and announce _that Congreas. was. ready to reeeire any Communication , . that;he , 'might be pleased to make. The resolution was adopted, and the Speaker tto P r t ril l i t tid a tin t g orgteeLhiessrs. Waiihhern, On mutton of Mr. Washbtun, the Sneaker wits requested to assign a seat on the - door of the Rouse to the reporter of the United States anti European Telegraph News Association. - Mr. Elliott, of Massachusetts. °limed a reso lution theta committch be appointed and to be called the Committee on Freedmen, to mo lder of nine members-and to bare charge alai patters concerning freedmen, which Was re tarred. • I : 31r. Elliott.ntroduced a bill to repeal the 1 lath sectien of the act, entitled “Ao act: to Purdah rebedinn and for other purposes," he ' leg the merlon which confers On the kresident - rho power or.grAnting anuiesty Mid pardon to. ,t'll minion Or Mr: Ilontwell, of Mass., a rest. lettere";.trits rtdopied. directing the Secretary Of State to lay before !hello:ins° adcorrespon deuce had lly-the State Department relativ telbliellsceVery and arrest orrohn If. Surrat 1 --. - lir.liontrrell - introduced, Mr reference,. bill to_pravide for the Weer gold. by three - Ingthe Beeretarrof the Treasury to sell tTc.,- MO of. grad. every: Monday morning, is New. Yeloc,in parcels not to exceed Me Ceu each, and Iprovidingthatnesale el gold be matie In any 'other "ran -end - that nog such sales shall he made When - UK amount of geld to the--T. eery 'does not - atom.' Sae,ooo Aliso, , r.-. puMin nottett- of the time and place .of _„such ;such sale. , - shall be given in ;one riewSpaper in.. eadi of •the twelve - principal cities of the United. Stettia..- Also provided , that - the Secrets?”' they allow a ooramLsalon to the pencil making such sales, ,riotto exceed Onedifth of oneper. cent. of tho amount sold. Also, that the Secretary shall, from time to time,lnvest the proceeds Ofauch sales is interest bearing bonus of the United States, 'Ludt hat the bonds so purchased shall be- marked' "negotiable: , and the interest thereon shallbe invested In other bonds to be held acid:: treated. in the same In anuar..7 Tim fourth section provide& _that no collector of Internal Revenue ' or aril:piddle onleor r aball. 'ilepOsit the fundsar the United States in any banking institution Whenever his office. or placeor business is 'Within two hundred miles .of rho Treastuy of the United Buttes or of an .Assistant. Treasury, ot , of any designated de pository, of. the public. money. The bill:wits refer a red:to the . Committee on Ways . and Mens. Mr. Sehenek, orOhltiiritroduced a bill tit; Nix the time for the regular meeting of Congress at It o'clock, noon, on the tiny on which the 1 -ternt begins—the first Monday In January, and on the secodd Monday In November next pre ceding the - end of the terms for which the emigres., is elected. The • impend , - section Mt the bill provides for the amendment or the act of July 23, leer?, making appropriations for sundry civil expenses,. an., so t hat no member shall receive mileage for travelling to the place of the meeting of the Congress to which he IS elected. Dlr. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, introduced a billto create and organise a department to be called the Department. of Internal ltevenne, whteliwas referred to the Committee of Ways anus Bleat& • • - - Mr. Stevens, of Pr nusylvania, introduced a bill-tot - mutate removal from tonne. Mr. Warner, of Connectlent, offered a reso lution Inquiring of the Bresident whether any pOstinasters bold of f il e In vlolAtion of the - flea for the organ tut ton Of tho ros Mtn ea De - Ur. Farnsworth-and Mr. Stevens both moved In succetslon that the House tuljourn, but the Motions wore, lest, and. the House remained In session until the 'eception ,of the_Prest deura message,:which. the Clerk:prone...4lml . _ . _Mr. Stevens moved - to suspend the farther reading tint it tomorrow. The motion was lost and the- message was react. When the reading had conelnded. Mr. Wash. burtiftinVed to print it timber ex extra copies of the President's message for the use ot the. noose. inferred tOthe,Commtttee on Pelnt- Too Liodao then adjourned to 12 O'clock to• morrow. TIM MEANS IN BOSTON. ffead-tentre Stephens hi Pads. SYMPATHY OF THE FRENCH EMPEROR. Important Dispatch from Stephens • New Yank, December 3.—A special from . Boston to the Herald save The Feninn. nrOtherheed here muster by the thousand, nre regularly organized, and haveing full entlip. Montana Infantry, cavalry and artillery, the discipline they have undergone during the pig sis month has made them fit for soldiers. Therare ready tit go out on the war path as aeons. the order is received. There id no doubt that Joules Stephens ism French EMI giving directions for the move- ments in Ireland and in thle country, fits ar rival in taxis to known In this city. The present efforts oflrlebmen to take steps to redeem thole Isle lute the sympathy of the 'French Emperor, and It. will not be astonish ing to learn that the Irish Centre Is in clann. destine communication with Ills computritlts In Irelsed at the bands of the French police, many Of whom attend for that purpose. - It Is reported that not withstanding_ the em bargo on the cable, a dlaputnii, in peculiar cy pher,_agreed upon when Mr. Stephens left New York, has been received from the great organizer, cOntainlng Important Information not yetunatte public, but which will, be given in the time. It IS supposed to relate to the ex act Limo when the Fenian privateers shall start on thelrmisahlit to cripple the commerce It is also understood that a demonstration Is to be made by the Western Feniana in Can, ada i anda movement by New Englund rea lms from Vermont, In the event that the con ileatnedFentema are bung. Stephens hold, the key to the whole movomont, anda" ie. natingthat„e h: tl l uen ide t:ereBo Cellrftiloimt:e felllg rela ingtat herolrt.,t:itiimmarYm"Ls moowtithiralLndthiscountry, he provided a successful plan, whereby he Is en abled:to advise, and be advised. in all im Cant matters. • • Colleptiona or arms Dull roe': uaueiihere, - i FROM ,EUROPE .BY.. The Great Reform Demonstration FlitT IIIaSAND FENN'S I. TIIE PIIOCUSION. FEVANCIAL 'AND COMMERCIAL. Losnox, December Is estimated that at Mat tidy thousitud pel•sOnS Store, in the procession whAlli termed the Imposing teat taro of the Reform demonstration,which took place, to-day. Nearly all the tradeseocietlte weriront in fulflortel, and' thurched to the place, mcethey rottl'acvdri of these organized bodies, together with various branches of Alio Reform Lougee,' wv...1 - et in - Ake line witch were tonallosed of four grand divi: .tons, undhr the 'guidance of marshalls, and led by,bands of music, hamlets, society insig- Ac. It was by far the largest lend =hat - important affair - tit c•k tad • Whfch luta ever 'Raton Plolle -ttii3.o , :miatery.thatwithstandleg the very unpleasant state of the" weather. It Is a fact worthy of notice that the Stars and Stripes waved above the procession Ilk planrlducus. and ,was lk•equently and loudly cheered. , Tug :bandki :too seemed to. 'mare. cautht troclusjiiration of the occasion, anti ire_ d edged in the production of national 'Ails of a pattiotic character. The meeting took place on, the grounds of lirautfort- Rouse, a tubst cotlilonhinflotation. • Livituroot, December 3,3 P. x.-ThirCoatiert market closed arm- the sales were 11,0 ob bale% Including 10,000 to tiac trade; middling thil•antler 1 LoNDO.a . , Detemer 3, 3 v. u.-Tlm closing [Ogees Or America 1 securities were United states live-Teen lc,, 70.4; Erie, 43;4 Illinois Central. Plartioest Sadie, te'ptetled-11111 ~,Introd need. WASIIIIIO Tor, D cember 3.-The !lonia has plat repealed the 1 th section of the Amnesty act atithorizing t e President to grant-pity dons, by a vote of It to e"... The vote Is a fair ttolicatioU of the t he and strength of parties in the present Co gross. • bill has been utrodnced Into the liohse byovoidd rooting the sale ot two ns geve Monti the anti another by Mr. Schenck, of 0 ..co, provitil-g for the meet ing of CongreAs o tite,-4th of March tont. "loth Will twain' • large majority. • A bill has just . mn Introduced in the Rouse taking trout the es ident till appointments of Revenue officers and giving the appointing .power teenier Jo! ice Chase. - Are' 113 M, (Menage. - Nee Yank; bey '3 - , An atroolous out rage woe perpetra 4 early, yesterday morn .itsgin Brooklyn, • • gang of rultims, who en tered a beefs° occupied by theruber Of See ihg "girls, and liaVing robiled Inmates, seized the terrified women -and aniticeted'thom to the moat revolting Indignities: all wero out raged In a horrible : manner . 'Several.:arratts have been made. ' • a'II.EGItAPIIIIb The Leavenworth, Lawrence and Calveston 11:6112itifirtial jtist beett lobito a party - of - t ist. ern apeoulators, The grants :or lands to this - 11161 :04, 1 4 comprise . neirly.Otio million acres briber-tied latatorliansai and' Indian t OlTl ritou. —The . now, Cninpany, agree to build to soatlibrn 'bonitchiry 'of State within two The wires ,Of the ..14ilatitl.telegraph lines thiqiiitt_.tilite, : ,ikilthinorci..m:e 7 snt yesterday . jest as tint aunoitncement alfas due tbst the Tresidenre Message was being read. grill& agencyelutrgo uppn arragent Uf theiNew York esseciatedriclortte atteiniit&l contemptible trick, in orilette delay.the publication of the Message by the'. Craig- supporting journals. The garac'didnot auiceed, Thademise es6'.'Yorit Year was an itounhad•kisi, yrcolt. was a mistake, as the Journal still ritas. it will issue a &nudity edition hereafter. A. D. Dri:if Vaaro•oleited itsyor of Spring EntS...itilet , • The, ttewspaper ortantred Uy Charles A.ll:hurkin . .flew York city), purpose Issuing the first number of UM proposed new dally Journal In February next. tile bompthty has purobsabd-tie Avid eatabli,huisrut, with press and ftituresi. It is thought the new eltartertr for thefferufd will be ready by next ..tanuary. DA El It'S company - has n elpital of 4arly, one halt irdlllell - dollers already sub- - . 4osepti L. Baugbor, an, - o , ,LY'rellow of very Dlghorders, died yenterdey in Iteltin)re. , . Last week there Were one Intinired and'eight 4..11.4.1,1ne In Yfaittmore. • • • " . The Virginia General Assembly will meet tiii4:ley at itlchilionth ," . . . . Th. taxes on real I.fia personal Property .colleeted. In Itioehlyn.durltni the past eleven menthe amounts to twelve toillton dollars. Two notorious bank robbers were "pulled' , yesterilak,iti . Jersey City. It is thought that tney were concerned - in neatly all the recent heavy bauk robberies orAbakinst. -'Mr: Melvin, perueorati:,Wrint ejected Mayor of Lnirrenee,Maas.iyestoriaby‘ Tbc snit of Clark Ts. Brooks_Of the Filer Yqrk action to recover damages mages from earnings alleged to have been held from the p 1 Intiß, Thivirai party proprietor,: was-tap;to the — New York. Supremo Court yesterday- Judgn Daly, dented a motion for a stay of precnedlogs,andordered tho papir lo be sold Dr. Cluipip's now church in New'York, was Awilcutnil yentorday. Tile grand banquet Oren, honor of Con. areas lest night at Washington wan a Com plete sneeeis. itttendanne of ladies was very small, sloes only thoen at the capital from distant Statraliad been expected to at tend. Gen. Walbridge presided._ . • Gen. Sheridan has given orders to our emu =miler/ion the IMo Grande, edit interfere .10 MerleimMatters. It Is reported that Maximilian has returned' to Mexico, and will endeaviii to bolster up his tottering - erruplre• Governor llanulton, af • Texas, made a sneech in'lloston MIL night, before thelnabar tin' Suffrage (nub. . . The Brazilian Ball rood , -The Cool Jokes of Col. Coolbanigh. , • Railroad. menlicreabbuts ore not. likely soda to forget the operationsiln this city and neighborhood. of tiMeneilled "Colonel" Cool 'numb. ,Ite was here last primmer as the agent Of the lirszillan government,.acct to this counfrytO employ °Oyer:Maned railroad Men' to go to Brazil for - the 'mimosa' of running a railroad under the control of that govern ment. Almost fabulous wages were 'Offered conductors and eeginecre who would en GM, and asa largeStdvanoo in 'gold. Was promised, besides free transportat ion to Brazil, not; s few ambitions once were favorably Impremed with lilepr..posltlons. A time and place, of meeting were appointed, when the promised advance was to be given to those whahad en tered into the contract: The - employees were there, but , the I he OOntractor failed to put in an appearanee; _ ... • I - At last he has been heard - from. The folleW• lug cMacerning him appears in a..13t. Louis . P • 4 lli r ers ijio steamer -Platte Valley wag 'ast Imamd do n the river, she halted at Carious usual. Cotonel Coolbaugh was introduced to her °nicer as a person of largo business in. nuence r and as slesinsas .of a passage south- ward. itelhanded an expressopackage to tiro clerk, i Inborn, to be kept for security In the .pre, The package was addressed to Col onel Coolbaugh, Cairo, and ocstalned"appa. really $1;500. Mr. Isaacs had read in the vend of the more than honorable. transactions of a General Coolimugh, so called, and spot ted- the Colonel at once as the same person. ,The -- Aloringulelled "Tlesienver took occasion frequently to speak of the immense amount of cotton, corn, Le., which swatted his order for shlpMent along the river, and when pas sing a certain point, called - out to know from a man od ahore Übe was "getting that corn toady for shipment.. Various little plane were laid to get tile Colonel to produce money but wt...hout avail. _ - The bar-keeper .was notiaed and shut down on him. In the matter of credit. Vicksburg wan reached and he walked whore and disap peared, lassoing behind his twenty.fivo hun dred [loner. pedko .- It was opened,' and there was displayed to the. admiring gaze of not a few lot of blank tasek checks. Wo learn that the distinguished Mexican General or Colonel was the guest of Me. nen drick, of Cairo, Fith whom be had entered in. to a long and particular contract as to the re shipment, rates, charges; dd., of almost fabu lous quantity of cotton which he wits about to seed up the Illsolsoippl. • He was recently also gnat of the ut,auser Colnmoian, and It is averred that he succeeded In borrowing aeons of money from Captain Barnes of that wasting Nerape.—The Wettsburw Ht-re/rd says: A cutting scrape occurred on Thursday evening in the lower end of town, on the way to the brew trense,tma serenading party, be tween ahcp Barnes and John Ble - Ziabb, to .Whictithelattec weretelonaly cut In the at. donuen with a knife in the hand. of ;the Ter mer. Thu case yea up for trial on Friday morning, but was p wtponeal, without any confusion. garnet; was sub/vino:may held over for trial at the Dtarelt court.—Oail PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, DECEMBE 4, 1866. CITY AND SUBURBAN. • Severity Towards Ronstbe vs; Sererlfff • ToWards tfilleekie - Them it a great: deal said against police ()Sheers in one way fled tinothEr, and by rarl oilo elastics. A Itinithilibmicirot policethen-: too small a number for tub extent and chetah• ter ok the tbfrltbry 10 be gttarded—is allowed for this city. A' row Otbure Somewhere,-tad the pollee are not, perhaps, promptly oh the, ground. Possibly. all , the eilleeni are on other WILY, and not able, at the mo ment, to he on hand. No sualter, any amount of. Swearing against such-.policemen is •th order. -%n officer makes sin arrest, Is mediated desperately, slid in order .to retain his pets once Is obliged to secure him by force, An -atheists are breathed trim 117 order 10,1ng Mauna, against the brine -. polleemen who will pulse a prisoner . TLS officer Makes all , other drrhst and deals gently with deeper •lttecaptire;who ttthes advantage of the lent ahoy shown, knocks bin editor down and escapes. Words are not Strong enough to elt= press the contellt of the public for the milk Mad water .man-thet. lets. o-prisoner get the upper ' hand "of Mat. And so Itgoes. Oar small pollen. force la. expected 40 furnish an nicer for every rough. The officers are to treat rowdies as considerately as if the rtIW-. thee were gentlemen, and tiler ere td bear fin; resistingly all the abash Merl-larks can inflict, butoeyer- Mt, a prlsener. 4 .escape. Those easy Conditions, eciothrlao.the popular Idea of a 'phlldethattli du trl , Now policemen era human beings. In thdir business; as than others, there ate then who do not attend to mutters either promptly or welli who alight dillt goofinett Wore Id make mticondeet•lit lhe butt a seed deal leak, lot Milli be repthelanded and punished. Let the authorities insist that the °Meets shall do Ali that can be reasonably ue demanded of them, to make the performaneolit their duties per feet, -lent let the Publib..nils. a littlb common tstrso With their e.tpeetattoos. There ate of doubtless, who are cowards. and SO let prisoners cutups then, -when a little whole some dating would have secured them. .Let such be diagrticed and distrdSsed, but /et not leo harsh Indgment Lie ' , hilted tlptin a knit of two or three °Ricers who, fall to successfully 'fight an - arm? Corps of roughs and who .do not .trlitinphantly brinff to the lock-up rowdy through A pant blauk lire of brichtbats, stones, clubs and tend. Also „there .are °Meets, who art cruel, mid' • who mate, ander • cer tain circrtmstances,. ahamefntiyJ and, neo . dless. ifiLfb o u7,;:rt,; , ... , eA: e n e s r on i e n re ilie W . e ,re b a ll i e .. v . e „ th th a e t special, the Ifni, pendent, or the night force, those who ric%:eitst should rtceirc the severest punishment. lint db not confound the wholesome twee, or even violence news. Baty to Make prompt nod effectual arrest of desecrate rtffilan with the mean cruelly that would naul a defenseless woman by the hair to to the lock-up; or would' kirk a helplessly drunken man .In. thefrilts to get him off the •aide walk. People strangely forget the cir etierstaneei tinder watch Most of Mese eases of allegoderuelty occur and the character of 'those • who. claim to .bu alie victims the heartless policemen. ho Matter how luster,- crests desperate the. rutilin eh° lb *treated, or lids , strong the °Sidi:nee that he Was VW.lotts ly determined on either getting awaY.from • the policemen or petting the policemen out of the way, the public grows tendenuearfed as seen as it h. are that, a ma n— lark has been strytek bye pollcchlan: ' • - how this tender lieartedness is all nonsense. The police are requlred t.O 030.h1t.010 the order or peace of the city. In oilier LC do . this therein:l oNcinednellv use violeitee— het them, so long as iris necesiary and theyilo not use cruelty as welt. And let the public ennsider, fop that It Is no Weise fora villain ous “thragmullinnu to-get a blow . .frpm the starlider than for a well-behaved °Meer to get a bloody nose and black eyes td„the hands of said ruffian. J,'Oateef Statement In iliattusitY Morning's issue, we gave ah iteir:ciineeining a family difficulty, existing between Bir..arfil alt9..Jerotdo Janet, of Ide- Clore township. Our itiliale retiocted Some what eiontroly. cireldps. :ones, and as wo re ceived our informatioli from official sources, we supposed I t till be unquestionably - ctir,rect. Wo have alone been ittiorniert. horeeter, that we .uuDsteatientill loidstine tue lady. 'She penult alleges that she in far more sinned t.srainst than sinning, and that if all.the facts. erere:ltnOwti, She: *veil' hO elearedof • all blame. We are &lad rellatily infdr.W.edi...thet the story Of- het vfxeuiSh resistance to the officer on the occasion of her arrest was. it sheer fahrleatlen, and. that A h e officer, after a display of brief autlivrlty, perditund her to gobs. herself 'futile baginttate's °Mee. The Indy is a person 'of respectability and la welt connected Lt the city, and- tee sincerely regret that any statement of lisle rend, tut happy fam ily quarrel, should lave found its way Into our columns. Paving tiort given beth aides of the case, WO drop it. • Criminal Court, ThoPeeetriber term of thb Court of quarter Besslens tertlay hi the presence at a fall herteh. JudgeSiolos delivered a vsry aele and somewhat extcuded charge to the • • • .Gtand Jury, who retired to their room and commenced tbeis,laborn..A few cases of miner importaticb Were Illahoecti oft and the court adlourned at an taily hatir. •• Daring the ses ame the Ceinthission of 'John Brown, aleq., the newly elected Clerk of Court., was read by W. - AL lierron, Eaq,, the retiring Clerk, and the new incumbent - took the required oath anti entered upon the it it( ittsuince. J. W,. Snively, thelneohling itecorder, and Captain Gray, Register, received their cominissiona also, and were sworn la. Sheriff S. it. Cluley was to have taken the Oath 'required of him yesterday, but no there ate.lieveral Pettit Of businese under the old administration which he wishes to conclude before entering on his new duties; he deferred being sworn for a few days. lie will assume his Witco dUrlng,tlio present • Jinni Mirtlea rcgrot to 'mum that, at about ' four O'clock yesicrday morning, the barn belerig• lag to S. Scheyer Jr. Eeq., at Swissvale,- wail destroy4l by fire. The ,lames had made finch progresi heti:ie - they, wok, discovered, that they could not be checked, and the bliilding was totally destroyed. A very valuable coW which was in the -stable. .an was= burned to death before she could be rescued. The loss will amount to about olglit hundred dollars. Tho building was not insured. There Is no doubt that the are wee . the work of an Incendiary. A singular circumstance counceted with the flre, is the fact that the evening before Mr. Schoyer's home, which occupied a stall In the stable, could not he ..induced to enter the building. He was led to • the door and there stubbornly baited, and no amount of urging or coaxing conic! induce him to enter, and finally he uart to be tied under a shed. ills resistance lathe more remarkable, as tile ani- Mal 14 uellilly.oxeeediugly docile. Ills myste; Hoes lit of obstinancy saved hl. life however. Three Commitmento. . , , Last Weok liobert Scott was arrested on a charge of Ihreeny preferred * by wm. Scott, it appears, stopped over night at aboard. log house on the corner of Feint h ann Ferry etreete. Ile took his dephrture next morning, when Grier missed a valuable overcoat, and Suspecting Scott to, be the thief. be ninths. the Information as stated, and the accused tans arrested. Grieris overeoativae found in Scottis possession, es was also two other One over coats. Two other boarders at the same house, nametliturrison and Gallagher, lost overcoats on the some night, and learning of Scottie or „rest they visited the Mayor's °Mee and iden tified the coats as theirs. They then made IP* formation agalost him and two more com , mitments Were yeetenday morning lodged against him. 110 to aiso charged with stealing a pair of ,pantaloOna and a vest from Bard. tout . . Amusements TO•Pligh t liswOrsia lloestitr..l. W. 'Wallach ut the httenaely interesting draina Of the Ironliask: l'irrasurnon TRE6TE,E.—Yankee Locke, who 'irripeare in two ebaranters in °Green 2donn. Boys." Alt crpfcce, “Forrest Rose." - idAsome ilAtt.—Laltneos inimitable min• strels,the best which libeler along - limo vie= ited our city. A spicuctid Programme offered ACADZILY 0V l!destc.—ltev. J: Veughon, the celebrated Irish orator; delivers a lecture tO. night on the. Wrongs of Ireland.. ayor hlorr.son yesterday gave e hearing lathe ease of. Sherlock, Gorman and 'Cartitio, the three travelling tinkers accused of abducting the three /Olio girls, Lawler, Maley and Hannon from their homes in Buff aid. The accused affirmed that. they had taken the little Lawler girl ont of the litatin work house, and the other two from the alteui house. The hearing resulted in the ease be teg • dismissed • awl. the children being reit inanded to their guardians. The men mina; herd to take the children to Buffalo if they de sired to go. . ' • • Shoo Lareeny.—Of making. many than 3 there is no end. On Friday evening Messrs. & to., wholesale shoe dualere, at No. 117 street, set alx cases or shoes out on the paveullint, to be sent. away for shipment. T hey worn not sent, and after a time the boxes wore brongift into the store attain. Only the were found, however, the elm th having neon stolou. fOe stolen box coatain a d aixty-slx pales of shoes, of tamouning i n th e aggregate to' tutt.co. No trace the thief has been obtained. Ilan ifori.—Yesterday morning a man nfuned.llllllaut Salmon, a carpenter, employ ed al repairing the roof Of Zug & Co..a Iron 3lil, In the ' , Atli Ward, at the foot of Noland. StrectoluddenlyslippeglAnd fell to the pave ment, a distance 0 twenty feat. lin was talc. eu up and removed to his throttler on rite Street, and Dr: H. caurdin; lovas ascertained . that. •no bonus wore broken, though tee entire left olde testa severely Wale.. ed. The Inisred man II abOtit, Arty yparl or ago. , . . The nalirothl Deottr—r,oneionbin of Ike tofouees..lnqsgest—ldeotine o'f the Itenusins: Jury empannelled by Coroner, William tilitiaori to inicatiljate Mu canoes of the death Of the unknown ihan 'found, as stated in yrk , terday is paper, on ilict Allegheny Talky road; abobe the Sharpaburg Bridge, met yeie • thrtlil afternoon et the ltfitybr , s °Mee to bear the testimony In the eatm. The' Or nice co elle , lied was as rtilio‘iii; Ol_mnibris,sworn,--4m track Walker oh the Adeithbny i alien linuidrAti into thl talcs rend on - §untfiay morning; walked up the track from the Sharpsburg bridge between leach and eight o'clock; Wind:the hotly of a Man trill aide of Heights !tun. lleldal Ms arm and bead eut.niT; did not know the man; he lay in the middle of the. main track, parallel with thakaise, and on Ma di of bin back; found a part or lila beat Aid lad It liver hint to cover him air ho Arno all eta peed, and walked my clack u p p tile road; about ono hummed yards from tbb body I found tile bead all broken to pieces; met a woman, and told 'her of the 1,0 4. twitl,she left rife truck and, as I beard, told others of it; did not find tile [keel did not ref:novo - Any portion of tea body; when loam!, imelclo tile coronet Paw Mr.Oreen, the boss of the second section, coming towards one; Mi chaelCanewasaleocoming, behind r. breve; we lifted the body away from track and Intel fc by thb river aide; covered him up and left , • Beni .It. Conner, - swern—km conduttor of Thethi train, which atrivel r 4 Lawrenceville at 2:48; and was on the train on Sunday Morn , ingflust.thia sidebar Ilaight's It - in, I caw some thing lying on the rack, bet Whitt we got clone telt; asked i . et engineer it wetland he thought It, with 'lamp Of Coll; were gOldg at the rate , the Or fifteen Mlles per hoar. Aa we •Watit width tht the object. I saw some thing fly from it its it wollid from a lamp pf teal; 'thought no more of, it, and put oaf train away at Sharpshargt After we baoked In I looked In the cow catcher, thinking there might have Veen eh athident possibly, tint saw, nothing and thought It tali Mt right. The coal train had passed about an hour be. fore and supposed - it was a lump pf 'Coal; though not aware of the matter till Sunday eftertiden; when I beard of the accident. • r. R. Church, sworn—AM engineer on the oil train. Was coming in on the train on Sue day ,utorning; saw, something black on the tr.iek near Ithiglit's gun siding, and thought it was a lump of north Mr hen we ad: to town 1 looked at the cow.catclier to see if there was any tli;ng wrong; hat no marks except a mark as if we hadatrnckenmethinghand. Thought the', that It Wan surely !slump of Coal; the en gine is No.B. First heard Of the accident this forenoon. Was probably ono hundred and 'fif y feet from the object when we first noticed it; bad not the slightest Idea of its beluga man. •If l had supposed it efts a man we might have come very,.near stopping, Could hardly bard stopped entirely. , - Irithael Shay, aworn—Ant. a laborer; live above the .bridge beside the railroad; was 'awalfeand'ap at abegt. two reelffek mid bad my door open; heard a man passing the door and going up the ...reek; heard the train com ing down about fifteen minces afterwards. ()filar CuriVea,-sworn—Was at Devore's this morning; a young man taint , In and said that from the description given the corpse was that of a man named Stewart; shortly silo •Weirtit. Amanea Stewart's brother came in; examined the body and clothing, add commenced weeping, saying that the body was Atnanzn's; he identified the body by every artltas of clothing and said his brother was missing since Saturdaynight; sent for Amon tabs brother .in•law then, who canto and nl6O examined the body; be could not recognise the face, bet itlentifi“l the - overcoat as 'ono -tin*, lied belonged to himself, and which he said he had given to Manure Two women came in and stated that thIS were nefghbOrs of Sirs. Stewart end had been sent by terse Identify the body. One of them had seen 41111a1123 the even hurbefore and Ms; Stewart had given them a dese.rlptien of the clothes. Before they saw the body they gave a lull delSrlptlon of Amanzais clOthing and It corresponded ex,aetly, with that of this cloth-. tog Worn hytiletlegeaSeil. Voting Stewart able stated that on Satuniay night Amania start ed for the salt, works to is party. Tile family reside.M PrOspeM stritht, Filth ward, and re-* moved the regattas lb their resident* for buri al. The deceased was a inchintai yti Age. Thu jury returned %verdict to the effect that .the deceased, Mumma. Stewart, came to his fleath.oh the td of December by being nett dentallir inn Over by Irwin on the Allegheny Valley liallroud in "Milled tOWLlthip; Not Guriis= - rud COOe or RCT. W..D.NOlgt . , . Our readers will impair:her tht;'.;felternetit caused seine time since by the arrest of Lied. W. D. Se!greed, a Baptist clergyman, In Phil ale/Pillell Charged Whh gaining the confidence of a'female with whom Ito wag t, it refs resenting her as his wife, and n rterwaras fraud ulently obtaining from her a large sum of • mdner. Ir. Selerlird, ivho is I known In this community, denied the enarge at the tame, list be was required to enter ball fortriat before the Court of/Quarter Sessions in Philadelphia. The result. Is, given In the following letter, 'Written to a gentleman resi ding In Zanesville, Ohio, and published id thb Courier of Friday last. The letter Is dated. Philadelphia, November ad, and is as follows : Doe - .Brothcr lou, with niters of emy friends, hey° waited lean to' hear from me In regard to the result of infaniptla probeedings against. the by a depraved it mush. About tour month:stave rolled away since Ude outrage was perpetrated. -This has been, to um, of the most painful and trying character.. liuring the lime, however, I have been getting ready bar, [vita patiently ab lilting It trial: 'I have been abundantly sustained by Divine grate, and cheered by constant manifestations of the ,sympathy and confidence of my brethren end friends; for which I shall ever feel. gratufnL • I sill no*Ontttfitial W sande:at Cie following re port: The casewas called up, the third time, In the Court of Quarter Sessions, and the proseentrlz could not be produced, After search being made for her: The bill was Submitted to. the jar: and a verdict of not pithy was rendered tO•d 1 / , 'Theinfamous Womad well knew the nature Of the testimony that Wald be' produced against her, and aim was liable to a prosecu tion for perjury.. era prepared to convict her of perjury upon no lees than seventeen points. Well might she flee. 1 h est* eot a number of most respectable Witn 'Who 'wets and a telegraphic summons, to cOrne and tesUfy to the follow 1. ing That Wainot Wlttithe b y her, at the severathotels, ate., as charged by and did not. support.her,at those places. a. That she WAS nor,,n resident. nor boarder at any one of the places named by 'her; upon oath. in the cities of Pittsburgh or Wheeling. 3.. That she has been, from sixteen years or age, notations ass Gnomon prostitute and a thief. To this her (men the testifier. - " 4. That she nerve had the sum of Money of which she deposes I wronged her. . • That her mother, Cations she repeatedly) declared was dead, and, at her death,•left her is now r uing;an Vali ready to appear as witness fo inn. The Moths, is a respecta ble womect, living at POmeroy, Ohio, . , - d. That she, (the promentrix). has sorted - a I term of one year in the Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania for larceny. • 1 cannot, Itow, summon Ilring witnesses to these points; but I cad and win obtain all and other Alocumentary teetimony. and. make it publie' In' such - mann:yr as shall be deemed best. • • • • Norther the Church nor too Conference of Baptist ministers to which 1 belong, have taken any action to my case, but have shown groat confidence and sympathy. It is due to them; (and I have requested it,) that a Conn ell of the Church and Conference be called. to investlaste.this matter; and announce the re sult to theponblic. of this shall be obtain ed, a foil history of the affair, welt attlanxtti;' &c., will bo poblisked. Yon shall haven copy: . . yours, truly, , :D. hibernate., , BarglarY • Tkeginessille Charier says The eaters In !Losers. Sturgis itGreen's Mill, Duncan Falls. was broken into on Weilinisday night last„ hg somebarithirs„. and -the the non. safe ID the ethos) _ , blown open with poWder, (rain wide!), bower er, they got little cot:nothing for their trouble. an entrance - the Mike was. effected through the door wait, they pried open with an iron bar which, with a sledge hammer they had previously stolen from g blacksmith shop. Io the village, reaching thasate the (loot knob was broken off with the sledge, and Into the safe door through key hole . powder was placed, which was afterwards exploded, tear log the door all to fitects. The thieves • ran sacked the books pretty effectually, but failed to discover a two tr. S. bond, par , between the leavesf of the day book. and got ninety three cents belonging to the temperance socice ty of the place tot tapir trouble. Promotion of General J: A. Ektn. We were informed yesterday, by our friend Cot John P. Ginas, {lint anti honors have.becn visited upon Breiretlfrig.Gen:Jamea A. Ekin, 13. V., , the able iind , ancient Quarterniatter at W asbington, . Het= just been an- Feinted Deputy Quartermaster General, with lineal rank In the regular army 01 Lieut. - 4 Vol. . onel. yew men from this notion have risen IR such distinction through actual merit and ability. indeed' we believe Col. tide to be the only military, gentleman that entered the volunteer service from this neighborhood. who rose to the rank of Lieut. Colonel lothe regular army. lie halt established a national reputation, and Ms present advancement la hatnew er'idemoo,..pf the honest and faithful manner to which helms attended to his duties daring arid Since the ridoillon• : a t 4 t s Ir ofece try one of t a"a be tw i n . n 'Morrow was walt*:"/ , UPC 4I _ltuiterday mann:Ong Aidarma gt,2lths residing in this county. atrw.-gilen smith, 91 Cetkland towashly, caul° before bins puut wade InKirtua. Um charging bar btu:band. nubart, 8n ith. with surety of the . .ppace. „Slut alleged tit.st , her husband bad heeowswaagry with her. artS l so his wraSh had threatened to split h er brains out. Sirs, Swath etcga r ood ogriertuditY Dramas to the ttereikwed consuram= rusks the intorsuuzaq sassed. n° was Brreated Iv fore gather (45 !, 3 CII 4 Hridford itud the Offtherm fin - the *Rh of ..ltelictritier last, parts. Brad ford; a well-Ifni:mu Third warder, rieltelthe : SOMAS of Ft au k McLaughlin, on the comerof Tunnel! and Wylie streets, and requested 1 lititer; which was refaced him .y McLaughlin. This had the offeCt of exciting his ire, and he began to siaash lip things guneraily, breaking the door, etc..McLaughlin Called d number of officers, who. after Considerable diMeultY, ._ sue carded in arresting • Bradford. McLaughlin withdrew the charge of malicious mischief, and Bradford was diseluirged. • On dattirthiy. .he bud a bearing before the Mayor on a char of assault and battery, pie.: furred against him by thisid Buchanan, one of the emergency pollee engaged in hie arrest,. It icitv clearly proven that when the officers attempted to arrest Bradford, be [blew him self on-hie hook tu the gutter In about two feat or tritulouitt began-kleltlng all who went near part of the prosecution some tire or six officers, who Were erigneed In the - arreal, were head, among them. ADliallen and Barry, of the "jugular" force, and Buchanau, Owens, and Ilcastly, of the ,"apeeiaL" U 1 these tcsttlh dto the manner of the arrest sad of the desperate resistance made by Brad ford, and the houndue violence was need to- wards him, except 89 to• the use of the "nip pers," which was rendered necessary by Brad. ford's actions. Several of the officers were kicked by Bradford lifter he threw - himself into the glitter,. and Buchanan was kicked and severely woutided In the face. The moth er and sister of. the prisoner Camp around the cabers, as well as a considerable crowd of both licitee, and a good.dcai of crying and loud talking ensued. ArrlYlng near Grant street, it beteg found that Ors prisoner would not walk, a Wagon was procured, and Bradford brought to, the /ock-up. .11calth officer WII- Damn corroborated the testimony °film police officers, that - they did not abuse the prisoner, eithe. by kicking or beating him, as had been alleged. The only abruie he got. was done by . . Officer. Enchain:lan, ft appears, received a kick In'the face, hence the-charge. Bradfoisil was mouths!. to enter bail in the sum of thrift heed red dell/Ire for las appearance for trial. At the conclusion of the hearing, Bradford -Proceeded to tbe Mlle° of Alderman Strum, and made Information for an aggravated as s:Milt and battery againat Officers David On. cliannan, Edward Gwent, Daniel McMullen, John lileGrady, and Mr. Mundy, In the infor mation it is alleged that "the said defendants and others unknown, did commit an riagrava ted assault and buttery upon him, by kiekinic, striking, beating and .jumping mem the ant,nsing upon him deadly weapons. pistols, Dandy-131113 . 5, Sle." - A bearing was to have been bad In the Case yesterday afternoon, bet the officers waived a ring and were each held In the sum of 1/SCO to answer at Court. dointilt afekinx of the Stockholders of • the Pittsburgh and Con hells wit:e Bail- =cm The Pittsburgh and Canna!lrvine %aimed held their 14tli -annual meeting yesterday. In this city, at MI:1 . 0111re of the com pany. president W. U. Ilughert presented his ahn eat report, which showed the affairs of the . company to 1.41 In excellent condition. The' let -earnings during the past year were 606; . t.."..05. The of have contracted for the earth Ailingof the trestle work at ilratidock's Field, which Imo always been regarded as ra extremely dang,crocis plate. Not it slogielray ebsr was injured on the road duringjbe peat year. Tliereport_concludes an follows: • •••Wo artnclouscloce s that trete has existed - a feeling of disappointment at tho apparent sympathy of your Board, afterltho successful Istne:ta tha Catoo Wttliamsport..: To meet and remove this feeling' wo would reiterate the statement that financial negotiations arc lutposAbleEo longeS the title to thelranchines is tau legation. This cliflicalty once rdmoved, the existing managenicnt of the road will be able 11l push the stork to completion without any delay or hi:Amuse from lack of money." The report of Chief Lugloper Latrobe was. read. motion, the reports wore adopted and or dered to be prtnlcti. , • The report of the Auditing Committee was then submitted, netting forth.that. - they lied attended to their duties, and found the boose or the CCM:many in admirable order. The meeting then adjourned clay die. An election was held for Ward of Drer, tor* when the followang gentlemen were ana iiirrionstyseeLected:: Wm. Oden L. IL Fatty:than. clown Fleming, Win. Phi Lips, • - tYm.Ltaldwln.JOsepall'ennocieCyrUSSleYers: 334110a11LL11 . Deified, J. A. Thrtrupsen, - Johns 'Urious, Joseph 11,. liarston, 17, Taylor. A Deivitrate Fellow On Saturday night, as ; il a Tire informed, a man named Anthony Neeluxi. residing, at tise . etitfler Ribbon and Magee streets, in a ilt of drunken Pasaftini tete.] Ids infant chill and throw it violently Quaff the stairs, nearly Mine it. Ile then turned tlercely upon his CIO Anil threatened to kill her. lie seented bent on fulfilling his threat, for he beat her cruelly. tier cries of • t ditirnero brbughl Ur. Fowler and Mr. John Bell, tun °eight:ors, to the spot; They interfered and did. What they could :TUB Use a-pedant until tne arrivel of °dicer Wm. GiirtioU Of tne special ponce, who, though off duty, happened US UV near. The ofileer, with inn assistance of the Mu men, a uceeeded at last -ln seenripg the il=neretio, tiotwithsteuding a most elcloos resistance, - and Ilia assaults of the wife Trlio had strangely enough taken sides wan bur Murderous if us .hand. seen at length platted In a on and carried.to the wapiti:house, lighting tile entire way In a desperate manner, ....that officer (Torsion end hlt. Belliarlin accompanied li lin, bud their MOMS fill =take - care of In she morning the violent .Reialiku wo.s. hued . $5 which 110 field and want awas'. Dear 'teheajp Pianos—films to:_ Pdr eh " Whea a deider'Srtilililtastaff his low-priced pianos for,first class wo,rhatanshin el ask hi.tc taho out the mechanism, and prove tole/11'111ot; theicontaln the following essential points, to wit:. 1.; The felt hammers, capped with leather, • to prevent the strings from rotting them. - 2. The holes or the key s. Lined trUit Cloth, to keep them from rattling. They are dear at any price. and not worth having unless they are provided with these improvements. We offer the allksel New. TortrlUnosi -which at about ono-half the usual cost, Contain all thestiall- - Co.+ of first Glass l'ianos, viz:. The liisselq`lano - bas leather-capped bath men; The allasel.Plaim has • the- key - holes lined orttly oleth. Planoharthe'Fremeh grand an item Toe 311:sel Piano ball ivory key_ fronts. _There are no, other Pianos-which, at the price. Can boast of thalami:Vantages. Call and 1506 them. ll. Ktancit 4t. Brio.; Solo Agents for the Mixed' Pianos, • No. 121 Wood street. Preserve this notice for security in vmrchas - ,;• Astlime 'urett, , Thereale butidredli of persons in every com munity; affected with this protean discus. The dayTtime. ,by such persons, is spent In restless anxiety and suffering—witu the dreaded thought, now and again coming into the,naind,- thatlfzellitiloesnot crime, buffo cation mast ensue. The{ /night • brings no ro ller; for. instead ofeleep, the dreadful distress and difficulty of breationg,l3lll27o to keep the pullout awake, and if not, kept awake he Is at least unatted for his avocations next day, by iheoSeprivatton:orthat. !health and strength which I' realionaldy lonkedlor, from the res- Aeration of sleep. No one need•snifer with Alithros-dfruares , AwraWs eons will gasere: ly bring relief, as Numbers of . Pittsburghers, -Meet , respectable citizens,: have tiled. it,with total and complete relief, by the use of one or two doses, and in the elitist period-of ten inirintos. ',The sufferers by this disease can procure it at .Dr. Napier's, 140 Woo i street; at two dollars per box. • It win be lent anywhere by mall, on receipt of two 41011arlend'ten cents to pay postage. • ittssisaraiilefrOu Saturday evening an ad journment wan effected In the case of John ;Mukha, -charged with • fraud before Mayor Morrison and .t dermas - Strata.? It will be re membered that Mr. Hardin/ was a contractor rop . gradiugand paving the street of Allenby,. .ny, and - tbat - thelaborera employed by him suspected that be was about to leave the city without ' , settling. with them, and they accor dingly preferred the charges agalnothini. He -was committed to jail to answer the charge, but on Saturday. compmmised them.Um by .paying Ally cents on the dollar for the amount of his Indebtedness, and. was relieved from • Amotheir.Caimet-asela Tbtef.—On Satur day ofncer Scott, of the aleyer , a police, arrest ed %negro named Willie= Vinson on charge of stealing a carnet-Imeg, contalalm a lot of clothing, tae. ptOperty itiChilhO . V1111492*, also a nogro. Oath the parties Were employed on tile stesinboat Juliaso,3,now lying et Lite ;wharf, and it bi alleged thatb.Wilson stole the carpet-inset reentlone4ca4 *tut wearing the clothes. Wilson was arrested tit the boati when be acknibidedgeManytheft, but stated that a coat, which was found In his possession , did not belong to Wllllame. Tlie accused was committed m default of ball for trial. 114PClltra—Apleasant treat la Lg store for oar reiulera. On Theredi s tg, ing of this week, at -7i4_o'./. 014 t "ean= Dickey, of Allegheny, ww deliver tti tho_ritik United Fresbyterlannt= this cityosomer of ii , ,,,,,,. l ,! h g tr tr A hliesh behool a o t i re tb e a tit cfhourrtehle*.,beTnuve.....74.o.ferleawln dteullrviseter 'Ulm and 811CCOBS." tr i reisstmlnater Col ledegliedea. war etlro ei r it old It viii be dellvere 4. F . 112 3 • •. Noldlei.. loagoc.—This evening thicAile.: gberty oldier., Leaguespecial 8e551011. , gather tuLU. Witter street, to c0u5ide4.0...„...,_ mum upon.l.tia rartottaylans-:10 ba.puita7Z . outton.in furtherance or the..-Litlrailf. - An .21116Mbeill and bonOtably pia ftlanAredS.V44tg att,o44. ~ . 1 " 21. ' . 0111 PRICE THREE CENtTS. The ..Petal* Under Nair Management. Theatithe direct Opposite of the biazeile +-has WO the Winds of a new firm', and, if freeh vigor, enterprise spd shrewd b u siness tact bowartn anything In journalism, thepub. ile may look for decided improvement in the general character and make eM of the paper. Messrs. James P. Barr, Vig il ant Schoyer, E. A.- Myers and Joseph S. Lure, are the mem. bars of the new lirm. The former has been sole proprietor and editor of the journal dur. ing the past nine years, and enjoys the repu tation of enable demoemtle editor and bust neas gentleman. Mr. Scheyer bas 'long occu pied the position of general business mane. ger for the Post, and is the possessor of In domitable energy which, combined with a pe. culler go.ahead.attve manner, renders him abundantly fitted for that department of a newspaper. Mr. Alyea bee been identified for u number of years with the well appoint ed job °Mee connected with . the Poa and will prove a valuable acquisition to the democrat ic organ. The remaining partner, Mr. Lam is not unknown Witte mercantile community, haring 091111 a recent date been the editor and proprietor of the National Bank Note Reporter of this city. Endertbe new auspices the paper will be- materially improved and probably enlarged at an early date. We bear willing testimony to its admirable character ease advertising medium, and trust the new urn May receive a fell s h are of public put- renege. - ' Bold littralme.—Last Sahlcah night M. Odell, of Rome township, Crawford county, was awakened by a hand passing over. ids Nee: lie sprang out of bed and the intruder fled down stairs. Mr. Odell followed closely, but owing to lameness caused :by wounds ans. Caned:bathe military service, he eordd not go fast enough and the .thief made good his escape, but carried oil nothing of. Value. An 'unsuccessful attempt at burglary WAS made at the house of John Saunders the same night. next to Ihte.-4m,provad Finkle end Lyon, alto Weed Sewin Machines. If the parches ,:er dose not regard them superior to any other =chip, In the market, - he can return it. Warranted four rears. See advertisement in another column. U. 11. Long agent, No. 139 War sire, L. ICts no Experiment, to purchase one of Wheeler h Wilson's Improved-took Stitch Scoring Machines, as they are warranted per fect—will sew the finest man as well as the bcavybeaver cloth, and full instructions are given in their use free of charge. Salesroom, CS Fifth street. Government Blanket. at .Iknetitin.—At eleven o'clock this (Tuesday). morning at bleciellandrs'Auctlen Home,. SS and 67 Fifth street, will be sold without reserve, 150 Pairs Brown Army Blankets,' new. in lots of ten pairs, wtth privilege.. • - • _ • Bale of Government WA/EOIIM Harness, Bridles, Lines, Collars, names ; .: Bl a nkets and sundrtes, , this (Tuesday) 'morning .of ten o'clock, at llet.lellanat Anetiod Bowie, 55 and 57 Fifth street. Also sev • • neerißellows. =I WOLFS—On Monday morning• Veermber 11 ANplte.W WOLI.E, lei Ca% eStb- year of to The funeral Will take place from- las late reel deuce, Ce Fourth atieet, .on ITtDIIIISDAY AYZLn• NOUN. at two &clerk. 'Die t Meade of th• family are lath ed to at tea d_allhout further notice. ' • W001.115n Mar nlayroleht. December Id. at 12 o'clom, • /s. brOuTtlli, karat dababter of Jobs 11 , ( 4. ed Ocremlula Words. • • The Mena of the fatal) are respeetfu , liD2Mted Mtattend the-taper.; on Terrimar Alrelaxoox, 4th loot., at 2 o'clock, lroM • the .rebldeaka of harps: mute, N 0.123 betbad street.,' B1,111)1V —A I. 0110 o'clock cO2 Sand.). ifternooa. De esnber 2d, 1 4, 0, /MA LWAJAXIIMQVAT,4II-itte 14111 car of this age. The funeral will late place at 100'elock tree- DAT, December 4th. from Ida late resideneela South Pltishargh. op,osltsi the rotate hcbool: .; kfctiON.ls Monday., Midst:. DIAR V. tid e.? dauxhter of James and Jailed lteDoutted. aged eight years and tour month.. -- The funeral will take place on Watigli4A7., twit., at ten ock.g. M, lle_frleada Ofi:tte ty are reopeettut y turned . to , atteid. lletideuee. No. 7) Federal street. l'ittaborgb.• . .3 AVAFA 'IV air 3/ 4 tzi 4 , 0:7,t041 1111.LOALE. ...beentlfel_.'liod's-acre,” the largest suburban place of serfflehre, except one, lams county, alt. astedou road. Immediately north of atlett%Tbrug Store o l lnklo P L is (1,10:LI", 2. 1c ! gheny City. • • • L • AULX. Cr D.T37I3iEEiVrAIiraZICIEL, ;De Fourth street, kittalrarab,Pi. OLIFFI.I9B Dt all kinds, Cla v aI t ;NISIIVICBoaan even dacriptla of Funeral a/Leooa , nuatecieu. ,pent .7 and Welt, Dane and OUSTICI6I7II.IMK. asstularCla—Bet. Ladd Ken IX, BIT It W. Jacobus, Thomas Ewing. Jaoabli lesel. FAIRMAN & SAMSON. CrNsjpk - RTAKERS No. IVO Smithfield St" cur. Nth, (EatkAos from Sayeotb Street.) "isicritcr A NI, 1313 SA N DUSKY ATRIUM . . • (AMAMI WM PA. R T. IVIEUT'E A CO4 . UNDERTAKERS AND.EMBALMERS Manchester. Wood's Ann and ete.rati. 1 .../FFIN:::1100MS: • Ali MANCHESTER LIVEFIY STARE Uornero. aludield and Obartlers streets. Swan and Carriseesynridats.t. D° BE DECEWED - : Flourishing hilt' column advertisement of luttrier dlachtnes, but pet u d BAKY.4._ _ It blabnert.niglgstallieltrm""" . - .. tent Judges. pra uounced the• agi inte2;i - Jeltreet. EMEiIBEf THE Lirra.t. ONES, EA. THE DESTITI! fE,AN Is ORPHAN • DEEN-tillt QIIIt.COUN I RE'n DEVENII/6E8... • ' • Henna Chultaldn. Fair and .VresecitHion resattral in aid of the Hume &hoot for the Halo tenon ea and Education of the lildidten of our Voldieri meditation,' , • r • -Mil APPEAL TOISE AMBEIc SIAN PEOPLE. • - • I ,,Aw.Nomr, Intoner tat Md. • We, lb* Offleers and lisgers of "The lime and &boot" for titn mi Edneattattand Maintenance of the liestanto Children of our noldiers and Sailora• earnestly solicit the sympathy and enqopet attoeln our Fair:nod licand-rtesantation Pettiest, of all who desire With mu tonal:o.l'ns Home snitSchaal , ' enabled to receive and earn for rai needy ones, who •seca Mien er and nten don • bire • tili ea tfranbB. (MINT, President. • • P. DALIT. Aetinn do. • •.VEVISION V, la' Vice do. •• HOBIKRT FOIL4TEIt.. :id Vice • . do. . . ViboalliES,Oreasurti. DAVID' HOYT, Secretary. • • • " W. it lIILLYaR. Corresponding &cretin . ). •• HEM'ICY O. LAW,,llanoter. • •• VAX DALSZ3I- do. • • The Pair wilt open on Um 101.b.0f DECEMBER; and continuo two weeke, at the corner of Broadway asdlad strect..N. Y., To be roneldded by tbo, Grand- Presentation .Festival. to be Held at Cooper institute: new 'York, natarday liven Inc. December I.2d. , under the Koala Li direction of Theo-, _dote Thomas. Kn. tln which occasion s.Conimittee will be chosen to award OM. flits lilt Amax in such iwnd•mann,r as V e 7 may determine. - For the Ycstlrai o u r e '..11 be - issued ollekitant One Uatiar earti: Mad r-o,co-.Presouts, being one tonach Lis? 11; . pnr-ss.r.T.* TO at AWARDED,: Present in Moiled ntates -•• Splendideountry Beside nco Lit Westcbs a. • ter Cm.'near Of: Y. City • - ‘'' Darner House an.l Lot. Jamaica. Ayeatim .... . . 'MO/ House and Lot. aletatag aimie . ... 3,07:1 ' I Moose and - Lot Y • • (tarn:tee, liorees and Harms+, (esitapiete), AXI '• I Grand Piano. (SD inwerlG' • ' 1.10 Holm, Y,,,,eL WO, ads,' . ... .4,t0) 1 set of Diamonds, (B ( ng. Ear Binge and Pin) • • - 1 WO ' • 1 t Paußtip.Polley of Life Insurance for. • • 'Ells , Patent .lint Water Apparatus." • I'. for Mating . 1. 00, • , (011Paintitis olLienerallj. I. nut One liotd lawerWatcties at RIO- 3 .... ll Ladict7llnelio LsTerWittelies hi:4123.. • Le , I A t test ht , arSt• premium "Einp,ire7 der. : tug Machin- .1.500 RO nilarr.piated Tat nets, at $l2 ••• .... • - LBO Celebrated "Empire" their ag . - -D.trotsechtblttoh at wararoores,,tim totadmkr ... . ....... .. 11W Coplea. calm. ..... • alum rated - H istory of trw. .1230 Bold Mae, - pi:l=ll4l.d .. 1,500 TabilatetliCisiiot; . HA . •-- - MSS ... ............. ;OM A 1111:24. 4 " ° *f C h tlilte uk• Mbar r clot. rlr'. ure o ",tagrrit Inc curs. . " d° It ' e e sitrs • t t 0 b nra. 4,r i .:bar4tu Pat r .l r igotTrlPT.lT L it ••• CUtlied - • roisopaa e ltr 4 0 4 • eruf i i 0 ltra,Vent . rnr Co Inn • sad ohms, amount i ng t , "I tja l ind TILICODOBB Till Esq., t -.0 eal-Direcion, promises a moat deli/G.IIW treat in . lb& probe/God nod, Vocal .notercisea Pm the own- Gots. no less than , • 9CVY PeItifORMERS being al, d. and WWII, Will no spared thumb, °° ' 4Y g g ; g. t Musical Yetrlra2. tea.- ,oes • , • . -HOW TO OIITAIk TICK Yd. • • - Orden , .may - bo...sene • diresa torns Amanitas. use; sonar, tram ALA* Ira in a reitinteredlelrtr lacer I Itangltor roma postao.&swam.' boritat Lao 'drafts corny Expreles et the - for.' . I.nuluit ',Won - Mess'. ticketo to . oneagdrpd ail alp ool:•W Oa. $l7 to-, to Ake,- do.: . SIB 41; Or. d0:,,..4aun,-.64 On, 1.12C0 .220 do_. TllttriA , ah CO.,iha4:l re44in t 41.. " , 1)2211211V. Ascot for stos,uotan ant, o, chpol. ;OW. groiittlarnt,, rumor loth • - - • • • .• • Jena. W. 43 rtAtorlioFtilalitoor.ornO;Sisors llrtaler tiprato 'Port , Mmtr, • Pittabatits,oAnsta for 110122,422 , niyanhi, AII nom Try-1311221411recgOo; ME THE WEEKLY GAZETFL mu ItISSIIIIIM JOllll4 pONTAIN7IIO COLUITRE Olt /11/23H AND imzerrrnics stArima 316TTEB, yoorriirs WITH hum , sirr .Im . y - rims AND ctra. /MT LOCAL siva. TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. .02MIDNEILDATEI An BAIVIDATS. The Edition te forwarded whieh 1.131 reach the Tl=3: Moyle Copy (poi Clubs of r Clubs of Tau or Lib NEW ADVXEIME=NTS.I CALL AND NEE - The Wonderful 31CUSICALLA 130. X. WITH C.11714L Tel AEI BELL ACCOIPINBILit • NOW ON.ZXHIIIITION IT I)UNSEATH Se CO'S Jewelry Store, , No. 66 31Pli • OPPOSITE MASONIC IiALL. dot Fog cur,Ap SP_ECTACJI4ES. 1 113.40 , WC) HASLETT .& CO'S, 93 Smithfield Street. a. W. /01111STON JOHNSTON b. SCOTT, • . • DZA.LERIFELN Fine Watebes, Cocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC:, 2!fa. 214 LißEßtir STELES. . • . talasszys23 4 N P Partleanr sitenitan Orin so Repotting WateaLia. Clocks and Jewelry'. All work ma'am.- ed te5:036 LADIES' AND GIMPS VITILTC.:I3EIMEL ALL art 1323.. AT GIMATILY IMEDICCXD W&1OU A 7 (:}r47,,ii :41 NVILTIIEIML & SLOAIVB I='AL'ir Ell LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS ! i7..s.wi3rzvr Gas Condensing Burners :Jan be used on any Lamp, and Dispense entirely etilnincyn. The dame produced by thew Darner, spreads ens andlar to that of Gas. The• construction le such that the smoke Is cottoned In a ti.s Condensin g Chamber, and Is wb o lly conversed leto penthe flame. he burner dots oot depend directly, u nick for Its Petit, butburns the =oh m . wtdch b produ c ed therefokus. and Buns Less -OR Than Chimney Lamps. s siren" Brllllinit'Ll g ht Dam any other - dal= La chef. - STATE AND COUNTY , RIGHTS FOR SALE. , itinilisiepirehased the rt*btpt nis i :tool+ of the about Burners In Alle g heny Connty ; part es wish ing Ps erzattible er One: Can tie accommodate,' WATER ISTSINET. : . 1 JAMES. BLACKMOR E. /1111,011NITAZEZNE WANTED. no2o 306/lII,L alioDza..r. W. a. TAT88A.1.,..1. ANDERSON Si= OCTION WORKS. HITITIVI.!EW.`TIIIreft I 77. ly °yeah rry Moist a. KING, PEI Skro l ir CO., we rrspeettally lama th e DehUO Met we Win COniinLe the manufactare or ' 1 Meetings, Cottion - Itarns, - earPn Chains, Candle 'Wick . and Baiting. Orders may halal% at the Mice 4-the Works, .CONSISABKILi SWUM sra, ALLBGHESTGRY 02 AT TIM • - PITTSB UR Gil BILE friER Corner of Worms:se Way and Barker's F'ittlsi~vrsh; Pa. JOSHUA RHORES & CO, WELDON & KELLY . PLUMBERS, Gas and. Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOBNDERS, a large 1130114111211 er Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., ALWAYS ON WARD. 164 WoOd Skeet, near Sixth, ZnYl2:bZ 89 89 89 89 8989'89 89 • • 89 Mier STREET. • - so To - - 3FL • 1 33 ' 13 . 7 I „ . 89:AfarketStiat, 1 - • - . • AND BET YOUR - BOOTS 9 THE CHEAPEST AND BEET TAW •LI ELMO CI X rX"Ir. NV AUCTION GOODS KEPT. ,JAMES • ROBB, 8911irket St. 89 - 89 S 9 89 S 9 89 89 89.89 MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES VaMitB, FORMISINNI Stitt ztary,' Vases, AND • DESIGNS OF EVERY DEOCIOPPON, onoolviz 8:-1 " Sow mwj - SOMME% PENSIONS, gels Bounties, Baok Pay,Seu, c o u e4 tei In '4.15 13;11 . .emeet Poesibire time, b 7 A. M. SHOWN. 'JOIE% 8. LAYBLIi. • 'Attarners u L.w. once. Ba u 1 Fifth .treet, rITTSBIMOR EIITE=Zi Giawrzu Ar.filmaza 9 4 ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines , an TUE BUT far /Wally and Maxmlactutag posea. Call =dye* them at • JIM). 18 - FtfUl Newt HUL.CIO n & CO., Pragieal Famiture Manufacturtn, ; 01 L VIM P!) II AYNE frREETS2 Latasaatdri of TURWITLIRZ 'UlaatantAran ban 11011NESI 11ORSEN!1. mz isod: Nona WOalr.;lMiAtt.TEfse, At 2 b,,sAorst t ageorooki •F. nu.* , L aahiraskAU Mak . so OS SO= .-svir • vtamit elax. irrAßLz. 'fib. • • W-I tstreatarsi• Menonsabela Haute. . iv )•. _-., * .. 4 • --. -. .:F0R1 THE WIN , . ` l ATUSP=TriViiipxlit wows roVII sad Miser Wei ii t tam i rk u 0‘... fArtri . A** or Coolititryste . I! AD nel el/In:Atm Kov. Ws pmdtiosors, iiindiatcelca. einr. 0 " 131 Pri vi 010 ' 0 . IN SIK . . tigil,,tirrst. ea c114.3,46,1t • ;, 'r7 c .1C . Ea ' . ' - .,.-.r. , ,,:,:.., i • •."--'.4* . I F ' -- r , lE~7 -1 - 1 1 i ' t t • t 1 • M M 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers