Il 0 IN II ri n. EATON, 17 Fifth Street, Wholesale snit Retell Dealer la GEITLEMIRS' FrESISMNG GOODS. Peek-Iles, Half-Hose, Silk and Merino. Underwear, Geni%Muslin Shins. . t t/ .. r. d olVAL i rg . p . r . o i parotory to rocelTlng Tall EIIIGEOIDEREII EDGINGS. FUG:IEOIEO3 and INOLUTINGS; LACE SWINGS .d LESERTINUS; LACE COLLAE and CUFFS; LINEN HDKIS., Plain:Lod tooluoidered. J.* rooolvad •roll Doe or TUCKED irtusii.r. = iin7 - 331=7UE1 Drew Trimming*, Rutleins NOTIONS AND FILNOIC 0001,8. F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth Street MODS AI NOTIONS, AT WHOLESALE. At Present Eastern Prices A. FULL LINE In all the Departments. Buyers •re Invited to call at N 0.115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. A_RBUTKNOT, SHANNON & CO C. aIaCT.CfOC..W. T. SHANNON ...I. 0. IllaltgarlON au" Mr ACCOUR & CARLISLE. 19 Fifth Street, HA Vit J Uwr RECEIVED A SPLENDID LOT 07 Cluny and Maltese Collars, ilamblifg Flouncing, Edgings and Intertings, Puffed Muslin, Muse tiles, Linen Tacked Setts, Morocco Traveling Bags, Fine Fans, Necklaces, Elegant Styles Fancy Jewelry, Just read: ea a full Ilse of Alerandre.a, CourvoliderN and immix. ICX7a 4:3-Lciocr GAUZE MERINO SHIRTS & DRAWERS, Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Skirts, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. PlLtaborgh Agents for the sale of LOCKW(X)I3 , I3 CLOTH Lal•BD AND ALL PA PEA OOLL~ RS. I!ACRITh[ & CABLE3LE. 19 Fifth Street, Ml ACIEZUM, GLADE & CO, Nos. 78 and 81' Market Street, Whont.nle aul.l ft nit Dealer. In Trimmings, Notions, AND FANCY GOODS, Have hal received Dm LARD-EST lad HAND BOMEST stack of YARNS ever brought to thle city, to which th ey call th e atteottlart et Storekeeper" and Blotter. The stock ..02111.111X 111 par: Of Boston, Germantown and Country "SnitSJELIVIS,, la WHITE. BLAOE., SCARLET, soLsznaxti. PUB.PLE., . CLOUDED, DRABS, NAGE •TA, ELI E, CLCUMBILLA, BLUE DE LYI XILTICADI AHD' • AZITLIEE SLIM; Ad" WHOLESALE BETTERS SUPPLIED .A EASTERN PRICES. ITN Da JOS. HOBNE & CO's. ISHNIWN, SUNBEAM AND DERBY HATS, MOLY SWUM. DZW DROPS, WPM; DAISIES, VOW ETTN. AND HAMILTON HATS. • CHIP, HALL, STRAW BOANZTSIA new dupes, nra b l i ti:ll M i r At= .71.7. ii.teci, wa ill ySo un iv_F_: . ..llklPßE sTRAW trooDS. TIMISSAArISBNARZNTIS. - - - - SWISS, CILEUEN BBILLIANy,_NAMISOOKO., TAN LATA.NB, OnAUFW,.p MUSLINS, LINJUSIO, and • Dill asoortiatot of *situ GOODS. BEAL AND lE. CHUN LACE C LLR AM. P 1 11114T L E A II i A D C 2 1. 00 AL. 1 5 .ACI b ri c GAL N Al i tEdtl : icatictursah• -11Aincuicti TRIMALrEG AND YLOUNCINU 8W186.1 AND CAMBRIC EDGE AND INARtiI.NGBREILIN COLLARS, CUFFS various miss- Pull Illusion, ' Srlab and French Cambric LDAIWD SE U N LE W S/,i FON .Id IG e NSA I aNFIDAt I - I B L III L I N I T N O I B N G A C n dll%- AND ( IFIUNY D LACE AL NO ONS U eN SE MI L N D,VUTTON, BALL AND, ,MEM* ee.a Spreanwir, Ormasnepits art, Rept. kitrgrwconsis. - f31411 - 4t4elltalriligraTwizea PIIIIIELLIi a JET, 13ALL,131..And AND CIAJITAY. (X)RS QOM& Haut P_prirs Axv t HOLLs;D ALLIrTIC and litkes TOP( 11110 P IRKUtra,_• ISELABICLATINti OLARIW AND PIEICKLEtt,_. I oirreAt variety from palm loot to Dom. USDERW lteq Mr bullet Jt.e onto; stillitT Fltt)grd, ' . I3TAIt" TIES. OUTTEKT/I n t_. trPON7SEf LINER nAkiti sad bATCIUMB: 'LAM IIIII111111C1; $t sad. FULL 7 40 , . „vermin. ALL AT POPULAR PHILS% Mos. 77 and 79 Mar/hi Sired. Jo.liwn4 oitt%Baceisa LEss & may: wilulox. wax a c 0..) witozzaasar.,mtamun s • - FOREIGN-AND DOMESTIC DRY 0000 S, rap.. 04 W.e.ea, (Third boase above Diamond. Alley.) ' Jellxl3 ORE, tkiv c 0...; 1 -. o oAth comsat BICIIO, -.STOIVART & CO., Latins !motored tbelr Mee to Iff.o.ine7.T.algaortir sniznockt. fi l ately city luta Mini acorn) PLOOR, Are atm pentane] to famish goo d reollthloghttlq Lump, pivr•coAL O R susen. At the lowest Market price. • • - - • Air All orders left et their eines,- or• addressed so tam t W•ooth tbe mod, well toe stleatleOloP.o.l9l4. cimkiL.Esi J AumisTmoNG,. Youghi %hen tand Oonnelhiville Ooal And *anti tsetarens of Coal, Suck, aid Deaalpharlzed Coke. 0117. WE, -Walt Corner of Bailer - en:it liortini; Ant yal4 aa :r , 41 , rotk th r legit wank and on Bacedal rali.utod iganhinharetra ' aied il tith the bed . ankle of *eat or Coke at the to at cash tato& ()Nara lariat oar Doha Tarda will receive • romat Ji l llolll4l 71r wax PAIUTE% GRAINER ANIV GLAZIER, NO. 54 . Rad St. Pittsburgh. nal mkt Ormitelilal Winter ircOrttlemiLptleA" doss to order. • 41.11,w0rt, ileao,prospUrss reasoul, LIAM lre alt0 1 01)77, - • I Som. nitel g . or quni Maitsi ictribeig. miarosiax. r gke Niftoburelt (Gaz WIEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15, 1868. CITY AND SUBURBAN: Additional Local Natters on S'irst Page Tate Geseate..—Persons leaving the cit y daring the slimmer, can have the Gar-arra mailed to them by leaving their addreee at elm counting room. Handkerchiefs, linspenden, Gloves, CONOWSSIONAL NOMINATION. Union Stepnbilenis Cosorresatemusi Con rension—irdleetion of eltilleetre—Piegt WI tridr son — lioerhellid • illemhtated • tteclansation—Alddrelit or Hon. J. li.. rtoorbead—lliarsnonlons Proceedigs. Yesterday morning, !Meetly at - torten o'clock, the dol egate a chosen by the Union Ropu bl cane of the Twouty-secend Congressional District convent:xi In the Chamber of the Court of Quarter Session for the purpose of nominat ing a candidate to represent the district in the reritiolll Congress or the United States. John W. Riddell, Esq., Chairman of the County PM ecutlre COMMittee, waled the Convention to order. and announced, ap the first business be fore the body,-to he the election of temporary or permazenboilloors, J. W. Riddell was, on motion, chosen President pro tem., and Gen. IL L. 14444:50n, Ced.J t 2l. Rayne and W. S. tic- Clare were appointed Secretaries. The credentials Of 'the tallowm delegates were thou called for and rt,eten ta gs., !• • See.. orderretarlex, who procinsiee them aloud in es below Arsi Ward—James Rees, Adams Gutty. Second Ward—James Vick, Edward Houle Third Ward—Joseph Hastings, W. E. N mower. Fburdo Ward—Goo. a. Gallup.,, J. W. Gal Aj'a. Wrrrd—Davict k. Gee Gaheg. &rah Ward—Charles Bee Jeremy, John Reb ug mah. Granath Ward--Bnost. Barekley, Jas. Patehell. Nixo Eighth Ward—James Idawhumey, Joseph AVintia Ward—Cl:taxied Anuntroug, T. W Welat. Thult Ward-Dr. T. J. Gallaher. John Oehse, Loam - sluedlis-Ist ward: A. L. Pearson, J. H. Wainwright. Lotarkneetille-rd ward: S. McMahon, A. D. Anderson. Promerancetilie-G. 'Wit(Angell, T. Forgloon. Wert Plitsbur Weaver, Geo. Abel. ifoitongahele-Richard Perry, Brookau. Stephen ti Jinirm iag truntx , ti p-Richard precinct: David Jenkins, la fltrininghon.-2d precinct: R. B. Carnahan, Dr. F. Tatlte. Ease Birmingham-W. Mittecuswl, J. Hughes. MoMessport-T. Penney, Wm. 2Jcliktosh. Elizabeth-J .AL O'Neal, Semi Vaukirk. Won Alisabeat-J. Bradley, W. K. Hobson. Mount Woliiingion-Jonatban Neely, J. Kant Tolidies. Pitt-Isaac Johes, Jacob urs Chewer. Chitin.-C. B. Bostwick, J. 11. Berlin. Penn-.F. W. Doak, C. Snicely. Elisobein-Cal. J. B. Copeland, Lieut. A. Wall. Milt -des. Stone, John Leadbetter. Loothron-W m. flail, Samuel Glass. Moon-Dr. It grislier, John Curry. Upper St. Ciair-Jos. Couch, W. J. Fig' A oriA /listalfe- M. IC. Baldwin, Dr. FP. P. Gra. ham. = ... 1 1-F. C. Fegley, Wm. Frew. . Harvey Bobb,Glenn 'lngham. Peelitev-Robert Palmer, W. Brown. Ltberty-.4. H. Gross, Jno. Barton. Wilkins-John Math, D. Snyder. Poston-John Morris, Rohl. Quinton. Fermi/les-11. L. Woods, J. S. Moore. Jefferson-John O'Neal, John F. Seen, Capt. A. MeEdy. Findley -A.. Si. Burns, Josiah Gregg. Snowden-Jos. Miller, W.B. McClure. Lower Sr. Olair-John Musser, L. Frith South Fisyrflr--LOWis Gregg. Wm. Boyce. .01.cent-Dr. John Wilson, Win. Carson. Bufdain-Jas. Trunick, Jesse Cunningham. :re-into-W. H. 13ragdon, Jas. B. Gibson. The roll showed that every election district wa.., represented. Anor the reading of the list of delegates, Isaac Jones, Esq., moved that it. li. Carnahan, Esq., be chosen as permanent Chairman. The motion prevailed by a tmani- MOUS vote. On taking the Chair, Mr. Carnahan said he felt the honor of being called upon to preside over the deliberations of the Convention. Be felt his Inability for the position so kindly conferred upon him, and he would therefore be compelled to throw himself upon the indul gence of the members. The Convention had met to select asoltable candidate to represent this district in Congress--one of the most im portant districts in the State, if not In the country. From the post, he was assured that the selection made by the Convention would ratilied by the people, and It was therefore important that due care should be exercised in se/eating a man qualified to represent them in the nail of the National Legislators. This, he wad, was a day of renewed enerim, and he sea gird to see the great Union Republican party alive to the impOrtanee of the Cavil con_ diet now going on. 2be party that saved We country and its principles could alone perpet uate It. speak - Ink of 'the Convention now in session in Philadelphia, ho said that It was en tirely made lip of men who had gained an toe en v labia notoriety for their virulent 0pt.... uork to the Government In the hour when it mmit needed aid. lie was sorry to nee those who lad formerly Identified themsolvea with the ReptitiLiCan party acting in concert wit t that Convention, but, for Ills part, he was determined to lamed by the principles of the Repuoltean party to the end. If the rresident iktundell to carry over to the Copperhead caelp those who adhered to him, he would not :ollow. .11, felt sore that the oftlee.holtlers Un der the General Government to this State, .linong whom he was numbered, would re -10.10 steadfast to those prinelpas through which trey obtained their appointaimiur. His position mewled him to speak for the.oftlee , fielders, and he was confident they would not be with the Philadelphia Convention. He concluded ho remarks, which were listened to throughout with marked attention, by rb using tee Convention for the honor eon- forced u p on him, and announcing the election of Vice Presidents and Secretaries as next in order. tiC l 2Ofa m" ti ro taon g Wrk ectinideted by the oleo- Prerldeige-kkaptaln James Bees, First wak d, Pittsburgh; J. Htmlioth, Scott town ship, John S. Yearn, V lease Jones, Esc_ Pitt towits " hrp ."l . IP ' and On motion Mr. Isaac Jones, a committee consisting of Messrs. Inane Jones, A. L. Pear son, G. S. Gallepe, J. W. DaLtell, and James were appolnie4 by the Chair to draft resolutions fin the Mititin of the Convention. When the oominittee nod retired the Conven tion proceeded to nominate carialclates. Before proceeding, the President read the following letter trom General Jame* S. Neg. withdrawing his name as a candidate for nomination: Prrnintrasa, Atignst Id, ISM Zb she Chairman of at. Union Dowdy Cbmerie Ma—l desire the withdraw) of my sumo m a candidate before the Convention. • Permit me at the some time to expremsentiments of per sonal respect for the members of the Convex*. CM add gratitude to those who contributed by their exerthlas for and fidelity Co my wel fare. Lotielions heretofore, support the Union Republicon party. Yours, truly, •TANEIS 8. NZULIT. P. C. Negley moved MM. as Cieneral Moor head was the may cm:Whims before the Con veution,"that tie nmsdnation be by melanin . S.J. Weil:might seconded the motion, and on the question being Ont. it was unanimously adopted, amidst a scene of the greatest enthu siasm. Wheal,. bad somewhat aubsideel, a< commit tee consisting of Mews. flees, Brown and Paul were appointed -to welt upon General iloorholut and -sews:ant 'Min el his nomina tion. A. row, :momenta, later, and General HOorheed appeared on the bench and was in troduced by the chairman to the Convention. On being preempted, General klearticad said ho could not Leered:ter whoa then embarrassed at this express:tom of his ommitneata kind ness towards him. He was overwbebned by this testimany of their approval of his course In Congress dining. tile , late seadon. That kindneas had Amen,' extilbjted , L , ,,,reeny . years through many adverse eireunistances and it Waal rag-area stouter ueart than his to ap pear before them uneintarraesed. Ha had M oored under misrepresentation and calumny, but his Glenda bad stood aroned him as they do now like wail id "Ore, lie could do nothing more Loan return to them his heartfelt thanks. Daring the can vitas tie did not, feel like. %culprit, and he thought it therefore unneceepaiy to explain . g bb i rattion. His course bad been plain ir , tfortrosd and honest, be had labored to Protect the interest and preserve the pnn minas of his etnutittienta, - and this renunnina. tine was an evidence that those efforts were appreciated by, those la whose interest they were put forth. Your times had he been unan imously renominated for Congress, a favor never bestowed on any other member in Con gress, and lie could not °worms in words the deep gratitude that tilled ills heart, 011 this occasion. lie thought the people might have made a better eholoo—a man of more ability, I brit it was not his province to question their Judgment. •He had given Whatever ability lie possamol to the fartheraqco of the objects lot which be had been elected and all be could do was to promise to pursue a course in the future with all the abil ity God had given him.. Hp then briefly al luded tO national WWI* and urged_ on the Donde that, °oast:Huta the Iteptimican party to unite and stand firmly by the cherished principles of that party as in the success of stem atone reposed the - countryis welfare. The President advocated tits restoration of O.° Southern States witliimt any guarantee for future security. He (the speaker) differed with Mr. Johnson on that point, and argued that the to terms on wildcat the rebel Mate. could hope o gain their o r pltiotul wove by the ratlflostion of the Constitutional Amendment prole:heed by Congress, By cony leg to those terms Tennessee had been re stored and so would all the rest. Ile was wit. •iing that each inste should come back but as Barrazig OS //1114114111. at the pespie. wh o . Lincoln "fell under rho steel or the 11,14.9111 they were suppliant and willing totte any terms; but Mace the anocession orthe present Executive, they, nave becom e and dollen:. Toot' now propose t 0 come beak without giving an safeguard against the rep etition or their otrenees, but Congress was fi rm an never allow them to do so. Ho thought, tho,roost iMeOrtallt to hich the thithatry'J rutrribeen .:WectW Will be. witnesteed wPnteamon. of the fortieth Gunroom. aficianiteat would be more severe and lengthy thamthat of the organize. lion of tbirllrst Coopers of which be was a member—the' 6111 4 1112 . ' The roxeimneeeCtrourthe rebel Strata would form a 'coalition ',with .the "Democrats ' 'anti d i eareetait .Itatielgitans - and 'make one grand effort to- gaus-control of the govern. went, and to thwartthie Me :members of Con grass elected by the hUnion party will have , to maintain a Bohn trout Red neyerewerre in the' least from their prineiplac• lie referred to the Hoohahot war, and predicted that the COn• Mat tO 'gala supremacy of the nett Congress . would be even more intense 'than *Mara —He ifs had <beta told there •Weei a itreat 47obbaorf =Y ov ir a rr gir . l4la tide e mea ra , „11%-haii tray.i aliOtheriPA WA tee/seiner it; b front :it When, tome maws.fiZetirtelride hers wee a 0 Wow ,toc 41LiMmagenient. With - - ^ Sc~.~~~~ ~ ~::s~ 3i~m'~~.a P i~ .~~'^~~3..,*~e3. '~~'~alP;~~cG «,.a .o. ~~'*~~.•Z - ~,{, a ~ . ~:_ 0 Resolved, That we favor the protection Of the American mechanics and egriculturiste, and such legislation as will afford them the pref arcane in our own market. Rendred, That we approve the course of the Republican members of both Houses of Con. groan, during its; recent semi cm, and we adopt the POLICY on RicOonarettortOir embraced in the Joint resolutions ',repotting amendments to the COnatitntiOU now pending het e 0 people of the second Slates, as life Platform of the Llruou party in this cam paign, to wit: Be the Senate and H oresentativoi of the Malted Staten o Amerce In Congress assembled, two-thirds of both Houses concurring, That the following article be proposed to the L egislaturesCothe several States as an amendment to the Conatuation of the United Stakes, which, when ratifier/ by 4 4mi...fourths of the said Legtslaturee, dean be valid as a part of the Constitution, namely: “Airrima-Snormir I. All persona born or naturalised In the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are einemha of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which /Audi abridge the privileges or Im m ;fettles of citizens of the United States. Nor shall any theta deprive any person of life, liberty or poperty without due process of law, nor deny to any parson within Ile Joel. diction the equal protection Of the Lowe. Sat:Toot 2. Itepreeentativea shall be appon Cloned amens the several Mates aocordlng to their respective numbers, meeting the whole number of persons to each State, excluding /adieus not taxed; but whenever the right to vote at any election for electors of President and Vice President, or for United States Rep resentatives in Congress, executive and Jodi: cad °Slicers, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is dented to any of the male inhebt. tants of such State, being twenty-eres years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for partielpatlOn rebellion or other crime, the basis of represen tatter; therein shall redUced In the proper o Melt the number of such male eitizens shial bear to the whole number of male citi zena twenty-one years of age in that State. Stories 3. No person shall be a Senator or iteprestuilutlve In Congress, elector of Presi dent or Vice Preahlent t or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taker; an oath as a member of Congress, or as a member I of any State Leglillatilre, or as an executive or judicial of any State, to support tae Constitu- Mori of the United States, shall have engaged In ineurrectiou or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies there of; tint Congest, may, by a vote of two thirds of each House remove such dlethe abillty. Siamort 4. The pnbfle debt of the United States authorised by law, Inelutl , lag debts Incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for service! in suppresaing correction or rebelbon,ehall not be question- I cd, but neither the ,Un.ted States nor ~tl3' state elute assume or pay coy debt or übilga tion Incurred to aid of insurrection or relict ! /ion against the United Statue, Or any Chitin for the loth or emancipation of any slave. but all vuoll debts, obligations, and claims shall be Itelta illegal and void." The resolutlous were thamalMously adopted, and, ate giving three cheers for General Moorhead and lthary, the Convention ad- PITTILSIIIICII. The greatest unanimity or 1.1(14 prevailed t traughout the gasmen of tilts Imporhust body, and the result of Its labors loomed to meet with the approbation not only of all the delegates present, but also with the approval of the Immense number of spectators that crowded the lobby, and who frequently ex pressed by loud applause their complete sat!s• Inetlon. lapeelal Utotion.—Btra. Winslow.. Sooth ing Srrup has become so popular that viartoua parties have nut out articles calling them Mn. Winslow'a. Please take notico that the Yrs. istalow of the Soothing Syrup la not connect ed with any other article. Ml:44w BOUIIIIIII. End Increase of rematoos.— itackre/1 & McCombs, tt.Cirent street, trill at tend to the collection of the $lOO bounty and the Increase of penslous under the recent acts of Congress. AMUSEMENTS • NEW °PEI/A/101.1SE. D. LIE-IS 1,111M.T011. On Saturday Evening. Aug. 18th, First-Class Company 11108 T BRILLIANT MASON, Druistit mid Operalit, eier hove is Nair* The ()peer House has been THOROUUEILY 1.101. F Tai; and MAGNI/ICES fLT sett le Now. beyond doubt, one of the FINEST DRAMATIC TEMPLES The Dlrectnr't lons conned , lon With the anifo- meet of ttItOVEItS THVATUK. W. lII9UTO N, D. C., having placed him In ul larlae.4lll po.ttlan with THE FIRST STARS OF AMERICA; ce.l3lli.o r o l ' Ve d airere s n ' Zs sa trar;litTilitr b iA l lr s t e 7 e. c. been favored wi th . Mrs. Bowers, Mr. mad Mrs ' . Berney Ba te manennie Waite., or. Mi e s Murdoch, hils. Mr L. ilarrett, Charlotte Thompson, the Web. Slaters , end the (West BUM.' IMO .10t1A . the dramatic celebrities &weaned tor this boost, while Mee btraaosch s I to n Opera Troupetirover ...tan Opera Troupe, and the Etchings English Opera Company .111 ren der the muslual portion at the season particularly brilliant. The tweet Ravel MarlinetU Troupe wall al appearmall . Bee s I 111. and adrertisemente for list or the excel col company and Other particulars ants FIRST GRAND PIC—NIC UP THE IRON MOULDERS' UNION, NO. 16, AT AVFARLAND'S DROVE, Thursday, August 16th, 1566 theek i iiiine by an EnrilishreanAnd a ()crawl: al t . br iineelt-=i; ee b by t:ro Yaokee; blindfolded. Rare,eat of order wilt be enforced. will tome off between two and three o'clock Thwyoubile itched . EELE - Will BE as N:nN A SOCIAL PIC-NIC, At Ba3rne's Grove, Ncar Clinton, Allotthony Count], On Friday, August, 24th,1860. sal .bu GHALND TIGHT HOPE EXHIBI TION —Os I.lberty street,ner of Bluth ntr.erect,JOII.VDEDII6.II. thewoudreucort./derniinsht, who has nstotilshed the world by - hts dAritiynd.s rtz: city. ig344 three Ththt jrnntirsViill'a! DAY, newest 11gh. 11to nod 16. 16 0 11 .. 6 1 0.66114 C. sod perform some of nit wonderful tents, error hum , n sudrensfullY uccotopitshed by any other an In this country. auld:h4l AMBIT WESTIMI GUN WNW. J. H. JOHNSTON, Asa.. and Dealer L. Fine Miles and Shot Guns, tIVIIMICAVEIr. itTkfling•vx , .. - .41-xigibirtnri•cazz. And KYR w ZltiAb ALAT. • C ow _ moles liettilhbed with hi - ms at abort pollee. All kinds ounnizimirdittoeut manner. Mememeer the ple Venter Penn - and Wayne [greets, leke7o PA. BILLL*IIIIBI BILLUJIIIIIB I 7C/PBNT2o EEALE.E. N Respect. oily announces W his friends sn4l thwyeb tle Settersillf. lb.& he nu JEonpen . .ed Ws new end commodious nILIIO DUI-MO, DORN nit U.P LIDEIVIT AND 81. (D.Alkt SIXIMETW., entrance from et. Cleft. The tante. are dew, ano-eonetruct ed to the most approved Cod elen.nt, style,, aO4 01l the spportentnees are new complete. Every thief which may =Mud to too pleasure and enJop. IDeot of hi. War.. wiates nsorded. my 171•4 1 tirERSON, PRESTON & CO.. P.E.r.ronri.P.l.Cl.l • LIEt.CoN. W400.11.1K5, Warodc.ed, N0d.105 and 1101 Vint dirdet. tKds-id Mum:model noise, rauseargh. I'.. a. C. Wm . W. at wt. j C. ....... Mannfitc , . wars Kareapasilla. Lemon and berry isafpwroesray,pad il bylaw. Nu Una 'of cuall&e . a, JlMll*opt, La ir B eer Li d tib Am . gr i a W 44l tertgntrig=g4l42.l ban• • . larder* 'sum 41004 to all put. of ilia color 011 gun UMW: : • • .• *POO •C• 1.1 . • , )1,, 131 • I L, :-..2l7,llRYS.C.eutmagt, `Coastmeient. tarsus O 7 ;; &ALI/ 1 1 .1.1•= • CO• the eget General Jelin W. Geier for a stan rd bearer, they could not be defeated. Forkhi own part he would lend his voice, pen and influence to secure his election. As for the county ticket, it was secure. After again thanking the Convention,ne retired, amid the applause of those &Barna bed. The Committee on Resolutions then submit tad the following: litical coa Resolved, That we heart il y endorse the po rse of the lion. James K. Moorhead, the efficient Representative in Congress from this District. The goal, energy and ability which h, has brought into the advocacy of the manufacturing, mechanical and agricultural Interests of Pennsylvania, entitle him to the thanks of the people of the State, and to the continued support and confidence of his own constituency, of which he has always deserved 80 well. Reso/ved, That in General John W. Geary we have a candidate for Governer Of this Com. umnocalte, distinguished alike for his gallan try, ability and patriotism. His past eery lees and conduct entitle him to the confidence of every Republican voter, and we c ommend him to the cordial support of every lover of Libor ty, Justice and limnanity. Ruched, That we cannot too much applaud, commend and honor the unwaveringfidelity to our cherished principles shown by the Fed eral ollice4iolders of this and adjoining DU:- trims, who, with but a solitary exception, have surrendered their offices rather than abandon the patricide cause. Our people wilt over hold them in grateful regard and esteem as men worthy of the best days of th e Repub. Ile. RE-OPENS DEM For Uie Insagentien of tbe West or Nest 'fork and Philadelphia. EARLY TELEGRAMS. BY THE CABLE, Ovation to U. S. Naval Officers at St. Petersburg. PRUSSIA TO MAINTAIN ITALY'S EIGHT TO VENETIA. Great Excitement in Vienna. THE PEOPLE CALL UPON FRANCIS JO SEPH TO ABOIOATE. Italy-Austrian Armistice Renewed. Nal. , Yoe., Augist 14.—The morning papers have tho foltovring dlepatches via the Atlantic Cable : Perseseuste, August 12.—The United States Naval °Mears made their official entry Into the city yesterday, August nth, and had • grand reception. Five thousand people turn ed out to 'rune. the entrance. They were welcomed by a magnificent ovation, with mu. ste, cheers, the display of flags, and thousands c. v aving in ell directions. Thu prevantnl. Lion. C, tl. Clay, oar Minister to it,. Court or 1 . • ter:!,.. re, n ; ..,L entertalatilent hong, to Inn uip....0at.10 corps, the heads of departmente, naveistinguish c zens, in honor of the officers. A. ball am' supper Was given by the yacht clb, which was attended by the beauty and grace of the city. All the ptblic buildings were dressed m Union colors, and brilliantly rutted, which, with the fireworks, tended to produce a very spl e nd i dnsati Altogether. the affair was a tribute to America. Bantut, Pacasis, Aug. It —Prussia has in. formed Austria that she (Prnsala) will main tain the right of Italy to Venetia. The seml-ollicial organ, the Zatiung, says that Napoleon , s absurd demand has raised hopes in France which it fa impoesible for Germany to fulfill. The the of the rs3VOlU lion must have taken the place of the usual course of policy of France. The changes which have taken place in Ger many are of a national German—not an inter witional—charamer, and convey no menace or clanger to France. Saul:wets, Exton:mg, Aug. 12.—News received In this city from Vienna says that great ex citement exists there. Four hundred and eighty.two men are to be tried on a charge of high treason. Crowds of people In the streets have hailed the Emperor Francis Joeephonth shouts of "Abrtleate, crodscatc" , Fthitancx, Friar, Aug. 12.—An armistice bo two on Austria and Pnissin, of four weeks du ration, has been signed. lt will contirthe in force after the expiration of that time, unless notice of its cessation is duly given by either power to the other. A Imo of demarcation between Austi la and Italy has been agreed upon, end the Venetians who have been compelled to emigrate from Venetia as a part of the Austrian Empire, can now return to Venetia. Too of foul Berlin papers oppose the claim of France for an extension of frontier. TEE CHOLEILL Decrease in New York and Philadelphia —Nighty-Nix Decal■ in cluenuesil on Dendwy, New Yong, A.uguat I4.—But seven cases of cholera wore reported at the once of the Board of Health yesterday. By the maps at the Register's Mb. It appeared that during the pest week the commercial and respectable portions of the city were tboroughiy cleated of cholera and other diarrhosa. Tile reports from the public Institutions on Blackwell's island showed a continued decrease In the number of cholera eases. In Brooklyn there was a decided abatement of the epidemic, only twelve nen cases having Aeon reported. on the Islands the epidemic barely lingers. Two new Cages wore reported on tcovernor's Island yesterday, one of which proved tatal. The cholera has entirely disappeared from Hart's and David's Islands. Pa ii...most. rni s, August D. —The cholera Is on the decrease, Cxemen AT', i1.t4013% 14.—The total number of deaths, reported yeaterday, were one ban- Ored and thtrty-three, eighty-nix of which were from cholera. Volpelasi Nears By the Steamer. liu.vaa, Nova Scotia, August 14.—Tbe steamship Cuba, from Liverpool on tbe ftb r is Queenstown on the 50,1 ms amend at thin pert. Lira/mow., August 3 .--Cotton--Sales of the week, 76,050 bales including 60,000 to specula tors, arid M,ooll to exporters. Sales to , daY bW Woes. Market opened ettli an advance of but it was subsequently lest, closung to ny Orleansfalr 16d; do Middling 1 04 , 1_ Mobile fair Uikidi do Middling 144; Upland f.'s' I.*,idi do Middling 144. Stock in port for lop limos, including Sta,CKM bales of American. Rooks and Papers Rismoved. Ws.stgovos, Angust 14.—The Clerk Of the House or Representative. ha. removed all the books and papers of the last mansion to Illttiols, to snit the cunveulonc of an under clerk In writing up. It L supposed to be a desire to keep them back, so as not to have no effect on the ensuing campaign. SPECIAL NOTICES, rito..„.iftro I . T , „,, riaallne• "Niglmi lilleesmiag Cereas-^ Pholam% "Plight lllemmas, C......• Phalan's •• Maks Blimahas Curer." Mflarafts C 4 Phalea's •• Night Bterenimg 0 A mast azgaidlo. da1100f0..4 r,. ...t Porta • mewled from the nolo sod beadtiful Bower f which It takes flo acme litasediheurnma ealy b PIILLILON i /ON, New Yetis. BEWAILS Or COITNTRILFEITiik ARE FOR PIIALAV'S-TAKEI RO OTIIT.II. L A s i . 6t i uAli m &l4 ." l le , THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS It MS, NVINNLOIV'N QU ZEN HA IR REISTORMIL Il Q U E EN. net only In Na.. bat In tIHTIMS. lathe Rest Hale Restorer ever offered to the Petbite. ' • An 1. fallible ItZATOnAIIi and ra..lLTz{ of the !lair it faithfully applied. It is no /lair /Dye. It acts dtractly upon tba roots of ttla hair chant. anty hair Lulls on(( tat Me onion arresting pro nto..< arca], antt lank of use natal enullost. Ins scurf and 4anarnlt; and C•r 1 ...1 , k 1.1.11• Ma awl It 'apt change dry sad wary halt to soft Ana i 11221 ( . 11.111 In t !Inputs a dellitbtfUl froiranoe to the halt. rt. If yott adult to tutor° pout hat% as In yontb, abo and retake It through Ittt, nan 08.waisto1s 1111111LITORIL l'rleo *1 per bolds. Mph/ by 101 Dnanhi., R. E. BRIJ. Rt 3 & CO., Wholesale Agents. m v 10,021 air WM. OAIONHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, Neu. O. 92. 24 and 211 Perna same& Having second • Large yard, and ftutdaSed It NHS the most approved ateblem, we are prepared 11,1 otaaafaetare even datertpllon of WILMS& La the best mikan,, and warranted coital le say mu/ lathe nauatry, unrieu mu, rids urns, STEAK rirgs. LOCOMOTIVE ROLLERS. CON DEMISES, SALT PANS. TANKS. OIL STILLS, AUITATOES. SETTLIN• PANS. BOILER IRON. BISIDOES, SUOAIt PANS; sad sole ...petard," of BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILER!. Repairing done on Ma aborteat =Mee. far LAI&E SUPERIOR COPPLS MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, PITTTISHOIN.III. PARE, MoCMITIY & CO. olofacerttlCATtlLiO IKAZIII9. ANDtrazpeN llltd I) (J e I tiotorl 61111 ItUtttlMtt, Alto hon and dealer. In ItIMALtt, TIN PLAT& ILK= LUON,WIEti, 00.'0.2146n haw!, TI NE M ' kLA.C6IINKB sad TIN..S. boom, No. lit Irtairr nod =dome, tltoosso t Mts. SpeeLal order. of 110OpOr Ctl . Viactirl wonki, .r.. „I, MPLIIINVoItat" ~tra. VAST.OTZ/..14 HAWN.. unman , dosoriptlon. M XITYO=-18024=1 alkother vulettot. 11.21 : 11 WWITI: MCWIN N ~ and 1101 U 81101L2 STlLurts, Pluto gob. ftn't WM" and Part/oaths attention 1.14 to re-toottl 0.11144a..%=7 C3ooluDrluillißio7d'''ottoa°'st roaso°nn tows.tailst ar ROBINSON, REA & OM, One ea/novo Beimirecnr, Mum roddr* WA MMWORpo bi : Iv I. h. ntaadsotorers of IsOAT MIR° any alum. aNUIM2SLAVI ENtliamtant.Luttiti ' )l f igeoVvYtionl," frLB,TALdn / I ND SIM= Mon WOUK." tiL ifrAnana for 011frAnild PATENT LISSECTun or tordLos t bonam larJOßnr COCELRANAIt: two, 14 . yima manyEaktinribrit4 W uu MUM. so— Nos., SI Iir.C.OND T bemoo o Wood. sad idaston band varletzetnew nu la 'Pra atleAtliralit.P=lnki4nat LOW JOIXIng Qoav a!sbart bootee. m—,-• WrINAURLAGE AND CELIDACIt w n b enti a rtnimil l Metr,,rap. mt. swims, ixelitt mesas rtiv-zu 11""7494..r. Zar,r,a denim wadnoir", ;- - - ,NktrAt,.; VALVABLE COIL MIMS FOR SILL The valuablecoal mines owned by the Southern Coal Mining Company situated In ahelby county . Ala., twelve =dime northeast of Ildonknallo, and sue and a ha/Indies from the North and South Railroad (now In running order to this troirit), and oneNtlar er of • mile from the Branch Road to tho Red Mountain Coal Mine., are now uttered ferule. Thee mines rave been In successltil opera- Con for tome years, are situated In the heart of the mineral region of the State, and are only 61aq-five mites by rail from Selma, from whence there Is water transportation to the Gal. fhere Is no t a leh Ualted Stats a bettor op por malty tor • and profitable l a venment In the Coal business. TEEMS OF SALE One half cash, and the Wanes at Ibe expirat ton of six months. without Interest; or. olle-oath cash and the balance. In equal monthly_ payments, with out Interest. G. M. McCONNICO, As*lgneo of It. O. Edwards Von SALE.—The following de serlbedproperty be offemd at private sale for saber% time: Lt. —A LtiT OP GROUND thirty feet front on First street, hear Weise. add runnir, z back towards Water streeteighty, tee% (hetb. part of lot IMO 10.—PIPTP AOUnd OP LAND at the beadof 'Smoot's Island, to llieClura township. Will e sold In tot.colt - ehuers - i.hVY'N nitouNn - 4,•••a.Jtircata d . • • . 4 ..,r•tr.d.4' by I " 4ert: street, Adams street, Leda Alley and Washington Ith.—Ltyr ho. b 9 In names Adilleid plum or the Northern Libertica, attested at the boutit.wast ear ner of Adams and Quarry ...reels, sod beteg fusy feet front on Quarry by about two hundred and tusety feel in depth. The prim .; rrie property so be *aid at reds ...hie end ...ay term/. Title indieputs- Ste. Per further Information applL to or hie orn rs, et A. A. U• y ice yini, street, leht.b..o - SALE. Allegheny Building Lots nevaral good lore at or near the corner of Ridge and Wolter Mcftota, a short alraaaea below ilia (bony mune. lbe..• lots nlll commend themselves to persons MAID(• Ill4l.lAti elennly perfectly ro wed, end yet easy of eeeess by eltter the lines of tone railway running to Jlesteehester. Apply to d. o. 11/tYAN, Broker In Stooks end Reel }Estate. sot _ EP Fourth Ct., (Borke's BUlldittg.) Fou MALE. CHEAP ELUDING LOTS, In VI LL lowan/11p, located en Pennsylvania 11,13.4 C Bobo, Bowden. Consenaren and 01010 m These lets ate Within a mile soda quarter of tee Coed Nouse. Nice, from $6O to $5OO. IcILSTIIL GAILUI A BUITEIIIIII, ATX I•iTTPUUSUII FOR SALE. A VIILAT-.:LADS BUNIYES3 11TANJA The !Swot. Fixtures, Good OVID, t to. House. Dwelling lard large Lot In Sewickley. Cash tale. 63.000 a month. Comesslon given immodiatelr• SU small Ilmme. and Lot, run' oheap, besperal Leta at Edgeworth station, from one to are scree in each. Apply te JANES T. SADIPLE, Real Estate Broker and insurance Agent. lea No. lb Federal street. Allegheny, VOR BALE--A Farm or about 24 d A. acres, oppose Townsend Cation, North West ern It. It., Saralee front elttsburgh aunt • acres d; butane goal timber land In •arietlca; 2,1 acresareal, food vele, pit open: a frame &celiac If four roosts; good &primp of water, Coo fruit tree.. of varieties of fruit: is • sphasdid place fora vine yard. Alma, a lot 50 by 101 reel, on Peebles street, In Wilkins township, A llegbrnr toasty. WM be sold 'heap. Par terra, Ac., apply at the Mal kutate •.1.1 Insurance I.Nlice of C. BATEN iota Butler street, Larrencevtile. J.-bR SALE--,16 acres of Land, ono tulles IrOus We city, on tn. a bales- WWII flan). Road, within ten rolnutes• 1,14 of tesdnead titation.on e Pittsburgh and &nab.. •Me Railroad. The latd Is beautifully sttuated for Crantry Residences, uni tar beauty of scenery can pot be arnaaed to Ailaseeny comity. The Wrea th. 01 the hl la Is such that by any conceivable vision lobo lots, each would riser the advantage of the scenery. RAMEY. Stock and heal Estate Broker, atm No. Pc:Fourth Street. vekuusuLE FARM FOR a Farm. contaluiNg about 150 acrew 0.-ar the Six /Me Ferry, au the Illonougaltela rorer,on which Is erected • teo-story Brick Mansion motive and cern, and other oat-Indldingw. A 1,., ...send other Calm, well ;.sated, la Alirerheely and Westmore land counties, containing from 100 to Alt acre. Coal and Liner Farm torsale on the Nteutscuellle rood and Monongahela river. for ferule / panic niers, enquire of WILLIAM WeJtb. !apposite the Cathedrid.) No. lie Went anon. !OUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE.— ••••• Containing sixteen acres, all under fence and In a lug• toe et cunt, &Ben, situate In Union Townatlip, half an hours drive from the city. In • thickly n o ted neighborhood Neal cottage house, tenallt holm, good harm and stable, aprings and awns hone< about sight aerbs of art en chard of dee wdecUon of fruit. The whole place underlaid Willi coal. Pouesaon given intinedlately. Price Terms very euy. I me N. MCLAIN A Cu.. I= Fourth street. SIitALL, Fall AL CHOP, STOClajsc., a- , rtat :.ALA, Attune usds 2ie miles from Allegbe• ev clky, by foal roads; new Mune home, stable. tool sPeng, nearly 14 sues of ground, eau all be Multi 1.1 fruit trees, 3A3 Val. Aura ..... .1 age; bone., cows, hogs., wagons, harness, manure, fag ming Implements, etc. Film, IMMO; or. the .ouve. sleet an d a acres .u$4,Al). Feratemy. im mediate pm sessloa. h c writ BRUT & tw.hin, ant al ktatket street. ',NOW SALE -140 acres Coal, 2j a miles from Cobb. smile mod )y ma. trusu Vl_Vs tolllpatt CO tlibbli • an ClDOillOAti Railroad. Two eatlft property Is underlaid with An a e vens of feoeGt Cost.ue sea,. d 'h ar ...le t p o tt of /3. tLi f fee L U TISI MIMI as a depth of MC fait Is F. feet. w 11l be art.& ..4cil, B,wk • JOHN D. DAMES-. • od Neal Esute drokor No. NC Yourtb.Lreet. LOB SALE.-118 1-4 acres of n- land In Ceoll Tontublp, Wasbluton county, one wile south ot Venice. lbw . =Was from l'ltts, burin and Atenbenellle ltallroad, VS asses cleared usd sumer cultlra lon, balance In food Umber. Churches anal 'oboe/ Elam% one JOt so :. ituacr, U. I2Fou A. rth street. Se.s 11111 , a Bl Or, C. XXVI, oat, Duquesne Way. SPLENDID RESIDENCE; 7/ 4, 03Ft. a A11.X.a.10; rituals on • line of Passenger Hallway, about 2.4 mile. hum t , wn. The 110.6 Is large, new, e.ownedion., andros Bled with modern lull, . S C. wen: attached to • sue garden wish Halt, Sc. Yur particulars, apply to J . L UDE WIG HOHTHEN, 01474.08 71 tirant Street. O N THE WASHINGTON ROAD -04,' acres of lend for sale lit a pleasant luatlon, l wiles frPni the oily, with large front on the .. " ,404 . 7 TkraptIle Bud, ctppo.tta Urcen Tree 1 Gateau; forest amide Oren, large spring of ex cellent water. I. to 4 feet ' , tin of good coal. oe LAP. mile from ntentow•llle Itatiroad and near LA lanor 11.41119%.1. A Idols can he 404 0 at our 010 _ 'P i. TifT'alk •11148, at 4k4141. IaOU SALE..-200 acres coal and and surfaec. situated about 20 rods cut of But. ger i erstion, on the Pittsburgh sod oteabeaCill• Hai oad. The railroad runs directly through tho property. sane hundred and day ures of the Mee is under eisitivallou, the wunalning tifsraeres hi good White ark timber. JOlll4 D. HA/LEI, No. =Fourth skeet. (Jr, E. C. KET.I. No. Chill's Block. DUVICAIRII Way. VOR SALE—A very deOrabletwo story Brick Dwelling oi lire roftens• and good collar, Myatt o n Allen street, Laerrenr-evilie, near Passenger Rahway, An excellent Well of stiller on the lot. Will by disposed of on liberal terms, and inunedlaio possession given If applied (or goon. /for serum appls at the heal /Wake and /moron= Vince of U B. BATES, Butler street, LawrencevUla ago. 7tarrni — JOHN ROSS & CO., =1 • WM. N. OLDEN & CO., tl ANUFACTURCILS AND DEALKBB IN . Carbon Oil Lamps awl Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, NA .724740. 64 .111wricotlitreept, _ mmosmdawr nriintuicoH, lA.. W. H. 1 : 71811 LA8D....D. A. 800T11....W. T. GIAZIAAUD. poen , MALT HOUSES. CZEI W. H. GititatilD Oa 00,, Roisters, Grain & Hop Dealers, No. 17 Water 6t I sad 5155. 5 suad 7 Peaa S PITTSBURGH, PA. _ The higheetsearket price att for WHEAT. BAnLjGY. Bre, LIMN nue 116,N . Jytthgli FURNITURE ECM CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Ilhuisilleibred sad lbr we, Wholesale or Retail. ...SAES W. WOODWELL, NUS. S 7 • SD THINS) BTRZrT, Oppoalte K. Irdmundsou ato NO. jtillUTH STRILICT. THE POLINTUY HORTICULTURAL lee Cream Saloon', In Wilkins Hall, NoFib etaliet, rum4Bautalleld„ attm a 4 S.Nthutacra t akigl a toy Y uw'. cue! sad confeetlOnerlur alirilys on A furs 011 9 4 12iT1a 44. billow roe the rerd i lrl eZttjak l lt u reel , 00 N or H P bin .. 141,- ,! 1 5 14 1fOlt!' Jubilant war, muors,,„ WATER AND GAS PIESPErRES coastal:llly on hand. PIPES Houses at a ct e dp with . GAB, WATER or STEAM t Olt Reaneries tined up at short notice and In the mril iTiTtig "l l/ . .NIES, An., lined wits Sheet ucw Mcrae, with Hydro-Atmospheric Elow Plpc. Aelf.lreT11:11171;!I trlllo"Milrlig. COCES. FITTINGe ,e KINDs. EYDRA2Or HOSE, Lod in tact ad material kept ,y a erst-class maid,' la Immo t. We would Invite the attention of all who have au' work to do to our line of business., ai we feel cone dent we Can give the beet of ontlefuhlOti as remands material, wzrhanaushlp anti price. 04t13 111111 1 ,1111111118& BiIITLEY m . ar_..criamanammiu s . GAS AND STEAM PITTES3I3, Cor, Stub and Smithfield Streets, PITTABLI/Mll, PA.. Cur. Beaver aud Chestnut Streets, ,••!! rz , rt , .t. All kind.= W stAt, this i'LLIArto can otaally of haul. )63:0711 ADDY, WILLIAIII-i di BARTLEY, Keep on hand a superior article of WOO") I:II3. I ' I UPS, All kind.of IRON PUMPS, IikkIL.NTS, SHEET LEA U, SHEET ZINC, LEAL YIPS, BATH TUBik SIN WATh it GLOS.:TS, WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, As., at intik WantAiom, Coe. Sixth and Smithfield Streets, ; I T",,R.R.;;rativio NOTICE Private Families and Hotels Can ha tarnished with beat finality of HYDRANT HOSE & PIPES, Nos. 127 and 129 First Street, A ttorn ey s, 14 Grant street •y17:a40 PITTSBURG El, PA WELDON & Gas and Steam Fitters, Chandeliers and Brack°la, I ead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, se.. 161 Wood Street, Near Sixth. T. T. ETTYN., pL115:11131 Ai 4.i, GIS LIND STEM FITTING, HADRANTS. IYON PUMPS. 'HEET Llteg . r zme i: EA" ru ethS, kIAbLES, WATER CLOSETS AND WASH eITA IOS, 331;7173i111713 Idb (Successors to Addy & Eweas.,) =EI No. 16.'S woua Ist., Pittsburgh, 14 Y ............ & .. '°"'" PRACTIVAL P1um1A...., Gas and Steam Fitters, X . X . D . DDLIErtrARLieIoNZIC. pd All orders by mail executed satisfactorily and p - mply attended to. A full Bac of Bath nab., Pumps. Basbss, Water Cmeets, Sinks, Chandeliers, rend... and H. Sna es, for sale at the moat mimeos .le prices. Orders from country patrons by mall ptomptly at tended to Hum Hoeo of every deamiption, I >LILINIILND, 6AB AND STEAM ifITTL'..I. IN ALL ITS BRANCHED!, threndly !Mended to by experienced end przetleal nrortaken. a tee aneertment of GAS FIXTURES. SINKS, BATHTUBS. 3.10Y.1C11 BATHS, a . tatantly on hand and made HYDRANTS, to order. TATE AL SEVILLE, tooll2.rdly B. F. BROWN, Local Claim &gent, I;. S. SAN. coin, Ocoee, No. 67 Fourth Street, OECOND PLuolto Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Annear of Pay Promptly Collected. No charge outdo until clam. are settled, and th. but • moderate fee. carciaa, L. U. LLliinidY, ELIOCCIELRIIIIC4SDr. Oak., U 3 Boyle Nereet. Alicebelay awl Hpeclal attention given to drawing llcuda, Leases legal documents. All colloctlons Intrusted to him Will receive care ful and prompt attention. Jr2.3:sf j WM W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, elay22:ba) DIL E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. Nir'Spoolot sitorotion /loon to WI woes requiring 1022 , /a9 BUM= & MoCOILBS, ATTORNEYS a COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street., prrTenunon, PA. CM= --- .A.X.MAXIMa k rALAT, Ex-thlicio, Justice of the Peace, AND POLICE:XAMISTIIATE. Mee, 112 1 4 11th St., opposite Cathedral. PITTB/113RO8. PA. DtvEls ‘ / loads, Mortgagee, Acknowledgment., Depoaltlona and CI Lenal Business excel:Oct! with Homptn nand A,Yry, WILLIAM JANCEV, NOTARY PUBLIA_JIISTIOIC OF TRH PEACK,AND }MAL WITATF. AGENT. Olllee. corn.' Mr Maim' and bravo streets. Lawrenceville. or CU ittV, attention 'OTlgn'ca,baan and pnWre7 parch:on and acknowledgment of all glade of ' , eau Cormayanccs. bu ltis t lee of the PlagNillotaV DUSTACE 11..Tiiiiintosv, ALDERMAN. AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pentsaygoanta 4venue, soot of n the Edwin aid opposite Ml= Street. =Ma CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, IPittaborgd, Pa. ulaii..Centu.isiti.ottierustaicht.ientatiliy. WeatVir- MILITALEXIS IBousric. HACK OAT. cad MllliaryGlidtaa zezzvithsti..,;,...ri.,2:atzobf.l.,, at Am plt Claiiii. lial 50!" - . . , 0.,C, TAYLO. , Attoraey at La, Diamond wan, oppoblte Oa flout/tam. N- 11 . — latrairlral are made It ilia claim don 81011 , moaned, aa. ll .ol l . l alanaationgivaa grins. metal, j, r.szoan, 41/10:1, DLHUkL a IIiNIT.,,PPO•II;k hi BAILIFF, BROWN 8c -O0 PLUMBERS, CAS & STEAM PIPE FITTERS No. 55 Federal St., Allegheny, LIND 612 Penn Street,: Pittsburgh. AT BLIONTEST NOTICE AND MEET TEAMS, tts call ug on JOHN MAFFET, AND BRASS FOUNDERS • lario: asx , rttueat of I= M=E! ,/f.“.lbi fitreet itxtenstoe, 14' - T KR CLOtIETS, FROFFSMIONAL. No. 69 Griaut Street, VITIRIBIUMIII, PA. I • cag II t irSURANCE . Se W. THOMPSoN & COe c isecond Floor. Marko'. sanding, OE) F'our'th fit. 41PF, MINI AB ACCIMM stisarsD IN FlifisT CLASS MUM.', I ES. At Colt rates. Losses equitably adlooted and promptly paid. ANENT' PON -Etna Life lontrance Company, of Hanford. Ct. North American Fire !neurone° Company, of Hartfonl, Cl. Connecticut Piro Innocence Company, of H.trt- Nrd fe ir➢ngland Innocence Commo it y . l . l4V- FiBE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A AMERICA PHILADELPHIA =II 14.4. - Jrd Vire Insnran - r, es®,e-:• ', Assets, Protection tan bn eeeured to the above named and reliable Compaolta. W. L.. JONICa. 4ent, mei ot Wafer Man. I al> stAlr• .) A LLEGUEN RA.NCE CO. 01, Offloo, No. t 7 birth stroct Haat Moot. locums against all dada of Piro and Monne NUL IA JOHN IHWIM, Jn., President. JOHN D. .llceo l /1D .. , Vice Paesident t/. DOM MIM Secretary. Vain. WM. DE.... General Agent. Isaac Jones, °momOh, a ~XEtrah ! Join; /.1. 6. 31g0rch T. Jne.onktnnon. Oat% Hays, John hr.rin, Jr , B. L . PahnentOch, Capt. Wm. Delll tit.o. I/. li.ctirew, Hoban Y. Darin. _ _ WESTEUIV CO., OF ea PlTTlillntfili. aD W t i ll OA ,__ALEY ANDER 1111 MICE, President. WM irDififtiflLT,beesetary. IiILELD, General Agent. ee, wcr.„..: tsp.& aPc. douse. Inararetn—yWati'all Media of Wire" d Maris. Slake. A holm inatitatioa saaeaged id.Liirectors who an well hernia-to the roateetualtyand who are d tid etoraelmod by erome feces mad liberality, to malt, e the eitara widelt they hare Wl= d, at of- Nylaerbeti stael.the beet protoettoa to tibiae who &Lire to id- Ala. alem. HimMk, Andrew Ackley, 11. Miller. Jr. Dnvid Loag, James McAuley, Nees J, Thomas, Nathaniel Ch.. J. Clarke, Alexander Speer, John E. Moen., Campbell B. Herron, James P. Hanna. C. . Itleketson. E.lO via. F. 11111.1111 T. Secretary. THE I:HAUTES VAIL Li YE INBVE..NCE COMPA NY OF HAUTTORD, CONN. THE ONLY Lift YISSISHANCE COMPANY IN A.II.ItrULJA Mat now mates and pays an Annual CASH DIVIDE' , /,' on Me Int sad each subsequent payment of preminnt. Ile CASH CAPITAL, an ar numulation of di,008,0011, le seearel invested In 110 atock. gun mortgages of F.STATE. It is now In ha ME (yer of ...ea and has pald to It o .. Zril&VILY.Tti af.l.l74l.".T:=.thiteora'Sin go or. of litigation h. ...cursed, evlieock Mat liberality and fair dealing is • specialty with this Company. Tao policies of this Company are not forfeited tq m.o. of itoll-p&pliela of premium titer the 400011.1 your. No payments repaired after ten years, but oelteles continue good through Me. ONTICKI4I. J. C. WALILLY, President. N. S. • ME. Vice President. S. H. WHITE, trarereiary. drench OM. dm Western Pennsylvania Wham arealan and blank Applications will be htridalead, SS Filth !areal, Plittsbasird Ascents wanted threnchout the State. Apply to OCSay P. E. HOL/11p,1,. OHTH AMERICA LIFE INSURANOE 0031EPAM. Widows and Orphans' Fund. Mo. Oa Prtilist os St.. Jibes Voris PRESIDENT—E. D. 111080 Ad. SECS TARY—J. W. ELIERIALL.G. ft. M. TLNDAE.L. Medias' EAnnalnar BEZEL". AGENT YOH. WESTERN r 4. 67Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AGENTS WANTED. raysi:b6S LIFE IhOORAhItE AGEd WANTED. A Final , CLASS INSURANCE CO. in Nen York. (Dividends Su per eent...„) al.. to nun of an Experienced Life Insurance Man, MEM THE AGENCY AT PITTSBURGH. wilt adjoining ordiatiee, With an energetic man, who will push Lite insaranbe, and devote his time to liberal arrangement mid he made. Address a IihnUItANCILO , GAzyrrs Units,. /WA 413 pENNSYLVAIVIA INSURANCE CO OF PITTSBURGH, PA. • 0gne..21 **Mb !Kress, Bank Bloek, L Home Company, nnA Limn. bY lire mains. lees _ pant' ;ALTER, PreeMout. H akINIAWV:I=. Wird tiftratary. =MEMO titoril a Wllstnt. Geo. W . Hvann. J. 0 . P 1.4 J. 0. Flamer, John VoeftlaT, A. Ammon. Bo; U. V. 7 5 :AWL Josiah King, Jar. Li. lloptlas, Hem tip.oul, pEOPLE , I3 WP7110.1.. N. Z. 001 th as FCC CO. WOOD AND FIFI'IIuTA. Wm. MAIM our John Watt*, Jobs E. Parke, Wm. Van Kirk, Jamas D. Iferant Ont. r 1 Capt. John L. /Shun& desnuel P. Wilts. , Charles Arbuckle: John P. bfirspatrick. Frank b. Bissell. L Benson Lov bIiL I LIPb, Presid ent WATT, Yiee President MILD(./bi s Ben 'I AAL JO/I W. P. (URI/NEIL, bec N re _PW:II Gant. CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, X:OHE .4 O3PL.r.IEUEL, No. 100 Wood Slreet. • WANEI,ATNRATiIettI 8/LtiVDETAPHLZ.V. tiOTTLAEBRY. SI.W.TS WI hand. &Int TIINATIETB, t• INA "78. CHINA snrrdoxs, IJOHEIILLN WARE CY EVERY DESCRIPTION, f:Nt, VIWAs""' LAVA emtri ROM!. EMILI7I/1i OTONE WARE of all varieties, maul ; wholasahi and retell trade. The largest and moat complete neck of erernidni In Ude line in the city. rrirea and terms the Keefe as in the eastern cities. taylNanel J. W. "WINSTON JOLEYSTON trie SCOTT, DEALLIM IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 974 LIBERTY STREET. sr Particular attention tivra to Repairing Watouo.4 Clocks nod Jewelry. all work warrant ed tenzenl 8 EST srat i Li O .t H ANT, Ra4 v vrai.l PAT LEATHER MUNN AND DOSE, Manufactured at No. 58 8311THTLELD eT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Aloe, Agent, for New York Rubber Co. 1 1.4111 M. RIVETB and BURR BELT HOoRn, eta 1101,eio LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. MORELEW & .lITCHHLL, Nos. 426 & 427 Liberty Street.' liVThe very beet HORSES, CARIUAGES and BUU t.ur kept tor hire at ab tram. The aunt auk, to the city. Funerals. Jte., attended to on short notice In the beat scanner. Penosue trifling to engage, anything In oar line ean rely open being turned out thort stle. the thar e carutore give tater personal attention to the —._.__,_______ JCX.urrriar bIASIONAL /SAME Or rm./2MM: I.rrraotnfluk Y'A., July 2, ups. i pir ORDER m , row z O.F ones to. , TH herE BOARD OF um * ADDITIONAL riven tint the ISTooK. eatflortstil, _AWL titittl flintier notice, b. so stio•nntien sr the retan' 6 - MI , T-di s ,I.N.ML.a.tts relleM: - y t H. 11. linen.% I. C.h DI END jirce kilt' Miniu.NGAILELA. VA 1.1.4 Y ZL JUDA&MOOXPANT are htreoy nrinar. *MUM@ dry declared, thg lAtintlalll4l.vidend. • Br arD VirOli Tisamer. Wade Malifitiluima •j. - ‘, 11 1 1011.1MOOMPANIEsIte J. C. surresc,..C.; a. 2- 11222222A26 SOHO OIL. WORKS. BUFFUM,REMW & CO., M 2,14 UV/LC - TIMERS OF THE CELEBRATED !MEM L IiDICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRIEATII4O OILS. Sperm, Lard and St' oak' Oils, HID mu t TaNEtS uti 115 tan MN Standui d White Burning Oil, Atarket Sorer, S END FOR A C/Rcil LA IL LUBRICATEIG OILS. TWIIII CITY OIL COMM, 111,750,01 x). ~i+.lf:t:~.~.~: a v,.4 ~:L w~ ;E.:A.:AH(ITH, Secretary =1 Mi./ Light OH. DOll for Alochl wiry. /Lana/tot No. 1, C Oil Cur Coro. do. do d i ior Caro. Nil/ Girona., WOOLDRIDGE oat. REssimuj chc•ziaz.•4;i3w . v.. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA jBIUNNILI'Vkt. WATT, r,'1"'...110 WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE 012 co, rio. 2 Duquesne Way, (IN...r.luayenslon - 1 14.NUFACTUR.KILS OY I' ULM WIiITA U - 11,1‘11.1 N 4 l-4 Brautl—' 17.12:fes WARING & KING, MISSION MAIM LAD BROLIABII Petroleum and its Products, 4 /./ UQ UESA , B frd r, JE . xzwels3Eslaira.caFw.. IP ,fh. iU LAUELPHI , Ottt.Sn WARING, KING Ce. CO., et Pl/11., SUPEItiOtt OIL ENGINES. No •crueLluil, nud wL &cep uu /11.1.1•1 of p-zlor style of OSL liartroa-xwmars lilt E!IU1 A COMM OF, TUBUIIt enear City Waver It uric. len MACK/11Tonel WEN PULLL Cu. - - - EAGLE OIL WOILIi,A, WICMTNIAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Dealers in PETR OL.L U . I. elevtiliSTlACY C. , 1::17S.16. lIANCW:K CT. AAD UtlyllabPAK , SAA3/1. SAAJIi TACK IMO. t.s. CO., 00/ILILLS 810 .N MmalC Lid 2.1 a A U - PETROLEUM AND ITS PROatICI6, 7 Llaticock St., Pat./A/I'o. 127 W.lO. +lrv.- mvlS:a77 WARDEN & IsATC}IELDEig ME= CRUDE AND REFINED PETRULEUIri WILILLE OIL, 11.11312 i, 1.111.11/.14T1N NUETLI CaIIOLLNA TA.IL, Corner of Danineane Way 2C. Hancock Plttablarbla, ?a. 1: 1.111. Itcpres,:utlelpftla- W2I.U. WAILLI/Ll.O, 112 Walnut l treat, al yl./1,8 we. AMES IRWIN & CR, PLAN UPACTUILKIt.i Olr OIL Of VITRIOL ANO AQUA AMMONIA. Cfrficaa, 18 Ildnix . /5..0t 19z-, FOUIVDHLEg{ I=l FORT PITT _ FOUNDRY. MALES LAP NEPREWM ataNtrlettiliattetts us KEAY Y ORDNANCE, AN O ALL HINDU OidF HEAVY CAIIT/Ntid. bLAnT Special attention pa to LiOLL/Nd MILL ALUM:LIN EMY and HETONIII. WOIILp it/LYAINS at/eroded 10 Promytif., MIAs heretofore , the best Lamella.," wilt aPors,ys be used at WI Foundry. Having disposed of oat old patter., we are pre pared. WWI NM, AND onroorso_ jpatterue , too ttrutted under the supervision of Air, ERA to furulso NAAL MACHINE," at shortnoune. WAR. ALLltit JAB. L. /WILK.. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. 1!~7 ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., Odle* and r p lr m e .t arse g e .. ,lo 1 y Street tllAeld t Manufactures a great vulety of (AXIS, VAMLOIS and IFTUVES, among dhlell Mu the oel e boded Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking Staves, also, the Autocrat and Sentinel, for coat or wood. sad the =rivalled Star of the Empire, for Do.d. also, Arches Draws, fenders Sugar Kettles, g Irons aura Hollow War generally. rte VA111(1/1.X_ 10,14DLET 8 4 . 0 . 1/E Wass& A. BRADLEY & CO, lfanufamtre every vsrlety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Aso onf which art Me celebrated ZUREKA., TROPIC and (Coal Stoves ) rUhl-ahn, Vhl. KHAN and lIIONISIDILI manufacture Wto (ood Cook stoves.) Also GRATES, GRATE vuowrs, streets. and Wa rehouse, corner of Mewled and Woollll.l.4llMati. Entrance on Second street. sola CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, w. NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, IMPORTED Ey MoFARLAND 6 COLLINS w e p ave ne w J.ding m New lora. per Uo ►ner Maranon, the Mat arrival of our luqqrtaUon (Cr p.m or CROSBY'S CELEBRATED Tapestry and Body Brussets Carpets. We ♦ •elected the pattern. w ith . fi at • es prewar for wireity trade, AZ ri .14 OS, TreuZi."4'n tomers styles ,that See not to be futtlici eleewilere end the Lu ZoT WiILPLESA.I is kateza•of Übe New York had BOSI.OII tritirket.S. 4 W.FARLA.ND m OOLLiN . 8, ty= 71 AND 73 PLIPTIE bTlithIET. c CALLUM BROTHERS, L i. 60 A.A. FOURTH STREET. We hare nu nand, a very uperlor stook of 101, ...vxt.lerriza-fo r "f7l .'&Vir:PZ:VeriT:o7t.f.ft: ?Steel wide. al quallq. uItEA-PIANO Ara) SABLE COVERS—Every kind la lowest pN RTil rom the Ilueet quality to tip, CANTON IiATTILNU. COCoA AND MANILLA. 11 iATI1NOS, At. !deCALLUM BROTHERS, Formerly W. ALLEGIIENT CITY FLOUR AND IPACIX9M iSsZ•CAPILIgt, a C. MoDIASTER & C O., N o . 144 Ohio hi.. ADegiieni , , Wholesale and Retail /healer* La IGPiroAxi. c...a Isola for Wheat Bye. 107:.w ------- PROWERS, HAY RAKES. PloWid, Cultivators and ALL Atirtni A.GF/CULTIUBIAL . To be Ard at • • 14 " Nir . 14 . 0 . teeN, Syr • • - - - ~~1 ~ E *~¢ .~ ~a `'',¢M ~~.' PITTSBURGH, PA "Lucifer." =I =Ml=l r== N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers