PH. R. NIEI-trrZ. Banker and Broker, 115 Wood St., hear corner of Fifth All do,crtilloott- of bought Ittlli MOtoi MI Ilter. l Writs, I,d non Milli 41111.111 hang'. ..t Ne% 1 .trk rsttr 4..111, -di, ottik.ots i.ptight Itighost ~,,,is . Uo,l nn s.e..k. )ork. FINANCE AND TRADE I= The eretternent, /11 the market tute not tt..4 yet al.get • al, though the teml ,,cy Iluarit% at, It "pent,' strong in Nee 1 ork 1111. morning under the working'. of u cl Ile who aro operating for an ad V~nce, 11.11,13. in order I. klllil,llll al a MO prim, ' , ales were wuUe at the Upolling at 15.,t4 to MI, the mar ket then suddenly broke down to tali, ail vatielui und declined to Th.! foreign by the China, which 'downer arrive.! la.t night, Is .onew hat limi ts, to that brought iu I. the Peru. mmtbringh It 'night lie con ntrnc , l a. Ising i 1111•5 puritle than tint of the latter •ttiiiititio. MP the i.inlttlence ehown In the nll.l Alnerienti securtnes to 1,010011, the Lleeltne In the tate, 01.1 he "unt. and nunVancy of tile rolt,•11 am: pro ‘t ger 1.11:111ret,, non tire in Minn her, titer lieen lair( tail) 1,41.01,,1, amt len dr heat y shipment,. of gold ay tea) I, adc tot large :Atop men 1..11 our toted. to goahrau l. The ten.P..ey of the gold market -corns to In, downward, and en en .Mould tiler, lie all adYanee, It aid only perary • its e. Tv. enty (muds hat, advanced t, 103 , ,, nea lama. are a 1. ., a 111 t le nrier,, at formal quoLatlona. NeVe n-Tlii t ie. arc more Inquired lor, whue Ifglls are offering pretty freely ut current rates. The report that the loluttiluu ni‘otulutr-Y o tow ruceivput four hotel r,l toarrel.4 of I.lli I,IAI lilt) cztu.lng 1,, thiutry hl the stuck. and t-r- Art. to take It an wlett.hce--alit per -hale Mr T. A Me, :elle,: al !U. ,114,11 rot luw. t off t , I •1111111 NI tenth. n) --one tt ;MO an , I he I,tlier nut fn.:4.5. grounn I nen..., in , nllnn Iccr,. Ile tan , " hthtiii St :UMW hut nil Fnnliln Nation:Ll Bank k nit 110111111!! ti.y, for Envoy, toot. out 11,..,t1 4 7.04.0 In god nol 11101, a , 101e.1 111 the +ll,l.lnt.n! 111 WeOrn., /141 , 1. 111.111.1,1.1 tile Willi 1 • 11 , 1 1 1 1 1 1111 (111 1 1 .1 •1, 111 - ft..l , i•rt, t.: I= I=l 1011 nee 111‘, port I , “ I h , • :1,1,3g. ••I ~iii hot, pet cgtk, TIP! 11.1.5 v. ITS , =II 111,111. •It ot lotpt” hop.. thnt fki k,lll trim] tb t . 1•11., VIM 11111, 11111,113 1 , 4 1 111,i111,,,t1 111 1111 ilt , •• of tli un,,llling 0111,1 .)I ail 111.111'41U, 111,11 Ilart..‘l4•Ntr a par , a•I III.• u.•1111tIt iii I= The rek, 1111,11 N rf'lltrn In "It t 0.n..-1 the total eel re, 01 'eller i'.4l 11,1 yl'A 1 The NIIOI . I etearunce , of .l oine,e• pro.l err .11111111111 11 0.1 4 411, .41.111. 4 -.tete `t la• 1 Tee et port 411 ..... alreeitil.• 1 , cot-we. I It 7'l,.ueloter w..0.0re $.2,11.,:e.4. e.• 11 1 ,1, ol volt 11111, COW. %, ,e , ll I.l , lrue ennui 1e.7_411.1e5. 11,111111 , 1 I ”1 t.llll,laint put netsg er% arrix 0.1 .leriee 1 .1 L. in , nliuil 3= II:1,00a 1411 II It %It, 11114•10,,r,111.... , ,h lit ,ylll I he' II .•pe nli 1:14,n, , t• It Ilt.tltts• I n't•ttlt 11.1,1,1 lot •.I goitl h.,. zt ?n, am. II ref arned 1.. 1 •... NvVel lo Irl.ll, I, I. 111101,54 . , .14tatisel., on -pe. azgr gate I.elog not than tl,l ot •. Oat I n }lllllon hel e ?..‘tk,4 .1,4,1/31 %,• of 1..1 lor nt Ir. I.onror Nen Toriy Money and Stoek nnrkel NER 1 ./P.117 ,, 111.• IA —Th. ler,. 111111. .t.. - 6. tun..., tine teguial ..p.'ll 11 , 1 , • . ?" , 1,1 1 • 11.1'111. 111 I 111,• — r. , ,,trne 1 , 1.111,1 ;al ,ty, 1 t.• 1,11 , ,tr etrill 1 drtlim ol 1,. 1 . . 11,, , l• hIlAi, .011 111, , re 1113,1 nci,l ,‘ lltt•iln 14111 , 111,, t• ‘1,411, p 1.,. nip tilt , .1, prt.,, ,, L, is:, In 1.,,g11,11,1 he, I! III , " In: OM ~11,11illr.f. se4, t , , I lit. c,)111ill,/..n tr. 1) to liet,ol3l‘, tiro 0.1 ~.1. 1 lie Inn.rkel for petl.l..r.tsl.m.lllllllo, snare ety U.,. mftt•rn..ll, uI4I ~ l it !It LI. tra.:.....n•tt•.1 Cl Lowl umrti rintngr. 1.1 stork. Clivrty Mtn "n; 1,1 and .11,..gne.y. II M In, 212. Tim ~rtmrre.ol'.n at title :my.. The mt.hek tourtot Mon,. M recover 3 of tone 1,1_1%113. The Iran...qt.,. loot - ever. ire tory 110111,1, Upon In m t etalamlTilt 1. I ii` , ll In .111.1, :1.1.11V.• nd root, 2 1 •., N , JEZ I. (teutert, (.o,nuom alto 1 a firm t' „t. II 1.11•• 11101 till. Company 1,111 pa.a the .11v1.1101.1 upon the p$ clerrt , l ,tock and appthimot e it 4,01010. to the Itnitrovementa ill the fiteoll..em of the rothl. !lock 1011101 110.1 .02 11 411 uv are 11001 at (Moat the quotutlon. ei ye.ter.lny. l'he .peenlative Oemantl for be2, , 1. W0111 , •0 nnt Mott ell. Nloney continue, very ahltrolant 101.1 111 n;...110,1,• de mand. On van 1401.11, til.• 1,1 to is getter:My cont., with exception/. nl, I,w -, :1,0010W collot oral. ut 4 ? rent. 11,..0,11 lart, native for average In one paper.• the eat , 1.••• cent., .peetal. , 0,11. There 1 an 111110, ,410,,ar'n raper. at pr. xlllll e nt 11 l time,' ahlertmlnatloo. (101,1 in very excited. but the mut kat hex lumen gory ,leeteml tn. In favor of the 11121trn ni, pen, 11111)1, export demand. nod the remmernent.- tot (mahout ato• 1114.22.1 y rm. mmal. rorelgt, eSellallge tonttinhem very . 0011 There Ix eomparolltom no detnamt, mid espe cially so, 101 . Inns on the el/n(omm, tout all uhurolouno of eatllers. The Pox! ,zlvo, the 1,1:lowlo2 at the fouros mek open lloar.l ern Toter rapt,. 57 1 ... I.rte, 11_, M logno nouthern, C 1,101111.101.1 t+IIL 01, Iv% 4.iittlki LOl4l T•11,I, "siti I 154. Ihe 1,11.1111,/, ot the otfren of the A5.1.1..1.00 Tre..11,1 ‘4.itt, o', 1, 1.11 101,.. Total 1 enelpts. 1,110,510, ,, 72, 01 whiel, Ito Ira. t I'at 0111111,,, Balance, New York Dry Cloode .riorket. NEM VOltit, lolle 19.—Statt.lart1 hhevtlnirt. 10,0 0.1,100 . 0.1 hi,ht 1•11.1$1 ll.' 001 teal,.t hung , 01 11.0 huhu - v.O of the nth, het. W 1/resh hl.lOl. tIOR. $l.. por 42.5. 011art..—Nlelrop0111.00 Collur Go., It. o.t. 1. • ! $1..; \...10.:51.1. ,11000 vorruguletl 4'.:1.; Byron *.O , 1.0,100000.00 411. 10. Q. L.., 1001 :10 pet 04.01. t nutnelo.l Garrote la); le-10 10 re( il. 11000 trth--11.0.11ey'. 10101 ex Elliptic, per du, 110f40. •••7'.,01.05; .10 Euiprrtts Trull 7 - 100 - npsonhi 1. rowl. hprTno., 75401,0; .10 11.0010vort. Troll 1,00011.. 1, blyr•r's 1 h f WOlO Topr. roil 1, l 0.; 0(0 3 . Ito Rl. Itllllll.ol, ~.01.1011ne 0 0011. 1.1 . 0..1 , TIM No. I, ; N0..1,7,75; 10,100 ; lloril Rubher cravat..— WIllLIt loch, 41 1 ; .n. J, 11010 loch 41:25; loch 41.:0 1.1. h rt.7i, I Inch inch \ 01- vet., 1 00.103 6,1. lON , . .11.0rW iwtent y ; 1.0•4•1-, • 110,0100 4..7. 11.00.1 r, r 1 0.103 h• , .11r . , 0.0.11001 *l,Ol ; 11,10110r.11 t $1.1. 1 . 1:11 1.1>(.0I 51..1;11 01 S, 510 1;111111 , 11t 1 11gIIL II Cll.oekt.r-1.1,11. 1.1nr.• IlL.Lltr•l .5 hernia II Chicago Wlsamt Nlftrkei l'rthrtne, of Fro All), The 41,111 hulkol the It x 1 ult., 21. in I 1..• ...1f1•• till ...• I firms, u nr.• Levi:nig Mt 11:111.1 /II ..r.1... Iv. Inanipulalt :nu ....I Thr e now net and and 11.• - In.: 44 1411.,rt..•• pat ~n CS raring Ihu haul. Into 01 M., tin) s I Tw, I n.s wolu. hay......ulnic, run ning III.: mu.: :II.: lin: .111.fti n red) nione, 111:14 :L. on 2. 1111,41 at, 1111lel. Itl ti/V ti./.• n .P.11i41 1.4. null If the wurohot.., yolll.l nnw.... 1.. 111. nhipMeni , 111.1. timte it ll' 8101111 44,0,0no_busitel- In -tut.: Thu reuelpf... v.l corn aro greatly tn con,- ot tin. Ntoliontelit, anol the amount 14 gr.tin -1.4.: is •Inhy an cumuintlutc. abolit nix n dwis • 111.1 %VA lug Will cominunge, the new wilunt u 111 1 hell it Market, and of the piconout ionoo•opho of no alto keep lip, our arelsonses will not I , li /I Moo lent nmplitinie 10 hold all lite gruin that u ill to, 4)ftered to Llelu. Tint 111,4" w Meal, It 11.. will he NOUMI, Will te preferreo to the 0101, and the regular 0 111 rapidly (Imin:emote 10 Vtti ono. AS long I.IS SpOCII/10./0 1 1 In grain in 10 to, In odulgeool in, In the game ho played In the 10,l art tole. - Detroit Lake Finn Market lArraOrr, June Pi.—The receipts are begin ning to show an inereivie, aggregating about 1,:110 half Ws for the et-a i r, including py o k. ages of white and tarsal from sault Me-Marie, the first, we believe, of the spring catch that has been received from that point. The de viand is also Increasing, orders constantly pouring in from Denali , and the Esmt, as well an from Oliio, Indiana etc. Our dealers have thu the sold white Ilsh at last v i rtually but market can Ise mid to have advanced, os holders can ship every package to other Markets with relatively bette lierces actually emus - col than Orb here, Mid tprice Is liable to to sts any moment. - TrOutcon tintless in larger supply than white: hut the market is firmer at taut quetatiolis,o4. l . There are no pickerel in market, although nun , e are expected in a day or two. Price nominal. The nominal rate' for burring is $3,75@4, but there are cone kere, and ft Isms Certain if any more will extlytt this-Deacon. MASK ETPi 011101 01 TOn PITTPRICIII,OR GAZIVI - lIZ, Jun." IV, lO 3. The violent in gold roln i•ldd4d3 teel ,114•Inf.r!tl,ed I.t. 111.111 re Mt, kets, 1111,1 1 / 1 1,1 1 / 1 ,11 11.. re 1111.11.141,\ here 111 oollsl.lvrald 1•101.11., cottru..4 , l lo rotill4l. P,1,1 ior Id in .Ind. dlg I, ror•ue It tiii.. I- 13.tettwol “r 1 .11e part to :11;44,1 mit..l toy the 1.:1,111.4 11 , It. h, I= =I valle4,ll; of 6 Una:, tit \ -1, 111 Vr, itlg T. the ma vain . .. In gold. 11 1...1..- 'nand vOtil In tn.- and t: 'hat i• n,, td URA IN v.'n II rtn, as.l 1,1,1 nt 411 tolvnisvc., g ent springs heltlu quoted at a2..1:542.,41 tarn it Ingnod totopt /dot .1. I . +ale of .! ears prdne St.elled o at wt ats neuter -Alt.. .1 - cat No. I Catengo, 111 toevator ; at 55. Itne ~ h lt, and Penna are held at 570.55. In elevator. Sale nf tennis spring haul..,at Id: mad 1115 bosh. Boc Cu tient at 4 - 2.11 , Bye o. .0,1..1 and nonllnalls unchanged. Pitt /Vl,llllis—Bac,ll coot then very tirm, .Ith a fait Jobbing demand. ahnultler , are ,tuottal at 15 1 ,015+j; Itllthed Sldee,l , o , 1,, awl t an vaatted Sugar l'ered llama, '24 , „0 . 25. Lunt arm lint unchallged al . 2 - 2.....0Z1 lot .teatutal Ot=M3Mlol2=2:===ll 1,13. F LOU R-12, firm xtth s eontinue4 fu, loyal ,lemand, at 'Jo to slf for Stolllg Wheat rautil . 112V11,75 sfor half r•pring tool hid; Wlalo; $l2.N;tl 13 for all W inter; un.l $lllll i, . for taneN hritrola bale of 'JOU 1;b1.. ;w rt`prang Wheat,ln le lot, at #ll. Rye Floor la slang ;real ,tore at V.,75. MILL FEED- -,ale or rloi hag. at OM° let ext. Maltillngs are ,111n11 at 5 1 , ,. .k4 1 , 7, I, t tota Worn ;am,. Hl TTElt—There 1, sonn Ilttle ileintry for acked Putter on 'peculation. nal° 015 kegs t kegs at If Irv, and n Itll it lair Itunatol and n /.11111, nil in the reeelitts,prices has e advanrett PttIATH Es—The &linnet Is fair and the tr ket stoutly, with regular soles front store I 00 0 to s.l,2:lper Mush, 11.(,11,1111 g tipaltt). I Vi. LEA Item and a shade Ittglatr; sales Ito pigs at H Is Mau with 11 Comte ti fah - demand ill unchanged; salt, at scales tuelay oh • loads t $ - !...5 to 431 per ton. as to totaltle Lard Is at IILK:Ul•`:. 1..1.715EE1 , -1 , u.tnt. i =MEM IT rft tit at: n PETROLEUM HAIRNET. OrFax "V THE r Hon I. A Z 1(1 twpro,eliiont to not , In to ol mat not 1, ithslantl. nt. the adv.,- (loin Knlonn 111 a• rrlral ne.l 1:1 I It. no nral.le. The d '1110.1.1 I.oth Iran, • inaln n 1 I, 1:V.„ 1,1 , 1* rtnn, ll) I l at 13; 11 1.1 , 1 , n. I light'n 7..11 do 11) 111 1 , , an, 1 • ••• .• gra, n, at I Tee 1141',•11,14 ,11• 101,11 11111,, 4 - 1 .1111 111, 11 r,•1.., Ina a- •• Ivgn report...l rinnly 111,111 I , non ret.nlin . .l. and 1 li• `I 1- , •141 1.114 11 1 •11' , 111110,1111 4 114411'1' 1. 111 Iha; • • I,•gur.l Inc luarkt, lot I in..llLinand lif.lli flit and 1..1 ;NI 1) .ill tune., I Imply nkaintnisio.l or 1.1.1- at nn .4 1 1 I,lnln, at 11. art.! :1.1 for ,n•toiwr 1.. In it tint.• rn• Inlnn .ItrLikg.ll.*• 1401 , 1 4,11, 1, .v:0 n. 11.1 tn.nnyol tan% ur and In at, 111 1 111111111 A1:1:1 , Al, - 1n ,1111113,-4 el 1111141 1111 1 t , 1,.. In„ t.ur la-1 r.•,nn I ~.I, .1- lot- •,114.1 A i:r“ II:. • 4$ IC . ,1111. \ Ande,nlll A I 4.. .1 =I Orrice or rv• t. .t TT E ,ktp, and 1ay..z..1.14. 111.- • .1-I. 11 rtfh..l 1 1~1~ !CIS r ~ r 11.• r. 3rt• .k. cnt+l , ,,s..• I I -II lA. I' t \l: I. %NI I,—Th.• -uppl .P 1 . -11( ••I letron't4 .lo4nill, hat htrl:., •than •-,•1 at Oft, p.el. • ,t•IsI. 1,110.1- 1•11,.•- Trot. to , ,• •.i. .1.• , m.y 1.. r pritill• fat null 1..uu.11.-,•;• 11111,, 411.; illWt Ir, •0t0tt,..1 91 1.91 .•..14141..t4 1,11.34111 /10, MI 1 .1,11 • Aro,. rt.1:4.11,1 .tt 1 . I , llu I, A. Frt/tll tE,I I' tlrtuam,l , It•r 11/, rla,o , rrl &loci: rglitur- VI ry and Ihr mark, 1. ton, I :I/II ,Int um:hung...l. It. a rrlarl sk.ty ”:3, I. , rlven Lto 1 , 1 ; .101 lart 1.. 1:1,r,, Lekrri io io.ela t 1 g,4 Lallerly s.. tt . ,gf,rtv I. 111,0 e•r.tglng 11,J, :LI 7. :444,144141b 4t. 1.:4-kert to 31art,. I 4 aging 123. - 1, 444, pEr ( . 1, A 1. I, It, rnt,••, avvritglng .t 1 t. , 111 cl twat], 404.4 - aging atatilt itt liaglotvotal vo. to Islcalle, r. 444.a.1, averaging 12:40, 444. 7 4 , 1444444'er,, to - . 444 helot, 44% :aging ago., 7'. ll.a.vvvi.o4l r.-1.41110.1 hmt.l 101 A .littu ((la, At I.oll,rty it loort 1.:•.( r . !dyers Noody lica.l nl7 lo 17 1.19111 lor (unnoortmm :11 6 1.1 `1 tr k. N 114,1/ to 31.: E . k S 11011,1 tr: aert.l 111114o:1 .1.1.:rs at -10 6(6: :.:•••••nwal.l Kato, .17 bowl 01 or ,411. Itot • 6 , 1.1.:.Y. Kekto:11:: head at 7' ( It II toro(1 Elmo I , rk l• heaul 7r,7:•,; Morgt(l) Mallolm It 1:::11.1 al 7116', . • rot, S. o. 1111111 tutLingtun o Penna.. • .Itl.. at 7' ,47.„. Carr 11 bead 5J.,117?... =I \ eu 1 „ax, June. I).—The current petee, tot rek et. All the market. ere s. Ittt.t , All - Le—F . It - it quail!), lee ht 417.5 u hilt g.uri, ••teil, I 7 010,15, . Jere., 014;4 , 14. ASI, CALVES— ES t MI, per head, t.....64.e.P0. 0011oury. te:.47:). \tent h. 1., inferter. VeGt.", tent. I : nLV en—ltrst quality, per heal, 4lley I ordinary, $lOOll, common, 6 , 44te, lON , , HExi• AN I.Asll4S.—Lxtru per CA/ le, ,• tine Finali D ty, 43VAists..:fs, • ...Anse, Vng:,,Sfi. Interlor, y, corn fed. per pound, 10.0 if light an./ nuslieln,llo.4 rise Illatrket for beef Caitlin has rule.l firmer his ireek owing to the large lulling in the sows, and priers halve advance.l loly on tile 4'01.03011 11.11.1 Md e./1D gritOit..... i . IIIM. rattle hai soh! ft erly ut lull prices, 7t - litolir, Irons lilt, to Is rents, a tole other 33es went front 13 to In 's rents \ eats aerg: tielllitrld, I Mil tile a Ity to • -.411 , . 10111 tourist are In good Orli/11d . MOW, print, asked. flogs worn also ste • e awl higher, ranging as above. lies...tint to ion—The total receipts of all stocks at nll 'Ylll,in (or till, Heck, acre (WPM. eves, cal Calves, Sheep sa toe, 11,141 Philadelphia Cattle Markel. VH11,1,1.1'111 I 4 —Beef tattle areIII •• ;ter demaiwl 11.. week, aa,i are lopok ap,lo/111/1 1,0/141 hea4l arrived and ;IWO at 1,111 lor extra, (or lairto and 14 . 7 e1,1: w, per pouw.l comawai, as Ncts stt loniser t I,„ su l at II:ss Ilifferuut yards r,t I nuts $13,51.(0 4,510 lIXI IL. opt, IV. qllll.illy -heep—A rallier lower; 14,04, heme wrrlrkel .01.1 al etle'r, per peeled groen,l, 10 1,1, 1011. Ilf.--Flottr -prow.. CA- I, •11 . 1 . 1111,1 titti:W. %V Ilent le; , ll: 0 111. for N, I, 141111 .10041,1" lor No 1. Con. and .11,1ine.1 I 51t 1 ,q,.. tot No. I. awl 5241 , .2k,t."atm dull .1 • YO.. 3: lor No. I, etn.l . 1. ;I 2. ye.a IN,, I: 111,11111,1 I*lo. Errught, ..n tml Flom , • 41,4 lb heal, V. 5,41.. 1.14:4114:Is Loin, 114,1 m 01;tpuiu0L,-9,51.0. harrels Flour, and 4 5.5 eoo..11.11.1• _k - lour 11whatuge41, la .11 • No I 511 $l :l lotunler, and .• .•xt ru. %%heal Io.I4IIIiMOVI. t hi' V IV. , • ,11)..1 - ,. awl thl uoukel 15 cowl, w 11. I, tig :1551 0u.141 to 1111 , market . • , I 15111“ auk Vl' club, I.4urn 54 od irt; 111,,,,,, held lat 1,0,1 6-411, u, Irllou 11.141 at 5, =I s. tNNA r,, Julie Clover nee..l I. +ulunl~lr 1 , . a 111, 1 1,1 04. I %tent at $7. lla hunalre•l 1.11.111., /1.1 dII Ligtilr. a lull t.lotoo 111'1,, IL Is 111 stl.2/1,/ bulll.lllol i• , UM/ 111. recelpln of flax ILI, light 11,1 I /Al . len.lehey In iwv,,,11. Prime slim Wen ..1• held at T 111 l Why in et,. L., nothlual. I:1/ rt . ', E Juno 11 —flout :owl. 1% . head 111/11, .111041 N, stiol nominally h:1,1 It for No. 1 Nl:lwatt taw ,prlng. 1.. tt::loll, :a 700 101 No. 2, ld ;1e tor 1 , 1‘,. I. Outs 11u11 owl held at 4Ne. 11.0 led Lind Pelts not 1111 l ltye 1101 , 1 nt 010 for 'h hutgo No. I. Pork., 01 $.3.1Fp13,:x1. lard, k y he/tool/Al. Potattoes Isz Detroit Dittstort,.lutie 10.—The market In very quiet. A few bus, twee .itlered upon the etreet, with irk. per hunt, Llsi for peach blows, which is :Donut at yvst,mlay'l, 1 notations. We note miles of DO suck, western resin, tit Mc per bush mucks extra; fifi obis pvael, blown, at Baltimore Merkel. iSALTI runs, Juno 19.—Plour dull. Wheat quiet- Corn quiet and onsoLLIod• ; lellow, trix O 41,1661,17. nte l'rovlalons dull nod Inuetlvu; Moss Pork 1 , 31,50. Groceries dull. Whisky dull and Inac tive; Western = Sr. Louie, Juno lb.—Flour quiet anti un changed. IN beat dull; Club nominally /ower; other grades unchanged. Corn lowe.r, at ogh - so. Oats easier, at 41444 c. Pork ; lidikteliMee. Babe; tildes 21c, but held at 2 . 2 c; shoulders, Whiskey dull, at i1t4.1. NOw l ORK, .illne tOn ttull at :train for Mititiltroj. +ales for the Wf•l`k. tmle, reeeipta for tile week, 11.1101 exports 01 1111, 111110.. Flour anttve ati•l (atm mon wade- Ilke ',tato, ta,.. - art,7l , tor Ex , `tato, irt.taat fort nottnto, wahl +hippo, Itrantl- 1.. x Era It 11. tt tool a1tt.,”41". ft Trail, Itt ant:, he tort.tket C.u.lllg. Ilrn kill-It. 41111'1 and -teatis .Idt of iiu lenl at tir2.Y , XX heat .ttoopintr, nlllrt new No .I )t anti.., at 4 2 . 5, ‘" HI.II ‘,. I Mtta tot k.' at 4.,1.70;,1t1 Itx e .wartak , Xt—tet at t'ftt tet tt tool !ft, lota,. ' , ie ., ' U.K: •ttnott .10 4 ~ ,11 ,• ( 111 " 11 11,1, v. It 1111111 bit t r n. 00,1111: ,„ T id de.. end W.Pe.l.WrlT,ii.". few 1.,.„. nee Mieee, tor June :1•1 ~ 1.1/N , 101 , 1 01./ riptlon, ut Vtiff lie. I . f11izt.4 . 21 tor new I . luln ele 1 1 10111 . % Extrit Nteets. lteef Ilan, —inlet I."ect limenn t held t!e• . 01 , 11V0,4 10/11 Ist Very quiet; 1.., fie 1 mule, Intel ul nail 1; 1 , for Short -‘ , 11.1%,ut 13,05, I'm - Shoo'. :7 ler 110.111 s. lard dull :.1111 A' Bolter is Stir at =st.ele I , n , nut it'Wt/421. lor Slutc, 1. neeee• •e,21.•. 1:0D ST. LOI IS AND ST.z . eff r st 1.. 1 . .. •14 A 111 I. • .r •••••• • ‘...1 i!:.•1 ‘ 1 1 11: ‘ 1.01. A ••••,. 1 t lIIK 11 rvir-xt µN, 1.0/1 . 1.11il Annt_ineleort ,r 1 Pun, • It•••• M., t•••,3 1. 1 / 11 ST. 1 . 01 IS 4 ST.r . 4 1 r7 - 77 k .1 A I:., 1,.•• • I , •1. 1 ,• 1, ~ ~ • A I . • t W- 1, I I ....„ 41.3 . 1. rMed; • 10 IN 1,1 11. •‘I• . , J, •11:111, ..". 1 , 1 , ••• • 1..1.11,1,1 A • F OIL IN( INN ATI AND.zc7 • • 1.1..,-1.1.11,r, .1 11,1 •it :,•• 1••• •• •••., 1 " , l •-,11 H .1” •••• I I .••• I • I RI,. 11/.1 J 1• al••• • • ••,. I I . : • I , I . 111: . : „I. RIVER NEWS. ti 111 .:‘ 1:"1t1:1 111 .‘1 1111 A t. „„.„ „1,1 " 1 , / Slie•fi ANNA 1.1 M,• .11:• I ,1, It 1 Will •• I , • , • , • ;; „ „k g -L. 1,. 1 1 \ :1 111•• ••••, , ,t 1,4- • d", JIJ I= ir .1 tPI 111. p.t,t rati,••14.4..a.1. 111.12.-1 l'hi 11:1. It, • .•7 I= I=ITT 2 I= New York rrodnro Market 41 7 14 4 .• Ali r,-::1t 4 I 4414 4 44 4 4 011t . t: .141 I 111 4 411 fur P.ll M11,, , V.01•1, 11411:.. Plr Hstv:ma. I :13.1,,,.1 I,ll_r 111 platlesdelphin dlarket I'llllJune tuarket to-Any leveron l I n 1, l'utrolonm 1 -1 1:011 .1..11. I-.e rn l'auttly SIIMI3. IV:len:dull...rn at, . $1,05 M . Ntlx. , :l, $l. oto. 1...: IF 111.000 thin ILt 4,1,24.4 1.. r t% nod $* 2 , 2 50 1 2:21 1 :0. 1000 Ntilmrsokt, Market. M .11111‘. Whlnit Lleclined . • . . • IMPORT% 111 RAILROAD. NI, W Itl/N E,l/ A anJ y 1:1 I) y. X X. turning. r "" ". 3 . IL f„, i'lltelotrgh 1 11 1 E , 1,1. 1111 if, , DAY and bblA , keg:. L L I N. ns, 1,0% al r. , 3 M o u, . I; XVI‘l 0.1 ihr "011,alt, ha,,• h ar f Boat 1 ,Llta burl, , :Tel.', a NIL . do• lay- •1. la I . and I ., tixh. Frelght rukt,, Laull mon A. 111, barn+, , at X, I..,trr-. tllargr for I.omulla.lots o l.P.:•1111, a ell. 3:t r „„ ~„ & Lang. tobauco. Mai lln 11e..) I, I r corn, 1.1 I...mirttlov. I P• 4. 'XXII at 11.1,- Wharf ('ga, Boat. 1,.0t of l.r‘lit whlO.din.l untwiln, lit": 171 potal,••-, W A t,rvell. 14 1,1.1,,, Vent. I, L'Oli MEM PHISNEW M P.W. .I. irl , ~ el.. J. b cr , T -11(141,1 1,„„, , , II I.r "". . ..n m. : v.. hut! 1..1 L. I Pt , 1 ,4 I 1 - 1 I. .1 I I.ltult. ,hlplon A $,. ban,.. .11, 1.11.- 1:01t ST. 1.01 . 1 S AN") 5T.F . ,,,,,,E7:„.241 wric,tt, bh.t, ,ret, I•A rt.. r Wttilach. ANITA ( Lxtr t 7 . 11'1,111 KOH 1(A 11. lit, D. I n l u ”.• ( I cur "".II I. " ‘ 3 " .1 .1 R. , 15,1‘,.*.1.,11... F.wrng I !, 31r1 ,tnit g/.. " " ' n Ili= I ~„~ 1 r .. =II It, n I: t (:y , : N 1 n 11 , , ~ ..„ ;N! Ann, In, n In. 1n...1a....- I'ln. El, , ~Id incllatin ,n.I t.• a., a I,- na.g an - 0 gl ai 1k 111 'I 1.11 114,1,.1 111,‘ kkk kik 1,1.1;11 kkk .kll 11.1111111..111 ••, •, la. !salt , dl.l . 1 .11 Id,. dno.l.a na ad I andnga lant: Int. Idd in ottinl I 1.. 1 i I tol I :lel., lel ow Etnu,a N. .tos i n . II '410,0 1.1.. 0,1 irs,, sten , llls -I t• 111.1.- .•4 +pit•ll.ll.l :Lc 1“11 , 1. %1 itu •Ti T./ au T t". h..t I t 11h, 1 • Ll/ 1 11/1 . /"1 . 1/ A ...rit•-11,1,11•• L 111.1/ n 111.11., .11. Itat at a ..f 1 I . ) a.% ,•11 in I 1,,• SI I I ll.t. 1.114., • lift. I -Ilk • 11,.., ion (lairhad t.tio ..t t , ....• !or I y t 1..• I .ti. , l 1 I 1 i•11,-, i•I I It tti m ut t ttrrutttill t ttr)111,0,4 ttittlul. t.,•1 It's.4-11,11111Ig tt• mt. Etrol t 11.• fe.l:‘ ro, I It, I but r. 1.•1•12• I :41 I:1,4 11,1111. ..3i,at 1, 111. "I 1111 , 11" 1“ the •1'1.41111.•• I , ll“. wharl et,ng. 1 , 1 I IP . ~ f Lt the Th, e.oit• f.•iltrA 1.. the rac tl •,1.14.11L Zvi tliu .pet that, a lr t.I I.•ta v., tht I'll a. -reamer+ w on Ho - tap,. river r, i•nn k- Ina., tin mg Its own part tr-ular (I iO/1 , :. 1n LI.. ongrt.gateol, an•l at 1 tio• voinpullng pa. 1,1, •Ini r. nt. oly and Ibe t;allntul.n Ikt I tivm 11,01, lead )m.1,4 uontr u vlos, .1 , 1 at 111. tinny Imard of Ike I ,Co 11.. Elector NN -11/1 :he eat. With 11 -tenth., 111.1 rem , le.l ..oto litte• hot Ia Inn t li InIN Lilt It I. I,elltl't that te. -he en, con.hlernh,) ahead itt 141,4 I.IY/11111,, 11. ,) 1 / I U I, I , lllll' hont. pert ielietll.lg, nntl 111 or.ler 1.” nil..)all appt. - heneton. thal II; iglit t.t• engt..ll.ltni 1111 111 Linlt'itil ettla.tlll . l . 111 In -ittlitie 11n1 of .1.,4,1 n •vular n n 11l here 111.11. Twttllvi of 1 her, Ilnee wlll permit thou . Wile,. to Indulge lh any ..tieh tine, I oue Sl,lllslnnt rucitig, 11,1. tern/ Is yo•lig.rally 'nit, la. 11111 he -I riet flittn•lt'lt,l 111 IWI IMO.. 11 , 1 Ina 1•r- •I 1.,: opt 11 .• 11 , 1111 nll o 1 7,1e1,111 hroughl Into tollolnlllon.l'esl boat, tt Cr. , Ix prltue ,11111, 1,x , 1 then'!mining .01111111.,1111111 w le4ted, .4 It II t/t MO,. -Lately.•llxlll It)' the ri,ptret is,. °Meer, WiliMri'WUM YIIc,CLELLAND & CO., Corner Federal and Lacock Streets, ...9-7-.1-.3EIG-3331111 , 47 - 12 - . Pas., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ,„ „ ,„ ,1,,r.- 4 . 44 „ 44 , 4 „,4 44 , 0 11,1. ,1.1.111131 - 1/ itu.l l'attnt Sled- Tlwlr 4414404 It lardg.n vet II belt cl 4-4, awl w he bold Ito• MI, 111/11. .1. the went. J . SCHOONMAKEIt & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead it arks. PURE WHITE LE A D =IMMIEE= MEtilM! No. 6g Wcz.c>Ci. 15lta - eot. vet, v TUE BENT EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, 1.16br1t5.... In tlir tr•tni ..f POW DKR. b.r .•il by ali l'r• par, In ARTHUR IttliGklits. chrtoi.t 3( ) 11.-.AS.l:l4,!:ll;t4rltipt OA IN 1.1: ALI k.E A. 11.)24 (7 11..0.1 1.. I. 4011,E11ai,F1216,i(!11Z Oil, 1 , 1 ,1 E 1 .1. A. hl.l. I it. 1L.,1k,a1.• Ury Inl. 17 11 BiILS. SPIVS, TIUItPEAiTINIE l uhf 1,,r Eolt.• K. A.V.I. 1 ruo 3; Sc CANESCANTOIt e OIL, 'Crystal,. lu sal In • OF DW. k h tny24 Druggitt. t Wt..) •I re. BUY TOUR NOTIONS, Toys, Baskets, -17.e...vcxErrxmJes, cetC)., AT J. G. I...JUEIVS Variety sail Store. No. 101 Market street ale WHITE CHINA VASES, FOIE Deco!come:mitt Decoration A lisle azsortruenlJual. received at MSc , . 25211M7cacscilEits-ocst. Jelße77 11. 1111/BY. SACKEM-3,000 secowl hand Burlap Sacks, tor salt by SHONALAKER A. LANG, l u y Noa. J 7 and 17.1 Wood arrval.. 'ON-211 bales now landing N. , ' from railroad. for OM. b 7 ten 1511.1A11 MOSEY t OU. STEAMBOATS. 1 MANUFACTURERS. • INSURANCE RAILROADS. ... ... PITTSBE111:11. BROWNS- !' w ..' T".."T w .,,, ....... ~'''„,;`'.."' n ''''''''• VORTII AIIERII 4 1 1‘;66 s""ER ailliti l M . .... .... \ ILLE A.I. GENIC \\IV N. MAIL ( r....,...... .......1L.,.. .i . ...mcli.S. it L • AJERAN.ENIENT, PALCITE.IET C , C;IBLEP•Ii". ' LIFE INSURANCE COMPAIsFir, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL IL It. - THIN. I. P 5 DAILY TH.AINN. lt It run il ro. .lall% •1.1,-- n boo! ateatnera botwern IIIIRRI)11 . & 114R11111,L, and ill oe . -1 a DAY. Mai :Ott. raor olrl l'itt...lrgu. Motkonrraholar It). Itrown.llll... Hire . . ' %I idows and orphans' Fund. leave .he Unt , r , Pastur nKr r Pep... 0...11 flea at Waal ,. li AA, na. rt nal, A.. Ing . ..n and I.lh•rt) atroet, . follow, 1.a0.1.nA I, I ,1.,‘,. Ltt tnr, a awl tar.. I.unkar..l l,ll lin g . ..•n. Thte late 14 nunavo.sed of the folluArlng Strain Holier,. tall Still . , Agitator s ., Tanks, a , . sl . . 111. u. )• a • ''' I"".bur.' " 3''' A' A' aro. 63 iv . illia or.i. ...i.plng a.t prtn. :pa. iktatllia. Arrive, at A ita...a Val grit ..('ArT. A. A. I'lIX. Salt Pall., (ra , tautl.cru, la rough( at • o A al Trento . .. , o A W . .Ur 11.4,11.• I el I 1 . .1.t . 'ALL aril . CA I . T. Ir. 111.1trHEIL , 1 . 1!I -... 11 , F.aT N. IL 310IIJIAN. a. r 1.. w.. Han., ~: .• i r m , Harr ul ut g. • 12, r FRANhIAN . Arr. Z. Na , I .k li.MAr. i I roll 111111gel.L.N.lierl 4.011 ...Et 3EI al:1 -J. 1.1,. ,1E1L11.1.1.L. a.. lAaltimoru.: N Mu r. bI.• Near York. •Ia A Irn. I, Alt ris . . ,A I. A.S r A 'HALL. II °tic, a..c., &C.. Them. paeloto will lean. l'lttaburgla 4ally at 5 IL. , ''' "" I . U.. ' .I . '‘...'.)-, . h "' " ..Ir P artUre !CORNER LIBER'II AND SECOND 'AS., E., T. C) (.) (_) K „,l1 or al ,1 t'4. la. u. 1,1. R . 311... TLN I)A I. L . )led Ical E a n t ri . llt er ' .:1: , , r, r , ,,,,,,,, :: ,,, , A L Ai r . , , , ,,. 7 ,,, . J 1:. ,:x2 : 1 ,1 ,, , ‘ , ,:i n i 1 ,: : : 1 .,.. ,:: , :_,:. '" , .:, ,.. : ,, ,..7 . y ..,. : : ::: ,.,„ ;;: ' ,..0, :::: , a 4. i• a ' lisrrlrourg, AIS P. Y.. arrts I. t :The through park., for the! rli He lons ."' l ' ' ' '' PITTSBCRGII, Pa. : A l' Et lAC A 1.. Ea T 1 . . 'II SS FN rr it, i• k PI I ad. .1k1,,t al I, la A. v. V, ,r, II , paes , no Is Ittalourgh chill at u .. ~, tt......,...ii, .iailv at . BRIX kIILING 111../N E 1 . 101)11 . rt.\ . 111 124 1.2.3 ar.. -- tu•ir •r.. 1 at Culun Orput, V. eat Plillx.l•lnhi.. 67 Fourth St., I"ittsburgli. •11 ,,, , .., Ea orq•e. ..t.III for Nta loz It. rta , !ling thor. LI a u A... INDUSTRIAL WOIIK.S. AL r\T , NV ANI I I. 1 • 111I.A ItIL'LI'HIA EXPELS/61 I.eaveAlltlanurgh at r in 1 . ar . %topping unlv at neltn - lral r.t.t..... III:011 U. ROLE -JANES Nal...+ON .111,TCIL 011 a. INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE A,,,,, ~ 1.... , •Le: ALil . 11 . Altoona. :30 I. IC: J.. ,1 II:1F It ..A n I i . lar - 1 . 1. sal I - . I ‘l,l 1.,. fiarr,a„.,. , , ~. ~,, , m ,,... , .. ~.... ~... HUGH M. BOLE & CO.. NI L.I . 11,1iTY1,1:1. ...Ns N..ra .• a A en , . . - ' to 1. k it v ' a rlel hi.. 1H V. t.! . . LA I!t I. I Nsl It ANCN. I'llall ' A a : Y IN 711. A. it . ..” : .a. o r e a l lhlla.l.onolA. at FIH ' \10 . .s IEa.•,IN p . )/, Hi, it . ., A 51, )lA' A51r.)(1, A LI a' n .•• 1 ravA and pas. an Annual .- ~.• . ar ~... n • . sr.. eau IttrArorn On thla train l'H I NISI ' S. •Mannla A ,t u ru rA o r :I KA XIS., r E.'s' ( A - 11 PI V11:1 - .I. ~"t, n I Alld r. 5 .11 can•trOsuont at. t 1 I' 1..1. ra. . Fla ',nor, ant , Yhtlarlelphls, INK , . .111. WELL ENtrlN Es. I t.. 11m.,1 la Fs ,: - , n ~..'.., L . ~' 1 . . • . a-qi I'ArITA I. • l''' ' %,` N ols ~ Anontown . for r , n , I Worl , an kind, ~( 1-n.i ~., ~,..,,..”' FA ' ‘- i .' nTO ' t i t .:f r t".... A .....L0 ,'...... tart.ll In, 5t..1 . 1u po, LIN Y.- t, ay... I,ttsonran It 10.1% i. ILI , . EnonNde to urger. Ile Atoek. and rnor . .o. • of HE Al. Fs I'ATI , .. It Is atopolug only , prtu. - Ina: atstlons. Al rtA o. At From t 1... or-II . Aro, .1 r. n„,,,„„ „, nn, mans, r now In It, idth ). rol 1 , 1•1 n.•... asol has paid to the lan,aa at S.lO a. a 11rr..1/ara • m . 1 , .. a. v... I . Mr. JAM FIB arKl.St..s. n. ..., ‘" "' .".. a '''"'''' wtto.v... ANO 1.1 l II ' • •,- . I 11. In. Ilitnr, the.sunt o mono. , 12 ao , ~,.. ~.., A . ,. ,, ~, Au, A,..., share of patron.. Irmo st..Anito. tow It i and ~a. } . ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,, I ~, 1 . , „.,. ~,,. „,,,, a al, r. lc. IIIII:ulelpnla..• 110 r a and \.•w lurk. Ottio, °r tang go , . tnaehlor n , ”.r nom •• lifts I ° . ....., .4 ..i, .• .; ...onero.l, an e•lllt•tree rblladelphla. . Ind i. lc do all noet. In tho to, ...moor tor a la , ''"mpg " "a " altar ;tn. rlats . a . col nt ' ir o. k.II. 1.. I . Cialt? W IO ..ZT "'i a ii HA., ~,Z7r..j,y , .. r ,"'4!",,r LI.. and 10..1., It In Ihe 11111.. we.., . A.. a trol• ol ,ni., , 0n „.,„," C A ' . "‘ “...."' . "r '''' r • R o Puittuf M A " llanr) The policl. aof thl• I ~ 1 11,011, are nit corn heti hy 1 l ' o r n 7 , P V, ) ,, a n,T n . " :!; . . 4l ,„ " r ‘ n . " ,, , ,,, '. 1 :2 ';',.4 . a r n , , r ,.3,......., et aoor. or ~,,-1 . ,r..• til of J•rotn11.111 Ift. r thr aecond aurshop ~t. 1N...1ean.. la".:•. „. ar '`,f,".."v r 0,., '''' S" palm. ill' " ''''' '''''' " " tears, but . pollute. eorllinno poot through ilto. irrurtntry on Third "roe, to ar Marl., 1,1 1-I..Jrgh. r.,., ~.....k,i .1 .. 11 A I 1 . Pre•1•1. nt. a. •,. rA 1.N1F.1:. VI -r P,...1,111. STEAM ENI:INE PACKING. • 11. %, 111 N . •-• cr. t..-y !trawl. .qn... n d Al .. ~ rn 1 , no A-r.• ants. whore Cireular..4 toLit.t. Appllo, tion- v... , 1... rnlalted, LUBRICATIVE PACKING, 6.11 , 1f1h +tree'. Pitta's...lit , Ag. ut.. uautad 11....ughout .1.. ',al.. Apply to 1.1, 1 - 11.. I . I . 1. , ..1,!.1,1.. Nal* Arr. nt iiiirunslNG—Leaves Bronuiv We for litteburgb daiiy la 7 a. in. atol I p. I.nrves lireenbOor" s I Urnev• at tO n`clonn; tiler's Landing al 7 p. p dr..t-rinse . n~ . . . . at.•adlrr,, built rrpr..aely lor tlo uadr. Thry are command . .. 4 by MR,. r• or ..1" ,1 '.. , wh " ' , lll 1..5 vartleular att....1,.n Uo Ow want. an.l com fort ol pm sk.p,rt.rn. ri., twarr will leave prouiptlT at the hour ...II rrus...l FREIGHT, RI, El VP.I) AT A 1.1. 14 , i Its. MMEIM II( qulr.. 11. ILI rP.}.ll"l:-., Agent, At I.ll< ‘Vbarf-Bust, 1, r,rt ui lire. eV Pittsburgh. 1.. rutli IrIUI Browneviii,.. Pa. I)EUPLL*' LIE OF STEAMEIV4, I=l Pitlaintrgh. v Mo e n o a u n g daene,Brovnah nmp.ns 1 r3n dally noat Wit , non the annsr p“int, comprn.“l in, new and splendid nlnl IL. 11. Atilirois ..ominmwl4 r. and 1.511, • - • , wmand.r. t F.lrennt nosy Iming completed Al.! All, lake hur /Is thr :Inv In a fen day..l I' 3,11 Vint.nurpli for 311 poinlr on 'I t 1,10 Al , . Tilt and PTI IrDAYb at 51'. N. Ileturnlne, lea,-3 nnva rut Elltrbur,a, NIC , N yiu DA] n, al A. SI. end Itrnnus, in.. at BOOTS, SHOES, &c U EA.!. CALF BOoTs. lien\ I a If Balmoral. Men' , I alf I ougres , Gaiter, ~lrol'. Lading I ong - res. Gaiter, M en's hid 41112, - TeSN 4aiten glen'• hid Oxford 'fie. 1,1011 1101;01,i) 61;111 601 T I.VTIV, BALMORALS, POLISH BOOTS, C3r ..m. x , r E X 1.119 I , di, an AT 61 'IIA kET STREET J. A. ROBINSON & CO M'CLELLAND'S li:1% .ttg Ipu-$ PON. LAIC EMPORIUM, VI Ili I, I al.t NEW GOODS DAILY, HOOTS, siIIOIES 1:1 hi F. .•\ A NI. 1,11. r 111.1. A NM, .1.11•, ccli k ‘. PAT, Mc , tic ci CO. 01.11\Y. c ALF . 1'!.111:1 Y.. 1 5511 KID cc]. Kc c Ecc. co,,c Fccit Ladies. Gents and Children Ilt kl ( 1:•111,. 1,..i .1(K T 1 ,16.111,.. rum, 1.1,;( 1,:mr.,(14:.•111i(,.,1(11 1., I..n\ I, 7(1(.51In• 1 F wrir 1:1,••••• 11•••irri. r • Ilate.l,rk 1., I, loirry t I.laled 4t, I 1,,11, r Lkkit, Si m 1 ••.trt .11 Nk ' 2711 .1 t Atm, a: t• ••• I, . t • ti .\ I!I N 111.1 N 1,, awl I ‘K , I)IKIII , ,n. ,ATIN 11. AIDS Private Sales Day and Evening. 55 and 57 Fifth Street j),OOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB, Markel Street, ,'ear 41.11 i purvtosav of !OMITS AN II zIII/V.S a1.0.u0, Sorpou I..autl Is full Jasaorl• vs 1:m Ito utioo, • at. tlols Wt. Ins 11•• ,a 1 atlenilon 4111, olOrk. aa w.• believe IS So be u. at ,11.• ,Its. Iwo 111 2".11 at She Ina vat iial at Miir ililrt) iars 111 Ow fail trd itellat.lll the play, •trwilit. O. I I 111 J AILGE ARRIVAL AT 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, TS =6 ri.zl.-sr, 1=1:1 hoe and Boolx, =I !lITLINTO4 k'S CHEAP SHOE STORE, A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL SUM MER BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS; and Balmorals. .lunl rerel•g-tt. 1..../Jltl nt 111. % EltV LOW - ENT riticy,, or GIVE A CAI.I. lIKEOICE PUMA E1,1F.1% . II ERE. J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, I=l 'ENT'S FINE citur ROOTS AND, CONHRENN 1. AMER. , At to./R9 .1. W. CARNAHAN AII P. .31art el Et. I ADIES , FINE BALMORAL AND ~ C ONHRPS.S liAlTEßtint .I'. J. W. CARNAHAN 1 I ADZES' rum KID ROOTS at + A J. W. CARNAHAN llcll , .•zi, Marlt.q. I AIRES' FINE KID SLIPPERS at A J. W. I.ARNAHAN .111).11 6.3llArkel st. STEAMSHIPS BALTIL °IRE HAVANA STEAM NY. `t • LW iWN A &UNII, lienetal A4geni.a. ilt • FM' NS ( ARMING JIK ',A l'ATtiti MAIL. Tlso• VI , 1-1'111.6 Mt...n*lllp , of Mile line will sell n rtalows. • 1 IJ BA —Lion Imis, Wm. Rollins, Command, on nATUIIDA LI BIEWTY • I,ms, W.J. Y Stafford, COM 121•10- Fr”. 111 11 7 ';.% 8 & 1 ;t u ae". FELL'S Al o`elink r. precisely, on Om days announced. For frt.l gra or Itttage. having unsurpAsseti Se ettot odeltd.tons. aitt.l , ) to II EN µ A 11F1. E 1 .6 CO. A ntll. CU., N. It.— ,o 11111. of 1.4.41114 1 0 1 those A of the Comp.. rty will Ittr;l!r:...l. I t ertollt for the freight moat he ureJt I In a. . n received nor 3 soilin g. SZ TEAM TO AND FROM LIVER• v 0.., AND KU ElEttitryW (11t1.1..AND) twice • week. The 11 . .. MA N LINE, ...Ming BURY SATURDAY,EVERY WEDNESDAY, CAULLYINU U. P. MAILIi. TI els sold to and from lrelaud, England, SeOt , Land lirromor sod Yrlama Ap the Corn any 's Omer., JOIE% G. DALE, Agent, 1t Broadway, N. T. WO. inikroeuet, Jx., Arrest, Adams 'express Oalee, Fifth street.g STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES. j vu iLE AND MARINE An rt....mirr,1311,•1 I, all the rrilr.,ail roln f!!: INSURANCE 10. OF NORTH A 3IERICA. 1 . t2 1111.1 fount!, ne,tl ~ I L r I A I..ITPA , BY 30,000 HTATI ,, N Eltl P.N. GINE , . It I. a tlrst-clar. artl , l,. 7 7r I'ENTS PER. Pot ND. LUBRIt'ATIVE CONFI M , l I. MASI FA. TI X. Dd, IST.ELMSTO.INT, Hartford Fire lo.orance. tompany, No. 114 Ind na %1 xt rat t I VII 1.1 I tune. I bl-1 A RSENAL GLASS WORKS MODES, RYRIE & CO., kleatufsetzmrs of K and THOCIEN WARP.. lorugA,ln• Nar., I /I.lnl . l.llliis, I le. N% No. IN WATKU r , TiIKKIII twiwt...l3 $111111,0.1.1 Au.l rlltmlattrgl • rt•grrsug: our {V ar•gr tge tAtitt• ••r soy 11,110• 01.rtglortga west go( 11. - A, ...go Igngtgt, ligArgggrtnre• Hog glg s.grg g. All or.l. -r• l. r•• yr rr gn . ti..1 . .17 u. 1. , t , g , ;? . ..1. 1... l'Arti ggt....r • •g•A ri _lgg 44 ,4 11 14 : ;11'1'. I. Itri tors. t arltotg sod 1..• tgl t .11 It II • • Itr .1111 g g .itl g. llrlllunla n. ttr•lrgt• ttil• gl. No. I trg g • .....1 . 1(1g 111. 1'111,1 ,, . r r t lg. • g 4,4 SE t EltANt E, No. .N!.. WATER ,„ • ',Err, ruts'"r ? nintertratgttarrt ggf gl I Fll Agg Sgt. IL, I %% It;g1 I.lllbi . th KS. tong ~,,,, au.l rattir ' use g R. 11 . 1:1..• — 1• g•A. I 1 It• g rI. I igg ttgAr fart 1. eked ehap,d ,plk•-n and RI .et., lane •rul.all, mad. to.ord, at nhort notn,. A .0- 4,11nr nt couptantly nu Land. ILTII LIST of AI PPI,I(' TIONs .1. II Ili, .11. I ,lerik I I 1.1 1,.. I 1 h r I I ISIS ..31kAlt t 4 • 1111 s• .0 1. I 1.. r 1r11,1...:. I tll.ll l y " r.‘ • I.Nsl HANCE I'o, I Al. n IMINIEM 11:1% N, . 1 . 4 - 4,141, 411. j, 414 s, 14 11, 4 1 , 111 4 . \ 1 , , 1,4 4,1.1,1 4,. •• 1 4 I 1.. 1.1. r.. t• , 411 , ~4 ,••.1, 414.4 gli• ` lll '• C 4 44 1414 ~. tl• 4,-, AI I . • I. I 11.1., • , F.A.,nlk I. rp 1.•••11, ./ ibtk Hart 1.%1 'IIi.. WAlnlt.t..l • .1114 • •• r. rat yr, tn. I lira,. tr." rrr - r. 011tIltir Otlii IY. Irrrr !ors „ • lir , .rtr tar. rtr li.•irrta. ,, tr•r• OM., 'runt, t•rrri pro, row orriirrir. I'• t.r K. r. t.rrrrrr I,orr, ,r 1 ill. r IT, rLs. r rrrr. 0.% .1 11,61. Ir r•rr r •. rating r 1r r rr• .1.1111, llnt,,rr. rratrlrirrr , , r•lrr tr , 11A1111 , rr. llrri 1.,,tr, tar, ru, 1.111,1 r t•••• trts urn. rrolom I .1111, ,, • ll.rter. atir, i 14.1/ ,64•11 : l“,/ 1.11. %nt trarlor Irrousr . irnyl•l Itar 11,,,11.•rrirr. r artKrrt Trrelrelrirtrr. Irr,rrrn, ..111. 1 ., 1 . , I,lillllnt, tro • rn. rrt.. rrrsr tr,lrirr GAITERS '• • - . • , , .1, M M A II I i:/1 ',. ..• , ~ ~ ( 0 .C0na..." . .. a.1..r . ir . sAvE Tinsci.r. OF PITTSBURGH. PEN NA A CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE. J. , lIN w ATT, 1'1.1.0 , 1,, lIKN ILI NI. 1,,,,,r, 6t, ) maiol Tre %Arr. Dr. S. Cutter'm Celebrated Stomach Bitter+. WORKS IN TERIPI:RANCEVILLF, Iti 1:1 pt 1111. X11•I 11 •i•onnt la •Ilinui Li, in 11..t.1it. gild nur , .11., 4,4 ha. ) oiII,. Intrn.s..l , 1 Max, • n arid r lin• c•lniili•ln I it r 11,.... t for .1.11 i1 111 in•I 11. inli Agl.lll. A. TORRENCE, .‘ll S. 711 AIWA. Fourth. NATIONAL MILITARY ASYLUM MIZEIE =9 rho Mankgers "I Il Nntionnt A•, Imo bn .IN volnntrrr n 01,11,19. nolborltonl 1.1 A.l 1 ..0,/r.OO, 11,,pr.isrft Nlmr.•lt uyk b.r. +llv • (4, n•Ylnno.n, 1 1.111.1t1., snb.. 'I b. 1.•:”.•• In• -Itonto• In 011 r 0/110 . ...111A111141..nnt ,On nor., •.f labd and In. In :‘ stlon and any of twee,. by railroad or cal. rwl.r. 11111.111 purpnn, at the ninnagt.rn etn.vt. n.lay• extensive nod 1 1 ,111X/0 . 111 looll.lIng• fur 1,1.1.1 A. vlums. null tie nsynt•llnlinn.nt 1.111 he largt.ty al V . 1111..,(1.01.1111.0 . 1 11 y section or railroad Iti Ihr vl,ll, nr Ile location. .pertilentlonn null entirunti , fttr /..,‘ It.. tiding, Inclutlins detached enttrsg,ar rur the appntvsi thy Roan'. leilonral Is. given for the. stne..o.rtel plan. Itropto,mls. plans. ,perillgatlon , anti esti... nu n.l to he In writing, I mit mining I.l.,l tinnrintinn ..1 ground, anti 'terms ttntl It ntnn , Intitt n. nt rni it. M tnn .on lin .4011. •tgt of June, BE NJ. or F. BUTLER, l'rent.tent Hoard or Mausgrrn. I.nnt In It. (it 141 . 1(114„ I,C ricl ors . I•x le re entitled to the Laws of the 1 .1 i1 ..1 :are re•pc..trolly r.•.pte51...1 1.111,11,1, tl. e e l*rel. , prior to Ilir "PI h of Jtm,.. W., r their bill. will copy of 3 , Jabot,. .1i • J.• ti 11111tIl . 11AVIIIIKII ItT IA It McINTIVRE, McIVAUGHER & co., STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, Will attend 'promptly to t iirnisliingand Laying Stone and Brick Pavements, . k u n l i t!:l. Pst itto", Band (;char UIK6InK door at bliortut notice. Part - les desiring ulythlne in our line will here their orders •ttended to by addressing through nandUsky the Alleg street, Allegheny Allegheny. Post °Mee, or by Crating at No. idlt6 Wlllg h t pricepaid for Paving Moues. tutdpionsiod UPINTYKE. Milt A lIGH nin A I'll. • _ 1 ADIES,SAVE YOUR MONEY, VAS TORS, TEA seats, WAITERS, YOKES, ICE IKNIVES, brooNs, CAKE ' BASK Can an be replated and made to EMUS AN D WEA It EQUAL TV NEW R U N AI.9. , : tt i &V , V I 7I No. 7 lit. (NW street. • NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE Mo. 24 St. Glair Street. NtI. 4 E.TJ italliarVg! tw j ta ae u L 0 /On ~~. r. l'lt. Kr-alr•I NIP, 111 Vognr. r‘ tit.. 1141- I=l I= =I ET= ECM= I=l EZE=I *IT - •u.l re. I=ll I=l=l 112111 IM2MM=;= 1.1. N.\ \ WM. I'. II l• 1:1:1,1: I . arr Al Agrlit. I'l . .1.• F. • •C 11 ar r. • 1...tp1• Ylro- Aii.l Nlarlov N L. 11 ti . 4 ... % i I •• I I L• , 1,. I 1.1 111 .1 I. „ 1,.~. ( 'ITIZENs' INS( I 1.1x1,, 1:1.11 r 31arkrt 11 A = ME INIE \\SI I• 1111 I I • II \ ..k ,I I. I ‘1.1.1:4.11EN1 IN•111.1\ ME CO =I t t,• 1.. 1111 n.. 11. %-. OIL wows. rt 11. wil:[ SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFUM,KBIEW & CO., I= I ELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. %perm. Lard and Whale Di 19.5 ago Tom,s . oIL 4)1)1111111 Slandat d While Burning Oil, No. 33 Markel Sheet, PrITSBITRGH, PA. VEND 11 , 1011 A (ARC' LAIL. WOOLDRIDGE Oil. TIEPIN Office, No. 2 Duquesne 14 a), ft A %I 1,0 'IA It, 1131 TI? IN IN 41,1 Brand—"Luciler." 11,14. 4 , 1...111 l iletn I,u rnlng prop,' rtles , I 14 I'l V I. ti —.l,m Watt. It,,ltvrt 1., a, Oro. Itlark it, 11, rrun, 4 . 1... tvo 11. I /. W I . •rtrr. !Luta. 11 allay., I;. N. 1. 1 atr , ,ll. al2.6and WARING & KING, MEIICIINNTS NV) 111101d1„ , I IN Petroleum and its Products, D lig rIES.r/F.: PrIa.INEIII3I7/=B.G.-23., =I WARINC, KINC & CO., I= tifI'ERIOR OIL ENGINEN Sr. roh•tructl lig. And igr ketp on hart, riot pty OIL 3111 - DaT Gr TN - 3EIM A COUION Or. TUBULAR BOILER 13%11.• pnClrn 3•••••1133 . 1,01., LION per urn .•• 111 • 11.3, t3•l - $1• I h nrt.ltl•ll3 ICA E I i~~,•r • 1 11 {\ L et• r Work, NI A, hINT• 'Nil II KM I'MI1.1• rt. 1,. 'OIIIIIIEIICIAL OIL WORKS. PURE WHITE BURNINC OIL =9 =I =I I= Vl,ll. 1101,11. JAMES JILWI & COy MAN or • 011 OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. 31.13 Ma= - Is. , at PJPTSIit7BOII. P 4. "MIS ATE DISEASES. I tit. YOU N. (led. of Phlladelphla,) No. 75 Third street- treats all dee crlptlons 01 Pri • • ate. Ilvtiom, with unparalleled success, !tartly n lar 110001100 Auld to epermatorrhoea an I .tweak, of the Ur Wary t .rgauv. Illy in:ancient fot the seine bring the most vtomesstol ever employed. Ile glt e • hopes of a awe, y core to the slilleted. Latlicx is 11l !Intl his it rumenagogue superior to nal other preparatidn ter removing obstructions to the healthy meutaxual flood. No. I, tine Dollard r bottle. No. Id. which to four degree. stronger, designed for °Mahlon: cases, Five Dollars per bottle. °ee bo xi., AdMdress ,ors, with stamp, Dn. YOUNG, No. 151111 r I .trees. Pittsburgh. vorroN - 1 2.3 bales !Middling to Na arrive by rail for tat B3UJI.EY t CU. =3WIIMI . . , IX, KI•rF I: JVHNSTUN'N Al 1,51M4)1,A Sundays) at 2:01 C. IC, Stopping at r.anlar stati.o, between l'lttabursh and Lonctuaush. so, st 141•Irs•Ille Interst.ctlon wltn train- ct the In ,t.toa Branch and W,st Pennaylvanla RAU,. L ALTOONA ACCOILMODATION —l* Sandal lost 7; pp 50 A. n., stopping st all rraoit, ota .t taw.4, Pittshorgh and Alttalnt. at.) ie 0011111,L ion with trains on the tirsoni,, 01 1 •1 l'.•nns)ivanla Railroad. Yin...hors 1 I r....50t Rat,. road. and H..llldayeddirg Branch. Nat. s Ayrommodation, No. I, daily ricept days) at ~: so A. a). Wall, Accommodation No. 2, dally days) al 10-A0 A. a. Wail's No. 0, daily (except "nn .1,1).i • i Itraddo , Accommodation No. I, daily 1ex. , 1 , ys I a. VICOIIIIIII.IiAIIOII No. 4, daily (race!. nu' I al.. it Walt s Avvotninodation No. daily leseeptJun- In,sinlr,.ot . . A all ffarr. numf.lattc,ft a, .Inlts ept at ti I rm. .1 A, ..6 11. Jtatlnu er. ft , f . flay at : , .l:, A. M., and arrlves fn I f lltst.ft, all at if sss turtfluf, leaves Pitt...rah at 1.f.,1 r. aliol arrives at Hall's Stiattlfott at :'01) If. M. •f'l ~'s ntAtlon , • ..t.l prr, ..... . ...... 1 . 11',.1.1.111A . . • ,tAll••11 A ~. .”111...13..1., ” It .1•1/11,111. ,, ,11,11 • I I 11. r will: Ilia y r t11 7 ,• " :1 " - I• 7 r 111•1”1:1 A iL ALL A.Frft ~( Llr tr,U,,.:11 1 1 ‘l,l. MEEMIIE= . ITII. Ag. MMIUSIE=I ,k AN” I F.I.A \ll A 1 . 11 . 1b1.. 1,11 ItA , 11.1A10. 1..1. !mummer A rra Inge Intent. 1566. Krt. r ,4L 1.61. Ir.rl i. vr 11. r..“ .4z MEI 1 , . A. Nrwra.,. *1 , 41 ... 1.1 .. A. hi Ile Ito rn .trrl 1...t1.0.11rK11 Ai Av , Alivglte,” HT11.•11T,.:: A NI . 11:5 , 1 1.4 I.n r Ii IL-TKII -2 t • l• VI•I'. M. ...LW ILL... 1311, M. • nrrl, IA iMl' 9r I 4 Y. II A !Chi , . Axent, I!. 1 . 11,1,111,11, l'a. A. I) BE zIF Si I F H. Ovuer.ll'ltkrt Ave.. 411 „11! I 1tA11.10,10. THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE I=l =1 I=llll 40 " Si . WIWT. In t Rm.l aft, r MON Y, MAY SYIU, 1466, 1., :c.ts rou.t USIVN OKI ,Yr V. 1 lu si! .1.1 A • • .km m. „ l.‘ .•TL. 5...• N F. It. AI I.T1.•!.1 A II . t . . ,' I 10 F. . . I , • 13 I o. • • N. F. N I I„ 0,1 . 1110", A g..n:, 1, nl4-, %ill., U. 31. O. NutTliElQ.4l'. I'A H. Tlr t A t. lon IF Iwrt, 1 . 11 I " ( .1 , 1 5 . 111.: 1 k!' 4 1 4 1.1. 1 v. A K N D Spring Arrangement. 12S11AI 31 AlO H I.tnl. Inm, Tlio t wlll it•xve. tht: Ilclw.i, corn.'! ul Hong =I \lr., Newt,. st. •:. A. •• ttrtttltltocl'it 4.1t.1 It. Y. I•. 'lt sl t Jinn li Tr?,ln tk, anal fr , .n, 11 . c 1 'JX/ 1.. hi. to,. A. TI. Art. Appl, 11. ltt1(1. ER, Agent. , Iv 1' It. 111. oil I, Blip, IlMfaniff=l occamo r T 111 1,1,1. April '26511. trail" ill trrl, al I ~ r ttrr PI, st) , l l'3llal .:•. I • Itt-1.1zrili, a., r0i1.,... azol Il' 11 5114 4, ,,u, is/.,4,1, 11.1113 ,'•1 I•Ar”... • .111 If 111,11 li.P 11'3111. IO au.] 110 m - .oda IV, , r - k= • ..... v. NI. 10:011 A.LI .111>.,”1.t• FOUNDRIES. 'I HE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARIAS KIAP NEPHEWS I Karin/A.4,11Na. Olr HEAI'I . ORDNANCE, ANli ALL KIS!. IIF HEAVI I, ASTINII,, -It, tat attention pal.' to R. iLLINti 1.111.1. W1,11.1l Iti.A,T NI A ell IN F.ItY and it Kr. orr, a If PAIN, attended to promptly. A- lo retofore. the hest materials will always he nie.! at this Foundry. Attention 16 railed to our NEW FLY Wlf KEI PATTERN and I ncreseed facilities Air fitting lip th awn, notAyd WM. ll' IC rolln nLtsv L. M•FICI.. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., °Mee and Warehouse 301 Liberty S eeeee opposite Smithfield. Mann farturim • great curl. my of COOK, PARLOR and it KATI Nti NTill ES.among which arc the cel e neat. .1 A 11..glirti,and Coal Cooling St.". the Autocrat and St-ntllant, (Or Cual Or wood. and the unrivalled nlar of the Empire, for wood: also, A relies. Ural., fenders, Sugar Kettles, In, trona and Hollow War generally. nth! A. BIIAULaY... ...W. .J. b. OA PIArT ' ETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. Arlanufactnte every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVER Awning which are the eelehrated EUREKA., TM TIE 1 AI.I,MAN (foal rtletvest) PIPMAN A, NI:T- V:RAN and Iit, !VSIIIP.tI (Wood look .tours.) Also ttlatittracloro CRATES, (IRATE FRONTS, 44. c. t Mee and Ware tom>, corner of :1 ad and Woo stieeto, Pittalinryli. Entrance on street. STEEL WORKS. pi TTS111:1144111 STEEL WORKS A NDERSON, COOK & (SUCCESbOIth JON Kn. ts , ,Y i , n c 0..) Manufacturers of to bolt reflood Cat Steil, Square. Flat and %,clagon, of all tiles, Saw Plates, Hoe, For) bud rho., Cult Steel, Oust Steel for REAPING AND MOWING AIACIIINES, NTEET PLOW WINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES CIRCIJLASA, di*. Cad and Common Plough and Spring Steel, (Mee—Corner of nest sod boss streets, two blOolio above the Itotiongabeha [louse. = BLACK DIAMOND MITUKIEEL. "VITCPPXLaI, PlTTtlatnittli, PA PARK, BROTHER do lianoitototors Of ISKST qUAILITIe REPINED CAST STEEL. Square, Vim sod Octagon, or all sites. Warranted equal to any imported or maunfaCtured In this coon. tr Url)illee and warehouse, No. IS and 1528ewond rlttabureh lats,vg D. BURLED.... .]. P. UOLLJEAD LA BELLE STEEL ORKS. lq.inCrirEtraeb CPC). Slonufactorers of (mar STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER. STEEL; SPEINOS, /ALES, CROW B t l inrce, o. 98 WATER ETVLERT top main), ricubarith WEI PENNA, SALT MANUFACTLIR'G CO PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO CHOLERA , DISAEMED!!! The ,Thief Caluxe of Pestilence IR. E. lIT Alt Vrtil DISIN— \ 1.1.1 Letter- Palen: In the blAt.— Ind Kt . 111. I,eparrol Foirly by the Yew Volo 111%1nCe. , 1.10 “t 01. ., • . 1 lion $11,.. Lrs ~11/13,1, •111f011:/.../ 011 permolll.lll b‘pl, wtill 1•114 I. 11( .1• • ,1 , 41..1 Frew, lwrstlnt, ..harg , of 1..,b0r.1.. , 10 Itk ILrulnll Its Iwo .004-1106, I•kI•••••111,, td, I,7llain, moll, rk , .., -,,m00 I I.•s ••I th. r k o• 1, 1 • r11•1111.r ,br• Null-. rib 0. 13,4 .11,110,...• 111 111 I. imt , ••f 41.. 'lll.l rt . tnot I trl.m ,p; t”. n. 11 ittlfir own ‘,111•1•,.. tr, tt • 1111 Ittsl.llll, 1110110. A.llO A N, 7:NI A 8:50 A IC ........... • SI A N I Tll r. N . 4 oh I .N Itl . ME T fhr Frrr•.f. - IL 3111.1. iii ti..i that .t itttttt•l ttt tt t't tt 5r,.., ttll.• r r - .llttt tl, atl !tad ...lot,. 1 I EMI 5E En V••\\ I 11.,11 • ••••N, I: • I[l,l .t n 4. .S 0 =lnv me z* Dig %it laki-= .1 tts ? „ cl" On this Continent IS SO PRONOII. Ni•Fn. TILE Ft 4-14,41414..44.i.411 , 44. 4.4 44 44 It HeSiOrl . r. l.ra\ flair; It Pre,ents Hairling out; It,l Mali a n-.the 15 ... M0 to their Origin 111 - gallit . 414 . 1.14,14, It Eradicates Inuniroll alit Humors; It Keeps (i.e Scut p It l °Mains no I work... Ingredient, At. 144 it 4,4.1115 ace... 44110 4t `41414441.11t1 D w regs- Ins al envy rlor I 4411 , 1 Arbil.. MKRITS are INSIDF. 'I lie Kt or, hottlo .4,1 Al !,4 41t K 1,14.41; e „, olio, dollar 14re par .1.14441. .4,4 W.F. 0110re4411 I ‘l.ll, et174,4•) . 4 Out \l - F.44 441:A If, . 4 4 Le to 4 - 4414 4r41 tlo 040114-0 04 Atly 11Cr..4.11 .lo ” 0 111 UN' too 14olee and 111. :et that our 44 45, .11 , 0 14.44 Wtt 00l to 4141111 .4. IIaDIZ=I =I l~epnrte. Al I,loel. 12.1., A. y. A. J. IL. ILIA ILILETT &. CO., Proprit tort., 11 Ln. I I alo It. E. SELLERS dfic, CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa umplanEy's HOMOEPATH IC SPECIFICS Have yroved, from lb , mo,t amok ..rpermorr wn rh• llrr nuct•res, alml.l 01nn..11 fit nn., r.. 11.1.1.. '1 her at r thr tlhly 110.01.•111. lly 0.11011.11 .• — so simply b..To Ir, 1.0. to . 1111.0 r enst.i. I Lem. no harmless an to I.e frm l,ll 1, • 101. 41 .0/Ir r, .0.1.0 elllcleitt as to hr a,ar 3)• r. 1141.1 e. 1.-eunoel At My, Plll-0 - tarph. /V< No. I cures 15FF:14,5.. ongestlons, .. •• N‘elt.lln, N.Frro re,;er. •• Lltlab 1411.11 (wit, . . . 1 • I , lAltitil P. A I,II3ENTYI:I, .• r.liA M. 0 . U.111 . (1111.11 S, Cohl.. e. •• acise 9 •• IIKADA , 111•:, Sir,. lit ada...l”. u •• ~lomaril •' ben.) mud .... ..... . 1h ..11.1(111}.A. "r too., ... 1:11:13 ..... ! " ( I " 1+:1. tl. Fr,tpr.,.., “p -ti, .............. M • • 101 KI:N1 Ari, , u, all rt....math: ••EA AND Abl And Yrr is r .• Intrrll,l elternai. . la . •q•THALm . . 1 cy..e •• I A FAIIIIII. citrouo., 10015- •• Wit0"1•1 N apa..0.04.11c. .. 21 .• ASTHMA. uppr. • • • KAN,. 1/I.SCIIAIO.I ne•ar- Ing :i24 ............ n..akzer. NI ti . ,11 no.i !Avant, twrrutioul..... SF.A Oil ESS, 0r e 0 kin,/, num ruling 1.11/N 1,1 Dl.t-ICASK. 0.000 •• NEII.V ,I US I , P:ItILITY, 64.0111.1 etaitsloo6.lltvolontar) ‘ll,O i131.1.ep 0.11 a: 01111 . 711. 0r . „ Os • • URINARY IN h..... to it •• IN VI. 1'0.1011,00. with . ..... ....... .•. bt .• F s. FEI,I Nun Si Oy O 1 •• K1'114.1%11 . 00 . 1 St. 011u,' 1r 1:001 k. .. V. 10.5 A I' . NI !I ' -NI A. St A .30 st. s • 34 •• I'lll Eitl A. illoro alto] ton, 110 oat 110 PABIIII.I • .11,4%. Covioi 33 VI el, i n InOro. r Cant 111,1bOok Welc 1 . ... of . -1./ large v :morocco and 'o.k . *)11r in 1.n.51.4.1 y tarp. plain calk awl hook 4 /:are. of 10 boxes (N/,. I to IS; sod s U. B. L. FAHNkSTOCIi & CO.. Wood St, Wholesale Agents, I • ltte.burgh. l'a. A. TORRE%4 IF Corn, of rollttil anti Market t•treet.... Mor ftsle byKlL.r.Stnlthfleld strect, suns. PLEMI NU. 64 Market street, corner of the I/tannin., l'lttaburgh, and .1. J. KAnT, No. 131 Yederal street., Allegheny; Mel'l.A ICA N A Mel( EN NAN. vorner ..1 Diamond and Market ntree.l, l'lttabu rah. • I IR. STRICKLAND'S Mellilluo; COUGH BALSAM in - srarruntenl to be the only pre- 5.,g ' .., 7(3"..0 4 '.h. poratlon known to cure • Coughs, I. olds, lloarsonoss, 1. • ~ Who,oping Cough, (.311'0111C 01151111 / Lion. lillol:iiith and Croup. Butyl prepar,/ from Honey y and Horns. It Is healing. soft- • 0 I! Pl i r ' :Fc:re d rry ' =re " lti ‘ :ll l sanctions Ur Ot t o ThrUla And Lunge Pot .1 1 / 1 tirugglsol usury ss hem it. B. SELL.KIL• A. CV. 13:1yd I IV 1.1 Ht. BALLA& AGILNT Illat STRICKLAND'S PILE REM - i- , EllY lota (*URFA, thou sand. of thetrona case. 01 BLIND AND lil.V.EltiNti PILES. It glee. Immediate ..„ ` . .,,c,X I 1....: _. ~.,` relief, •nd effect!. a perms- , , 4... , .' W. ':' l , nent cure. Try it irectly. L ,47 et, ...t. , It le warranted WO CII,. 4, I'..' W...,1, ror 'ale by all Druggists, al , - 1.1 2tt l , i th tents pot bottle. • • t It. B. AACO .: Oelttlyd W !MUSA/4LX AO Vat .1 I)TSPEPSIA.-- Dr. Strickland" TUNIC - rtsted prepration of Reas, and fle rim. with anti c...,.\t' &el.', and .tnninallve to strengthen the stomach and ~.,.. 44. nervous nyetem. It le Leer- ... • ...esl ~ Lain remedy for Dyspepla. C=o - - 4 or Indigestion, Nervour, .l L . . t nese, I.ose 01 Appetite, , LLjk .. I' Acidity of the Illomahltt ~..:104. glatulency and debility. It. Sll/ Is not alr.hoholle; therefore, particularly salted for weak, '! .. 1. 0 jl4llO. nervous and dyspeptic per sons. for sale bo all drug- Iflate e•erY•ht, at at per bottle. 1.. E. ISISLL &KS CCU. Wvintes•L• otalvev, • FORTY YEA IL PRACTICE LN SEXUAL vistAms utvea me a knowledge seldom acquired by Physi cians. my Inn, residence lb thin city. nod tbe amount of patients treated annually by Me, are sufficient proof of my success. SPERMATORRIMEA, or Sexual Weakness, WI all diseases arising therefrom, are cared In s Much shorter time than heretofore by my NEW VEGET ABLE REMEDIES. 'Medicines sent to any purl at the Union. All letters must contain e . t i stamp toZtl% hucar"tainonil; J. W. BRANSIVRILP. Dl AdOreaa, Add. Box MO, Pittstitirgh. Pa. PRIVATE DISEASES. OFFICZ E. 336 PENN BTRILET. near Hand. for the core of all diseases of a private nature, in from two to four dal's, by au entirely new and sate treatment. Also, Seminal Weakness, and all other diseases of the genital organs and their eleventh:in Cure warranted or money refunded. °Mee honn-7 to 10 A. x. IX, to 1, end ilitolt &Miran letters W.. MC Penn short myth tun fittANGES AND LEMON& •-• ife oozes prime MessinaOges; PM • " " Le ran mo To anise aril for We by n., 50ia,112112P441 sLsa PITTSMIRGIL PA PITTSBUBGB. PA Dent roved! ( Ii ~ r ~ rn. n..., i ~ ~ r, is ,r d,a~, i.~, i., ~~ %% IS • P•S r ~ 1 1 % 1 / ♦. 1.. • I=l MIZINSIEIN
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