pkt Y (10(1DS, Tip XMINGS i' ~...c..yuh timette. AT JOS. HOME 1 CO's. e'Yey2Vvitttps".rugfi. , ,L7 ) ,3l^ s al, u r A Ham Ihi u4IAT. STRAW BOANZTH In new dupes. (3 Frame.. In ail IhslOtnial de idyl., width Rumens, plain, figured and checked, all VLO NV ESS,..WREATIIIi c __'III3DS and ROSES. erruA wuutivn: TILIAI2I/Ntill and ORNA BENTS. Thdttillaacoinr Gi9cmcmas. .CITEOKS, lIIIILLIATITYNAINSOORS. TARLATANS.. NBIS.RED LINENs, and a fall such - Mien; of , :WHITE GOODS. ItEA I. kNIS TX. EMMY LACE COLLAtui. POINTE AND !B. VAL. LACE i..OLLAIM H , REAL LACE. COLLABh. DETTIi and AND KERCHIEFS, II MIME ItU TRIMMING AND YLOGINCING SWISS AND CAMIDIIC EDGE AND INSERT! NGK. LINEN COLLARD, CUFFS AND SETTS, var4,c, styles. Pull lllualon , Swim and French Cambric Waists. PAILIS RUFFIAN(], : AND einu : raN I.Altd SETTS. F.LIG 4 N,LN FILILLINUS owl 4.31- RIR II iIKILI Es. DRESS TN.124 I.lNti . IN NUI PUNE AND lit PN, LACE. IIALLUONS, YA 111“1-1.0 BALL AND DILOP TRIM BIND. /Mad Ntreanners Ornaments and Netts. In t6r IEtTZPX.WCZPraiS, .VV:r.ritLeltr I Fi-till‘r PERIELLF., ISALL,GLANS ANIL psalm ood DILSETS NETS. CULLS. HAIR PUFF'S AND ROLL:4; DU PLEX ELLIPTILIamI LION TDS 111 NIP NII lltTs; BELTINtiS, t.:I.ASTS AN II BUCK LES: L'A N., In g'nat variety from palm Ivor to Dor, sl' I 'IISI Ell UNDERW EAR, for Krona, SHIRT V ItONTs. • 'STAID' SHIMS.: TIEN. . NISH LINEN SHIRT, 111 A V Y.I. Ll N and AATCII ELLS: HAUL Itlt CND ES: Cc/1110i: and a . FULL LIA'VE OF ALI. Al. I.oi•u I. A It I•ltlet.,, Alas. 77 and 79 . 1 11ark.t Street Jv1L:.124 GAUZE ?MERINO UNDERWEAR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Linen and Jean Drawers; New hid Gloves al 75 cents a pair; White Cotton lose at 12 cents a pair; Flve Pair good Colon lose for $1,00; Parasols and Silk Sun Umbrellas; Fans in every variety and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; Puff Berlin Gloves. NEW GOODS RECEIVING DAILY Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. MACRE% GLYDE & CO. 111 mAorcolv -, Ef, New Trimmings, Fine Bead Buttons, • Fine Bead ornaments, Fine Medallion Trimming Medallion Buttons, Roman Butto ns, Fancy Pearl uttons. Trimming Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbons, La dies' l inen Collars and Fulls, do Paper do do Gent's •.do do do do Lille!' and Silk 'Mktg, Fancy Neck Ties, Derby Bows, French Suspenders, Half Hose, W ith A nuport, as,onm4•nt of LADIES' AND GENT'S UNDERWEAR, =9 F. H. EATON'S, 17 Fifth Slyer*. N EW C;OODS HAMM & CARLLSLE, No. 10 FY ftb lE3a root. e u.tlor Low au as,tortmeTt o P. Eli ti. Witt, elttur.iug the richent n.ylet of • ILKA.L LACE Wit/WS, Melt SILK PARASOLS, KI.Kli A N PA ItTV VANS, YIN Ft IRON N NEW St VLF: MILKS T l / 1 61.511N05, liKA I. It 111 PUKE LACK n, I , IN IL Pt.AHL BUTTONS. W ItIC AL nave ;net opened a beautiful lot of L CLUNK LACY, AND INSERTING& Wel•l9lliri to VII.- special attention to • new and . I lenclid worn t Hoot of itil r itNi) tyllr.E UKgLIN GLOVES, re ON In the new Petroleum and Havana Similes, An /weortimut ,if new color. In KID ril.A/VES, KLAI'K LACE 1111'ITS—near etyleet A mo.d ee !dele ansortment of I.A , I Ka' and CHILDREN 'SCOTTON HOSE; leNl - , N K SIMMS, LoKitlil"rucz. SCARFS; 01 I,e li, HAL? HOliE. SUSPENDERS % UM .O ; LAME:, au I , ENT'S GAUZE 511 , 11L1N0 UNDER- V Ka f To 'lel - than Cm and Dealerp. Our 11 liot.. ualr laepurtment, nun well stocked user jut. ytlyng In lowTI LINE, whirl! we uaer 4' fl- as an soy house Rest or West. M ICRIINE-8: CARLISLE, ID Fifth Street, Arem r /or the ••LUCRWOOD IIANUFACTUR- F.h/ COMPANY.•• BIRADLEY•% DUPLEX 1.:1A.11'71C SKIRT at Menu thetnrers . Prices. g . NOT.. W. T. BUM. NON. Cl. STErilwarsOn ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON a . CO., No, 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, B.V. Just opened a large new stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY BOOM!, Ada r.`;''r L a?.II": , 4 , ZI,W.sVATAVNI.ifitIt h " New Prints, De'nines, Lawns, Ging hams, White Goods, Dress bonds, Shawls, Bahnorals, Notions, Cottonades, Farmers' & Mechanics' Casslmeres,Jeans Cloths ) Linens, Drills, Bleached and Brown Sheeiings and Shirlings, BURLAPS, COTTON & LINEN DUCK. &C. Merchant. are Invited to call and examine our stock and priors. Jell CARR I . I I IcNALAIDLESS &CO" Maya Wnaax, OASin a CO,) WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No.. 94 Wood. Eft., (Third bongo ►Twee Dl*Mond Allot.) =I SEWING DIACHIIWFS. W HEELER & WILSON'S xnecrom!..csoirzsr, FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. CORDING, They are admirable QUILTING, They are unexcelled lIERIDIING, They are znAPPro.a,.b le TOU FELLING, They sir aubmvaAsed. FOIL STITCHING, no , are tiultlea. An t prow 'bit they Aro tl,te hest ltarJailme In the wend: • Salesitons, 2 4TifthMrtel. WM. SUMNER & CO. el I :017:dtal. EMI BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, PrOnoonerd by all Irbil bee . ° 'seen It the almpa St machine now botore the public. It I. effontlon and durable Os It Is simple, and m practical as KU durable. It !embus to be seen to be admired. and used to be appicelnted. It eoaw blues the eltaletllkot PERFECT PRACEICALIRACRBE And Is alfonled at pate within the reuse of near ly onlymi in the land. • The y low priced ilzeLlic In the United gtate. ilocosod to aer the WHILEI4II4It 6. WILSON YNKI/ —toe best and only imitable reed evereonStrueted. SirSALICSIILN,W6NTEI3._ , xcustcammr 49 Mat wma.srsuac AG '; • I/ELTING! DELTINM GArAtutipti Lod Gott Mum ellkgr:XT .I.lterts ituAlirdaltabiberDgok Noiy_xt `o ,l i rtp. 7 - 011," ,AlllO FRIDAY, .TURF 22, 1866. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Local Matters on Pleat Page The Gasette.—Pereens leaving the city during the summer, can Dave the GAZZTTS mailed to them by leaving their address at our counting room. Quarter Mesalons Court. Judges Sterrett and Brown presiding. TElUMilime, June 21.—1 n the case of John Chess, Indicted for assault and battery with intent to ravish Mrs. Ann Lewis, of Temper aucovllle, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, defendant to pay theimats. Patrick Ward was.indicted for an assanit and battery, on oath of his wife, Ellen Ward. In this ease it appeared that the parties were marrieil•on three weeks acquaintance, the hrtsbarul being persuaded to merry by a third party, a felmileacqualnianen Of the wife It ellpeared frOdi the evidence that the husband hail used extraordinary violence upon his ,rife, in chastising her for some real or imag ininary °Minim. The Jury convicted, and Ward was sentenced to pay a fine of ten dol. la's to undergo au imprisonment of . twenty days in the comity Jail John P. Worker and George Stelnagel, of the Four, h Ward, Allegheny, indicted for selling liquor on Sunday, were convicted. Sentence deferred. The surety use between James George (de fendant) and Patrick Clare (prosecutor) was heard, the Court deferring Judgment. Patrick Ward, complain.' of by his wife for oirety of the pea., was repaired to pay the rusts and give bond in pm to keep the peace for one year. Fred. Smith, Lavern keeper on Smithfield .drect, near Water, wits tried for *wiling liquor torsi , minors and acquitted, but required to pay the creds. John it. Joell plead notle coniendere to an In ifetmc, t for assault cud battery on oath of Margaret ltoell, wife, and was sentenced to pay a one of five dollars a .11 the costs, and to give bond in the gam of poo to keep the mare for ono year. The parties live In the vi cinity of Birmingham. William Stone w. tried and found guilty of the larceny of a pair of pantaloon. from Goo. %Victim., of the diatribe. Kenton, residing in Now Castle. John Coyle, constable of tooth Pittsburgh, was arraigned on a chargeof aggravated as• moult and battery. Michael Schweitzer ainxiar bug as prosecutor. Tito defendant undertook to serve a warrant, issued by Justice Barker, upon Schweitzer who hau refused, after doe notice, to pay his bounty nod borough tan. This warrant authorized Coyle to levy upon the household .olifects of Schweitzer, and If none could be found to seize the body. Schweitzer resisted, and the onlcer used his mute on the tesistauPs head. Out of this grew the prosecuthirt The Jury bound a rennet of entity of assault and battery, and recommend ed defendant to the mercy of the court. -.1.- Au &Unclog.. Scoundrel Last Wednesday a nun made his appearance, n Titusville and Intimated that be was the mother-In-law of John Doyle who was mur- Jerald on the 10th inst. Do appeared to be leeply affixted by the calamity which had be alien Ills relative, and visited Jostle° Mow. ray for the purpose of seeing too cridence when before him, lie also visited lldwe's bar & factory, where Doyle had been foreman, nil held aysecruL conference Chlef of ro. Ice Witherop, for the purpose of ferettng out We perpetrator of the atrocious crime, and told hint that he would go and see Mr. Daniel Kerr and meet the Chief in the morning, auu .proceed to work the case up. He then went to Mr. Kerr's residencoand as the relative of the atm-ea:eel took possession of his effects, among which was We h. money that was hand• ed over to him, and Wen cleared out, leaving the inner:xi expenses unpaid and the unary of ihe deceased to take care of themselves. He cave his name as Baru. IL Is suspected that be is more nearly related to the family of hummers than to the Doyle family. Doyle's hither has been written upon the subject to ascertain whether this Bum had any authority i cola him, Mr. Daniel Korr took a great deal of trouble in the affair and probably he will have to pay the funeral expenses unless a sub acriptior, is raised for that purpose. 4 Merman Edlibreowtilded by b German 1 wryer. The German Democrat, the o edy Teutonic or gen of XemOernoy in this county, came out yesterday In an editorial denouncing in strong terms one of the proprietors of the paper, An toine Weidman, Esq., calling him a pettyfog ging la‘yer, unworthy the respect or esteem Many respectable person ; stating, also, that Mt. Weidman had trade repeated but Ineffec tual lttteuluts to have the writer removed from his position MN editor of the Democrat. Mr. Weiihnan was unaware of the existence of the article until about noon, when be was met by several friends who began Jestmg about the matter, and who subsequently showed him the editorial alluded to. of coarse Mr. A. be came exceedingly wroth, and, on the Impulse of the moment, procured a stout cownide, hastened to the office of the Danocras, mot face to face his defamer, who he Instantly seised by the throat and dragging him out of he editorial chair Into the middle of the apartment, proceeded to cow-bide the dent.- qnent employer in an unmerciful manner. This we. the only rednam Mr. %Venial/la could , ave, as it Would not do to enter suit agaillaf his own paper for libel. The name of the edi tor is Mr. Kuhn. fie firmerly edited a Ger man pair In Lancaster, Pa. Cototooq Plea. (burl lion. Thomas Mellon prodding. - TOO asnAr, Jane 21.—The Jury in the ease of D. It. Kirk b Co. vs. John O'Neal & Co., re torted yesterday, rendered a verdict for plain tiffs lu the stun of Mt Phi rhls seas %V. Jenks vs. Gibson A. llunderf. ens an action to recover one hundred aglity dollar, for professional services Verdict for defendant. • B. Taylor vs. Sebastian Bow. The de fu Want, keeper of a livery stable to Binning hum, sold a parr of hones to plaintiff, for alai warranting them, as lged, to he sound. VI, the pert of the p l ain tiff/ h. woo alleged that the horses did not prove to be wand, and that notice was given to defendant of the fact, with the request to take them back. This was refused, whereupon stilt was brought, the Plaintiff elalMing thunages to the amount or $7OO. On trial: Ezteuthe Flee as Oleops Yesterday, about one o'clock, a fire broke out at the Pemisy/vania Tubing Company dock, on the Allegheny river, at °loop oils Venango county, Pa. - The fire was occasioned, by a lamp being dropped Into a bulk boat of oil by Mr. C. W. Porterfield the owner of the Twat, who was severely burned era ho could escape from the burnmg craft. Mr. D. Hush nell of this city, had 'three balk boats, con taining thirteen hundred barrels Moll, totally destroyed. There waxy: !bar other loaded boats, together with the gauge tanks of the tubing company, three in number, burned. The boats were sent adrift, and by t exer tions of the citizens the empty es and buildings along the tamkwere saved. ho in surance will amount to about threti-fourths of the entire, loss. /El IiuSIMMI's actual loss will amount to 014—Theilaily yield'O( 'petroleum from the wells at itnrnlng Springs is as useerlaintsi lyy actual measurement, us follows: Otterson Well Soatea"' (new) Jones' " (old)., David Jones' Well.. llutferman Other wells Total ,V. 40 The Logan Oil Comparly, Ahead "strike. we chronicled some thirty dayanince, are prepar mg to put down another well. The y leld of their first well averag. es 30 biuTela daily. Their property la on Lick 14,nn, - branob of Alcyone Dia not Connottflanerldn—We went wan od on yesterday by Mr. Evan Jon. Of En , mlngium, the father of Mrs. flan - y Moreland, who wan represented in several of the etty pa pere us having committed %Weide in New Or leans, short lane AMC% Owing to in treat mentroceived from her lunlautd,andabowing lettere from the coroner and Mayor of New Orleans, stating that the deceased had died from the offoete of an overdose orchloroform which the had taken as a narcotic, In order to kill the pain, the consequence of a severe adz she was then suffering from. in justice to the memory of the dead we feel It our duty in make this correction. n ,tir t ri c . dz . Ivew ite it _on oreit /aided; tircundelk iir W e nahlirn ton county, was entered by 'Kuno burglar or burglars, and robbed of about thirty dollars in money, and a quantity of boots and shoes. The thieves, effected an entrance by unlocking the door. On the same eight the store of E. Smith d don, I,s the mime place. was also entered and robbed of shout Len dollars in money and a lot Of bate. An entrance wee effected into-thlastore by Drying out the each, home of the, beta were found on the wharf 'rettardsy - morning. 240 emu to the burglars hark as yet, been .dla covered. Cereal...a loquest:—an inquest was hold by Coroner Canwson_yemonUy morning on the body Of George it. Jones, at his residence, to the Eighth ward. The evidence went to that Mr. Jones bad been subject to periodital spells of wealthy for the last two gator which he had beta treated Stated p orqatclan, Dr. W. U. Mil is, who that the dot:mused was fully contract of his condition at UMW anti empreasul a willing, nesatogo t o =asylum - ler treatment. A 'ver dict was rendered in aiXerdnace with the facts. Mr. Jones' linnaiidak Warden* were Perfectly sound, and not embatrialuidwhatever, as ru mored. - Sasibbes7.—The clothing 'establishment or J.K. Ittnehm.r‘near Brownsville. wee entered by thieves on Monday night. and clothing toe tonsidezable amount. carried-away. AC the name time, and probably , by the same Parries, the. Union Grocery, a tow docenkbetiOvr Nano. Ilart% - was broken Into, and settle articles in the grocery lino stolen. 7 - Thikailifelkill , bah: mitecuslimenteweir=ininheu andanniOney oresluable moors len Walther plyty• dlleaorM Votort—Elght wetthlsierprPleAtna themselves before hle llenor.Velitert*thlerni! leg. and demanded justice, wwwwsie..acoard• lngly meted eta 10 DIM. 'Drunkenness and disorderly-mom/et wee the Lightest trade of ,ariralt or which any ware charged, Three VW' dues or sky mm. mad the - qtlier Ave were Ms coned to the conntrletiihantle•reptattk periods ranging from mid to twenty asp'. Mayor Dresindl was Nedra Mayor MOMS= 'yeigerda_ '.ati vaimulaq. - 4/18 wair furbiabed' it' of 10 ." 012 i 1 4 t 31 *. big Aft,File >s e: tarty ok - wgmliro FROM WASHINCTON. I Salt■ '' A lust Southern Poston/I.4er —Tbe Mobile Prize Honey—The Hank eupt New rook, June =.—tlereid dispatches sten that the Judiciary committee, with only twi Or three MeMbere attending, resolved lately to remodel the entire Judiciary sputum of the country, and make one le. aasociate Judge of the Supreme Court; but this action has since been reconsidered. end next Friday Is set apart for a re-discussion of the matter. when the project la likely to be defeated, The Pogo:Mice Department is instituting suits against all postmasters In the lnsurrec tionary• States who stand indebted to the Gov ernment. The bill for the relief of iron clad contract, or still sleeps In the Committee of Claims, where it will no doubt remain the rest of the The bounty money accruing to the officers am! men of the following owned vessels, viz, The Beaton, Cairo, Carondelet, Louisville, St. Louis, Monarch anti Queen of the West, for the destruction of the enemy's vessels at Memphis in June, ISir2, is now ready for pay ment at the Fourth Auditor's °Mee. Orders have been received to distribute and pay the prize mone acruing to. those en gaged ln the light at Mobile, in August, INS 4. This will be ready for payment to abont two months from the present date. The total amount involved in the latter is $767,1108 is The Steedman and Fullerton Commission left Mobile for the Mississippi to-day. They will not visit Arkansas on this trip but will conclude their luvestimitions with Texas. Senator Poland has concluded the examinee Lion of the Bankrupt bill and reported to the Senate Judiciary Committee. They will pro bably report It to the Senate and the further consideration of the subject be postponed un til December next, on the gtound that there lo not annielent time to consider it Vas ses sion A Times' special says: Judge Thornas(of the Virginia Circuit Court, who recently refused to admit the testimony of a negro in a ease where colored men were not concerned, on the ground that he must be governpl b the law of the State and not of the United States, was indicted by tile United States Grand Jury, at the recent session of Judge Underwood's Court at Richmond. No steps whatever have been taken to arrest Judge Thomas under the indictment. Colonel CoOper, the President's Private See rotary, has gone to New York City. It is said that there are several screws loose in New York among the Federal office holders. The high proteetive tariff men tire getting alarmed, Is their various interests will not tie fully eared for by the Ways and Means Committee. Therenire several gentlemen re he who have impressed the toniut ittec very strongly against the expalimicy of ado t. Inc, at this time, a high protertive tariff. p lu Committee are also in receipt of letters (ron protninent men in Carlo. ',Olaf.. of 11,, country against such a course, Lattegot from U Haw Y OMR, Juno 21.—Tito naveer corinspondence says: The policy of th new administration is a repressive restrictiv. one, very obnoxious to the Cubans, more es pecially by contrast with the former generou. treatment of General Dolce. A. violent hurricane visited lialsanio on tla 9th. llngin ' t" n opposite 'th' e nl n o l o ng "r ort t li three !loosen by tire, on th 13th. Advises from St. Thomas state that about I.Vb troops had left St. Thou.. to Join the for eign legion In Men co. y the late are In Mayagnes, Porto Rico ever seventy buildings were destroyed. Most of the P.nglima and American residents were abandoning Hayti on sceount of the di. order occasioned by the great tire at Port its Prince some weeks ago. President Ltaez Ls on his last legs in St. ulingo. The revolutionists are pressing him so closely that it is supposed he will take to light very soon. Martinique had suffered considerably from draught, and Guadeloupe had bees fearfully decimated by the cholera. American CitieTn Imprisoned by the French In—ilealeo. -• • • Nsw Toes, June 21.—The Heruid °tales that Daniel Green, an Amencan tazen, residing In Mexico, about fifty miles back of Mazatlan, has Ned a statement with the American (lou se! at Mazatlan of certain outrages commit ted on him by the French. lie was arrested In Mazatlan on the lib of April last and kept in prison until May lot, wittiest accusation or hearing. Ile was then ordered to leave Mezi• co for California, and while under this inlets. tion he entered his protest. O <morel Ellover's Arrival to Peru N sw Yoae, June 21.—The Herald's Lima cor respondence says: General llovey was given a grand reception by the Government, on the presentation of his credentials. The General, In a few words, expressed the cordial feeling entertained by the I. , nlLod States towards her younger and more Southern sisters, and Colo nel Prude, the Provisional Director replied in high coma:embalm: of the m•eat Republic, and the personal character or its accredited representative at hl court. U Clorinn Conference. • iterrsto Juno 21.—The Introductory' ser- VieeS of the Western Unitarian Conference took place at Rev. Dr. liosmer's church, hoot evening. Rev. hi. flop worth, of Boston; preached the opening sermon to-day. Re ports will by presented or the Western Ittls. stone, and of the operatiom; of the American Cititarlnn Association. Thin evening Rev. Di. Collyer, of Chicago, will preach. !STATEMENT OF TILE REAL ES. 6, TATft SAVINGS 116 6TITUTION. on the 30th day of Aprtl, 11466. TS. H AnsK Honda and lion An, nrtt liens on Kea} Eattue,t 02 05 .3&" 66 U. N. 6-20 1i0nd....r 70.1c0 09 U. S. 120 t Ronda.. 26,600 00 (teal Estate— 45910 Interest doe May let.. on atxtve. (not yet reallo, 0 3,590 33 • 1101. Turnltarr 366 GO ca.6tt 04623 76 EMS • Amount due Depositem 020.11.0 Ti Amount due Ihimaflora, Inter. eat May lat., 11160 •lance tknntairent Ytaid The above is a true statement A. A. HAHRJEK., Treuturee. Thu undersigned A 11,111114 Commictes. have ex am inu.l tne lt&ekli Of the Igelf Lotion, the Bonds, Bungee. riecurittes, and wonted the Cul, nod end tl.• .•.repoing statement rorreot. Wei. H. CIMITH, H. CHILDS, W. K. 0/PEI AND. "Fricifacs 1,1•"1` INHTLTUTiON. pre.,,t,..,-111A,C iCt rreshlent— , W . B. ( :01 • KLAIFIP. tinileitut —E. Plu I.PORD TODD. Tamorice.A.-tion. T. 11.. u. J. K. Moor head, bone Jones H. Ilusse) •S. Vneetiv, Jacob Paint... Harvey Chlids. W. ft. Coin 'sod, Wen. H. Smith. In tercet allowed on Dept:pats In tbl, 11141111 • SIX Pali CENT._per annum, pable to the npo. 'tor In May and Movernbee, whic ya h, If not drawn trill he Adder. to the principal end!. Interest • comulence• Deposits on the tut t o . 15th day. 01 every mouth. open for Tieposll.llrom B A. U. to 3 Welrrek r dal y Alan, . ou Petunia) even lops, frost o • elol k or/ICU-113 ruuirrti I.ll3.aburgh, 113)3031. puuLic SALE OLD DR. SHOENBEROER MANSION LOT Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, Under au order of the Orphans Court of A licrlie nouuty, ra., I on 1,001) bbl Friday, June 22d, 1866, liel o'clock, r. upon the premise., sell by Dol. Auction, that valuable and well-known lions avid Lot of land, formerly the realdenca 01 Dr. DE TEIt SHORN tIFIDGEIt, den'il, In the Ward, Dlttaburgli, De, bounded by and fronting nu Penn ntreitt one hundred fete wont or on the Wes by Adams street two hundred and twenty feet, on tha cast the same distance by lot now of Thom/tan. Illair, it 8.1., and on the north one hundred feet, Warr , r less, hy street; the house being a largo Ldoubl two-story /Jrick Dwelling, with mit Wald- In a. 823 property swill be sold as a whole or In parts, Ns Ina) be found moo solrantsireous. A plan of sub division shay he Keen at the office of Silt/EN IlEtt 11E11. GO,. No. N 3 Water etre,. or at the onlee of JAW. VICK(.7II fr. PUN, No. 3la Grant street. Terms at sale , which will allow • libels,' ...edit for not of price, desired. Possession glean April Ist. INS. hAliAll K. 8110 Sh BERG ELL 4.%/4. S. SOUTH JOIIN 14050. JOHN ROSS. CO. SUCOZ6SOIIB TO WM. N. OGDEN & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers In rbon Oil Lamps & Fixtures, Chandeliers, Carbon Oils, &0., No. 64 Market Street. .IE:WERUErtrrtC3I-13., PAL.. thirOTT IJlMETZEnterrin OittanAL.B Verse; I'iTTßaunon, I'w., June 19111, 1016. MALE OF GOIVERRIPIENT A Nl :if A I.—will be sold at Public Auction, to the ht host bidder, on the 30ThDAY Ot d Wit//teat, *1 the UOvernment Yard, entner of °artist/et Alley gad gayetre !Street, Ulla city, the following public Animate, 6191 10 00111,30 b: 110 MULES. The above urn Tory superior animal, and In One condition, suitable ter •13) purpose foe which they may be required.' Persons desired. to perellase encl. animals will do well to attend the sale. Tenn... Cash. U. B. Currency. Animals sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. W. O. (7n0n.8, Meld. 1.121,, and Deinkr_3llkLOenl, J. 0. Dorrum W. JC. BUFFURS- & CO., Itranufite • Wren or Sarsaparilla. Lemon and Raspberry Boas 1711749.T.19:E1JE1, Mayhem, Strawberry and Lemon Syrups; Bottlers of choke Ales,_ Browngtont. Lager BeerandCbion pagan Fiderl . Cidhyllui T ~, hMhalf sat : 1 4 :44.41.1 . nd .If er Orders Mind and shipped to all parts of tbe coon , onahors notice. Jelmgl:danT 1,• -i—rivitsz—novsz, PhUadaphia. • It ra: • = 0 1, 1 1.4 7 !.4 , ,T r tis rea Amoral, House .XLISMANT NNEtt, A N now 13 18 spared &tit the moot korfoci si o polo mom • for th e orption of smolt& wo. t he arcs Orst-orworHotels &Hi &email:anima In the Ruse,. sells the st. sinativta BAKE& & VA.&I:ICr. ANDRIORTGAGES wank, .. t p7,ed The following norm •• • • 4500; $l,OOO, *3,000, $5,000, $lO,OOO, two YQ Wee yule Glair PARK, McCITEDY it CO. Manufacturers of SEIZATIIINU, BRAZIERS , A ND ' 11OLT currxn, PItYZSED COPPER. lluvvoalli, ItALSED STILL MOTTO/MI, SPELTEIt 501.DEIL Also, Importers and dea)ers In METALS, TIN T.VAIVZsEvIc - T,Zat-,1 1 7:4 house, No. I* FIRST and 1.20 SWORD BTRRKTs, PILL. lsselflas Slaseslal Orders of Copper cut to any dmlred patterns t0y11:c2.44.1.1•T Itar'PITTSIMILIEItiII SAW WORKS, of tUVIIIMATI,Hatt,Fa"A2,na%c"..".."I:- est CAST STEEL SAWN, °revery dammotlon. 31111. Staley, Cross-Cut liana, nod all other varieties. All kinds of It SLY EM am! mass, from Sheet Cast-Steel ; ten Redned SIoWING KNIVES, Sc. 11.EArElt AND •? - Warehouse and Wm., corner Warta and Sinner STRaeves, Pertlesslat attention paid to ee-toothlng. planning allti straightening Circular Saws; also, repairs of all Mud, Punching mot DrUllna done at re....mable !Vat, _ . . Jedwas tar ROREVIIION, REA & CO., (Sinew reason to EsIBIRSOII, MINIS & SDLLMIUS, WAFIETEI Youndhre h nth,P i tt. iWhich. Manufacturers of MOAT AND STATIONERY STEAM EN (S/N_ BLAST ENGINES), MILL MA CHINERY GEARLNII SHAFTING CASTINGS of all descriptions, 1/IL T A NKS and STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. 461 - Asenta for tilt YARD'S PATENT INJECTOR, ur feeding bonsai. gariOTEN CREWMAN & IMO" Mannfacturers oh IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS /ROM RAILING, WINDOW Starr - m/s. WINDOW GUARDS, &e.,, Nos. VI SECOND and MI THIRD STREET, Os:Porten Wood feu nod Markel l have %% b i rd avariety of new patterns, VVHSc o ul n a ' r Tttentl"ornald PtUrrttMo'SnA Uravr Luis. Jobbing done at short notice. mhml - • rigrMAIIIILIGE AND CELIBACY, no Essayand Young Lieu. Also, DofiseasWarnn e l and se Abus lns whichtroetloo proforw. trate the rltal powers, with sure means of relief. ••• sot fere of charge In sealed letter en robins, Ad e. Dr. J. SR ILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard As. •rwlatlon. Phi, Ea. m wT. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION, 22d DISTRICT. The UNION REPUBLICAN VOTERS of the Congressional are reested to meet at the usual places of holding eleCt qu lon• In the arions Wards, Boroughs ones Township., in sold District, On Saturday, August 11th, And elect TWO DELEUATICS from each election district, t.. meet In county Convention on TUES.- DAY, AlitiOST 14th. at IS/o'clock a. m., fur the purpose ,of placing In uottiluatlon a ramildate fur Li The printery election. In the townships will be old between the hours of four suit ale o'clock, and in the wards and imetsighe li , tween the bones of four and se ten o'clock r. a. In We wards and lair he the elections shall be by and In the townships by mars ink or by ballot. Ity order of the Committee. Wan ANL/kin:on, W. J. GILMORE, Chairman. ~tl I:. W. ?non •,a, mySltlisi.d.lms iAirCONGRESS, 92d DISTRICT. HON. MOORHEA .• I Ins 1 Sy, placed blmsetrat the disposal of bis Mends.' i l ", .;« " X ' een ' t t eel " b7Vh C et aT: d en e eillrut 11-g' name Is for Congres Unionhe SW I/tattle/. ,In• action ot the Republic. County uoueen -1 ion. arinte. - ,:43 I— CONGICESS GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY IS A CANDIDATE IN THE WAD DISTRICT. tonalmd =l3 Will present Mr motor to the Conventiou of lb Union party, for 11003.11.11\ 1100 as mull/Ult. for Con ORBS lo the Ittd Dlatrsot. Inhumwd ~416 (t) 00 =,244 Ztb I=E3 °erten ChM STAMM I.OI T.RCOX4RItT, W 1001 XP 11 itALYVXD & Cu,. Proprietors. WE WoILIED MOS TEEEPEEIN FULLY announce that lo consideration of the follow Mg cogent lab d we trunts at tilfactOry) Imuoms, we have Winn, et . holed [ha[A postponement would be equally adv . antageous to the public and ourselves, namely, that we pm:feet* Dispose of all the Tickets and give the Public all the Prizes, 1 .31/u 110111 a qusintity of tickets (so DrObriniors tiO) tbwleby colt/Luce our chances of .Ira., big ib, lat Kr pf • . ' fbe drawn gni/1111,u V. 1111... poblbibed in the Chi cago dally paper.ww thaw 11. Mild l• hen the Ar• drawing Is over each ag, it .111 b.: tutu Won! With a • topl,te list of tAbhe draren lu 51,,r of the Above reAtous, which We hone .111 ,ove eminently satlsfactory, IMEED WE HAVE POSTPONED THE DRAWING CECIZI To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. - THE CITY TREASURER Is now ready to receive All Lazes payable at thl., No. 110 Fourth, subDct up rrttuetion of VI VY. PAN CF.NT. If paid before the Yalta DAY ISM AUD Una' N Kai% Wreahlile Lletmses art dor-nail tetfdlui pad fore the Ifl UST DAP tkr JULY .TijiATl 1.0 orda to save coal. ahoe2peuse'of stilt Deforeel Attlerm.. .EIDDRADM. Trealtarcr. . .N I-j OLDEItM ORNUCTIII WARD UAW NT V CERTIFICATES are hereby notified 1 " tlresMaltet r i T gO " A Pth r,' whin fe, ewer which time they will curd to be re ,oemr.l. By order of Je12:1113 SIXTH WARD IR:HMI. BOARD. • THE REMAINING PART of the property for s old Tote Hord Allen• plan or lows, will be ln of by the aura. ndendid for gardening porpo or (or city rest deuce. Apply 10 Wlt. b. IlitYD ect . at the dikeof hlrkpatricE friction. 001114 rof Dlamond 0114 Is ro ta street., or to RICHARD 'ALLICN, on the property, at Lower IL Clair Hotel. My17;111.11111 CARPETS, OIL McCALLIIM BROTHERS No. SO -a.. FOURTH IiTILKICT. We have on heads a v4ay mperlor stock or 4 0A1 . 11 . •31EITIPT Or tnirajiiii d i, P ,Tl't:eit e seaL" nroei 111, ' l= 24 feet veld, PIANO AND TAB LE COVirdtti—Every u. HE. ARTH ItUd—rrom the finest quality to the 1"7.44g li ir IkATTILIG. COCOA AND MANUA • tl ATTINuts, Ac. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every- thins , in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths , Damask, Reps and Lace Window Ourtidais. Gold Bordered and, Plain , Mildew Shades, Table • and Piano Cov-, ere, of our own imPariV4oWat the Lowest Prietiareaohea-aMe the war. A lb* of loot& - i ln- grain Car Pete, of our own. m portation just received -, very handsome-116*Sr offered in the _ country- before—ami at prices based on the ,t rates f 0014 mai ,_**:(X=rltßr, n-nt sins 1 b 1 , 11 004 7 , - .;. see savesuakilvtl4. Lultbi: 4' Wilibv:lDlUT , 11A31 THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS HRS. WINSIQW•S QUEEN HAIR RESTORER In QUEEN. not only In ' , snit, hut In Vll‘Trli, Lathe Best Hair Restorer ever offered to the Public. An In lalllhle RZOTVIIEft and I•RCFISJIyKIt of the It It no noir Dye. It acts directly Upon the roots of the hair chan. Mg grey hair ui its Origlll3l life Color, arresting pre g . mature decayfailing out of the hair: erailleat. ism noon( and dandruff, and curing all btu:noise( the scalp. It will change dry and Wiry hair to soft sod luxu riant tresses. ft imparts a de so lightfel fragrance to the bolt. short, If u Wish to restore your halt, as in Moth, and retain it through life, use IRS. WINSLOW'S QUIN HAIR RESTORRR.• prie. si per bottle. nOld by all Druggists. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents. CEEZM i4tr. CO« BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS N O4 . 20, 22. 24 and 26 Penn street. Having secured a large yard, and tarnished It with Um most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILEIts, in the hest manner , and wat7anted equal to env made In the rsuntry. CHIMNEYS, BREECHING, VI dE REDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. CON DENSERS, SALT PANS, TARES., OIL STILLS. AGITATORS SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS; and aide manufacturer. of I3AILNII/LLI3 PATENT BOILERS. RePaiGng dime on the shorten notice. tar LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS' PrITTISE Uliti li POLITICAL ONGRESS.—The triendx of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY NOTICES. iV tYTIC3E. L TIL THE 9th Day of July, 1896 WIGUINS, BRAD/emu, A I .INIII-IrIILUJE: I=M2ll Ste:IMAM td HROTHICHS, Formerly W.D. I H. McCallum. FOR SALE. __ PLITEEBENG. &0.. L;LEGA. ES SENT ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, M . ‘001 4 11. ELASLLI3. F.X_.I73ILIELZIFILO3, Tin iIIII4it.OSIIC se. or ALLEN REAMER. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. sltnan on Cor. Sixth and Smithneld Sts., 1353 171:1L43,1EL, PAL., AN I) Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Sts.. MANCHESTER. All kinds of Water, (las spot asearn Fixtures kept constantly on nano. JeSioni t,TOCKTON AVENUE. A 1.1.E1.11 E\Y CITY Is Offered for "t. 11 , 1, bout, In Indut 01 comfort, convenient., and elegance. Is equal to any lu the city. The Lot has a (rout rally (cc du Z•tollth Cool snOu• and ex tends hack 24-0 Ive I Water alley. Stab., Carriage llouxe, Ural.: Art.., and et erY thlrg lu corn pl etc. order. PUNS ESSIVN WV EN LlllllOll TEI:l Tha FURNITI7II/. la the hot.. la nlao olTyred for axle. Apply to JAMES H. HOPKINS, 103 Fifth Street le2:c=l FINE RESIDENCE .E . C>FII. /5181-aM2 IN UNE OF THE BENT PoRTIONs liP ALEE -4 BEET (;ITT. A large mud, thoroughly u t ash u d two-story Double Drink Dwelling, containing 14 room, spacious and airy halls on ,both floors; Pan tries.s closets and a burglar proof safe. The ample grounds surrounding the mansion abound in choice gropes and fruit. cud shade trees. A btable and Coach House, with other out-buildings, combine to make this a first-eins residence. For particular., apple to b. b. BRYAN, limber In Stocks and Heal Estate. uy 57 S'ourth at., (Burar•s Building.) FOR SALE. A VIRST-JLASS BUSINESS STAND The Stock. Fixtures, Good Will, I tore Iletis• 'Swelling and large Lot in Sewickley. Cash sale 113,000 a month. Ceuessloo given immectiatel'. Sic small /louses and Lots, very cheap. Several LOLEI, at Edgeworth Station. from one t tlve .rve Apply to JAMES T. SAMPLE, Beal Lstate Broker and Insurance ILiteuL jell No. 55 Yederal street, AltegiusdY• VOlt SALE—A Farm or 216 acres, altuate In non township, Allegheny county, Va. The itoproVelnent• art a two-story t' awe noose, wills six rootus and kitchen,' • la,rge Bans Barn SU by an, and other ut - losildingel good Or enard: rri acres cleared and in a good stale of mile tit - Allots. Ilse loud Is of tke nest quality ; well adapted for grain or stock, end Is all underlaid with Ural, A very large amount of Locust timber. Pos session Alyea Ls/media tely, convenient to churches, schools, mills, Sc. For Airther particulars, so noire 0 1 U. 11. TOWER,/Leal /Leal Estate Agent, No; 1114 Fourth streeL my 17 [MB SALE.—A 111111C1i DWELL .- !Nil Lit/Uhg, sitnated as Western avenue. Al legheny City, containing Doren rooms, bath root. and finished garret, gas, hot and cold water, large hail, all In good couclltlon. Lot 22,5, LZS feet, , Also a vacant lot adjoining the above L.. 1,4, by Ids feet to a M foot street. The lots are planted with fruit trot. and grape Vines. A convenient residelme fur any gentlemen doing business lu the city. ' , or terms and particuLars apply to It. MITCIIN.LI, on the premises, No. 13 Western avenue. Allegheny ' Cl!;. Jel.2;elGiTre It Olt SALE—A Farm of about 25 acres. opposite Townsend twatlon, North West ern It. It., :Undies from PlListiergli; alas.. a once. cleated, balance good Battler mud In varieties; 7. •eres of coal, good vele, pit open; a frame dwelling intir rooter.: good spring or Wats r, fruit trees of v artelles of Multi Is • •Pio/111.1 iflace for a vine yard. Also, a lot Eh by tin feet, on Peebles i.treet, In WII k In• township, Allegheny count). ti hi Au boil! cheap. Poe terms, AIL, apply at tue Beal Estate nod Insurance Mlles, of U. a. liA f Ka, tell Ber street, Lawrenceville. FOll SALE, At 9lillva►e Station, Pa. S. It., illy seventeen minutes' ride from the Union Depot, 11'ELVIS AND A HALF AUlttle, adjoining the oddences ur Ale a . itradloy, aud Mrs. Dr. em 000. u, anti beautifully attests,' (or a Country jles- Julth block and (seal X..., Broker, No. WI Yourth street. kOR SA.LJE.—SEWICKLET RESI DEN t E. -T acres stateut ationvrenty-xLx, ou which la a n two-story frame dwelling. contains t wets rooms: bulls Inmodern sit le, t ellar under the hide house. blood stable miltcarriage house. Excellent water. Fifteen numb - v.l fruit trees, including et cry satiety. Three forest trera near . Olt hens,. Cold grayer) and abounding In shrubbery anti Rowers. JOHN 11, RAILEY. Nock arid Real Estate Kruger, ni y2l No. lit Fourth:street. 14'011 HALE—A Farm of 11 . 5 S acres, 10 Elisabeth tow uship Allegheny county, Fa., i near the Youghloghea, rver. The B•hrt,vhment• • D••••• 1 Log litiuse a good ltaru, maw e aa, other out-bull.linga: fencing generally good; well watered: 11l aeres cleared: telt. oC. l , l ttlestoste. the under we. about aK feet thlet. Litt upper rein .4.ay feet: very Convenient to the river it is thi tim bered with the heat a Lille oak and black o.lnut Pries. Pt per sere. For further osriteu tar., e- nquire of to. H. TOWER, Real Fatah Ageut, No. 104 Fount •treet.. utyl7:alli VALUABLE FAILS! FOR SALE.— , A Kam. containing shoat 150 arms. !oar the Nix Mlle Fem. on We Monongahela Neer, on which lb erected a torthstory Reich Manta. House and Barn, and other out-buildingli. Also,several other aruU, well 00011.4, In Allfgheny sad Westmore land auto/Des, containing from leo to :CO acres. Coal and Lla/c Farina for ~ale on the :Steubenville Rail. road and Monongahela. ricer. For further partic ulars, enquire of WILLLANI WARD. Lee: cgs (OPpOtilte the Cathedral.) No. LW liruat (trent. CANAI. ST. RESIDENCE FOlt BALE, tY ITU Lint EDI ATE ih,aaFh slolt.-A leug, rick Ihn baling House, convenient. l) arianged and In good order, with lot reel deep ity Yip, let deep, set y deblrable la anal, Cal 11l second tmli, Allegheny. In o excellent aelallbor hood. Tee house stands. feet n lean tne Rout of lot. roma.,with: hall, parlor, bath room and chamber ou lirst floor: four that:lbs.., on -ecotoi Boor; It lu all, rim,de trees, an. bliery, sc. Aly to Jell l: L id Starlet pp st. HEAP FARR FOR SALE, con ,' Misting 1101 acres, 01 of which ore meat - ed.. to lasliann laud. The ignore, ententa at, at large Ortelt .house, In g•hal repair; larg w e tiara and to ;Wittig. Also, a Noose village, oth S aerie lot. This property la attliated adjoining the 1000 of Wll- , pure. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot Is erected sin Pitt !arm. 'lite alms e propertY otlered toss 1110,, What the impro, cutouts coat• enc.: fatti per acre. Apply at alb, ha fefeta Ale.L4. /FX,R. CU., I:4roitztP at. ~ l l E'EIIiTEEN HUNDRED DOL LAIL, will purchase a the, awry Frame !Dwelling House s In • pieasant locution, on Bldney.street, Birmingham. near Passenger Car 11.outt,tartth lot feet /runt- Poteh, four rooms kitchen. good cellar. out oven. grape %Ines, wash ' house. rte. Attie, tour lots fronting ou hiallou and John streets, near Centre avenue. ',lee 3100.1.. Ap ply to LUTEIBERT a *DNB, SI Margot street-. ['OR SALE—One Patent Steam TANK, for rendering Tallow or Grease: Unt ('ll,lOlllOl STEAL BOILER, 01 Wall b di antels.rKE 14 wet long, with IStool.c i ptack: erne S I rEAM bone TTLE, olds Aooo.pounda: this •• SHEET 11100 SOAP FRAMER- Whs. KENNEDY d cu., 3.1t1 Liberty street,lllisttrgli. )e10.144 - - - FOB MALE, 0001) OIL TEll.ll.llOlly. The subscriber bas Yt`l,l ACILICb of 1/0011 OIL TF.LtallTtlll.l, located tot toe celebrated — llyner eurst, •• adjoining the _propel ty of the Marlon 011 osepany, l'lthole. Vengo county. There are two good producing 001 1#near Rending, Duquesne Way. twitra Tu IV PROPERTY FOR MALE 4/'lllllEhi will sell Lls property, on the litsovia.., ilks road. eonalsOng of a .o%ff ELLIN ti 1tft,51.1. fig e 1.,. coon,. ..fti. In. 10,0000, out-bulletin,. a oeat t, w.f.. 110100 b all, 0 a •••• 011d01 - 11‘1,1 vlll.O I ' , AL.. 0011 01 p..r o . 'Tat., .1 the hatlit tho.r, oven and 1,11011 aous fruit• The pr °per two three (0111,1 uunghato, naldwin towstabli,. • le;:cat 14'011 SALE—A plea.saut Country Ilesldenrc, al WOOD bTAT/ON. renusyl •aitia Railroad, one-half mile (corn Wilkinsburg, 17 itertle of I Ing Lurid' a sue new ISwell cotinduing nano., and cellar u n derneath. Will sell the house with three or ere acres, or thew hole. to sell Per ehaser. For further information, call on U. II 'EUW Elt, 164 /fourth street. or on till preuj o#7l4ll ses. .1, 0, _FOR SALE, • THAT THREE-WM/HA BRICK 11WELL1Nli, Nq. 117 Cawsnul ear..., curt&Makolghl rooms and attic. lias sod water up stairs. flange lax kitchen. .1011.% U. LIAILEI, block and 'teal Estate, Broker, my.ll Nb. llr YoUrth atteut. li ' OUSALE — Aboutl O O/IT.If BUILD= INti 1.11/1, In plan tnd out by sir, Ynlialn and Myself= Wood.* 1/un, clue to mainmasts. Term.— bumll alsourd. down; Mamma on earypayitente an nugkßiiik r kso. Improved Ityrulllng, with choke and mit. Title pecicut, Aria , d.Y g " ett, " y or rlta isliettln7:ns:llolti:MltrtrA. 1301-1112 U. 11. Lesitl Y. _ 8.4 , 200 WILL PUIICILISE A TWO 15TOILY 31121.1 : ILT GIME TFINTIEM.X.X.TO Ce• And LOT IA he 80, on Chanlees street, Allegheny city. lepr farther particulars, Bnlquire of G. H. TOWEIk, No. 104 Fourth street. 1.4'011 SALE - -A very desirable two 4tory Brick Dwelling ol live rooms and good cellar, mtu ne on Allen street., Lawrenceville, near Passenger Hallway. An oseelleint well of water on the lot. Will be illepeeed of on Moral terms, and immediate plld•C•SiOli gleen If applied for coon. For tenon apply at the Heal Estate and Insurance G. S. HATES, inn Duller street, Lawrenceville. FARM FOR SALE, OF 106 ACRES, underlaid with MAI, 00 acres cleared. 11l acme rich bottom land; young Orchard of MO apple andpeach Ores; two House of eight rooms; y - lafti welt filled with shrubberm Mtge Barn and Ail insiessary ontebulidinga; conminleat to ehtlreinnl, &hoots 01 , 1 11111 m situate two untie eouth of Hlr mins/ham, on Saw AIM Hun, llaldwin township. For term to Pita on t h e n endses. PIANOS, ORGANS, &c: THE BilADßUlly, NEW YORK; AND Hihomusekei" A' Co., Phi/adelphia, h*.~At.NOg..- The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, . • - AND AMERICAN ORGAN, egiant e i=gregritti m rat i ce pyity.and quoit, of Lou. ilail,renWijoie te Tbeeeinstromeata have fiLxerzli 'lel 14 firlit itateAgirtAL ll lMM t". * IMO 'ious thin any other. An warragedlbr are tower WaIitELINE imitik,' 1,1 st, mar knot' Pittibargb plANOili 'P1A.301122 -., ZNTIILr invir STOOg oy linsibelteA sad H aines &Vs.' , i ,.•% :- !t. • ..,:tdiacii:Pies. , " aitsiiiiiinoi,": ..:;;.',:oitaitiArrr z imme,qc„, - Wii' '' 7 iii- li iuta lams. sob Aim. ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, K EEP ON HAND A SUPERIOR rink or .tirclicrro imicamEsel, All lands of IRON PUMPS, HYDRANTS, &FLEET LEAD. SHEET ZINC. LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS, blliKs. WATER CI.A/SETS, WASH BASINS, WASH STAN IN , tr, nt their WarerooM. Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, It Ind. of REPAIRING done promptly. /arm' orders by 'nod Immediately attended to. Jed:o9 FRIDAY EVENING, June 2d. Benefit of MISS MOLLIE WILLIAMS. FELIX A. VEVCENT AS RASRAC. 1 3LELanoT:EX.24.11 SATURDAY. MATINEE—ALADDIN. STEAM GAUGES, TREMBLE'S VARIETIES THEA.- TILE—SoIe Proprietor, BAN. TRIROLE. SCHAEFER. & BUDENBURCH'S PATENT THE STANDARD Gauge of the Navy DeparUitent. IZEIN KNOWLES' PATENT STEAM PUMP, The beet atid most rullahlo to one. We have bold large number to manufacturers and oil refiners her to whom we 0111 refer any Parties eomelrntly Into egted to call, BAILEY, FAREUILL & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Street. WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. A largo ossortao 01 of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., I=!! 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. Myl2;b7 NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels ao be fur - a1ai...1 with beat quail,/ of HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES AT , 31-1 olt T EnT NoTicE AND TEJIM:s. By cal log on JOHN `MAFFETT, Non. 127 and 129 First Street, _ myr:a4o T. r. iWaIPB p L CUMIN G PITTSBURGH. PA IS IND STUN FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. IiCET 14AD. SHEET zurti lnu, rwitz 131. ti ks, 11Atl1titl, WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTAIIIDS, lErlinri3l•7l9l od, .170., isoooto.sor. w A4dr 1 ewers., r tur7e4e. No. 109 Wood st.. Pittsburgh, P. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM PITTING, L. MA. ITh 101AISCHE.S, arofolly attendod to by ezpertenreol and practle workmen. A due mwortment of OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. :lIUWRIt c natant!) , on hand and made to order. Dna/. Pa, TATE te, SEVILLE, , Y.• TOBACCO, CIGARS, &CO.._ EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W. JENKINSON, I .4 .ll :r•Vrottia OP ALL, KINDS OF TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGAIIS, NO. 0 PEI/811AL STREET, Mini door from Sunperolon Bridge, • .Braneh Store at Salem, Ohio.A LLILOHE N mY, PA.yYtanis R. B. JEFFRIES; Manufacturer anal Wholeeale and Retail Dealer Lu all kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEBARS, No. 6 Mt . Clair lltreet, Pip...burg% Pa 461 - A large assortment of MICEESCHAIIMIMPEIS and SMOKUitt TOBACCO of the beet ndklltY. k/ Pt on hands. stm:bro GEORGE BLUMENSC/MN, DIME Iti 1161185 LID DONKSIIC SEG.ABB, CHEWING TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &C.. BiTcs. 4 Efevreozi.t.b. eltraart,, Naar corner of Liberty, taly•MiSIE mi - rstsu it( 11, PA. JOHN NEGRI:I.IW, MANUFACTUILKIL ANL) NY ILULEnALIC AND ItnTA IL DEALZR IN KI NUB Or TOBACCO, SNUFF AIVB SUGARS . , 3ElCo‘rat:l. Blernot. A 4.1..r.a, ....riment of Smoking Tobacco, Pipes PoucheskalwAym ou band. mr2EbM BERNARD WIERLAN, Manufacturer and Dealer In ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO SNUFF AND SECARS, W 1 101...4.1.y AND RETAIL. No. 205 Ohio St., Allegheny City. leEcna NEW GS-G)C101:0t4! A Very Large and Select Slock o BOYS) CLO:1111111G JUST RECEIVED, or ALAPACCA, FLANNE, ANL. CAMIMERER CRAY & LOCAN, 41 St. Clair Street. T. & J. T. N'CINCE, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Have Removed to the New Hull.dlni. No. 196 Liberty Street. Owing to the lateness of their Rurchsaea for the ttrIIING TRADE (the venter Partner beton now In the East) they are prepared to exhibit Rotate for the CUSTOM TADE at the VERY LOWEST QUOTA. T/ONtl that g ood, have yet reached. 811.(M'!tr7, and keep a W i lma OWN RANDFAtITURE.and EQUAL In all respect, to CUSTOM WORK. nth.lo3wdatePT HENHE G. HALE. =MUM TAILOR, • NORM? toessit Ot nn Z st cum num Niue, to rem,n thanks m hlittlenda and the pith'. Iren n , fer theft ftftertg , Pa b trigaite l and would ed the Y etia= Let,. th at he 1444701M6 ..pected ma of FINE WOO EE G 00,;.. Papery adapted to ORNTLIGKRIVS {SIL-RINU AN D.IRIBMER WRAR. le I:III—IIERTAXIN—G. T. WHITE " & CO., • U NDERtA KERS AND EMBALMERS, Mikochoster, Wood., RIM Shd. OonlaJdosiloelitnancester .11,1weryatil101e. Ooraistos Medd and Mutter, stria& Wane awl Carilso, furnished. nolDdyd corrus arwrmaao • iitimLLun auxottAlntl ,spauearcrt Jamie/arc urrintsTaxissi • ' -11011 mcmilt*I. 1 4 trag.unis ,, • jaylajost Ana farilladartle lumpipiß at IsMareatilageS .AIIIIISERCENTS. TlrrrsniunGli THEATRE.. 1...5r. AND Si AN' WL. HENDERSON Farewell Benefit of the gifted young &etre., NOEMIE DE MARGUERII TES. PEti WOFFINGTON. Veg offing tow.-- ..... Noemle de Morgn cornet. Alter which Ric. MAII6IIE/I TTES will appear in the celebrated Drinking Scone tram LUCRETIA BORG LI. To conclude telth the LOTTERY TICKET. MONDAY. BENEFIT OF MRS. FANNY BURT 4. STID &TS OF NEW YORK. OPERA HOUSE itA.N.tuxn CREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. MOUE NEW efrd.U.S ADDED TV THE VENUE TIES TUOUPE. Tat HAYS, the Champion Clog Dancer of th world, and JUILNNY ESEGATi. the Champion Jig D.eer, WILL APPEAR EVERY EVENINU Title WEE& _my2lo:b9o BILLLUIDEU HILL' Ail MR/ r0.a.. - v - mc• .13...dax.m. Reapectfully announces to his Mends and the pub lic generally, that be has lust opened Ws now and cotamodloum BILLIARD IttlOalth CORNER Dr LIBERTY AND ST. CLAM( STREETS, entrance from Bt. Glair. The Tables are tie, rind construct ed In the most approved and elegstit style, tad all the appurtenances are new and complete. Every thing which may conduce to the pleasure and enjoy ment of his patrons will be thumb:4. my Mall PROFESSION JOHN W. TAYLOR: ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street X . X . 1 . M . 613317.1.11.6 MEC, .P.A. mom: nw u. c. uscuaxta. MACK ELL & MoCOBI33S, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. myM.W. W. S. eArrassoN, t 71 Haat. rarransara, Notary Po blic, GRANT ST. / Attorney-aa Law. W. J. & HdLL PATTEIISON9 Law and Claim Attlee, ITTSBUROH, PA l'enalcita Local man liovernment Bomalea, Bach y. Brian Money, to., collected. OFFICERS' ACCOUriI Collectionsmade, Deeds Letter.; of Attorney. Honda. Mortgagee, lte., written, and all legal beef nem. promptly attended to. • tuyttliars B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent, W. 8. SAN. COM., • Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, (SECO:: ), FLOUR.) ww. I.ONQDOJ Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected. No charge made until claims are aettled, and then but a moderato fee. mrM: 120 JOHN A. STRAIN. Jasticv of the Peace, AND PUUCE 111ALvIST1ATE,1 Office, 112 Fifth St., opposite Cathedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Alortgmies, Acknowledgments. Depositions and all Legal Busl ness prompineve atol dlspaten. nay lUmst . _ WILLIAM JANCEY, NOTARY PUBLIC, JUSIICE. OF THE PEACE. AND BEAL ESTATE AGENT. Office, corner of Butler and Dravo streets, LAWItEN C EVILLY.. special aitention given to the purchaseand sale of Beal Estate, the collection of frAts, and tbe pre para,fon and acknowledgment of a l l kinds of Legal Conveyances. WILLIAM JANCEY, Janice lathe reace .at Notary rotate_ k m: EUSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND :CONVEYANCER, 72 Penneylvanta avenue, eat of the Fateasiaa and opposite Chatham Street. yr..mac WLLLIAM F. ROBB, NOTARY PUBLIC, Mee, No, 93 Diamond at. , Pittsburgh m 717.1, CHATUANI T. EWING, _ Attorney at Law, NO. GO tatANT PA. gia - Comtuissiouer for Ohio, Kentucky, West Missouri ant. Mbar biases. myltirs.2l ArlLEEilitt CLActiii; irENstinws, akk ,itUtINTIES, BACK PAY, And Military Claims cc even' description, ailleciad by the subscriber, at tte following rates, slit Pensions, .1 ,O. all other cutlauk C. C. TAYIAMt. Attorney at LAw, Diamond street, oppoitte the Court House. N. B.—No charges are made tr the claim does not emceed, and ail infonnatian frivertgratie setilY P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, co co#1.1: iiTALtts - DIMON, STRUM & CO., Having removed their °Mee to No. 13167 .T...11:343a - t - s , ifiltremot. Midair City Minx M 111.) SECOND FLOOR, Aro now prepszed to turnish good To ughloghetny Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, AT TUE WWI= MARKXT PRICK. orders left at their eMee, be addrease.l Meal tbrouabsberaall, will be attended SaWamtall • barb:km CHOI LES H. =I - " Youghiogheny and Connellavi Ile Coal • Aso 11 ,ANUFACTUREIL ON Coal, Black,-and Desulphurized Coke,. 000loE AND WARD. Corner °YlN:him and Marton; n”t jrard on Liberty and Clymer hereon.; !IWO, Ward, and onlieneoul near hook No. A s Pittelnulan. Namelms and /1141201Neturcre iteppliod'with the beat artecloof Coal or Coku at - the lowest mean races. Orders lotnar any of Um lards orNI reconeyramc PATNiEun JOHN T. 4131-11...A.`i; HOUSE , AND IRON PAINTER, : MEIER AND GLAZIER, No: 54 Hand St, Fittsburgh. Plain mad Ornamental Pages of every deserlptlOn done to order. All work done promptly at reasona ble rates: [LUAU U. BROWN, (Law of thalinn or Dimwit• IliouttOW, Huon Asiveauzi FAINTER. North Illsattortrer of Ttara on<rtirarkes Strews LIQUORS--BIES. ^ ATIPDY SUPEDIOR OLD HENNES 41Yr7lulAlipornatvi 0 MB di - , Very s a c ci l BrinuenouraWerls Brandies •, In 'Wei 1 ' CT= ii r m i ly , ,Vtir ars old. I i!. 3 14,.e..7 r • Up, Pb..r.1.7.'W.8d Cherry, and Gin- MlMS—Very onifdtd 8 parlor inerrles• ' • Very old and Saperloi - alsdelm • . 'Veal Old isadnoperlor turf; Claret, 1 .fikornelel ilkncatatdols.ti.e B 4 si 1•cI0a:. ls . . • . • etamterion; h ide 1. Wines; C had. i ns w aasoon f s rUThr "Vl !' . • , LI ITlV i r = v .dononglela,sisft„uii.,• grade.; - la- d trlSollas i tlT ' 'Pe&sek . ....,-• f • t 143 e .. ntsl. ves-youti , , .. • \ . • ••• Weill. - Ins - , lt=t ; j;__ a/41n, OLlVE'Otery ea its, .......rr0.... i"-:/rr e Vtrd,„' 1.„, -,,- ..,„___ . it iticexicrsoil, ,i42.4,74:--- —77 '..,........--, n r .4 Irwin au: . imiiiiiiiiiiii,:iiitif;. , iiiit. ,-.,..,...:,.... : _ _„ ~..., . ~ Mills,. tti«i:44.ii; , ..e. -- ;;.44..iiii ,-.- dr...iiiriAl ~ ..,', „ ; i .. mgri .„,l,„ stv lral .i.."........iki.... -.r..:-7,., COEUMELON DAY. CILA 4I 4IIk.D.. .... DAv. artAliFeziir Corsotk•ston . 17 erchatel, And dealt rIGMETAtc. DlAttlau., WROUGHT Sc RAP , TIRE 'IOUCh. sad all kinds at Wit'grdmd t ,' PlA k lktrA T AV. ° 7:;=„. t t nsignmerds JIGS: WM. J. ....... r. situ, W J. sTEEL & - BRO., late Flem , • • rao a earrsz., PRODUCE r OMMISSID2.I SIRRCHANT. receive and Sell norm, Corn Ot , E. Oats Rua Corn Han.. Bac. Lard, Banat, etttaa. ia"fft rtrakeja"l“.°Z)deriZikHlrlVU. raVawl, &A, de. Particular attention paid tO :,f.L,F:iliVat,./u Domestic Writhe, Ito 13S leisaLD BREWER, BURKE & CO., COIGUIIIESION 3 1t.111 RANTS, ADERTIS Ftio t pc. Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil works, Ample storage for Crude And Donned Ott. Idler al cast: adv....made On conalgninen‘a of Crude a/ tied Petroleum . Yards for storaae aodsal.lp. cleat of Crude VII at LawrencerO Mace and Warebotor Corner ll . pupo t au e w ay and Hancock 'tract, PAtsoursii. naylk:n.lls__ W. H. LEAH D. ILITCUAkT. KELL & COMMISSION MERCHANTS I AND DNA/ADM IN Flour, Grain, Seeds, AIM Feed, B,e. 340 LIBERTY STREET. PITTSBURGH. I'A. = --- WILLIAM C. LEE, successor to ALEX. lill/EDLCIL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING M1AM1x e 1.0313...94%tp, Nn. 103 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. sir Agent for We •Mt. Louts•• Land ripe and Sheet LeadlVorks. Dealer to PIG and BAHL/A% SHOT, HEMP, PLEE CLAY. &a. COnalgturvextUlaot netted and Or ders promptly filled. myataW f. OWIGNIS J. ItINNADT.... W. ILULtile IWENS, KENNEDY & HARPER, •-• PRODUCE. ILLECIIA.NTS, and. Wholesale Deslers In letati.ll/3: AND D011.11.0.1:10 FltlaTlA SALT. PLA/Ull, BUTTER, E`aelllv U. TATOES, &c. .0 In Provisions and Produce/gen. No. O . FEISILUAL bIItLET, opposite the Itallroad Depol. ALLSOLLICArt. VA. Agents ror the sale or P. I. Donnell d Inixo'sArk4 J. Kern's _ Salt. aplsslyd ( lELCHLF.B C. BALSLIF.Y, Produce B Comma./ Merchant, Warehouse Nu. N:11 LIBERTY nd Warehouse STREET. Pitteburgh. Pa. Wholesale dealer In Nutter, Cheeac. Lard, Eg., Pork flown, Yeathers, ltroonts, , 17411 P. rtny..Frad,67lTrloirtt7ltr c i ril ". :37 * 3; . (lame and realm" . Partlentar attenlion''.lcen' Produce Consignment. ALEX. 11 • 11A1. J B. AIWM APRENE & ALICIEM, COMMISSION A.Ji• afElikillANTS and dealers FLOUR., kiItALN end PRODUCK. Second street. butisevn Wood and dinithdeld. Pittsburgb. runs. Longs /Chu Algale S. A. tillegrAuD 1.)0T1'013., .A.MILEN & SIZEPAIt D lterehaaw and stealers In Foreign not 80u..110 Fruits, Flour, Butler, Cheese, Kg. t.. 1 3"la~• orodUce generally. No. grlr LIBEL/ n. .1 (ooslto Passenger Depot, l'lllanurgu. rem entagena / SHEPAILD, IL4IIIIII/UlgilS/01111 ....Ls and dean.. lo I.lller. Grain and Fro duce .. •17 Liberty carte, reourgis. ( ands of Flour for ):assn and Faintly use wssadAy on hand. rarticular , attentlon paid to Jut u e, craw -tor Merchandise g !VII) . octo.ll. ,1211,1tY BALM AG PATTON , Wholcsaleklroaere, tlannulsalon Merch.ra, and dealers In Traduce, Flo., Bacon, Cheese. Fish, carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass, Callon Yarn. an/ all Pittsburghruanuf.turos generally la Aug 1146,...c0nd 'tenet, Tll.hurgh. P. mioB. arrrcriela. WM. P. HECK Si. CO, No. 1.5.1 v Liberty street, Isburge, Ye., nolesale And dealers In Coo h. ?ry Perf:ineaue,rlellnollits,'TZo'n", SincLer, ESP. Cheese, Ylsh, &v.., Produce, Fleur, Grain. /Seeds, Green and Dried Pridis. de., and Lime. JylB r.uzYsinit. . . 8: mum.= Wm. D. p EIMER & OROS., (Successors to a-m Renner & Anderson) Wholesale Dealers in Per. Fruits, Nuts and tiplees, lieureclionery, Boirara. Ruorka,&c., Nos. 124 and Wood &rent, *bone rltta burn], 1v22:10 LOUT. annialtW KNOX. 14 KNOX ALE.IIOIIANTS S. .ddlo SN, , In CommissAllJA,on O allen VI ULLAI at, AILL FRED and PILODUCE gennsally, No. 711 lal7:lDiamond la , oppOslie City HMI, A ll egfinny City. y J 013L'Y B. C4.IIFIELILD, Cossumaiision and Forwarding Mambant and wholesale dealer in Western Reserve Choc.. Butter. Lard, lark, Bacon, Flour, Flab, Pot and Pearl Balerstus, Linseed and Lard Ulla, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, atm. lit and 116 Front street, Pittsburg It 1 A.. oukt - r. urehailng ag oil 1.1 euta for I,burxla fleamiscimas. i Wareimitee. 2111.16ertyI' itiataugh, Pa. 101101. 11,16/3•• •• ICI/WALD O r st.%EL 0. HOLIES. OHili 1. 1101n4.1. GeCees ,, 001 . 4 ro Jou, 1. Houma a Co., WleMeasle ••era and Commission Merchants, corner of Minitb aad Water woos, Pittsburgh. IWO AltlitEd isAIZELL & SON, dlanu metarers of Lard Oil, and Coimaissioa Merchants r tile purchase and sale of Crd street , ) Reamed Pe „Tailcoat, Nos- as and 70 Water Pittsburgh. Advauces. made on Consignments. .„;CHOMAKEIL 6c L.4.lllD,Wholesaie Limeades boor. Grim, Produce, Pro • 1,••11.1. Chose, halt, Carbon it; np d 111 Ptr.24.t., c.,ur lueem l'. d .reef, yy Velarly aartsh pasoitaclitigsrai. EAD ItIETZGAD, Grocers and A Commission Meechauts, and dealers all Mad,. wintry Produce and Pittsburgh Ainatut'scitires, 00 Liberty Street, opposite head of Wood areal. ,Ittstargh. /Rally rlETzikat ARMSTRONG, For. warding and Cominhssion Merchants, for the Gala kd Pious, israin, liacrni, twit,' Minter, iamds, Dried 'rulle, and Produce geacridly, him la target tree[, cornet of Pima, Pittaburgh,a'a. (021p.p..r DALZSLI. E. P. nalatz.L. WAJLZELL & CO., ViiikOile sale droners, 4.:01111111.9611.111 and Fortrardingiller ern:tens and dealers lu Produce sad Pittsburgh Mau. &acumen. Nu. 24 Lakao street, Pittsburgh. VAA WATT JO S IA WILbIOra WATT & WILSON, Wholesale V listeners, Comudaslou Merchants, and theaters In Produce and Pittsburgh Sinuuractures, Nu. MS Lib rty street, Pittsburgh. tura /18211. T 611.111T071...k. C. WALL.II(.I BUIPTON & CO, bolesale Grocers and - Produce Dealiire !No. 8; uINtL nreet. Pittaiburnt, ntlfl H 1. 4 RIDDLE, Nci. 183 Liberty St., . Pittsbrgh, Ina., Coniudaston Merchant, and Wholesale Dealer SZ try Produce, Groceries atal Pittsburgh ritatintactorcs. Cash advanced on Con. .Ignmeuti, and guild for Produce. generally. 002 J SALL'S. DICKEY is. t 0., Wholesale Grocers, W.W.I. Merchants. and dentena la roduc., 1..80 Wattter street sad C. Front street, Imburgh. A.:fin. tames. VOlonx. H. - - VOIGHT kr. Co., (Successortr L. to G. tirsff,)PrOdore and Commission M. ants. :17 Liberty street, rittrtrorgh. ,1111.1.11i1N8 LINIELCUT, (Successor to !Unknown it Llslossm Merchants iluur and Grans, Producc sod Consult...MOS Merchants No. 331 LIBERTY STIIKET, Pittsburgh. l's.. 41:1y roam ri...rna ' IWAL FLoYU ioanr rLoxtr S CO„ Wholesale r , ORM:ERN, No. 177 Wood sod =Llberly street, 1 . :t.b0 rah. Va. atFICIVI CO-PARTMEID3ELIT. - THE CO-PARTNERSHIP REBE TUYUItL' ea-fisting between the min.:ribs. to !lie Iron round ry luralausa, aL littaboargit, under the aurae of PEN MICK & TUTTEN, hafbeen ..Iced by agreement. .n.MKPLI PEN MAIM, retires i'ruut tomn, and C. trausferrod all ILla *Wotan Luerulaitußkllt'r C. TtgrfEN„ "rho is alone Au thorlacd to battle the Labiuean of the late Arta, and to 000 tae Item Milne In mitten:Mut JOISISPLI PElt.l4oo/4. G. TOTTEN.. Pittsburgh, May T,.1.8aa. ;, All the forme of mauulneaure heretofore curled ou by the late am of PENN & ToTTEN,"it toe 'Walton Voundry and 31.nahlue shop,n burgh; w/11 Liu hereatter conducted h i t the euboerl ben, antler the aurae of TUTTIILS a t.u. ROBERT C. TOTTEN, N. R. lIUGU. Pittsburgh, June 1, 1141& • Iw tolOna (Tomtit to • Fult.ou Foot:Wry 7 V.l4.:`'` tfLuly (1.1.. - Writ a continuance or &t: p111011q : v. 1,1.4 4. ttsa heretofore. Is berahy enJo)ed. IvSNPLI Pe:aNtAlli..4l7 .- lttsberfirh, 31 . . v tide. ...leOle6V ' .Ii.IBBOLOTION OF 00-FMITNEIIBIIIP.- THE }UM OFi DAY & U.AVDEN has titLs day be disaolval. Itto entire wets of the ens harLue been purchased bi DAY. IVABOY SI'ANU. • S. /-1104 t. I. * yrranostatt. Ifs) letb. 1660. T. ILL V CO-PARTNERSHIP. • Vie undersigned having puren.used the -entire stock And assets of UAY it HAYDEN. purpose tv.- so !lying tho. business of the old firm at Nos. 45 Woo *CLAY,O2 _and 104 T.tunD NU mss, under the sole glYsknOY ALP 4 NU. J. F. DAY. J. 1.. _ NUKILA.N SY&N(1; _teal:mourn:log thc above chanse4-we the leave to et we shall coutlnue the bootees& Oni 9 at t irfa i t=g h Importing. sa.atuae y L. A liD W nit kr; le all its trrettebes, and desfre to eall special attention to our owe ilandfactereel ISTAtit' 14 Akitseoi . all desertptlonah H.A.ulr.s. W 11.1.11.WE1T VORT /11Tb, he.. ke., , blets we 'be here to Lb the best Lathe market for Has awl the NV.tstson trade. Wd shall at all times keep a 101 l sod complete aesOrtincht of everything fu.our nosh Is/dal. shill be glad to sell et lowest:l=l*es setae. 1. 1 / AMAMI lootopk personal • attentive to Orders', ee nowt° aserlt•md receive a liberal sbars of your patronage.. DAY, lIIVABOY 84.1SPAIIG;i tasettsbil ==f3 Cq•PARTNERSHIP. JAMES --IL OLIVER becomes member of our firm, dating from April nth; kOO. iqatu said style of tine unchsatera. • ' • LEWIS,'OI.II:kg thrum:man, Mb: VOL • ' • ' sioNONO:ssamA.Juktopir LEWIS CILIVEMILPHILLIPS '. - • 6irrilleo and 'fin Belts, i N l oolown401.• mho*. l• • ••• • . 11;11,1gik0 .,24 V ,. 34,164 1/ 7 , 47_ , 417; llron •-Ve toupt nairlitiocert. It i a b gerho. • • Mr *Oat. AT ifouTil .11,Xo or Saw MONONGAVO , ,•,••••,•-• • WARigliOirator O4.4 . *Orkst StrOj i ta • DiajiOLUTION-Of ~3 _THE FIRM oFctninot4 - ,),*',. - ;,. , .41.i.t , ~ ,,d4s7l:actlnaWaltANOMptV• i Zdirard a..t.hrdSe taiji&Wasul • adjaltE4 All de. 5a1d , 14214, +ma ltilaterreir bbrint•'. •-; ,:. tpwle to ,- GeoreVlabilMiOassigime A. + per - ram:lU Itersaletioo u4dlasurd--!:- =4BBlm :1"""2 • =I DISSOLUTION. 0 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers