DI. , AT JOS. HORNE & CO's. SUr...X/RN BgUNfll I,tt ANY. DEREF MAY VI eari A; DEAI 'I , f; i lla . f ,, E. I A ISLE. C a T p„ T iT. ) & trrllN , iii,,,..NETl3 In . or. .hap... Frames lo all the f.111,,1.5t01c 3tyles. at Bgbins, ace red nod checked. al . orldlha Milr l lll22o2'lr SWAM. CIIECKS, lIRILLIANT, NALNSOOKS. TARLATANS, SHIRKED N11N1.11.45, LINEN,. and s fink aslortmeol of W RITE GOODS. HEAL AND IM. CLUNY LACE COLLAR , REAL AND IM. ''Al. LACE OLLA RS. HEAL FOINTE LACE VIII. LA HS. eETTs and RANI, KERCHIEFS. 11 AM TIVINNIS AND FLOEN. INI.. AND I . •I , AND As, BETA!, t arm.). J” Pull Illtudon, Swllo. and 11 , runell Cambric Cl= I . AIII , FVLINA , 1 , . F.D.:1N.,. V1111.1 ,1 : , • - 1.111011•E1t1V , 111.111%11N" , 1 ASI , 111 . 51' I.Aer.. tiAI.I. O “N , . VA , 1 Illt A I It, It1"1 - 1 , , , , HALL A5l, 1,1 U ,,• Read Pitressners Ornaments and Sett.. 131CrT9NCSIST ES. In 11,•H0...v. 6111 r. In 114:511. SILK, FAN, A. 11Y.T. 111,Ai I. 1 . F.1:1E.1 I.E. JET. HALL ASO I %MI , . , coi VA, BAIR I'l'' ' S AEI' 11" . 1.V.N. V. 1.1,1 awl Ito', Ilan l' ISFLTS, As, VANS In Frent vnrivlv 11.411 pall" It.r) ••Il *1 lIIIN SIEII I N PrIEW Knit., for 1...11,4 TI 5 . 1 . 1 1 11:1 ;i "T i. 7 il . 1 1. 1 1 14: I ILA , 11/k1.5 Awl r..AT1:11E1.,, HAUL 111111 , 111 , ,5. C mid A FULL LIJCE OF XOTIOXN I=3! .41:n. 7'7 and 79 Market Street GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Linen and Jean Drawers; New Kid Gloves at 75 cents a pair; White Cotton Hose at 12ceuts a pair; Five Pair good totion Hose for MOO; Parasols and Silk Sun Umbrellas; Fans in every variety and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; Pull Berlin Gloves. NEW GOODS RECEIVING DAILY Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. MAfRI AI, GLIDE & Co 163 E.ZIL'I I 4CoN'tEI, New Trimmings, Pine Bead Buttons, Pine Bead Ornaments, Flue Medallion Tr' lug Medallion Buttons, Bonin!! Buttons, Fancy Pearl Buttons. Trimming Ribbons. Bonnet Ribbons, Ladies' Linen Collars and Culls, do Paper do do Gent's do do do do Linen and Silk Ilidkfs, Fancy Neck Ties, Derby Rows. French Suipenderx. Dail Hose, =I LADIES' AND GENT'S UNDERWEAR, I= F. S. EATON'S, 17 Fifth strerl N 1:041,DS HAMM S. CARLISLE, No. 19 "F• 1 fitki Eat x-c.ct Weare now opening an «tete... a,nortutent of F.W PIWYa, rtutmarlng rwhe, RICA AII.K 1•A1,549,, ELVA:AST PA tri VINE I!!"'41' NKU r , IN 141te-N Tlllllll4 I NUN. KEA L. , it:11 . ACE 1. Al' 41N, YINK PEA It .11111 . 1 , 5 , We Kaye luet • retool • Inman I o 1 lot 4•1 1C.V.451, 111.1 .t.l I.AI 4, AND INnEILTISI.N. We 4roeld In t. ave.-Ist attientlon lo • nem •001 aplen.ll.leoleoe .oent ,ADIES• FY' A Nll 51'1114 , IttIRLIN 11.41. 11 V KS In • nr. trolnuln 11•‘ mt. Nlailet. An .usortna• .11 ei4w color..sl h 101.1.05 t"-•, 111. AUK I.AI e. TN—to-44 43,14, A most ate olOrte serorttn. ot I.A I IFIN' .•11:1111.1441155,1 14, r . r ,, s 1 I , EI 1 11 1 IV,. 5114'.10, 1.51 *llll.l Ati A. LAIIIE , ., 11114. NT • It A I Alt 514'1115 11 1 \IIF I) V41.11' To Ilerchalats and Dea terY. Our NV tles.le fl..partuo.nt,nw atort,..l wlt.n ere• ;thing In to. NoTI,,N Li NE. offer t nut' house East or V. r.t. MACRITM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth tiitrerl, ; for the LOCKWOoIt MANtiVAcTI:II - COMPANY..' ELLirric rKIIIT Al Manulacturerli I•r ANA. TIINUT NV T J.O.•,ltllll,ingls ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON 6: CO ., No. 116 Wood . St., Pittsburgh, Have lust vpcord n Ito, u.-rr 61,47 k .•( FANCY AND ST %PLR DRY GOODS, New Prints, Delaines, Lawns, Ging hams, White Goods, Dress Goods, Shawls, Balmorals, Notions, Cottonades, Farmers' & Mechanics' Cassimeres,Jeans Cloths, Linens, Drills, Bleached and Brown Sheetings and t'hirtings. BURLAPS, COTTON & LINEN DUCK. B.C. Merchants are 1.14..1t , . rail and examine our t , to<lc and CARR iIIeCANDLESS hr. (;o-1 (LATr. WILKON, Ann A .1 WHOLESALE: DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 04. V47c.c>.ci. (1 hlrd house mho?! 1)1aroontl Aliry., .ti:cll 1'ITThIS1:1:(.11. l'A :1151Villi:Lek!EX :iiViDi: WHEELER & WILSON'S xnaw.pit.ioryze - ssm) FAMILY SEWING MACIILNLS. CORDING, The,' arc vlwirable QUILTING, They arc. tincxcel:r.l HEMMING. Tbey ant unapproach al , ll' FELLING, They are unoarpuecd rust STITCHECG, Tey •re raultle.A. An examination will prove that they are the twat Machine in the world. salesroom, 97 Filth Street. WM. SUMNER b. CO. *II t-CALtwT TUE BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, rT0111.111,4 by all who L.rC 1111,111 It tilt . 1 1.1 4 • Pt 15i. , 111544e now before the puld IC. It Is as effective and durable as 11. Is slinple, and an practiced as It Is durable. II has but to be seep to be admired. and need to Ito appreciated. It cunt- blips the eletuehte Pt. PERFECT PRACTICAL IiACRINE And IS afforded ate prle . e within the range of newt IT every famiy the land. The only to'. priced Machine In the United States licensed to use the Wilk:ELY:It & WILSON YEE' , — the only reliable Feed ever conatrucnetl. MirSALENNIEN WANTF.I). elas mutrvvrZies, WIIOLES/LLIC sollorrS, MQU4ISZZM • • SEED BuuKWIIIEA — :r Auccrjv - ED L. , TIM DAY—sap tonottela Me 4 Iltog.ozn, Ur , " 116ek, Canada BuckwbelL, ter sale Llth Lots to.s.“ purthasers, by 4. L. *MIT a 00. tlitc Nittsburgh 6azettr. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21). 1868 CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Local M. an First Page The Gazette,—Pereons leaving the city during the summer, can have the liazuria mailed to them by leaving their addrutm at nut counting room. I= We remember, In our daily chronicle of tea lire Items, of having quite recently noted the fact that one Rosanna Burns, of Johnstown, Cam Orin is amity, had been prose:mt.' before .[ldermen Lynch, of the Third ward, of this i•ity„for the larcenv of a brindle cow from Wm. Kelly, resoling In Lhe suburbs. Thu full par t molar. we lettrued upon the trial of the ease in the Quarter SetitllollB yesterday. It appears that some two years since Mrs. Burns sold row to the prosecutor, Kelly, for twenty-nine dollars, this sum to be paid when the numb..., wits able to pay It. During the two years ki, !lures repeatedly asked Kelly for the money. in earn occasion he said he was not 'tattle, - out would pay it when he was Finally, n short time since, Mrs. Bur. PturneYrd hither from Jonestown, Spent a night with the holly family, her errand being to get the pay (• , Ithe bovine boast. She met w ith the none ...nmess tit, previous occasions, and finally "n"fluureal her determinatton either have the money (Le eniy-olue iloitar”) or the cow. The former not being forthcoming. In taking het departure she proemsimi to the pasture and meeting the eow which she said recog nized Inn t her along—Anil i this consist, ed the larceny. t `l sl., , Esq., who was colonial - for the defendant, atter stating the CM-, to the Jury in ti frank and fair 1U ner l w loch of itkelf might have resultant in an tiettillltal caned a number of witnesses, who had Loot: n the detenilant tor purists of from ten to thirtyalve years, and testified that her eliararim 111 1111 respects was lieyond repoinch. The case who submitted a al.. argutneot ley rouneel, anal Judge otet - rcit charged the Jury, say log that the taking: of the eos being and the deiellltiallt 1.1•10 g ignorant Of her legal tights, the only question was as to felon ions intent The Jury Isniik sittlidirsl on all Other pilluts, one of them inquired I. to the matter of cost.. Ti,,' ourt said, unfortunately they (the Jury t bad nothing l 0 say in the matter of costa it, felony cases, a pi oscrutor being privileged to prose cute any ease of larceny, no matter how Mc nom, and °ulnas's...Mit . occupy the time of the Court, widest tear of responsibility of Ills rests It is natreely necessary to say that the. 01 y tonna a Vethiet Cl net/0010 w'ltl ,nt the hos, and that Mrs Mons wont on liiirnut replacing tint tizgrini et. gratified al her ac dnittal of a crime of which she had Ito thought of eon Mtn init, and feeling that great in (sense had been tiOne in the twanging of her under ar rest to the city from Johusto 11. compelling her to find ball under pion 01 iocarcerittion, eel the tiectm.lly 01 her attendant , al court to ao tilt - the delay, - with guesses, all to gratily the spite of till Ignorant Left, to lami she had ...old the cow on terms solely dictated by her goodness of heart. The afore said belly retired Iron, emirt u hill all persons present feeling that li there was any eullt in hole trim...llOn be should ha,u Imen made 1111 1 0 , 111 tut it. quarter Sennlons court Mcrrett n•it Bro,s prez.ling Trn,o,l, info. the Thomn pro,f-nted Icy. ticn ry ,pilkel for et,fgru vnled alt 11.1 Inotery, the jury found I= Lon, I.lell, holivicted, on Muni nn mu 111 •liettuent for attetopUng to commit a lareen_ entoring the jewelr) store of Will. T ~03. ol \% 3 ley street. wa, hrought up to ner. rlo• mot 1-n tot a ne w trial w =lll lIII= John N1c1,1) NI, 1 La! /I' , %CI t• "11,4: 11, aa - at lartaaly, The .•te 114,,1 111,111/14 n porkel laa+k cog r , a nnlerahl. amount. or unntey, trait, " t Mr oo svanrs Laiern, on Inc earner al ac eaLlt and ,rant atreeta The jury and the aelenaanta were li aentenr.l 141 11111enp, e Imikelmmtnent of • I ( . 1 ye., elicit in the Pnitentiary. Mtehnol Doroberm aatl convicted of the ' Filth lnr nf +onto articles from Evan.' gilt slur, Filth street., Iternarided tar Selltenee. I...mrtal Eberhardt, William Eiristens,J ti onep 11terstein and Joseph I.oelterlee, resioltng on Troy 11111, Itneon, tow nrltll , , indicted for sell- Ilymr talay, Jolla Lutz, praweentot , a ere oavalerl. au nentonce deferred Pophrey and Thom. O'Connor wen ndlell , l t , .r 10,0le ontry and detaintd, thorn.. !Salient Inn. Tim pro.weetal te the ...net of a tenement In tarwet at. t_lalt t.tu nt.11,11, oretiptt..l mitt lot w ejectment from the .cino lie hall taktto ',roper itroceettlitt.tw. After being hou,ehol.l gooai,. removed, it Wax xltege.l the rettOuit pow, wneion Yr.mt the e% elen t.t appeare.l thnt St, t't minor tat 1..• ital.:pet I% 01111101 ltlllse , th Iran wct .: alloi moll, ans. entert....l m. to filth The jurj lett, ej. and tht. otiel •leterte , ...tttettre =9 Colalnfolo Plea. court lion Thomas Sirlion presl.ll.K. 1 t June thr ca. 41 tl it lint X.l.ll,•gm,,oorge and Tl.otaa• I.lple /%1•11 Wr.lNit, 111,k Mnsl.en. tnnotby I Itarne) trrecn and Henry Htba4-11—actiou ejevin,out Jun nmnd a vr•rdirl fur the pla:n1.11! fur 411 cenl, ch.is and Stu cent..tillt, fuJr proptr. a: the 41.1 or 71, IN •1114 the I , 4ratit, reali,..l front Jan irLh, • late. .1•111,1 I I...erborqc t.. TI 11111 l klekrovern au., .lo on treerge .1/12r A 1•11011 tre n arl vr,t MclsON ern ureter arr ...Mar t el t'e..kor 4011 11 111 10_, 11 lay WI oameltrotrert ler he. appeararive IV Lake tire Ueirellt 111 LOO 1„101. 11 1. lan.. vet, te apiwar rel the lkth art Apt met dui upprktr, bet to. eez to the 13.1 100 •II Pre.elerit I.lner.e. .. te., ae,, am. r.pen•le.l ter that , lay own 11) airprvared .011 n 111.e1111111 , * 1 , ,pl.. 1 lit• .1011, 14.010 111110 altar On Motion nod 1111.-: Arg rn.c111.1.1.1 tile era., of •trbehar,., 111, plarnUtt then 0101.0011 101 1.0 1. 1/(10•1. g rlleurg that the rel.:m.lm,, of the ,rr.ler Ileteovere'..rlrveretrire 111 ren , tertal s 11011 e. t etdiet tor (.latnull rot lint. 1:—..rt ,11 , 1,110,1ect to the oollon of 11, court on it 111. el .441 1 1-01,,0.1. W. 11. 6u114,11 Jai, 111.1. Action te rev°, o'er), the value of 1110 11 11.1. Mr,. - Phil 'her - elan "un 1.1 Azauftemegsto %not her large stillt ~ e greeted the IIII( . 111111 lettretteni.ll.l Inn of A1a.1.110 11.1. 1 11.. I tteurt Ea, eventing AP , IL thin let er retell equttlett Ili thin cll.) lln .reetter, rerlecte great c tett It oil M r. Arthur 1 . 01014.1. s that lie I art.! of llrsl eltx.s 01tillt tau, Mee Mollie Wllllo.not. 111 It,. lute rens, etreally excellent., while the hasrar of cur.t. Inevitt In equally steel. In Illy i/I •111111. 14 /t 1 ut Madalln, the InannKclncnL IntXt• -boleti 10.010 lalett 0,0 etpenxe, and judging Itotts aptootratteett they tit fudging full, .ottittett,ttetl let I 0.11 b )11-I+Oill t•• blurgn. rett.,111.1.14! -,•ctod ttpin•arnoct..l. 1111. l'lmulr.t In, night in be 0010111) . 111 "Ambannu.d , yl . l %1 I fo.'' Nitorrile 'IC M. I. yc,ung and • !•Ht by Ho glean, a great itutraaa rihe I. i t y 4. xeolleut bowgrr: , awl ma Idit la elm Intl a child now, may 7..1 to•collif! a tint. ur tre,l. .t.1.511.1ii end Het Wry with Intent to KIM %V A. Nave uppeo.r., l before Alderman II ittultern yentertlay 111.1ffing tin Intale an us formadepti acaltint t rem:hawse nanp.l Lout. IteartazOn, for annisult and Ins tery with latent to kill. It appented that. about ten ateltrek land night a tight occurred id. the WM Lion lintel, on 01 halt tit ieet, ta which the hurtle. maul wined a• I ' N ay.. ...tr.- that Itenia.roa knocked him down and Jumped ms hii race, which IN horribly Ineerateal, hes none beim; almost level a lib 01114:k, The :meanest wan committed to Ott trial. The milmetant in Liar .1,000 cane, prior to hie losarestral ion, rtimlts oath again!" Witham hack for annaull and lmttcly. Back catered nail for illti appearance at Mary ISIWIMINer, I \t/ orimun, aged 100111 fourteen yeas., wnu an 11/1116L. of St. Joseph's Orphan Asyllllll, h the MIMI wart), 0..1! sinus, out of which se wan given h; the tonnage: , of Lhe Lost duLlon to a meth named Juno. MyitotT to ruled. Mrs.•Joyee, u mare - tett stater of the girl, oltioctei to thispro eeehng, and demanded the V.Mge.l.loll of ber nester frton Myleoll, who refused Lo give het op. Too h.,. Is I. resorted to by Mrs. Joys, anti yestertiety the girl was lerought before Judge estowo ott 11. writ of hob.• sore, u stud, being over JOUrt.oll years of age, was ILII s, OWO4I the privilege of selecting, whether she stoned remain with MylsolT or go Vo MI her relative. The Flrl decided In hayed of her sinter, tend the Court accordingly turned her over to Mn,, Joyce's keeping. Too CM • --Mrs. MuLchinsOn appeared 1.4.1,,r00 Alderman Lynch yesterday and mode a charge Of surety of the imam against Mrs. atherhie Morrbt. Mr. Ilittolunvtal alms [smele oath against John Mori M, 010 111111i01.10i fan throwing wool,, Water llrr lt..hun The result of the 10100 thul Mrs. M , /rrln entureol hull 111 the muu of llirvc hop the Imaice, wul pool 1"1 I.lloln tar maintaining a nuis ance. All 010 parties reside 111 1 . 10 Law Mal Ip, near Lis t! COOOOl . W orkn. Clasoirect II ando.,-1,111 . kll4l Iriend Major n e iry ham port:lwood a Inman of the ?Adored° bunging, corner or rifth 11.11,1 fluid streete, and, we urgilor.tund, Ititomln opening. an extenelve bolml on tin EuroptuLti prlnetpio. The gentleman soverod him ,01:110cLIOn with the &Ph corport uleore Troup° nod will give bile undivlthal attention to LAS now votnitiOn. A Word of Creallt.—The magnilleent t quet nerved thu Vigilant Fire Compan g a in city Hall on Monday evening wits E prepared by Mr. IL Schield, of the Hank xchasig.•, formerly of the Lafayette Dining Saloon, to whose excellent taste anti Judginent too much profile cannot be given. --- Charted with 104ealtair 011 !lamella.— Joseph McConnell was brought before hinyor McCarthy yowtorday, charged with shunting OLIO iltluti rod tuld forty empty oil barrels from Al.worth. After o hottrlng McConnell Was committed to Jail to mama trial. - - The Weather.—The weather yesterday was dooldedly cool for .1 uno, but towards evening clouds de:appealed and Old Sol treat ed as to a few hours of goldeu sunshine, which, although not warm, was very pleasant. — lntl Elealitales.—Wo have received from W. A. litideanan,y, No. 43 Fifth mullet, the July number's of tiodey , a Lady Book and Mar peel. New Monthly Magsaion, both coelONMelr chOlOe rea!pag Itiatukr • 1 1 0111RIZIAM Louisiana Mote Bonds—The Reim' Debi —lllessage from the President on the Subjeet—Action of the Late insurgent States. W.ottotitiro - rox,.tone 1,-11 will tat teterOltatett that several wectin ago the Tlott , .rt, Depart- meut delivered to the banks of Sea '• between three and Pout million dollar- of Lou isiana Stade bonds, which had teem depomiel by the banks with the Male Auditor as msmi ty for their circulation. These IoM de, were tart of those raptured by General shernlan, at Shreveport. It has now linen derided Ilyer the remaining portion, amounting 1,41 about a million and a hull dollars, to the Ms . , AUllltor, the proper Identification haring been Made The Presnlent yesterday sent a inwoutge to the House in response to a resolutlou concern ing the prommons of law and obedience of the Inw insurgent StatesOn the subject of the rebel dent so-calleil. 'I he following facts are I., , athered from the papers Inclosed lin the 19th of October last the North eariillin, c„ e . volition pit-sed an orillnance prohibiting the payment of all debts created or incurred in aid 14 the late rebellion. In the future of nouth Carolina, Inbi imilrer, a resolution, report-oil by the Commit tee on Federal 'Cohan - inn, wry, innomit, to the front that they had not the neonsaary Infor mation to enable thorn to net navinallr to latent to repteltating the debts incurred in support of lire reirelleet. They millet ori the t:optpi roller torneral to fernish it,mel until it should ter fortilimming they - could 1/1111, nt definite recommendations ret the sultieet. The i..eortila Convention, in Novembidi, passed an ordinuinie rendering 11.11 nu. I vold all the 41e1M-S ereattel for the lel r iiose of earry tog on the /ate war airalnit the -late.. The Legislature. bUSiIiOS, passed an net roe lotuting in Key Way the tau) meet of the oney. The Convent lon of Alabama paa9oll an or 11111111(4! forbel.ling the neenuiptun, of any nrt 111 the rebel.lebt. The Florida onventlon,Noyounlocy, kle. larva the ,lebt nlal awl Tno 1111, , tIssl ( on , en lion, In enlinnnee un,l the I.ewela tire puie,ed I, inn prohibiting' the Treuenrer rot, paying uni, , lebt until nuthOriztul tn/ 0 by that IKuly. the p,,hmrs 1,, lon of till' .tai,. Depart intuit It .101•.• 11111 mil -11111.1 the Treneurer hit. 11,1.11 ordereu to uty any part of the ,lelit meting-0 111011.'110 , Vtll.lllllll. The Tech, Cunt tuition deelured the i.uuled rate debt Bull 11.11.1 From Conado—Arresgtis Under the Un born. Corpus As.l—The Donsoge Done by rollir.lol—Probnble claim,. Agolnet lbe totted Motee—eonsellens %Mose leer, Deism 'Sambas.len. Yonx, ./11111' /1.410111 t peenll t..av• a batsttivtcount,l II an. .1 , 11,110 11. r.I e/t • gtt 11l 111 maklng inlet tho 11.0 P,. corpti , eirt, eel nakv none mile.. upon ,It). A 111111114.1 All, • 11 , 1, 1,10.1 II 10t , ..e Poen It.lrnate,l to ~ ,o1 I , oe of the V e ,,o t , t , ted htt-ti been rocottroze , l i r.lrv.r•lll•r II 0111 he Fortv-,eventh tlxlll.ll Itegulto,. 11, Into eertwit TOMEI lollllllLstoolturS latlngtlititttintoti in a .tess the tlanta4sl,4 tione by t Ft-atans, tI. a vies, ILt thhir !hi ultlntitta ttic t,ttviLl'hutt.tlt It to a matter of ttouttlt•rat !tat altll 1 11, at, thorttles whether Halal- 4111511 b.! MliOltittols In Utliteti Slates j:O% erntuvul IL wt. .1 Its. Outwit., paid a itttrtlort of thy It, 111, Alban,. rah!. ilk, I uttt•tl -IttPut.l those damage:, Itis said that at lex., th:ret . tho ". tel te, atill.t. rt•tatutul on the Inont 1,1 The .thloct of towllnfirtt:‘,. :let e 1•114.11 ah tariff to that of the rnil. , l -.lsle- upon 1111- o•le• rommetco pn.sr.ing 15. 1 N 1'515 111•• I,s ee 122821=1=10 int 1,0,1,1.,.1. 1,3 \ollllr .1 , the voltlntf.., fttrt LAlClLiil,are re, , "Inlng hoinv, and n:motil tai Iry AZTATEMENT OF THE REAL ES IX IM:"Si.o thv .100. dal Apr,. IMO 6. RE 1401,1- 5T,,10r4.1g. Prn. on It, I: E•tAt• Into N.; M, Ikt 1...1 Trl re. 71,./. tithe. ll ruruint,, . . $...,.. •; 1 VI .4 lAItl d u . 11,[3..1..1 71 Amount dor at MA, hi. ..... • V.., ...oratustot Ftak 1 It< &tans. - la a W.., at Atrutt al. A A. A Itlttlt.lC. 1 ra Lat.•• • atlar•lttat Atttilt tag 1 ontatIll“ ttat. thr Il.tatta ttl tit. Ittat .ttlit•ol. M..rtpaatea ct.rtlica. at°, • ..untt•l thr Ala Ott I..trgolt, at al• tat al t IV It It ta t *. rti It t MI It-, tt•l 1 AEI I,yrio grFlily "11•, 1 11..... .1 o. • t. ;1; 44,, ;: 4 mot. , k rt, .1., P,1:14111 LIQUORS-BRANDIES, `' Rl' MI . PIEBIOII OLD II E% 1..- - - . 0114.11.1;%% • I.ta, Erau.ll.. ttr•o•lrol.u, Irrri. H••"• 11 V. IL , V• id awl roo %.11 . o/•I and , 01d ,,0-rtor Nla•l• t•ok • •• •••s• lac rt ••••• ••• r a• tar", M.klag• alia I. . v.. ridalclk •and : r . . , It h .g-! r rrlttllAl_~ t tt r.., !.;.g-!••! l. n•r! I' rr. •I r. r Ir. ~•I.It1 ••I I. y..r \lli \ Itlr M t 1'~• LY l l 2tl. ~... h'n J RNITURI Dispose of all the Ticket.. and Ripe N the Public all the Prizes, CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, .„ .mltlwohnurd ft, Wholesale or Retail. " • JAME% W. WOOD E 1.1 I=l .oppo•il4 Kdrnno.l.on s..n =I t i► . tsurrum i. ('O., "lasi aa Lac tu,.r• n•r , •1).41! •T, E1k<33:)491, "faST.EirIIEFLES. „„, g ll, Po, Ord. r. and d par t• ~ r ry . on Ow, j,.c.11 43.1 TACK% OF El Eltl• AItIETI ff, Imo. I 1 . 11, +lf 11, AND, 111, I JOSE.PII 0011% EL L 8t (0., I ~r no:r N',.,,.1 •n• 1 ,••• t , ‘ i „ !. d .N a l ..r tsYOU YA lUKA 14 Kb b. ' A I. HOLMES, DELL b. CO., Anchor Cotton !Ri ds, Pittsburgh, 111•SII1,1 , It I:W. AN , HIM lAI 611KY:1 LNG, ~ t II"it 11: 4 , 11EKTIN 4 .hi. ANcil..lt I. , And ItAfl I NC.. 11E1111( REA, JIL, COMMISMON MERCHANT = 17=111:1f=1 MiEM=ZI 2130 I.l.lllzifort - y 1/214 - x - 40 , 0t. TT I • I ri Hitt Itl.ll. I • A F•I4II!! FISII! I: HENDERSON AL LAING, n V1,411A1. VEKI , A NI. I• 1011. 4 Y, Ili r9wrlv...ow•lgutowaln ot V, 11111 C Yl , ll awl - 111 r. ,'t howl Lake .44 I rlo,l .11,.1 my 11.. ,Llor, from Ily awl 14w 4,141 \lt 4. Wkw. ,111 4.. 1111w1 at ti., lowwtt r3lw, 4 rfllcl , Warwlwww. 1..rn. , kwl 111 aLr4wt+, 1 . 11.1.ab1i,(1/. I . a. 1 ,- 11 .ion - IT) 4;llAlti T 110 USE, c. M. HOZIEHL:I7", Corner of lab..lla and Yettern] Streets, Near Hie Suspension IlridgA, Al.l.l.lllKril I ITN. A. LA PIEIRRE HOUSE, PhiLadelphla The sithnrrlhern li•vlng 1.4,6,1011 n favorite !loons. It ban 10 . 4 . 11 ItialTTLI/ AN 14. YLIILNINBED IN AN ELEA/ A NT MANNER. ar.el In note prepar.L.l ulll Wr WO" appolittutruls fur the rvcoptlon of drat {..ninon arrorng tlrxt-vlann Ilotolo will It.. 1 1 1,111Lailltd In ll.t 11111110, 1.111 the 1.1. et. 01•16•14 a) VII. 'REFINED SUGARS.— LOTerillg'N 0.414.•.1 one t °are,. and Floc 1 4 111verle4.4.1Soguro: also, A W 1.140 an.l 4' Yolloo. 1 4 reson lug liogare, (or oale by the barrel or St rotell, at the FAIUDT t 1 r 4 . 40 . 4 7 More or . . • • J. 140. A. ItIZNAILIAtt, .leth Corner Liberty and Hand streets. - INIVEININAL - YlL—Tbe best Vt'ettinsr In use. Call end see them before puntbsslng any other mate. For said by .t H. NHL 1,11 . n, Noe tA and a CL. tlalr &rent, o Sole Agents for this, moat!. DIED PEACILEI3.--4 ?sacks un taled. I sack and r. blots vested. nue landtbit ( ! mummer Leonora, roe 111Aelstil DICKEY CIA SPECIAL NOTICES. THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN THE Ql EIEA HAIR RESTORERS! 1,1-. N HAIN NY"-'1.•N1..1: • not on.. tn N,ll, 1..111 ,illtl la the !teat !Intr. ILeatorer ever offered to the Public All 2,113.111.41. IlL•Tl 'A. llair II taitliin . .4 appoy.l. 11118 no Hair Dye a.'t ttpon • • o( I.alr cl...ng ing gr.., liatt to ti• oripnal art ..,!ng - wtur, fal!tn hat, crall,.at- Ille daLdrl:ll. and I.nin.q. of thy ealp. It Y. , . chapg...ll, and wiry IL3tr to soft and lulu- It Imparl • fragrancy to tlo In .no t. If you nleb to rrktort• your law, as In 3utll. and ',Lain I, through lib.. neg. MKS. MIISLOWS MAP MAIM ROMMEL l•rlre Si iv, 1.,11,. by nll Druggir R. E, SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents 11 s 311.h7: la*" ItAIINHILL & CO BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nora. 20, 22, 21 and 26 Penn 'street. Having secured a larire yard, and fllrnialied It with the two, approved tuaehihrry, vre are prepwred Le manufaf.ture everr desrripth..rf itt , ll.Vath, in the ,11.1.11Ln..r. and warraut,d ',owl to way mad , In the ularr. /HNC:, 1 . 11'F., I.4 , l..Nt,rrivE IN bli,Eith. DENSER-, SALT I'A TASK!, 4,11, STILLS. All I'l ATI.R , , SF.TTI.ING l'A A.v, titg LEK lit. is. R 1111.1., K, ,UliAlt l'A AS; and bole nianura,turer , of ItARNIIII.I.', PATENT 111111.ERS. RepairlWß done "II the shorte,t,lice. ral - LAKE SUPEAtIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORM PARK, McCIIRDY & CO. Menuftecturrrt. of tiHEATHINCi, ItAZIKHZt . AND Iti PI.T 1 . 1(1,4 , 1,1 tl•Iti: It In I PM,. lt.ttilt it. 'Tr; tittt. mtELTKI, iA 'LI, ER, tutportt.nt end dt.alertt !I KTAI.,, TIT MATE, SII EFT I HI IN Contotentl, un nand, TtN , Fit" At N ES and Tt FIIi,T and IV ON I , , Tllairr, rg It. n{o.rtwlori.reoi t upper cut to en) .1...111,1 pelt. rn. nit 14.r.tid.tt t•T PITTSIIIr Itlal MA IV WOItK HUBBARD. Into. & Mn'atau . tiir r 1 . A I . o:ts 1 , 10 , l 0. 0, ,11 , 1•1' I. A It.h. t.. 1 C AST STEEL A S. of .I.escrly . l. , 01111 Mule,. I. r.".n-i 01. 1 n,l .altt r • A. nn•t ,1•1:./Nlit... Lunde trot r, , h.•trn Hrnne.t ItEA1•E11 ANU 51..Y4 1,4. . . . n,f1,1 WATER rt Alaa l'trtin a nttltrr i•t rt tql.l r 4, t ormlay r t tc I,lial nttart.l. r sarri I,llllng tittlre wt. rt ROBINSON, RE:A N. Oa.. (Sue- ROLLINS", MIN, ek. tt.t.•as, WASII 4 IOI O&KS. Fonotterw 47 H 'wohTin W ttesbnrkft. lt,rrs .k( lII , AT AN! , sTATI.o•PACti :•"1 HAM EN.IN 1“...0•T ES.I , ES, 5111.1. 11l KARI ,ASTING, of rttrocrt,lrrttrt, "11. TA • h, and A • 11IH. . \\ „ itli AtstrA,t . trtt I , J:till/YARD, I'ATKP•T l'Ol'llinAN x 8110, faxturt rs A A • LI \Alit 110. N It INDON .1-11 11. IL, \S S I i,•W , . . .. • ts. I. and a 6 T 11111. 16 1.6',661 Marl.... 11•66. IS hand ald WI, dr new pat. rn6, .al, •11•1 {daln. 6nitaldt for a: SE' ,nl.! 1 - MAII111.44:1'. AND CELIBACI tt, • V. 1 ,111, ,",' POLITICAL ‘OlitatEsSlON AL l ONV ENTION - t.-, 22d DISTRICT t I 1.1 ,•, 11l l• • .1 1.1.• Ilu Saihrolay. Au.u.t 11th gir 1, 1.11 •.. :I •••6 `.ill - C0N4:111E.41. 21.1 DISTIIIII. T. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY I=l - 11 ON1.111:.?0, Thr (mend% of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY NOTICES. )'l' I , rrpct ant ) r..ktl• A .• WOIE 11.. D MONT ItESPE4 WE HAVE POSTPONED THE DRAWING 9th Day of July, 1%6 To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. THE ITV TREASURER 1% now VISE r l I T r • I I I.AI xi tot- I XI I P ) 1. ›r1.1.4j1j.:. I 01.D1E11% OF Sl l lllll ARD • I 1..1i 11,11 Al r. • ti 1 . 4:1 iL. t: ' ; . 1 I...I": Vl'll Alll. 11 , 4 I. unneu IN )'1'14._;1,.:. TIRE ICEIRAINING PART tR lh o l r. o t . 1 n „T , T. tl y /1 ,,, A , 11v , t; oletll.l tor trattrla Itlog tampon,. or for city t. •I• O. to,. A poi In TV n. 1.1 10, thr . otter. of l• I rttatrle It. orrt, Iltrortotrol cool trrar ri a t0r,..1... or to 111 , lIIt on Or' I. r.. IA) atL. , •I, tair lloirtl. ' tnYt7A3tt CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c NO C. 7 ALPL.X...IEIT MTV 431 r ' 71 7 . 1 1. 1:„ " ni ' I . IA AN I; I AII 1. t. I 'IN Evrry llnd In llYAl['l'll-Yrom conlity tollka c. DA AND MANILI A 14. OFEE II TFI E I.AllGoff Stock in the West of everv thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received---very handsome---never offered in this country before---and at prices based on the present rate of Gold MUFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 HIM Street, 2d dour, m i r is plidlo g to U. U. Custom ;louse and rootolllce ELEGANT RESIDENCE 11111:121111119 r 't ) 1 =9 MO, t.. 1.4 2.111 (.. %V I= The 1 , 1, II ITUILE th.. hvue, I- =I r L\E RE3IDEINCE ONE ICY I 81-, qt ntiAn ..y 011E.N1 cirl . A .A 1 gi antl I.l."rtough4 rno-•tory cotantuiltot 1.1 Al,l pnn• t ..1.1 I.ln, ; ro, _al,. ../1.1{,12 gtoilnd, sure. , ,. .ling tilt 111:111,0 , 4 ..1,10 0101., trat - 1.1 w1111‘.1.1..t r 011111111litS malt Ll.i. n Urst•claaa ratlkicucc. a pls 1 , , S. S. Pitt \ I,'OR SALE =1 Ilwrlllur tio.l :nr•t• I.talt 1.1 lo.t,0011•11101L111 l•o••• ` r 11. ,t1..100, .111 Ivry cite•p. nz. Irow tint t. MEM 1;011 SALE—A Farm of '216 acres, I.) I I . m. Impros t.m. ,r. • I..;•tne il•mac, • hti 11, . • • 1, ,E. , AL, ..t .ut•T•t.:Lotst•n. g I ..t • oard. Cu 6, rt cu ar.•l a.uti In 111. 11S tli4 . Drx. Nt Ull HALL.-A lIRICK DWI ELI. And .1 ti L grl.l,ls.t II LIL,LtLe imeLti.vse LIL Lll. I:, • 1 . ., Let aa• , 11,0 • MI I L.L I'oll 5.41.1:. Farm of about 24 ERIE FOR SAL* FOIL ...1:1114 hI I RENI , . F OR SALE- A Farm os lA% acre.. .. F ~. ~.:. .m ~,. ..~:,~. r.. 41.11 AISLE 1 411L.11 Full h Al.l E- kAILII FOR SALE. COll tilt • 11. t. .1 1,14,4•att1 t °tut t I Ipo Large and Select Stock of DOI S' !Arm' .11", r Ittio iFED, Yl-A , N1...L. )0.1 , ,1 AOll.ll , 44gr - t's:. • at awl • s•Lhina ••, kola SALE. CRAY & LOCAN. _ 37 St. (lair Street. Mr, A 1.1.11 M 111{0111100i, ot w• rly W. L. 21. 11. 1111clislItun FOR SALE FOR 19,9-1-1... E. I=l Ir.= JAMES H. 110P1i1NS. 103 Fifth Strect FOR BALE Broker lit Slycla and Rea , E.Late. nt.. I urke liull.lll2g. =I JAMES T. SAMPLE, tiro r I , , strrt I. AlleglieUy =I I 1 ~.I . , t.,":. MEE Ell „. Al Alithate station, Ira. R. R., 11. 1 AS LE. 11:.: • IP• ME !'r. ~.. 1 ... i ~.a~t . .. I il~. 1.~ 1.. a.. \A. ME ME 11.1.1 A /I A Alt! Mill I •I a: • tiEI ENTEEA 111 DILIED DOI Eli • 1U 11.1.1 FOR RA LE One Patent Ntra •11 ,t 1 IV, • • / i:AM 1111. h \NEI.% man ,II I/ 1t1111 , 1,1 Wi 1 A. illE 1111 1,„ racork:n . Tik r ... .1 • P IT , V 11 1 .1 . 1 ' I ME ma IMIIIM =MEM tato a. an•l lieAl Kat*. Broker. . N., FOIR FORTY BUILD • . , . ,„ \le Is•iN wlt pr ~ 2 00 HILL PURCHASE =9 33 .ICIXJ1:117 LAIN C - =I 1. 1.1 , 11• lOW EIL N., 161 Fotirtl. •tr..m to, .122. 4011 SALE - A 'ter) de.lrable I‘vos ato Itrick I tn• ;ling rlattna and antni thud. on ally. 1411t.0L, Lawn...4+,llw, unat •atnanl nat • t... 1!. nt vv.". r In. n• Ito Nt 111 1. on n tal t• ru,. and mo etilat. l•' •.1 „ u al .1.11 If applirti for toot.. or to la, Apia, al 1,, -tat. anti Inatmtu,r ~l It. F. BAT fr. 1.1 Itnllnr atret t. Lan rouert OTS IN SEVENTH 14 (RD you EA.E3,7-.1:1 bir-V YIN L , rfn. 3i by 100 I , lbn 0- nn I,N e, !yr I t by. Wltrol. rorner Itt.4.lfotr.l nod %I.rorta. ..aio• t any term... I , 'ornte .4.111 , 1 FOIL SALE, OF 106 Al I'll ES, . 4141 arrr. elv.ar.•4l. n rit•ll 1,11,1, .b•••liard , • 1 511 flow,: of olght >an! w,1111 , i , b1 n It In ~11rubber,. large 'tarn 311.1 Ail my otit•In,1111111,. ••••• ,, .n.".a ""'" t " . • hoot., oltont.• two mildn nonth of dlr. mingbalo, nn an 11111 Itun, i 41•11111 In town,ditp. For lcrinx, .•11 , oln• on OW 1,1012101. IV9:Cja, COAL, COKE, &c. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., lint lox rvuoved lloor tollo.. to No. 1307 31,1.1=.cortp latree.t, (Lai& Flour AIM.) SKVON D no w prvparril to lurulsh good Youghlogbeuy Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, AT THE 1.1 , W XST M ARK KT ruteE. Nar AII order,. Mt to. theta. WO.. or addressed to thew t hrough the tooll, wllll. attennlocl to promptly. CHARLES 11. ARMISTIRONG, Youghiogheny and Oonnellsvi Ile Coal AND MANUFACTURER 01, Coal, Slack, and Desulphurized Coke, OFFICE AND YARD. corner of limier and Murton; first yard or Libor i• and Clymer streets Ninth Ward, and on PeUeltd it„ pear lama No. 1 I`lttaburgh, to. Fatellieaan4 MallUtacturers supplied with the beet article of Coal or Coke at the lowest case rates. lention Orders Jell at any of the Yards will recutee =T petenj t D. ama PLUMBING. &c ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, PI-01:132141[333E1PLEL, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS for. Sixth and Smithfield Sis., =Mil ter. Beaver and Chestnut Sts.. NIANCIIESTER. Ai. Ain. 4+l ,tvain Fix. 3es con,..antly .. ADDY, WILLIAM & BARTLEY, EEP ON HAND A SUPERIOR artirly of 17;70003:1 PVMpO3, Al. IRON PUMP. HVUILANTs. sH.F.XI " `I , FFT %lA.. LEAD NUE. BATH TUBS. h, HtI•.1( , l.unLis. WASH BASIN s. A,-II -1' thvir Wareroom. Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, k1%.1.. done isrontptly. SE" Al , or,-• It , immediately attended tn. STEAM GAUGES, SCHAEFER & BUDENBURGH'S PATENT, I=l Gauge of the Nal) Department KNOWLES' PATENT STEAM PUMP, t irK. r to mono o rt. r on t ,, how ut;, t. BAILEY, F A RRV.T.T, & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Street. WELDON & RELLY PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS I=l \ n ts. Chandeliers and !Brackets, Lead :Pipe, Pu flaps, Sheet Lead, 161 Rood Street, near Sixth. NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels „ft HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES =EI JOHN MAFFETT, No.. 121 and 129 Kum Street =I rILUMBING, GIS AND SIMI FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS lIKKT L,AI , ,111...K1' RATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS, 3310 1 C73EZIVIE; I!=IMEMMIE!! TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c. TOISAI (11 WOHNI. R. & W. JENKINSON, Irir= R. B. JEFFRIES, Ntannfac lore.. and ♦l bolraalr and Retail Dewier to sll kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGARS, An. n yl Clair Piarrot, Plat...borall‘, Ps =EI • I.'li • .A( i t.• kgt GEORGE BLITMENSCHEIN, DUI. k I\ FORDIE NND DOMESTIC SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipe!, a.c., Efic.-v - c532.t2a Streot, • rr,ill2 'Lon. l'A. JOHN DIEGRAW, NUFACTUILER OF A ASIA Kr.1.511.1,1,1.k.r.1 TOBACCO, ANI'FIF AND %EGARP SLS BtAxicl lIECtx-cs,ot. A 4 . ..n.ra 4..1. , ,111r 111 ••1 ,[ll.ll. 1' lye anal I near... 1 ., a• taf.. a.... , nantl. A LID WIEMAN, %t.n,r,,,t.,ra-r an .1 alt.r in ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO SNUFF AND SECARS, a•'( , KrvalE.. %o. 204 Ohio Sl.. Allerheoy y 1 7 MERCHANT TAILORS. '• r•• " E.:IV 14:4 :14 lIENIIY 44. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO&Tfli SSI COMB OP PPV S ST. cI,IIE SEM, retum Limn.. to ht fel. n. 1.• and the pub' ,ceto ,l 1) ior patrooage, and would e I,petfuliv Inform them ;tut has )usi return• . .t from the Eaatern loartete with a large and well eted stock of 13= . • sdAplegl KN.I.I,KMtN., PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. 'IIE NEW 105lh, AN I/ Schumacher If Co., Philadelphia, The Estoy & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. hy the twat 0.61,4 talent In the t/ 111 ;tea Mates le he annerlot to to ell others In power, ~natity let tone, end thorough work Til,we - low trunten to have Zr years then the eret gt r tt e:l . l . l: n nl t s, t .: t e tt t n . wal l : i l t l tt. eueLw o Lgo t re.dkt the vaear trione than any others. All warranted Ilvl y year are s. ower V 1 ANIEI.IIIIII & MANN, No. 12 St, (lair Street, INttA)urata. Pa. V . Z. , MINTIIth NEW STOcK lIK Knabe Si. Co.'s and Baines Bro's. .pax...s.k.ro - cosis„ Jost revel yeti. A ItLolrrE ALUM I. rnyl3 41 I , lllh street, :tole ',Pot, PAINTERS. J 4( 14111 Ni rr (41-I,A_V AND hiliN PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER No. 54 Hand St., Fitt,oburgh, I.l.....u,rimin,ut&L vvvry drerrtptlo 111111 C to ortli r. Ail work dune intouptiy at reason lOr rate, Joix.27 W ILLIAM 11. BROWN, (Late of thefirm of BROW, A MOnIIOW, HUMP AND:illiN PAINTER, !North Salt earner of Trani and Market Streets Pr r I . NBUPOU. OUST SALE of LOTS oN HILL, N EAR MOIIENY PITYLIN FL —IVIII be sola nn the pn.tolnes, on SAT Itl. AY, July at 10 o'clock, the property of I h.. atte Ur. 01111rk, baring 11111, Resent to .11 vldrel into surtablo tote for 41,1011114 s and graperles. Tabuti—katlbUtird oath, balance In tliree ream 3,10 A. LJSWATZ. Axel. ANIIISEM.ENTS, 4TTSBIL KITH THEATRE.DAv. ILILV,TORD.••• AS, It st.Ln %CM. IIEN OEII.PN • DAV. ( . RAI , II VIRAL COMMUSIOH Alercliatet, NOEMIE lIR 1 11111:FERUITEt4, rid .1... L. , S 1 Tit Wart.:lll... u..1‘.111"..e. r " • r r •40 ai4 .11{.i . EN rTILG. KT. S tom., to tr. 1 - 14. Jelb LITTLE TRE.I.sI 111 MEE O PERA 1101 SE I=l I UESI , .AI' I N.• GILA N 1) I:VHI:Fi , I . - I . Ft'l XCI F ‘ , F ALADDIN; OR THE WONDERFUL LAMP. E;gagr mr it of th, ,rent Arl in.. MISS MOLLIE WILLIAMS and FELIX A. VINCENT F.KI 7•1011 T. NIA F. W KW, E,DAY ST. PAC's CATHEDRAL. MR. GEORGE W. MORGAN, The Eminent Organist and Musical Director of Grace Church, N. Y., It: gt Ir.“‘• 14. AL1110111.101" that, AL S. t .4 II liU.t 1.1.11L1A1 CALI/V- alit 0 ••.1' •. .1.. give Awl po,/11Vo.il LAsT D CONCERT Great Corgaiii (.Iu••r•.t•.1 - ~ , •J>~.1~iii THIRSDAY EIEAING, June 21, 111116. aqtru It. • . t rt.pulArri, rul =ZEE , ART \ N..1'1 , E. i "rdrr •i, 1‘5t.1,,11A,• 1,411,1•41 It; lb. T.rt, mn.l ut At 43 e 4 ' 3 “ k • 0. • ,01 ;;;lltt MA, t. "" " RETILV; OF THE OLD FAVORITES, SKIFF & GAILORD'm I,IIN:NTRELS THE 10,1 ,1N1.E11, 1 ,1/Ll ,, 1/• 1 1 -1 • - 111 F el"1.1A. S. A. - IN loudtity, t 4. WeiltlemluN asa ..et, EA cs IV . IGI 13 ,26-7 La X., iItIETIES THEA r it THMUL.L. CREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. 5101:i. NEW :II sy, ai , L , EU II "IliE VAME b.ll =I Wll.l. EV FA -u F.th BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS!! _ . 1,h.A11 1'II't?. r l'hn, UAlfl\H, 41.413:, E. IEI4I6LX, R. • . Its u• 171t.ntl, And th. put ,rt rail v. that 1..- hat pia: op • . 11,1 Itth •••thttnott.ott , 81LL'1t...518, CORN LIB Y A N I . etutrltur trona,. tmr. Dr Int.., tr.. and cou,:uct O n ,t,tvant o.ylr, ppurt. tia. Er , r) nt, ncr tb‹ idt.a.ure and en). , Muhl of telt . ttl Luttl;..l4l JOHN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW ANDS EGA RS No. 69 Grant Street. 2TT Ei JEW' 1 , 1. G. S., PA MUM 1t I 11,11 E N't 1 IA ttt .ts Istt, MACKRELL & McCOMBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITT•HURGII, PA. ( i t 11.,.1.1Anr • • • ;••,` • W. J. & 11111 111 1 TERSON Law and Claim Office, 1'•~r 1.. i 1:~•uu tl.:. H~i'l OFFICERS' VtiOIATS ADJUSTED. I n 1 14. Ct n • . • Oanni It..r, of Att..ruey R. 1., Mot, mten. 1...,t1 bust Local Claim Agent, U. S. SAN. COM., Office, No. 61 Fourth Street, I=l Pittsburgh, Pa. Pension., Routatiem, and Arrear. of Pay Promptly Collected. S.. , Itltrge ma.,. nu,ll cl>trna ..no then Itu•., 0111 N A. STIIAIA. Ex-011icio. Justice of the Peace/ AN I 1 . 0L1( F. .1IA1.1,11:AT! , ., (1111ce, 11 Filth at., opposite Cathedral A,riowLvcigmetkl. , .. Da p0,i11,.. au.l alt cat..,“,tl ~,,,, Rial•—•• 1 .11,11,., b. er..l WILLIAM JAN( Elk . , NOTARY 1 , el 1 , 1.11_, JI n'l It' h: ILEA!. F. vorner of Ilutttr I , raNu =trecte. WHENt P.% ILI.h. pecLal atlas. adt XS, to the purttsa.x. and salv Kea, Fat., the enheetlon or Kent. and the pry para.ns add kit‘yriedentent .if Kent., of 1,4, lit STACE S. MORROW, Puot of the Sitrosiort awl opposite Clatham Street. mrss,e,se. NOTARY PUBLIC, Office, No. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh CHATHAM T. EWING. alsrl'omno 'stoner fur moo, L,turky. I\v liginia Missouri au, other . to) liLaD ILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, HOU NTIMb, BACK 1 ., . atbd Military Claims of every description, coin ~.ted by ultesubscriber, at the following rotes, Viz rousiou.s, IMO; all other P.N. C. C. 'I Al Lull, Ana racy at I.ao, Diamond street, opposite lb o Court House. Y. 1.1. —No charges are made if th o claim draw lAas al:erect, and all Information given xi - att. , se 4 A7,_ • L. P. STONE, R . T. IN lIITE C 0... U N DE RT A KERS AND I ENIBALMERS, Manchester, Wood , . Run and vicinity. evollits Itesoussall2gasseedsi. sir Ulmer, FfitAble, Corner of nomad and C bartler.s streets. He ar..2TlCarrl!if es Nroli.Sed. no10:13,1 COFFINS ! COFFINS ! str.TALLIc: IlurreLido lON BALES. th jk. 0n..11 . •ki . n• fir E D1.,r6; D-11'. ..1:11•••11II• N•••'11.1, Ilai F.vr ry body Env area 111•11 I I ..e. MI 7 Lo, 1,.157 =I ••c.: -,at. ent, . lIMEEM PROFESSIONAL I=l B. E. BROWN, I= WILLIAM JAN( EN, ~,tury of Ow Pr:o, And Notary Publi ALDERMAN AND .CONVEYANCER, 72 Penn-ay/rank' avenue, WILLIAM F. ROBB, Attorney at Law, =I ATTORNEY AT CLAW, OF etc K, US DIAMOND STE ISET. op i p3l .. to our tHouos Plltsbure, 16. UNDERTAH ING M AIM. " AITY MAMA) NI I UNDERTAXINti UN I>EJITANING BOBEAT WILZJLARII3, On. lartaker. Otace, No. fa POUR' Vd !MILES? Undertaking In Its brat:ken. Disinterring. laying out and furulshing ererf Ming • mass.) , fos `14!".e7,1"..12 7:l4re°l,ll't, Z`,.% . rea•ontrole tern.. de1:1 RELINING! BELTING!! —Leather +-Psad uum Belting. Gam l'acklug, Soso. kioakot.. . do. Alto, Luc Leather and Rivets. dwayaou Mod, atlholudpa (tubber Depot. Noa. VI pad Zan Clair Weal. Oa) J. d ki rII.IIIJIII. I COMMISSION MERCHANTS ~, • PD. T. SI KUL wJ. STEEL BIRO, late Fletu • ,1 rt.:OWLE COMMIS. , LON At Mt. nI. 11.‘ • ,Irco t and Flour, Curs nn.nrn,l.lerd, gutter, Cher,. rt i '.l'l •. t'las L. A. e I e. ,, t% • • t nt , nn paid to " • ••—• • PCniv. t3S triin l . ll BREWER, BURKE & CO., 0111)1ISMON Jl .1:4 VIIhI S, Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil Works, 'ltlc. tl.l 11 r , ttal..•••• t nt • rrita JAN F. AI TClln AT KEIL Di FLITCH ART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, wKu 131,1.8. Flour, Grain, Seeds, Al ill Feed, &c. =I mr2.l:b.c 17Tb BITE( li. /. WILLIAM C. LEE, l!ii=lEl I'OIIIIIIISSION AND FORWAIIDINI,4 11iLLMML ..ek—N•M No. 102 Secon4 • 4 trect. Nitta:burgh, PM. A. 4 ~n•rµ,uvelitm ,•• • •• • Lsty =ERE • • ...... • • LIWEINS KENNEDY N. HARPER, Pitt/DUCE C. ‘sll!l,,nit, 11,.Y.CIIANTS, nolvAnle llealt.re In FUltHlt A A\ll I , okl !edit() MAT,. SA 1.7. FLUL IC, In In'Elt. ktii..lS, 10- '1 Al ~ E S. c., In Prot - 12,00, and I,lnluce g,la• r.tl.y. NO. 70 FEDERAL ..i.p..lte the Hat , rondY, I A. AF: ni, for the I. oo.neil /11. and J. kiarn•a enit. spl4:lyd ' lIAIILES C. BALSLEV, Produce and otnn,,oon Merchant. Warehouge No. 201 F.F.T. 1.: Ii M . CI 1 ,rltEE'f. I•litaburghl. l'o.. Wl.olvsnle •I• ..- 111 Butte,. t h... st•. 1, rat, Eggs, Pvt., 8Y... ii.,l". nt.: ~ w,E,,,,,,,,5, liroeruk,,, l'utAtape, Item wy. Err:,-.1 Fruit,, , , 1. limits. °Wynn, VA.', Broil. t ..,%., ~..,.1-. l'lnl..Ltly -......1, !lAA eds. DEB nicu.l I,4ltry. nt,141.41 ,Glvt , u oalt4, I 04.4444,, nut:. 4 14 1;. t 1i1A 6' N l'• ai f t : N LI i ( 1 14 1 1, 1111A111 'JOTTER, .41REN t o aIIEPAILD , illlll4 .2111 Mt, k rkkl P.'t.es . ,t , tl *S., it I.ll* 1. rtint•Al. 0 , 1 . 1 / 4 SHEPARD, l'omm in.tion 11 A. llt IS S l'A"1"VON AV, 1,1 , 151.11 -0 • - • . ,.. - 1,•.1 and .41. .1. Ater. 111 IL 1 ,, •1t Flsb, Arl.,,n 4111 i Lard troll, NOl.l. .11ar. utton Yarn, n.:l tn,n.g4...t:,. generally I, al,: c“nal .t.cet. W I. P. BECK b. CO, No. 1S I.lo,rty stret.t, l'lttn:.ut g tn. Pa., nolvaele r,c1,,, uu,u4lb.wil 41.,aier%11 r Yult, r. Eggs, • VI, C.. 1 . ,111.1c, . r. neva, I,)ElolEltbi. 11.11.0 h., (succesmors to J.L Awl, nom, ) lA. Ai., Ili ior- i r: ~:w • F F I i, • al. SON. Commission .1 • IrIEUCHA anti lu rLULy, IiILAIN, HILL FE .k. 1.1 rdt gerit.unt, 'a. that:toad, uppuedit [,) 11, “ Y. pLI7 011:1 11.1 21. N D. Commission •-• stu. F • d'u Anil tut I Ab' lopleAale .Irmler 6. hatun, 1 A aluu, :111rratua, I.llouu d Lnr.l r”!L xiol ['Tdor, Xtuers.iy, [Oat, :v. e NI, • t, ril.bUrg b 17, tidArr. St. REITER, eir.outt:E, r ••• .ki, M: ^:b and r.. fur p. t,tnirgLlMAntatnctort. , . ‘L '4,ll.lisetn, I,lll.tatorgli. re. JOH, 1. 114.,.. • • _P . .. uoung.. OLIN I. HOUSE h. !MUM, Eaacces c, ! 1!•!. • W.0143•1i . ro cr. h. GOrt.ti of rOallll- DIES I) iI.ZELL 6 MON,Jlait v rs.d. itensaeil I'a . .. • t au.l at, r PaLFtrurglt, t. 4( 1011A1iJk.:11 & LANG,Wholerale EAD 4..ro4curs and , , ••• ha N , “rg'• ty 1, 11 , 11'7 ". 1 RYI.Tft(INI:, For k ~,ttingOillllllf , ft, toe sale 00. 1...trt1. Butt,. 10104 att.l grs,rl.l). Ni..rlvt trret, 0.000, l'l;l, , burgs., feM:ly u.J.Lt.nt DAL....L. R OBT. DA LZELI. 84 CO., Whole lirtmens, .A 141 5 ,1011 awl Forwardlng Met nts In tro.no, and l'ittalourgli Slw niacnures, No. .1 linen) Strt`Cl, I'il.blllll.l. WATT WILSON, Wholesale T V grocers, Cononlaslou Merchants, and dealers Lia 1 . ...4111et and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 1155 LlD er{pstreet. Pittsburgh. lutZ nLi 1...‘111.1n... , 0111 , MOUTON C. WA.L.I./.4.1a I AIBEIII', SHIPTOIV 6;. CO., AN' holesale eocers and Produce Dealers d. X, Nth ..irrt I. Pittsburgh. Isla MINN IIRIDDLE, No. 15.:3 Liberty St" Pittehurgh. i' , •nonl..lou Merchant, and N' hog Dealer In Countrl Produer. if ronertes an.l l'lttstuargh manufacture.. Caen advanced on Cot" la.. and paid for Produce generally. au7.l I SAIALI DICKEY /N. CO., Wholesale uruct rs, Cononl..neu Merchant. , and dealer. In, P:oduct Pd Water street and ft. Front street., .11.71. E L. VUIk•HT Lll. 1 01G111 Co" (Successorb .Vroduct . mud ‘,..m.0.n.6.60n Mt I - et ::47 Lawny farret. “trurgb. Lt.:VH.4IIT, Idnerosavr L.tnhart) t/oo,er In Flour and Grain. omuco and oinmisatf licrobanu No. ISt LI it ExTN erIf.F.FT, Flttaborgb, fe..1:19 IV rt.oVll Wu. Fld,Yl./ I 01111 i FLOYD h. (2.0., Wholesale IiILOCEIL. , , No. 1:3 Wood and ?rib Liberty streot, r.lLabo roll. Pa. ao31:110 CO-P.ARTNERSHIP. DISSOLUTION. HE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERE.- I'l l FOitk: < lallog LI ›lll,, , rltan, lit ,011 I . la,barah, antler • awn, at St 4 I'UTT h hy 1, at. .1 ,, a1.:1•11 ata h tellrt. pin tla. arm .r 1 11:Ln.litrt ., 1 all 1.16 la. a la i , ,11 h. al. , L.• alwa. . ..,1110l lilt nrat. and net Litt 11.1. NM h. 11.1/11hRT 11.1TTEN. Ihttahurgh. May el. ltlh. k.k 11,. I..rukk. ot mark tam...lure hurokturo re carried Is) U.. EN TEN. rtt ul tuu Fouroto 11...1111e rkitop,' g.ll. art I,Lk , underl 14. ulut ckt rt iiik It I.:lrr t. TOTTEN. N. IS. Ilutits. Julie 1. IJIYi. retining (row likc 1.1.011 Younttry I very rm. bospoali tor It seilUttlitioncv tile pstronoge li tell It 000 here/or/in. bii Mir ratty enjoyed. .11.)6E1 . 11 l' I . lt”.burgii. May.3l, 11, ISSOLIITION 00 CO-PARTNERSHIP. 'HE FIRM On DAY & HAYDEN has this day becu tli4egoired, tuv sa , sCiS 01 orm haNitna hr../ putcha,,ti Ly F.A Dl, ht•AlluY DAY ! n. 31A1 1/15.5. Ftrninum...u.lLLy mutt, Imh. CO-PARTNERSHIP. atc ~[olre and a 1,1 a. 11A Y OEN. palriml.,ol, 12•411,4, the of t4u .l and 10.4 slid iOl,l 'now , .4ruiscr. tiOder "le of . J. 1. DA, 111 tbt al4v , that wol .Lail u Ina. thv Inistnei ,I lly f+ taring am. 10,porllug NA,,DLKRy IA 111, IV •RE la al: Ita .r.m . 11.2.1, and dual, to call att.aktlou toot, 'u It u iautur, STALIE AII dere? . own.. I to" HA, 1 Hall:It:WI' VOILT 1117,, .ic.. whit, wu to be the leLai fa tn.. mar L ' ot Cur tlilu 114 ItIC ,"eatern trade. W. , .11411 at all tlmen keel, a Inn eeroplote oasortinetit of es orytal ug In our lino, men we akai , gi.. l to at II at lowest tuark et rates. ny prompt pttth. :a a attention La d orers, e hope to merit awl racatv .Ears literal eare ol your acrollage. DAY, Iti,Allolr SPAIG. CO- PARTNERSHIP. ji AMES H. OLIVER becomes a mt mber of our arm, datrag Crow. April 111.4. 1515. NBIIM and all le or 4rus outhangeo. I. EW 11. O.IV ER a rill LLEI^S. rirrtnanton, May into, 12.4, moNoNGAILE.LA IRON woRRR. LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS, YANG V ALT/ Malta or carriage and T:re and W sabers, Vac " i‘ bolts, 'Vuy 'owa nod Wagon "*I". Coach acre ws, I liva .Ught iron W'g rlt ST Soar . ateMo]rosYarta- L \V AS.EliOUSE—Water and Marko skitiolets r!ttabworlgh. fiItitiOLCTION OF CO- AIITNEIIBIIIP. THE FIRM OF C tO , Eto. BEUTSON & CO. woo draw ed 'on the net day 00tuber, lilty the detnb of Wall kUJIMMUN. sward ridge haapahl and adjoined all alai= dot, tu.ald fir., 'and Was Iran Laub! his Interest therein to Ueorge Albree, goot - of A. U. earr ing. who nettle allolaimad eta or nalAnno. UTN ore. L Nth • NOW ; r .waTaluDia , Ituve3,l3 99 In
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