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' ' .' :,..._ ~ . ~ -- , li / -aD 178 1 '' . s _ . . • e rat EISEIOIII JIMIL, • - , / ' _ . . :.* .. - --:•••__. .._-.2-,..*••••.', . t.„e . ........,:-.---- • i-- 4 ; -----,.. - ..- . z - Penniulan, Reed & Co, *-4 . ..---..„ .. . • - olueut,--- 0 ,_,- . -i-0 1 , .„:„ 7 __..----.... 7 ,,,..!-: . ~.,.,., - 41 47 1 ---.' • ~.,,.......'.1,, ~ .i, - •- J _, , ~.. ,',..,,,,,-:%...'-...,, • 1 ,. , c05,.... imic5..A.,..... . t..,. . T0. ............ :..,,. ......... „ ...... 07 ,.. ~. ~::.. .-- _ AT GAZETTE BIJILitING, ' r ) ..-• . ti 1t..' 0 -.. :- ,-. - .;mi t ... , ,.. , v:,,, , 1 1 - - ~,----- •-•.: -.--,:' •,-.- i -.r.r'. ••-, ..1. -. . -. - , , 10 .-- ilk , BZ.NT LOCAL 24.21•3. - • , _ ~, '''' --"S I ". CF 4I3 * .._..,7,, r. '''.. '',' ' ' ' WO . . se alarm fitiroet. . 1 r ''s I' - ' r. --- . - I - - 7. - 77-- - 7 '.7 . *: - ,z : -> -"_-- : :: .-T.--- ;:igialp r ipP li ,r, s_rst . , :F.,•.----7-•-..„--.,,,-,,,,,_ ::. , , k ,, , -::, „,,, _=,‘,., -_. 4 ,7_,t5 : . , . • • . . 1 . , 1 K I" B. FIVINIENA.II, i Ed ,,,,, 71 P. novirox. i - - -- uf"-A.,. - 1 ' - - ----- -- .7. - 2.-- - -- -4- 7 --- ___ ~,,, __,__ ___ - --- ._—_,-_-_--..,- f. , ...:.-_, -_, ---,-, - - : - .._;,...:i.fr --' - - .. aost.ai MOD an , , ~ „ : •. I ' . ' ----'7--- - -- . bleb resell • Ma ~ ie ) ) , f , r \ 7 2 \ „ \ s / 4 TnWectssOwED,EizaDuptbiTmiediralOAND.lN:BATuip, 1:8 .1 i tl y : 1 ::: scums r. army.; illaS °Mani°. '.. ' .... '' • • '' .'' ' ' subscriber soosieSS. . - • • r. - --- ', .----'--- 71 7 _.--. -------/ - / - r IT,8115: , . • . . . ~ eingle Copy (per_simulia)...--•••—•.......4116 111 0. 1 + " • --_, Sluts .... ............. cenu. Dellytred by canter, tiler Inrckt. ..... 15 Beata Liberal, radtullons b Neintbcoi.anA Alma, Mgt Baton them (Per isli) pitinnit &Rite. WEDNESDAY, DE9E*I3Ep •5, 1866 p.DMHMII; BSURVITIES. OTRTSTIS sell for riff cents to sl.7t; per bushel tit Baltimore. Miss Curti Samson the soldiers' friend, Las enterea,the lecture arena. Frimi ism:realm persons crossed the now inspenaion.bridge At Cincinnati on Saturday last. NOAH Annot, of Baltirnore, who was re cently accidentally shot, died from his in- juries on Saturday last, Is connection with the fire alarm tele graph in Biltimore a 'clock foi city use will be ptaced in the bell tower. "Tag Dollar Newspaper, of Burlington, N. .T.; advocates the election of John W. Forneyto the Senate from Pennsylvania. NEWsr.krirtemen are so partial to the eight hour system that they genetally man age to double it eachday—vrorking sixteen hours. . • - Joan. O. Gactoint, of Maryland,' who . was the democratic candidate for Governor In opposition to Thomas Holliday Hicks, died last weeir, Drama the poet alsyearathe negro pop ulation of Mississippi has decreased four teen per , cent. of the popnla ion of 1860; or in figures, 41,009. Mn. lima, a drover from Barbour coun ty, West Virginia, was swbldled out ,o several hundred dollars by a contldence man, in Balthnoie, on Monday. Toe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Coin , pany has leased the Central Ohio Railroad, residue a conditions line trOm Baltimore to Columbus. Over this new line the dis tance between Baltimore and Columbus is three !idles nearer by way' of Wheellig than by way of Pittsburgh„*, Is thas t at.'— ref - leen:cent to be regarded as a "settler" for the Connellsville Railroad ? Tau resolution introduced in Co'ngress asking for the correspondence in the hands of Seward ani Johnson relative to John Sturatt's arrest, is said to Means more • than the public imagine. It is charged that Mr. Johnson and Mr. Seward con nived in the' escape of the notorious accom plice in Lincoln's: aisassination./ As liar as both of ilmie gentlemen have mink in the estimation of the people, we 6111 attach no credit to.this story. i Tins directors of the Union Pacific Railway Company„ (the._,Onuthit :or Platte river road) at a meeting is New York, ma Sattirdayinst, adopted what is called the "Lone Tree ,and Croiv Creek route" across the main summit of the Rocky llormtainkosi a parallel &Katt 'about one hundred Miles north of Denver. This de cision renders it probable that the Union Pacific Railway, 'Eastern Division, (the Kansas valley road) will cross the same mountains through a pass almost directly West of Denver, and that the two roads will not meet this side of Salt Lake. - Mu. KELLEY, of Pennsylvania, intro,,, (bleed in - Congreas on Monday a new Rey nine bill which was referred to the Com - mitten on Ways and Means:" ' • The first section provides that there shall be one Commissioner - with a salary if $6,000, a Deputy at a salary oftwo $4,500, assistants,. salaries each t 3,500 Solici and Cashier, salaries each ;3,000; Auditor, salary 44,000; Chief Clerk and seven heads of divisions, each $2,500; and not more than 210 clerks. Section second provides that the Commissioner shalt- be appointed by the As s ociate Justices .of the Supreme .Court by nomination of the Chief Justice. Section third authorizes and requites the Commissioner to appoint all his own deputies and clerks, and also all assessors, collectors, revenue agents, inspectors, and generally to exercise the power now vest ed in the President and the Secretary of the Treasury for this purpose. Section fourth provides that all incumbent officers' shall remain in office for sixty days after the passage of this bill, unless sooner re— lieved. This bill is not intended as a - political measure for the purpose of weak ening the President or diminishing his patronage, but the office is clearly a judic ial •one • , and requires an able executive _ head. This security is believed to be de ' mended by the financial 'and commercial interests of the nation, LETTER. FROM WAREING TON. Special Correspondence Pittsburgh Gazette. Wens:Norms, Dec. 2;:1866. ' The action of the Rouse to-Say fully sus tains the impression created by the tone of the Republican caucus. Mt. KELLiv's bill to organize .a Depart meat to be called the Department of Inter nal Revenue is an evidence of increased Stiffness not to be overlooked. By this bill it is proposedte 'separate the collection of Internal revenue from the disbursement of it; to.have the now Department d. ed over by a CoMmindoner, , appointed by the Supreme Court—the Chief Justice to nominate, and the Associate Justices to ratify-and upon this Commissioner is oon ferred by to appoint all the officers to serve under him throughout the country. This proposition is strictly in accordance'with the Constitutiolf'as it stance, but whether it will prove acceptable to the Houses can not yet be determined. Flown er this may be, it stay be titkin forl granted that the President will, in' some:form or other be stripped of the dispensation of patronage which be enjoys, not necessarily, but by acts of Congress, and which he has shame. fully abused. Mr. Stevens's bill to regulate sPpoint ments to and removals from office by the pPresident has much vt ider range and, if assed into a law, will ensure to 'persons appointed continuance until the expiration of their respective terms, except removals Inc valid causes. • Mr. Boutwell's resolution, in reference to the capture. of J. 11. Sul ratt, is designed to probe the rumor that the Lidminfstra.. lion has known of his whereabouts for many, months Pam' andcould havebrought him to justice if it would. There ate Mo ister whispers, 'whiel , may have do faun ds'ion, that Impunity gra nted. hi m i s i n some way connected with the conjectured complicity of leading mer, tn . tye msamina. tion of. President Lincoln. But Mr. BoutwelPs bill providing for the regular sale of specie and the invest ments of the proceeds in interest beating bombs—looking at once to a return to'spe cis payment and the creation of a flinkbg Fund for the extinguishment of the lie ' - tonal Debt—has a much -wider practical Very sigiamcant is the Tote of vs...Ube, it 1.0 2i), to repeal the law authorizing the President to pardon - - - retade before convic tion. It is about time the pardon broker age was stopPeth - - • 'Ebe, appeal , to the_ people has not been withoot consactimitthtl 'lnstead of the hesitancy and dosbtfulness that marked - o egresalonsl action at the, last session the country may now lea Ifor directness and A • ' 6 VOLUME LXXX.-7.,-NO. 292 CITY ITEM MUTUAL - tarn Insurance Opmpany OF wYOR E. S. WINSTON, President. ASSETS OVER s1?,g00,000, ECCI EXCLUSIVELY CASH. Anneal Idvidenda Available Immediately TO INCREASE THE VISURANCE OS REDUCE THE PREMIUM AT THE OPTION OF TUE IASSURED. Polley-holders dud other parsoius Interested In the usleaof LIFE IPiiii;ttAßCd. are invited to-call • n the undersigned, Agent of the ComPanr. who 111 cheerfolly give them 111111f05551151051 15 to the erne and practical working of the Company. - , GEO: N. BLARKSTOCE, Agent, No. 37 Fifth Street, Plttsbureh. Sao Reward, If the Indian Herb Doctorialla to describe dia. eases and tell his patients the nature of their complaint or illness without receiving any formation from them. No charge for toneul tation or advice. • MOTTO. We ruin such Balms as have no strife, With Nature or the Laws of Lire ; With our blood our hands we never stain, Nor poison wen to ease their pain. Our Father, whom all gotainees Provides the means to mire all our ills ; The itumple herb beneath oor feet, Well used, relieve our pales complete. A simple Kerb, a simple Flower, Cukl:4.from the dewy Lee— . The these shall speak with touching Of change =Sheath to thee. Oftlee—No.lo4 sdberty street, between Sixth and Market, PlttsbnOth, - ~~~r!~ The finest assortment of Ladles , and Hisses , furs in this country may 73011 , be: seen at the first class Hat, Cap and Ladles , Fur House of William Fleming, No. 131 Wood street. - The reputation that this house has for many years maintained as a first class fashionable Ladles , 'Fur House; also, the extenstre stock, and the lair prices at which this establishment has always sold all grades of .goods, frogs the cheapest to the finest setts, should induce all - who want any thing m the fur line to enlist William Fleming's, ,Mo. 133 Wood street, be lore Purchasing elsewhere. _ r NAIL Win Uwe Tigeseee. Their wives eta sisters can dud Christman presents fis for their }iusbanda, brothers and beaux at rt. & W. Jernbinson , s, 2,llegbany, third door from Suspension Bridge, 'where there will always be sound, besides ell the common varieties, a very choice selection of meerschaum, briar wood, and other pipes, ci gar holders, dc., of neat and ornate design: a large and varied stock of smoking and chew. lug tobacco, and many of the popular brands of Cuban and American cigars.. The Howe Sewing afriehtne, :IMO certainly tithe the lead of all others in a shortilime. IL was awarded Ave premiums on work, at the World's Fair, - 1912; four premi ums for work and on the =serape. at tho New Pork State Fair, 1104 See the ifechodqd.„ of September lid. A premium on the machine at the Otto State Fair, lfge. See the Dayteri Journal, October 19th. The onlyammo , for its sale for Western Pesinsylranla, Ls atNo. Et. Clair street, Pittsburgh. • liaised 4* OuseWs Cod Liver OIL The Forest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world, manufactured from fresh, healthy deers, upon the scaohore. It's" torn:M.lY pure end sweet. Ask for Hazard& Cmtweirs Cod MVOS Oil," wane/entered by CASWiLL. MACK & Co. New Tack - . Sold by all druggists. . • ICW • The ,•••• • le/prising propr eter Of the OpereHouse Shoe Stare speech; most of his time in the East buying up =mettles and luirgsans and superintending the =mutual:L. ring of much of his prime Mock now soiling cheap. No. GO Fifth street. = . . Relates, Currents, Citron Orange and Lesson Figs, Je ll ies. Canne d Fruits, sad 31:Lted Candies, atll9 Federal street, AI1:01611Y CIO'. A. call la solicited. Geo. Devises. • Cheapest In the City. . PoyllnPlttdas Empress dotes, rreareh he rb:toes, sad rine Drees Goods, at Gardner d fietdelter% fa Market. street. . Black Cashmere Lout shawls. Fine .Broehs, lithiley, Bleck Thlbet, nncy Naas, Woolen Shawls, cheaper at liar- Slier & &ladles's than elsewhere In the a Ity. I xi's' Con Sur POialga Liquors of all kinds at Joseph & Fink' Distillery; Do, 180.1X0;3! 3 and DO First street, Pittsburgh. • - GO to Fleming's Draft Ittares S Market street, for thedinest „snort.. went of Brothel of all kinds, and Toilet Combs. Go to 7leming's pent Moro, No. Si Market street, for ClarkPa, and energy:ma's Female Flits—Sole Agent. for• tlio city • • • Go to iioolllll4ol billiff No. tt marked street, for the bast Potash and Soda Ash in the citi—ot Wisest prices. The Opera Hour Shoe Store Leggrthe Le. trip:dates the petty, and LAS the first styles of the season• • • Beset, bead, Mead, .Mareeer Schleifer's adsert.fsement, and go there t buy year Dry Goods. 03 Market street,: Chinchilla Cloths. ' Nov stock, cheaper thari ever, earaSher achlher, 9t Market street. IPlttibstralt WOUllaill College . %Vidor tern opens Deasuittar 131.4. Apply linmedlately. _ , Tito Other 800110- It tbo city can compete with the Opetwfieuste hboto store. " ' Yea Can Be salted fa every respect at tae Opera aims Shoe Store. • • .. Butatbes Clothe', Beautiful i 00.19, only fifty eetita Garilliier • - ; New stock cheaper than ever, ilard4ser G . schitter. • for all at the Opera Some Shoe Store tell OIS SU/ 98 Pee pelt. Alcohol nt Joeeph 8. Vlachs. Ton Cam BUY ROW Hopi at Joseph 8. IrlnchVi. . tßy Iteselinue 3.0441 al Tidepapti Co 4 from Vp • 'Oil. OM, Mir" IS ISA PitiOnehise and- a=p ianrl Iths PIPIVr c pkii.l=2ol.o=l,l oil IN gi s ui: Vet Inessores ids lost tootles; .as six test sad tiabip; 010opolls, 11,11=i Mad. • SECOND KDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY lITEST TELEGRAMS. LATIN 11J110PEAL ADVICE& The Neutrality Commission. STIERRI OF TRIPRENDENTS HESSAGI RECOUP, rtenCh Medal to Mrs. Lincoln FINANCLAL AND COMMERCIAL• . . - (Or fug CATM2.I • ' _ Lognovi December 4 --;Eeenhig.—Tne Royal COmMission to consider and report what changes are necessary In the neutrality laws of England-IA now In session. -It I composed. 'of thirteen — Members." An organization has been effected, (I.lld, the business for which the Commission was framed will be entered anon. laimediately. • - Rumors have been current to-day of a spll in the British Cabinet but th ere is high au thority for pronolinetri!them false. A summary' of ?rest ent - Johnsou , s message has been received by the Atlantic eaule, and was, published to-day. It tad .no effect upon .thirprlee of English or American sceuries. PIEIB. December' 4., , Etentnp.—The French subscription medal for Mrs. Lincoln, was pre , seated, to.day, to Minister Bigelow who will carry It with hiut to. the United Mates. LORDOR, ,rumffny, Nor. L—Erening.—The Cotton market closed quiet at the decline al ready reported to-day. The sales were Lou) trees. - The Dreadattas Market is easier, ex cept for Corn, which him advanced to 39s Ca for western mixed. Pork Is declining. Cheese dearer. The Petroleum mark.st is heavier. Hales of rethied at Is 93,4 d - per gallon. Tile Manchester market Is Eat. - Lennon. December 3.—Erening--Money mar ket—Consols closed at s.Sli tor. money. Thu closing prices for American Securities are as follows: United Stater 5-0141.70ty; Erie Shares, ill! .41; Illinois Central Shares, ',734. FROM NEW YORK. Result of the charter Election ARTICLES FOR-THE PARIS EXPOSITION Large Seward for an nAssassin HEAVY SENTENCE OF A LtBEBTINE Immigrants Arriving, &ci _ New Your, Dec. 4.—The charter election passed off , very quietl,T „belay. Richard 111 Connally, nominated by the Taturnany , Der mocracy, was chosen . Comptroller by about 2,10 e plurality. 'Total vote: 11. It . Connally!, Diet; Robert Belly, Republican, D,Stit; Sl lt cheat Connally, Mozart Democrat. 19,24. The packet ship Barpwell-atriag been e engaged in astriey - from" the Vetted States articles aesigned for the Pub exhibition. is new loading at this port, and will probably salt this week. She has now on board between cue and two hundred cases, boxes and m cines from various parts of the United Ste tee It is maid that the Applications for space at the exhibition have been so numerous that about_ one-balf of them will. have to. be re: The drat steamer of the new steamship line to China wits ill Ws city on then 11th Inst. [ A reward of VAS tuts been offered for the arrest and otanricttnit of tbe assassin of officer Stowell, of Brooklyn, who was recently shot while patrolling Liebe:it. Scarlatina is raging in the epidemic form In this city. destroying large. numbeni of chil dren ereritawc . k. Sylvester J. Taylor, formerly of :Sew Ha ven, Conn., was ,courteted to-day,, In Went Chester county, on a charge Of rape, on the person of Hannah Pcek, In Rye, oh the intlltsf October last, he wan sentenced to- Im prisonment at Sing Sing, for twenty years. Last week, 9,:b5 emmigrants armed at thin rilt,4lmtegrgate % S t! :eCit'stijetitr,this y ear a g ainst - . UMTY-11111Th CONGRESS, (ItECOND SESSION.) WASEIncrIOX tiTY, December 4, Isi: HOUSE, . The Mouse met at IS o'clock. . - lir. Washburne, of Illinois, 'trove the Com mittee on Roles, reported an additional 'rule, that - there shall, be appointed at tho room . . mancensent of each COnsrelit, a standinig com mittee on freedmen , * affairs, wh, se duty it shall be to tale charge of all matters concern ing freedmen thatahall be committed to them. : The Speaker presented a report from the Secretary Of Warn reference to Indian hes tinges, which was ordered. to be printed, Atilt, amendatory of a bill on. banking mid Fwaillairen up and poetpened. ' Mr. Thomas Williams, or Pennsylvania, from the Committee on Internal Revenue, re ported a Milt° estabitsh in the Treasury tie -I=ol a- regulation 0 b urea u. t an national have h'r c 3 n " ge h n- b ° oil:: rfc'aMttilpiteud g a b tu e appointed dT by the comptroller of the Currency, by and with the consent of the Senate, and to have a salary of $5.000 per year. Mr. IStevenit,',orPepnaylmods, Mimeo that the bin be ordered to-be printed, and. that the consideration of It be postpened until Thurs day of next week. SENATE. The Senate was called to order at twelve o'clock. . i . . Mr. Sumner gave notice that he would. at -some future day, Introduce a Joint resolution in regard to reconstruction, declaring the j ur- Indiction of Congress over that whole subject, as well as of the representation of thy lately rebellions States in Congress. Mr. W neon presented several pelltilena from itriny officers, asking fo properncrease of Pah fwhich were referredto committees. 1 Mr. Patterson Offered a bill for the relief of certain widows, which was referred to the Committee =Pensions, when appointed: Mr. Chandler offered a resolution calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury for infer. Flatten relative to the, amount of money ex riat"irleat in tils e t r mi ti blt ir Also, 1n ,May :el l it t a itno li r e Character of such advertising, anu thp circu lation of the journals in which it was publislk. • ed. The resolution was adopted. The resolution -Calling upon the President for information relative to the occupation of Mean Summer , p In order and erasion motion of Mr referral back to tne commit tee.. A supplenatmt to the bill le regard to the auppression of the rebellion and preventing Insurrection Was then debated at some length. The Senate by a vote of in to 21, refused to i proceed to Its consideration. .. . . The Seattle thenadjourned. : ' - - - FROM BUFFALO. Fenian Pais de—They Receive Their Arm•-•Attesupted learner. BITTIIALO. Dicember . I.—The Fenian parade flue afternoon was • comparatively small arab% owing to- the-heary rain. A regiment of Venial's. aosmn panted by wsgous. marched to the place where the arms taken last June wars kept, and received nrom them onicers of the Government. It is proposed to got, around the tand event° Govern Mon t, not auct i on against Caluulaiby rag them at Use higbelt bidder. • • Au attempt wu made last nighty to murder constable named John gotti, in the town of West Sauces, 'bile riding home I*.his buggy. lie was fired on three times. _ Zile Wallyand AeeNeat at tenewsillle— flames Of allied and Wounded. Zeal:mita. DOO. 4.--Jeise tali, Of 'Pleasant 11111, Ohio, killed; Levy Claypool, of Nssliport, 0; 4 left ankle, slight; James liavildnd Gains Station, Idiebimos, ankle ' and Seed; hir . ..llart, Jfew Jersey, el*htlyt :Benj. SifiPley, engineer of freight train. was Injure d it the back: Al lis illggs, fireman on ftelglit tiata,wits slight ly hurt; (leers° Thompson, Seeman, slightly; Penick Smith, engineer 9f passenger Wale, atighUyt_ two o f .Adams Etpretis and one Ain. erlean. 'Express messengers I were Injured. Smith blew "down breaks? and kept W 11164 dug until his engine struck the water. The rernaluing aerial tbepessenger tmin, four In number, were filled.witit people; their escape' was a narrow one. gesneral of W. K.. lialley—ilknotber fond Irobbory—Exsonalvo Menne:siemens. Cleanness':, December 4.—The funeral of W. K. Bailey was largely attended today. .The eareson, of which body he was a member. were very impreseive... - . I your thousand dollars In government) bonds Were stolen frank the residence of J. B.Corbly. of Blount Wastithoon, today. , (Marge Bap:UM AIL salesman to BennetVS hat Sw e a ow thet ed today forW a e w n i n t d h l a in c g sa h nd aoLuirs. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY,. DECEMBER 5, 1866. IMPORTANT FROM CANDI. PheVenitturrrials , IROPTIONS T BE THEI DT PRISONERS' MOSEL. Fenian Prisoners Fight Among Themselves. A FENIAN ATTEMPTS TO FIRE THE JAIL. SWEIZTADITIIO, C.E, Dec. 4.—The Coortopened at /0 o'clock this morning and has been occu pied all day with the trio/brow:6E wing Cham berlain, for a munler committed in the town ship of putter; on the Si August last. It adjourned at half-past four, without having /Wished this case, which will probably Occupy the whole of to-morrow. Mr. Dentin, of DfontrEal, Counsel for the Fenian - prisoners, arrived here thi,/, morn- frig. • General AvereliNnited States Consul Gen eral for South America, is eXPeeted . here to' morrow afternoon, to watch the trials Ribes half of his gOYemment. The grand jury had the indictments against the Fenian prisoners, submitted to them at eleven in the forenoon, and, were at work on them till six o'clock. They will probably make their presentment to-morrow, and tie prisoners, against whom true bills may be found, will then be arraign ed. Their counsel Is ready to proceed atonce m wi ance onth the trials Thu , which, it is bellev aseti d d, - will coin- rsday,dui soon o murder case nos been disposed of. Tho whole of yhersdayorill, In all probability, Do occupied with legal arguments. It is undemtood that the prisoners' counsel will take exception to tne jurisdiction of the Court, contending that the Provincial Courts are not competent to try the charge of high , treason. He will object, also, it Is salt!, to We act under which they are to he tried, contend- Ing that It is not within the power of a Parlia ment „of a mere dependency of the Empire to enact. laws defining what shall constitute high treason, and thereby It will be urged that We. prisoners cannOt be were under an ex port facto law The offenses were committed In June, and the act in Its present shape tat the lath or Augnat, the net of the ith ofJ une nevi eg been amended and supereeded by another subs. quently Introduced. The prisoners hat a lively time, this after noon. Two of them, Crawford and Dan Co. ' burn, who le a powerfully uilt man, punish ed his antagonist badly. b They began the light with fists, and Colduris finally knocked the other down and kicked him in the face,.. , damaging his male and nearly knocking out one of lies eyes, with the toe of his boot. The difilculty,accOrding to ono story, arose out of writhed:dash:in between the two as to which had rendered the greater service to the Fenian cause. CraWfOrd'S version of it le, that the subject of disdnito was whether the 'parties who attempted to kidnap George:" saw:ides, were acquitted or not. its says, also, that the diMcnity was aggravated by a referenee to an old ganabliug transaction in which Coburn had lost sonde money. Coboorn applied to him a very approldlons epithet, and the fight then began. The jailor and his assistants hav ing entered, the warden secured Carotins and (=eyed him to a nolitary mil in another part of the All, where he will tie led on bread and water and be deprived/ Of his allowance of to.. bocce. scarcely bad this affair been disposed of wbcali was followed by a new excitement about a quarter Of an hour afterwards. The jailer entered the ward to lock up the prison ers for the night. Ile found the door of en Inner compartM ent of the ward abut. tin opening it tie dliscover.l one of the prisoners, ownes M a lden,, In the very act. apparently. ddf attempting to set lira to the jade. Ile had filled one of the tin cans used an coffee cups, with burning coals from the stove, and had It mat oix the floor dandier the astspan. Tile the• ory is that lie wanted to set lire to the floor, Or, more probably. Llia.t ttsk. mark Ada tarry tbo mate to his cell, and set lire to the bedclothes, In the hope that In the confusion Culistka an alarm of flre,e prisoners might Sueeeea in effecting their escape. Ilmediens story is that he wanted to light his pipe. Orders have been given that. in Solaro two or three policemen shall remain In the ward will, the prisoners to Preserveordier and to prevent the, repetition of any attempt at inecodrarisrn.. All Is quiet in the rity. There are very few strangers from the Vetted. States. Perhaps there will be more whorl the trials ceintsiellee. Aleanwlitio the capabilities of this and We neighboring village of Cahn - pv(11 040 provide board ant aleepiag rooms (or. the crowd of military officers, policemen and others who have beta attracted here by the trials, are taxed to the very utmost. ()rm. - , Dec. I.—The 100:1 Regiment are to receive new Spencer Wit', in pine.: of the In geld with which they are now armed. The military authorities have signified their in tention to remove the balance of the regiment to Ottawa, if suitable barracks he pravided. The amount received tor the Ore relief fund frond all quartets to date, is gr.?. expend' ed, a.57,929._ FROM SAN FRANCISCO Release of an Allegetl Pirate. FAILURE OF WALKER, ALLEN & CO QUEEN EMMA AT HOME Sboilting Stars Observed at Honolulu al San Fgexciseo, Dec. 4.—The examination witnesses before the United States Commis stouers, in the cane of Gaston Dant els, charged With piracy in seizing the brig Basso, at Cape St. buena, elicited the facts that the brit salinil from here tinder alnxlmillan's Colors. and that liaxlmiltans signature was attached to the vessels register. Further examination was postponed load Daniels permitted to leave without giving bonds. Ills recommitment was • subsequently procured, but the United States District Judge ordered his release. Honolulu papers to November 11th nays that the liabilities of Walker, Allen & Co., are six hundred thousand dollars. Their assets are nominally-seven hundred thousand dollars. Their creditors had' nceepted a proposition for an extension of twenty months ' with the pay meat of forty per cent. the irret ten months. This arrangement goes into effect November 110,.under the control of a board, consisting of two persons representing the creditors. Influenza end other diseases are very preva lent at the Islamic. Queen Emma was to give a reception, with out ceremony, on November list, to celebrate her safe return home.. C. lispaakes, a distinguished chief, died NO vember 13th. A fall IA shooting stare was observed at Hon olulu on-the night of Nov. 13th, three hundred and seventeen meteors being recorded at the college pf Parietal's. • nacelle. ..Cable—Arrival or the Chief Engineer or the BONSIIRD-American Teiegrriph Expedition. San FRANCISCO Doe. 4.=-The cable conned. , tng Vancouver's ' Island with the American shore is found defective. There Is plenty of cable at Victoria, and a new one will be lin usadiately laid. New Westminster dispatches say that CoL C. S. Bulkley,Chief Engineer of the Itussian- American Telegraph Expedition, arrived at Victoria yesterday, on the steamer Geo. L. Wright, and would leave for San Francisco the flame day. extractive Fire. Aloarts, December destructive lire oc curred here this morning, whieliptstroyed be tween two hundred and 'arty and three lulu dud thousand dollars worth of 'property, in eltullng-the stock and buildings. - Paracined from the Penitentiary. The Erie Dispatch says: Charles Jackson and ;John Musters, convicted in February, Ifo2, of placing obstructions on'the Cleveland and _Erie 'railroad, near Walnut creek, have been pardoned, and wore released front t h e Penitentiary on Friday last. They were sec. Aenced to nine years and nine months , c im prisonment, and have been in solitary ou deem eat at hard labor for nearly five scare. A large reward was offered at the time by the railroad company, and the matter being placed in the elands of tictecUVes,evlelence was touch agt lust the prisoners which, although . cir cumstantial, and conflicting with an rstitt proved on the part of the defendants; was considered sufficient to support the convic,' tine, and they were found guilty anti 'unto.- ..Cod accordingly. Now after the lapse of nearly five years new facts have been discovered which upon the most rigid investigation render it Certain t o h iw at e s gr mi e t t o tt im i u n h l entice at e y o h: n a e g e m en en do w ne o , v a 3 nd reau t ha y t guiltless of the offense . for which they have beereso severely punished. Governor L'uttln_ having been informed of the case by letters addressed to blm by Judge Derickson, Judges Greer and Cross, the District Attorney who tried the case against the prisoners, the pre*- ent District AttorneY, the usembens ot tbo bar generally and ottiens, a full pardon was Promptly Wood. The Colombo* Connell ..-The Councilmen and other gentlemen Co lu mbus who are to visit ads ray. left yesterday for Cleveland to exaMine the.Nleholsoaparensent and will then visit Pittsburgh e Fire Alarm Telegraph. They will probably?earth here V>IILOITOW. . - . genius 'liquor to 11flooro—Caleb Part. of Noblestown. yesterday app.ftrW Wore al- a derman Strap, and charged Orlandeßell , 'tavern keeper at tbat ;dare, wlth habitually 1101/1 11 j1KUOL W 007.1 A wAZTIIAL im WM, CITY AND SUBURBAN. ADDITTONAL LOOAL HEWS OH TILTED PAGE.) Robbery lit Allegheny. Yesterday. morning ; a farmer name Louts Crawford, frOM °MO; township, came to Alle gheny gccomMUiled by his brother. 'Together the two' went tntoJohnson's barber-shop, In the Allegheby . Diamond. and Louis took Ids seat fora "shave," baying first hung up his coat. The brother wishing to do Is little shop ping outside, took Louis' pocket bOok out of the pocket of the hanging coat. tookont twat'. mite, and laid the pocket book on the foot stool of his brother's cha ir . Louis, after being shelved, was brushed ge negro named Frank Thompeon. who has been staying about there for a few days, and went out for getting his poOet book. Soon ho returned, but the poglietbook tind negro were both miss ling.:- The May* was informed of the robbery gotten otte—idthoirgf whenad evidently for. the tranbactie we asked him for It tbe pollen Thom p s on t pbn the track. It was ascertained that had taken the train for the west, and was securely out of the way. lie came from Alliance, Ohlo,and was taken in by Mr. Johso n ma ofcharity. The missing pocket book contained money, a promissory note of John hall,. Man chester, foragl.lb, and another note for $7.51. Sudden Ikattl.-Curoneesi Inquest . . . Coroner ClaWimn was Summoned yesterday to 110111 MI Inquest on the remains of Martin Bair, a young . German, of about twenty-two years of age, who had died suddenly yester day morning at. the house of Christopher Hooks, near the toll gate on the Spring Garden plank road, in Reserve township. The de ceased had been in this, country only about six month, and was employed as a laborer by Wm. Schomaker in. Reserve township: On Satur day, Nov. 'X, he complained of not feeling very.well and having a severs cold. lie said he thought Ito would go to a hospital, and left the house for that pnrpose. Ile failed to get to a hospital, however , and obtained tamp. ry lodging attlie house Of Sir. Book. lie did not seem very seriously sick until yesterday morning, when he grew suddenly worse and died at nine o'clock. Dr. A. Parchment ex amined the remains and expressed the opin lion that death resulted from excessive MlLL motion of the stomach and bowels produced by neglect of a severe cold. Tha jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes. Jewelry for lbe Be • • The np town trade need not enter into the heart of the city to purchase jewelry for holi day gilts so long as our growing and enter prising friend Wilt. T.• Wiley No. a Wylie 'street, keeps each an excellent stock on hand. We yesterdareelled In and' locked through bls cholceaMartment of rings, pins. armlets, sets, 'Audi, wateltr.s,, chains, guards, silver wares, eicteks Il.nd fancy articles, and were .pleased to find that it comports more, than favorably Wlth that of any other house in the city. Mr. Wiley has bad the good fortune to secure an °halide busineot stand where the al:eater portion of his protita have not to be ex pended in paying an exorbitant rate, and be in consequently - sell at the lowest rates. He warrants every article to equal the reprrsen• tattoo made at time of sale. We cheerfully commend Mr. Wiley to the holiday patronage of our friends. knew lug him to be fair deal and honorable, and cttntent with a reasonable margin; of protit upon hie Jewelry. If desi rous ollmoking a purelmse look through Ws stock, and if not suited then ono must indeed 'Wlie hard to please. liemember the place No. 6 ylie street near Fifth. Alnesemento PITTARCittiII Wazaras.—Yesokee Lncice, ono of the Wn am] roost eomleil delineators of the wooden nutmeg element of creation, held forth last ntilis to a large and fashionable au alone* st the Vhcatze lin is 1..11 sustained Zlnrir"ury'r.'-'in-I:l7.h.:beraireWarParnYasf beat • parts. New Orena ifores.—A vert - feir attendance greeted Mr..l. W. Wethick, the pripulartrage• whu is now playing , very successful en. inurement at the New Opera Rouse, lie Is an nounced In a favorite rots tomight--Shylock, in tne great ehaksperlan play of the Merchant of 'Venice. Mr. Wingert's eonception of the grasping, avaricious money lender Is remark ably good. and none of our readers should fall being la attendance tonight. • Monocle worst-rcuowned La Rue and Bergen Minstrel' lied A •plend Id au dience last night at Masonic borne of tine performer' are tar shore any thet•ever visited our city, while taking 'the troupe alto , wither, It In superior to any traveling. A seeallowpomme is offered to-night, and wlrlsc o can enjoy:minstrelsy to be in attendance. • tx•mmittee neelloa .t meat Ing of the Acting Committee of the Allegheny County Prison . Association was held . yesterday morning Ina room of the First rrosbyterlau Church, on Wood street, Mr. Ja sephllelinight; the yrenident. occupying the chair. The principal Laciness of the meeting was. to appoint to, the committee 'members who could devote 411thiselves actively to the work In lace of some whose business would not p er mite them to attend. A commit tee, consisting of Messrs. Itohort iirr and Jigs. D. Carlisle. was appointed to confer with the County Corn misslouers for which female pris oners in the jail may work at proper employ went, under the supervision or ladles who have volunteered to attend. The time for the meetin 'clockthe committee was hd from nine Oln the morning to seveno'clock in the evening of the nrat Tuesday of ench month. There being no further business I before the meeting it, adjourned. Another Yeathlnt Thief. The meat store of Jar. Gedakep, In Euatllir mlngbarn, was entered on Idonday, by a Foy named Henry ntaughi.aged about lOsears,who took advantage of the temporary absence of the proprietor, and robbed the till of the store. , u 'He succeeded ablitilletilig,lo9llt. li v e olgrix• in bills and currency. Shortly' alter commit ting the larceny, he Seas Arrested and taken before Justice Ammon for a hearing. Ile made a lull admission of his guilt, hod Incon sequence of his youth the Justice committed . him to the House of Ilefuge. The course on the part of the Justice may not have been strictly just, but It was thought that when the youth of the accused was conablered, and the evil results which might - have followed an in enrceration In the countyjall, the court. would not lu Wrens la the matter. • Ball Entered. A few days ago we noticed the coMmittal, by United States Commissioner Sproul, of D. J. Link. on a charge of perjury. Ile area, as will be remembered, charged with having obtained about one hundred and fifty-seven dollars front the goverument,by falsely swear- , tog that his son; who ad o in tho army, trout Wousnis received at the battle of Gettysburg, was unmarried, when in fact he had a wile living, she having(subeequently presented a claim for the back pay and bounty due her deceased husband, Link had a final hearing yesterday .before Commissioner Sproul, and was held in three 4housand - dollars for trial. The required security was given and the pris oner released... ~Itobb!ry • „ On SaturdayT night last .51r. Dolor', a dealer In shells, corals ant cameok, pat up at a store In Comm''settle and displayed his stock of sea curiosities to the purchasing community of that town. Oa Sneduenight the store was entered by but shag, who obtained Ingress by Cutting away e panels or tho front door, and r Wll9 robbed o fstock.worth - over #l4O. Sir. itoyton could Obtaleltio clue to discover the robber and, as ho informs us, he could dud no authority In Cormollaville who could receive • any information of therberglary or assist him in detecting' the thieves. The robbery was a bold one, anti some steps should bo taken to arrest the guilty parties. Arrest of a Female !Shoplifter. - We noticed, In the early part of last week, that a woman had entered the shoe store of W. C. Borland, on Market street, on Saturday • week, and stolen from thence several pairs of shoes. She. was pursued, dropped her booty and escaped. Suspicion attached to One Mary . Ann.Snytter, a W 01113.11 realdlng in the Thira: ward, Allegheny, but she could not be quite. ldvntified until yesterda, when the !donna , 'cation was made oomplete, The woman was arrested and htought before Use Mayor. The hearing resulted In her being held to ball for a final hearing to-morrow. • Violation' of Oidilwnce.—ldeers"Shor f angulln. plumbers, wore before Alder man Morrow yeAterday toanswer a charge of violation of. a city ordinance. - It was alleged that sonic time ago they removed a inirtlourof the paving of Wylie street pour Fifth for the 'purpose Of putting down.aorue pipe. They relald the puree:Writ, but In so Imperfect a manner chef too stones apeedily became loose and the street halite be redeurod by the Street Commoners. The bearing resulted In'the accused betnaprdered to pay a deco!. sad the costs of =0 case. , Almost a Flre.—The alarm ed Site from onePlo.l3, last evening, vras net quite a false one, a circumstance which le becoming s ome remarkable.. It was omelet:tea by the . upsett i ng of a lamp lathe Old Ferry hotel, at the earner ilancock .street.end Darman° batwing ellsoldangivaidlhe pr. ru• leas to Wend aMes. hid .fortanately the dames ware extinguished before any material demageheabeen done. The engines were p on hand with their accustomedromtness, bid NI innately their oorvicoo we re not, noottoo. ISE Counterfeiter■ Captured 1 , For a considerable rime pa }} t our city and • neighborhood have been -r markably free from the disturbing presence f the f'shovers 'of the queer." Beeently, however, asouple of adventurers in. that line Intim been frying itheir luck, and inflating the Currency of the city' by unwarranted auditions. Lest weeli husinem circles became aware that spenous ten dollar greenbacks, and counterfeit postal currency were multiplying in their, midst. Alderman Strain and his efficient officer, Seth Wilmot, determined to trace the 'matter to ids' source, and so set diligently to work. It was aseertelned towards the last of the week that the abovers wore two men from Ohio named respectively .1.1%. Bruner , and ti: IL Williams. Meantime the shovers left here on Thursday or Friday, and on Saturday officer Wilmot lam in pursuit of them. lie traced them to Raven na, Ohio, and there captured them, they mak, Mg no resistance. Le arrived in the city with them yesterday afternoon and took them be fore Alderman Strain for e.tamlnation on the charge of passing counterfeit money. The prisoners. were conveyed to the lock-up to await a hearing this afternoon at four o'clock. The evidence against them will be strong, as a considerable quantify of spurious money was found on their persona. Court Of Common Plena Court met at the tonal hour yesterday morn ing, Judge Sterrett on the bench. _ The case of Wie. Lindsey vs. Thema , W. Lindsey, George G:Negley, J. N. Berlin and James S. Negley, which was taken up blonde**. was reasned. • This la an action to recover VACS, alleged to be dneon a contract for the purchase of a tract of oil territory located in Wood county, West • Virginia. The contract was made In ISCS, the price agreed upon being 1110,000, and We sum in hand paid two dollars. The parties contracting to purchase failed to do so, and hence the suit. The defendants allege that the tract was not oil territory, as represented, and that they were not obliged to consummate the purchase. The 4csse went to the jury before the hour of adjournment, and the verdict has not yet been rendered. The next case taken op was that of J. A. Mantis vs George Gross. This Is a ease of al leged fraudulent dealing. In We month of ?day, MN We plaintiff purchased some 01l of the defendant, with the understanding that the 01l was to be the tame es some which he bad examined In samples. on the delivery of the oil It was dunmvered to be of a quality very inferior to that of the sample. The case is still on trial. Calla Mari in a Fircht Monday evening a disturbance of a serious character oecuredbetw con a number of colored men and women and some white personi, on Overbill street, in the Seventh ward. At the commencement of the affair it was hatud to. Land, but ere it clesed stones, brieks and other dangerous missiles were hurled protniscuon,. iv Into the excited crowd. A little girl named Kepler, aged nine years, daughter of Asians ,Keplar, residing on Overbill street, while sit , 'Ling at the door of her father's lionse, was struck on the bend, immeidately above the left eye, with allying ialxnlie and quite severe ly injured. Mr. Kepler was absent at the Mine, and on returning house and hearing of the occurrence, started to pursuit of an bull ' vidual whom a number of persons stated they miser throw the stone Which struck the child. An Information will Probably hewed° against the party as soon as{ his whereabouts is as— certained. The fight tented for aeOnsiderable time Vnited States District (fermi District Atioredy. .4:small:in filed a certid. cafe on Monday in the United States District Court, setting forth that a grand jury would be required at the Session of the United States District Court to be held la Erie oudhe first Monday of January ,• upon which Jude • SPtlanillese Made the t•flieniaglenter : As an act of Congress, passed the Pin any of July, ISO, provides that the District Judge of the la lilted States District Conti, for the; West, era District of renarylvaniric shall hold two terms in-every year at the city of Erie, Wattle first Monday of July and January la enth and whichy, beg toning on the July or January shall drat ihnriddintely follow the pas sage of this - act, it is ordered that a venire for twenty grand mill forty petit jurors issue, re turnable on the first Monday of January next, at the oily of Erie, and the Marshal is direct ed to mita° the necessary arrangements for holding said Court. - --_ . a charged With PerJoryi On Mandety John Ileppard made informa tion before Alderman Strata, charging otis M. Nnedhani, al clothing dealer In. this city, with perjury. , He alleges tint en the 4th of September lut e . the accused purchased. In the city of Sew York, a bill of goods consisting of eloakingv, woolen goods . of the firm of Chas. 11. tirldin d Co, of which firm the de- . poncut ill a member.' The purchases amount ed to ti,liddi, end the purchaser agreed as is alleged, to pay the cash In slate days, but fallen to pay at the time agreed. Suit was ite ' cordingly brought In u New York Court for the purpose of collecting the bill. In the affida vit of defense prepared by the defendant the . alleged perjury was committed. The accused i had a partial hearing yesterday afternoon f and was hold In the Imo of diet) for a further caring. • • • A Confirmed Wife Renter. Yesterday Justice Ammon, of Birmingham. bad before him Gerhardt liclimall, charged with committing tin assault and battery upon bis wife, Mary Schram% Gerhardt was -re leased from Jail some two months since, after an imprisonment et lithe mouths for a similar offense. Ile was required by Court to enter Into security at the time of his trial for his good behavior In the future, but being unable secore ball was compelledto remain in jail. After a bearing belore Justice Amnion.yes terday, he was committed to Jail, for trial, in default of pro ball. Monongahela Inanrance company.— Yesterday . afternoon the stockholders of the MOropinialolll , Insurance Company of Gals city, a most prosperous, safe and reliable concern, held an annual meeting for the election of of - cars, to serve during the ensuing year, with the following result: • • Jas. A. Iletchison John IVDeeitt, William Rea, George De rry, Robert Dalzell, John Atwell, William Means, James Woodburn. R. Wallace flatueel ltobisuu, Wm. A. Caldwell, John ll:Canfield; R. U. Palmer, D. 9. 11.1.111, more, and James MCendless. Presentation to be Made.— • o deilre to call the attention of our readere—the fire men particularly—to the fact that,at the fair commencesl of the • Plymoth Church, which_ at City flail on the ilth inst, fancy hose carriage harness will be present ed by the ladles ' to the fire company that re colves the highest number-of votes. The har ness is of exquisite make, and the contest for It wilt undoubtedly form sue of the most ex citing episodes of the fair. Walton va. flossy—Alderman Taylor was waited upon yesterday by Robert S. Mackey. who preferred a charge of malicious mischief against A. !tiller. Sir. Mackey alleges that a day or two ago be was taking e a ride in a hired buggy, in the neighborhood of Bulloek!s Stun, when he met Minor, Who wilfully drove a ,liaairy wagon against'the boggy, taking cIII a forward wheel of the light vehicle, and other wise injuring it.. A warrant was issued. • • Stole Systers.—Leet evening a little' boy • , mused IVm- Burke, purloined a hall can of oysters from iha store of ldr.Maub, on Smith field street, near Seventh: The boy was ar rested and taken before Mayor McCarthy. its Honor, in consideration of the ,fact that the boy bad no home, and paining his disposal a proper subject Tor the action. of the Court, committed the youthful abstractionist to jail to Answer arcourt. , • Obstructing the better.-6t rest Commis. stoner Flinn yesterusy rondo information be fore Aldermen Morrow, charging Steams—Hill, ratterson & Co., of Pennsylvania avenue, with obstructing the gutter of the avenue by piling their lumber thorcur, Teo nocuSed plead guilt and promised to abate the nuis I wher y eupon they were lot off with the costsan.ce, An Vag:titans flo•boo.Wielfred Con. gar, of Pitt township, does not seem to ea .be ap rf,TL",374. aTfehrectrig:Tb Ps ' ; etifr g d ' i and charged stud Whllaln with as.sault_ an battery, alleging that he threw hcr out of tho house the day before. A VlLTrarit. WOO balled for the arrest of the uogallant _ _ The Lucky, itellef.—The Relief. Engine, Company luck.. At he St. liridget'S lan; Just concluded, a magnificent double Sett el silver mounted harness ro wan Offered as a ornate the flre companyreceiving high eat number of votes. The Relief was the !in tonate candidate, and received the bewetiful prise. The harness Is most worthily testowed. 'To be Eseenited:—Tho Governor •of Otto on Saturday decided not to commute the seo tenco o r Q. W. Smith. the Fayette • count,' murderer, who wan to bave been executed last Friday, but whose execution was delayed two weeks, to give thus for examination or atatements and testimony. Smith will be ex. muted December 14. • DlfECtilltyr/largaret Fallman, a resldent of Lawrenemille, yesterday made Information before Alderman Tayior,ehf i her In:tabard Ernst Fullman. with abltt g . meta,. She alleges that her derelict lord has done nothing tor bar support for the last weeks. A warrant was issued. 111=1:: 6ir Bobbed Connelleville.—A kw nights since a freight , ear standing on the track of the Comm-Unit/a Railroad, at Con nellaville, was broken open and robbed-of a considerable amenukt of valuable freight. No trace of the thieves has been gained. . . • i Fenian Ball.—The Fenian Military orgati. !ration of this city. has issued ticketa for a grand military .oau tO be given, us-marrow evening, at City Ball :The tickets, admitting gentleman and lady, are sold lot one dollar. A grand Ma may Do exyaMed, PRICE THREE CENTS. Tom Priced sod Good—The Emerson • To meet the wants of the great number of persons who desire to possess a, piano, hut do not feel able to go to the expense of tile costli est make, and yet would have only a good substantial one, we have made a most careful examination of all the lowest priced pianos made in the United State,. The result Of this examination is that we have found those made by W. P. Emerson, fo r be the beet pianos for the price, and the cheapest good pianos that are made. They are most substantially built, on the soundest acoustic prmcipaist the wood is the best quality pronerly seasoned; the tone rich and pewerfnhand the touch easy and elastic; each one is provided' with the the fulliron frame,tud ov ratr ags.They taaliintntndwearwell inerezrr:ticuth is w e knwrrouactualexneece the Piano, and the more costly makes, is caused by the most rigid economy in the mataitac tore consistent • with excellence, 1 and ' by a saving of labor on them -- itetrts, which neither effect the -tone or durability. Wed° not pretend that the "Emerson't is tile lowest priced piano made; many can be bought at a leas price. Such pianos we do not keep., having found by our own and others experi ence that being vo poorly made they soon give way, lose their tone, become harsh and dim.. content; and give no satisfuetionto the owner, hot are a constant source of expense and an- - noyance. A piano of this kind is a bad in vestment, and really the dearest piano any one can idly. We do not and will not keep them formate. Finding the "Emerson . such a desirable piano, we at once secured the exelu live agency for them for Pittsburgh and ours rounding country, and haring made special. contracts for a regular weekly supply for a long time to come, wo can offer them at un usually advantageous rates. All persona de siring 1130 best cheap piano in the market, should not fall to examine the "Emerson" be fore purciutaing any other kind. Liberal dis count to clergymen, teachers and cash custo mers. Charles C. Mellor .8. Co., 81 Wood street, 'Pittsburgh. For lb* Fors of If. Four negroes named James Adley, John Diamond, WUlinm Jackson and Francis W. Williams, have boarded at. thuhause of Caro ilne Strickland, in Union alley. Sixth ward. A woman named Jemima Wilson also boards in the same house. Monday evening was the time for the four men named to quit the house of Caroline. Accordingly they desired to cel ebrate with some fon. Jemima did not relish their tun so much as might have been ccpect ed, and ye'stenlay morning she came beiora Mayor McCarthy and charged them all with _malicious =lschia. Their mischief seems to have consisted in tearing up a bedtick belong .ing to Caroline, burning and blackening the walls of the room with a candle, arid other wise damaging Caroline's property. Warrants were Issued. and the accused arrested by Offi cer Mishit. After a hearing, Jemima desired to withdraw the suit, which was subsequent ly agreed upon, and the parties were diectuar iced. Adley and Di6moriil are employed at Jobley's dining saln', o on Fourth street; Jackson at BittAnley's oo , n Fifth Street, and Williams at Johnson's' barber shop, In the Al legheny Diamond. Boots and Shoes We never tire of writing for the benefit of our readers, and again call attention to the large and well assorted stoelsof boots, shoes and gaiters, to be found at the extensive sales rooms of T. A. McClelland, Nos 55 and 51,F ifth 'street. F.verbody, old and young, rich and poor, buy theme pedal coverings where they can be obtained at reasonable prince, and hence McClelland drives an unusually heavy business, Wllfi ho deals extensively in shoes, be has also 'an unlimited stock olds) . goods and gbneral notions on band, which he sells at auctiunt_prices.',Cloakings, Long, brocim, and wool shawls, lioop skirte, fashiona ble bannorals; table linens, sheeting., towel., crash, checks, ticks, gi ngtiatne, toelery, gloves, umbrellas, traveling begs, gent's .furnishing goods d.c., may be obtained at prices whicii• would bare ruined merchants stx years knows allsell at same rates. But McClelland knows all the avenues to obtain bargains, attends all great auction sales in tile metropolitan cities, and divides his 'advantages with the purchasing community. There Is a sign above his door on Fifth street, under Masonic .mi country merchants or retail pun shouldnot tail giving a call at Nos. huSerli. i and 5- Al!rand }Wine Preteneea.—Mr. John 11. Porter made affidavit, yesterday, tore Al derman "train, to .the effect that a few days since he bargained with Thomas Lindsay for some real estate In 01110 and gave Mr. Lindsay tO bind the bargain. The seller repmsent ed th at on th e property there were tourteen nr tilteen apple trees, a two-story hb. s e. When the would be purchaser went to exam. inn the property, preview. to closing the bar gain, be toured all these representations false. to therefore demanded his $ 2O back, but was refused. Accord in gip he prete r red the charge of false p nreteces, nu a warrant was mooed for the arrest of the ccused. Dl- Phrenolowjleal Journal —Bishops and vine... including the Reva. Potter, Hopkins. Dix, Tyng, Smith, Newton, Cox, Idol:gun, Wes ton, Huntingdon, klutilenberg and VllllOl3 . also Dore, artist; Hate Bateman, ac tress; Xing and Queen of Prussia; Tillers, the states! man; with articles on I he characters of Shaks pearc; Education, by John ;Neal; BocielS; frage; Walking; Shaking . 11ands; A Natural Life; Health; Sleep; Death; to Deeember nologlcal Journal. Pictorial Double No.. D 3 cents; a year, Newsmen .have it.. Address Fowler WeIie, SCJ Broadway, or John N. Pit lock, Pittsburgh. INT D. • A Falsely Pretending Tallor.—James Potter tens that he bus been bagel] deceived by one Joseph De Roy, a Hebrew clothing bought of street. Lie says that he bought. of Do Roy a coat for V2O, and that he hough,. It on the representations of the dealer that, the coat was composed of the finest, ail wool pilot cloth, whereas expert+ afterwards told him the cloth was cotton and the coat not worth one-third tha price paid. Potter there fortium, le Information before Alderman Strain charging the Jew with obtaining money under false pretenoes. A warrant was issua.l. • Alleged Minimnest Stake .Itolder. Wm..l. More and a man named Piper have a bet of ildOpending on the adoption or rejec tion of the Constitutional amendment, and Mr. Midthew Steed heti acted as stake hol der. Mr. More concluded that the stake hol der money to dishonestly' and aPProlnlaUsilt the money to Ms own use. He accordingly made intormation before Alderman Strain charging Mr. Steel With larceny as bailee. The accueed was arrested and hauls nearing which resulted in hishonorable discharge. Felonious /LemanLt.—John Warwick makes. oath that on the Ist Inst., Joseph McCabe did, In the ;Diamond, commit a felonious assault upon him with a knife, cutting at him two or three times, and cutting through his clothing. A-warrant was arrest o f by Alderman Strain for the arrest of the alleged assailant. • It. la no Experiment, to purchase one 01 Wheeler & Wilson's Improved Lock Stitch sawing Machines, as they are warranted per 'fect—vi sew the finest i n st r uct ll as the heavy beaver cloth, and fall ions are given In their use free Of charge. Salesroom, 25 Fifth street. • Parlors Wanted.,—.4. physician Is desirous of obtaining ihn use of front and back parlors from 9A.u.t04 r. x. Address IL P. 0 Box WU. A lv.aafy-g..2, , vti,..nonngtglatv,Tztl , u; age. The Sunerst Irtll take plane from hl) bits [ca dence, CS Four.S stitet, on WYDSMSDAY 1.1,11CR -000n, at two o'clock. the friends of Its farralY are malted to attend nlthonklarther notice. . kfc DUNN ELT,—(to Monday lid Inst.. MAUS% rld est dausl , ter of James and k ites .11cl/onoell , fl I I. l e.t . a aid tour months. The funeral 0111 take I.litee 11316 MOHNISU. alts lost.. at lon o'euck A. la. The friends of Ma (amt. ly are reopeoLCUl y torlted to Attend: Iteslgh nee, No. 0) Federal street, Clitsbni'nb• pivArthvaqvizim...l3Rtlizi 11.1MDSLE CEDIETEWIr.—The beautiful ..uod , roaeni,” the largest suburban, place of repulehra alms one, in thl COillity, ambition beer Brighton road. immediately north of y. For burial lots , penults or ttles, • tag ele ir = l Drug More of Otifil. CLANZIC. ABU gbenl Oft7i . ALEX. ITATIZIELELTALIEXUR, N 0.1611 ?math ROW, Pittabusik, P. opynsa 4,4 all tirade. 011.2aM eLOvliliobad even d eseriptloa of Funeral ramt.hlatt=2.l l .l. olaTA E W i t i g i . v.& Ken 471.: M lihrel . W. Jacobus, Val., Thelma& Sarum, sag,. jamb 13 raw Neck FAIRMAN & SAMSON. "UN DERTAIKERI3 eoreltiy cantreageframemith Wi= II r*IIINIMMCIrBs No 4. kAlllll3 Ski/DUSKY • : • ALAJAPVINNIV. . _ . UNDERTAKERS AND EINNALMENS ktinellaster. Wood 4 Eas stater433*,:, - - WM ROOMS Al MANCHFiIiit iIVEY onsetra finsalsl,l and Charlton elpieSc, Mann ladCarrtai lalaralaDad., Clubs or 3;95. Clubs of Ton or WATCHCS, CHAINS AND - .73EINAMIN-aMCIr ! - AT A VERT SMALL pitonrr. AT 'N'ir.fLl , T. WILY - 13 6 Wylie St., 3d door fkrom 60. CALL AND SEE The Wonderful MUSICAL SOS CELESTIAL TOM AB BILL ICCOIPINICit NOW ONEXIitBITION AT COUNSEATH & C.O'S Jewelrv.Eitore, lac r. MR Wirth 1111111^reoptir OkPOSIT; ILLEON11) HALL. " del J. W. JOIIN6TON... ' ....lAA. 10011 JOHNSTON Erg SCOTT, DiCALZBI3 IN • Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry 11101E11-PLATED WARE, ETC., lie. 214 LIBERTY mums: Pitta XsoinicuPb. Kir Partleclar attention ettea to Watauga. Clocks and Je.wolty.i ed WETIIEBILL & SWA*O 3P,4LT3ECNT.T. - LIGHT ' EQUAL TO - GAS! Gas Condensing l'hmiers, tlan be used on any Lam M and pf Velma =Wolk mph Cultuneys. The dam e Produce& th e.* Burners spresds out similar to that The construction is such that the smoke la cestitned - in a Gas Condensing Chamber, and Is wbelly concerted Into name. be burner does not depend upon the wick lot Its lishti but burn the smote wwincti4s produced Medd:rank and _ Barns Len' Oil Than Chimney Lamps. • . • And produces a more Brtalent Light then =rather Sumner Lathe market. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. purchased -the right of Claiming of the ,aboce Burners in Allegheny County. parties 'lug to to examine or pureltsse._ean be 170L'Ahafltelrril i ats 3 l b. A WATER. BTRENT. JAMES BLACKMORE. ai-CANYUSZILS WAFTED I,lnriewrrnawt7Tn EAGLE COITON.WORKS. • H AVVir6 RECESTLY PIIIICJIMPi ED THE EAGLE etYLTOG WOREB; former ly essletery-liessts. EING,_PEISDOCS •• 00...5• respectfully informs the put Ale that lie min COutl , nlou lac autunfacrstru of - Sheeting's, Cotton Yarns, Carpe Chains, Candle Wi ck and Batting. • Orders may ba left as She Moe of the wets, WNW AILIGHIn an OR AT TIM PITTSBURGH (BREWER Y. Corner of Duquesne Way and Barker's Alley. 1 2 1.ttislkssairsglai,N o a. no d 9 SHUA RHODES & CO. 'WELDON & 11ELLY P14133133ER5, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND_BRASS FOUNDERS,- • • Ism arsortmeot. or Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, Ito., .A.E.W.A.TH ON HAND. - 164 Wood Street, near SIM. =molt 9 89 MARKET EMBEET. g Ti o 93EL. CPO 3Z3 33 IS 9' 89 "Warkst BOOTS, : SflOBS, &C, :9 TIM CEITAPifiT AND Ban - 8 91 XXV gr ECM CITY.. sEk NO AUCTION GOODS SEPT. gg JAMES ROBB, 89 Mirka O. 89• 89 89 S 9-89 89 89 89 89-89 89 89 - pirrsavasn CtITLEIrif COMA ANT.—Welmeenhasul tbe Inca stake - POCKET CUTLERY u this olti Also. Hollo*Groun.dßazoro, 13,i.dieuvuktr. %moms. zr. -€:0424: 41 mr , . Atant Pittsburgh Catyirfi Company. &WI'S. 67 and 6 9, Ea 81 r eet • DisrATea inn:Emma 0,41 DMIGBI DRII6131!-IIIIIIGSM: JAMES T...SAMPLE LEAVING soutarr ;its I takkeici_wN MUM "ugalorsaujawdates, wrateop ca . band • tali iiiwnweat Ot Ames a 5M1L"Cr411343,. " Add whlllt . rie:Piel we ebeaper than say van honor w Prewr l Pdoni e cjil . rdli7 inspired l7f a int:dais dr .:V:inset mamma:um aiit TAMS SOAPS ea band. =I GUOVEII & HAREM ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Leo VIZ 131125? for Paakily and tfasitattartil testa. Cal and see theta at • ... . . DOWT BE DECEIVED BY - - • : 7-- ..- - • .. • . . . . Tionriabing haleeohunci advcrttsentents of WARM _Machina% VIM mtli • UMUlidlhat BAKER. . , .11 has been MY tested Dm sixteen._ . , ' . . tears. fa IU canna- . ATo.MO MMOs illiktreoti Practical furniture. •. COIL PENN AND !Inn Mirk Latest stiles or 71111.111717F0L egib;l4l34oli.bili HOWIEBI SYIRBESSI 31"guaLpjocian. Q lattrffee W p;One ICKlrg6flrja god saw WORK MARL ; tar Da-Nam aim good workers. Call HOWARD'S LITERS' i• SLIISTARLII. 0 me • strat street near Iliknonsabel,B NECESSVECIES - .lrolll VEILFM.* 1:111.:4res s goad 01INSI8G 'WON'S mid other 11, TM " VaNdarla - taillV. PlerttooThteTrUtensUettar CottklotOMßrie • Y. te other fancy w it afgea d litzazt Dbi w arro. 144 wont strtet, *ba e cusps am% OM P8 1 1•31;I:CCT 9 89 89 89 B9 89.89 Jro; is. Fifth, Sired. Dint, CLOS & RI 1 MEI gl 1111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers