11 the Wittsbutlit tlatitto 111 V PITMALS LIED By PENNIMAN, REED & CO. P. H.EN IPPON. NIMAN. zitt., 4 N EI.SK HOV JOSIAH IN K P. OW ING.G n rs ape's Ma age. W BATI,RDAY. JIINE 28, 1880 UNION 11.EPF111.441.111, -NOllllll t Fr . !!!' uilfs/9°P.lllt;'7• tVIAJ. CEA. JOHN, W•CEARY, CUMLIZILIALAD cOMITTY. • EC= Neuarn. B. VII.EIL67.:Citr. MARS OP CoCRT: JOHN _G., BROWN S Ha mpton 7P4 'CILIUM OP ORPLIARR COURT: AtLEXAMDER EITLANDMI,City. HBAni ISNl escosturs i VELT, Cty. J r 67211: OREPII .ciacr, Piaui Tp. , - t.CMMICSIDTCLII: GEOROE 111 nava , Ly. . DLELIVTOIL OPrOcou .11011 S P. DINIAVO, Mild Tp. Jon* or.a.varp.v. 617,011115 E WILSON rat Tp. 01/011ASS Z. Welker., Ilortta FayOtte Tp PLISIVEL CILLIS E W/CliC, Collins Tp. H. WILLLISJII V/L PA LE CONTR., Bo Tp ss . OOL. • SPECIAL .SESSION op :THE LEGIS- LAS. It is understood that Governor Co - firm, as soon as he shall receive official notification of the passage of the Ileconstructioa.amend ment, will calla special session of the Leg islature to pass upon it. This session may be expected to confluence about the mid. dle of July. Tap FIE,LILY OF CONTRAT: Directly ,the project of an European conference was abandoned Prtssian troops occupied 'Holstein. This is the most north ern State of Germany, on the west washed by the North sea, and on the east by the Baltic. On the north it Is hounded by the river Eider, which separates it from Schleswig. On the south and sontliwes. it is separated from the Kingdom of Han over by the Elbe, and its southeastern frontier is coterminous with the duchy of Lauenburg. It has an area of 3,338 square miles, and a population of 530,000. In religion the inhabitants are mainly Luther ans; though among them are 200 lienon ites, 550 Calvinists, 850 Catholics, and 3,500 Jews. The surface is nearly level, while the midland portion consists of an undrained plateau of sand. The slopes to wards the Baltic are well wooded and plen tifully drained by rivers. Along the Elbe and the , west coast, the lowlands arc fruit ful, carefully tended, and produce abund antly, of wheat, buckwheat, potatoes, tur nips, hops, hemp, flax, and timber. This section Is also famous for fine animals, horses as well as cattle—the former. espec ially prized for heavy cavalry service. Begirt with waters, a large proportion 01 the men are expert seamen. Education is liberally enoattraged, and hence the people are Intelligent as well as enterprising. Thirty odd years ago n constitution unit ing Holstein and Schleswig under a repro sentative system common to the other pro viuces of Denmark was granted by Freder rick VT, of that kingdom. But on the death of Frederick VII, in ISM. the Male line failed in that branch, and the Duke of Au gustertberg set up pretensions to the heir ship, which were doubtless valid. Prussia undertook the enforcement of his claim military Intervention. Austria and other Germanic powers followed this lead, and after a brief campaign, Holstein, &hies wig and Lauenburg were taken. The con quest was confirmed by treaty, to Prussia and Austria jointly. By agreement be tween the two latter powers, Prussia ruled Schleswig and Austria Holstein. Now Prussia has moved for the purpose of driv ing Austria out, and consolidating all three of the duchies with her own territory. • It is not believed chile' by statesmen or captains that Austria wilt seriously resist the movement. The expectation is that she will invade the Prussian province or Silesia. Indeed, military dispositions, al ready takeu, indicate that such Is her in tention. 11 Silesia is elliptically shaped, its longes din — meter from northwest to southwest being `..-'5O miles, and its shortest- LOO miles. It is the highest province in Germany, ly ing as a sort of crown on that part of Eu• rope, half eft with . mountains, and slop ing to the north and cast. _To the north is flat Brandenburg and Posen ; to the past Prussian Poland and Austrian Gulacini to the soutlp Austrian Silesia; totheilouth west Bohemia; and to the west,,Saxony. A buttress of mountain ranges; sweeping round in a curve from the northwest, guard it from Austria. Prom this high land rivers flow to all the seas; the Morawa' into the Black; the Elbe into the Atlantic: the Odcr (Eliding the country into halves; and the Vistula emptying into the Baltic. The province contains 20,000 square miles, and 3,:itht,ooo inhabitants--about equally divided in;religion between the Protestant and Catholic communions ; intermingled with whom are a few Jews. In the tenth century Silesia passed tinder the sway of the Dukes of Poland In the thirteenth century it submitted spontane ously to the feudal sovereignty of the King of Bohemia. After the death of WERAtn. LAU!, the Bohemians elected for their kings princes from the hook of Luxem burg, down to 1440, when they began to take princes of the - house of Ilapshurg or Austria. 111 1'441 FERDE.,IAND of Austria was made hereditary king of Bohemia, in cluding Silesia. Upon the death of Cnanut:s VI. in 1740, FREDERIC IL sat up a claim, by no means well founded, to Sile sia, and wrenched it from the possession of MARIA TREItESA. It was a province, sto len from a woman by au audacious sol dier. This province is rich in minerals, and in manufactures of linen, cotton, woolens, iron, paper, leather, glass, porcelain, &c. Its people are busy with many trades, at which rho workers are expert. Upon them Austria designs to force the horrors of war, to redress a wrong endured for one hundred and twenty-six years. Nor is the point of attack dictated purely by tradi tional wasiderations. It is situated near to Austria, and hence she can operate there with much greater prospect of success than by accepting the direct Issue in Holstein. A Gr.onote Journal holds this language: "We hold that there Is absolutely no ob ligation on any State in the Federal Union to be what is termed 'loyal' to the Govern ment of that Union, be that State in the North or in the South, or known •by the name of either Massachusetts or Florida, South Carolina or Wisconsin. The thing is a free will thing altogether. The South has a future before her, and if now east in the pit by strong and wicked brethren will yet, some day, tam Aleph, come to bear may in a snighly land. First andforemost to du so, her record must be pure. Strict; stern ' unwavering repubLcan constrUctlon mustbe her rule. She most sail tinder:no also tolors,,and neither aired a penitence. or a devotion Owl she does pot feel.? Does -such talk as this Invite tlin'Oonll- dence of loyal rqeu Y Is it.a.wondorthat Radicals, or'any tither Claes fit men entio*, ed with common,sense, fail to_perceltre that people who so speak are Ilk tOlititidmitted rsutielpation cAtral of the • .141`. r~ , ~ EQUALITY IN TAXATION. Borne days ago we submitted observa tions on the necessity and justice of mak ing property in national securities liable to taxation for all purposes, thaAtune asother forms of property. We slicred that the net income derived from interest on gov ernment bowls constituted a large pmpor tint' of all the het gains in the country, and that both the capital and its increase was mainly exempted from taxation. WbP:' 4 1 .1.0 e loans were created the gov ernment felt constrained to offer special in. ducementa to have them taken; or, rather, felt obliged to concede such conditions am capitalists e,Tacted. A. saving clause, how ever, was introduced, to the effect that the government milt call in and cancel these obligations in three or five years. The idea was that shortly after the conclusion of peace the government would be strong enon;h to .make its own terms, that is, would be able to raise all the money neces sary for its purposes, without creating a priVileged class who should enjoy the pro tection of the government., in all its ramifi cations, of national, state, county, city, township, and what not, without hearing burdens in common with their fellow-citi zens. The time is approaching, if it has not already come, when the government must adopt a policy in respect to new loans for the cantsdment of old ones. Capitalists are urging the continuance for thirty years of comparative exemption on government bonds and the interest accruing thereon. No such exemption is necessary to secure what money the government is in need of. Such exemption is wrong in principle, and Cough; to create dissati§faction among the people. It cannot fail being popularly re• garded as unjust and oppressive. The peo ple ate willing - to bear any burdens that may be necessary to sustain the. govern ment. But the continuance of this exemp tion is not in that category. It is favorit isni to the rich, because they are rich.. These views are fully confirmed by a let ter from Chief .ustice CHASE, which we published yesterday. If there are any ad rotates of special exemptions to capitali,ts among our readers they will do well to re. peruse what Mr. CHASE offers on the point. CONVENTION OF YOU NO MEN ' s CHRISTIAN- ASSOCIATIONS. The twelfth annual meeting of this body, composed of delegates from every Evan gelical Christian Church in the United States and British Provinces, met in Al bany, N. Y„ some days since. Hon. R. IL Pruyn, late United States Minister to is pan, presided on the first day. The Con vention was permanently organized by the election of Mr. T. Miller, of Cincinnati. Report of Executive Committee showed that while much good was being done in some cities, there was great room for in creased effort in - many ol the towns and cities. After a reading of an able essay on "What part have we in the Temperance work?" the following questions were dis cussed: I. What is the true aim of Young Men's Christian Associations, and the pri mary field of labor? 2. How shall the di, tinctive aim of these associations be best kept before its members' 3. How can me converted young men be best brought into, and.interested in these associations? On the fifth day the Rev. Mr. Vincent, pastor of a Presbyterian church in Troy, S. Y., read an essay on Religion am: Amusement. The Boston Recorder says he advom.ted the introdmtion of cards, billiards, dancing and bowling alleys, in the rooms of Young Men's Christian Asso ciations. This, tt is stated, to some extent, has been done in Troy. It will eurprise many of our readers to learn that the Awe, mr to the pulpit of the distinguished, widely known and venerable Rev. Dr. Boman, bus given utterance to such views so entirely it variance with the practice of the denom. ination with which that church is connect- ed. The next day, Rev. Dr. Darling, of Albany, delivered an able speech on the other side. He expressed his approval of the spirit of the essay, and his movie Lion that ultellglon never was2l.lgued To make our pleasures less.' doll he affirmed that the teachings of the essay were unsound, scripturally errone. ous and practically dangerous. Others fol lowed on the same side, and finally resole lions were passed which favored such amusements as are not incompatible with the spirit of Christianity, and the subordi nation of those to the personal, spiritual welfare ol young men. The following res olution speaks for itself: That we bear our energetic testimony against daneine. card and billiard playing, as so distinctively wordly in their associations, and unsniritu al in their influence, as to be utterly inn on sistent with our professions as the di4cl - of Christ. The Convention adjourned on the sixth day. REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH _ - The General Synod of this denomination met in Sew York on the 6th instant, and adjourned on the 14th. Brief mention has already been made to the opening of its sessions. Among the Important matters before the body was a circular from Rev. S. R. Bowen, at Yokohama, Japan, asking their co-operation and prayers that Japan might be more freely opened to the mis. sionaries. The circular stated the young 'men of rank there are being instra.ted in the English language by the missionaries, at the desire of the Government, and while much good is being accomplished in this way, the old laws, which are exceedingly Revere, are still in force, prohibiting the teachings of Christianity in the Empire. A. committee was appointed to examine into the expediency of droppin,g the word ."Dutch" from the name of the Church, so as to be known hereafter as the Reformer) Protestant Church. Committee to prepare a paper on a Sabbath School Hymn ,ind Tune Book were continued. Action was taken with a view to the extension of the church interests in New York. All games of chance, and the evils 'which naturally flow from thorn, were strongly condemned, and Consistories were enjoined to discoun. tenance and prevent the use of lotteries lu the disposing of goods at chance fairs. Information from the South has convinced the Synod that there was no opening at present for the extension of the Reformed Church in that direction, exceptainong the freedmen, and,it was deemed expedient to I pursue the work among them merely as a missionary work. The Synod adjourned to meet in Geneva, the first Wednesday of June, 1867. Gov. MORTON, RI his Indianapolis speech, said: "And here let me address a word to the young men of Indiana. You are just start ing in life With the world all heron, you, where and how to choose. Beware how you connect your fortunes with a decayed uhd dishonored party, indelibly stained with treason, ind upon whose tombstone the historian will write: "False to liberty, Nee to Its country, and false to the age in whielk it lived." The Democrulac party has etnnnulted a crime for which history hag no pardon, and the memories of men no for gctlatness; whose to:art grow darker f rom age to age, and for which the c.recration. ,f mankind become more bitter from generation I tigenerettion- . _ . JUDGE Onion, atter reaching Williams port, was attacked: by paralysis, on the right side, so badly that be is unable Coat- SPEARING of the Reeonatrnetion Amend ment, the Frankfort (Ky Gonnywnteeo/th "Te third section is not a whit too ,e --Yere. It merely incapacitates such as have , violated their oaths to support the Consti tution 01 . the United States, from holding o three in the (mute. Eren this incapacity may be removed by act of Congress. And we doubt not that on the slightet of peuitet.ce for the tats wrong doing of the rebellion, a full forgiveness will he !freely accorded. Nor can it be doubted that-tire utter absence of this spirit, and per contra, ft illettfit,littll nn tie part of the • booth of their treasonable actions, has strengthened the keling that treason must thus be wade odious.. We beliei,e that the peace and security of the C ip n require the partial disfranchisement proposed in the Amendment.. Oaths having been violated and no acknowledgement tit it or repen tance therefor haVing Itifttil made or mani -0.1-ted, there is 110 security n - their sancti ty remaining inviolate in the future. And the nation must punish the perjured among her servatasi... COE'S OYSJPEPSLA CURE Li pt e hp the origin, co the pi.ty negro/sten t sash naossua. Mr. t.ltte has never prepared a medic' tat article ter plabasCand n-ran usc Out at has .toot the etrougest tests, d has ).ways boron um palm of I Imo/ 3 over e v ery disease It list been certltled to cave. Mill 300 who ore suffetzug from dys,posta. Indigestion. nausea. kick headache. cholera morbus . dysentery, and general debility of the w systenz, try but a elagle bottle? We wit, never urge von again if we fall In tuts coten. trot owl, knowledge of Its alert's the united testimony Of all wiltrha.e ever tried it, the enconlutu. hut, dretax..i our own neighbor., your duty tooursel(, and the beneficial ream,, a. certain a. sune y hlne, all orgently, persi.tently urge )ou to ter Jost one Inpt tie. If what wens) . I. not correet—tf out statements concerning It. tvouderful virtue. are not 10055 thr O truc - 11 you do nut say teat Inc Operaalou of the medicine It lostaratapeou, and perfectly woad. riot Ina Wlc —we oral rchlthher our profe..loo as eater)). to tile oalth. and realer I rum the dad. admitting lust we are lo , ornoetent to compound a triedletzt•l. Srtparation Plarch would be entltied to your cond ence. eoiti by otrUggista et erywh. re. bole agent for I•lttsourch, Dragslet, 04 Market street. lent:Yrs VIEW ADVERTISEMENTS W3l. .8.1.V1:11,131, Jr., Adams Express lijhce, PtE°. Strssl, I. 1 1.1alhor,sed Alyea( la rreetve sititvalfzeatesus for tyre VASIETTE, and all other papers throughofil the Caited &sacs and the amuck". IW • IMPORTAANT DISCOURSES HALL. 75 Third street, it'S• DAY Arrt.ttNt.ONand EV EN !NH. et 3 sad clod, r. by IV, LA./SliltAL. or Obto. Jr Ihr I mitt. titling Jndgrueut, the Approach b., Ktogdow att.' the /'ow lug Uiory. let! CILRISTLiIii CR LRCM Ari.ruatt:NY t. ITT. E. P. 1.51011 HALL. enrner Federal andlt rest. , r, lit NO. .1 at Ito, 0. to. end 7, it. In. Prat, r Merltag MI IV ED LI"}:NISt. at 7, PLIIIIOI3TH CONGIIE ,w I luN AL CItFNI II will h , .141 Public Re ilglt . n).,rvicoe to tray now A1...A1)16A1l onLittera) etrort.lo,lt‘l, 3sOlmalt MO. 17. Prvaelling tto 0 t I). k ,J V. lltt.. ai 10), a. .11.. and al 7), 1.. a, ). 1) FIR.ST BAPTIST CHURCH.— Until tray completion of u.e no). I,:hapo 1. services will IN: held 1,, .11A,liti IC II A LL. Prcach. lag I the l'a,..tor. J . at Ito ; o•elooL. a. tn. and guar" r W e ^A 21NA7'11 p. m. tAL)IIATII ).Clll/01. at '2 o•elook. p. All am vordmlly In) t yd to attend, sTRAT ItitLE.—Taken up on the of Juut, 1,5, • BAI 11 ARE !MIA:. w1:11 thr •h Lind trl , h .4.111 disease. about three yem, r 1- request•al to run., •tl.l prole pro, rty. pay - charge, a utl Iskr. 11 away. 11.1.,1A II Ii11:111.A. 4wlct:cy fiorough. FOR SALE.—AI new brick PP - aill Lir-ewer, pewit fitted I t o raubl urorlern atlle with excelleut atrlar d draluag, an/1 4,4,11,4 .1111 water [rum lb, city water wurt, Is ettuatawl oue of the most putrzlr thoroughfares DUI tre.l Iwrsluvw• ww,stloals It. the ell,' ur ~e velantl. "Wu wllk IMP. ..... um on API. lot to erect a 31.111 House. 1,,. warlreuiars. ',Kul to : pc. • 111 Hurl e.a., claw!. w., I...,AAALNATION AD.7IItiSION TO .1111,;11 sCilelOL Toe mono, rkoso.natlou ektololnie.• r , •r ,will. 11011 to the High ochool w 111 COMtlktll, y .1 one a: o'clock, A, , By ur.ter the Central Board of Educallon. J bEltl.rE AN T. ceerttary. t CovTILOLLIt.tru tINFIC.... not ,Ort. June 1.01. ('ITV WEIGII ICALEII.-Bealed • a‘141,...,ed I , :nwc, e'orutoltlea r tbe 1 Ly of Yitt , uurgtt, twiti wree.1 , ,,1 at Wt. ollar, unto SION July '2.1. 1 , 11” It I 1 1. 1-10. t r.11,/or Wel/01[13:st, rs (o dor Pl , , • Cil) • Igt. "ca/co. Illdocra .latet ow tnueb be for g. go. rct roue arising from naltl ara.v• Lb.) .111 give 10 Li......)' for the us.: or We .4111 r. .IKI, MrCA lty Coutrollet. ",rzt I o•Tuot..t En or AL.I.C(MENy co. l'ili•Ut•Itoll. June =4.1. 1.1 NOTICE TO CONTILACT'ORS. SEALED EttoPOSALS be rereived at tills otner until JULY 21...Ine.lttalc, for erretinata SEW tHMEN 011th TIRE on the Hrldir acre.. the North Brandt of Itobloson'• Run. on the road lead. log from l'iltaborgo to Nottlestown, It North Fay ..t.t.e Tow - 110,11p. rarttrulara will he furnished on •ppileAtton lit IllreetUtc of :ounty Commlsalottera. HENRY LAMBERT. Controller. GO VERN/RENT SALE OF STORES ,orrti Jr 01. N. K., i A., June 7.1., Pm 1, Will Ge l u at . ulit Auction. to the highest a the I .over n nment. Warehouse, opposite the P. V. W. &I . It. IL 11-pot, on Penn treet. 4 1..1.1 . 24. P. 06, Tale commencing al 10 o'clonk , the following Clothing and Camp snil Garrison t 13) Thirteen let Wall Tani Poi,: Flee .44. Comittion •• •• hundred and for i wino Kettle.; Iran Two 131111.41-1,1 oi WES 1.01 Fins. hundri mot 01.. 17 Woo/ Blank . ..lel: (I , tine I..rtat Coat; . 2 Two Recruiting Flag Halliards: II Four 1101 Matelot, Tingle. Fenn, rash. In government funds. Je....11101 11. E. I,tltilS 51. S. K. FISHING TACHLE, CANE AN I/ 111511100 1.01.E14 1:111 11 1 ,1 1{s.111TH- A NI, I' EMS' ULAch , Mlrlfh' I‘ELL“M. CA ,T AND Wit , /l,t, HT ANVILS =EN JAMES BOWN'S, )eZI:W&S 136 WOOD STREET F°" RENT, A FARM OF 130 ACRES, Sltitated In JrZerscas township, Allit,giteny county. Pa., on the Monongahela river, tulles froth the 'qty. Ths Improvements are good. Thr Id of the nest adapted for gardening. Posses sion Augu•t let, I= .F*FILELAILIEI .130C)171,3113. With en - eh room , .and hall. rool stable r , ea extieut water at the door; altnated on the old Waahlugton road, .hoot 5 tulles from theotts. Im thedlaloly. Fur further particular.. rue - 1111re of TOWM.II, je..V.A.aa No. 164 Fourth Street. OTICE.— The Committee on Common Ground Improvement of the Council, lity of Al ieabeil) . ha, e be. authorized to procure pito, for the uniform and permanent Improves:lent of the Comm. I ebb n In said eltr. The attention "r Labd•cape fins deneee , and others. woo may be lurtereb,eb having me. public ground . Improved, is hereby io•ii.ed, Outilme plans for Mr propane,' rev, n.ebt are solted until the InT DAY el I'l Em HEEL mcD o o he ip a map or toe oily to be Olt,at either the IteAulator•s or llontroller's Mike Olt, afford what Inform dun may be 'ranted In making soe lt mane. both ' plami a. may be approved and alerted .viiibe Ilberail) paid for Osten diel• ENRY IttWIN. Je2l halrrn H an of CoModttee. ELECTION NOTICE.—An election .A.s for UM., of the Birmingham & Pittsburgh Bridge Co. Will hr held at the *Mee. 31 313311 end of the Bridge, on aIUN GAY. the 2.1 day of July neat. at 3 o'ClOebs I. IC d 76 A. li. S TIVRABON. CJ rt. ELTHERA CLOTHES WRINGER. One of the best Wringers ever sold to t he Unl ted 15tatt., 70U will find •t M . o. 92 Nr/Gracaci ißilznoot. )e2l H. maul- FLNE ENGRAVED AND CET da- Ma.a 9 - 191 NSWALEILIEi O( all kiwis. Also . beaulthil PAHLAA STA 1 l. ETTS. A choice Io Jain received sit No, 251 Woad. ileltrovat. ).21 H. nvoinr. • THE LADIES' FRIEND WASHING MACHINE,I At BECKHAII A LON'S 'S. No, 1117 Liberty St dAdtZS ILINI;LEY & COOK - - CEO= JAMES M. BALPII, ARoB2•ravT. Prepares 'EXPLICIT PRAY. :BUIL and SPECI rI t:ATi fiNn for all kinds of Buildings, wd naperin lendr their erection.on reasonable terms. °Mee on A SiltkaLboll STUMM'. between t ,rock and Robins-1s Weals, ALL.. HHRN Y. JekUtrri pOTIED DIEAThi LUNCEL— .- Crosse d Blackvretra Putted Tongue, Hatobro Beer, Yarruoutn Bloaters, and ham, put up no fez-. cy for suitable' fqr travellers's Annan, reettred sod tor sale at the Yanklty (tracery more of .1103. A. ICEESILAW, lon Corner Liberty AAA Hood streets. THE CELEBRATED „'..,5TA , 331L TUOTH HAY RAZES, “rtaile ,lllnt. end b-riZregNE4o"ltiL7, uttifiecitlettallete't4tAre: aseny U. tar yer4Ai t pi atm Plan Wagons, Wheelbar rows sett Aot every style,tasite =TULA best =atria. an Art notin• AUd , htiAILA24 14,11118 T. BRADY iOO., (SoCreautre to 8. Jo , lei& C 0..) Corner Fourth and IVotidlits., BANKERS & BROM, onALEAS tti ALL KINDS or Government !Securities, Foreign Exchange ; Gold, Silver and Coupons. t'tit..I.ECTIUN9 =Wenn all accesslbls points In United Staten and Canada,. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. - F. MUSSMANN, Fifth Street between Tunnel and Chatham Streets, GUNSMITH - AND DEALER IA HARDWARE. Cirit el od. or all description. altos). on hand and Hold. the lonnsst price.. Repairing done towel:illy 021 Bunn notice. le=:01$ ALLEGHENY DISPENSARY. THIS INSTITUTION has been or ganised by the reoilar prutleing physician* of Anti, ben v City, under whole charge Medico! Treat maul otil be gratnytonaly extended to the poor. Their iti thin AT CITY II ALL, will by opened on Monday Next, June UM, After which dal. name out , or more of the PhTbklab. In charge brill be daily In attendance. (Sunday. en coptr4, i Ron, 10 A. M. to Lit a., for the porposo of proscribing for much Indigent person*. may deelro chotr professional ervlces. Jo.M.dl/3 GREAT .EXCITEDICENT AT Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, ALT Zhao 10 LaINTIOICrECIES GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM, 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. Ji 111,1lIACIIi lIEHLEHY & JOHNSON, PR .4 CT1( . .4 Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, 3 P'ITT'EI I 33II7Ft..II3IrX3C. I.'B. All orders by mail executed tativfaciertly and •ompily attended to. A fall Iltit Ilsth 'Cube, ramps, Basins. Water i'iocrtv Sinks, Chandeliers. Pendants, and U.S Shit for sale at the most reasonable prices. Unisys from country ',striae by mail promptly at tended io 1.; 41111 Hoye or every description. BLACK SILK SACKS Surnmer Sihrtwisi. Fott SALE AT 111EASON A 111. X PIUMCS BY WHITE, ORR : & CO., 88 'itch ISt - root. ) el.l JUST ARRIVED FROM THE EAST. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB, No. S 9 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. This cid e.tahtlahed hot", has Dow Le ore thltly re thousand dollar. worth oi l Boots sa d Ohne, the .style.st the latest. the quality the hest, wh.ch nr, to te to sell Si hsne resat ed oat to On t oedma." by any In the ho s/nes. that It , cp good• worth haring. 1•.11 and examine our stock of goods. and we feel ntti.deu that •ou will purchase what you want le the Boa nod Rho.. Roe. tin not forget the team. 40 Slar.tel street. te.d JAMES ROBB. GAUZE MERANO _ .• UNDERGMMEMS Lathes, Gents and Children Stockings and .Gloves (31,11LMLELT 48.1r1.=E1r70••1r,, I:I ' 3 EUZM.AL.rkTIEI, Je2.l, 94 Firth Street, BLANK BOOKS, cHzcz Howiiso:i ALI. THZ HANK?! TIME, DILLY,,,EF.OEIPT AN!) BLANK BOOKS or er•ry deseriptton on hand and made to order. FoLi.T'S CELEBRATED tiOLD PENS, war ranted. NTING 1101786 STATION{ Ay. MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., v. No. 39 VITTLI eritrar. - - - • WE, THE sgriggcniliorts, have thin day entered low. LIMITED PAIITNEH• HIP. agreeably to the yroelatolte or the Act of Aa tens bly paz.d the let day of Ilarch. I= The part am shit, to be comtveted Under the name of 01iLLE.H., PARR is PARKIN, In the City of l'ittshurgM nod for the parpooe et manatlestortale and STEEL and It. products. - • . The general partners are REUBEN MILLER and CH AS. PARKIN. of the City of Plttaburgh, and U ED. W. BARR, of the Borough of Lawrenceville. The mpecial partnere are SAMUEL DI. BIER and t....11.1F.1, DUFF, of the Borough of Lawrenceville. Each of the special partner• bare contributed Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollar. In mail. The said partnership to commrtme on 1.126 FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1066, and to terminate es the THIRTY-111MT DAY OF DECEMBER, IWID. REUBEN MILLEB, UED. W. RAWL, lUenbrai Partnere. CHAS. FANN, „i iO A.m AM U U E .E L L M D • KILO, I, pect , JelSidso pEiritorxtt. 131_,IJIE LEAD, We are o v. prepared ru tarnish thip STANDARD brand ur s=+Ul6l MaXI.ASA, For Illennere, use, promptly and In any quantity. we gnat - sotto the QUALITY to be SUIPICRIOR to ANY mvinfac le red 10 O• Drought to Wei city. • T. 11. NE VIN Jr. CO., N. W. Corner Third and Markel Sts. )•21:476 PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY I= ftRIENCER & MUSTERS BD BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROIRULT WATSON. Manager. GREAT BARGAINS 31203:10aCrEP, 12.1 Federal Street, Allegheny City. We offer o. Hoek at great bargain; .h.OHOff of CIONIVETR. HATS, FLOWEES, GIBBONS. and everything In the MILLI/MILT LINZ. AIso,HILIC and CLOTH PACQUES and BASQUES will be sold very low, aa we are about to quit le=idS7 _ $lOO 11.-JEWA3EitIIO. QT .u tLiTED Olt STOLEN Prom the Co., PZ:Votri4l:Vgi:ttaltitanAlgia? HORSE. (b. ,111 ..) Y... OM brken ' tolner saddle heavy mane. 101 l and foreign; heavy Ilmbe barer footed, and about IA nitwit Intb. A aultablerewnel loneil he Acteb:r=i;:doeggli I } glir‘o "i y It I Q ' jeo..nde6 (Mu. aDIUKnON. DOCTOR E. DOFMILLY,, Office,llituid 'Grant Streets, Pd P1TT 8 . 13 P414:-PA.: irkrEls4rAti agent/mu gives , tamll CallaCreglaing .:15jgersa4pporatIons. jaiuttip 92 Federal Street. AT REDUCED PRICES, MC= Falb Street Extenston. 11=1 EMI F 61052 CMETI GREAT ti.ia.e DESIRAILi . REAL -ESTATE AT ALICraTIC:).V.T. On Monday, Jane 25th, at 2 P. M.. u"he premises, will be sold the very handsomely located and desirable proparty In 1711...1= 0 W3DPILS10173:LeX.Ilal, Being the estate of the late JOllB HEREON, tice•ti. The property canasta of 78 L9T3ti laid out ha ra rities sires, fremllltrordinary building lot to those of one acre each. The entire property uocuples an eltrated potirlell. !titres from.7he smOkwatid soOt of the cull', and in a geed neighborhood. La concreted with the city bye oestartager railroad, thus making commuulcatirn with the business part of the city but a few minutes nleaaant ride. Flans of the properthi . an be seen by rolling at measildspdia/luetton Ma. 73 and.. 57 Fifth street. 'I =MS Or B.7l.re—One- 'tura' cash: the ba , aner itt three equal annual payments, to he secured by bone and mortgage. Purehabers to pay for the title pa pers and U. B. stamps. T. A. hicCLEL.LAND. AueLlorwer. IR= LILEGANT FA NS .— Received this day an elcgmat alsortmeat oC N i .A.NISI, lalvory, Pearl and Visuals' Wood: User, And raper ' fi r ISIMPMEM; HAM BURG INSEItTi LIAMItU FLOUNCINGS, JACOPIET JACIATET SW NS SWISS IN(EIS I'iNUS, LINEN COLLARS ANIS I A choice Liae of all t:OLLn US, NATIEEMTLIMI ,a,41)C:1171,31. Jaceout, I Striped Jaeoriel, , I Nawusook, Nasisook, , Siss. Tucked Victotla Lawn. I Spotted 9nt.e . - , ULUM tiItEEN. DRAB AND 1.1311.PLP: D Aral 144, 17OR S Yell Berege In all Colon% And • complete ..0..... , ur NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, Wholesale and Rend I, at F. H. EA.TON'S, 17 Filth Street. M . cCLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth Street LaRGE STOCK OS NEW GOODS. Hoop Skirts, all sizes, Hosiery and Gloves, Ladies, Gent's dt Children' Hdkfs, Cloths, Dress Hoods, Bal moral Skirts, House Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols. Men's Hats, Straw Goods for Misses and Children, and the usual large and elegant stock of BOOTS, 1108 IND GENIIS. 011Nia,11. P. 111,11,68, T , Ytt . l L HF.IIII/CN AWL M. h , ER BARU. BAWL 111!Yr. 1..11124.. PARKIN. CRESCENT ST.W., WORKS MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, I=l BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, Warranted Equal to any ill the /Market, either Ina ß t=nr of . no . m SPECIAL ATTEILIMI B •I r tIIk .i. 7 . O EINE 7le .L Office, 38 Wood Street, IN ST. CIIARI.V3 HOTEL W . ! LDIN, rtrrstantou, Jut ICN.. We J JULY 41h, 11466„ FIRE WORKS! FMB WORK We no& offer to the Trade a largcorm well zel • ed stock of PIKE. WORKb for the ng 4611. c • Pr ertn:J i rni e f 7 lattrtro .2f rers, from 100. to 16 oz.: Colored nod Inaln ROMS], 13 *nth, , 160 II Italia; Itrusbotp%.ra, Serpents; VRettrial L , t i. T : rlartglea; 'e 7 t e tnti ' Vlareta,.ffaion Wheat.: Volcanoes., Mine, Of Stara: Plows Pots, Pte. Wheels: Pb 4= Serpents, &c.. &e., lc., Together with • large varlet? of Exhibition Piece (foe.. VaIX WV& A 1..,. a large 61006 of No. I Pt Craker* and Tor pelage, all at which vve ofr e r .161 h.west market to prlre. Ordent tolicid. to which pcoznot attention zr be give. be 11ErMI R & Nos. LW .4 Ith Wood street, Agfa far H. P. Deo celebrated (Ire Work 10131d7 LIPPINCOTT & BAKEIVELL, No. US Water Street, acarcy.wrtruens or PATENT (MOUND, PATENT TEMPERED PATENT ruoritED VIAL KILL AND CROSH-4111T S .AEL, Vi 7 IS . MIZMI • 1866. • SPDANG HATS. 1866. McCORD & CO., 131 WOOD STREET, WM to call hperlal attention to their Urge and spientudi stock of Hatedrc., tor Spring and sum mer . 41 . 2 :LIELERAAlooma - Vrawlcorir. DAMES' DERWIN, YACHTS, SEASID% GENT'S otol GOYS' SAJtA . .rOtittli, 44 THAT'S,P• BiItUtITONS, BUcansitts, 11011TONs. DEUBTI3; PETOS, !MUM( GOODS of every deeeriptiou, to nth till Lute.. —Je:der FOR THE LADIES. NEW FANCY STATIONERY Of various description., at the NEW BOOK STORE, 196 Smithfield street, corner Seventh. Ladle• porrbasins NOTt PAPEIt or EN WEI.- OPES COD hove the mete euibonsed with their In itial. WITHOUT EXTRA Crtrinc. E. A. MATSON. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES MORELAND & MITCHELL, Nos 425 & 427 Liberty Street, The very best TIOILSE3, CARRIAGES and BUG GIICS kept for hire at all times The finest HEARS. In thecity. Funerals, &e., attended to en short notice In the best manner. Persons wishing to engage anything In our line on. rely upon being tarried out In the he style, • 110 the proprietors glee their personal attention to the business. 07:043 J. LANCE. SILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER ALSO. Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Cavern Cleaned and Reglased without unpacking. Nos. 35 and 37 Third Street Between Wood and Smithfield, myttOsdn PITTSBURGH. PA. R. X. W01 1 NX.88.....A. FISHER C. P. 0411111 ABLEitICAN NIEALCHENE OAKS, MOIR, GRAHAM & Engine Builders and Machinists, maionracrozirsa or Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And eTtl7thlugAlCatturY mr &Malt Oil !NO WT.. H ruitudor Ottoittint paid to Fitting up Bloating uttO tst Marlon Alveintavaituar R. R. ..9.l.l.cograkeroy, Wiet.. • *IG DONE PSAYSIFSIX. Jea:ds ffl7 PrIMEGHIRO-WOBaa— d: PAINTER A ` BONA.,.'" iron iiiikfkktillikanClPmnii HOoPtiii.AMD lEBEEntv frAhdlir przmunnuni, PA. ~.~~_; NEW SUMMER DRY GOODS, OPEAD Tills MORNING AT WM. SEMPLVS, ISO and IS2 Federal Street, ♦ I.LEGFIEN V CITY. above Market New Silks, Lawns, Shawls, Parasols, Gloves, Bonnets, Ribbons, A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK, WlllO WILL BE SOLD Ai as Low ]Prices AS INA OTHER ESTABLISHMENT I 1 EITHER CITY, Willia,in tiAe.mple'l4, ISO and Is 2 Federal Street is V ALL ABLE COIL MINES FOR SILL The valuable real lain owne.l by the southern Coal mining Co,. pan), situated in Sheila) , county, Aix., twelve tall,, berth... of Montevallo, end tine• half from the North and South Rail. oad (now In rue ning order to this want), and oar-gear. ter of • mile from the Branch Road to the Ned Mono tale Coal Ylnte, are new offered (arealy. There utlu,a have Aare been I n oneeesaftd opera tl, n for ~ , me rears, are situated In the heart of the mineral region of the mate, finii arc whence ty-dve mites or rail front fielma, Rom ethere le water tran•pert Ilion to the Gull. baltere is not In the United Attars • better oftpor tent.. tor a safe end profitable investment in the coal imelneas. glue half , nr.h. and the hulas., al the ripiratiott uf.tr mouth+. without Inter...a; nr one-,lnth nub. trot Ihr h..140ce In e,mal 'monthly payments, with out Int.rrm.t. G. M. McCON I CO, 11[71 ?tn..lgo, of U. 0. E.lwints. ER SUMMUNDERWEAR. GAUZE COTTON. GAUZE MERINO. LISLE THREAD. SUMNER SILK, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. MEI Muslin, Fine Jean and Linen Drawers ECM BEM Great Shirt and Collar Depot, 'Mt .1P1X• 0 1.33 113 T., Nearly oppeolife the Posit Otlice, :ogether with complete Hoe of Gentlemen' Furnishing Goods, epe..Pdly adapted to City Retail Trade. REMEMBER, Our Business Is Exelush ely GENTLENEN'S FURNISHING. MURDOCK & PUTNAM. Jec cal pETnottA MACHINE WORKS. X.R.. S. .T-..1E1C7.113.17". Hu. =Ohio Street, Alloptheoy, Mantactutwr LiinsovEn MORINO' of TourA, A.ND Fir TURD '5 OSSI, IN MIMI'S OIL. AND SAL'S WILLIS. Parttentar attention Inelbest to his Patented proventants Lowar and Joints, made of Joolatta U. S., and Moor Iron, to standard shwa, and antnbered, so that parts can be ordered by malt oi found .,o a . pe r, t;rlT , t h . t=l , l to cu.. who may wish Esittolls and nitaeLlne watt made to order. Orders by mall pxnatay attendell In. I are prepared to grant licenses to other manufac turer+ tor these Improvements°. liberal terma. Box 17 Allegheny P. LA JeZ)td73 'lt. 11. I.EtIK Y. The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON n Wilkins' Hall. Funsth hi reel, SlEantlneiti, I 11.0 R open. The beat Pared, cooloat aud mock Inducing FLOW ER OA ItLIE.N SALOON In the State. Ice errata, cakes and courcaLlunarles always on A ! , INH 05 t 1 hat bveu etwolpd for Um oicaaon, 3/14 will he la attendance EVII.SI NIGHT hoodltY) trot l ocaon tartlre o'clock. Beck Ice cream, (cults, and nerrlea, always ou haant. nty=thin MADAME ILL/11E, Manageress. TE A. A. OF CONGRESS, approv ed 4 ttga, gives additional pension to the following visas of persona; To those who have lost both eyth or bands; To :hse who have lost both feet; To those who bare lost out hand or foot; To those who have heed deprived of theft pen sions under:sot of hthren ad, la th . are restored: reosions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers, Apply b y mall or in pen.. to ;HAMMER, GAZZAM At CO., Office, 98 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH STEAM ENGINE, BOILERS, ETG M.O.Ft. MAI.Ma7EI. One Rerun Engine with bonets and a Worthing tun Pump, the engine nearly new and Drat chum. Heavy iron bed-piste, pulley, 11y-wheel S feet by 12 Inch. fare, steam pipes and force painp, to gether with thirty feet shafting and pullers, , also, isro dounle to-lout, Sued boilers, noun 21feei by CI inches, and one single Worthington Pump, cyl inder 12 inch stroke by b hien diameter. Inquire of JOHN PHILLIPS, 918 t, Clair street. Or, ISAAC JONES, jelihdfn Corner of Ross and First streets. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO.. ra.4^l4 IRON WCCEtIKS, : I "l=lL:i2Va Pl '7'''P: l lgll.Lbugt,l. JCl6:d4O WARDEN & RATCHELDER, • BROILERS IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, WHALE OIL, ROSIN, Einlinz TURPENTINE, NORTH CAROLINA TAR, &c., Corner of Duquesne Way & pa:mock St., Pittsburgh, Pa. gi l l: d r:1;1 1 11PM . . WARDEN, 113Wiltaisec.‘„ LEATHER BELTING., CHESSMAN &CLARK. No. 1101110 WY., near the Penitentiary, Aileen. ny City, notnaThetnrera ofevery deseelption arse ent ittreta ,hed (demented and Riveted - OAK TAN- Xl.l LEAVELLEIt 11.111.11.N0. 1 1 E1 , 111made to order , and repaired atrthort notice. Partictilar altenUon rldwre:?,j" for !tint% el'risil=tlVlll%.7:4l. leZird74 • REMOVAL. _TNO. 1 5 TEVENENNIN&SONNiive re. moved et, u 3 AIARKAT STUECT..threCaoarc ik boys the old Jamul, whcra they hiire,fitted up af:1117111=2211 100 tLIVAM ° 817: WADE AND PITATSD OUOLY3OO wp•ch.thertn vita public uttestUou... • felvdtll unsum mat , • • .: uENnEs s ONndc IN • en. In PLIM: "RED' AND PRODUCE,*UI mammal ot as k o . linDEß, PUB pnd OrdiratroMOD7 sad agg; 2r4l,4", t i ti Z. Oninennd Wiamnouse. Conn! 13tecrAIMA7 rtrada;lStinno" Pa. BUY YOUR TEAS IN RETAIL QUANTITIES Drees Goods, Grenadines, Shirt Fronts, Umbrellas, JRSSE U. LIPPIIOI7, Kitts, Flowers, Hats, &c Nest Oolong Tea Heat Japan Tea Beet Itoglßß Bretßaut Ten.— 1,25 Best I °way Hnott Tea. Fine Young II7•on Tea. Give our Taloa a fair trial .0 you will be convinced they are the cheapest and heaths =TM IMIIRICIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHERS, P13''X'193317Ft.4G1,33, AMERICAN AND CLAM Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails, 16 and 20 fibs,. to they and Tram Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets; Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Arles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE, 120 Water and 158 Front Sts, uuehca LIOUSIL. Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., )el mit CHICAGO, ILL. ALLEGHENY TAXES. CITY OF ALLEGHEN Y. Thingrotaa's Crime, Jane rth, MM. Not le hereby iven that the Ancestors tone placed ice In the Treas g urer's UMeas. the ilnPiloatos now Of Pity, Poor, City Rosiness, School, School Lulltilug and Room ' y Taxes, and of Water Rents tor the }ear Met, and that said 'pascal. ill ow n be received to pursuance of the Acts of Assembly of Februagy Isoik, latloand o m f Aprll Ntallowa h, MC& sublect to the following regu anti nClot s lye per cent., If paid on or before the first day of July. Four per ccuL, if paid on or before the dent day Of August. Two per cent., If pan on or before the drat day of Be_ptemter. If pald after the Ent day of neptember, deduct i on will or before the Ant day of October, no deduction will be tondo:. 1f lWd alter the first day of October and on or be fore, the tiro day of Aloiember, as addition of fl•e per cent. shall be added to wtd payable on the same. After the brat of Noventbet. warrunts 'will be issued to enforce tite collection of a ll taxes remain ing unpaid. togetner with the percentage urtwed hereon, and the costs. fe7 ht.terititßON, CIO' Treasurer. 010. Col.llolllf W. H. EDWARDS COLHOUN & EDWARDS, IIIPODURD AND HAM IC SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, Arch 24 Wood Street. In own:, and landing In l'ldindelph* 200 tons Soda Ash, Kurt 's', Hutebtasoe's, sad Croadeld•e mate 400 bags Nitrate Soda, Crude and Hefted: 760 kegs El Carb Soda (English); bO bblls. Venitionlied, Cookson's; ARSENIC AND MOANED& Of choice brands, condantly on h.nd. /n logs to suit purchasers. reky=:l34 CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, ITIMENID.7I.T2S3M. No. 100 Wood Street. _BRITANNIA AND SILVER PLATED TABLE ARE, TEA TRAYS AND TABLE CIITLER.V , al wave on hand. CHINA DINNER CHIN A iETB. CHINA TOILET BETS, CHINA VAS ES ~„,, BOHEMIAN WARE 857-evaPIDD3C RI TICE, LAVA CARD BASEZTE r LAVA E LAVA YFMHOIt ENDUED. STONE WARE of all varletlea, suit wholesale and retail trade—. u mprigr i talameomelete stock of everything Prices and terms the same Olin the eastern elides. mylDalls ARPET CHAIN. PLAIN & COLORED COTTON& LINEN, ALSO, COTTON TARNS, ASSORTED NUMBERS -ALL OF BEST QUALITY, FOR.BALE-BY 8. S. C:/rCrEa3=l4l ,dil'OCess • At Rope pOttiiiioitu, ALMINT Cann. Ilkiiiinta Bamples may be seen and orders left with 1L CLULDB d 00., No. 133 Wood Meet. Pittsburgh- Jer.ml7 • ALLEGERRWCWIIt FLOUR MID isTioPlsLi!4 a C. MeMASTESIc CO N0..155 Ohio St., , Allegheny, Wbolosale and Retail Lealers In X"' Wood cis 4131 , reb111. Oa Irpald far Wheasaaa Rye. teate64 AVG. U. 7.461 . TAPE I1111:1. auem. TACK BRO. £ CO commas tax: siinicuAarrs,, *HD BIM:UR PETROLEUM AM' ITUIRODUCTI, 1" Hancock St., Pittitiftia. PnndasumL,OnYlCs, As 7 .wiams om!„. aiK I NHACAMMIAS9,OO. Fox Tw0,13444 - 3:hay,,,, r;unseiunst..6.2o4 nprocrouxmarolooi, utravelk ispkWordtai asiutaskgavics, Rub., pow,Alro: 30 Maid 111 4inia DAUM. 22.4. is, WHOLESALE PRICES, = Corner Smithfield Second Streets I=l2 CM Cl= MANIITAPPOPPPIS OP We i rTED—s2 - 00 per Menai paid Imo 10 rlrClVNl,"'stralr u h 1 941 g AWN& irElk."rhithAVlAll "et WILT phi. P. - w em TED — AGENTS—MaIe and T T Female, to .ell the Picture "HUMS AGAIN • • aim for Itie beantlittlitimh Engravlngs PRAYER' . anti "Puler LES,ON:• A leer goect wilt. can make from 1110 10,_•20 In Mk Mg • ! tit? NT one of the tCrjArPAAI ty . 9 r ag.'.',`" Terrttim to lint applicant, AFDLT- A. &LIAM 7.5 Taira cermet. WANTED, 40 Moles l 0 Mans, At Me Stable of the PITTSIIIIIIOII, A.LLlstattAll Y AND MANCHESTER PASSENURE RAILWAY COMPANY, Idancbt.ter, Pa. SALERRIEN WANTED At 98 Grant Sweet, 8d floor. Apply, with reference, to 1= WANTED.—A SURE IFORTIVAL,.. I The adverthier, a chemist of Meetly-aye yawl trperince. both In Etienne wi l lmeriCa. wlattin.f 10 retire from the professionwad loamy pet.• N 1 valuable recipes, from the use of whirl any In• du Ol strlons young man or n, with little ore . Capital, can make from the t h at a day lint only one cellent living, but lu very anoci time Ilse moderate fortune. Addreve, with. two time for return postage, S. P. Clil.TEltrlEl.l), Chemist, nirbbbeiArrs 517 rm. St., Philade/pllla. Pa. ANTED--ATE:triTB—s7s to $2OO PER MONTH for peo [limed, and 1:13 to Es MY I dies, m erywhere, to In trolluee the Celebrated Common Sense Family ißerlas Machine, improved and perfected. I /vim, fall, stitch, quilt, Urn • braid stol embroider twattfully. Price only ISSIVI, making the el. tic lock-sti tc h, and lolly warrant ••.I for three years. We pa• the above wage e COMSO !S. fmm whirl, iw Ice that amount amp made. Adoress, with statop. or cla on C. 2Rl rft.s CO" Salesrooms, ho. 205 f22p FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Ps. All letter, answered promptly. wits mrcalsr, and terms. myOSb4l WALL PAPERS, etc THOMAS PALHEM WHOLLSALI An MIL Kiln 11 WALL JPALIPJEU TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES_ IMIM .486 33 Ma 37 C/ Cli NT -Ft NB Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, tle. [ld door below Diamond Alley, fe24:Bmd PITTSI3I7II6II. I' A. PAPER HANGLITGS FOB 18466. A great collection of American INatl Papers. Fur the Fret time In ilve years wrE 11" Err6IALISII Pd PER 8 ♦ choice selection of the Newest French Papers For sale b WALTER P. MARSHALL 147 Wr od titreet COM p &BLOB PAJPEAS A NSW LOT of , Standard G - 61d Papers Now rece i ved,of beaL.Ufal .leslgno for Prarlors. nt No. 101 MARKET STREET. NEAR FIFTH JI.M. IL HUGHES & BRO. URTH OF JULY. A GRAND CONCERT GIFT WILL bE GIVEN AT CITY MEAiA.T.-er PITTSIt UR GIN, Pd., WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th, 1866, Gine to the ansount of !S4O 000 Will be prnsenteil to the Sink. t Holder, Including ureenbarga, Ylne lame in the west, Sewing Ma chine,ne, Itrioneons, at. TICILETS ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH. L 1 1 gift in 1./teen ST back:,OF GIFTS: 41.000 1 gift ha Omen tracks 500 1 gift in Green 250 I gift II reenta, - 125 1 gift In Oreenba., 75 1 gift In Oct:embank. 50 100 gifts In Orton bock, : $lO each 1,000 200 gilts in theenbaccs. /kJ rach 1,1100 400 girls in Ore- aback... 2.50 each 2,000 2,000 gifts of good Interesting Books 2,000 10 OM of nice Sewing Machines SOO 6 gilts :If raced:lent 31elodrons •500 UP r‘. 'rll'7ll 9,000 Diamond F i n., 4 fine We st e r nche. 11 gifts ofFarms, I -, nit: lonsa.c, 121 117.1.mismouri. LOCATED AS FOLLOWS: Pour la nhannon county, On eons :St sores. and Three of ISO acres each. Two In cotinty. each ISO acres: one-in Ripley county of ion acre., and Two In Oregon county, each lel acres. Abe,. two Farms In Marathon county, Wisconsin, Ito and du acres re spectively. All rich Paroling Land In good settle ments. Titles perfet, and to be sees at our mince. Alm. 401nbirests I I Meech, In Oil Wells, located on the lament titillate seers. Venango utunty, Pa.. Including the celebrated howls IS ell, Eureka, on Holroden Farm, and Alter I reductive wells In that wonderful region. These interests will he priesent ed as Carey gifts valued Si from eilOu to 11d.,000 each. Not oe of p rod ucing 'ln an unproductive well, Mt In wells , and other. yet to be tested, close to protuclac wells, all under contract for comple tion, free of farther expellee. Maps showing , the location of said wells, ma., ea nand. Persons emitting to examlne deeds, or eertatn m- Odes of the above poverty cao lee accommodated at our office, where all the tartleulars may be our [maned. We have no bogus property In our schedule, which should therefore commend Hind( to the public. This Is net a specula:von. It In merely an effort to effect the sale of a large amount of property at a moderate valuation. A CORRECT LIST, IitCLCUI NO THY. rir.h HOLDERS' NAMES, • DOI , v It EIR TICKET NUMBERS I, REP I'n ..b I; 1... 19.1. Y., Kt THAT ALL NI 1.1,1 1.. .1 iin'fkl WHETHER TOES' AT f ENO I'llE coNCEILT OR NOT. There will be no blank.. A g.ll "imam kind will begiven tot very Oclnt Solder. Our smallest gifts see photographs of the distinguished men and women of our times. he drawin s uc cession,e place after th ncert, four ialgtite In A commute° w i t;he ap ploinMit by the Ticket 'Joiners alone to superintend the same, and latAarttlaly, saps, te dehre i v al th p e u O I RM h e a % r immediately REL IEDAt e EPT ' VITib by rrytW n and Tillagewithin DOH tales of Plttatturgh, to 'whom liberal Inducements are offered. CLUB 11.411 ES: 5 Tickets to one adilresa $ 50 10 Tickets in oxe aderess 0 00 Tiekets to one address 57 50 30 Tickets to one address.. 26 25 40 Tickets to one address 33 00 DO Tickets to one address 43 50 100 Tickets to one address and 00 Tickets selling fast. tier op your clubs and 11.141 on yoursrtiers with the name stud address In fail, of eac sucriber. Money may be sent at our risk, either by draft, possonlce order, express or rent/Semi letters. Number of tickets lemma 40,000. l'rtoo ...ell. They are for sole at our office. No. 70 FI#TM STREET, Act /floor, `Chronicle Snitching. PittelOg And st the principal Hotels, Book, Mimic and Drug Stores of etas city and A Ileirl,ny. Emit by mail on receipt of price and atom p for re tern postage. We hare excellent references, with *deb one Mketata are flarnished. Proposals for plains:Jug Ohio adrertimment so licited. All communieraolis should be addressed to Des. T 11051601. 00, 5c19-dawTols9 Box No. 506, Pittsburgh, Fa. NUM'S BOOTS. BOYS' BOOTS, Youths' Boots, LADIES' BALMORALN, LADIES' GAITERS, MISSES AND CHELDEENS' Boots, Ba'morals m:i S. AT REASONABLE HATES, SOUTH & ROSS', 63 X.IIIILET 82 BEET. .712:ba ORPHANS , COURT SALE. By •Irtriff of an order of the Orphan.' Court o Allegheny County. to me dlr.:led, I will expo.. t o , Phblic Vendee or (lowly, on Saturday, June 28d, AT SO O'CLOCE, A. 31., On the premises. tbe foll ty owing described Beal Es tate, the proper of tbe estate of Jesse Doughty, deer*: tat.—All that lot of around to the Borough of En o ,,beth, Lot NO. lel it the Plmt of Additional Lora, laid out to sold Ilortrairt,.' Beguiling at a post on Third .treet,Jolalne Lot No..ts., atia raw. 'oat wall the same 1b) feet to Tanner's alley, and running lith the immerge feet to.latilberry thence with the same 120 feet to Third t, and theme. with the smote feet to the place of begin ulna. 7d.—Sot No. ID, In told plan. Beglnningat a peat Eo Third etreet, mu d . thance by lot (or _ formerly) of van Evans, nu to on ai/e_y; Meneo by 00111 alley Go (et to lot (or formerlytor.S. Walker; thence 12D feet by lint of mid lot to Third Mr . s ect , . thence by Third Street 110 feet to the place orbs guatng. Tsalts SaLs—One-thlrd =dreg day of mile, and balance on final mnarmatlon of mkt-. • JOHN E. , e:e SHAFFER i.d.inhtr.tor de boots non, etc., of Jew:.ilthtr. deased. 1 1 ( 1 00111 TO-LET.--. 4 large al ry tient parlor, on the dm door, it No; 1 . 3 Miss Area., Win be rented. tarnished or itettarniabed, with or without board, to sliagloAiiiiigototto oro married couple. Bath I,oll a ß raylielleilech PM'tide mutat/the tonic. 4101 to MOW'S. No. 30-noiastreet. 'GLASS WORKS FOR *MA SITUATED IN SOUTH 11119VDI; MASIE renAllllllsoo able. Adders4l. - . - AirAX Piridth or 11, Be4rni - tl3O. , Nei Yoit, . . *SAO • -• I=l =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers