.4- .. - ....1.74v..!''-nili•;\-?... 1 ,,, : x 11 ,,, :::'.' .. ; : ' , ''''::i •",, ,,,, ,-- -,,- T2- '.-,..\-:". • .:- 4 " -- .' - '..",_.,„.„...,,,_,...,..„:„......... r .....,"...t..,,,,..„....._.. ~.._ .._________ . . c . .., 7 ea Vi:#sburgit (Ought. IMd:EiN, REED & 00. .• • ff. ft. -PENNIMAN. Up,. T.' p. HOUSTON. re. • • JOISOAD HMG. I 01.34,bE AN.juraD /Business elausgers . . WEDNESDAY, ADO UST 16, 1860 UNION NEPOOP Ye IN NOMINATIONS, FOL. MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY. OF 01731BERLAJD COUNTY CONGRESS. TWRITTT-ORCOND DISTRICT HON. J. E MOORHEAD. TWSZTT•TISIRD DISTRICT : HON. THOMAS WILLIAMS. 8111.8111 T: 6 AIIIIIITEL a WILEY, City CI.CTIX OF COURT' JOAN B. saows, kxampton Tp. •• • or Oornarri Cour, .1.24 11 HILA (..; HEN ti V NINIVELT, City IITOLSTSII: JOMIELIT L. OILIY, Plum Tp COIIX/R871015%11 GEOIOII AIABULTON, City. DERZOIOR OF POOR JOH fi S. DRAT% 10131 in Ti,. • i ihernostY: JOE! P. i LAB 9, City. 1 11.401t08 19731.510 X, Pitt Tp: BT4(iH.GL' H. Iff.cX.h.l o ., North rayons Tp CJAZADWICK. Collins Tp. - WILLIAM P63EB, Rohs Tp. O. A. coI:VILLE cart.. HON. A. W. LOOMIS The retirement of this distinguished gen tleman trots the active walks of a prefeS sion which he has adorned for now near half a century, is au event that should not pass unheeded in this comm - unity. As a people so engrossed are we with voca tions sod aims preeminently selfish that we are prone to neglect the due exhibition of populist homage to superior worth and ability. Indeed no surer crite rion of the gradual weakening and decay of public virtue can be found than is pre sented in the striking indifference mani fested now-a-days to that rare individual excellence which in the purer and better days of the Republic challenged and re ceived the highest owed of applause. Doubtless the stirring events of our time— the splendor of great military• achievements overshadowing all else, has contributed to this result—but while we are content to wreath the conquering chieftain with um fading laurels, let us do justice to those who in more peaceful but not less honorable fields of effort have won as fair a guerdon of reward. Admitted to the bar in Ohio in 1822, af ter graduating at Union College, New York, Mr. Loon's speedily rose to the front rank of his profession, and in 1836, while absent from home, was nominated and elec ted to Congress by a handsome majority, by the Whig party, in a district largely democratic. His competitor was the Hon. Doctor GEORGE .11cCoos, now of this city, at that day a sterling democrat of promi nence and popularity. Resigning his seat for reasons of a private nature, after one session, Mr. Looms citrate to Pittsburgh and entered the lists with the legal giants of that day, FORWARD, SuALEtt and others of that ilk then in the zenith of their fame and renown. He speedily attained pro fessional distinction and became the peer of the foremost of his then contemporaries, a position he maintained until the day of his retirement. Indeed few cases of note have arisen during the thirty years which have sineeelapsed without Mr. Lomas being concerned as counsel, as the many volumes of reports, not only of our own State, but of Ohio and of the United States Courts, will attest. Adverse to the turmoil and corruption of modern politics Mr. LOOMIS carefully esaiewf.,l all active participation therein, and save his unsolicited election as a delegate to the Peace Convention which assembled in lidt, has not filled any other public _position. Always a Whig, Mr. Loomis is, of course, a thorough Republi can, anti deeply imbued with that feeling of unfaltering loyalty to the government, which is the natural inheritance of the pa triot son of a revolutionary sire. Mr. Loolllb is perhaps equaled by few men of his day either as a forensic advo cate or as a popular speaker. There are minds, doubtless more closely analytical and orators more severely classic. But in impassioned oratory, in that fervid and ef fective argument so potent in the . Fortml or the Tr,hune, few can hope to equal—cer tainly none to - surpass him. Many of his forensic efforts are recalled with delight, and the recollection of his triumphs 'will long linger among his professional brethren and with those who heard the advocate in the days of his prime. As a specimen. of his style of popular oratory his address to the great commoner, CLAY; upon his arrival and public reception in this city, occurs to us a model of chaste and beautiful diction —an "entire and perfect chrysolytc" of thoughkand expression. After a career among ns thus dignified by honorable effort, and crowned. with a sac. MSS vouchsafed to but few, a life unsullied by a stain, amidst the regrets of all who know him, Mr. Looms, owing to the se vancing infirmities of yew:A:LS 05 , 11. 41,4 d to withdraw from the Bar. /ft.. goes to Minnesotain quest of health for .himself and his estimable lady, and does not hi. tend, we Lelleve, again making this city his permanent abode. May the sunset of life, gilded with bright harbingers of the coming dawn, be without an over shadowing cloud I GEN. JAMES g... 3100EZEAD was yester day renominated for Congress, by the Re publicans of the 22d district, both his cont. pethors 'withdrawing from the field. Ti Ge.neral. has reason for Vat-Mail= over this ntSults Els competitors were able and pop ular men; but ho bad served so well and faithfully that in the present crisis there was a general feeling that he ought not ta be spared from the public councils. The lion. Ram P. PENNEY and O. Jests S. l'i&GLla, were the competitnnOr Gen. Mown:nut, Mr: Pnlls - v has served with distinction in bOth branches of the Legislotuie„-imd him steadily , commanded the confidence and respect of men of all shades of opin ion for his probity aid intelligence. Gen. NEGLEY was among the first to re spond to the appeal of tke national govern ment for help when the rebellion broke out, and he made a reputation in the told or which he and his descendants may well be BottLor themlitentlemen have been ar dent republicans from the start, and here, a ter, its in ti Y ie ` P a S4 74 1 beiod •, - I.l,"•oF;(ol4'givitY that„, . ys:, 'arztals PPetsamblieda ji'rtaide TIKatOC- 9sek - CoPM, ,b. faeg A-- 1 . the --vo that, out, fic onto of , clot al ;pr. . . tapla4` g D 014.1, amigo s fncrease'their own pay, w_Z;llei`z men: , t%tualT:ouhfical that ta° Why; riot have the z y. Io Bay that . I every Deep th member' T ot pkatw the 7 PO • .‘,„‘-r.:•:.ti THE PRESIDENTIAL PRHGREWS..- It has been announced, upon gorripetent authority, that the President, attended by the members of his Cabinet, Will be in Chi cago on the fifth day of next month, and assist itr laying the corner-stone of the Doura„ra monument. If any man imag ines this is the primary object of the trip he is resting- under a delusion which, out of respect to his reputation for perspicacity and intelligence, he "ought summarily to discard. The Milddle.aged or venerable men who composethe Administration have not consented to take upon themselves the toils and exposuies of a journey of two or three thousand tidies, in the summer sot stice, and during the prevalence of pesti lence, tom homage to the memory of a deceased statesman, whose patriotism anti unselfishness, in p great public crisis, they . may speculatively admire, but have no in clination to imitate. What they have in view is a Progress through the Northern and Western States, for the purpose of fur thering a new political combination, de signed expressly to renew nark term of au thority In the general goyernment, There ;Irnpli"•"^f , of ern no wen can safely disregard, much less men high in power, and with test ofPcial segionsi- - bilkies on their shoulders. • It will not do for men, charged with the most important public trusts, to avow that In theldiseharge thereof they are actuated exclusively or ' mainly by a desdre to promote the ends of their own personal ambition, and that they are wielding the patronage and Influence confided to them by the people to subserve their own temporary advantage, in opposi tion to the permanent and - substantial wel fare of the Republic. These personages re sort to subterfuges and pretexts, which, though in reality they deceive no one, an swer as masks of decency and keep up ap. iwara.nces. Renee this pompous pilgrim age to the tomb of the dead giant, whose better spirit from its urn would rebuke their dissimulation, and scatter their sel fish schemes to the four winds. Let no one suppose this Presidential pro ce.,ion will partake in the least of the na ture of a. funeral cortege. It will be con• posed of a Jolly crew of scheming States men surcharging with political speeches, and accompanied by expert reporters of the press. The serenades, at various im portant towns, will all be arranged before hand, by obsequious placemen, so as to leave nothing contingent upon spontaneous enthusiasm. The speeches, duly elabora ted and compared before setting out, with a view to stating and defending the Presi dent's Policy, will be delivered and the re ports of them sent off on the wings of the newspapers. Whether the Demooras, at the different centers, will zealously contribute to swell the anditories, must depend on the Bevel. opments of the Philadelphia Convention. ..kirot.tdy a suspicion pervades the minds of the Democratic leaders, North and South, that the now movement, to which they are expected to contribute the numbers and momentum, is designed not to minister to their promotion, but to make them subsidiary to the retention of the present r dministration in place, either by the re-election of Mr. Jorrssost or the substitution of Mr. SEW ARD. While . they like the treachery of these two men to the Republicans, and to the fundamental principles on which they obtained power, they have no more respect for them than they had for Joust TYLER or 3!ILLA.RD FILLMORE, under similar cir cumstances, and feel as little inolination to allow them to reap the advantages resulting froni their baseness. They are ready, up to a certain point, to flatter the President, to entice hint, to urge him on—just as they did TYLER and Prizstous—but beyond that they will refuse to go. The action of the President is based in great part on a miscalculation of his power over the people of the Southern States. When the war closed they were docile and Complying. Conscious of having violated the laws,they knew they had incurred pen alties and were at the mercy of the govern ment. They are meek and submissive no longer. The President deliberately revived their old arrogance and haughtiness; and it is nit in his power—now to abate it. Ills official tenure lasts only some two years. It is,not long to wait. Besides, it is known on shat conditions Congress will restore the Southern States to full participation in the government, and that those conditions are neither oppressive nor humiliating. The Southern States can all have their del egations received in the respective Rouses at the opening of the next session if they will ratify the new amendment to the Con stitution, whether the President approves or not. What the presidential progress will amount to will, perhaps, depend largely on the results of the Philadelphia Conven tion.; What those results will be, it is use less to speculate. A lbw * days will make revelation of the whole matter. . - Ta t Jersey City Times has the follow ing A gentleman just from Washington in fertile us that he knows that the following is a part of what (len. PhD.. Sheridan did seed in his dispatch to the authorities at Wallington in reference to the riot at New Orlehns. „Re easi Pen. Sheridan used sub stantially the following. - .language: "This is one Of the'greatestoutrages that ever, occurred hi any country.- I refuse pa obey the orders of any "Confederate.' I tender myresiguation and shall keep New Orleans under martiriflaw until further ad vlfte." If that is what Gem Sheridan sent, and it sOundsjust.like what he would send, it is no wonder that his dispatches were mu tilated or suppressed. We make this State meat on the, authority of our informant, whose natal° is st.the service of the officials If they want it.. Let them now publish Gen, sheridan's official dispatches. —The Postmaster at Bloomsburg has just received one of the Randall circulars, to which he makes the following answer: POST Dimwit, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., Aug. 7.—lfon. A. W. Randal!_ —Sir : I have just received your call for the Philadelphia Convention, under the frank of Senator Cowan, and I hasten to reply. •1 most heartily approve of said call, and for the following reason, viz : it will place all such renegades as Cowan and yourself in the ranks of the Copper-rebel Democ racy, and.so tally show up your baseness and treachery to your friends and dour country 'as "to:render you powerless for hold the best post-office in Columbia county. It /satyout dif '3oittd. lily politi cal principles and &Manes belong to my self. Respectfully, dm., Dna/mut P. M. —Pierce Butler, - Esq., of Philadelphia, is personally testing r the - difference be tween shwa difd - freed labor on ,Lis rice plantation in Georgia,- Of more then three huttatod colored persens, once his_alaves, all but a ftsw -have returned and accepted the wages he has °Moak tihem. - The con tract between Mr. Butler and the freed pet, le, made, with ,their consent find the fipplevi4 .or -rseedgant's Bateau, has been fbrmallt«autumn' atod to thusitisfac tion of AIL ooncettiod.. = Mr. Butler's islands anticipate that next jeer his crop will be larger and more remunerative than . in a ny, fernier SeaSOn. - . . =The Detroit' Post - Bap : T 4,, mobile lityfota favors. the atkindonment . or the Democm*.n4the:,* 4 10 -PVl 4 delohin Con. fentiott, , ln crier to excitesno prajmu cm , It ptoponentheothrthiffiutiona raw t uf „ x „ CIPX*Itr 111111*Att4; 4 •Allilli , ithe , eaati ll i t h all onapiteheruknialdVijmnished pisoak„, andllwla. absOdetflir#lirtiAlTher z• - _ • -- - • • „.} 7-2 a n • • ~POLITICAL CLIPPING.t —The Efollidaysburg Register says : On the return of one of the delegates to the Clymer-Johnson Soldiers' Convention, last week held in Harrisburg, the following colloquy occurred between a well-known gentleman and Inm "Well, Captain, how did your conven tion pass off? !lad you nny righting down then ?" "No ; everything passed off very order ly, and I would have you know that there were no fiyhning men there." An explanation is unnecessary. —Au occasional correspondent of the Jackson Citizen tells the following good story: "General Wilcox takes his position soon as Assessor, rice J. R. Bennett, re moved. General Wilcox is eery fond of bread and butter, and endorses Andy strongly. District Attorney Russell, Who is another bread and butter man, in visa ing to Mr. Bennett about his removal, said: 'Oh, Bennett! Andy's cut off your head, has het 'Yes,' said J. 8., looking the 'my policy' lawyer in the eye, 'he cut my head off, but he could not turn it round.' " • —The Detroit Tribune says: Josh Bil lings says "when a man's dorg wont keep kumpany with him, he !cant git no lower— not by land." Nevertheless the Washing ton &publican states that Change EL Pen dietim hns ‘rrnwilit,l Mr, •- end Darted - tempany with his late friend,' on account of his course to wards the Philadelphia Convention. —The Reading Journal says : Hiester Clymer, in his speech In the County Meet ing last Tuesday, came out flat-footed in favor of the exploded Calhoun doctrine of Sudo Sovereignty and State_tudependesaa Ills views on ilia and most other subjects, are indontical with those of Jeff. Davis, Lee, Vallandigham A- Co. —The Philadelphia Press says : The principal Sureties of the Hon. William F. Johnston, appointed Collector or the Port, are Mr. W. G. Kline and Mr. Adolph. There are others entered as sureties, but their names have not been made known. Mr. Kline is a leading Democrat in the Seventeenth ward. —The St. Louis Demoeral says: A tele gram says that an organization has been formed at the South "for thepur pose of exhuming the rebel dead." The Philadelphia Convention, operating alike in both sections, does a larger business that way than any other organization, however. —The Reading. Journal says: Clymer complained in his speech last Tuesday, that the Democrats had no offices, no contracts, —nothing to .teal for the last six years. He evidently means, if they get the power, to make up for lost time so tar as stealing is concerned. --Gen. L. H. Roseau, it is said, will not return to Louisrille. He is done for as a politician in Kentucky. He thought he he was working with Andy Johnson, but the Kentucky Dentocru,y will stoop to touch no man who fought in the Union ar my. —The President is beheading the Thom ases in Philadelphia and conferring honors upon the Sloanakers. be seems determ ined to elect Geary by 100,000 majority.— N. F. Tribune. —A rebel pro-slavery editor in West Tennessee says that the Yankees can't pull the wool over his eyes. His kinks are tighter than we had supposed. —Raz/dr:ale Peru. —The Cincinnati Cemnwrcio.liirrdicts that Repel)liutn victories in Ohio will cot be so successful always, for Vallsndigltain cannot live forever. —Every Copperhead in Congress voted for the Increase of salary, and tiny Republi cans voted against it. CHOLERA! CHOLERA!! CDOLEUAR! With the almost u•rtato advent of cholera with the coming of the sprier, no thoutebtful hereon will he unprepared for It. lecture what csnerienee hes denton•trated to be the most certain antidote—that which has cured one. will core again--and newel part 42.1 t. a new and untried Snide when an old and reliable article can he hod. NI hen the cholera rutted v on two former oer.x 10n, It %3w. comnd by experience 11.41. YLESILNII•d CIIOLESL• MIXTURE 11's. thc la-et son surre , ctstel all othcra shercforr It stand, I. reason iliac. If you would have an ar•l de t h at you can depend on. sou-040111.1 purcbase It ilte exclusion of all utters. !Sol d only In Pitts- Isstra.h. at JOSEPH FLERING•S DREG STORE. Corny of the lhatuorul, utar Fourth RE/1101t1Ett TUE Pl.hrlt: =! SI Market Street. uttlarrw NEW ADITRILTISEMENTS. NW. BINGHAM, Jr., 411631.. Erprees Qfflee, 51 Fifth Street, la an authorised Agent to TIMIViff Aztocrtisnmente for the c. 44.6.7 TE. and all other papers throughout the (instal &ales anti the (Armada. TO LET—A Iteoirable Two Slory UHICK DA 81.1..1NU. rontalolse rvortta wide hall. good dry an to orrry room. hot ...Id water bath, it.. all la cot:opiate ord., ugly are minute. walk from the lust .ITlre. can be t. Imairrltatrly. Fur tart., par letilara. Inquire or JAMES PIIKLA N. ata1,h..59 So. 14 Fifth Street. pITTSBERGH Female College, FALL TEILII WILL OPEN 6SEI.I."I"..EI.IIGLIEt =Pit 4th. Addre. Rev. T. C. PERSHING. aula:ttis WTICs or CoaTimid-ERG/ ALLI:01ILIT 00..( 1 . 11 - 33111(Mckit. /LUCAS( i4l.b. WM. NOTICE TO COAL DEALERS.- SEALED will be reeelved at lids orrice nntll ATM inst., Inclusive, for furnishing Allegheny County with TWELVE 11101.7PAND 8C511E1.8 OF GOOD It t.r. COAL, free from Mack and dirt. to be delivered as the en trance of the Court Donau and Jail, on ruth and Roes strema, in quantities of sla hundred bushels per day until the whole Ls delivered. Payment will be made by werrents on County Treasury when the evintraet is completed. By direction of County Commissioners. = I=ll NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. RiCORDITIO TLZOIJLATOR'S Orate / PlTTalliaditt, Aug. lath, Proposals for the (trading, Pastas end netting with Curb-stone, ITN ABVIEET, between (Pillars •sti Factoty streets; ClIPASTrarr STILZET, ftom Forbes to (ribbon streets; and NFIIIE.ALLEY. Irma Logan to Elm streets, will be rtaelvod at Ay *Mee of the undersigned, in the Market linildthisr, Man 0 o'clock r. il., of the 201.0 day of August, 1806. C HAULM HEW 14SPF Alt It, I:r:cording Regmlator [MO $25,000 TO LOAN On Bond and Mortgage. Time—One. two, three. four or fire years. Apply o THOMAS elTitir.L, Broker aml keel Estate Agent, No. 00 limlthhold, bet. 4ta agml Platuo,ol a. apll SUIIVIEVOW 8 COMPASS 3i.4C1 , 11. ab.4lL-L3EI Avery anod Vernier Compare. with elms) and tusgent ew; tripod. compoundian gent ball, brae. core r fur comps glans, oilikerP.' for lirepi to tally, and boa; all b aa uilitiled card. to j-tgl,g2 v^ lON. HAHN nu - Li627 TORE BRICK AND CLAY.—In atom and foe salt all kinds EBB BECK AM BANS JOBBSTOICI CLAY, At the Warehouse, Nos. awl and Ullll Penn e tree, 1.. DAV. CRA W FORD. = iEO. W. PETTY, REAL ESTJTE aIGEXT, NO. 13 ST. CLAIB STREET Bonds and Mortgages bought and sold. Collee- Llon, promptly mule on remornable terms. mss NEW WHEAT! NEW WHEATS! TEN CANS TO AItIIIVIL And for rola by =1 79 Dismal:lC Allegheny A _ DIIIIIVISTRATOWIS 1110110 E.- Whereas lettere of Administration on the es tate of mars.. counntgomor,. deceased, have been granted to' the nntterelmoakall p erum , hoeing clatmeloratuea , the estate of the said decedent aro '4:quested to make the same known, and all person. !Duetted Weald estate are minuted to Inane pay. J. K . NEW • AN, Administrator, • ,iream 178 Welmterstreek i-parEinciL COLLEGE OF M 1.1.1271111b1e east{ ,Upgater pewee te L eitar n Atige r wanaT i the Oalleen troth' sizt:ifthf 902•00Fifliff. Pto mains:l ithetheeth - - bowl far a Ammar.- Mama. G. :MENDEN - ALV , L Et otZ. , fITSYStie. it. PANNEDGool42oocaserikesh N./Saab=les. sal 03 calle• ALSOen Pella, in WO M uui A ) !!? Au" g' l TVL a ti r Ma r sziese: • Nai.aawind Tat Woodstr4st:, ME= Aisi • - 100 ;boxes" • 11:140y.ikt /441111.Av.:4744104 farjat bz - aft a • natilsoninirootattei • ATEU PEIMS-44000ittAlteim. al`20:11elv aizzi_44 JAMES T. BRADY; &CO., to 8.40nei1iC0.,P.,:, COriter Fourth-and 'Wood St's., BANKERS &BROKERS, DIIALXIIS IX ALL KINDS Or Government Securities, Foreign; Gold, Silver• and Coupons. Om:ECM/NB made on all acceastble points In the United States and Canada. Interest allowed on Time Deposlts 4 -- ----- FRENCH CHINTZES Just Opened, ANL FOR SALE AT XaIIZkVCT 1.• M0E03E1137 WHITE, ORR & CO., 2E3 .113:L Jaltrcreit. cit.° rvG it 4 LE. BARGAINS i'OR ALL I •In no, olost itg out, my presonl , /..rge 40 . - k " Boots, Gaiters, shoes, BahnOrals, and Sii,ppers, Al GREATLY REUUCEIO PRICES, to make room for TALL GoulDs, now beingmanotanterad. Conte one, come •11, and get bargains. W. K. McCLINTOCK, 92 Federal Bt.,Allegheny City. aul TN THE MATTER OF THE VFIA.Is Off OF ti RADE OF Fllttli maxi, in the City of Pittsburgh. pt rro. I aterested and hereby notated that the :e.1%, u, for payment of damages mimed by the Maus ae of grade of 111. It street, In the City orrit la hdralt, hare ne In placed In my hands for toile tion, and °1.1• as the same shall Mors been paid on or be fere the LSOU DAY 111 , SEPTBUDEE, bleb it will be 1131 . ul7 tot e the mute as liens against the property astraaed, and proceed to collect them to scud , dads° rlth law. J. F. ri LAU LF., City Solicitor, rte 4: ht. N 1111: Fifth st., Pittaharah, Pa. U\ITEU STATES. WESTEIIN Did Fltll'T OF PEN NitliN ATI la, s.l.—Wlause as a I lin 1 hAs been died m tic I/Istrlet Court 01 the C tilted ntates of the Western Maisie" of tree nsyt anal• by Henn Featherstone in gSinn the steam en` at A LAN " of sebtrla J. R. Porte la the ter; tier ttekle, apparel and furniture. l• • ••r Lain pits. rt•.l • rid noirlame. tor 1•11$.1. and pray ing p nee.% laaln•t the aald vessel, Ac. dr 0.• retort., Ist iier•natter ate monition Un r the get! of s +ld eourt, to me dirt Quid and det it. reed, I do hereby give public noun. to all per. one claiming the e aid tenet. bee tactic , apparal and furniture, or litany manner Interested therein, that they be and appear !Astern the said Illatrlet Core.. to be held at thc I mourn Roan, lu the Olt] of I.burgh. en tire 1400 It AY or A UUUGT, Bak at It n • clitet. A. M.. then and there to Interpose toe, claims and tumake their allegations la that bettAlf. A. .41P,RUtll'il. IL S. Marabal. ..1,7 his PITTSBURGH CUTLERY COMPANY. IF TOG ARE IN WANT OF A FINE POCKET KNIFE, Call end por. ha.e otte from the VITTh It.Wl t:UTLEttIi t.'mat PANT, % M OkilorN, ..14thot. they an. the heatman t to cme; taattu - e4 from hoe. steel. They have Mao the Soma zombi It !I.\AUL ED DIN NEII AND KS IV Kt to the ma.M..et. Alas. 61 and 69 /1/116 Street, sus.ll= ( 1 / I hI'ATC/1 III'11.1,IN.i.) HOUSE AND LOT N.C>PL f3.A.X_.81. Tee Ilea. and Let on Irourtn street, sear Until “re• t. Awned wed oevaphel be De. batons lo lifetlate.,e but offeni.l for •rte. The lot is twen ty feet a d o. runntng brit slobs a ten foot elle, WIC handled nod 1.4.11 feet Aeon to Grants. elle", • Met, It also ten feet wlt3e. The boom Is •web bet, threrstory bite boot, *wits IA eateelleat order. Vot • e.atrn ran be 'riven October Isl. IVA. Fur lur her pert/miser, ration D. W. & A. S. BELL, Attorbeys at Lan. No. 14 II Fourth stn•ut. Pittsburgh ANTHRACITE COAL A 11 , .. y PERSONS SWISHING A SEP- ANTHRACITE COAL, .4 ppll ed.hy 1.• log their ord.. with will. BINGHAM, 10. 366 Penn Street. _ . . NOTICE TO CONTILICTORE. hl A[.alt PROMMAIR +ill be recalled hr tw •ndcrolgned untll • I..ti UST 14,U. tut thestradlng of toe following atrvets It the 14oramah of Matichem ter. ts +Mt: ►raollin duvet, from Reese* ck to teats alley. and Charlie...ll ntieet. from Washing tou to 144 feet *math of rrantiln street. he mid grulthg Nail the dtspoiltkni of allsorpta. excavations, go. to be done ander the directions of use Committee it Basso!. and the Recotding Regulator. Y. further lolormailoa call upon the Undersign ed, at the oZve of ['helve. l'ard Co.. L MaZketleSl4,. or it M., Recording Reaolator 4..07 ( . 117. ar.lo.n.h 1110ainnati tire. One Ware. 1)0% N INSTITUT E, FOR YOUNC LADIES, 121=== 31•13M9. The. S. essisbe.f by • compels= carps of professors. No. WS Hancock Street. The FALL. 51ESSION wUI commence MONDAY September W. rofSrlar. A., apply at Ib. Last'tato. sArLos. Yreet ..... e. m`m..soi, PITTSBURGH BOLT COMPANY, WE ARE PREPARED to wake r • all Mods of Bolls, from Ie to 3 MOP In diem. der. JOINT BOLT,. CAB PLOW BOLTS, CARBIAII F. BOLTS, BUILDING BOLTS, FOUNDATION BOLTS, ISPLICIL BOLTB. BST ISCIELYWEI, NUT WASHEBS, de-, ke. Comer Morton and Butler 5t..., Ninth Ward. Or ders left .t Yort rut Foundry., General Elseksmltillup promptly attended to. 173:f34 HOSSZLI. 4BEHIITT IVILLIA X /1.11M115011 =:LM & ANDERSON, Book and Job Printers, NW continue the Book and Job Ihinting business to all Ito branches, at the GAZETTE STEAM JOB PRINTING ENTABLIBRINKIT, 84 Fifth St., Onaette And respectfully aollelt a Mare or publipgatmn •Se• 'IV CO MITIRA CTORS. hif.A LED Mini Wild. Illt ItECiLIV By the Committee on City Property untll sapiens ber the eth, iMiet,4 dock, r. , for building of 1a,,, An . NULN at litrUelf. on v•y tie .beet,Katt Ward, on Me let now occupied by the .mod Intent Fire Company. Plasm and bpecilleatiorm can be .01 at Me oPlee 01 Alderman BUTLMII, &I dour from oOrrier Of Wylie and Washington streets. NI, A. 9 TABLE, to the roar of the Belief ri elm rim Engine Company's house, on PoullMPraialst avenue. Plans and specilleationa cat be ACIGI.I at the ollim of Aide/Wall aliMittsW, No. 73 The Committee relent the dila Co ?elect city or all bide. Bide to be s . iiiiii= il 49l marked o a ea- Clistruaa Committee, 343 Lltierat 'gyve!, rti.t.!bitqp. PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY Jos. erascua JLS. IMLAY. & illl/ST I I SAM). BREWER'S Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITT61111)1180, PA. ROBERT WATSON, Siamageir. telDalta IMITTSBUBOU AND O.ABLAND tin E.SNIIOUIRS. • • JOHN IL a a. HIUNDOONL (neemors to Jelin ltiordoish, Jr.,l NUIINititYMEaI AND PLOSINTS; rittabatilt, rtha AND attention extensive Mott onplltilT AND vittioDIKNTAL 'fagEB, N.VpietiltinENS, tittoPlC, VINES AND tittERNMOUnE PLANT& rittelinegh ant ()Wind Passenger Cara .run.to the tireennonae enty>B natittltlS. . b10:1/24 JAILED RE BRIISII4 musup.scrtnnts dP • • Steam Boilers. 011itills, Tanks, Sheet Iron Works,, ate. 00. m PICKI7 STILSZT, P/TUDITROLt, PA. 1c0:4167,wv /ILOrlEll WIIIIIGEREL—A full N. , supply of the llamas , and Olgatrn Wringers alwaye , on hand sad warranted to give astlnisatioa. tiall and one for youireel... at-the /Adis Hu bber and Ull Viotti Depot ol 11. .PHILLIPS,, au . 11 Hos. to sad dt. (Hair iitreat.... SAVINGS 'atilt r ALLEI4IIB3I " A117°15.-Traffitie.MV 'bex 1, a :yroldwz i r '` 4llal sairir7,:.;-, , ••-_,.. 11:1M3 • Oat!: M ra / 4 14011*** rtnifeATI I I4j: 444 NuMszteirectiii.'". ' Iron-aal• , 00. NENWADVItatTIBENCEMB• 1 'NEW ILITEIMSEMENTEL 110"11V0 111919711).... ' °F °ln 0 BAXER &CO 0011 WILLAND.ST 11, .10 thuttorus o . 83 iLtiketetreet: to atogirs no cordtally retouttoond him to our Wood. .not ttui P SOUTH s ROSS. . GEO. McCANDLESS, Wholesale and Retail =MEI l3oots and Shoes, No. 63 Market Street., ==E! GREAT SALE OF BUILDING LOTS, Mansfield, Penna. We wilt offerat Publie Sale. on the premises, on SATUAD•Ir c Aqz. 1515, ert itris o'clock, those 10 VAL ABirlitt 2011.111 Np LOTS. 'nett. baring s front( 4 , 1. :nett am wide street-, and ; extending hack $ Piet,: at the f!l Thls rule offers rare Inducement. to persons or limited means, to secure HOMES, as thc sale will posltlest.- dgaes lean the Unison Depot at and 10 o'clock, •. mat ladles •nd genital:in whaling to sttend the ssie will bctitenisbod irith ticketa nal or eit•torE, by calLlnig at the Mike HeL)Crlf CO.. 101 l /fourh street. • metier Mann sill be pet/tided and screed op on the premises, fen to All. I wane Or 11.11m—Oue-thlrd to hand, and the bal ance In one and two loan, with interest.. IcL CO.. • Baal Rotate Broke r , ALti 102 You & rth et., _ant 247 Or Y. 11. BILOWN, Diemdeld. REMOYAI.. 160. SessWench/ lits4d. 160 JOHN ZWEIDINGISII, Formerly Of ISO FIFTH ETItSI has reinovea to No. 160 Swlthtiel H Street, Two dootor* ck o above street s where be has en ex cellent sf Pianos, Melodeons;Organs, nod an kinds of ICA!. INSTItUtetEnTS and MINUS. Sr illdtrUlLKltit) rtpalred with neatness and dispatcb. Illa;rs7 BARKER & BASEL TINE, N 0.12 Filth Street, Second Story, OVER 11. RICHARDSON I (.31."5, DX/LIARS IX LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames of all kinds, MOULDINGS, &c., &c. qlll otoek constantJT on_ hand H. J. LAllieE, =EI DYER AND SCOURER, IMER Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Covers Cleaned & Beglazed without unpacking. Nee. SS and 37 Third Street, I= CZ= I= E . MEOHAW ii CO., IitkINCTUIIIIS AND THOLESILI MISS TOBACCO, SNIFF & SEGARS, No. 81 St. Clair Street. Factcry. 33 ♦ND 33 lIA.ND STILKET. IY=;170 INTOIVICIIE. rpm REMAINING PART of the tarps pi Cowrie for tale laid not In Floyd: Allen p.an of lota, will betld to lets or Fry the nu o. iplendlil fur gar.lortlng purposes or fur cityof done. Apply to WM. A. Hula/. a& 11:10 niece in lurkpairlet corner of I.llartiond (front Wools, or to RI. /LARD ALLE....., no the propene, at lower M.. Clair Rely/. tool7.a3e_ 8. BRIAN, Broker to Stocks, ROWERS •IVD REAL ESTAT 37 FOURTH rrASET. (Baske's ilulldLugo hays and wits on Ocaukl Arlan DAY X. RAIIALOAD, INhU/LAliCk.. I= ILAJL/LOAD AND OTILLII 14,:g DS. Orden ezbentbd by WejnpLu Me 2:1 , 4" rUlid I:=1 of eointstsetss current to those cities. LEATHER BELTING, e11E8811&N & CIABIL, No. 11 OEIIO tfrItILILT, near ins ronitartary, ALc Ftnntl CIO, paastafacteron of seer) nasertptloo of retool etrato4ed Cemented and Riveted OArt TANNED LLTU kIL BILLTINO. BELTS made to toter and repaired at anon *ono, Partlarslar sa !nation pan! to Betts for Rolling bilks awn heavy worka. AL work warranted. Orders respectful!) sollatod. 1e30,174 pnouvcr. NOW ILECEIVIAG. Ou peasd.pris. Fresh Batten *J bows. ibultniluttlag Cream Runs, 30a Mots. prima Pen* au. Potatoes: mg dozen Amoy ftrooma, In Mara; Wan Deanna clear ide lisaon. In .tore: 100 pounds Hard Country neap, In store Ma Ward Manila neap, la Moral 43,=%111111.°Ztr" 1 byre!pure Mountain Blult l tt r iz to attire • for side by fo•ria No. 1113 LJbm ty BUY YOUR NOTIORS, Toys, Baskets, 17116TILMOTX:MIS, et. Cl., Awr J. G. Lauer's Variety store, Iwo 101 MART 81 . 11111. T. SCREWLESS UIROKS, CaaaP nad ommur, and easier pat on Mali may uth Magas la oaa. at JOSEPH WOODWELL A, CO., Corner Woad sad getatui sta.. Pittsburgh ACiIENTS /OH FAIRSLISTILtP hUALPst. IraPdfurT 2 2 T. CLAIR STREET. 2,2 aTuvEllitthitAgaggrA"EL UPXUA ULAI4BI4. ISTS2I.OO.Ci/rES, MICUUtICUrigd, LUMBOTALTION HY UHLUILYTICHS. (U. I. Siaadara4 illagirMttlelEinVA,V"m' J. DIALItUND, reutle9.l Opt 07 Clair strreL 1711 GENEIIAL 313)ratitur,13.1 , 1131411 CO21101". Clain Logincer a Sanctum of ♦merlon re. Porelau 3F . ear 'T El ET T 027c0, No. I tit. Olatr .t. Residence. 11 II It. ROOFISIG .NLITERLILS. Clement, 'Pitch, Felt, Para,: Pie Flosrsstab aisd !Stack Pabst, otaatnred sad r •• id Chea pla any other house !fa ti the coutitl7. I'AUM Blittitl. .0 CO., JYj:lO5 ln Smith Whuf, Baltimore. FIRST ARAIVAJL OF • New Wheat. at the Pearl Steam NI 11. • 'e areJnet le receipt ofa prima lot of mow &auth or Wheal, which we are now inerndeetttninit Into PI Vnlrgultotlt fur faintly " " h" h " "‘"" R. T. KE.I4IIIBDY k BUll, GRANT HOUSE, ZUG SESSIMMIIir, Worctwe'er, Cotter of hob& and &duel &mt 4 ear the Suspension Uridge, IkaN) AL.I.EUHE Y CITY. PA. . S 31. HALO% IBIFILIZIECM3C7 I I I . ; riMP ir egfrt i lias 1 2 1 4410: "C " super n . I,llals erection on ransom a co on A.NDEUziON tauter igg, I w " 3 Itoblmon streets,' ALLY OH rat y ,: 24,70 1. ___ RESIGNIIIENTS. ' 0 Boxes •Peaebes; 10 BON. Green e pale.; Boxes Einekelberrteli Waters:ledges; • 10 Obis. Citron., • s oust - niffer,,, L i, Lira, ;. re and !'o r e-by v,r, j,.trr&p,L, & &no. No. lall'alard Eltreet, below kimliberid 1 . E m ilMT . l .otvaic ~, WLSareeelved t.: 'barrels Ottscra Mellow received AaU7{ het andirntind bisprss. l ltae—Tsgifs KO Llkerty street. rcCASES CHAUTJEROAIL LEAD lencetvedlinnrorm.43 li _ , , wuoksale Druggist. wad. . , . utmrib. Ale. I )1 • ' ll aka . and:ac- th ir , Boat, Oasketa, go. A toll stock en band for sate. wholesale andletit - the lowest at talarKetikatthhekltelOp Kw at asultte . • • 4. 41 Zn 11.4,1111. . .• waftradloliiutisua n athwem r = if t" "1" " ' . eau- „ i!ot. Olorntuo.r,Ti a s M. ~ - -~;;: Solicitors, Attorneys, COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW,' Corner of Seventh and F Sts, WASHINGTON, D. WE OIVE OtH ATTENTION par tlei.l.rly toithe following brnachos of I.w To twopenny and availing cases to United States enprenur Chanel.: and we give particular attention to ...es it this t 'or rt ler wroth re of the profession residing a way from Wa• h 10 a ton. To dew bus nese ill all the other court.. of the Dis trict. To negollatlnf, neltlemeu to Of itAritg connected • Ith 1?.:4 CAT It , CI /I: iILLILATIONI3. and 111141- and also co. goon., net.. d t.rand I I rt u, th. The redemption er pro, , erty sold b.r taxes.. ,n-e -tally during the war, Is a broad. ;Of law busineas wallah has reeelvegl suet] cameral 010.1• and atten tion as to amount now to a apeg•la'lly wit nn. To proseetalng g . l.'ina Oi 1.1 , da hefore Centt threat Dapa Claims.rtinvillo ,he tio •ron.,:t • •olio the We shall he Imopy at a times to est.ll ,- . , tnsalonal brethren in an, be. II n the ronnt by attemitna to any bus. nris have to do in Washington. Tn , ir comn.oul,stions always 'be ImMeglint. ty answered, nod bad ness promptly attended to. Will SPECIAL CIRCULAR. Red Flannels, The undersigned listing had some seven years practical experience as a elers lo the various itu. tau • sad Departments of the tiovernment, and in he field es paymauterjn the rutted states Army, give. ha geod:relll and careless to the stKrve Arm, awl to his friends throughout the CO= try, in a.sist lag them to obtain BACK PAY, SUSPENDED AT OM/ITS, THILEY MONTH , PAY PHOPKII OP' VICZEih s INC/illtAtißD PEN. WAS. QUA.I.I- ZitTION NOMITIES, sad soy otberelalms doe by the Govt remount to When.. and men or their widows and hetes, or other person haring • Mains On the rune. Those ab. have claimson the gov ernment roe ttUairrahltAlSTlllrti and COMALII3- SARI STORE° AND SU PI I,LCS, for Vessels •nd Steamboats, Cotton. Tobacco,Trovislaas or other property taken, confiscated, tiarusged, or de/Aro, cd during the war, INDIAN And POSIT Dierl , :llf til,Alits,say be assured that their business still receive prompt and pressing attention if eoraultted to the care of the above nem for out •lement. Address all communications to O. S. HAKIM CU., comer of &mend, and r streets, Washington, D. C. GEO. B, SIMPSON, Major, and late rap - mutt., U. tl. Army A 013: h 43 MT. AUBURN YOUNG LADIES' LISTITUTE. ISEM This SC/1001 has Just concluded Its tenth year. Its ittarObir has to eh one of prosperity and growth from the comuseneement. The 'ant two years the dat3y average attendance lois beet ~,,, re than two hundred. and .none bate been refused for want of accommodation. A NEW BUILDING I 1 now under contract, to be ready tor occupant, at :he opening of the Fan dell.lo/1 September, and It la hogd that hereafter all can be receloe.lll P lte l. l.,Bri P ,sl 7 l,', APPARATUS and CAHINkT arc receiving yearly. valitable• 1011, and the 'purpose tat ept steadily in tear, to tutu leh • .cry facility for a thyroligta course uf Instructlmi. The Faculty crinsdtta of four mate ad eleven fe male teachers, all experienced Instructors In their ...rural de partsbeuta. The School to fully graded from the Preparatory department, throng.. the entire coarse gat Aeadem. Classiral modlea. wee particular. Ind Catalogues, addrem • I. H. WHITE. 25 West Fourth Street, el)rci.lr.r.iTl BAR RAT ,S SALE. ' I.llr VIRTUE OF A WIRT OF Fl. Cone aunt.. r„r u.da lt Irani. and to me directed. will owpose to ilhbdc . tate at We Custom !donee, to the city of Pit,- ' tooth. Pa on thentlis DAY OF A llsilt/61 : 1.06, at 1 o'clock Y. 0.. al , the right a title claim am . In terest of SA NIUE", J. tt - A1.6 RIC or In and It. the folionlan described progeny, to wit: tow u..... 11- 01, u 4 (omit. pa.rt of the pet? luitudin gam Wan an equal Interest In the Leasehad con tale ea in more or less. Ontam and lying on rithut,, to t 'ono planter Tp., Venn:ago Co , Va.. and tu I follows, eta the uortb by land ...eh Ironed by P T. Copelend2l.4-1 itantE at, Lyon: ou the rant by the Ronk, nod Ilyner farms: on tile south by the Router farm. and on toe nest by lands of Waiter kluirtideu, upon which sold farm the city of fituole Is bulls. 'I Also, the Prather illti property, t' taming 160 neer% more Complanter O T l own :n S i R p A , M V . e n n a o n d g t l . y " in o o o l n o . P g i e t n h. us e .. , I bounded as folio tea els: Wattle north by the Sew Yon: mar Company: east by Rickety* heirs; tooth • by Philltrs getrolciana Co.: and on thu west by lands (ornately owned by Malan. . A hos, four-leatts (Flu) undivided part of IoY son, ! In State, county scot Tow petite •Pn,onid. kn o w n a y, the backett'• belts property, and bounded m vls: LW the west nod south by the gra her .1011 prope rt y. w don the east by lands formerly owned bye Woods. Aim, thCrtswell property, sit' ate end lying hi state, (aunty and Townstdp aforesaid, containing SO acne* more or leas.and nounded IBA follows, via east by lands formerly owned by Thos. Allison; inorth by lands formerly ousted by Drown, west by tamt•flynnal) ownod by Waiter Borden; and .ots the south by the N. Y. War Co. •Isu nor undlelded sixth pan of the Rooker farm . " on Platolo. containing MO acres more or Insa, oatbounded no (0 1 / 1 ..., tinnorth by ((tor, y y ge , east by the Hynes farm: sonth by We Reynolds and Onycland fanna and on the west by Waiter nolo. don mad Illackincr farms. • . Aldo, one undivided one-twelfth (1-12) intereat In the for of two and three (Innen , . (Mi) on Cherry Men, State Ceuety. nod Township aforesaid, .1- jolrmair tbe celebrated need Well, and upon ivbieb there are threw (a)wells putoplog IQ barrel. • day lotralv, and one well being bored, corn down &JO &cc nulled end taken In eaecullon as the properly of Samuel J. Walker, at The suit of Geo. i. d 4 W. Copeland. 'd &forme), In fart of Porous r. ALEXANDER. Marshal. ILswellat's Liorica l'orinuoutio. Jul) "a, itok. ,1,22-4:111:W TUE NEW STAMP DUTIES 4tsgssed led, 1566. I.43l:6ll,wilacmi. ..r.liims =Dewy'. I=l IIZEUEIANTS, 1331E1M I=l And the public ge.nOty. THE NEW STAMP DUTIES, LIIPOZEI , BY ACT or coNORK.SB, JULY LITE, To . ..A.611 EFFECT THIS DAY, ON A NEAT CARD, ALPHABET'. CALLT ARRANGED. i2.zraxcria : I I : : : 3.0 .0 tall. =I JOHN P. HUNT & CO., PUBLISHERS. 59 Fifth St.. Masonic Elan. BIARSTaiL'S SALE. - BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF tonaiittiont csprmai issued ou W e s t ern District Court of the United States for the District of Peennyfrattla, and 1 a me directed, I will expose to public sale. at the Cartons House, in th • City _of Pittsburgh, on the 14TO DAY OP • UOUSY• .at it O'clock r. U, ail the right, title, Oahe and In trust of Hook St Wise, of, lu and to the following k ei.cribeil property, to wit: Übe thaw lery and the lot ofnd on which tht emu i. erect. d, eel nil the buildi grou ngs appurtunaut machpp distill. out ktenut enable and boiler, one Dili with rake, roar I erg. ferment lug tubs, huewenn and tub, the beer tubs. to gether with ail other tuba, pipes and natures In said distillery. sthe sreutaidy Ali -two ba• relit of Whiskey. of t property it ltwenalP, Ureter county. andsituatedln them Franklin l -t delivered to the porches,. Seised and taken to tseentlou as the property of Hook t, What, at tha suit of the United States. ALI(ANDItit MURDOULI, Marshal. Urritia, ( Pittsburgh, du iT 25th, 11•68. lyZt.r6O-WTS 1866. BP/111114 ILI" ' 1866. IVIcCORD & 131 WOOD STILIEET, WWI to Call special attention to their large and splendid stock sat lints, le, for _Spring mid Sum mer Wear, diau.3ll2taleasisi "firearlotzr- LAIDIES' DEHAYS, YACHTS, SEASIDE*, Etc..; GNAT'S and BMW sAHATOHAS. ''LLOW'b THAT'S,'" HHitiliTcHs, HUnktEltS, MUKToNS, DEHIIYS, rETOS..te..A. *wan lasta. HrEAK HOODS of every deltortption, to mit all EV , 81113388 MAN'S COMMRCIAL MUM Be, 4 St, Clair Street. We haya engaged the 'aerrlaea of an otparlanced teacher expregaly for. the months of July and Ai. Iran: Students entering on the leant July can great ly oorepleteldregrourse by the tart gry Anne t. • For drentare and ingoelaneng of pennungsbip t apply at 'the Conegollboms, or address . and Jele:c6ltYWlr : J. F. hteOLAYMONDIL R . Jr. FLEMING, W4OLISALE Dit..!llll. to Frail. Cans, Ways and , Earthen Jars; of : vriorr. descriptifflli alsoOtterturor of • :Ti4 - 4 _Fruit , 4, . , f urAtolltai4o4lLairllcamixo,,,oit 171 1 4 e, nrxeßussa, BATES & BELL, ARE OPENING 4 COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW DRY GOODS. A I THE 'Reduced Prices of the Day I no 4 21 FIFTH STRRET. FLANNELS F winvbzip ri 1i I.l=ll Yellow Flannels Gray Flannels, White Flannels. Twilled Flannels Miners' Flannels, Dark Barred Flannels, Bradley's Barred Flannels, Kittanning Bar'd Flannel, Ashland Barred Flannel, Steubenville Bar'd Flannel Cleveland Barred FlanneL White Blankets, Colored Blankets, Covode's Heavy do, AT WHOLESALE D'ELBOY, DICKSON & 54 Wood St., Pittsburgh. .110 HEIM IRON WORKS. JONES 86 LAURIES, 3P1TT1111331:73E1V01-EIC, acufrriAcTirazas 07 AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Raits,l6 and 20 lbs. to the yard Tram Rails, punched and coun ter sank; Boiler, Bridge a ►d Tank Rivets Cut Nally and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; ! Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; ! Mower and Reaper Bars. WAILIZMITrat AND OPFICL.. . 120 Water and 158 Front Sts. ➢*ANCH Roues, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., CHICAGO, ELI •W Joilara,.. w• . " l °W.r,„trbuaa.. ',MILLER & moursoti l Wholesale Grocers, AN a IMFORTZSOI OF BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH!, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &.C.. Constantly on hand. Jytt 11313=1 =I S TART ?tifILRO ffe r SJAFES 11111.1-. Orrlca or astir. Q. M. U. 8..11u.. R. a., 150 0 ?vela., wAsulitoToN, D. C., ansost Ins Va. Will be sold at Public, Au •Eletioll, •1 Alexandria- . oa THIURoDAV, gust 214 the !a150... of United States atimAry Rantoul Vrolat , t) fostalo- Mr on hoed at that plots,. coaalstrag lnaart as 101 lows: • Tyro seeond-olass serviceable Lodomotive 'Engines, Morels floe, builders; Vents. test Ono Tender Truck, two small Trask Ge. the hundred pairs sesdad- hand Car Wheels on Axles. ae.e'ntr tons — V' Railroad iron, (48 his. to has y. 4,) ilearly new: fifteen Stoves, two lilliani-Lon hydraulic Jacka, ten toes onserideeeble ninth:use! into. • • Twentylive tons Wreoittl arid Chuit Scrap Iron, aecond.siand NallroaditPikaa• IhibbrrLonlni. tiro. Air. /dards. Platform and Collat. Scala.. Lan:erns, Oars, Desks, Tables, and a variety of otter artiolosi also, Nine Prune Buildings. gale. to eOiareeuee at X 10 o 'doer. A. er.. at the SILL terT litolroad Wherf, where the Locomotive.. Railroad Iron, and C. Wheals aretand. The balance oft. article. will be told at the Ralirceas I Supply Store, near the Orange and Ale.adria Dean. Will Ala° no *old at Pftiatrargb. Pa., it it ecloca A. N., cc TONNIAAY, Angela:AA Eleven new Don Can, the feet googol Pennock Miserswniet Square, theater eeenty. Terms—Cosh. In Goettninent fond.. Any further Information retell,. to the property will be furnished on Application at Ohs aloe. J. Cl/114,Z Bet. lihijOr and A. Q. ht., .. B!Amy. antlildS DAY, McABOY & SPAN', REOPIIIETOBII Or IRON CITY 11,1111.1V0111[8.. OPE= AU • WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45W, - and 102 and 114 Third St, IMPOETSS4 /ND LILILLILIta Lir . , . . . Saddlery Hardware anda:rimming, Asa ItansalotFuln of 41 *Vieilei ati Superlor Wood and Iron Hamer, -Wrought Post Bit., Ittaglltta &What, Braadoona, Wheel Bast Malta nat. am, Mew gyp baba a MI sad taostittato , attortwitha or xOCa. tit u „, 4 : t 3Aggi uml ottlUt 54 r6* ,. thattlrliU V** 41*#1= and "1 • ' ,THE Wr.2.4.. 1 1 '""q . L piegNsearthe ho u(4 72ll : Vy . sad Am 111111.- the bee. =Satoh it Runt moo • - L31.118X. . WANTED, Of two yeve - a..nperlunes, se ILL LAWMAN. Hest of reference from former eroplorer. Address nB.ls:be.S YLEKE,•' Hare •• HOOD WANTED lIIIMEDLATJELY. Holding 100 to 150 Barrels. !Inquire of .15:115,1_ WANTED—Two or three TT LI/NM-MAI/ a West Mairebsster. Enna co Laurel alley, west ol Adams strwet, nes tweron Market and Bearer street% ant 1.1.2 ANTED _Good salesmen to .ell try sampl. =1 W:th tight to axe It. A rare chance to malt mune, and no M,4. Addrma .1. C. TILT IN, jy‘a-ra 31 V, hb street, (Id ihror. • "TS WANTED, TO SELL TIILIM3I7I AND TX.11.173E1i Or, Love and Loyalty. The 6•14 , wII he very lar,, an , l agents ars:l fln.! It for their lotereat to e, II Oh. book In prefw-renee any other. 1.0,11 e. and gentl.men wishinA prolta- Ws employment will do well rna4rcas AND J )31 gstsal 1,10 1 bird ct/ at, t.tt.hu i ‘l, Vs W A NTEI II --$2OO per Niue its pa id v AJICII4.7W 11/.041.1CC flla •11 , y eta 1 SUO MACILihr idt. tetchntu'. r•lm.at Address, with stamp, t.)NAI,Nv, tiny is... MACHINE CO..!oche/Am., Mao, or Ch1,....1,- pblA, Cr_ le,ereldawir WALL PAPE RS, , c . WALL PAYERS, I=l LACK, sum 110QUET, GOLD, PLAIN TINT AND PAHL For s. Sn stqn, a• fiferVAl3 /PAJLIII ER W.I.IJ'A_ 1- I. F: I k, ri~ARENT WINDOW SHADES 'X' Al& RI IL. MI C Warehouse, 91 Wood Street. Second doer below Diamond Alte:;. Elf= ARLOR Stemdmrd ;role' Papers Now sem bPautiful design, for l'Arluret, at =I BANKS AND BANKE t•AS NATIONAL TRIIST COMPANY, 423 Penn Street, FIFTH WARD,PITTSUURCH. Deposits r veil sii.l Inter., alloyed ou da p Alla. Collections wade on all the principal poinis of the Unite., Slat!, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Ili STUIIIILDERS INDIVIDUALLY IigROSSI3LI. ROD KRT DICKSON, rresitletit. JOHN H. RALSTON. Vier President. ROBERT J. URIER, Cs ell ROBBIrr DICKSON . , cHAR.LE"., JIVERS., JOHN H. U.A.L.STo.)., IJoSEPH LAMA, ILLIAIR SVITH, WILLIAM if RicliELL CHAS. H. ARISSTRONLI j WJI. (*RA. ./CO, J a. JA.M.gs JTTELL, PAUL .16.13 RT, DR_ J. I JAMICAOr 3yeal BANKING HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, Bar No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. Mett. s =l7. d o l nnn t iM F 4mrVpo.'ll,l",.T.Wille United sonte. nod Canada.. STOCKS,BONDS AND OTHER 3EOIIIIIDES Bought and Sold On (+Amisslon. Particular attention itsid to the permsse and sale of 11MTED STATES SIAM lIES. United SLAILIe. Sixes of iissl Do. do h-Si; Do. Flee of 111-16, iii. Scv.-Ttilr tier; Do. Crilliluitex of hide btodness. Order's smil Vouotiorstsoiiiiht or I.lJocicti. Jxl.Sily WHEELER az. WIC-SO -N-7; SEWING MACHINES. We woald &dela, • man to forego a tareeher and throat, when: with a dell rather than to nee a With wear her health, vigor and life away In the ev rlaatiug • ',atoll, stitch. stitch," when a .owing Machine can be ob tained. The WE ".EL Ell h WILSON is an Invaluable aid In every household. We have bad several ditfel kinds on tried. end after Adz years' sonic, the W IfEEI. Eft a Wll.- BON has I ,ken t. a preveJeuce as the best where all kinds , f sew g are to be dour in a famtly. — .4nterie.u.dprlcalesernet. These machine. have MORE IMPROVE, MENTS, MAKE 1.1:;PS POISE, Are &Well MORE !WEEDY rnd SIMPLE In operation than any Machine to the market. UZA BARTZ/ETV SEWING MACHINE, Pronounced by all whO hare seen It We simplest machine now before the public. It la as eLectlve and durable as It Is aleaple, and ea practical as It Is durable. It has but to to seen to be admired, and used to be appreciated. It com bines the elements of Perfect Practical Machine, And Is *Dared at a price within the radio ul nearly ever? family In the land. The only low priced .idachlue In lb.. United States licensed to nee the WI! GAL, EH A W IL•ail \ PEED —the belt and only reliable reed ever constructed. Sry - astLF.AILLE.N WANTED. eb lECON7I72EreS, WHOLI:bALE AtiEN T 25, No. 68 Fifth Street, PITTiIL FA. =1 o:tureiztrAif esepswilq wg. J, MANX., H. 11001 .. 1 . 1 . 1 .D1t.•.5.Udt. D. IttiClT. 311cIDLELLAND & Co" Corner Federal and Lacock - Streets, EILX&L•XIG•33.II2IItIt • Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Dealer. 011 e, Varnlahea, bruga „Dye- Matra, Carbon - Oil, et., Standard and Patesit a nba, trines. Their dikila large and well selected, and ww be tem ae any PO.. to the west. py111.24 •• • SCHOONDIAI4.II- Pittabnrgh White Lead Works, ME WHITE LEA D, awr. tatAD GRAMM OIL rur OIL BANTLELB, MAWMita. ea Wood 4121.0411,16 :1 ) image EFFERVESCINC . BwatirEstk. iv ; % tat& jo n7g o i r i zo rfrv E ß „ drce . " 1 , , 0eT1. Oheinitst 1117. IN9 ?•ii sad SIZI) OIL Li liEen 4 ir A. " '' .. `"" 410 .t. V Yir•o4 Btr4, ra. MUER: , 'tut re aicsVll/409,1.3 A. ICYLI lllf Wboleula Dnipirla V Wood %Ueda. Pltutrargb, a, WARTS. A BITTIAXIOR B A CLF.&X, AH I ICON STORAGE TARE. NV. 1 . . 1..“.1.1N, No, t G 4. Clair street Cf.A.ZiPXOI2V'M JRCR!. M==Mn=2 Me" Summer of 1566 IPabliaex - NKem.ackiassais, =I W. P. XL4I.II.IIHA LL. = W ILP ALI ACO ItiTAIL DIAL. 115 • NT R. 9 I NM =I =I =I i3o0.1.11.10:11.t exact Sofa. zi 3. 1 , 3C".',/..11111 • 31Z1 LOCK STITCH WM. STJMNER & CCI„ No. 27 Fifth fitreet
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers