4101 4Da -• v'tt • • 4v timosnay.. FEBRuenv 7, 186xl. Ironer, ino eirmonszsgs. .sotteo V IWO, Oren-that 11,111'4501er gall raix... olorrodoellboolltatireeootrod at Gls Oka tows no 40g0C.16 0 41 - ilikatid itli4.#41 1 1n the essa of. IVIMi ppl , ll, 141031.1411,1,111 be mindere-A • ~6w.ettr, ikaa. AA' 44ritieri rrlll tatidu make ••• noole•Attkli, es ate tale of cub perzients for ed•• • " OCALe•-:;uirsttcr M 144.1,17111 Da 1nt.0.v.- PA? eel:Drib L The prloseCear Morning sae Even:Aug edisions is iIiCEE CENTS hi the conottr 110 fres, woreDoir. 73. 0 vrrPg's CENTe r ReeY now. J. IC, enooaknAD We learttllist, is veriona partsof the State representatioruiare made to the effect that azlßepftia.. to the Union Stateponcention ivt*riiktatkibrlnrrallty, Qlntfail.Pdthurtittitainatlon' Of Ihis j gentle thworrmr. All such reports are wlllatitsfointdation In fact Our County '36'.i.TFll:traii).(ap absolutely in the hands of '4.6.4rolitilinatAs Cxtende, andthe delegates 104110 Kwaal reference to se -eutttiglair "To the atiairatrup afithisloVitictitierate ecasttuattcldmo lass by cranzvetuanAl Can4.114c,, thsoshy a sense * Of dilt3S fa We COW , 01,100/3 by vvb.kb t l / 0 Y t . 19-q 2 d_ 10 41 0 14 J &m.o. 0114mku b the nepreeentatrre • 4 : 171 5 andsw. tho Senatorial eelegt&, 'from Clinton county. and lustrue -,-.95d,..ta-eupport Ma. hloorurEan. s*ttlqb="ErthM, the "four delegate!' V 171911, Snyder, and Lyoonung cows (-refer bum, The littladnhtitia Titaticrin in a well writ -, 1..11 article, Ettrongly urges hie - • it..IIGIVEOSATION OF TUE C031.11C.6- - , eta. Having performed a disagreeable but ur gent duty id Pertraying the course, of our o mtempomry on the rellOect of the oda:de li 1 )111Willatintifin the-two Houses of Congress .-- . ....-.ittistlteedloolott chosen to represent the Soutto ayl rtleit - sciti,,,peoplo, wo are con .lll, , , s tt°, Arlnefd‘cdrther, and oxposo its ° ..- -- innosendeacv ariCyacillstionin respect to 4-1 C'..7'dteei-Inig.rtggres rrtluterAallY, however, ,i... '' , 4", raY,,retitlarktb*wo hold it not to be %o evidence of nalmess or imbecility or -,,-- .." . "AriSSCONErpereon or sFpti.l44 Journalist to revise, modl or ... mudiate opinions e - oiaArtal:"Peren t.e, es the result of tuner PlWrileigtAtOrt and luaowledgo, of utartuittrettly and rause to shift their p ;- dons, monk - -on the most impo t topico. Ifti:c., then, they frankly a w the alntrittinu In their views, d aro'itiorai all proper occasions to •x -,\ piefti c itiaaVia pressure of what cousi r stionattisi rewi4ori was made. They do not bean . . that they saw the wholein all list sutpeoln,,at the beginning, and . etluctistlY,athaptod. a judgment that the ' .• ttlit3,k,r potiQp wt id not Impair, nor t e •• .seenkantatir r nt Alustratlyb facts ante ,15,i'qojit t att_that 'all _lntelligent - • -r - ii Or ii6rmorit d with e press, &let, r isato walks, aro IleCe6. y - h'ffitnicing itt paths illtuninatnd by th Ir •,, .say' Aug 1 1,i4gOendent. knowledge. man of roal sense and _algal rements to — who roodeet hi I r:eit - ril ki Wainelf and oo - ~ .idertaileate•nit • It is commonly the e . .-- rintilavttglit lettSt alabn, to extruordin discrimination thatossnat. tir superiors . EMlZtilltlina. int us pird. r ~I l awaszKath., Wu, Camptect:ctot said : ••• , ' " t 'tel, a hltiti ibiisfathrtl; not only • • • •,:eretritetkO4 ' •ILVI. da haste adffrage-o.t.c? • •' 'fit iturt4+4114 , :r.040 2 -neefor Witte a f. ' . 1-`'. ta inftt riaa l 74l M lgat t l n` .74,?Z i n erelY b r gent a., t -, 'W cittrriviersta SYstent. ofsul , " j abot oupinor, but, on wane rule t t t. . . . ourAatinon approaching the ball t- Sanaa s. oorthln degree of times". t :'T.ArlyrEderletstv nett 'ittrorly overlook e --, reer,Ttriness of tho North." - • t---;--&-"Hertia4ti etoktemivrati takes groan for aa.lutplhartal brals of auffram, 341 le eth - sie iina :114iiion,„skihe. rt , a - - • , malt4lT , ft egvalthe bto.eko Who cdme up ' - t ,'.glifilleittiartaird-thlXO il doe , ' net de he •• .e.r .P4a4.4flostaiurit 4--tinV - vra.id shat, at • I ' l - I ' ;11/3 ` i t l i . 3 1 b9 ' f ilt below. • s _ __ January =tit said: "The wal Mr. Kr.r..Lr boa eta wit in r , ..fying.throp 0, his bill, will bung rip d. •-- orrEt&taVitt' - tfluthiti - ttot the I new* to. : orad Inortmeat- in the to 41' - intelligent, tax-pay ... r sa iss eeicliored pOpatiatiOn o • a .. 1 . ,, - yiePM c l ,- .t.p.c Trup.4.-nuy a .•.. A "l k eki ti"lutUre. 11 0. 4 p to with . .t:StiOn..- 4 The eaten majority in ti , '.tsars narked cut tts way-lotus ma:NM • , 141 , I ''- - Sr in - 11.?1,_ . ' ,1 - , it .le eatnowhat diffrenit to' tell exa t 1; -• whatpOtitionis hero assumed. Oar ne : • ' ltdriVni Ghisi!:borai olliit.ilea fri , an . - •'tthtishtstri al *weevil that it rushed , Irr Ppp,issitheut.,opporrtuil4 for the Kia el tvfittiffetit: first " he' applauds a, ''',.., 1..,' . , ritattiand Ida bin. The prlxt‘dplo of •, I , I hilrhtriedt - gialo iroffrlige, qualified .. y • ; iti thh:r6quinitincelt oreiL.Priship. So fty 1 Aldo/A/WS in Coniiict with the ideas 1 pouridsd hy our coatemporary only iVI '• - adili WtRIV. .40 *- 0, •t* . q'l4(o,-.r..1n..ti - -is urged to -Ittt I ...t - .. - 2 r/AtrArtietit =ado fn the Legislature to : . ••,. ~ nem? auffrsge in Pennsylvania. of on u thatg , :utlespatt were to inspire a m ve •- .r. l .ent' ICU Would inspire it in aocor. t.c • -wttlettlittnen tdostarand not to cantor.. it : Si , tdCas boatilo to lila. pn,tho Mather Cbaramerrial was t ... - etidsekLimirritipa on the same ter.. - . srhitesetTragog nal hot% qualified b is telligencn... On the 22d, it was no longer, ap yarently, for equal suffrage; but trained to notiditiim Hie Voting of the blacks, not only e- an frit:Wiggles, but ob httx-paying and mil ,itary servtoe, Perhaps, however, Its idea ,iiati to cqtudisit by subjecting the whites to the saj - te mutildes4ons., A , Wqrar4i. ne*tbor accrued not to know, C , •‘• 4;• 4 .,.'l•srhabot try intaggentiotunallat and citizen ." ateelu.ow,,that We right to vote in Peitri , eylv itrea.sa regulated by the Conatitution, "M'!l i 1 " by, the terms loftiest instrument • ~ ,it cannot Dti amended oftener than onoo in ~„,. . five yenta.. It was amended in August, 164. It. therefore; Ike CiovOrterciat should )talle.a."VOlXtpt." raosereent made in the Leghtlit"-Ire.i . Vwesibi be ruled out of or , Air' •• alku; noighlior. be,otnxin's cutup ", I }Pril w4.4 4 .t41N CCultgrecidonal came. It 9 2 ?W•f la , ! Mi Tt ha g a d°zeß , linen bock, about' Ettelitgouop t and „ - taportitt, ; and. - ;if fltoi r ervf> gad eaiomt cri only that. ' 4 ; k f'clupg7e9':'lr's4.479l4 - t , P:,Nq-.let us . 'innitlif,itity4l:l4V , • . regard.tkis nit:Oct as ciecitleti.cttrionity,ip titga& r i. dpod'it4croning',,tt, can Rico up lutolllgibto fICCOIIIn , of whatit tually oven meant to say, wo phnit l~amui d. , 'l ,4' • J azlov• l .7, 25tb, llio."Commenekt tpOk a '... trosh dt i,rtum, It said: we wimm however, prefer inoorporib . . tut the [Peden%l] Constitution, sal or ii, t u " g , i 41i. . •., . tiolostiu , reby all won, white and black. :,1" ti s •-. I v i.,., North urd tieuth, shall - be permitodp&a. , 44,..11.. 4,;.c.-- 1 ,,,,i ST ONCE—leaving 1100111113 to the • r.t p -rlbriliNtn y. State. ^t '''s - Why not blase. ...:o,,.theortrattdrup:at one& and ... forever." s :` .n... .-11cens•PiOs tr. Plain—Aqr.r. MEN." ' - Yrbit'' -, gicigk.iri.ol4 g reoC`i'in x -Paying, Ti4tary . vi:kr_bJVTri.Liit_.`tilitetiettip. as conditions for 24 7 .7 ., , A:9141M. Mitlirdnot. slue taltiewinktite i n , :..i-., ter tiiitcr , Oio, minor ittatOt : the rilbt to e l m f:.. , :; ' i1.Q , firr,, , 11.: wilF hi. 193011 in the sequ t .4. t , ,itkr.pp lnix'rarY,lirc'reßFP f°und °- 4. . d P#lol,giliii4.ltEdikk.o3C--.zaelid. hen 1C •• -a t.sutictlslify:-017Tirnlir`f, We 431/1i35 ;t.'ll 42 .;'%':-,., la/Wt. i'vhahivei. in. ;the , 4704:menial; .as tub re. iirPnection , ..hat-4# 7 •4 12 up . " .1 1 ~:. 4 .'', - ". -; i State QOustittitinn. t iaMer job of amending, • ale itkigria-clanatitution; and that it want? : rho ateratott roodo "aort)." -1 "n° 111 7 27f6, another ChangiloCAMO 09:0i the spirit of tin thoughts, and it broke out: "\Thile we have not mounted the Ties tim of negro suffrage as a hobby, -to rido over and trample dowu everything also, the important matter has not' been, by any means, ignored in thott,nunereiat. , ' Ourposition was curly taken, 1111 , 1 we. have -every reason to hollevo that it has been, and is so well undorstood, that wowsetsl not novi.formilly teitentto it, ant s'o cannot .help noticing in the public sentiment, tendency to concentrate on the ground i Ac* or _, kiicafr4ltl(f licgiailiap: • -Costostvas rrsi:ts, itnatexl of blaming the President •for not conferring the tY'on o f sutimgc on thelately ornanctrated slaves, resorts to the slow measure of a Constim tioded Amendment to 'secure It , IOY them, and some, of thet °unto's that- hate been most ardent and ... headlong fermiphl move ment, surprise us with propoxindttions and cautions, quite in accord oath our on n. 6 6 • • Out neighbor sG' , :rne , alb pears to have teen overt - :on witha similar visitation of prudence and WindOn , . It be speaks caution and delay. • givcs up its °underling, oddly enoygh na med .11.niarrtoonscrrnAGE, as utterly beyond hope. Is Worst refreshing to hear the tics- . zrlte ospressista ifsolf on this wise • * As w E liA VI; OFTILN SAID thcre is no-need of haste." This would by ludicrous, were It not pool tiv,lly &nesting. On the 2fitb, you insist ed that the thing should be clone "at once." On the ff:th you declare "there is no need Of haste." how Innocent, too, the naive assertion that you "have not made a hobby of negro suffrage!" You bare pegged away at It almost every day, and in all pee sihle shapes; have been at the top, the bot tom, and all tour aides: and now that your wind p entirely exhaust,l, yen sit down and :colniftreently magnity your tnodem- Just here let es drip the remark thatthis Is the number in which the Cemseereta/ har.dlcs ail subioats. If it offends to-deq by tatting e•ne side, it snakes amends to !morrow by taking the other; and en claims that ail sorts of people ought to be SAlLS tied. Now let 139 see what tlio t IZETTE did say that so unoxpectey charmed the (banner. en/ into admiration of its "prudence and a laden's." Here are the wordy "No d%ubt an attempt will be mule to drag the general question of N-'ttro Suff rage into L discussion. Such attest t, it ,come to us, Kill be hapertment. if au amendment of the Uonotetutlon of Penn sylvania, touching that point, was dewed, it cannot, by the terms of the lamatitution itself, be initiated for sevemlytors to eerie. No scheme has vot been brought forward fn Congre-s to confer the right of suffrage on the blacks to ato• Sul es lately In rebel lion. An amendment, has, indeed, been proposed to the Federal Constitution which, it ratified, will make it fir the interest of the Southern States to adopt manhood suff rage. Nothing further is intended, or, at all events likely to succeed. "That the;Suffrage Question will ulti mately come up for review in the diderent States is more than probable. Suchreview may be postponed, but it cannot be perma nently avoided. Among all nations in which the popular element is respected, there is a steady drift of sentiment towards manhood or universal suffrage. Even In Imperial France, to the full extent to which the people are acknowledge as tee ters in the government, every male citizen, no matter what his color, is allowed to vote. In the United States the—process of investi ture has been obstructed, and oven tarried backward; but the prevailing current of the civilized world must and will ultimately be felt and followed. "When the suffrage question comes up in Pennsylvania, wo judge from what we see and bear, that the proposition will be for a conditioned basis, and that an educa tional one. Of course there are persons In each of the political par- us, who, animated byvery different motives, would profeF a proposition for manhood voting. All such are likely to bo disappointed. "On so broad and consequential a mat ter, it is worth while for every citizen to re flect telly before deciding precisely what policy to fovea - . It is the wisest to look at the suffrage question, not from one side, but from all sides; not as touching One race, jail au races. There need be co hurry or predlpitatiOn in deattng positions. It to more needful to consider no hilly before reachinga conclusion, as to make the de cision arrived at thoroughly intelligent" Any man of common sense and common honesty, upon reading those paragraphs, will seo they contain no abatements or qualifications of views previously expressed by us on the suffrage question; that they left us commited not only to follow, but to help "the steady drift of *madmen t towards intualood or universal truitrage;" that our Peculiar "prudence and wisdom" consist ed In not being lorained to make a move ment for extending suffrage In Pennsylva nia until we had a legal right to make it: and In that ern virtually counselled all eui tells not to imitate the Cbravirreirsl in start -I,t; a raw before knowing in which direC tion it 'wee best to run, "but to rotiect fully before deciding precisely what policy to fa vor:" • Or cderso the Commercial did not under . srend'alb"ltlaing of this. In its confessed ignomace of the established meaning of — wordi anr r phrases,. it supposed wo had •taten.a-ratreat, and deemed it prudent to follow.sult. It would notdofor so brilliant, profound and versatile &Journalist to own outright that ho was following so ignoble a 'leadership, so he Invented a story, and made it so sc.7eptal)lo to . his own vanity dyceived himself with It, that be was leading us, and many many other Journals, and, in addition, Con grees, end the masses of the population in the loyal States. It is nod for • man in his thoughts to indulge In mutt miserable hal . Incinations; brut when he becomes so weak as to parade them before the public, fancy ing he can peas them off for verities, it is limo a. Cotturdsslon of lunacy was taken out in hls'behalf, and he consigned under itfha thEl computadonate treatment of doc tors skilled in mental diseases. V The recentnumerous fearful accidents on the Western waters, involving in every in tepee a leas of a hundred or more lives, render it imperative that much more care -hould be taken In steamboat inspections then bet Tl3B to have been used Mittel to, at least in that part of the country. The blame, we see, is cast upon tubular boilers, Many Western boats have lately adopted bollemixataructed like the boner. of locomotives, the reason given beit.g that 'they generate Steam more rapidly than the old belle:Tit andthe itina . iSSO prevalent that tne recent otith!unities are owing to thin fact, that the !neurone() companies of some of the Western cities have resolved not to take insurance risks on boats using them. We know not how correct this asaump lion may be; but we Moline to the belief that bad material in the boilers and care lase engineering have also had something to do with it. Whatever the cause may it ,le•hie,htime that soniething were done to as certain it and prevent the rocurrenr - of suCh.feal, -It is' worthy' or :rlimark that the great bulk of steam:moat ex_p_losions . happen ah the' rivera mainly on the latter. Very few explotono happen on the upper Ohio, and the are esPectally rare on that porter the river be tween Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. A !very few illkvorocetTed there within tho laat'sgen :eratton; testen.tow thatthey scarcely affect the sum total of such aocidente in the &n -try at largo. Why is this? Is it not bectause Apavare and .eaution,is exercised tiythe boatmen on tide end of the river, and'that recklessness in ateambeating is thbrj the .. exegoti 9 A and pot the . Tuz-klarkia (Ga.) Telegraph urges the Presidea to eutunion 40./3outhern , them bent of CohgreasloVashington, and 'Ton emelt will not agithit thong-0a regintept of 17tritectiites,treoj3i 'should be sent td put them in - rho-, &pea," If the Bouthern!peo plethlt.kthatlathe way to dolt teL theta fry. . . . M. Itotyiatarr, 'eflantticky, said lii.taY. In the. HMls° thakbe;Viit".:tiot a Republiiwn, ./ ;Lae tritorrist.' rr• teibadeald that h was ,n Democrat be would bave lift the n ex , artiy on the head . His name I ,five ably, found; lathe yaw; and nays, along witii tte ,Mliet eiipeill: ... of that body. ! - a : . r ...- :-AlinitE4?iimmt ! ,Httet ra deolaree .to 'Af illy f. 4;ll.7ktoommair far ekriernor. L .. I,•EUT TRUE. Mr. Mr.K...oa, of lientte-ky, :h., man from, that State in C.,turset w h o have pluck enough to stand hp-for the right, gave, in a few w,,rtiq, tho. other day, the true explanation of the oppo salon to every measure that has been pro posed, so far, to secure the bleAhltags of fr.,- dam to the freedmen. Speaking of the bill to enlarge the powers of the Freedmen's Bureau, he said : • "Thoeo who opposed the bill are Mow who opposed every measure to crwth trea son. They proposed to continue tyranny and oppress Lon arid wrong while then ti desired to protect all people alike. Whorl' the President issued h4rproelnmation call ing for troops, it was denounend no a potien." • , Thetnen who now oppose the proposed tonstitutionalereendment, the Froodmen's Blume bill and kindred measures, use the same aigniaenta, to-day, that they used-Jet-behalf of treason throughout the They opposed coercion of the Status, the Call for troops, the emancipation proc lamation, the enlistment of negrotss, the auspensioriof the habeas corpus, and every other measure needed to make the war suc cessful, because they were all in their view 'Unconstitutional," and involved a usnr•. potion of authority; and they oppose every meant:in needed. to give of feet ti the eman cipation wrought by the war 1 1 ,t the same reasons. To be sure they take upon them selves, now, to say that they are the Presi dent's friends, and that they sustain what th e y rail his policy from patriotic Moti vas; but every ono can see that they are the same venomous opponents of all that Is right and goodthat they have been through , out the war, and that their opposition, to day, Is but a eentinuarim of :he opposition that began with the war--that it Ls a,Caisted by the same spirit and spring's trout th a same motivee, ME WOOL GROW ILES' CON V ENTION The County Commissioners have Lindly granted the use of the Cotirt H o nso to th, Wcol Grox era Convention %Thiel ims.•,oo Thursday, and the Con, eni:ou cs , .)ni- Ingly be held them, The indhastiorm tire that this Convent will be larsoly attended, and that the wool_ growers el . thLs end of the State will be able to form a compact and influential organlm. lion for the proteetloo of ttwir interests. Wo trumpet to the manufacturers of this city whether it would net be good Evnley In them to mako common cause with the wool growers in this movement for proteetion,by giving their countenance and aid to this Convention? The wool-growers have but a common interest with them, and the two ehouldwork in harmony; and harmony be attained only by conference and u fair understanding between all parties THE NEW PARTY. A Wuablugton ep . eclal to the Nra York Wm./dm:ye: "A meeting ofprominent politicians will be held in city some time daring the coming week, for the purpose of inaugurse Ina the political party of the futnro. Loyal Southern men who have been dancing at tendance for . adnaisalon to the halls of (\in gress under regular elections, loyalists from the border States who have scuts by the Suffrage , or the old Union party, and conservative republicans who disagree with Thad. Stevens' interpretation of republiean tam, are prominent in this movement for an organization of the friends of the Presi dent. The name "National Union. Party" will . probably . be adopted . Delegations of active politicians_ from all the Northern States will be prow:r.'. Iteie is the chance some of the oon.,erva tives of Pittsburgh hays been figtulog for. Now let them hoist their true colors, and eail in. ftettnect Ex.wriorte.--Stnte election will be held in Nov, Hampshire on tho sot.ocal Tuesday In March; in Connecticut on the second Monday in April; an.' In Rhode Island on the fleet Wednesday in April, or tho present sear. Tux lower House of ttro Wted Virginia Legislature has selected lit:cuasttNnil 29 the future Capital of that State. • I.) OrnIA:MUST MS LUVISI.A.R• mass Mini m•.—Lettors fmat °Moore of the freedmen's Bureau in Lonistaaa ahoy that the militia to that Mate are organized Into patrols for the purpose of tweeting-the •eomatry and forcing tholmeChneti to remain upon the plantattOne. IteartOrikeeport they are .ouferclng some of the moakodlona featture trorold slave eye t MIL In one IMItaIIICO they gave tea, la anoth er thirty, end , tg frnMhor three bemired Whew Three freeditenosoehool-houses were destroyed by *mob tirtlcir pariah, of St. Oar', end Os Thifolleatis In the parish of Ls . Untretteristedy employed to teaching • school of eddlt freedmen was Ilrivon 'from her work by briekbatrineed by the mob. The civil so r eddies aregtotproteetleg freedmen, and too Freedmen's Snrearr le the only sourer, of protection. Ittranettma—A woman was Shot on South street, to-day, as we go to press, and Instantly killed bfa roving peddler. Officers are in pursuit of the mutterer. The woman's fumy u Farrtinte, She' wag frock' StOordeld, flarr‘ elm - county. The bullet patted through her tight breast; Snit bar death IS bettered to have been theTerillt kecldental dttcharge of tbr pittel. Theeddler fled, leering ble pack btbind.—Strubentiar Ikrald. Tam total number of the graduated of West Point, is ha were In the regular snag at the commenceinent of the war was eight hundred and l wenty: nutuberone hundred and ntnetyleven resigned and Joined the meth, leaving eta hundred and twenty-one loyal gradUutee who remained in arms for the I.7itiOn; of which number no less than one Mtn- Ored and thirty...lett, or nearly asany as those who resigned, were ristlYes of the m south ern' Strata. Tea Hocheeter truien learns that a tending grain, produce and apple dealer In Ontario county soddenly closed Munn., recently at Canandaigua. and left for parts uaknown. His Itabilitiesnre variously reported at (rote 11.5P,0CP SMOG°. Mace his departure bank paper Id I hiLairionnt of SU,oU has turned up, Dearing the name of the father-in-law Of the Party, Whileh the latterasserts is a largely. . Dish fluor sr liftwacite.—A Man tau found in an inwensiLle condttatm, at the °roaming of the l'ittehurgh and itinhonlng Railroads, to the Simnity of New biarg, on aondny afternoon. Ho sr naPtak en to tho town where mottles! itt tention taus rendered and he was found to be rendered helplees from the effects of gnu shot rronmi. lie Mahout thirty-flee yearn of ge, candy complexion, and supposed to be an Irishman. Inside dincoverien of petroleum are tielno made in the south part of Oxford eonntr, Canada, lying at and near the village of Til voribtirg. Thrum discoveries ore on Clear Creek, Big Otter gni Little Otter Creeks. Tii sonburg in fifteen miles moth of Inger.ll, end In reached by 0. moat excellent maned urn ded tend. Several *renal:my° alreadyneen commenced Ty portion from Pennsylvania, Rochester, Duffel°, End Danger, ale: A tAddatt from Mr. treed, of New Orleans, lo an officer Of the Treasury -Department, sayatbattn some of the Meshes the freed- Met , are geeta¢ for Welt lives i that they re. fuse to work for their former owner., hut are se:riot:lg Northeni men, for whom they are de •alrotta try Work- on .801y1 terass, and that when employed hy .stiob men.,they work faithfully .and.industrfoosly. They Say that their Old mastoids. diplomas them the iatne as formerly. Tug MA* of Ishmael bay of Maryland, who shot • mat , for trylng Inhaul down the IDIOM' Orates flag, was-thatonly ono among fort r, du alded upon javOrithly 47 ch. 4..5. tk "'" " " ter oniebillhif fur iieeki atm:toting at Which derdandii fbesprevate kismet setstainmeby loyal cittientldiningtha sear were butoniltted. ' TaltlL6itielleirstof the .I.3drUlt, says err. M. 111.tabtadayjNeatanatier bf the oil well boar Canon City, arrived from' there the previous vraleg. He - kin:mine vs that he has Massa loads—almotppehgationa of refined oil ois the road, sada II _the firsit from t;nl6ra to aells. LILL Pebbling work# areltrOrlung ulbviy , and the chilli glelang been better thin t nod. They pump from twenty-11re to thirty barrel. dally, hoot of thstleading operators in the oil re alms of rentisylvanhs, are considering ftvor. ably theca:settle/My of yang crude Pat.:okay a. fool for running their engines; thus afraid tug the-perils Of Mutfingration from Isparta. aldell.recootty proVOIL 60desorltructive at OM urIA-17 Ruh, r,4truleturi,Vropy ued , thrnws nesihor sparks - line mmokei while slop cost of wisps's* Ati - ordinary - steam boiler LO its wimmlistlots twbattrdlitng. A Zs IM Your totter writer says that not less Moth tWenty nt the New England womenrwho 1.1 . 1 - 1.1 seduced from their lionsm by the ousi erstion scheme of Mercer. and then len bv hiod hg 1.102. but. hero driven by poverty to -- life of- .basno,and.aro now Inmates of Now 10013cle, Tit I.lAvell Lang Neva states that more y than ti mallow. of dollars capital, owned h ht 14 nrhourg, base boo)) Invested out of L I pints, In col . ..onus:nee of the usury me,,. Th. owners could nut afford to lend money at yel rent. 7ne Richmond require' atatea that on Tue.- . 1 rlcbt eiticene or lhuliaon county were am oe d iirmight to that City, to appenr * military COMMllinion to ane wee the oheige of aileged anlatreatment of freedmen. Toes New York Odserver 'Peens. on thi 1 of a.ilouthern earruaponden I, thu the ",. raity t,f the Routh was opposed to armo,aion. T.% tie; clergy were generally In favor of it. , not that tallier hard on the clergy paw. Mose, a rebel mg.:adoring the late mar, wan killed a few drivallice nimee Winadeator, , a rnicarrytatillnir tr. ink); do p bonm whip`, he e o, tonere/Ore rioded , ita the property di the Anted Blotto. TRW Eufaula (Alabama) Newt asps that soy oral negrocithavoliecnahot'in that vicinity ov *altpairpe' parties Knee Yankees left' luta wtaelr.A.elafeatbartlitleb bakeneas and Mitt -bees t tight not i 6 bb tobirated.-' peavvilikliel: HE STOCK- HuL33 } ;=i42 l Eo3/ 1 ; •B PAN T will haid at tbe 01111 ob of the Coropotlf. oo THURSDAY :Um Pt,o 333 Weisel, p. N. A toll sod prompt ottOodatiCt detlttd. as then will O. btolneee also portonee I o trsneact. By order of the 'President. feTatato &LAU!. C BCHOYER, Clerk. ELEtTIOIII NOTICE—An Eiettion :tor Presldath 24.4=gait add =ears cif • . tbe! Cornpany for erecting Midge over the Alleg River, gpoette Rirtahcirgh,,,in the county K ane glienv IMO held St th e Toll Hones, at lh• Ronrli end dr th e Brldtei as .31 - 015 DAT, the 4th day OrMareb 'fret: et 2 trelnel fry ~„,344 4 WaL EQdERCRti . Tres:lard— e , ITICt 0/ Tr.l.Ltollnal• Vot.on, K. K. Co.. Wrif•31:1101t, Fehr:lm . y A \N - LTAIL \IEETING.—In l etth the Pre"tstoas of the Charter '.O aurplentente, the Aonuol teener.' Meetingof the Sto,kboldresarthe-Allegh , fr c lalley Railroa d nr tae W.PgA,t 0.0.., tt.. to recel•e the Roe tot the Freel dent cud Manor:re, to aloe% a Booed of Xaccierc fur the enelllng yacr and front/at both other ba , tht.e at may be pleiffite4, fra:td ?OM lIALLANTIN E. BecretAry. NOTICES NOTICE TO °FIFERS OF DRAYS, A .ad.—Notice le hereby atecn to all °warn of Drays, Carts, CArrinaose, Auggir, I resident Or labrl-rtaldrat let the (Itty - of rittabargh, to Day their Lleenata at the Treastircr - s Odiee da n c e wi th f Pittsburgh, In accor alth an Aet of Assembly, opprove,l March Id. IWO, and an a/lA.lllmm. of the Councils °l' the 12Ity of rlttsburyh, passed Aprli MO,), andell person..who ncylect or censer to take out Licensee will b.:aunts./ to a penalty, to be ruo,•ered bolo re theolor, double the amount of the Licenae. The old metal plme. of preelou, year, Ma 4 Se, re. turned at tha time Licenses Sr. taldu Qat, of pl 7 22 elsle therefor. ===3IMMCI Eacb Two Iloree Toluck- ....... Each Ton e llorae Is 0./ Ea4ll Two Horse liach 14 0) Vaa:buena and Thnher Nrlarels drawn ,y t. bonen. {le ebeacb. For r orb additional hon..: used In can of the aboweo4. W. 1411,1111 A Ller, City Trawurer. Firranutrotr, February !Att. Leal. —tcS:tnanlJ STOCKIIOI-DE US OF TUE LIN- C 01.5 UM AND ESINLNG COK PAN T , lIL UN notice that a Mretlhg ba held at TTI tsyltlrr, 'Tend ctrcet, com Si: emr.tur 2TII. et rcelecit, to elect oftleere for the enAtt year: A , o, to rat., motet to ether On the work of the Cothpazy. Itt order of the Doard. tl WItAT, J t•v; ••• • _ - OTIcE TO OfrVERS OF 011. 1: (t..at V, Inch A rte.a.nt, Totthg. t SI .•rv3. Pump . , hod, le.. corn;•:ctl. use., t.• t.tt ot a %el! on:y. tor eel. Thy ter; LSALtaI 111t,KRY 1:0). DIV/PROY4I . 011, r TM. N Ra.T!,l ayeu st..• , /, resy; I'l co onfROV, Tebruary yd. tea:. ) IRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF %h..), l.:/..ntpaat hart this day declared a di , idend of FORTI PER CCIIT., out of the ears angs 'of toot !set all mouth. nu the Capin/ Stock: 20 per nl..n Cash nod nlo tosr cent. In Ceetlacates Yie block. gapaLle no and ern the :fah lash Tat b. Hoot. 'win be otond from 11. 121 h to the VA that. tea 2wd C. BEM - I:GEM. howntary. 1.11,7 , e or 10..6...../OW y, 1 . 11 - I , t/LT.Olt, Tets tbro. f TILE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF .a. .asyoyee 'IL InlifrAN If have th is doe de- chorea L . d s aelneeul of Tbito rlas KNT. on the t ••pl tat Mock, payable no Otorlebolders an and after the MA/ In.L, et Lb. °Zoo of the Treusarar. LTI , Liberty street. Transfer rooks will be elnsed /from the fah to llala inst. ff. ttrid o J. L. NAPA:MALL, 'fress. _ Orrlar. Or rnan.t. Ott. 1../GrAECT, PlrealtOlaOtt. January ISM, tan. I TirirHOARD OF DIRECTORS OF thr ' Pearl 111 l Mining Company lave /lowland that oat of the net earning/. of the Lut eftmonth.. dint Deeembeillat, 11. dividend of TS'S WI., LARK rLE big ARE shall be Wel on and after Feb ruary Isi, Ike, and that the r , anlneeref..le earn llnles, Ts/ • Dollars per etve. aballbe maenad In itte Treasury as a allaltne head. lalaqmoota /OHM J. YOFXO. bentedarfo MERCANTILE 1.71311ARY X-. XS •X' TX FL XII . REV. HENRY WARD BERCRER WTI.I I ECTIIILB IX CITY HALL, Trednesday Evening, lvieb. 7. SUBJECT-PRECONSTRUCTION." neon opal at I o'clock. Lactate oontnatneta at I o'etoca.. etntle Catty('x'Se. bototed *eta. =a extra. Seat• may be aseCred at City Hat, Tareday and W ado raday toorntaga. coarnnetteing at IC crated, 31, Eirrtbes oases, u the diet to withdraw from Ain leatbrr exagastananta at any time, attoCtd ale patent: data. atme tecalre ho TIVALAYI ItAa - KWILL. Jo„ W. B. Iit.DAWARBB. 0. auctimrocx, JA.2I/11.L DrIIIbISLL. C. 1.. CALDWILL‘ X. C. J.L.13/I.EX. fr 3 . , Galan Casrdttee. t:\IIN Y t~)~ ~:r:~ n:~:+~ "x"" sirs Tbt kntlnu rsorK E TV I A V I I, ct • AND _ F ir Ite:PgAtAtrr lnY ° A ; Vflr' 'l - U 0681,.. No. :73 Lltirty Meek, bemoan Mond rtreet and trarrhootlel. at Pftsisktoronnted by Ales. KUtil• 13 E alk , Xe.t. ' . 1r Vt7 4 eVel. 2 llr7V , " ''"- Ltrf OWAVELIGPIX. No. Lad Peon. e m."rbotwoma blood stows and Gar heat alley. noeloya.frost of CO feet lit toenail. ex. ding nt01t.1.07 feet alnoWnsl4 a 71 toot alio?. . ,VITS Xol.=lowo 170 Pearl atreet, tefjohthz Obo re 'Warehouse. Caalcut mien a frost taf COO /Oat% este - luting Wei IN' (Ott inciltukti f ,ley tro arttiett is greeted nobstant tal ittpry•Bsiek'Darelliome,contalning ear_ti Sc klkbeo,rottlagoa tinougboma sue bas in.' N brick and sep a fOLISte stable Siena, Terme tale, Atimmutelia. era% no all or eltner of the Moir, Itt. 1548. roe further portico /ore lootro i.;lll3liLtr. Llbert7 or ores a tozzt itrret.. tit? -god . I`.' Jo. WC?. f:f. AN D. Ana's. 4.! HEAT Accnos SALE OFIIALF U ACES WTI ATTIGLLINO VA ELK. GAO LIU EITTT.—WMD N Pel3O4T /JILIN OtiN. Vett. 7to. ll usted Gaff Arrel.ola, Y ou.o.oorofoo rt , cott the ecilll ' os Park Pare I.ldirm. There k.ta lie' hand.mety and to the sltaatimat Vow Zara:m.l4m Train 1.111 lease the Pronayiyaolo Depot at Zo.elock. for the free ochre-Timm ladleattld denthoorlo Gland from the sobs Two., oneBthird oasis; balsa, In pee oad two year. with interest. secured hy bond and moat gas ; [ILA to be paid on earls Tut wile. Porrilkami. fr:. A. Mril,W AIN E. /Wet. suLDIEBS ) noriE BUILDING AT All ti,N.—"o WEDNMSDAY MOUSING, Feb. 7th, at tOolotont. will he so}ll an It. premise, roer of W•anington and Liberty mond, the two "tau /came 17ulidlo. tan ern /Nine *oldies,' Hoof • 71 fee t loot. 77 fret 0740. 'with felt roof. Air., the Lumber In (mats around Wulf - Pathos , In fronts the Lax tire. and natures, Water 1 7 11.• and 1ta1..; About 1 , 4 yenta hood [Wet Y a t e s Tenn, cash. 11011416, to., to be removed In IS days from ante. T. A. PiteLLI.LAILL Aunt. /0,000 BUSH. DAMAGED GRAIN AT AGM —Wecloculay Mornimt. Fthrbary TA.. at 10 o'clock, at No. 1.12 Piro. Mere., will be aold In one of more loia,fttrnntJrrn Thoosand Reabele Unmated Barley 554 Malt.mised. enitnble for dtattiling purpose.. TOM., rash. fri T. A. IiceL.IILLAND. 1.001. TIEW IN ST. PETER'S CHURCH A T EADAY )71 - 6181210.1feb. 11111, at 718 o'clock. will be told o second Aver of Collomeretal Isles Unoma, 10618mIt n hdeld etrert. byorder of Atimints. trot., of 1 1 , M. Davis, deceased, the e=gtbly Mas ked Peer, Ito. 78, In II Peter's Church, fob A. kfrILIVALIE, Auctioneer. EDUCATIONAL NORMAL CLASS.—There is a Class a Ladlesmarts EVERY tIATITUDAY .I.IoRNING in SHAFFELL•Ii COMMERCIAL COL , LEGE Roolles No. 1 Mt. Clair Hyatt. Pittsburgh. All others w Wang lupin the <ll.l please :neat ItXTNAPORDAY, Feb. MI. pptt.rg THE WEST CHESTER *CADENT AND MILITARY INSTITUTE.—Tbo d+coltd Torso of the Neholaatte Tear, commences on Mc .4 La Or February, sad clone ot, the Sath of June heat. Rays Youog Hen thoroughly prepared for bu le...retailer, The FrierSpat, alto ls also the bead teacher Is assisted by TEN gentlemen of &MI. Ity, tact and 'experience. Merle, purchased the large and eortunorltous Peho-,1 property rear West Mester, lately accepted by the Petuvylvanta Jalite ry Academy, he deatgue re.oelug hie hch.l theca In area areas After the re...al the aillltary department. though at proseat eery efdeleat and flourlableg 1.111 be almadosed. ref Cataloguesoly i r b ilie . ef v lV4l, A. Weiner / 1 4•00Motili. pence. prrri ANI rISFI Yksllclt 01.0101.1.11 house pfa rittoDtll tirooDluto "U REST far forated sad Herm Tar tab, requiring at any atilt Skate Itr CHALULA:i I=l AN INTICIMT I To did o from too Orst I HiTip out_ r.TtliwtmOtt. /sonar? V twit maw • 4,1,rr, utirrli:ott . 11111L, , vid... I HEIM .... . ¢ 041,. xd rPIiaLSTERY ET, .veAn 'll4l tewp topstantjy on %enroll+, Prattler 4.1., rOO . ftletmsted neat i'mtudi, Bandage.; Vix re NI onlis , rot fp. In. Oil Clo th o:, ot. , ilGllll+ I:ttyCNit 1:=M1! 101 11Till %TREE' A. No. AS odsborribers. amitlitxclure btll‘ll.t. , rtry o zrtiVr that ' Mut 'boles I:r All •ki..ls of rrornpr I , lttritlan • OW ”t1S_11211111•51 , 11( C WANTS. W ANTED -DRUG ST odeertlaer would Durchasts • BETA . m frat'a PT( F. la the City Or Co Town. Ad crew B. T. COS. Plctemeoh Post-A unter IM-es 11,7 A iIi . TED--AGEtyIS--Fur ttErte , : uunc i.! ; w. ••A d NOVEL ; Suitable f, r roe m ow stork. l' ATtante " ple ntaelffne Melted rerelpt of SI. Agents can•clear $lOl per month easily Adttreis EWERS. BogSAM Ohfa f.S:ltess 1. 0 1•T g lE m 11--E111PLO MEAT—ley a taloi - y. • El, ....tsl i rOu a ggr➢ol .' ,7g4l7.ll a ' M; ediltation. oz4l wl:ltry-te hlruaelf usctu , . okt 14 mr - re nrrl. 11' ANTIED.” A 16i2; ?I TF3— rt,IW II a **lrk or ntraorblng Istereat andperrna_nant oalne-- .. liratt. and Cainpolgua lay Henry ropt-ea. Al , 0. •••nerr..oo and Ere r'aolpalzna." by Col. rorolara. appty or ad•lre. a. ELL/5, 47 onnh etreat, Sinn rJtirurtj, Tv leloo PER YEAR I 1 T —we redkt AteF,Nm every otter. to roll our IMPIK , Vg.D , 1::!:TT-L.)01,LAIL dFeVillg , i MA nr.lttudo. under and upper !wed: warranted Ire year.,.. Above ra:ary,r lwrire corolnle pold. The ONLY LLarbine *old to rWitectScatcr or lean taro 4lC r TO' /14 itcdoreirl ty !fuse. Rhodtor D 111(dro, Grwerr 1 7tnS.rr, .Irtr,wr and Eo. o .•:der. 4is other cheap NI &chine. law td ro.l,c it - drYTIL. (!ten' r. free. Address or call op hitAd. A CLARY. ford. ttaine. dwO:doody wr It' A 1. TED..AGENTM.-- EMPIA)Y -. !LINT TOR P.):TI'ItNIZD SOLDIERS AND ALL ... I HY.P.S..--tervot bale of Jenelry, Mllvoreanr. A, kn. 'Ube Hamilton I. Co.o.•• OREA 111 rr DV , . is tI:LITUTION. •Dor agents Sr. .nai l g from Vlva to rrlrly Dollar e rd pe y stri see nee "Mawr, Late In• (.4,1 nom F.• 7011( !Ali It 5 Melicl.l ur stock to over Inc A11,..na Doha.. A spHindt assortment of `i , afro.... glass. L•die•• and DentLensen•• Jeeralry .4 all 51n.1.. of tar to,. feshlonabla patterns, ...0 lna at .0 n..--ch. ben.. he rer.ts for rertlacate. nod you ..ill ...I what ) n.. sre rritttled to, re nand $1 for Eve rertlonatea. or As /or "art, or send a throo-oent 'tamp for oar lerro• to ogeras, nn . .ch Nse of tar most Iherat k.d. Ann. It root tiro,. 'Write n,lnlnly rout 'rat, city. ro.ntr Ali,' state. to HAALILIVI: i PO.. f., P. 0 . :ken York. naletroom, Al Liberty nor. New Tort. nonSnlsn 11313 FOR SALE FOR SALE—RARE CHANE El- -The v% 11l and nva of a ILA r. YAP A..D 17:14 TIMIS Er, In a good Inca:lnn xo.I do ing e.gn,d butlevr.s. i.eale 14 , 0 H ytat, Vora prE 1,55. Stine blad.acnauly attend up. Pu••,... eivel 'Oren toy lidv borne , 141. and lat h arc, d4k/t4l rcyciced (rota v,oot, to 4041'464A. )4, lii,PAICILL OWVICIL fr7rf OR SALE—VALLAIRI.I3 PROP •- }:ETY 1T H Y , VII.LE ..±TA 'nos. nn the 11.0 , Y. Sl' e R. IL A lanzr -utodantlal ruin. Po. MI, tn6.4.-ret ntlle. C..nto.l‘llu6 13 rx.orn, butli-r.,An and waith-hou , ; ...Ad yrs, ,; ...plendial na,e.r-fula rtl ng Spring. ,upply lug auf- GoiL for 11.pu..• and .tally yurr,,s, Or. Earl tn.l,ti.. frail tr. io, Thc nhote rnper ty front. rt% r, ..nn.l-1, ” , out 70 x v. 111,1 can be dirl , t , -1 1,1, lot, to ..Al p.. Haforn,ll.,tl d, rind can o , oblnlu ut rel to 7 .4 AI. II:J1 PAY. no ...t :7'' • FOR SA LE OR RENT. —Thai lance apd modern 1.111. rontalnlng alue .now by .Inr,, Fsq. For ps , Ilen:u^-, apply oti pro ml ..r /01i:14 TIHbY, 1:1.1.3 str.et. N loth ant rlttzturgh. fc.lrlva FOR BALM-lOWA LAND- $1,600 B. —ABOUT FOCIt BUNIARY.O AND TIIIBTY ACRES OP LAND, intimated near %Verna., t it y. tra=llton Oonnty, lowa, in. of INitlroad.i to offel,l for nal< for .I%TM , UV,. t. itl:D DOI I • 1 , 11. w 6. Aildreav i•ONVNER," Entn.rrx 1> nIIIVELLING HOCSE FOR SA LE. -- Two thick ()writing House. xi,: t•tetttl.. ou Frderal w &for aFtd sir tSc.ragit the hurl.. l'orclivters art tnvlled to exatillne the Drupe t 7. I. trrlns..l6;,ly ." rot/Oral atreet, hurl ha vtrctL stret I. Fob ss, Ilmat•te la Chi de elra-• 1, Nu arr. TSUI be ti Em 001... N.A. No. 91 Bea, •r Mot. *tattoo. E. t 6.. oom, ta Mr= ~ cenent Coat im,lstlL;° Veit BA. deuce, cqat.: la s mar 111. , fi.utflirtibp77 rZ=MII I,7lrae.g7:l' Ti ra., wind, re, VAS EXWER, No. tat PlR6atreat. FOA BALE--WRITE OAK LEM.. BEIL —ICO,CaI test of I Ind/ 1/ 99 // 99 . /9 99 / 9 fret long; 1170,002 , feet Blood Thither. Stills cot to order nod delivered to Plttitruratt or Alleseheny. Cross Ties, now Mums and Plt Poets. Milts at Wes/ Middlese, on limo of rile and Pittston rgh Railroad. Meuse county. Ps. Address H. E. WICK a CO., Weal Silddleaes, Mercer Co.. P.., or Tat,,. N. 11113.1t11, 800 L=. or No. 4 ed. ClOr .1.. POO entrak. LOU ItAILE.-A Valuable Country n. &W.! it Edge...a Station, Pero ylvent• itslirosa. one and hilt miles O ne ilkinabei Eleven SeTell 1.10 perches of Land: • new Dv:til ing containing ten coon. end tofu neelern.th fruit and other coneentenoae on the pre:etas. let fortber Information, calf it Ito. la Plink Street. natant:cab, or on the premises. cor:dtl" J. IL KING. } Olt SALE, urrn LIVPIEDIAtE rOBBLBBIUM, TC MOVNT HOPE PROPER fT. ALT WOODS! TS 'hißTATlON.—Wilteettaorna of Lahti. Brick Dwellwith IQ room sa4 ~tattyof soft wxter Lad fruit of *u ttykdr. tea mas a.' walk from Vattern! street Pepe t. Altegiway. •:wialre of the oubwriber, at tad PfAtIELINK AND .IL TOOL ;TOREN. =and 14 WU* *Wert, Allapitany. or/a:tame 08 SALE CHEAP. A lIAININWYSTE. PCOPY:TITT, ti FIVT. ACRES, In elaCtorr tow olp. eat„lot•lna he arra:Lana of Janten Old and J. I Igardt.TLe 61):1031' elDela (11 are a Nail, YIZZI• Dote Ling. Tram. Jars, tr.: • Viconord of one OM, yeara wilance of grouted llle3 with cloalee Yratt Trews, in 1:11 bearlor. A delightful balidloy alto on the place . be esally pit to In the Boater road or ,ina /An:wit:an. ApplytaiJ•llEri T. SAPL.. No. AS Faders.: let., Iltpileal, Or, addreas J. MY. L. CYLE.tiI-111A.N. No, in Widoot street. Philstlephia. JaZ: if F t 8 MALE—A Farm of about 34 see... .Rhein In ilitabeth tnern"tdp. - Allegheny ...say • Va. about one rade and • half from the l'areuytla of Mc/ieemort, half tulle a the Idononga wt. live + and the seine ?ram the Toughlugheat. The Intproyetoente ate, deal. 4 } - tame I 'acinge Honae, with 81,71411, end affood well of water at the ~,,r:setOttd, It Ire ato' Insour House. with four rwoint, with lwe go.at *bring e of water: third, a Log Ilut.r, ilutar, with tat roams, t frame bath barn. with the. trey bewlatabling. torn crib, carriage !memo and .titer out-building. The tract la all underlaid with A 4.1 t. of No. limestone. Th 4 atratunt of Ilth.tone worth all stiff It asked for the property. For fur. •her partleulara Inquire of 11. TOWER, Beal Ettate Agent. No. IR4 ?north Street. fe7,:tf FOR RENT. 1:011 11ENT--N0.33 Diamond .41- . ley ?GREY. STORY Diltrll ,TouE. atter at Gin h ATION Al. DAIS E. Jaiddf TO LET .- Proposal. will be re re. ed for tire reoltny of • •Dr ILK lEs itt I 2 o'riork noon on Tur.ula2 ne Lt. .aid proposal, to be eras to the May or•• Clert fr 2 ,41 Dl GIIIIKH PIILICr DOEMITTTED. TOR 11.ENTSTEANGHIST MILL, elitUate on the Alonnogahela Elver, I, McKee,- purl. a STEAM GRIST NULL, with four rim of burrs, islth abundant power, and excellent machinery, la Pod.order. The EMI Is well located for business, mid njoy.. fled coontey POO.OlOO Millen when sold. Title Indispatable. Tor Nis iher Information, apply on lb. yresnLvs, or address b Giro. uhriTll, V01t... rt. ra. larrdnall DISSOLUTIONS. DISSOLIUTION or PARTNER !•I3II..—The partuttalalp berutnfore extat I a t t. ho , . t . • a the undo:nig:3rd ha, been dittaotred It, [Watt. at ettlett al, to take effect Jattnary tat, Hatt, J lit tall I Nat 't ....ilia from Me firm. The remain ', partner. routtoue the nottloola of The I tte r, the mune Wand *e of EVEltaoNt VltEs- T ~~~ If .EAMV\ • lens Inr n.t 1111. n..n In the Om nr EVErhu 11.1,74 , h & I te In X% ni. 11. Leermnn, B. Pre.non. aml . 1.. esrulf. I . - hrernilly ~, nanneue the rn, um tny (Mende awl thr t iogrr 7:l•rd v. I ilisiitiLLTllEii.—The partnership ..rhrrtntore e e Mins between the tlndaralsated ‘"l' d. (1A91111.L. 11. AARON I.IMI 21.11. L. Freiraranti, February In. lral. The ondervtgerd have associate.; themselves to vet her, odor the nevonand etyle of AILHALIOII lIITE A UASKILL, for the parpos of manufaq torten HOLTe, h !WHO:A. DIVIVI, WASH etc., la the /lortioHt of Lawrenceville Pa. WILLIAM uenunbon. JOSHUA W. LIASHILL. DAVID H. WHITH. JAHL)4 M. WHITE. rITTPDVISGII. Yebruan Ist. IN 16.-461131.111 1111880LETION' OF PARTNER emr.-Thv vartherthlp heretofore eateries b.— tereen the subscribers, as the tires of A. 11. ([Alt- VET • CO., In the !taiga and I.ltraber bootees, oa lferr's tallied. has been dissolved by mutual oonsosts. Tam affairs of tbe company uht be settled by toy of the member. of the arm, at the Whoe of the Compa ny. on !stand, or at ttio oincs of licclatisro a Long. 11.1. 89 Federalstreet, Allegheny Clty All 'pet... indebted to told Arm will Vick.a 'Oak. set. tlement, and those haying elates. again.% tha drat 0.111 present them for pay - meta: . A. u. uAurcir. , . . FRANKLIN ()RUCHE. FieTAStrAcc, Jumar7 INA.,-/...lCdtf 119NOLIUT1101%OF PALEITY/11k11. MIIIP.-I'bo pertstireblir beret ofont orlettag uo der the firm of "te. JOE &CU le &heeled E 7 rootual coosont s . TN o badness of the' arm 11 be .ettled by tbeLe ...emote, .1 ANIF.K I% URA rt CHIC/I AKL JONITA JAS. T. URAUT. IN REVRIN4) from OcZeas. elbberNally recom mend JAMES T. DILAUT & CO. to eny Melvin And petrobs. 'MICHAEL JUNES, cIPAIITNERSIIII".—The undertlemed na.o .ate r cadet the x: , af , :e 4 0k ,r le . Lol..mhopi.olletmrit Jul .A,et CAI.VII, 1 PYRITES. ......... T El E PEN IV S li" LVAINILI SALT MINDFACTPRING COMPVI9 WILL BUT r ).4 Ir3ELI I I II MSS OIL. Shelpheuret of l[rOsi ei...r . T.uhtimildsmaraeterin g Go's Wil l . Corner Pitt :treet and Duquesne I 4y. dernatentlxi BRICK. IR ICH A CIIIIVE. —.TILE 1. ...., T lONA L TI ICH BIACITINE mates. WU out; two-hone pc,* r 40,000 5p1e4414 Briar Be day *ld so'll roll. . 4 a/rer , lonel licilterto lout .. It Ir ti r Vit . l ir?. d o . • 1 '''!. P V l" ;tftllte g a ' aVoiTy 07 11 Z L rios•jlm AM . &MIA, Cie ler4l Ar, • ' , 0 , 4 way. 808 y , _ . trlalim.telyd.al MEDICAL. 11 EMIAJPAN A KA, (33Ze04013:3 CICT.II.3n. r.nen.t rt•theilwek rlfrlr and poolt - sro ter NICULIAI rou•Lr:, ' ALL DISEASES OF THE SKIN. AA • Tonle, It re•lvet the Lpnetne, t.on. and 1.1.011) •.-tor , • tA• p.. • • re• bur trtel to tett IA• ellte••• ,ARnAPAHILI A. DANDELIO N ILIDECIF ri_vt.ls.str)c. L.V WIISTER it GRr. vr . or FLU FWill .• CH AMNIA:ULF. PLOW rite Welt tucarn ~c their r e a r aid e:tl rno•itele., propertlve. ars mud In the prepare Don of Ole med icine, hence great our.ree• mad •upertot,ty u•er all ether preparations. rile Is the only Instance where the above tastable curative rem:L.llu hiee Ikea barausnietifiy Waked LO produce perfect 131c:5c,43. Clare. Tor ..lc SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist, 3a27 Comer antattalelti and Fourth atreete. BM"? STATIONERY, &o. DIARIES FOR 1%06 Portfolios and Blotting Pads. Cop) Ing Books and Presses. Lefler and !moire Roes, rarer all Size , and Quail() Fln:ds and Cop) ing Inks, Maul, rook, aud[ornery PAYERS. SCHOYER & CO., j. ; 7.1.4 NO. L, 1 . 11 . 111 STRILLT V A LEY:TINE' , " I Vlenlines: JOHN P. HUNT & CO., No. 59 Fifth Street, Masonic flail, 11••• oh Immense stock, which they wear at TILE VVIT LUWENT PRICLS To the Trade and the Public Dimuss Eon 18436. J. J. R. READ, So. 18 Fourth Street )W :1,...6r PIANOS. ORGANS, &o. THE BBADBCBY, lIEW Schomather atf CO., Phihzdelphila, PI .a ra CO . The EBtey it Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORCAN. Artnoerledged ley the be.t =4.1 talent la the Lilted Wale, to be .perior to to all °therein. power, 1.1 , 7 sad 42./7 of tone, nnel thotanso work ,netab. Tbeeelnetentetnta have for van abet the test pafsrrtat.re, at o'ver oemyeittors, evil!. V.lO. Coasty Fn. In prices they are towel th. .7 a.m. All ereree.t. ler /7. 70?-1./. WA-MELISIC a HAPS, No. 12 Ht. Vizir Fttrect, Pittsburgh. Pa. j 7. 1% OW BEING RECEIVED. TILAT ELEGANT STOCK 41)., CHICKERI NG PIANOS. Selociti ret - 4 , >nuly by lbn mbrerlber, 4...ag • re cr a ',telt to cts lutory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS are r.;:mal. am i lAet e cli ,,,, Clor .4 =astl i te . t. L. a.d tte IF ABRAM= FOB rims Tztas. CHARLES C. MELLOR. KIVABEII GitEAT UNIUTALLED PIA HOFOITTL.S.—Thoae last:l:moot* aro row dy, to all, otter la regard to tom, tooth, trortanan- N P MEni n tr il kUlt PIANO all bar.. Ibis nos In proved Grand Seale and Agralre Treble. ( AIIIAYTTIe BLUMIC, Q Flab otreat, Sole Agoat for she above, sad also for Haloes Bros'. Colabroted Plano sat Prince's thrum *ad Altlodeona Ito VlAiiii AT A alkitaillti..-Splen- did Ilooevotri Dove* GOAT! Moto. CAZTed Itira lad pc(11A1 losprored, It /MM. ommtrang o yogi:9ly OM 1.0 , 1 t .7, COSI r+o3l *lll Do *tad for lax Oetoro savozd Mo. A gicerath • Gilt ELiFeri zsLAJIIIC, 5 „ 43 tiltm Vnerre. !WM:id qoer..ou.n vir.4l man 1 AHD 0 1 1 -10 bblx. No. 1 W. S Ao bxrlve all situp. Kobrrl bloore Yet sale b tel MUSH DICKEY a CO. E ILDAIL CIIENTS-6 on steamerA.- A torrtra, to serf re, for see by 1.7 terAIAH DICKEY t CO. COTTON -66 bales on steamer Am, tie, Arrl‘ r, for Ible b r , ItAIA II DICKEY d Co. 1 1 Dl PEACHES-12S Nat ks to ar -1•< on olcaLn , r Bate Robinson fn. ..1. Py ref InA I All DICKEY & CU. COl OA Na Ts.- 6 .100 frost Cocoa Nuo.inat erroirLd and for sale by HEYMER k BROS., fin Nos. 1.31 and 1M Wood street. OR ANCES AND LEMONS. tin bore. MessintbLetnons; TLI ,, S. J. HitiKlN lON C. L. GRAFF. do Oninrs , nal ,Ct td and sad .or r BEI Mtn vs., fed N.. 131 end 12. S Wo.,l•Ert,t 100 hair Nen Whlle,..Flah; =0 do do Late Herrloir; 1:1 do Pnlt D. do do Trout, r2r-1.!!!!'_, (DO ). B. CANFIELD St GADS. bbla. B d A Coffee Mtgar; • o do it •• Crushed, Powdered and Grannlated Sugar. Jost reed red and for sale by RENNERt 01(00., fen Nos. Int •164 Ins Wood atreit. I.l.lllirn,6nAli‘i AND PRODUCE. Iro net.. btar of the West; Iro• • Mold, ?leer.; • • p rime lll bprlntield: (0 " r Mlehtgan Beans: ((0 bush. Red WM•al.; It tons tteronds; Oto I u h. Ear Coru.l For me by R. SNOT, & HON, fed 79 Diamond, Allegheny. RO PDUCE. ina bbl.. Ir atm Family Flour; CO •• Re 00 " rey do aelHomicy M •. prime Whiteßean.; 00 •• choice Usoen Aoples, lfd •• reachhinte I . otatows; 75 Sorghum klolaatles; 7.1 • • Dried prima; " reaches; For salt b; . fruh X IL V T . Zrit & ARMSTItuNti, Yr? Owner of Market and Vint atrOola. rimYt CONt4GARILNTS. s, so hbl.. Onion.; 60 bosh. saeltlinions: 30 boxes Lemon.: ark bbl. • prime Green 100 haah. prim , . Dry Pesch,. bal•ac 3) tibia. prime Cultivated Crantrerrier. 101 boxim Cann..) Peaches: 60 • ` •. Tomatoes. • 10 bbl.. runs Domini ; 10 " (Ade.. DO t Onore °paten constantly on bands, wholeode and rrtall. POTTLE. &DUO • SIIZI . AICO. 3431 303 Liberty sweat. SUN DU IEB. ILO boas boxes Oranges; 1(0 dmen canned Vralt, Just reeeltr.l and for aide to the trade cheap, by W. J. STEEL & frs:tr 137 Tided btroet. CONDLED APPLE JI It F. put up In our pound Hu tans, a /Gunn. ot,) el,orllent Jelly, n bleb way be used rue plea atot taM a, 0, dllutell ',eta In crater elder:, tot .ate by JPilt. A. RIKNISHAII, lan Center or !Anent and Hand rfot.. WALLW A/Itl Viraf. P Luillordr i a l F:d Ho tek t r i v renew their td. PAPZILD ftfort App IL wood .t...; (I.IIIL C 1,07115, of all kind, arleN and widths. Mr sale, lobreessle arte lets! attar 011 Ciotti Depot. Na. 21 ate 24 St. Clair Stet ,be Ja= J. a IL PHILLIP& SH t .-. ELLED eltili3oloo•ba Prime *Staid apt* sad for ulaby CULP it SIIKALID, 1710 Of! Lit)trti =soy l'alstaincal ilaleisiiltrel .46140:11 a at:11 DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS Jos. non NE & = Are Offering their Entire Line ui Gooti4 A 7 VERY LOW PRIM. BOILED HANDKERCIIIEFS, gets, Collars, Sleeve•, xxcpcoir. sallys AT DECIDED BARCAINS. POINTE LACE GOODS iCc.ll axL ct Mac" nral2a oz, AT JOSEPH ilopaT S co.'s, 77 and 79 Market Street. NO. I.—FRENCII CORSETS. iCO DOZES JEST OPENED AT Noe. IS and SO Market Street. 31ACT.r* GLTDE 2 CO N o. HE AM 1% ETS. NEW STYLES HST REVD %T -MICR U.V, GLTTIE CCPS, Nos. 78 and SO Market St. O. 3.—DECIDED OALOGAINS Li EMBROIDERIES At Nes.4B and 80 Market Street. uarßui. aLI or. i on, O. J.—BLANKET AND BREAKFAST SRAWLS 1310XACIVCRT ICCIEPT, At Xaerum, Glyde 8t Co's, NOR. 7R and RA Market St. N O. If .--119 IN TES HOSIERY 43+•xicsrvIntas ! saLms.rG PER F . C RE4P r Merton, GlydO & Co's, Nos. IS and SO Market Street. , _ AN O. 6.—FUIINISHINO FOODS, FOR LADIES ,ND GMTLEMELN, Icrzcrilr .11 AYc Trimming Store of 1.11 MACRUNI, CLYDE & CO. EXTRA SALE WINTER DRY GOODS, Large Reductions, MU 1 4 'ebruary BATES & BELL'S Jfit.3 FHICES 1N ABED DOWN. We re now dor:area* our IMTEITTER GOODS At Very Low Prima, MUMMY TO TAKING NUL Et.Z6A.1173 Clar an - ASD SN Negligee Shirts Ibr INen and Boys Vests and Draweri of Shaker • Slaratelo Wool and Sterino;. WanaLGlolnes - and raolen Hos. len; • Woolen Mummers and Nu- Ifandmade Zephyr Article% .Woolen Gaiters and ll:linens; 'Winona es. Skirts for . Ladles and Slisg F. H. EATON, (Sueeutare Co seT Y. X.I.OIIVX a C 0..) _1• 11 No. 17 FIFTH STIM2II% pnicEs 11/11Tf.; ORR & CO., No. 43a 1 4 9.1131 - Street, Oter for isle ;LW remarnraz atoek Dress Goods, Cloaks & Shawls AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICER. BARGALNEII 113.411GALINE121 AT W. W. MOORHEAD , s, 01 XlTeurlivat LACE Goons, nrsnoinigi4_ tuoivisERCHIRY, RIBuu.NM WUOLENW.XIINEWOI . (Jr:Nu:on) LADE - Es. curj. FLULNLYIILNO (10011 t% VIA le A IV CI T aTtn.17.9.4S cAOR, IficCANDLESS & CO., (L• 72 WILSON, C kr.A ,1) Co. , ) W holesa , , deaDra In ItOItEICDS AND DO3ItiSTIC DRY gdOODS. No. %Wood street, tb..tr4 boas., above Diamond Andy Pittatdtreh. Jag REAL ESTAT E. DESIRABLE DWELLLNG AND LOT.-1 have at prlsale aide a 3 1,07 Brisk Datellloa Roam aad Lot, situate at No. 33 Wayne street, near Pena attest, with Double Parlors, DL- In=ltooro mad Kltrixerl oa drat floor; I <Malabar, on 7•l7a,latalalard third 4.7.114111.=:= tbrottabou t.. Lot =.4 !V feet:. Alto. .111 be told with Donis, If d - e•iff. iclll3ll.OlV, Whirr. It emanarattrely ave. Poona- Mon ona •tonOre* Apell In, tad e, or earlier to eteesavart. Poe further parttenlars Ingram- at'33 , and sr Mb Jr: T. A. IIet"LE.LL AND, Aact•r. FOUR TWO STORY ROUSES rOR MALL with poeeepelos Antil within's of ground IA feel troulon Mutt LAtle, by feel nee? on Curry street. Also, s Brink Ve rid largo lot of. round on Loenet intent, /lle olp Klietty City. For price, etc., •PPIT c crgeErr• R Bois, • fel c.O Ifnetet nteeet.. FBI " PUBS Ftilto LADIES, MISSO3 AND CIIILDOEO _ u The LuTed ui let Cliplets butt Ever Offered ht IM, Market •T NIIcCOp,D verc).o"e4 esperoot. DRAIIGHTING. GENERAL DILICGETING OFFICE Aid ~'a+toat 41643034121-'5". 80.11 et M. Mar lant72pipanuott Brain tt. OrCIOESIBOL•villl Zrictitast ReetA•spo , 4145• . , RE-PLATING. LAIILF44)SIAVF,.I:IItIR 70. I s r Ittri t 2Trirvan i &U . cAsit iaikatemi n &A t lAT-N , ialz .t AB AL IcaTtt ' Am) ""l it e aL AT7lllllALL•amil ia. dertirZii j°1 1: -. I fit. mit FEMNINDIN:G GOODS w RITE,Ouu & GQe 98 Fit ' th atrocrt, It ,to tie attention of buyers to their stoct of NESE FITSISHING GOON, SC Lich [bey will .11 •t r_.cow w.x:a.sor.A3 MAKE KID GLOVES. $1,`2 , ' , 5, 1 1 141,.?A $1,25, ran x CENUINE KID DLOVE. TOL. Is a isessLronlej....l lairoduced. sum at sslsole orlo or rots) Or 14-t MUSS & CATUBLis Isle __ • rlfth EtrAssr.. pucEs REDUCED, $l,OO, $l,OO, $l,OO, WILL Acr A o9oD Codentilri or a Pair of Drawers, Worth.sl, 24 - X.ICRUM & CaRLI&LE, 3.1 a O. 1 I•TFTIt RTP.T.UT. NEW 11.11111 NETS, - -- =1 ,5031F.TAING NT:NV FOR TIM [141.1 I=ll ciusunatw SKIRTS. NEW SKIRT FOR 11366. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OU DOVII sPßnversian LZT irs &ad.:A tukareii tit EA oners dud, e VESTS, BRADLEY & Wauzi:liiers; etla mfiA" tit etc, • 24 - mria7 . •sr"-co. EaeL Hoop t. tenzpoacti ofTrWO haali trarPers' st a te' crtrringa, trrslde.l t4ht i Va ti ltr4T. /milk Irl..%k o ligrara g atie.. They Will, hati%hr break the single apriags,.bot will hap...prawn their gpr e Tlz i e l r b of shape 'g r ata thro e olvfoar . a 11 1 1 ,11.1. $2.7.44d. "1` ..i.d.74:6 ` 1 ,church, theater or ear, they tre sot:error to oh -era. c Clio oal:doing COtraohl.• Ma..ahn.n•rhi , aCtfig hir.ritb that rtsoAircz -mu% tritlhia.tiaa DIIMES .ELLLPiIcME ' STAtDARD SKIRT • °fibs Tasidatable world. Merchants will be supplied as above and irs berth J abbess and ladles in all the first-eon set Iterelln tbirelpS. Unlace for Duplex Elliptic Skirt. ALL STYLES OT TIIE CRLEBRAMTI DUPLEX ELLIPTIC. SKIRT, AT WISEST .11,ETATL PRICTS. t • 1 2 1LETA-7:7L. X, a.- - - BvppUed by itasAoica ai 101ist haat. ALICREVEr a CARLISLE, setxiirtu . atrcieft: ,•- • AND .. .. Mar . GB AND . IILIIIOALE; ii — ALL , B VEGETABLE UMW HAIR .11E.NEWES. .., lIEVFOI I It will Immediately restore the TAIT; MEW= Hale to ,W hateral color, and FALL.: lig.yrn prodnee %a new , dnilortb -where It FAIL IdAVlLladts fallen oß,arid,lt,erLEPltop the FAIL' h EL falllat t out or the hair ma a te e FM It. EVER try* faithhtl E nerted. . : A d 7 For axle at the CENT HBO ST corn of Ohio and Federal streets," Allenhear7" len . .. . 6zo. A. SELLS; SIMON JOHNSTON, SPXl.lCrit=“3-149T, • Corner of Fourth ind Smithfield Sig. - DBUCia. catarrena. rDriFflatiiiitTAT. bt.)412.1,11111.11313TA BESNDITZS, r •c.,inporMd dtmct from LoatlON _ • ... woopsum W4.I.I*CE, wZaoia ' 4 - the It . 011 VaraLase, bye Wells, Wiarlow - Ola. - 2 ni.tt; B Ar_ F ir ScfArgiV e a ' t. ' ..a2:l3 ft:4 ihmaktAir WlriteLeatt,Cfratte-,oa.tWalta Lead*, Warary &Whitaa's•Celanded2l,:eat - Pryaz la et , I,ld DMZ= THZ.ST. CELARLESELO'ZiL. I.ryWiyd' : rirnarcsinn. - • J. scitowoutiat ~. . ritt3Wlt ViNte . l 4 cod Works, TDRE.W.4.III:LEAD; . ;mut LTA]) ezortgo . to orr. Bros ?Ann* No. CU . Wood Eitzets. r,k7 prekriwieT7 SIGH ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTEIit No. !6 tidtrlfflELD Bt., FTTIMPAiL «...dOxiS • • • • • .. . _ Lettifilai of n et eat, extontOlproArtty and • stispasood elegance. .14.414.11•0 .tio3ow Carts on etreleti n paif.r ok Ono. • sad Wit 54 - nta eato; zna.4l., co mist re to el_pnrt. of the co= trr. ' • Pletortaf Dotrigns • erecuted 'A a Weer artl4. - time Paint.l=g daze - with • nrazd to durabCatt. • • our of color, Lad cedtner. °llamas's, . Arir Allßork al red-tonable rated. mbAtEr. IL BROWN, Mate of tie am of 11101ur & &loin& AYR) SIGN PAMTEA !Sort!' East *Otter of Third' sad Itsitot Strocis. IS= rirraß as of WATCHES, JEWTELRY &a. 81.00 o ,mt„, Eimarrnuici.Ll Par ONE, TK)LLAB ZAV I 150 Dt ggrera mew : J. R. KENNEDY & CG., 4.9 F CIV..SSI, (opposite Nilson!, sot: a 4 floating Otte Igsreb, el ter EP:mulls Caw Wattle, bests of L.adl es' Jimelre, Ull Paintings. All:lnas. . Silver Extend= else. Ana ciNE rimnaza critara NEW A. 1.7) tIW !V FW. AirriCLX.s, al a am averao vamp: 0..),r, DOLL' lt EACH. a, erea c . • t P' s " ) " d ""I"' iat amisirror a co.. 49 77151x44 (9943d00n betnryirpriseimoe., AGRICULTVRAL. . • STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIE•r-;1 ..., TY,..A.A. who:et/mg or the reartlyinats stew, Aseiettlisrel Societr. held AM kierrleMire.Attrthe tfitiA Cr Jubhurls iir-4 it w.ag rmoleed to hot £t ar,;/Antmai trhibit lett ale , . inr, u . rote , 2R7 - 8 or sarTdai r et:VlllV I'l.'"E tV "' A:Attest° mere - proposals Ilgun towns- o r tie 4 ot the hcate, ofp inducements for 'I; o' git s.-: the , Ailettent - a , triticts Melt _lpropeAttions nil-: 4e.de,aufe..sr. 4 committee are nrcureA: - .Anmon E.l • ilasNortratmberhuidi At'sg, Rom, Pittsburgh-. JOIIS .ZIXCALS.I4. HarrisporeLlJAnant..tiitasa ,! Racy, scbilaren;Jraut IL Erna:sap Hat', Mahn .g; - A. _IL LCFSCAKTX:lkw_retarr, 'Not town', sad thehminestrned, It limetaburg. _iiisommuitt maima thrm addrenee4 will be laid-DO-roreeffe.Erer'; mitre ConueltteiK an the ineao.4ey of.2Letch seat, n.util whkh time competitio4 for to ikfceltott. m m. 4 .... , , .. - - ... 41 .. ,11 .0171.t1.041i5T0N, ,- _ CUM AG —,..... P , .I IU . V o I r ES- ...- -AU Di—..sChar--.,a to l. Al t . h Lao :Rein ot Dooroad aolttea wit. , .esalstad a e arat '.--. 8 Irockris 113cirszio! :_-. AaCt roldiora who were aseharacd, krom. a *thee errvica witbOut Molitor th eir tiorormq or La '.=, cal roantlts, aro roqtratod to call or etrkl alr 147 — ... 'Ulu tO , T, wat.Trec AT. -,.., . 24.. v i z it4r4 0zzar:11,... , i,a,„ r :44,:r.,:, , ,„..... i ____ . -- W. S. tATIIMBORt., .... t ... ..........NOUrre, ?ladle- ITALT: rarMSON Aticatcleat Law .- ' Iditr:- - .1. &MALL PATTEitBO,I:;4C-, , r r . irrItIRTA ernErt Pirrsscicau.:. A.. 11.10 -a tanup for Colloc ling CLI/so. arstrut 'Um' .., ~,. .Unlttt3 mutes Goverurn.nts, -tor.110111:71_, AA'S 7: Alai FAVIZA•PAT V . Z.NRI-ONS, - it: , CIFICISA A.CCOUICTLISETTLZU ANI) CEUTIYALIaItO4.I,.. ,1111.1.t.thitr.t.Titiovinw P lUtlttliartp,,,z .--', ' ' , FARM IMPLloniar* Tatum SLACIL i ;• . JV _ . • Ilave ars bang a Lana Asaotiatturit,.. • gawnzu ALSOULSZ* uoI uaisys, • BMW ourrm, sorvino - an! tLY umr.s3. AI No. Ito e. 30 30 OMo at., Aliegteari EG3EI MG
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers