- ;?,llC_Ajitoitittlir Toakliffe. El mrEptry4roxy i - math iRY . 7, 1908. AtiVERTIOINA RATES imahlizisetiViusPrss of Pittsburgh g : YAlirßitto DIATT,ER, shirltrqnsire sof Ten - Lints, Eight Wards to ibe:lititti - or 341 limb Spare. „.. t. t. 4 mar r --- [Ned I vrett. EMI -- -- ..... . ' . Z . I 1..f0 112.2 - ' . ' , 2' 511 tic...., 173 7424,4 4'..4-3. 4 ,... ..fts4 12.2 2 22 1 : E flt 2 !M., o rt.> wee.... i :4 47 ......3.4.111i13 "1 - 3,.kt t1.c...-t :.• 44 I 77. 471:Af.Z..- 4 !C 4 M. ,,, 5 , 14,52 -,' i,,,1 • . . : ... .... 4 74 . ...iaR tirse.., 2 wr.A.V.S 514 4. 4tivoll. I CO ~...‘ - - 41, be,' rmtth. ta CO ... 5{ 07 ails .—ceIt;,A7FICtITFCCF: z.,..,a,,G1L., ..... ~.....• fro j 1 1 , , , Itraths - IT Q', Varrw isir4l.M, , , •f : '.. ' ~ .4 m ) „Kt ~.cocitu ' 42 CO, 460,1 VCAC...... ....... -. . ti DOI 4 Winter to Ertion Hen of Kentucky, it :4 reported twat Fra:.ll , zrt, ligato , !!sh WM: the s+Mcoa:s r.ow in thq SigLe% ho held pc- flip rebel army,:chl !Ate I LtirreltriokindLY admit[ ejl 0 • -- e:L , t - molten), itc 4 J,P.P9 I4 LF I 4!" . W.' l 7peoe. to hold a coo aentlOD stloot eautidatta fur . at the eleetioa In.luguat teen IP+atlS' enoooraged bv ---ititpathi- ftentreated ;for them by the Le- Alabama azdNrould unetteglionnblY appear at :elajeonjrultinalztlegarddeßOMgres.ll they d:d motzhayeacnna homelier/alp:1 tltat.tral tan Ita."y plightintarierre with their arrangeuttenta. ft . • - ..l..aprobaWirartjairef , thineertventien and tae - -‘igpiptecatet the Stator Revorritnent vitt pre.- - llin'hanila - of the 'Mies of Huck . -r.,..lernsolattrok.eeldge, that the FrankfOrt, Ica ,405,1‘1116reyitiligre44 efliroelaitut,landa the ,tazgu.ko 'toward tee net tttehy: . I Loag:r.Tilly..ptople ender the '.'•eintle•eTeit !raft desardiam and rejoiced at our . - :,l'presttaleinandfaltened naene apoll.tioa, , - 10 " - R- r ° 044 4.1 1 wacto; .00 , there are swift al - Awe-nee Istt,l4yajraintit them. Mee bioat i-..4difithk<PeateecenCe-hol. leur,roon :la ago, ~., - 3410410.413r0rWitr. 3.eau and Minuted paota v_iipew.l_h_.....:4l,ittarripcs,,Ate. ,lusttoo did not ' - .7 - Vlttrafre!tEhlr :atnaf.hment., , ?.rd'f - OttiN..nr,il Tsfr.fmk.4 mon: remenibran of our Ifig,F ll PiforSoiLe, some efteerso' IptufeitrUse htuce ue pt anattlethey:Or glair ALS Co p&ate theta lateposterity may .:AttA r ihrs ,- v s e*ttric Or ThThu ydiVeir ro 'lll.llpn upon emu.; but an acne InOielY4O-To‘ _'..Tboatt - whe inVoked the „.:,1041.0{601g*A4 orr6w nom to" terome the rep ' reieriattlerair;4l!:.:art, oewilling„ ereple, have - -, - - , belnacitt.bluelete be: dealt vlthbytheoe a•hota sttlanyhadontriteed,ondlri everyatiatanre they - .. wetO never . tc,:g7 l . 2 , a lrt.r, • r."loribtite. 'than theie expeitod'ircho poittlons -..theytad-niturpod. for ntn•cx did, Men' better -. - --.deeerreeneh- -infamy. =They: war:thole nelpt, • ,- aorsTiodl.bithiand:feolire,bomul. e.faraud 40=41:threat .jinn, no other yeason ender ~, 1 1efonatotith- d : for,vrtatilme to :prevent, them '. 4 .elvettcfrosn , helnig ;natirearesented' in Melt.' v •-••_.lefylelativelalissaltiathey wltneaadd clot only yrere pet:tanning portico thereto , • :andey,elotagleiters thertief. Yet the punish ,--,,•••kteatroplathaa boon Only• tngubmit them and natitunneleattl43; posed to present et to and .3orttettqlen.lyttnelit - the.r4 ct omits, ha t e sot a 9feillaf-t!entfemeatfekt ;upon' t hem•wwoh XlONteketf.. - 471y.A . C771 . per Tijran 747, tie:MO -4.-by„theassaustni. tneat - aepronri Ate nelleatheata 'The arm they invoke!, now -ehtertened, -[hut It eon net sate; and irohmtarauft,ftalet art-eram.'nefr tmdp, and the :::tndigmVJ aauAßa, - ' - ;l4l , l ll nXieellnen - upant Chesnut.-matte to corer 'Semi f!0.11 hoefint thjaknees to Bunt, atullfant thetr extremity." Titts-tc—rathor. load talk- for ,a.newspaper - --'-`ubiDnuodit-OhardffoPtietOrititshardlyparsod -Ittoseitet_tretwon broshrd. the duit'froni the pantaleons to which hmhumbly,solietted emeeut plemeney: fle.trill probably-di:soot. Or - 001(M any_otternit *Made to c st .on the track of the Unionmortof Reran to perse eote for their tiniest • efforM rid the IttiteT.O.fili;AdlebrOOd Ofralters,.lmollolasch ors and• euttbrotas during -the wax,"ths.t - 'lms not fortusken them, nor the sells teed • tee shortened - Shat ' protected therO in the pert, - litho Dom," and - Its el-confederates • 'eta no I Satisfied On .this point, let thorn .try it • They aro In hotwate.r In Canada., despite the rtgors of the—aimed) and-the season. Tho ;Tetlltn sabre Vfolf,',-Andistt ;lake - the-ague; but ie bliritstirhst: tag, ItOolprocity broll keeps - , ..Loseryttnesteth.tagt,::Brieft9.: it -is proudly -tbft llrown resigned the Wiz! tanOiJort or aequi . -,-113et gaelPs•re'sclvdd on by hls oolleartne ttt:ol3Bnro at'Watihlngtoa the Iticiveslool l new_,F.Axtiptockity. arrangememt; his: irnecessor. the Honorable Fee. i s %sentieran In r, • f l. r j .l3l2 ,: e= „ to htignlaeat, he Da. CF Poe, { ,, toperinpurchming the t'omr ireec4lPr.yeelltroCat/ Ware reso.ved upon par. ,"-,PW.Carnot--Xt h M' `Sour - Coma as been-rumored that the r , ettaseor.Siettirown'et - disagreement with the cs3 , 4vonym4atleaa:. tlltGobjection to Totintse ..4'.- - aret tervleetneiityliatirtb**ltttida re,r , - , --Ziament-wsall rat Rbtalned.- .4214. Art ara.4.winntrakt Leta Ibtoidallim for the ~. - . , r ,rglttat.Vikaterar.•,. • Dr. ClascusaWetr; fur- . noun/ in /Waking M.alcove amount of liurnpi ate; Vommitrionera I riant•to know- ey itybutaaittAiaairtlon tts payment before • theThrtiaellt Aaahnilly,T,w,ea_ that It shalt be ;aid I Mr. Mt oorirs9;.i. itch: '- iZititillattl.l4o4b-WrltaYoYettany objection to g *WA terma hare been propoied to the • - - ,•42eirettatnetttlora•tenetritlat - thetreaty, and -• eitergterlMllAAMptilthltity,iiir - ttletr bctiog • ---31 f: - irnow,n,td more thii= Rankle to the country, and he* teem v o l tit bluantitotel hero by now and% {calla; friends. • • • • b4athbee editor and proprl " - '4toelirldl'.l3rowtol2off late Premier , ) in pub ' '' . -15 1 431 8 21 -41 3 Kirei!Vi . • • ,Llfm4.lcratraltr. stated Chia was tie .stroitlerdMppo:rnaltd" the course taken by the . - Gavarnaritat in retratotho American Hoeft* .rtidit.l 4- Treatr , and 'significantly adds Ulm • - .t.rtotratolarbsorth4red.froe. Afr. BtOle..re. publicity to the 'cause of c•:lrhilllti, Wall 2 tAr.W.OgOtiogions .trorr - • eoutif ontyloate dons se/um." • • , - • if-the; of Motet ISiteell Woolen' , In them elropats:of. , l.l2ls: nectp.toolty businego, they • tonal. luero.63lctt'ill.lbels heads.—N,.. York • ' "rtrieb l SW in , lietroiliao4reep or Sating Pork. onecuSe: - 0f thetideznie called Trichina, which ISSOLkeCOOIOSOIterI PO much alarm in Berins,•Prnsalathlaappenrod to this city and prove-strata% _: . The vietlus of this distse was t tryotwrady - ,,lSGertuan, who was taken il l WIZ - 1k MO PLUM and Called Dr. Herman Bat. ferlo attesd her, • Dr. K. wee at tint mashie to tall theprecke nature of the disease, bin hiselty beestruscanvlncod that It was of the ' ,esme natere Ka the Trichina, which has been • Itzown forsome gears In Germany, and width' *time from the eatioF or dDeased pork. • The TrichPur Splrada is a mail microscopic ' wormer staltnaleulos which was drat observed ty the dildingnlatied anatomist,'litchardOwsn _end is found In the muscles and lutes- I Of - rariona animal*;. esp•scially pigs and rshlGyln,vnth enormous qtr.intities that In A - .fare mince of pork 100,400 of these animal- Sw:te have been found. By partaking• of the uS heferted math them, they are transferred L. the herein body, ro using Intense suffering, fbi!olted, - to furry canes, by u palatal death. • Trr-Nollid his utmost to relieve the Inte.a MU rirtgs Of Ws patent, builds et:l'nm to eave tee fffe vete ItLAPOSIZOg, and she died Shoot .10 epic sign, ....Aft4T her death a post works o ez ,Seee..t.Ziest witS iselair'erhich has reisciltel r n° Vr T gall pC 4. l 2 2llllr4h, a l=al l : OM CI a PLlrbCad, WO examined. tOrough the •Pacreenopp,lllll4 toned LO contain largo amp, *Area aulessictiku,svpund7Onnd tillct imbed 'fact to 'Morales of ;be muscle, exactly similar iMr y rtzs i r tt irethelilehloo Man i if/ tjetrlr 14104 Or title eotmtry ,_... Dr. Yeekketateslhat tbff , kr annetalculn ore not Pntrreitel by - los.olnep or; go %general thlng,, bilrintrionle; bat Won' tuol long steeteeefk,to Mul e „, egetipsay 4estrey theOL—Do . oqsageopt •- • ' ltAtrat'tnnto. one of the Editors Nev r .Yerie wbo had taken a trip 102teirOneattetO tt tlie, benefit Of. ids befall.. °bids entice, wegestret, A° neer. .stras, litttliDerlaysla.:llll.r. brauldlog beta/eon/MO; to . when removed Ire= the vessel thts,, Zi l i r nrteZ,W i to w- prielo ti gt e gfisVi t elt s4 l 3 4 ' him, s'eltdital to' take" bins i^ . i. ' ?".! '.... '!= 4r iltirivieleriete Were tbets netiewtof his % UCP, and he Was taken CO the New York Whore now Critics! flay Sts , tamity, who now • reside. ln. • ... • 'l.l.44l=`;';,lr.e.llTll°.,l4,Varore4lll hail been greatly . Impaired- by eaoessive and .protracted Mental ererttOna, and it is fumed , that hlspretent fikko els prvve tutaL— e *lnsurer*: ildterfiscr. :This istatement contains . seVeral initecon. •.:Ifts. Mr. *Spalding was not "unable tospook" wbett hewas retrieved from the Everting Mar Orther eutival from Newt/rim:Ms."lie gave the „haremsti Dram) to Art...a him - to who Astor .E....tionse. On helogroinsea itilmtwden there, ho '7 : Ordered Lb ettogebrnalt trillilre to the; Metro. Minim Hotel. Entsequetatly he woe tikett to the lafargelfause, with no bettersuccess. As *UM resort the back drove np to the • -Counting room, where rt temporary coach was -- provided for the sufferer until medical awl •- Totild-he prOCured. Mr. Spalding woo MM. •z . tnately taken to the New York Hospital tiro Mime night on which he arrived. We are hop. to.yttakt he hiss losprored considerably.— ' Therdahrely Mum be Home mistake in those -statements Of the AMel. New York tsa Chris• ttan city. end Its petted hotel keener...should net lightly,. he charged *lth conduct that . Wet( d disgrace a Choctaw Indian ore death Alamo Mottentot.,lt Jo.lnereiliblothat an ed. neatedgentierean, aorely smitten with a di. hot contagious or offeisetve, sheet& be throat back into a haek on a bitter Winter's - night from three Of nor principal hotels on • Bleadisay, when rib he needed yowl few ahelteruntil We faintly mind be suet (Ler. Thu Ttoiet and other city journals recent.- ly had-occasion to sternly condemn: the Quar. antinoConemitattonera for Rending a poor fe• • ver.strlcken emigrant to. Ward , . wand la an . open boat, from the effects of which eXPeserc - he .died.. This ease or Mt. °Spalding -is _ worse, If correctly reported, and wee do not "see 'a bat extruee the hotel..keepers car. make tbidgif ant et Peastisea litomutity.— World. Tar.trntetwo fripyr. :e It WO trlOrl3 14 1111. 1 • 11 , 11.1_11.•411.1 C•41„44 .1 : • • 1.1c , n hult . . , eris‘fo,nd ho, twenty-firm 4al. 0r:112,13.nd tom 1n... • h.tv.• tst.th gr;f nr.Vithid.-th: , past rex pears. The 4 .0 4 , 47:W14 . In tin stall. are co:anted at over czhhlothilieti arhillfty.costing ito,Ooa,ao.). rocV outdn not unt,,, all . 1 o I. • II 4S. 1-,404.4.144444 Wn.- r.o'ek2 tty; lo Walt. l'llrrt:iCZ 116; t • • ot, 1,011 I 4 to net for.:he rw. ; I anel E to.•slng q.r Pte. , t• uaniau eaaa•., niare to it-el. them up I.r.r.g :n. Ft, :Lament of tli net, :41 ns , -•.ne titsle suss Of 4.'l.tati,o , t rt v ioke to t • r it,r se az emu Ma, :111 eanale (LI nol onli m 111.1.4, to their ewer 09. UM. an: .1..111:01y th.. 24.1 itl, rata ant I.4ll4kraMev, fo• 1..01 -their 1445 10 030 people 01 tie t or ; Nl.l.tee, an a consttl,ratfon I,r the e.lll - to Canada of all taro of he , I..legla,:r to. the 1:10.011, without any M 1 11, of tte aunlens had relponsibilitset of that rota tion. It Ii a pttlty eMarl. 14,A, but 41.3 are afraid It won't succeed. Tun New Sark .Erltress spent:lag at then I raneO made In• rents' by thetandtords is the oily fay.: . l Out3ldll of the rile the price of re/ires(ate has not risen :haters? Iy. Property •sin l,e batight photo at tame tth. same prim, in .4eld a. helot(' tho war.' la the cl ty, tom which werr,yuptx.sed mhavoteaolm. their tall value tang ago hitt.? lately changshl baudo, at m e l t y,n 3't al 113 , 3 on the price asked far to?Oretbe Var. At the game time it will . .1 not teed that au'lMuler.se quantity or real e4l.ate :or sole, owners being apprehensive :lag Cho pritheot value eannot long beep h ' 11414101 DE, SpXEaltT.--ife, icart thAt. ai affair, which ternibtated fatally ,:tarred at 311 :•c10ti14.1.1tart.,:aa:0re.,...1.a roit count., the of January. It appears, Pt we learn the Lletil, that Divot Hearn and been wieetling with Noah ITtute and rather got the worst of,it. no went Lute 'the store, and ea reiern tlls , ltertod a pistol. At the time none of the by stAnd.•es mml.3:flel any. OltO to h.., been hart, but oh art ly mfserwurcl.l Perry IV-Lita WAS algeto-Vere4l.o:l the other side of the 'fancy dead, sr ith a ball through his breast.— tOn.f.ridgr (34.1. Sc • Preirtesta ladies of high rank in Paris left their cards at the Princess de Metternich', on New • Star's day, easa.cattl pecompanial by roll of • goidlttieees to tile %a rte of .f.. 12, and bearing a penoll message, which ran thus:—'For your poor..Statimne; - thisas the only aren't , we make ht.: year." ...§u rational as example it Ls to be hoped will not be forgotten nett year, end thec at present. 1., unstem Senseless and useless the exert - n:11e lisight be the means of bring ing, radio,,, blessings and unknown sanafors to -many a cheerlosa and tireless home, . Tan lnrarnmatum: Laznia.—A thtotitworply , Lierpool , ,halirmstl 111111101.1Reea that heard, M. P., h, at his old business of ram building, this time for the belligerents on the Pacific. His Confederate ventures paid hire so haadlomelY that he thinks Chinn Illtir held far spec ulatiou while the moil:het between that pewter and Spain AMR continue. Laird Is probably right; nt all events he la Justified as much now La vi olating the municipal laws of hit country, tai ho was when ha rent out the 'Panama and Atolltthe room-for the F.Tveret of China. io ti O AWT*urixoar . .A e r Trmmumw. —A utter from Reed, - ofNw Orleans, to an officer Of the Treasury Department says that ITIEOI,IO of the parishes the freedmen are tee, tegrefalletrilikess.that. they refuse to work for their former owners, but are seeking:tarp, ern men for whom they are desirous to work 'On any trains, mid dint • when employed er 'each Men, Ilrey work faithfully and Industri ously. 'they - say that their old masters op press them the !lime tin formerly. 1 GO 7W G - 00 800 It ft 1880 2 i , 3 :0 4 bC 7A 12 Di .50 2W MIMI TOO r II 30 4 300 17, tO 23 C., :I CO Oro W 0) 17. f .1.4 r. lli lr i ii li Wr - GXtigait S card. TORS EI.aCT.-- Information from Georgia la tatho &Tee, that stephens and Johnson hare - both aocepted the Seastorships to which they wore elected. Stephens, after writing several coquettish letters, atlp if [to was asked 9i15.10 Berre /11 the Seuate. freTgered itt tbtloirs .1 cannot 'imagine toe Possible case la which I would refuse to ors,e. to OW/0-not ,my ability, the people of Georgia, to any position :LUDT m ight r4 , 911T - rx to toe, hether assigned with or without my M." nocrar re or too EZPItEni4 COMPAVV.—From the ottclal returns of the. rl,e.ints of twenty re of the lurgeet express companies doing brordness in New Vora for the fiscal yrvtr ben n. ate, 1t765, tt arru"grelt'',4 with Juao s, Mt. •Adams'ExpresS leads the list a - ith the ale-ohne-el a5P.12., , t674.and the other companies eqtally prosperous and tiourishing statements. Tn. C•AS or Mae, Ann E. Kir : by, of Iliehmend, charged:with the Murder of tor hustrand, has interred= to the lunatic coy um of irglnia, under an net lately passel by the Legislature, unasked for by Judge Lyons, of the Richmond Hastings Court. The judge decided Item the testimony that she was in sane, and under the act will remain a prisoner fols l 4tonottll retiatm IS restored. . _ . Mart. years ago, en estimable young lady of St. Louis was married; and on leaving the church the bridegroom mysteriously digerp• peared, and- WM never -hoarder more. After wiliting.MOntha and_ yeara. for the rethra of her heart's idol, she renounced the world, and 1107TIVI read that *halted. at a Convent Ms vital, after a life devoted to charitable and re- Iglous deeds.__ Amoreo the newspaper enterprises obaterre plated in New York It the establishment of a new.daily, to be started th e Drat of May, and to be called The .ifeerepotte. ft is to contain no talitoTtals or selections, tint Elm ply ; telegraphic and City ecru's, the Ideal' depertmentbelng at tended to With great Care, and initdo the male 5C1113150, aside cacti tian other papers are most deficient. • Tax Com:Lail Grtero Destreraf is inforMed by Colonel XerrATMlWOrth Indian agent, that he succeeded in reareering two white women Mrs. McDaniel and Mrs. Springs and six chit=' drcn, who weretakeh captives by the Indians 'in Northerngexari last summer. The Indians neve yet three children, which they ptordso to deliver Tait city dfieetou of Mobile, just issued, contains 5.1)000 7 000 minus, upon which the pepulatien theca u t diAlg-Yreeaneen II hisstmated at 10,000. The Mobile Tea's:ea.says a tact cleanse Inte,ust, that of the named WWII& were in the,lnetialiged gireePary, of Igp, pot mare about one , third'are - In'the direcl,ory of TiteClaVelaid .&"cirTte'eliyirtieke -tor was ocasvictod - Om Friday to the rafted - l4tatealksert , of the Crime 6f - passing counter; felt ten dollar Treasury notes, and sentenced to a term of eta, months tn:the'dtelloenville jell. Ile net out fOrthat'ptifte on Friday after noon In the charge of a Deputy Marsha. WEIDA, I .4A9h,—A. Pith a ittrge number - or *WO !Abner? arrived hereon : the }Cent on Monday. There being a great demand for Laude among:A.llo (armor,, throughout the county, we leant that three new COCIVIS obtain eFuI3CA4.--,Cdv!;.etdle (Dd.) In ttilioenter: - • lw is stated that the ice deglersOf Ptillsriel phls have secured, for ate,ll.rst time for sev r.l 3 - cars, a full shimmer supply of Schuylkill 1,, of the very best quality. The amount 3, pored will reach about . 1:1,0 tons. The pros- Feet dteliespl,ionitat ssecktacilx.quitctattor las Clevolacul Herald says the ice on the Islco extends as fares the vision of the eye can ',each. Along the beach in front of the plore, it.Ls _piled up in many places to the height often or fifteen feet. It is 80110/21 that such huge plies of Ica are seen In front of the city,' . . Torso men in Lawrence, Kansas, have to marry to got abetter from the weather, the landladies there take none but married peo ple. The unfortunate youths say It is a con spiracy between the young ladles and the hoarding-houseskeepern. AOr • —lt !e - tinders/nod that General, Melo ,yea terrlay pelt/Mrs. Bert /natl. I, nee 2116 s Boes,'nf Mlasiasippl, `Vat) , 'odd thou. 5 1sat/- 40 1 - 11 1ra ro./tineas suatalned while she 'llO3 thitottrrledottid la the thlrileder/oy et Vicknbitrg. -.Ttipliealtlilest cc:Frig:Cpl . ! inn to brew York perbupeln th e liboNs c3untry, Is that of the an:lFeb of the Ascension (Epl.eopaij In Inc Fifth Avenue. Their aggregate income, 1t f Year, le abbviriloSai•eibe...en tispoo,o.n. ov GO - V..MOntttnAD.- , lt m +tat...l that es-Goverbor lilbreheml, of North 'aro ima, hue been nrreetetl by the Vetlerel tho. fol , 4lterivring with the eulic! of aomt. Property proviondly advcrtb,ed to ho • E,OLITY 11.1014 and liermans, writes a Marlin , - .1 - le , pOnCtunt. etnlarutmlleisi vl.l fawn ,, and llrcmcn. About 15,0C...t0/we, It la eff. , culated, tell for the llama de.mtnatiou ay way of France, Englund and Belgium. • -- . • Tar bodice' of the tin lon soldiery wherfell In the. shirOyish near Falls Church in lull, are no lag dlidoterred for ro.lynrial In the ISOldlore' Cemetery, at :Arlington. 0.1. e g0w..4.4 twathos been OlTeated In St Louhr, argot' vitt, buying boob concerned In opirrationeth different. parte of the &rotary: Aga EU-1111301mo* la pan the Rattlyh(tl— t 414se,d CNN prealk . Te!rougn the On Saturday afternoon a largo number of persons were congregated together on the fOr . „.t4. 1niC2 0 4.0 of engaging to thoolereise of salting, and the image thus : presented.watt'quite attractive, all appearing entj..tbautseires greatly,' AboM half-111C Our o , oloetr ttely of dlstress 6d *orb the river abovo- the 1 . 1% - rolitt i le ' rush wax truylp to" the;'apgt frOm • irthetleelt preeOeded:' It was. found on an vet tigattoor that a young lady, named Adele nu- Trstitnif In Ilarshall /tract belOw Ox. ford, bad trotion through the - fee while in company with her nephow, Robert' Babaud,. *WOO ritne 7 yetuir. - = Effort* +fere immediatety_ made to rescuirtho, piFtles from. their peril ate ~ The younglady; belinetus enact swimmer And frosseSsed• of mt4Oli aelf-poStlessioe, corded fn , eeping herAvolabovg maw. Thu ell Po wAs catight OT Apr and held above water soflclentlylongtorropitfkoMstrangling,ond 'until rescued from ravening by gentleman frlePer Who Como' 6: Moir. -.ltislidattoe, Miss' unhand 'chiliad tad until the child was saved. foam after aberwas alittrextricated, but tot un til she had been In the 'Water for a considera ble lengib of limo. They were then,taken to rf polite hems° near by and nOcussary aid ad mitdstered tO theme. • The heroic conduct of the lady In yrientlon N a 5 tbo cause of much commendation 'from • their who witnessrAl the steno, and It wa. mainly totter efforts that that Child wee Saved foam o watery grave, During yestordaY the residency of the pets Ons In question was els lied by a number of muttons friends, who manifested adoep sympathy ,In their behalf The kindness .of the keeper of the public house In furnishing clothing and other neeassl ties, was also spoken ot fn terms of praise by thewe who witnessed the exciting scene. The spot..whera the aeoldent occurred woe covereir with new thin leo, the MA :laving bean unworn- for the pUrpose of having It stored In an leo house, and nn signal bun been placed ewer it, showing final carelessness In the person performing the Empar. er. Tao tetaruber of [regularuaten of Went point, who wore In the army at tho commencement of [horror, was eight hundred and to enty. Of thin number nno hund cod and ninety-coven renhmed and joined the South. treeing air hundred and twentyrone loyal graduates who reniained to anon for tho Union,•ot finny bfeb number no lean than ono bun. area thirty-ctght, or nearly as its those reSigned, were TtlittTerrOf tho Span.- era Mister, G }:NEB 11. NEW' USEME NTS. )1 . 1:1t2 41 F E1i 7, 41;. • 4,•7 • MISS JEAN ROSNER. wEimrs.A 'ENO/ 4. will tle pre/../n.,/ :. • t Lttr 11,3 set /1 - / Rea , ' C IONE: Or. THE STATUE. MEE =MEE A I: rt kit r . a .. ) iTTNEtt JIM Tit CAT i:. LUE. 4. ,12 )1, LIE :,! •N J. E. .41or DOXO I'6ll r. MESS SOPIIIF: G1311.111t, KUHN. ~nt„ . .A. 1:;! %II • EVr 11. 4.1..m12.,4.7c1r...1t .raitled AR Za".4llL Z. 0013.17.13; TIM 69.C/ill/IV IV6IIIII bete, the , Pool J. F..fellow:mei. Arrab ...... tkiptlls (limber Kuhn. Introducing the tone or vre..ltl n; of the Green. Tiklr beautiful 1, ir will lie prtilliscntl lan .tyl. of Irranileur and . 6pit.vii CYI = I...A.rirsCZPPLI CO, CATHEDRA L, PROFESSOR .1. T, WAMELINK, Thursday El ening, February q. TUT 1tE1152.1.): CIP .11 11. S.:SCIETY 113 Te so an 4141. en ;Sts oce,stnn, under she di r...tlou of :heir lender, Potc.or.c E.S AI/ IF. PART t IRST. 1. Doable quartmte t. • ' irlus lit kilns quartette 3561 Coons., 61m. Stn Watheriak, 31161 Lou ktr..gelainu and 11141 Vo.sucy, Sicsarn. Jones Cost. C.vg•o and Breed. • Soto--•• The Te.nr,•' (Ohmherl )11c. Apl.•.uses. n. aotr, and Ishett. with <,7 krnnel. V Iclitn," Scully att/ ~ ?looney, 1, Dunne-“ 0 Saluincl4. l ' •S had holo- Vary°. Begina Coen. Mr., ("ote. K. Trio and ehorun•-•0).itorlo4• ina• • fc•nn llaydrm•4 crentom. MI). Poinh.rt, no, lY ode and limed. 7. ;halo Busse-.Me. S. Solo- • `‘'.ujus An! z,n•• Reek. 0 . Tinett and Chorus. •• . (ltudc V:sycn. ' • )1. lego And Koch. I'. Chorus Trans the 6lnaie Flute, By the ti. .^.11,1 Chard Sacletr. PA liT ercoND. Chorus:lml Li n en,• '1,1.14 , 00.” Men. Bars nad Br/. Mooney, quartett.6ingulacat." (Bono.: o. '.111.4 Conarano Ho.. Lon Itr.-,;.smnrs. )iris., Nude and C43t: 65 , 10, 11 ,1 641 utarti. , ont. 4. bozo. "Are Maria." (I'...cr. • )len. Scilly. 6.. 6510. • • •Ils, W. 1.• .hopised.• • .'wont the 11. n/14). 38s. Sloane), 6,. Solo and Chorus. • . Juts..nte (1/011....1:11 Mine Sue Beek and Chorus. 7. q_uartitto. “Gandenclus.' . (Trent, •t .611 as ttestll7, Mess,. iTutuelth't Nu d e r aid Breed.' ''ll. Solo. ..Vlrgo Prmlcutl44lsna.' ( Silas Reinhart. S. liaett. ••Ase Marta... 1 tTameil.sk )hires Apple/Nu/ma/id Ott. 16. Solo. Mho Lou RreireSrants. /1, award chorus. (3iedte4l.ll.) By the German Choral Slefety. More mvvn•at 7 o'clock. Concert to comm tee 7., o'clock. Tiekato s)N I fr , At GRAND MANquEit_ttrie. AND FANCY DRESS BALL IMEEM VIGILANT STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM.Y, CITY xiALLar_., Wedres(lay Eveniq, March 7,1863.. RULES; REGULATIONS a. PROGRAMME. in order to Inasere the moat namplete Surreal, of the Wand .51aRnerade Ball. Ita , e3l u iragara an=onnee t qftV : ll,Vt ' o. l l,:Vo t a ' tlek .' eta. ' crot pllorY) atlmittlng one x-141<mm and Oro 41.400; toe .c Lady r„,07. 'lk "bip pesproetlf •oermltted to participate le le e Vlrat:c 4 :l2l3 rm ., 111:7 ° :3111 . b. " :1;ae reed la the part of lbeCommktta.e tteeentton. Tlrla rule la ' 373l3=togli e a l t b all 3 Zi n etfo o g p in "e a:a ' arrTO7 . (bell faloodi chat, 114 the tleketa ate fu mahr, no aproebentlon neml be entertained of soy (soon venlenec re seating from el-wad. IPACHieIsAAIIIM ' The Grand earniv at Pakade grin take nt,o at nine °week prealacky. , , • The Cumr...tetem• Of I.rmsiteranala annonn, that ALL BAS4CiS will be removed at one o'clock. albeit in charge of Prot. NAAS. of the Gr.at We.terceLfebt Gird Band. of Chicago. Ticket', tobe, proetired•febni any eras me or the VigilaveZtekaiWlzeßoglne o=pany. .103.1.1 IT= OP •Itita...woracsorTat R. C. zuorr,. I. H. ARA lAN, 11. R. BRYAN . N. O..BEILNIIARDT, 41-7. _ Or Curalovr.s: J. 0. VACCITILII.. WW .1. PATTY/1 , 30x T. B. Brarrle.nrT, J. A. Durxr_tir. - i 'J. Xavrurr.. L. Wiwi.. R. M. Xutre.tp, •- . En.t.sn crux,M F. F. YrictiN, W. li. Nzirra. W. 17. BASCLAY . - 11; J. 11:3Dzat M= role, FAVORITES AILE COMING! • '- -- SKIPPIirCAYLORD'S TZfr.gADE; S, AT3LINONIC 'HALL, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, alp, rb .99 10th. The Manaternent point with no small gratliteattnn to their list of Unrivalled Performers and Xx Lean, eilinary Itoveitles and Atersetiorla, and beg to aoure the nubile that Om> hawit not nth nned at any expense withal woutoltenahrealwin,wnowmackitn. rsoN. and outwit. ever) other traveling eatalitlehment to the countl7. Among the many new and attractive features o [ht. Mammoth Troupe 19 the GREAT MUSIRAL PANORAMA OF SHELIA:VS ttECB MOE META TO UR SEA TlcksteMreents. 'Reserved vests Se eels ts. HKIYF 4 OATLOR.D, MANAGYRII. L. U. W. HISYsz. Ares{. reS:Cad PIIOIIEASOU.COWRIEWS (Inma n FANCY DRESS hOMEE—WILK.I2:2I HALL. /rids/ ETewlhd, Fibre's/70th. Is consequence of the Urge latent}... expected. • diagram of the Ilan has been prepared sad may be sewn at. Renee's, Wopel street, where meats for the c•eatett ray be se cured hy :hoer der/tins ta tett. &Wet MERCHANT TAILORS. Boxer ountcosTs. BOYS' SUITS. All Styles and Sizes. A LARGE ASSORTMENT At Greatly Bedewed Priem TO CLOSE OUT WESTER STOOK Gaitar I LOGAX, lc? tire. Er eT. CLAIR OTEEET. 11 . ENHY G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, SORTIES?' CORM or nil & 83. GLUE MEM rarsauscrit.irs. Takao anat pismire In announcing to tits nanzarout common and the public genarstly, that paratta. act 11414 4rrangettionts for the nal , reawaq 412 tow cozopleted, baying taupe:tonally aolooted goo tna andoolass data bogie. In the emus Q 1 ouch sea. of goods as eon realty Du rsoomrounclo ,zilltgzai r t u blar cm 141100 gar s tegna;t: ( 7,1 4 r/rWit u eritrttne o t. gr. Italy Yu ;orb.. danCur Tiling as ty Involution. . ;Do i raelolatk,"Colotud oftttia, and doe spina, [Mink WarrittitOul. but in coiont,,aut, sound toxilieu tot" I.lluttloiutd CMOs litui coatings, now tint tor enact, Anna., ritty - tof lin* .1 ram r VU t iffirturt train( lard ot -c r sing uruar O , r'" a Oa ASTROLOGY. SINGLE LADIES AND 4.: - EICTK, you have =dein °poor tensity of knowing 75n_ir, No. Of In /4! ". - ofng can gradate IC com e Maltese of • your fated* dultsband tir'lrtfe. By vending the your no. .trolor a t keynt and hair, you will rereivribe tOrn , Or yOll7 row* pumice by return MAIM also the dote of yen, marriage: Address. enclosing tweet))-see rents ended rtattnp, _Madame BIBLEN (MA Yr , iN vi 111,..m.,11trelry PORK .PACKERS JAMIpEI Zacroli.or, bealertti H. C. lIADIH BACON, BARREL PORK 1/1f1Y.1) lIEEIry LAND. 1.A11.0 011., 131:11CA.11f., TA L. IAtIV, A. would respect fully ml lel a share of tli_r , rue. Ay. 241 11/..VIC.NTII I . lltaburgl, f M 1•/. VARIETIES AND TOYS FANCY GOODS, TOYS,II3ASKIETS, CAPCTOMO lIIIIWP.B , SL/AILS, !MATRA, CIIILDRENS. CARTS, WEIBEL• BARMATS. !to, AC., Wholo►de st J. U. LA URR , S. No. E•Cire crtn.seir SPECIAL • IATER - 15 AGUE CURIE, for the optt Re m i ttent ure of interottfteal Firm, ee pee and Ague /RM .. Chile 11,,, am . : A v!. Pnladi,tl linfiferhe or Eflinu• t hyl tong Fccerar, fredebt forth , arlteqs gee,... or ^lrait{np to bfiOarg eft rangemer.t, ea... kl. Jfa.. (arts oiertid.reldffe env htt - ks. Fever and Arar art the on!" elawittente o'ISC tolaamalic poi•en. gent • ono" of ...oriel" helm, from It. Irritattoo, In not:orlon: on.,to,nr, *MOO, wrlleh are ftbeem ....m. ' fide!. Ifeed_rhe. hat -- ht.. ...art . , .l.thcl.P.llpltltloo ;rat C.,' Inct " af 110eb_rie•, 11, , al aa 1 th;rangeent .7 the 1• td , ..1., .011 of filch, when orfirinuting tit thtt .11 ,r hot on the Inter.ntttent • f'''fd!‘l'l.nlL[l'l...;'?...;l:e.."2 alltio. It I s oat on?. the c; eff.. , ton; rerordy ever red for thin eta., of est.:pi...to he. but It le the Id enoreoven p, ere:oy -or, so b ean art.e from Ito ohne, and the path,. adore I. left 0..01.01 00 if he had vor land the .1I tea.m. I 'an It I. tr 001 of la ne y other and and he. , er7 it 3, tr... ~; thb, sad .... Imp-ortance '.t00.. the ...awl, let a, or e%ohnost rd. `a ...are 0:.117Is It to en re the Fr - er and that II ay io; tr . 0 : .1170.14 to he a eertai a renherly. One renn . n, nn • :p . a.., O n r :t no hot fro 1.1 orlenlloh3• 11., dun, cue Gotta . cure. ' , horn delehho - u, Preper,.. or ~. al lltt A on , 1da.... and ....1.17-• A.-.. - ALINIESTOCK • 4 ...ye .1 0.... ea by •Il Drag - V.lre. • Jalad7to iota .. 1 .07C701.1:7iLAN 7 1Atft Tah Dlthh,ll 1: 01. 7 (1/ RES . .h.ltftlt I Ilk: 04 MI SIANL O Ot. YAN. B I,GOr Tre.ll.lkll ElA r elheol-ewits. Wh no eon be more aeerptaL le Oben mayabllng that p ille bea.t' fy 7 that lath rector,, mat:tech. duo.); by stoping the halt from falling ant, restoring ustaral color. making 71 to groat la Ir ourtaboonMol beauty. aantm, In getung It up aucordluatptht pee4r3ll,6t Ile and fllorn lon Z./ hop It In ptarc 7 Thli Dr.-ourr:,%cl inial 113 4 r will do, lad for proof ore ref. TVC 4U he peroo. trted It. It lo norekhor loOred t. he the be.....t.d0r of the Aar. the tat:y Ilalr Coate and Reetorre worth) of the name. In lattka• In Prone..., to P.4..tand. Arnerlce — vreryb - tuare ~hare the •• hando/eal•r," ir prdoodneed the he pint outra of Mar Preparation, Rem. date,. It it free rms. all t.etallte rol—rar thAt are coutained In 11:031 /lair l'otors and dreasingr. It the a n greet of many Vooronon 3 and herb., hohetibelly put ap, as ore nuaant to - . r 'We vl 31 Dr-au s s ti t il i 3:agalrs o. r I 3:e 1.1 . . L. F ALIN ESTLIC FC 3 t l`rindp+4 D. , pot for L ,tted , tsfre sad Canit , l., J" r1,A;15 'Phlievle; • PITTSHILIMi 111 WWOII - 10 HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. P We. - votecl LAST HAWK, of every 4....-PEr- Con, 31111, ]SCUP], lien% tud eP , . 0 "r v.-tette., All ktode of KS I T 17.4 aact rAaAt. trout NOrtet C 1.1-S ter' • I'l tr.l Itenked BIfArCR AND MOW IS li KSIVI - 4: IVA.reb.,c and caner Warilt ao4 llOtrf 5T111.1.1 . 6.. ritt,borata. Porttetiar attrettro pal 4 to re-totblag. Ira, as -alai{ sod t•tratahtralor Ctrrukar Nat , • oho. repair...A all In• 11.. Panetta:lg and Dr:lila,' dant al reat,caole ratem. orr:ottf W .. ' WML HARNIKULL &. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Warkera. fort. 20.22. 24 and 211 Penn nteeet. nartnestenneo a lar7s yard. and fa.-miehed It with the awes approeod MSC! a 1te.17 , ti Cr, pEarsti to costalisctore envy dtweeiptton Of EIVILK In the be st ensauer,sad vial! tip say e In the cotiatrz t . DREkrIIII%IJ IL FIIIIC I IZECT I4 IV4I74I i fieIVOIni'eI C Ii. t N Is, AselTATtiaa. SETTLINte Pasta, iitilLt:te Iltos. artlAlt PANS,' madito.te raoasfactsrees 01 1.2.4111LL'e PATENT Rcpt.:dog dose on the shortest aotire. tiets-tf LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS rir minmw PARS, McCURDY & CO Bl.try.feNnercra of SDK ATHINI.L unnziEr.s• AND 801 COPf4II, PRiIiSND corpmß NOTTODS, ISYD STILL DOTTOM.. SPELTKIL SOLDER. •thavorlers aral des.lcr. In METALS. TON ATE. SURKE DION, puer., C....ntantlyon Sara, TEN - NETS' SCACILINES .n 4 TOOLS. Ware heN.L.A No. DO I. !ART wld MICS.CONn prnurrri, Pius- Scu p . byeclal crilxre of Copp. gal 1...ny•1s 4trtl arVl:ly.tivrT Cr. PLITP.II. V. D. DEPLAP ..-J. P. 1101.L.A8X LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. RIB eb CICIP. StannfAetcorro of IST STEEL: SPRING. PLOW Ana ti LISTER 6TCEL:nBULNOS, ASLAtI, CROW BA RS, dr. , . air littler, No. .^9 WATEH SIZIE.EI (up e! 1r4 1, ly= tik"*.ROBINSON. REA /k, CO., (gin-. tr 9 Hr.11.1.5 . 57Y. Maus R Mal-sus, M,nafaetArcre of, IMIAT AND STATIONKnr r Am. I:SCLIMTh s .CL.II3T ESOINE MILL UP, CIIINZMY,6BARLIsP, N... C.s.. , TIXI:Tqf COLLKR AXIISHEETII.I. Nr , ,x F. ///pdfr.v.sf . artilll'.ll:ll'S I'ATZ2Cr!NJECTOa, priutdlair W":11.1.N11100D ! HOW LOST LIOW P.F.MTUSEPI--dint Puhliehed, 10 .hated edveloßpc.lC. Pr el: route. A LECTPICK ON PfE NATII THKATIIZNP Itattleal Cum.( Noeraitorttcro, or bc.-.41r.0l laroluat.y Patatl!ohl, Debility ead 101 P 041 .te 10 Marriage gw . n.l . h - 1 lierroaataaa, Coawastptton, v . c d . yi= s t , fk , ,..- FAT 4 rs- Witt.. M. It.. autharottha t..6 T rara 0-ook o 40. ..A Doc, Tzuza..2l as. *L7n7l2-ta. taut onder ate, Ws - oth% royelOpe, to way sdttrev, put paid', oz revelpt. of its ft:lU Of two postaie tempo, by Dr. J. X Liza, UV Boirery, Sew roe . Poet Box, O,5Fd. IsonasolkerT .a?:r TO MERIVOIO4 NUFFEwens, OF EV= bauread rattails. bovtas at-en • tutored to health ta a le+ 4Ltytt, ague aatlexgoing the uualroatthe .41 brutnalarestuathea 'ftOde of treatment yrithott ster6*. coa<Lters tO Lta sacred dat7a camatanbuta to t.!.1 aLllcurt ttatatu the ;aquae of cut. thc rothipf. Of at!' atlLLbettud envelope; `at TM et-ad./h., atop' e t g ,.. l)Tgr e ; i tl r. tri. JUELti 1t DAGNAL_ thtlayd.llW ver- - itiiWcocuuktirts, BRO., Ifurafaetarenr of IEOW - VAULTa J 1.3113 VAULT -Do(4l33 4bo ltr n tAtieLt i lytib i D 019; 617)21Md.-511 1- THIRD *WET:OA-6a Toad ". . , _lltheraa " nirt:Ft! ` b "‘ tattill i Viget '"R''' ' WPatUetdabatheattbtr bald eaclothas Oeull Lou. JobbtaLdatatttithort. molten. , 111111 M...... A reitsaphiet of lonneree Importance to the old =4 YOGY /4".hafele4,lOOd'unifeJof log cent free try addrenslog,_grlth stamp enclosed, Mtr. Armfl "k. 76.113D1t1C1L (Xt.. poi 800411 u orleated&o. THE BRIDAL CHASIBEItf nur i y at i , Z VIACMINki .AND Lb tbstgetdt_l79l,3ltt d kryg e'd "d Adam. R. HICILLXN.JieItaiIISOZI dd , Umward w1:17 SHsw &, Sewing 11inehiutes Are roonneanturcd without any noropllcated mantas :7d and t.b=rnx .p e nut i ttd X,l.et:4llo.u.ctAt wo er knotty Zwlng end initortng. Weep not &on oar Ilachluenar i ill cheap num-hlues, •• 're have taken off Puteutte Mtn., c refer to the (41ourlog pnrucros Ai ttICrtSCo: My. A. Alif EN. No. lat Fourth street; Mr. VAN- Ti.II3IAILLEN, No. 123 Webster direct; Mr, J. DOLAN. To. a:Colwell street: Me. J. inteN/P11:11t, No. tantecood street. Allegheny City. Wo hare oth er• that that we ran refer to. All of oar Marblue. nre warteutled nen yea... AGMNTeI WANT/CD. H. 11. 111 Urnnt Weal, ne. nolnfEntrod eirrAsimula. rA. DROVER & 14.11.1kEltli NAVlOttrifili:llo'el iTp - 0 tr.`ll almr , l•4l Trwr PP.ZICIUX4 1.1. r r • rur tic ;car lag: trn rratetura for best Machine tar rt at retina,. •lalt,Prar. M===il=ll 111111 firt: p:rtalt.tu h.r Ltst mmaufatturlAg Maohl. state. Year. . 11,1 prrrolnro for bry .StanEtf...cturiug Slaahlno ar M W.. 03 Stale Val!. Prim.low fur tie.t.llancf.ctarlog Machine it L..coptitn State Pat,. . • First Premium tar best Atanufart tinny Machin at ..,.wrence County Fair, Pa. F'sst Premium for best !gerbil:in Fir general bur p. ora. at Lawrence tummy_ Voir, Pa. FUT. (or best Family Staehtn• at ilucka l'Pairr e a l Lam for twit Manufacturing Machin. at Burk, (lonely Falr, Pa. rind Premium for beat Martufhaturtog wad Parally lifaxidne at Springfield Vbtr. 747,4 Prom/nut for beet Manufacturing and Family lilschineatPanityra.Wal, N. Y. not Premium. for beet Ilanufe aeta eturing and d Tangly kincbirte . al /Suffolk knut i iz lair, N. Y. IlVtityfT; y Niret Premien 'for ben machine tor au purpotwa at Allegheny County Pair. Pa. MeV premium ter best Idanufactusing Machin all Allegheny county Fair. pa. Flat Premium for bell Machlne work at Allegheny County,Falr, Pa. Anti wherever exhibited. A. F. CHATONEY, 0688661. A.WiNTI No. IA rtfth SZ... Pittatal k MEM WILEELEB & WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Are Universally acknowledged as the Cheapest. Simplest and Best, having been awarded the Gold Medal at the London and Paris Exhibitions, ALL HIS lIACIIIIIL9 MTH MD MIL% Warranted for Three Years, MEND FOR A CIRCULAR TO via. SUMS & CO., Gang Agts., 27 Filth Street, Pittsburgh. /fa ) str ci DUCE TIIE E gAtt'VEETT Pllllll L.Y THEONLT EAYHACII❑IN IC IN THE VEITED errAtts Revised to Oto Use Vaceler & Wilson. or ander ford. A gents are clear in from ItSO to WO ran Nonni. County mime , - , Aarato. Enclose stamp and uldrlnu PAWS IROTHEO2I, IsiDodwitStar Hen. Moans& Toledo. Oklo. INSURANCE AGENTS. JGARDINER coFF N. A B ltent for . the malls, Philadelphia ...I (Amore to, surance ( umpattlee. Pierth.hast cdraer WOOL) add Th , ed erne(te L. JONES, Agent for the North W• America, matoof Penuayfrani‘ odd Han ford lasurar.ra Com panies. SI WA nett • QAMIVEL REA, Secretory of the cusew• Imam *. wimp.. wawa MAALIZT I•Tlst FOR SiLELFOR, RENr FOIL NALE,--A Farm of 44 . iy—al rtlint fittaato =ltatsc'h Iflgrs7 . s th h i i M c t' S lump aoo,oonar eatt h ' 4.s"i'l 5 50.1 h 6 ad fume rall-!'" apple h., peaa.h emo the boat. vatic's) 'ilia farm Is natatrtalet OILS c olaai cue of .re beat 1 / 4 .h'ltt. a rag clone or a No. rt , fl a y or a-L.4L Me nort‘lairxhcla liver at f.'. nat.. Thla Mali ft= 1. teal lath. Ls , . s milt at Ter3llow flvareh. 143, 1 / 4 and Etats! . . - o ' tit : ' pros , 'Pratt Se. a th eory frame house; the ' 'ar go t; and oar' 10 the coanty, felidolt YeuhrallY Rood: 0.0 arms clot/wed: the remainder weti det 11 5 and g0.k1., tirril:h tduce o crop ar it it Tory Cvov . t r ttenf :Or • ...Hr , ml ii, , atorea, , tr. 'a property .01 very cf.rdp and oo rely terms M 1 lA, farm of 3600 t 91 acres. attnatml In West het itleid Tossriablp, Ludt in, Lomat,. Peens rho triapritriernetita ireCoo4, CoMfostable. [tiro-eery F050,-5 nonce, 111jh • roman,. largo frame barn , oar - age corn . an t, hot cc, blue oven h two-story stone cprlog asolls• about 110 aorta afro.cyretl "Id In timothy ,c 1 clo•cr a good orchard of Yrauti. pear and gallica Ines. The too_tug Ls orr /1y goo,. rt. cl • gacid lust ity. shaa ',vote of Limestone and boot a short thatssee from coal This yasitic my will be bald very eheart. A la n, gleam. of-abot:So acre+ ad)olaing above. T: .r Improvements pre Large t e a onoo Isige tramp barn, • Is!, .sar, c`.l ario tinder a rood Mato of ruttivailou ',mai apple orchard; a 15 'Z' i"ro atOrw pelt[ - Louse. Them' two fsroas united r.O dmake s dr.-rate Start Farm. of hetil be c aold separately Also a Yana Of no acres, ellitalell to Lost Wheat neld .s - Oship, Indiana ..ourirf, Pr. Ibe implore ...at. ant • largo ?some House an I 50 IVY., 10g. bans wltti a good •Sed 41/ arouta4, DS acre, cburred two leouseas log iltrelllogc. apple mchmol horY con reuleut to church, eehoulc. charm La, A p :1.1 of Lb. pareba, money aPI be tenet to w a.; ot / land la 10 ex. Al , CAM of 1 , 1 covet In Vital:alb to w aablp. Allegheny 0.30 t• The land 11 of the hest-meaty : a sry tom, a -chard of she Neal •srlett o n f frets. Thia form +rill hw ao'd at axry reCtucelial“ , VOl -41104 0.10011 on the lot day of troll ; dig*, the beet fans H 411,011 tow rmhip Woes .0,14.0 teem), Pa., C.0.11'..x1i1• :40 .area; about &Mlles soof the l's Railroad, TI1.• eror , Ciente are I wo taro New , d log hon.,. e ta of tor Lusical, and beat frame barna in trio (0144441 p to,, apple o - rharda. The .hole Urea le tinder a high •tcite of euletrat ion. The reaping lc all N. 1 Tor land la of the very brat limeotona. cheat 2.0 s • ire, cleared the balance In goad timber. Poshecsion lace gni day of April. !Mc This property . 1 11 he 10 1 11 &Li or.t baryala. Via imam' it laa,es to tagcge to other bcslnem cesseral other Plums tarter., from 1)11 to ,per pet urn, Alao. Farm of ao corns, etiolate la Ilerandloca Om' uatitp„Stlegbeny . roomy, Pa. • shoot cml',, from .11y. Th. Improvement* are a Log rood cars y ,130 g uruhant of apple, peach can ;war I .111 tell title •alttalide property ter} and o r tet.t. terms. / to 1t.L.51 - pkrtlealars t kwatre of 6. IL fuNP Real It.tate Nn It./ rth 1,1)11 YALE• • WILL FERNIIIIIED TWO-f•Tort I= If •% MX ROOM. Ile.lV P.P,Ti &ad bled. YIN I: PtIRTICO, HYDRANT la.lte Txe LOT to Forty-s.. net front., by on. Don d-rd fret Orr'', rthe 01:.\ ttßott, FDLTT TRI FN. An. rooonselou will be nWen on eh. trot of April nest. At., 11 CORNEA 9TORY,RooM WITIS ON T. DWELL- lESELOME • Ul be Caen lb. let of April tact. T..c recprit for will vutLer or xchange to TTern.lnqui e re of G. 11. TOW Lift. 181Votarth J. T. IVIAIYI.E, . ties'F.lktt 8r0i1... end bumrsnoe Age.. anSS:u •hztf es Fe•lernl garret. Allephesq. tiAla-F—A Farm, containing h.O stye situnte lei Jefferson township. Auto counts Bo rough the Moeindegabela river, our mile from the of Went tlinabetts. The ,Pon""" s i n • lib s i n moms end • pusert baler, tom reit., 4P , act," ht.,* ma other ontbulbliogs; about 80 suns of lb. you boot river •bot bun. This propert7 Ir well Imenfed foe rap:inutile pearwres, nod will we .04 at • vary radoood prlea. LlnfrourrAly nod severe ono .4 be tst.m.4.ruis oa the 31nuooLahels ricer. b. U. TO "LP. Real ErtSbli *EMIL: New tM Votertb stroot. • 15143 f FOB PiiiiVe =I 't TVs-DAT at r....1z,ed rice+, T. [not a uate Rvaroaarcland ecraaty, reams.. the cr:A-W ratana Prz..j! eau Naßrnatt, a t• - ,1 awes tr Or!. east of Arolo, Pa., andcoritsao• two Tory I salna arCIAAL. LBIESTO N E.t.a rum CL • tu,th aa r l a pa a t W ra A la T n E R lag N e , tt IT a EE. at t!, Law an, C . 2.,a of I=l I. rO. C. qtr . , FOlt R ENT, TWO LAIRiV. f1 , 74 , 119,.:111iAT No. V) Fourth BLitt t, rlt“to,rib, : st,lter Office slant . Se -, tog U... .A or rrorefialor.a:Otee. 1=1:1 Career of Tblrd and Market street.; ,R.s.arrtt of awl TAlrd istreet Second rl44,oladoe, ei drr Erre,. EuguArr Of )117 McSIASTER, ,) AZT 111 0 110 7 - FOR BENT, STuEEB NOe. AND di SIAIMET =EI = r.,, , ,n1re of IP3I.ASTEIt, OAZZILII a ro. , ATTOIOI.Ta AT LAW, jAJ IS•. SlGrautatriel.. MCA! Filth.% T'OR BALE.--1 am authorized to moll My envy of lend, .puled In Chartlent Val enl• three and • half lull.. from th•hit. nee Oree-fjurthe of • mile from the rltteb•4r; o n /1, b.-A.llle gallroatl. TM, prmerty b stilted for gudenln, pnepel f 1.11,111 $ll l l1 , 0“.0.1 lard, end prolentee on the noriblry wad havalititoouthert expo.tre. In vtlt .darted far • centritty tv. 72 . Leto pnbile Nene. JOHN H. tua. (I..NLIf simmoo SAJE That Large TWO-STORY IIRICIC DV !LOIN() datum at Bc-wick/ay, and bunt tor • lichooL It /450 foci alda by - 14 fiat wit, na large mad alsall room to the n.zbergr rr • Three seer. of •fOlinfl, with shade my,* filfgh, t r'Pat - 77.1 «ith 511tt1e fultiltfoo of toaek woo al Flake rs, of good , Istallaig-atou•ea.. fartbrritsrtle la pl., a ply ta • S. CI:MUSE= la 80 'K., Ta'2 , 3 )debt! 8 reet. riWELLLNG nousr. WVLIE HTILELT Ft 4 13.9AL2...-Tbal Lama sent well Ca. Labnel Oven otol7,Hrict Dwelling on Wylie atreet near YiSta, fialaaCCl la.lnedarn otils, contalttlenr 12 inwerta. latchap., masa,. luth room.hot and sold wa ter and cao tnlt.nt%tomt the bnll.llnz. 71ala la one of 'lle moat dealrable priaportles for dwelanx .yr beni son punwvaef nowiaered for sale. Ppaeastan April tat. Tema reoadnallt. Apply to $33173S B. IdeLALII d C0...102 Fourth area. LOUTH COMMON PROPERTY 'A A large —Thirty fec trout by ;43 deep Wan In with large Dwelllros House, well arranged and In übrid order. wide hall, Van larp- parlors. .11.1 Off Too., Cliche° soda or 3 chambers: Fue arid OS ores. renew; sr 'Mina to purchase . bcaullnrl residence, In • rend location. are Invited to czar., tric 1111.1 drslnthlr property fel N . P UTH lIF7tT L SIONS , fl Market at. T:OR 160 acres of drat-rate A. Land, Atewtr4 l 0 Te xas count y. Missend. Thta easewas located 111 MA and relertrol with Freat for a friend. Will sell the whole fur MOO. Ap pc .4111. AL,O, 111.1 reel Count ry Seat. three •cres, full of Cenhir run. good Dons, barn. La.; tulles from the Price B. dt.i. AIN 6 Co., Real F.tate Timber. lid Fourth Glee., FOR Conaents, Fix itrr• and (rood %Till of • liretery More, now tie ing • amid Lesions* Rad a AOO4l leratlua. The atin•o coo to. porehoscit upon liberal terms If - pltrd soon. as the on n t et I. 0(001 leaving the pl e c o e. Apply el th e _ Real Estate ari d i nsurance Of flef l. 13: 1311 rys, Thiele, 'asset, Laterencu'rltie. VOR BALE--Ibs acres or Coal, .neat.: Iu nmitti township. Watihingto. count(. Penna.. num, the lint of the btettbenirlite Railroad. at Midway Slatton, shout ill talide front the clr. Fur' further particular, enquire of I:. If. TOW:: g, Real rentsSO. lionrth street, Sr to LIAM the premises. IHO MTOU DIIICK DWELLING illtrnE FOR NALL. ration. leo parlor, dining kitchen, too Komi arch. mar roots. lan fond floor. bath and Chained attic: vrairT _see I n. n three room.. ro,n, :7 feet front I p CD deep. feu tie on tie° street, Tern,. nurothti cash, re line/oder In one. tau. tilt". and lour plan. Fur prier and location, Bpi. to II tl. Cl'T filitT & gi m a rk s , s4,soo, 4 ,c l 2 l kilitrrtl. ,! !! : 111 ‘ l i t • tl e. T .ut !l ; 4 l: l . altd Minute, alit (runt Ferry Landing. To,. boom' I. large and neatly 11Tal•Ilvd, kilt au exten sive t Ira of the riser and railroad. altit s, r ,. rroond. arranged ..11.1' garden and (milt it ,greal abundance l carri ag e arred and Itt stable and house. Apply soon te Jae AULAI.74 & LOU SALE CHEAP--II acres of Land, shouts In Stott township, Alleubetty P.., ,an the Wathington road, about tine unites (tom the ritr. The Impvements are a reams House within:was and hall ro . frame stable, spring house.. r h o i :lorebaT our.septe,dt.selacratwneisr,rd plum tease. denser/O r e Thrthenformatlon ljgjj rus ti ly rest. 21/ j ti , It Jarnlmtt real ratite Agent, 164 Fourthly, I VAL AND LLIIE PROPEINTI Ton BALE.—M the 81.outnnyUle !Wilma 11111COmitc• from Mc city. CONTAIN - LNG ORS lIIJNDRED AND RIOLITX SIX ACRES, Steam and Water flooring and and entta due Isaptovesncnts. Far Canner Information to . .W/LLIAM Welt!). t0n,031t,, the Cathedgsl, Ma tits.t orett, NO. 110. (1151U11ITIIT SEAT FON, 14ALIk: About three mere. of Mob Ground, la a eholoe !D -eaner, at Oakland, oath sn asaortalent of weltsefret d fruit tree*. grapes and mall [halts. There Is • Franke 110 , 160 of Mar rooms, - stable and sp.tou barb yard on Um prOperty. Apply to 1313. TA, Broker Mocks and S. Real t , ta N to, Jes 17 Fourth street. Barite's nuthllng. - - - . . D ON'T PAY RENY, but call and porehais*.errtbeap lot In the village of Mount Washington. build youraell a bongo. bonne:lna land.. lord, sate our mime'', awl invest In those i 4 sale.. hie lots which 1 em suthaelzad,,rto.7l::::sonrhectiymec7 terms. For fiy . rthie . rMolsautz . ,, ,:Ateet, Jall:tf VFO STORY DSVELLEVO FOR A kiALE.—A two story Inoue Mouse, with back building, containing flee rooms and Croat ba.totent, 40 41:o i kerti4:71 , . 0 !tooth of " I trT il ikau N n!. Lot healer in Bloc. and Root leko 07 Pwirlti.trogL liarke's / - VAL LAND FOR SALE, on the Monongahela Meer, in the third cool, near the town c.f Weheter, In it totntorelaud county, •tra • containing abuut.C. mere.. For particular., apply 1.• d. S. BRYAN, Broker In Mocks and Ural 7:atote. )ate 07 Yourth Orb.. Rorke'. Building. ' A LI'ARLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Two large three Story Brink mweilio., lions., with 'arge lot uf ground, eltuate bury. .t r ot. near Liberty. Mach house 1. totoa order sod conveniently arranged. for .ale cheap hi B. CUTHHERT d Stn. Market •terwt. P UnCII BEnjolld • Drirk Uw.tlto 6, alto eon Main et.. wrence•ille. For ten., apply a the Dual Kew. and Insurance Mace of - • t/ tl. DAZES, pig ____!taller street. wrencei 84.500 WILL PVRCI (SE a flap altnate o the corner • Dank sad Allen iltreeta. For terms, apply at a Bell Wats and Insurance VOW, of U. S. BAT/3. lAm..nrwill. l'oll SALE, with linnsedlate. pois• aeuton,. a taro 'tory Photo linos. Amato la Lao "Mtge of Moult Washloatoc Yor fo r ta or orUo- Hanmantaof U. U. ToWE jallaltnt Eta &MO Agent. No. 101 row; at. BANKS AND BANKERS. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, U. S. Government Depository, ASS NI.RR ET STREET, I'l tt4lsll.iinLx-gh, X . O 21.32." Peat: IA Ws'r '''''' ''" ''''' . 331 '117 . ''' . rlll-4.4 eurre tyondettne win 'Lanka sod tbreughout dle country, we odeer turarnll t , II:tle• to thate dolma euelsets tettS um. • E 3-10 Notes, .k. l .11 ot2 Ravarltlel, Para.teSta tf se It purcrten.r... Depo , lta rectiTe..l 3.12.1 Is • lei a: : . .."Tre4 .7 Retreement. TIIWILV4 PQNNHLLIP.MtO ), Y. in. It RT36, D. M. HIL/711. N. J. UMILEY. J tllYy M. DAIL F:T. JoTIN F. ItELLNON. THOMAS J. M. liIRICI . A.TII.(IIX. Tl/03 1 / 1 24 ON JILLT. RCTLID WARD. Caziar. ic.cfniratwr BANKING HOUSE. . en as is • NIOLIES & SONS • Betaaimera, No. IT MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. Denegito reeitTed In Pat rands end Carrese-y. Collecttoe, tnatlo on sll the prtnannl palm!, of de C =lied Ititetec .CI earlmlns. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. care of artlenint attention paid to t 3, Purdt.i.. LITTED STATES SECURITIES. mcLunivo C e:1•4 is.t,e Mt. of 1141:r D, 11.7 5-7* CerilLe.D.• Lnltell4•Abeu, order., and Vevehe.bouglitor.llet-sed. 141:1, riOLLAK tiA IFINUS BANK, No. 611 kULTETII bTSZZT. - • • --- • • CIMAJIZTJZILED MIL from to d o'clock aide en Wednesday Naturday evenings, from 11a 7 Lt to Nirretiaber lat. from I to r vesoet, and from lii••eniber lit to Mal tot" -Smooll - so heielook- M l . Jeposlts received or all Ferns of eat Ira. than ihis tlir,lad a dlsldenti of the proite declared twice a year, to Jane lad seer r . Interest See hoes declared be= ir-01MwaLly to June tied beetunbef the .se orgullited, at the rate of eta per cent. • In tenet, If not drasyn not, Is placed tathe credit pf the depoeltor its prinelpal.arid bears the same Le tarot-, from the fret days of Joao and December, arsopouriding twice a year rsllocoi4 Iroottlio, the de positor to tan, or net to proloyOt Ills pass book. Al this rat• money will double init. than melee years. Kooks coatalaind the Charts, By-f.asra Roles ctod Ilerntatlona, furnished grans, on apiolleattou at the oCof Lassa TICZ rar,lDs,l-6: • • . triare J. AirrleTWll. r A. H. Po.lotk, M.D., Soh.. D. Reekoten. 1 Robert Robb, Be 14. I_ Fahnrstoott. r Job= 13. Ellmaenbergre /Itl Sammee Stadia, Jel=e, bleAbley. Alemr.der Speer. leaae Al. Ptsauok . 1 Cbstetiar Tearer. - - - TX11.1,211: Calais Adam,. , iteary 1. Lys,.li, Jabs O. Bloater, ; Peter A. ktaettgra, Ceorma 1it...a., , Joan atarahall. Bill Barra la. I Waltar P. Karakall. Alaato A.. Carrier. , J.:zeal:l, D. Steeds, (Wades A. Colton. ' John B. Itciattcita, Et; 1414,-- t Jahn Orr, Henry L. tis J. Ciltiaida. I We.. Z. Igt, ' W l. Vfliliaat M. Haves. , Alierandeg TWO.. Pater IL Banker, t 11 , ..l u Ttza. Vasktri , V I:IIIV qiIARLEITIF 4LIt'.I ST.CI4.Z.TAST—J Aft R. B. 11'..z as, 1i.n:d.,,,, THE EICHAIGE lITIONAL BANE Oi in.ts.l3l2.2•Giti.. ebnotered by Mato eI Ponces. • • Ma. 0 nailer Notional Loa. - • ma. u mc . . . . . .e. . . si,ood,oes. =1 ID ej,c•Fil.tc• r 7 THE tsiTEu ?sTATBS TRE.4BEV4. 1= Sale of the 7-30 Loan. Emery faeflggy will be 13Pu..1gal...teeter, er paraell purctre.tr.g fur re.-trZe. trrff. It. M. MT - RP:AT, (2atller. PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANE, X'ilftsistiwurglx. krITIL P•LD TV ...... V/ /11l ritIVII.I.CII 07....... ParAtufs bongo COILINER FIRST AND WOOD 25.1.• Dant, orruitAcll under the Nail/nal SaAking Smcmi, I. now prepared to tranriwt bualocan at Its Itookingllonee, earner or Wood and Ptret etreetr. Colldettana nuden all receratble potnta on the e. 0.4 jA‘vrAbie terms.ti.saAl Attars rot JAY .CvONStor zAraslo of Irlio U 4 &SEVER -THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. P. 51: GORDON Ceirtet. A. 5q.21341 J. C..bitPHEIC3ON. TeCeti JAMES T. lIILADY Zit. CO., ISUCCEIWAIS to B. JONES & C 0..) $3.0l =UAW/0 idik COIL FOURTH AND 'WOOD are., le:td3l PITTS!! OROS. PI BOOT! AND SHOES, A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S WEAR I= LADIMS' POLISH BOOTS. An elegant assortment of Balmorals, Gaiters, Over-Shoes, M. MISSES' BALMOBALS. 1211=111 Calf, Grain, Morocco, and Kid BOOTS & SHOES. Boys Boots and Ba'morals. Calf, Kip and Grata Leather, t.Nred. Nnllt,lxud rrgged CHILDRE.rB 8110 ES, Arl n:ti eft Goode at low M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, 55 and 57 Fifth Street. A ETCH. TAKING STOCK, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorais, POLISH BOOTS AND GUMS. Marked Down in Price To u.'"` Mom (Or P 4'.l. G .r d ett th" T. xx. .1340ari-x7x.Bxzr) 984 os Market Street. 2cl door from Fifth A. ROBINSON & COA UEBAT ELMI-AX N CLEARANCE SALE BOOTS & SHOES, WILL QOM:KENCE ON Heathy, the 18th laat, AIM OOPITINITE TWO RICLICS. Their entire stock as been started down. , end be sold at greatly rediteed prints, to sake r their Spring black. Remember the Ntunbers 61 Market Street, •13 Nell D00i1,01,44611M7 UG o4 .6tonS 1 GELE , IIAILIiS. CLOSIXO OUT Winter Boots and Shoes At No. 92 Federal Street, ILLLEOIIENY CITY r , erybfidy to ladled to attend AT the tate. TOCIL. 12 redelia street,MeCLlN Allegleof. S.—All good. warrant...lL 1e.24 iIoLLIDAT GIFTS. TELE MOST USEFUL. MOST DURABLE. _ kiore seeded Ulan nuytidout else. Keep yotto tio vorL and dry. Go to Carnahan tr Co.'s BOOT A.Of 1/ SHOE STORE. co. Zdautet AAA thnlDamond, Plttobargh, Pa del* T AJDIEEP, Gorr, 14 s) ISISSES. AND 01111. Dams Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, At corT.E,, earn., Ylft• sad uryit. weed, 01 ,- Prtoo.o to 5141. yoodo. INSURANCE!. pretinE TOUR LinlN THE MOTO OAK LIFE INSET INCE CO., Of Hartford, Conn THE 02dLT LITI iNst - cm.rer COALPAN I' IS , LAIETDCA that now mat.,. and payl a Ann*..l CASH DI VIDEFT/ on the 11,4 and east/ 50n...440u P.r.ept of premium.. Ds - CASH or ...stint/of/of 61.4C0.f03. ladocnaddiC.lYlTAL, invoased pu'o atoeks and mortans - ct of Er-AL ribr.t.rh. . 0 " to italGth.yrat of W 0..., and 11/ a poid to tLr ITIDOIrA AND ogrlcAsti or Its members tbae...na 41 ON Y. MIL LION INJLLANS. t 1.2.3 date not • ..111 , . rio tale of Lit/ration hair orttured. at ostler/4d Dent illoaraltty and fair demand is a apdeLatty eLLL tnia Company. Thu policles of Ohio Cosa cannot fv.feO...Liax M 140.04 of non-payment of Imes:om after [ha 4,.g1 ]car. No payromata requlr./ .2141 tea Seca., til IpOiaaida continua bowl through OA. onqoaus. J. C. WALNI,Y, Prinblent. N. N. PALMER, Yloo rt , sl./cia. d. H; ..00retnry. SHCco flor.Wattern roondsltant., , dt.efs (. I .o. l ass and bi.k .I..pr4railoc4 .14 he fora Lots d ; S Weed llama, Pittsbdrids- AOO4ll-WAISPId thiongltout tne Rat.. App:y to orns-/ hvo. CII.IFITER 1229. FR ANKL FIRE INSURANCE COMP ANi PIIIL.114:1.1•111.1 A •••t• en Jon. 1 , MAI, • • Et. 1 4 .1 .. 142 11';!. li 106, tIV. P - 1 GtEW Inv.-et...1 Pte ciraed m1u..... • :• . ''' ''' . 1.. 0 ;:M 1 . q....rt!1ed l !ala ...„. . • I,4:d v . Intorne for t 1..6.1 Loa., Paid sltorls9. : ''''' . MCCO, rcrpuai and Tompraz,. , Potici.. , .v..r., . M M. OM= W. Dwarker, Tat,len W agr.cr. F..thruf.l ',cl! &mat, (iporgr Jucob ue IL Hraith. Airre..l I , ILI., I,•egorge W. lilanrtls, Fra, W. D CHARLES D A SCKI.:II, Pre , .. s4c VDWARD C. °ALI:, Vitt Pre,1.d....16 J.W. W. IiCALLIISTEM, Lena J. +Talk' F/S. krt.. nak9 Corxer Wood IRE AND BLILIZEIE INSURANCE CO, OF NORTH I lERICA, i'HILSPI?LPII I.\ IT=l Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, OE= aa - Protretl,l ttri tecz2.l.ri 14. 134.1, 4.1.4 : aud ie t nCpaL3tl,• A. L. ZONES..I4p,as N Water etreut, (up Ware ) CEO E p Ti r r r /M GV IS CHANCE CO., OF ALEXIL*DER KINICR. Preside./ {TM. P. HERBERT. deeretaret CAPT,4iEtatllig NEELH, , entrei Agent. Ofice, riWainr street.SPerra Pitro.•a Ol•re linn4e up stelot, Plttubitrgh. wtll tneure agthlst al: tingi und Etyks. A bocce Inert:talon rneneged r y>o Re well knows to the eaciaunity, .64 who are RMettnined by•prociptawewt and Liberality, to =Alai: Baia tbs cbsructee which they hare asentriedi as of fering the oat protection to limit who &etre ta-oe • War,. TPA& . Alex. le Ir.lek.Andrew Aeeley. k. Miller. Jr. I David H. Long.. j. Janet McAuley,. Heed J.. 'Mucus. Alt . ..rider hpeur, Chau. J. Clark, Comphrll B. Herron. John FL Motel:me. C. H. Etlotet.on. Jug/car. Hamra. co y 9 98. I'. I.I[IIIIZET, !snort:cry. ( Trizurk , INSURANCE COMMA- x., NY (17 PlTT9l3l.7l:GH.—votoc, e...,1,.../ klarx• , hod Hutt r•trects, ...pod floor. IF M. HAtiALL Y. Yrealdeai. WAt. A. STITT. 'AHD, Secretary. In. rea Stea.mLuata Lad Cargo< a. In..nrreagalnst Wed and danage in the n.teteet,n r the h.ithern and Weetern Lice: , ,.. ant. Say,e. and the navtat i ten of the -4,11. 3111Wil.t. ioaa end Serna,ga bieScrott , :: 3. M. filer. Joao StApure., James M. Cooper lisebsegb, JRlLlderell, Jr., ohn S. Dlheireh., W.L. Raisers. aria, Wn. Ens hemoel Re*, Jas. Park Jr., W. G.: Johnston. It. F. ,orkes I Joshns. Rhodos. Baran, Proton, acorn.ktlaghan. pEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. OTFTCE. 1. E. COE,NEE WOOD AND FLY 111 yT . , ... Kam. Pbuaro.. , Capt. John L. Ith '.M+, John 'Watts, ; Hatacel P. htu - Vrer, John E. Parka. ' Chartra Arhttr.kle, apt. Jr... lifltter. . John F. Klrltpatrini. Wu. 'Vat 4irt. ' Yrank tn. Dlaaett. Jam.ea D. N erne r,_ _ C. Ranson Loae , w - m. ria.n.t..1r,.., rrealder.t JOHN WATT, Vl,e I'7esl4.acti W. Y. O.LEIINT.E, liceretary. Jail ay Capt. ti&JetEti tiOLIDON, Oam.l Agt. OCG,MO. - ---- ALL y ACO. IGRENT LtiMIURNCE C u yrrreaunuU.—ozcv, 2.19. 41 girth tt.l% , e Bank Block. la.r•444sliut all klzds of Fire Nal U.:4a° lilsksi ISAAC JONES Preaderd. JOUN D. DICOEU.), Vire rt'hi.lertt s:k. !t: BOOK, bo r eresarf. -• . 9/ar.tiva4 law. 'lowa, JOhn D. McCord, C. C. licdrry, ' I Capt. Ado= Jawl.... Finney (lam.. U. U. SteriLv. Cwt. Wa, 0a,.. .1 Jolts I. C. . 17J . B. L. F7thructroci., { tberct id n: Licit.. .. BOEING TOOLS. j 4_llEB SOWN, =1 IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, =I Pia 138 Wood strcet. Pittsburgh. Pa. Tool• warraated mete at the re. bettlitfeir) LOW MOOR MOH. Weil bore. rarrartied at Xacevcrelirt Gash Pi-loots, Wtth 'orb articles la ire um... N renulorn ar slat lAIEL 111A7CU L in Mtii2M MT ELII CDOELM, iTt.VgIM, ;101U 1.8. AXLFA LarVLS. ROPE, LEATH= A D UUM BELTIN., Ailed which I ha. constantly Moro. oca:rna pETROLIALPIACIFIViE WOR R. S. mancrzcsr, Ito. Ohio Strtet, Mesh err", =I IMPUOTED RUBINO TOOLS, AND ancrtrfts USED IN SINKING OIL AND SALT WELLS. l'arttettlar attention Inettod 10 at, Patt..ntoM 4roventeout to Jan an.' Joints, trade Japtatts . and Low . Moor Own. In standard alert. and etuntstred, w thAt garti can be ordered by quit en re r•praPh. seal round • perfect lit stmt Oaten! LTe a.lat, tandeb ropes, Pelting, small tools. t. Lttue whu Inn) With r.nrpnet ltd Yrutchtne wort made to order. Orden' mallproettlyatteudod to • m prepared sergeant Reen to other manatees wren for thong Inaneerementa *llliberal terns. don 17 Aleghy P. de l irtutt en og, R. U. LE PEN. SKATES. SKATES I /ISBTZ3ES I f3EEBTISIB ' 2,500 PAIRS OF Ladies, Gents and Childrens 1933-EWTEPS, In Every Variety, for Sale Low ST nal:eme • Es. 10 WOOD FITEOST. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO null Skates and Sleighs le .4 J. 0. LAUItIVIITAmxrr AND TOT etOIIS ' WI Martel went, wen PM, Whelan/4! neltateli.• SUM :WOMB. pITTSIIIIIIGII STEEL 'WORM ANDERSON. COOK & Co.; • (917CCL8.401t8 TO JoNr.s, BOYD ,ft. Mona factoren of the best rafted Cot Ste,' ram A I WA:I%Ir "Alizmurzr- . . I ° 6 HEAPING AM ) MOWING MOVIES, OfIELT PLOW WLAffaturrffafil•AXLEO CIRCO ate. • Cut PM Coon Plough and Spring !inter, Moo—Comer of roof sod Roo 'Mai, tw o 'bu ic k, above the Monongsbelo House. ) err ooy • BLACK DIAMOND isT3EIMLA PITTBI3IMIII, pa.. PARK. lITIOTIIIER & Co., E= 131;21 91.1 C.LJTKED CAST STEM e VertlajVa aid gar 4:2 fletTelitiAttV• 411=tra=tz t aia b uzgl Iths..4. RAILROADS. 1 , 7N4a , .litrAliEki Lt... IL ..61141M1 r V AMA —TI/7.1..Yt 1 TRAIN& Va and &Ant MONDAY.. traSt , de icsve tke Milan reasousenDepet.Gortter WAslir 0tt0...0s Liberty garotte, sr fo:losar DAT XXVIMSb—LcA:C3 rX.Z.TXXritt a. 1:1:04 , zteve,4 etaileus.. XXrlYee at Al at Ty roof., •erV / . M..t ( B e- 11 .i 1M " , flare, r. at.f) narristrarg.t LOD F. r. Ncx, Tack. via Vs. tr ty r, tr, And „.. 111. .t.opting ararir arl xattrus: Altoeskr ••1 • r. X.; arrirtnir SI 1:174. Ir. FILM N—lnter PS:Waage% al 11:40 A. /Ls rirm cpa.tlimm; Altoona, 2.41..tr i 4 .g lincrt.carp pl,n-nt 7:ID a. n. P 21t LA It LW! In KT. PRESST—TAntrie, Pi tta nt 1:1,5 V. H., ctiiming ....lir at principal Mani; ArrlTra r. as.: Alicirona„l:lo r narri, , ,nrch ncJil A. N.; lanore,• • Yora..Ca Allmitecrn. lin'a A . • .d tint York. t tar.inanatptitn. Ailar. Plc.:Pi/4d CAr.c.r..Cmandli4s trma from Pt bm.nd'lrr Daliktiarc and PhiladelpMa. SO as Vm4 ilLidzilona. • ••_. . 1-.5.t..7 - L.l.N.B—Lesarr rtitsbuzgb a:- 1.4:1 r. .torvtAr etly at 7-a.lpal station.. 4rrivra qtly 04.-n A..x.ilV iS 4. B.; B . ag V4.l Etl: ' V.. p l . W eY.r:ttnt r r.Vr lpra.a: .:' . r.,.taladTriat, 111 .Brver4,(Zirt. • !Dina-tr. . . Mosrper.." 1/)411.1,..att oMer trains, .0a..kryi . 00.1.474p4. , JUILhhitIOWN ACCO7MODATION—DatIy(.OO. Nurs4.yr) at 4i23 r. Y. at ping at. Mad. terween Prit...l.urstiLll3 Coseauthgh. shof eiihmor(tal as GiLt....lie I ut , ......cu10a trlllittrains . Oa Lad.. lirruarluaroa Wrst Pi larityiranJA Rallrood. 4 Al T())2 A ACC.OfolionA'TlVN—Dally I (slotril ...fart) • I TAO& h., sronpmg alai! ra=siall... ti.....u0 Pittsbnzati add Altoona. and scut na el.. rt.,. :lloit ...lan mina. illa Indiana h. WOO Per--Lyiranis )tailroad. Ehanahniri & BAL . roLt...c. - . Llu4.ll.laysbarg lll,sah. _._ / :5..1 A.......5r10n 'Jr l.l tut . Wall's Ilatlat... Le...ru. daily tex.ri Boridaramtfltlo A. M.. t ..or.4l...l....corrsoodatlun Traia .or if Lire WAR T. , 11.7, 1 dally fetcreit 9nr-dat'slat ltii4s A; M. I Patel ..11.c,..r.lclottat ton, NI ~..1..-1.21.-Tta ebuir teZoefte ....day...) at &On& as. Le Aft-strIZICOs:aOI2 Train for Wall , / thallall— Leas. daily (ear , . lionitarai at cinia P. H. • Per.a. A eodminal..tiort. /so- 2 ...Le.. datir (.0..0 ..,odor.) at 14:U. , r. H , , .to pplr.: at all italloaa V. .......7ttt..bur_e. and Penn Ration. 71.. e (I urel. Th.& learea Walt Stathan 011.7 .C. 7 ell On , . ... all, ad arrive. to Ptittborrb . t i t ... L. CriarrlnF loans Plth.burgh at MX. P. !Li aa.l an-V.. at Vt CIV9SitIIUDA At 2:00 P. Z. .t. 11. ...u-ctag Trail,. arrive In Pittaurah As tbanneit. 4.,..., , •;1::: .. ..—..i...........••—•. 40 1:5) L. SCi -2: A.PC ...4;.4 %Vali - rat XZ 7 .367.1r.a . d.uos, 6:= A. • Peen Ar,c,r,.......datim Pt% L. --. ......i..ou 1 0.-151•eerocrr, Ar......a.1.110n.... CUD A. 7 fohrodotru Arrorarrodation . Mai A. . Ilaltirsore hisgt..a. lida P. K. ilhAllattMeotutoodailsn and Eruldrant•..lo:2l P. &P -itied "Friar. Stall.. Areoramodation iiita P. larr Pb . .ladelpilla Expre........ . &la P. IC' Penn AerOtamodetton, N0..2 tat P. NW fir,t-oryn & Eel, Moll Etas r. ir, An Ade.of the Illicelalor ...Truth,. Can Witk. .us , hrougra each. train infore rearlilag I. la eup cb..... , itud ch-liver ba&dape •o any part the ritr. 08.,,,, lin. 9.0 Peatt Stri - cl--4PC. d•Y pala i3 latzt--Vriatt all order. ( o r t he meerernezt of p.ass gtt ,.. a.t . d.liairfraEc.*l.llrroetsepia=let. attentlarl. Baltimore tispear. will Lartre with Philadahat...... Fit tire....., at tin) P,..X., on lioridays.. '7fOriclr.. —la careof lots, the ownrsay 1.11.1 1.7 J tberlseives respoinall..for personal 4.45.im *ar and hr lka ...at not ...ell. k . 0.). ~_.....' . W. II: an_ W/Ta. Afthe Peuirorytrania Cunt:al Rallroul P....rior . clod, on I..thertrf 1.0 Vraa=airtaa*:rvaata. 13E2= I=l .p.ITTSDLIRGS . FT.Eg i miggi WAYCIII AGO Ja.AllAta AND C.141;71 t Er47,34 16 .7. - RIO lip pi tat tr-ir biiitritsz 1311:63 , A3ll rua la P.lrrrurral I CA pi; Clerelcarl. ' {CUMIN.; aaa3 A. Al. 5e..... ; r. , I..te F. L. I Kre V. rarrese . 1 2145 T. r. fLII . ....... • net , A. a. LAO A. 11. For ri e.roarri.to and Erie .r .„1:44•. 'Frtorein, arrive et Pitteturgtv: r.. Yt. W .t C. 11. W.-lad 4.. r. IL.. IN F. it and F. C. A P. r- P. -II P. r. Use 1. Lena* qeghroy tor d Mar: flalanflyar-- - 7rS V.. fa Ad A. W. 440 t. ta • 444.444tur-til{r. N4:4 Ctsl7.4-4:41r. x. itemoirr--4:473 r. H. Itertarr.las. arrive At Alletherat. (f. W.-714A. M. D b' COME ?SICKLY. Tlrk .. - Cs.ler. Peaars.a. Jet:Kea, Pt A.. Q. CASSILBZICKY. Ticket Atirtikety . pITTSiIIi EMI!, CO.fi lt agMln LLINISLII AND CiAla.›- N.dil lIALLEMAD.• • _ • •.• THE GIETAtinakkREIUTZ TO COLUMBUS, 11011111 , 1drk ., - INMANAPOLEIN • And all lb e v Mll,l l, lL i F2„ trzi i . .. . moNDAT. *OVEZICISSM 2?1?!. Train. will 'sumo had Ilrlirb tho Y follows: , Tax a ale • • lilt iltm: t r: rn “Thl P It I prommodq...4o ,- *1•ZOA" t ltv S.7.s22LL m i eleketlietic. 6ilotrl='3 P l MME a viza.. 6lll s A a. - W irOgAMtligegbAtit. -- -„ „, • 310-31 DALT, OCTOBEW.28010,11.11:54,„ •- • Ib, * iralns wta .ic.syeste Dtpoll,,omaror Boas* W. 4 ( . 4'4 1 %0 , 1 Da l4 6 , rai ••• • t ,P • alp Ana L'.40:1;a774 . i.,.71a.,1 5 ,... - CZ ran t ~t ;4 4 c; , .?;p0 ' rt 'e me • • • ••• StILIWZ. "vi r. Fbil• Brud ,• • ddoc.rs " San eocve " .. ;.. • C4.94%,114.:646 IR • vK by:lday Clmreh. Simla to owl, • •;• ; • ,r+PoildtEecixe ; iity3 iLe r le,:a Us, . or appl3 to • • - • • • 431721? ALLEWIFAV I. , FALL l' agi t h i e n Z.ol4_ • trito , atist artcr...bEltti DAY; .Npv:..2:44 .Fatsiomig Ltsiaill artangatt Ittrti.Vll4..J WM; •TltAncl—lselitta PM. • lig at A. MIN urriving . st Kittanning at . PAS • • t4T rt at Ibitt arrives at. P7s.abilrgliv stILII P. al LILF-be - TllAlN—Leaves'Hlthstublzig; se 11111. r ~ smile - tag at Pittsburgh K. 11.-Itit ittrtasa Le& PI Mb wile at bag s,...slrAßAT..o4.pdaiik JkI:CubLbteDATION TitAlN — LeaV4Viarl tak Atli= a: af., arriving at PliivOttratVit•anta Ll•rerev Pittsburgh at lAD P. Y., Stiff MK at inetaa at 3A5 P. at. WlLlGMEnitalStstgalleatai nal FORT Prrr FOUNDRY CHARLES MAP NTRIIEWS HEAVY ORDNANCE .t.ND ALL ETNII9 07 FIZAVY,CASTITITHI. tlxclal attention D id to I:OI,LINti HILL WOW .11..AKT MACHINERY-and RESINCIS. imreumattended to proapirr % As la:mien:me, the' btat taatarait 1•11.1 •uoc a%LDII FOUndry. • ' Attention lanalloti to oar NSW ITT.Y WlllO PATTEnsi and tadlcainal fatilltids for atthol pITTSIIIVR4H A. GARRISON & W. to acr , s, Likr rritent F4..1 FOUNDERS AND --klaniirsetirers. 'et ChTitoa Boilers of all Of iron. osoct. Itff a ls ti wift atpl/rapor UM. /bP,.. a. Zent.Dootile memv ,„,.a ut .t rjrteztiFin: ., 1. 1 5 1 , 11103 4 4 Ortrt. " ritsareergti.: - . 7777'7 • Ma, _:.II,CII.FLUIL. • .A n diaL9goit. 2147/41A*TIFIt VErlirPahLge 411' ~ A. BRADLEY .Ac. CO; r ' . . ,a I 7 14 tr .autictsz: ,nn COOK, PARLOR AND 'NATIO Arent d •}l./hlf AN 441 ILIOXIODLI4IT*C*O.. 17 ,7a1201,:ca05i riunira; AC& .17 'bilkiD NiircUrpAd. =dr eddd" Wet ' ,tmrui.ristawit , •""e't.".*!,:r. 33CIMPITTIT. 0008-inG Parlor and Heating imam. Grazes ', Fronts , Fenders, Be, Abo, all 11.;4414 nou.ovrwAßE CAiTINCPA DU . .trackisse Works cessd Foontirrfif• ice. vintostssa4o34 ;` itcas.r. Duromtr , A.ND yucenrarr, Yedaral awl Headway / 4 TABLE "m aHSTITIL %Ale= . L1 1 1 darara,rulale; he. • lavdrag or Wade arteaded to •,. Sett rano& j omit u.: - - STOVE - MANUFACTURERS , Imi:cis); ,w4trazr3:)3art4i and Elk:, Rcor t ,..•,, No. LLUEATT T.,' co:qt„C4als, • _ • feltgy trNIEWEESSALACI[{OO3I - • • perfp , l 111.:(,4):d f evrfa . 4. 1.;•, - -. „ • 1251 criNCINSAA t, OVW_Oi #l:4 3,011 =I ions 13.0117602 t. No.lol Liberty Street: ,ALLEN; mcKET BROOMS._ MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers