D e vitto. , l7ol &mate. FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 11366 FOR Oa VER X Oil s MAJ. CEN. 40.1414 W. CEARY-; oe CUMBERLSAp CctrlcTl `;° NOTICE TO ADlV4.llrxtsrms. Nonce Is hereby if itea that hereafter alt raaa e Idlratia•lfellta facetted at MU °flee craskbe pale for when handed hi. except In the ease of yearly advertisers, wbosePile will be rendered p►arterly. sling:lll4T 4direti/swnt - Wlll please make a note of tit* as the rule of cash payments for ad- TerUmistai of the character stated, will be Innen- I hi, enforced. The prlte of oat paper Is 'INENZ CENTS at the counter Or from newsboys. Served by carriers et rirrest4 otNTis ver week I= The position of the President now is that Congress has no authority over the. work oilleconstructing the Union; that the war .lieing over the republic naturally recon. structe itself; that no forfeitures having been entailed on Staten by rebellion, node are to be enforced; that individuals who took up arms against the government abso lutely absolve themselves from criminality and become entitled to. exemption from punishment or disabilities by accepting the situation as the fortune of war left it; that any rebel, no matter how flagrant his con duct may Ave been, is or ought to be elegi ble to a Seat in either branch of the nation. al legislature; and that all that remains for Congress to do is to look over the creden tials of men claiming to be members, see they are in proper form and duly attested, and that counter claims are not made to the name seats. In "July last the President Watt of a differ ent mind. Then he was of opinion that Congress had much to say in regard to re construction. Here is the proof : WADDINGTON, July, 34, 18115. Sharkey, Procitional Goreenne of Missiasippi, Jackson.- Your telegram of the 21st has been re ceived. The President sees no reason to interfere with General Slocum's proceed ings. The government of the State will he provisional only untilthe civil authorities shall be restored, with the ap, , rocal of Con great. Meanwhile military authority can not he withdrawn. WILLIAM H. SEWARD Here is a distinct admission of the power of Congress over the whole matter of the restoration of the seceding states. This ad mission was not casual or accidental. It was manifestly upon premeditation and de sign. At all events it trevords with COlllllllll sense, with the obvious principles of poptt par goverment, and with the plain bleulca tions - of the Constitution. If the President had held to that position there wouldhave been no conflict between him and Congress, and no alienation from him of tho loyal people of the nation. Whatever contli.l and alienation have arisen he has needless ly provoked by taking ground in violation of the rights of a co-ordinate branch of the government and snirversive of the puhlio liberties THE STOCKION CASE The telegmplt made such fearful blue. Mars in the report of the proceedings on the case of ?Tr. 5 - roorroic. of New Jergev, that-we err compcned to go back and give a history of the proceedings from the start. On Friday, of last week, the resolution of jhe Judiciary Committee was taken up in the Senate, declaring that Mr. STOCK TON Wll5 entitled to his seat, Mr. CLARK moved to amend the resole tion to as to declare that be was not enti tled to his seat. Lost: yeas 18; nays 23. The question recurring on the original resolution, the vote was, yeas 21; nays 21, when Mr. STOCKTON rase and voted for himself, making the vote 2 . 2 to 21. On Monday the ease came up again on a motion of Mr. SUMNER to amend the jour nal by striking out the vote of Mr. STO, K. TON, he haring no right to rote in his own but Mr. POLAND making a motion to reconsider the vote of Friday, Mr. Scan 1:1( withdrew his motion, and the motion of Al% PotANn, to reCOOSiller, Was agreed to. l'he original resolution being thus again . before the Senate, Mr. Scutum moved that Mr. SrornyoN be not allowed to rote upon it. Agreed to. Mr. SUER/lAN moved 10 recommit the matter . to the Judiciary Committee, which was lost; yeas, 18; nays, 22. Mr. JottxsoN then moved to postpone the matter until Thursday. pending which the Senate adjourned. On Tuesday the rase came upagain. Mr. CLARK moved to amend the resolution sons to make it read: "Resolved That Jobe P. Stockton, not having received a majority of the vote% of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, present and voting, is not entitled to his seat as Senator from that State for the term of six years from the 4th of March, lfinti." After considerable debate the question wee taken upon Mr. CLARK . . amendment. The amendment was adopted. Yeas, '.12: nays, 21; as follows: Yitsa—Messrs. Brown, Chandler, Clark, Convene Cragin, Cresswell, Feasenden, Grimes, kloward, Howe, Kirkwood, Lane and.,) Nye, Pomeroy, Ramsey, Sherman, SPraglle,igumper, Wade, Williams, Wilsno and Yates-22. NA YB—Messra. Anthony, Buokalew, Cowan, Davis, Doolittle, - Guthrie, Harris, Henderson, Hendricks, Johnson, Lane, (Ransaa,) M'Dongal, Morgan , Nes.mith, Norton, Poland, Riddle Saulsbury, Trum bull, Van Winkle, and Willey-21. A IMPACT ott,Nox Voxtuo—Messrs. Dixon, Foot, Foster (paired,) Morrill (paired) Stewart, Stockton and Wright. The question thus occurred on the adop. Son of the resolution. The yeas and nays were denituded, and the resolution as amended, declaring that John P. Stockton is not entitled to his seat, wan adopted. The vote was identical with the one record. ed above. 3.11% RIDDLE naked leave to change his vote. This made the vote yeas 23; nays 20. The .dedslon.in thia l case a a just one. There.waii lege/ doubts 'in the mind, of some; bit thelactihat Mr. STOCETON was not elected by a majority of the Totes of the New Jersey legislature is • sufficient Jabal cation for oustinglitica. einumaor ttt IVlllColllll3C—itt'lB49' the question whether the word "white" stunt* be struck from the (Mail/cations for suf frage, was submitted to thei people of Wis.:. cousin, and a large major ity of tlote mho voted on that "ruestioair voted' In favor of striking out. But a large portion of the voters did not vote on that 'question, and in theme dayS' df demeerattet it , CeidiuS6 , it was held that the .Proposition to strike out must be:;4i6'veChy a majority of the loyal ninoir of-vote:rant the State, before it could b ec o n e vilify, and not Simply by a majority of those votlitgrOn`,.that• question, Undeor thla , "net vote at all in 'effect voted - no;.. and many un doubtedilrefrainetl irtUp,:vutittg.yrith- the bellef that avoteiwithitold wee is good ail a negative vote:given. The Supreme Court of thi State 11118 now decided, hoWertiill that the nutstien was settled by theinajoil• ty of thoseWhO actually voted,, arid, etwf, majority - * Mak Veih !erell44i* Of, aa= gro.ingraseinl9t*e . now the eeme right Mrs. MEI lergOMß; SVA.NII - 1 7 NGT011i GfiSSIP The Waslitngton correspondents all my that the vote in the Re to en the Civil Rights Bill will be either 31 4,11 "r go to 15, the one Senator in lotibt being . .11 NI LW , E of Kansas. The proltabiiity ;s, however, the vote will not be taken before 31mMay next, by 'will time two new Republican Senators trill appear from Vermont and New Jersey, raising the vote to 52 or :113 for the bill to 14 or 13 against. The probable vote foreshadowed by one of the OrrtkapOndenbt: , , . . . Kw—Messrs. Anthony, Brown, Chand ler, Clark, Conness,- Crogin, Cresswell; Pessenden, Patter, Grimes, Harris, Hen. derson, Howard, }tow% Kirkwood, Lane, (of Indlana,) Nye, - Poland, Pomero_y, Sherman, ppraue, Stewart, Simmer,- Trumbull, 'Wade, Willey, son and Yates-410: Nava—Mess& Bithkalei Cakwun,Jaavis,, Doolittle,. thithrflacidricks, JdT Sou, Lane Kan for sa. eDougall, ltinrgan, Nesmith,' Norton , el( Saplsbury and Van Winkle;-4/1. . 5 a -"- To the aftlrmative votes are to be added those of the new Senators from V,ermont and New Jersey. Iteisrs. DIXON, of Con necticut, and WAIGIPti of New Jersey, are sick, and will probably not be present. The Washington Chfonie4 says that notwithiflo4g . thq - ptt-repeatea assertion that the Lientenant-Eioneral expects to "go to European a sitedaloovernment vessel," he has ankle no such arrangement, and is not informed that such a vessel is at his dlapooaL • 'rho Conif i ltutional Union, one of the President's organs In Washington,. thus fiendishly alludes to the attempt recently made In that city to barn out Mrs. Swiss. RELII : "Same one on Saturday • , iglit act fire to the office of old. Mrs. Swi. inn , who pule lishes a lietalomidal called The Reeonairtge tionisi. A colored girl diseovered the fire and, at once threw water on the demos, and thus quenched trite Ate. The old gal must have been lertibly frightened, as well as her female comionsitors IYr hardly believe any one would be guilty of attacking or endeavoring to int. pose on an old lady like lira. Swissitelm, or any other lady, and are inclined to be lieve it was self•comhustlon, or something of the sort. Mrs. Swisshelm and the female composi tors alluded to oceupled rooms over the composition ofilce, and . had the object of the incendiary been accomplished, the Union might have had an opportunity to rejoice over the holocaust. MR. CLYMER ON INFIDELITY On the 11th of March, 1862, in the debate in the, Sensto on the resolutions favoring the abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia, Mr. l'brutin had the auducky to declare— "It is an admitted fact, and nut men theory, that abolitionism leads to infdeli• In the course of the same speech he avowed his own convictions in these =1 "The Constitution Is now the written law orthe land, and the expressed will—of the people—the only one that In govern mental matters pad subjects of state or national policy, binds my conscience." This is precisely the doctrine of Honnrs and FILMEB, two of the most famous and learned British deists—that the civil low the standard of right. It was not at ism that made Mr. etratmt adopt their ECM But, let us see. The late Democratit State Convention, by which he was uom, Dated for Governor, passed this resolu "That we owe obedience to the C'onstito. tion of the United States, including the amendment prohibiting Slavery: and undor its provisions will accord to those =noel patted ail their rights of person and prop erry." Now, Mr. CLYMER, what we want to know of you in if the deuitx.ratie party t - ell into infidelity when it endorsed in broad manner the full constunatation of ab; loolitintilsni ? Speak. WILDIMUS , OR PRA N 9 The General Appropriation Bill, as it passed the Rouse of Representatives at liar ri,sburg, contains an item of $e50,000 for the maintenance and eductition of soldiers' orphans, under the system adopted a year or Iwo ago. A clause is added to the 4e,.. Lion authorizing. the Governor to afford partial relief in eases where he may Judge it proper for orplm.mstc., remain with their surviving parents, relatives or guardians, and receive instructions in the public schools of the Commonwealth. A separate bill, relating.to this matter, has passed the House. The. main features of this bill are decidedly objectionable. The proposition is to turn the Soldiers' Pr. pilaus over to the care of the School Direc tors of the respective wards, boroughs or school districts; to charge these officers, "as far as in them lies U. make arrange ments for the maintenance and schooling" of these orphans, and "upon such terms that the itexiAces of salt children shall either in whole or In part be accepted as an equivalent for the necessary expenses in curred." While this bill might be regarded as bet ter than nothing, it is not such provision as comports with the intention of the Com monwealth in entering upon this mutter. By all means, gentlemen of the Senate ! allow this bill to become defunct, and pass the item as it stands in the (4eneral A ppro. priation Bill. „ SOME of the democratic journals have made a notable disi,otery. They have found out why merchandise as falling in price. It is all because Congress fails to accept the President's Policy. If, say they, Congress would, ,cntly lr , docile and com plying, the Sociibern people would mag nanimously come forward and buy so many goods as'criighrbe necessary to con tain the market.. We are so abort-sighted u not to see how one Policy or another of -reconstruction can affect either the wants or the means of payment of the peo ple in the seeding 'States. If they had only one good crop made, they would be able to buy and pay..' Till then they will not. But these democratic journals ought to bare wit enough to see their, appeal is double-edged. What is it ? All who want dear goods, stand, by the President. All who want cheat, goods, sland by Congrew. On that division the party of Congress would be twenty to one. A CONNECTION.--Mr. firrocirrna, in hie recent speech before the . Senate, attempt ing to justify his'inte' fcr himself, stated that tlus Ttennblican S;oe.-.it . ,ar of the New Jersey Senate had, Plected kin/self by his own vote, 4kat body , Stanaing eleven Sepablidn to ten DeniNhitic. Eicovpi., the Speaker of the New Jersey Senate, says it is not true ; . .. The democrat ic candidate ti4i4Walteiroted fOr him (Mr. fitoovex.,) and Mr. ficoval. In return voted for him. So even that poor excuse is lost to Mr. STOCKTON. WON. 1.. W. iiALL,7-3t Ba, bigg For , respondent or the" vomn4iwa recently stated that Hon. L. W ' .^ HALT, fienator BOm Blair county" +MOO% piarolitCkt am didato for ttio.,o4irmarksitip of the Union Bate ,y(e Tsy Iluit th e re Yht.69l.a word In Mr. HAAN!, 4f,,,D9!•,o,plYmkapiip iilltant for thi'OpAte: kEikeilf.l.444i AiOd wallosNithuliinirtoJiopedl*.tth!t • toiiriection., We fidwiiireaAikti l i;6,;• *Thxy begiunierfsifft ..121.111 :';' .: ', 7 .'i;.',.r.i . f , ...i;i -, ,..Zi:5 .. i . i1i,. , -- . ' ,1,, ; . ' 1,.. . -. . ,- r-.; ,, : ,,-. THE Baltimore .I,:ewon ttays of the ; Teto of the Civil litzlit,, Bill vilr opin- I ion a. 10 the .witi,;,•, eon oh iii ionglily mud itriiprita . i .ii the htii has airttatly been ex pressed, and we Sie nothing in Gig ohjer, tiou, of t 1,,• rrtaiiilt•ni t lint fur a moment shakes t lung. eon, iel ions. The igiw,•r• given by the bill were no mire extended than those which Were given and exercised ' under the Fugitive Slit, 4' law hir the return of fugitives. Commissioners precisely like those conntitmed by this ('it'll Bights Bill were appointed alit] acted. Where the people obstructed or resisted t hem in capturing and returning a fugitive, the comminasiomr, were authorized to call upon the body of citizens; a citizen who refused to serve at the eointniatdOner's caall was subject to line and imprisonment; aid If they were re , ;paired, the military force might be C1111...1 in to aid the agents of the General Governt merit. In one notable case, that of Burn, in Boston, the military force was then used . That which was done in behalf of Slavery - tre - tttink co much more rightenusiy b done In he of Fieedom. tut lid, pant the Brit:ken in at issue with Co*resn, and virtine-tenthn of the surly who elected lam. The tialcal :nu.' east in. Made to the IVund in their rerdh•i we [lave the filly. dente, ' yor _ tient I`, • Tu SVPREME COI 11, ia cession at Philadelphia, has decided that where a check is drawn by parties having no funds to meet it, and the parties presentlng, the cheek know that fact and do not at quaint the bank with it, they become parties to fraud, and the fart that the bank im,dr e ry ently passed it to the credit of the drawees without examining the aecounts of the drawer does not make it liable to the draw ees for t h e amount. LETTER FROM NEW ORLEANS Maw 0111.1"1., March 21, 1m05.%. EDITORS PITTSPOIR22II 1.; STET, —1 have been tiCTOLIIIg my time since toe date or my Inns letter to an oloonvat 1011 Of RINI rei In and about New ifirleans. The oily is at present flee head. quarters of toll, a itamletr of Southern celeb rities. I findiieral hongstreet hits valet, Italted himself here In the loin., Madness General Beatteegard is ellgagetl In 0110 of the ruilrond oftlee, of the elty —I understand, In the =panty of dlvii engineer, or suited vt tra til ant. General's flood, nick 'eat her, Wheeler and Adams DM also here. General Wrote and family aro stopping at the St. tame, lintel, a., le also Kra. Jefferson Bay's The iirenietcy of these-gentlemen at any point 1101 of quite so much Importance now. as II was a r ear fie two ago when they were cranial ending large armies. Indeed, tlie people here take noi nce of their comings and goings whale,e m r. although lam infOrnted that sonic of th..n, who have recently Vinited the North, xere toasted, flattdrett. awl Ili mired ouperld3 , though for the most part inn quiet way. I have had numerous opnort meat lee since I have been here of ',oaring the labor question so tar as It, totem to the neg - ro, discussed, awl have heard all tides of the +abject presented. It la 3.U:totalling with what arum imtl y the old citizens of the Southsuet to the dneleir,.. that "the nigger will not work eteept rattler the lash or as 1 dare." They are -etre that the fern into), s>Ateni npi , lll,l 1,1 the Marks will ruin 1.120 son I It.t Ile other Itand I tray.• Intl and ennren.e.l s i lde n i 1 other .if genii."' men formerly from the North ale, hest lwen engaged In the cultivation .4 cotton ciente nous during and *lnce the war Their !rat, mony is uniform that they want no hotter hands, But they must be partially paid. or they will not work. The great difficulty x wit many Id the / ,, riner slave owners is that, although they ray ti.c negro la free and pretend to iwnere It. they cannot treat htm litze /l free Ms, They op. opine they still nave a sort or .' q uill chit. to his services 11,111 labor for less than thee are really WORD in the teal ketN4 l lll4. ..e ht . iff boarded old fellows ,11 far nn ti, any they will let their 1.11 , . i.e. for they will pay nigger tllry can Ise hl. work ; for doing what he mugut of right to .In 101 2 nothimr. Oceastivneity r1•11I •ci rernrl4l , ,, man from the North tray , . ~r , tilnltte 11:11, Its the_ uelehlowtrao.l,,r foot. ..f t hr..e e. fogies. Ile pays sell nn.l t .• t.stait and has no difficult r obtaining All the hands he wishes to employ. 01.1 ton .hear. his hoar) and Tle free labor not do for rigger. anti Immo; t. to 1. I, fogy has no eon dtlence in the net tt«•• • - rt lag, and the neg . !, Ilse conedem m m tl3 pat tog. ahe mtrutot,se nee t t,.•; rt..: rt. ' .1.1. amid and Jr.. er.p tats.! a ~ other hand. the Northern nom, • Ith I and energy, and poring ra,r w«ges tar his 1,, bealsone on and Ins magi. rear ha, made a handsome _fortune I kn.« .1 Intl, .rtan.a where tilts has tweu Lb., 0r)...e II r 1.•• not only matte f(1011rcy tar hirtawif, rut I,. • • I doubled the pried,. all lit lit. neigtibtrrhar«l by thus der, astrat&up; their amir r t..• ' free labor system. The ron-eutteme is 11..1 there are lonalitteri where collar. 1.1•1• renting fo nearly as much per manna, nee as they conk% hit,. [l,l , sold for +is ie et g i • months ago. Bat no man who travois t hornet. it1..,111 , • needs any tbairtleavi. • 114..0.J. , t of • la•tii« r the negro wills ork n• ell A, other prrluo.• when paid for it The et Men., i• hero: e eye., no matter what pl•Oplf. TII3, Y.ri In stance,l have stood upon the tlr•ek of a 4h+-1— strop{ steamer and li•Onsted In smithern it, « talk about the vile and ettgat.oo,l tearlon , l••• of the negro—men who (nun thelr sitpearsiti never did a daytit merit. mental or phy deal, in their right under their Nery ••,; a gang of probably tiny or a bunfltefl wore perfoeming for hoer, together the!oat eat labor which the humus from. is eapubb enduring. Wnoeser snow., anything almat the duties of a Ark haw/ oil nor wr-sterii Myers, know'. that It in no child'. at It ur pretty moett all done now by I/1110r men Talk about the freed people (In 0 rinse um being willing to work. {{thy, they sit rontitng lL whole aoutitern ectuntry to•day. Yen ...et. it everywhere. They arcd rtnif it.. et op.; the.y are building the ilOl/111.:3 . art twulmg Iti .1 diacharging the vessels at the whorl; they 41 driVing the drays and WAggOna that the city; and more doang the hard !star eve, t• whets., and In many Instances are becoming methanica and eirlllerl laborers. ttppoulle the lndow where 1 write, n large bock betiding is In Process lKmanstractlon. There Are pad« ably thirty or forty workmen employed About the building; brlrkmasons, stonemasons, ear oanters, se., and there lit not a white man among them anb bat the fellow. alio ban e about the drinking saloons near n 2, , writ ,ell you poLedtbstandlng, that the nigger sy rot work. In regard to edurattion,l find SOP Orltalna la badly off for fIOTIOOII. I cannot learn that t elty .has any system of schools for untie, whites or blacks, I find that soon Alter the OCC1:11111111012 of New Orleans by laid National foreea &number of .hools for colored ellifil ren were started In the city undot the ensid cm of the t'roedmen's 'torten. Tlioaa schools were sustained chiefly by the pro ceeds alining from route of property ohm, dosed by the rebels. The number of colored pupils In attendance at the schools la the city under this arrangement was alms t Six. Moo. sand. Since the cessation of hostilities the absent rebels have returned and token in,- session of their abandoned property;and ha% e consequently cnt off the reVanua by which these Schools had been started and supported. Since that time nothing has meraalvtal from the FreellWall./1 Bureau or trona volun teer contributors at the North towards the support ol.the colored 1011001 a of this elty Tettehesa and °Akers of the Bureau have managed to continue twelve of the schools in existence, depending for support solely upon the tuition paid by the pupils. After on e perienee of several months they haven os twelve schools, employing twenty-five teach era, With all average attendance of three thousand pupils which are eidivily otdf.mitp porting. The colored people maul:est a will logneun to pay for their schooling whenever ablate do SO. lint in a MVority of they aloe Oct of slavery to have not been long have fteettirlolated anyth ng for school palm .... A majority of the colored children are therefore still unprovlded with schools. An effort is now bang made to organhee & normal school here for colored persons, ar order to qualify therm fur the purpose of school teaching,. This 1 regard as a very worthy and Important movement from the find that it will be nest to Impossible to educate the masses of the freed people If I eopt tturough the instrnmentality of colored teachers, And In order to have pultable teachera you in mit have normal schools to qualify them for their:hi- The Mayoralty of New (Menne remains un deeldea. On the day the new Mayor (Monroe) was balutve been installed Into °Mee, General Canby Woad ati order prohibiting him from lli imam of hm oak. until certain ugly lit e Matters could he cleared up, which are alleged against him. I am not familiar with .the. grounds of chtitPlalut furt her than that be woe a registered enemy o f the Gov ernment from the time the city orirrenderal to General Butler up to the close of the wee, and 13 MURIA. to have committed numerous high crintira and .misdemeanors Which render him theligthla tot the amoe of Mayor. General I coolly appoihted a AtaYor to act pro tem pera and has referred the 'subject to the Pres den t for del:laden. Every con tidal:ice 1.6 felt by the friend3 . of Mr, Monroe...nO 10 roif."l°4 airll the ropreseinattre of the stringent type or hatred figaissit the ”tynamiy of the Gomm men{" Mit the Trestdenr w - Ul kindly pardon all his espies and thin help him to tbe posi tion Of ghieli the fortune. of war deprived him when he surrendered bin preen and the city to flea. Butler. Very truly your, . 11. Litman. alrIVI: ap.fis - C, ;PA 4E% 011;4 WOOD WODD/NDIITACHINEDY. V V -4tICIIARDPKIN A MEM AM a. e(f.', 'Manntar turtrannd Deniers in ~lel a. Wocfaxortli Planer., lOW C t67Wadi ?rd Working li.bino;L-.ATSI Wr 1 - 61 — WI Ilk — tit Ea; ORaOt'gdrydrations sad casituracturipg eon cerns—etpkellt tax/trolling ATM Tan M(00 AO ccnn.CT tbr mann. of Nratchlnan Or' plitobuntx. Ilanntnetrrod ny.r.; A DISEUX. 41 Coughs. rt., foenn. band rorlflreatne. • intaistawor.f ,AllllwiLitz• ti.c.-11 - ,n, 'LITTLE 7.rzpv,c.otn Nowtorryitort. Mos , " 11 ..". ractOrets Qr . tateol Aut L omatie stop Motions for Steam rtialuel; Potent LO,L -oft Motions for Looms; .Pateostlarytaap Top,T:rops. matt and Territorial !glgtzovisil=no smut! NI BIItACETi. liiIISPEND; altutufacturres ,C.llpo,l2llTatparits •L otretrirtZ t , ' WV= ic r. LLl,w: w • • ' Matirakiffiiie_a • tl lioifijoicrprietor• or leo koi ent coridtimuttewnith combines reonowy, Comfort sad health. 171) Court dna% Boston. Limo Skirt. oratory style as 4 variety. Apo gone% d Aln, Yo uottetblittf Ho portorlo3."' .14m.Uw4vm• ~~ ESS •!.44.A. Had ififtellt IlLiAntagi -511 L MuMactqfEClWOMev ' ° 'M RITI2 • POLITICAL. , W" - THE UNION itepunLi.cA N, W A NTED--lOome Employment. nuEN it i. ' , i 1 , - YT.',.,',i'rTEL (9 "'I.E. " ' GL'"U " N \‘'"TE" ''' ' 'n T"." 11 01,1 lIIE tIF I ~ ..IIJI•1 In 11 , lintl , tkrrALes 1.. enp.llo 14 AII 1..01 - r. !I 31 1.11 -3 11.4 I L, 1,:., ~, Tlll IND.% 1, .51 , 111 .... ' . "l?''''• "I'ln . l.t.f (sr .I , "" 1.4 1'11. ""V 1.11, at iy., .•Ire% A 11. Pant WM bllolduu,re Is ~- 1 , 111111.1. 1, 1 ,,, mu1rect AZT 1.1. rt 11.1. i illdtlAL • l Ai, riAestorrl. w 1 1,11 %RAW rl, th.,„,,, ,In.. ‘.111... lini F. r ;111, ttlar. 11r o HIPr. I pr. 0 it l\ 01 , . t It 55 T." s , l '' "j l'n' lo, ' % , 111 I , raud rot t /crnrs . I it) N J tub.) t...1.tm I , al CI 1,1 t A 01 r D — AGENTS— Male and IrT.s ., ""( 'ON GltEsS.—The 'friends o f r. r F3I 11 I- to se,llllol LA NWS i rhnOthi Tlt nnb) llt F II? IIN 1 4 .1. N 'iq 11101 F I'll 1. , HON. JOHN P. PENNEY 5. , -ol i•Ai•Pit, Im l.nk of Irtie .It a , I humor 1 ..lARI 11N•A ‘1 , %1 , 11 Vll. I. NOIIA% INI, • 11I1MK 1.11 , ./.11 A Alll-4,,N I'l LI F. (IL ph taro thAs 0,0.1,1 I ill 111 pr, k, AI Isi, 11.111 g 1 11. I no, . ~,, ~ i .1.., be irk r, n 110....1 F or ~,,,,, ~,,,,i, ~r .o.ir, 1,,,t,,,, p„,,,, 6, u „,„ ,„,, ,„ „, . ~„,,i,, ~ ,„ r , ~,. .I, ~ .hr •111.1,, L'3ll / 1 1 110111. 1 1 llt I lA. r I err, 111 11. - 1 Malty I. t .11 E. 4/ 1 , -11 11 1 • 1 1 , 1.1401 l•s n,1,1 ., lA. ‘wr 1 r-iirl 01,14.ntilF;SS - VVANTED—Good Agents to Sell Y‘ •lIIERBAN AND HIS CAMEAIHN. lIII.ANT ..,,,, it Hin i ANIVAit,NE, 'Lite Intl, r Bist outI) CHILI', PI:AYE:It. VI lINT LENNON, Onatelt I'll-. tore..o .I.l'l HE AM END t N 1N V EN'EtiEN. These are All new Books and Engraving , . and agent, rall do Netter with them than with any other otfored to 1.. A 1 A \ 111 Li Al El\ 111 E 231 iIIN I 1111 F. the poldie. 1., full pm - 8..014r, appl, to or addrcss ini,,to,,i ANII Elf KELL, 07 Fors tilt street. l'ilt:lbura 11, l'a. - t - ; nllll2:lrtlataw:sil-se lit'r - IVO it SHERIFF. I WANTED.--sLiMir PER YEAR! Y I to g W aS ortt. veil our SAMIYIL B. CLULEY; ' IMPROVEDw qt 11:6N' 1/ e‘ ywi S er FAVlNti MA ! CHIN F_4, three new V.lnda, tinder and upper feed, Nonpet to the action of the l'nlon INI.t, NI,. l'amt- warranted ti,e years, ABove salt,' or large eon.ole ty I ott.ention. inltlt.:,,ll 1. F sion paid. The IINLV Machine ...dd In l 1111....1 State. for ie... than ten, NVIIICII are /oily II eenxeil Ply Hot, r.... -- Fall SIIEICIFE, , ~/,, &II B.mun, (ironer' Iltilier. Singer & C..., * ' and Ea.-holder. All olio, cheap Mactilto, are IN. CHARLES BARNE S , rit I ntiNltaNTN, tiErulara ,free. A tiWess or rail up on SHAW & (.I.A/LE, Biddeford, Main. Later lone) ',alb Beg. Pa. In V A rioter, and tle‘Btleodvd.t WE Bre, Brig livn. 1". , A.. sohlect 1 . .. tro• action or Ilse Unto,' Con, outio.n. :ni,..,:d.t , F FOR SALE. • .._ ....._...... . _ "FOR SI1EllIEF.1;011 SALE—A handsome Horse. JOSEPH ROSS, ... dark hay, wrll trained to aaddlo and harness, • • sarls limier the saddle and trots In harnes, hi pirited. Orman parfectly gentle. Warrant, i Of the First Ward. Elltallurgh. will hex rand'. mound. betuire of DAVID At.N EW. 3511 Li ut 11, dat.. for Nherlit. 11110.1 i to 1111 action ..1 the , I Ilion " Ir. " -1. inliEkild Bet... Mean 1 utttity Luau ntion. 11.1.1. t, I.,`CPIt SALE — FAH:H.—A Farm eon . !Rini.... 110 acre, tog, Newidisley Station. tru Elltshurgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. E. , ' ‘'‘‘h , anE‘7 at the otter of Wm. DILWORTH. .In.. norm, al ran I. and Seventh Atrootk. Inh.4l.lwd&BWE GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY ` { "FOR SHERIFF. CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, I 1.41.• Fourth Penn.rlymulA , I . O O OR SALE—FLOUR AND PRO- I n n i' Po ' lloc9rTlr i t's S t ' ll B lll ° e r : ? I ' l l o:r to /1 ' Iftl . r", r o " irru ' r ' ::::::: 4 ; I. uttered 10 nor to•roo, arliddire to rnignge Co Ito. COL. JAMES M'K. SNODGRASS, Produce Biotin... Alt cononnolcallou• Oriel]) , couddeutial. Adeln,.. I'. Ir. 700, Pltothurrel, tts rS.l2rlf " "i4.1'4.444 ' .4.44 ''' 4o " C 0 " '" it. 144. " r4 “.' '"I I , FOR SALE -- 101IVA LAND--$2,000 Ire a carotidal. for ~rill, eutocot to the deelsloti 01th...11%11111A l uun: 1„.... ntoor. ode.3l,te , -- ALOrrT POUR lIIINDILKIt AND T11(11'11 A1....RF.S OF LAND, ttitnatell ttear %Veliater , 16 - , IFOR ULF:RR OF COURTS. ' ,1444 . 44, .. ~,,,,n ‘r. Inwa to the line”( the l'Avalc Railroad.) la ~R oma. For sale for tiro I . llol'saNt. , laol.l.Alta. C.t211. Addr,... •.r.IV \gll," Ir•Zlt - r. DR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, 1 Orire.. fer.11:11 ~ r Upper 01. 11.111 To. 1,.h t ' „,1,•,_,4...„,.,.1: 1;011 SALE A three-story Brick . ............... .t.- DwEr.I.INO iwrsK, vow:dolor, . ler, or„ with (a, Ann trate), .haste on OR, r Art:out.. 111 e• NOTICT . 1 Oen) t ttr. near Inv Nleobanlo Street ,ridge. Lot i ,41 f•dd or Val f•-o I . 'l' It le Ind mputalite. Tr ran, raid , att. iNtoeoltslott girt.. Instordlately gor forth, NOII'ICE. There iN ,I , lying - at , it ' arlltatt.tr, aopli In .1 N. IKKlttillStoN, No. M.. the Alleglioni Wit.arf. at. ,1.. a r, :, fora Fourth atter , . rater ,Nr‘l ' "" 4. • " '44. ‘ " 'A ' ' ''' . " ' 4. - 4 4. ''' Th " "w" ` " I'oll SA LE--A V &finable Count', Is rosoardool to mina r0r , .. ,, • t t•rta'it. pat • .•ttatgea Ind 11, lod swat .., ~: I. +.14 a. - IZrsldono• nt F , lgenot,,l station, 1 4 conlylraul.• oordlog to I.r. Itallro..d. nue and a lodf rntrrn from Wllklnnlntr, tol,/..t0 d It It It -' ' .It/ I Itt•tor I Kg.... nein., tat or rotoN or I and - n dna. to Itwoll log ....litaltiltig it.ri I , lOlnS 411.1 •-• lin, und..rn, or , Lp. •ox• yr, S, . tt, l:••.1, ' Fruit ...I other r-on • , oit.n. o• yo ur tlo. prouder.. Vor . • l'A ' 4 . turtlo r loturromtrou, end ol No. du Fifth Orr., ' I lit: NOTES OF TIII: . ~. all Font, . IN...burgh, or an Ike great...ea. 1 1,1 . .1 . 1 SANK. Meld"... . 1 . 1 it I N h. ~ ..7 -. l t r t'lt I'llt. VIrNANtor CANN, Fr. .. And l'r• ' y d ... ~..... 'I to .1.1. INI SAN/r, N /r, 111.,.., dr. A d .. Itereaflet • sr.. SALE . Ulu, ~ "it. 1 \ %, 111IIIEN.1••Iiier . N IEI'll'E. - Application will be ; ..d.. 1..., It ArLA (1 ARE Sty'l'i'A I, I Not' It. ' F0r ,,,,. cheap. at ' A S, r I "YIP. N Y. ol l'lttladtlithla Ka Oa. to-laatso of . kirriv I( - Al p I ail: sc1:11• 11l \ lI.E.:ND or ti,,i% A1:1., 1.11;1.111 NI ‘111.1.. .. 11.. u••• r ••••:,, -a ot aori Inca. liar log to., t. ~,,,,,,, I. trat atrect *boar )4.W...id. ..t .11 .0.1, 111 N It) INPICSY Ell. A44..t..44w ' :44 " r ". A ""' A ' 4 ' 044 44 ' ..1 ' . 4 ' 4 ' 4. a • 1;On SALE - Nix Lots in the Bar w wzr.....t ... ankh Or Nianghealer. aear 1.11, . 1 i.i1 , 011. I, ~ 11, ~ .•.1.1 It ',lt' , "I'll' to I lint .on Inv New Brig). on road, a Itil a eettnr..rt tl.l. / . 1T1.1.1 1,11. 3121,11 nth, I , wri. i I , ratue 1100,..0 with Ihtee room.: a varl, Cr ot Frni. WEI4I E 144 11E11E111' I.; II EN TO ~,,--• ...I. 1 4. 1,- .. , .. 4 ti , .. • 400,. . Niro a nndd" • .., ~.,.. c. .......„........,... C .., ~, , cc .. , c. ... c ..c . ~,,.. r , , , f , , ;t100 Ill!, 1 , 1, , i. i h; , ,2,,t. ,I ,.. and i tt 7 a r.l, t lie . r , tirt..• ,.. 0 r2 ' .4 r • ' 4 Pl .4 ''t . d '' 'PI' '''' 'l4 . 14 ' .4-,4 ...' 4 “ . " d ', .; ,. . " . - :r , 1 i t,... " ..11 ' 11nirr n •7,.. , ' .l ', Ol . :lll ' t '. .d . 1 ., c1 ' ,, , 4 ,do .Lb•ri• 4, rob '.4 I'. ''" " 4 ' 4, " 4.4 " 4 ' .4. 2- In• dim of lIA NINEY A 11 4 A LI.. I:• .1 I- rt... A got, .. ..1,-.. i A a .. t 111.• a,t..•--• 'a ar• net oatd a oh.. ... ll `''' ` ll. '"' 1.011 SALE. - .4 s sil no We Store. ~ ..11. 11.14,1.-1 j War....”,..• and 114,111, In I. ron110”11111, I. ..,.... :,.. '14,1, 'Cu.,,l 4st, It/111p. allegnen , .i,.„,.., , .aatatt. trill. ntaalt 0tan5a.11..... tall Nalltilagt .1. - . 11,1. 1.tup..1 . 11 1. r :1421,.1 •0e ..... . half aere .•I NOTICE TOOK AFItS 111' DR /Y 5. : ' ,.. " : 4 ''''' '''' '''''''"' ''''''' '" ' t "a" ""'" if ttrik , .tr. ~I. I. 1 . .....1.‘ lA, 11 1,, ,1 1,0 tern,. and luf.•rtoallon lirl , ll . 1. W.ll. 11 “...111. ~( I.lx, • . -or.. •Jo rt,,,,, , fuel/Sant A. 11"/ i. r. I - . r trot to., "law, No N• d rt.. wnotu, rr-I.I• to or t. ••• rrd.Ol..or ru the clot ..t t.,,,,..,L, t • ..wi111...y.1A wI . idtt•ldtr,l,. to pay tl'rd 1.. • ...... .1 0., Trc....,-,L. ..M., of lid lor ••f IF,I, 1 , ,.•,,, I HTII ‘l,' I Ili. In ,Olt MILE: -- A talon ble Earns of ~,..,...-.- ,s I"1„, A , ...dr AIN. - • ••., I 113 , 'lLF. , .t...a,hip. Wortoo•d•land It 0r, , , so. IN, r•, ' • ... It.r:o. Cow.. ~• A unt, a , nott Itrree 4 torl• • 1 , 01. th• l'.. 1:. Il ~ o , to. •or oi Pot •••• rr, ono., d Nor. IN Orra, no 1a 1 a ilk litl, , •••• Al, 75 arra.. elt , Ir., and It. g•aal -rat. , o , wo o 0.,1... at r,. D., t.• 111, r I 1 , en.....• ..,,,111.1.,, h 0 1 2,,- w..l' ,1 , 1.1.4,1,1-. a e. , . , ,P ,, .: I. ~..,, r . 1 ... a fa... 011 ••. tre t..., :., err., 1..1,1. ..,-,..,1 t 0.,,,, rrusl.4o,l .titalli, Tto. tolor.o r. I to. Ms , o..1.•oldotto •41,, , ..,.. , i I ..- r.te.n.r ...1,• .:• 1 , ....1 4..02... 2 2 , ,v0l well t•I a - st. r at Ito' 1-1 .• - .... m•• • • • 1 12 .•• r l•r• ~,.•.. •-,.., ~,,,.. :.• rr ~.,, 11 .n. -tutor tr. - anat . ) . • - ortt attl. and ..ltaet. turn. , .rt Dr t 0 , -. I ' •r. ••• ••, '•“, ' "t. or 1,.., • bon-. 11., •rtrol, tor., hrll .2.14,...1. 3]. ~, ' -,,,,, ' ••1••• •,' for oo °or odo loon rt... 1,.111 ft l• ‘1,,....". V... 01 llof .t. 1,I•, • 4.••7 V, 1 ili ~ artooorr. 01.....111,- of 11 , 1 It. DAY . .. . !CAW., - I'oll SHEIRIFI .1. rSI M 10,1 ••• 1.4-tt I rt.. ttr. • . 1., it., u. y r .. ~.. .n. ..f❑.. ah• =IIMM3IM INK. sitiTirs lIIILIII4 1% ISN I=ll Iti11,R01.1) INK, 10111\1. I h, J. L. RF3AD No. 1%. Fourth Mreel EDUCATIONAL AND 11 4T/lIMAT , ,t. 'At u. •os I , V. Ipr II aw , Iv,. The sl t• par ton • so. , oartllau. Is 5e.,...,.(104 Bo a . mlar 11,/ sTITUTE. AN ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL I , olt 11(11'14 1171) W1tt...1. 1111, Etelh 11 r1'1!1.1' 5E15.)11, vt I c..tnint..trt• 1., 1 1 A 1. A prll , tel I m VILLE 1.1. Irt,La INsTrrr roc, of Lo,rt, an.: fourth .1, lte v. W. S.I.RAf. Principal. .10* - 1/0 - 10.0 1001,. 410117, from 10 Lllllll ,n.i 001 n :(111 t. DISSOLUTIONS . ... . . . - • - 1 )ISS 0 LUTI 0 N OF II :0-PA 11.911 i Eft - ". 5 11 11. . — W1LL1*41,51171! ..,1 F DWI, 1111,1. n r. 111,1 fr..tu 11112.11,w Jr.L...try 1.. L 1,1., 1 . ,1111.. 1 1, 0/I . IIISII A 1,.. 1 • AItTA}:11:,1111 . ANIIIIIW 1,. n)IITIL. 11.1411AILIP I, HA Y. t ALfpwt), ud II A Vll , rolirrti we, a. .• member ~ 1,011, Ilrlll, Jetitinry I.t. If AR H' 1 • 11 - 1 , M. Non. Mart, 2111.1 r. 14-4 • 11 - 11,1 i A L. CM. OF (1)- L'.IRTNEIt- IP -711. in-pa/tn. t •..fore exist], ullll.r •.11-MITII. 1.1% Pi, If rot; •• arj •erc I,' la, Si. Will hi.... . • f it, WI I. I.IAM •MMITH. vim ff ,111,111., W 11.1,1 AM . . J 11 Er. Altli Jv OA VW E. PAM,. MA/ I L 2,11, IMO, Wier :314 SEWING MACHINES. 8'25 B irri...ETT E)5 atE 11"/..rli .111.1C1111.4r11. 1.1.1t.m0.d under pa1. , 01“ of Ito ,t IVIi too. tipprt., Itakr r, and ~, nod Ilk. tillll I 51/.111110. 111 Ow Untied stati.n, burin, right to uae 11,, %V 10 . . , 1e.r .0 Wilts.; or lour motion Lurie/-P red. tV, wont Agent, too ,Il I Or . ni. WV, itay 4.fto•.r ion to, month, or large t 0 11i111131.1011•. W 11l 54•114 to 10 1.14 ft, v. hen told. ror It - rola,. tern., Sce., ..nrion.. mod addrott I'M/ 111111 l' K. ILI. ttx Irat.tt. AtittlCTS, At I ilber of our 0,0,'t,.. , Toht,lo, ohlo, o• St. Lout, Mo. Ittrtirs with cloithlt or kluirla. ta11213. lutd2rn F REMOVALS - REMOVAL. R. C. HOWARD ill. removed..., Foemb .tarot, l 0 110W.\Klt"l LAYERY ANTI BALI: WRAIII.E, on FIRMT , IlbOrPdsolturfeld, HORSIN BllrfalT AND BOLD UN C 0111 1 ,11,4- SION. t. 6 21'1W MIS' &DX 4, SON Pr oprO. SEED WHEAT SPRING WHEAT FOR SEED Important to Farmers. r have aoral! lat of ,ery erlor lIIIN N F.ef)- TA arltlNri WIILA I. 'electe nop d With great ren, and imitable for SltEll Ae th e aeaao. fw lowing Soring Wheat has nearly arrived, peraona dealrnue of terurlog cCrorp,,..ll ..01,1 ilo Well to apply noon, as I br %opine 0. sol2l.lmdt • BRICK ELACHINES, WUCK MACHINE. --THE TIONAL BRICE ifACIIISE matt,, , ytth only two-Dunepoer, noun splendid Bidets per dily, ith well defined eases and eelferm length'. II uluipine does not perform who ne claim for Wiwi+ will tote It 1. rI and refund the Menet'. Addrkso 4.lcorrol Agnes. 130 New York . . • - KLEOTIO NOI r - 01111 Wlsbq A steCtlntereli, atarels /NM A N ELF:CW/0T Fon PREgILDEIVT 4A. AND lux 10_1t1t.0 OBS or the JIANWLESTEIt Ti A tiVlll &All)l7,lPa ,I4VLl4lL kl att (mould the haute 0 7.elogt. - . • 11.10 Ft, fleelt,e;ll SAW 15olitrt 'SAW MILL.—The under ' 4 9NGI. d are L prepired. ali•bilk,fot„lfehlsr...,...Deat lnithitE Uri aurzbezi r 10/22:41w4tr, WANTED. Horse, Carl and Harness FOR RENT r. , .)llir l‘ n 4 g }.l, !! pu l p! s to : 7 1" 1,0111 HEAI' 4, (wine) Neat, con . I.• 1,11 Kni: ....-.1..,,....-.1.. ,, t.A. long re, SI prin, Si.rto, S. apir...l, I. ';Olt HE' T The Lot on the (or [[ •.cas..l S.t.t !••,.11., will. this 01 , 1 „-. ft, so 37 El!' • • : MERCHANT _TAILORS IZENIIOI Al. T. & T. Mei, haul Tailors and I lolhiet, No. 198 Liberty Street to te.n.• 11,111 (L. I:ers. 11,. r arr. pr. r.Art %Nil., g0r...1. ro•F 111 Crli 4.1 - I 1;.•IrM VCR{ I.rrN‘ ITNT TI•PN Os, terirr- ..• lEEE ,""• , 1"1 . 1,1t1d.lf k d 1 , 1111 , id. I.F. kilt k Adl L OLQI A t. lk all rv.,a t,, 'llrairit %VORIS. El EN. GIIANT 32C1NSICI33..1E7XILS OOZi F3R. NEW 'SPRING STYLES 321C:r2 - 151' SUITE, 47 St, Clair Street. GRAY & LOGAN. ItENlti G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NORTHWEST MILNICR OF PENN & ST. CLAIR SHIRTS, Dentrot to tot.rn thank+ to log Illotots nnol the to.- R , nerallr .r theli t0..r..1 potroototo. nIl i ...hill .11".4V„r.n1"v.71-1 Fine Woolen Goods, MT . •:i ,I• 141 Nl/ rn BOOKS STAKIONEMY ate. NEw 1100 K BULLETIN. The latr‘it New [Mut is irceircd at H I 'NT,. TIIF. 1111 A lIAM 110,1, by Mr.. Tralfuld I,lleh, id w KW NOVEL, ST. MA lITI A'B EVE. ASUIZ'S MEW 1100 E, OKOLUIi II"I. SE El, .11. Hy. Id A ET! HUMMER, by A Hue 11. M. Brea s -11111i.sorriM PitTli N suVI. F., F. 111 TUNE-8E8;810. HEW lu atm, SNOW lIIIIIINII. E IA 11 ERNI A N 1,8 1 , 1 , 12T1' SKTEI.I. Kt: L 'A VIC lC A NNE. Tbe Meld of Madagascar. NEW YORE AFT ER HARK, Itewitt•• Mutt, na teil Aerie, THE CRIIItIF.II I , r THE RAY. I...eat number American Tales, THECRE , LEKIIIIEII. Last manlier Dime No, el t, ' tirYlloa, THE l'intSAlß. Last number Ten rani Novelette. THE CAULET WAlt KWH, Last number Tan rent Nueela NEW NUN' BOOK.U. Tony P r% , Wa I etfull Kongat er. i duly "both LlTte• Dead la'. Dime coup 110,1 i DA 'A Ald C:RICA N READY It601(o1EE 3IARTIN 'UNE:N*II7LE LETTER WRITER. Mine.huri/its others, together with all the popular var and other new FilbUratiolm aleray• P.O be ha at JOHN P. HINT & CO.'S, 59 Filth SI., Masonic Ball. mom • SMITIVN AMERICAN INK, KIWI, like A ItNOLIPB FIAILD and 11.41. uur third beeper. G I Glee It a trial. tIS endorsed by MUSIC °title Prat ammuutanta In the noun t• y. 101171 .1. L. READ, I) Fourth street. itz-PLATiord. ---- SAYE YOUR !RONEY. nr Gnlog TOdi Old Tata. vim • ILIC-PLATED WITU brfolY/La. 4A.8T01C9.' TEA. - FORKS 1 prlVli*its,Xll.l CAKE' LI -I.tin all be revlaleglaktd mule to ittIOR /MUM.. TO WV AT Alg 6.1.4:11 . 31,.1U1t LI.. • MiatiCAND'ECiARDI" " - ItoolllB AND. Walled Homo' Hnsia r by,s gen- Inman iuld wet.. daiialtibraleint . tht•ltne g the lci• , Pagiunpa rt4o 4loliniat e ttitnig Amor. SARATOG A WATER SAICATOIN A STAR SPRING WATER I= lorldc of bodliM. ..•. of rot aP.:111n...... I , romle.le of 4.dlum lodide 0f:7..1am, or Wain, Aull,lza(.• of l'otassa Illearl.onale of I,me R1. , r 1, . , 431.• of Nltty,o,..•lrt.. 111,,r1..00nt. . n 1114,0,11 a gallon 615,6%1 grain, ;117.0'• runic Inch..!. l'arnWl• Acl•1 lit. In a gal. sutior.JonNsToN, Druggist, OCTILIST' AND AURIST I )EA FNESS, IErY3E, CATARRH. DR. GARDNER, Ot New YOH:, acct LINT Alib AURIST, lin' lo U.:A It. ,•• a, .41 . '1,1,0101 OW I.• .on Tuesday, April 17th, IEI -9..'1. 15 R.T1.4%."4" , Et Ila t ME Office al Monongahela House, ~.1 , +l, • •1 •01 1.. I.l , ,lt.trve• from the Ear, ',rale "I lb. 1,111• “1" 11.1) 4E.ll4llChinll Arto 1....tr.1 1% iillollt 1 . 4111. and perierth nailing the Natural I. Operation , tor 4 ataract, Strut,from% or l rii% , Pupil. L 1 Y I . : A N I) r• 3i•••1 ..perall•fit m Anr3lAnd npUtlnl 1.1.• DR. GARDNER r rr.f..rencf.s. Itnonisi itp El, E 10/1 its FROM M 1. IS Prij./11, 1.01. y 17* FI.ItTY -1 . 11111 `ll ,El% \ I' IRRII ! !! I Plc.• I:I, t 1 the mean. t‘ .1,1 11, tl,lO, Dr. Itardner ran r•-• ler f..1.,:tut., , ot Pitt4.urgh w,rn Aat e XS.- At an . •apLan, 8 ...or: field al the tit) B.f ?lllthorgh. 1. Inalter of toe ettnte I .r. 1”.. . et . N.. 1., llor,naher I ere, H , oz. M NI. GI.. • ...111 the It 1 . 1'11F..1 "UM.. Ml= w meal Inn pallier. In t. rent, I.•r .appolnitnent. at hitt arn , ... UrAnt +tr.et. I . .tt*lntralt, on lb. 'Stull I. t. I VI , Al'l,l 1.. A. Ir.. lain. at 'lt o'rltack. %V. II SM. KINJn.. Attalla, 1:•1:4C41 . 1)11 - S NOTl4'lE.—Notlce is h.,1“ ...rtg I .1,4 I. otamentarl upon 11.1 1%31 MITI 11M.I.T1):1.1, late IL• P. 4 , votioly, , 11 , ,,,tnea.. hat, vrt0t....?1,• as:, the un. v• clitlnt,, against ah. 1,1 'l,, \ 1/1...t II MIL- Pa ~. .1 •,,l tu,. , 11.1a,,, t. lllltshurgh. all Al . rt tug Lte.,,,,r, llrtver, Pa, I.,AM L I TOWN NOTlCE.—Nutice xt.,n chat Tel.thuivnlttV, :11 , ...111...4 - 10. S.l .1 all, VEY late of Nor+l. tt. , A:••.gll,ty vh01), dye caeca, ~.- r .tuti, l 1 , , the Ishdersign.A. All , Ittie,r4 •31.1 r•lsle that, paymrtal. 1,,,1 ,1111 r, xlll prt,ent them to AL. 't tht/V.l; 11. WI I/Latn..ll ~ ,1,30.:1,141, V ./ A SIV:h }IF V Er, v..,c01n.. UM I 'STll.4l'Olll4' OTI('E. • • Wloretts lottor•of A•lolinl-trattou on the ostat 1-111 1 511- T o,N dut•voor.l, lain of tlio Illecond II r.• • . i to , a . Illt•lo ogn. till glo•ny vontr. Pr ona., to, Ig tlokotooito•r• All . I lug to . A n•lont., to xxl,to•ta tr t as.• ,1 to *At o pa)ment, 5 1., ; lug 4 clalta 11, 01:10.1• gnllo.t She Sat! ~ :0010 ntlentral, forse-tt/e -11.4 Vlll MARIA N . n Adniknistostor. CAIIFETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets, of our own im portation just received---very handsome---never offered in this country before---and at prices based on the present rate of Gold McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 43: 73 Fifth Street, '2d Door, building t 4. e. H. AMY Hotist. and Yo. . mou A T = 7 Fourth Stre .et, THE LATEST pAr ATERNs OF Velvet, Brussels. and Ingrain CI-121-3P4 .-I =b Ma il OS. E mbroidered mad 'Vine Printed .1P I-/av lc> yip-4;7%1E3RM. dugs. Cattle n Mailings, &c. rup.krto , .l dkvolly lo• of • re 1. 3, 0 .4.,1 of Slinura:Lr h' er " ... Ind vt.nt wti B " " ll' W. D. & E. McCALLUM. SAVINGS BANK. privsuußGll, BANK FOR io SAVINGS, earrris tile Air. SA V INDS INSTITUTION, G 7 Fourth Street, Ye arty ID 'spool. the Bank orPittsburvrb.) RILED /Nr.l. N irT4 n I E: II4 IMITIst r rt . .; lot to November 111, 7 to a o'cloan, 0.1 tronl Nov. let to May Ist, 0 to A oaiioek Bon. of BY - lAI O I, Ae., turnlaheil at Ilse °thee, frosts. ThIA InAtltutlone ern. to those 'rho. paroles Are Mull o, the epportuelty to accumulate, by 1.41 ileposlGA earral, a mon 'which Will be resouree when ni.e.lea. Anil henries leterest In- AG,' rentaszlipsnalelu._uns. Gr r"" l9l ßatiatirVt"sr''. l. 11. lIARTIMN sAalrus St:3El. CRUTAIIT TRUASUItER. Axe A. IlltA ISLET t. l3' M. HELL, .10111.7 S. DILLIVISIITLI, JAS MIA }MODES. POLLANSUMIII, JOON-SCOTT, IL 11. MIMI All, R. 41,11CUDIEUTZ, .f.IIIItISTOI ITEilt TU. O. SOLIGieunS—D, W. A A.. S. JI1:14.. Inblayon BATS, CAPS , &o. • 1. 1866. . FIATS, CAPS AND 1866 . lert3rest.vr,ici.cpctim • " . AT IMOLESApta:- AIitCOIECIIVAL :. : 131 WOOD SITR.OIg.7',„ Ast yarll4lll. eitauttort, °BA sLE sathtli 1 3 t h au Bruer tit 410u.sis' BATA. ete. , ,ArblSE the) WILL SELL 'AT werAT., LY =MED rElcas. Eta COBD iWs =SE =I AS 20,0041 5,400 61:!1'.2 14,66 . 4 1,513 1,2W3 I= Mil= =3 I=l =RI ill MON'I HI.V, ut .•. hteb 111=1 ie..•1.1111u11) lieribrlned =9 LEGAL. =1 EME DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS. ' NEW GOODS: e Ns- Gt-oods!! At nc., our ea. ALLII , OOL At 1 . 2,c,, one ease PHINTELI VELAINH ,, , At HUNT oTTLES OF DELAINES: FAST COLORNV PRINTS: , one bale I:II.F.AcHHO LINEN i RASH It tttri I . IIIN'rs, IIINURAMS: cAsSIMERiIar, JRANS: HTI . NLI%LINN. AftISII I:II.I.oWmAsE MUSLIN. SHIRT ' , HMO'S: ii. , NNET. HATS, HOODS: ItIRLIONS, V1.0WF.2.5, Rc.. ac., as. A MLA. FrOCB. AT LOW PRICES. By the Yard, Piece or Package, AN I'AN HE YOUSD ANYWHERE OPENED THIS MORNINC, William 4Semple's,, ISO and Itelleederal Street, Abort the Dismou4. A llegheny City GREAT REDUCTIONS? PRICE.? AT 'rHF LOWEST OF THE DAY. A!' BATES & BELL'S, FIFTH STREET. - - AT EATON'S NEW GOODS, .1114 Arrived b}• Express. T.AIIIKS• ASO 311EISE5' Xlll tiI,OVKS In 111 colo, Kw HAIR voILS: BRA I DELI HAIR • airl.s: FRENCH TWIST HAIR:coll.:I: HAIL: CURL NETS: ALL WATERFALL NETS: NEW STYLE SACQVIC ORNASIETS; NEW STYLE FANCY DRESS BUTTONS: 111.5 CFI sVoTTED NET. FOR VEILS; LA( E coLLAlts IN DILE kr vAteigTv; BRAOLKI"S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRTS. Is anwtylec and 1117'.... N. B.- A FULL LINE OF Gent's Furnishing Goods I=l3 F. H. EATON, I? Fifth Street 1866 SPRING GOODS. v. are Jally recoil - ring NEW and dealrithle HOODS In., [Com thc EASTERN CITIES, which we *re no, o tin reil to iell to oar WHOLESALE mid RE TAIL ruglinocri 01 SA TISEAI TORY rquevns. The Arrivalv To-bay are Hamburg Floupcings, EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS. PINE LACE COLLARS: II EXIATITCLIED AN D LACE EMUS.; MOHAIR HEAD DRESSES AND ROLLS,. NEW STYLE RCN NET AND NECK RIBBONS SLACK SPOTTED SILK NETS . CEW STYLE BLACK SILK VEILS; • NEW STYLE CORSETS Is hom• colon ,_• I , A N (:1" HAIR COMBS PORTE MONNAIES MACRUM, GLYN & CO., Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. mAcnum & — CARLISLE. 19 Fifth Street, Are reeeDln, NEW' .111 DESIRABLE 1104.10 by Express daily tbo New York. NEW sTr LES lIY HAIR NETS; HAIR COILS, ROLLS AND TRIM'S: 111 .A E SccrrED SILK NETS: ,NI: srtyl - rED LACE VEILS: L E \ AAILLED I . ArER LIOLLAI2. LADIES' ENAMELED PAPER y AN CV CON - BS—NEW STYLE: ALEXANDRE'S KID GLOVES; GENT•I3 COLLARS, T?ES, 33 7 =iarixaxarvms Duplex Elliptic f.4kirto To Dealers at atauuhcturen• rti• to Mat. ALL KINDS OF ,PAP[ COLLARS At ltauutactureta• Prtcati. ALL D'INT.EIt GOODS .AT ItEDUCEI. 1 R1(1,45. Me mita ads rat dSealers suppllesi al lowest prjce. AI.A# RUM & CARLISLE, 19 Filth Street. Nf.* - 9 - 7PRING STOCK ca-c)c)Eos Wholesale and Retail. JOSEPH ROME & CO. Invttes thbaitenttoo of MULLER% MICROINA.NTS and 11111A.11hpird, wthett saaortamput of lei . MEt . &:7P 64:MiCkr1115 `r sacodospas, MILLINERY GOODS. LACE GOODS • • Easetiotamilms, EIWINUN BRAIDS, PARIS SKIRTIMI, tIPHINU IiALASWIAL,Y, MOKIY.RT AWL) GLOVICS KM II tOIDE IMO 81C 1111111 . 1, 110 BZS 411 WAISTS, FLOUNCINGS ANI , HAN NERCIIIEIPX. FURNISISING GOODS. 1 . ...FR8 COLLARS all kinds, CORSETS,' 11A 1 CWLS, HOOP SKIRTS;- • • "”' ivicort4c. wawa 4..k.,4.40.:,,,x4 , ,,rutinra 0 ts New Gioode:Receiveg.Ditity. Warm., ate Invßed to ittll'at • • • Nos. 77 and 79 - diarket Street. =tad LACE CURTAINS. Abtanghans Lace, Vestibule Lace. GI/ Corn taw" 4 , 01.8 ALE' BIC WHITE, ORR & CO., rac.. SBFlina.lllllareept. GA EAT BARGAINS 'llir/32tC:033311111i1LIZILMI DRY CiCICIO72IBI, N o* , 78 and MO 1 10410 t Meet Mitattiff,-tiarilit 8 CO; GEM AT - lar • 17, -, ',IIIOOIIXLSIVII .- • # • New scof f Frizied irettr, 11 4 1 rAttor - fra ,-0141 3— •, :eFiliinitiones Near Mein* ',llUoicloldriar , Woolen Goods, .. re/ ,ftrlTozo' Poen , asIIII Bit n k attar EDS L PAPE118:&(3:' CE pionAs PALMER, DIRHISALI AND MIL DIALER IN WALT -PIALFI9EXL TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES; TABU] OOQI7R ta Warehoose,. 91 Wood Street, booond door below Ina;loud Alley, ro24:food WALI. PAPEINS, In drew Designs PLAIN AND BEAUTIFUL Now PiLe.c)c..tvrizis I=l 107 Market Stir, nsar Fifth f c in _40 . 14 R. 11 1111 068 it UR Ps PLR 11,-;1011". "•;* 1666. ^mat ;;lectlott of vititerteast lea Papers. For Like fleet time In nee years AEii^ F.MGLES/7/ . 111114PERS. A choke selection of the Newest French Paper* For sale by WALTER P. MARRITALL, • 1.14 MWbod. Stratt PROPOS/kl3 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. HlCOnnt n 0 Itsockarott'S oratcx. I't TTunl 'Rti 11, March Intb, PrOposals for them ntruntio street Public Power In Grant Street, Diamond to the Monon gahela river. will Inn received et the wince ol , the un dersigned, In the Market Intlidlnit, mall MONDAY, the nth dojo( April. 1568., lipeclticallono ell, hr seen at this oMre. • • CHARLES 1111121/ilt Recording to,„luistor. %TOTICE TO OWNERS OF LURE STONE. —The Pennsylvania Salt Manufactur ing Company telll receive prow/gals Inc the supply of 20,000 Tons of Limestone, Of not lees then NINETY-FOUIL PER CENT. rtr ta delivered Inars upon the Allegheny Pettey Railroad, opposite the Company'. Worts, or at the Junction of said road 'lth e the Western Pa. R. R. at the Elsklmlnetas river. Can to be fur nished by the contractor. Not lens than tenor mote than tons to be delivered per day. namplea of . the stone, and proposals no be for- Ireroed by Elli e.. marked • 'Penna. Salt Rent (metering Co., .• Etienne, Allegheny Co., Pa. . I=l COrrittol..l.l.A•ll &WPM:I4 • C 171" Olr ALLAGLIICAC, March 16, J SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed ••Propoinias for Grading and Paring,” will be received at Oda utile° until Mt iN OAT EVENING, April 2d, (Sr Grading and raving the Coliowing Streets. via: Bidwell Street, from Ohio Avenue to Juniata Street; Franklin Street, from Allegheny Avenue to sedgwlek Street; Hamilton Street, tram Allegheny Avenue to Manchester line; Midge Street, from Ma rion Aveurie to Irwin A vomit.; A lealleio /Orem:, from Western Avenue to Franklin Street: Ohio AT roue. from the Rail road to Manchester bite; 'third street, from East Lane to Chesnut Street; Fremont Street, from Ohio Lane to Island Lane: Second Al ley, from Middle Street to West Street; North Ave um, from Federal Street to Cedar Avenue; :forth A venue, from Cedar Avenue to Fast Lane. Any Information desired In relation to the above will he given by WIL MOJENDRV Recording tegulator. F. B. FtANC/S, City Controller. PROPOSALS FOR SAFES AND LOCKS. WAR/ .2'ON, U. 1.. March al, 1966. Sealed Proposal. will be received at the Odle, or the Supervising Architect, Treasury Department, Wmhingtou, D. C., untll 12 at., APRIL bin, ISee, r Ittrinshing the Burglar Proof and the Burglar and irlre Proof Safes rellulred by the Tresaury Ile partmect for one year from the acceptance of the proposal of the successful tildder. Specillcatlons and drawing,. for he Burglar Proof Safes. showing the form of vinstotetlon at present need, vim alternate plates of Iran and hardened steel, can be obtained upon application st this De partment. Burglar and Fire Proof Safes will he constra — e . In the mime manner and eased with o sultabla gee proof covering, the plans sod spechibations for wLich must be submitted by the bidder. Safes to be shipped In perfect condition within a reasonable time Tram date of order. The Locks will be furnished by this Department, but must be put 1n place by the contractor, and halo perfect working order when the Safe Is turned over to the proper odleer of the Cloven - merit. *: The bide to he per superficial foot, Mentlured on the ontalde, and wormer all charges whatever, in cluding painting nud door fixtures, teseept.coatal lochs.) 1866 Proposals will also be received for pan te d with and and Powder Proof Locke, to be accompanied with samples, All bids must be accompanied by theguaranty of two responsible persons In the sum of O,OOCI, that the bidder wail accept and perform the contradt If awarded 11J him, the sufficiency of the.seeurity' to be certilled to be the District Attorney or the district where the bidder resides. . The Department reserves the right to •reJett any or all bids, or to sward the contract for thus(tar Proof Sales to one party. and the Burglar and dire Proof Safes eb another. UK be deemed ,or the inter est of the Government to do so, and no bid will be considered that does not Conform to the require , meets of this advertisement. . . Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Sales and Locks," and addressed to A. ft. MULLETT, ACt listig.ttegrLtsiTl. t i. rehlsect, Tie . agr s r a .f.s t arMs . ent, millislandesps Acting iblinsrstsing Arebileet. oiliTtg - A - kdEs. A NORDINALNCE for theD Istriburtlen of the Appropriation to Fire Engines and Hose, for the year Ind. hatoTtolit I. Be if ordained and enacted by the May or, didermen and Citizens of Pilfebergh, in Select and Commons Connell, assembled, and it Is hereby l'adeird by nuth.ritY eV.. same, Thai of the moneys heretofore appropriated by Councils to Wire En gines and item. wo Thousand Floe Hundred Dot• lam shall he and Is hereby het apart and Shen he paid to each of the following compoiles, vim Vig ilant. Neptune, logart. Eagle. Allegheny, DO ducsue and h. lief; end that of flo. smuts approprie- Mon, the anta of Three Hundred Defiers shah be paid to each of the followths named Hose cOmpsulea, 51St Independmice and Hood intent: and the% ofthe same appropriation, the nth of One sod a nd Do lam shell he paid to The Stewart Hook . Ladder Company. Sac. 2 That all ordinances or parts of ordinances Inconsistent herewith he end tat. ".n° are hereby repealed. Ordained end enacted Into a law in 10001111, this 28th day of Merck. A. D., too. JAMES Mc A OLEIC, President of Select Connell. Attest: E. E. Monnolr, • - - • .. • Clerk of Went Council. • 211011.Ati EiTtEL, President of Common Council Attest: I.loOil Clerk of ono:ion Council. inh29,lld ANAAuthorizing N ORDINANCE the Grading. Paving and Setting with Curb-Sttme of Lease Street. Snaring L /kit ordained and rnactedlli Our Mete or, Alttemen and Cltterns qf Pittsburgh, in' 8444 and Common Counetis asseattded. and it enacted ay authority Vase same, 'fbat tee Xtet% lag Regulator be and he is hereby... Dratted tbadVers , Ilse for proposals fir Grading, Paving and S , ettin with Curb• Stone of Logan Street, from Webster '" street to Bedford street, In teen ellath.Ward,_aatitil, let the same In the manner directed by an Orellnanee, of Councils passed Anima and; A. D..' 15.11, Act of Assembly approved January Rh, A. D.41)44.0 Ordsdned and enacted Into • law In ?nth day of March. A. 11.. nig. JAMES' BIeAULEYi • Prokldrot of Select Connell Attest: E. E. Mon Kne, :lerk of eeleet Cooodl. TIIO.IIAS STEEL. Preoldent of Common Council Al teot: Heart Moltoterik. Clerk of Common Coupell. toleM:3ttl A N ORDINANCE Authorizing.the .a-la (trading, Paving and Setting with Curib.lltOns Beech Alter. !Samoa 1. Be it ordained and enactut brae -May , - or, Aldertun, and CY/Jun. of Pfttsbnroa, In Select and Common Council. astentbted, and U togby antluselty of The yame, i ihnt the Recor d . tog itentilator be and he' le here Allttated to ad. vertlacionproposala for the Ora Infts.PaVinUaltd Betting with Curb.ntone of Beech. Alley, trom Bed ford to Wangler street..._and to let the fame l ,$ the manner directed by. aniarlinance of Bunnell. Niue* Angst lot, A. D., /SW. ander% Att. of Assembly ap• • proved January nth; lent. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils: this Mb day of March, A. 0., 11166. JAMBS bIcAULVT, President of newt Connell. Attest: S. E. Monnow, ciprt of neirot Council. • THOMAS BTEKL, Preeldent of Common Connell., Attest:tlnoalellawata. • , Clerk of “et,ll. u11,25143t.11 N ORDINANCE - Petin i ng noun" d. 7 lanes betsteenlhe rinu and Sixth, Tided and YourthiVahls. nTet :;BIU ordained and essaresd by Mt May- cad 0010:0% y, ' ut . (bund CilL ud, and w4o..4f ,qUe r rah, is le &d an curralb .yawity le Ute name, That the division lines between. the Allestern end of the Fifth and ninth, Thltd and tonetb Ward', shall De the ensure Of Yabee to Washtngton • attwet, Washington street to Ltbutty Weep. and then.° along Canal stmot 4 the Allen:tear ()vitalised and =sated into a law la Cannella, thlg hub day of Mach. A. , VOL 'JAIII2B President of 'dent COanell. Attest: E. E. blanAoll/, Ciesk - nflieleetqounell. - ' • Presulentof Common Counelt. Attest: livaublelleirsza,:. • Clerk Of COtruslon Connell. A N ORDINANCE Relating to Sea don di Chapter lid of City gods.. • • - ..s.z.fik=fgld'gratt 4 :l* P a diV4P 4 Cfr i kt . ,_!' and Caettaots: Ceetneks: steseetiled, Ass Adtrac,4, seeded bylic author y a/ike stole, 1:110 Shoes, or exhlbltlonielisl Ind-whateosrralsferred to in'' , Seattoded, Chapter-Wel of - khe CUE ( ode fOr the IleeaSe fee for the tose.of the c_ll.7_ Is hued upon, the prledof edndssloa., add lee anall be at the - of one dollar for-every •alreaente charred for ants of the highest - . - • colffa•ttistges P wlie, 6 l::: l n i dthe ttul e ; tiV rlte 4 M4 ' rn Ordalnedand eosided Info altos Id Cooed* tide': IM.hdky of March, , ~ • • , ' Iceeld A e l Mt l e f e e itt A Cltkll.`' Attest: E. E. Illon f edir, i c• Clerk o Beltre l atia. tatrx.; , 4 • Eleild ntolComanod Covina. Attest. Boom Melturrira," Clerk orpteedePO COdtkal. nilsilkitd A X ,ORDINANCE JaePealluX.' incrtoru, Nottofdatoolo:Ouit.refd2t4 l o 4, , ,. 2i . i g:Lt Ittf e fidi=oc t f: t % the Thol aodfoycli ginVrelloiet ei grpVgir.„ e tiortinLtionilefilti moßrYileecs..Q. he n d joU ra ?Aii; e ld s ita of Mort1 . 1 . A. 11. tbousotot 11; but a ftiin g te . A 'lVolia lE cot6U. Attasi.lXAClVialgON, - Vkali B el.toEq u " 6 l l .-r is HMV •• • Pregtelest et.toraOti COmiftl, Attest: B. unfl7 ciezkormwspn•ce4Fll. ff-rvn„• ?itr.4- 4 -.4tatigirriacweitlo4364).A; 1.4,0 124 . A=l gnik. roxml yot! `a6.%Licsiai:Jii.=;~ ; " rr e;.~ .~_,.-~%Ha. -w._,`::~.r: ~...w.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers