. - --1---.7-Titya •• —l%4*. , B '21&11011 ao isaa A l Olll3lBO/I,IkteOLEMI & CO., ;;. Hankers, and. Brokers, Ni'. J",ourdi StreetiPlitstaagb, HWs=a in all kinaa of oiyitzeut nom sad Silver. Vuentlent. Lank Notes, foreign and - Dornastlc' lt.xcbange, etc., , etc.; etc. Def rositeceoetted Parlronds and tlufreney. , In. (treat &Lowden time deposits:. Collectione made la all parts of the United Staten on most favorable torISUI. Of4elll enecuted with op Slell for everything in the business at the Boston. New IfOrk,Phlladelphla, and flostdurgh Brokers' Boards strictly on nomads *ion. Draw.on H. CLLITd le CO., New York J. COOKE Cc o p. , Philldeap.llla; maul,. 0. D. a nen , ALCM, Hosteon. - FINANCE AND TRADE. . . Tittinsear, March.,T.), It 1 7. 4 . —This Oise that wee before Judge Nelson, of New . York, - last suthmer, Involving the gess -MAU.- whether a broker is chartomide ilk the tax OD &Idea Of securities made on hI, own an. einlittaind for his own laeneilt, the same qs when - operating for others, and which was then decided in the negative, has been up again in the Supreme Court, and. en Monday reaehed.a decision 'royeraing the Judgement ofJudgo Nelson. ily this deehlion, the broker will hare to pay lax hereafter VII their own business as on that or (heir customers, and, an exchange paper says, will also be required to pa the Man amount of taxes in firmer. The Ways and Means Committee have deci ded to devote this week to Considering quo,. tines relating to a reduction of internal rove, Imo taxes. :avers' modifteations of existing laws are likely to be made, but perhaps not in tints to effect this • years assessments. It is nearly certain that none will be made on In come exemptions. As taxes on railroad freights are direct laces on producers and consumers to about twice the amount realized to the Government, the committee Is likely to unanimous in recommending a great redue ,tion In this source of Revenue. —The following are the receipt.. from ens tems at the principal ports of the United States from the inth to the Nth instant : New York 144464,953 II Boston 741,027 45 Philadelphia 1414595 45 Baltimore 50,472 13 Total $3,446,840 17 —The following shown the exports Icicle ' save of specie) from New York to foreign ports for the week ending 'March 27, 128.93, were $6,- 127,258. • —The fallowing comparative statement shows the average condition of the leading items of the Philadelphia Banl4s for the pant and previous week Last Week. This week. Capita1......514,642,150 $14,642,150 Loans 46,1610,752 46,381,115 Dec. 4316,673 . Bpeein 1,053,063 961,933 Dec. 44,1 Z Legal.patl`rs 16,47 9,618 15,065,611 Dec. 463,794 Deposits 32,102,427 32,144,250 inc. 41,1 M Circulation.. 6„41113,184 6,5130,fte Inc. 142,019 = VP711:11 Olt Till P 1711111171.011 ()Sartre, THIIEPIDAT Starch Pi, ISO& The produce markets continue quiet anti somewhat neglected, but there Is no remarka ble chinge to note In prices. The advance In gold has produced a Little more firmness on the part of holders of some of the leading com modities, but the etc no Improvement In the demand, which continues to he restricted al most entirely to supplying the imatedhttv iraatS of the retail trade, and round lot opera tions are of very rare occurence. GRAIN—W heat is quiet anti unchanged. data Steady with a fair local demand, at to 8/48. Barley Is in rather Netter .lernantl but unchanged, quoted at 75 for Spring and AO for Fall. Corn is selling in a small any from store at 85 to 70. Sale of , sre_bush prime Penns Rye at 52 cents, delivered at. Monongahela wharf. FLOUR—Ia quiet but steady with a contin ued fair Jobbing demand, at 19,0 to a 8,50 fot Ml ri fl Vl al "l l sf Tl bt tg rg"d i;erl4loftr tVinrkheat hour to ddull and entirely nominal at it _ VlBlONa—Bacon is dull but unchanged, milli It loccusy, for atioulderst 16 for Ribbed Man; and 1104.1.4 for Sugar Cured Hams. Rena Yost L doll and nominal at $12.05t9t4 Lard 1 , quoted 180185[ BEEDS—Clorerseed is a little more Reny, to the east, but, an yet, there is no Improve, maulln the demand beret small tales at 1.5,60; ‘ , - $0 nor bosh. Flaz.T.ead is ha demand at VS, anti but little °Zarin p. Timothy is still Qom Ilrga—ls loss active under the influenc , Of improved receipts. and price+ am bard maintained; cOmmmt to choice Roll may b. quoted at Odal. Etirafl—Steady, with a fats demand at 25 pr dolon. POTATOES—Iu goo.i demand, ands car:. Urn aUpply, we quote from store at Sl,ie I. ..1,21515er bush, and oxesx per barrel, as t. Dttall FRUIT—is quiet and unehaugeo at sales Of A.pplea at Ltim, and roach,— " Si s tri f s or, ln l MPu a n ' ga h ul l erluo : led per bbl by ifl;lrlrLod e° fore all lots from ato m, ASILES--Common soar Ath quoted at et, Co Pearls nt TA OIL--Sales of \o.l Lard at .1,75. H 031114 Y--ales of 3 to the 'tnidu, and 1 , ,,tv 3Ae, to a email way. PITTSBURGH Pk711401.E1; 3 , 1 MAR BEI Orne,a ov tax Prrreatraau Gairrr• Tacasorr, March 29, riCa CRUDE—The Crude market was exceedingl quillt.to-day, but one sale reported, ON bids In bulk, atlati. The principal olistiele in 0.•• way of transaction, was the lust [hut Crude men endeavored to eit.thi i.. 11 an I . e:- ranee while, as yet buyers beets at, 1n pay ,though it is said that sever.' 211 les has already been made at a cents. Another ',met in favor of holders, le the fact that the sloe I. in thin market Is very meagre, and the an, vale, for obvious reasons, have been oestrietea for two or three days past. The reports 1 - I , ols. (iii City In regard to the price of Crude, hot h there and at the wells, are so very contlietin,, that we pass them lry. REFINED—There was a ninth better feel tr for bonded oll,to-day, both for present and td sure delivery, prime are still tending np. Sow 0(800 tibia, to be delivered In Philadelphi, - Within twenty days, seller's option, at 40, end ICOotible, • for August hityces option, at Quotations may be fairly given at toe, on t h e :egg2n . ° VP Pr r ee j t ' d tt ll selling f t, ' . J . 0 1.31 f`,:',.!.! about 67. RAPT AAND RESIDCE al—There is no demand from any source whatever, for either one of these commodities. AHHIVALS—UM. one arrival to report dor- Mg.tifta _pant twenty-lour houra-11.5 ably for 1% In. Haldeman. = New Toss March M.— Cotton shade low er and less a ctive at tile for Middling. Flour less active and prices without tingled alumnae; 117,114/7,65 for Extra State, SB,ZOS,CO (or Coin men to geed Shipping Brandi. and Extra Bound Hoop Ohil and llSASlfilkil for Trade Brands—market c sing quint. w mime steady at g 3, 2 7-fur mitern; 100 bblu., State,fin bond ai (a,74. Wheat quiet and without deci ded change; No. 1 Middling at 111,Z, small par imel of Amber lowa at 41r0, and Winter Bed Western at Igoe. Ince quiet. Barley more ae live and firm and lire better; 81,te for stage and inferior Canada Western, sl.l_al for Prime and (MOW Canada Western , Birley Muir steady at 81.25. Corn a shad," firmer but lee very activ.e,•o9H73o for Ernsomel, and Ulcer:, for - Bound lined Western, both in store and delivered, a small parcel' of Choice do at Ise, Hound Yellow and 770771 ac for Sou ih. ern Yellow. Oats la better: MHO° for Cu. sound Western, and 31H550 for Sound. COlref. dull—Sugar Beady; Cuba 101113. Hotao dull• Porto Ewa Petroleum lima; Crude 264270, Refined In bond 400, do for June 45e, Per firmer with a fair demand, $26(06,13 (or New Mesa—closing at 06,23, regular arldqVigio BOW for old do, and $Bl , OO for wa0.4,,e0e barrels. New stew ior April, Slay and June, sellers! ordidfi. at Changed._ifi p rle so . tic,* l Wady nam s .•-• illgetlYoll43,l 143 fr for Clan. bruised Cut, ley for Sheri Bibbed. Cut Meats steady at IP/ m elßic• for! ShOuldent. HY.ififilUe for Hama. Lard active 15'/,®183(,. Batter cote,q at ri %GM lagp for blo and ;MOW for State. t dll at Me. MCIIIF York Grocery. !Market. Maw TolUtAhash 2S.—Coffee--11.as been ti u tct at prevloueprkeiAcludlng Jura at 271402.1 ; llamalbo at le , e ie_i /Amu tytu at 2721.),; . At raSIC. AU St, DOWItt go At. n. I 7 c, cash, in Lola," per lb. The week's race pt et Rio. have been 17 tiL . bags; tales 271K1 be tt y Stark of all kluda °t'. at:aloe, to.tlev 90,rai beet: Including aeeoratng ..11emirs. Wm. Scott a son,. v52221E. I WO! , 1 ( ez , /.agasy at, F 2 wv bug. JA Va t I=o:lS ...." Q77othilaWida. • Beirem...gaveheett in rattler mots retpest prIVIOUt rates. Wan elate our last 40 Mid' including Cana, dr, At from .2clKO nal Havana, Part idSitlitio periseutt. wa gnOtit biz to ippoll grocer's at Us - reining at. 10 1 4(1000 per in. .ante sugars lalkalt.ed clernand at 100160 per lb. • •, , Yol4tatilii—Esa Wan Inactive and heavy. n . *Whig Now Orleans at -90a4a1,101 Porto thee at 00.75 a. Cuba at Wean per salkin. ,Sietrolt parloidr, March 27..-tlbeat--lifarket very firm for <Medea and or= white, a buyer on 'Mange offered/14M for any' atoenint,..nom I ear 1.0110,000 busb, delivered anytime within Mee weeks; free on board,' For presentfe lt ymn eS,Se could be obtained, for ;epeoille quantities. lib. 1 white, although &the tutilliee. le not so animated,: mould be disposed of 'at. 12,10. TM: leas aide of No. 2 whits wait 111,63. No. 1 amber 14;1+341 , 01y sought for at sl,92,•ntid for NO. amber, there aro buyers at ai,eo. , Street rates, $0.1white., 4:1,931 No. 2 do, el No. 1 aMbee.l,2oel.oi No. ao, ,00. bor.— anu at Mc from "tyre in bags. Street price, Dare-held at no from More . In bags. Stneet prize, o%e. .Itarloy—eolut at el,zsfel,be per leo lbs ler state; with moderate demand. Kee.- noth.pgdoing. . Nominal rate for State, 051170. Prime wOnld command 75e to , a limited ex . . Hoar spa Grain to • . Tim fonowini,shoirs the Raiment, ot /lour and atorisln Chlono,on Saturday,alarch as compared with the amount le store at the co n .mosidinetr o e btet year, an •repert et by the lieeretary.a h - !oara of Trade : 32,309 ez,cw, 1.,43 , 1,060 at.A,:oe 1,.23,crue 10,0ta y.r.1,110!.. 777,000 ORLI . telle ,• _ . • :Itaiustiere'oCetalllaMet. Resent()le, Ketch r 9. Thee.' - irere: further saes atter thebrositig of our report yealerilay, WSW blab clover bank evfas ,ter tVuldr= fi a@r47pe r r7bit t lt:L!!" , A 6•9 cal demand nearly ever' :06,01110-tave , were altogether,ibr shipreent. ,- ;The market ' closed thartrwltb etrelt , want sealocetl.' ,, lieo' bear at , nothing 'lrorthy..ot - nntice either' OM I"lnanCe anQ`K'rnde'in Ifew Yoilc. lirrOowA . A3nracorrr.. RAW Tea; itarib4't;L;•Thertt - iores no change In Jnonerth la afternoon, sad the market we A verrokilY la 6 004/er Bent. on tall. The dre dnee,Exehinge will lie open for tmeteem Morrow in ile , aneial elrelea Good Priciay sill he *holiday., Public sales of real estate hoer been eteaady- falling off lately. The report,. of thetallutee among the National Bank to the 0 0 region do not excite any commen t, it woo generally expected thatanr of them wotaa bo eateemied to ,m*.peed m . Gold wan quiet ttreardit the close and lett oil at IT7';fi I.TiN. Bankers sterling quoted Cl 107 with a dull merkeL At the lust hoard the market was lower on Erie, Sontbern and Pitteliurgh, hot otherwise there was not manh change. The following were the closing priers: New York Central, 91.)i; Erie, 7714; Umlaut. River, 1074; Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, 504; Cleve land and. eittliburgli, Chicago and North wvatern,,lsl6f Ile preferred, CS; Cleveland and Tolerio,loSts- Ruck Island 114!v; Fort Wayne, ettf,. Mnicelliticons lower; Tctin ' esSeegil ; est er" Colon T legruph, 59; California G . ., las. The following to received from the Dry Goods Market: There Is little rise it:lth., mar ket to-dar, but knowing ones say that it is sp.noslic and saner lest, still there ore anise goods that are nem at the priest; for fn .:ante, Merrimac prints cannot he bought (for less than the quotations; Standard. Sheetings are the same; 110121{ , bleaches; goods have yet to come to fair prices, or what • buyers uonsitier they are worth, which Is from I to leper cent, lower than they arc now. Brown Sheetings—Amoskeag A II Augusta .21; Howard A ''; Lanark 20; Laurel CR•; Ifituir.- Ireng A 211.4 j PACIIIC A.lO. 01, 34Che1l Shlrtings —Partlett's 31; Hope SD; James 30; Anthony Manunutturing Company 'Mt Reimer river 2:1 Hannville 3614; Mater WI; Newburrport .14; ; New York Rills 12211,.; Redbank ss; Reynolds A a trt. Prints—Merrimack W ii; do I) Co. she. Wh• Spragues ID; {Yawata 14. Blue Cheeks—Cedar Grove.3o; Wtrlttenden V; Work ingman SO. Hoop Skirts—Haven't XL In fair demand at former prices. There is an Increased activity in the dry 4,mods trade. Jobbers are doing a large busi ness with Interest. Sayer. from the South continue to purchase to a fair extern, while Western merchants are now buying more free lin?ouinn at g rizrz,114..... wLehamlrl°lc7l.l% .11Ta l t bleached goods are firm and brown commons generally steady, standard sheetin.gs being quoted at stonily, Prints have fallen off about leper yard, but are is at a decline, desi rable styles ofFreuch divas goods being fah and remunerative, but common wears of En glish tint! Continental manufacture still soil eta aacrillee. Woolens are extremely dull. and the decline lately has been quite heavy on domestle goods. Active trade is doing In car ' pets, urul stocks are still very light. Manufac turers are sold out and are working on orders. There is no change to notice m prices. • There Is a fair business doing In Boots and Shoe.,and prices have not undergone any very portont change. American Hardware 1.1 not likely to experience any marked de cline for the present, owing to the strong com binations of many manufacturers, The raw materials now on hand were generally bought at high prices, and this is too great an nee,. t two tor them to keep up thequotnt ions. Nails remain doll at $6,8360,78, and heavy consign ments to large southern clues are barely Stringing cost. Cutlery remains scarce and there is very little• known to be on thtway. Prices are firm and tend upwards. There's more dgmand for petroleum shares. and prices aro better. There is a disposition iiurcluise gold shares. Benton was in active inquest, and this was owing to the fact that a telegram from Colorado states that 105 pet ton was taken from the tailings by Lyons' loom., Excelsior copper was largely dealt In. Beimehoff, 12,00; Jiomowack, 4,00; Pithole 1,25; United States, 8,00; Benton, 1,00; Kipp and !Moll, 2,25; Smith and Palmer, 10,10. Clik , g4ro Market gate ACM, MnexL N.—Flour firm. Wheat doll at $1,24(P1,244 for No. I, and Sil!,go for No. 2 Corn active at 4.3 , 4 e. Oats firm at 25!;e for No . I. Iflgli-wiries dull at . 2.l , AitirNe. Provisions dull. Dressed Pork, 1e.3,401013,55. I h - essed ' 0008800 bus tees of W heat; 8,500 buabels n; Corn;6,uou bushels of Data and 2..,500 Hogs. , alptnents of '4300 barrels of Flour; i 3 OOU Olt of Wheat; 1,563 Ousbeis of Corn and e,eoo of 021 t.. St. tou*Ntnrket. Cotton [hurl at 9.5 c tar Middling. Wheat more active and ut.changed. Corn eteliVal and nigher at 62670 c. Oatn unchanged. Pork arnier and unchanged. Bacon quiet at 12kic tr tor stea citydy at ; Shoul derV4).. . - 16i4c. Lard 1136119 c. Wale ei IMPORTS BY RAILROAD rerrastracia, Pohl' Warn & Haman°. R. ft. !Larch 20......1 crate rags, 18 ski 110, Jas 6001.40; 'ills hulls, Hardman, Kiefer & co; 1 car both middlinas, Keit & Rlichart; 4 MIAs 1-0 , 154,.„1 91 liortland; 27 bale. cotton, 1 Dickey & co; 35 mpty 810 J Rhodos & co; 2, ina hinery, A J Hone 2h o bbis apples, Llf 'Colo I co, hi aka rag - s, Godfrey & Cnrk; 4 bhis vine gar,lf Hornig' 13 /MN egga.H Riddle & oo; a 101 l timothy seed, 26 bbls floor, Kirkpatrick & Her- Jon; I car-metal, Bryan & Caughev; cars do, ag Wood 6. Son; 4 do do, Nim_ick h. co ; 1 dodo, MoOrtiMul;l car heading, J Ralya,9 %Mk try apples, E Hallton. CLevittaatt a Prrtwac non Ram Roso tiara). ^y —lO Ins candles, McCullough A en, 14 plowa, 1.33 points 08 land ludas, J I corm tobacco, J J Sb utterly; 5 ttx. mdse J 51 Pulton• 100 bbla flour, Shall:Lager A Lang; lt 4 t .to do, .V 81 Gorsstly;3s.43bLs on, cracrford A Co dressed boy, t hgs cloVerneert, a bucket. lard, I. H roigt S oat= by barley, Sturgeon .4. Ciro; 3 cars potatoes. Potter, Aiken A. Shey. and; 1 case ware, C tillatTer; I sawing ma chine 3 bra st:lndrles,ltev S Burt; 5 nor brooms, .1 McShane; 30 ahltancy top., Fl 41 Collins; 7 to nutter, Kerr A Etneryt 3 ska rugs, P Mat I bbls eggs, K Peet, 1 Wit butter, Il Rea ALLICONNI, Sratlott, March 211.4-1 rah iglu; feed, tillrnore, Simpson A to; 77 Jugs molaales, 11 A ltderticki ISO bush wheat, talmore, Slurp. win - A en', 97 nags millfeed, Stewart & Lange.. helot; Art bags dour, R. Kano A Sou; 142 pleet, 410210 warp, WILL Seddon; In bills flour, Hahn .4 Riddle: I ear stavel, .1 J RiLlya; 5 sirs wool It s bales I wine. It tieralg S en. 10 104 , holien ar. Pro. 154 1.4113 NOM . L xes prime Goshen Cite:se; bbl.. prime Sew York Drted Jo Dried Peaches. quarters. si !owls do W hi telashes bbie. New York Brims; 1.6 Obis. Sorghum Syrup; Wu casks Pearl Ash; SO do Soda Ash: bbls., Manganese; • Sid do Willie Lime; 1,000 pigs Galena Lead; 3O bait MM. Lake Herring; do . White FOIL 60 kftts Nes. i and t Ilisekerel; Xi hair bbis. No. I Jo • 000 ibis. J • otittoeSS In store and for saleby J. li. CA NYI Y.LII. mtW. ICI sod lit MirSt street.. - IMPORTED WINE VEVEGAIt.-- tiolituan's Imperial Triple Vinegar, of superior flavor sod strength unsurpassedin quality. fur use or for pickling. for srle the gallon or ow, by . JNO. A. ktENSUAW, mit2S COrite Liberty and streets. OIL -410 bbla. No. I Lard Oil; •• •• 11 do Lodo 100 • • Sure Duck Creek b. Oil, In store and for sale by JAMES DALZELL d. CO.. whim ' and 70 Wawr st reet. ' BUTTER— M half barrels prime Roll; 10 boxes do do For sole by (mliM) J. ti. CANFIELD. 'Y bbls. Copper, 5 libt. Copper, 3 Ibis. Maas, 1 box - dn:, I bbl. Itee 1 hags and bole Cotton, on steamer Glasgow bo y rive_ for sale by , MAI/41i DICK 121" & • UTTER - 15 hair bbls. choice Roltßotterptst received sad for sale by. FMTZZE. a AltlitaFßUNG, . nil ^l9 Cameral' Martel. acid First streets. VGGS—IO bids. fresh Eggs just re +, vetoed and for sale 03 FETZMIS & APXSTRONG, toll2B Comer Market and Float streets. Au mutortment of • MED PAPZII/3, with and without bold. to anivernexl. week. m 1124 W. Y. MAIMIIALL. tIJ Wood street., WEITZER CHEESE-1,000 lbs. tilts Mien SWeitter Cheese la slots avid for gotta, . • CHAS. O. BALBLIGY. ' 231 Liberty street. (4111SIIER CHEEBE-100 Ins. Irbil d in (Sedum Cbeese in store and for air by zobD CHAS. C. BAML.EI, 201 Liberty street. WHITE .7111 E-100 bble. Dan eansville Lime la store mad for sale by 111e8A.N Ist %WEIL m 1512 • _No. 124 Second street. S'EIED SWEET' POTATOES-23 51 Mae. pure aerie' , Sweet Potatoes for Seed, now In store arta for este br ,L. 11. VOIOT CO , TOLD WALL P I PERB--At losv r w s .4 rlces, for Parlor" ono C4AmitartAtiatitlekT. . . . EAU CORN-10110 bu 4. [or /dale by MoBANE & ANJER. m 411 • No. /Et Beton& street. pLATIFORNI SCALE-1 Platform by Scale. almost th.STER hble. fresh 045" b" d" I " " 1"Y L. li. ~ 0/07. s CO, SHINGLES-75,0110 No. 1 Shin. rjga la " ( "A St& Mkt FR, 124 Second SEED BARLEY -100 bus. Clean 050254 I.rie7 3 ' l or B s t u riP Y & Y & AWED. • 124 El cowl 41 • W I tirWHEALT-1 car White .ilV4at in atop and lbr &ilea Was & A.N,I , 124 124.40nd •t. ind uoll 4r nlV; Atr c m t ums, q re F NE Aiciryail, rjatilCON-20 bble. Ilams es ~ V. 6 knd "Shoulder', retipri6atdiorAmealg.. 1 µ (101 0 0-4 bales NUM %of from Ytt, amer Moore for. sale by ItiAlAli DILKEI S. (ILL A , FINE LOT- or — N E CANDLE:3 reitelved and fn !dor! at . WAS - - - JEID: U. WOrrit, DB Lamm - - CLOYED SEED for'salei by" mb .. DIcEIAINIS a. AWED, accond , st. bbl.. Inet received by I:. U. volor & co. pOSEVIDALE CEMENT-400 bbla Iwi recelred try /IENEY H. IN)LLINS. TT AND - .IWITASTER—SO bbis. mbla ZIN.NRY 1 JUHRICATING bble..Niv• tural (mhut HENRI' If :• COLLINS: - - - CALCINED PLASTER--100.IMIL for sato by (=Lis: LIIi.NRY FL COLLINS. SORGHUM. -tOO , I UIIIIICAVIRG 011.-Superlorain-,1 imbil Hobart 1E- taLLINu." ' Ipiposnr-1.2 C4.l4litittirt‘ ;Jul: . mai_ pleamivrs-76oliticlis no"' land lay. ta. m asy 4 • P3II3AU' -;t a • . •um e •sz • .7 - Up y La, TRAVELERS , GUIDE trrlval and Doparlure of Trains. Yeeuaylheola ChrILWIE•I Depart , Arrive,. ' Es. 7.:M1 am 11.11 ...... . V - • m Altoona Ammo • oll:40 • to Yaw Line.. . • Cluellara•Ll Exp• 4 Mal • mlet Wall Aehom'n in Stall 11,40 in I•than Ar'ii 7:0 ':N, a in rtat . • Express... lilA p ijilknewertt Ae•n. p ru .1 n 10.. lain . 41 Lloe 1014.1 pm Ph, &Erie Stall- 1 pto Irt Wall Amana.. 11.. M. a m sp•• 1,1 pm 2,1 • • • I, 17, 3lc 10. ao Aceom .. 1 p •• •• 11:10 p 1 . 1111•• prraa.. p 41.1. W all '• Ac'n p IA .11' aA r Nu 4 riAri in Venn well NO I. /0,, s. F.mirri Train...lo4A p u. The chow. train'{tall.' Mallon every Suntlzy at 9.4: • Ml.:rr hiroing, lezwen l'lrtelniro. at p. tr. Platblotsrsh, 1'...1611.1.0.e mad l.`teeelnowil 1 Pwihret, drrttrs ea, 1,. ~ S o • to hall ..... ••.M Nap ia•ss . .... pm gipres• ..... itestomvllir A, rtmiliviirthe A , • enminnilation 4:15 pea emiamia•liarion 11. 111 aID • Pittsburgh. Ft. %Wayne. sknet Ch lesera. Departs. drnoes. caprewsa m Exproas ...... M. • • in tipreu pro Express ...... 0:13 • ' .3 seas 2,33 p m Express ..... . p 7:13 oin ...... . • a l3 Wheeling Zit... MTh p New Brighton Am.tominlatlon 0-nee• A ilegl.na • lepollt 9 win., 11:50 a , p. and 0 40 p Korkesler,r2:lS I. m.; New Cantli• • A -Ai p in F. r. PIT. 10:30 o. m.: Wellsvill... 11.. Pittsburgh. Cleveland and ial . l.lllll#l. Departs.. lapse°, ..... 2:=l k. Apo 4, p ,it tgar i ens p ..... p Ex pre., ..... A tit hreti . beriville Accommodation Alirglii l 3. p 00,14 irwirutll vine. Dipartt. A r 31.11 1,. ain Alar 3, p I.3prerie, ..... 3:00 p Exprear .. . ain W. Newton Ar•ti..l6 p W. Newt/ Ai•!I I lot IleKcesport..ll All •in lot MeliCe/ c•Ct.. Cbu pi - • ...10:40 mAI llrstl4lsek .ar . 11 4:10 p m Ormltlork •sl Ar (1 Mq., II Church Train.— tax. p;nl 'lin i.e.', .1 rale. .. Iv:. 111 Allegheny Valley EAllnind. Detwirts.l Arrive., Mall 11,4.1.1 n F. pn.ia Irma m express 1:10 pmu Mail 6:10 ni A.cornonAlstlon. 1,10 pul Arronnlnatlal lon :nu a In Pitimburgh and Ere Rallroml, Is. Ohl • - . City end Frlonklia. . Arrtoes. Depart. •u. 40 Gspress.. 7:4S It re (N... 7.7 Expre.4.. 0 ',An na Vit. Vltteburgb, Vert t'a'n.. 111, I clorege. !tn.! Breyer VA.,. • gra. arn m ville lioal--Untalt mutt Water Mt, Arrive., Deport., 1 rn 4.31 p In I .‘. , M lisetnosay Stowe, Pit. (lair Mt. refeet. I b,partn. Olt p, cn. fi. a. rt. antler lic e Mt. (Intl. Pit rect. At-rise.. r. . • 5 , . p. m. Mt 1 M 1 ,2 .IV . Witmtstrwtort rage.—ltare'e II otc I 41retera r. .. 1 EXCELSIOR OMNIBUS & LIVERY STABLE, I= JAMES DAIS et SON, Proprtelors tIfINLAUA,Art A,io I A 10.1 . . 1. ralm, Also, Canny,*r 114 %% • 1 1, 1 I' lien, at short notier AA , rat.. SLE OPEN DAY AND NIWIT. FO Ul4 DRIES I _ lillE FORT PITT FOUNDRY CHARMS KNAI' HEAVY ORDNANCE, 111. 4v. In. • /0 , 0 ALI. }ICA Allut paid 1 , . .. $3.1.• 1 ' Olt hT. .1()SEPI1 EILAZT iiiNFRY and tik. T.. 14 i . 141 IA r - er,..hAht *— REPAIR., at t,teel te pr.opt,rA heretofore, the hest la al.•rl 41, eio . I, • 'ego ,0•f.,1 . sled et this POorolry. Iva e 0 1. (1,, Plll 0!I 111,rtnediSI, rIrl• An . ent) le called to on, 'll5l I. LI 1-4' It F:i r I -,„ PATTERN and turron6e I faeLl/t1,4 (Or tlttling upth t ,... tttet „ wt . or to nurzl tntt.o. rl . h 0-''.l. I 00L, Af tit MY. -JOHN ALLY, J•ff. L !Vital I yALL.F.T SI'OTE il'Olths. 1:011 CAIRO AND ST. p. L:1 - I} • It,. .trainer VElt vt ALLEN, M'KEE & C 0.,/ , • f 1, ‘ P t ' l . r.rt " wit.! oriv I_, toll 1.1. i"i"i. Lot- t . e ., 1 ,, 11.1.E AN L , Th. •it:erAitl stt.miter A)11 Capt J LII tI t F tr S , N VOIEL GALE— NA. (11:111'l./1". 6 PAI'L ALL WAY I 1 utie a.t.at•Lg• • >tt Csitt. 11. J. Pttlit , LI, I. U. , . 5,1,1 i: teal,. watt dlsp>,.ll Fur fro tr.t.t r •rtl )I. At h 1 Wtooi, I/ E GULA PACti_Ell` • I. , 55115 El IN , .M..1:11,1"TA •It 11.. t. Ilatt etteamer FAISAL% .11,11 AM. 41,1. • M. 1, ..11/ for tue tt 1 tCt /,1•«v. ry • u. 1,144ttir., ever, YU!. 1,1 *•ru .1 I. OffLc v. d opposite Stulthillela, Manaufactuaa, a gra •• vat ta tv I' S.ll I= lorated t ,ottng NO , 'co alac., I Lit 1 4,111. •r , ocKl •n.l (1.. t ttr h te Empire r Art tr KI Do, lrr o NA .re g•nt ,, • , u.Lo mtAi , t.k.t::: / ET% 4 STOVT. li olt 14, A. BRADLEY & CO COOK, PARLOP, AND HEATING STOVES nLi FI , A?4 1114 i.r, CHATPN. (a 1.411. VittiN A.( l'ltt•torgh •.. 1.41% A Jfhich bat Illroi-AA a sad /Putt ct.• u u. vrtri-c-1-.llla Y.N./ INK litll.l.fi.ll AN,. A: A, SI,I t.•, bot.tori, aool w 1..., Org Nan, ~r ..r 'a . wan PAT uol.. Putt rA 13 LE. 4 ,111,1,AT1 n'TE AAI • o • lihattlhe, Ptilt* et,.. itcgulritig nIl Linda attrlolod MANUFACTURERS INDUSTRIAL WORKS. MUCH M. BOLE & CO., FOUNDERS. ENUI N Rui En,. n\ I, a • CIILNISTS: Manufacturer+ of Land and Ma," ENHINES,LOCOMOTI Ifs. for tool I. WELL ENGINE , . 411 , 1 het of alachlt.t). We 10 order. All work r.arrat.ted of every description a.a.le to ..t.lre itenalriaK Illaehlneryprom l.o ptly, abraded to. arrSHOf , II[NKIL ”F T AN it A BANK OF LLEGHENY 11l fnear tl.. I. rittsbursti. PS. Cr= :du, at ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. MODES, RYRIE &. CO., Kanufacterers of BLACK dad LIB VEN I-IL Aro. WAKE. llrtirgista' Warr, Bottles, Dr.:F.lloh os, . so - ooys. o. lit W A r . 0.1 boArrcu Stulthlleld ns.- and N titan t tore, 11 I'llt,boi.r,til Penna. .P . i.'/".1"E Wu warrant our Wens to be au ts rlor to any toss.. ~.., ~,, it.TZITJFI.C.4.-33C, pp, GGuractured west of 11.. Moon lain m. Alois,. a haa.l, lassware of we altos,. drsertiolon. All arcorts !SONDEM It AItEHOIIsE or promptly attended to. Particular attention p.,1.1 to JL ) . private moulds. 006.1? SEVEILANCE, No. AM WAI'F.II PHENIX WAREHOUSING COMPANY --,• STREF7T, Pitisbil esti, man it fad. rer of 111/11. Ell , 111 vrxvi, WROBIi lir SBlli EN. common and tsl I road root of Bahr and Barri...an PSI rent•. of eset7 description. Brooklyn. N. V., Particular sLked or shaped niilkes nod 'Biel., litre/ or all, made to order o< short [totter. A good as. aorta:tent constant's on hand. Storage for Refined Petroleum, TEM. I. 0 - 0 - 1.1.10 s ...noon Wklloll7 , Is In ranks a, , I Barrels. tier (Ilreulars COLLINS Viltl(4llT, Itrittailis rye- onirc, No.. B r.A vEE sTainiT. we. v.. ‘-' Drama and rittect Metal Workers. Brlttatila I'si 0r..3 . ty tors, Carbon and Lard I 111 Burners, and .11 Mato, r. stiles of Britt-lutatoted by Glass Alufaclur,' s S'I'AN DAIID Orders promptly tilled. No. Mil BECON I sit / :STICK ft I,_ 111 tsburaii. Penna. 0.7.1 y ATTORNEYS. H . I`..' MACIiRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Those work. have the largest capacity io the coon U. B. IJeanaed Soldier,' limit.. *sena In au hr . d stand. the highest In this canonry Y.e rope, fur quality and Ore tent, and the 0P &lona. for Wounded holdicre collected lac fro I. put li, acaeonc.l barrel., prepared esprelail f..r expert. Lea to tWenty da y a. Co a l N . alanofarturrre of Itfill.Eßti, TANK:. 1 . , ,et .r fe 0 ef . .4 . 1 1 , .. , te . 1 . 10 , au Improved hock, Tooln for till Well.. sieltely ( . 0., Mc SUPERIOR OIL EISCiINES. SIASTEIt, GAZZAM ht. • • ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW We are constructing. end nil beep on hand, We "Yl" , mrsxcivxxvii w.attimbairigu, WITH Eling A COIIIOI Olt 111BULAB BUILEh LiSeft eI...OII,",EIIT,ATFIrIer:anT"'N Title. examined and Collections made In Peons ti Ito Portion needing no toe. for 'eels, Ohio and NVeNtylttla. G.LO E Rod Wild lid MILITARY CLAIMS, PNSIONE I , v 111 AC near JI)TONii NEMPIIILL a co. BONTIES. BACK VAY, and Military Claims , - et dese.ription, collected by the subscriber, at Um following rates, via Peusions. #10; all Wrier claims. Pala C. C. TA LOE, Anilenty at Law, ;PURE WHITE BURNING OIL 1441,—"Iitt' d _glic are ""E t r== dor.' u rn . ot nnaa.d. sad at r informaaso cam law/ Coe/aeon y no band end for tale L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jol r t i gailifat. m .T. u p: T " EZl. "r". PYRITEs No. 17 WWII NTH/ET. . J Ames WILK INN, TilE ENNSYLVALIVIA SALT MARTFACTURING CO3IPAAV BOON.. ~,n tf•OLIt 11.1 CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, .41/I's Bloch. Duquesne Way, Pillion nruh WILL kW 7Pb"32-rt.3rell3MSl, Sinaphurit. of Iron ransaylvouta UIS tifftwarkttutlug Co'. (Mod\ AIAN UFACIVI,F.ItIi UV Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne Way OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. mhl{, comae.. 1151 TlVEsaWasett Bt.,FARM " ntI:EENTI3. p I I'7IIBITRTI, PA. DRUM & SLACK, J . HENNA • iraye•a. bana a Nu. I 14T. CLUBCLUB L rittsburgifi Large Asiornewa s of ' Forwarding and Commission hint JIOWINU BIACHIOSS, HOBS* wits, t""th=l. l .".. B l 7="ty Oran e 1 124 and orders sul l enest. week,. pnseu e Coun=ts STR&W COTTERS, i and Cormes AFL SOAPS -200 4X3. Colgate.WPgaial. mo. fY 333 30 01d9 i t ilr Az ak eitae4 "4 a: 1,1 , J.: i 1g61 ,1 :177A rgi -c6ti g laczn aDl P' s ; r4to nd nn Pan 'Y X". no asaraVeo4ooo, . . 1866 SPRING A RR.ANGEMENT. MONONGAHELA RIVER ; Pittsburgh, Brom Fist tile and Genera, UNION LINE, PACT cpc:snxw"-gr, (X • 3 p • a 1% 11l r th,• • 'Ally nearacra tpetyr , n ta , argh. al“nonga:kett.dty. Llrownavide. Elee's 1,11.111.1 a and tin. Ilunkard a.. 11 Itegidna. of thr following eA ri .11,011. I•II t'ltA\ HI .I\. ,1 I %11, Anil,. at !a. ttol. io. M. except Sunday. robe!. the tletmlitote xlll lot at • o,A. a. to. „„. Jalihas N. d 5 n - I.oe‘ra Browunrille for l l ll.tahtlflo , I.raal a. an I.r...naloaotnd ...at, at 12 It Ire Landing at 2i• In. I.ooa Mnfoograll..ln I it, al WO°, g. 10 Ilnr la eornpoaod nrat,laas rAIII rt. built oiploaaly lor the trod, They will romm.h.sed I.a aneort of long export...lie, who will PaY Partl. - ulaa attention to tho want. nod von, fort ol paaavngora. boa,. will teas,. prow.plll al lb. hour all% urn d Freights Received at all Hours. r further I , 3rtleularn, enquire or WILLIAM !ilt•KLlttir. Agent, Al the Whart.ll•kat. loot Pittsburgh. 1.. l'Lll.v k Agent. Brow lIIVIIIe, P PA(•KET - For r =.l% x% .k SNP ST. l'A 11. Hitt I.- Th.. i, •,, , entlln .111, w tiger -I , ,titer F,S , IT A. Captain It !It] : • 31, . I'Attut.n I. Clerk, .111 ••3 TrE,1 , A1"..1 of A urn, and go gll .Ilr~ The windy new 01111 1. -ollllle,l 14;111Am:10, 11:1..1 sta4l.. of hest 1 • 11,1 , urgl. andfit n•el and 1nrn1.111 . 41 Ina y ,Lt,.• 11. r ..11i r••• r• of ....3rvrl/1 Anal lene . 3r.. 1.1 3.1 . 1 .1 For ft - el,. 11:1 1 100 , amar eon hoard •r to Agent, r to 11. 1,4111 N , ,„... I , a $l. 1,0.. W It to YY alatt tt an I all 101. rulythal, • °a WY I, 41.11 . 111,11 1111. 3.1 I•. Nit ttr lamarti ttr Iu t011:10 VI Act: Ar. 1.1.1:1N1,14,1 Agrltt . I L !" tattttl I It y 30,11111er !tt •It ft.. itttrlts, thy 11, pa..y.uurtr rtenmr, it .It t lloots tt tot,. NIIII ntr..kv t. I/II IC,/,.%1„11.111,3, r.•.trutttlat nr appi, tn. board or 1.. olhz. s• p • 14011 CINCINNATI AND L arat Irol \ —The ritlt ntll.l paN- .. etrtngt r :1111r t MIME= ward Or In .1. 11. I. f Agnote ) EGI LAIR MISSOURI 1;14 II h I It, n an NEPHEWS ‘,l vl 11.%/I.EII. ',lt exl for St. Lop, 3on •Ih April r • ,-• -I ;,.•.1,4 oot.,arol to 11 h a • • 1.1 1:,..1% agrnla FoP e . i N t 1: „ 1 : I gther If It apt. I , tittia,./L, OIL WORKS. w 901 OIL IIELLI;1311 C., OP WIC lc? ..dx..ca - sr , OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA i 1 %1 arr, Vi..l.lrot t I SII 1 11 • r • •pr„r•r. St °Wks IN TEMPERANCES-11.1A No. 2 Duquesne Way, 11=1 A. 1.1 1 1 1"1( V. N11(111. t I-t 1 11(4 ()11. Brand—" Lucifer." 11.1...11 rani, C for Isortlin.f.proxt..trt.e.<7. ';'..c,rt.;:11"1:11•4.1i.tr'71',,%V"VV...❑"..7"ei1.1/1.4. lOW It 111- 1,. I tinKt Tow- -JOl2ll Walt, itc , Cl - { 1.4.4 OCC. It. Ilt.rrott. t . I. 11. 11. Co .1. W. I . ..rtt.r, Hot, Wallaze. It. W.l'tearatll. ut tl,tttl I W • ILI No ti. NV A lit.lo;(tt, ( 151511S%11)N 111E121:11A 4iT!.4, N PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS r 1 , 1 , , , U 1r Al' Pot.roloui CLARK a. SUMNER. Works sod °Moo. Colltne Townsblp urr,ca IN Vrrniutraon-24 WOOD STREaa 01911/lERCLI.L OIL WORT Cl' TUE! LOWEST MARI:LET lIATILAI air Special atteuthot elven to the sale • and eblp meat of Petroleum sod Its product+. Conniximent reepectfully solicited. Yoatonm3 Box JCL at 2117 ItOLIMI JAMEN LOWEY & CO., 111 1866 GBEEAMACILS ROBACk'B ‘I`T. C:SPF.FCt. I APT. IL. 1117GHEI:. V. W. CA Itll t VT ARIALE. Itoback's Stomach Bitters Aro, year:, or experience and trial. hare pro o la. the beat rented, extant for all coutplatnts where • took. and ttlnallailt a required. They never fall to ttreogthOn the Weal. re Impart vigor to the strong :viol in all reaperta restore .hattered sod toratketo cOltglitutlcku.. No remedy has bEr4l reeelved an hoot, 151..5 /WRACK . * vITI.AI ACH HIT. Kits. BLOOD PILLS SICK READACIE 1 pvt. It. 11. DI'VEN • Anti Ad Inlermettlale and .411 Diseases of the Mayas DR. ROBACK'S Eood Pills, • Capain TODD, and all tutvroart t itate. porta BLOOD PURIFIER Scrofula, Syphilis, Skill Disease, 014 i(•h( eittlat•ll4-, Liver Complaint FEVER AND 1611 E, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GREENBACKS It Is adz.' tied b our moat learned physirlaus that !111. BITTEILY aumblue the pruportiel of a I{y idle laxative, au ottheleut .real. aud the heat stomachic kAlt/WO to the world. should to, used by stngthen the proxtratiou width always convalescents " ollow. acute disease,. Su the billow. illetrleiaf the Wee!. and tooth there h.. fora long time, torn Mori, needed, an or• tlele of etrenaels Bitter,, which, if taken In proper genutltlr. sod al the proper Elmo, ara a sore pro ,DUI,. or Millions Fever, Fever and Ague, liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestiou,Jau ndice, Kid- a preventive for tilllons ittirangament, mullet ing the 'Viten], and strhag tone So the mgestive or pso •oy Now that the rPr e f. k .fv o rT:t r al d Jal be thousaoda seeking home. In the Swat.. No person who Values olds there without having constantly at ..teguard m•lnst swam and maladies engendered by miasma and (total.. Trai elers to •ed el/ meideuts Sherata bottoms of the west /sod smith, sod the suasissippi and it• tributaries, should providatbea mimeo with the 4 J. H. MA W TY.II, BITTERS. PRINCE, WILTON & CO., SOLE PUOPRRETOKS. To whom all orders should' to 'Adrenal. I Nos. 56, .58,..00. and 02 FIAST;TWIRD "STREET" • i mici eh mo,xivinerOlrafris, ARE GOOD. BUT ARE BETTER, ROBACK'S ..I:rpt.m Cos ti v II('SSS. Blood Pills, ECM ARE UNEQUALED Sores, Sail Rheum, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Rheumatism, St. Anthony's Fire, ARE GOOD, =I ffipr7 - 7vi ney Complaint; and all Diseases of a SIM. ilar nature, and Are Better Boetessort lo Dr. r, if, Raul, INSURANCE - INSURE YOUR LIFE cv THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Dartford. Conn. THE ONLY Lilt INSURANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA that noar makes and pays an Annual CASH DI VIDESD on the hest and each subsequent payment. of premium. Its CASII CAPITAL, an cuatin nfel.WO.ooo, la /mental! Inteated In clock+ and mortgages of REAL ESTATE. tt to no- In Its 16th year of bnalnesa, and has pald to the RIDOwn Ann Darn/Ann or its member. the any of ONE MILLION DOLLARS. To HID date not a tin thatgease of litigation haa with thisliberality and falr dealing Is a specialty with thls Company. 11,. policies of fills Company are alteri by rosrou of non-pay ment of premium thesecond year. No payments rpytarloi Aber ten years. but peach, continue goodthroogh life. MiMMI N. S. I` PrealtienL B. H. WHITE. Secretary. Branch °Mee for Western Pennsylvania., where cirrulars and blank Applications will be furnished. WS Wood stroet, Pittsburgh. agents wantad throughout the State. Apply to F. K. itiOODELL. State Agent. CHARTER 18201 PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHI LA DELPHIA Aomet* 011 Jan. 1. 1864, . . •2,457,A4Y 90 • Cellilal •3 SOO. MO Accrued Premium. 971.00 e. invested Premium, 1,096,M111. , Unsettled (Talmo 8,416. Income for VOA. NO 1.0...100. 1. Paid spieele2l 8.1X10.041. Perptusi and Temporary. Policies . on liberal terms. DIIERCTORA. • Chas. N. Rottener, laaaC 1.4,e, 'rotilrts Yysimer, falward U. Dale. ntoottei Grout, George Pales, Jacob It. titunis, Altred Fitter. ...urge W. IMO/Ird., trre'e W. Lents, 11.11 CHARLES N. FIANCKER, Preeldent. li k 11 WAIt ti • DALE, floe l'retntent. JAR. W. AIOALLPOTER, tier•y pro tem. .1. COFFIN, Agent. tub, "rut, W and Third etreets. I,`IRE AND AllAltrNE INSURANCE CO, OF NORTH A NIERICA. PH I LA DELPHI A ll= Hartford Fire Insurance, Company, 811,5116.000. CM= I . r...etion ran be bemired In the above named and rnilanlT • umpaules. w. Ag.nt, rir27:l7 1)1 Water street. (im stain .) CTERN INSUTRANCE CO., OF T EN virrsuu ItGli, ALF.XAAI,Ett NIMUK, Presiden W.M. I'. Seepettkry. t APT. 1: PORGY NKEI.I), General Agent.. NS r Span, R Co. 's Ware 11.usts1 up taalrs, Pll.l,4pirgh. metre against all kinds of Fire and Marine Rieke. A tonne Institution managed by Directors who ere known to the community, and who are determined hr promptness and liberality, to main tain the character which they have assumed, as of ferin tr g the best protection to those who desks tO be mied. Ale,. Nlml,,a, . Andrea. kakioy, It. Miller, Jr, David 11. Long, James MeAtalev, Rees J Thom., Airran.ler Speer. . Inrk Campbell B Herron, John B. HCCtltle C. W. Bloicetron. invin WM. P. HERBERT, Sacra ITIZENS , INSURANCE COREA v NY llF ll , iii.-othee, corner Market and Water streets. second floor. WM. BAISALEY, leresldent. \t M, A. gREPARD. necreters. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. fhrerge.l.l'elAr loll tZl.l:rF.:Z.l!"L:lref"l'l Rayon., and ne t naalo of Medals. I emu roe awnt lots and damage try Are, L[Ai tour, 4 11 suer Jobe Ithlptoe, James M. Cooper, Harbaugh, J. Caldwell, Jr., Joins S. Dilworth, wus. A. Rodgers. OePO:y W - gr hgtrog , hs.xnuct Jas. Park, Jg., W Johnston II F. Jong,... Jo,Ulm 111,triegt, Harcla . r l'restolt, Cr...fgt. Bingham In )(ow it xrai oda u tv.ia N OPTIC/L. N. H. CORNER WOOD AND 1' pt. John L. Rhoads, Jehu Ward, tiamoct P. Shrivel', J..h. r. Parke. (*hark. ArbilCkle. .O.MI. 131 on 15501 .., , Prank S. M hn F. Klet-poseal!.telek, Ir. r raer, C. Bunion Lore, 1 1 11ILLII^A, Pnyldent Jolt!, WATT. Vice Pnealdent P Alt II N Klt, Deerskin. Pm Is 'apt..lANPsS (A/RI/07, As!. t 1.1.E4.311 EN V "ASCII .4-.llcE CO. i 1 rrs I'l TTS t: - wince. hu. 17 Filth street Pact 116.ra. In vi nloal all allele of Flee and Marine Rietsi JOHN IRWIN, Presidnt. JOHN Li. SiceOltli, Vice Pnesicleril I 1.. HON N ELL, Secretary. Jobo D. IlleVont. lieorge S. Head. Charlee Hays, Cspt. Wm. Dean, tieo. D. Metirem. Robert R. Darla .. /1 , 19. , e.r . .. I. Fe lrwlit Jr., 11. . DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. lIIILNETT'S STANDARD PRE -IZrl;?.Nll6.;a!'/ALY- A Compound of Co -1,1,0111.1t EL-. A ileilithtful r Perftime for the Hand kerchief. K A Ll.l.5TtiN —A Cosmetic for removing Freckles Tan. burs, ac. till! EN•PAY ToOTH-WASII—An Elixir for Pre •. rl and Beautifying the Teeth and Gums. It t• It h ETD§ COLOGNE WATER—Unrivalled itt lily vb 3 add Getteacy REMEDY JOIN Ma REMEDY—For Asthma, Itom. Cold, Hap Fever, iv. BURNETT'S Si AN DARR FLAVORING EX TRACTS—For Cooking purposes. Any of the above named article. can liwart Ito vroeurtql oh the Central Drug and Puraeription tore, vont., of Ohio and Federal atets, In Lite Martel Houle, Allegheny. mhl7 GEORGE A. KELLY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST .►b. 87 ti' tiod Street, UII'OSITE TUE BT. CHARLES 1.107164., Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, .v.inzt - xorcrxhangErs."sr, I NT:i. MI., V A /IN ISHEN, 1/YRISTOPfIi, AC The Helntl bust:lea.. aid comertinued sia •t N 0. 443 Federal street, and of Ohio and Fe der al rtruet, Allegheny. SIMON JOHNSTON, DM1L17413-IaXI9T, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield 80,, D m i Al . Bfativnimwir, m a . r. ac.,lmported direct from London. Parts and Cognise,. tal7 J SeIIOONMAKER & SON, Pittsburgh While Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEA D, L11.(16 I.EAD lifi gl U L N i tl A y a lgU L FOß PAINTII. No. 68 Tlfirc•cmB .m:. r7rT:'CrreV;s7.ll. MUILEAI3 OF RFD/COM AND tnlllol,llT,_ NAVY yrrAnnotwr, Westin:4lOn D. O. NTEEPICAL HOARDS FOR THE EXAMINATIONUP CANDIDATES FOR AD- MinSION Po THE NA VY AndISTANY BUR -1.4E0N5.-13eards of Medical Officers mill convene at the Nara! /losidtal, Cbelaen, eau.; ltvalan. hl, Brooklyn, N. Y. and Navel Asylum, Philadelphia. Pa., on MONDAY, !forth 12th, Mg, for the jErnml nation of Candidates for admission into the Medical Corps of the Nary. lientietnen desirous or appearing before either Board, must Rosy pplication Secretary attn. ,or to the un d era l goed , stat ing residence, date and place•Of birth, and before which Board ey dealte to present themselves. Ap• pllcations to hr accompanied by responelble testi monials of moral character. Caudidatesntinst not be leas than twentysatte nor more than twenty-inn Tents of age. date.pense In sinrive t e n s ions orerumeni tocee• d attending illlof the Sollid. as a vereenstui eiatninallen Is a legal prerequisite. for for appolnotteepiltlif o li t aa rz, Chief or 3 1 1 /tVIIOLIVA:1 FURNITVRE, AN I) DANE. AND WOOD NAIRN, Manufactured sod for sale, Wholesale or Retail. JAMES W. 'WOODWE NUN. V 7 a 99 Ti STRICET Opposite K. &doom&too & Co. , e, nod NO. in FCTRTIISTLIJCBT JOSWU //SY/. AXTUOAT 14.1TX1. j'OSEPH MEYER Es -80114,111anu ., future+. ...I wltobnate and RetalKbequera PUILIVITURE 134 FINN to Rove too rair PIATAIR rWrtruit and Mahogany, or titan. awn InannOteture and war. rantad eqtud ID quality and siyinto SOY manotteture 4 lathe atty. and ertriaal. optson.Q. DtleN DBAUGIMNG: GENERAL • - DRAINIITING rOFFICE ,416.230e1. ...BAtatirsitat retle - esaacrr . au. II tlt Ut. Clair 84, ia;ta! thuipeuso!„#ndri • 11: imiona - • memo /to. liktary mut 1866. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE! GREATLY ENLAAED Otherwise Improved. L,3-, ;71a, n-W4.111,1 UNCTION IN THE MICE 51.750,000 9r3EtEl Morning Edition Will be Punished to Carriers at GREATLY REDUCED PRIM Delivered to Subscribers PREEN CV& PE URI DISPATCHES Leading News Centres . : . REPORTS PUPAE) imam rol to GAZETTE ILocal Neese, IVEISCELLALN - Y, 11^4th Foreign and Domenic COMENOMIENCE, lEJEOITOELI.ALLS Dbknautur the leading tatt.•l of the day—DAUM CLEAR PAPER, NEW AND .11LBOINT TYPE. THE G,AZ*2III9-i NAW`f`Lt 11114 to at The Cheapest and BetA NEWSP APER Poknayivelsilti: MEIIME Adyerti•shisi, IBISONIBLIVPINK 1866. =I , M . R.C:O2ldr .11TOPTHATCOMIIIIZill."—"How cant dont. , ao geyser's, ha-Wood street, and get a bottle ed , his Cough Pectoral, Unlit that dont care you,: Vhiar ease rand bo desperate Indeed" 'rids Is a umunsen, of the colloquynne Mare every day In cold.catening' periods of And we can. from actual expo. • Meerinity concur In the adviser's adni.oul thin as *bare, for we have tried .;Peetorld.._. In a Most. „eralthera ease, 7ontil entire nuou.. Neu two women Igo we went to Pittsburgh, with one; of the most distressing. contrary mulish. aneubdaabla coedits we over experienced since our advent upon this mundane sphere. We coughed steadliyand • nortously fovone whole wren. Is hopes 04 ttrleg It out, butlt was no go. In MM, It seemed rather to have improved by-practice, and to have sequined strugth, Donnie) and dletressMillty by the opera. Mon: In OM stage of the stele. wocougbed our way to Keyeers, Am Wood street, procured a AIM, • GL bottle of Me `Putout." toot it according tn. • directions, and in fintrnight Mars we were muter, of the Mild, the enemy having unconditionally our rondereC after a brief, but , unequal conniet with la formidaMat ad adversary aa Ileyter'. fatuous Cothrh, Peetaria. —Nowa:vat. Pee, 14. MA Dr. Keysees Nervous Antidote reUeve, without tall, and neaten pannaaaallY can all Nervous InitaallltY• Dr. Ileyserts Nervous Antidote • • 19111 Can If yrlana. ur. Keyser's Nerqous Antidote Wia Fara 'Faulalklas ot ki mot. Dr,. [ Noyser's Nervous _Antidote Ctrs Seryous Readaebt. Dr. keYilaeS'Nenees Antidote Wlll (lira Nervalla Cramp at tie Balialie. Dr. keyser4 Nervous-Otidote. 1113 Will Cure Neitalgts. . - Dr. Keyser's Nervous, Antidote will Cure Wouritlgle or the rues: Dr. • liteyeer'e Serious Antidote WIC Cure Neuralgia!' the. Blcturetf, Dr. Honer's. Antidote ill Cure Neurallrle Ortm itean:R, Dr. Keyser's Herr** Antidole - L„ Will Core lieuraliglauf, the Lleerasul Eight 8144 r., Dr. Keynes Nervous Antidote Will Cure Nenrelgeliesularbe.,, Dr. Keyser's Nervous.Antidote' Will Core PeoltUtlon qY the !leen. .Dr. Keyier'slieirons Antidote '""Will Cure Irslucteas sour Western's . ort3loaulep. , Dr. lteyeerss Nerroi{adnfidOtti • virtu Cunt tlllopieure or 114Iterbur Or the Ilestr. pr. terseric Nervous Will Cure tree:iori rrmo . .X.exemalve Dr. Herieros Necrotic autidOte'' , , titre k77tuho,E r l.eL Dr. lierseeti Nervous Anikilde Will 9".6ll4rxii#4;i#l#l. n 1 , 0111 ,1 11 .01ds DR. GEORGE 34, ,rood itralelo nosti • MEDICAL. DR. KEYSEII;II--- Pectoral 13wcii CUBE CONSUMPTION Cures iitroncthiltiss CURES COLDS, Cli.re•e.ELat.laraeo CURES All Diseases of the Logs BILTRAZZINIVIV" and bf DI. 11T rrrnstuntow, January II liffin. Du. lisragiti—ely wife has been .milled with • bed cough and difficulty of breathing for nye or eta yeare, which, for several years bath, had gradually Increased in violence. The complaint has been her cditary and she had been treated by several phyla lans without any relief. In this state of her easel procured some of your PECTORAL COUtill Mali% I bought, the first thne. • any cent bottle, which re [treed her very much; I then celled and gut • dohs. (Attie, which Cured her entirely, and she has collie trace of the hinder disease, except Weatlelli. 1•011141 also @tate that lased the medicine my s elf ton cold and cough. The medicine cured nes by miffing one dose. I exprem me entire affilsfaction with th medicine, ant, rosi are eV( betty tor Wind yen desire Wld. Alliennan. HEAD TM: THlLlV—Dantiti A lltr i a:are . :I:nigterar , ho has taken several medicines for • bat .Pelo r7l l . :Wad ‘a 4int '" y t o h trit it y r e tfe . o r roes ;Tr Pectoral Syrup, and before she had used hall o s e'.t thisdie was relieved, The second bottler' cured -bar entirely of her cough. JOHN DARIN, Hon street, Allegheny, • PrnaliVlLOLl,Decenatwril, A lIIINATVUBIL HYDH. SIZYPNRII PECTORAL SYRUP.—Idr to Peebles township. Anaghen smutty. I cough uld Spitting , which an. mead aliont the 4th of Yebtnaty last, and MIND ned eight months. I employed the best physician. to the country, and my cough continued:: unabated until early In October. At that time I was advise to try fear Pectoral Coat tlynns. which I did, as after shad taken one bathe I was entirely tree Sot the asoghlu i g and and ?HMI. bad despair:ids:l en' [shin wei r A.;forgjhere what hi ha done In my case. Witness: B. M. Anne. Peebles townstdp. Psyrox Towxsay . aprlll4, A VlBltalliri. CURB. —iinutime t zo ret of uelaua e:ery one e:lfct:::l 7 toPbe conu n mptio: releUres told me tha the had turn eve ry rented) . 111 they heard of without bandit: hie breherniae die, and sr.were ronermed In the belief tb.l3, he could not lire. I had *bout the third al bottle of you Pectoral syrup, which Igen, him, sad it en. arid 7 cured him. to thesstonlatunent of all. What makes the case more remarkable. le Ina extreme us of the Man, he being about elihty yeue old. I hens no doubt the Putout, saved 6 life. JOHN MeOlNlolhi. EETSER , S PECTORAL SYRUP IN BLADES.' I , M4.Y.—Plasse send me anotherauppir of yourwal:t uable Pelletal Syrup. Almost everywdte around tis has the es d; and are enquiring !by "Dr. xeriere Pectoral Symp. .• We have cold sixteen bennill the: net weer. and are now entirely out, Mr. A. Mite. and Mr. P. Maher, both of Blainville, t o u t Buy would not be without It la Moir fatehtell.. tir fact, aU who use It once want It agate, Tours, tespeetftilly. Januar, ED.,,,1M0. J. K. WATTERMON SONli, PlTTSl+ringt, November lik k ft „.„ Essig:at —Althou urn an advocate*: Monclues, general, I afford. me plexim s rlade. Bertbable to recommend your PgirrtniAl. UP, A.. medicine, It la well wor th y the attention iniy person 'who Mg in any manner be attlicted coughs, colds andboaraeuessof any klud.mgrOt . peculiar quango -Worm for removing all that, greestge misaltion attending *severe cold. I bale been, more or leas May Igniagected YIUi the severestorcolde and boaramiem. At Manzi throakwould oecont so closed 'se to'invVelll,'M :Me above b e rg It would Par ' greVe ett r inaly U . , • In recommending this medicine, I moat intbisitai. tingly say UM it Is the beat remedy era Mad. pup iling tO mire the above. nor Moulding bindle be tbout MU remedy for !Menu* scf ptftwalent.. Yours, moat reepernfrdly, • • SDWAILD JONES. Curlier Citizen. , ' Depuar.Baal. SnmszimiLks,Ohlo. klatcb it, lin I have need ,Dr.. Keyser M Cough Split. for a , bat cough ofseveral rears blending, tom.a ebeertalla saaltis the best medicine for 04. that Ituwe ever take*. J. W. r-RNA/. - COL. PRATT AND DR. ILEIDIEWS purroltAl SYRUP._Da,..garsitn-Dear Slr EXerlee the delay army acknowledging the excellence of yourrectons. Cough Syrup sooner. I take g reet pleuttre In say ing tnatit 1 . ell you any It Is. It knocked the acts. out °rimy eough, and the worst one I wee ever =hit ed with. I have not used inure than one-MIMI the bottle, and I can sod do *lO that all who are aellet. ed would give It as Mir a trial as I bare done, en they Walt. proud to say, ..it is so quack medicine. would not suffer another such an attack for an. onalderstion, or at any coat. I sin confident .I cid reathe mare freely than I e'er dbl. then *bush. acknowledge debt of gratitude fur Inventing no exoellent a remedy. Von are at Meet,' •SO - eye MT name 10 this regard it you think proper. • • .• .. • rasa% Messenger Cornwell Council, _Pittsburgh, ye.' N..}1.-1 am no strangeato my fellow-gni...N. and all who entertain doubts cart mason me persoaany. • ANOTHER NEW CEBTIFICIATE.-DX ILSZ. OEM'S PECTORAL BYRUP.-1 had been troubled with cough notd ler several reveka-S0 ire' I MS: 1 could sleep. 1 had the advice. Aidpro eriptions from three of the best oltvalelmankikte . city, whom I could name, but do not do so. ' at Ur' procured a bottle of your Pectoral byftrp, 'Meg cared me entirely. . •.- thignedl J. W. SIMONTON, No. =Liberty street, Pithiburgb, January Kb, DAL DS. BMWS ruiroak. Haul. Is plow wad 1014 as DR.- GEORGE H. KEYSER, Na 140 WOOD STREET 3 1 F • onamPab. GradNervons Itenedy. NM 1 UM
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