1114i2ititi , and Broker, :.11$Wood Oilier -of . Fiftb. . • All -.descriptions of "f)ovornatent Bonds 'lCinght and sold on twera ternoS London and C,...dxnental 74chango Sold nt nor ork rat , . • 1. Gold, Silve: and Conpons _Detiglitnt 'highest .-_.zittes, and:gold Gnats Mded,on lienr Tot. FUiANCE AND:TRADE. TVESDAT. Anglia :140AM Th e New York ottotatiOna to-day, were as follows . 1,„...4310%; Ito3ii. 1.9 34, „ 105. Clevelatul a Pirtiburgh li.Wayne, 101%1 lliohigan southern, EiCaAtile,, ESTeI Western Munn Tele-B=Pb, 6% be ecen,there bas teen no material eliting4' front: 'yesteiday, with tile exeoption that gold is a traction lower. Sales of stooks on Tuesday evening, August 14th, at CoMmercial Sales Rooms, ill Smith. street, by A. Menu alp% Auctioneer: • Second National Pank..... 4116 00 ..... . • Bank of Pittsburgh 67 00 111A0 City of Pittadnirgh Nixes tillf ' 6 72 Ilgi 3 Ouodldlegbeny County Fives 73 !4 —The oftort of the New York bankers to In diana Kr. Moenllocii to again assume the roil r. Well st reef broker, and dims:L. 6 e of Gov ortnuoeu gout to the highest s 'fl Oitli pr. , - t ensnctmssful, but Is made Leo oellasion et pretty sever. eritiatiana Upon the subjeta thu Now lurk /Jerold ion:arias it, is herlrtstoog that the foreign hatiklalit and othr-s woo Maned the lm lenient applica tion to tbr ,nertatcy dr 100 Trmssury, winch tiled ;tee Lmo hi l hl‘ nd h ntnor l.teJ roads putt lie. liefag ffshort" 01 gold, they tool rarely touched in the. noel:et, and this - eninsittic they fear wit: cot benefit their reputation, white Adding nothing to their Caine. They are hearth laugh.' at on the strum. and tins generally admitted 1110.1 If Mr. MethillOch C ontused to play int. their hands by selling old, the work of scif-tinniiiihation which he s aki, suite Limo b e would lima distnly coMplatOd, slid be would ilavisto re! tire hole the table el to disgrace. tint injus tice to hr. :del;allochorc ore glad to say, that . Clime it no in olinuillty trinotiver of his let di• leg Ida Laflamme t o promote the selfish cads of Juliet unbiased, the ••aliorts ft. gold. hold above all othercons moddlea uhould be left freefrom government interference, to be regulated by the natural lawn of f.upply antidemand, and It is not toe haslet". Samretaty of the Treasury to disturb voice by lltiompting to coati.' It. —The New York Times, of llorulay, Saye: The Itni3Orfs eatries for WO 11:1.6t week. to clad tug I L 'au dry good,. return In our lust pa per, amount to ..1015e,119, tt,galnet the total ea tries, of 45,,u17,4 lb same last year. The ea. Von el ar>nte of ttoturalic prOutteo amount to 2,1 l ,50.5 s..3,Slsl,47ussutue week 100..'8 ear. The exonrt of epee., ulmoUlita to .1 5 , Itipluut sawn nook lust year. The Cut, tOnte for tau week ore ‘2,074,uee. Thu reeetos. of cotton, COV.SIAVbie WIG by salkonsl are 557., bales. The number of erahyraut pusseng,k arrived during the week, 537. 15=1 OrIICE Or THE PITTEDt EON GAZETTE, TUESDAY, Augs*t I. lilo3. The general markets, with the exception of Floor oral Wheat, continue dull end devoid of excitement, although there It in the aggre gate a fair volume of business, In %jobbing way. tiltAlN—Wheat it firm with axles of 2U3 bush 'Spring at VAlSfir-A; and tie bush Winter at 10,133. Oates quiet Out .fitcady, with tmlee tr. prime to tine and two hundred bushel 10. en MGM. Corn may be quoted at 75 for named, ;and for prime yellow—on track and it. quiet tuil unchanged—last repomed sales Laing at 90 tor West.a. No de mond apparently for Barley. FLO uit—LO Item and somewhat excited, and Lpricet, h...ve advanced tally 23 et. , per barrel. PlunOw quote Spring Wheat tit $lO.-5 to WAX+, • and Winter Wheat ut 51.,23 to •L1,:3. Flour es quoted so pi,.'. Loratu,gl is .1011 bat unchanged at to al per bush. I'lLt)t ISIONb Batton is arm and un change° at 1714, to 17he for Shoulders: 121.iiik.13 for Ribbed Sides,,n for Plan, thou:, anti :15!,:it23 for augur Cured. Lard Is tut but hold pretty firmly at 22 for kettle runder edott tierces. Mess Pork Is quoted nominal at 0:13,:e. rrEll—Tlicre fa a lair demand fur rucked But,er, and ttt. can report„ sales at from Z 3 to 3u the tat let llgure for prune &ebb. FAGS—lied eat uncuan,,•ell, Wel ,the calm are beginning to fall off pdig hits; w e con tinue to gigot° at aigis. ChILESC—Ie to good supply and steady at 14;: to for Western Ildes:d.,,,nd luel./ for . Ilawburb ArPLEe—COnt.lural to elm,' pretty freely, and w ilk a supply odusideraely in excess ot tile domatA, too market may ue quoted dull at 1t110.11,511 per Uld. 1 , ./Titat.)Ea--Qulet but stealy and tut changed at ‘2,,J.per ribi, from store. MILL YEED—aale of tons , :hurts at $1,03. Iltdd.logs rarer and may Ire quoted at 'VA to 'Lai. AS fl ES—Quoted firm at 0 to C. , ,4-for common and Ilodoe . and 13 for treads. Pik, LE, A D—Quoted firm at 1?- - mull(.-Itl':.l—Dull at 30 to 55. eE•t.U.—Yiusaeed quoted ui, 11.3 YITIDiiU lIGiI PETICOLE.Li3I SILkIIII ET i 1.7 Tl, Vilils.lll3KGll tibLl,2B, TM:SD,, August 14. Dili,' I=3 CRUDE-Tao market for urude teltattilla substantially the attest as yesterday, lite de mand being rather restricted, while prices re main unenangeil at 11 to 1414 Mils returned and lit hulk, and Is to packages Included. Sale of 1:15 (ibis (40 gravo y) at ti!.i; .all at 141500, In ar 14 , .„ zon. packages included, on pri vate terms -underbtood to be at la: 00 at la , - There may have been other calm, but th - - above Were all 1Y 1.3 were able to pick up, and they are sufficient. to give the general woe ui tile market. The doomed combines rather ((get, as refiners are still disposed 1.0 liOld oft In anticipation or lower rates; while, on the other hand, there was not apparently twine tthSpOtatiell manifested on the part of holders to realize. REFINED-The market for bonded 011 NNW a little leers active, ihihre VMS appar ently a Might nein evetuent in the demetno,but price l have undergone no perceptable el:triage. Sale of rrie bids for immediate delivery la i'hl4 adel phia,•at 413000 for September, ht 4:1;tor Augnat, at 3 , ...,4, free on board earl at works; and to he delivered between new and the oth of September, at For October, there seems lo be utile OW - 110 thtlitiry. while Novem ber and December me scarcely mentioned. :La Free Oil, tem Ois next to nothing doin afi the demand is still restricted entirely to sup plying the wants of the local trade. -Solve the ate,vo was put In type, we h a ve a sale of tee Mils reported fur AuguSl. delivery In Philadelphia, at 43. 311111 V ti.LS-Tlie arrivals were rather mew ' gra to- , lay, but es a rise L', predicted, an im provemmd in this respect may ho looked for. .The tot:owing were reported to-day : Fisher A: 8r0.........11101 11. 31nKelvy SOO Keeps 3 Son lit , i O.C. Phlllipe 110 J. T- 1.50 I Totid ALLEG.3IENT CATI'LLI bIAUKET UTFICU or :Ha PrrTrilUitOrt GUST,. ( TIIrSDAT. August 14, lUbta. Vee receipts of cattle were unusually large this week, larger than during any. preetating week for several months, there being, it is cis. timarod, tuliy twelve hundred head in the yards on itloudny morning. As a general thing, the quality of the cattle was considera bly below the usual average, the bulk of the °timings cousisting mostly of rough cows and steers, together u - ath a pretty good sprinkling of but te, and, us a natural consequence, gudu cattle, such as our best butchers and shippers are in Monate!, of buying, sold at fully last week's prices, Ito s% cents, gross, while com mon awl Inferior cattle must be quoted from y„ to a cent per lb tower. , Thera. Vas an unutualiy largo eurfiy Of Lambs an sale Ilos week,and the market ruled a Mao auk], and pr ors were irregular and lower, tales being reported all the May from ICd to $ per Waal, socordmv, to 'weight and condition. There was alto a falr supply of sheep with sales at pricey ra.gillg all to,, way from-e,‘ W cents, grow—ea let as we could learn. lame were but few sale, above b!.i. Firm Unt very quint. 'rho demand nt %new yards is restricted entirely to supplying the wants of the retail trade, utut we quote In a retail way. at 11 to 11;4 etn, for fair to good average. socroarcll BALM 02 05T21.2. Oliver ()nick to Myers & Needy 57 bend of rOugh lowa covey bettors and steers, at 31. i. ginnlr to Verner .t head at 6; and 7 bead at 5; and 53 bond Maurer. Gboa &Lafferty to Bellstoin 18 bead Mama! LW.nois hullers, averaging nearly eleven hun dred, at 8; a 1.80,66 newt lierwm r Barney Grey, averaging 1100, at VA to 8; retailed au Metal 8---16 . 1eft aver. Lyon, stint Lafferty a Co. IS bead of bulls at t . iclarty sold-Lafferty & Co. IS bead bulls at Tuayer retailed is bead of pommon West ern !Muerte stook. Irwin to • tilutallnwg 0.2 bs,ul of mammon In diana cattle at 40 per bend. nualowood Dobai retalled 56 bead at tIS to 8,4. Chas Sim maker sold to gerwln for Grey, fflberld of prime qufo steers at retailed ?A bead at 6 to El;Ili-smla taw extra steer at id. - Emerloic S Co.-to limes 1.1 head of bull's at 4N, relulhtd 7 head cattle at6o7. Snlpton sold la Lead et common Ohl° cattle at 6; and totalled 24 Lead at an no erage of 1.35. /darks' It 'l . 22urman remittal 7.1 bead at. 7 to -Itutbehilds 6 Eekert' s cudat t 2 441 4 V leans Jamul llaas, 37 at G',4 teh. P. 7lartman 15. and L. libarnberu I:7. Myers Seedy to Ker . rin for Barney they, 31 Maul ot good 0100 steers, averaging 14.M.a, at SSA n 2 betel common cattle al. to ld head nt. 0 %; relalled lit Inn./ nt G to B.Na• rhttexacnta.i to Chamberlain, Is hotel e 1..;; retoulect.6 . at 7;4; 51. Vero. retailed 01 hat,d e i tame:maid a Wain retailed 61 bead nt 7 to 8 otith-dS.MMillifft over unsold. ; , .. , 1;- , :„..,-, : ::: ,.. : „..: -: prounlitplitts Vettle r tlar a. e t t e t t to . -"' ktixtrffitMi l iji, - .l . , uorning,owt . g mar s:'-uet.+sl,o. w laclnclemency ?ctuu wcotttr :....,-., 'ln rtrueaMlM , -`:.and--•. relies, r u t' g+ ) :1 c , U r t tli tle 6 4 l : li n in c' tAtli v- iaxm cFo u' i l F t.3oo ;or r . ' ' 'ilie"ce l l E t° g r u idC l: llllou at l. Ho, fair to .31 ita a . h r6 e A S l nn ' ip d ti -ex rcuc " % at abu rit. ut 1 4°. .5,1,09 h.a. e -. , slieur.—_-•,-,. 'c' -und eato • are revorted, lit '. 'Theirta r .,. ° l l44lo ll ,, • . •, -' , - .'• r , 1' 64 0. , —"1i0 Itttkyo awl pricesare moll male. ..,-._ t ,' in ..' -- a l _ ii bout . ietligt h iso . cold at us 4be t. ll ,_,.. Cren , .1 rtmeati 111 mh n,r—mour• rsuancir.rodLitt' ATI101; timma y Jow, 166 'y vrVitit4s!.`f,'"--.." . . OEM - m - . _ .. New York Stock and ninisi Eatket. New- Yeak,.AugtdltlC—The - Mintey' market . .... , , remains 'very easy 'ith44o per Yettit, on Call* , while prime discounts are 5 1 ,06 1 A per cent. The Treasury Departmetit will commence to morrow to disburse the ,semi-annual interest on .the.Thlnt Series 1 . :1 tha. 740tiotes; all the; movements of the Goyernment look toward a continued ease in money. The Gold market was firmer this afternoon on the foreign news. .and rose to .1.503(41150% at the close. The mar ket for ..Foreign Exchange. Is steady. The Stock market was Strong At the. last open Board, and prices were generally better. Af terthe call there was a further advance of M,W, per cent. In some instances, and the market closed up Erns. The Government Se, eurities wore firmer towards the close, with a better demand. The following were closing prices; S!*** coupons of lI 101-tVIO, lee) enuresis, enuresis, 9914611X1; .11,ngust 7-911, 1053viVIVYs Tne PorPv money *tritely says: The Got illarket, opened firm and advanced from .!..i to . No change In money market. Stock,. aro ' L i and, In some cases, lower. Government securities inactive and rather heae,y. After the Board, Now York glentrai was leiy, Erie. es,4, Hudson, 119%; Michigan Central, 40; Illi nois Central, 121.34. Money steady and unchanged at 3d:, per cent. tore& I loans. sterling Exchange dull at 1,0714111,011, t;overnment stocks an e less Se ttee and easter. Freights to _Liverpool are a I thou t any dcw % i v ed .. c e inan .o 7 ( .. ) t s ie. t.o go k , s ls t i 7a b s i. ; erlag":b,:nn=teltull, 1,00; Chicago andTierth. western, 2.55.,'.; Milwaukee and St. Paul, prefer red, 70; Chicago and Northwestern, prrde rre: t , 07. Intents Gentbd, 1,2.2; .. Iflehlgan Y-onthern, -,' ; ,d,s • 1 ,v 1 Es*. . •-; sre - • It:;; . Cosi. 1} , ;,; .I.es.. 1.4 . l tia•L rafia, 5,,,,..., /a./ ~..., , ..4 : L •/,- la .opp 1 COnVXIII,2II-XJ bps regular, Mat, , ~,,, 10- 10 1.11,0 pone, frs.4,; ,-..305, second series, 1,05; lee n. ssce S's, Ed; Alien wad Torte 'tante, pre ferred, r 3. The ,3,,,,,,,,i,g , 1 money article says : The Stock market' he unsettled, and upon the whole weak, the anticipation of the usual tighten- Isgof money at the beginning of September Inducing a genersl disposition to sell. and and the eletnenis of a bear movement appear At Ix' the t . g t r ga e es . w were Governments aou about /,', f l ' o re w l 'd • ' d i n i r FiveeT entice and Seven-Tbirtles , but subs, quen tly the market 115COVOI od !,1, after the Board. 141 - 5-Tis, were IW / 401*0)6. Sl ew 1.2109 of IsTA ud ISSN Pe700107; 7-les' old series, MOPS; 10.405, 993 ,, ,,'W1ia1. , The ney market Is wain:ma change. The banks . IIN:t large idle balances, .which they ._. ,_.._. ._ _„ _, lending y em l ire Y ir i s n u surplus t i ' pe " r d ee k' n t.. n , i: l . Mg mostly paid by applicants for It in discounts there Is a Might in the amount of paper offering, yet ply to still abort of the demand, and t s remain at 5 11 6 % per con , . Gold In t the adt • ance 01 yesterday, The new of at between France and Pres s a direct effect upon the market, and • intelligence upon the question is watt ith oonsiderable Interest The pur r etititotna duties are steadily draining in supply available for samkot purpo the scarcity has not yet reached a neouragmg the lull clique to make otomplated attempt for putt leg np the . Gold is loaned at 3 l-Ilper cent. per reign Exchange Is stall weak. There little in.i airy for bills, while the sop g ample, there being a good many in. of five-twenties against the market. Beer York Produce Market. cannot trul a I 4 11 .1 II ,CPC44:I the xq lnqllo ral utd attiord Lusl furl! eri cal lor at. fit, It 4 po al4. uu r premlL • be • Llttlet, Saw oak, August 14.—Cotton more active, but pt.ces without decided change, at 5.1436 few mi Wing uplands, chiefl at 11. Floar 104 lic. • ter for sound. gran ds, with moderate 13111,111..,. doing; Sales 7W bide. at 1.1,65 for extra State, • r 2,56 for extra round hoop Ohio mid 1 ,04 I,lio for trade brands, and cloning quiet.. 11111,. quint and nominal. Wheat—receipts •ushels, market 54J3e, better, closing ith holders generally refusing to par the &Stance; sales 19 SIM bushels at 41,53 for - No. 2 Milwaukee club, V,1,11.% (or No. 1, 42,75 tor Noamber Suite, ands.3,M for new amber No tit L:PrO111111. The receipts were 78,ree bush. lint Sol and Barley Malt dull and nominal; the reccip comprise 13,C00 bushels; market about it. loos , at 79itgea fur inferior alio triESl for g mixed western, chiefly at the latter price - orn steady at 854056 for western yet um- 11,06 for white western. The receipts of touts comprise 45,470 bushels; lc. lower, with sans of 40,000 bushels at .14644 for Chicago and eifirt7 for Milwaukee. CinTee firm. Sugar is steady; liaranallt,4ol2. Molasses quiet; Cuba Mops are quiet and steady at 5.30.53 for .tmerican and M 54575 foi foreign. Petr Muni dull at *3 for-crude and 43@44 for reflued, to Maul. Pork more active and Armor at toxq it i e.s for new mess, closing at an, Cush; 419,7045 0, ler old do., and V 7617,50 for prime. Also, s7oo:Ads. moss—August, September and October, sellers' and buyers' option—at 431,30 4,245. Beef steady at about previous preen. lie, Limns dills Una nominal. bacon cut fur tine at 15tArite6 for shoulders, for hams. 1.41.”1 quiet and heavy, at letit42N. But ter quiet and steady at . .334333 ter Ohio and agli;li for State. Cheese in demand at latirle. Buffalo Market Ilr rran,o, August 14.—Flour; Extra State No. I Milwaukee, g 9,73. Wheat held at for Nu. 1 .kitlwala.ne Spring. Corn closer; cairn of trushels at 0.3e15.000 bush No. t at tilh,; CIAO bush No. 1 at 7uc; 114500 bush No. 2 at 6Se. oats non;inal; Chicago held. at .1..1e; smutal No. I, 3se; Wisconsin No 1. 400. Barley nominal. Rye; No. I Chicago about 72c. Pork; City 210; esters, 21%02.2c... Whisky nominal. Canal frolghts dull; to New York: wheat, ltio; curn 1.1 c; oats, ae; to Albany: wheat., 14c; core, Iteceipts—Flour. I.IW lane; corn, 0y.191 bush; oats. 12,1'0 bush; rye, 1,5.11. Canal ex. ~orb.—Wheat, 14,110 bush; corn, 673.,40 bush: 3,30.1 bush; barley, laloo bush; r'sr, bush. Cbteare .II1Ar!cot L lOC AGO, August IL—Floor quiet. Wheat 1., !.ltd: and deollued taisic, sales at $1,130.1,56 for i,1,7311 , 1,:u tor new No. 1 stud .I,cotaijo for Vt,' No. 2. ts Corn ntet at Za1145.,,' for 1. ats dull at ‘Azm e Mess Pork 00,504.33. Ifigh w Ines fi rm ut iat,rd, 1 r ,. e. and 52,23d11.:rd for banded. Freights arm; corn to Buffalo. neveipts—flour, Into Ws; W heat, 10,000 bush; Coro, ...1k , ,000 bush; Oats, :AM bash. Suipiteats —Fivar, Rib Idris, Wheat, cum bash; Corn, 1,3,0u0 bush; Oats, 30,000 bush. New York Dry Goods likrket. 'V pair, Aughe 14.—Brown SheetingE— A mositealr...&=l do. .13.,:2234; Appleton, A de. C, IN; do. D. 21. Prlnte—Amentan, A :130. kragill; Draftee°. a); Donnell's, 123‘,,; F.m pl,, Merrimac, D DI; do W . Lim-- LI Liartlord, Tr." ,; Lance...ter, Tickinge—Amoakeag, 4 44;.10. B, 0; do. C, 33; do. D, 3e; Easton, A Wit do. 11, :M. I= TOL COO, August U.—flour is steady. %Ch.at firm, and 31;p3a better; sales neer white as 52.,b0 it.;ca; new amber V. 40; do. crop of Ites3. id,43'4; N 0...! umber do.. $.1,811; No. 1 new Illinois spring 111,.90. Goin closes et el for No. 1 In - bite. Clam dull at 31 for No. 1. Rye dull end unchanged. Lake freights dull. =I Sr. Loris. august IL--Flostr firm and un changed. Wheat stilt at IA.10102,:a) for Prime, and '0,1:142,301br choice. Corn lower, at We ale for „nixed and Yellow, and , Z%61)70 for V. attn. Oats lower, at 3W4On. Provhdons un changed. Whisky towns . . at,t2.25472.= °sweat. Market thsWILOO, August 14.--Flour I.lrui at 11110fOr No. 1 Spring; 411,50 for Iced Winter; $12,30 for IV lido, and 411,50014 for .•oubie Extra. Wheat arm hut quiet; No. 1 Milwaukee Club held at 1c2,10. Corn held ut 740 for No. 1 illirole, with no eales. Oats quiet. Ilya quiet. I= • Lamm - sex% August 14.—Flour 4udl. Wheat - In moderato demand. Whisky firm; bonded 11, 2.29 asked, tree dull at AL2S. Provisions firm; Mess Porn $U Lard dell at 21e. Gold 142. Baltimore Market enfant 14.—Flour quiet. W hunt steady. Corn du 1; yellow sec; southern white Ic. Provisions dell. Sutter lino. Ohne nteady. Wtitnicy scarce; western Receipts Flour and Grain as Tido-- Water.. The quantity of flour, wheat, corn and bar ley left at tidewater during the first Week in August, to the years 1e65 and 186 s, was as fol iose: Wberit. Corn. 1301113 y. WOO ,000 13,300 8,1110 0,100 127,500 1.4013,47 X) Dec. 80,900 Dce.219,0001e.7t1,980 De. 8,700 The aggregate quantity of the same articles left at tidewater from the commencement of navigation to the 7thof augast, Inclaslve,dur lag the years 1045 mid 1906, was WI follows Float. Wheat. Corn. Barley. 1068:...319,400 3,570,400 4,300,701 071„050 U 43.— 114,400 1,400,500 10,431,45.10 105,500 Dee. 160,701 Dea1,147,500 16.6,191,400 Dee. Cstmoo Hy reducing the wheat to Boer, the quan tity of the latter left at tidewater this year, compared with the corresponding Period last year. dhows a decrease of SGtoTV Ws flour. Movements of Flavor and Grain OF Lake 1217:21 Tie following will ahow the compurativero ceintis ot 'toxic anti.Afrain at the its of MU. wuukoey elliengb, TO16(10, fititroit, and • e 70,- Inhot, from Junnery 1 to Atiguat 1, for 18(4 end : 18115. 1,0ga,&9 1,485,07 13=!E! (Ara Oat. Burl oy Rye 11,6011,041 12,431,G33 11,81e,7311' • 6 3 983,573 • ... 376^ 474 ,467 1,104,157 4.06,1130 Total gun 44,744972 Increase 11€46 over ISS: bble (instal, bust! !Wedging the Whisky Tex It Is ascertained that a large newer of dis tilleries iri Now York City am producing an latioeueo amount of, the raw article Manilas. finely and cheating' the Government of rev enue to the amount of $6,0013,000 a year. This may be very proataltdo tO the few engaged in it, but it prolmfga the taxing times ou all the rest of the Colasallaity, an 50 is a wrong to every individual. The same .is true all other evasions Of the revenue tax. I is to We advantage of every suan, Wat every other man should pay his fair propertion of the tare,. and cheating the public revenue Is cheating private pockelx. • • cuilrkkaik. Ansi* Magkgry th.r.vsz.sun, August 13. —Wheat—Pinner at further advance, but very irregular. Saks were 2110 bosh No. 1 zaliwank.oospring.o Vi A car do do at g 2,02 - ear do do at Pi car do dO at sa,ley the market closing Idttn_ for car totatl car No. 2 white at V.pe. fulr request and steady. gales I car yellow at 11c1 2 cars do do at 70c;1 carllo.l wilted at 6942 ears No. 2 mixed at 010. Oat/i— -ntently and dertudulhar. Sales 1 ear old No. 1 State, at 42012 ears near No. 1 do atg2e, gyro —Quiet and nongualat tiCeSSo (or NO. 1. Barley —inactive and nonsmaL vrant Artzo the folloWing .111 , 11 Mk $4OOO, MOO, $ 6 ) 00 0, $lO,OOO, • ow!. mu Pith". =WM :GEO. frthint; Ito. 138 U Oldrausgh ran CUOICE ,BRABEDS Fatu it y irlu ur - ea hand and Carra i ungsd., juh,ow. k.,Vast• . 1 RIVREL . . ..° j_ I ENDR CAIRO . 3T. LOU l S, fiai j°" A. a - souses- The riper has risen Considerably since to DUBUQUE AND ST. I sLBIPTON & WALLACE, Whole -date of our last. report, and was still rialatf The splendid new steamer IMPORTEg, captain I adt.OROCERS ANO PRODUCE DEALERS, 'Slowly last evening, with three feet three Jou,Nona, for th. above .ud 0 illt Inches in the channel. Both rivers are swell - mediate torte, on the FIRST RISE. Will receipt Mg slowly, but IL is thought that there will be I freight throneb to New Detests. a rise of some importance out of tee Allegheny ' Ftr fre•sld or postage, apply on biard or to as heavy rams are reported at its sal+ FLACK a COLLINGWOOD, and the Clarion River le said to be netting out - pretty sharply - . 'rho weather continues cloudy and warm, with indicotions °lmo. rain., The Arabian from Cincinnati, is the on y: o r r ; ' rive/ we have to report- This bind has b laid up at Renoir for memo tune past, wasting tar water. The Lent Leott lett for i 'ark , we. burg yesterday, ths Forest City ill fol low to-day. The Importer, as will be seen by reference to card, Is announced for St. Louis end he Upper Mississippi, leaving cm the first rise of water. Site will receipt for freight through to Now Orleans, reshipping at Cairo. The Yorktown putout a sign for St. Louts yesterday, and wo presume she will Com mence hominess at once, although we do not speak officially, not having seen Captain Etc Burt. The Louisville Courier Bays: The Cincinnati and Louisville Mail Llue,the old line, have closed contracts in Cincinnati for the construction of a new mail boat, that I size, speed, sett accommodations shall ecliptic env and all their tor Mer efforts. The hall of the now boat is to be 310 feet in length with !shoat 44 feet beam. The machinery earl- . slots at two high pressure enires, each 30 t Inches in diameter, with 10 eet length of stroke, and the swath to .be Supphed from s huge doubled deed hollcrs. With a good mo del, that power ought to make heron fast as a 10comotive. The boat is to he built to Conde- •'', :ha oat O. t, Moore& sons. Buds for this nor/ boat Aveiro taken in this city, hut as our builders charged some tame more than Cincinnati, the latter got, the Joh. The Louisville Domoerni, of Sunday, gets ell the following. Wt-Isever saw as many eteatribentmen ba ng nothing before as we met yesterday, tont yet they all wear good clothes and look as if they lived well and were doing well. If ever there were a set of individuals who may be styled independent we thing steamboat pilots can bear the Othoof being the toys •as be." Well, we trite to t. It. We was poor ' once ourselves. "Life if full Of chauges." So are the cup tains and owners of steamboats. Clerk's of- flees experience a little of it. About the lone I one fellow gets acquainted with the trade another fellow is ready to go in his place. Slob is su lite on the river. nday's St. Lords Ripuftlican saw.: Again we are tallest upon to record llie death of an old and esteemed steamtandmunt. Mr. HEM. J. Hilt, who Wan an t'rlfla Initpparent good I health, died yesterday at'kau it. as. Mr. tills was one of the oldest clerks on the river, and was universally est .ined for his many noble traits. Mr. 11. In" log 110 reI2LIOnS In Olio City, hilt remains Uern taken charge of by the Steamboat Clerks' Benevolent soelet r y--ol • willed he was an vouumlitry member—subject to the order of hi, relatives In Bait hnore. nays Saturday', St. Louis Repubfasm J. M. Dunlap, first clerk of the Kenton, and brother 01 Capt. T. 11. Dnitiop, of the -.cute steamer, died at Carondelet Weduoaday even leg. It appeal, tutu ou Monday morn teed not before the boat lett, lie felt Unwell, i t en Unadvisedly took a were heavy do,e n( the cause acted so strong us to bring On nytu p tome Of cholera. The boat was 121100 A at Ca r onflelet, w ben sued lent uttnntlon wag ealle,l, but was of no avail. After onfferlng securely he died an above stated. 1771=1T1=1E2 PITT.ICSI.OO, Foar W I.[Ne d ca:cano AtlipaSt 14.-1 car mars, Bricker & co; ^ care corn, Ammon 0 Scott; 1 d tn. H ltualr; pkgs WOOtieWrilre, Loran .0 iM.egg; Si do ,1,,, Watt& Wilson; 10 do o, J S Dilworth .0 co; .5, do ao, Meares & Collie' .31 do do, &Irk pat rlck & Bro; 3 bxe bettor, 2 bOlo eggs, 11 Lent; I bid , ' off, Simeon, Feast, .0 co; I pkg .115 applea,Lntie Dam( d I . M1.011; 4 cars motel, & 410, Wood & Son; :MO lade dour, Knox McKee; 100 do 40,.1 tinallt It co; Wu do do S & Floyd; 100 do do, T Jenkins; N 2 do do, Warr a. W113011;11;1;4 robtuxm,J M 31urrlatol; Su 1 , 1,14 Ugh w Inca, 0011 don & Wallace; 100 Lbla flour, Gay & Pnintr, II tea hams. Cook, urn & ro, bids gLI, LILUn & co; :3 tabs lard, 1. & 00. ALLEolliteNV STATICS, August 13.--)4 dozen brooms, Undo. h. Kennedy; 6 els elmese,llaltu .t Riddle; 1 car entree, J5l Lleutplon; 9 rhos metal, Nttrdett ,m; 13 Ims fl axseed. AI IS dant; 2 CIL, banner, J /de grins; ltge 4antlt, ty Anderson; al bole apples, Owens a Kennedy 3 bbl., cornmeal, a I.lyer. Pirr.n.ctiti, Cnl.lxar, & C17 , 01x NATI a. R. Any.; 14.-1 cur ..ts A moron & !troll; 1 eat . wheat, Bit Leland; Al bys math. Stnrgese; nro. 2 cars rye, I) Wallace; IS bbls oil, II A rah n.floCk S au; I car rj c, Ammon a. 'sent. CIAVVria.-VID S P11,141.,01{ RAIL Item.— august 14-2 e pkge tobaeco, It Damen a co; ) 0u,.1 !It:atm - bat 2 do d 0,./ brazier; s lees At _ , C Jenkins;!: pkge tt,tuiceo, h iirgrun . 4 nil* egg., Kell S Itltehart. A•Ott DI NAIICE to authorize the taraditor 311.1 Parka< of tortoni 1:. bus'. I. Be It Prat:Owl and roorlext by tar betret atat Con, ..... o Vosotrao , tfthe r'lly of A 11,A.my •rnd t gr tura , '" to-de:Owl soot eroteted by anthor q( sum, 'Chat the Couttalttee rtrertr, be. and thee are lio-rrby authorlred and dirp , te.l to Ins kr and furtea prolwwt. ;ro n t l " n e t= " rrl l a Lt . L .V o ".‘ ttr ' tif site, iv !by INKOWI seat, and Io contract to. er r.. with t,. tur•te, ,140 biddcr or bidder.. at tht• dlarrcluo.. .2- That for the pie p oe 4,r de trey lug the e..st and s xpoti.e. of !In. said sti,ros culents• th. a, • Io , •,- sessed up.ou 'lb,- ass real hits he. , ml MIA A 1.1111111( tipt n the ...Id aoey resp-,11, .y,lu proporth.e the ler! front In them respectively aiol bounding and abutting an aforesaid. r 0... A. That as soon as the cost and expen.es ul said Improvements 'hall be fully matt-I - Mined. It !dist I he the duty of tine Street Commissioner to assess tool apportion the same among the or, eral lots bounding tool abutting upon said alley ,Niectleely. lovror.l - to the rule abets tndtuted, and thers•upon pro ceed to make ttelnaud and collect Inc ..anie. ac cnr.lingt. pro. Isnot, of the An, of the tooter.. As sembly- or the Commonwealth of l'cousyla ant, n titled "An Act dettnlng the manner of collecting tbe expensesof grading and poets:4ot the tar, 1. and alleys or the Llty of Allegheny, sad fur over rpotes, '• passed the -anti day of llarah, nia. 4. That co much or ordinance as may con flict olth. or be supplied by the fotegolng, tie and the same Is lwretry repealed. Or - Janet) and enacted Into a lase thi•• the Pth day Of Autust. Anna; Domini, one (bonsai,' eight hog•• died and silty-els .1 A.IIE, President of the netect Council. Attest: U. 3S ccrtuttoN. Clerk of the Illelect GUAR LEZ It F.ANET, President of the Common Connell. Attest: itouSAIT U3Lw - Ull iii Clerk of the Common Cannel/. • Au r N A ORDINCE t °Authorize the poonet Li of th. Glib of Al •11 4 . en. an •I is herrby ordained cad enacted be artilwr.t, 0 .1 EAL. tame. That the Collte• L4treeta be, and tinfy are hereby authortred and directed i.e turas sod receive proposal, for toe grading as..l paving of Da% Is Alley,axid to coot) . set therefor with the low est and bent bidder or bidders. at thadr discretion. dek—rtu expenses for tlin Iserlaere of defyng. tbe cost and of the said Improve me all,, there be, awl Is hereby levied, a special teat to be ally assested upon the several lots boanding and r ingers. the said alley respectively. In pennant.o to the fast front In thrmrent:wells, y Yd bounding and abutting as :if,. e”11. cr - 210, 3. That no noun an till coma n lad expenses of saidjuipretwanentn chaff be filly ertainud. It shaft be the duly or the ntreet Cumulation r to se. mid apportion Vito same among 11 e vial I hounding and abutting upon Fld iropeett se. ly, according to tee rule alio% e lad lest • and there. upon proceed to make demand and eo,eel the naine, ace Ming to the provixiollatd the A .:t or tie.. rs; Assembly of the t;ominouweidth of Peaunel ent.ticil • •An Aut defining tee msg. , uf col, rang the expenses of grading' and Pawing id the street. and alley. of the City of Ailagheny.and for other purpose:,." passed the thirllsCis day al March. Itent. 2 `: Set 10 4. That &owlish of any ordinance as may contlict with. of be supplied uy the foregolug, be, and the same Is hereby repealed. Ordained and enactod into 0 law, this the. fith day of August, A. IS., one thouaand eight hundred and aLsty-aix. JAVEsMeltlitEtt, President ul Select Council. Attest: D. ildaurnitntra, .—.-. • • - , Clerk of ;select Council. C. W. IiF.C.NEY. Prs slticnt of Common ConuciL Attest: 110131iliT DLLWOUTII, Clerk of Common Council. ants An ORDINANCE repealing sec tine 4. ehaptur 12 page Ma, 1..11.• Code, and pro viding revenue to thee") on Wood and bark. Ile . ordained and ennetttl be the Select anti ddm toot, Contrictio of the eay of Allegheny, and if . hereby enacted by the atirtirreii, q(l4,•ermr, That nectiuo 4, chapter Lt. page Kt city roil.. be, and the Koine in her by repealed, and the following suosti muted: For each and every eutil of 0004 and Lurk no invesored arid inspected by him Dim said Dower tort he shall receive at the late of It rents per curd to be paid by the torsos,selling Ihe saute. and In the performance of his duty ire snail hot ',move the wood and hark Mtn the hoed. not or other vehi cle to watch the same may be contained unless nti uultitulJ necessary to enable him to measure and In spect trio tame. Ile sha!) pay eirer to the Trto•orer at least once • month forty per cent, of all fee+ col let:tett by him, the remainder thereof he shall retain as compensation. Droatned and enacted into a law thin the ninth tiny of August, Amin Domini one thousand eight hundred and triktroix. JA-iiEti kleCilklYll. President of Select Council. Attest: D. 11f0Posite0o, , Clerk of detect Connell. C. W. Dr 'MEI', President of Common Connell. Attest: honks, 011.tvonT11., Cleric of Common Cennell. anti A N ORDINANCE relating to the AN opening of street, dgerlott 1. Be it -ordained and enacted by the So led tend Cononon Councils of the elly of Afleldwn d lf, and If 0, hereby ortiagsted and snarled by the author ity of the same, 'llsat from and after the ',show of this ordinenne It shall Pi the duty of tee I try boll- MUM . itt Clan peraOnal notice to ha eereed on all persons against whom Manages nave been assessed tor the oning of streets Dm alleys. and tor assess, meets du ofor th e tonstruction of sewers, in addi tion to the notice provided for In the Act or Assem bly relating to streets and savers. klrrlainontid enacted Intros law in Councils this the Muth day of Auguat. Amin 00 . 0 -fa nthe thods astal eight hundred and atzty-rsia. J AMES ileliSlEll, President of deleCt Cond. CHAS. W. DENNEY ne . President of Common Ccunell. Altos, D, M.LCUILIMUN. ;1,807.067 3511,632 12, 54,903 Clerk or elect Connell. ar , noll1:1144 Huwe Clerk of Coml.H .LWou'rumon Connell. AAi ORDINANCE Repealing the J....0ne..., to Widen the zinc watt,. on Central atteek natrrioN 1. Be U ordained end ea.tciett by Ms &- tut and Cinastan Count-U. the CIO, of ileyhenj y, a , y 4 at. hereby enacted by the m ether-Um of Ma 1104,14, That the Urdlonare ado. ted Joie 12th, 11 , 100, <mini d •An ordinance. changing the • Idth of the bide waik• on Central street. , iss tad the ume is hereby repeated. Ordained and ettact.d Intl" law,titis, the ninth day of August, A. D. Oat thousand eight hundred And staty - •u A AN. reraidatil oflsleet Council. ;Attest: D. DAC/Xiinox, Clerk of detect Council. • C. W. 1 1 Nli EY, President (mullion Connell. Attest: ii. DILWOuVi , lUDS Oi Clerk of tranon N ORDINANCE Repealing the aat. ordinance: tddralesudinst a eAlleltnyer i truei t IttertoN I. ite t; ordain an anagray u.„ and I:outman Chantoi l la Of te t ecky cift _ _ "i" " "" d ..o. 44d44 Daseeo lltgi ll " truT Y llts. tot and pavnllt of Allegheny A00111:10. (re [ramiaage to ilebeetS Moon , , be and UM it btreb, t 1 tit l e d .yaw-into a law; MIS ninth dim Utd.in" " " Int onstbactsind eattlitijdrea Augtoot MutoPoin jAmE , iv> and stity Lg. • President of Belett 1:10anelt . Attest IdscirsandN, _ Cloth of Melee! Graitrst: W. Braun . ; President orCommnt4o,unell. Attest g r me=976,.TA:__.; vw...••• '.coII: • . IMITTIMUEIGEreIInOWNS 1.411;44:," -A VILLE AND WINSVAU.S. YAM 8C 1 33.3Err COCIIMILIZE w irr wa, run three dolly .dde-wheni steamers between Pittsburgh, elonoogehelaClty, Browns,llk, ftle'e Landing, Ureenshoro, Geneva and the Dookard Oil egions.. Tlds Lind Is composed of the following steamers FAYNTTE . CAPT. )t. A. CIrK• TICLEGRaPH CAPT. D. ittitiflgli. FRANKLIN CAPT. Z: W. (I ARMAC GALLATIN CAPT. A.S. CARLILE. The. Irsekets will leave Pittsburgh daily st 6a. ... 4 hd S P. except Pu 4 when the departure will be at a o'clock, i.. m. ' 'Y. The through p.n. for the till Regions will Wave Pittsburgh daily . 5 p. m.; Brownsville daily at 51s. m. • - Iltrultwramt—Leaves Brownsville for inttstrergh daily at ?a. rta..d 4 p. tn. Leaves Greensboro a. Geneva at 1.3 litte's Landing at 2 p. rn. The line In composed .•1 erst-Class side-wheal steamers, bunt expressly for the trade. They are commanded by Ma.. of long exotrlenne. 0 0 . Pay oartlenhat attention to til l wants and emu fort of p.senbw.m. t he boom wil leave proutrUT at the hour 'dye rthseo F HEIGHT. RECEIVED AT ALL HOURS. - - - for rortoer particular.. enquire at WM. 31cE.LIMIY, Amnia, Al toe Wborf-Boat, foot of Grant rt.., Pittsburgh. L. COLVIN, Agent, ra. mya :b 00 TM3 A COO, CIGARS, 8r.0._ EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS R. & W. JENKINSON, .../SUFACTC MEI. OF ALL KINDS Or TOBACCO, SNUFF A.ND SIEGARS, =EM = ADIADDi/LN Y s Pa. Branch !Dore at 'Salem, ()Mo. 1ay24:h2l R. B. JEFFRIES, llAhuras tort, and Wholesale and Retal Dealer la I==nl TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS. No. 66T. CLAIR 8I REKT, Pirrastratisa, I . A. 61e. A !sty c sstertment MEKRBC H AMR PIPICS ma 4 651.. K I N BACC4I, or .ho beet quellty. kept on bawl • . tnyIILICO GEORGE BLUDIENSCHEIN, DRALIDI IN •ORLION ♦ND DOMESTIC SEOAILS, CHEWING TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c. No. 4. /Si csre.m.t.la. Eitzront, t Nes, corner of Llbtrty.) N. .'l. JOHN DIEGRAW, Mental - no-sort, of and Wholrea, ay.! Itei.l Dealer Tobacco, Snuff and Segara, -VI RAND STREET. A ;0,1,-1,1 aNeormtot Smokln* Tobacco, ryes 4t.t. l'otachea al , ay• ea hand. mriltbal PIANOS ORGANS, &c. T HE BRADBURY, NEW YORK, IMO Schotiaacker Zf Co. Philadelphia 3RIALWC:I O i=i, The Estey & Co. Cottage Organ, AMERICAN ORCAN. teitted by the L.nt musical tahnt Iu the 1' ititeii 'q.t., to I.c sUpertor to all others so pow., punt,' m114 , 1 , 1..1117 of toe, and thorough worktngto .lqr hose litettomebts have for yeti's taken the erst iiremmo.• oeer all competitors, ti the vartoo. Slate ail.: • "tiny Als. pilot, they see tower than tn. others. Al warranted for 11•8 Team I= Jy2l No. 12 St. Clair otrert, ritc.bunth r Eli Mlolll,ol—Coute Back to 11 cr. Nrl;ir tione hon.-iv,— • . I.lant In an.lndow I Mtn; ane 01.1 6,114. I o. • NI• Ilintner•• Vince • lug to u,. heal, . ...... . 20 .10 .. 49 of rostnav rt or pricy, E UNE.. al PLII.II tl MERCHANT TAILORS REDUCTION. Jal7: I OILY B. CANVIELD, Commission and Forwarding Igarunant and lobodusaia de.d, N astern Itaserre Mews, Butter. Lard. I'- k, diwaa, Flour, Ina, Fol. and Pearl LAW., ddorrlus, ...Lowed and Lard liW, Dried Fran, d Yradoit creamily. boa. 144 and He Front omit. £1 , 1,1,4 ti Offering Our Entire Stock of "- I= SUMMER BOYS' CLOTHING At tint:Art.l' Fut 4ar.ains eAli &Ad Oct an.ar II LOG.A.Ar, = HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TA MOB, Northwest Corner of Penn do SU Clair Sta. thsslrea to return thinks to hit ftiella.ll.li the pm , Ile generally fox their Ilberal potrousg, and would respectholly Inform tbetn Lhat be has Just returns from the ammo= %lockets with larrw and well at lestml stook of . . VINE WOOLEN GOOON, reenllwrly ulaptcd b UENTI-EmEN'el giriti v)aovclsAv_i, PENNSY L VA NIA Agricultural Land Scrip for Sale. THE UNITED STATES L'OVERN s P.NT having granted to the Commonwealth or Peausyl rant& Land ecrip. tepresentiog 7&'(U , acres of relate Land, for the endowment of Agri ruhural Colleges In this Mate, OW hoard of Com mis.loners now offer thls Land Perth to the public. Proposals for the purchsss of this Wad Serie, ad dre. acd to • - The Ltosrd of Commissioners of AgritL Scrip, he re...teed at the Por i cyor liencralls °ince, st 'Jerrie/tn. until BIDDLE, No. 183 Liberty rf A-L• Pittsburgh., PM, Commission Merchant, mid Wlulesale Deader in CountrlProduce, Groceries awl Pittsburgh manursotures. Cmh advanced =Con signments. and paid for Produce generally. innn ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wholesale A. Grocers, Cruntolmlor , Merchants. sod dealer: to Produce. hie. SO Water street of WI /rout street. 'Wednesday, August 18, 1806. ! Thl• laud mar be located In any State or Territo ry , r i oted der, of the scrip. Upon any of the on approp r lands (except. allneral lands) of the 1. tilted :ntes which may beubject to sale at pri vate etry. Each plebe of scrip represents a quar ter sect n iota oCerte hundred and slaty .arcs. Bids must be made as per sere, and no bids will ha re vetted for ler4thth our quarter section. The bcelpprill be Issued Imincillately on the pay uent of the motley to the curt or General, ne ,l,d which must be paid within ten days and the rt.maltati4 two-thlrd• within titbit y days after nod- Acetion of the acceptance of the bid or bids by the &bard of COlntahlidOherl. J. M. CAMPBELL, =I IT t7-[la !for the Board of Comnil.slouert J 011111 CAOFT, REAL ESTATE .eIGEJV'T, Office. No. 139 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, au for sale the foilowtell 'Leal NeLsit• A LOT 11C by 281, on which there Is a hetet busse s 8 rooms, brick stable, Ac.. 1 Wilklnsturg. A LAIttiE,LOT, utt whtah Aber° Is a ortek d wet- In n U g, r ooms, ma'am at- -bonee, lee house, An, Froeerort. thbaol • for leatekor private residence. A 11.Altv Aten rooms front, room nerd .sa drug house, hot awl cold water. and gm. throughout the house, on Chestnut eireet, All. gee- 'orty-four .rosof Land at. lidgewood Station, on the Penusylvsnla Rallrosd, 7 miles from me cite. on whim. there ls a neer frame house. Trains to •nn from this 'tattoo every hour up to II p. tn. Sold In WU Of one seta or more. • . . . . . . Thirty-sis acres, a inlics out on the WukilogtOn I len hi Union township, part of the Curter farm. Thirty-wren acres, II la Lie. out on the old Wiuth ,gion flee, In Scott township. Twenty acres In Reserve township, part of the Ludy farm. Vutiory doing a good hualne•s in • central toes o. A large =wool of other property, badness le.- MRS, Ac. reru:Le dcatrhlg to purchase or invest money would do wall co cult.] the above agent. ►W • ------ A N ORDINANCE relating to the svererVie hod of the Canal isoculor Be , ft ordained and enacted by the Sr beet and 00.1711011. Councils qf the City of Allegheny, and d le hereby ordained and enaeed by authority,/ the ea.., That the calibre of the sewer la Um bed of the canal from the point where the sewer front the bleat (10111M012 will empty Into It to the Allegheny Inver, shall he ten feet. Sr.. 2. That the Committed on Strada be and Wog are hereby authoriaed to enter Into • coati . ..et with the builders of sold weer for constructing the acme at Its Increased else: That any ordinance Or Put ordi nance conflicting will the *bore, be and the co me to hob by repealed. Ordained and enacted into • law this, the etil day of Auguet, A. D. ties. J MIMS hictißlEß, Pres/Av.& of Select Connell. Attest: u. BlncrxusoN. Clertat A tlect . urogl i k l. • President of Common Connell. Attest: litniEßT &nig Clerk of Common LA ELERRE ROUSE. Philadelphia. Thu subscribers having limed Nr. t melto Howe /t tt. been NEVI TTND AND YUID4MNIAD IN AN • ELEti ANT 4A N NEW and Is now Jar Pol.= th, most perfect appointments torluo. on THE PURCHASE AND SALE ur all decriptioas of REAL EST.ITE. JOHN D. nuLtlr. Irs„. 11r,E.c. TLEYSnlehrlINVIrr" Dap:mote Wol. MILK AND 'Wine Ctriro3x.orsmy ' • Pot up In piper boxes, for !Maly sae, Nit ikvin wa baltem razeired and for sale by J1(0. A. 17.,ENSELAW. aiu`- 'loonier Liberty and Head •trot/. LIO3IIICAVEII6 . I 014-841 barrels yea 4 11 9141.1% " gum. INN. J l. S. IVEWBIVER & CO., COMNII3BIOII ILESORASTB, And dealers in Flour, (Stain, Feed end Produce. 1 3.. h advances wade 011 conslsomenus. Warenouse, No. 300 PENN oTISEET, oppoekt< Thalon Depos, Pittsburgh, Pa. 113:135 MM;5= DA V. CRAIIVFOIX 0, Conanattuston :Merchant, And dealot In PIO METAL, lILOOSIA, W Mitt= St.ILI.I . lit , FINE /DUCK, end an Fin& of Molting Mill mulles. Warehouse and valce, NO3. 306 And 308 ilk. N N eTtcsic.r. Stora,, to In hot. Consignments sollettetL leia.tt et NM. J. NT/EL MD. T. STiii W . J. STEEL & BRO" late Fie tai -1 •v • 100 & Nrent., Pltltill.3t 'l3l.ltlttat...B 111ERCIIANTE, receive and well Flo. Corn , i4JJ, oats and Corn, Beane, Bacan,Lard, t ter, Cheese, i a ' tftrd a .* s " ge G etrie n th ' er p . r rirl 7 t" '.. ji n tlt ' l ri:i n , I.Bnr. Salt, or, *O. Vertical/1r at Lou paid to ti .le of Foreign end Domestic at I.a, No. 11311 T nlrd "root, Pittsburgh, Pe. jel4;tl2l BREWER, BURKE & CO., COMMISSION 111%11111ANTP, Th l'acille, Globe and Liberty Oil Woi ks, Ample diorage for Orudo and itentmd MI. 'Aber al °sun tobtatseen made on consignments of Credo or Refined Petroleum. Yards for storage and slap and .l arehouos, corner ot Otome.u. and illineock street. Pittsburgh. mfld,n AS fCTCM KILIL ........ ...... P. IIITCLIAILT KEIL & EITLE&ET, COlCvnmiati KERCI3Abi TS, I=l Flour, Grain, Seeds, MW Fad, &c. = Cl= WILLIAM C. LEE, thscoessor to ALEX. 1.7011D0N COMMISSION AND FORWARDING TIMEINLIC= I 33CI~2ITr. No. 102 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. dal-As;ent for the • 'SI. Louie' Lead I' Ipe and Sheet Lead Works. Dealer in PIO and DAIS LEAD. Mtn, lIEMP, TIRE CLAY. An. Consignment , . sr,. tr.l nod Orders promptly' Oiled. royal .le.s ■.O WS,. n J KUM.. Y W. 11..11 ZS. UWE VS, KENNEDY & Ell&RPE11, raouvos (14. ) 31XLISall/N 11KRCLIANTII. end Wholesale Dealers In IfUltlf.lUN AND Doantt w TEUTTS, SALT. PLOD 11, Burrxit, E.l/118, I It TATOES. .le., and la Prorlaluar and Produce it'. rafty, No. 70 VILDIsILAL alltiLET, ul,poelto sac Railroad Depot. Aasionarcr, monis to um sale of P. 1. DoanoU 6lllDao `. snd J. KarlP• O.lt. aplc:lyd (111AULES C. BALSLEY, Produce and Comunhision Marehant. Warehouse N... an LIBERTY STREET, Pittatinroh, I'.. Who legal. Motor In batter, Cheese, Lard, Egos, Pork, Saadi, 0000. Tallow, Yeatimni. Broom*, rm.:0.6 item my, lined Trait. tire.. Prulta, Onions. Floor, Brain, Clover lioeda, Timothy Seeds, Flax Seed., Ramo and Poultry. Particular attention given to Prude., Consionmeatr. ale 11 • 11.. XS J 'BANE ts. eOMatIISSItiN LER aIEIf.CIiA.NTR and dealers lu FLOUR, lh and PRODUCE. &lased street, between Wou.l sad dadthneld, Plttaberab. rod:: eVeten•-....L0N. AlaitX B. osuirratt. I_NOTTEIL, AlliEN & EillEPAltD Commie Flo. 111erchotd., ...I dealer. L. Foreign sod Lhdooetlc Vela Ylour. Flutter, °Deese, Potato.* • c.I oroduee eeuerally. No. WO W. I'll LlTttli KT oos:te Pao/lender Depot, litte.urfb. WK. F. Taos. u.17CH11.1. • • - - .. VON. P. BECK 8. CO.. No. ILN3 1 T I.lbtrty evert, rlttsle.lo. I's. N c&cto ) c occcert, Comattetton Merchant. wad dealer, to (km ..• t t. rretauce, ProcrJ..ca. Itacoo,larr.. Natter, Exc,. , Unveil Vith, etc.. Prutiacc, Vicar, lirsia, lima., Unveil __ __ sad Dried Pratt.. . 4 c., eat and Liu. , fy It _ . _ w. wile tUsrAtto . .. • ..... . Da. SHEPARD, Commission r....,ats and dealers In Moor, larami and rro :ace. AO Liberty sirret, Pittsburgh. trands of Fluor for gagers and Fatally ule c011.11+4.1.1 AD band. Fartleular ataention paid to Agin, ••ohte• Aar MarenssolLar generally. oesay ATTLE, BASK!) O. PATTON, nolesnlefliacycy•,a Cooonleslon Merchants, rob kale. to Produce, Flour. llama. Cheese.. Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, !eon, Nogg Glue, Cotton aw mai all rittaluirrh notriugasturea genes, lil a and 114 beyond street. Plikabusgh r. taYYtn 1 t. turaia rm. D. ...TIMM. 112 , EVIWER BROS., (Successors to s-s Leparr Anderson, ) Vaddtdam Vralt re In Yu, ro“, Md.g..dd C..!dfFlimerT, Ougdr. o worts, at.. 1.4. m. UN and Lid Wood !:cool, 'fifth l'lttahurgh. _ , tonr. •SDISW NINO". 3s 40 s 3 .In I I. 35 .s 4. 12 KNOX - & SON, Cosatuassiou 11FACHAN7iiimd.licalers In FLOUit, Olt, I Dr, rEau said Eiti/p1.3 i.,e. gam...ally. Nu. 71. aliisrad, impost,. City }WI, Alleztituty City. . ..... GRAFF b. REITER. PRODUCE, s-A eantialasion anti PerginPng lierchsats, ontr-buing gents bar all Pltt.burgb Waretsuu.a. a So. :LT Ltharty war, eittaaarg!, ra. ..op! 1. 11,,1 . •••Ltr.1.1.aD tr... u. ti.Jumli. A 0 lIN I. ROUSE DRUZ, Cr:at.:ces w aohe TO Jolts L. 800. & Cu.. hri.ahasale Site. eggs atid CogitaLsstoil Merchants,. Carper of &War add awl Water streets. Pittsburgh. JADES DALZELL b. SON, Illauu facturero of lewd tnt,antoasantsaton tarretwals fur the purrhaae and este Crude and nanteei re• tredve., Ila era 70 'A r Masburea. advanere made en Consignment. y,;CI110.31AILE11 & LANG,WhoieNt le der.lers Orouri., rbsur, Uralu, rnxince, Cro r:4101., flab, Cheese. sat, 4 . C. ben I. sod .74 1 4. 0.1 street, bear Liberty Buse; Pittshurein ' ly HEAD & ItEETZG All, Grocers and Commission nisrodents, an desist - sin nn Molds of Ckinatry Produce and Plitsbargh lfisnuisetuirs, No. TO Libuty divest, opposite bend of Wood Ma eel. Pituborgb. p. iv ______s 1 ETZEII & AUMSTUONG, For.. wydlog Cotauttanion Merchants, tic the 'ale Pt rwar, (Sian, Bacon, Lard, Ltuties, Scads, Dried rune, Mitt Produce generally, No. IS Market IStrece, comer of First. rlttabargh, reMcly wnssr PLssM.n ROOT. DALZEILL & CO., Whole gale Uremia, Cc...dudes and Yorwsrding Mer chants and dealers in Produce =ld Pittsburgh lean. ufaciures, No. ill Liberty •Lr.{.. PittibLinb. JOHN WATT AM" "nuns. WATT & WILSON, Wholesale T Woe.", CumallaslonAgerchasta, and dealers to Prods." and Pittsburgh Manstactstres,.No. 181.1. b. =ST street, PitUburgh. f U. TOIGHT & Co., (Succeason •4• o U. tirsilOrrodoos and Commission Yal• :Mutt. SG Liberty Went, rlttsburitt. WILKINS LINIIAIrr, Wuccessor to Idankeown 3 Llnhart) sler to Flour anderalny ?lodate sad Cummlseloc Ideredanla No..IIILUIEHTY STUMM, Plltenn)lb. Pa feltu ioux n.cen WM. PLUTO JOAN FLOYD & CO., IWO°legate IitiOVEIIS, tie. 173 Wood ttad I:22ll.lborty sit t cL. ?Mahn ret. P.. sown. d , •1934-1: 1 11iPP3): 1 :):1141 WE. THE SUBSCRIBERS, have Ulla day cot wed into • Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly pawed Mu tat day of March. 1333. The partnership to be conducted under the name of PULLICIL BARK & PARKIN, In the CILY of Pittsburgh, and for the purpose of manufautorlng and telling HTILF.I. and Its products. Th.. gunoral partners are IMO FIN MILLER and CHAP. PAIL/UN, of the City of Pittsburgh. nnd . U KO. W. BARB, of the Borough of Lawrenrevllle. The special partners arc PAIIIJKL ILL Rp6K and /SAMUEL DUFF, of the Borough of saterrenervllle. Each of the spelt's' partners have contributed Twelve Thousand Viva lien lied Dollars In cash. The sate partnership to commence on the FIRST UAY OF JANUARY. P 166, and to tenuity te on the TiiiIITY-FIRST DAY OF DECEMBEILIB7S. REUBEF amend Partners CHAR. PARItiN, liA.ldUkt. MLR. t amob , 8/JitU EL DUFF Jelh:AZO ALLEGHENY TAXES. CITY OF ALLEGHENY. t TSLIUROUZIt`ti Orme; June 7th, LV'otice la hereby given thatthe A.SSOBSOM !lavatory placed In the Treasurer's UlliCe, the 1/uplleates of taty Poor, City Itualtiess, eMbool, School Bonding andßounty Taxes, and of Water lima@ for the ) car lane, and that sa id Taxes "MI now be reeelYll.l to pursuance Of the Acts of Assembly of PebruaryY7th, ISINJ, and of April Nth, 184.1, sublect to the lotion lop regulatlous and allowances: J uly u Ire per soul, If paid on or before the first day of . Yor per coot., lipoid on or before the first day of A Vvrt " fser cent., If paid on or bofore the brat day of Be li " Tlr r ite the trot day Septemb er, before l tea e ant day of Oc tob e r, deduetl= d wlTl C.; mad, • • If paid after the first day of Ortober and on or be fore the first Oaf o 12to %amber. an addition of flee per Cent. Mall ue 2/110001.0 arm paysoir on we 4.0115. After the 0111. 01 November. warrants will be IsStiegl to !MORS lot COSsetIO'S SO taxes remain ing Stipa., ISSEllter Wuxi toe SOSCSOLVII accrued tbereon, and ilia mists. fez U. xAerrmicoN, City Treaaurer. TN THE COURT OF QUARTER A- IIII:d&IUNS OP ALL KOURNY MINTY. In the metier of the emonsion of &bloats. &trent, in the t ity of Pittoburgh. No. U of Mara Sessions, Attorney, June CityV, Motion ofJ. F. Slagle, for the of ttslottrith, W. W.Vboosp ems is appointed If...mother to take the testimony In the above ease to meet the parties interested on ten " Atn e ttriteCollt W. A.hitigN T , %Teri Antrdes Interested mid take nonce that I will at tend st lay ofdes, No. lee Fifth street, Pittsburgh, on TWISDAY. Augst 7th, 100. at a o'clock for the • purpose o attending- to the duties or the bore OppOlottio 1.1 W.W. • JalySta. IrrAdY3 4 .o4 Snamlner. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, the matter al the aroplleetlon of the Building .Loask Association or_lsltreelevale for Coax 102.17erretef4e= 11 11 12 " PIS; e r:itti end tha li trzeart dtree fl atted et the eller thereof te be published la 90 0 rzzget rAt,,"l= abe_grented at tge east term of the. Court of Coe men rine fullers ex. ceptloal be.92.nrAIWNIIIO. ; A xe,' 4.wAiTumoth... An woo lateristectislll * l . Use : apnea of the sb°"4"2°TTf.:°°°!4!;' Ls IdANN: .143,11f7fi1a the Aireeletaat. • y~ ...~ ' 9 . " rL3ns.e~~e:.4Ti .L_e~. ..o-+.._.t.. ~.......~.+f niS.F - aa...0 ..t , 'G.—...~y.1.. ~1..Z'~.~ ~".'..~_ BOOTS, SHOES, &o. i ALEN'S BOOTS, Bova' Booty, Yolks' Booty, Lagityy' 6aitors, Luiieet Balmbrals, ....S. CRAWTOILD. ' nassze AND 01ILDREN*11 BOOTS, BALIIIORALS AND GAITERS, At Reasonable Rates, SOUTH & ROSS', 68 IliZzam - lx.ot gittzreat. My.2:l/3 SIMPER PARATUS. PRO BO NOIPUBLICO Yet they say qtala heloebe Ime the yr.' , b. 3- tnese Is conducted. Some bay It le murdering the trade. Others say It la against hisown Interests We don't believe It. Let us tee what the tree state I of sEralrs Is. The tenth Is this: That three Is a new establialunent, neatly tithed at No. NI Market street, Pittsburgh, seer which Wu. bIAtIAIFEY preside., anti In which boom end . shoes are sold at prices so low as to astonlph the nails,. Illentr me • While I glee you the orlrps ct u few articles, while •"- • • setts'. nro ...11.1*Correspotollugly ins , : La ugr ter ! dles• wed Morocco 110ot:tent fr. 1.60: Ws , Lasting Gaiters tit 1C1.60; Child so titclippers loc klornero nhoes at Zoe. A iaig... Into} gent's prime tine enif balmorals tool salters Pl. f.'•• I Solved and selling erceedingly low. In s h oe this he keeps nu) Article lu the boot or shoe anti menufacto its to orde r tot . t•orgrevs Mating getter morons. hoot. Indies' and yeittleze..nle :su et- cloth embroidered slippers._ I Ike wise gent•s neat 01.5 colt boots made to order $1.5.0 lower thou null other brat class 11011.0 In the rm. vertu at up to tit Me feet, o Web we would ad% itA, every wan to have of his own. end gentls fan, cloth clipper upper, bilk embolr.d. lot'. sale. Wiierr eonalets the crime. i f Ins.illnk low, we plead guilty; tad by telling low we t•spect to it ' our own Interes., and melte quick resat and many or them. Inviting you to call and .0 itr yourselves see leave the subject with you. = JyU No. W 7 Market Street t AWES' BALMORALS. I.J Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Kid Heel Slippers, Men's Calf Boots. Men's Calf Bahnorals, Men's Calf Gaiters, Men's Calf Oxford Ties, BOYS', YOUTHS', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S zacNcrriel .sa.w7z, 11533[03E16 le livery Variety, at Leasonable Prices, it 01 MARKET STREET Jrl J. A. 801111 lON R. CO. A LARGE A-ND FRESH ARRIVAL AMA! di BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, °W.( rrocire¢. awl twilit/could tbo VERY LUW Et CHICK,. ell her Wholesale or Metall. lt.vo tA • CALL Ilbrobr. CuuctrAsltto Stout J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, I= rOO,-11. JOIRI rucunga FIELDING & BUIL, BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. Ilnpalrlng promptly eteetitnd on the shorted 3 ` o leoll GENTS. FINE CALA , MOOTS. SHOEl3,and CuNGRES:S ti AITERy. POE LADIES— FIN P. BALMOR LA. and tiAlTE.Itd. Choice li ID ROOTS and bLICPER.S. dtoek large and ratted a nabrinfaetere.l eapreHly for rite ..alea , of be.t material, wafted to all feet wan c., taste. ...tureen promptly and poll/Op.:rt.. e.l w No. 10 Market larret. ant J. W. CARNAHAN .t NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE Xo. 2-1 St. Clair Street A large and w ti,lee4.4 Mock of I. A DUN and LLD Ital, 'a MALMO. , 11,At le,. which will he eord at the 1.1.077 . 2.5 T PIIIC ap39.“44e..11 J UN Milli/01W ,, THE NEW Spring and Summer Medicine. ~.y:~ ~,q:I i r M r:1 COMBI2i ICU WITH lodide of I,inte,, I' ILV-r A IL SD_ YOB G. W. I'ETTE,S,BOSTON, James B. Nichols & Co., MANUFACTURING CHSAIIII TS, M h•:4 ;pckiri cvs:tv:t: WITH Protoxide of Iron, Which has become ao favorably known as a Tonic and Restorative, By Vivetatans mad fa<aiiW is all part. of th. The new preparation, “SARSAPARILLA. IN A I.OMBIN ATIOR WITH lODIDE OF LIKE, presents one of the most prompt alterative agents' In a form capable of exerting full action upon the system, and this In minute and pleasant doses. It Is conceded that We alterative, resolvent, or tonic effects of iodine. are exerted most decidedly when Associated with other alteratives, In combination: and We dartaparilla seems to fulfil perfectly all the favorable requisitions. The drat effect noisily observed when "SARSA PARILLA WIPLI lODIDE OF LIME" Is taken, Is au tocreaac of appethe, showing that It has tonic properties of a marked character. its alterative cf lets., are Manifest In Its ready Combination with the Mobil and tissues. Hale, scrofulous women and children improve rapidly antler Its use, and the vi- Datum Dons assume a healthy condition. is admirably adapted to a large number of chron ic or acute affections peculiar to children. it Is •ulted to them. both by the mildness and efficiency of Medi. Mal effect and the pleasant, attractive form Of the remedy. It Map be Riceo for along peelod where ermatittillonil Inihiences are desired. and no repusnarice, or disinclination to take the ay rut'. encountered. In White-Swellings, 111p-JolntUlt ease, and Distortions of the Spins, it saMdd be giv en persistently, In moderate do.ea, until relief Is obtalumt. In the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Weather, The accumulation of morbid molter. In the system 1001113 to become manifest and very troublesome. Lassitude, Headache, IteU., Costiveness, Loss of Appetite. Pete. In the Joints, Indigestion, etc.. are very common. Nothing ever devised Is better adapted to exterminate or dr.ve off these affections Loan till new combination of IiAHSAPAILILL.s. WITH LOUIDE or LIMY.. KMI2MigNI Alterative, or Blood Purifier, Ana son beeredeen ',Wood within Me reririefib*.i - Ids. Indeed. It Is au entarel• NEW and antgarrlglO eambh.uor ta no enaueot reaembltnir anything hitherto employ.. The opinion of medical men .ncemalng tt 11. deserlptlon of Ito chemical character, therapeutic value, manner at. etc.. are Wen In• clrander. whicbiras be ban at the atore May And all brat clan uggists. Per mle In PlUsbargh by it. Z. SELLERS &CO.. AHD ALL D 811061115111. myl4:o:rwr FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, Combined with iodide of Lime, FLEMING'S DRUG STORE No. 84 Market St., Pittsburgh. 60 0 D NEWS FOII THE AFo PLIOTED. PATIENT bllf.DlCUirengi DRUGS, .t low pilots. HOOTETTEP. li z lNTT r falyer bottle. giliturArulM4ilPerl"ottaL du. Ana l A everytbing elms le pr.pc;rrgtt.Perm . BROWN'S SLN DEUD wrouz. wwv _ Pio; b St. Clialo Street. t 111' 1: 'l. 1 t•': . .. e , O IC r WhercasLetteisof Adtattletratton on the es tate or H. D. Yee AItSHY, aesassa, h sve ratr to the underdgried; Demur baring iron *s snake trata of tame i r the - d decedent are . sn. and all Detson : E gtl a tr . o u t ,. no. Praneylesara Ammo-. : FEATIESII*-8 c sacks to arrive sad tar , Al/U4/4y/I.4grilk I= And Balmorals, Mat.raCtearrs tnd Dealer. In CPtastszam Mack FLUID EXTRACT =1 =ZZ Sold at Lev Rates at 110E1IRVIS TILVALIFILA flimitanst. raitTleant. SPECLAL PARTIERES, ra4 CA' L iL •A• CENTRAL FLAILBOAD.AMINNIR ng . ,3 4"..N . &Was SAJII•l• DI/Kg . July We _S._— C IIAB- P A/LEIN. Trains arrive sod leave the {Tatou D• VOL POrskOr or Wsahlag ton md Liberty screeds, as lull°. s: CIESCENT MEL WORK & ~ilisIVE. DEPART. Fast Line 2:06 a m Day Express.. S•to sto truly. No, 1..... 6r2J a to irsll's No. I . . 6:30 s ro 1 Minton No. 1... 7:60 a m Altoetaa Annul. 7.50 a of MILLER, BAILS & PARKIN, ''ail'. Ho. 2 5:60 A M . Clachansti its. 11:05 a ot Jooooo.o Au._ 4.50 a to Wsll's No. 1.....10763 a in mixt - rtorrorns or R''''''''e Ex... "'CP ' W.'''. N°. 5.....1"" ' BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL PI i s Express.. 1.3‘, p n. Johnstown No. 2.412 p n Nive York Ex .. 1:50 pto Braddock No. I 3.40 pso ___ CV a 1 1 ... Np. 3 .. 2ps, ,e IT, ~ Express . 4 t ut p m v. , arraskted Equal to any In the Mark(' WAX. No 4... Col pot Wall's No. 4 6 : 06 .150 pso I either Imported or of Domestic Br•ddork No. 4. 6SOp ao Wall's No. 6..... ( pn. Man afoot rare. Wid a No. 5 .... 7:00 pto Fast Llne 12 ' 2 ' P ' SPECIAL ATTEISTItiN rA.u) TO FINE ( A A 'Loons Accom. Well's :so. f1.....10:60 p to /Os If Di S. erri..!,. 1.•1 Emigrant tent....... .10., p n Office, B 8 W ood Street. 1 Day Expre5n....10:6.6 pm 1 • oalls • nil other, Lumley§ excepted i, IN eT. ORA Ii.LE.S HOTEL lIIJIL.D/NO • The Church. TP . rolls ave Walt'. :rat' on everT prersatniGn, In-. MO , 16C''''• to .149 1 -.ludas. at 3;155. to., reaching Plate:tory' at 10:05s ; - - I m. 1 t• M' e s ' t. ' Ve ' lfk 1 ' b111141 . 2 '". ” .j; ,l''' m " ' 2— ""'• '''''' px TTSBIU UGH STEEL IFW 0 Rli. TUC roitnaclphto uld the Ba l timore } re. v• 111 ••• ;Trt.4m I se the New - York Express at 1.4 . is. ro c on I vh...itew Union Desna Hotel, ec. p/ to .1: throe 1 upper atoll. or the m Depot BolidloT. Is no l se op us for the S.PICIAS. Atconsdlallon of t e travedn's mut- mutiny. A copsmous Restaximut Ls open AL •1.. t. HOSTILE. day and night, Mondays excepted. Narwr- - In case of loss, the Pecosylvents B. IL , company will bold themselves tesponslbl• for • or , . o asl baggage only. and for so amount not exceed log AIX. Jr-i 1866. Wigilielg_ w. s. BECKW I A4ept, THE i•lTTS•tilittal. FT WAYNE & IJEUCA4.IO Lt. K 2 AND CLEVELAND & VTTn/iWlttlki K. It. Trains arrive and leave at the Union Corot. as Pallows: LIUVE Altllla /a. Chicago Express 7:05 a rn:Chleago Express 2rX: a m Cleveland me... 1:03 a m:Cleveland Ex... Ind a :a Erie & Ygn Ex.. 5:50 a al:Chicago Ex I6:40 p I. & Whir. 0:10 a udW heel ing heel g aln • Me. Ex. Mail.. 5:45 in Chicao Epress 7:b9 CI. & Whg. p Cl. &151:g x . 2:40 it m Chicago P 2:io p m Erie & Ign. Ex. 6:26 p m Wheeling Ex.— .4:35 p m Chicago Express 9:90 p m Chicago Ex ilaUn CI. & Wha. En.. 1:120 p m Depart from Allegheny. Arrive in Alleghency. N. licdp Aecoux 11100 a in Leetsdale Ace.. 6:60 Leetsdale • • 10:10 • m,N. lirde " 5:15 a m uro a m'NVellsville ." 0:00 a m Sew Cantle '• 22M p m New Castle " 9:.15 s tn Wellsville •• p Leetsdale '• 11:15 a m Leetsdale • • .4:ZO p •• a m N. Bean •• pm N. Er' toe •• 2:20 In Leetielsie• • 4:15 p m.L.cetsdole •• 4:42: ala 10116 p M. " " :05 • m farr - II:00p w leaves nun- Siirlo:40 hlcago day and not on naturday.:Expresa arrives : daily. .1y22 F. If. .11YEE9, Oeneral Ticket Agent. PITTSBURGII, AND CiNtillis I NATI itAILILOAD, •WEAMM THE GREAT SHORT TINE ROUTE VIA 1315171110/VILIA TO COLUMIITIT, WiIiCINN AI I, CA)UItiVI.II,II.I4I. IXDULIVAPOLIIR, ST. LOUIS, ikert all the_p_rtnetpal WEST AND socrnorzer On and after MONDAY, JULY Id, INGS, Trains will leave Pittsburl4 ss follows: tlOO e. Y. arrives at tlinclnantl noon next day. 2:10 A. Y. arrivm at Cloth:matt at P. Y. lam. d y. 2:23 P. M. arriTc Cl Cinetnnati at 4:41 a. Y. nett morning. Pletiben•llle Accommodation at 030 e. Y., and 6:00 A. Y. SCULL. Creu'l Ticket Ageabigiteabv,itie., 0. M. D. MUTIIIERSt.• MOM. Ticket Agent:: tnlonDepoi.lll.l..lAir ch. ALLEGHENY VALLEY ILAILICUAD. CHANGE OT TIME. On and after WEDNESDAY, Lt. 18th. trains rill lento and arrive at Pittsburgh Depot, corner Pike and anus/ streets, as foliar a: &M.S. Arrives. First Kleklminltla Accontodln. 8 :10 r. r. 12:m r. r. Mall. to and from 7:00 A. tr. eriu e. Pint Molina accommodation. 0:00*. N. 11. M A. N. Parrots us do —AIM A. N. 240 F. tt. necond Kleklininitis Accutubt 1:30 r. N. Fecund Bolton do ...... 2:110 r. a. 4:40 r. Exprem. to 111111 from Staboolg 4mo r. N. 50:01A. N. Third brit./ Accommodation. 4:4.5 r..'. 6:50 r. n. Fourth do do. .. 6,0 e. r. 8/41 r. 11 bode Works do. 8:10 A. 11. The Sunday Church Train leaser Soda Works Sin Lion et 5:11.5 a. at., anivinig at Pittabwrgh nt 10:00 A. Al. Returning. leaves Pittsburgh at 1:00 F. reaching Soda Workr at 2:50 r. r. lILACKSTONE. Suet. AN - Dangailla CONNELL:MLLE EL 11. Spring Arrangement Ua sad after THURSDAY. MARCH MTS. 1e66. The trains will Here the Levet. corner of lio. Water streets, ea follow.: Lerman at. rata Pittsburgh. I'MfaVoa ADS ao and Rom Uniontown— arXl•. Y. 6.41 r.u. ti..tereee. .• •• 11:0) r. Y. lt:W m Y. We..t. Newton Accommodation 003 P. H. 6,30•. Pint Mallee•port Ategmon.....ll:oo A. Y. E:5O A. at Second luroo P. S. LCS r. P Braddock .• P. Y. :AS l'. Sunday Church Train to and Root West Newton— ...... IWO RAO A. at For Tickets apply to T. H. XING, Agent. 0e27- I W B. , Sittcl. je 11 4EOI 4111:4:3:1:1 UTILITY WORIKS. • KeLEAlif & SLATOR, No. 83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, 11.,LNITY ACTURII3I6 07 CARTNETNEAKERWRA'DWARE I hey make a specialty of Iron iteuidarsti awl Pivot Castors: Porcelalb, Bedstead and Pleat Castors; dstead Fastenings. Stops lor GM lion Tames, to. Th ey also manufacture and bate constantly WWanda Thumb Latches, Spring Latch..., M •Lean . s indow Sash 811i:sport., M'Loari•S Eccentric bash Button, 'Utility nhottor and Butt Binges, Grind stone Ilangliigs, Bad Irons. Saab Weight.. ;MOE LIPPINCOTT & BAKIMELL, No. 118 Water Street, MANUTACTOBLIIII OF PATENT timouND. PATENT Tram =la) PATENT POOTHEI/ CHLCIILAR. MULAY. RILL AND CIIOB9-013T NAT . • a. 11. •10.1011 . :. 1:1•IIALIILL, O'HARA BOILER WORKS. MORROW & BiRNHILL, 11111171,CTG - 823-9 CPT Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wrougbt Iron Bridges, Sheet. iron Work, die.„ dic., • CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND BTB., PITTSBURGH. P 4. grILEPATIIIIIO DON EPEOMPTLY. tayl4:o2l STEAM ENGINE PACILING. LUBRICATIVE PACKINC, TF9I9 BOXES Of ST(AM 0021 ES. a art e e raceme:L.:6d by al the r ro com panies, who have thotombly tried It- and is in gon era] use on over two hundred and arty ot the rail roads In this country, and on trial by over five hundred others. AUOPTILD HT 90.000 STATIONERY EN tillsES. It LI a drat-class article. 75 CENTS PER POUND. LUBRICATIVE PACKING CRAVE, BOLE MANUFACTURERS, W. m. 03% . ..01...XerXtinatks Nos y2s . 114b2S and 115 AtER nT., nt: W A IL A GIaI VMS ♦ ►III& C c WORKS. FISHER, GRAHAM & 00., Engine Builders . and Machinists, Oil Engines, Oil Tools, end everythinit ain a>rthir OU W. 1 " 6 l'artlotasr attentlon pto FILUng up tekattlog rolien, Hansom do. Nash.> Avenue, Jae.. Pt. W. & C. n. K. naleoariazar, .lEwas.. DONS NZ if. le11:de =Mtl INDUSTRIAL WORKS. 1.1170 MUCH..TAY= RILSON...IIIIIetIa Oar. M. BOLE & Co.. FOUNDERS, smarm BUILDERS AND Iltk. CH INltilth Manahetnrersof DTEA-MROAI . Is al s ES, OIL WELL. ENOINIGS, LOCOMOTIV ES for Coal Work., all kinds of Lend and Marine EN- N ES, made toorder. from the well earned reputation or, Wei Manager, Mr. J AMEN 14/eLSON, we hope lo eeeiire • inwral shed, of patronage trOm Steamlioat Dull/ars and others wanting . good mselllnerl• intkwin Do to do all work In the beat winner fora no cosupenor.- Lion, and to dolt In the time we say. All Irlad• et CASTLsltitt wade to order. Relearn Biachlnery • r omp" T.l . ll i fe 'de l. " autt.`l.k" rooo'S;l4audry':oopeoAlrdl;n4iTtf n n rar .ay ilarref, P th tt e t , O P u ' r 'in gh t , ap nein/ FETIciiiLkeIIINETWIL IBIO . xm.. s. ZhIEHOIE:Ir, la. =Mao Street, Allegtzen, Mann/Maurer of IMPNOVED lIIMUNti TOOLB ANP TINTON'S USN') IN BINNING OIL AIM BALT tirltLlN Particular attention Invited to afa Patented nrovenenu In dam and Joints, made of Junialta. and Low Moor Iron, in standard dn., and undanred, so Om parte can be ordered by ma:. ietO rranti and !bond rtemat lit id. toots, dio;dtrolab rop, ting, small toots, de., to th .„, mar stab it. Engines and Manninfl Vtodt ninde to order. an t y mall proudly attoodtd tn. ott l pm.pared to gr litanies 1.0 Othermanulte nun. 100 them trertirolementson Mara' term. Sox j aestroy P. O. .X , IiiiENAL MASS woams. MODES, RYRIE b, CO., lianullicturere of BLACK sad etur.ux Celan& WARR, Druoistsi Ware, Bottles. liendiohne,cl.• yam 11.0._ arehosue—lio. 14i IV ATER. lanionT3 between iludthdeld sad anal; t t . 111 "brak. 1 warrant our Wareirbilie Tire or to any man ullactured orator the iloontabia. A...Ye on Rand. lilaiswan or the above deacilothet. An ...era . promptly attended to, Particular attention paid to Private moulda. • attention JOEir Y. ILLIGII WK. WILIAM TIEQUESPIE AND WEST POINT MON YOIt(ML PITTSIIIIBOII. PC2114, 'uml aute:we ell cisme of Forging*, viet Stematost • libafts,Cranks, Fleton Pods, Levees, Pitman Jaw sect: Warta; italtroad Axles, Locomotive Premed. sad al manl y pe work. The ancient; letl harms peep Sr MU. •ArairCd MO PItE.IS. ore prepared to fulan all Orders etainuttad ep them with prom:mine. and ddifrote• 1111:134 JOP; aLlein itX 1111 N.. r. COLLUM 110/3111. I/IMM • %MUNN, br. WRIGE T r latittania. to Bram •n d Shoot Metallßotors, bflltioloCts4l ton, ou t ji.. 0 0 ou.omus, sad dliter.uX min of Bland n•td by 3l..loatoel lifer &- union PtomPUTailed. No. la! az 0 44 1.11 STIMET, Ytlt•lmtßpl Yenn•._ • " .„ . -oanr - - Na--58 WATS7I Ins,' puubari UtlifrsP. 5. aixir.“"saufacorise.of Boll.lll' "ESooausim .partlealsr 43.4 or shaied orj . itISTES/e aw ntes as r.ai ~' ANDERSON, COOK do CO., (SUC(11080115 TO JUNU. BOYD t (30.0 Stwouracturers of to best refined Cut litel,l Stlbstgh Flat and trotairon, of at elses,,Sse Plates, Hee £o wad Sbeet Cut Steel, Oast steel for REAPING AND MOWING AIAERINES, 1866. Sr} ET P LOW WINOS, 0PH12464, &masa; CIELCULAO.A. Am. Cast aro! Common Plough and Spring Vitae, Amon—Corner of nest and lion tittEOLS, two Moots above the .5100Ongahnla 11.01.26 Ella BLACit LoLi...uuNO 491 . 1 . 10 cro - cavumste, PITTISBUIttei.. 14110111Elt Sc en., 111 , 23701f00L111T. Of . • • • HEST OA :17 7 / rtErl3l6l) enlrr erns., 13quoro. and tarragon, of all Ma.. W orronto equal to sonmporteal or manor...to red In MIA coon tf. airOmce and warell.,nse, So. 143 0tt.1151/flna. aq and 312 tleeond Yttuampsh ton DSO. ItTITZZ. D. cm.r.Lalt J 1101..LA1A.11 Ls BEAAJ' ' STEEL WORES. Nt7irr 3 E ll l .ll . de, 4:7CIP• atri r = %%moo, No. St Al Kit ciTIZENT ut. etc,' Pittaborrtt. t. 13 STEAMSHIPS BALTIMORE N. HAVANA STEAM tur 00111 PA . ALL:. spowN lk GORR, Oenaral Ajenis. FoR dan7 .111LLEANS AILRYLN4I 1 - 10. 1)100-11.9 PTATE` . ..3 MAIL. ils/irEMTVVVer tßearostilps of this line sail as rollers. ••cL18.6 , -L,Mntons, Wm. Rollins, Command, on 11g8TY . -1,250i0ne, W.. 3. Stafford, l'oetentahl u, Oh ATIItDA 1. August th.th. from SHOW 'h W awn F. FELI,•e. FOINT, at io'hhhelt Wt., precisely, um the de), ehnounnht. re? hervecea pasehge. tinting loteurpeseed ace coma •pply to —.• . WAUFIE.I.D c B f. PC O. , g Wtt enu, ;3 All. Z . GSiI of Lading hnt those or the Comp any will be elimed. Penults for the freight mint hg prOMIMI room NI. odic . tin frelght received nor IBMs of lading aligned to. .tay or Bailing. ly STEAM TO AND FROM LITER POOL AND (Ingtot.gui twice • week. The INVI AN LINE...W.Oi EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, Nti IT. S. iv a(l b::ll ,, f=t2 ream', ynglao e, 1401- AmTvle•lmparky• ocOcee, iAiIN G. WILE, &gent, VS Broadway, N. Y. WM. BINGHAM. Je.. ANnut, Al..atn Expreo Mace Fifth .treet. NII3CELLANEI) u ).;. PENNA. SALT NIANUFACI UN'G CO. PITTSBURGH. PA. PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. PITTSBURGH. PA. --lELALI=L3EI.3O'rI9C"SES • • On this Continent. is SO PIIONOIINCIED ST THE m ilt slLclzatlllif u tzlitif w ki Chemists. It Prevents Hair PaWng Out; IL Changes the khan. to their Original Organic Acdon% It:Eradleates Hartilitill and Humors, It . Keeps toe Scalp Healthy; It 'Contains nu I-Jurions Ingredient, And is nub malty a, orded be aSpleadld D l i tga . si t tartgl T % _T . Article. ITS MISNITeI r Every bottle CO N INS tiOliir. LIQUID thauaby other dollar prepare:: 'a. NO LARGE R&WA,ZOS crood to estshltsh Its eilirscy, tout WI: DO fiDAlta N rEib to retUart the tauter{. any person ho wit, Ole two bottled and then say that oar Res . ',alive has fa/led to do all we A.llll. J. EL. DAISILET'." Cl).,&Proprietors, Ms hamster, New Hampshire IL E. SELLEILS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pu mrtita.93_ 1)11:11 1 1114CILLSOTIP9lath •a BALSAM is ba Se Pr's- aug-e Rani:ion know. to titre ; Coughs. Colds. klcaratsess, , Wltoottiug • Chlorite Copal., Gansu in c•-• t - nr .1.. Lion, Bronchitis and am Wimp. .• • and 11=171 d shealLtig,F . * ; D pVciralf - Tur A r t‘r:hT"'''Zi• ••• • •.i••• or ins a:ant Luny 7c.r We 17 DrlggisteSrarrthani. //.. SELLEBSI a vu" WHOWILtiaLI ABitint EEMI STRICKLALNIPS PILE 11E1E -Byr has galtZLI thaw- Mgr the ~e 1,1 &VIA num IL .tee hamo.t. renal, and effects berms- I ..m.,e Dry It dfr.cur. 47. La warranted Lit eat,. . : For sale by all uranut,, s 60 ceau botU. , I L 4 - • - sr E. a (yo, WllOLZilaila AOIDIT • 0a13:17d 11YSPEPEI1L.---Dr. Stri Win - 7F TONIC, • • concen. • slated preparation of Hoots and Herbs., whey .raw. 4 5, 4 ‘ by sada and carminative to strengthen the . 3toth 1314-' 1 :0•• nervou• aye tem It la scar= • e;) . taln remedy for leopepLe. g;\ or Indigestion, NOl,OOlll. , 'Amc, Loss of Appetite, cidity of the Etomaeht. •, Flatulency and debility.l , Laing alettehallef thensfOree •,,0 .. particularly aultedfor weak., nerrorm and dywesPtle Per - sons. tor •ale en all dreg nista oververf ,. .. al Si Per eeeem• L. E. SELL/Lite I Can I.ITIMT.tu AL 1r ha awM I= PRIVATE DISEASES. DR. YOUNG. (Lee of Philadelphia.) No. 7 . .5 Third street, treats rviptious of Prl• vete Diseases atm oupsrantied 114.0 , 11. Yartundsr attentlon paid to npermatorrboms an diseases of toe Griner/ 0M... HL treatment for the same befog the most successful ever employed. lie glees hopes of a spen:y nom totes athlete& mill end his saroinenasogesseperlOr to aoy other preparstO for removisig obstructlOoe to Um Maltby tommtroa m l hood. No. 1, One Dollar per bottle. No. R. which ts roar. degrees *tropism., an y assigned Ibr obreinate- rive • Deßar. per bettlo. • t ne. boors, a. 111, r, or. to d i,. a Address. wiltl44Nr int• 10U140; /VMar 1 treat- rittsberett. •mer _ F ortin. , - MEE= Arry. =SIM PILICTICE ..„ , , , 471,11 TAX. DISEASTA Weed Wt . -knowledge , . selAom acquired ny rem daps. lellaltirrealdenCe in this elt7, and the amount in=ntweeds ent. =MAU/ nr me. ate 'enigma APEIIarA4OIIIitICIA, or Sexual Waknee, and ell *Mamma arising therefrom. are eared to a maw thaw time than buttons. by tap NEW ABLE EICAULDIJCS. Medicines *eat ,to any part et the union. AU let,„ ... _tere men co agmot o . p o ol laio rts ay r‘tilltrj I"lika Inurlrtaihrr: pRIVATE.DISELSre IRIVATE DISEASES. emus. sum rzza 4 - sTrararr o mr Wind. • fm. the men otall Mimes of a rue =um% ka from two to tour 41!1..' as entirety new and was lament.: - omniu Weakness, and *lt other ntseases of ille....annital organs and t heir areventten 2:initi nakt koctra—rto o t r Ors. /1 "3 :, /Ira a de Ld Ire P. tatters W.. 21Ina rens street wyttese, I. 4 vEsza , ernAwardassEs.--100 dozen teeth StrumSpotrad -PF..01,111t melted -"a tm = 03, 1k LW:M 6 % riLnL TSZ7
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