11 I' • . ----....... • ____ . . . _ _____ ___ _ _ _ _ . _ ______ - - _ - . _ __ ___________ AUCTION SALE& FOR SALE—FOR RENT. BANKS AND BANKERS. COMMISSION MERCILA.N TS. RAII...ROA.D,S. , , _ _ . _ ._ ______________ ....... .. _ _„... ______ ~ ~.„,, ,„. „,,.,.., . t.m.,,,v,• 1 .-. , •••mmissi.,!. ' Pk.N7•STI,TA-N IA CENTRAL H. It. • • RI kv EN 77. 4.7e...ar • r •"' • a ....1 .. . feebleeand complaining? Are you oak Of : LluartaitAßD MAP•uskaa. -.. _ , ~ ~ ..,., . , Ilar'Alfralli PILLS—Are yoUNICR• , OPEUA EMCEE.. I,` EDERAL si'llEET CLoruum von ~,• Al.c.---- lt I•• run 411 2. I I.Z . ANK.I.NI,i ROUSE. ' w 4. .1. era.- • - 1 1 ,-- J. STEEI, S. BRO.. late Flcin- . • ARRANGEMENT , ''' '. ''' ' ' ' 1866 ` 4PI( * Weaktarlfk• A•• I L I unst. •-r• dlr. AT AI • TioN -.sip.," 13,, ~,,,,.. .3. aunt sod thlru -I t ,•• •. • :••• dr •t• 1 , •• . • FRIDAY, Ai.‘,l,:i.f. XI, 1866. i 2= =.;' 1 • 7 ;:::; 1 "ryg"°;‘•_° ? '" ; ;Irli'l: ..„,,, ....,... 33,1 MCP -A 1 EVEN is•; ••• 7 •••,-.....k so .• ton malls. Atha, •r ••••••ta I ona. • to - ••••• • - • I lade to serious Ilinesc r' oome 'AI o."Thckn.:l"..- il&purig. 4.. . 4. ' ~ r RID.%) Att•ltAlia•• . la. , .:•o•ta. till. • • - 1 ra".•••••r• a i•sw.slT.• ••••• •• ••• 3 ' 14 '''''' " .3 • ' All EnCHA ND& Le,..- IN 33 and sell Flour. • urn 11. al, DA/LT TRAINS. - Mies Annie Eberie. , • nue. •••••e l / 4 In 111.• 1 1,31.13133,g3 stun. or at r. ' 1 ' :: :'. 7.1 st l et ' l . .. es.. tocr •••••! ••• roe •••' ••••• • •••••••• ' --, •-• , ••• , e, ' .—, —7.5'1 , u t t. and C0rn...W.3 1 / 1 h .1-1.1C011..L5r.1. Itu o tt:r... e i e ures,, ~ I , ,• ••e a nd after Mu!: IsA 1 , 11... It lse. t mina retu "twr, l ade use o the ht remedy. Take A yer•• 1•1111. and : FEIDA 1' EWE NI NU.NI A 113 ll 11,11. L .11 3., ~,.... ; . ' . .....,,T .,, , ,]•;3 . 1 . •; 1 " . 3 11 ., 3 - 3 ,,, • . 3 . , ::3113 , 3f3 0 1 , 1f , 3 . 11y,T7,1,131,=13 ... 743 , 1 ,.. d r 1;: , .. ~;:.,, r ,;: d b ,,, ~ ',....,,,,, ~ ,:, . ~,, ~,, ~ , , • ' ' . • - ' • ' • " •- '. •'•' • ' ' ' ' N. iltiLivAS & SONS gs, urk. Green and DO' / "II • 1 1 t• nAt ;•• the Onion Passerlter-Oriat, twitter of 11 *tn. 1ZA.,r,u... ,I.L.ist,...ved,,F*ecathreeero.tit•eollielt..arre,tit,•.e. , • . 1 ,„ 7 , •p r, 1•t d de , a ,. .. 1 •nAt A o l n . an Ex, •l L it lbert .zes__ ___ y t e irre eee ts e , a ni s follows e et 1., .... TREpmiummatit GAZETTZ Actium. cleanse Outnthe disordered h umors -purl" , the aeuted Um new bonsai.. Drama In ro., ..-1.. . . , blood. and let the !told. move on unobst . ted I tn....tett ISom Me 0 • r '. . 1 "'"I ""*.t " ''''''''''r F'"4l""•'''' '''a -"" ' ''''"" .' ' ' ' " ' ''''''''' • • " ... - * •- iii"Vaiti.t.Alr- - .1.,: , .... .:. health again. They stimulate the fun ti ".' th runt., ea pre•••y rs Nitta -33. L-31,5111.3 3 hulling, Pi.ss• good, Fur - M.lli me. ea-a dl aroess to lid Ilonsn.tslo'ls '•r r: I ••••• ' w. the saleof Foreign and Dpmesrte Fruit. No . . lair 1 envoi. at prinhipal Man.. Aftirt4 at A • ••na• jga„ Enmity/ a eon. RaUrnad. bodyinto vigorOull astivty, pouf, rh,:4414,..,t Eberir • r r tilled ,In IL, _ Litt:GATE. Auel lon, r. F• rm . . Thu small Nun 1.3 at, 31.3333 33 , 3 3 1,.., /ES Etar3.3lZ3 .- , 05 riSi. ''' , Third street. Pittsburgh, la. feAntnad at 7:a A. N.: Tyrone, kW A. L. • [Benet nu I+-p the obstructions which make disealle e . .- IS its. RtlaiT. Pitt' gh, Colambus& Clneinnati R. R. ' UeserionedobakWAndkabOdy• '/. 4 -Aiii°-"'" 331-17193" X 3EISSICI-116-1'7249 I. I.ZZIILDEV GI AT A IL. , i:TIO li " .r. i . I° "' r' '''''" - ' , • ! CHARLES C. RALSLET, Pirritilace ... kaltitoore.t dial.. 11 • ••• Rnw Yol . k. "' t I; Ailue; M. OnIMDIMMINGS., rteubenville, Oblo ' d nn k t i e n , 'lnikaes-M a nu4 7 eati Catn ,,k ell Dahl, ol • Ar nisT tie's!, -1 11 April ad, at :owl Su.sl M IRKET STREET, Pittsburgh, , megodegu add ti,,,, ~,,,,,,;”..i i --; rrrV,z,',r7k.•,,,,tieetai ADELAIDE OF 1•It Es i•Ea .• • tit, TUE PRIDE'S 1 st..ry 1. Nutt - Ituild LI. on Eaat steer , ''' ; '• , - ,, T ,... '''• ''...',''..: i ' •• • •• 7 . 411 ; ' ; ': •:: :' • ' '' • • •• ' r ' I . • • • ' ••• " •• • • • ' • • • • Y• '•''.. ' ;' ,1 " .; •• '''''' ' t ' : '!''' ''••• • in P. BT. CLADS. Wvilatnirgh. West. T. Usti It \ itr. and and Third 1.11,33(5. Tided Ir'erd7 Alleg n hee ' s. an • rr•• •• o ••• • r : •••••••• ''' IflVlYlVl nlis n' orn i tMloZt " . fkr:i Z'a d''''' '' g '' ... t. ' i -j i ..lll7E:R:T e lr e , S7T ee ll:l•7:Rlt.2l7 6 l b s eed a bt U rg , E r g. , a r e.. . , a. h : ,o 7:l' . h i N o , l ' eus, ' , .. ,, l ' s : L'lA''• ,; " : k ,,.. ,: ( l.. . °l4 l,,, t l3.l" N kri i: l ,; : a l . 7 e va l ; p h itili wz_ .;l l.9 / h O l- .l.7 . is • Esi e r : l i . l '' ,. ::::::::"".: TMO• FtAtTlltlkk.AellsTil 011i e, Pa. • .. _ with It the boo they restore the .... A t y w e rr. : e . is il l .. . eg ll t l oi s i. . 3 : o 2 :7:b: To conclude 0111 the Iturhosiu.• of ' 33 " ,." ' " 3 . 4 ,," 3 ' . 3 " ..,'"', '.'" • 0111 .,.' .. Pl'remtd , lll) mid ."rJ•, 7 • • - •,, -• . • •••-•. ~- • ' • ••• ,• - - ••• ,••• • - ...sr rd In I'ss Funds and Currency. Roans. Tallow. Feathers. litwoma, I mat.. lions 9 • • ••• A. AL. ...pct., at ueariy • all snubs., ap,, ~,,. JOUW/IrillgOlkilkkikirki-Abestkel itt.' . h;,. , Ltr,..,..ul P' 0 C LI 0.11 ^ 7 .18, .... r.....• . • •,- ,r , ~.—.. nn •u. t ,, ay. A put ai. al ,!',' •"'"' ", , '. ":. L '. .. '• •'•' ` - ' .. " •.-. ~,. •?; , I ~ ,' 1. I I of al Game , I . ~ ,e ln e d d r Es . : l l l t ry s . er:L.F,1,.,,,..,:,,te,..,11,:5,5tvget,,u,0 Eh e l 3l , ..7 . lelie e ta: ., • e • lac , a ‘t c ' ,, ' , F b • :1 ,,, i.. • : •° t , p 1 i ' ,...1 . : , • , , ,, , • , i. i.1 ::2,:,; . r . L.. " ' u.'''''' Tn"'"1""' '."""1"“ V".1"'" St' ''• '''''''. ''''' • '''".• ''. '''''''''''''''' "•' ' " "' • ' '`''''. '' •;• • • • • ' •••Vs • aldn ' .. • . ‘ Pr '"" T'''''''. e t Urn.. Clover sea:ds, Timothy Seeds Flax seed, Danzig k PRO., Wellsville, Ohio, , vr e o w l ee , em W o h:t ee is m tru i z i rs e ir i so n ot In this trivial irt "'Oro , . th , "”". ' 1 . d 1 ' '" . Pr,,.., .., i ; : .1 4 .. ., „?.. • g r '-' O . ". Cel la rs. .. ' 1 tv17•3171. in, A ig_43 t'Ll•lro'7uT:One"l..• R 1"'" and 7 : ' ,:.- " ,., '" ,i •••:;-." ,.,, . ,. .-" , ' ,., -- - ,..;.: , ;'.. - -"--•-A .. --"''''''': .....,,.. . STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES ligOEGi CLARK, Smith's rear. Ps. B also true in many of the J0117...NY RAPT 1.111 ml3locii L. 1, 0 ' Produce Consigumoute. ~,,,,, t e sen , tly t.• F.s.nrew train for New 1 • tk, ru.l sang ! deep seated and "Inge.. distemper. Tile sam e of Manager Newell. in 1133 great Female Minstrel ; ' L L''''' b r r."' '' '' "..."" ''''' rear. Th r .P •Ar il • Urrr " ..' '.;•;.."."' ''' " • -- ..... - u .. • at ?:k . r. Is. W. Skiing, Allegheny Valley Railroad. ALRX. arnexa. a in A••••.• 11 HILADEI.PH IA .IrNl•ltt ••••• •o- W. WARD, Motiongahela Rousse, Pittsburgh. =7lo:s ff =i Ve P r.r4 e l' ~..Flra • ld ^7 a tmliar B°. .r. Lent ..40: the lease taus ten year, fe u Aprli let •-- • ' ••••rod Pol. , 1 Tile Isot is 20 by 110. Possession on tbe due of mie. ' A•'••• a ? •re• • • • •••• •t 7 s• •• , ' I •;.• , 2 . • • ' .."*. 1 rd M'BANE N. ANJEB, COECRISSLON .., 1,1.. I iiiii.r.:,,,, w.th..:eirirreer::taukiai.bl.r,,h,ipiu.tb.e...%;r..,erdl:nei.ec;.nszit:;..l.rt.;;:bc tiILAN li MATL, Eh sA IL RDA] A rt.'. It•sousi A. LEGGATR. Auct. ; `'';'• "';'-'''''''''"' ' '''' " ' ''. ." ' " ' '''. Row:tit alt.' . B. sa-LauNiT.Wwilaxtoo. Pa. ' : lions of the bOdy. they ar eal e rapid and man r M cents to •II part. of •he house. • • • ra‘b27 -- - -- +. ll, .ke.Ettskoi.r; gala.. 'Ohio." pITTSITERGLI THEATRE. -lIAA RE FIUME illo l '''''' — '" --" ''? • • 1.,. C.' Ata.w.le, Columbian. Oblo. I such ag h r.per.-s au- -.....__ .I. llo . s eiliAber mar- Lt•RCIL AN ID .11A x.‘o an a - - liinsTalt, Alliance. 0 110. sloe , 'a - a. 1 / 1 11, FUS. Sutler. ( Pa. IL. ap r ia.•••16..71... i e; k:°VrilMrnam. East. Palestine, trbu,. J. SHOOP, ret , epon. Pe. JAB. T. 8...Yrt.; Allegheny cur. ALUM, /Agree, ra. .11.11eitulituisi:Svaitr.vi.,t....• • 111110W.1111 & Suguerge, Brown.ltH . Pe. .1. It. EXAM], Meg/4473h, Pa. C. Lomas, P. P. W, AC, 1 41 4 0. 1 . c. Lomas, cievilium A Pidebuigh4tellrued, Tito.. LINNIK( AN, Istrobe, Pa. J. Pa-n•mtamx, Altoona, Pe. TUGS. TAM. Johnsloan, P. 11..11,L1WET.SIIIIrD•harg. Pu • Kier Brighton. Pe. W. llSKO.Connellevllle. Pa. Bogy. 111UPlIAN, Weeds Ilan, Pa. CUA9..6OWre.n. BlAlesrllle, P.. ATZ.llrgox, Irwin Station. r.. )410,!,AAAlt Um, Tirentam, Pa. & 'OASTON, 'Sewickley, pi. 80r.0X031 POT, California, Pa. P. ffirtansox.Kimanning. P.. W. U. MMUkAta, Xtm3.ll(ld, it. 44; W...Y010104.11rt Petty; Pt. I;',C. l *(o4'.l4lj;:y...ii>ar Malian, Pa. A. JClM.amrros.o, Daninocm, OapVkitbr.likr, O. 3r.: 9 lloiit; Liurimir Sisttan.A.a. W,AtAsixOutz. timiseg. Mule; Pa. R. R. • MN& .Ittrirottn!, Lar - rehervlllik Pa. H. MiCiaiML, Bac. Mast. Wellerllle Auenn•n. JOO. T. WiisON, Tv:m[lu* Station, Li. it..otlauxi, Jacob . . Creek, P.. J. M. Lon pm, P.. B. RiagAin, !non Tetley: P. M. ALITCHILLL, White Agh. VAS/EOM Wiwi. KETCHL.f. Sgua.s.rtox. The 'latest serialikton in is "mushroom het chop." It seems that no mushrooms arc userlAti the preparation of thi k delightftil compound, but that the base of it is decay ed beef liver, called Smithfield mushrooms. BilOptinuft quantities of these livers are collected In-England thrd import& In dos ed . bags.lntim The continent.- The liven, are salted , la' cube until the mass beeollieF thordst*bly pi . drid and the contents are then boiled in iron' tanks. All that remains i. to strain o 6 the liquid carefully and add to it fintgraucc and pungency by mixing ii . with spiees..-- , ;That.whiel l remains after the straining proreas is covered with it lay. er of ashes and sold for InanUre. Ltitaxst's.Astatt.somr.—Yhegrent Itofor• meewatt uotwell pnsted in astronomy. li. Tithtddalk.'iviv fludidm saying: "r int now that a new tedr, umnee ti'tilaen; Who presumeth pi,se that the earth. ineveth and goeth about- not-the firm/ilea:ll4 atm, moon, nor thy elute: like as istrietti itt a match lir in a and its moved,- thinketh Le milieu. still and reeteth, but, the earth and the trees go; run', and krne themselves. Thertifore„ th 11.9 it goeth when ws - wean ourselves to our own foolish fancies and conceits. This fuel will turn the wlr. de art of tastronoin upside down• but kite Scripture sttow,.ti, and ies"glietik him.. another lesson, where Snsihtta eommandeth the sus to -.tend and not the earth!" • TRE:llavenportent are paying death; (lir their alMting parks. ft will be [misers/bend that these:parks were conatrueted on the river by uleetrink'awity thnimo* and Semi AASHINGT 11 WORKS. PROF. COWPER. al the Rail _ . log thelee:watt;rater %rhea it Ist;Cotnes tom . F a- asaelst l eag ! .. arstsalms-gAts. . , .._,,,, rai ‘i Eel na.....-s .1 gh. Repeatedlloodingteandfieezingandded aiV.l.Tilti7Clan AlasT &!IPiNitliAmILL MA ' LO the th - lektuittiif the ice, and.. the cense- SHAN ER, T.l (LEA; fti ,, N .Vig l arT"`„?.,• 1,• + ,, aT ,L N ,„ 4 -',..„ 1 ' onence is that it is now , so Until: it Is di di-- ll,lTitiiTififq 4-7,;;Te: —"' • --• " ''''''''`'' ' PLUDIBrNG. &c. culato break n',, The *bole MRS, about sir Areuts for IieFFAHLPS FATENT INJ FA:Tve. ' 11AIIILEV. FAIIIREI-1- t... lU. ten acres in extent,ff i hooted on a body. or reeding bailers. l adgingnn at , island below the I'll.S. and , Ir4=' TO NERVOUS SUFFE.IIERS, 1 11 oompletely blockading the channel. It , 01 , BOTH InE X En. —A r•ren.nd gentleman 110 w remains in Unit extilditiOn, anti frit', 1 hating bc4o .clo t . aaan) la . ra. tiara, all. l present aPPealances navigation win open LQ,lrdlriisaiiiit, regeliiiT,:rll‘:,:eir.7._:=l7;ll',l,,.. to that city sometime le e the rima ill urrnd duty i 0 e ollll3 .lll , ate . Iti. alai, tr+l fl,. . i ereaiares • the mean. of cure. Hne, un ine re. ei, i i Oft- Vim , eft•ed ft , ft,.. aftft•utrieiii ft., July. Ho sake-a a Muscatine [tapir . of an addreteed eUTelOpe, he will se, ♦• ~ t., , A ORM/4.4.7 paper publishes eat anecdote , of the prescrip r tion need. firii of President, Lincoln , which lisp not been li .a:ty' N. w .,....D • J°lrN M' DAGNAIki„T„Vi.,;i!. GAS FIXTURES vs 1 irt la Is tre. e. t fr lie 7 I 1 . 1! . .! . , t:/ , . , tsII4)PE ItTl FOR -,. %Lt. Tu . ~. - 14 ' in print Sothis country. A lieutenant, whom ;i .. 14 At I HLF,X, debbs notittielled to leave his fatherland and 1 JOHN „COCHRAN & 11110, - Private Sales Day and Et eninß. '''" ""`""', "' • .'." I ' . ' • ..f , . '. ~ If tinting, service, succeeded in being admitted IP the VAULT DUO ' RS ' 1111j1 ItillfZi 4 ., 131 \49 3 `1 it .. :NY . , {III n ilia? -rt.!, II 1 , 1: •A I r late President thimble, and, by reason CO' altmrrafts. WUkDoW I, uninei. ' rte.. i.l s. s Braiding, his commendable and winning deportment skew: n and Eli THIRD STREEI', tedween ' NV. I 11 4. RGA INS IN I • ord nig, and intelligent uppearaucte, was promised .4 Market, have on hand a variety of 114.1., patterns. ,AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. '' fancy and rosin. cnitabie for all vory...eft. Felling, a /linitonant's commission in a cavalla reg- ser Particular attention paid to melamine Gra: e °,,,r, BOOTS AA D NIMES. -- ! W 001) Pll'ItIPM; 01 itching, itnent.• Ile_ ens no Pompton:el with san !•,..• Jobbing d''...1.0...1..114.°..F- H OFMA, that. he deemed it a dilly toinform tlO 1143F.' TIIE BRIDAL CHAIM BE I i President that he belonged to one of the old- AN DiSAY OF WARNING AN D I 1,1.1, ANI. t.t Sr . HI 1. LINI,e‘ ~ir eat iflOble:ttOusae iti Germany. "Oh, never , STRUCTi" S VR V' t LUNP ! I EN • Al. , ..'" 4 ' . .' Mind 1.11111.. 1 flail Me. Lincoln, "you will ' 72 : . :` , ` 11 f!'"1. ° WiLf.i - triIVH . V;., - .' ft:::: not miaow to be an obstacle to your assositioa. Philadelphia. Pa.. avi , advancement. . tar ,SENT FREE. - - , 1 PalnPlile LI 114 f - )IN PUIVIT'SJ, Tan New Gee - TAN IshAz‘n.-The Anier, -of lame Importance to th e old 61,1 ed and single of both sexes wiii i 1 1 711.11COILMff at Piraeus, Greece, hassent to rs ° l9l., by aildft,l4lll 1.0 co., •it 14. d i.• the Departnient or State a report of - Ifs Ageoy A. ICENDRICk's co., aos `it a....i.•, tosliel. a a. observations on alto new volcanic, island in P." '-`--.- the_Grecian Archipelago, which has berm -- - . fully decri led. His account continua the previous „reports, and adda Mat. the Island is completely divided by.. chasm, and {our little lakes of tweet water, aro constantly increattlng Judie. , At the time- the Con sul'. diespatellea .were wailed (Febniery IN the ealpianesus 'odor. and. Smoke „ware be. comingmoreintense, and at flowered Hamm were -, treen it the centre of volcanic ise, Gott, and MO awoke becathe thicker and of a deepereolor, Astatiow.k : .Coaran-Srocatenas:-Eutring the War thrprevemellirslit ..Anterkare, Warr,,": ufactrlree,lprftgreittie data rapid rate : antLitx.' nOthingmora rapid than , In Totten tCetery:' Until _ARC& the 'llittiethant,'htanirijmaketii:„ conAttelthernitelvei to the. , cammon -grade ofatblied hose; andlittempted no' .conip,l4 tatiOrrtifitgPieekit and - GenaluiY ila man; afar-taring' Mier f goods. Now, however 4 plaid cotton hose, of the belt quality;.l. , t. extensively Made in the United States, and the manufacturers &reale° extending their Improvement/ in anderelething, making the latter quite as good ea the imported articleilta , .I'' : ;•.."•• - ' rd: i .• ,: ;- ~ ..... . d • RENDZILINU TREASON ODIOUS,—Thu Spaulith Ctiunoll of War has condemned • General PALM and his associate rebels to be shot. It la thonght quite likely that this i s but a prelitninacy atp to calling the:general to Madrid tp tirept 6 SWOP idgitegteeneder e l the GoVainment, 8 "ch, at least,bas been the coarse pursnee+ , t ward Spanish rebels hereteronh, ~,klr.,.Joktimerai imAIOY lumi-- 6 reeemblanee to linit or rNAZZLI.A. He was going. "By the Eternal," to hang all trait - on, i , as high as HAMAN... What he actu ally setrulaispreeel tot:16;11r la' Milt( 'ditch 'ea STIVEMI to LllO capital to take ...ate in the Senate of the tinned stems, ' TVA MADMAN i Ale.l_ P/4//71..ay. that; forty.aix years ago, a bubble storm 1,1 sleet and bail took plate in that section of kfaine . , Tithailedltvitheutiattatatiorr ka- ai4 daye alerailitlita, , makink ttr`oppiiegive and dangerou.s to be out ..r doom. The hall teamed like bits of lee, stair', and sol id. Previous to this storm there was 11110 W to the dePthe r:oiMpr. four, feet/ :The hail ' added to Ms d4lith„, acid 'formed. Agra** , so., /font thet tb 4 lllM : lrket.leamaTmented:, with entire safety over Bettis and pastures, into , the forests, titatibittlicted - by' eta rant' arid fences, „ . „?,..„'..td,.. ' l'arcihrrEapp..ln .Syracuse, 11 New York,' I min, going Wine front his work, mot three Indira miffing abreast on the aide walk, ;preps-mg thi.n3, rude naps Oahe glitter proems ord . y alternative, He chose thejotter;'Slipped upon p piece of Ice, fell a and dialaPpPid tatil,fiafi; - . * , beelike verel ytraising,Other,issprilone of his-body. Theyoung man wlllhe confined to the house for weeks, anti'U jot want.or politenent , oh the part of the inillesi Its met, Such ladies, we regret to say', hre oeraalonally met with in this city lir .)s,llJ±9 4i-10 7740 e: J -.- Tug " Lurideb .iii!l' clater. zettylr... Dr. Who well - Wits Wit:l.-eel mathematician, turd had a reputation Or.geniwalltbdiviedgerwlifeli once led to the circulation .of a myth that some fel lows of .Trialty,, ormuntned„up, the theory of Iftilraiteituinticeloiltilitiestitolindl subject on which.Dr , ;Whewell‘knew noth ing, but found that liNfamilinOty, .W,tyt, the subject weave/ter thafeaddr own:. A irrilAtteETl from thiieciantli'OTWeiiitift. an ordinary ndigiwilik 914 Am Seldo,,nx4i, t up and inquirTrig K ale 646.waa,attiswerixt: "It was a 'role rtelztintin -116. " Too we ll bred to ask utiumow .gtuatiosissliatitittl ed It over amroyer, Juld.ot tast,ln tit woe .yam of binned tairleidiy, ' Intiolred: "How in tee name or, wender do, you bciuntlionear with this?" - , . . A MOM intim atli'laulousc beam . , the,. Ad..; lowing inscritakiiiiL'PaieW` a element, wayfarer, and rend.: , Here llorlitandinent, who lived ltd y ea Wy.TP. o ft'fithill_tf "Paned,' with ids wife ,- by'rwirdni It 6 ed. Zi Ftlid ren. He died in . l theifrini ..163.''' Or th I, desired to litforn bon '-,talskilint" should' ~. remain in iiinornim ilo,yper way and A army= weadui4Uintiat3cterlh4ar uessing.P l Mipo.:-.941KW0., °Rabe 2Stli of April, az ideraburg: It Is tbm or Can' Alexander and the , 'Vraritet"Tiley Vera married on the rib Or April, 11141, The Caro btettuiVollatontao,ue•trif.•'.e.priii *bin he 40,toaro old. I=lsl ..__.._ —r,.... ........ kg. , .. n . " — ` 4 .,1., ow :nil' .;&7:15,17, - " ° ,, T .7. 1 71 1 • ,litate CHIMIMMts, Iddigestlati, D rangenlen - f Us - Lire*, Centreline, Cobetimstlon, Heartbern! ' Vi:. ° P , T.T.lrt„,l',."°,7. w °— "° s °P° --1— • ge oSes. 1 hey are Boyar Cwated, so that the most setuitlre can take them easily. sod they are surely the hest P.M.tire medicine rat Manor red. AVER'S AGUE CURE, i For the ermydy mter of intermittent , ?kw, or Des., 7 . erigfiarer= . t r ' l l' fM i li F 7 ". l n . • fe '''''‘, and VII:. *e., , i for Ow toholm C iaL a of i caeca...a ••••.- bylleatt Hogg dorm meat, minard bylaw Ho. forfetqf .c.,1i., f ... ...; Thin ly faded ici• cure the onitert...l meet of Mil e lad ever. and It has this Rant wd ataso aver other Ague medicine, that 11.041 , 41,PS the complain'. 'without loth ry Lo the patient. It contains o quinine or ether deleterious soluwance, nor does it ``ll weave oalinistn or any InJurlon, ..inletwhinnies hihak lug hmthers of the army and the went, try It and you will endorse these assertions a n ' rsEln d y 71. J. ( ; . /CWEIM)I. : I t A jtlik " . ' Z'O M ..Tu'd by all Druggls . tolini:hmitit w V r ir- RETROUIVICIPS TURRISH TILE it Ri M 4) ( 71 1 E N N r1)1.. , 7AT.}. 3 4 V . :ll l' F LI r Ali F TICRKISiI lIANDOLKNIAN. F. ktra.aOPCSVB Tuttle/on liArttaitulAw. What can be Mtn% aceeptrage than anything thAt will bestiality I that will swatore nitrites dents or spping the hair from falling plat, restoring Its natural nolor, making , :t to grow In In Innen', end beauty, assist In potting It up acconling to the present style arid hellion tool keep it In place? This Roderrueey's Turkish Rondo!, aloe Role riNtir rill do. and for proof we refer you U, any person who PIP. tried It, It Is ankm, o Indeed 1 to he the beautifier of the age, the only Darr Dude rand Restorer worthy of the mune. In Turkey, In i hre"s/I.l:indrFltliqa'n".lis'lrAno';orttt rs " p7 h . '` ,. ` . ' ..I ' 7i:: et ph. .14rOot Hale,PrepersiOns. Fternember, it te tree front Sit mitalito poisons that are contained l in must title Colors and dressings. It Is the age of many POMP,s and herbs, hugs. pill Up, agl ornament to the toilet. For pale by all Druggists ep.l rectums', wholesale. it. R. tiI.I.ER.II & eit, li. L. RAHNERTOCK & CO. Prinelpa Depot low United States...l caparlaa, • • mgits:PAILIC34I & HOW... . - •; 4 '.. 't t 11. - ! . po. 42011611‘41.2treet. , dothituttod.tir', ...,_ , . 1.6, 244411,1 i , :: arPivreinuirtan RAIFF ;FORKS, HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. )11 . 1107, 1`1171161121 or PATENT 4:2011ND CIR('IILANSI, Warranted CART STE SI. SAWS. of every descrip tion. krill, !doter, Cross-Cut, trees. sod an other •arletles. All kluge of KNIVS3 and hPRINISS, made nom Sheet Cast-Steel. Hgtra• .Itetlued UFA PER A \le au.l ' MOWINI) KNIVIM-lke;'' k " 1 air Warehouse 'lnd Worts, Nun, WITZII Sibtitt Saugus, Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to r.-1...1t Wog, I/nibbling tontldt..l..ralith,la::: 1 2:1,1 1 1 , 7 , i t , nr . .. ,, a o lz ..rit. trtVr:..,(..a,i,l. rates. atattly 1 ttcl4lliAKE ttiaIIi B ARD IE S 4 A:ft ?R TINC WORKS PITTTSIIIi ICU 11. PARS, McCIJR.DY & CO. klanuhrturere of MI KATIIINIi, liltA7.ll l :H., AND I ItOLT COPPER, PRICR3f:Ir COrrE.lt it,..rn,m,, RAISED STALL BOTTO3LI,, t3PiLLTER nhi Al At 411 NES and 1, e , I.S. hi or, • hou.«, N 0.11.1 VII", and Lb Sio ~ ap`PrilleCTA, Pill,- , pburgh. Special orders ...' ( t./t, y r rtl I 1.. s .1.-1... i attern. .01:, ....D.ts oT _. far R'll2. 11.4.01111111 LL & CO.. Bolleriltiaiiers& Sheet Iron Workers; - No.. 20,, 22, 24 and 26 Peon street. Hoenig secured • large r yard. and tarnished It with 1 the must approved macinery, or preps..l h• manufacture every description of BoILE Ho. in the best nannuer_,anti wet:ranted et „ luall la an I matte to 110. ;t 'P T " t::l7l . P ( il l et h I K A I MI R OVUU 1 IV; I ag, B M ILP.NSERS SALT PANS, TANK`'., Mi. Still.. ; ADITATDILS t Se.TTLINts PANS, BOILER IRON, /11:11 , GKS, 3 ltiA It PANS' nod sole manufacturers ot ISARNIIILL'S PAAVEXT in il Lkith. Reintrloi done on the shortcut mulct, Outsif aritenilegelAt s ILEA 4 CO., (Soc.!. • eerier* fo r Stoats RON...ll . llerlt & Mittman, WASP"HITP" .. _._ e'a t,13 BALES AUCTION SALE OF UOSPITAI STOIIES, WHISKY, WIN F'S. A O. AT 9Z FEDERAL STREET, ISIZOIC•t. l'UtErt.Totrs 1%4, - tt A , 1 WAtilli man.. I/. V.. Ida fel. I• 1 lAtttl, i Al.i.g.l:llrNY i II Y. Will be sold at Public Auction. In nil. city. al tl, t Judiciary 'Allure Warehuse., bsen uf theelte Ban, f BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER;CIOSETS' $lO,OOO WORTU OF BOOTS, StIOL'S, on WEDS ESDAY: th Illth day elf Aprll next at se4 0'01.k., A. 111.. the ICU...ring sr - Uri...of liostrlt•L ' Stores And LlquOr,, nu loop, requlrell for the it... . Arrowthe mettles! department of the army, vlr. . WASH BAsINS, 11414 H STANDS, Gaiters, Ealmoritis, Arrow Root. ....IOW:MIN, Dessicat,4 P.,- Barley EI.Gou •• tatoe, . . ID II • Corn Statch....lo,ooD •. Mixed Urte. do H. flocon eborn'telnoto Whl.ty, , gnarl .ClartaNlON. r 7 fft L O CO:..I' . " b " . "o - -2 % C "' - IrAtlLlSsis.: ... . 1,491,03 h.?" •Whildry. jh Uhl/ Tapioca.: ..... :AO,O Os• , lrAllonr.. - . ',o. Ext. of Beef ..24.000 Sherry W in., 'lDolleren'd .1111 . 1t.113,Udi •• quart bottles...lo/1 A itlnger, 1.00 •• Sherry Wine. in Ext. of !;odes.. Ant gal. barrel. .... 'lteatia GOO ibe. Tarragona Wine, Pen Beans._ 2, Itat • • bottle,. . 10.i.0 ' The above articles will be sold In 1011. to sop h , dl law nod mull ettpcb t agn. Five MI days will be allowed to pantie, In rein., log their property. Cataloguer ready by the Sib Pru.i , to. CLIAN. SETH/. lII.A NI I, burgeon and Purveyor. 11. S. A I'. W. AtC.rYLLInr, Auctioneer. trili2.l:tapl,l itliiETTElii: 1 . ' GOVERNMENT • PROPERTIZ, TIACJELOOIIT, 'Cat AO By direction of tile .. .err...Xl of War, fluilding,ipatbrftbiLi t fireil4M, Eu gin trodiag Wrou, Copper, Lumber, & Storer of Varioux ;Which Were roilected M 51. , 11), tin., by loot crate Government, fur the ereetloo mei Penna.. , opl; reat&Wlion oalso.f a larae Armor). f.filioratori. and Are. Tools, Machinery and Materials, Ckifleeted frt. 'iron Wtorma an.l ertn.l.-§ In ter Stales of Alabama Urorgla, bold at Among the articles to be sold, are. • 5,000 lbs. COPPER--phys: CL.OOO COPPER-round rods: 55,L00 hut I...OPPER-bar. A 1.005 lbs. C OIPAR-sheet; • , ''33,001 , lb.. WILOUfiIiT ICON- bar and rod. SCO toys PIO 750 tons CA,SIT. taus -Ilaserylee*hle 51.000 LICAIN-plge, • 45,CC0 TIN block a . tssheet; L. 033 CHA - IN ranc o andilde; i 5,000 yards CLOTH-Cotton, English herge, ed sod enameled: Inl- V.. 000 tbs. COWllistt: at= feet gELTINO-gum and lestl•er, assorted mime; Z7O rills Claners, 51111 tea gorew-enttlohltdain and Trip ilascners, Harnigg‘pidl d dledilagge firavr titt wzman. li kiTragt: it On ee I rons, 33 unserviceable 0 0 nnon-.lron M / D p on t e t l and bronze, PIO broken Gun Garri7es, Laboratory Stores and Materials, 19 are Pselzaltma shascl l b. . 6 gifig ' O . l:3siiiiiberilOi r ers called to this We, MIS !Argonne, and or valuable property. lull printed Catalogues of the property to be sold. itta be obtained from the Cbler of Ordnance at Washington, O. C. and Iron, the Commanding 10- 'O.l of Me AUVIALII , ArstaanI, Georgia. . The We will - commence on Wednesday, aprll 4th, 1866, and continua emOry_day until 'al the property La told TIARII — VASII.. CURILENOY D. W. v CseLzH, Capt. Ord. Bray. 14. Col.. Com. Augusta Ameaal. atiS:tmhX) PAVERS. J /I£lt 1101.1A1701122 MITUU/1111011.N. MCINTYRE, McNAUGAEII & CO, STONE•AND BRICK PAYERS,' • Will attend prowptly t o Furnishing and Loping Stone and ,•i4i Brick Pavement/4 Lid d stir VatrolitinetilliVgifird'ohn4elll abortest notice. Portico deetring anything in our Iloe will have their order. attended to by addresvin g ea through .the Allethen>/ Pont Oaco, or by /aping Si No. 2g6 poiurNm" 4 52-ItPRN4*.n. ;• ' ..,,-,2 j ,- :? , i;.'... - ::. ,, 4 - .1'...-?, - !. 1 ,',:;.':!.F: . .f.'::.„ . ,.:=z Benefit:tad lA.t night but one of theitopolar &etre.. ETTUE *HENDERSON, Who will appear in I,seitarunt&ra. Intro.lttrint ...nog & &aid duet., Tills (Friday) EVENING, will pre , ente.l the beau t lint Comedy of the YOUTHFUL DAYS OF RICHELIEU. ttt. I.null De Richelieu, a&e.i In ... Fault' lien 1'44 Conclude WILL thr L. 44 art Irish Drama of H.A.TY 0.63d3;7g15. ls•ty 1 , '"Lrn1.... 4... Ett444 A. , 1441er.4444. 1 E44444.1443, Af r . .1 4 411S B1104:1411A 11. ), 'ISEE SATUICI 4 AI' A 14 - 1'1 4 .1t., os. rt , 144 . 4.4 44:4 4 44 . 444 - 14. I'\t LE TOM, 4 AltIN. MASONIC HALL. BLIND I TC)TIE, THE WONDERFrt MIND 801 PIANIST, %1111 givr For hln REMARKABLE CONCERTS, MIME= Mouda) Evening, ipril 2, UMI, Aths aaa i . -0/ realm. II •.1 %e•t• 75 .11111.16 f.. 1 4 .1.4.1 at the Hall .1..13 I r.•n• 10 • IF • lu 3r. .N S 13 -I, .11 . 1,11A1 . t., ERI , 1t,“41., l'ln %I) klerd ..0 MI- •.c,..1, le IL will,. flircastsed co H. ILLEBE.IIn BRO.. o. 31, Wood ~,,,,. to67:1!11td , ..1 TIIAYEIZ. Agosat - - - 1 BE ORATORIO XO('IETI 1%11 I 1•1.. H 101,1 MIX 1111%,T S) _T-2.151 X 3 1.,1'N11.110N) ANTA 11111% OF PRAISE, On Tuesday t en is,. .4 pell 3d 11. ILL VIEW 1 1'11 , 11SSI:s ARE I,OltilLN4.; PROF. COWPER'S Fitxklonablc Dancing .Icadermy. W 11.1.1, !, 11AI 1.. P..kirtr, Ilan. or 1 uttl.. TI 1 111. • lt+DA1 a 'llt 1:1,t V. rllr NlA.t , rx 2.21.1 Ml.sr, 11.1. r I r it 4:entle 0,4,11,11 e,, k • 1,11, WIAtIIIIII,I FOR RENT FOR RENT 11 "ILKI.I'S MILL Irteg• enough. an.l hal trw large 1., ire • ••ntral an.l tntalr-rate In pm,. %% I I.K I \ 'HALL 'mitten. I. and l'artle• relit u.k.l o n., I. ) 14,4 Is lb, Ipaut awl cl• J•nelng 00, • the ei!r. T•rsna reaso.,, No. 167 Southfield Streel, Ex - v - sa Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, n (NU ( - LOSING OUT SALE LEAD PIPE, 1 „1 - 1ydrit vali4• limns Won Hof all Inas: Flu lips. r Fountains. •• \ I ..i .3 , 1 Leaf r • dearer Pip... ( — noting, PI, Fl stun's,. 1 ipt loos' \rot • onslit ri tit ..0 han•l at Addy, Willliatns Barile . r's - Ladle' filamorabo and Poliqh Boobs. NILITH 11411,MIllivtri to PITTSBILARGIN, PA snl.:Y.. q Mark, , trert BEAVER STREET, hiIANCIIIE3T i:R 11V. i'A 111% A IHI h. CO., tr r.s'r TI roar urnrr N. N.—All Iluder ul repaltliaq don. prupay'" All .r•lrt, try wall IMINIC.III.Iy all•tidarto )413,0.1..tt rovXni - ••• • ' • .STEAM Plumbing and bias rilting. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORE, Or ALL DIACHIPTIONI OS si, CO.. Sundown. to Addy • Runic ) 186 Wood Mt..'Pldtataargli .Pa, litTE•iii' 13LuniuNG, /SAN AND 1 : 7 Z ,7 33.11111 , 1."1"411razuri1, etrera,layburgb, (X),1 4 1246 • Ai/ k .ai CllA. l4 44B‘tilAYValfframad ovary deserAptlou of P :moral rumaultut :hams. lUrulailea. /Worn. opou day aud 1.44:14rae nod Carrtaffeafunal4bed 1/.14 Nurr. .14 W. Jacnbuf, Tbousaa ENIEw Mag., Jacatal Itan. Thlyd I. P al: !OFIF'INS I corFrss ,IN ks, HASINS. _ .10X7VIVIAT43r. HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. !itIEET SIIICKT ZI Nt • WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. E W'/E, 'S 3 Cl/. (Successor. to Addy A IrwcuA) .1111:17tt..1 110. Inr. W. 041 , 1 . 11t•Irorg!, P. 11,1. Lk251.01+ GAN FITTING, PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING. SMOKE. BELLS, Portable and Cigar Lighters, E WEAN' if CO., (nvecestors to Addy 6 8,...) laisHeod . N. ICS Plltabursh. Pa GAM AND STEAM IN ALL ITS MUNCHES. W ' u r rliVeri. " Alt .,l ssteVen l lll l""d r". 00 710 .1 _ OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS. SHOWER BATHS, WATER Lost:TN, Vonalantly On nand and mute to ortlnr II YDR•21111. TAT-E 8 SEVILLE, t 4 ". " =W1641,417 taatoalllsfli at 4,10 si. at., stool.. ..,., s;i ire,,(. i-iil ' ii. lato SOW OH COMMISSiOn - .43138 E,, TAN- : i;ri...:3h,t % 1,11, t.......- .. , e - ' •1t1..v •''.• i.'rd. ' rid PMERII/RDOlOL'ESLYTSTrndddit'rele-'e"r. rbe'twiliee7TWa44.46:l:,A44.3.l Alff'rrrrt;7l.l.sh' V*artir n .:ll n .'l : S o. l :. 7 . :" .. ' l :l ..i '' s ii a i s ln' n i' [i ‘" ,l 4 7l:: , ! t , : 47 " : . : ...1 \ KilD A 3 ;itsT i it LE. out, s s „, ~,; , or,ors ‘ll.l -g..,1. v at , :.‘ • rv . t...r. t v . . ~... Io , • Partleninr n'tvut...... ~,,,,, ,„ ,t.,, i .„ : „ ‘ „,,,,,,. . n .,,,.. . 5 T U P.. de1. , 1 t.r i ." . .. b ..T 70. • ._ , ._ _ . ~,_....,_i ,. .. A, as., am( New 5 ork, eta l ' isiluielphl ~ rt It:, .r Y. . , • , .. 1,1, . R ,, Prv.' .. , nthip. at .‘actinn ...m., Inaluder ti. air: ..•rt r.... .. • . . t. t ..., . T'..- sahr of a : ( OS. Dorris .101 N AliCtOn.....s. A. Mill, 0 glropftsg Lard run t , !trougli on tans train mon l s tl/1- n I to. TIO rt.,.- on WEI IN o ut , Aprli .11:11 ' et 1 . land I . Yr : '" I • T O' '''''''"'' '. •‘. ". ." ''''''. ' 'l' ("OTTER, AIKEN & SHEPJLIID Pune f o Baltilnor and l'hilutio.t..... slot h. N•ar Yor via Allentown, g " I . U -' ..:c k: rill ‘ l ' I . n 3'. »I ;Y u ' = t . I I . X'' . ' il I I Vi ‘ r i . ' tit l e ' ' l ' s r "i i lle i ' I : Is i tt ' s e l; .: n t' I r VISY " . 7 I 'l:' '''' '''' ' '''''' .r."'"'si"" 'in'''. UNITED STATB SECURITIE.3" ° . i ' PO ' d t A I L ?'"' s ' n ' st kt. cl r'i p ci r odur"juic Merchants , l' a t u e ' r al . I' l I n . 1 te'' fii k. O Ll . Ce le 0 7e L.4 % 1 P IEFV 6 4' , [Dona 4lo o B / 31T iiii ; 4 1 : - . atL :Ol , ' Il i a . l ' . l' ,li:la r b t -I n , r o.li. i .: a .,. . ' r ~.., ' e :a . 1 it 'i' t • ii i 3./ - -X i r...• , . ..I r. ,,, tt1. , g to•ok mo,h, ....10, Al - ••• . gal.; it.,1.•,., • Y ....n. ..: a oont . i., v ~, In nther ..tre. T. The bott-t. ....mains nett,. ro! ' Y3 n 3.11, `; ii w aldt , l. it.. ,, tv .”,. ''• r '• ~'".. STREET. oppetslte Passenger Depot. f i lttilburga...., Y , . . y. ti , • t al• i. MOWN , ' L. V. X., ew ora, eta A:ten, ...t .. 3.3 and hall. To the 'funnel, 111. ,la water du ll n oor mil , `• • of 1...t1. X.. . “.. lot . •ion nltgadvta INCI 111 IN, vont voleOcett soltable for tit.. M. 0., i,..,,,,... a , , river. The ' fin pr..t ..n.....,....... ~. tx., ..tory log and Unl tr•l 6t.tl. •at . 1 ..... f vg.i. orig sltarAßD r. x...: Phlledelpitl,l IsiC r , at.: and Nee Dolt, et. t leutt threr-fottrths of the groUnd 1. , ornaa.....t,i fr.Y.t. hon... fraine Lan,, tvAgot. •.,t.•I and other I ht. I ( I ULP & SREPARJCI, Commission philvelphl2l,:tl 4 . ik.....„. .ar 114 hull tree, Whole pre I•r - oi building, f. mil,/ g•to•railt goo , • a young or. I /.... VI,. of la-t 0. .• - , n'...lVa't.til';'l...'w•atlc•l. Tennis wade known ' ''' .1 1 ., ' , 1 ,t• ' ...ha ' rtl of ai.plo .. and ‘1:11.•r rrt.,i • / to' -I 11.• lore,. .•I' Du. ~.• en- 1 1..rtiv, `,., Merchants and dealers In Flour. Graln and Pros d a ,,, :7 , • 0 ,„,, ~t i, .. ~„„,,„„,„r 5 ,4 %, 3 . A. 1.1.:1;t; ATI.% ~.." , :,..r . . . nal or tho hhott ,tl,l, and a,. to ..,r ,I, heet Hsu, Is, certincat.,,e I ..,1ebt........,. duce. No. JA7 LlbextV atrect, Pittsburgh. - 1 os.y. o , ; _ s ;,,,,,,,,,,,„,, ;,,,,,,,,„ .„,„„ , .;;,., ~,. ~,,,,„, „,„„„,„„.„,..„.,,,,....,..,„,,,,,,.cl. j,,,,,,, l'bolor brands of Flour for Bakers and Fauilly tn. JOHNSTOWN ACCO3IIIODATItiN ty ~.. acw{.. -=" -. ___ . - • - - Thl.. prop., t• I atu au th.vo, I h..... ,• ry cheep. on ndayll) at 453. P. u., stontitng at res•si sr rt•itr a., ~,,,,,,.,il:.:::ll4l,,nitii.dkri.dti„...::::str:i.n.e:ob:lst::::ll".it.telkly.tiot Pall t.o .s ~...,, ~.n..cl er.,,,,..„,..,,,,,,....,,,.L.,.,.,,,.. ULEGANT FURNITURE, CAR- A , .... fnlt • - tf about •61Y , acre, '.hum i d .‘V eat i )0LL.411 SAVINGS BANK, No. 64 ' 'g u 7 'r "hi. M' A- 1 PETS AN I/ All Itlttlits, No. a C OLWELL is L. " iii..iiii ' d r " a n''l‘' Pt i a' , lAn• , o 0 ni)• P. anti. Th.' a • FOURTH STREET. Al' AUC'lluN.-on FRIDAY MORNING. Marcia l l g r. "` 'Pr. , ' art a gtv•ti. et`lnfOrlvh,v• I. .•-tdory 1 1 , 14ARTERIED IN Da3.l. 1.27TiL,....nEi:02Anua,, ~0mmi2 ,,, .. m p em A h pr ,,,,,, 012 .1 at Illalrevill. lettentectlon set in tram. • le, toult.lia.la r.. w '. Al ' , o n . t r l . O : E f 0 1: .. :k y:, 1 , 1 .. 1i , r 114 ,..„ :41. , 1 , ..1 , a t m y , i r t , , ~ :: ,, , , ,.. c. g .; 1 : , F t ;a r, t , ty. ,,, 1 , : , ..:t . t . :. e . ,. ...tL1..; ,. . ~r ......r u , . , e n , ~,a 1.:i.e.i,,f4t,t2;1., ttr.1,,,,,,,,,t..r,; !:1 ,, , n ,.. 17 . ..1 , 11 . , I` . ... , ..rt „, • i t n t , tt: uglLw•km.sevlst,..o, 0t0M5,,,1re,...e.,..,14,7, ,d,e-05irr1t,:.:1t1.1a1td.ndi:,,,„c5pyii,,,,,,,,:ip..„.„,,,,,i.t-,n.:____,,,:at,---carr..„...., ec t i;,;l:: ii bs:...."At.L.l%oTeTtitlTlll:ALL:A:A:C,.l.L.;o7:l.7:datwillltglir:Slan'o,:tiLll-77.13;3:11,,,,:i.„...-1:,:,..1,.. • Orr f tirsilture. rnatoraelug solid walnut car,rl bark an. ' ‘.'"-"J ' r . , ' t ""' ' , ' - ' . l .'“.. • ... II '''' 6..rv ' '...'. ......' 4 7 .., % . ..;•clock . . and front N 0re..., Ist to Pactures• generally ' - oonneellott with [nine ontbe Ind tatiatirst....h. ts tat „,,,r5„..,..., than, Do:kers. e...., eL a i r ~ „,„„. cleared a,Ol In tho•••.l.y t,.. I c cis 1,••••1 orvoiard of m „ , r ,„„ , , „,,,,,„„ ,- on sulk: Marble top walnut centre table veal • 6 P; dt • r'''''• i".... " . . 1 '... 1. ' '''''• '''' "."' ' . K iii I. -. ..dt t -0 011 : -.1 .1111 slims of not less than tine 1 - - ' - r Pennsylvania Italirnatt, hT.otashurg .4 ' i re/so. trail. "at hat nick • h'ihiniini. f ut r""'' French lair n''',`""' V a n ii ,l 'i ; , Tni -" i ' s ia , "" a " : 3 , 1; ', i ; i . "iri at, iiii. is I . l iri-' :tt ' it 414.14,2%1 or the proattt declared twit.. ; iii iii; ii r s , ag ; na-' ,.%• - • ....• .... .... - .... •......rnos. xtrcur.t.t. ; road, and Hollidarberg liranch. mirror, tiepin,. tnanokatly b u ck clay anus, r....tar,. -a . ' v '' .•---''-'' ' • 6, • ....• •''''• • .••"•' .... ' ,00 1 , ,',.,:,.. in ' .lone sod Ilecetubei. Interest haa l'een . A ,•-• P . -.iv& & CO, No. 11.85 ; ~,Yrr.r dol ly me (v , cPtlt SundaVa) at 6 1 60 A• 1 • ; s'i...%liiiniewtirnor‘uitr,nuhrais.iii.ala.i.inni,.stiri„ii,,,ra.„V.iiliotabno.are.a.ue.w.i.nrg. i.ciA.31,•.;J:1r15,g1ii,‘,.,,,,di,,"„iie,,..,.;,i,,,,.;,31,;Liigi-3,;.;„,„,., •. 4,,,.. Rao 4to an tirgar I e... 1. al the rale or six per c ant ' GrairDri, 03 tamtstiton Sierehn.o.,,, d , il.„„„ I Second Accommodation Train rot - Wallis f tap .1 - . - '7 u'rod.o, • Pr ov l .l.o. i 5.,,,,,,, ~,,,,,' , 7,1„.. E ---- I Leaves daily (except Sunday - Oat ItelAA Y. ; n"oth;l•Cit'n'S•r‘.ivill'rett;i't2d.Cit.7tV.n.Vl'n'i'n'gi'LlV.l.s!.al'n"incifseat'rnaa 4rh'r liimii`'ira7.i:a'ii.i.i" "iii.'i'";s'‘-' ' ' `' '' ' ''' ‘ :‘i'ari?ii l ' ;;:' ' ' ' ''''"::::'''' " i''''' ~,,,, , r tees, FI.II. An.. prr i xte .11 -•---- a °, PUlrd Assustoodat ion Trnl. Co r Ws. Es Station. . ..; ~, g .„,„, ~„ „. 1 .. .„. ,. ~„ ....,„„ „.,... . ett. re,. If rbn drawn ., out. In xlacesi 1.44 the . ,i ur ., „ ...., L . , ,,, ,,,d rr,,,,,, ~ et, , our, Oral., Se , ; , e .,,,,, ;; . d " ~,,, b„„d A y,,, , ,s s s., s., e s f:: , 1. ` ; ' 77.1, ` ,171 ° ,0, ` Vr " , 1 :47, " : 1 ~.1 . ;?..,7 g r ' r d ,:i . ,; ; - ,,T.Z . ,i, isrp. 1 ...enter 1111 11-h.....' ... -... •Cth o too fa one ti nI t 4,1 •".:..: " ...4; 1". X 1 :1.? " . ' 4 ' ,• 1' , " 1 . ,, P'" ...y * .j.., 4. t . r :„1 16.. "" ;, " ,. n r : , . c" '''' 'nd Ll'".. ) yin Fourth Aceonunnilatson 'Prat. for lt 1 t t ' Ili! n.- s niAltat. ..... J. a net ,arneAn, rug, statr rod, parlor 1en.1.•,, ...rens- ~.",.1.1.;..P. r.- ' - " . '-' -‘ ' •'''' " r ..."' '..."'l ~,,;,‘,.;,..* 1 1ng I» Tern ,e . .. ) .. r elthou ' t e truublig the de- 1 R " ' EVITIEB A L B. Roust. ........... u. ativu a . u, heaves dallydexcrut Sunday., at 6:ila P. a. •a re. Ac. yensrat IT t" ..1/1 Of tiro to resent hie tuus ook. At . 0 Penn Accommodation. Y.... I - Leaves dslly (e . s. et., mit i ß T. A. . 11 cCLELL.LN D. Ant, ' n.:',;:.,„..j.n...,.:,,,,,Y,"' j.,,! ' . ' ~., ;', ,'..„ .„; " . " ,,.,7 " !!:! ' ,.* . ‘:.',.'',.',.. ri 4'.."''' ,. ~,,,:, ~, ,i„..,Z. „. i,.....a..fi ~,,,,,,,,..‘.... i n =Ler l o tt e rso d ,,ni)Dl';:olenat e it e ,... e str.. g7,, r -- . ; Vanday i eg at 10.•10 r. st. i. atopLstxl , a n t CI at oirms Ws. LAARGE PEREMPTORY SALE ~, ...1,, Routh t.f . th.• r. icsttro.,t rho .. t ..... o- th.ol‘. ~ .nlalning the Charter, lly•Lawa. i t i''d i F g raworka. i io. Non Egi In li'llr'lll3'l..vt • .. 4 . '. .tY;;. . -17;:ch''';''''''T'16"' Ile•`"?:'';11 '''`un" 'n " "°- ~,,,,,,,,,,. I„,, ~,,, ,„..,,,,, I„, ~,,,,,..,... ~,,,.„,,,,, ft.:at , 'ltlon a. P.rnit.hr.l gratis. on application at the 1 p l im 1 ,,,, ,, , ,„ 4 0.. - t „,,, day Si SIR A. sh. and arrives In Pittablil eh at. 0 a 11, largosl and ant I. owe barn. , t., Ili.. town.'„p two “ tt... . A. 1. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 11 - 5.1 r. U. ..., 0 ,, Ti „, ~,,,,. ~r , ,, lo „,„.,,-.. ...,,,,,,, Prig,tonon tigttill,g. Al, MI6" E. 1 nowt . . ir_rrOX .1-1,016V1 gx6x. and artless. at Ni. all's Station at 2:00 P. In. t to a rultvinagTs, slat, of rultlymtl,.. Th. , ft.n. . ttg 1., all 't e, t. Tit/. . p KNOX & SON, Co mmission : .. land Iv of O. ern' 1.. •.t I Itot.,•ton, at ....v. 'AO .•rea •••"'" " Ith''''''''' Robert Itobb, , . ......te MERCH ANTS SON, In FLotar_ ti Rs ..... uc turuicit T - a i nol aril , ' I P . M. , . II a. r 11 0* eh arr.l. 111.. Itaht,tt , In g..... 1 thultvr. Vona...lon ou 1'... L. roan.. '''''' J..'" IL "".."'"...1.' ' i ailLI. regal and eramuce senerw --- iy. N -- , - , , -- 7 4 i. st..i . t ,L ' • ° rg ' °' 100 brat .fn; :.r t. orli, il4l. T 1.1.. property will ht. '.""' :.P.A".'," lnines shldte, xold at a gr.., bargain. The ox nor wlalo t. to t tintan t . .i;;::::: 1',.',..1;.'i,.,.,,,,, ...,',../.,:,t7r,':.0.:;:i. . 1 , 12 1 / 1 300d. 0 11p016/11. City Hall, Allegheny CR,. .. 44 " - . 34 . ........ • . 3.40 AO. ; jal7:lya rlrst Wallis Ml:l.m A , votru.wlatlon... .. (1.3./ A. M. 111 011,.. Ittovlist.t.... C . . . Pnn A C (1 . 111 11.41111.10.1 ' NO. I ati A. II per (011 N H. CANFIELD, Cosniniiiso : John,, Wal I• . Nl.Olost A...11..11.0.ht1i 1 . L. .t. 11. Ala, ••• , ..rni othrr rano , . ran plug from IT to g.ts. 1..5•.• M. Pr nrywk. A. .ft I , lmek. X. I /.. Wn. I. a i01vr..... 4 :one. U. Lolly, . • -• 4 and Forwarding Marctomt and wholesale d e a n, er : 'ion.,,r„neanara Ai.4".."-i;".. t as.. A•lnin, !Ivory J. I,7netb, ,In Western Reserve Cheese. flutter. Lard. Pork, - "s'i',„_"inara; Ha l ie D 3 s• •• • ••-•••••• 3 . 43 I • X. roi... c. litt..ll. I I'. - ter A. idrulelra flacon, none, Flab, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Salcratua s -7"7-3.33 -34430 ' 33, "1ai-lon ~o , r.0.r.t0 ( r itt .l.dit, Harahan. ! I.lnseint and Lard 011, Dried Fruit, and Produe Third Wail's Station Areou.nostatlou. .- i I ~.,.„1..tt...,,,,.art , tn h l n te l r i f i ii,, Si v aL...lt : 1 a:st n .:7lZ: Nos. 144 sad 14d Front_streeL. Finsbury/1 s tn. i 1t,1 4 3,,r. 1 1 , L 4 ,,, ,P0ix i0 5 n, ~.. 4.. .. : .. ..... i i , ~ t y, 1.. U j A. on.agg. 1 An Agent of the gArvlalot 1 6.11,1,u ( ....any Of ili I hart., A. Cotton t .1401110 r, It .... I h met .. ; He I„ Ifluawall. 1 (4,lllCesn'Fissal.s4k. anlilEF! r Tiorlig ani ll' log P ll n erc ° ll D nt it e, C at iE t3 . filli,„:±i:ii!,..„,i!.:ii:lie•p'!„,:i.f..,,i-l'ln'l:il":ll3'...//I'w'i:oll!,:t"•,*.i.l.-tlis.d's 1 3 :s I: 4 0:: .1•.1.t. 1... an-. , Win E. MOn/h/l. .1.1. n .1. 1.11 held, 1 Alexander 'Mille, , porelsaning agents for all Pittsburgh Manufactures. .7.;,,,, i „,i ; ',.',... e.• ,1 ...• .' Pen. •tr.l -or., .Iny a.. V. iliton Y. line., . IVIIIInm Yank Irk, ; Warehour No , 24 Elber" etreet, Plftshurgh, Pa. .„7.„ * „.1 ii,i6; i L ii ,..4l; i i i- , „ , ,....? , , , c iu i5 . 10 ,,, j e a tn . e . ..l , l ::: ,,, r , as . mos lith ./I linsl., W, P. ; Weym•n, 1 sons s. iloose• .• 'SDW A HD lloCag....Wal. 11. 111JUNg. Mt, Iftl [fat,' I Lune DI hlttler. ' JOHN L HOUSE & BROS., Succes. • "P re.. .. ~., P 1 .... Mou.lar. nyv v. um. I II alt I.f.h A. I:011,'N/ N. NOTIC.. - In ea..... uf I . •r. . ~.... ,1 r ' it, D. lIERDS. Ism sda er ; a noun vo dulls I. liottriE S. Co., Wholcuale Gr.- . ~.. ,„ ,„,„ i . , i ',' •-, "'Nis., u 111 1..... 1 . rent and Consrulasion Merchauts, corner"( Smith- ' soil r oe An nno:GTor.,'"c.t."'''''..4 " , ..g. "uty• ' IIIE • dell and Water streets. Plttaburgb. felt/ 1 .;,veil, ktn.,.t,..„ i JAMES DALZELL & SON, - Mann- : Ali`j,T. t ' n ' 1,72.; : , ' ,. " ..t7, ` ,,VZ : ' ,1 1 14 ." , , ,.. 4 , P... . 3 4 44 ' PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANIC, - ~... fac w torers t:l i Lard Oil, andreutrunissloVferchants -- -- - - . ~a in a•"." '" .. I roli .' llln. l ro c a l . 7.: and ;nit t.r'alreetZa i'llttligrgt:. P ITTSBLRGii, 11- WAAL4 i iiic t WAYNE 1 ClilcAGo . ' _ ..." s Adv....es made on Consignment, RAILWAY, AND CLEVELAND ,r, t4fl-Isl.lllt •-•• tz>r 1..-letiolkzrax.rali. _ ! RAILR OAD. •,..... Ii S.:Ci l Ol4/AK.EIR Ai LANl4,Wholesale if„,,,,, Wi nter A..... ogeteseette- ISals. ' s dealers in Groceries, Flour, Grain, Prolate en ' 0 - --...:„. A s" o . ris I'XIVIL.E.I.K It r. ' too . 1 11(1 visions Fish, Clicesc, Salt, Carbon 011 Nos. 1/7 mad ,-113,,;.ii-r-113,aa November lath. "M. "h". '''' n'. 174 Wothl Street, near Liberty Street: Pittsburgh, ; L.,,,,,,,,, ' For Fbr For 'l I''l3l . ll % l' ; l tt .. ! . k. ll" tt " r . ;:n 1 f 1 t .'1 .1 ' . X .11 1. ...1 U r r t 7 N T atir A m N al ' ltsa " :;::::( ; Pa' 10/3DY patkOurgo. yektkm, Mocetasuf. 14 hern i a, s• n. l'. w i ltllo r• - par..•l to tr....met lousiness nt it. i 4 Dula a, RIAD UXO/10. xxxxuan. ' Expresa 2:60 A. al. 2:60 A. m. . ilio. , DIX Ifni -, 3. •coe lor Wisol and First ' , Diet , ' HEA D & METZGAII, Grocers and 1 ~,:f „P".,...: • 1,4) r. x. 2:30 P. 11. :.Jas r. i.0.1...1, nohl.• -... as: nocesellrie (sultan on the ; cor„.JA,io„, m0,,,..„.,..,,,a...kr., 01., 1.11..rat.y. t• rtn, 6..peclal Agenta for JAY aI I NV.I I S - & r,- :::: ..... ..... 2:43 r. '' 11.:11i P. x • 7ch A. st. 5.0 A. to. SCO A. si 'Nis'''. ra'l.l7bertry"St"rc'ect„.o'pdpollsitte'bhUearg-sl'hofill'V'ood"":o3ttoi,et. .3 ot 01l E for t hv •al.• of the I Fo ll rAe r : i cas i2, ll ., t. artilvd„k3;l2_ti: u - 40 A. X . Pittobergh. Ittsiburghs U. S. SEVEN THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. I pErzELL & - Aivnist ßoNG 1• - rt. - "• 4 c• 1, - " • - 1 , 10 ~... Lie I'. b., , For - i r 'e n .*.ir. ir.'it-ii.is .., X L;F.I , REA. President. .A. warding and Conalnlealon .1 1 .1ereharita, for Mc sa/e . ACCONI.II . I/ ATM' P. H. nl. ..../.1 10 N t . 1 .1.10 r. co Flour, Uain, mon, Lard. Butter, t , for . 1,,,, .„. Assegb r .,- , shit.. J. t . 31 . - I . IIEILSGN, Triter Yr."- , °ad Bt :th ..r. ,1 1. 1 ` , .. 16 )14,k41.nroet, 1.7k0r Bkiairrim - %:00 A. M.. 1110 A. Id . 4,211 e corner of Elm, Pitt sb urgh, 'a. feZilY I and 5:40P. Y. . 14 RIDDLE, No. 183 Liberty St., : , ll:ocu tl T .l..„'= o . "; % 1 -....• Plttaburgb, Pa., Commission Merchant. and 1 e ,,, ,,, - v - • - -1 - 6.36 -- -'' -'• 1 Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and 1 W - lii.Lii i‘ 4LLr:-.4il P. i I-Ittsburgh manufactures. Cash advanced on Cons Ifetornlog arriv ' at Allegheny signmen, and pall for Produce generally. Ru i n p pLii.. & (27 IL ty,y s sto,.. . . -- , •. i tonturtv DA Lalrt.L.. ......... ....1 .... A. r. DALP.S.LL.. , A. 61., lig3 P. Y.. 1:701'. u. atol t 2 i n. • 1.?OlIT. DA LZELL & CO., Whole- c" 4' ' • IL tegittil .. ,tss - :. 1 . !..,, A . t .-',- s 3 le Gowe, ' imml.tion and Forwarding er - . Ilnlon Paaacg,-. ititatiOn;"Patait'urall.,"l'a ;, hanta and dralera in Produce And Pittsburgh Man- A. Q. CASSFLIIERRY. 'Ticket Agent, nfactur. s . No. •,61 liberty ntre.et, Pittsburgh. , eghv A ny I' ; R . H. JACK, Mi:o Il ci E. IL y ER. h. rat T,ek orinLlty YirTsnun . _ ....__ , cift , co -- ... LUMBUS AN CICIN. • NATI RAILROAD. D THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE VIA STEUBEN VILLE. W FI F.fs DEICSON i5OO ENTIRE PACKACES DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Fs,. of 1,1 as,s. mtantr Nt/.1 andl, t..a . ...111p. Allegheny (-aunty. Valll3 i npru ,;i„.. frarn "," " 'iY""" 1.111:3111',G'or 1".; phis, 1/1 on pear. I •rill 3111 thls {Veil ilesda , April -1, 1/4441:, I Ars. Itmn 1,0111. PA, KAIIIRS DONIKSTIC 00002, for ir. of sano ('AMPS 1 ,4, 1:F1i/N (40141, n credit of , r. 11. 'l , l r It, 11., Kam, a . .•ni. No. if, 1, ./r , .1 r. 1. Poor month... exelo•lelr In whole Pk. Tim attention ai from all I. In tik 1)8 0;t1E( 'II I ENT If 1113111 E u". „„ l ,,,„ I.E..uslh n•ly rut: NA ..ttnals. 1••• ,rot,, mt. “4•1 sold, end t 11.• maa mhos,-,. a lame and , Arled ` ,111,1 . , ••I Pti. ..3.01 1711, assortment the nest PrlllfaslMptlm " 111 11,111,041 ..ora•a •a lllll s Ia . 111 1,1,1 ll•nntacloren. 1 • 1•,, or IIII• strar and suira..aara,.• am' It Boors, SHOES, &c, . rf l , l ~.1•.••••,te 1: 3 1tle•Ii111, •••• • ird•i• .1 a Ira shrnls. t. v. and a treat art/ ..f Oa" .•11‘ , 1, .r Irnll. and A FULL A SSORTM ENT , / 11 la.nrlns. liar, m, it a al.r., rauhlg 31,111. kl yt. • . 3!•••ii, OP3. llO.l The Irniworrnaml • 1,11. • 1..1 p3rl ltrl. I lam. a lib 7 roan, stm ` ; Irge and Imad , ornal, built :a.m... r... ik•l M 33. a; $•.. 1,-111[' 1 If. , 11. if. I ,t IS .1 1,11. 'OR S A I.E 11, 1•1 ,1 1.,51.,N 1.1 1. Ladies'. Misses', Geiil's and Boys BOOTS, SUM, GAITERS, Lin Ace. CLOSING OUT AT GREAT BARGAINS, T. J. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, I,•oit .1 Varna ;mni 5% No. 01 Nrevz - / Lcbt I , 411)11:,•. GEN•rs f L. •.: A:..)1114• 11..1n., 0.. Muli: 41. .. I r r ..t `fir C' IEL I Z a 7J rt. MIN'S BOOTS, HA LMORALS B .lll3l3erss. 'lce., ALT COAL AND LIME POO V T EOI 'f. A. NOLELI,AND'S ,Crts ••11, F; 111 NI.FIF I. 1.,.1,E11;1111 At 10A EMI'ORIt 11 I V .7\ ()hg. 55 it lid 57 Boots, Gailers,Balmorals, Polish Boots l'Olt A LI:. At,' all elyblls NlLiar., A l/ t . IIII.,ItHEN, ',HOLZ. we Wel ~ .ritalent last It *lll hµ tnla. la ter,or or the leaver to call and • 1 atulne our Root.. J. B. & BORLANI), Lad d , ,or fr•ara Polish litoiitik and Ciento,. If -I a 'in M. To , •01,11111rtiedlal.11 W. K. ➢iccLINTOCk, IC trth•ral,!eit Allrehe,” I 11l K. VAR:N.4IIIAI% nib? _ NO, Al Sfet 1.01 ntrrel J . VI'. & Ladles , Gaiter* desaPs Fine tall Boots LADIES', GENTS', Illbs.lCS• AND 11111.11NkN•N Astools. Risers and Gaiters, Wairlon nux, A as t 111th and W)Ile Y. UNDERTAKING. a T. itIIITE h. CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Ma hellcat° r, Wood' n Itau and v klulty Coffin ik.to.aa I AS auriqiter Livery Nimble Uonierom fillafflald and Charlie!, Wefts. Hearn.. and l'ar doges furnlaLed . noltqd_ ALEX.AMEN, CO I= =ZIG I=ll =1 1101tELIT WILLGILIKM, Undertaker, lai YUUItTII STKIEST Untlertak lug In all Its nranehes. Dislntarriusi laying oat and furnishing rsorsthing iln4elagal7 thiiirr"r sjl i n ' at r rialnr ° ll Val Lt 4 :11 4 4 4 .11 1 %17 01 b- -4 at newton/thin teenni. dolts Er DICAL. FORTY YEARS PRACTICE IN lIENSIAL IMIZABEB Oleos me a knowledge IN acquired by l'hyst- CUM, .11.1 lougmldeace In thlsolty, and theamount of patienui treated &annuity by me, are =indent proof of mysuede.. tWEICHATORILIINEA, or roesual Weakness, and all Memo... arising therefrom, arc cured In a murk shorter time tho_osheretoEire mr.N.1115 , VENET AELE ItEMEDIES." Medicine,. tent to any part of tilt Union. All let ors wrt~Ro. .tere mot conttm stamp d to ro( It 1517 : a u t t u ttl x r p r e. " 1) 11 7... At lc iorest, D. lalt‘tr; ,ECIX NX4lllts rib. piIIVATE DISEASES. orrice EUE PENN STREET, near Ilmtd. h. irrotk mroiesortoro.a - WWWo — assore, ic,V two 10 : roar arr, by an enUrelT tine , 1 . 1,1 treatroset. Also, Ilemlnal Weakness, and all other dimmer of Col toollolalrkene and their preventlOn Cure srarranteirqnek rerorte4. Olney boors-7 A. y( tort soot Icton 1. Maw ISOM ir. =.4 roan wow aosw IN PHILADELPEILA OE •:, wkll Vor ir• Y. I.artl , ll.at. : i; 1 , F oi, I.E. SHOES, rOll N.ILE--1 Farm. containing ii ,, . , !...,....,,,,,•,1 ,s, , yawl- PREMIUMS at tal a at-tot 'aso aerest, t.t., nin./ Ai n.K.r, n , ..,,,,,p, 1,110,n r F 31 ., for the v. , a'r 1.3 • A ilsgo,,, .• , .,1 r. l'a .." ,h, Mont.n i rsl a riser o 'll.. ir..nt the 1f,.„, i,, 11 at ”, t•st Y... zsb. th. rt. ists. l Pren.,,,, r.., 1...+1 31a,tilne wort at Penn. Inv" .. wr‘ st a o story ',/, k !t00... a ith .i s ,i.ill Volt. ..,,,,, is tame 11-0 0 • I°o riot l e . slat 'ot .il `,late 1•0,1 prarulti in for Isest 11.111 re work al New Yoe sod a ~,,al. sib, a a k . to A, so•I • •tt,,,, 5q.... t'sl:. 111 , ,.., ,i..•i.• .ti a. t• , t,,,. ~ • . •.• • t river I. brat , Pretniton for ,-I Fun''' . al seal tie at On Ina ma r::: r i, ; h. : : u, tl I lo• . 11,.3• ~ r r tr..,..1 1..1;..„ t „ 11. ...t , 1....rp1u „. nt for 5,-n Olson facto rin g Machine 14 ootoooot'slos'o bet 'r •o o" . ' o . TI .. 't tTS, l'it'. 'in''," i.',..,„,,. v't,• t pren.l.tEn fir be, Matinfast tiring Machina ...do Mi.•ni c s n aisle Palr, s rst Pretnlont for I,st Manufacturin g Maclain e ' i 'II EA P FAICIIN t'Olt VAL E, - No. ~' - ' •, n o”"t., . ' rate. 1.',., I • MOIIODI fry beat Ala nufaeto Hits Machine • o osontslt,, lo 0..... t 11./ r • l••- ssl• lo ,‘ • - , 1 , ~,,s , „ ,-,.,,,,,,, h 0 ,,,, 4 , p a y r , P a . .;',; . '„',','..,',,','.,, n ",i 1 ~ !'. , !:,l ' ' 7,,, ,l'',',',' ,i' . ..,:',' ,"•;.:• P,. Irettilin n for heat Maeld ne for gene's., per - 'Kos, AI I...settee County Palt, Pa. on., ot. et. s ' l il t , tr.... First Promitoto for bebt Vamily Machine at Muck •sotta zes ..111 a. ,t .. bort... fl. . ~I .`" I '..unly 1 , ,1r, Pa. ',;.',...'N',: ,','",',",...",:;',:' X: l'',',':,:,' , : , ..,"::::, 4. :;,..,' ,' . '„,l • First Pretni nu, rots twat Manufacte hog Machine I's" , ""' '''''''' ' ` r"' • .."'' " ''" ''''' "' s'l ' ;:t ' l 'lr re u n n t t rnt Y n a lo r r; 1:4%f Manttfutortng and ...IP prt,... of 4,f: too 3,1 . a , ~., to , Maeldor at aprln K neld Fair, 'tilt,,. tnii2l • ''' Th '''' 1 \ . . ''. t Ira' Prenlntut for beat Mauußteturin g anti Farad DEA l'Tir till. IIESII/lENCE AT SIE- sid..nale a t Palmyra Pair. N. Y. to" wICK LK , ' , lists , . Yap, •• I'' - i's"•''''su` •"" Mo i l . :Zo t o4: r oo'l n 4. u h iTTol:T'tny .' Vs/Tr n‘r N i .";' ' .' g " d Fwmit ' ''''"'''''" '''s" 11...'' ' ,.10, ...1' `,.'..'"' • . el rlt Pr...ohm:a for hest Matta keturi I . and roughly "n"'''''' '''''' '''.."• ,I. s''' I' • '''''' '"'" '' .'"` r'"''''s Machine at Schuyler County lair, N. I. Onii, • three arr.., ol • • boo, 0 b oo ...ono'. blow' b.", 1 . r.1 first Pet oile tot for best 'fur chin all'purposes, tree s , ahrulobor,. eh. - ',otiti oil st.roa.! _t ' I , ~,,,, ~ r ,,,, i „,,, , roo rr ~..,,,,• '•, ~, , r , ' '..,'."",• ,'.' '''', n''''''' First premium for best Manufacturin g Machine, of hall, h '.stns a 11•1 i • ,ir,r, a. . • ar/ 0,..d and to n ,„,,,, c 0.,,,, v . 4 „. P ... abbot order. Poo•••-•ooto A 1 , 1 1 Ist- P. , W. , ' .11'l Si°. Peso:1111ton tor twat &tannin° wrk at Allegben terms, apple 0,. ~. • I I' I'll ill 1;1 .or sa.N.a, ‘,.„,,,,, ~,,,, ~,. I nd.121 '' \'''''l' 'urn. ':. Fibited. .1-4WElls • nd whore•er exh ILiA 44 110 ENE ON 111 ALIE writ F.E9' I , oh aA I. R. • 11,. Ist, ....,I nett un- A. . CHATONEY, ~.h., . ., tare,,. eta ry 1112-I,k Itwellou g Mt W.I. tle tart s near Vieth. not a ted In modern btyls, eototal n 11.2 I room, kitetorp, rnge, bath root, hot and cold us, ; tiWN ERA I. AO Kt+ T ter and gnu througho u t the bodhllug. Ilitu Ib one 0 She nowt desirable propel-tier, for doodlin g or 101,1 noun. perpoaca towns offered for nod It. Pus:east. An rt lat. Terms reasonable. Apply to ,t.n w & CLAltifi , S totem B. MeLAI XACo i„ 11l Fourth shoo, S l. t Viit SALE—One Lot 20 feet trout XIV/P1ztrZ,173333:1 .. UM Penna. Avenue by 110 feet to Watson , 1,,c1: Iwostory Brisk Ihselhorg on rear . tot los. Also, our lot '-,I fet. hush on aunt tour trts.l., 1.111 SEWING MACHINES. township, by 100 deto btu which lb etveled a t wt.. story Prawn. haseollti g . Also. eh:yea lots rolhololn g the ft., 1., 5. by .ro ' AC) niir.l96o.llairieSl lOU fee. • .1011 NU. lIAII.EI', Shunt and Real Estate Itroker. SOLD IN TWO .DAYS. ,chit w,,,i+i, Hal.. Fourth ill-vet. FOl2 SALE -- Ituniediate Posen- Are manufactured whit/ohm* complicated manbin veer• 'rim .1.,1r01ii,. p,party kto,su as. the et 1 and therefore a, not liable to gel out of repair, ••.t veer Mansion, • • ~t i %V AAlngton , amen, You r,I. OIVI an , perfectly adopted for every desert elan of Ward. A I legbeny lily. The lot Is about. Aar f e et F atoll) Fs:wing and Tailoring. Wt. do not class oar dep. aim the poi eel is,, r ran OAS O:S. at o pas pal, . St...bl u r. or Ills cheap machines, as bre have taken oil nifront, am may be desired, A Ito adjoinin g t i er above .Pa ten lA, dill:en , i$ c refer to the following persona t outehosi of healthful Buildin g Lot,. ou of . az. roft reuse: bh Is a Fran.. Cottag e or .11 rooms. 'roe)' 711.'ilt. l',l:elt..ll;ierill'.."ll;pr"elsT'llietTlPAß: Stool ant l it'a N l ' l%l i :it ikr'o'rloUr, I ........ h eater A halter, and ' oacneincr % . . e NM 'll' 11l Ins hail, Fourth street 4 All of our Machine. a. ware -lotted Ova years. . ' At/ENTS WANTISO. 1 )oNr PAY RENT, but call and it. H. Loma, Ag en t, ..- , ptandrlue a very cheap lot In the vllla, Or 11.1011111 112 U-rant stroet, near Find. Waalitugln.a, build younelf a house. heron, a bttol- nnlOl:llneed Pireanunan. PA. lord, sane your money, and lb, est t n how, IA s ale,. , ___..... -- - hie lota which I tun authorised to sell on very easy 1 STEEL WORKS, tams. Yoe T-t i n i ." . r,RNl k c . ..r . lisr ,. en. k. i . t. :!1' : .... ....._ . ... —_—_-- —.....--- J..11.1t ".I.i, de al v „,1,-,1A,M,. I )11 TTSIIVILGII 'STEEL DIERKS VOR SALE--1:15 acres of Coal, 1 afloat< In Smith township, Waslttngton wooly, ' A NOEKSON. COOK & CO., enna.. near the lhoe of we Shoot/env Ille Uhl rob o t.. at Midway Station. about 21 tol/ra fro m the ~ .ty. t'or further partleolars, en.!v.l, of ‘1• 11. TI live,ll, It, al oSt.ll'f•.l:loltfi TO JONES. 1101r1) & C:t.1../ Estate Agent, N as. 104 Fourth atreet, or to \V 11.1.1 A 11 M ' U. CAMPUELL, on the lit 1,11,1.4. " i ''' at 00,fart oho" of tit best rellnett CoOltrl,l Squara, I,'oll PLENT.—Titat neat ; '''' .. t ' "4.." n. "t ".. Sa.l.l"'. "°'... l'"' .- nom, with S arr.., of ,sroti.l, Cotta g e situa te d,,„ ~,,,, I hod Sheet Caxl. hteel. Call Illeal lb r front the oily , frontin g the river ,1 1. 1 ro I I I ~,,,i, urn bs Arthuir te a Station. (' d I.nr.leti, Fruit and 'l5 - ,11 of REAPING AND MOWING MAIIIINES, War. Rent atis per ye ar. A. 1,1) 4.01ck1) to, ,I1(12 H. MeLA IN .5 c. 1. 4 • 0 R SALE—A I WO.,llfir, Brack sTli FT PLOW WINOnietPHINGN.A.,XLEEN .A. Dwelling oft 11 . 011411. • 11:01, RIM VI, tlimle, three ' "UVULA l • it ' . Sean bath, with lot LI by In feet, aittia.te on gwnit . street. Lodreeneevilla, it In complete am., rase ' Card atilt Cualttholl Pbsign and Spring Steel, Nrowr laronualloe, Len. , d.c., apply at the 14sal • Estate oat inattranen Unica of la. 11. II tTP.a. ntbll doper street, I.awren roe Ida. 'IMMEDIATE - piiiitics - Aliiii 7 —iv 0. : • .. ,,, :' , l . 1, '..18 WEIIKTER sTiturr rolt SaLE.-A neat 1 LACK TOIA well built tatrobtory Brick Mollie of halt. fir 'rem:, . all well yospered and yo tinted; c ellar and iWoolleol 's lits, with lot 7/, feet front • miming hack i n Roo. h Mallet, near nobert6 aneet. Priv: pa.yutr, Alan, a Mouse anti on 1.1 Mt. Washington for $7OO. 14. cirri, mum , a RON - S. II Market at. • ( 1 1.1EAP BUILDING LOT FOll V HALM In the Seventh Ward, havin g a front ton DI tswllidla sheet of lab feet., and ex tenth bark alon g Inn line of Heed street wo fent, trail altuatool fur a large rnannfaettorin g bite. Will sell it Sr2dr:bas-o ns y tortes. ... h oly to 11. Mel.Aln .is Co. 14 1 0 It RENT — Posseemicrn Ap ril Ist. dt- that thron.story Hwelling, No. GI Penn meet: contains 15 roman; gm and. Igniter up Ital. and flown. . dOIIN L. 114;1 .¢1', Stack sod Heal Estate. limber... ;Wilkins Hall. r. recd to I on =IS MEMO I=l I=l 11A1101JANT ifNUMIRTAKINU D GROUND; o .thill i Mt r ivtrhiaA7'l l 4:4 l ,WA: g 9() ACRES OF LAND In Rollin ‘l:3;•7=ou'llitri' 411ViLlteZer ,~..,~: FOR SALE, A Delightful Residence in AiThire 'fp, 11=1111ffl .11)1 /..:;% 'l', S.llll'l, E. 1;1:11 1,, I • t r t, I , MI ‘1•11 • uhu A • f • , c lr ,, Is. s r ENE h. rth•U r !•• Vor It.. :!1 al. • .r.•.•!. 1 =NE =MEI mh24 ' SEWING MACHINES. wSi _ HEELER . WILSON'S New Improved Family 111GMNES, Simple, loiseless, Makes a Stitch Alike on Both Sides. • EVERY MACHINE :• N'1`1,:1). ISE 1 hey are the Best in the World .pn Machin., b..tnr R'.7l. SUMNER tv. MEE . • 11, lAI unovcit & BAKER'S SEWING MACIINES =MEE tt. , Z7 rod Is a es. is VIA II eeeee t.ylltsbti rah Oaten- Corner of Flret slid Itossatrweta. two block. 1{1)10, the ktouengalicla House. err333l7T, 1 017011.339, ralsauttan, ea. PARK, BROTHER 4.; CO.. Manuacturersuf HEST tjUALITY ii.EFINEU CAW/ . STEEL 4gra~j.PlTa ',47.3°t4;lllglat'AVAlT,? try. atiroMee and watopoHaq tio. la and 151 rter 4 4i. rnod Itt liecond.trrniPluir AVALLE.I..SiEEL WORKS. XXXIMMIZOSt , te CC% II ?" ir e bgeiAde Egi e ii E ZI EEI M aRPLIAM &-C.rr; _Z__Ng, ~,. PInDarchPNO."ViNATY b, )(1i Sal Jr= Perfect. ligi=illl2l=l AII $36, $46, $6O. $75, $lOO, $l2O, $l4O and upwards.. CLAIM AGENTS. BOUNTIES.-..A1l Discharged Sol- Jlrrs, or eolleled le t i t }feint of Decease.] Soldiers, who gra..Vllll{ 0342.2.171..0,154, S ' ervice wAbout °rZeglaVilfrillovWmni ol3r Bountiee, an requested to call or send Weir ad. dmas to WALTER HAY, No. las rarreloV Urea. thedral. Jste Noiary Panne HALL rATTSIISON Astornew at Law W .1. & HALL PATTERSON, 144 • • FOGGIA. STREET. Prerentsren, At. torneys for Oollectlog Claims againat the State aria UnGed quo; Governments, for BOUNTI,BACS BRlNP A Y LEintrotttriValla NON-I NDIDEITILDYISS PROCURED BORING COOLS. pETROLIA. 111ACILINE WORM. R. S. mancrix.-3r, Nn. m Ohio Street, Aneirbelle Manttraeturer of IMPHANED BORING 'MILS, AND rwrima USED IN UNKIND OIL. AND OALT W/LLLIS. Particular attention Invited to Ina Patented proyaments to Jam and Joints. made of o.. Jtmlatta, U. and Lois Moor Iron, to standard add numbered, so that parts eau be ordered by mall or N e t , *f g tea. ' Pe b r e l ltgt l :ll l 4 t i otr . he., I. those who may wish It. Engines azd machine wink I re order. Orders by mall proMtlY Wended to. I am ppared to grant Menses to o_ thm•manufactu • toren. for the. Improvementaoll ll.ba'a ca BCY ms. , 17 Allgheny P. O. delmemNka It. U. I.NCKY.' 17PHOLSMIY ntOWBD W. POUILTI ISTREET . AUPPIOVITERV No., 85 . Y , OUXITII STREET, NX.ta WOon.—the bubscriber* ki:eure and keep constantly on ands evei7 article •ln their line, vbra Cdrnices, (0- 4..4.s "W‘"tkin 000 .214 Cl l a4rl4, P_eather Ueda. ldat raves, et ailkUlds• also, tbit celebrated Paton' [u ; &led: 'kinds ' orlikinda, Blinds and Pia il.nr_-,frolvtri, ¬ion- is Atllen: to *Warders re "IT"" '"ing. 41" - /Wi l l E. WILLWI IL; Inkforx, . • Mateo!' the • Ono of Stow& 3 IttottnOW. MD 11013BE,AND sunrrAmrTar., North Nut corner of Tbird and feernet Nefeete, et. .P 1 r rBBOY 6B JAMES LIPPIINCOT% . Nwca3 aC' l4 *( 2 ,4 , l*, Derain' la 8. iy.irtraN sixatiraw, Ettit NtW 4 " 4 lwpalE t i• uu trii atuntal th arZl ,,, S!` 4 . l3 ,!P E TrtrTur(r4,s.xr t oyomsb; pap)! RAMtPNV , mtevos.o Ir o u HCMnawthient4MMrm l " l6 uftm emu, 44.4 GROCER, Nos. I awl 2 1,1A310N11 seit:l) . , 111,r PITTSBURGH. P 4. wArt_ WATT & WILSON, Wholesale Grocers, Commie:Got Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Mmaufactures, No. 139 Lit. rt cy street.. Pittsburgh. less TO COLUMBUS& nes.R3 LAII nny , .JOtIFBI.II/1T0N...c. C. WALL.. AMIIERT, SDIP'YON & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers No. 3, Sixth street. Pittsburgh. sale r SAIAII Commission DICKEY CO., Wholesale -3. Grocers, Merchant& and dealers In Vendor:, No. 30 Water street and 06 Front street, Pittsburgh. v0,„..r. And all the_prtunipal I. Wes . . bagir.l. /Mgr,/ WEST AND bl.i ' LlTli W ww.• H. VOIGIIT & Co., (Successors Url llld .n.er L ,0 (i. IT Prnduce hant... Libert and Commission Mer• B°3l "Ail ., ILMISCH 1121 /s. 1 b 66 . c2C y street, Pittsburgh. Trains will 1C1,.. and IvEIAILKINS LES ax I. , /I, l'N 1., phi . I RT, - .follow., (Saccessor Mackeosen & Llnhart v lies: er to Flour and Dra to in, Produce and l'omi / nissiun Merchants No. all LIIIERTY STREET, Pittsburgh,felllT ~ .1...r.. Al r.t.,..e Fagt hint. ..... • :. A. lq. II :J. A. .. Stall.. ..... .. ....... .. : Y.x0r..... liteillwns tilt. A......rti11i....1 . 1...1:115 l• P :IP A. M. 5. P. ;4:1,11 1,, torn 'I I' lite Ls . tar, . I 11. . .frji,&s if : . Tlri, I A.‘ , 1,1, Ilnlno Depot, PE ...I v ric, __._ _ PITTSITILIIGIIAND --- -.- uot sELLsviLLE. H. ft..— ..... le_ ~t.ti Spring Arrangement. lin aml after CHICKERING PIANOS, 1 TH URSDA Y, 3.lkitCH Lsrit, rods, • , f„ . ,:7, e tt r t n r ° ,1 1 2 . , . , :7,, 0 r i0 , .... Depot, oorner of Boas am 4 B'''''" P'"'"CrlllTYlbsrt rthrraZr: "'" a ' PIANOS, ORGANS, ket NOW BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT STOCK OW SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS to° W A RRANTED FOR FIVE TRARPI CHARLES C. MELLOR. Wwd. threei-Q THE BRADBURY, NEW YORK, Sehonsacker it Co., Philadelphia, .41. 4CO SS - The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORCAN. Aekuowledged by the best musical talent In the (lolled Stat. to he auperlor to to all others la power, purity dp,end quality of tone, and thorough wort etanal Thee.. Inetruuieuts have for years aeon the Int State l and ( ) o a ve n r tyPaml c om ln p p t r it c •u e the y h a e r e ov e e s r . than our others. All warranted for Ilve yearn. W A MESA NK & HAIFIH, Clair Street, t•lUmburgh, 12 SECOND-HAND PIANOS, lu tat CH A ItLOTTE • III.4E. 47 Fifth *tree P. is PORK PAOltiMs. DENTISTRY CINCINNAII IAWISVILLE INMAN/U.OlLp., ST. LOU/ es L . 0.11.4. AI floss PUhreargh. turte•pg Express, •• Mall to anti front Uniontown. . ;In A. 0. 1 , ;:(1 P. r. ... aan r. 0. 1 .. , ...a. k West Newton Accommodation 6:15 P. 0. 0:601. M. Pleat McKeesport AC( . o“i'll II nI• A. P. 160 A. Y. Second •• 10.00 P. a. 2.:65 r. , Braddock', - .... 6:10 P. 0. 1:21 T. a. Sunday Chun, rem" to 0011 from Wrni Srn ton .... co g. g, I inn P. 0. u: For Ticket.,.,.., 1.. oar -Iv 11. e. n/i AL LEN BE.ROI.It, Agent.. W Lt. STOUT, thipi. ALLEGHENY QAtizairgiiik VALLEY RAILILOAte I CJIA.N4I3IE oi"im. On and after MONDAY, Nov nit h, pawn, trains wUI be arranged to run as follows: MAIL TILALN—Le.avc. Pittsbnrgh at 0.45 A. IN.. arriving at Kittanning at 0:41 A. a. Leaves Kilt.° 'I EVPItiI r * T a ta ill.'2lll::.Pttg ,r, , 1 r., 6 ,1re, 1. ... arriving at Pittsburgh at 11100 A.. M. Lesvos Pittsburgh at 5:10 r. st., arriving at h Utatoting at :Ir. m. ACCOSISIODATWN TRAlN — Leaves Soda Woes. 016:01 A. at., anlring at Pittsburgh at 910 A. N. Leave, Plttabtargh at 1:4:: r. al., arriving m Kin, millet,. al 3:F., r. in. ligii F. WILD:IIT. Su • crluit 0 MEDICAL. • B . ILIMPHREVS • HOSEDEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have (roved, front the Must ample experience mien - tire sateen, elmpte , efficient and reliable. 1 bey at tine only medicinesfectly ulamed to wpm. 1 t --so simple that mi stakes cam not he made In minx them; so harmless no to he free from danger, and to ediclent as to he always reliable. cast No. I cores FEVERS, Congestions, Ineautia. t, Don 7 7 0 WORMS, Worn, Fever, Coitc, .. . ... ••1 6 CRYING COLIC, or Teething to In. Pants it 75 'ffliuyittlP,r4br:l:ll7;foottrd'unTilLots 01 Colic 6 •• 1.7111/LEILA MORBITS, Moises ID"8 7 • • COUGHS, colds. Bronchitis 10 s •• NEURALGIA, Toothache. W ncha .. F are . ea 9 •• 1 111ADALUE, Sick 0 •• • DYSPEPSIA, Stllloas Stomar.ll /1 •• SUPPR.F.SSED, scanty and p perked, I•• LEV/MIMIC/IA, en Whites.— ..... 75 none 15 " BRE UMATI/311, all rheumatic mous is It " FEVER AND AMIE, chin, and lever 17 • • PIL FA; lllern al or s. steer:leis—. •• .. 50 It l• t/PTHALAI Y. sore. lorlamul eyes.. /6 •• CATARRH., acute or chronic, Inds = •• Wr11141•/1"/G COUIL///, bralatnliblki ok • g AS THMA.I.: EAR Dlil.ll3lls'ETl,lll4ainfti •• //AMY pcar -11 • UF.NEII/Le'arell.l4,a .............. • Dirjit?rtl;l Scantty 28 " SEA SICHNEss, or ateknlat 11 . ton 29 KIDNEY ........................... 0 •• •• NERVOUS DEBILITY, semi siai tonisslonsanvoluntars Machu/es 30 29 SORE MOVTII . or Canker " nifon YEIGUDS , even with 82•• SU S irER 'e INGS ac Change of Dile... It ' : •• EPI LE PS Y,Sparres. St: Visor Dine 31 " DIY•THERLt, ulcerated tore ittat Cairn of 30 vials. I : l. ti *U so l oc. r gr A6' o ' itnd book copt. Slew 0 CO Case of 5.1 largo Vials, In morocco and b00k..., .$1 0 en Caseof MI large vials. plain ease and b00k...... W Owe or 10 boat. (No. / to 18) mid 3ou , RRENCE, Corner of Fourth an T d Market bibbbbb. Wnolmale Agent,Pittstototh, Pa. • For sale try E. DlLVEll,32lstulthlleJd street.;JS. FLEMING, 31 Market street, corner of the Diamond 'Pittsburgh, and J. J. EAST, No. 18i Federal tin - et,egheny WM..I-flea: & 31eKENNA.N, corner of Mlesnona and Market street, Pleishurah, VOL STRICKLANIPS menfolk°. n COUGH EA.L3AM warranted to be the only pre tt;VZknown to ore Calde, ii rneocq ASI4IIIIII, iTh.xvlng • Cong. p Chronle Cougha, Coustuup- Hronebitta and Croup, a d r 'e"B: c o r dd:ln ; r eir n sa Prepared h l "b e t °n::' ' T : 11 1 thl r o6:11.77:1\:114Y:d 13 gO . • For Ptle :I 0 I 3 Drugglita erarrWhere. IL. & /3,17 d IWllol..e.seas. &ace? • iII ' IUCILLAIVWS PILE ItEre .--Dlf has.(lo/I,ED thon, • , - . Sande of the wont caeca of , ph,,g? i; f7c li nt f = l. The . ",=. It Is warranted to corn , For bale.lty Dfolfelalskal • .p saten W POl borne. NC. iL . WUOLZALZ Ati:' ICES/ •-• War lETROATelitre /e notTotialiyitem.;.l4 / 1 sl im In'rell:44rnii: cr:/ &t . 1 , 14 *Meg - da • - - o thorsauts . . Itt r iiTlarz t oottEttorzeak,- rat : OT°Orttlrl44l it. i. r yti e.K...5401t= 4 • ITT ESE-200 mdee. e Cb.avi , ibr sale by J. CLla 1 L W),
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