'l4; WittObnghiOUtttes PUSSLIMED SST PENNIMAN, REED & CO. P. B 1%. PMISNIMisLISTON. AN. T. H }Bosiness Managers. BBLSOX P. FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1866. UNION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. FOR OUVERMOR.: MAJ..CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, Of CUMBERLA..4D COUNTY aikIIMAM B. CILIIILM7,,City JOHN G. SHOWN, Ibunptan Tp CLERK OP OUIPILLRO COURT: ALEXAM DER 14.1 , W1D5, City ILICOOIII3III HEART psuuvw. City • mcatsTant JOSEPH H. URAT, Plum Tp. ILOOMLItSBIOIt[I,. smostia* fIA Tea. City omicron or POOR: JOHN P. DIULY6i, 111111132 To. Airmau.r: JOHN P. 6Lh. N. City. 422011.61 E lILLOON, Pat Ty. GISOUGZ Y. IIIoILLE. North Payette Pp 011A01111101C, Colima Ty. WILLIAM PETRY, You Tp. 11 . t.:414:111,11.1r. - PITTSBUROII AIND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD CASE. The suit to determine the legality of the law repealing the charter of this Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad Company time on for _hearing, yesterday, before the Su preme Court at Williamsport. In conse quence of the sickness of Judge Greer, Judge McCandless hears the cause. Messrs. Johnston, Latrobe and Spiers ap peared for the railroad company i and Messrs. Black and Loirry for the other side. No progress was made . in the hear ing. ED= Now and then we encounter a Republi can of Radical opinions who believes in the efilatCY of Trimming. So long as he dis. courses of principles in the abstract he starts at the root of the matter and works logically to natural and just conclusions. But when it comes to reducing ideas to the concrete in actual measures of govern• ment, he is ready to accept, without a struggle, almost any abatements that may be proposed. In the important matters at issue between the President and Congress, that man will frankly avow his sympathies and convic tions all run in unison with tho majorities in the two Houses ; but, then, he thinks it would be wiser to yield acquiescence in the Polley of the President, for the sake of concord, and, with a view to holding the Republican party together. Such Is not our conception. The Republican party was called into existence. by an, earnest and searching dis cussion of the elementary principles that form the foundation of all Just Government by the People. It crystalized around the central idea of Liberty defended by Law. The condition of its continuance is trueness to that idea. It can be held together on no other terms, and if it could be made to co here under different circumstances it would be shorn of .usefulness and become a cum beret of the ground. The leading Republican journals, by their Radicalism, saved the party organiza tion intact and undiminished in power. If they had yielded - six months Ago to the in fluences that went out from the Presiden tial Mansion, the party would have liter ally disintegrated and gone to pieces. At the elections next fall tbe.Democrats would Lave experienced no trouble in securing a working majority In the House of .Repre• sentences, onttwordd. certainly have gain ed a number of Senators, including one from Pennsylvania. True, the Radical Journals have losidepartutental patronage, and their ConSergailve competitors have reaped the advanitike,-snch as it is. No matter; When illeßadicals, impelled by a sense of duty, elected to stand by their principles, they knew what losses they would necessarily be made to sustain. These loama they accepted cheerfully, be cause the sacrifice was necessary to pre serve the principles to the defense of which they were pledged. Others took a different view. They said in so many words, "We !tun sold; yet we see no other way but to- follow the Presi dent." They did follow him until they were met by apirrent of influences, ema nating from the people, more potent than that vrielded by the President. Hence the remarkable fact that on the final passage of the last Joint Resolutions to Amend the Constitution every member of the House, chosen by .Republimm constituents, was constrained to act, not with the Executive, but with the Republican party. This whs at once the triumph and the vindicatio n of Radicalism. The party was found a unit, and Its principles placed in the ascendant. If the Radical newspapers in Pennsyl vania had not taken the risk of prompt and decided aCtion, the election of General GRAIL; which is now certain, would have been an Impossibility t. six of the districts, represented in the present-Congress by Re• ptiblicans, would in the next be represent ed by Democrats ; and Mr. Enoeu Cowen, would either be re-chosen to the United States Senate or be succeeded by Mr. G. W. Woonwsno.otaf.r.lirmansi B. REED. The fact that the party stands to-day on an impregnable basis is not clue to the Con servatives, for_they did their utmost to de moralize it, and make it an casy.prey to tho spoilers, but to the R e dlcals, who stood by the ling, end refused to follow, where following wislreitelierz. Wftsk the-call was issued for a Soldiers' State Convention, to be held in this city, the democratic leaders endeavored to take the movement under their patriittage, for the purpose of bettfring Mr. rCiArmEn's chances of election. In various counties they sought, by crafty appliances, to pack delegations favorable to their scheme. By noisy exultation tlicy gave tlw iinptcssion to the uninitiAted that, speaking after the manner of Mr. SEAVAIM, ' l / 4 iverYthing was lovely." But when the Caniention came to act,- the fact was disclosed that the sot. diers stood solidly by the principles and measures for which they batted. MC CLYMER men are not willing to givo up so. Hence thoi Lave resolved that real Soldiers' Convention" shall be held, To :his end they uro to haw a preliminary meeting at Harrisburg on the 28th instant. Qurra a number of Republican Govern ors object to Governor Curtin's plan for calling special sessions of the Legislatures to pass on the Constitutional Amendment. They hold it is;pot, possible to secure the ratiticatio4 Our. to the Bret of January wit, and that 11.. y waiting the regular meet ings of the Legislatures the people will have an oPistirtiiitil.Y, in the respectivq states, orPrOnnitztelng judgreetrt;i4m the proposltion:',The*Oral - of apptoval by the constituencies is worth tench. Tay :Democrats ' .' of 'perks: , eo*jr.-an - 1 =nee that they have tnidt&V-uthe Pieai dent and the Upionmembers of his Cabe net " to attoull.the4, Aims meeting on the 18th or July, TEM Nashville, Tennessee, Press, speak ing of the new Constitutional Amendment, '' —The citizen. of Troy have just sub says' scribed $8,760 to pay the debt on their ele "We shall not regret its defeat very glint new orphan asylum. deeply, for while we acquiesce in it, it 5p —lt is proposed to erect a broad and sub- P ea "' to us lo fall ah"ri of the . "‘P' irtmr49 stantini levee, completely girdling the city and necessities of the Union minority of the O. r New Orleans. This is a stupendous en- South." ' lerprise. It goes on to state— ' —The President Int, appointed lireeken "The Union party of the country has ridge Speed, son of Attorney tleneral from the beginning been not only willing Speed, :t cadet at the West Point Military I tint eager to be'maginintutons to those fel, Academy. els who were them Selves magnanimous. ; —A foreign letter writer speaks of ! But the reconstructed newspapers of the Dyson as "holding Eughnors lyre." He South, ever since the assassination of must have seen the poet reading the Lon- Abraham Lincoln, have been scattering d on Ti me , firebrands of hate among the people against —The greenbacks retired from eircula the Union men of the South and the vasty at the North which put down the rebellion.' between Aprillst and June let of this year amounted to twenty - one and It quer- And it concludes: ter millions. - "If there was any general exhibition of _Two spans of the Tennessee river charity and magnanimity by the partisans bridge, at Clarksville, are completed, and of the late rebellion toward their Union the work is vigorously pressed forward, neighbors, who they affectionately style "traitors to the South," and "allies of the I promising early completion. —Anson 13urlingatne has purchased a Yankee trivaders;" it they showed any dis tract of laud near-San Mateo of 1 100 acres, position to extend to their adversaries the and proposes to become a resident of Cali. same generosity which they demand for ~f onda as soon as his mission to China is themselves; if they would concede that the udcd- Southern man who was for the Federal Government was In all respects as honor- —The corn and wheat crops are reported as doing pretty well in South Alabama, honest, patriotic and respectable as the Southern Man who was for the Coaled. but owing to the scarcity of subsistence, creep; if they would cheerfully grant that the farmers are generally feeding their the Southern man who fought for the stock on wheat In the sheaf. Union performed his duty, then the rights —The estate of the late Ralph Hunting and interests of Union people would be ton, of Boston, will foot up nearly $1,100,. perfectly secure under the local govern- 000. The principal heir is his only Baugh. manta of the late insurrectionary States. ter, the childless widow of John W. Jame's, But the reverse of all this is undeniably of that city. the fact, throughout those States. To have —A theatre is to be established been a Union man there is . political ostra- nently in Reading ley New York parties. elm civil ontlaWry and social disgrace. The hall of the new building attached to We do not therefore believe that the pro- the Keystone Ho has been leased for posed amendment will secure peace in the t " s purpose. South." —Judge Oldham, of Texas, formerly a So far as we can judge this represents the rebel Senator, is in Cordova, writing a his feeling of all real Union men in the South. tory of the "Confederate Struggle," and, in ern States. Instead of regardirt the pro- the meantime, is supporting himself by i Posed amendment as harsh towards the P hete grai' l l in g• rebels, they regard it as inadequate to their —Mr. S. B. U'Meaglier, the Paris cor respondent of the London tritnrA, get. a Iwn protection. larger salary than Secretary Seward, be sides a furnished house in one of the best quarters in Paris. —Miss Jennie Brown and Miss Sallie Hart, of Louisville, were found sulloc.sted in the vault of a privy on Monday. The floor of the closet had fallen through, pre cipitating them into the vault. —Dr. Griggs, of Detroit, who was re cently-arrested on the charge of smuggling, has just - had his trial in Cleveland. The jury were absent from the room but fifteen minutes, and returned with a verdict of acquittal. A FENIAN MASS meeting was held at St. Louis on the 18th inst. Capt. DUNN was among the speakers. The main point he made was this: "The United States government has sold the Fenian arms for this invasion, and they had now taken them away. They hail now their money, arms and ammunition, and he would my that they were robbers In the face of all honest men on the earth. Tell it to Mr. Seward, Secretary of State in Washington. Tell it to Mr. President Johnson, in the White House at Washing - Kin. Tell it wherever you may be; and 1 defy them to givetne the lie, that they have sold us ammunition' kid amts , and know ing for what purpose they were going to lw used. And tell them that they are rob fins in the face of all honest men." He was followed by Judge Denser, who said: "The Congress of the United States, he believed,were in sympathy with this cause, and their feelings were that of the Amer an citizens, and he believed that they would repudiate this transaction of con& rating property merely on an alleged vio lation of the neutrality laws, and they would repudiate the spy system." !EMI THE Galveston (Texas) Bulletin wisely gays: "We could name a dozen journals in Texas which are deati weights for the President to carry. They are the repre sentatives of Texan opinion, and as such Incalculable mischief. While the iouthern press is fossilized to the dead is ,ues of the past, we can hope for no rccon .truction on terms advantageous to the south. While the newspapers professing le represent public sentiment, abound iu 1111 that is abusive of the nation and disloy al to the government; how can it he other wise?" This is the plain truth. Every loyal man who reads many of the Southern 'ournals l repelled and put on his guard by the violence of their language and the boldness of their pretensions. I= —The President is said to he much Hossed as the dereaf. of Mr. Grinnell, of lowa, for a re-nomination to congress. —lt is stated that the President has sent to the Senate the nomination of Governor [(olden, of North Carolina, to be minister to San Salvador. —The proepecto arc that a qualified Ne ro Suffrage Bill for the District of Colnin t.in will be passed before the close of the and signed by the President. —Judge Lowry has been nominated for Congress by the Democrats of the Tenth District of Indiana. Hon. W. 13. Barring. ion has received the Democratic nomina tion in the Third Judi: na District. —There is said to be a programme among ertain Wisconsin politicians to make Gen. C. C. Washburn°, United States Senator H to succeed Mr. owe; as a compromise candidate between Howe and Randall. —There is talk of nominating Brentano, publisher of the Chicago &flung, against John Wentworth, for Congress, next fall. Brentano is a decided Radical, and musters etinsiderable strength, exclusively among the Gdrumns. —A letter from Zanesville gives the fol lowing information : "Muskingum county approves of the course of Hon. Columbus Delano in Congress, and is in favor of his re-nomination. Folict, of Licking county, will undoubtedly be the Democratic candi date." —There is a serious intention'evinced among the I - input)Reims of the Fort Wayne district Indiana, to give their Representa tive, lion. .Thseph D. Defreea, a leave of thiielice from Congress for a few years. lie is accused of being weak in the knees on reemanmetion, and of leaning towards the Johnsonites. — The Rein ll3 lliiati Convention of the Fifth Congressional District of lowa con vened Mondayand after seventy-seven un successful ballotings, was obliged to ad journ until yesterday. On the seventy inth ballot General Dodge vita nominated as the 'Union candidate for Congress, he reeelving.76 votes to 64 for Mr. Kamm. 'the .nomination was tinnily made tinani. MOUS. Honnintit RETIIIMITIOR.—The Knox ville ffominerciai says: "We have just been shown a private let. tar from Floyd county, Georgia, to one of our citizens, in which one of the most das tardly crimes is made known No ever chronicled. Three, ladies were returning home from a visit to a neighbor, when a negro dame upon them in a secluded out-of the-way place, and attempted to detain them all. Two of them succeeded In get ting away from him; the other one he took Into the woods, and tied her, and kept her there tWo days without food, her friends finding her at the end of that time. Tint negro was caught, and the lady was asked what punishment she desired to have In flicted on this demon. She replied she wanted his arms cut off and then wished him skinned alive. The sentence was ex ecuted. 'The negro lived about ten minutes after the operation. TUE CONTRALEIT.—It is not generally known as it should_ he, that our gallant candidate for Governor, General Geafy, was engaged in nearly sixty battles, during the Mexican war and the late rebellion, and that besides having his son shot down by his side, he was wounded on three different oe aasions, and has at this ClaYfi 4 opeA '6l'4 Now look at the other picture. We have, it is true. a hie ooropetitor, n meta who occupied a prominent position during the nation's struggle for. exisencechtn where, and how, and on - which'side?' With such au 'mil e and anon-awl/pions. who can doubt the result 4—Reading Jour. - - —The Buffalo Expreas of Friday an nounces We arrival during the previous forty-eight hours or no lees than one bun dred and slaty-one graiu vessels, whose eareri will foOt up a total of two million Rix hundred and nine thousand two hun k 'died and fifty-two bushels—Abe greatest ae , i . pnraulstion- of grain Butt . ever lay at one tido harbovon.the globe. ThitlEhtirlS, askai "If thel'exdars leadqrs two worthy or prompt :art** rand siial : ,,what, should be 'done withithelsiztitliklguilt3r i * Shimu the atteatpvto destropttdaoverazneat?" c= —The safe in the office of Messrs. E. Brooks, Birdsboro, Berks county, was blown open on Saturday tuurning about two o'clock, by a party of burglars, and the sum of about two hundred dollars taken out of it. —John Augustine, a respectable citizen of Carondolet, Mo., was murdered at Columbia, on Sunday. The murderer, Lane, was taken from the guard having him in charge, by the exasperated people, and summarily hung. —Farmers in the Northern portion of Ohio suffered heavily (tom the storm of Sunday and Monday, In lossof stock. An estimate made in Huron county fixes the number of sheep lost within a circle of ten miles at ten thousand. —Henry Lee, nephew of Robert E., has been arrested by the military authorities at Richmond for getting drunk and inciting a riot. He was released, after a confine ment of three days, on parole. to report in person whenever called noon. —Frbm a report made to Congress, it at - pears that government has provided 9,0;5 artificial limbs soldiers; 2,134 arm,,, 3,71-4 legs, 44 hands, 9 feet and 104 other appli ances; twenty-three different inanulactures or artifi dal limbs supplied the government, and the cost was 114.357,7221. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE is pre pared by the arlattlal Of the 3. 41, 7 eclawt. l . 4l ..,os , a I.:Jonah Balsam. Mr. Cos be. prepared a medicinal setiele for palate and n• rat use but what has Moe the strongest teem, sad has sisters horst the palm of • teloryover every disease It has been certil to cute. VI yaw who are •tafer.ne from dr eeeoda. Indigestion, stases, • Wyk heal.atsr. Vibe mo f rhos .dreentery. aset general .1. Witty of the whole system, try hat a single bottle/ IS never arr. COn asstln meri t s all In tuts ems... Out n Ituftwiedle of Its the on tont testimony of all who have ever tried 11, the euroolums of hoc - dream of our cm et oeted.r, to P....W. and the twos helat rest... as certain my suushtne , all fi.'"illibiri=".,l7.7,ll! y ou tt-',17.1,":::,..°:,.. b *ut; roneernlog Its wonderfal virtues are not found to be true—as you 41.1 not se) teal the operation of the Medicine Is InnatitalleOUs and perfectly woad. lint -etc will renounce oar profewdon so caterer. to the public health, and retire trout the geld, ettel 'talus that we are In eonspetent to C pod a medicinal preparation which 'would ter e 0111 utitted un to your sane. dead, by druggists ..serra herr .• gob. &sent far Pittsburgh, J.mr.rti 1.11.11 I All. Druggist, 144 Starke stns.,. ' t 521,1, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE. linCtillAJl, Jr., haunts Repress (457ee, 34 1 4 1/th Sired, is an authorized Agent to recess< Advertisement's for the GAZE77'E, and oil other papers throughout the Unites! States and the Osnatioss. TEMPEBANCEi lEEE PROPER TY YOH BALI.--ttor Lot •dlolotntl Mottoollot Chorcht BEMEIMEM kiEl.))l.t/E K. YLOWHIL, No. 93 Ul•mond sue.) or, JAY. I). V.()WP-11, Temperancevll). lei' ELECTION NOTICE.—An election for Officer. of the Birmingham & Pittsburgh Bridge Co. wio b. held At the oftlee. sooth end of the Brit!Me, on MONDAY. the 111 day of July oert. at 3 o'clock, A. 11. STEVENSON. nen. AUCTION SALE of BOOTS, SHOES AHU VAITV.ItB. —A u extra large simeta/ sale bytymid t . he ...dation ire Federal st.. Alla/Ile on)/ /LID A Y ArTIKAMM/Ob. M lio•coica. All good scarioriable mauls. Buyers of Mums will Sod itto their Interest to attend. A CARD—The Slum Trade is respectfully solicited for consignments to these oaks, wltica will receive prompt 10.1•1171.1012. M2l A. LEA/MATZ.. Auct._ EUREKA CLOTHES WRINGER. One of the best Wringer,. ever told In the United States, Ton will Ana at Tqco. 5113 Woad Eitroct. Jen ii. /WADY FINE ENGRAVED AND CUT C3ria.d9LEGSW.ELFILIN Ladies purchasing NOTE PAPER or ENVEL OPE:ties. have the same embossed w ith their WITIIOUT ZSTaA (MARCY. No , . 1217cocaci. isit - reket.. I E. A. MATSON, foil :ea , )oil' H. PIIOBT, Of ail kind. Mao, beautiful VARIAN drAl U ETTh. A cbuice lotJuat received at NOTICE. The Committee on Common h av eprot of the Councils, Cloy of Allegheny, beans thorised to proven , Mau• for the uniform and permanent improvement of the Common Oroond to said city. The attention Of .I ..MUlcespe Oat iicncra. sod others. who may b. inter.itni in having the, Public grounds inintused, hatb7 !wawa. Outline pmas for am ficiPPMil are collated until the leT naVY aces at flU,.,tho SlclionnelPanisp of Sim once sr • or Cant:oiler fit 1 1:5=au'on may be wankel in ma4th.l Pia.. thieb plane at =kb* cififlfOred and worded sill be liberally paid !Or tbe 14W1N MENU lea - Chairman of committee. litE LADIES' AID SOCIETY OF ..PLYMUUTII et/kiIIitF.UATION AL uneaten. iv11. 1 : 1 0 . W T lil i tal i tmitY A p i t ar is i 14' 1 1:i Ibis week, n in the nillua d , on Il♦ STREET. Strawberries end (.teem, ice Crean., Flowers. Mu. sud osent pawsed cheer. The Lecture Room the Church will IRA!. be thrown open %sour Mends et o'clock. Adudseton SIIS cents. Tickets et the door. Jo 0110 LADIES' FRIEND WASHING MACHINE,G At BECKHAM A LONG .s. No. 127 I.lhtrty St. Tartitortni [Ulna fur rate Jelo . ‘lol JAIMS ILINIILEY,tefkm . _ AN EXHIBITION OF TABLEAU Toi In conu.Nlon with Ulabog and Hullo, will hr held onTHUIRSDAT AND F R IDAY IDAY EVENYNUN NEXT, In the PRENRYTRUIA.N CHURCH. !dulcet street. htenehitrter, the proceedeor which will be'eppllr d to the extetlon or IktiCol/0i iiilllBl. la can. ofclan with the Ylrettict WOO Preeby twine Church the came place. be Mb cent.; children 15 cente. Tlekete lc, be bed et th ourlnclonl. Stores In Manchester. Jel/i;d6l JAMES 111. BALPEI, .410EILC733CITIZIICFP, Prepares EEPLID/T DRAW IN&iS and MPECIP DATIoNiSIor all kinds of Ualkling n s, And 0,r1.,- leads tbetr ereetton, OP reasanable tens.. cameo on AN DE,EZON STREET, between Lacuna and ItOblns.to streets, AI, L ti It EN V. jeW:472 MTED HEATS FOR LUNCH,— e! Ponta! Tuogite, Hazabrn Beef, Yersiolitb.Bloatent, end ham. Cut an to faxi• op pots, suitable tot &revellers.* lance, irocetind and fur axle at the ratotly Groeetlflt4re of JR°, A. itENtill ASO. Jeli Corps, Liberty and Nand streets. - ^ 200BBILOO4Ul8VELLEtTERIENT Ju i k " ceive"Pd Vir "r Et Co Liti •4 • P.M - W pa . rioy <manly:lad Iveelved And tor late hi t t 11.11N8Y44.4101fL1N _ Xest n =littiietW orSiVl • Metkeital, •Lt• , Vt, • JAMES T. iptApy a co., VS...comer. to B. JonN & Co:,) Corner Fourth and Wood Ste., BANKERS. BRIMS, InALZEM IN ALL KINDS Oi Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECT/UM ambient, all accessible points in the United Stains and Canada.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Isloo re.„l - W All.ll. SITUATED OR STOLEN from ibe tamer!her, linlag near Nob[calm.. Allegheny Co, C0.,0n the night or June loth laaa, a BAY _ var. broken to toe maddle. beavy mom, tall and foretelp; heavy limb,, bare rooted, and about 14 ban.l.l A imitable reward will be gold for the return of the horse. and If 10- 1111 ,1 0 . 4! for We arrest and eonz i litou t r i gjlle }NOR BENT, A FARM OF 130 ACRES, Situated In Jefferson township, Allegheny county, Fa., on the Plonongaheln river, llmules front the city. The improvements are good. The land of the best quality; sell adapted far Krudeniart. rosseu pion August let, 1010. .11•1 , 1-41.-MLIE1 33.01171911£1. soveu rooms and hall. good stable ercsilent water at the dour; situated 011 the old Washington road, shout 6 milts from the city. Possession Int med For further particulars. Mitre of •• ' • U. M. TOWER, No. 104 Poartb Street. MIMI BLANK BOOKS, I=ll TIMK, DILA Y ' El IT AND BLANK BOOKS of every description on band and made to VOI.KV •t, K.I.KUILATXI , (.11.1.1/ 1 . 6111 a, war ranted. Is TIN , . STATIUN UV. MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., 1e2.!•v0 EIVTLI ISTREKT. pETROLIA 131_,U1!.' Vic arc LI prepared to forulah ILI. til'AN MLR], brand of ißr_micrin sain.a.23w. For itellnero' nee, promptly and in any quantity we gonnantee the QU AI.ITY to be IltittOlt to Al , ll ma nn far t u red In or brought to this city . T.H.NEVIN di: CO., N. W. Corner Third and Maikei Ms. EEO WE, THE SUBSCRIBERS, have this day entered Into a LIMITED 1` A itTNElfc. hill P. agrevatity to the prorlalono of the Act of As mrtilify passed the let day of March. WM. The partner .hlp to he condieted under Um name of MILLXII, II Alflt is PARKIN, he the city of Plthileurgh, and fur the purpose of manufactartng sod militia riTCKL and Its products. The general partners arc RAUB/SAT MILLED and CIIAP. PARKIN. of the CDT of Pittsburgh. and DEO. W. BAUR. of the Dorough of tmemeuerellic. The menial partnere are SAMUEL M. KIM{ and bf PEI, DU VP, of the Borough of Lawrenceville. Pauli or the •peclal partner. have eonifibat.o Twelve Thousand rive Hundred Doilare In rash. partuemhisi in commence an the DINST DAY JANUAItIi,D. Anil to terminate on the TUIIIT) .1 , 111,T DAT t./Y DOD. tialiligal MILLER. tin, N. MANN, IC - inhere! Partner.. HAN TAKILIN, hAIIUILL D. KIND. S.A.DUEL 1."`"'". AMERICAN MACHINE VI °RIM FISHER, GRAHAM & CO., Engine BuUders and Machinists, • Oil Engines, Oil Tools, ApA .•erVltlng ...... Ilorlng Oil tells 11 . .rorolsr atlontioo pap! to Vit.°air I.ll,,ElAtitn7 r. Marlon Avenue, sear Yl. W.s C. A. it. ELlLLoala.c.rw, DUNK PUuIirTLY. M".0.3F1L 61181-OEI. Stationary Slide-Mahe Oil Engines. I=l Latex, and most Improved Style NUISANCES. .. tiTuatcr CostistudOiesitin tlerhe, {'ire 4.1 r ALtusitith T. June Mb, UM. 0 Ulu. Is hereby elven to all pumin•th erase from throve lug. ma the tbortmithfisee•ang public 'Maori,. of Mt- y of Allegheny, an? Rubs., Ural. eat' rton, ur of say kind. They us &antler milieu! to lease or cause io be tell, none of LIM above men tioned nnisanrus on their premises or any private groom!. within the limits of the city The under liened hu beets appointed Assistant Street Coto missions* by 00110.11, who base made It his spacial duty to remove mid...sous of all Abuts. mirtlontsrly those Puiltiothe to the sanitur condition of the c, rind Os Witt s the city or.liusseas In ill. f.srtielliar L. the very letter Therefore par ties litho wish to moult trouble In this matter Will do well to have the streets sod alleys, on which their property abets, cleaned of all nuisances Itoomill *wry, and also to slut* soy nal...tures •gistlng on their premises. A book will be kept la thy sales, of the tilfect C0L11011.1 , 14./Mtf, Ott? DWI. In Which eosn• pistols...so be Imbued f (bin seesneut of the IUNTILain. Itilit L )cis Assistant Street Commissioner. 4:0)*011:ri. )1:V 0:0:11:tm It•PEINCER & NicKAV, 111ALSTERS AND BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. HOBERT WATSOS, Dismegv. _Jel9:dlls_ FOR . THE LADIES. NEW FANCY STATIONERY. Of various descriptions, at thE NEW TOOK STORE, 196 Smithfield street, corner Seventh, THE A. A. OF CONGRESS, approw ell June G. WA. give. additional pension to the following clean of ps.rsona: To thuse who have on botheyes or hands: To limey wilt, have lost both feet; To those who WM, lost one hand or foot; To those who have been deprived of their pen alone underact of March fd. leaf, are restored% . . . . Pensions are ex tended to dependent fathers and brother•. Apply by mall or In person. to McMASTER, GAZZAM & CO., Office, 98 Grant Street, PITYMBURGII BUSINESS MAN'S COMICIAL COLLEGE, • No. 4 St. flair Street. We have engaged the services of an experienced teacher expressly for the months of July mid Au gust. Student. entering on the hit of July Can easll.• I y complete the course by tha last of August. Yoe circulars and specimens of penmanship, apply at the College Rooms, or address N. SHAFFER and JegaimilliarniP .1. Y. If cOLAYMONI)B. STEAM ENGINE, BOILERS, ETC. W.Cfrt EI.A.Z•BL .11C htt.ntu En lot with boilers and a Worthing '''. Inc nearly new and Ant clue. heavy Iron berl-plale• and 8 rert bi 11! Inch... fawn %team' plpra IMO toren pliznp,lo- grill, with thirty Net seal:leg and pulleys; sine, :we bie aebrt.bielo-10ch NV or Sued botiwrs, .esetir 75. feet by nod ott. einsie - Mission romp , "' leder I. inch tarok. by I Web diameter. inqUire of JOHN riimurn, • m tit. Clair street. Or, ISAAC, JONES, Cororr of Ross sell Fint *tree.. ARED M. BRUS,H, WA=IrAtTURY.II Op Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks, eme:ET AEON WOBILL-ilte... No. 61 Peon ?greet, pittab urg h . p i. Je20:t167 WV c r it ;ASS WORKS Fon SALEc SITUATED Id ISOUTII lIDSTON, MASS. Terme reasonable. Address U. A. NrAxpajao. or s.,B AJDR " itsiterk. *9 ft=t-a... "14164117 p atiV/W3 l ITS al 4PO 51.'1 10.0 DOCIIII3, E, I)ORIELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA SiirSpeelat attention given to ail ea., requiring nurgleat operations. GREAT BARGAINS BEG 151', 121 Federal Street, Allegheny City. We Mier Or .fork nl grcAt bargain,..uo+l Ali lig o f BONN KVA, HATS, ItIBISONS, 00,1 eroblug In the EIIY LIS E. Ako, BI 1.1: put CLOTH SACQU EI, aml BANQUE, will be ..old very 1.1, we are shout to .“111 hu.lnexs. 1eT.:1.157 UA\tia Al. PAIRTN 10., `WIWI 11111110,, ILEUISK.h MILLKIL, tr.WM'I. M. KIY.I MHO. W. NARK, YAM'I. PM V . V. CHAR. PAH.KIN. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. I=l BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, Warranted Equal to any In the Market, either Imported or of Domestic Illanufaeture. aI•KCIAL ATTENTIoN I • AW 1‘) riSE Una, AND DIE ITEEL. Office, 38 Wood Street, 111 ST. WI/LULEA HOTEL el;11.IHN1:. PrrTemMOIL Juue 18th. 0654. 1.1e:d49 1866. SPRING RATS. 18 6 6. MoCORD & 131 WOOD STREET, %Y.h to call special attention to thelr large nod splendid stork of Hate, IC., for Spring and Susta iner Irear, .E!Lata .chow®33:43 -4 0 - 01.7r/datSr. I , KUDYn. , ICASIDEB, Etc.: 11LNT'et and IR , VC.' SARAI , I/An. "110W•S THAT'S, " 11101111TON5. P1.n11).1t14, 114 4, 1m.h, UERItI ' . 1q..1116, Lc., tr. STItAW 1.14.01 , t , of Itrery drecrlptlon, to .ult nil LIVERY AND SALE STABLES MORELIND & MITCHELL, Nos 43514 427 Liberty Street, The very hest 1101INEN l'A Jtltl AGES and 8I kept for hire at all time, the noes, REA 1t96 In the clay. Vamersla, fac.. •Itenalual Won short pollee In the lat,t wanner. Person. wiahlug to eugage au)thlng In our Itor eat rely upon being turned out In the be.t st)l, •. the propel...glee their perAonal otteutlon to the IL J. LANCE MK AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER EEM2 iota Window Curtaino and Chair Covers Cleaned and Beglazal without unpacking. Nos. 35 and 37 Third Street, BeVeven Weal and rmlt6lld = gurEmon OAK TANNED, I icerrit KIP AND /UV ItTliu LEATHER BELTING AND 1108 E, Ilazy:facto:rod at No. 15k1 tIMItVPIt Lll nT.. by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. A(eot• for Now York Itobbor Co. (mum Belti ng. Always OEI band, a snlyarlor ~nality of I.Al'p. L.K.A rural. nod Y DILA MIS K. 0 0 1'1' t.. 11 HIV abd Il lift, tow' , Ili NdKb, etc. • ) ••- • - - pUIL ADELPIII A SALOON 'IPCIOI3. 191.41.7-aZI In the City of Canton, Ohio, I:=1 Alan, 71711.3eITULIE ai asl.l boure. all new. .11orra rgolalna Inn room,. norm r Ironer, near thr c Ilona. and Post Oitc.e. In Lb ,111.. N. of the city M.A.° fi, am rnmk..t.4 In othrr Je3;e:2ll - - PrITEIBIMH IRON WOMB. J. PAINTER & SONS. CM Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, relfi a. prrnisvntaii, PA. •. D. ...11113[11•01,1. EAGLE OIL WORKS, Laivo-iroacLawv-11.1e". WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Deniers In PETROLEUM. (MICR. tWA:4I/YOSI.WII, CoiLNE.It IIANCOI.Ii tT. •).11, F4.13y01001): WAY. my 1¢..12 uouria ...... ..... in-ormo C . FIELDING &HBO.; Manufacturer o and I)enien In 4:7llartcaral ilkagscleo BOOTS, SLOES & GAITERS, No 140 Ohio HI., Allegheny. Repairing proniptly eseenteri on tIl,, eitorteoi no tice. :e.7.1! J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, And Manufacturer of the RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Which are yromotteti to prose.... ytycogthen And Improve the tight. Yor Yale ,soly by J. DIAMOND, my17:00 No. ON 191.Claly Street. LEATHER BELTIN4.I. CHESSMAN & CLARK, No, 110111011 T,, near the Penitenttnn - , Allegbe -07 OltY, inanullteturcrsnf every deserlption of rat rat ntretclied, Cemented and Wrens! OAK TANI - ND LICATIIIIIt BELTING. DELI'S wade to order and n patrol at ahort notice. Particular attention paid to Belts fur Roiling Mills and heavy work. All work warranted. I.lrdr. respectfully lelantl4 REMOVAL. JNO. STEVENSON & SON have re toovld to u 3 ALUIREY STREET, three doors above um old stand, where they Issve glued up more sonnuallous room, and have opened a larg and rich Itotk of JEWELRY, SILVEII e WLEE AND PLATED 11000 es, to wlt•eb they In vite public attention. MOWERS, HAY RAKES, PLOWS, QIILTIVATORS ALL MINDS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS To, be had at s. larticrauvet, No.. :IS and 30 Ohio duvet, Allegheny. sny2B:66ll:wor , wT . F °o PUNE DRULIS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, VANCY kivoll6, COMES, BRUSHES, 'PULLET SOAPS, SUPPORTERb ‘ SHOULDER BRACES, PATENT MEDDANES, SILAKEII MMUS, CONCENTRATED REMY. DIES, &a., Lt., Lt., (10 TO BROWN. No. 8 St. Clair Street. myt11:13117111VM CITY Or ALTAOItinT, TaLgtiBSlVe OFFICE., June MW, 1104. NOTICE $8 lIEBEET GIVEN TO the holders of We NIX PEE CENT. MUNICI. VAL BONDI) Or ALLEGHENY, that the Coupons on maid Honda coming duo July lii, lal.. will be paid .Id day Mean Ulu Mate Ma) at the BANK Olf I ITMISLIJAI 11, le the Oily C 1( Pltlabuygh, Cu. D. IdACYKILKON, Yola Treaaurer of A legbeny 1/0031 TO-LET.A largo airy front parlor, on the Oral floor, at No. 15 Now street. Will be ranted, furnished or unfurnished, with or Without board, to single g%ntlemen or a married couple. Oath room privilege given pal ties renting the room. Apply to MIM. PHILIPS, No. tri Ross street. McIIIAIIIIB Sa MODEM, Sal:IbIZI NIENAIIIANTN Aan , NE.A.NUFACIIIREMS. Persons desiring s bilt43slo.ll Q UALITY Up B. 'LIM win be accommodated by lest lug orders , at the lgA/ILE 111.1TiL, oa Libertyotrect. Onlers so left will be tailed for every day and promptly JelattiSe GENERAL BRANGUTINGOFICE. yr P. GENCIEDIBRE, Civil En- GI NAM% „Cliir:Mltri" AND SOLIOLTOII OW Wiltlttilt, No. lit IT. °LAM lintstiCT, Poet .00yolloa Ogg, Residence. It. Ilay atreet. I'ITTN- Al MUll. PA. lelealta 111/10NEIr LOAN OFFICE, No. larii 'Mtn SIIITHYtEt.I) STREET, corner or Math. • mono Loaned on Oliver Mate& Dues Pistols, =i t L erOle !ll' Oth er stV h at L77 4 l be mo . eus crag* be deled onnoul. o i datt, nonntitelitt Of Vireo gObbery: 'Natal,:4j ortnotty: netetipuoir tor este • st. low“t poem (144:dnti If.ItnNUNL. ROY. WKS 'tieLICHILATErIL STEEL Ate.ti umut44 oniame itu•dv, .nd itrjugll:o,4M.M-444;. °Nti.741'1,t46, iimnited Tricks , . at. trterNolynoimanestint,ttest writ OttOrt nOtalitettriTAi•juiwa. NEw,.A,EIVERTLSEDIENTS VALUABLE CO IL MINES FOR Sill. The %linable etml Inures eel 111 the thern Coal Mining Comeau.. +Hos own ted 111 -Itelby...unt.. Ala.. iWeiVe milts n orthead of and elle I hair miles from the North ate! eon 11l Rail uatt (now In running order to this Point). 30. 1 --quar ter of a trllle from the Branch Itnad t he Red Moon tat n Coal Alines, are now - offered fole. These mines hate nate keen I n sueresmfol open tl n for e 444444 years. arc t ate , . ! u In the heart of the attn.-rat rgion ttf the State, an Are Only nt ste-Ore miles by e all Pon. rein.. from whence there In water Ix:mei...el rthol, to the l.ttll. Ll'll.•rc Is not in he Called states A bett.r oppor tunit) tor a safe suit ;trotitable Investment. In the Coal 1,11 One hall r. 1.1, etl.l the Irnlance at the elpiratloo or sit Mouths, Int..rert 11, 04iT .1114 i the I.slanre I,llllli 10,11111) Eh nutinterebt. MEM SUMMER UNDERWEAR. GAUZE COTTON. GAUZE MERINO. LISLE THREAD. Summit SILK, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Muslin, Fine Jean and Linen Drawers Great Shirt and Collar Depot, 78 M".X.E"I"3EIC EIT., Nearly opposiiletlie Pose! Office, Together whit a coropicle line of Gentleniens' Furnishing Goods, =9 REMEMBER, Our Business is Exclusively OENTLENEN'S FURNISHING. DEURDOCK & PUTNAM. MIMI JOHN CROFT, REAL ESTATE Office. No. 139 Fourth Street, Pittaburgh Has for 5.1. the following Ural Estate: A large three-story !trick House, enntaining ten rooms, large balls: Irant room nrst door .0001 as a Drug Store; hot add cold wate On r and gas through out Clue house. Lad 2i S by 55 feet. 4‘ituate cuu Cheat '7lTay.l.:'l4Vl.(l,Z.N.E LAND, Ealgt.wood Ntatioti, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, I miles from the city, on clutch there le a twautlinl new Iran.. [11.01114w. aull a largo number of Scaring (roll trees 01 the knot quality, and a good supply ad era., The dwelling and (ago.. of ground 5,111 hue sold separalel) if desired. and the residue In lads 01 4 acres ears, or I argt, I( reqUebtod. The atao.l laud Is adintralny %nested tor business men. ECM Al-Sn, 311 Ai' UP:S FVANL Li, containing about II snits el limestone, of it spiendld quality, and easy of ac cess. The soli is of too first class, suitable either for fanning or gardening purposes; good grans dwelling and barn, sad a good sutiply at water t sit uate 3 MI/. the city, on the %N ashinglult Ilhes In Uttlon township, toeing part of the Carter (inn. ALAN, 31 Al. all: , ', well taprove4. rand under a high stale of mill , siren. on which their arc 1.21al bearing eat antr hushes.beartng grape %Inca, IW standltd pear cleat. and a l,rge uttintalr ofpeach, apple and plum tree•. Pr.perty.sltuate nu the uhl Washing ton ro.l, in volt town p. ale ntties from the city. N ur Partner particula, Inquire. at the •“1.. ye P4MII. alyMPball = NEW PHYSIOGNOMY; SIG,,TIJ OF CHARACTER, AA INA TEMPI4,'IRA_ME:NT ANII External Forms, Anil eeperially in the HUMAN FACE DIVINE. BY SAMUEL B. WELLS. JOHN P. HUNT &. CO., pIITTSMIT 111 G BANK FOR SAVINGS, •orlDerty the 11111 Y. SA V INtih INSTITUTION MM=MM=al . . 11/LILLY !Toni 9 to . 4 o'clock, and on WY-D -NS:WAY and A from May !al to No ha., 7 to o'clock, and from Nov. aid. to May tat . Ito a o'clock. thmlts of rOlll lobed at the office gratin. Thin Inslitotton especially ofie to those whom earittntin limited, the eptiortimity lo acemionlate, sink detroslta, mall) bared, a sum which will he 4 res. trben needed, mid bearlian Interest M. •lead renosining tinprodactive. LIOAILD 141.41VAGEELS1 Gi-XUC,OXILC3•I3 3E133E5.131ir. VICE VICESIDENTS, .., . _ s. 11. ILAItTSIA.N, JAMEY PARK, Jr mo st - getTA kr Alatl iir. . . MaCi A. BRADLEY. I. WM. K. NLU WK., A. s, ILEEL, j F. ILAHM t JoILN S. DILWORTH, 1 JOSHUA allot)Ka. H. EN.H.I.ANNBEE, JOHN S(;OTT, H. H. Li RAH AM, It. C. SCHMERTZ, Clliturrot HEK ZUO. SOLterroa-0. W. & A. & NNI.4 mrM: l 4. , JULY 4th, Iti66. FIRE WORKS! FIRE WORKS! We now offer to the Trade a large and will select ed stook of VIRE Wt/lIKS for the coming Ith, com prising a large variety of Colored and Plain Ihmitets, from 1 ox. to 1600., Colored nod lhalif Homan Candle,. 1 to 111 lirwaShoppers, gergehis: Ilengal Lights, Triangles. Itohettes, berolls; Vert4cal IVllcels, Saxon Wheel,: Volcanoes, Minos of stars: Ylowr r rota. Pin Wheels; rharroll'swergents. lc.. £O.. &c., Together with a forge variety of Exhibition Ihcees, irom 4.00 tog... Also, a large stock of No. I Fire rackers and Torpedoes, alto( which we offer at the lowest market price. Orders solicited, to which prolnot attentlOtt will tw given. by lIEYHEIi & Not. Iht nod Ilk Wood nreet, Pole AWL/. for 11. I'. Deihl'', celebrated Fire Works. . . LIPPINCOTT & BAMLL, No. 118 Water Street, = I=l 1.210:1131 pErnom MACHINE WOLIMS 3C133240.12C1r, Nu. a 2 Ohio Street, Al'eighth! . . LIIPKUVMD BOIDNIS TOOLS, AND FLETUNIS USED IN SINKING OIL AN D.BALT WNIJ JL Partici:tor attention Invited to bts Patented proremente In Joni and Joints, made of Juniatia U. S., cad Low Moor iron, la standard slum, and numbered. no Hunt parts can be order...l.o).MM, et toloirraph, and found a portent 7.t at all thrice., We also tarnish ropes, betting , small prole, de., to those Irtoo may wish It. Emmen and machine watt made loonier. Orden b)7 malt penally attended NA jam prepared to grant llaunsel to utter manallie- Wren Inc these Imorommtente =liberal berm. Row 17 Allegb../ 0 , lenotd73 IN. H. 4.4.4[1._ The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON In Wilkins , Hall, Fourth street- near Smithfield, in now pal, The be fitted , catalog. at moot hadncing YIAHE- Elt (WIDEN SALOON to the State. Ice Grimm, oak. and madeellortarlu always au hand. A. VINE ORCHESTRA h. been enanEeorfor the thason and will Ile in attendance MYRIOr 1411.111 T (010 ept RuadaYl Iron, seven Ocelot orelock. Best lee cream, fruits, and beret., Many. on hand. my=thlo AIA.DAIIE RUII6. )lanageresa. EVERSON, PRESTON a, co.. 111.4301 N WCO3ELIKS, os ! 1 63 and 107 YllOl stmet, op- Pj /.1.7171:44 4 halsnuilsehrlltoburgb, rat. • elBlllOl - ^ WARDEN &BATCIRELDER4 TT ' ' mitres rx CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM wii*LE gm, RVdU.. NeuuTd TURriPITINE, SWUM C.AittIIANA TAR, itc., • Corner of Engragiat i ; el,....conk, Resoroient W. 4. ViAlUJEN..ll3.Wataat stress, . }sou HAIM, • - • StF44 FERRY BOAT, L LA wsztOxviLtar4_Enqaptori,•- , '•: i' 3. IL 111,11, Jua:acs 359 Liberty 'trees, rittsbenb. El= G. AI. 31e1.11111111C0, A sNig nee nl K. 0. Ed w anis 121321 59 Fifth St., Masonic Hall GI Fourth Street. PATENT TEMPERED PATENT lINJTIIED 1111. L AND CROBI4-CUT w . Illannfacturr.r of P nix:a NEW AD: :TISEMENTS, FOUATH OF JULY. 1 WANTED—S2OO per Month paid .._ t t to sitoost, to Introduce oar Dew Ps 8. 0 ITr aWlAti 31.A.CIIINIC, KetolitutrA lli get. , x . , drma t i n iortt , ll,lll4.toort, MONA.Mitrerr" a ti A GRAND • 1 ta.s. e ~. )., Nthroondon, Mass., or Phi ol- CON C_ER T ° - wanda,..F - WANTED.—Io a Dry Goods Job . t bing Ihms..., GIFT 11=3 CITY MEALY-a-Ay PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, JULY Jt6 l 1566, tJiffs to the amount of 1,84.0,000 111,1 ton t 4, th,llokrt vvul. Inclatling u,ncl Fin.. Farm. In In erLel. Sewing !In- TRULL ET% ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH. LIST it I.IFTs gat fu lireriznark. ♦l.OOO wl 0 in 1, r..enbael., 500 KM 111 1,...,,,1.ficks 230 gill In Uri, linnet, 1213 glfl la lireenbacka 73 gift In Urea...el. 541 100 glll, In Lin...fulo,cli.A. 410 inieta.... ... 1,000 200 gilts In tireenbaeta, ti . each 1.000 4410 gifts ill lire nhaeks. 2.30 each 2,0410 2,1100 gifts of good inturest g Rook 2,000 10 gifts °ruler Seising Machines.— .... 5 00 5 gifts of ex Celivot Ifelo.leons 500 9 gifts 0:41.7 in Jewelry 2,000 Vis: 3 pls... Rings. 2 Linwood Plus. 4 gni. 11014 Watenes. II gifts of Western Fsrms, to Wit: igiLTILCS 111:11. Missouri, LOCATED AS FOLLOWS: Your In Shannon county. One of 251 acres. and ItThree of IGO acres each; Two lu Texas county, each One in Ripley county of liklueres, awl Two In Oregon county, each 10) acres. Also, Two Farms in Marathon county, Wisconsin, MO and tai acres re• spectivety. All rich Farming Land in good settle ments. Titles perfect. nod to be seen at oar °Mee. A t ascii) In Oil Wells, located on the famous Pinhole ..reek,Ventoso county. rn. Including the celebrated Plowing Well, Eureka, on Holinden Farm. and other yrwiective wens in that wooderiel reason. 'Chose Interests will be p_reseot et! as Forty gifts, veined at fro. *WOW WsWh citch. Not one of Gime in an unproductive well, blit in wells producing, and Misers yet to be tested, close to producing wells. all under contract for comple tion. free of (umber expense. Nape showing the location of said wells, du on band. Persons wishing to examine deeds, or . . - ertain ar ticles of the above property can be accommodated at our oilier. where all the particulars may be ob tained. We have no bogus property in our schedule, which should therefore commend Itself to the public. Till. Is not aspecu tatted, It Is merely so effort to sheet 1.1,e sale of a large Memel. of property at a moderate valuation. koltitECT LIST, INCLUDING THE TICKET HoLDEEs' AMEs, ADDRESS.IIIB, AND THEW TICK kT NLL IS KEPT A:t• OUR. O•PICE, is° TLI AT Ai. L MAY RECEIVE J I.IBT IV LI ET ti EH THEY ATTEND THE CON OXItT 011 NUT. There will lie no blanks. A gift of some kind will Ireglven to • eery ticket holder. our smalleat slits ere pacaos7aplis of the distinguished men and women of oar times. The drawing will take place after tbie concert, four nights In succession. A committee will be up pbla Led by the Ticket Hulde re alone to superintend the sam and see that the illfts are dmtilbuted impartial e. ly, and the result published Immediately. Or, enbacks, Deeds, .to.. forwarded try express. RELIABLE AGENTSWANTE late very town and village wllllla 500 miles D ofPittsburgh, to whom liberal inducements are offered. CLUB HATES: 5 Ttoketa to ooe address 10 Tick ere to or, noldrego 20 Tickets to ono address. ttIiVI=MMI F240211122E= 50 'pasts W dde address . . I 00 Tickets to one address ...... N 5 00 Tickets selling fast. tiet up Door chins and send no von r orders with the nine and address in Nil• of earli . . lltruel ma) •eni at our rink , either lit draft , ilor.tarilice order, express or regletecui letter.. Number of tickets berued. 10,000. Trice, $1 Ottell. They are for .ale at our odic-, No. 70 FIFTH BTILEET, Yloor. `Chronicle' Building. BilDblt And ett the principal Hotel A, Book. Mow and Drug A nd of this city anal Allegheny. :Spit by mall on receipt of price awl stamp for ex tra's pootage. We hare cellent references. with which our /Wants an: fuexrnished. lhv ...r*.„ for r0',11'..1'1,;,!,",hb6,,:idt,"'"'-frv"` dtcurj:xAl/4":1,/,MIZIN",1 CV:" -50 G, Pittsburgh. Fa. lIIIRRICAN IRON WORKS. JONES & WOMBS X.ITT/913ESMI'llL131-H,, AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails,l6 and 20 lbs. to the 'aid Train Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Yank Rivets; Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car -Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Bellied Shafting; • Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAIIEHODSH A.NDOVrICE, • 120 Water and 15Sr Front SW. lIIIA NCH kit/USE, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., jet :elf. ClilUktiO, ALLEGIIENT TAXES. CITY OF A.1.1.2:1J11EN Y. / T SAM/Ur/Ca Craws, June 7th, 1566. holler Is hereby ;Oven that the ABSP”OTS have now piredln or the ?? . e.a.surer's OMee, UM Duplicates of Ct /Til l ou * uti C iale n s, o a b :S7ia F ,t " , - 1. 50 "t% I rA d i,l o rem, Led that mid axes 0111 w re r ee l iveu ' m porsaance of the Act of As/en/lily of February VIM PO O, and of April OM, UM, an hirer to the follow log regulations 0101 silo/sauces: ive per cent., If paid on or before the trot day of July. Your pet cent., If paid on or Owfore the firej day of Augnot. Two per rent., If paid on or before the Drat day Of September. If paid after the trot day of September, and on or before the fret day of October, ne deduction will be if made. pald after the fret day of October and on or be fore the lint day of No comber, an addition of nee per eept. shall be added to and payable on the same. After the first of November, warrants will be Issued to enforce the collection of 11l taxes remain ing unpaid, together with rue percentage accrued thereon, and rtie costa fey 1/. MACY/X.IION, City Treasurer. OW. C.N.LUOC, W. S. 11/WARDS COLHOUN & EDWARDS, WOMBS AND mut IN. SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, AV. 24 Wood Street. In store MIIII lan4lng I. I 'blaulell , .l.• 200 tone Soda Ash, Ktirts'e. Ilutchlnsou's, and Croatleld's make 600 bags Nitrate Soda, Crude and Relined: 750 kegs Hi Carlo Soda (English); :SO bbls. Venitian Red. Cookson's; ARSENIC ABILMANDABESE. Of chola> brands, constantly an hand, In lota to suit purchasers rorr.:b4 CHINA WAREHOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, roaw.icorrzwit., No. 100 Wood Street. BRITANNIA AND !SILVER MATED TABLE WARE, TEA TRAYS AND TABLE, CUTLERY. always on band. HINA TEA liET:k C N ALAIN NEIL BETE, CHINA TOILET BETS, CHINA VAISEE,,i CHINA SPITTOONS,_ BORE YUAN WARE Or EVERY DESHRIPTION, LAVA WiRDBASKETA, LAVA VASES, LAVA Br !TIMMS. FOOLISH STONE WAILS of all Mien., I.ollAlt wholesale and retell trade. The largest Ando:mat complete stock of everything Wilds line In the oily. Prices and terms the same sells the eastern tales. my171■33 CARPET CHAIN. PLAIN I COLORED, COTTON I LINEN COTTON TARNS, ASSORTED !WINNERS ALL OF BEST QUALITY, FOR BALE BY 8. 111 C., C7ZETZLIZIIIII CO., dt Hope Ciotton, ALLECHIST CITY, JUST mu Lima must.. bamples may be sCin juitrorders left with 11. C1111.3)3ICO.. No. 133 WOOtI strati. Pittsburgh. _Je2:cil ALLietaimn• crrxruotru AND wiple.3;pterrciazion, S. C. 315.,elektfttilrac Co No. 11$15 OhiONt., AttlegneitY, *Wt.& 4.6lfikuat . lh M!,lbcvder; Zooscil db 43.2 . 44.1-111. Cobh paid for Wheat qad Rye. knoal - Atto, 11. TACK Talle(V.s. — TALclC ClLtax. TACK 'llOlO. CO., COMUSSION ... ANL 111101412113.121 PETROLEUM. 'AND ITS PRODUCTS, litatitock - ht., Pittsburgh: - t- Puitapir.x.rnm 0/punk PlSllllralstemitteret. 89A:WHO CAN BEATINIM - 00 , ft,• ft/A ft, For TWO Weeksztinly.- - t ..,„. 4 ui r good rxmorroit.vazialloof "arm* awn mate* fat , tbnainall . .ateCnflailllC - 1)91' Oat% at 143. 36.Marintatinet.113 .7. ..1 - 1 , 34-• ntrtninlS, 414.• aIMMTVIIMILIVEZIA44O4IOIIIIII. W 4 7 ' I" ktir r i si mi lea ia4 wood anis. r 7 7 -71 =1 to take entire charge of Pittsburgh and surround lug trade. Address, latth real Arun. oniTh Jen:43l Box t 791, rh;laclelphlm, I'. 0. IV ANTED — AGENTS—MaIe and to WI the Plethre • • lit IMA Au AI•:• Alto hir the totantlfu . l Match k.ogyz!. h!gs • •Utt I'HA 1, FR • And .•t A ico go .. aßuta can tuake from {IV to {S pur day In c"bkluuVf.;" lily U.' .aPAILLI N.• • Itrotapplicantt. Apply Loon. An.~r,..e iterZ.ITY WANTED. TEN GOOD CARPENTERS. Apply .t 3 i It" HMSO N' KTICEST, Allegheny, or at bro:lo,lllKer . , Taiinery, Motown.. borough. JAMES CILAWIOI[I., = MS W ANTED, 40 Mules ..nd SO Marts, At the Stable of the I'ITTSBURCIII. ALL' BU II Ch Y =1 =I SALESMEN WANTED At 98 Grant Street, 3d floor Apply, trite reference, to COM WANTED —AtiENT B --s7* to $201) I"XttllttiNTll for gen ttsmed, and pa to $1 Tor ladles,. everywhere, to to m u tate the Celebrated Common Smote Faintly &twins mimblne. Improved and perfected. It will hem. fell, stitchomilt, bin braid and embroider beautifully. IMce 0017 821), mat Ins the elastic loetvatitcli, and bully wartaut for three yearn. We pay the above warms, or commission, from which twice that ...molar.. he Adoress, with stamp. or call ell C. DOW - MRS th CO" Salesrooms, No. '483 South rurrn Street, rialladelphis, All letters lutswereti promptly, with circulars and terms. • my=l.44 tr ~ ~{; *. TIIOMAB PALMER IHOLISAII AND 1111111 DULL' k 13 WALL T...41 :3 '1 - 11111 I TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES_ EEM T. .A 3. 33 LA 33 004 33 NI. NI Warehouse, 91 Wood Street,' • 4 50 . vOO 17 50 Second door below Diamond Alley, te2l:llrod PITTSBUItUII. VA PAPER HANGINGS FOR 1866. EVA -,.- EMI I==ll American Wall Papers For the ant time in five years, JrE yr E.VGLISIi PAPERS A choice -aeleetion of the Newest French Papers Yor sale b • WALTER P. MA MP A LI., 1.17 Wvo.l Plreist 12331 pARLOU PAYERS. A NEW LOT 01 Standard Gold Palopers Now recered, of [malarial dealoa for 151..10r5, at = I=2 POSTPONEMENT Tile tWrITED STATES PRIZE CONCERT, I= Crosby's Opera Rouse, Chicago, ilff.Blit 112113 City 14366, W 111 be postponed until Monday, July 9th, '66, I.hit which occasion HALF A MILLION DOLLARS UN PRIZES Will be preeente.l to Ticket Holder, Including $lOO,OOO IN GREFNBACKS. The postponement is an unavoidable necessity, (not so much 10 consequence of the number of tick ets yet n 115.014) AD the positive necessity there is for the proper registration Of those already disposed of. which has becn delayed in consequence of the or and carelessness of • portion of our. Agents in making their proper returns. We advise all parlles "ranting tickets to send for them without delay,as w have but • limited num ber yet on band. We wis h most particularly to ins press upon the mind. of our Agents the Importance of their making their at once, and of recti fying whatever errors return s ave crept into their re porteheretofore. We will say to those sensitnit for tickets, that if they should all be sold at the time their onler recul•ed, the money will be returned. No appliestlonS for new we notes fbr (O r ee of tickets will be considered, aa we have no than sufficient ticket, to supply' those Agents we have sl ready appointed. Tickets are fur sale at the Will.- cipal hotels, book and music stores In the city, and at our office, in Dearborn street; price *LW each: tent by mall on receipt of price and stamp for re turn postage. We Invite the particular attention of pc Wishing to order ttekets,bv mall to nit (110 e 0, SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES: ro`nirclaerti! grt'rtrroTfr'itf g l "ub 4 r (u rn Wu " erre ' will be allowed the followlus s m:bussio e n T 10: 1/31111:5732, 5 Ticket. 10 000 address for it • fa 10' " ..... 9OD •• •• 17 !A • • • • 26:5 • ` SW •. VI 50 100 " 85 00 In every ease send the name and Postodlee ad dress of each separate subscriber. Money by draft, rostoMee Order, Express, or In - Registered Letters, may be gout at our risk. All communications shortid be addressed to BRADFORD & CO., 123 DEADMORS STREET, CIiICMIO, ILL The proprietors will donate to the Lincoln and Dor Monument goads en,oio; also, there ill be MO moneyed from the person drawing the pa, Kau. for the same purpose. 11011. MAJor Dan Mace, Ex-M. C., of Ind. Don. Ira J. Laycock, of Kansas- Wat..LeMogwell, Lyons, lowa. lion. Joseph Knox ef Chicago. Hon. C. Craves Smith, of Minn. Joeob Forayth, Agt. M. S. R. K. Chicago, 111. M. Kroobee g & Co.. Imp , rs of %Patches, Chicago. qusa ted Proposals for Inserting this advertisement re '. my=itrla AGENCY PIaISMBIIIKI LIMEJ.OATING Oil Company Keep constantly on hand a supply of STEAMED Natural Lubricating Oil, UP THR BEST GRAVITIES, Free from all Impurities. Every Barrel Warranted, OR TO air, RETURNED AT THE ,ANJAWANYII EX ZENI Address JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH T. H. NEVII 6 CO., N. W. Corner Third and Market Ste., PITTSIBUR.6II, m719:1171 M . IF.N , S BOOTS. BOYS' BOOTS, Youths' Boots, LADI BUXOM& LADIES' GAITERS, missEs AND czarmams, Boots, Bakr:torals CM G IT JO S, AT !TAMEABLE HATES, SOUTH ROW -63. .").dlvixr 82 .11Kie : i• WIWI! _ •111/2••• a•.. ••••..•• .. • . •• '•. '• . .... I. IVRAI743IIII= S. 11011AIXIMUla••• ' ' ' AZIIIIIM 1•10111110 PI. cIXTYREiIIic.NAIUGHER it' cO.; , SIMAIRBRICCESSERS t .:,;. , . i•—• .. ..., NM Viand , tertiattly I . * , niltdallhatilli . ....._lttii .. XPlOtailVnd , , ,'"'' fr ' ''ll l *lictir...irminemits;:..t: : - 4„4 lt ip ad i g i ilia imei cuitg , sexki.(ir m ith e i t Also. , Also,: 0.! sal zeuscrDiggths 4. 0 ,,,,,, • I , Pasuat lintibluit, in , WM UntAr l / 1 ban, ... 414' , irk".4l-01tm,A1111Mtle521-ralataaelilel.4rol:-I ":I; mei MEM I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers