Till , ' DAILY GAZFTTF El CI ..'PVULISIIECIP UT PENNIMAN, REED & 00., :10115 IPlrrn STTMET VITTSBUSGILL Emu mar, sr bEZVEL) 111 . 4.1 A rirß. ght wittoturgh Gut*. BATURDAS, JUNE 2:3. 1866 T ICE ROublicansof Greene empty hive nominated Lieut. Jamei A. Woode, for Act gem4ly; for - Associate Judge, Elias Stone: for Prothonotary, Lieut. Thomas LUCIiF; for Register and, Recorder, Thomas F. Reppert, and for 'Coranaissioner, John Burns. Tax Democrats of , A rtru , trong county have nominated for Associate Judge for Proilonofitry, Col. Win. S. RaLsTON;for '^- and Recorder, Tnom es H. Hsu Gov. BRI issued his pro. clamation r Legislature or Tenueaase spec. _don to consider and decide upon the new constitutional amendment! GEE. BENETIEK, the Austrian command er, hasitraned an order prohibiting now, paper correspondents from visiting his headquarters or those of commanderq of corps. = —Sheep in Ohio are flying front the rf. fecte of cold weather. —There are a hundred thousand person., In Alabama who depend on the Freedmen's Bureau for subsistence. —lt is said that large quantities of Fe nian matetial—anus and ammunition--are being put in places of safety in this Stab,. —From the Mercer Press we learn that since the earliest settlement of that county there never was sorb promise of bountiful gimps as at present. DEDI( monument to the mem ory of fallen soldiers, was desihnted wito bemaning ceremonies, at Summerhill, Crawforl county, a few days ago. —Captain John Ericsson k to he psid $13,700 as his reward in full for planning the United States war steamer Princeton and superintending the construct:on of the vessel. —Jerry O'Brien, a returned Fenian, butchered hi- mistress, in NeNl Vora, on Wednesday, in a fit of jealousy, and [bin attempted unsuccessfutlyg to e el him , own throat. lwkiliveuvait'itzi Ilt. NIC X. 4a- 40 x.. MI 2•7 D: The Gres left( Db.eo very of she Age 1=1:1 I= 'Morels no longer any neee...sity rot you to "go to sleep," with We risk of never awaken ing, for you can nos have your teeth extract ed "and -know everything that is going on," and yet not experience the slightest pain. 'Tis strange but true, and by calling upon Pr. Quincy A. Scott, and examining b.a new pro e.eoB, you will be convinced. He giveb set of artificial teeth, aillt beautiful gums, for So, such as others charge $:o for; n toll set for ill, which others charge *l2 for, and u full set for from tat to 415, which he w ttl guarantee to he better then can be made at auy other eclat:oh-aliment. at an) price. lie given Laugt, log Gee free of char;e, in ever; ci te, anti — makes 'no charge for extructlng when artin &al teeth are ordered N. IL—Other parties have advertised the, new agent before they were prepared to use It rtn feet before they were dupplted with the necessary - hut the public are to cured that Dr. Scott ate vet - ari I-or Uses totyt.lilng bet what he is itropart-tt to do. Iternellitwr lilt nomhor- - 2Th Penn fl not, thirst door nitol Hand.-1 - 'alatturob - The renewing' ?Ater written . Dr .t -itr t st t , volumes for thtt .• I . Len G 1111114,3 form the Leo,: popumr uoutal arm JI Pataburgh “Coaaas rt, t Oil io,) June 9th, Dr. Sill, Pittsburgh, Sir.—l Im prove the earliest opportunity to expreas my itatisfaction with the operation you performed for me on Thursday lent, extracting teeth with tomeps without breaking and with no injury to the Jaw, which an educated and ex perienced Dentist deelded only be C tracted by splitting, levers tad ElCre %A 14, Sc. Having had considerable experience In the administration of chloroform and ether, and takodether myectf, I can appreciate your worn. anesthetic, Nitro-oth) thts, for wien properly prepared and Skillfully given, as in the case in your establishment I consider it far preferable to any other—sub., potent and agreeable. Truly y-ours, IM=E=IEI Public Mr. John M. limed, one of the Jtiolre,, of I.]e Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in a case Ix.- fore him, a few days ago, laid down, most emptiatlealiy, toe law upon the :Nature mad Abatement of Nuisanees. The matter came before him on a complaint against tne erec tion and maintenance of a Plaining Mill. At the mallet, the Judge laid down the general principles Iroverning the case. In a city like ours, whence:Oils, foundries and workshops of every description abound, the derision rreatm considerable uneasiness lill , l excitement_ 11w as our prosperity and wealth are dependent upon the same, we trUSt no trouble will accrue from the recent Interpretation of the law. On the other hand we have 0n0u.,11 of Public Ben efits to counterbalance the number of nuts. alleed of the character In the city. For in• stanoe the well known and prosperous shoe store, which 14 patronized by eveohody— Roblerion's, 51 Market street. A new stock has Just been received and will be sold at ru inously low prices. Boots, shoes gaiters and slippers of the latest and most fashionable styles on bend, which will please the cost fas tidloti. -Too Late t Too Late - I r We heard a . gentleman yesterday regret that • ho had not in Lis possession a photograph of a near and dear departed relative. Speaking of a beautiful cabilnet pinture sow in the art window of IL I— K. Dobbs, It St. Clair street, ho said he would give one thousand dollars for as faithful a picture:of his deceased reds tire. lEverybody should have the photo graphs of their friends taken, and we can safe ly rocominenctlfr. Dobbs as olle of the best ax thus in this line In America. Ills prices are very reasonable and his work is superior to that of any Eastern artist. A Hana■ome Article A city parlor is incomplete without a hand• C some chandelier dependant from the ceiling. Messrs. Baena &Co-, tie I Wood street, have the finest selection of chandeliers, globes and pendants in the city. They attend to all kinds of gas, steam and water fitting, and their work is warranted to prove durable and satis factory. Bath tubs, sinks, basins, Be., set in the most approved style at the most reasona 'bie rates. Ibe dillliner. Must ho versatile geniuses, Judging from the number of styles for bonnets they have produ. cod this lamson. St present there are no less than ten varieties cell - Ling the lame of the Pittock, opposite the post office, has albums, gold pens, wallets, bc., at toe lowest prices. I= The windows of-B. L. H. Babb., the pope tar photographic artist, remain the great object of attraction on St. Clair street. In Clear or cloudy wtatth. r the beat of ann-alase oua may be obtained at Lila beautiful Gal lery. Iturnpbrere He naoepatlille Medicine. for side at Fulton.. Drug More, No mei andthticla street. GarrShaer's Opera liouse mud Concert Hail Shoe Store, is No. 60 FULL street. Be Wier, Aiod act prudently, troy your good.. at No. Go hatontahluir How they sell o 0 cheap at No. GO Fifth street. sow Goode At No, 60 Filth otroot. - hplendld Styles 4.t No. 60 Plf , h street. They Lead the Vali. ♦t No. CO Fifth street. VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 147 CITY "TEX& An Excursion Party 0 twenty couples, left the Monongahela land ing, Friday morning, on the steamer Frank lin, and ns tbp Van steamer drifted out into the stream, the young Germania Band, or Al legheny. Mr. W. H.. Hippie leader, enlivened the embarkation by their lively strains. The day being very flue, Old Sol smiling on the happy Pony in the boat. Above Glenwood Ihe music was called to the cabin, where they lull aside their brass for the string lustre teeing, then the fantrudie tripping of pretty feet began. At Lock No. S the party cocci , ell quite an accession of lad!es and gentlemen. Kindness and courtesy being a marked trait in the character of the gentlemen getting up tae affair, MessraillicKee and Davis. • The band played some excellent pieces of music for the benefit of the inhabitants of Pert Perry, which waif acknowiedged by the waving or many handkerchief, and the greeting of smiling (sees as we left. Everything passed so pleasantly, and time so rapidly, it appeared but a short time until we entered Lock No. a, where we met the steamer Gallatin on her homeward trip. Cheers were exchanged, lit tle nags of truce waved from each guard, and we passed on to Monongahela City, where tee 'amt received and discharged yell, a quantity freight. (Suo,ess to the Brownsville Packet Lune for a b AU, Or more accommodating Oct .1 men never trod a plank.) Ilere we parted avian IL young friend on his way to celebrate ae of the great events of man's Ilfe--the taking to himself a wife. May never a heave trouule roll across their peaceful oath. .1•1,1 lade, reaching Monongahela City we cob of a .:inner that would have graced he tat , of the Presidential mansion On a lestal oecas.on. Time passed on. The Frank • , lanved the water as we kept time to the nallaale In her cabin. Thus passed the utter too, until w. landed at Brownsville, where 'nude Fart "veil to the captain anal 13'9 gen t ',manly c,erk. Mr. Eckiy. A (Lev a short stay dart..,l on our homewsni joniney ain the lalc:adau•• • ennit, Fayette, where we revel, eery lilt , nt....1 that gentlemen could possibly ;;I:es• a. Tlae aaal•an Of the Fayette •elt•g fairta,lanal Wall a piano, we listened to —OllO I' xcellen pertormanee4, anal were giced with the ',tieing, which 111,1 credit to '.l,c lit rforiner.. We were regale Iby a .uipPer I dttun up on the Fayette, who has a Jewel of cook. ‘fter strolling for a while over the the cabin was again prepared for our 111 r a nal, appreciated. A few persons , 1 u. a ho came up on tile evening boat. ..1.1 anon.' returned to Brownsville who had 'lord Lb , party there. and about two o'clock lie Fayette touched the Pittsburgh wharf. •tae One of Ile most pleasant day's ride ever yours truth.. Among the party we ,otieed I,,srs. Harry Phillips, Chas. Phillips, A. Ilsritvt, Marcus Norton. Bel,. Wood. lof o. 1., M. Nehan, Charles B. Darts..l. L. Mc,- her, and other. we d id not know. Will the milagemynt lease accept oar thanks MI • Aral Of /1,11. at 101 a and the officers of the bot,. 0 many kis/demises, and hope thesame merry ' r may aural meet again. A srxmwm 218PORTWat. Cheering Farts far the 111 lions. Every day demonstrates more clearly that Liver Complaint, in all its distressing forma, u he °Carolled or cured without diMonlty thconvetuence. It Is an obstinate disease, .ut Its obstinacy is not proof against the per lunelen, remedial and restorative operation IIOSTLTTLit'S STOMACH BITTCHA That emal corrective compels the organ to do its July. It must secrete regularly and health ' ally under the influence of the Bitters. Their Alien brings It back from a state of rebellion etc perfect harmony with the laws of health. f there in costiveness, It dlsapoters; U there 41,:e.-ache or back-ache, it senses; If the skin .nd the whiten of the eyes are tinged with •uperiluous idle, they recover their natural II the appetite is gone, IL returns; if the itg, , tion In Impaired, It is restored; In ,rief. whatever We symptoms Of the rum , m.sy It', and whatever the phase It twimusued, a cure as certain. Such are the .11 form effects of thls preparatinti whore MI , ,us 411sraee has neon already developed; but .k onset where there is merely a coustitu °nu I toudency to liver complaint, It must be revert it throughout life by the regular use, nd , itutritttleß, of this palatable antidote. These are proven facts, and should be seriously ,ntiered—or, rather, they should be promptly acted upon—by all pereoros of bilious habit. ==l is sold wholesale and retail at very irnie rates t 4 'eyeing., Drag and Patent Medicine Depot, • e 14 Market tat oat, corner of the Diamond eel Market., near Fourth strew. Vegetable Juices. The medicinal properties of plants depend inore en a proper care of the Jot.. than any , I ling else. A man in England, some years a4a, mode a great reputation In miring rheu inatl,m, by extracting the virtues from t; plants w hilt inn green state, which he used ti. that disease with perfect comma, while the the dried plant would not prolate the tame street to the same extent. It Is for this reason that Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher has such wonderful effect in curiae all diseases having their origin In a morbid condition of the blood. or In depraved hail en vaoctic slat , of the system. The roots and u.sed the manufacture of this Blood ...,archer are all preserved in such a way as to i•reven t deterioration of their medicinal proms .sties, Le nee ate wonderful curative power. A I 4,41.4 •II.I•on to health is sure to follow the use of this sublime remedy. The cures perform ed by It nn-e numerous, and moat of them arc berg In the city where the Demons cured can he CorulUlL.nl as to their verity. Ask for Dr, Iseyner's ktloo I Searcher, and take no other. Price fi , tai per bottle. A toed Family Medicine for Colds. Ct•sa,•vitta Gazes Co., l's.-1 want to get A good family medicine for colds and coughs. ...an you recommend anything rellablel n. Ye,. Dr. Irx.,rge li. Keyser's PectorsJ Syrup, orepured by himself. We have used It In our (molly for ten years with the heat of 1191:COIS, and h toe reoOmmended it to others with elm lax r Dr. Keyser is a regularly °dues- OCI and conschritious physician, and his Pee oral in rely equal to all clamed for it. You VIII l.nd some elaborate certificates In anOth ii co mum which we can vouch for.—National Jigneultu - 0141. Sold at .io. 140 Wood Street. 133=3 As ;the question is settled beyond dispute hat wet re to be viested by that most to he el 'demi,. cholera, It behooves us all to axe over precaution In our power to stay Ste drogress, and there can be no more certain itreventive than Reboot•• Scandinavian iteme- Ile., keep the bowels open with the Pills and ter: orate the system by the free use of Bn baer's Hammon Bitters, or, if the blood is thin, nee the Purifier. No family should no found without these remedies. Keep the system in full vigor, and nothing is to be feared from .11901130 or cholera. Cl= Fleming. Druggist, No. Market street., in addition to his large stook of drugs and pat ent medicine, has added the finest qualities of English and Scotch ales, porter, and brown el Lela. 41.14 It had been extremely difficult to procure these arueles thiacto; we mention this matter for the beztedt of oat invalid readers. Flow log also keeps a very select Stook of pure liquors for medical purpose. J cat Received Fleming's fashionable and popular hat and nap house, No. LP Wood street, a large "took of Men and Bops Braid Main. For the latest styles and greatest bargains, go to IM2= Dream eeed• LPlll open on Monday a new and well assort ed stock of desirable styles of goods suited to the season, on the northeast corner of Fourth sod Market streets. C. /Lemma Love b Beo. ewes *--Shoes. Utter the greatest Inducements, and TOM them, at No. GO Ptjth street. Give this Justly celebrated llasaar for the sale optood Etoota and Mica., a call. Mummer Shawls, Cloning out without regard to wet, On the northeast corner of Fourth end market .treets. C. /thrown Love & Rae. =1:1 Bleached and unbleaehe 1 at very low On the northeast °onto, of Fourth and Mar ket streets. C. Mamma Lova & Liao. A oende w Lareneartites. Lotty Thompson, Julio Duly, Stook Sisters, Hotto, CogirswelL Photos. and others Putowo. THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCKA. M. URI LITEST TELEGRAMS. MESSAGE FRAM THE PRESIDENT Respecting the Submission to State Legislatures of the Proposed Con stitutional Amendment. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE W aen I N UTON, June J'.—The President to-nay sect the following message to the Senate and House of Representative. I submit to Con grefs s report of the Secretary of State, to Whom wits referred the ..oneurrent resolution of the ISth Instant, respecting a submission to the Legislatures of the States of an addition al article to the Constitution of the United States. It will be seen from this report, tout the Secretary of State had on the leth Instant transmittal to the Governors of the several States certified copies of, the Joint res olution passed on the I.lth, profits-fluff' nit amendment to the Constitution. Even in or iinary times a question of amending the Con stantino must be Justly regarded its of para mount. importimm. This importance la at the present time enhanced by the fact teat the Joint resolution was not submitted by the two Rouses for theapproval of the Presi dent and that 01 the thirty-six Staten which constitute the talon, eleven aro ex cluded from representation in either House of yongress, although, with the single exception if Texas, they have been restored to oil their min-Gene as States, in conformity with the irgidOxed law of the land, and have appeartd it the natimial capital by Senators and itepre ent at Ives who have applies! for, and been res ti.,ed, admission to the vasant seats; nor have he sovereitm people of the nation been ti -inlet' all opimrtutilty of expressing their .iews upon the important yuestionA will, 0 be amendment Involves. l.rtlVe doubts, there• .ole, may naturally and Justly arise, an • .-. .rilyttie: the aetion of Congress is In harmony rich Inc sentiment of the people, and whether stain Legislatures elected without reference is such an bane, should be culled upon t.y engross to decide respecting the ratMeation .4 the proposed amendment. Waiving the question aa to the Constitution ...l validity of the proceedings of Congress :in toe Joint resolution proposing the amend ment, or as to the merits of the article which it [cunt:lnt. through the CM...entire deart .: to the legieletUree of the States, 1 deem proper to observe that, the steps taken by Me sneretare Of elate as detailed In the neeompu eying are to tie considered aa purely insterial, and hi no sense whatever com mitting the Executive to an approv.l.l f the recommendation of the amen, went to the State legialaturcs or to the people. Ott the contrary, a prop. et appreciation of the letter and spirit of the Constitution, as well an of the Into:tett of national order, harmony and union, and is difference foran enlightentsi public judgment, In., at tills Ulan will suggest a doubt whet 1, ••r any amendment to the COnstitotion ought to be propose•l by Congress and premed on tn.. Legislatures of the several States for final wl mission until after the admission of such Sc.,. aloft and Representatives of tae nommtrrfr resented States es have been or mar heron. ter be chosen In conformity with the Coneta ii tion and laws of the United States. [signed.] , Azusa's' JOHNSON. Washington, L. C., June 24 leo3. &Tama.' to the above message is a comm e el...mien from the Secretary of State, address. I to the President, In srlitch he reports that en the 16th Lust. the Hon. Anises Cobb, of the ommlttee of the House of Represmitauves on Enrolled little, brought to thin Department and deposited therein an, enrolled resolution of the two Houses of Congress, whleit wits thereupon teeelved ny the Secretary of Stat, and deposited among the rolls of the Depart ment, a copy Of which Is hereunto anuesed. Thereupon the Secretary of State, on the 16th trod., in conformity with the proceeding which was adopted by him In ltsls, in regardie the than propueed and afterwards adopted l/071- ~reeelonal amendment of the rutted. Mateo, concerning the pronibltlmi of slavery, tree.. mitt.] certilied copies of the annexed resoist thm to the Governor. ol the se veral Slatesto gether with a eertlll.ele circular A copy of loth of those Matto tlicationd Ls here unto aonexed. Stglleal,, Wu. It. Saw s ae. DZY.114111., Or tr•Tir, WA.HINOTON,JII4O 16, 1666. j TvishvelLerney the Uorernor —I Lane the honor to trunenut attestrit copy of a reteolutiou of cougrees propoessig the Legislatures of the eeventi State. u four teriulh article to the Coustlt utlon of use l'n State-. The tleollloro, of the several Legbi luture* own, the subject stet recital - ell by l A , to he commllolettleil to this 11,111.11110111. All ttAkl3oll.7ledgMent of the receipt of thin cove munlcatlou Is requeeted by Your Excellency . * otet acrv't, (Slgniut,i Ws. 11. time/Ann. The socotupanytitg papors Itre to the certilit oaLPJ Or It Cron copy of the concurrent resulu• Lion proposing an ant.nolinent to the Cone I. lotion, and the Socreutry's note or circular atitlreastvl to the isovernors of the rnSE. 4, II , -.Cates. FROM WASHINGTON. Ilnonlnatoons of Postmasters lodation, ly Postponed Death penalty Como tonted—Opecolation Concerning . the Adionromenit of Comfrem—eatoplett of Cotton Grown In California— Della ottani and Datattiting nonittern Post. musters. W.”.1-41N0T011, June naintter 01 nominal/ 1'0di.24./.0. which have accu initiated he Iore the beanie rost.face Comm it te were toelat o 0• I finite ty postponed, whim is equivalent in lefeel . A large riaralNlT of other uniniaatiene of v.O lees kinds will cue main unaetral upon. The Provident has melte the death sen tence of the smith Caroltnlnnn convicted of killing negro soldtera whuv in• del) The evidence against the parties vk n, pure/ y r i.• enmetantint. The •Vfor says The Republic.. In C , ln are waiting to hear from Tennessee before C.•. ng a day for adjournment. Should scon y eie 'lon In that State ratify the amendment, the Senators and Represtaniatives will be admit. •ed at once, and a desire to do this mumps, the delay. The commissioner of agriculture l In r, xdpt of floweret very superior itemples ot cot nu grown In tallf urn 1/1 Ulla the P n lelard.., which certainly give evidence of IL prom.ing future for those In the production of tots indispenslble staple. One package contains a specimen from =vim pounds of upland cotton, grown hy Meyers. t.lvermore and Chester, at Fort Tejon, Lte. eget. Co., California, the yield of one him :iced and fifteen acres, the seed for which hav ing boon put in so late that the early frosts destroyed, a majority of the balls. About lour .tundred acres In all were plant.). last :mar, and the lot referred to alone sold for twenty-seven cents per pound In gold. As already stated, the government is pre• pared to proceed against delinquent and de fuullingloustmesters In the lately rebellious States. The total amount of tole claws of in. debUtaness Is about three hundred thousand dollars, of which ono hundred thousand line heron paid on demand, and nearly the same :mount put in pr.:woes of collection. Thu general defence set up by such postmasters in I bat they should 100 credited with the stamps which they turned over to the Confederate government. Mr. Cohen, of Savannah, mem ber elect to the House of Representatives, claims over live thousand dollars, and Mr. Galloway, of Memphis. over nine thousand dollars. The postmaster at Mobilo hey peel over twelve thousand dollars under protest, intending to institute a nett for its recovery. It Is generally believed that nearly the whole amount can hoc uollecled, . the government will have the advantage of a very elringent attachment law, passed In view of such In debtedness. THE TAX BILL. New loge, June tt.—The amendments to the new tax bill, to tax hank circulation ten per centum on State banks, provides for trans forming them into National banks. also for the returns of umoine tax. The beanie non -concurred In striktng from the free Ilxt iron bridges, machinery for mills, end atiaultaral Implements. Thoiloase exemption was agreed to placing cisterns, tanks, safes, spinning maehlniw, steam engines, grape wimp cud fruits, car springs and cordage on the free list. Apothe caries are not regarded as returns. Fraudu lent distillers are to pay double the tax, or to suffer imprisonment for two years, and tic apparatus to be forfeited. Every distiller in to give notice of the capacity of lila at i e rfi n v y c c a n t Ifnorancy..7antjcua l p with the law. Everygent in nufacturer to keep a reqord of thequality of material used, suith returns to be verified ououth. The penalty tor Statidulently marking books or packages with the importer's brands, was fixed eta fine of not less than one thousand nor more than five thousand dollars and imprisonment for not le. than two nor more than five years. The word "rectified" must be placed Rem all wk. a,res containing liquors, the character of which is changed after inspection, under pen alty of forfeiture, and any person so branding a package, knowing that the tax has not been pato, shall be Imprisoned for not more than two years, besides incurring forfeitures. Tile unlawful removal of spirits from the place where they are distilled, is made pun ishable by *fine of double tile amount of tax upon such liquors, and imprisonment for not less than three months. Bribing an oMcer of the internal revenue to to be bbblibed by a fine not exceeding three times the amount offered. and Imprisonment not exceeding three years. The person accepting the bribe will torfeit his place an . d be forever disqtetti fled from holding °Mee os the Loke.—Total lose &re Propellor—lto Lives Lost. D.TROIT, Mien. J une 22.—A coUhdon 000ur red early till* A. le- at the mouth of Detroit river, between th e propellor Cleveland, and the Tior%born Transportation Company , * bark Martin, towing down. The propellor wea cut through and conk m ten minute*. bhe will probably be a total ion. A large number of passengers on board were taken elf by tbe bark. ko lives were lon. &Moral War. on Nura4, • PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1866 FRANCE AND MEXICO. &ply to Seoretary Seward's Dis patch Concerning Withdrawal of French Troops. CROPS IN THE UNITED STATES. Monthly Report of the Depart- ment of Agriculture APPREHENDED FAILURE GROUNDLESS. The Proposed Tax Amendments. ARM If AND NAVY PENSIONS WASIIINOTua, June 22.—Minister Bigelow's dispatch to secretary Se earl, recites that he hail delivered Seward'e dispatch to the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, who said: ."The Imperial Government proclaimed Its inten tion to retire from Mexico because It suited its convenience and Interest.. to retire and for no other reason. When, therefore, It announ ced formally, not merely to the United States, ,tt to all ten world, that the army would be withdrawn from Alezico within a specified time, lie thought It should be deemed suffi cient. The Government made Its declara tions in good faith, and menus to Kelm it. It Meares to atttiollbW its irmy within the time prescribed and it does not intend to take one or two hun dred in the first, detachment, and one or two hundred more In the second, leaving the great body of them to the last, though it had not deemed it necessary to specify with minute ness details of tale kind, which depend upon nygen ic and climatory considerations, of which It was the bent and the only competent judge. hie Excellency said he wished I would sty to our Government. I asked his F,Lleil - if I had ever intimated to him any nis neion or ilk Emperor 'a IntantlOU Woke its alloy from Mexico in equal portions. He -imbed that I hani. / Lucs asked tam if any titer person authorized to speak Ile the memo •if Government hail done 1/0. ILO said no; nut It had reatt imputations of that kind In one of our {mom,. I replied In substance I hat the ;tress owl a law unto Itself, and Girt e to r not .500. it 118 .sad unto ea, and as lie asked ma to eollllDUttl cate to my Govornment ' a formal answer no n hat eeettied like an aeCtiall/lOn of Insincerity anti had last h ou the part of the Emperor. 1 antett 11,s authority for stating Glint no 5e..11 Accusatkin had reached him through any enl v lei channel. lie replied that lie Only and re lel It la a newspaper I then went on to say that lie purport of your Instruction, as t under- -,00.1 it, aas simply to explain all cupids.- von which aas sure to be Delon - - ..st of you of the shipment its Feaster of large bodies of troops to Mexico, af ter the purr.. to withdraw her whole Ulla). :tad Leen oftictsitly proclaimed. Tp this, his I...cellenry replied that mums seeing air, he had gotten from his colleagues of the Mamie and War Departments intognation to thr sots port that no troops belonging to the f.brpt t.rpedattorulln heel been sent to Mexico this year. unless for the take of partly replacin int, soldier, that are oussing. but at Kay rule utigulentatiOe of the number of stand- • leg [loupe.; that the ablpinent of troop). re it reed to 111 t.. 14 piddle prints, and in your di.- :eitell Wye must likely that made in tllO trans .eirt ninon., about the beginning of tile )cut, :hat the, !Client- landed at liartnique but not Thum., v - io, +tatted; that she curried ~ /Ile hundred and iilxtf.en an./ not twelve hun dred ea/idler., that they belonged to the for . ige legation and not to the expeditionary Unit they C 0112104.1 of trouts whirb had ' nen waning tranniairiation n fig time In I.'niatee and In ,I,literiii to loin their regiment, that 00 Sew troops 11Pd been unrolled fur tile fore.igni legion Mille) the iimperor Wei prr tale:led Isla purpose to w itbilraw hie nag from Maxim and that no more, for what he knew, were intended to be enrolled. ---• • • . snout to the shipment of troops from Austria, Ito saul that that was an affalt en tirely between that toisernineutt and the :aeons., in which France had nothing to •lot , hot *trice he hod spoken to bins upon the rule met, tie tool verged his own convictions try a elerenoe t, liltnotars of war and IntaXine, •otl had ascertained that no engagement 0! oly sort had been entered Into by either fur i.e enrollment or trammOrtalloll, of troops trine Austria to Moslem Ito went on further spy lt was the Intenttun of the bovernment withdraw the army entirely frost, Mesa. ...titan the time .isierfled In lite dispatch to von, at the very latest, wooer Lf the climate ,Itd every controlling considerations permit and It n not 11l Intlntention er to repine.' .01ti with oth ail troops from any quarter. - At the cowl onion of n long erieversaUon, or whirl, 1 hate Wren the Iniportatil tCpOrtsi, I xprtgoaml my satintaelion w lth ills explanation, and the pleasure I should 'ir in tmtlinianleating them to iti3 tm•ern nnent Thlw diepateh has boon submitted to it liruytt 1211,13 , 14 and the foregoing ser .:on of our conversation has been approve-1 l'en monthly report of the Pepurtment of tidlculture ts published. The apprehension .4 a Allure of the crops, which might threaten p °lwry economy of consumption or war extmori ;nary price., aria groundless-. from an atm/jeta td statistical returns, with ue regard to the nsual average product and ,resent exalt State, the prospect on tun Iwo of Jane was for neventttentia• Of a • cop. With favorable weather and Maumee :roes casualties before harv.tlor„ the Ind lea. t lons paint to three-fourth elan average. The kola; dent of wheat In Ohio and Indiana ap pears to have suffered host from winter kVA- Io; A prospect for thirty-four per cent of a rep of winter wheat In Indiana is sualmentl, i,oonrugleg. ~An Increase of four-tenths ,f the average growth of spring neat will atfonlso.ne relief anti onight to irring up the average to half a crop, 1„,•110 is reported at fear-tenths for Winter cheat, with two and a half tenths more for spring wheat, than usual with as little pose part for winter wheat as Indiana. Quite no urge an increase of .pang wheat., will glie down the same result—ball an average crop. mole, now our greatest shoat growing into, promises ouven-tentlis of is crop of wis er anent. An the wring Wheat, which it f lie /tin dependence or a winter crop, In portions • the Suite le nearly as trona as Word, at 141.1. •.1 r,-faunhs acme Of that should ho e hr. State. In Wisoonedit the winter p4ot %II and one-third lentils, t eau allli 1 1 1 u.-(ours :et more spring w bent • "11l .4.4 . 1/ rt. three-teurtda •, se aye, age op I id• ,1,51. , Ii: I ewa 1, , ,..,1,11Ce of 'a Inter It heat le eleo•Lee pret4 ten ate aeII there quarters, the brooch. Al t. letter .. , we tweltr end else-eighth. 11,e, give M. least an average coup for lowa. ti rotranny Ir tln the wheal crop Is eight tenths. la Missouri the prospect tot a full roil Or orteler wheat In reported, with one last I-tenth or are. per rent :Imre than the use ..l brewlt b ofsin lug. Wheal is looking nearly well as usual at thiAseason of the year Kentucky is reportisi at live and twcathlr.is of a tenth. Michigan seven null it halt el a tenth Minnesota ten anal five-elaitts of a tenth or winter wheat, and oleo-leethe for • taring wheat. Eaivaa four and one-third 01 tenth for winter; 12 inn h for spring wheat. In New England, eseept Massachusetts, a full th of spring wheat is soon, looking but ter than an average. In Maine a fraction lower than an average. In the Other Statea, canter wheat, gibers It bog grown at all, has ~.ffered to the extent of ono and two-tenths. ri,w Jersey la placed in the gamy list with anYork and Pennsylvania—at eightotenths, and Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia a 11l each average about ais-loathe The flea- Orin west of UV• ki.salssippl, comprising Min nesota, lowa, Missouri and Kansas, taken to vither,promise. more than an average crop wheat. Clover.—More Clover was sowed than 'usual, and it is reported In fell average oomlillon. Ini Delaware and Mitil•ollri the appearunco is worse, though the Ineromed average will make up this delielemey. Maryland, New Jer sey, bi111.1“ . h•...31,1, Now Hampshire, Illinois led Kansas fall a little below the average. Maine thirteen mei ono-slath or a LOOM* llautere returns have not boon favorable for the dairy interest. A very general falling off Is observed it, the eotellttou of paste res, exeunt In the Mates beyond the Maple sugar and 11,1111111180/1 w 111 average nine and three-quarterv. of a tenth. New Hemp. shire, Massachusetts and Delaware. ton-tenths. Tee other New England status nine anti u quarter tenths. The middle and wester. Ntatos from eon no to 111111, tenths. . • • Sheep—Took the held this Spring In better eond Mon than usual. In MAIM places neglect nod consequently disease and death are re ported, 1.111 , 1111 g a depreciation In the prices of wool Fruit —A medium crop of apples le Indicated, thongh there Is variation In the appearance In different. localities In New England sail the extreme West. The prospect to better In the central States. Peaches have suffered from a inter killing very generally in Ohio{ scarce ly a third of a crop 1., expected in New Jersey, ice. than a half crop in Delaware, and Mary land about alx-tenths. The Senate have generally agreed with I lc dhictission to the amend eneute Proposed by the Committee on Finance to the tax MU. They have bleu three days on the bW, and It Is probable they will finish their action upon It tomorrow. There have been previous statements rela tive to the delivery by the Treasury Depart ment of bonds belonging to the banks of Now Orleans and other parties, to the State Audi tor,ln whose charge they were at the thee of their capture by Ueneral Sheridan during the totter part of the war. All that helve been identified, amounting to over four millions, have been transferred by the Department to the parties owning them. There yet remains in the keeping of the Treasurer between two and three hundred thousand dollars worth of these bonds awaiting their proper owners. The Commissioner Of Ptivaltinit has Just isstiml *estrum ions and forma to be obsoryed in applying for array and navy Pentdoit tli s u nder Lite act of J one Oth, Tho highest eS of pensiona, twenty-nve, twenty and 11 Wen dol lars a month, according to extreme or pert-al disability, will be allowed only to those dim stelett store the fourth day of Marsh, len, and will date only from the 9th day of June, leaf. End of a Libel Salt. New Yoga, June 2:l.—The Jury in the ease. of ex. State Senator Strong, against U. U. Bennett, of the Williamsburg Wines, rendered a verdict of sia etAlamages. . W. Darrel*. Juno Oa—Francis Bosh, of the film of Bolt a Bush, batters, was drowned last alert by the upsetting of a boat off Efouttißoa. . tOa ram, . CONGRESSIONALPROCEEDINGS. WASHINGTON CITY, June 22, 11466. 122E3 Mr. Edwards, from the Committee on Com merce, reported adversely on two Mouse hills, one authorizing theconstruction of a railroad from Washington to the northwest, and the other authorizing a railroad from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. A bill providing for the sale 01 hospitals in which only twenty patients per diem are re ceived, was p 11.5.,/. • The bill to grant lands In aid of the construe lion of the limisas and Neosho Valley railroad was passed. Thu tan hill was taken np at one o'clock. The Senate, on motion of /dr Pomeroy, con curred In the /louse amendment to a bill re serving a land grant to the Lansing and Tie verse Bay railroad, and the 101 l goes to the President. Mr. Et'meek, from the Committee on Com- Mierce, reported adversely on a bill to estah liah a railroad bet wean Washington and the Northwest, which recently came trom the House. He mid It was the opinion of the ma jority of the Committee that Colltrreon had no constitutional power to pass a law authoriz ing the construction of a railroad through a State without too consent of that State. He felt It his duty to say be dld not agree in thin opinion. He also reported adversely on the hill of the iloo,u to authorize the construction of a railroad from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. The two reports were received, and the Com mittee was discharged froni the further con sideration of the subject. The bill to grant land , in aid of the Kansas and Ne....stio talley Railroad and completich to the Red river, was taken up, and after dis k:l.BlOn wan passed. The tax bill was taken tip al, le o'clock, and Its reading resumed froin the point reached i smrterday. A large number ot previsions wereconahlered and adopted. Two hundred and thirty-three pages wore acted on out or .wo hundred and forty-tour. This hill was thou laid aside_ Two messages from the Pruddent, One lu relatios, to the withdrawal of Austrian troops !rout Morgico, and another in relation to the tenant Constitutional Amendment., were road. Mr. Hendricks, on behalf of Mr. Johnson, who was absent, presented the minortty ~ort of the Cousin Ittee of Fifteen Mr. Trumboll objected to the recce ion of the minority report, us a violation ot the ..ract ice and preeedent of theaura. Mr. Trumbull introduced a bill to enlarge the public grounds around the capitol, which A.., ordered to 1.0 printed. The Senate, at lrlh p. m.. adjourned. HOUSE. On motion of Mr. Dairen, no Committee on Howie and Canals was discharged from fur ,tier consideration or the bill to provide for the improvement of the wagon Mid from Nolmtmka to Virginia City, and the hill was alit on the tattle. - • •. Mr. Schenck, from the Committee on Mill nary - a Allairs, reported a nubstit ate for the mate bill, making further provision for the netablinh anent of on armory and arsenal of onstruct ion, deposit andpel? in l flock lei r old, Illinois, and made In otutemeat vyr lane ury of the objects of the - bill. After ,i, ston, the bill, a hilt provides for brlthonyt Mlnlosnippl, Was :II11011(11,1 Ohl as to provide atfklest ttoolrtleting the river, and elm then peolool Thu Boone then proceeded to the ennolde ni t %Oft of reports upon private 1 , 11/s. Mr. l'or ham reported nfiversely upon the Honor toll granting pensions to tail fern of toe war of het. A dito.mositni ensued oecupying the wonting hour, and the bill went over till uext Friday, leer. int; n motion to t ~,,, a - emit It. instreetions toreport a bill made a yMr. Miller pending. During the Mot-molt. Mr. Perhaut stated that curb n 1 , 111 stolid ITIVOIVe J -I anututi expense to the government of ten nitilion 'the epeek - t:r presentant n na1.,1144,e from the PLeentettt In totereoee to the Joint tettolat ion protenong nr urnetottnent to the Conet It Litton, • et ing thut It hurl been Cutout Llalleatted by the twaretteryhtf state to the Governore or tam en s lone ttlatee on the Illth if June, het that w a MID llttertal Ott, post not to bo Cour.lklerllti ne InvOlvlngthe tenant of the I.:tot:tulle° to the p rODOritil am, 141111,111.. Mr. Willa - An, of m, moved a rofettia ito rtot.salge to the loa itollelary Commit ar Nal, , hot al the totzget.ltin, of Mr. (tanks alit! ot hers, he .rttiOM 11.301 , 0, and tooveal reterenett to the ite..eotoo ruet lon 015111ittee, IV hien Wan A51,3%1 10. • The Ilmme took up nna paaaml a numb, of private talk from Ihr umm our, .Mon uo . grantlng poromma. On motion of Mr. t' :shoo rue, of senate Mil anon I the set of A prll to;,authorizing the ..tie of mat lne hospital. stol Several Cutters.,Wi t s take:: fro., the spatter's table and poseetl. Air. Briggs offered a resolution, is Itlch wlno , Inst Tti int.l , lml r Coln In lt lon to inquire into tht . etl.. henry of report ing& 1,111 ,telges and el. 'I thitrot courts of the United states liatel) in nom:Alton, to charge gntn.l juries especattli3is [l.4lllre An to Inv 101ati..0 of the test anti. let parties appoint'sl stud rrerform.ng the dur.le_s if Minces, who hare been tflssinalltled from such offices 141 ninetatnt. partimpo oti in the cinatelt V t, tt•ii Intent stet toetother of the in I. pine, rifling such oath ir,slitri.lge from the Ju.liciar, I. ote• nittnre, reported emek Lhe Senate hill to .1 In ten tlit, rt . VtAlOn nod ...sof triarion of c p hi , - atet its e , t the I sit ett -totes, it obit am. read hirtillst s , 011,1 . Itou..c.ao. Ir-orn the Committee On 311.11, 'my., to report Nock ITO! "fll directing the Secretary of the Treasury to hlien sountierson, with,. of trol.Sannenr. • to, Vrterrist Morsliml riettsral of Missouri, .ilfhtnni nun compenstation for special labor ono terrier. of lest lute hustrimil in detecting and upOstng on °rennin...l isonstorney In the lova! •tates ,115.1 5.0 the trOvt , rnuiont of the L. nlitsl states. flu tootle n statement explanattili of An bill. Mr , bellahenter te•t.illed to the inestimable -trelee, reielern! suuselor.on In ex /using the Indthoe coneplinoy, nett loud that rte death en, the• rnotit of to, gnat Lelsor, Mr. llt•njantto objected to tho Irlll hell( re ,torted et thls Elmo. Mr. Donna apt Introduced rtgata/ n tccolutlon to enable 1 le,tut. Rohliers change their Ittalcsigeltßlngthadionn in co rtaln CASCA, 1k hien Wag rend twice anti referred to the Committee on Laullitt. It provides that when toil. Alen have Inntle the selection of homestead. 'A bile in the ,B el - vier of the Calton Statue, t 'Lfouch agents. and Rehme neteetionlPprove to examir.atiou not to Nu sullefactory, that they ma) nage the Retortion conceded, and op pit the teen Mem,' v rahti upon a new selection. The iloune. at 1///iol.ll,lfhl. FROM kENTUI kV. Adionramen of Presto, ter,—Consention of fiallread Commissioners. I,oittard.t.c., June 2.l.—The Old Inulevllle Prt , l4rtery adjourned after four days' .1.13/011. body procteedml, Irrespectively of the General Assembly, to adjudicate the Walnut -tree' Church case, ignoring the elders en dorsed by the assembly. They adopted the t ~r their Commissioners at St as (I.olr club procc.i,l th,“oo,t g,r , .11131 tll.O teem lite !lino IhvlS s,rtt, 4.,S1•1111,1) I/0 . 1..11 11 V, them, anti its t so rut youcern• this Presbytery are it usurpation. A nth . lly ho desired to sustain the Generel Av. - m./1y tthdrea and torment another Presbytery, snlrh adJournesi alter denouncing the Ohl Prosbytery and canting the people against them Thu Railroad Commissioners from Charles aml Koos ville met here and had a Confer ence with the °Mourn of the Louisville and Nashville railroad Newell, by Tree!.len, es,Conftelerate eerretary, Col Rued, and others, were favorably roeelveti. The prom peeps of it continuous road hence to Chtu port, v. Is no svtllu, Cr, lint tering. FROM NEW ORLEANS. 31strket16—Yellow Fever—Ttio City Re markably Healthy. NLw 011.1.1tANS, June X2.—Cotton nominal; sal. 150 hales of low middling al 3407 e. To lay's receipts were 5% bales. The week's re eelots were J,4Ss hales against 3,842 last week. The, experts wore 500 bales. Stock In. port. 110,875 bales. New York exchange dis count. Rank sterling, no. Coffee; week sales, Po sacks. :dock, 4,505 seeks. Prime, 500. , The reported cases of yellow fever. 1-I.flOr posi, mortem ealdninat lon, have heou found entree. The vily Is remarkahly healthy with lII' tendon,. to lever, The yellow lever at eta Crib tit en no alarm. Rebel Forbidden to 11o1d Ofbee lITTR, N. C., Juno 22.—Lawn, the ex r abet General who was recently elected clerk of the superlot Court of Richmond county, ban ecelved nn order from General Tilliaon, corn tilanding the Butte, forbidding him to hold or lore t•, any civil or polit teal active. The or der was similar to that Burred on Semmes by the Secretory of Wnr. The Itooeseen--lirinnellMir. W• . 1 UTON, Juno _2 —Representatives I Annuli and Itnaseftn have returned to Wash ington, after a week's athsenea In different di rections. The former vomplains of motioned soreness in his right arm, trent the tvectit. vatting. The special Committee to inventl gaite the cireutustimees of the assault will meet to-morrow morning. Freeman Clarke to be RastaWell Nsw Yens, June . 22.—A Washington special to the Cbmmeretai says the friends of Freeman Clarke are confident ho be triumphantly sustained by the reporting of Ills nous., Cow• entree on Bunks, and that Secretary MeCiti -10311 trill be shown to have beau ignorant of large sums on deposit In various National Bnks. This, Cholera In New York, Now Yotta, Juno V..—The widow of George IL Simpson, who died of cholem u few days ago, was attacked by the name disease yester day and died last night. Mrs. Malone, report ed sick of the cholera yesterday, Sn recover- ing. nurdererm Ilanised A v u oRTA , tiA., Juno 4.—Wllllam Burr.. ciazen, and John 4aokeon, a...freedmen.. more bung to.day, according to the sentence of u martial for the murder of Clanslee IL inn., near Marietta, Oa, last October. • Hoboken Beene New Yost, Juno n„—As the Hoboken races to-day the steeple chase WAS won by General Williams. The second mace was won by Sal fuetone. Time; 3:44i. BattWawa Market. • BLLTIMOIIE, duno 22,—flour quiet. Wheat tinzu Yollowsto 05'04 MA. 08bli very dull gird UODIII2AIi flyer ".1.1,-Ernolua.—E.lver eu b 4 t P.P4; l 4' • CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Lorain-otters on Third Page An Elopemeut—A Wife Buns Off From Her Husband. After Robbins Rim of £42:3. A man named Robert Meares appeared be fore Alderman Donaldson yesterday and on oath duly administered, stated that be was a he was married some two yearn since to a wO reii.butt. 01 Greenville, Mercer Co., Pa., where man some ten years hisjunior. They had lived frhgal4 and happily together tor the first year utter their marriage. when nature blessed them with a bouncmg boy, and kind fort nor lett them in possession of some real ciliate worth SWi. At this time a man named William McManus made the acquaintance Of the twain, and In a short time after became intimate with Stemma' wife, who seemed to relish his society, masmneb as she managed to spend a eusussltlerable portion of her time in It. The hushund was not of a jealous tempera ment, ami therefore took no notice of the at (al r until Thursday unseeing al ien h e di. cov , ured that his wile had mysteriously disappear ed, bating taken with her tilt in "greenbacks," and the child which he claims to be their mu tual property. On instituting inquiry ho discovered that 31'llunns was also misslng, and subsequently learned that the tatter to company with his wife and offspring had takes the ears a few hones before for this city. He Immediately started In pursuit and arrived here yesterday, when he made search for the missing 0101 s without success. He said, in coneinsion, that ho did not want his wife, was willing to let her go where, and with whom, she pleased, but tie was very anxious to gain oossesslon of the child and t'greeithangs.” The Alderman biscuit a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Means and litTlanus, the former of whom Is charged with larceny and the tattor with adultery. An rAt true.' !story Wager and What IZI:5=1 Peter Motto, the proprietor of a small lob.- co store In the Fifth ward, actuated with a lofty ambition, made a wager of forty-five dollars with a friend that he could stand for twenty-four hours on a pedestal before his own door. The pedestal alluded to had lust been erected for the purpose of putting there, on a “poor Indian," and is about ten feet high and some ten inches square at the summit. A little before eleven o'clock yesterday morn ing he ascended to his perch—whieh is In full view of Um Union Depot and the passing trains of the Pennsylvania Itallroad—and as ma • a ell be supposed he was coon surrounded wit y h a gaping, curious multitode,who amused themselves by discussing Mott's power of en durance, and speculating on the poasibliity of its being able to remain ported for the time specttlisl in the bet,. Toward the afternoon the excitement became intense and people flocked in ern.dn to sec Molts in hie ufoc attal posi tion until - at lilac o'clock last evening au as semblage numbering some live hundred had cnllc curd amend the spot. At this Juncture the UrTlVeli w ith 1111 circler from the %ape for Molts dethronement, and he was acixorilingly taken clown. meet, to th e ,hego m t of his auditors. lids is 000 of the very rare dnstances where a Caucasian has shown any uel re to take the place of the poorlAboriginc, iota owing to the conduct of his Honor it will doubtless be the last. Money to the amount of at:coral hundred dollen wits bet on this affair, which will have now to In. withdrawn. An Excellent Extubllnhment. how that the warm July days are approach ing, the triter to Clothe ourselven in apparel to the condition of the atmosphere la is-tanning pr, - dent. This Is more especially the <nine among those of the gentler sex, who her preparing choir wartirobiai for a trip to the anie Or scene country retinal, an dictated by the deerene of comfort or the Anti ,sienoe. To the latter we would recommend, before :darting, a visit ICJ Bane, k Bell'S dry goods establishment, No. Cl girth vitieut, and errant oio the beautiful and vel led stock of silk.. .nitins, de lentos, oil chintz, linens. tilUnlinti (Illlet” that are non on exhibition there, and at prices an low as any hoc. In the city. Resides tile articles named above thin firm have on hand a large supply of ladies' fur 'itching :final, that in quality and plantlty ere rstond to none, rannprislntl ribbons, '<loves. It - Wooing, point and honiton laces, of loom 11111 , 01 e pattern and linnet texture. To those who have bad dealings with Mean", lines d hell any word In 'wake we could utter of then, e OO.l no regard...l as a repel I- I eel of tenet Indy already know, but 1.0 1110 ts o litre net-sr sustain...l those relations to 15,0, gentlemen en would say that in all our t Sporlettre we hero , never come across more m., (Marietta s and Weyer gentlemen, s hfiethe, some may he said of their salesmen, et who.. hands a Customer Is always sore to recalls,: courtesy and attention. The Editorial (ownldlog Affair—Addis. I:l2Ml== In yesterday's finzeilr We gave particulars ot what was represented to us as a cow hiding affair between Anthony Weidman, Esq., and Rudolph huhu, Esq..—the latter the editor and tits former rm•rescriting himself as one of the proprietors of the Pittsburgh De-moeral, toirman newspaper published le the Gazette build lag. AA we hail If, Mr. Weidman, feeling aggrieved at an article cenauring him in the paper retorted to, iirocetsled to the editorial retteu, K:ught out Mr. huh,., and chastised Mori with a cowhide. It is het Just that we should ive elm statement of Mr. Kuhn concerning ate affair. Mr K. says that Mr. %Veldt:nail find entered the mathnee room and inquired for Mr. Adam Luker, business manager, who happened to in, almeut at the time. Next he went to the est itorlal Mom. approached the editor's table, acct after exchanging some remarks concern ing the art ...le referred to, made an attack gram Mr. Kuhn. In the sting:flu which follow , Mr. Weldemen lost a portion of ht. shirt, to o shirt studs. the onlyblot:4 spilt on the oc casion flowing from his nose nod mouth, and getting the worst of the battle was forced to retire. Mr. Kuhn got pOsamitiOn of a mallet, teed was suflicientiy exalted to use It effectu ally, but NV WI preventeal through the thterft , rence •if the omnpusitors, BARI Weitiman's on portone retirement. Weary told Weidman hue he interest in the Democrat, either as pt curia. for or editor, other than what is oondit Meal upon it promise to' advance funds, which he has not as yet fulfilled. The Herron Estate at .merlon The well known farm of 1.- late John Her von hen been subdivide I iota lots of various sizes to suit the taste .I , ld convenience of per sons in guest of suburban homes. It Is situate about two !lilieseast of the city, on the up .aid- ova:: fnersv il le. It Is elevated and un tl hit eirinprislng hilltops, valleys and rici dells. From the summit at Fort Her ron the vies is of surpassing beauty; at your feet Iles the siting , and valley of East Liber ty, Mitotic.' it Ith tae palatial residences of our weelthy citizens. t4emplars of a taste and 2 udgment Chat can tic better subserved at Fort Herron. Iteyend, forty miles away, the crest of Chestnut Ridge marks the eastern horizon. Between the' nd luirent hill, the beautiful alieny Is sten, like a silver thread, pursuing its devious say to Its destiny. To the South, the hills of the Monongahela, with their garni vure of green and Stone of mineral, skirt the lew, while at the scat distant two miles, the cite sends up the smoke of her Industry. thin proximity to town, the facility of ap proach, The remarkable beauty and man ostty or the situation, we doubt not, will at tract our cilium:. to the sale on Monday Mixt, sot imly, but lure them to the purchase of spots for future sweet and happy homes. Allegheny Ilsipensary There has boon organized th Allegheny City a Medical Dispensary, of which all charitable .00l humane citizens of our sister city should . 141 proud. it is under the ausploes of the leading practicing physicians of that city, and Ic located to the City Building, Diamond 9gmirc. (in Monday nest It will be thrown open for the use of the public poor who will be ui tended free or charge. Indeed, so char itable have been the physicians having the matter in charge, that they have resolved to visit the bedside of the suffering indigent, and to administer to their wants (tee of nu; charge. We sincerely hope that the Dispen sary will meet with littoral encouragement, and that no one will refuse aiding an enter , urine so charitable arid philanthropic In Its character. rirnacked lu ih. itionth.—liarbara Aha yesterday appeared before Alderman Taylor and preferred a charge of ussanlt and battery against 111h:haul Maley. Barbara alleges that the accused struelr her In thu mouth, causing Ilia blood to flow profusely. Not relishing tills /mark In the mouth, she wlshm to hare Altehael arreateti and punished ter his ungal lant continet. A warrant was placed in the hands of °Meer null for the arrest or Michael. The One llundred and eleeond.—hlem hers or the late ()no Hundred and Second Reg iment Pennsylvania Volunteers will hold a meeting this evening A ssoc half-past seven o'clock, at the Piremen'a iation Rooms, to make thud urnmgomenta for attending the nag reception at Philadelphia on the Fourth., The Pennsylvania Rant cad Company has consented to issue excursion ticking for seven dollars. The Verdllet.—ln the cane of Darby Mc- Donough, Indicted for feloniouely shooting Thomas Dougherty, the Jury acquitted of the felony and convicted of unlawfully wounding. Sentence deferred. The case was taken ap in the Quarter elusions on Thureiday, and wall not concluded until blriday afternoon. Male of Oil Ploake.—Yesterlay morning thirty thousand shares of the talon Labile 011 Company was sold by the Sheriff for ten cents a share. When the company was organ ized the stock wee 'worth ono dollar per share. "What a falling of wee there.,, Surety of the Peace.—fumes Young was arroeted yesterday and brought before Alder man Strain toraurety of the peace on oath of We who Ellsabdth. In default of the requbilto ball ho was comruttild far a further hearing. Mottled. —Jaelesli-Towman yesterday ap peased before Aidertnall...Morrow and made oath usulestlicladlballfal for allsazdt , and battery. After•almulag the case was , settled by the defeadallt.paylag the ousts. • . . On 1111.—We underethutthit the mausgeti or 'Mb Pittsburgh; rort,,Werne and' Obia4o, hallway Wanda ethilVlA,nlw.,„..e. PRICE THREE CENTS Child Abduction Come. In the Quarter Sessions, yesterday, Adeline C. Murray was arraigned upon an Indictment I for anduetmg a child under ten yearn of age. John E. E/ ward prosecutor. The case was taken up late In the afternoon, and was fairly I on when the hour for adjournment arrived. The prosecutor testified that he was married to the defendant In March, 1834, and cohabited with her until the breaking out of the rebel lion in LS6I, when he enlisted and served in the Union army for four years. Upon hie return home he learned that his wife had been int ! properly Intimate with one Murray, and peti tioned for a divorce to the court in Armstrong county, where he resided. Ills petition was d .;f e: i t iv t o he gg o un c d on o r f t a a gt o lterit i Gle n t lre wife to retain charge of the youngest child, a little girl and the eldest, a boy. (now about ten years of age) wangiven into the custody of the father. For a time the boy lived with his aunt, sister of defendant, and subsequent ly with another aunt. sister of prosecutor, living in Pittsburgh. The defendant got pos session of the boy in July last, and has since had him in her charge. Thus far the case had proceeded when the court adjourned. The prosecutor belonged to the Bth Penneyl varda Reserves, and shortly after being mus tered out, on the expiration of his term of ser vice, nlistai a company at Kittanning, and jo ined Colonel George 5. Gallupe's sth Pennsylvania Lleavy Artillery regiment, com lag home with it after the muster out at Vienna, Virginia, is July, 1133. The case will be resumed tills morning at eight o'clock, the jury - naming the hour The counsel for the proeeentiou Is U. D. Bruce, 1.14 , q., and the de fendant's Interests are being looked after by Col. Barclay, of Armstrong county. For Haas, Hardware, ete With pleasure we direct the attention of our readers to the card of Mr. F. Mussman”, Fifth, between Cha.haa and Tavel' streets, gun smith and dealer in hardware. The -proprit, for of this establishment is un experiencel and practicable workman, understanding thoroughly all the branches of the trade. He has in 6to re a large and finely selected stock of lire arms, nigh as pistols, revolvers, car bines, rifles and shot guns, and a general ELs sone:met of knives, scissors, tools and hard ware of every descrintlon. As hts rent and soil p e ;l ' c ' f, low e ery and m r e e n &M ' ahl'A is e lre p b li e r 4 l lug Is promptly attended to in the best manner. Mr. Massmann Is a clever and accommodating gentleman, in every respect worthy of the patronage of the eounuently. Before •pur chasing elsewhere we advise our readers to look through his stock. E!=Mll=l We are pleased to announce that our friend Stephen M.. 4.t, one of the heavy sufferers by the late Lafayette Hail conflagration, km again established himself in business at No. 1(1 Wood street, above Davis , book store. Mr. Ott's determined enterprise Wad energy Is commendable alid we trust his old patrons will continue the generous patronage hitherto bestowed upon him. lie manufactures all de scriptions of dies, seals, medals, seal presses, cancelling stamps, &e., in the best style of art. Visiting cards and plates for marking cluthim.r executed at the shortest notice. We know Wm to be an Industrious, fair-dealing and aocommodatlnggentleman, and cheerful ly commend him to the public. More Gnus Oidermi.—The ordnance bu reau at Washington have ordered two more twenty-inch guns for the navy to be built at tug Fort Pitt works In the Fifth ward. Thei u-ill be eighteen inches shorter than the "Rol aebut," gun, cast on the fifth of May, 166 t, d now lying at the Proving Groundsou the Penn sylvania Railroad, six miles from this city. Plittsburett Thastre.—Mrs. Fanny Burt, one of the most attractive actresses and ao complished vocalists who has ever been con nected with Mr. lienderson's theatre, has a lem.ellt on Monday night. She ought to be fa. ored with a crowded house. A Rare Opportnnlty.—A large, airy front parlor of a nice residence, No. 15 Ross street, In °tiered for rent, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board, at a very reasonable r11(0. Hors. Formd.—A dark bay horse'wwv pick ed op by ono of the night watch on Friday morning. and left fn Campbell & Athens' Lie. cry stable tor Ittentilleattou. Drowned.—A son of .1. 1) Braden, Esq., of ‘i r eshington. Pa., wax accidentally drowned so a cistern near bin residence, on ‘Vesinesday of last week. Commencemeot.—The commencement ex ercises of the St. Francis Sayler Aemlams. for young ladles at Latrooe, takes place on Timm day next. =33112 STEVEN6ON —l3 n MILTON —On Thursday eV p ing. Jane 21st, hr Rev. John T. Pressly assisted e by Rev. Jonn liougia, at tee residence of the bride's WIL " F:. ' III ` 3,LIVN . `81 7 "'" "T -. DILWORTH—SA ISIIHRYu Thursday, Juno 2OL at the South Street Conerejgatlonal Church, inebanstl, by Rev. Dr. Storrs,. NG la DILWORTH. JO.. of this city, and Miss Hainan L. 1:IA1.18- BI:11Y of Cincinnati. FAIRMAN & SAMSON, UN DE RT_A_IC ERS, No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th, (Entrance from Seventh Street, ) Ura.v.t Itm_is_-t= AND 133 NAN DUSKY STNILET, curNDOS2 ALLEGHENY, PA _ _ ALFA AIKE, 111:7/%7Mol7iri.T.41-13-1E1IFL 240 teo3 eltzsburgh, t2OFFINO 01 all kind, bLOVIM4, , and el„ - 4 description at Fun chl I , urnibeling 110<m2a 11:12111.1442. HOWLS open.' o 104, Me.. and CATTeirODMLIMMI4I42 M.cr.o 1424,.z0-12.ev. 11a0141 Kerr. 2.4.13., iter: M w..l4conos, Thotom Ewing. Moo.. .'ntob 12.0. J UST RECEIVED. A LARGE LOT OE' LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS 61 Market Street, WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT sa-ocz.. le_, J. A. ROBINSON & CO. SAVE THYSELF. A CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE. Dr. S. Cutter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters. The greatest Nerylnc ever discovered. The addi tion, within the Mat ten years, of Or. Gutters No vice Discovery to the English Hitters, makee it a perfect auttdole to intemperance. krevious to late lltacoyer3 of the Nervlne this medicine was befot• t English public, celebrate as a Tonic d Al- terative, in diseases of the Stomah and ma o f the Bowels, and dlemmes arising Hum impedl lira of the blood. As at Is cheap, the choice of the Stomach. Mall persons addicted to the use of *Dm asia.s and narcotics, suchas & alcohol sod malt liquors, opium, morphia , arsenic, tobacco, A, as it recant es the morbid appetite, or craving of the stomach for stimulant; 11l Headache, Neural4M , and all nervous diseases, It has no equal As a - vine• Ten years use o the improved English Hitters •in Si. Bartholomew's Hospital, St. Marrs 11.pital, Newgate and other prisons, has established its rep utation, no a cure fur intemiaerauce, and gained for it the approval of th e attending surgeons in all the hospitals and prisons throughout Great Britain, and it prea.cribeal now by many physicians in lad vote practice, for persona addicted to the use of alnlsmiativna In earalycls, St. Vitus' Daum, NDttlytie pits. Nervous Twitching., and all Nervous diseases, it has no equal. Wholemtle and Retail Agent, A. TORRENCE, mr10:4.42 No. 70 darker at., comer or Fourth._ SZUPEItIIOII OAK TANNED,_PAT- IthIVSFEETettEIt AND NIVETEU LEATHER BELTING .AND HOSE, M."."" ' " " No. ritt SMITIIFIILD or., by RARTI4HY. PHELPS & CO. Also, Afoul. for New York blubber Co. Glum Beltin g.. Always on hand a superior quality of LACE LEATEnkt and tiUli HYDRANT OSE, COECEit ItIV ETU and B Mtn, BELT 11001f.e. etc. [Je.S:plO _ - pHILADELPIILS. SALOON FOR SELALIAMI In the City of Canton, Ohio, BrocK. FEVMEES AJSLI LEASE. Also. FURNITURE of gold tonne, all new. Roue. wnWm ran rooms; corner henee, near the Court House and Post °glee, In the centre sof the city.' Reason Or .1 11 1 , 11, mu engaged in other beldam. Jokonl pSIGH RIACHINE.-THENA TIONAL BRICK ItAVIILNE makes, with only two-bonerwer, 110,t0) silendld iltleknyer m wialle s d annettenget "unlf u o w ein o l , eitans. , 'lntl take liktra i nTiel n tion the.money.A r sklresa '.&15,144 , 141111.411:1A, lltnelna Ament. airShb74:l74 'COTTON 22T b~►teS Dllddtitlf tn. THE WEEKLY TWO EDITI4O ISSUED. ON o, EON IPIDATI4 ' ARID NA Tee edition le forwarded wttleb wIU matt We sib. ierltrors mootteet as the mill MI. TURNS: tsAlitE o s . orils, 11 e Lititz OF TEN AND UPW . AliThr.7.7.= Itta WATektiga D'UNSEATH set xpir t a x gettr.et. wI WEttches. CLOCKS, JKWELKV, §ilver aid Silver Plated Ware! t'AvArtZ lu . e , f , .., , il,el i ti s cti s t:ov . tyles of OULU Cell and see our el °et and get petrel _ _ LA.DIES , AND GENT'S ALL STY ,El 3, AT GULEATLY,REDVCED PHACEA. JeB WYLIE ST. J. H. JOILVISTOX is. 600 TT JOHNSTON 44. SCOTT, LOMEIZE Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 274 I.IBEETrSTRICE'r .t.Noxfx:Law. Air Partlentnr attention Oven to Repairing \Vnt..aes, Clock. and Jewsur,. An work warrant t 14.5:09 NEW AD vERTIt3EIKENI'S. UTION.—AII persons are cttu t,oned agilmd rveelvlng or paying check No. 1.40, on P. ',Laing,. NaLlonal Ilan. ot Vittsburgh. $3.08 .10, dated 4 , 11, 0, 1000. I,• the order of JAME, FUN IC lug been re ceived by the party In whom It was mailed. R. PEM ttEKTON, Superintendent Penna. Salt Manufacturing o. N June bed. Je201:02 . _ STEPHEN M. OTT. OZNX2AL Die Sinker, Seal S Medal Engraver, STENCIL. BRAND AND STEEL LETTER CM, ;UPERIOR SEAL PRESSES. snorting Stamps & Visiting Cards. =I 93 Wood St., ('or. Diainond Alley, 11=1 21 FIFTH ST. Alexandre and foorvoisiers Kid Gloves; Buff and White Lisle Gloves; Ladies and Misses Silk Mitts; Ganse Merino Undergarments for Ladies and Gents; Plain Linen Handkerchiefs; Hemstitched Handkerchiefs; Imitation and Heal Lace Handker chiefs; Fancy Shawls, Faus and Combs; Morrison's Star Shirts—the best in the market; Duplex and Boulevard Hoop Skirts, 103 D. DENNISON'S, :27 Vieth Street- =CI _a_ .V°l7T-81-4 Si Mir ttiVI4OMISiMiuI 1...wpv4=1 13ea,utifill Gums, .P.SL.. FOR $B, $B, $B, $B, Such as other Dentists charge 310 for, 10E1 DL QUINCY A. SCOTT'S, No. 278 Penn Street, Third Door Above Hand. full set for SSO, such ss others eharge from 111191 810 for. A full set for from 810 to *l5, which um:mantes to be better than unix mace at any ether establishment In tile west (daisy pries. Call and examine his Speci mens and you WI II be convinced. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. Laughing Gas Free in Every Case. NO CHARGE For Extracting when Artificial Teeth are Ordered. 1311- J. SCOTT Etas Entire Charge of the Operative Department. CLOAKS!' CLOAKS ! ! NEW CT.() A:Ei.-1g JUST REOt4D AT THE FIFTH ST. CLOAK HOISR. ELEGANT CLOTH NACU .-: Selling at 152,50, I= New Cloak &Ilse, 49 Filth Si., Opposite Old Theatre. ,EBOLUTION tolegalizelbe pay .mcacorertmn buts. licsottykt. Ute Select am Comason . !Coaneite of rsorlt lbw/way, That the Controller be and be t i ' lltreby instructed to lasnehla certificate for • war rant to pap the Win sa retorted bthe ge , e14,1:r4- (:r u at e tNt l nel i llitse,6l.lrl;aitiel l'o4C. bill of ttni n tl bar and carpenter work, mounting to: toe main of,- dre hundred and sistr.dine 51-100,(4,M dollatlt William nchleaber'a bill or plastering', MOnlltttllC , - to ninety eight 64-1 W Oat 86) dollars, and. Alan. & Ilaerlde , s bid or plumbing, anunantlng to thirty.gli.- 61-100 (136 td) In all atom:tut-tog to the antis or' Ordained and enacted into a law till/Ina of Julie, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and el .try .ass. XAS , ARIBRIER; - PresidentiDl . E.alcekcounc'a. !ClAttest D erk of np 1,C0 0. i.4.. • • • , 'Clerk of commouconrr SAW , 11 -ACKStr-41ani; ....In..'" a 'Jr* M:=M I= =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers