II =MN - '•4lte Nittoburglt emuttc. U U Fr t aitueitT 7. I. N -. THAVELEEIIt3 GUIDE. , 1 arrival and Departure of Trains. ;,,. , Pennsylvania centza Railroad Express Depart/. Arrtree. psi 2C3 a ml.W.ill ll.Vtni • enema no:oam 7:10 ais IPsat. Line— 1:f) a m . , .4`l.oatanat.l Vales WA a m i lst Wall Aceom'n l 3 arn 0nti,........, ....... WO in,lot Penn Aeemm. 7..0 a m Vtat.a Express... 30pm na Wall Acesa... 1.00 am - I panonown Ao'n. 4:15p in Jai:aura Aesona.lo:o4 a m • Vast Lint 10:00 pm Pltl.*Eile Mall-12:4 p m Ist Walt Alma... 0:33 am Baltimore Eacp'e 1:23 p m la f. . 10:45am an Wall Acura... VISO pea 14 i' ~. B:nspm M.11'.0, Expre.. 2:05 Pm lit YEN:. Aciom'n.lo:33 pm 7APenst Amain- 6:24 - p m ID 1. . ntepni Alum: i lk /teem. a Erni Tralrt..Clak p Tbe thitrell train , caves W 10 Station eve7l -4"11". at " 5 0 21 .1 rec=rui=t , /cues Pltistnuvl: st Met. M. • 'llll4ldiltreh Ceitintb an Clacialudt. , - .eraidElne %le so t LII ........ 11:73 a'm " 13-. .' e l = _. 21;1 ' c " ; w4: ---- :.Lltg c l .uta„s.lz; xo. 0 .t... ,iii: - .1..- . 1 , cascaotation .. te, pat eammontaos .. ni: 0 Mai iatisiniret, Wt. Wayne d Chicago. A ' - b:Derdrio. 4ersos. exerour.. ..... ... SON a mitten .......... no a ..0 .... , , room ......... 11../Ali an En.,,p , : ..... :: ;24 ;7 1 rig 4 Tffs:l:l ran.. ........ MICR WOW Brigtt i gt I& °dation me. /pubes , lagra , °•.-. , ilmvs-ttt .1,3 -I .".°tct'a; ..... est:Oral:o p.. In., o!! _ .... • P. • • • milnipani.• 31 .; W....' ... ''. of '"'- Slitsbnann,ClaweLand wad Westelang• eita 4Ci irnmiti ....-..... T a ia leap,. .I '- . ' .... ' : it. L artt p.m ' lT . a •-•••• : : MI f flrg:: . .•.-..: 31N I .a, M 14;1106cOMILM ........ at vAp. 1n.•.. ii,m, ritisbnigh and Conn 'cynic. .. Drrarte .7:15 a me10n:::...,,.... n;CS pax fei . jai p =Save," . 10M) e a ea 'e'er-7e70...c1is •pOn.. 00) • m 1 - .: -- ,,, 4:11.• Rad ' ...:SS pm micelliesi Valle, Bs read. . M7als : coop= c". 11:00 • ra 'Mal. — .... - ... :. cop= MO I g = 4 " = " — "ii" 1•40 p A dation :4 a : jw a gommas fa. . in eta ~u4sanegta and Erie Rail ad, to otr 4 1 City and crank/! •Pires Sok, 4 Express.. 7:t3 p saltio. = E prem.. o:ia 0 MI Clio nttlibargtl.. Port To an thiengs, and teirtertHirrille Boat—Branca Water fits. Arriest. i. Homi=ny Etace, St. Bt. S: kg Arnim.. [ c rlgni. ip. au , SollerStano..ls4:6 S St. tr Street. : Ardis*. Departs. obi P. In. I .63 s. na. W•laillaVast StMWOoonaro Hotel *arrtrei. orta. '' IN P. ia. I De p taciDa. la. • : . ' ~K ~ ~g .: x \fƒ mom set • ticasma ommausau iaNniS R&M & SON. bettEZISIS )1311) oes.nr.+6 fornlsbed for all ( snit% Carr:sales for Fano,s Weddings and rAn.l6l. at abort natio" and reasonable rate, 64.14- ISLX OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. • , not aid CiTY AND StrittatßAN • all(egheny Mara of Coistrollere—Eloe tlon of Orateso, *to. A regular meeting of the', mammy Board of tontrollers was held on nada) , evening, 4 February 6th. Present-111 re. Thomptma, , s..t - Y , • Goo. 11. Piddle, Loeshart, Barr, Swift, Tomig, W.i.6. - Daher; 8. Riddle, J. Brown, J ~ Duni ap, Boyle, ..',._.... vv,.,:', Thera end Bole. . ,•'1 0a motion, Mr. Sohn V. are ism chosen • Tribldent yro tim. / The following named gentl en, elected to :2, , ! .1111.:wacanclea in the , lima= Ward Boards, wh'••,,W„t'i '.i. i • , i•tiri enrolled =gag the me tie= .....' - .47 1 .. i''''- Plawt ward-gobert Waite, •B. Ingham, r -, - '.f .. ~, i , Siberad ward-It. Leo. 8. 11. esbit. Z0...V4:- , ge • • - Tbird Wartie-P.Dechart, F. Torrence. •hi'"4...i......'.1f. - I • • Fourth ward-Thomas hieCnoce, E. B. Pran .... es, Boyd gollock, - Az election for colleen to serve for the • n5u .......'.,,...- tag year resulted.in the UnallicnOtts choice of !" . ..Srt . 1 the following minty rotlemen President-Rev. J. ChM, D. D. it'- '•-,:, 4 7. - Secretary...E. It Francis, Esq. Treasmror-W. Hami1t0n ....... . .I. • ;VZ,/ ---T • •` • ' Roceiver-D. Mcferron. ~... 4-.:1; . - Janitor-John Cnlberteon. , .Z. 7.... _ The President was autharizedto appoint che ..--, , i,,i - • ...... - . -. ~ • several staildieLTdertr-, se =emit:iv -V.t .t.Vi - ' - Wai l rVch :erffirom theiccond esdas of sae/a ~,, C. - : -, ._:ineitith to the Ant Tuesday of enuary, April, ". .., , Q. s'. ' . - July sind Octo I' - f. 'Ajoettlionwented from the teachers . ..., .: ~.. , of - tie Third ward,requestinsgionahalf day to . 1.. Y. • ,'„eich,month 'far the `lit Visiting the 1 _..., ...- , , :, :different echOols, with it TieW 60 -studying t •*n_ ~ i., 7 , 7 ,-,. - .'.methods of teaching systemevef governmeM, ~,....;,' ...i. • . • isteOi so Chat they mita take advantage of any .1.4 ,•j - improvements wide might memo wider. their t ~F..* • - .2 , ' Art altimited discussion followed, in which ...... ' k. -....... amber-hers Were severely err.haed. for hay -44; • Z. - Ing.wilfally and pi:insistently neglected the In .• ~, _. artitutes,-which at Onetime premised to result" 1. 4 :' ,- ..in'so ranch gtiod to themselves and the pupils ~i,*.e.„. • N under their charge. it was admitted that s. :,,i, ~,. ....„,: - .'neueb might be gained by.visitation, Mit there .. N..] 'wasdanger that the time might be drvotti 1 , to tsgosalppitAr lo ather than. o earnest eforts 't : ' 10 gaLtrusef ;naton. ~S ' • ••• - The petition was lilac& the Mble: - •• • •• 41.peUen was preserated, signed by EL large M of ' '.. ajority the Yentalti" Teachers, 34-'iting f [ .." an lament, otsalaries,siEhe petitioner?, say .-. "Taking. gold at its Mresent premium, th - value ofa dollar in eurrezmitsieszfrection over sixty-nina cents. At this reit, the - lowest sot •,..Wilatlljit,gled i r s $T1.83, aum cr n i rthe the . tighest Itithe rAcaneet the price t i leti i tfeafir u l a • elide; hence, it b motets exagg iron to shy 'that thalami:mit calories are not ual Loon,,- of the.inttne number of de - revions n i oit. tz•the war'. Teachers, of oo grades • lireStr sister city, as Mao in the surrounding bekotglia,ererecelvirg from fifteen to Witty Per Cent advanesrosn our_ aalo4es, while Ins • . well known to all that their into rzipon lc '.. sibilityb aptness so great; meth as Ito nermbM of pupils to a tPackter tsborgh is Axed at thirty-five, while in city it 7s -.e petition was discussed =eh referred to the Committee on Teachersand esdaries; la The Secretary submitted - the petition'of T. - it Principal of Sebealrdo. 4, coshing • that Me Pttili.language be added to the liat of studies, granting to eactlPricitgabe privi lege of Introdneingsthe study - Whenever in hig judgment might ba deemed an advantage. . A-nteition s a n s the the pr . lege naked. ••• Professor Emmons, author Ma "Chart o the 'Solar System," was introduced and explained the advantages of Meehan in aiding the study of geography and astronomy. -4t wragehab.edlointroduce the chart into all the schools, and the Secretary was blebs.- ted to purchase the requisite number. On motion ilaJOuriletl. 6 ' ,---, tilt i. .., 'l , ', ~ e, ' -. , 0 0 '• W:' ~ Vi , Ty"4- 4. 41 3tt .2, . :e....'.:1, . , IV . ZS. , -;" afii4.el f : ~1 6 4. ' ; A4 ~ 4' • 1 :kie'ffr - T'' ' 44 2 ,41 .4 L '''. - ,t '.- r, , 5 .,,, , ""I , :` : - F • I 1: • '...."' . .146--,...-; 10 .7 1: 1.1 ; . ‘ 0.. -, - I. l * `, 1,..g.4 1 p--, ......,..,,z,., 1- - . - •;st,.?- . ..!..; --:„ 30 .1.....2 i , ,, 4 :4 8.,, , ...;., ~., isEp & -„,c5-: F. I, l i . I.S lA, . •,- F. 6 1 - ;-i; : Rev. 11. W. Ilecebere Leebare. ' ''-:!This eminent divine delivered his Lecture on "Work and Workmen," at the City Weil, list evening,bcforc en immense audience. '-- llis Idea wee that any eseful employment was ' - • werktthatidi werk was honorable; thr.tfliffer- Mat sorts of work differed in honorableness; ' 'Le exact Proportlen as the Water faculties of mind and heart entered into them; and that this J.B. also, the measure of the compensation paid, fOr work.. It was • folly for a -man who used only muscular power to complain that he ,if as tees honored or rewarded than another .40i, who: necessarily infused bin labor with thetteblest qualities-of intelleni and emotion. `Afoot men are known are known by the sort of *Oa they are content to do; and it la folly for ...inall,dAly bidoinplain 'that they are capable of . • sennethingnoble. when they remain stationary. widen& develop thehlgher capabilities with whIM.• they claim to beim:Mowed. dome mon, ... _lndeed, have capabilities more tines they can eXeMiSAJAAWL.COMILICiLI callings, and these ...tospabilltita ram even into their private life, „..,,:: end are known only by their familiars. . -,,-....., ;• e itillr e ej y 7 t ta . tsl . 2le=r which it was pos . - • ,:-::' ,:-- . -eat industries; because 4.l4 ° e.ii:Ve lm ttl'e l l ie lift u ct ..''..,. ....- f ''' • lea Is Impossible; and =am them in Berri -4,,•.,.f.; :,,,-;:•..-,' tad& - And this explains a slave ' -- -,,,,.. - ;i4-..,.. . :pity is ttanecessarU3r a pocprzigam it v M AP U T . ,I I.. - a75.".7.. , ', 1 . - ; ;.., .; *),Mg•tatifnly with muscular ph - ter. the me rici, - ;r -,;::',.: ',. . : remuneration touch lower: Mau where the -Z e;,7p,,.^.,;.i.. - ...4 ~.., 7 , • :' Whet' faci tutu s . r e "Ws difference t3; -, :i - r:TZTN: - ;A ._:yesql_ta ; Vas Ally ' jihiliteealatZ"l6l their .ti.7 , 47..7.4::4 - 7,.. , :-.... ....i. , Xhe - 80110EI was exhausted in the co the war . ite :-......,v- , ....., .;•-•,- '. - "the Northam:moat with ream:lnes min •,!..4.-..A..'72..:-.1.‘;;.:Z-. -.," .4shodandeiren in : 4( 7., w....... „.. , ..1..„ . .., . :., ~., o f ma of , the laborers was. true • , ,,C , r4'..ssii',..i•i , ;;;,::: -learnt o improving the amount of the earn ..,.....,:..g.: -.E...:.-. 4 1 ,- . ~-.-', Jags - and Of their respectability. - in a ,-14r.......4.:.,•'. , ~, . !ixieittere outline of the train of th ou B ut 5:• -.4-_,.. 4 . - :.;;; ,, n '!"•" .-the letterer, -vivided 'it With airy ing ..§1 .3157,; , . - '1. , - - ' - ..',!Stealth of.inutgory and illustration, and that ;'..‹.:':„.!::- .1:; :: ~';'• .pecullar magnetism er manner .whichteonsti- - ✓ • "Q'?''‘'• :: intent:Moot She main elements of hisliina..,, e - ~. .a.,- , ,..t..V.i.' ?. ; - "''llne,..eoo4sented popularity. - ' 1 I' ' ''' . '' - 7 7 - . '4 *-' 4 ::- .par. Bherwill 'deliver a lecture on ilecon. ~.1 ..: - itructi In the Genie hall to-Morrow evenlem. ,1- ;Seats maybe secured at - and fillet teu y o , cloelt ii •=. - t. - En , Theiritandty Talt. ret4erS at some day. We' — tat , , r , : member-t4 York, IrCre rrr e :Str by . ofra en er t !D:il k . kfeßnlgbtrof miesheny, they havlnirefatie . d to verb alialtirZt the gtotte4 th at they ' 2 ''';Xelite4 1, 04 orZtri c e7i i'F cqhseV*nce 6am- Inwi as the said tax preapaide,tlt amonuttn: if n ed l 4 o d l ptic - eAtier ie u it e in aggr i ° 4- 31. 4° they them, paid tho 011teltrianglterd. ax with : , ..L'i!::;iiiipaldhounty taxes It s A t iOgga l v etti ,ll 4 - qii e ezite are notified topay th e ch ly m a . - . th to, or they will be dealt with In a enj ag ai nst _ , .. ; r~ _~`. item - lestate:—T. - A Mcclaiand Alto keen • kr.owif , auctioneer, 6.5 . and 157:11Icti ytrCet ha 4 a largo ante .of raal estate ya.a...”. day , -Tho three-otory brick • warebetac, 113 L.nterty.strect, at . prcecnt. occupied:by Alex aa der EtnikEB4;,- wax - purchased. by Charles • 'Arbuthnot. dry -goods merchant for IMMO; , Martin KcYlt - Ect74 - parohnaoci Use : Tenn etrapt, for $1,300; Two - _-4rtscliinga adjoining .tbc lavt mentioned prop. arty. croro-were down..totho Came bidder $7,0i0 andaivre'sptvely. Tho sale w *s as Jargely attended.by our Moat - 7 - anbstatrtial raorcbanta, th e bidding was spirit- - ad, sod the auctionefiringexocuted tattle very cicri hs p.ll, altraye'deno by' 7 ', lllre'," { `~~ At. ERY STABLE, 1:11) PlMili prletars. At!eting of Cll7 Conseil■ A special meeting of the delert nod r..v non concur , was held last evening. SELECT COE NCIL. Present: Messrs. Barekley, Brown, G...ils gner, !Herdsman, MeGllntocir, SteMiltan, Mel" row, N:ormine, Rees, Thompson, White, R - 11- son and President McAuley', Tli Pmitintes of the preceeaing meeting were read and approved. A communication from Mr. McCargo, City Controller, covering a bill of Lemon S Were, for desks for the members of Count:de from the Tenth ward, was rend, and a resolution authorizing the Controller to certify a warrant on the Treasurer for the amount, was adopted. Mr. Matti an offered an ordinance Leuitruct ing the Recording Regulator to Lavern . . i ffr proptwals for the grading and paring o nthe,tresixott,hfawroamm7webbiacther,,to,.g Br.cadfothrdresetrteiniento; to and family adopted. Alto, an ordinance for the conetruction ofa pulsar:rower on Market street, from the pres ent terminus of the newer on Liberty street, along Market to Fourth street , Read three titres and adopted, and Messrs. Wm. Holmes, Audrot , ) Uhler, and ?On J. t‘teref appall:lON/ appraisers, to ...sets the damages also uenelats derived from mid Improvement. A petition from Sir. P. O'Brien, asking for ernt Isaias, to erect an Iron clad bantling on ennsylvanin avenue, Eighth ward, owl road 'and i-eferrea to the Committee on VroOdbri Balding. In Common Connell laid on th e t able. Dr. Galletther announced that a meeting of o,e: watery Committee, appointed by Coun cils, Will be bold on Moriday evening next, for then urpose of or ._election for two membere of the Board of • nlPdittzte for the Poor was then entered Into, and resulted as follows : JameS,Robb received • MITI:MI Totes, Dr. A. G. McCandless, nine vote*, and William Ward six:votes. Messrs. Robb and McCandless were declared duly acted. The Council then adjoarnod to -McGinley's Saloon, on Fifth street, and partook of an oyster sapper, furniabed by the newly elcotod • • ••; of the Poor which passed o ff in a pleasant antler Mr. Robb and Dr. McCand less vieing with Rich other in making their guest. aL home of the occasion. • coon cotracn... Present—Messrs. Ardmy, Beck, Boggs, Brash, DiCVIO7I, Ford, ilarr, Killen, Maw hanny, Me- Ewen, McQuecnan, McClelland, hictwawan, o'.Neill, Patchett, Robb, Simpson, Torley, Wel don Welsh, Wright, and President Steel. Minutes of the lest meeting read and ap- The President stateerthat the dent business in order, was the election of two members of the Board of aiiaracersof the Poor, on the part ottbo Common Council. The following per cone were placed in nomination, each receiv ing the number' of votes set opposite their names Henry—ll John W. tor... t',..swet it 16 James B. till! ll - • J. D. Kelly 3 Council concurred In the report of the View ers to reference to the grading and paving of Penn street, approved in S. C. at its last meet ing.l, KRIM presented an ordinance, giving the Mayor power to detail policemen for ; special servlvs. Read three times and pawed. 3Lr. Robb offered a resolution instructing the Gas Committee to have placed two public lamps on the south side of Sixth, between Wood and Smithfield streets. Referred to Gee Committee. Mr. Ford presented a petition from owners of property on Smith street, in reference to the grading and paring of said street. Re ferred to Street Committee. Mr. Elllin presented au ordinance against the erection of wooden buildings in the city, particularly those known as ...iron clads.” Mr. Torley moved to lay the ordinance on the table. The yeas and nay. were called for, and resulted as follows : Teri-11; nay s.-10. Mr. O'Neill offered the following, which was rend three times and paced Reectied, That the Chief of Police be and Is hereby instructed to make Information be fore the Mayor against all parties violating the ordinance prohibiting the erection of wooden buildings in the city, or without the proper authority mty have been gully of erecting the same, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to attend to the prosecution of 52.11.1 [Ordinance Dasnd at the last meeting of the Cummon Council tlxing the bail of the liayor at 00,000 umsreduced in Select Council to 0,000, Common Council receded, and concurred in the action of Select Connell .1 Mr. Weldon offered a resolution for the oon- sirnetion of a sower from the corner of ILlgh anti Webster streets, on. High and Sixth and :rem thence to the Allegheny river. Refer- ezlzo Street Committee: air. Torley offered a resolution in favor •if s on the cornerof .ieveath and Pros p , et .carets. Referred to Gas Committee 'Jr motion, adjourned. • Body Exhumed Cgroner Clawson, yesterday, summoned aJ ai ry and proceeded to Mount Union Cemetery for the purpose of exhuming the body of Jan. M. Nevin, who died on the 16th of October last. We need not state anew the circumstances of his death. Suffice it to say, that strong sus picions attach to his wife for having poisoned him, and alto is now in prison on the charge. The Indy was raised, and after two witnesses, Geurgolzwin and B. A. Stoney, had bientided It as that of Nevin, Dr. Geo. L. 'McCook, in the presence of the Coroner and the Jury, emcee ded. to disembowel the corpse, placing the con tents in the custody of the Coroner, who brought them to the city. Tne stomach and contents will be analyzed by a competent ho will report to an adjourned meet ing of C lury an safc A ll o ork w" w k e s d ni h eai ce. to enter our protect against the '.. penny wise and pound tocliab".polloy Of paying a physician the pal try anal or ten dollars for performing a duty e bleb should command at least one hundred. •••-•••or., Amusements. TfrEatax.-3.1r. 1 2 E. IdeDcriough and Mbia Sophie Gitaber will boll) appear this .evening, again in the great'lrish drama of "Arrali . Ha rogue?• Go early 11 you want a. good mat. • • Ozna.a.flossa—Miss gran 'learner will ap pear this ovenlng as "Eradee, - led's - a . .I , l;in,itet., tragedy of Lvadno, or the 12:5T11.1.5._sereand Gaylord's allast;ela will commence an engagement at Masonic Anil to-morrow evening. Among the new Ast i tures of this troupe la the great madeal pane- VII= of Sberman's March from , Atlanta to the Sett . Descant-11A, world-renowned lecturer will-appear again thin evening at the City Flail —subject: "Reconstruction." Seals may be Yet-nine thirmornin g at the City Hall. GRAND Setare.—Prof. Cowper's Grand Juve nile Fancy Dress Soiree comas off Ist Wilkins 'Malice Friday - evening. I/Assn OXLATORIO.—Prof. Watneltnk, assisted 117 the German Choral Society will give a grand oratorio in St. Paul, Cathedral on the sth instant. See advertisement in another Fancy Dux. 11..it.—The Vigilant Stearn Fire Company will give a Fancy Dress Ibiß on the 7th proximo. /MATING Farr - a.—Both the Union and Cen tral Skating Park/lIISIM been well patronized for the pest few days, notwithstanding the feet that innumerable outlets for skating have been opened up during the recent "cold snap" all along the banks of the Allegheny, Monon gahela and Otalo rivers. Allegheny Flee Cossuipsi_ny.—The follow ing ofileera have been elected to serve during the ensuing year President, W. J. Montgom ery; Vice President, William J. Wilson; Secre tary, lienryCanicm; Treasurer, E. Gregg; Cap tain, B. McKenna; First Lieutenant, John Me- Shane; Second Lieutenant, Money Ochs; First Hose Director, William Riley; Second do, Jas. Wherry; Third do, Richard. Swan; Fourth do, Scott; Trustees, J. V. Drmaidemn, eirLaughlln; Asemen, M. Pender and E. Mc- Kenna; Election Committee, William Kiley, B. M. Kt non and John McShane; Delegate to the Asaoclation, J. V. Donaldson. Alderman hosiers-Yesterday morning in the District Court, on motion of John M. Kirkpatrick, Lsti„ WH/Ittin H. Hunter, Esq., was sworn into office as Alderman of the First Ward. kir. Hunter for many years mud has occupied a prominent position In the t•solt and Job printing establishment of Wm. B. Haven. Previous to taking op his residence In this city ho resided en Wheeling, and has many friends to that locality who will be glad to leant that he has grown to alder/musk pro. portiOns since his advent In the “scnoky That be will make o good and efficient Alder man no one who knows the man will for • moment doubt. glefore Commalisisioner legirouL —John Brother!llse a resident of Hollidaysburg, ro Pa., was betore U nited States CoMmissfoner S p rou t yeeterday morning, charged with neglecting and refusing to take out. a United States license as an Attorney. The defendant claimed that, although a member of the bar, be trensacted no business except for himself, and-that it was therefore not necessary for him to have a license. He claimed his ability to prove this assertion, and entered bail for a further hearing on the first Monday of AprU next. Xeres Bespliall-7Aellrnowledgments.— The Sisters lx; charge of the Mercy Hospital thankfully acknowledge the following dona tions through HObort McGraw, Esq.; Mies Jen nlo McGraw, one box of cranberries; W. H. Hall, , Awenty' gallons older vinegar; Joshua Rhodes half bamg ;Male; M. Ward, Birming ham, 10 7 4 Joeeph Ross, one turkey; Miss 11. Boyle, anongnhela City, one box of poultry and fruit; Joseph Reiner:Plum township, one ion of hav John Watson. five galions . old rye whisky; Little & Mechling, Woo gal.ous old rye whisky; R. McGraw, one turkey. Preltiewerthy.—Amang the oontributions (or tbaleoetlt of the poor of Chicago, : wo no tice n donation of one hundred tone of coal (tom Gen.G. W. Cass. Prosillent or the Pitts burgh. Fort 'Wayne nod Chicago Railway. In CbicirgO - Abe different railroad companies make annual donations lotto poor—an °vam p/et telnently worthy of imitation by elmllar porporation. having a terminus In this city. Will they act in the matter? Lt they au, we eball bo.pleased to note the fact. ttutry,..--A warrant REIN Issued Yesterday morru,unlty_Alderman Taylor of the ward, Tor IMr - rlZertzt of • man name 4 Rran/rfietilller, who wag obaraad on oath of John Dloelleriof the Fifth Imd, with utter ing and passiusr swot:Miro sometime last weak, a counterfeit hill of the denomination of aye dollars. Moeller hedialred...atichetier anew it war counterfeit at uttle orpaaaina it. FIVALTIOI,4MLII - Finsdia7' Ilartnler, slander, rondema_ v tut Tor dollars. 11-11%Dlieto•n4t Tiail 4 e m edil f tha ' t platatlgulgo., twined a 014toutable hmlDr , lteqtru tho cult,-. • Mead eince, noticed ehe tuinitit'of I:44C•eca K I iunil.lactibtec of John 7t. HIM% -Erg:, mownt a oY the ef t ,. Counelt.of are,vathee te... thee ,ki.e died leetnightaeliqii.her father ispcoot at a naealingoT - Clie Cdtisceirtaller. death was al. "together usexpec . tp; itad KS ,3 l4tpil from in. Calmat:Dv: - Snnt7 Of the reNee - 1 e , terday morning J 11.130 hrottl. he:ore Alderman Butler, of the SLath 00l movie informs tion ellsryglog Saroti Mort-Mrt, oho, duck with T evrety of the poser. The doperleut thegoi shot the detentloot Ihmetened to . .b4tt' the . vas out of ber. FROM YESTERDAY EVENING'S GAZETTE Bles.quorade Ball. ELITOIIII Uazerre ree by your adrertia. tog COIUMIIII that Ft grand masquerade ball is noon tube-given In our city. Without wish log to enter Into any argument as to the good or evil effects likely to result from this spe cies of amusement, I merely wash to ask you whether masquerade •balL, art not declared "common nuisances'. by tho laws of this com monwealth t Jar. In answer to out correspondent, we may state that, on consulting a legal friend, be re ferred on to page 872, of Purdon.4 Digeat, where, under the head - of. "Masquerades,. we fled the following • "Masquerades and masked balls are hereby heigiteti to be COMmon nuisances; and every ousekeeper tc tkin this Commonwealth who shall knowingly permit and suffer a masquo• rade or Masked ball to be held or given In his or her bone, and any person who shall set on foot, promote or encourage any masquerade or =naked ball, and every person who shall know ingly attend or be present at any inimquermie or zonated ball, In meek or otherwise, being thereof legally cone feted, in any Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace or Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, shall, for each and ever,- such offense, be sentenced to an imprisonment, not exceeding three months, and to pay a fine, not exceeding one thousand nor less than fifty dollars, and to give security in such sum ns the court may direct, to keep the peace mot be of good behaviour for one ymr. The above is election first of the sot of LStir of February, UM, and the second section pro scribes the form of Indictment, Setting forth the reason of the law, to wit That masked balls result to "tae great danger of the public morale." We are not aware that the law has been re pealed ; and if it is still in force, of course the proponed masquerade cannot be Legally held. Indeed, if our recollection serves us rightly, n a similar project was put on foot hero a few year, ago, but abandoned on the projectors as rertainlng that there was a law -prohibiting masquerade bale. In this ease, howe•er, as in many others, the law can be Ignored; but at the same time it Is well enough for the public to know just here they etund, when railed upon to aid, either by purse or person, a epeciee oral:1.181=MA which has Isiien place d under the ban of the in.. Shocking Aentatnit—CtillO Sarni to =2l An accident of a most distresaleg mature oc curred on Monday an.olllooll, about two o'clock, at Braddock'. Station, me the Pea nsyl. is Railroad. A new double house bad ro coldly been built at the station by Mr. etre than, one portion of which was nearly ready for occupancy. A family named Woods in tended occupying this portion of the house, and commenced to move on Monday. A large Ate bad been built in one of the upper rooms, in which a little girl, aged about four years, had been left temporarily alone. The carpenter who built the house, Mr. A. 1.. E. Wallace, son of Robert Wallace, Esq., the contractor, was at work In ono of the lower rooms, when ho heard the screams of the child. He ens np stairs, and was terrified to And the little girl In dames—her clothing having caught at dre place. He at fleet endeavored to once the life of the child by teasing the clothing from lie body, but In this attempt his hands were terribly burned, tail the outside clothier was of cotton) and he bad to abandon the effort. He then pulled off his woolen wet king jacket, and tried to smother the flames by wrapping it round the child, but the Ore had got such headway that it could not be easily checked. The chill was so badly burned that sbe died in about an hour afterwards. Mr Wallace was so aituated that he had no a.sis lance, as there was no one else in that part of the building. His injuries, although extreme ly painful, and likely to prevent the cnessf his hands for a oonaldernble time, are not of a dangerous character. Pier/ BegvinitenF6lrlhe krooag lb, Car Drivers. The DirectorsOf the Mancitovter Pe . ..en2et Railway Company bane made a new rule. re quiring the,aasengers to pay on entering the oar, and put their fare, ticket or check, into the boz—the driver being prohibited from re- CCiilm4 the money, as heretofore. This re;ru lation went into effect on Monday, Out for r.cme reason or nth, nearly nil the old Ons ets on the 'upper route . ' Quit work, and to-day their places arc supplied by others. We did not ascertain the retort of the difficulty betatiera the drivers and the company, but, however the "strike . ' may re.sult, the public are not likely to suffer by it. The hunday Liquor &alert Mayor McCarthy has constricted not to Im pose the penalty upon the two part:esti:wedged with selling liquor on Sunday last, but to hold the charges in abeyance, conditioned that if they sittlate the low hereafter, they will still be subject to the penalty nose suspended. Thee le perhaps will enough, to slew of the tart that manyothers, agatnat whom no evi dence one euldured, were equally guilty with the parties seesawed_ It la alt. babendett es • prelnrinary notice, on tige part of the Mayor, to all engaged in the retailing of liquors, that it, herealter, their houses shall be. found open an Sunday, the penalty will be rigidly exacted. A Pollee Onbrer Asesulted.—Yrnentsy morning all August Eche, our of the Altegbray night watch, was pealing down East Lane, on hts way home, became upon a number of row- Mee who were acting in an uproarious mea ner. Ile ordered them to cease tb•ir Obturb. sure; whereupon five of the party attacked him and beat him about the head and face In a moat brutal manner. Two citizens, witness ing the affray, repaired to his aid. whereupon the - aseaulttng parties fled and have not yet been arrested. Alleged Aggravated Anantstit.—A reel dent of Rosa township, named Robert Frazier, made oath before Mayor Morrison, yesterday, charging John Y. Parkins with the above of ! fence. The. prosecutor alleged that Parkins and anotbeeparty,_ yet unknown, met him on the highway, near Jack's run, on ha tarday last, choked him until be grew black in the face, and attempted to rob him. The de Pendant was arreattd by. officer Bowden, and upon a hear ing before the Mayor, proved an sift and was discharged. A Youthful !mutllmM—A but named Gal laher, aged about eleven years, and following the occapaticm of a bootblack, missed a box of blacking yesterday, and lICOIVICti another lad in the same basilicas, named Idefienna, with having stolen It. A difficulty Deco. red, when Gallaher kicked McKenna In the stomach, in dicting serious Injuries. At first It was feared that the Injured boy would not recover, bat he to better today. Gallaher Is still In the look up, awaiting the result of ldetientia's injuries. Alleged Worgery.—Two Cincinnati police officers arrested a man named Keever, In Alle gheny, on Saturday, and conducted him to Peoria, linnets . , where he stands charged with forging certain papers to the amount of seven thousand dollars. Keever Is a resident of an adjoining township, and was name time ago engaged In boring up hides at reoria. ilia relatives are very respectable, and babas here tofore sustained an unblemished reputation. On hl. nusete.—on e Joseph Frame en tend a house of bad repute, kept by a Mrs. JohnstOn on West street, Allegheny, yester day even ing and commenced to smas h varittry articles of furniture. Officer /lc.. Imlaa at nano, interfered a Ith his operation,. and con ducted him to the tomhe. Not having the wherewith to pay his linothe Mayor this morn. lag committed him to the hill for ten days. Bobbery.—John Morris a reA Went of Re- Feral, tea Dalin, while walfing for the we.tore hound train at the Allegheny Railroad atm t ion. lion night, had bin ponittt piobrd of u ralaanin sliver layer watch. Dfoorthorly Costatoet.--Blayot Norma., lined Wm. hosenbrlnk two dollars and coat.. on 2dontlay night, ho having actod Ina disor dotty and unbecoming manner. SUNDRIES. , •., inLOVER SEED-50 bush. for Mule by rr. B. CAN lIELD. lIILI7TEII-20 kegs fresh Butter for sale by bIeSANE ANJY.R. tel 114 tVreond .treet. *CO& POUTS-3,000 Cocoa Nuts •-• ustromelrod sod for isle bf 131103.. so " 4 .4 12411114 MU' n0t1.t.,44 PREUNGB,i4IOO hts. No. I Her rings, last rooclscd and for sale by KEYSINE 81105., Nos. Oa and Ile Wood street.. PECANI9,--10 bbli. Pecans Just received and beanie br azyid . En a Biwa.. trm Nov. nil eon IV Wood greet FIGB.-500 drums Choice Figs Ju"""44"4"dr" eel & Mr Vac sad 27 Wood strect. pnonucE. ga bozos tioldien Cberre; 10) •• Limburg do 1 sacks Dried Peaches, naive.; 20 bbl.. New York Pried Apples; 60 •• •• White Beane: 20 •• 'Casters: Cultivated Cran l wrdav; •ao • • kite dried Pearl Ronde). TO •• Ifisauvri Fire Clay; 10 Baia •• kinagaAan ulae; An Frr sal t by JNO. B, CATiFIF.LC. Mend 112 First ;dr •I• z ! ,,11IVID811:8, for sale nt 1133 Liber DYTN4TE22I22I-2A I.ge baITM: DIIT A PYL)2I,-10 be. new .d old: lINANtI—PO bble. 11 111011gT-4bbla. nn; Ilunitny LIPIE-11.0 tibia. White Lime; b.. Extra 1: 1111013P111-60 dot. new tom; 0011(1111, 2 M-16 Sprgbn yrup. 1:1.1711.1C-15 bbia , and loam: prime roil. 1..2 bbia. and 2 boxes Eggs; 111 1 1 bundlea: 11 Labratlori 'HARLEY-100 sacks Spring. WM. P. K C., 1 0 1 1 Wholesale Mincers end F BEC rOillet D /a eal O ers._ ":ONCr!As.GNMENT . P r ime ""1L2 J:: 4 7: r f iv1P :::: I; :;: : t`1 1 i"VI1Ii:,.:s: •,,. Lsrd and Tallow; • tlann4 Pra.elies '' Jd l Tl7l; cheep; ii1111677.7/7:lll°.b."nd'ocoPFAZl eaat at lowest rat . i.)., by v !%II , tIXY h 11E1T2211. Is 1 .11.4.11, .trot PENT/STE Y. JOSEPH ADAMS, Dentls - ri COlll. /1411.fing,_ or comer at ul KZrz* mfi.troft and ar.u. ROBERSON. MeCLEAN & CO. , Bankers and Brokers, No. 75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Dealers to all kinds of liovernment Weraritles. Gold and Fil•er, ilncurrent Bank Notes, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, etc., etc., otc• Deposits received in Par Fun ds and Currency. in. tercet allowed on time deposits. Collections made in on parts of the United States on moot favorable terms. Orders executed with dispatch for everything in the buslue.e. Al the Boeton. New York. Philsdeiphiu. und l'ittebargb Brokers' Dosed,. strictly on commie stun. i. e ... en A. cI.FNI , Nev. y ork. j CrwlV CV.. Philadelphia, Messrs. TUFA). 'r. B. rgile lONE. ilosteon. ~i~+ :ILWIIi 4i TILE PTTThBURGU WTOCK MARKET COMLI.CTia, TT 110.1.4.... n. McClean & Co. Ilmnkent sod Broltt.r.s, No. 73. Fourth Stroel =3 Pur. nos. Al.'rt. Lo." n 141 V. '0: '' ' . . = 12 n l 0 '-'11! U. 8. - - 75 15 ro SA 70- L: . . I% 4. l'ertiokx[44 Pi 50 T., Bold DO 144 oil 110 50-10 75 S•11.110s11. P. Y.W. &r.R. R. lOC 00 9 , 50 9.1 00 93 2. ,ss (Is t rland S. ?ll's .1(.0 l 0 .) DO /11 00 SO 5 , t- h 1 VI 11. 3 .((' l ' oe 12 1. , 12:-0 131rtulnvf.am . 1,1 , p t.r.9 ,5 9 P 1119.& I+l4-01:Ans . irt (1) f(A • - Pent.7l,l.la 0.4 511 51 76 A 74 nA •. Bank .00 fa to 60 r 0 6G , , Viral National...... 101 CO lao a 150 Lai Nonatol National... lila 0u NaUunal... HO 00 1:4 -- 115 00 Fourth National....l6o u 0 - 113 110 112 00 St. al. National.. 00 64 10 AO CO 60 .0 Pichantre National 6010 2.00 5510 MoOtiatilot , Nat 90 to 70 Iron City National. fr m 70 50 40 00 72 50 Cltltrna National 00 ro it 4 50 -- 10 ao Allot:hotly Nattnnal 50 00 to 50 57 CO , 0 Nat. Ilk. t unimercelOn 1 , 0 110 no 1`ooplra• National 120 00 1. (0 161 00 POI on F•norrs' lit p•1,..100 W 1.0 20 n 's at tonal .10 , Trai t ' • Not .1 , 4 1r- A , N (IV 12 , 50 -. pzr-. Itirtat i.O .0 F.Urr Yr... . . . . M•alopgaht la.. 0. , unr.)11•1111• . . . *0 I i 1. - • IC r, rn II and ,t r•. . (lair t.trvat Allept,ny Itinvin,liAcc I.ll.loJurgh 1: ; ' !ffi~til t : H. A 1.11 . 1;t:II. I In 1, It rl:ll " A l . n tate ' . ' "S " l :‘l . It. I intinag Gold trey off a finution to-day, being quoted In New York at ■galnst lW yesterday. The only noticeable change to government burvls la to Five Twenties, which are a shade higher. New York quotations wore as follows: Peg's, 103 ..ii rive Twenties, 1 , 43,,i Ten Fertiee, Wt r l Seven Thirties, first aeries, WY, seco n d, third, Cwr titivates, WO,. No transact:one in Our market to-day, and then• appenc v to be little or no demand for any of tire local Mocks excepting hank shares These LI 41 :a request, but the extreme view. of boldenk has t tendency to retard operations —the Until of the matter Le, holders go.. .rail) are tot anxious about eelilng, as next to Uovrrnment binds, , JMI: L. 'stock!, tro con the beat and mom relin'ie investment In the market: mharye tent Ir.tre very doll and even COl - without doubt, one of the bolt and most ry Inahlt atocks of •he kind In the coun try.;m v eak with u drtoping tonSoncy,tbough it err le but 111110 of tt on the market. By prls ate telegram. we learn that ihmuettorl urn told at Ic !n Sea tort to-day; Pit-hole Trek, and I. tilted ',intro, IV.. La 'PhD, ad. Iplam, a, no imam by came source, Dstzell 1i ought pit ' , Lade, 4.., and OGTAILIS to ISt.—market cloyrl dull In both place, —The following Rule of stocke was made on Tues•alay evening. Yob. 6th, at the Counnorelal eaten ROOT., Ice Smithtlel4 (treat, by a Mall vt lane, auctiontar Citizens' National Bank llank of Commercc • • .• - rittaburgr,h, Ft.. Woltz., *Chicago R. W Allegheny Catilturod l'lttsburib and Sleuben•Lllsllallroad... 00 • --The commissioners to revise the rex - Onto Saws having reported to favor of the atoll lion of the can on crude oil, it may nOW eon. gdently be expected that this unjust and pp. presaive tax will be taken Olt and a new im petue given to many emali wells, whose whole pronto are IIbSOINUI In the payment. it win be also quite an item In the treasury of large companies, and would, of itself, snake hand some dividend. —The grain dealer. of Chicago seem to be racking their brans for expedients to d. spore of their Minstrels! wheat. Here ie thel latest dodge, as given by the Milwankle Neull We are informed upon reliable antlatirity that from are totem earioldsof tnalcago Wheat are being shipped from Chicago to Milwaukee daily, for the purpose of seourtog the sale of the rotten stuff front this market. Before-be ing palmed nit es Atilwaukee srheat, it is pro bably mixed here with the wheat of our own market- This is a transaction which 'lipoid meet with prompt and explicit condemnation. We ahoulti regret to know that any Mil waukeo dealer would countenance the distinsoeful business, or that our business men would knowingly went to it. —ln regard to the future reoelpta of hogs to Chleago, the following, from thr T-eber4 , of eaturday, to on indication of what Is thought of the matter there : Yesterday, late in the afternoon, the agents of the diderent buyers to the city received or ders to resume active operations. Nearly tr, ery operator went upon the market at the same moment and, within an hour's time, from ?LUI to ROO hogs were sold, and the mar ket became burn ant, and prices advanced 120 It per Ile lies. The onls reason for this action n the pert of operatuS,that has thy, far been developed, is the light receipts and the fear of is short supply 10-112011.01 ff. The market closes firm at the Improvement, with the numbers in the yards reduced to from 3000 o woo. —The Import entnea for the pant week, In cluding the dry goals return In our last pa per, amount to 87,=2,373, an agatnot the total enirlen of O,W/ I,M, same week last year The export clearances of doment n, prod nes amount ea,lto,t7t, against 0,410.841 name week hint year. The export of specie amounts toW2,ll6Nagainnt ittlat,497 same neck last year. . The customs for the week are 0.1543a11. The receipts of clot. tpn, coast n toe and by railroad, ere 15,4 at balm , '1 he number ofemigrant pannanger. arrived durieg the week, 1176.—N. Y Trrnes. CO=3:ll3== Oyster or Our. Pis-nisei:au hazer-re, I it CADA r, February 6. livia CATTLF,—The supply of rattle Seen. again light this week, not exceeding ono thousand head, and of this number about eight hundred changed hands, the balance icing left over for neat week or shipped East. The market, notwithstanding the meagre supply, was a dull one, the demand being restricted almost rat trely ro suppl ying the wants of the retail trade. anti, as compared with last week, prices have at fort her declined. The quality of the eat Ile on sale, although about up to the motel standard was not so good as last week_ The I eat retailing grades sold tins week at from 7 to 714 cents, gross—a few extra bringing 7%em —while corhinen anti In ferloraold from a down 10,1 mints—some few "scalawags.' were dis posed of at 3t4,. The discouraging advises hum the east for name weeks past, are hays lug a very depreashia influence on the mar ket, keeping eastern buyers away and dig the trade generally to operate ,witli great caution. IlOGS—There appears to be no demand at there yaids aside from the retail trade, and e have not a single round lot operation to re turd. In a retail way , we can report gales to n tair extent at from 10 to 11 cents gross, for fair to good averages. Our packers appear to huge let trod entirely from the market., and we pro ',time that there will be no more hogs packed beet this neuron. SHEEP—Demand for this clam of stock (mo tile-a light, and while the market is dull and heavy, prices arc nominally unchanged, rang tog from 6 to 04 groan, for good to prime fat mutton liheep_. n. Scattergood repmts hay ing retailed 1157 head ascreging 08 Ins, at 6,40 to 6,00. Nothing doing in stock Sheep. . . Carr & MeAllister retailed 48 bead of rattle (licor (Jack:Mail) for Socrates, at 5 , -(07)11 set,. common rattle, for ShalSor at 4 , 44tr.1. Bolt hilds A Eckert to Marke d, Traartnan is head, averaging IMO—price unknown. Kerwin sold for Sli 17 head of mired Ohio rattle, averaging 975, at 434(M.(,; U fur Ungar d Shaffer at Mdir. . . Glam. & Lafferty retailed for John fitroupO head of mixed rattle ot 1;{, j - wholcanied In head for a. AI. Lafferty to CrouHo a nn, ..t. 1 11 heed on their n account at I eruption to McVeigh 13 head, averaging IMO, al fey.i. Clore In Marks & Tract - man la head of fit Inie etrera, averaging 11.1,0,01 C 74; homier el aili4l for Filly lea head at . ...Qr.:. Daub° to Ilothelitlds a Eckert 20 bead—prica uu known. • Morton to 1i lemen 11 bend of rough henry mile, averaging IWO, at arl. lit - rod lc Kurtz „tailed 14 bend Bear'‘ bias ha & Traurzonn retailed 103 mixed rattle lit 'priees rang/144[min 4 to Tic. Chas. Marko "-lulled 17, arid Merrick & Dom] 36. M) era & tiro, r 4 holeerded 30 head of prime cattle to Wm. Itch. & Co, averaging I3W, at retailed al head at 5446. lroupe $ flaan retailed 39 head at bliig7i.4; flere & Co. retailed Id head of mixed cattla M f 47. tircenirald & finhn had head leftover, (10131 loot week, and received ro from Chleaga ride wet to. tualrinrl head, all of Which they .old nt from ay,Ufe.',. This 'firm, nitro, gold'Orro eaUn pr . ( miuto wirer r to - Valentine Abna, elabing 12.0.41rt0•ed, for g2S. Mr.Jpin teen. tilli firtehop on Wea .Wylie ;treat , In • ty, and lovers of,-lioort beef Amalfi niye • tin a call.' Meters. (At& F. have alnor.on 0010 one pro rolnro afher, ti elating TM, anent Lullooh tlmt line been la trael•Arket, for • long time. PITT!, BE RGll 3LiIif...ETS OrPlea op Par Frerearnee EtaSarre, Treanor, Feb. G, IBGd. 4 There to no improvement to note In the Vale of the general markets, either as regat de demand or prices, and there La nothing doing aside from supplying the Immediate scents of the local trade. The attendance on 'Change a-as quite large to-day, and several transs• - - tlone were effected. This In-tit talon, a , think. may now be fairly recanted as a .oac cet.,;:.rl those Of our rarrelm., *ln , s yet to come m, tut...n., should do so at nu., 1 , 1,1 end rellkble report.. ree.Uced Cr..tu Nett .13e.hnut I, H. 1. ettlo, Att.ly. gtsing ,nt. of the mut - tete, rte., eta, •••••te'et, inalncernent to path les Of our bust 0 o`, men. (ASA/N . —BIOL . k ilnll ". drooping tondonay; sal. of I O.A Ii h • C. Spring al 01,..0; and 1 car prAnn at Corn—sale of 1 car, Shelled at Gli, In tintl.; 1 u4r, in ears, at ii; and small sales at the ro.unt ad. vanes. Ottta.-sale of 200 linvhela prime, from store at 60, 400 do at 47 Barley Is very dull, and too irregular to quote correctly. 6.0 transactions In Rce. FLOUR- 1. IT, r local demand, and the market May he quotivi vteady at $1 to 3'l'4 for VV„l`f d 'S n: h' F a n t le o a r i 6 nte 4 t ar310 7 , ` ,T. " A .60 blots Spring 1130.. Buckwheat Flour is tcurse, and u-Its readily at 0.9 per 2w t• N. de mandfor Rye iLour. PROYISIONS--Bitrun Iv oteadr with a fair jobbing demand at 16:3110. toe Shoulder. ; ISS 10.< far Sides; and 23 for Sugar lore! Ilakus. Lard Is at 16107 for country, and IS. .al9 for proue city. sale of 10 Mil alevii Pork at VV.; per Mal. Nothing .lo.ing In Bulk Iticatv. HL TTE:it—The d. mood for prime HoII Rut ter I. I ruprorlnr. and n r barn .ale• rei,rted ut 73438-11, lottrr flrurr for suiall paela6et ( Cull:non Rutter is ,full and r nelrangod. Are selltr•T at fr..n: :iv to 11—•. nor polders 11.0.:ng 15. I , tock of froira paeliod llght. CHEESE-1a steady bet talehan ged— may bt falrly queted at YI for flaudarrirb, and R for t.;orben. POTATOES—Are selling from .rote at IX per bbl, and 110,15(0,20 per Lmanel. Dendunb fair and market et eudY• FRU IT—gnlet and unnbange.i ',null Lab, from store ut I.Hlti for Appine— reanbe., at INC?, for quarters ant '.Z42.1 tot Lalsra. •colti.ll In Improved demand, and we eon tin uo to ~utPtc at 750P0 per gallon. Ivetriunil fair and market !Lady, rk Ith fialeg from slur, ut t. , At:, per barrel a.+ to anal try o I Lard It stut4u 705 rr,runatu (rum $1,...5 to o,l.3—demand la., PPI.EV , .--tire Apple.. me straily Tot un vlinnged at $7 to per lel, for prime In choice. BF:ANY , - Steady at .1%411 pet buuh. DOWN Y.-In mulling at YUiig.4.: Per IL H A Y—Sitleu nt 01.; J n in% 1.3. ORANGEA—HuIeu of" run Rou At 11.0.ittt. per box, u.e to •, nal ity 111111 PITTRAUREM PETRO LEU MMARk UT 01/71, Or TOW I . TTT.et gnu G ASICT, TV.ll3.tr, lc,. a, 1.6.1 Y , (0 ILr t rehje market Ve . P. lest Jet Pre I,—tay the tales falling considerably 'Mort of 'nose yesterday, but there L. no quotable chAnge In price... Sales of 400 bbic on the .pot 4 s gra.• Ity at and 600 grit. t , to tie delivered on the opening of uarigur Inn, at M For package. lnel tlatf may be regarJed as the ruling quotation for rood no rehant able oil, and the want-1y :..readily t/..111g duc.e.l. Rennet!, In bond. lets to goo 4 re yuett to-day (or Philadelphia delteury at Sar, doe ',erect there, but our refiners are mill holding bark tor toutethlng to - turn up”—ii belief market and higher price.. On the cart horn, 44ft,15 appear to be the arking prlcou. Free 011 it dull but unchanged—small ante. at "4 1.50. Sale of 110 'Ohla flesudnum at $5 per blob. No demand is battier, for isaptha. A telegram from (11l City, under date of Sion day evening, nays •lin rise Routierille mar ket Creole fill remain. tuns SS, and tint lit tle It offered, Hot Milt nil of lost gravity ohm he Sound Well' producing 40 to at gravity In tut:meet. ',bow hut IS to 4110 the wlntur.- UIIIVACO MARKET NIA-cial dispatch to the Pit tstorgh Gazette t nic ado, Feb. 4, Pal.; 1 t o , :r.—Quiet and - ..n , tungo.l; Nalr, at frI,OC/zr 7,60 fore print: Extra, la a a tz.--No 1 .Nprlnc Wheat dull and lower, at 1,1940:01,.W,... Cora easier, at Ids for No. 1, nod 37e for No, 2. Oats l a lower, at 2.1. 1 ,;(1),Me for No. I, and for No. 2. aye dull and lc lower, at 49e tor No. I, and t7c for No. 2. Baxley dun nod untothally unchsztgal. siskv—Nominal, at 1r,1832,17. Pampocom—Tlrmer. Mess Pork :lie better; axles =0 bbls at 6ii,571,,e77. Bulk Meats firm er and more active; sales at 1111. e for short chat, 13 1 . c for rough side., and Iplidlpll for Shoulders, loose, and LVic fur Cumberlands erect Pickled Hamm neglected. Green Sides sold at 121.WIPZI,c. Green Hams from Live Horst 16 and IM..from dressed. Lord more •r five and 1 ,..c better; sales 1300 tierces ut 17 for kettle and llll.alrl. for steam. Beef Hams In good demand; sales at $37,50. 1 !l le oos—Deemed Hogs iStr3oo bolter, o ning firm at I/tic all round, but closing pule at 11-6.11P,0 6.11P,0 dividing on MS pounds. lteceip • 1,061. Shipments 1,483, Live Hugs receive 1,175; shipped 117. Mat ket moderately active and IS- M,Me better. Sales at $9,124g10. Carr Le—quiet and unchanged. CM PETROLEUM PSTIDICKS 111 KEW YORK. Special Dispatch to Western Press. Jr.. !omit, robruray 6, 1863. The Petroleum stock Market au fairly ►e• Lire cm the leading shares, and prices gener ally better. ❑cnnehotf and Plthole, do. 1,55; Clinton, 1,70; Forest County, New Turk, and Aticgbcny, 4.50; liecOnd National. 3,03; itliven, 3,50; Empire City, 35; Z11,14101', 31; Brevoort, CEO; First National, 45; eouthard, TO; u❑ Creek. ;Wu Plthole Creek, 9,55; Shade alv cr, 2.05, United elates, i..,00; Webster, io. Pork Packtme to Chicago. The ;ueelpts of lire hog,* lor the we en-l ing to-day were 36,515, against 56,.M1 for the week precious, and 5,116 for the oorrospond lne week last year. The frecotpt• of Dressed Hogs were 4.1,11/2 against 40,553 last week, and. 12 . 906 for the tame period in 1605. The shipment of of flee hogs during the neck ending tuedas were 2,351 against 1.57 d last week, and 4,1535 for the same week last year. Tito shipments of Sreweal hogs were sorn against 6,426 last week, and 6,610 for the comer pondlng week last year. I It i eVlan " itprogethoeuTiTt'lfrnit' from e t t t he ie r r7u 00% " .3; left over for parking and hutches - Mg . • lit:relish; from (Mt. let . ...... 004X0 ehlpmenls '• ...... . 119,Zsat Rt.latice left for packers etzttl buttatere 444,931 1N:1 5 711,753 teitt 8.12 Mr. Henry Mllienrst Offuren the pocking for the iteneon of Isele to auto ea 2.1.5,e00, ',clotting ells hog., Ilse nod dreeeett. In the heads of the packet -N. The ahoy,• et al In lay ore made up f rotn oft- Ittl dully reports , it the rttllrouti. to the ••t,t. rlarp of the Doan] of Trade, but Inwell n r11,41 elt cies there are man) doubts elnieurn• ug Mere eorreetuess. al the Same Woe thi s 'cry doubt tins el Isted ury gvamin for MI,. nil earn tint , t, but at the tilt,,,of the seusou Itte•rlably happens that the ells,' ropane) iseen the actual parking mat the retbn.,rte einpl led frotn the railroad ratortet Ie rory l'ribunr, are. Dalllmor. Cofte Mnrkes Felt 2.—itt the opening of the week the t•nr , thr Pinta Cliteo hags 1/tot atta. , /11 to go went OW ileiellte term, untleretothi how,. or, le haN.. het ant We gold le hood, lad the I ratinnetins, subsequently hove host quite Ittattetl, the sales embrating only Pomo 410 bug. 810 at prides ranging from 19 io 210. The musket, although 'inlet, has throughout the a eek been very firm In tone, and for choice grades holder* are salting advanced rates. We gaol e to-day as follows, vtz 1110 at IMP lac gold for common to fair' 20t3tX1 , 4c gold for good to prime; 21G21%0 gold for choice; Lagueyra at YL(12.3,C gold, and Java at 2fleiT3ti ct.a gold. 'tacit 10-da7 to drat and second hands Is about 11,000 bags. Cleveland if ain't. I Ctrs...Ann, lob. s.—Wheat—Quiet hi de cidedly firm for th e higher gra d e. and and qualities. Sale.: Care Choice amber idle igan at Mirk Coro—Not mach doing, an un ehanged. Salem I car new shelled et ire. Oat. —Dull. We hear of no males. Held at : Woe nem afore. stye—Dull and nominal at ' itele Crum Store. llaxley—Dull mad nominal. spiivirre BY siwiLsoso. I PlTTelir sea. lot? SVAirivli a CaICAGO. E. it. Jen. 0.-3 bbls scrap Iron, badman, Itahaut & co; 12 do do, C built It; Whales brocrtn corn, Win Noble & co; I car Mg. tuotal, • ?Umiak Ago; lOU I hl, flour, 1/ NI edlnce; toe baron, 1.: wart & tDI 1 to do,d hots beer twurucs, 11 11 Townsend; 15110 m wheat, J 8 Liggett; 7 bags elorerseed, I.lndsay Jr; 'I car Flow handles, J C Indwell; I cur pig toolul. John Moorhead; I do do, Jam %loon . ion; 131.1,, oat s,l'atterson & Ammon; 40 aka short r,A .1 Hagan; 24 do etoverscod,Klrk- I ¢t rick a. II orroll thd rollocs, bleWhlnnoy 41. Donna boas clover good, L II V Mgt & cot 1 tor “tu, es, ttobt Lucas; Make bnrley, II Ltea L; Irikb nge,l. Ilarklel3,lo2. ithovivl handles, lyplncott & Bake* al bbla Adams, Mc, het. & co•, 2do in, Andenlon, Gook A o0;1/31Ma 0 y peaches, A Paige; Itrl N NI/10 alcohol W Muck/loon; 11111/k• middlings, Fro-on co; h o obis dintt, !Showalter h Lang; tot, do do, (Ado& blue mat; empty Ws, John Urorlu & co; brooms, J l'Alutcr deo. • CLEVILAND d...4lernottnan HAIL Ito•n.-- Veh. 6.-4.415. wheat, Illtehroek, Sat leCreery ' I do do, .111.144thett d co; II Obis dry apples I. II %Mint ft rot 4 hat harowarr, J Grad; do do, Whllmprt. Wolfe d on; 13 bole scrap Irott, Eton Weal.; 1 ear metal,llN hoick ft em 101.11.1118 dour, 4.lnalmker d Lang• !I rolls leather, J II Ph11111.8;1541M18 all, .1 E Palmer; 1 ease paint, T Nevin d co; .1 b. hard. ore, Ell:ruing orrcno. PITT/MU/WV, COLA:MIMS APDCIIMINfATI Feb. 8.-1 car 'ye, J 8 F11101;150 plige 11.11, .1 It Cunfleltl; FA (41 to le, J E Palmer; 5 hop Irti. I.bbl dry apple', C C littleley; 1 cur corn anti onto, raven & Catupbell; 11 lAN potter, hue I".per Loi 8 hdle xbeep pelts. 11 Langnor; It rkge lartlware,J Eng 11.11; 6 do do,J Warithrell; thbl oil, 51cClaren d McKenna. 411.2.1011ZYT STATIn3. Eehrnarr 5-. d cora %heat, J W 81ml.ront 100 Milos, John Taggart; cats st heat, liennedy & Urns Icor Uttnbor,Jaa 31tIltlart 1 do In, John idanal 49 dozon Oita Ira, Ort Ilartnock coil car rota, 1 ear mill fecdllliza& a Sony 16 bolo. cotton, &Ing & rennotic_ill don htt)oh44, W J olutAini sacks barley, 14 Breen, . MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Flnaoe• end Trade In New York sw Tons. Feb a.—The rontou-nenti t.nrs dullness and weakness still prodoruntate In tbe stteet market. Speemistion Is unte.t, not withstanding the extreme ttbuntlamot of money. Governments aro leap ri•e twenties are rnther firmer, nut Kin an-th lrtlel era lebs lrt demand, and tor the moment weak. The Erprese says at IGe Stock F.,hange a strung attack was n ite.t . on It, ad•na. Ail, Ire feature Al ter eraAs, Troor w ore COO3/.11 arts solo: nn set tern option, rho :y at A., and 4.00 U for esAl. at alout , above thls fikure This had. a def. towing A:tilde:ice Apron the w tole het t ' 14,4 er price., were nat... After cull, tht 0.0 t Set was heavy and dl pop.. lag, but rallied A Ile before one ,de had, i e ._ It e mark, steady a: seenn) Poard, tad rattler Ls tte, Mawr rt,folLC . ., Al but Y•l'Ortl Lb. mark , : at•all vet, hefty:, and lower. TLo , A rgo `Aone 1.1(1.13it . g 7 , ev shares 0., ft , adlog and 5.40.1 on /%tl. ,' Ore , The I,.tiow He. were t h e dlostrq r;;-, w • it NI 1v: al tet : att., 71T574'... !t , te 101 k '5Olll (It. ' Mi. Erie, Ib at znc, kraf, ; Hl h. Southern, ttri,W,„ Ade, eland A Pittsburgh, 79',:tieftt s . goele. Island, preferred. Os ; Martpa, ; do. preferred. 154717. The Ateek murk et :caw stronger after Tito litet. hos Idt Eris Aold at 7 , if t ,, Pittsburgh, 79 s it, and !Itch titan southern, I,e :coney 1211,11,t cestinued easy and TO 5000 r to Dollop. 40i.1 market firmer towards the close, and left off at 110,3935, regular. l ash alrl very searr , this afternoon, and :4 per et.ut AA far he ace of tAin.O , A) o•er night. , e on, quit. a break In the A velotn7e mar- Let T.. - , :00. Lk! prime bill: Told at lotto.. bills In to , ;-.At supply st.C.,tencient of gales. Slew York M Ark rt. lEEE Toon, Feb. 6 —.More act:ro, end nt.on; Fres toes prices, at Ine for 11.dd.ing. Ft a•• /or good sound grades I:ll , l4ivrete demand, Irla Lie common and :nfuriOr In dull and deehning. at 67,8013n,00 for Ertru -.tar , 155,5048,;(; for tra It. II 0. : and g-,r.utg 10,35 fur trade brands, closing quiet. with lot, Re fa're . ....95 ills:.--Wheat mark.: galet and 11:m. New Amber Idllsrankle, ndorit. Coro dull end lc lone_ r at 7t/fo.lr , for nosound ; fur sound Allscri Wratru - n to utore and afloat , I3tr more Retire, In 'part for e xport, at 4144Gc :or unP,nlool FrPtern; for sound do. r.a .caaras.-Cottee quirt. Cognac more ao. t.sc, at 13r. for Porto Ron; 111112 , ,c fur C'.; - nn Stoscorrolo, and floyllull blond on tern:•. Molsuses linet , Nee Orleans, 9541,15, t , rl” R,o ut r.:•0:74 1 4 64444 14.10/440—Pork nraisr, ' tales rat f .if0240,111 , - NewHelt, and etc, .bg at r 9,75 for Regular, r2.A,5id.,4-21,2i. for Old do., elontni It Irt9 cash 1.11,50031,7 h tar Prime, and r 23 '4 , i1,2.., for I•rmie Mi•sai also, 6,5ns barrels Sew Mose. for February, March and Aprll, aeflerz and 'anon. option, at 4 , 29,.50e,30,:10. kteef firm, at mlO 11,,13.. for New Plain Mena, and (or flea Ex Ira Sloes. Beef barn. unchanged; We, n, 5e1,ba443. (at Meats firm at .11411 for - , noufiters, and bd2lfi for llama. Bacon dull. l•rtsnell Hogs firm, at 1.21 X It for Western, n ans4,ff, I 4.e. for Cal.. Lard timber, at IdGitio: also. i IIS barrels, for lin April. softer, option. at 1444. line ter 'quiet at Mad.ll.c for 44411 ,, ,40 414 . 4 , 4 C for State. Cline.* steady at Li•ii }•• • not f • —loll n t tic 11 r Crude, and 63 tar tennen, In ts.ad la *SW 'Fork (Aline 'Market. re' 1 081. Yet, rt.--4 hatie market co-rront ',le, (Cr tt.e u ewk at n!I the , attle market.. Met, r.-Firtt ,e!lte per n undre4l,*l7,- 42; 1.. fair to vv.:. eohalovn. fhtict Oil ow. Avt.. 1 •1 • ire r stn.* per Ipuo3 n: hal I t y thury, stad;7s, corn mo,n, 100ane, tele! lit, $1:470. nl ~ ILAL I • I vrn—Flrot r,uallty per paned. It s T /0 ,all , ,c, Ia r tor. ter •ho wn...—Extrep, per bead, Vll2,- prhne , ruallty,i7i . t.,Nr; ordinary, v4,50;006; rector. OW. Sale Necker brave. Corn-fed, per ID., iD 4/10r.c. Hight and rculdling,lo,;(4lo%; Item trifPlaner under a goal demand, and priers trifle hotter, especially for good to pilule gradta, though the mugs of prices Wen nriarly the came The bulk of the cattle arid at 110.17 Fleet quality of Beef rattle held higher. The market active at the im provement, and lull prices wore realized for all /lode. 11100P--Steurly at about last week's prioes. 'lre total receipt.; of all 'cocks for 1.1319 week n I !set we. k . ere .9 follow,. Beeves, 4.010 ; t one, ea, N eal La I es, 9.03 i Ethcep met tr2,34tt. Total !ant week 4,9 Z, Beeves, 19iOCOtell, NIO N ea: I a:N. 17,191 i.heep and Lambe, 10,191 .tne New York Dry Good.. Market. St a T, ce, Ft.i.rnany 6.—The follow lag aro • r, the Dry t,oods Et. Mange, J..uhezr• brown she,. ungs—st ark A, Mc, 0. Mc; Superior I X I, We; Swift Rarer, Hoop Ski P.—Meyers I X L. narrow tapes, sell free ly aide to taw demand. Bleached Shirting* —Wsmautta., 45 inch. Dc; 4.0 , a, inch. fdtie• Inch, 4714 e; Clinton CC C, 34e; Clinton C,,390. Prints—Merrimack W, 2:e, D, 246 Sprague, '.l': Richmond, =tic; Lancaster, re; M am netta, Delaines—Mattenester, Dot Paci fic, it,. Ginahams—Lancaster, Sc; Hartford, 24e. Brown Drills--Pepperth, foc: Winthrop, ate. Corset Jetans—Nannikeag, 33c; Sutton, ISNe. Canton Viannelv—Pemberton A, Ticks—Conestoga C C A, 66e, 1:/,'Q.b; k•erett, (Vie. Stripes—Amoskeag, toe; Ever ett. 22c. Dentms—ifaymaker, 47c; Brown, 43e. Cassimeres--New York Mills, 75e; Farmer and Mechanics, De. Dew York Mark nod i)ootry Newcam, Feb. 6..—Money steady, at 5C6 per rent. tor call Mane Sterling doll, at LOP"i'Ql 10 , -1., Gold is without materiel change,opening at 1.4.4 , )„, declining to and closing at IM.X. Government stocks without decided change. Freights to Liverpool quiet and firm. Prices of DI intng Stoole bid in Hostas to-day Cen tral, Copper Falls, hiSili; Fraakltn, ti , (Fht, Hancock, 1374; Isle D. 71 1 1, l 6 Quinc 5.3; Ray State, tiD.; Boston Water Power, Stocks beam; United Staten.s-99 Cou pons 'CS. 102t,' treasury notes, 7:33.6„ arm eerie., Pry,- 'Do second aeries, 99. Do third syrinx, 99. "United States 6's, one year certifi cates, new Issue, its.„ ' Tennessee 6's, e 3 '4. Missouri 6'a Ohio and Misalsai r p i l i r Certi ficates, 24;4. New York Central, 1 Erie, 743 i Eludarta, 1kt7.4. Reading, tr;?4,. loicigan Southern, 61. Pittsburgh. Id. Diorthstestena preferred, Toledo, 106. Rock Island, SI. Vert Wayne, Alai. Chicago and Alton, i 134. 1866. WM& 1866. SPEED, SAFETY AND COMFORT PITiSSIRGR. MIME ILIGIFSft A I'ARUMBM DAILY PACKET LL'VE. Coletrriethig the foIk:FIN - tug rusensee Mramer RA YARD . , Geq. D. Moore, /tester. 1., tamer W 1 SCIDDa ED' ,D Wtephent, btratun ra-47. r nu. (-ITT; Jr I Denton. 113.4.,. DOW 1 Tlllf—STra...llr.R RIT.U tD 1 Eft•E• rtttaburgla every Monday and Thar...lay. at la . ...lock, a. m. IvAt•tv. Whetans every ll•eday aso .n.r4elaY. at I:Xrp. [a • STEAMER W CIILMTER MI2;IM2MI= 1.1.11111 Wn.rll every Tuesday and Yrlday, at aTYANIEII FOITICHT CITY . - Leave, rittabargh cver7 Wadnesciay al it a. an. L. Na brethig nary IVedneaday and at 11:30 p. I'l' Tit ll'-N'l EAMF:II FUIIF.ST CITY •learo. l'ar\erabur.} every Meads, Atad Ylatlebday •t t..~~es 11 Weller re , ey Tuesday and Friday. at fl.a.l4:elt.Wl9j 1.r••••• I . •rltt , t, tttg tt Ittratlay andrrltlay. at Y.-7,,rs N 1,-rlllott erre - , WtNin , -.lat an 1 tttaturday, at 7 a. rt,. = . . I ea. , afaraer..torgh rery, %Venue...iv, and 'at,,. da• et 7 II lo el ing e•rry Thnmday and Sunday, at 7 a. tn., gar< on ;w,/ down •re made •1 Wheeling and Bellalr ith Ito 'l.:v.:land and Pitt•hurcli -11:•% ea I . lll..luitch at 4:03p. tn., and Cleveland N7:1:3•. m. Alas, w ith teak. of Pitt•loogh, I or a) or and I hicace Itsit way. whirh ott'liwag at fop. . tn. and al 'Mat - lolls a. Rh Marietta and Can vlnuati Railroad. and with ar floors to nil points on It, lineltlnguto Myer, and •t Parker...bur. with tarty train on the Baltimore atad 01110 Railroad. and w Ith 11a117 Line nicamer• to Pomeroy, 0.111 calla, Ironton. I ortanootth, Maya, Ills and Cincinnati. air on no trip, epourotion• are made at Belisle Rh Cleaciand and Pltt.horgh Railroad. MO a. at train. by lielden paaewngern arrive at Cleveland at p. an.. and •iCtileav at LOY a. m. nest morning. JAS. COLLINS a 4 CO., Agents, At Wharf-Boat, Foot. of Wood :It. Where frelubt will be received want, day, up to 6:0) Jag FOR - EVANAVILLE AND N splendid pas-sWinsWi VirlYWt " Celrrgs, Wi UA ll lei's< am above ON TUX OYENIM. OF NA.V.Ii KT . n'ig" l.T.setrin.W2ll`i o OVUll6 i r / * gents. FlT.W.c.:ll?7, 7 l anii.VirieSeriSt fr l l l.li7L° gr. igifta;;ATP 4 ° M fOr the or. and ' tuttramdlata ports, on TIDIS DAY, at 4 p. m. " f"*" fI ' AVETI %Wig " a°lr., ° A t ic to p t jaZ No. 5 Wool :ttert. RE s f o ilVnt EL ZA . PACKET A rgirime AND ZA2I . ntiVILI.Z.—Tbe atm steamer tiILAIJAII, Capt. C. R. Sim-, will leave for the above anti ell latennedLate pore area TIML/AY W: ar n"l /. 1 11 1' &) fer4r4Mlr A7ret I:011 MEMPHIS & NE u r a mgMt ORLEANS.—The skew alde.or steamer It I HICON Capt. rIAZLITt 11111 tease for the above and all intermediate port Title DAY. at 4p. to. For freight oryvvreap A pli c on board or to COLIANOCOOD. I km". Ftuagrumt. Ft ItNITUBE, AND CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, I==! Wholesale or RetaiL JAMES W. WOODWE LI., I= Opi,ottc, E. Edmund.. .4 Co.•o.,and =l/ ' II . . OSEP METER SON, Mann- W ( nn-tortr: and holessle and /Celan Denten t rumtimatz CLIAJRI3. No. 434 PZ:inl ennat r hare on hand: 'large aantortarnt of TANCV ASIJ I I.AIA voicirryitr., In %Vintinil . a nd stnnoonn7, of t !nit own trunnourn, sad , r u e. rsotra .~.. r 0t..0rr....t., dto the MI. Vdvtl ictH teltaaatht priers., l' , :i0001:11610:1111*-1 ATIONAL STEAM . NAVIGATION CO. STEAMSHIPS WEEKLY TO AND FRU! NEW YORK, QUEENSTOWN, AcD Xl7la FL 0 0 . Every Saturday from New York. Every Wednesday from Liverpool, And Thursday from Queenstown. ••••....• or thls ..re the. tu:io.ln; I- I'D A. 7.1 • ERIN. 11‘1.11..111. I t. HELVETIA. Vt . rrs. par,arr. ~ ,erragr I. k. Nt'Y. Tbr g 0.,b pao.age • rt , 11-,nbcr. . od. pr. per!, • •4 Li. Curry. ttm, • du,. k'or aala or c..erag• N. ortArrAN velum Y. 0. 144 Tourth r goon. 5. Eltbafg I,l..trea I. lirant otr,ets, toss C7h,rry 11r F. A p.r.t for C. U. FL/VAR'', kir.t.kitr of Na -0100.1 C.t.nr... N••les.1111a otapany. No. 37 Broad .s,. N.... York. fe6,..1.r0wT STEAM TO AND FROM LIiER YWL AN I! C , ErNSTOWN t :lc+ • The INAIAN LINT. calltak EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WIDNESDAY, C ARBTINCI i. c. lIAILN. •eld to er, 1 from I,: .11. tbc ( ;• 41, JOHN G. DILE, Agent, 15 ili oad way, N. 1. PLUMBING, &c. pITTSBURGUI ' LEAD PIT, SHEET LEAD WORKS ralcur , actur:ni -% SUPERIOR 3z - title of LEO PIPE AND SHEET LEID. •p Card and ankt. to ,rdey uty LAY.. sue or tlaivitof r,..12trc.1, at the Lowest Markel Rates I= BAILEY, FARRELL h CO., frr. S.,:theeld Wal.rxh. r. NV 001) PUMPS =I IRON PUMPS, Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLEISITS -WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, Ilyclraulie ltunts. . Wort of all Undo: Mork Tto Plior, for SOO Foonto.to4; .01 kinds of Gum and [Rather Ilan; 11 ne p fle, r'..upltoirs; Gas Ylpe Lad Fixtures, WWI dr.olptiolv• kept cowman:ly oa !laud at Addy,'' i lramS & Bartley s c ,- 1: ruin ASD SUITUYIELD VT& _„" PITTSBURGH, IPA. EEZI BEAVEEI STREET, MANMMTER, I= [meta of 2VCdlrrl All e:ema. b :7.d.l,Zja Jalz.cdmtees.t. pPLUBIBINp, GAS AND - STEAII JUTTING, LN ALL ITS BEANCLES, atict:d to by ex .cwrtamleaced:bad prbbtlts QAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATHTUBS, bnow SS BLIDA wATER CLOSSITk fint Cons... Sly On bard bad :auk Wordier: TETE a, SEVILLE, xo. p TEDEP-kl. STRICST,III4Igt.euy And LIBEETT 8113SEr:Pittilwriln obilaamdry '''''''''' °"gx SEIMMALTIff. 1ni.XT1217431- HYDRANTS, IRON PUMPS, 8117..17 LEAD._ bL4V2 .. "_ , WATER CLOSETS AND WASUSTANDs. EWENSSCOP, 11, 1.1:171.eod 7 T. 99,3.8 W. L05::9 , 33 GAS FITTING, PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING, ,S. I IIOIKE BELLS, Portables & Cigar Lighlers. E srE:rs s C O., (Sweenro., to saes a .61..-en • ) al 17..4 No, NA Wood St. Pl-1,11117.M05. FY. Wxousv lil 'FITTING, Plumbing and Gm Pitting. FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORK, Or ALL DILSCRITZIONS. 131017311M7118 clb C/0., Sltecwaor Co dattit_e Ewen*. HZ Wood St.. Ptttatargti. UNDERTAXINO corriss 2 toiruvii SfEttaLLIO CZEZITH bLAI.LOGATi T I 4.IIIUVIAITI E=3 morr zau NG YDKUT AKIN CORI:ET WIELLIIA.TIS, radertaker, mc., o. ws rotnrrnsTATET radertattor la ill ft.., bramluts. -IY.Alnterrtag lay log out cm.l tortalallPg cverftlAtir.AittrAfaly fot thifro A p,r Intent..lll, promptly AttrArds.l to. splttAld Hearse laid Carrisvm /away. ea I" at romottable term.. dia:s ALIA. AIKEN., mrsnoacivr..mar,am. lio. 161 rots* Maud, (mmHg to i f i VAl:inu ti rMrcrZ .5 - A gaTe F= ° TlATltd"witi,li.l.lllll 4 llc -1 . Lga n 'it u , W. Jacobus, Thomas Xlrll4 ~N•. path pats' 1611Any.nallitvg 1731111.02"1011.0*MI, ma nOolinvilit El IlUseenter Lllfery Stable t~oraerot Iftediegt and Chanters erects. AP Vrerreltram Alleghea7 put - luld compel,. &neat*. silhlVd• • MANUFACTURERS. ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. • MODES, RYRIE 8 CO., • northetartry_ aud WARP, nea t .. Ware, Bottle.., Deroljobria_Car. ennys, C. Ni arehoose—No. 144 S P ATES IIIII.66I. en NtotthLeld and Grant “rects, rttUburali Pe. We warrant nor Wares to be nape:tor Lonny man. o factored west of the Mountains. Always on WM& lilustrats of the above dew:A:3loe. ordars promptly attended to, Partittilas attention paid tit private moulds. aultar_ skit. ifinsiLS ...... . X209:31 j AMES eo s ., • • ttAzarrAcrirazus OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. 4211.1124". a • taus. r. curLANs • Oatax wuiolvf •OLLINS 'ec ‘YRIGITT,: - Ktrittania Beau and ell Vet NlttallVorkerp, Drlttanta car tom, Carbon and Lard Oil Corners, and all altlforto slyly. of Ilrlttanla used by ID Liartofactorer. Orden prosairtly Ile& No. L7D ISTUCIST Plttaburgh. Penna. °only. SEVERANCE, No. AS WATER t y t hogc: v rir th tl i ttftw b rg ic i tu g ac tit re r . 01.6:2.14 „ . 5 151 of every deacriptlao. rartlealar atantl or attarad PlAtes and Mist.. litre or mall, undo to order at short notiCa. goods.. r,rtatta COW.agltly ob and. CORMISSION TEERCIIA_NTSt a. E. "m 'BANE & Amami, col - stoir. -.A. MERCHANTS and deatcTs 'FLOUR. GRAD!, nd PRODUCE, Second since, 6=lllllldd, Pittsburgh. shilill7 TUC.. 1.0171:3• A. RIIIKPI . AXD POTTER, ARLEN & SHEPARD • Cona=io•lon Merotunate. and dea:cao In Foreign ----e Yod Domenic Fruits, Floor, nutter, Cheese. Eno • taravea and produce gerterallz, N. .7:13 LIBERrt crppeetto Patleugar L.P°t• Pltt.'s""lrb' 4 11Arti.us C. lIAILALEY. Produce ttorchopt. W,rtt c NO. So , ItERT 1 :+11t!:1.:T. Wholeosle a I,tter. l'arrsa, Lan!. POr'.- R A9 OI . I- cats, tir,ost, l'otatoo, rrcit, ftalna. Floor, .. .. :••r Tl=ottflyot - 060. attcatwo il.ea to LUIS Succe‘sors to C. a. I 'o . 0N1311.,10.% , Nrgt . :( l, 4 .• N T, 4ritol)l.:CE. " Ai, Su., t. FT /WIT. Sflch. is tdvazce .141+, Req.'''. KNOT.— . • ........ 1331 . KNON NON. Conimimion • MEE(' II NTS an.130.0-1.1-.:e vro vit.. rt.% N MILL IF:ED and PIIODUcI, Llzmond, 0pp0 , 114 C try Hall, Alleghtuy ci..7 • )4,17:Pr0i _ _ . WILKEYS c5.,, , ,0r to Olookeowu k Ltethtrl lea et to Flour oud it rain. Product. and (loluoutto,yr N _hoots No. 941 LLBEILTY STNLET. Pltoarotv,, relay R . H. JACK, lios. LIMON =M=M 1 ITT LIE, BAIRD & pATToN, 0 " Wholes:00 Grocers commission Urn-hunts, IS dea:era in Produce. Hoer. boon. Cheeso. Fll4 'whoa and tool Oil. Iron. NMI , . 0/030. COOOl Taros 1.1,1 00 ritleborgh ennisnadtdre3o general^ IL3 and 111 Second street. rlvistairdts. • _ . ( h. SHEPARD, ComuldsSibs Morel.. at. an den Pa Flour Oral:: wad riv duo, Nu.. 147 LlCerty are.. PittsSitralt. Cholc. , brand, of Yluur Cur Baker. wad Fteelly ernstantly ock hoed. Particular attesalcra patty Siting order Et.' Merehundlae. generally. ociay fr • • im• BEGS 6c L;Ocrly . Pltteb CO t,?v Cirocere. Cedundemlou.Mar.llL g atvideders/t try Produce, Proelmioue, Bacon. Lan, Nutter, muse, rinh, de., Produce, Flour. Grain, Green mad Dried Fruits. Lc., Salt end hue 1 01111 i B. CANFIELD, COMlniggiOt and Tarsnertang Merchant and wholesale dells In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Park Bacon, Dour, Pleb, Pot and Pearl. dabra.l3adaratal Linseed and btrd Pried sun, _fast 1N134.0 se.ers:l7. Nos. 141ssLd 14a Front Crest. Plttsbutp, mb... ar.OD EPtC4 itiol azd Fa HEWER, Me ,i boa,..bolog ageol WY rittsbit manotwva ve a.e, No. =Liberty strert,7PittebbrglatPb JAMES DAIZELI. & SON, Maxi* tavern of Lard Oil, and Co=alarlOn fur . the purchase and eale of Ornde and Relined 'redeem, Nor. ag and 70 Water atreet. flatiburgt Advancer made on Consignments. Salo,ll-AMEII & LANG Wholesali defiler e in Groceries, Floor, °Mts. Fradoce, Tr. llsious. Fish. cheese, Salt, Cart , Oil, Not. Mat 74 Wbod Street, near Liberty Street, t'l= Pa. AII L 'i g k ion - MTrZGotto..s Grocers 111 all Usti of Couotry Prodoc , en o nd p rtt t orritx ed jl= No.: Liberty hU. " ap.kly ETZEIL & 2111,1181110NG, For ardlnx md Corranission Merchants , for the RI FFl w our, fa raLn, Flagon, Lard, Butterliseds,Drle ruits, and Produce generally, .Igd. 14 Market Btree corner of First, Pittsburgh, Pa. thMily DWALLACE, - Commission Hirt • chant .d Wholesale Dealer in Fleur utd chyle o. .133 Liberty street, onresite Perinsylenntaß4 Depot, Pittsburgh. Pa. Biome Warthottae, Wayne and Pena streets. • nolZily HRIDDLE, No. 183 Liberty It • Pittsburgh, Pb... Commission Merchaat, kd Wholesale Realer la Country Prod uee.,ll rpetzlea la Pittsburgh mastufactures. Cash advance! O*CM elm:nerds, =ribald fur Produce generally. mai i. B. LlGOtirr JOHN LINDILI S. LIGGETT k CO., City Flan! J • icy hillts, comer Liberty bad Adis.'] street Pittsburgh. Ps. NirCapseity. CS barrels per 'lay. bill talc , : 1. UOCFc• ... ..EDWAr.II. MOVILI oIIN 1. HOUSE CO., Wholeast Grocers and Coral:tint= Blertharits,.. comer I Fenithteld .d Water streets. Pittsburgh. noST.r..T ISULZ.Z.I.I. P. DAIS= P OBT. BALZBLI. .41b0., A. , sale Grocer,. Cal.w.lsi2ork and roman:Us Me •• lIIAIILES C.ll-DIVELI ((Sue . emmor t James 13oLmes.1 Co.,lPort sexer dealer to Previalogs. eerarEtctr .1; 2 ""t NDA Pry: streets, Pttulmrgh. . • • - ,- r i Jolla wArs .... , ... .„..__ _ _ _..,..—... .... :.. SOll3l - W13403 WATT & WELLS° - Whbleital ft Grocers. Coax:Luton Me salts sad dealers : Produce, sod Miran-an Elsoaniactsrdo, No. US LE eau street, Pittsburgh. In= unfit 7...61111115T....101111 &UTMOST:I. C. 1111.1..L.11C T AMBERT, SUWIO N & 'Co -..l7bottsale. Groom and Prodeta Dealer' 31%; Sixth sireet...PUtzbarrh. ISAIAH DICKEY .11.• c 0.., sirboiesas AL Grocers, Ccurusissloa-Merebsats. and 4ealess ! Produce. No.llb Water-street and SU Front am Pittsburgh.. .... - . . . . .OlCar, L. H. voiGirr .. (Success*: • to G. GrAff,)Proacco Eta - C0==.141.72 Iffe chants, 1.. c Libert7 erect. Pittsbargh. Errnza..—..J. S. smszt.... - ...int. a. sOrni 10 1 1 1 EXBIEB. tic 111108., , (Succesisorst Re)mer L Anders..m.)WtelesaleDeslcesta Irct F Pratte. Nuta pmtSpices, Ccr.-rectioncey, Ba Fireworks, az., Nos. smll2lldircold Street. aberi Pttistrargh. • jy=_lf DAVID BIL EDGEIITON : sale ert,tear and Comr.lostos aseellssaL f Wood street. fl.33b,erslaFa. MEDICAL: - 11_11cm=Eris ' HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. awe yrerre4, it= the =cw - t asebteerroeb osbee abet Ure =ems., e—blesst cod reibibie. Tbe7* , the oat, =edict:es perfectly stinted to pepolore. —to st—pie Max /mistakes cannot be =Me In ads they.: so barsless as to be free brobm denier. boAC e=e-Lebt se to be always retalta.r., . _ - Na LZ R 1 cures rEvzcs. Co,,ugestias - 971z05aa.., • WORALS;NPor. Freer. CP:KISt. COLIC. or Teething one. [sat& I 6 ' DIAII/LITEA al children orsdalta...: 5 6 6 I.)INZPITEET. Griping ..... Colic • • • COCti Colds. 0 . N..8.U.Y. Nausea..—.. I •• 31F.tr..6.1.4311., Tootbacklec Tieet ache • •• lIEADACKE. Pick Licsdath,_ c S.PL.P3I. 1:11.11ors tdrommeo • • • BUFF:SEW' ED, scanty - . , .pabullut nod,— 2 • • LaTcuumfiia, C11015P • hoersc coast. it " SALT BIIE rx r a w thi, zni j p, is ' • Eligt , 3l6li3l.hilreenstle pan* n If •• AW.M. Ctdila sa d Pero, ... . . .. 17 - PI iniernal .. •• OP . W.L.MT. sore. to:Lamed essa..- * • • CX 0ti5. T.,111.101. seine or , • 'III,IoOPLMI F A 7 1...74 " 1";-"77-3 i r2lse;aMiEs,i7;;ill DEUPeYaI d UENERIL ' EntAi t rY, venkneas 2 •• DEO.PSY and sticy ' , amnions • •• PEA 811.1iN.S. or ateilicas. Stow ridtng, •• MUNE Y . • ' • NERVOUS DESILLILTY • Loet:sils - a I eini.lons.involcintaryges `• PoRF. 310L'Til, or ' U UiILNARIC INCONTIN , 5 11 • I'2,ll,ll+UL VERIGL!3.' is tms BT'l ' }4 RINGS at Chan EPILEI'SY,Soss=. cru ...... - DlrritiElri..l;";.;i42 s oraiLroa i /*MILT GSM • !ECM ;are, at -la. u. in - oViZet7l;;Vandbook Mtn- -' plete E3:4 rase 'Of '4 largo vardr, la morocco:tad boot ' 11$ Ca. of large vials, plain ca-se and book • ' CZIK` or lO boxes (No. 1 to 15) and hook J. JR., FULTON. Wholemde Agent,Plttabo-rgb. rai For sale by E. MlNEll...rEsnaltbJlehl skeet.: Jtrl FLEMENG, H Market 2.trret, corner or the Duww rittsbargh, and J. EAST. Dio. L 54 Portend stretl AllegbH,Y. Ir:SroIMPS. Strickland:l atatao ormaratloyot !foals abd Borba. . 10 szltb* • . wad ma t h=re . ta d v / . C, j . nervous lrystem. pl. tons / taln rered7 gbr Tgps. " tc, igtou, . u Artall "m. ty Lou or a t e A bro P"l szaalt, i'. • Flatulency and debility. IS \\ ,\4 o‘.. C.) la not slat:whale; therefore • *.ni gu ra rr_p_c r p,7le " k - • 1 " aor sale amp • • giftl enxtere 'at periaattfe. • oc13:11-41 a. I. SELL. IS:. CCIa; • • ITuozzsais AGSZtLIC4 D' STItICRIAND-11. MeLtilluoti COUGH BLUME . ...-grrsato4 co be the onirPie• 0 f = or yi e rri u W i rt*. . . 1 1 • Whooping Cough: c • ' Chruutio Coughs, Conoco p- twit, Montilla.; arid Crimp. • • Isel 1141iXi d h ft es t l%' Il°' 1? ORE Pn r i. oral ry z rfts6l e strettous• or the Thro ' ni. mid Lungs - E ' sr salt Druggists crergisnete. E. E. SELLERS 6 00.,: ° , Wiloznsit..EADEXT MD TAB. STRICILLAND , S PlLL' ltdm .-f.s..uy Las CURED thou ift`Nf /b.'irri.E.lsl . 2l:l . 6. t,,i.RE It laves lintandlate - reart. and el:facia • • perlina. 4 TS: neat rare. Try It direct/4. it I. warmated to care. Yor sale by ell lirt-^-1.14 ^ - centa ritl bottl.• a 'LLES • a. r._,_.L. - Er.77c Wliolat, LI A =ID - FORTY YEARS PitACTICE --, ..: BEXUAL Glues tn..' a knowledge seldom aeculred by rhye , i, Alin. Melon . ; realdenec In this elty. and the seam, of patients treated annually by a re, MaSiclo:,;,, Sproof of rar . spERMAYIIRRIICF.A. Or Sexual Neal:mesa, all diStarrs tritiriK ti.erefrOML. &tr . CWT.' l• • Vrt ,, ‘; A at BLE time Man IleretOloen by ray NEW: VZO ABLE 1111.-il !IMES. Mellelnes vent td Say the Union. All Miters must enedldn'a Onmn man. Cormannudenen • trelraamed. ar r / Y LEL D STREET, - near ftlampgr rrsi.. • 4. W. BRANSTILLRY.' M. 1.) 1.13:/y floX sca riketwargb. e pIUIVATE DISEASES. OFFICE PENII synimr. ettr ttaa7.l a: • For the cum of all diseases of n private nettle,. tram two to Mew days, by an entletly new and sw: treassuent. Also, fiessloof Weal:news, aud CI nth : di...rumor the rettltal ors-.. ;a and LW: prernantlee' Cure wire - anted or mousy refunded. • vete, bean-7 •rs 10 A. M. J.( to >t and at, ix. Agit:« setters w., tIS • recta s, =I
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