El CI - --.1 -Y G00P1EL751.7113 I ... ' • au .._ .Z.:4 .s.l , .110111 CHANCE. RS OF DRY GOODS, 7 0LESAIE AM RETAIL, fake Purchases Cheaper hem ',Ever. DIFFERENT STYLES OF (/1111.D.5.7 . 11t then received during the h days, efiegger than we have oaereil 1. earn, at prlsea as IS%c.. 25e.. . 38e,, awl 41 being about ONE-ISALP the price . .SA3IE ,:04.4.13 early to the Spring. ?REEFS OF BLACK AND COL MEP 51Ltc E. for havoc., Sults and Drew., attentehlnglr cheap; 0O thfril cheaper than 30 Ja). age. _ • 100 PtEl ES ALL WOOL CASSIs alum., Cirques Coats, Merl and Iloy•• sear, light and dark, spiereald style., as low as RI iae., 41 aa4l 41.25 per yard. being leas Mao one-half the price titnett dayisso. • TABLE LINENS, TOWELINGS. NAPKINS, Doylies, ( rashes. Shirting Linens Shealing and Llnens, linty and Huff I.llt sets for Travdllut Sults; lioneTeusub, Startalllet. Toilet and Waren Quilts. and nil Housekeeping tiooda, VSItY. VEST CHEAP. 300 SPRING S SUMMER SHAWLS. any and sal etylea dealr.•,l. all Nem Goods, man, from llDpntters' sale., Including same real Gronadinea, ror 61,80 , $1,75, 62. OP to CaG. 100 BLACK SILK LACE POINTS from auction, elegant goeslS, extra large size. as low no •bO, upwents to SSO. 100 81:L1i AND CLOTH SACQUES. CIItetTLAILS, COATS, BASQUES, all new styles, .t prices from $4 to $33. THE VERY REST MAFLES OF MID LOVE:. Anti *1.50 P.' P. 4. BALMORAL AND HOOP SHIRTS, &leen) e very Cheap• COUNTRY Al F. Ittell.!lliTttsalsw . s:llnd our prices the lovrest itoiny - tistitalai In our stool Out will do them rood. SUILBITER, 1202, MARRET STREET A T Jos. 11011 NE fit CO's. SUN ..`OWN, SUNBEAM AND DERBY HATS, al AYQJ NEN, DEW Dllurti. DIPIDE, DAISIES, 001/0 ETTrIL AND H tim I It'SON HATS. Ofl IV, HAITI. STRAW BONNETS to nen attain,. Frames, In all 140 Emshionnola styles. RIBBONS, Wain, 11notrod rind checked, all widths, LOW EMS, W RE ATH Ii„BUDr and ROSES. STRAW GOODS. m 1 1 ,110.1 NOS en.d URN ENTS. 11 2 111.1ixiox-yr C3l-c>cpctiso. SWISS. CHECKS. BRILLIANT. NAINSt/OES. TAIG. TANS. SHIRRED NIUSLINS, LINENS. and a full assortment of g=U=l _ - REAL .IND TM. CLIUNI LACE COLLARS. . REAL AND IM. VAL. LACE 1:1/LLA1b. , , REAL rot.NTE LACE COLLARS, bETTS awl ILAN 1)- ERCII lEVS. HAMBURG TRIMMING AN D FLOUNCING, SWISS AND CAM RRIC EDGE AND I NNIIITI Mit:, LINEN CULLAR2‘. CUFF/. A.ND 4E'I N, aarlou. ot)la, Puff Illusion, SINiSA arid French Cambric IMEME! I'A ILL IFIAN6S 5E17,4. MK:I FICILLING!,' M. , 1- 1 , 1. 4, 1147 , Z1E5.1.1tE, , - Tit . IIIMINGS IN ,i1`11°1:10 , AND ._:I.IIJNY LACK. SI . 1 111.A1 RAI.I. AND 'quip ritiai_ M Nli. lload Streasners Ornaments and Setts. 1:317% . T0N iEI In the ttboirefit titylotta In lIEA I/, SILK. FA vo'n •ii lg. It W E 1 . 1. a Stl,. 113. 4.1:R1 ELLE. JI.T. It 11.1 . 1.1 1.- , `41 4 AItEU. .In andi.14414 t. \ - 44 I\ll PLK:i. awl ItON TOP. Rg lltTa: 10.11.1'n, 41.01.n3•$ A.:+l) 111/CH LES: Fa tan great varlet) flow palm 10 1‘ . .r3... , ; IIyr.TIKT.I,-z, • w n t e AVII:VIILIEa rn ; hilltitl;3l Tit A VELLII4I,. 11 Ai ntal a.4TC:IIIitL.S; IlAlit Blt6SILES:C01111a: and a FULL ELME OF XOTIOXS ALL AT IIiYULAR Abs. 71 and 79 Market Street Jx13:e..4 GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Linen and Jean Drawers; New Kid Gloves at 75 cents a pair: White Cotton Rose at 12 cents a pair; Five Pair good Cotton Hose for $1,00; Parasols and Silk Sun Umbrellas; Fans in every variety and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; Puff' Berlin Gloves. NEW GOODS RECEIVING AMIN AT Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. MACRON, GLADE & CO. NEW GOODS! MACRUM &CARLISLE, No. 19 -Wirth Eltrecrt. tre tit,)74: g op t val . a: h t . e r lv t ag i Gov:nen t of It6AL LADE RICH SILK G PAHAKOLS, ELEANT PA ETY A SS, FINE lIONNET NEW b.YLE DRE , S TRIMMINGS, ESA tiIIIP;S HE LACKS. FINE MARL OUT CONS. We Once Net opened a beanttfel lot or REAL CLUNG X LACES AND INSERTENGS. We would Intim rpeel.l atGotlon ton now and spindle Gum t neat of AMES' HUFF AND WHITE MEDIA G LOVES. GLOVES In Um new Petroleum and Havana Shades, An sesortutent of nese .dora In KID li LAW EA BLACK LACE MlTTS—new styles; A law. et pieht usettalent of LA , I Es' and GM LILIRENISCOTTON ROSE: GENT'S V tfiE SIIIRTIL•DERE SCARES : COLL' , 110:1E, stairENl.lE.s.s, UM HRELL So.- LADIES' and GENT , » GAUZE MERINO UNDER- V r.nr , . To lerchants and Dealerp . Our Wholesale Department, »owwell nocked wan err Nang In tee NOTION LEGE, which we offer to t Prailt as tow at; any hen! East or Welt. ffi LCRUM At CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, Agent a for the "LOCKSVOOD MANUFACTUR- I'. 0 COMPt i BRA VI.EY' ei DUPLEX u.rno s st Ei. - sissstsstursr.• prise.. narl2 maRTHNOT..W. T. MARTRM..J. O. STYYRINHOF ARBUTHNOT,' SHANNON-a CO., No. 115 - Wood R., Pittsburgh, Have Just opean4 a Jule new stock of FANCY AND STAFLE DRY GOODS, "174 ViVsT o Zrailig AVIA!'" New Prints, helaines, Lawns, Ging hams, While Goods, Dress Goods, Shawls, Balmorals, Notions, Cottonades,, Farmers' & BlechanlceCasslateres,Jeans Cloths' Linens, Drills, Bleached and Brown Meetings and rbirtings, BURLAPS, COTTON tY. LINEN DUCK. &C. Merchants are lovltnd to Coil and ex - gallon Our stock ant prices, jell CARR McCANDLESS & CO" meraWlLisolt, (YARn G (70..1 W ll O/SI.I.LE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND UOMESTIE DRY GOOK No. 0.51. Woad Mt., (Third bon. above Diamond Alley,) 1= D . L. o.4.fitii-slis-a-CE67. MANCHESTER SAW. ANA Between Beaver Nereetm o 4.44Wl4.lvcr. abineltenter,Bw,, - Orders for an kinds of LISIODOLI for bast siding. &et plea, lath raia4. - : int coi 7_3. EH] CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Local Matt n Pleat Page The Gaaestsa—Persons laavlng the city during the summer, can hare the GAZETT6 mailed to them by leaving their address at our ugunting room. Our citizens were seldom so embarrassed in :nuking choice, as ou Thursday evening Inst. There were all the charms of beauty, refined icy 'intelligence and graceful accomplish .ElClL Ls, LO draw toward (.Ilrlat Church; there was , I‘e great organ at the Cathedral, to lit sands, forthlta MaJeatinteines; and then, not to Make our list too long, we are told of s. good time, In a social way, at the Plymouth Church. Upon all tilts they 1,0 to turn their backs who resorted to Mozart Hall on that, evening, to listen to the add rev,* of JLer. W. D. Howard, D. I). of this city, and It is enough to sax for the entertainment a.... forded teem that we are confident not one left regr Itlng Ills choice. Alter prayer by the Rev. Mr. Scoville. at th,, First 1 resbyterian Church, the Doctor. an. n'ouneed .by Mr. R.. Rogge chairmen of Mc vommi.tee of the two litera rs, ry eoelettea of lee western University, presented his address. The sunject ho had chosen was 'lnflamer. • Ills treatment of It was vo methodical and Clear that It In ClOty enough to give an on Li le e. of his thotizhts, hot the difficulty your report er tee -is 121 In the fuel that the.dthiap nut et till I curl Inv 1,61.1 tO admirable that 1,02. scanty Jostle, c_n to clone to the address In its ate. seeee, yet our Welt. confine UN CO a few • • Innen. T., girth in a hat( •lonen paragraphs, the onhetance of a production of this sort, t hat w a. oLI e, Is an unnlcrtaaing that aer•nnt4 wantonly to defy the doctrine of the Inconn - - • pressiellity of matter. - Tho Orst ,juestion discussed was, What. Is se tl oeneet The word is applied Is physics. Thus we speak of the influence of the solar heat In unbinding nature's vegetative fumes: of the influence of Sensibility, whereby, en porially', in concentrated power exhibited in public assemblies, the feeling of one man m conies another's, almost if not quite apart fr em the original occasion of the feeling; of in p , vine influence such that doubtless no tnini. es..ista, In heaven, earth or hell, that is not in sa ate way Impressed by the Divine Mind; of sacral ante ace, put forth by all rational beings,—God the centre of all holy agencies, angels in their unseen and gentle but mighty ministry, men, aft men, all classes, every eon anion, every grade of character, every age. not, excepting the infant smiling or sleeping In Its mother's arms. It is this moral tolu enes, of coarse, that the speaker had is view asithe topic of ids address. lt. Ia extrusive. As a pebble dropped In mid ocean sends its concentric warm on and on tm th‘y meet the Inebergs at either pole, so the slightest act of moral force moves, In its measure, the whole vast sea of society. It is impercepablo. It Is not to the whirlwind or the earthquake, but rather In the dew or the unseen cords of gravitation that we would compare it. It Is mighty. No human force can equal It. Hence the ambition of men to possess them selves of Its power. Witness Its agency in re volutions, and content not yourselves with a view simply of the powers you see at work at the very moment of these crises, bat remem ber how far back among the dead an investi gation of the remote but real causes opera tive there will lead you. Illustrations were given in the exhuming of Christianity in the sixteenth century, and such as are suggested Isy names like those of Cromwell, Ranter, Shakespeare, Lord Bacon, Newton, Napoleon, and Washington, in the various spheres of human activity. To such men as theae, the absence of means was of no significance. They created them; rather, they exerted en influence the t without them was adequate to all emer gencies. Wartburg, said the reverend gentleman, could lint abut within its rustle walls tee Influ ence that was shaking the foundations of the Papacy. so Witahington in his tent, writing the dispatches, was exerting an influence that was featJtroug„hout the continent and that lett ped the ocean to declare itself beyond. tia pplaon livedin Parts, Vienna, St. Petersburg, Loudon and Madrid CI at the same moment yes, and he still lived In the sweep and stroke of his irresistible Influence upon the prevent policy of Europe. 11 , 1 w abiding Is iniimmee, was strikingly and ingemom,ly shown in the power exerted by the Homeric conception of Achilles, as direct ly or indirectly malt•ug the characters and %lisping the careers of Alexander, M.riee Lit,-of Sweden and Solyman But good Influence is no less lusting. lie traced the origin of the British and Foreign little society, with its issue of 4000e,000 copies of the scriptures to an bumble village pastor an :Vales. So, rmining hack on the line of the history of modern missions, we come to an humble New England mother's great thought of wont the gospel might to do and could do for a lost world. Tile, second question discuasal regarded the (Matta., of It roisdary influence. These were shown to include good morals, a man being really what his morals are, the same being true of It naUon. This point Was amp 1y Ile as tralnd from the rich stores of historic: emu mg Proton 13. at the Doctor's 001011161.1. th. leading men of some of the must stir:lug tildes In history, he said these men made the age what they thetr selves were, and on the other baud, the age was such as to call Just such men to &forward station. ,c-ser use , shown to contribute bal. Si, Hie quality and the force of influent.. This, in combination with Truth, gives a power that moulds society and makes as Well 65 grass his tory. Tile .tenor of attributing to mere un taught and Inert genius a sort of omnipotent energy Independent of sill means, was happily shoe n. The address was C 1060,1 With an ....n -est appeal to the young men present to fur ulna the-t.ilves well for the warfare of life fro-ct the Armory of Truth in ail Its sphere., scientific. politimil and religions, to full con sciousness of the immeasurable anti ceaseless influence elss one cannot fell to exert for weal or , or woe. Ile authenee Was dismissed with the belle diettou. COUlmort Plea. Court Ike. Thomas Mellon presldtng. r, June 22.—1 n the ease KA W. B Taylor Or. 'V. 11. Boyer (reported yesterday), the jury (now] a verdl,t for the defendant Jr mes Richardson vs. The Adams Espr..-• eon, pan: . Tale was an action brought to re cover of e hundred anti thirty-four dollar-, the yule I of a package of Government papers shipped by the plaintiff per "The Adams Ex press Company," from Pittsburgh, Pa., to ht. Louis, lfo., about the Ist of May, IFIZ, and which, i alleged, was never received by the plaintiff The defendants admitted the re sale: of .ho package, but proved by the affida vits of several of their employees anti the books of the office ut Cincinnati, Ohio, that the package In question had been duly receiv ed. at Cincinnati., on the sth Of May, 1865, end was forwarded to St. Louis on the evening of the name day. On the night of the sth of May, LeeS, between eight and nine o'clock, the trr in wt.. thrown from the track about sixteen miles from Cincinnati, by a rail having been misplaced. and immediately the entran ces to the different cars were taken charge of by armed and uniformed men, presumed to he Kentucky busliwnekers, and a body (number. log en persons, armed, enforce the Ex, pre,. oar In which the package eras. Drawing the, revolvers, they compelled the Express mei...engem to deliver up the two safes, one tor Cairo and one for St. Louis, In his pousee. +ion, which they proceeded to blow open a 1:h pow.ler. an atterwaide abstracted all tax money and valuables Contained therein. among which, It in alleged, were the Govern ment vouchers of Mr. Itleharthon, the plain tiff. The Com t instructed the jury to ten , rr verdict for the plaint In the ruin of Slat ,!,it. subject to the opinion o f the Court on a oeint of law reserved. The poelprotratutot Is an unavoolehle iters.4lll (not ro telt..rantraque , ore of the o hnt iv., of tk. Cce yet un ....Jr C. the povitit« tner. o.• the Baerprop regt•tratlon the... .atrred) v bleb ln en dr.tais,l 0 , .....N00rit.t. 111 the Ilirencrcaret...see a • ,n•tlon of entr Ay, h I • log thole prraper 0.1 uto. We :hit •ii pa rtlee va tlng i.liete ilk Ai :13 Chew without Hein, •.•• ore bat. nut Ittniteo num her yet on hand. We wish 0(011 particularly In lot to...et traon the minim of oor Agent* the Importer., of th.dr making tradr return* at ogee, and at reed ..ring wheYarvet errorsmay leave crept Into their t•-• 1. or, trarerafrae. .05 (1. those ectralng for t tloat If they Auld at tbs .1111 t rader is rue ell, the nransy he re ik rend ePPov•trat,e ell for lien ne nate. her the salt 01 WM ronaldsr.ol, as a c have no more than nufhclent ticle• Pt misapply t.bo.fte Agents we have 'O - emit/ute d Ticket. ere Ira ls at the we. A Pollee Otlleer to Trooble. — .7otin Lut ipal titt.,l.. vloree In the cty. e.l was. brought before Mayor McCarthy yestet.st ~,,r ,n,e, Darto.To .trsel. pry„ 111.110 day, charged with assault and battery, on st - el I 1) maven rt , oild price +et , ,tamp for ra oath of M. A. Nave. It appears that Navel.(O. several others were indulging In a free fight Inv be the Par l loaler ottt•otion persons la the Red Lion Hotel, oh St. Clair street, murder ht mall to the fohuwlag few nights since, when Cut., who a polio, SPECIAL TERMS DR CLUB RATES: °nicer, arrested Nave and brought him before A nasty urea:u o ine ael Alderman Humbert, who held him to ball herit his appearance at court. The conduct of I..ttz t„,. auuwe.t the A,Llow lza aroused the Ire of Nave, who considered him- OPT WZS.aS . a Bu3iNT3:3 self haJtarell to some OXL-001..1001 ihernfore had late arre.sted as state, After u hearing the L. r 6 4V, latter was held in laWO ball to ant. er....... 44 . 01 25 Alleged Horse gaiter : In •• ....... eel Reed alias GeOrge Rtnith, residing to the .• • • • • , neighborhood of Monongahela City, W ambles- Ico In every cane ,end the 13SU:it• and I , ..tonles ' ;ol.. ton county arrestml on Thurnday morning nY out...cribs, officers William Bowden and Jerry Smith, on Money by draft, fern, ooder. pro., •kr .11 Federal street, Allegheny, on a charge of Lay- Resbacred I.t•tt..rs. may he vett tat nor rich. Mg stollen a horse (wldoli bed In Ms pus e• all crawl. nohow... shoulel he addressed to SlOll at the time) from Capt. Peeples, mantles BRADFORD & CO.. ' near Perrysville, was yesterday finally cont. LIEARBORA STREET, matted for trial by Mayor Morrtoon. Several hors. have been stolen from the same neigh- (IMAM,. ILL. boritood, anti Reed, otherwise Smith, In sup cooed to be the thief. Allegheny Soldiers' Lengne.—Aprelim inary incettog of the Union Soldiers who w cnal o in the recoil!, war for natioTtlity are held nl,4ht. Lieut.. Col. George ti .inta,oa at“ called to pretode, and Joseph E. Itotnnsno appointed secretary. On motion, a a...3room tee, consisting of Messrs. Robert Wallace, Mid thew Grant 612./ John Buss were appointed to prepare a eoustitUtloll and try-teals to gov ern the League. Col. Dawson nail Joseph E. hobtneon were appelnted Cogittro u ha" for Um Longue to moot after vrtdch they ad journed. Throw, lug gotten Vegetwblee.—John Flinn, Street Cosenlssitiner of the becoud liis trlct,, sued Henry Freese, the proprietor,. grocery store on W_ylle street, for nuisance, before Alderman Morrow, y extent... 'f he nuisance consisted in Freese allowing en em ployee to cast rotten vegetables Into 14e street. After paying thecosts, which amount oil to two Jr liars and promising not to agreed again, the i oferelunt was discharged. MaMelons alisetaler—Pawt Foley ar.• rented and brought before 'darer McCarthy yesternxy, charged with walicioLx inUchlQ:, on Oath of Hannah Snyder. Ilannah keels drinking saloon on Fourth street, Lbs do ,, rk of which Peter, In a flt Of Maudlin rage, broke with bon Worn, causing a damage to the prom isee to the extent of ode hundred nael tiny dollars. A hearlng will Do had In the ...so to- Morrow. Drove .00 Eaft.—Patrick Martin, employ od yM. -mare, the spice manufacturer to thn Ulm aural, to drive a dpfee wagon, was arrest ed and monght before Alderman klumimet Yesterday, charged with trotting his toam over the new euspenssuribrulge, in violation of ism. Martin paid live &Mara dnuasul was disehmged. The Company Are determined to prosecute s.ll persons similarly offending. PLTTBIIOII9 . II, l'A. Surety pf the Pesee.—Amelia Morgan yeaterday apPeareg nefoee Jlutise Llpp and Made an tafermatton gun Annie Birdsall for smuts , of the peace. A warrant was 1, cued , fo r th e wrest of to Held .to 8.U.--Jsue Laamtaa =we uu hi taxi:l4l6,lllwatt Lou .Bairman fat sarart .ra the w.i beaca rv . J amd attlae vi erx, ,o tel li ty v. Th e Ram= at BA.TURDAY, JUNE 23, 18641 Dr. Howard's Address TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON -. Progress of the Tariff Mill—lneseasied truly oo imported litirarn nod Foreign W ool -- Coudttiori of Affairs at Item phb.—The of Lon' C°.Pon DMlllloo—The Cane of Provost Marshal Fry. New Yoax, J un. J 2 —The eta>e and Me.al, Committee are holding ''filly se` ii ii i fis. and hope to complete the tarin hy . sarordity . They are call to III", agi ern! on resommend lag an Increase of fifty per cent on the ilufy . on Imported cigars, wines and 'Muer., and per r l probably' adde the il,erov.,enntan,il.ololo-n hianl‘fporert,tltl wool, An equal increase on all Important woolen labile.. would in tills Clint be also ne csaary The question of glv rig sift} or ninety days ”otice prooosed tariff hill ly provoking The general tariff of INC; efit Into execution nom and affer the 'lnc of ifs passage. Ali special tariff bias, execp! that of July, also went into immediate opera tion, though 401210 of them were nutte geAeral In :heir character, and that of .X Plic, a n.. entirely so. Since the commeneement ti., war all ',incisions affect tag Dili IllnlporlAtt,on, nave ;alien effect front the day their pas sage—that of .1,113. 1012, of whieli a very short note, wan given The Selienck 1 , 111, Itch passed the lions.. to- , lnv by a vide of seventydwo to fortysnie. will undoubtedly be killed In t no Senate. 31 r , w nalinu roe, from the Congressiinial Committee to Investige to the bletnphla reds, In private coneursidion report, that a deplor. able bud condition of things, paints In Mem phi, 1 fie temper and feeling of tne 1 1- flllit It bad if not worse than at any pis, mos n- C. 0., since ilie outhreals of tile rebel, nn. li,. fugitives that nothing hUt n strong teiliti.ry government iil preserve peace in that ills trhit for years to come. The Committee ion I lu,tir. tistlny reported h cane N hien taitabllsheS a precedent In eerts 1n reaping for Cho re - Issue of 101 l COIIIIOII tK,11 , 19 It appettrit that gentleman of Maine lost V.A. bond, hut subsequently recovered It 111 11 mutilated and damaged condition, togethei with thirteen of the coupons. sake Con gress to authorize the Smretury to re-Issue the bond and coupons. The Committee 70- commend that on the surrender of the atm:lip led bond, a new iliac to be ...sued without eonne rsans, that the thirteen eoupons iiicactied to the old hotel be told valid, and that they Can. not 0111 bonze the re - Issue oi the coupons sup posed .0 he lost, for there In no evidence hut that the v tulip still be In existenee. Thu last point settles it great iippl lent 1.”1* for 1 he ros.iwie of lost emus. here tile (tilt 11. rants cannot give Sattsfactory proof of I Jiro total destruction 'The !louse agreed to tile gbos e report. The Conk ing-Fry Investigation Cum lain ire have itclose he evideneo, land Mt. Sheiliinot. ger, the Clod ratan, Is engagt.ll ill w I'll lag the report. Thore has been a good deal of taut tntormation elleite.lregard to li.. marine, in lih•li Fry carried on Ile. Pro. 11e.,. Marshal's and also In reference It, the tarot}-Jumpinf; business generally Nl.,t theevident, will he vier] ilatringlng to Ile head of that bureau Daring Bank Robbery--1.11:13.-Pavven Thoonand llollarw stolen—The l'aftbsor Larked to the Vault. roirrtAnim, Mr., lure National hank of Ilowiloinhaut w r 011,.,; last night II) it party if men who followed the Ca.ediler home, gagged his family, and played me guard em ter them. The rolmbern then tool. the L4l.slotir !mei: to the hunk, and plata, rot.- blng the vault, of their content•, niummuto lug to Wheat SIXt3 -nee cc Ih..u:•and dollars, the) locked hint In the vuolt,...imel made then r etmenittm with their plituder Thel hair here triii,l I. Topidiain, tend mm imm.ippponemml mere now Ilmnnlimmg for Canada. The War Begun to Europe N w - 1 daft, Jane 2 . 2.—The Loudon Dfnly Nes, says the Prussians have eroased Inc Eider, ard the Austrians have tallest hark. Ity urteaus tile Kitty secure, the Ineuhs of earl, tag the sovereignty to wish Is he lays elaith its Liolsteln, and puts It out of tlsu pow., so the Emperor to hinder hurl If, thin. Ille fad , liessta roll „ dellsie ant 3,-. that -title ill Which We proserule oUr rights by forest, war Lars begun, although a shot tias not .wvs, tired. SZTATEMENT OF THE REAL ES TALI EIIAVIN.:S It. lot day of A 1 3 . 1. 1.06. MERE Hondo nnd !lens °lt U. al U. s-5. , gond Heal nt. Interest due Me) Ist, ute.ve (not yet reall.ved,l VQlec rntnlture . ti tx 1.1 Amount du. I /e• poblto, ...... 51 Auloun, In 11 6 r-4 ,N 7 r I= Irill!Ill=r11111 A. 1 .11(1(1E11. Irnad,r, t 1...11 log l oudaill.sge, Ear. • - an,4 , gooks of 1.1,. Inst•Wtlon, Lb.0n,..;., and . tn•urtlns. and rtnintrd ( sd., and nnd stalk:wt. "rte. •. WM. ft. Ai ITtl. H. 1111.1 n, N'. 14. E . WE A'CI El.. 'Jr 1 • 11 E. Pro.ido Et lets , Vice Pre:ddrul -11 1. "I . M-A ~, t icnor —F. 111.kloroity,T,,L,. 1. NI 11.... 11.•,,, E head, leaad . 11u.t.ey. I•alnWr. 11nryrk Child., W. H. I opt Land. 11'n, 11 1111a:fast %hoard I.,Ttosit. tt, Wt. Institute„ SIX PE /t t E S r. tar •:”Inln. pa)) %hit 1•• Ilan' lit !day att•l hiva If [lot at, 1, 4,1,11. NA . ~a . 1.1.11., • on thc n. ma.h. daY. .. , ”ft Open I.•r . tr • I rt: t• Oath: alac, ..a dal •/I1 it g Iron. n v .1 k/Ce.- Yu Wig if Egf, trio pOSTPONEMENT. TIDE EXITED STATES PRIZE CONCERT, I= Crosby's Opera House, Chicago, MALY 1218tka, 1L366, =1 Monday, J iil 9th, '66, HALF A MILLION DOLLARS iIN PRIZE: %v. n, pr.-Ite.l $lOO,OOO IN GREENBACKS The prottrlettt, .111 tiontste to the Lincoln and 0010. Itlttottment trt_tolot abto, there .111 ht. reters ed from the perttop .11..114 the tpt, tot prtz, for the tittme purpotte. H EV: on. Mor Han Mate, Karen: of Intl. Hon. Ira aj J. Layrock, ansaa. lion. Win• Leffingwell. Lyons, lowa. Hon. Joseph Knox • t Chicago. 11n, C. ii rat,“ Smith, of Minh. Jacob Porayth, A,. M. S. K. .'hicago, 111. N. Krontwrg & Co., hop'. Wateheb, t. hicagu I . ropoead., for Inaerting this ativettlaetnent re rdsl: 47.1 GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS. J. H. JOHNSTON, Maker awl 1,4.a1er Fine Rifles and Shot Guns, ARMY, NAVY and 1 . “. ItY.VOI. A It- It I N find V.K.Cfs 4 . All k lath of Aral trl Mal% aoat, ItATETI AL X 31)Iltar) . t ons cr: ,n,.1.5he.1 erlrlult , tram . at +hart notice. all 1,t4,1541.k.6" manner. /kerltetnetatter the place, Corner Penn and IV ayne Streets, , jels,c7o l'lTTSltUntill, PA. S . S. Broker in Stocks, BO Its AND REAL ENTATE, 57 v 4 wirrii nTltk:ET.forke's Building, nays and sells on Cdromlsalon ItA NK. RAI 1.10 , A.1. I N,UILA NUK PETROLEUM , TOCKS, •nd GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL. lIA I LIvIA I) AND OTHER ItoNDS Orders exetut..4l hl teleersph at the NEW YOltli Aud PHILADELPHIA STOCK HOARDS al tliv rat. of .ennalssiwi currrnt to those. cities. 1..16 3111.1 h, SAVE TOUR MONEY, By having yvvr Ola Table Ware RE-PLATED WITH eiILVS.H. CASTORS, TEA SETA WAITERS, PORES, ICE PITCHERS. KNVES, SPOONS, CARR BASKETS, can .11 rs_plitteci anitnalle . to LuOK AND WiCA It ESATAL Tv NEW AT A SMAL COOT. JOILIN cisncanua. . so, 7 Bt. maw meat. THE aITEEN! THE QUEEN TILE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! MR, R'I?•iI.VR"b 4 1 ;EENAla RF.s.rOltEK is i4VEY,.. lint only In .NAYS, but In vutrute. isthe Rest Flair Restorer ever offered to the Public. • Au ID ,itibir RESTORER rtpd PRESERVER of the lisir if faltlitielly It le no /lair Dye, directly upon the netts of the hair chang ing grey hair y to Its original life color; arresting pre ma. re decay and failing tont of the hair; eradicat ing ocurf and dandruff: and raring ad humor. of the l II p. will change, Art and miry hair to soft and luxu riant tretetee. It Itunarts a 11 , 11ghtful fragrance to the hair. .hort, If you wish to to your hair. as In outb. sod retain It through We, use NHS. WINSLOW'S QUIN IL(Ig UMBRA Prk, si per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, R. B, SELT:VR.9 & CO., Wholesale Agents. 811:1o/2 - jr• WM. BARNHILL & CO« BOILER MAKERS ♦FI) SHEET IRON WORKED:VS, Nos. 20, 22, 24 and 46 Penn street. Haring arcured a tarp, yard. sad Ibrulthed it or: th ths moat Approved mannlnery, we are prepared to matt ufact re• every description of BOILERS, the mantle, &d warranted tnnsal to tnt made In the country. CHIMNEYS, lIIIIEECHINO, Eld.E STEAM T'H'EY lA/VI/MOTIVE BOILERS. CON. , 1 / 4 1.T PANS, TANKh, tilt, 5T11,1.8. AtilTATolia. BoILER IRON, I . ll tilkiWt,tlUtiAli PANS; and sole matuttactorwes at BARS HI PATENT BOILERS. Itonalrina door on the shortest notice. JeSto4l LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS' =I PARK, McCIIRDY & CO. Mannfarturent of SHEATHINO, BRAZIERS' AND ItoLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER 11OTTOMS. RAE+ ED STILL ItoTTOMS, SPELTER SOLDER. A!so, Importers and dealers In METALS, TIN PLATE SHEET IRON. WIRE, lc. C nataotty on hand, T , .:NEM' MACINES and TOOLS. Mare- Eons,, So. ISt r, EMT and =SLOOPS) STIIPSTS, Pitt. beratt. Special orders of Copper cut toany desired pattern. roy11.04481•T r . " • , ,- "PIT'ESIBILTRGIII SAW HUBBARD, BRO. & CO., klanufsetur• •s of l'A ENT !WU Nll CI L AILS, warrant ed 'AST STEEL SAWS, °revery donserllptlon• BBL II 0 ley, Cross-Cul, Rang, and all other varieties. All kind. of KNI Es and bl'ltl NOBsuade (rOt Sheet Cast-Cle• - tra Itetined REAPER AND BOW! NO KNIVES. if. &sr- Warehouse and Woos., corner 'WATER tad Snot, Sritakrs. Pittaborgil. Particular attention pall to re-W.ollns, and ••tralghtenlng Circular Bales; also, reuATl' 'l n r kinds. Pununlng and Drllllna dons at reasonable rates. - igrEOBINSOIi, REA & CO. , (sitc.' oe.oril to ROVIRSOB. KURR i litna.rus, WAlmitierol Fon thd ern achin t *burp.. Manufneturers of BOAT ANL) STATIONERY ST .TEA SI t• I N Fen, BLAST &NOIR MILL MA • 'II IN EBY, ti EA KING, SRAPTINti, CASTINGS ut au descriptions, OIL TANKS and STII.J.A.S. EVILER AN I. OH ET IRON WORK. liar A gents for 111 FAR !I PATENT INJECTOR. JOllti COCHRAN ic BRO., Ilahuracturentof IRON VAULTS AND VAULT O. ills, IRON RAILINI. WINIIUW Kith. WINDOW UUARLIN, Ac.. Nos. id •Y.l'. , Nlr and IiTREICT, between Wood ma Market. hare on hand • variety of new patierril, rangy 7 an.l plain. suitable for all purpose.. Particular attention paid to •ucloslng Etrave LLte. Jobbing done at short neck.... rabbit:. AND CELIBACIf f an La, or Warning and In.truction for or. Min A lon. Ulsuases .1.1 A to., which pro.- 0.0.. the powrr, with no.aue of relief'. n nrg. In let., vat In.lopl.n, • ••• •I lloUtioToN, Howard Ae o to, Philearielila. Pa. inr2iiihiL.i.twT. • POLITICAL. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION, 22d DISTRICT I!.e f N lON ItEI I UiILI(7AN VOTEILS of the =0 on srebstonal District u - e requested to meet et the ! platers of holding election. In the various 1,. H....ought u,al Townships, in sold District, • OEM On Saturday, August 11th. Au, T Wt. 1.81.66 A TES (rota tech clectiOn t,, tn.., In t_ount) ...VCraloll on TUE 1.11. Al'ia , T 14th, et 10 o'clock 0. m., top tbr plactux In numltintlon • candld•Le (or ME ac T iarto ?r .r . :"n r ilt: l ;:O ' a:r ° : ' :f l rou l r b. .a„ ' 27lll)r.ll, 7 t i . n arl ' 7l In tbo ward, anal laoto,li• ta tereeh the hour. "ono tan.. otoe: la. In Idle oards anal bor. oµ:1, th. I. by ballot, and in the ownsldloa I, working or by II) order ol the onWnlttea. W. J. tilLollt , ltE. (•balr,ban, (U ~511.11,..M. 111.1", any24.l...a.twr c"," . .. ," 1_:0316.11.1E.88, 22d Diti'rELlCT. HON. 1. K. MOORHEAD 'far lb a' placed bittoodf at the disposal of Ills Prlonda •ea r• , ;.ouse rn their Cal , made on hitt. U. namc Is n ' O ' r, ra: - r ' Z ' o ' t" . y . lo b u r aotlon or the Union Republican Cu ra ' unt r. . y " (! ) ,,T.oL L . on atd:le ,:4 1 " (' CONGRESS GENERAL JAS. S. MERLE( IS A I ANII , ATR TRH, I*D DISTRICT (af - CONGIREIO4.—The mends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY .Vlll present bl.l name to the l'on•cution of tue 1,.n party, kat nomaiatlon as aaanuldate fOr Con .- 10 the LLlDtmrxt NOTICES, (19L'ICAE. tlpriet •7 AI? h Pair. WlOOl%, t 0., Proprietor,. WE IVOULD MONT RESPEt'T. T 1 , 1:1.1.1 an Uounce that L, conaltleratiou the following cogent 1., we trust satisfactory} result., Lars St:tally ruetclaciati that a postponetti«nt equadi il, tagiiiitta las the public anti iurs•.l , ts. nate,' that • prefer to Dispose of all the Tickets and give the Public all the Prizes, quantity of tleketa (as proprietor. . 'hereby enhance our chances of r •w publialte‘i In the Chl• 1 1 31....• Ir.awn. and when the •, , h a g . *llllO furnishrvi With a • ....11, ~1 the tlrao L umber. 3IPUY. r...”01lo, htch ts.or • 1 , . :•• • • • ao oeti tly sati.fsetore, WE HAVE POSTPONED THE DRAWINO NTI I. 'IIIIG 9th Day of July, 1866 1111= EVICJE To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. THE CITY TREASURER is now rrady to receiv street,es payable at trite offic, Ni.. l ln fourth rebient ta • reduction of FIVE PER i•ENT., If paid before the VMS, - liA:f otii• ni2bUnT NEXT. • • . . The Me.... tile !Accts. , . are doe and tow. be paid hero, the FIT 1( 01 , .lELI NEXT In order to nA 1 co. mad r zero. of oult uctore an Alderman. Wll. ELCUBA UM, Ticaturer. BOLDERM 01' SIXTH WARD i. le , U V N l'Y EHTIVIL ATEeI ace hereby notified tr. • f i l ' lrl r‘ e . ilre n er ' e l c ° l7 . se a l ~ r r which time tney will cease to be re- Ily ord., uf d 13 Welt!) SCSIOUL BOARD. ti CIPAPIC.E. THE KEIPLAINING PART of the :.rse property for "gildal&out In Boyd Allen, plan of w 111 I”. /od a l lot.. or by the sera. plendbl for gardeutua purposes or for city reit t. Apply to WM. BUYIt. at the otdee of Kirk patrie! a Alollon. corn,. of Diamond and L.raot street.. or to RlC•ttAlto ALLEN, on the ,•rolo.rty. at I•IIM er t. Oak Hotel. Joyl7;eid CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &co McCALLUM BROTHERS No. SO .0.1- FORE' II STREET. We have ph heeds a rely *l4 parlor stook of CJAMILD'airrITS " 1. 0.7 71.1 1 f gL; P :. k i",-.l:l7,,,'lL'egd . .'"gg, Tga'l4 re,, wide. VIA No 'ED TAR LE C OVERS—Every klad to HEARTH RUHS—Prom the finest quality :of he , weetiwi e ed. ..NIATTIM3, COCOA AND MANILI A Ac. . pt HeCALLUM BROTHELS. Formerly W. M. it H. McCallum. WE OFFER THE LARI4EBT Stock in the West of everv thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps_ and Lace Window Curtains. Gold Bordered and Plain Widow Shades, Table and PianolCov ers, of our own imports ''n, at the Lowest Prices reacheiklunce the war. A line of Baotou In grain Carpets, of our oWs im portation just receivedvety handsome—never offered 6 tins country before—and at rices based on the resent rate Gold McP ' r i li 71 a 73 F11111111:118,4 24 lbor; li.la b.ilding 10 U. Lf , 7st.l9 , 11inisa rustypk# • _ _ 1 : : CIA: - c - jEa --- NEs — ._ --- _____ N ' S -- --- - ELEGANT RESIDENCE 1 ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY,, NV/REELER & WILSO 1 na;:eaat.c)N7-32 3r0 FiClult Ellda-Z A MI. I I.M.I3I:IO33MELOSi, The handsome residence et ALLEN KRAMER. GAB AND SMUT MITER& ' FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. dtasir on Cor, Sixth and Smithfield fits., . _____ P.X7C9r IBS rOli 117FILCI ,ISE, .1P49...., STOCKT,,N AVENUE. ALLEGIIFNY CITY Is offered for sale. Tel, bum, 10 pedal 01 comforts. 00000010004 .sad elegeacc, le equal to any le the city. The Lot gas a trout or fifty feet on !tooth Corn moo. and citends bac/ 240 to Water alley. oralt.e. Carriage Hot.e. brape Arbor, and eret7 thlr a In Complete order. POSSESSION (EVEN I.IIIIIDLATELY The FUILNITURE lu the hopse la also peered for talc. Apply to JAMES H. HOPHEVS. 103 Fifth Street. • ie2:c= pNE RESIDENCE N'OR ISIALLIEI IN USE OF THE BEST PORTIONS OF ALLE GHENY uITY. A large and thoroughly finished two-story /rouble Brick Dwelling. containing 14 rooms, spacious and yiky halls on .both doors: pan tries, closets sad a ntgelar proof safe. 'rhe ample grounds surrounding the mansion abound In choice grapes and Dull. mud shade tree, A Stable and Coach Rouse, with other out-buildings, combige make this a first-data residence. For particulars, apple to S. S. BRYAN, Broker In Stocks and Real Estate, ray= ti Fourth mt., (Burke•• Building.) FOE SALE. A FIRST- JLAbt3 EU SI N Eas STA D The Stock. Plitures, Good Will, a tore House. Lasrvlllng and large Lot In Sewickley. cash ules 83,000 a mouth. Possesalon glvea Immediately. six small House. and Lots, very cheap. several Lotsat Etlaws.arth Station, (rum tole to tire acres In each. Apply to JAMES T. SAMPLE, Heal Estate Broker and Insurance Agent. Jes No. e-0 federal street. Allegheny. - - VOR MALE—A Farm of 116 acres, k situate In Pitam township. Allegheny county. Pa. be improvements are a two-story Frame House, with ids rooms and kitchen; a large Hank Barn, St, aver. cleared other Statenod or chard; M. 0.,. cleared sad In snood of cul tdratioa. Ihe land Is of the nest quality ; well adapted for grain or stork, ind Is all underlaid with Coal, a very large amount of Locust timber. Pot— session siren intmethately, Convenient to churches, sellouts. mills, it. For further particulars, on quire of U. IL TUWEE, Heal Estate Agent., No. 164 roarth street. 131717,a.1./ •—• • -- • - - L`oll SALE.—A. DWELL• &Nit 1101Jblk, situated od Western avenue. Al legheny City. vontainlng seven rooms. bath room and seamed garret; gas, hot and cold water, large hall, all in good condition. Lot Pik feet. Also vacant lot adjoining are above planted it) ill feet to aSt foot street. The lots planted is Ith Hutt unto sad grape vines. A convenient realdence for any gentlemen doing hastiness In the city. For terms and particulars apply to IL hIPTCHILLL, on the premise', o. 13 Western avenue. Allegheny JelipaThrts 1.4 4 / 1 11 SALE—A Farm of about 24 acres, opposite Townsend Stettin, North West ern It, IL, lemlles from Pittsburgh; about I scree cleared; balance good timber laud in , arleties; acres of real, good vein, pit open, a frame dwelling of four rooms; good aprlng of water, SO bolt tree. of of molt; ay a 'Tien d place. for a I we yard. Mao, • lot 50 1,7 WI feet. on Peel.le, .creel. In W fit lea loan...hip, Allegheny cot/my. IVIII be Old cheap. For tertioa..l,.. apply at tile tatatt. al an Ineurance Unice ol V. BATh.b, le IS Huller street. Lawrenceville._ FOR SALE: Al NlMate Station, Pn. Ont,sevteen mina tee rid...from tire Luton ISepol. Ttl 1...15V b. en A NO A itaisir al:lta.n. adjoining ti. residences of ales. liradley, q and Mrs. Or licuni, and be•tutifnily situaivd Corn I:vaulty Ltsb tdence. Jo/1N It. Itail.E.l, Vulva and heal Estate itroker, • - - . • el Nu. Yourth street. VOR SALE.—SEWICKLEN E. - Twenty -el> aMes of land In n high -dale of talon. on which to A two-ktory frame derrUlag, cutstalnk tw rive rooms, built to modern -1) Ir. ellm under the whole house. Good ktalde alnd carman,- boom,. F-acel,cut water. Fifteen hundred fruit tree.. Includluget cry variety. Three acre. In lorert trees near the nonce. ( grape, and abounding In shruunery mol flowers. JOHN It. BAILEY. Stock and Real Emate Broker. m)2.1 No. ItClourth atruet. VORSALE—A Farm of LDS acres, Llimsnetb tow yeldp. Atlegben county, l'a.. near the hougulogheny river. the Improremente oa Mewed Lug /Wu. a good Darn. Stable and ther out-Oulltlitags; fencing ge,t - Mly good; watered. al, mere cleared: veins of Limestone the tinder vele about at,, feet thick. the upper TeMt It feet; very convenient to the Moor. is well tlin uertO wino •L., t•est whlo, oak and black w Aleut timber- Prtce gar per acre. rut Wither outlet, Mrs. enquire of LL TOWISII, Heal Estate At, So. uurla street- toyl7:agil gen VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.— Y m-twining abulli Wu term. near the alt. 'the Vero. on Wu Monongahela otter, on whtelt Is et erten a two-story thick Mansion Mouse and nate, and other oul-bulldings. Also, mot eral °titre r arms, well locawd, Ameglieny and W land count,es, containing grointO estmore- IjOal sod Lime For ms for salt un the etetineuttlie Halm road and Monongahela Moor. For further partly mars. enquire at N'11.1.4A11 N Attl-- (Opposite tire Cathedral“ pra.m..l No. LW Brant .treat. VORTII CANAL ST. RESIDENCE hilt :IA La, WITII 1 31.1.1XLIATE 011-114. -A large isnot Irweillng Bunco, eurt•enlent Let it.sr.sug, deseed ud In goal uronr. lth lot M fret deep p, se In a very desirable 10-atlon. th .ecbud bald, Allegheny. In ota excettens neighbor noint 1 lit. stami•En feet (rum tar front of lot. Portloo, wide hall, parlor, bath roam. and chamber 0000.1 flour, four chambers on second door; 14 -eunsts In all; shade trees, shrubbery. a Apply to CI, Trill f ~ soh al Market st. IEMPEILLNCENILLE PROPER TY EOM bAL.a..-Vitae Lot atliolnlng Mettiodi• t Mb n reit ; Two Lots iti.o%t James Woods' Roiling Mills Enquire of UEORUEJ. FL ( .W No. lt3 Dlotoon.l sit rut, or. JAz. U. Y.-A./WM; Temp...mei-11e. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE, con s—, ta:olag ar., au of which urn rtrarrd, Inittuie laud. Ituprevelmcnta are a large brick bolts, h. g. god rtpalr, aarac Irani and ...WWI, .a 1.... a hone. Iu the , Iluestv, With 6 acre lot. 'rho. property attuat.,l , olJolalrka tee town of Na won Feu ney tee.nla Italtroa.l I , strot Is cre.xt,cl uo Ulla harm. The Moo, propert) t• all 4 111•1 the Impro,rateet, coot. 1,1,c vet aera. ANA, et once t•.. u4l h. ltel.A IN Fun, IL et. .4.1E1 ENTEEN 111. 7 11DIEED LOL LY GAILI will pureh4..e a i 'tor, F ratue Dwelling tiou-e. In a pleasant location, on sidney street, airmlngharn. near Passenger tar with lot feel trout. rutch, four rooms, kitchen. good ndar. out ovett, grape lined, "'laza i 11..., 1 . .. AJA.O. four lota /Tooting on Mallon and John trairts. to -ax (.snits roue. thus(. ap ply to S. urlitiE r icr st4.hs, Jell/ at harlot street von SALE—One Patent Steam It Ng, tor reudaring /allow or tireaaal Ulu Y 1 .12 11 1/XUS/EAS/1 11011,KII, 34l Inches Al ame.er. 14 lent lung. with hinolte stack (Me sTEA sirA I' KETTLE, holds:Oita/pounds; (hie • 5114.6 f 1114\ 84/Al' F/1.1131613. ill.. K h 14.4/ & Je16:.144 359 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. C.II.OUNTRY PROPERTY FOR DALE t , ' N wit/ sell Mg property. on the load. mg 00 a M. 41.1.1, , 11 , 4 at eigh . 0,11. t LI h.. 0u1.0.....h0a ...al l rt. 4 1 ,1 I aw ell of `,..r.• watt, at Illr ~,,, r. a• o e... aod Irrt, Arli, 'I be properly I. within three toilet Itir miughato. halo irlu tow tialitp. ),., }OR SALE—A pleasant Catguts') Residence, at E.144111'141 /1/ riTATR/N. Penn syl vants fouls Nllklu . burg, 1, acre, of id. 1.1", nno new //welling containing II r...rus, and cellar uuderu.ath. Will sellthe boiler oitti titre,. or further., or the .bole, to &tat pur e/later. h,or lnformation, call on II IVW ER, 104 YourUt alreet. or ull the pmulses. 0.40:511 J. 8. 6134. ptirkt SALE, THAT 71111EH.ISTO1t1 ititii.;l4 LON ELLINti. No. 147 occood street. containingeight rooms and attle. ban and water up stairs. Itac,ie in kitchen. Jolt?: U, lIAILLr 1, block 1.1141 heat Estate Broker, inym No. int Yourth street. 1. 4 `011 SALE-About FORTE LNG LOTS. In plan 1.14 0111 by tie. Merrain and myself on Hun, close to rallrensis. blUid I ILLUCnint down; balanCe omens) 111 1 11MelliS on. noally. Also, Unproven Dwelling s with choice turn bbery and trait. Title porfect, toy 141 Tool 'Works, Nos. al, =and 31 Ohio* trot, /Ole gactiy. of J Asian itch...art, nodal, prstniere. my nL"ft. H. LECKY. 82,200 WILL PURCHASE A TWO kOTOILT 33,3FLXCIELII)Iii973111aXaINGA- And LOT 24 be or. on Chartien street, Allegheny thty. For further particulars, enquire of U. IL rUWER. No. 104 Fourth street. turia:a.l2 ti l oll SALE—A very desirable two story Brick Dwelling 01 Ave rooms and good ifitanVina"eir'itila IT:ayA.no.'Zit"er:ceellt.L.:t7erlcuelsTa'ter-oto'in the lot. Will be , lisposed of on liberal terms, and itometilate powiession glen if applied for soon. For terms apply at the Real Nstate and Insurance office of U, h. BATES, Jets IlnUer street, Lnwreticet 'U'Altlll FOR SALE, OEIO6 ACRES. noderlaut with COAL, 00 acres cleared, 12 and acre. rich bottom laud; 'ritual lirehard of 201) apple ra n large ti.th sad all ecessary out - buildings: convenient to Churches, Schoola atd Mills: situate two miles south of Ole. =lngham. on thaw atiu Hoe, 0111dtrin township. For terma. enoWtre on the wends.. lenicEdiS PIANOS, ORGAN'S, Sm. THE BRADBURY, NEW YORK, AND . Schoinacker A Co., Phigadelphila, 1 : " IS The Patsy & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORCAN. Aanowiedged lay We beat musical Went in the United butts to be mu pe dor to to all °Were to power , portrL and quality of Who, end thorough work' maneutp• Theaelostromer . thay c o . fr Ittettrat gE=rtly Petra rprteei n s 6 they an 10Wet than m other . An warmikW4 for floe year.. WADIE4UME N.. 12 St, Clair street, Pittsbur g h, pa. irJ4 tAIfOSI BNTIAY HEW ISTOOK.O/F Knabe & Co.'s and Baines Bra's. -t a raleXacisa, mitred. commorrs BLUALE. awl .. amid, Anti, We Agent. GEM COIN Beaver and Chestnut Bts.. MANCHESTER. All kinds of Water. Gat and Stetam Fixtures kept cettekantly up Late. jeStete ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, KEEP ON HAND A SUPERIOR article of WOOD 1.93734:P.19, All klutls of IRON PUMPS, /ITDRA.NTS, SHEET LEAD, SHEET ZINC, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS, St Rs, NV ATER CLOSETS, WASH BASINS, WASII STAN US, Ac. ut thclr WAreroom, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All k or l:l .u tl r o.. a or lr li m E a r it jesSatzt STEAM GAUGES, SCHAEFEK & BUDENBUROWS PATENT, THE STANDARD Gauge of the Navy Department. EEO JIMMIES' PATENT STEIN PUMP, The best and must sellable in use. We have sold a large number to mann fweturers and all renners here, to whom we will refer any parties sulnelently later• exisd to call, BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Street. wr.r.noN & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. A large arrortmt of of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., I= 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. mr22,b7 worricm. Private Families and Hotels pal Lc furulebeil with best quality of HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES AT A HURT EST NOTICE AND BEST EltMet. By calling on JOHN MAFFETT, Noe. 127 and 129 First Street, m517:1G0 PITTSBURGH. PA. T. T. ZWIKB _ pLUMBING, WK. LONGDON GAS BD STEAM FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. SHEET LliMir LEAD m cs, WATER CLOSETS Asp WASESIAIIDS, 1E117173E1N191 del 400., (Saccesaorn to Addy d Ewexo4) M77:4•48 No. 165 Wazedst.. inti•burg6, PROFESSIONAL. - - - JOHN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street. 1.. X . 1 . X . 113.13173EVG. MX, P.A.. tuyt. li. L. ALACKNX.I..I. Jl. 11'1.70111 /19 MACKRE.LL & IdeCODIBS, ATTORNEYS a. COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 88. Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 113y1.4 W. J. & ll LL PITTEISON 9 Law and Claim Office, PITTSBURGH, PA Pei...lons, Local and Government Bounties, Hook Pay. Price Money, Az., collected. OFFICEIIS' ACCOUNTS ADJUSTED. Collection, - made. Deeds, Lettxr.i of Attorney. Mori.gages,.t.e., written, and all legal bald- Iwa promptly attended to. mytuitod B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent, IV. S. 5.41%. Cumh Odice, ho, 67 Fourth Street, SECIIN D F LOAM, ) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected. No ehaaga made uuttl cisme U, ttr• A, and lb.. but a louder*. rec. IY-1) JOHN A. ATHA IN. Ex-Ohitio, Justine of the Peace, A NI/ POLICE MAGISTRATE 111=1=1=211= PITTSBI/IltilL VA 1,4,1 e, Bonds, Mortgage Acknowledgments. Dcpoeitto tie and all Lagal Bu a stoe. executed arltn Preto One's and dloVatrh. Iny IV W ILLIA JANCEY, NOTAR Y J TIIE I'EACE, AND ILEA I. ErTA Tlf. Ali EN Office, corner of Butler and //rue° *tree le. I.li. WILEht epee.] atteion iven t the purell.e and nalc of Heal Estate n , t the collection of Bents, and Um pro ps!, ton end acknowledgment of all Undo of Legal WILLIAM JA NC EY, J u•Uer of the Peace and Notary Public t0rZ11.45 EUSTACE IL MORROW, ALDERMAN AND :CONVEYANCER, 72 Ponnagivarsia 4venue, Pool of the Exteasioo and opposite Guth= Stmt. WILLIAM F. ROBB, NOTARY PUBLIC, Office, No. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. 0t717.‘44 CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. ON NOANT ST., PITTSBUNULI PA. gre-Cornesissioner for Uhlo, Kentucky'. West tilsaourl mho other States. myillAV kiIEITARN CLAIMS, PENSIONS, U.L BOUNTIES, 11A(Ili PAY, and Military Clalms of errs,' dosorlldloh, eollected by the subscriber, ot the following rates, els: Pt.atortllo, otber elanno, RYA Tit )B. Attorney at Law, • Diesnond street, opposite the Conn Rouse. N. B.—No charge/ are made If the elates does not scored, and all informatiou given gratis. ookly L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, orrlux, 118 DIAMOND STREET. oDPOolle ur SLlonast Plttsbursh. ta2o.3tnal COAL, 1 cosiaco,uus DIMON, STEWIRT & CO., Having removed Muir Ohlee to • No. 867 I.4.llberts• EStreert, (Lately City Flour ) SECOND FLOOR. Era now prepared to furnish good Youghiogheny Lump, Mut Coal or Slack, AT THE I,OlYhtlT MARKET PLUCK. aiFAII orders lett at. their °Mee, or addressed to them through the meth will tout headed to prOnt OLIY• - y 25 tat CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG,- INZAI.II% IN Youghiogheny and Oonnellevi Ile Coal AND MANUFACTURER OP Coal, Slack, and Desulphurtzed Coke, OPIUM AND Y ARD, Corner of Butler and Morton; drat yard on Libert • and Clymer ammeta, Ninth Ward, and on tiooond near Luck Nu. 1, Pittsburgh, Pa. Famines aua Manufactarerestipplled with the best article of Coal or Coke - at the lowest cash rates. Orders lait at soy ot the Yards will noultdytQtlq I attonikuu • CORDANG, They are &desirable QUILTING, Tbey. itre zee Lled H EMMEN 14, They are unapproachable FELLING, They are unsurpassed FOR STITCHEVG, They are faultless. An examination will prove that they are the limit Machine In the worla. 6illeBrool2l, 21 Fit th Street. RM. SUMNER & CO. T HE B.ARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Pronounced by all who bare seen It the simpl. et machine now before the public. It Is its effective and durable as It Is simple. and practical as lila durable. It has but to be seen to be Aulmlred. and used to be appreciated. it caul bloc, the elements of • PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE And le afforded at price within the nu:4e of near ly every family pulee land. The only low ed Machine In the United State llcener.l to one the WHEELER t WILSON FEED —the best sod only reliable Peed ever conetnicted. ler SALMeSMEN WANTED. Mina:MRS as MELCZWIVITMM, IVIIOLESALE AGENTS, NCR. OEI Siftlb. 03t7..etoit ? is:.2l. HUM.; H. I A. Gitov SEENE. MACHINES Rave been awarded the FIRST PREMIUMS at tb following Fairs for the year Idea Irlna Premium for Deft fdarbiur work at ettllll State Falr. m irti e ak i r , emlutti for best Machlre reit at Nee , Yor First Premium for best Family Machine at OD State Fair. - . First pr emium for best manufacturing Machine First premium for best Manufacturing Machine Michigan State Pair. rut Premium for best Manufacturing Machine Wisconsin State Fair. Flint Premium for best Manufacturing Machl Lawrence County Fair, Pa. First Premium for best Machine for gene Id per posea. at Lawrence County Pair. Pa. First Presiduzu for best Family Machine at Buns Pre Pa. First remium for best Manufacturing Maclaine Bucks Prem iu m, PA Firstor best Manufacturing Sad S. arr.!' Machina at Springgeld Fair, Ohio. First Premium for best Manufacturing and Famil Machine at Palmyra Fair. N. Y. First Premium for best Manufacturing and Family Machine at Suffolk County Fair, N. Y. First Premium for best hitactnrins sod Faun) anu Machine at Schuyler County Fair, N. 1. First Premium for best Machine for all purposes, st Allegheny county Fair, Pa. Vint premium for best Manufacturing Machine, Allegiwuy County Fair, PA First Premium for best Mischane w it at Allegben onnty Fair, PA And wherever exhibited. A. 1. CHATONEY, = p67:sodsti S.s. LS Fifth st.r4set, Vittsbhigh lE7t > Ultd. Vi r r•V.. 21 11 E. 'zn; igast r l PI t 4 r 0 4°- W a gl 5 2 _ c" ) E F 2t, con PAINTEIiB JOHN' I= PAINTER, GRAINER AM) GLAZIER, No. 64 Hand St., Pittsburgh, Plain and Ornamental Signs 01 every description done to order. Ail work dune promptly at rem.on, Me rates. Jr.11,Z7 1T LILLIAIII H. BROWN, (Late of the:lrak of it now"( a !Corm• Ell= North Fist corner of Tbltd sod Marl. arects =1 AGEN CY PARICKELSBITRG LUBRICATING Oil Company Keep constantly on hand a en:ll.ply of STEAMED Natural Lubricating Oil, OF THE BEST GRAVITIES, Free from all Impurities. Every Barrel Warranted, OR TO BE RETURNED AT THE _COMPANY'S &SPERM. widdress JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH T. H. NEVIN 8 CO., N. W. Corner Third and Market Sts" PITTSBURGH, PA. tnyZl: b7B LIQUORS-BRANDIES. VERT SUPERIOR OLD HENNES , SY MIA:SULKS; Very superior old (Bard Brandies; Very do do Brandenburg Freda Brandies In glass; Vintages 0(1818 end 1869; Cat als ha Brandy, nine years old. Blut ge errby, dies.y, Wild Cherry, and Gin- WINEB—Very old and Nuperior nherrlrs; Very old and Superior Madeira; Very old and Superior l'ort; Claret, in eases; Chamberton, in eases; Sweet Malaga and Lisbon Wines; Champaign Wines, green seal; bpa•illaB Moselle; Ileidstek and Billery; NYELISIrkY-01.1.1lonorigahela. various grades; Uld Bourbon; Old Scotch Whisky; Linliand, very superior; Jamaica Brun, very old; N. E. do COIVLIPL I CV, erOp'l'pen*Enint, Kimmel. Sic Porn White Wine Vinegar, Imported. OLIVE OLL—Very su_perior, For sald by MILLFAL ,t RICH BYRON, 291 and 223, corner Liberty and Irwin its. Je2Teld 01[0. 8. 800011 JOLTS+ 8098. JOHN ROSS it CO. BUCCESROIIS TO • WM. N. OGDEN & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers In Carbon Oil Lamps .1. Fixtures, Ohandeliers,.oarbon oil 3, Nth 64 Market Street, INcrone Qum:T=oAm= Oarora.u.'s °uric; ALE e PrrrarruEsol, Pm, June nth, 101 Pl. f OF GOVERNMENT AN1.,111,1.1.8.-W .,111,1.1.8.-W theld at Public Auction, to the highest blthisur. on3olll YOP JUNE nett, nt , tbe Ooverument Yard, warner of Garrison Alley and Payette Street, this city, the following public Animal.. elm 10 HORSES; 190 MULES, The above are Very superior animals and in Line may be required, Co sellable Mr •oy purpose for which they Persons desirous to purchase such animals will do well to attend the sale. Terms—Gash, U. tl. Currmacy. Animals sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. O. ilea Jellktiltl Llent. Col., and Depots - Q . m. Heal. 12123233 JC. BUFFER!" as, CO., Manufac • tare. of Bareaparllla. Lemon and Raspberry EICIMIEL. wawrzi3FL/Efi, Raspberry, ntraerberry and Lemon Syrups; Bottlrrs or choice Ales. Brow; dtout,Lager Beer and Cham pagne Clder; thebarrel, half barrel or keg, Nos. AR and 94' MARICET oT., neer becond, rgh, Pa. Order. filled sod shipped to all parts or tie ry_ , on short notice. LA PIERRE ROUSE, P'htksdelphia. The subscribers having leased this favorite Horde It has been REF/TTBIS AND FURNDDIED IN AN iILEDA.NT MANNER. and la now prepared with the reniktperfeCt appolutmenie for the reception of guests. The Mut position Wi er arm-Maas Nolela "rill be maintained in the f u t k it tpliirety. jARLETI BARLEY ! !--8,000 bus. Batnsy, In Inleyangi r stpX MS WOO4l 1721 a /71 Mut, • AMUSEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. MASAO= I= MISS MOLLIE InMlllllt[B. FELIX A. TINCE.III' AS BASRAE. Exxxßyiz/ZIPX:DTI AL.T...".333="X.W1 nAT I )ITTISBURG/1 THEA'4I'➢:E• L vs AND MANA.:61‘....W31, =Si I:I II L I L T —TEL,k VDT 'AMA'''. E.l At. (Satit-clv, IC ,T I NI: "Ili 1 g - 7: reat plat. , allti• .1 INGO/lAA Ti/E 11ARRAILJULF. V 41,, wlticb Mra. FAN NY 11 tRT wit' sing the new rz.wtel...pd o y of N. lN Tll VIV yt, Aj,,ExAm; tll till To coadada art:a lb. 51.4 - 11.4 at y DER, OR, AMMILICANS PllllloAll. MONDAY. 131 N EXIT I. I IV F NN NY 16.11LT -11-IVY-TS I.IV NKW YU K _ Inllll/21LE,S VARIETIES TilklA . TILE-801e l'ruprlctor. Trumm.. CREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. uoitE ?.s EW tit AUS ADDED T. TILE V &alb- TI ES 1 at, UP E. T 1.31 HAYS, the Champion Clog Danner of the world, and JOHN N liE.Eii AS. the Chain len Jig Dancer, WILL iikreltA Lt EVILLY E ICN 'lt Tllin WEE.R. yio ib9o BILLL4RDS! BILLIARDS!! 1:3.9..1V1D I. Ir..at a m. nespectfully announces to his friends and the pub 11s genernuv, cthnmodtoos `IItLITI Zlll, I"4.:mrAT:"),'A'N7.ll nail LIBERTY AND ST. CLAIR STREETS, entrance from St. tair. me Tables art' nen, and cinnststiat tot in the most approved and elegant style, and alt the appurtenant.... are nate and Every ing whileh may condor.. to the pi 1.1,111 re and an ivy [tient of Ida natronh oil! tot al:lorded. myl. TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c. _EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORkS. R. & W. JENKINSON, ICANOPACTUDJIP. OF ALL HINDS OF TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SCRAWL NO. 6 IrEDE.XAL STREET, Third door from buspouslon Orldtro. ALL.51.3)18N Y, PA. Ittrmch More at Salem, Ohkt. mrUthle R. B. JEFFRIES, QlnnolactiaLlri e et r o i t Va od. c o rd Rot all TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGARS, No. 6 NS. Clair Street, Pi globoryris, Pia /kir A large assortment of E Ititn It A('3l and Mill/KING TOI3ACCtt et the hood quality kept on bawls. mrta:o79 GEORGE BLITMENSCIIEIN, DEALER IS FOREIGN' AND DOMETIC SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO, smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c., 1%.7.c.. 8 .•n0t, • NA...owner or 11berto. I I . ll7bllUitoll, CA. JOHN MEGRAW, 3IAIUFACTt OF AND WILULE.MII.I. AND It.- rAIL DI .A LES IN ALL AINDA oF TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGARS, 4.131 331C0‘33.4:1 EiLlno,ot. Aif emend 111.ortment of Stnolang Tobacco, ripe, and robanco Pouch.. always on hand. myltaltbal BERNARD WIEIBAN, 31anufacturer and Doalor In ALL BINDS OF TOBACCO SNUFF AND SECARS, WkIOLLAALE. Ant, USTALL, No. 205 Ohio St., Allegheny City. 1e7:c3.4 CO-PARTNERSHIP. DISSOLUTION. r rHE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERE theTI'FLEKE eat/A.llw between Pittsburgh bers Ironfound (meanest, at ruttier the nolne of PENN TtyrrEN, Rua Leant Ma todved I , ligreethent. •lodEPII PENNOCK retires from the firm, and haa transferred all hl. Interest thernln to ROBERT c. Tirl"ri".2s. who Is alone au thortual to nettle the burin, of the fate Arm, sad to use tne firm name In settlemeo JOSEPIJ PENNOCK, EOBEIPr C. TOTTEN. Plttehurgh, May Istat. All the form, of manufacture heretoforecarried on ll' the late lirm of PEN l'T ' Fulton Foundry fl•lti 31,hlue Shup..“ uorgh, will b, hereafter cololueted 1,4 the lotbeerl here. .tndt r the tuine of 1 , 1"I' ( itt.ll4 Lit]: ETES:, N. IS. Rol., I',l>burgh, .lutlf. I, la 61; l it rvdlilann from tilt Fulton Foundry I Very nor -I.l,Npe.al• Sur it A continuance of the pairoluge it 2. tell IL /14.1-S he renutore so ilbernily enjoyed. .11.0nEr P.F.NNue.K. ;':lcsbnrgh, May .11.lvG& DISSOLUTION OF CO-VARTNERSIIIP. i'llE VLECti OF,. DAY N. 11A YDEN ban this day Woo 411biolvc..1, vo. entire asmets of the trio hAvlio4 been purchaota SPANIi. lf PIT1,31.1.1.“11, May Itlth. 146. T. J. iIA CO - PARTNERSHIP. Yhe undersigned haying purehasted the entire stock and assets of IJAI: &HAYDEN. purpose LI n ttntong the hush:met of the old dn. at Nue. 45 \Yvon, and 102 and IQ* Tlltan &Maxi. under the style of' IIAY. 31'&13U1 1 SPAN U. J. F. ',At. J. L.II'A.BOY. NUE3IAN SP &NU. in announcing the aboseetianite, we beg leave to say to the trade that we shall continue the business of Manufacturing and Inctrorting tiADDL /GUY /lA/U./Wank: In 111 its branches, and dealre reread ,„ special attention to our °yrs/Manufacture of //TAUB NAMES al all descriptions, liiU N /LAMBS, NutiliklT POUT urns, &c.. which we tio y eve to be the best in the market for this nod /het Western trade. We shall at all times keep a lull and complete.llurtanient of everything in our I Inc, /thick we shill ne glad to sell at lowest markt/I.'l/les. BY giving prompt pesoa I/A leut/on to orders, patro na we hope g to merit and receive & liberal shays of your e. DAY, DIPABOY Sc SPANG ptls tal CO-PARTNERSHIP. JAMES IL OLIVER becomes a member of our arm, dating from Atoll 12th. 1.6. Name atm style of arm ME anchanaeu. LW., LI & PUILL.II . 6. I'Lrtaauncm, ay 18th,O VER .66. MONONGAHELA IRON WORKS, LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS, lt•NerVl-TtrILERel OF Carriage and Tire Bolts, "I IlLs.anGliVaellerll, rilt/ Bridge k g= eBo lt9 c i II u ye:OVITR . E L" U*l", tete sea, roUght Iro n Binge, ira l rlttY, * . ke. 4gir n mina as sotml tap or These MosoNaAiiii (a BRIDGE. • WAIIKIiuUSE—W .ter mud illarkrugtrests Pittsburgh, surti:s64 DISSOLUTION. NOTICE 18 HEREBY" GIVEN that the partnership heretofore existing be tween tho Unilerslgned, in the general LIVERY STABLE AND OMNIBUS BUSINESS, Is this day wieselecil by mutual consent. The business to be continued and debts pistil and claims collected by JAMES K. i l insioncti, lune ISth, MAL — jel6:d36 DIShOLUTION OF VO-PASTNEIIBIIIP. 'FIE FIRM OF CURLING, 110- BEHTSON Jt CO. was dissolved 013 the Slat deg adobes, by the dea.h of ZdtlittiAle lit/bEnTaini• Edward Illthridge has . pald and adjusted all claimso to said erns, and has transferred We (WPM,. 11 n 13,1110 30 George Albree, assignee or A. U. Out ing, who will settle all claims due leer by said elm. GEORGE AI.BREE, Assignee of A. H. Lorna. EDWARD DITHELU3GE. IIE!El MERCHANT TAILORS. NEW o -00130S! A Very Large and Selett Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED. OY , LINEN, A LAPACCA, FLANNEL. ANI , SUJIMEIC CAVAMERES. .q-can early and evmine, CRAY & LOCAN. 47 St. Clair Street. HENRY G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, 108701101 COMB 01 PIM 4 81. GAB 81111111, Desires to return thanes to his friends and the pub' generally for theft liberal patronage, add would respeCtfully inform them tea he Sac Jost retetn e.l Rom the Lute= markets owlth a large and wed, selected dock of • PINE WOO lIIWGOODS, rebultarly stlapted to USNTLICKKIPS 'SPRING AN I) stIId6LICK WIGAN. • te UNDEIITASENG. R . T. WHITE & CO., U N DERT A KERS AND EMBALMERS, ainnehester, Wood'. Item and vicinity. coma uoomeatAlsneegter lAvez7 Ntiablitr °ornate, Sheffield and Chartfere street.. lienrsa and Carriages terfilated. nolo: ird COFFINS 1 COFFINS I Ma= U N DESTAALNUI UNIX/LETA/WM I UNDMIITAXLite gOBEUT IVILIAMMIS, Underlie, ufnce, bo.II2PVIDaI,!Ini:;MW. . „ D 04,1071 0 5.. thl.l; ft"T"Vatir"utlif`aat "'50666426 ► Fa 0, -.~ COMM EIEZEI3 EDZIMME METALLIC: MET/LIALIC I IitAtIOUAN 71
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers