Zhe Witbiburob 6a,uttr. PUBLIbIiED UT PENNIMAN, REED & CO P. 13.1 PENNIMAN. E.dit.g.ro. T P. 1101.41T41N• .MINIAH WING. f Muskiness Motulaver. NELSON P. U.K • WEDNESDAY, JUNE '2u, 1866 UNION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS, FOR 4,10 VERN OR I MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, =1 sAitUEL B. OLVILEY, City JOlllllO. BROWN, Unmpton Tp CLIULE or our 'l i st ALLEXA_N DER UILA NOS. City ;141111VELY, City IC= OnOngpm.iltu liE011(iE lIMMILTON. 1,14 y JOIJI F. °SAVO, 11(Min Tp. ABSILYIII T. JOHN P. GLANS, City. GEORGE WILEOIL Pat TIC. GEORGE T. MoREE, North Fuyotto Ty !SAMUEL CRILDWICR, Colima Ty. WILLIAM PETER. Ross Ti,. R. A. COLVILLE I= An oracular writer in the June number of llunLx Merrhanett Magazinr essay. to to explain what fix, the rate of ;niett-.1 melte) , in the various pans it the geb. lie commences by referring. to cerium rea• sons that have Itt•ca ;hi' rlteS of interest ichi, h obtain in different places, and deetnat a 1 :3 111 1 , 11, that !With Pr .1 them , nor all I . . Mibiiird. arc 1,1 prg.dur. , cr , ti it • ss lilt pri.N 11•• "II I ill I Ii 11% with to the mill it,Ml, but tit.. Thu mill, it 1.1,1 t•II tin . I.lll'llllo 111 c tht. `111... 1.1 d May 311.1 liicru halt 14• h.n 61 th.ti it II 11:1d lal.ru ph", at 111:4111, NlOllll ca 11, 4 ,13 Liu c. dr , t nlctnm 01 st lIL 1.,1,11,1, 10 , , .! 11'6 . ri lt . W . 111;1 111t2 11-1, tin. tr.. 11110 r. r - o, t profound m-cret why tin. rut, of inter, u t higher or IONVI•r pla, , i• limn in nu "lilt, Till . tru.• • fund iu ditibruut .I,lrn•c, \V h.., ho 1110.1"-I u.t is at the wiuitnnni, and I ,, N\ n. 1. , 1,11 , IL. Tilt. Wr114•1 1111111. t•x. t•i'd Iney 1.01,1 no•i Nl. ,tlll'd likr 1.1 113%, 'wilt 1 , pr., ,Iv civ i , lyzitly lie .1.,e th.• ,Viii n, its 11, , I i• , hi' 111 .1. r,•I tion.l 11% that tfic Lion i- 1,100. 110.,1 :in.! lien.. a 14iNvtii nit. in interest Thin Ili free • itiv , I.i I ;i•{111,111y , ILrrr L.r, lit. VIVI: I/31,11 1,11.1,1 :Illd PAri , r -Iperlor . Tht• I re.. A Ii r111:ltly Ir v• 111,1 A 111 , .11,y nut 11 IONVI . 1" rnlp of iut,r,,t than it.-I,ln, New Vt , tk nll,l I'lliiadelphiu, 311,i 11. i, I, 1 , , , 1111,,. thrt, .kinentlau ,•ii.c•- art lt,w,r iu the .4,1, k •i, ill/W Win it I i 4, nppit tlu< rttlo to 111111 Yid and —:i 11.11 i•, 1.1 u, (I,,ty tliv mt.re rcrierl 1. hi • l'iv , lizat;on amid. r 1111,13111, EI ( 1 1 y t0rr , 4,1, 4,1 r , iniprellentl , tiii>l, tint .t rti:.• ~1 Inea , tlr , llll . lll. Ifauy men .! are' I , 11 Vlll,'11" till hove I, CUltiV3llom, th,,t c\ :II llic :.‘ll4 .`i 11;11,, :Uhl faellitieN they do not put :o :111. high, nouthel id ,o,•1, 111(11 4, 11r ,, Z31 , 1 In a partict:',ll - Joca! li', NvoUltl 111.1 k.• itp,t.tl nbuu,.lant thr 3 hy 1111211 s„\ cct.r 10.1' .p 1 ulat 11.::1 Ul,tl .•\.1 , 1C.1 "11., A WTI- , 1-,kln l'i/ania and Till post, -,iou .z.r..at wi•Alth I , ‘.an in.lividua. or a community do, Do! Doers,ardy 15 s'Orre•pliltillag olten that en..,: wuktM, It ;„! high civiiiLat,, ID a nation, tht, (1., not a,•lual;y r, t wealth being 411111 611,, of I...riple and the tlv:lization by another—the rich, through jealou,., putting wail of separation between thentsel VI:9 and the l'iv Hived, and the civilized, through fastbli nu , ness, keeping NI 11. The rate of interest is modified by varion cause•-, but prin. Tally liy the pngw.nhm. that LILINO and capita: lam: to eal h other in particular place-, and at the plate, at difriitivnt tuuc.. This moot be a,, for La bor is the chit r. if no:. .Illy acc ost,- and north:Ll nuu.um of valor in itny pin.r. In te•rrst does not fluctuate in N. fork and Loudon from three per rent. 1., 311111111: to four pc/ cont. a month, he, 1111,e the degre, lit ( • iv ilizafion in Om., Have , ha, ,iddel, ly changed • but lu - c 11,, II:N./Ugh Ito nla r atjon .1 war ,LIISQ, of of litany 31i.t• • tending to One •hang.- pl., in the relation. N..re . York lin- on - 11",,,,11y loon. Nitmf.y than ;my other ity ..a 11,1- r•ut,n,,,t liner.• more thvre than id., when, ratably Li, the whole nunil,er of in habitant-'• That a ,rrc hi.rh ..r.lta of I.IN i11,1t1t)11 111 cl•rtain affirm, or 111,4 1.1111.11 , .1 and ol collllllleLehl. liatt - harl3ll, 1 .% t . 1 1.. .I, mamll,l 11,,.y , nnld 1,, Lim tip 1 1 ,.• Ilmt, • I.4'W lien. OD Chi+ Ontini•nt Awl i- inn :10 , 1 n the -11:idow 1111i.1.111g p:J:u , • lud Icwpl.• thr flarktie-c ibrofmind place, cm thee:toll. I= !It 1. .11111 N M FE 11, Ont. t JUSIIII 5 411 l lie SUI$1,•1111.: Con ri .1 ti Iva la. iu a CA, 1 / 1 :1i11, 11i1/1, n few day- Ken, Intl dawn. slot emidnitii ally. tLc, Lis, upon tin. Nal un and A hati.nten tof N inNanc., f rln• malt, MI a romplaini Dti 'lst the Cl,, 1011 and MlLin/C//:111Ce 01 Plan tng Ilill. AI tip out,wt. Ow.lnds laid do NI; n thc gem•rul princlids , Coro lug the case. H. vain "A gliiss-lionse, r handler--hip, a ,1,1.• yard, a pig.sly, a pig limilitiug house. slap-factor %, a tallow imam e, .l a u g h house. a jaunt-laiiling csiablishinem, 1,441blislaill•111, a 111111 WM,. a melting house , if animal la , a 4 , 1,t4,11 ing •teani boilers, the use of a initdic phic, for i m nigrk it s, brick horning, layittc vsn jute, storing wood naphtha. gimpowdm, is•troleurn, or nitro glycerine, a limekiln. a a fur. mice, a smelttnp tem, a t i „ i f orgc, livery stable, a tans, ry, go. a t6>- all are (,7 have tares s ome are nuisances per et, 'lt tteer, are iiiikaures aiasirdiug to the fissility in winch Ila y are played. In offensive trades either smell or noise may create a nuisance. In danger Om, trades LLe imminent risk lit are or en plosion may be sufficient. "Carrying on an offensive trade for twee. ty years in a place remote from buildings and public roads does not entitle the owner to continue it in the same piaci- after houses have been built and roads laid out in the neighborhood, to the occupants 01 which, and travellers upon which, it is a nuisance. (Commonwealth vs. Upton; ri linty, 473. As the city extends such nuisances should be removed to the vacant grounds beyond the immediate neighborhood of the resi dences of the citizens. This public policy, as well as the health and comfort of the population of the city, demand. (Brady vs. Weeks-, 3 Barbour, S. C. R., 159.) And in 4 Wisconsin, 2,17, Douglass vs. the State, it was held that it was no defense to an indictment for maintaining. a nuisance by means of a mill-darn, that it was erected before any inhabitants .Itad settled along the margin of the stream flowed hy it. `There is no such thing as a prescriptive ',Mit or any other right to inaltitain a put, I. nuisance II Deltic,. 7,24 p 'Not doe the law recognize trot distinction between the several points of a city dedicated to public use.' 'lf the one that it Moore you is ,11111i ,, 111'.1, a man 1%01 hare tt perfect right to open another oppotolc Hit- court bon. I Per Sergeant, .1 Pridlitly's, N P lien., p 71 1" tic then proceeded to revh, the testi minty, as it nu, developed in tile court ire low --dm , - It is established l•cyonil it, not !hi' neighbor , were greatly annoyed by the s'oot, sm o ke and dust from the mill, the fuel used beink the refuse Wool shaving, chip, oft it mild Thin m proved distill. fly by Dr. Stewart, Mr Rhodes and Mr Jeanes, who specifies also Med:lnger trout cinders or sparks, which are also testified to by Messrs. Nuthans, Dickey and Collin; and Mr. lioxte testified to 4,1)- 51:1111 coutplainta of tiamoyame trout the sr Ka and euiders of the mill, by ail Hurt, of iiersons in the neighborhood, los own and nearly every neiglilso , by Mr. Josiah 11. Thompson, who says. "Thi re has been constant annoyance to myself and family from the sisit, smoke and cinders from the mill. This has been incessant, entering through every window when opened, cov ering the window sills when shut, unit covering the slept and pavement. It has interfered With the washing anti dryiug of clothes. This nuisance has been a tom. slant and general object otiomplaint among the neighlstr,. — Mr. Berrv, the hotel keeper, give , similar test inions awl it is closed by along list of neighbors, certifyi ug to the same or facts." plc adds "I t atuhtt, Harrel,. c, ill•SitIlle I , 42lit'Ve dial from thecause , assogned, the neighbors Love ,titfered from this mill such annoy am es and discomforts as cannot be or witted in the built up and imprtoctl parts of our city, and that it must necessarily ailect also the value of properly in the neighborhood, and if . rebuilt, prevent its /11l UN! inytrovcmenl by buildings suited to the streci and Wahl y "Div Ninni dolt% n.it nn cif lii hti-int,, in ri.garil lii ".\ Our a-it liana lila 10 ail, 11S,. the titte.timt is horh, r 11 1,1111 is 1 PUI , /il • nr 11. plitn4 111/,,,, l• 11 Paa 111,, anti 111, plaint Ilk art - t•Illalie rr Ila'l lita,Uae, Ilia hal aunt , was Lr ntt rod nerd, thy Iladalma2 . Fla lial.aaal 1.. lir trcrtr,l 11111,1 lat a II 111,11‘ I ti•4.:11 , 1 me rii ali•lallla alit! Dail Ilia . ail lit laS\ pra• nl 11. m . jun.•uon s,t.. ttorttittz! t:rattiot. r,tratti tlu• rt.thttlttitit Iht hi it- pill], iinly in 1 $ 1111:01iitliliiii, and nil the tiiN it A the Fupn•uu C. . Ilut the 1 , 11111 Hi 111,, , IViiit -ith•,l hut it, U 1.1,1111,. ( . 4qlll, W1:1 ot =I Ili rapiti:y 1,1:11 it•rc is a \Viko.,•r•' A zim ,1114,szon. .1i.ii,011).1 k orti Kit ii Lint. h., or.. =I —WILL F. Bond sva% burn,' ai;%. 1.2; a Lank racing in upon Lim in Eau t —Daily prayers are said in the Episii sure he. in Canada lilt' present Fe 111311 ,xcilement. —Cyrus W. Field ha , Made thirty thr,e c. y noes across the ocean ~u the Atlahlie bu,tnes, —There are ten LleIN 'Tare, IU the I. lilted ate con.lucted by colored inen—one dill it and nine weeklies. • —A Mar!, laud inwe, reuords We lotzth ut children—twins--each Erma Is.n Isar anti Litre, flew mineral luis boss diseevere , i in nwtairling ten fie: cent. A :ago 4,1 it will repreSeni a l4irlune —lnly it i. the custom I raw twrrt, with whrtc jgw , lcrcd -ugur ,rl,l Sque,v.c We juice o! orange or twt er them —The fluatinir “mote, - .11 the Lit of a railway car pruved to be tittle partici , — of : :on that La,l evidently I tune from the. wheel, and rails. --T. D. Rano:dell & Co., Adf farmers and nurserymen. have failed. Inuit lrnLilit.ea eXce,l am! way each S.MINI , UOO. Carol.na, pr•lpto., to 4.rent a monument. 4,vcr Viii • ra; e of Andrew Johnson's father, Who i. :.uried in that eity. --The House .rt•paring n bill s% aid uY .11,1iur, '2 a 11,0111 I, each , r 1 their rhildrrn -Tr, work ,of tht• ww I \L. Irt- Mr.llllL 11011) 1111.1 I ' l . ll.lblatt , lt, 1- 1.. 11.111111.1 u ed at Ghee -Th.• 1,11h,t. 1,4 - 11 1 , ) ladle t1..W11 1., A 111. n 1111 lii 4 , 1 , rualheut,d lace, amid; that they are im,ken (dam suppositieln- Tv., milli,. 11, hundred th0u...m.1 C • 1l111i•111111 •• , ills 1001 111. 1110 rt I• . uu Inc tirrtql it z hut • •011•11" 01 tCa Fl . lllllll 111111,1•/11 -1., •Iny' cilloo 1 yvnw, 111311 iil.ll , nlZilaill ir•ll ht , tlll 111 , In, rr ;11 tln• ,liutt I;rccurlllr•, Pa., Is , iety uy tual.•nnl wplry. 'rho- xs VVIII.III E 41•11.•, ....1.111111.1141 nO.I . oo TlO•sday last by handinghet-,•11 1."1, 1 the liatii , ti•r• 411 . A lia!I xtstkrcnsr, sktiopin,r rope .I.aletio•nt that ! , I•flat , .l Lane, 111 r .. th e 1.140t1i. ail .I,arnol. :11,1 lame, Ocu. (;. 11 , it /I. r I,lov rclie .•, hl , 1111,,11”:11II hlayor Alone", of New I hit,. • oti 888 a 184.8.1 1.118. 11.88 8111 bI 812, Ilell at I 111 I t•npecl 1.1 I 110'11.1y 8•1 I;t• Ai 1., "II 118. Is 118 , 1111111 why elan par t,8 8 1 8 ,1 Ly th.• l're , ident that lie origin or. .; py pi". 111011 188 :r 4 . ~• the holder or rertnito L . , fill, 1)4,1811s bad rul "11 tLi i"tip lhr 18811881 a, teereseh oirnily Ti, lw Trea.Aur) it J.t.videdthat ilu intcrest rrnyvm- gnu 111:11111,, kit 111 W 1 . 1 111•1 , not hi' llwe, the inventor and patentee tht sewing tune lone needle, I,a, d,..d,„- e - a purpo-e not to apply or all e‘tension o 1 his patent, winch runs 001 this year, on ne ,g - round that he Iwo wad.' a million and 0 , h.til dollars on it already, which he regard, as fortune enough for one Marl. —The Easton papers announce the suds den death 01 31r. Edward Lawall, of that Hut e. While standing near his house, in the lull enjoyment ol health, be stooped own to remove an iron 110 , 0 p which Was hying in the road, and at the same moment j‘perienced a severe pain in his back. Hu ,timmliately became UnconSCIOUS, and died th.. saint night. —At the time of the surrender of General .lolanton's army there were seventeen in omolahle widows in the immediate vicini ty of Clayton, fifteen miles cast of Raleigh, in the county of .1 0 1111SW:ie. A recent cellslib shows that sixteen of the mournful have put off their weeds, donned bridal robes, and are safely moored to the anchors of their souls. The 1011 r iitle is only wait ing for the dawn of the hrst ol June to dit to herself. —Novel proceedings recently took place at the Ohio female college, near Cincinnati. A luau !rho owns an interest of $30,000, and has a mortgage on the other half, failed to get possession of the property by suits in court, and with counsel, took forcible lios session. The. citizens, feeling outraged, assembled in great numbers,- and would lutyo ousted the Invaders had nitit calmer heads restrained them. The sheriff', by an order of the court, ejected them. NV nit 1 RE-El , , now so prnmiaL ut the , °um,: for "the Marlyr Fortros Nl.mroe," I, n lnnutl,4.ll of ilea .14. i pti ILeed ho, at the eio , e ef the It. , ol' , lonary war, pro,ecuteli nml .reured chr nr Wirt i t, and IMIIIIIIII!I r,!,itllZ. tho.o trial-. -ay- :W.A., iini 0, jui:lgiiii•nt •in I I 1,11.1lit•t iu;Our- of high . 11.1.41<Y !, trod Thi• 1114 . 1.1 til Li, ruudtyprucd Si nh it . 11,11 Ce NN 1111 t, IQ'LltotllltV , \ccrc Merely 1.15, Me perSC/11, pnrntt 111 tile cut•roy's rank.. Thcy wire with .letter• si,n ticueriii Semi thought Napoleon the• , ireatest Ge•ucrs! it modern times, and Fre,lerok nest. Ilse he was 111`4) a martial g, urn- , and so was Saxe. In scieuthi, Nvitrialv he placed Gesais in the first rank. tioult was the• best strategist of Napoleo n '. Net was the best for Massemi stood next to South as 0 ,trategisi and next to Ney as 00 exccuir, €1111 C,,, kit iu dhe combination of their peculiar qualities he excelled bath, Graeae was by far the best Genei al of our Itch ulu flu nary tear. These opiwous of the late Lieutenant General are suitc,l hy au inti mate friend in a communication to the A raiy uteO Na ry Lit/ r ha; The widow of Johnson Hatt In, late of Weir, Me., now 111 , % d of seventy years or age, relates the tellt,ming canon' tact. Something snore than thirty :acs •iiile•he heard a M:4 iisaion in relatten to Mar Late: the germinating print ii.le in ~ 1 11 wmild Solind and good. She d try the eXiwrilltuitt awl prove the tact She nice is, 2113 ! I , lantt.l a few kernels 11 , 1 - 11 it every ye;u bm thirty yeare. Ever) year i n ncruty nine ) cnr the ,ern and 11t.111 . i.h.d 1.111 thn thirtieth ytai lett. kt Iti „ Iw, lip tpl 4:1;0111:1; 7/11L . 1It. 01 Arm...ll'ollle, tork., 1 , •11, .“.1k ul:\. .A. VI I 1.. 4 414 Great limed) for fousumplion FI F .1., 1 ES -I MI . ! F HP ,F 1.1 1.. I TOI9EP 3EI FLEII2ING EIS= No. ...II Nlarkct Street NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 11 . 11 it I N , • 11 . 4 ii. J' . MEE ~.,,..., u„~•„ v ii. ~r ~.. i .~,~.,~ .~ DAMES NI. 1141.P11 AL.II. 4C XI I E Orr I<, 1/ 1 . , ANCIIEsTEII FEWII- ~l I •Io •• JI A 1,1 0 0010 ',NA I N 111 I. t 141 ot 4n • I I •I. NO rI,I IS 111: A 111) sOCII:T1 OF ‘l, r IP ! 1111 F1:1•,) Nll./11` I 111 It , II lIAN -Tilt I. ~. ~... LEATHER BELT 1114:. CHESSMAN & CLARK, • l'• • LEA 1 . 11,11 I, LI IN.. 111,1.1,:ra.l. INIONEI 1M A. A. OF 4. ON 4.ItESS. a ppros BE 1101 ISTER, GUAM & CO., Office, 98 Grant Street 1=11110:113 CARD TO LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, PI It lANCE C 0 . ' PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS NON. 2 and I St. flair SI rid "HI LADIES' FRIEND WASHING MAGHINE,I 'AIcM.CI.I% di. PI ROI MIERCH %NT% MANI r r .I• ring a I 1•/.141.Plt 1,,11 tl.. p A 11 ,, 1 RI.. STEAM ENGINE. 11011.ERM, ETI FOR 19..f!LMA,M2 ,uirr AN EX 111Ltll'ION OF TAIILEA 't.s "rm. Ilopitts Ansi Nirle, Wl.l 1..1 ”1.1..1 . 11 VIVI/A ANoyttii.AV !CV is 'l', In A. N Marl.. t V..ww liolnnetww,t• r, tiw prow, wrwillell will nwrtl.lw. Prlwltyt. rlAn rwnts,,,lldren IN frill.. Tirketi. low! 11.0 ,iwrt to Maurbelarr. IL It • rrrr kicir •rr. rrrrrr °TICE': IS 11 E11EltY liIVIEN TO Is•rirlr rrr rrl rII PER I I.NI. lir, I rr. llr A 1.1.1,1111 Ir.S Y. rtral lllr Crrrrirrr , r• rrrr •111. 1 dorr• .1 rill I rrt v. 111 Ire ,ratol r•rr •Irry LI,. rat. Cat tire BANN rrr r r. is ~1r 111 lit I 1,. Llt 1 rfrn, rrra r or/ IrAlr. rry , l LASS WORKS POlt S. 11.1:, 'AI I ..crvi, I!/ M Te.rzn- r• -o. 1.1 II AN 1.1(A, Nrk, r .ti p . , 4l9l . •ri t now LOOM TO-11.E'r. A large ski r 11.1(1 irtt • Ilti r.okas, 44, g“,t Darn )ent.lt”,W.l. )4.1, .1 , 4 All,. 1 . 1111.11 . , 11,114044 FOIL SALE, STEAM FERRY BO%T, IS= a. M. KIER. 33(1 Liberty Atrt...t, B ONDS AND MORTGAGES wan(_ A for tilt followlue mum, $5 OO , $l,OOO, $3,000, $5,000, $lO,OOO, I= (alit. IL 1 . It'rr V, prit No. 13 St. Clair street. MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. INI 011T1IFIELD STREET, corner of Eau le, rlttaburgb. idoncy Loaned on ellerr Mates, Nuns Platola, lihonende, Jetro/ry held and darer Watcher, Clothing, and valuable articleaof every •leacrlptloo. The tiooda cannot be deliveredwithout a ticket. Not accountable In cue of Fire or Itobbery. bloods ofevcry description .ale at lowest Wines. . ( tell :d2oi ItJtAItrULL Dic BOY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - JAMES T. BRADY & CO„ ,P.F.4.41.0rs .1 0 ,,e, n c 0.,) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts.. =ll BANKERS & BROKERS, LILA LICILF IN ALL 1,111,3 or Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. .1.t.r.,-TIONS 01 de on all aceenible pinla 11 the United tqates and I nnacia, Interest allowed on Time Deposits. lirstnicss MAN'S COMURCIAL COLLEGE, No. i St, (lair Street. We ha... • rig•grot th•• ser , i.,•l3 •.( n•• r•Nprrl,nri• r • pt, m.• 1,1- .I,ov Aut• "It the Ist Jolly r.ta , •.1111.1t tot•i A,11.1 F"r virru,r- awl , prrimeil• or 1,4,111,311,1itp. appl I= pETROLIA MACHINE WORKS R. S. x...mfzi-Jac-sr, N. 32 Ohio ellreet, Allegheny I=MII2M • • • IMPROVED UOILINU 'TOOL:I, AN!) FIXTURIN ONE], !N NINKINO OIL A ND NAI P•rticular •ttentltou luvlta..l tos 1 1 .t.,.•011 G rat h , tn anll r niatnl..r...l, bit th. parta Can 1n... I.i wall to 1.11....erm0t, and l.! 11.1 all 111110 . ft. roloh . ..11TIV.R111 !• Re., to oil.. may o It. Fa; eines 00.1 mantolo.. orbw n 10.1.. to order. ;or, I.lollloy at 1. In :to prupar...l t.k ..111.:rinanotnr. - tor tlat .. l.llorowraarntnon term.. 80, II 1 1••( 1 1,1, I'. O. .•DII 417 I It. 11. 1./D'IS I)RESS S 11.110: MANTILLA SILKS, I=l WHITE, ORR & CO., Q& F.irti. +eitx-cs.ot PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY sPEACER & 11.111 TERN 1111 BREII ERN Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSIIIII6II, Pk. 7 " ILE 0111 . 1:01 ERN 'MEW 4CI; I- ME 1 NtisAmE• 1. . n MI WI:. SIJI3S( RIDERS. hal t I ; .0•• 1.1%1111 MT ]EI;. f MILLI Igt II •, I -1 Kt a.,1 I rs. L•• , !F I RES 1111.1 MI:An. 1'10(1,1 , • 1:.. t ..f , ‘111.1M.1 a Kill +.4 11 . .1 LAN( I 1% 1. ..f h... Ittriuut..l SILK AND WOOLEN 1.•., 1, II t.ll , lrc.t Do.:e). 1.1 1. • 1 1 •• "1111.1.'1' 01.11' r lll . MOVER AND %COI KER. r I AI JANI Alll. ..u.l I. ..p, I Hurt . , Fl/1 - -1 , A 1.1 •1 1. K. ?,„ Jr. Inglow aged ( hair .vr. It h• IK6n. 1 I batted null Itrglated wrlhuut tinitarking. NI I E.l 11' It. , , ,1111 iPt ,1` arn Nos. 35 and 37 Third Street, • `• ' .•.- A MERICAN NIA ( . 111.NE hORKt. PITTSIP III: 11, PA FISHER, GRAHAM & CARPET CHAIN. Engine Builders and Machinists, PLAIN & COLORED, COTTON & LINEN. ar I 1,1, Al ' Oil Engines, Oil Tools, COTTON YARNS, ASSORTED NUMBERS • I •r ll.ir 111 g I, N't•3] t „ Al.l. ~e i. 41 Al.lll. I,l‘ HI A. H. CSILDO3I clifi r A• emu, near Ft. IA s R. R. .4t Mope Cotton Mill. ALL et=l4 (2, 31_1. 3r, 1". n.. eF A !MN.. 0., 1,0 ~11.1'1 1 1.12 rl. ILLEGIIKAY CITI, it ST I CIIIB RAILLOID 43.1 7 1- /923.1,E, Si:Weimar} Slide-lalve Oil Engine: lesl anal most Im pros 441 SI) IC Jll.l' .111 a, 1%611 FIRE 110RhS! FIRE WIRES! .; Lod 1 . 18.11. ot.. .Ito I. Its', 11. tt I r latt/tlt /1...1 Ir.. I .-rural \l ` L.. 1., Sa t W It.. 01.Att0..... M1..0f wlnr. - t !lota. Pin It too I. Yhatrol. •ore, nl.. Ar., Re A. I ....I r it It I, of If ‘l4ll.lto.te r • oto /•• t. Ntoel. of Iflrt , rot toolor, all of whirl, n. offor rl • o.i. to w I. rill. It.. tett. It. It, ItF 11 VII. A llllt RE o 4 131.1,1 er, I. GRI' U ESTERti GIN HOMO, J. H. JOHNSTON, Fine Rifles and Shot Guns, Alllll ,A VI :Ind 1 ,11 1% r 19"%1 .1. \ FAL , . 1' A 1;. HI • F.A And %II , /,1,1% , . All Anal N NIA It Elt, XIAT Kit 1 A 1.. panlv/. 1.1! .‘lll, ark,. at .11 1 11x11111 All '44:4.11.711PV. rinK 1( 1 1 11 ( 1 1 . '"' """"'" • Witv eatm r h•• Iliac Corner Penn and V 1 a) lit Strecnt, c7u rt 111.11. I' %. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES MORELIND & MITCHELL, Nos 425 & 427 Liberty Sireel, 11l WES, I ABILI AI. E$ anol 111 I. ,' Lnpt for Illre al Anil:nu. Tin. Oncht II lt,r: tatruoled to no Dann't i.t leo. In ihe numner. l's rtso n nst wlstlslng 1.41 out / enKa.gt. anylleltig Its our line relt iststs Swing turned In the hiss, stle. ak. tist. prtstass tor, give thr.tr pt-rttunttl allvntlou to the te7 PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. xn nc rnc - ruxat. or Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, PITTSBURGH, PA, REMOVAL j sTEI ENSON SON have re ,"", ," U 3 MARK rr WrItKET, theca &tors altove ,otn 01 , 1 ...ltd. her they have titled eL more iumllou• routs, nu.l have opened taro. awl tit, 0t... k°l ‘‘ 1 . 1 II tk 6,,01 which they lo %lle public alLenbl. ER jel.“111 MOWERS, HAY RAKES, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS AGRICULTURAL To be had at DR l l:l3ll.nEi, NoL lig and 30 01110 htreet, Allegheny. Iny3hbOLawr:ver BARLEY 2 ILARLEIM-3,000 bits. Barley, la NNOTator, for ule l.ty bilYßMlEA lto t te Yea. leol i► 3VIWA DIV 30, 1 11 M WORM ii: JARED M. BRUSH, A NV/%C - 1:11E11 01 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tauks Ecr MOO WORKS. No. 61 Penn street. P66,l,urgli, Pa I. 31:tig: 1566. SPRING HATS. 1866 AIcCORD & 131 IrOOD STREET, =1 Hats, IC., for Spring and stiall m e r laxuctle. ow es Irr,mx-iiet 3 r. A.l) His, , I:KNT /Hid sAltATirtiAs ••ilii%l THAT ~." 111ClitilliiN, 111 sill. It, DERR), , 15 . 111 AV, ..1 ~ 7try 0111.10INANCE atitlii)riziosi the • ”uatolll,, on mu.l 1.451,11,- . pr•pvt. thr %%hart .I. /. if r/ 71 1...1 , •.1,p • va,tele.l ttal,,gt v 11,3 i thc %%1.71 1 ointnlllo, In 1.. ,„. grtallng ot par1.e...1 111...%11, , g1L. MS, 1,11, 11 ..1 51o.rgrtn, i 111.'11. V.., NV*lll3ll and k ry •.- 11.0n . t1 1.1 11, 1110 , 31.1 :ow ‘5:51.r 111 3111 111. h v 11. perforniae. LI ; ..m r. ./1 xrr.r . 111,111,1 101111 relll,ll rtr a 1.1.. fit.' .1.11 lINt .1 1.7 xnl.ll on, N. nkIAFF KR aid !do I,AIMONDS ne.t 2. 11.1 sal.11,1"11, ...111., lie I p r nd rot Amid grng •tti it igittt nod-.dl tit t o ur f A 111 &wig, nitt I vitt ~ h : I pAli vitt rtor gralitig. tigt , p „„.,,,, g , g,.i „I ireuerAl -•• 11.1,1 y 111. 0111111 1 •11 1 •• elnu 1 .1i1111•••1 • ‘l, A 4.1 1•PA11.11 ,11 , Ike 11, All,. It% 11“.1.1- itingunt of lige /11/11.1,•1 gill) itigisigng • I, Iluprlit. \1 liars. lb , =I .1 ti gq . Ig A 11 . tve.. gle•lgi Lll l 'lllllll. 11 1 ,•• no, .k 1 •kl t . g. in 11g . ..11111131 11 , • ittigli. , l .I,ilJars, 1i I:, 1• •, mlll, 1• 1 ••1111 . 1. Ar• ilt• igitir, IO tii gr, 110 Airgitle gli.t• tie •••11ki .kI4 111•• • tit •1111. 1 1,, 44111.1 Ikari rIII" U. \I A11..l l:..ltrlll 1.l ~.:TATF:7O I I:.\T 01 THE D 01.1.4 A , -iL ~ •,• . • e:.: A f1,f1..,! V n.f..1 11 r ,• I=l= 111/1 NM ES RE RI r.P 1.1.1 .1.“ %V 14l'AKKII • CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. :BILLER, BARR & PARKIN, BEST QUALITI CAST STEEL. sled Equal to soy lo Illy , lark.-1 r l th•r Isuported or of Llooke.tlr !Ileuttfaclury. A 111,11., AN101.11,1F1.1 I=l rnmi xs , •s‘ :and •.r•r•r• It It .Itl. II 11 . riation OA It TA EI), PAYT -10, , 11 RI. It !IMO ANIP 1:1l F'l LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, At At.,l At Ittrt tt At N.. S HAE.TLEY. PHELPS & CO. I= 011 1,41.4. a I ‘i 1111.14 A I'4l. t.T, ....I 1:i 1,11 pIIII.ADELPIII.4 SALOON 3PC:11.1.1. In tho City of Canton, Ohio, I=l S . S. RIIVA,III, Broker in Stocks I=l I=l =I =1 =I 111= =I EAGLE OIL WORKS Limuri-coxi.ococri.u.o. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Relinen and Dealers in PETROLEUM. DYVICIE. NECON mrr. 'it v, (I.ltN ru ft A N rul l: sT, AND Dry(' INN WA Y my 16: A 1.5 4141rXit Yl/41.01 h. FIELDING 6i. Mantaketuro, and Dealer). IF; CPLI.IIIIItC)233. nQCKtO BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 110 Ohio St, Allegheny. Repairing prolaptly eiveUreil On tag einirlesi no. J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Which Sr, wart - Anted to pres.•rve. At, ogthe n and Ito pro," the eight. 1. - nr omit. only I,y J. DIAMON • Irtyl7;AXl N0.:42 St.elsir GENERAL DRAUGHTING OFFICE. IT P. GENGENBRE, Civil En -•-•• lilti KlUt CILEMISr AND notAtatuit OF PATENTS, No. 111 KT. CLAIR STReCIPT, Poet Ohre Box 095, Residence, 14 Hay lams, PITTS BURGH. PA. leli i)tura FRUIT NOW IN STORE— WA.. Dried rrschec ID bble. Dried Apples; S bble. Ilrledlirspos;l LrlDd WbortJeberries• MIL, Eldcrberrlesz 4 WA. übd.rbulbes.. for eel * by 1.. 11. VUIUT Ell=lill =TERI I:11,1 I= lEEE 11•111 ME . ‘• I 1 111 I.' •'. • 1.. ME NE I i • 11 1 tt . S. t • HI r ft! I ',NI I. .1 1, Office, 38 Wood Street, 1;e 1t I=l I= NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOURTH OF JULY. A IRiliD G CONGER '.l' WILL I,IVr • AT FLUID EXTRACT CITY HALL, SARSAPARILL4 SVEDNESDAII. JULV Girls to the .mount of 840„000 1`r,,t..11,11.b 11.11 wkr.t. ingNl '111:liEIN 0311.1 i E 11001.1. AR EACII. CI-Lr ,11.—r .. :Ift 31, 3.1 r, 113P.3., gllt 111 tin . .„ James R. Nichols is Co., . . 0,3 3 tit ... :II A N ACTU lit \1: Cillt/, 1111 v,11.'" K... +lO . 1,000 I rp,. 333 , . 11,0113/ MAI:IIAL it'1.13.. 21111 1. 2= ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK NS 11'11 1111. 1. 11% ~,, I,r , II glfte...r t ,t l'rotoxitle of Iron, Nino is nauAsialom-f.,, 1,4 , , VII, Al, \V, ; It ha.. L.", It it. • ' •.1 and 1 Tonic and Restorative, •An I : 13, t, t. 3, , •,, Farm , !By 1 . ,y, ,nn! ,al.l. u,l h. 1A otii'.lets .! 3 . 30 In t ... Ppi.-Itt. 33 , and I , • ; .111 ' 11 '. •1 ;, ~"„.; „.,,, 33,11.113.11 , p1. If, A l'A ILI I.LA K 5.1. lit . it, N lII,p sI ITN t/V 1,1)1E.'. ••.1. ~ 8.... I .111 , .. w,,,,,. , most pr..,upt nlterutivt . . lul 11 . , ' , •‘ , 3 - I.lrig Ippon I.llt, 33,. at, 1 3131- .1, 31,1,331, 333,3 1,3, dose, It lal II la "" 1 ' ' ' Ind 11,. tiplll IP .• .L 1 1/Itt thA, 1 1.4 .1.•1 I Mi lli la, 0.,.. 11. I,Jl‘t •I, n• .../.1 1. h 11..• rlr , t .ttAlly 01.,vrv..1 wth.n ••SAIt.IIA ‘I"P" L"t " ""k" " "" """ 1 1 A 1 , 11 1 111111 1. olt11 1 14: 11 P . 1.1 MP:•• 13,11 • t Li. ht rtt ali At. In. . Apt. It ItAx Ihnle Ipr rtle• ..1 ta../..1 .tharAct. r. All..tntli vet , I 1 , 1, Ai 1.1 111,.. 1111. 11. p.p.! k It, A 111 AS r • ' 1 I ' l ' 1 " .1111111.1 1n .Pll ' l4l ' l e '" W " ......111Uv I. Mll A 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 . - r • 4 , 1 I. 11, 511.1 Ile'-.•• , •11i4 . 11 311.1 .41 I 11.1 I Al.l. ,1 1151. .111 , 111 111.1 , 11•11 1111.) kiLr . 11.... ,111 A gill 1.1 ,111/1 la I to. , itite • 12,31...P.11.11111/11 tt 1 I, I hi/hie, 1 1111 ....Alit +1 . 1 1I• igh , 11.r.ti.1...1 .11 , tirlavIaltt •1 in ll•tirt• r rarrorre rrtrpr-I Mr. Uri I \l ` .. IN V.l O I'l, r• Fl Ltu ' . ?,„ I =EMI lIIIg 100 i I , • Mil ' t l.• ht.1. , ••.1. It • • +,l ,1. , 1r,cr N.,' 3,1 . lisTirle it )111E11 LINDERIVEAR. 1 .: ------ -no ---- -----, — , thing ulploy,l ,T,, •tin.,,tl ~ f :...1,1 t,..“-1 con , ertllng 11. the 14.111 7.1 . : 1117"1(1\. :..!....—,,,,,,,.., ~, ,,p,•„,,c.i . lk•ra , t. r. therap.-ulle. - 1 • .si.,••. matinrr ~ f II.•. I te., a.- µ-,r., In a clrrular. 1:.41 ZE MEIIINO. , .1.1,, , ,. ~. 1i,.1 .t 1 11, si, - ... ~1 en, awl all llrst -1.1% LE I'll ItE.i D, • s— 1,,,,... , V. , ..alt in I•tt,tnagl, ~y I:. E. 5F.1.1.1-1,:- A CO., , Si MMIER SILK, . t N I) A J.I. DItIr1.1:11.17%. 15...,. MS I , SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. ____ Fine Jean and Linen Drawers FLEMING'S DRUG STORE Great Shirt and Collar Depot, : mi Nlarket St., Pittsburgh. 72 F. IFPME. ST.. Nrarl oppo%ite give Pool 011iee. 111BRICIN Gentlemen, Furnishing Goods, JONES & LAUGHLINS REMEMBER, 011 r Buwinrwx 1. FAcitigively GENTLENEN'S FURNISHING. : AMERICAN AND CLAIR MURDOCK & PUTNAM. OHN ROFT, KEA I. ENT4 T ,14; E.VT, No. I:19 Fourth %tree!. PittAnargii .... I:. =I a. • IP: •A, AAA .•• .1 r A, .10,1.- 14 A. - 4 A I.L I:1.F. I.A.N 1 , . Atoll. at • * LI •.e. 3111 ihrve r zwarlitrr >nivply .• " :It, •V I. NI • r( • 11.4 .„..„ t farlst II ,impro,.•4l: r 11103 stair 3e I.Au tog Arthg on" '""'" . r. • - :1i Lb,. Eas PHYSIOGNOMY; slG.rs OF CH.I RaCTER, I=ll 'LEM_ PERA M. EN Extk.rtial Furins, ME HUMAN FACE DIVINE BY NAM{ EL B. WELLS. JOHN P. HUNT & CO., --as: kfl VI St.. malsonic llnll COLHOUN & EDWARDS, 111 t 41 1 1 tlitt ILS I\. SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, ..ro. 24 Wood Strert lip •,,r. ..14.1.15hi11,111 1.0() Is.. it Ilu I,tilm, r0N1,..1.1 rtinkt. 100 bags Nit rate Soda, 750 kegs Hi Carh Soda (English); SU hhis. Venil inn Red, Cookson':; ARSENIC AND MANGANESE. tit vott..tnntly on hand, In tots to snit purchasers. LIPPINCOTT & BIKEIVELL, No. 118 Water Street, I=l I=l I= =9 311 LI. AND I'ItONN-AlliT NAT SI . W A [WEN it BATCHELDER IIIti.KCIW IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, 1t061,N, :41' 1 KIM '1 K NORTH OA ItOI.IN A TAR. Corner of Duque•rma Way Pr. Hancock St., Pittaburff 1., Pa. Itep,a,ut WM. U. W A 113 Walnut Arcot, Phlla.lclpllla. my 110: utb AU, 11. I ti n taiss e TACK. BRO. tit CO., MIRItCHANTS, &NO 61WIL.E.Itt3 IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, 1 ii.cock St., Pittsburgh. PIM/a...111n orvux. UK Walnut street. wylina77 pLAn FLINT GLASS VASES, Design°ll for Painting and Decorating. Also. OVAL AND itywi u•tiLets riIiADYS BII.N Vs. A v aneti of setra.jon,rocenr.4 5t,31% NM WOO!) bTIMET. Utlimn) U. =inn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE NEW Spring and Summer Medicine =1 lodide of Lame, I= G. W, PETTES BOSTON ea. 000 :00 a.'YO Pt 1 Ml=l rt Pox tta tt ct • ttltot to tat, !to fop ritrontor. Idt• II ittutoittl 01, Mil 1111 17 .11 nL , 0 i II .0 In the Spring, of the Year, and during the Warm Weather. = =EMI dt•,1,•,1 Ir Im•ityr nlierthapt rr,l.,nst 1,1 I=l =I Alterative, or Blood Purifier, FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, ( ont bi ned la Ilh lodide of Lime, IRON i F. 1"1".'r 1E313 mr x=uar mr., , Bar. Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron: Guard Iron; Coal Screen Imn; T Rails, If; and 20 lbs. to the) and Train Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets; (•ut Asti% and Spikes; ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Ades; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. ARV. 11. 1 ,1, A •.11114'Ficr., 120 Water and 158 Front Sts. 11101 \. 11 1101 ,tl. Nos. 22,24 and 26 River Si., 1 .r lI 1•111CM•11. ILI kI.I.EI4IIENY TAXES. I I ' l OF A I.I.EI4IIKNY OVZICL, June ith, f Nolo •oy KISI II that the have 1.1.•••••11 r• 111. I rtl.nr.,•, Ottler. Ihr Datplleatt, ot icy. Poor, I It. 1111.113,...,C1eh001, beltool Building n.r Itoonty Tax., .1.1.1 Ntixtvt• Rent. for the }cur INISh, J 114.1 that %al.! Tite, 1.11) now be recvlve.l In Imrsuatme of the Ac.“ol A yyentl.l) of February 271.1, LY , O, mud or Alorli Ittlt, 1163, attl,ect to the folio, lug rry,byttot, and :thou-alters. IMMISIEMEZ=I Ei=MMII=E2=I BEIME If 1..4 after the .131, 7 , 11..1111,r, and on or sir.t .1:11 0..t0t“.r. Ito .le.luctlon Will I.e. II 13 ,1 . 1 t tI, Ilot du)' an., on or 1..- 1, , ilia Lr-t No•ruilwr. n nol , llllon of li.r -Loll he added to mod pn)anlr ou at, An., Mr fir. or November, warrsolo will he ed to • Wort, the vollrrilott of all l•le, renilln• toe tatipald. logt•thrr nlll. Inv 'term-W.l.p, art:rued 311 , i air<o.t/I. I/. M Cay Trradlirer. CHINA WAIII.:110IUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, xiherx.cii=twmmt., No. 100 Wood street. ItIDTA N S IA AND SILVER PLATED TABLE WARE. TEA TRAI,4 AND TABLE CUTIACH.I. a I weVI uu LMliti. II I S A TEA NETS, 111 N A DINNER NETS, II I N A TOILET SETH. NA VAbEd, CHINA tWITTIN‘NS, !Milk MIA N !OW. 111 EVERY DE:4CRIPTION - LAVACAUL, LAVA VASKS, LAVA 81.11-10 ONS. W AUK or all varlvtles, loeult Ln.sle. The large, and meet eutnpl-te =tuck of everything lit thts line In the rlty. I'r lees nod tnrnt, the same as In the eastern eines. Inyl7: The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON In \S Ilkl Vuorth Wee, nor 1.)11,t1L1.1, . Fllln . In 141,1. cnnlenot InnSt 11.1lICIlln. W.. 1,1 , ...11f1)F.N SAI,OI.N fit thp Slat, Ire cre-trn. rakes and enntectlonntleg 3lnenyn on A • E OIL. Il KSTRA ha+ Iv,. vllgageol for the ..I .01 1.. ....Janet, ICV EMI NIGHT , a 11.13% I rOlll ,Cll.ll LIII LIVO TV 11.010 Ck. Boat au, I rull, and bcrrie, alwayn 112111 i. utf.C.io MADAME !LIME, Maungcrtr. ALLEGHENY CITY FLOUR, AND 3P.EIEIIOI EVIOZLIEI, S. C. McECASTER & CO., No. 130 Ohio St., Allegheny, Wholenalc and Retail Deal,. Itt N a acioci.. cib _- - lash bald tor Wheat and nye. hd EVERSON, PRESTON & CO.. rE.r.rsrz, V. 1.7141.4 Irtk):Ni WORKS, Warenm.le, Noe. 105 and 1137 /first street, op poeite Monongahela Mouse, Pittsburgh, j0n:.140 • _ . • . Tli E CELEBRATED TEL ruvri t II AY RAM try. "Praire and • •Meadoe , Lark," are manufactured only at the KoNK woitaie. near the benitentlarY, Alle gheny City. Ism Forts, banns and Plain Wa.gouri, Wbeelhar. rovra anti Trucks of every style., tautrie of thebent toaterial, at short notice, and warranted. le bsds COLUMBUS CULIVALA.Ie. $9 , 00 . WH0 CAN BEAT TH18189 , 00 . For Two Weeks Only. I ate selling a good FBENCII CALM 83.133 8001, of.INY otrASpak.e,tos the ,s4se, of BUBB .001 e. LAO. at No. 30 Market street. wilt= DABULL J.T. ANTED—S2OO per Month paid iji:o '4 ,tVM) M a 1 PhF :4:111 2 . Athires., with stazo,l, SION AIr , N4)C SZWINti 1.1 kt:11 IN E CO., VI Inch.ntion, phi, rs. Ivg•CTll:da _ _ AVASTED.—In a Dry Goods Job , v bloc 11,1— tt. tAlt 1= W ANTED. TEN GOOD CARPENTERS. App-..41 itOnl nrnt Er. A11,1..n5.., I= MEE WANTED 40 Mules and 30 Mans, , of the 1 . 1 r li, ALL' , Ott CNY 1!11=1 SALESNI WANTED At 95 Grant Street, 3d door I= W. 11. RAE KU. ANTED- Al: EN'll'S--$l4 to 32011.) p0.t1ett.v.1...0.1 $33 to frt. tt.r rt intr . ...lm, the vleL.r•t.•l C0m0... ' , Lott- Faintly t‘volov tlachluv. Improve .1 n, ,I. It ...111 to fell, I,raltl tool , toter Iv•a•ltlftlltt, on'y 111/ t t, tl.. ..ttral .1 to 111 r a \V. Ika 1134 . from o ...: t r 4 0 md .t Ell, V . o. A ' l t. vtl p r optlt olto . ...to, 0yt,00.11 • WALL PAPERS, c. vionAm PALMER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RALIK I_ 3 _,Vl - ".E,11 TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES_ AND . 1 . AL 3EI 1-4 3EI CZ, -, Er 3EI -ISLAS Warehouse, 91 Wood Slreet, 4..r0ntl don, - trnlnvr IPlatuond fet.1,11.14 I . A. 1)A PER 11AliGlliCiS FOR 11466. A great I:Zentlon of vlmertean If 'all Papers. For 1.1..11,1.U:tie In Ilve ynars .1 - E Eire LISLI P.rIPER S A choice snle,tlon Cl the Air west French Pa perm !rut cnlr U AI.TER t'. ]IA ILYIIAI.I., .7 %%nod ntrnot 1)411.1.oft PAPERS. A NE \‘,I,P , T nF Htanclard (4 , )111 - Papers of b, .vr uI 1. .I L O, fnr I•artor.. No. 107 ,NIAItI“..I 11111..Y.t. NEAR h'll , lll. In, iJ .It, It. 111 1.1 Ito A 01111. - pOSTPONE3IENT. rYroo r ol rh rot.- r tt• It In THE EXITED NTATIES PRIZE CONCERT, Crosby's opera House, Chicago, 08t-ILL, 1E1643, Monday, Jules s_)th, WORKS. HALF A MILLION DOLLARS lIN PRIZES \VIII Ix , Lo Ticket iiohll,l, Indudl $lOO,OOO IN GB EFNBACKS. The postponement Is au littavowl.thle °vernally. t nut fo much av ronsenneure of ,11.. nu miter of tick et • vet unwodi as the positt. Nt.,-..1t) there Is for the proper registration of thn.. already disposed •If, will. 11 has 1..11 delayed luol the neg. liget , te and .aerie pwrton, our Agent. lu Ina I. In their pr tic, rr I %1, 11IVIN, all partieswatt., tickets to so-nJ for them without drla). Ilni but Inn tp.d num ber yet en hand. W e 11 wl. mo-t part, Marty to 1111- pre•N upon the mind.. urn., Agents the Importance of their making their retort's at once, anti of rati fying whatever errors may have crept Into their re ports heretofore. We will -ay to those senplng for tiel els. that It they should all he sold at the time the, order Is myrrh ed. the MOW', will hat returned. So applic . attutp. for new ag , nett, for the sale of ticket, will et.wthiere.l.. na we hate no more than enthelent titter, to supply there Agent, we have a!- rely are fwr cane at the I,rin- Opal lMml. and 11111M10. store., In the city. anal atei, other . 1.r.1 ,t hotll ,reet, prier $l.lO %VOL by malt on Itcript of price rust stamp for re turn po tag, Wk. Invll.. the imrl.l..lar .l..utlon of persona , 00rtle.r 11. Y.tn hr mAll to Me followlug SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES: ,irart a e r t's ) . ...11 r :1 ". 17rL n fxr7Ix ' ;g 111 :1 1 . , ; , rI L o S 3I: . ; for then lor. v.lll follow 1.1.1L1.1.1 VIA. w 33 WILL I€I3EIND sI icart-sl.O tote aLltreevi for $ •• 11 • • . • ...... 5 In every case ..n.I the omue I`o,olllvo eJ dye. of each sep3eate subserll..r. • . . Moor,' b) draft. l'uslulllcr „r In IfrAlsterutl Letters, may Iu• /II ul our rink. All vainuluulumil•uu. .huuld ruldru,nutl I WIDGINS. BRADSOBE ot CO., 133 DEARBORN STREET, CRS' AliO, ILL. Tlic proialetors 1%111 a,,ont.• to the I.oruln and Doh gtau Mouurnent . funds IMMO; there yr 111 he C.oon re.er‘ froth the. grer,oh drat" hi. the s.lthteet we saute purjwse. 1L10,14.1C.N lion. Major 1,111 Lace, Ira J. Layeurt. W In. I....ffiragmsql. a. Ikon. Joar.ph K nt.a. I' uhl, Ilou. I ~ smith, of K. Javol, For. U. Ant. S. It. It., I lolrAgo, 111. K. ronlm.riz Imp', "I I) atrla.... Cleleago 1• r 0 1 , ... , tar Innnrtlna tKla wlrrr LI ',Dlrut re yTI: Ai n • PA RICFRP,BURG LUBRICATING (>il Cicompaaly Keep constantly on hand a ens play of Natural Lubricating Oil, =I Free from all Impurities. Every Barrel Warranted, of( TO UI I[ETUIiN KU AT 'I'N K COSI PA N •II KX K NSF 4ddresii JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH T. 11. N EVIN .1‘ N. W. Corner Third and Market fits.. PITTSBURGH, PA myZi:ls7B MEN'S BOOTS. - YoutitiW' 13c,cfrtF.1, LADIES' BALMORALS. LADIES' GAITERS, MISSES AND CHILDRENS' Boots, Balmorals c - A I a' It. S , AT REASONABLE HATES, SOUTH & ROSS', 63 JILARKET S 7 KEE T. Iny=:49 GNU. S. NOL/211 JOHN 6038. JOHN ROSS & CO. Wit. N. OGDEN & CO., Manufacturer. and Dealers In Carbon Oil Lamps & fixtures, .Chandeliers, Carbon Oils, dr.o., No. 64 Market Street, . 1 "X 0 r . z 9 3. 1 31D1E11.41341EC, Inentuenndar. D. PATTEIISON & CO. • MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, iteltiwoon Beaver marmot and Oblolvor, Po. Orders for all na kinmobooter,ds of Lumber for imildlaX WAS liV i t t eek Plank, lath tc. IVO:l .: 111 ItZl I=lllllll = =! 111= AGENCY STEAMED BOYS' BOOTS, HIJCVZSPOUS TO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers