that the Democratic patty ia to the I . 'euntfivaniii..—aml,_tis the fork, allee, by the promise to modify the hope to eee this movement followed of that p a rty throughout toe State, enlaird in the good emu,. our °Literal ei quietly eyrucred their proceeding. 531 r I ,, he ao po li tical c tpitul out • rir ri , nd ire perfectly willing to erupt advii.utage that might 'lie gkitiod agitation it ii.rueter century, ec autiabic ieljuatineut wliich will ' , aro Luber ,f Pendaylvatima au adequate erllllll g reward. :11"I'SOL it 6 GAz! 1TT6317 aO5 MORNING. Not' 4.8-READING MArrre 14 - 11 bp, fly EACH P.-I'lE ()Frills r Tun 11nsionnari ANlonnniranirr . f-ciyi....ancrii of Perks county . , contain meeting of titi; party to takt action riff, to try to induce (7.orr . zrett. to ext. Ip2W.tilosi -roller,. of the llWelitile prete - 0711 to re; trine of protection, while they are earr:„ . urzin.4 the otwet,ce of it. This Lenn otTeir, no! out , : and if 4'4 oily ht.l,l on the, 01,.. Oelittle hope r 1 anything r„,taime, oat of wm movetnenti but 5f the party io Pent.fivattia ore really in eatneHr, nt..l 7,1101 glee it w united- support. no think de any Prn - MiTe them 01l the aid a minority 1:71 cgive them, lint they must take the trod, and , urn, if pro,- ee.te, the co-operation of is Rtiliielet number of rh •ir own party to eertire the object. The Whigo etond where they ever aid: and the e they will when the tog came? {Yo have nu nrtieic ihi4 Moroi ig from time N4th Ainerieuo, on this MubieSl-- o which we =II ins an intert,riag Aietch ,lo.: by a largo. ,perm\aa ,ftkiug of it, be ilo.ton Tro«ii,.•r A xininar ,erurred about Inc 1 .7 ‘ , , when the etioyed lie t whole lethal cat., it ts, her aright. trhilr some t.f, the crew. a t re eng-aged in on erictWinler with tt w .ther whale rucditel to the thip trail tin rh en tdowo utuidotsipe. The third blow fa, tool mod completely deatrutit,ry TCI nhAtilloued, owl the arm I..tuictl nil tut:attired isitnd it. the Smith Pocifici it , cc reduce'', by threntedett ittortution, dr r.rlful :diet-Votive of sWerincimt one or the preeervittion of The re:tt Tha fell upon the C Wephew, and, id oltedie to it, ho 'core up him life for Its friend,. A person named Brook,. Ii been eontict . of rotirder in the ,enend degree, before the Court in Cuyahoga eeunty. 01 , io, for pl.fing on ob struction no the tree'. of the Clereltiolland Pitts burgh 11..,itr05.1, by meow of which an Engineer to,: his life. the evi.looce agsiout him, though purely eireuntetantial, was aouclusiee, and left no reasonable doubt of his guilt. fie was :en ter...eel to the penitentiary for life L'tas IN Gngoasnragn.—On' Toesday taght lout, the e.tableA ottached to the WeAmorelend Hotel. were destroyed by fire. The roof of the Hotel ta( tire, but it wo enhdaed. The too! , et the haildiug, i;t1i1)41 1(, Kettering, the pro prietor of the,,boaf.e, lost consider,hie by the re of his furniture, ood is the destruction of GO.) brtabels of ears of earn. 40t) of oats • tome hay. and upward- , of 20 hogs, which were burned. tENNT LINO.—We are rimhnri+cd to .17Ste that irony Lind will give a concert in thin city on nor Thntsday evening. •. She 'l7th cf . 'Noremher u)11 e.I iu tatenty-sese States, and the I.iatriet I . vtuul• bii y asa day of thankeztring, and prayer N, other nation can present such , a epee* . le cLILVI. LAND AD Arts L o.sp. Fall and Witter' Arremge-avatz.- 2 --tbe cars com- . _ mance running - to day as far (101/11 as Hanover •!' 7 4' . .:fßatlott, 75 miles from Cleveland, there to inter --1-1.-iil:Peot-a,dino of conches to 1Vells4111e; there to .::4• - ,4 . ,ll.tabtirgh by first class steamers' built on pm for,:thls trade.. :-.TheTi . ress train will leave Cleveland at 31., RM. at Ravenna at 10:9.0, at Hanover -• Station at 19,35. at Wellsville at 7; and Pitts burgh at 101'. M. Returning, will lest e buthby bent, ar 91'. M ~Wellsville at .at/ .t. 31., Hanover at 1 P. M., Itneenna at 3:70, awl arrive in Cleveland at all P. M Tho Accommodation train wilt leave Cleveland nt 1:30 P. NI o.4venna at 3:311, end arrive nt Hanover Station at n;O5 P. TI- Rerarning, Dili leave Tianorer Station at f3:20 A. NI., Ravenna at 0:10, and arrive at Cleveland at 11:15 NI. A line of coaches will continue s,, run from this Once to Warren, in connection with Clark. Parks St Co's. packet, to Pittsburgh. It in confidently expeeied that the cars will be ninniag to Wellsville by the first of January, 1832, when the arningements will he en altered SO to make but one change from Cleveland to Pittsburgh, vim: by Railroad to Wellsville, and boat to Pittsburgh. The hosts that are to he put upon the line to ran in connection with the railroad to Pittsburgh, ore new. and finished in a style of elegance equal to the splendid Cincin nati Puckett, and no palns will he reared to make it one of "the very pleatSiniest - routes to travel In the entantry.--Rocenno Nov 5. • If these arrangements arc permanent for the winter; it will defeat the intention to convey parsengent from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh in a day, on the cerapletion of the Ohio and Petuasyl vania Ititilread to Alliance. To carry out that intention. it would tin necessary for a train to leave Cleveland at half pest five o'clock, J'. M.— after the arrival of the. cars from Cincinnati.--* By the arrangement above announced, they cannot leave Cleveland until the morning follow ing their arrival, and cannot arriv%in this city before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, by the Ohio and Perinsyliania road, or 10 o'clock, P. M.. by way beivem,me. - Pepin the Inedom Carreapsodesue of the tort Cote The following advertisement dppears in nit tto London. papers. Ton know perhaps mozeubtdot it than we. It is certain that the Amazon, by Kiss, which bas deservedly obtained the first great Medal in fine arts, the best works of Mon• ti, the cryetsi fountain, the beautiful carvings in Austria., the rich /aver work from Sardinia, the eilka and "velvets' of Genoa, and most that is bestitifol throtighout this whole building, are to go to the United Stated . . Most that is attractive Aral curious, I chould judge is going to the Now Tort exhibition: r...„_.7 07 TIMIDTISTRT Or ALI, NATIONS, AT'N n EW Y 4.—:-Th rest Exhibition haying ,now ue ate termjigition, it is proposed to I extend the adiantage&rwhich the artist and man- nfacturere hove alreadOderived from it by trans ferring to.the'cityof Yew York, the great mar ket of the ited States, the most valuable and attrnctive p tion of the articles exhibited. For this Imo:. a company has been formed )1 represen il in' Europe by the undersigned, Charles Bneciiiik, naitrian cgpmaissioner for the Exhibition ofGBsl,:bil in thp United States by Edward Itidilte, SWited Stn,lbs commissioner, to whom the 'entire .management has been en- Ousted. , se • arrangements:have been fopde for the ereo tiPu of it bnilding on an extposive scale, in a central situation in the city . 0r New York, con tinuous to the varier. railway termini, which, when completed, will be mad 5 a bonded ware house for the period of the Exhibition Tho gainis iffil be conveyed from London in frrat-shay vess*.s, and all charges, freight, in -B,,e,nic,nre.licyanced, to that no outlay of mon ey on the rt 'of the exhibitors will be re required. The:goods stiLl he exhibited. with the prices at-: Inched, and,-alien disposed of, remittances will be promptly Yorwarded. ' Should any gools re main tursola,lot the close of the exhibition, they will be returned to the exhibitors free of all ex pense: Worldsicf art, inelnding paintinns will be admitted. 9 Tiiii , leading dithibitors i of continental nations have already, cordially co-operated in this ander takitig, and the undersigned feel assured that it is:only necessary to make thi , -project - lcnown to the artists and manufactuitms of Great Bri tain in order to obtain for it their hearty sup . port. Ai The exhibition will • open on the 15th 'of Aprii;*3lgonds must be in New York by the let of Marctinext, and for the convenience of those eikhibitore who desire to send thoartieles which harp heen displayed in the Crystal Palace,. res. cola . reedy to - take the same forthwith. - 'She' duration of thrfatabltion will 'be, a period of • . Intending cabibitere are requeite4 to eezninu. nieste_ with the vedtmeigned on or before the 27th . inst.; by letter addreseed to rife offies.,. 48 C,:orges street, 'll=3'lll • tardier int - Pixilation win be givei. _C. Screen:xi. , I Emma') R.Lemz. . ascendancy A.NBTRIA. FROM NEW YORK. • krona tt, , o.o,twost; Ihrat .1. ; :.. committee Previous to the late litlegeriatt struggle Atte- , - ' 1117IIEZNIfILLE &ND INDIANA RAIL ROAD UNDER CONTRACT. ,Tariff—we trip we, ranked among the first rate power? . of '''''''''''''' '''', P ''''''''' "''' '''''''' ' ' • Nate Sou?, Nile 4, 1851. Wu aro requemtetl t“ state th:lt • . 1 . 4., etalre :: , t ,i - % P . 7:d ' Ettful,,; but since then it may 1-.° re g ar' !', d ",. . . , _ .. . . uail, from iSteubettellle to.Newlirk. a distance of 1,17, who _ hut ..trti,e. more t h an a dependency o f 1/,,,,,,, The election to thy olclteo s goo.l dos; of ~....0- iii miles, has been cOntracted nir on toe Mort ' • Unitarian Worship w e ,,ls_ Th e e mpire , a huge aggregation of nation , , , u50.0...0.i 00 .00 e 0 1 Ilia ',teal tieltetr are inn& , bdrontageous terms to the Cowpony . Th e con- a , , if hi ...., 1 . , Tit E suN 01, ,;0 1,. N„ir ~, Ii , 1 ' 31 !':' f the Ts!. tr o„... ~,,.1 r -,e,,, of different language-, awl rt.: it, . the ti , r, Domocrac) til ,11/1 . kkf the triirts uninrittui to , ~i y the gr01ik..0.11,11.1 r.,, I , W . 5 .. ,-1 . 1 , 1 ,.,. . ,... ., . T \ r"'i" MI 41.0. Mont eusle me, creella, and prejudices. ho`r- ' nolds have hail vartons fights ,n -upport ,r their ' '"aaf.r. hat ;',' '"Ptr .r "a t ar" 3 " ' l lhlptrtt , ”` .'," -".• ' ''''''- '• ' . ..".'" .. s .. '"' ' '''' ' ,'-' i .:.:.` ."....• 4 I T -:','' E' ; '• ' ' '''''' NE l .1. 1 ,•',",i':.'" • , from itz, t ,„ rn „, ~...,„,„. ~.f ton first olaus Loeuo• • ' tog u; rohosiqii rt,ept that a force. Ito , n- ~ ,vo,it... li,e VoiL, Safety Commit et-. no.t Ar- ~,.. ~.., 5,,,, .„.., 1 ~...,,,t,,, , ~r... ~,. i ~L,,,,,1„ ',:," L k r e t h . ' , - , , .r tweiso rouotrten ur tract, vi terrt torys y oe;•;u. 1,,0iy which ho- fit;elopte.l 1., crt,lll:heo, , , , ~,,,,„ ~,,,,.. 1„,, ~,,,,,,,,,„„r y ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,r, .. _ .. . • ).!L cc uu- este• ling . ..r ;;In Northern Italy to the etionnoo of I ...., ~ ~,,, ~, t h e t „,,,,,. ge,.... hod. ,1„, ‘ „ ,t, ~,,,, ,i,,, hr "' el ' rn ' i" to ' '' sli ' New l'hlili ' l 14 Religious SerVICOS lathe I reuch La.igruaiff. ~,..: :I, %%hoz, ...oliuttrti an ,01.,,, of lore, ^'''' l'' . " ' " '''' '''' i l ."''''" l t . "' C'." 0 0,,, e .; Nfti,(l;•tli \t,l IP, N;\ ;; ~ 1,.., it . .., , , ,.,,i ,, ,,,i ~,,..„,.‘„,,, e,, ,,,,,, y ~, ~•,, sr ;r1; front rtettitette o l r ile . ti r : Nerark is to no. at i , .. t :, 7 , „ ,„ , , I „tlioi••I tt le A .Itt.i . t'it .. ; ' ,: ' , " , ' :. ‘ ;,,. u. . ,!: . '.'„,',1::„;"„ . „„- 7,7,Y:,L,',.„t,r,-,7.„ -...-1:- ..... , 71ver rulte•l vnt,..114 „n! pnpu!hti. mithr , in -^p6. ot• nnd hf.n inrrTrnrolnwrOr' the . , ~ the i" • p..puln mmi „ n , „n,„. r The lue n call of u on the ta- di riJr,l by end little e Post, tbe t pr,,per. , GypFirl • - N q!sor nat'.l.l In the world ry m , •!" I‘ , ` r't ae. It hottrogrueon= materiel, air( under no goa m croent mold they he held trteth et" is a unnatural conglomeration •tt and tri . hee and language-I. who tiottltt • et tem.! hr harrier ter, they tottleroft to ettp oral. out form I,W .eaten sottetl lit their Ilat oral and eat:rational ottinitie, awl perjutlicest I .I•ottotea- title will t - tc ther . atte when they .thake ~R!hit yoke uf the hottee of•totrolt regarle reluteto, the fellotetn :la ,14!rnxiniaten to accuracy It •ItMll Catholic!, andineinte, -1 the Greek 'hutch ini:oniw n Lirti with Game. wi n ner' of the Greet Church nrt thin morn rcilon of l'a \ mark.— I.C9CS an le ..anntnnanan with Itrnc. PrNtte..,:ts of rano:. R.:lamina holt. ' e . ' 11 ‘ : I . r tt t chip ho on they the thel Other pen:anon,. , ahninedan, • The Protestanta art r••;‘,1 In Pohetnia, and amung the N)agyarc. c. Int Greek Church, net In communion wait It ire, ,rt• !!,.• Sr'av•lninn , of Cr 0.41111 ti!P 1)./nol,e, •Ite membors nr r•nr,r tn+ who. nr4 to. 1 in !• p.i , A large MiljOrliy of the ./f trio are Ilatroto Catholi , , • Th, rierman ',onion of the are rile rna.z neolthy nud iritrueuriat. 11.11 , 1 ore regard. I irith icaion3y bygthe•Sciarotoricir. :he moor trumemal. There to wino a toe ri.g or on the part of int &rlavoniar, t ”Yrir to , Magyars, which moo Sorely tell 00 lilt, ‘ti their hire heroic otroger. Triey aFpirations for yolitiral.freedorrir ‘1 ovid that come years prior to. the tiout , e3 if IB3S, n deep aciruiert had been i roi , hg a:nons at% the .9clarrinians of 'the • itror and ir.lueet of that ogitatir,o I cope or proeentitneot :trent cc, w.te ut n,rt, when the nnlavoniant. tiolectr.i witil .10.11 ~..1 itn laS they iota hitherte hero oi.o 114 re, it in glary anti terror an tore of tile roller meet. ,tf de earth, the e4ua e all t ritl , l, if t, tt th., marten' of the liertattate t.ep.r of r.• trio-.• of giory w..r c.wilt,; fin•irr :from le•oler, not of potoonol ao f pol‘l,l' tree dent, a.. among the people :•f the wet t.f Fur. pe When e. remember that there tar T;t0000t ttmtria, ftf tht deperienclt, TO, ev I IV. r,gia: w.:14 L.+ .1 ".nrly 619.rnd ',Ober h tiol,r._;rig "bailer prejo.licue-, of 'Ovary glOry,.and dex..,tediy attached to their leader', they form a force of tremouilou , magnitude The wild a-nitrations of which we have lositmed, under tho tqaching , of their rode orator, and poets, tiff _corm of scholarlike theory, which an able writer ha; aucalcctlY sta tt.l thus: -We Solaro:lkns are ht far the inr, : at homer hus of the European non, tomostini of thou, e•yhty millions, while the i;ertiisits, at ho to m.ett, do not number more thou thirty in.:llths We are au shorigth ti al race 01 fiuite, haling oe copied the i-ame great er.rt, - 0 nutria from the earliest hysteric times—um, id, aIA lung tie German+ hare ....muted the, region. e i iaai-it rc rrainlly of four great dirrhana—the Ituysiens proper. or Mutiedrites, fortmnit the largest ntnaii; tho Lelths, iricluilioir the Poles, and thew kin dred. the Ituthonians , Little Ituaidarr, the Toheltha. inhatitints Bohemia; Iluroria and the Sl , ,wakian parts of •Hungary: and tho to-colled I:ziece•Sehthonions, inhabiting Myth., Croatia, Sclovonia and Dalmonin, with the ranghheritth iI Turkish provinces or dependencies of Strata, llosnin and Bulgaria • • • But notthstanding all tliesediversitica, ate are note +till one people. There are certain peculiarities about us, phyaiological and psychological, that di+tintish 11e from every other people vu the fat, of toe earth The dialects that we speak are but varietacs of one tone.. and though we I have produced various literottiree.uhev ;tr e but athcams from a common source. We are a pee , pie marked nut for a great career—less betty i than theGernimas,tuore earnest than the French. There is a wild fire, au eitatern eense of the nu• pernatuml in the Selaronian soul, not now found ir. the soul of any other European race. We I have also the due versatility of faculty and tai cut, The Russians are cunning and coed Ira , dere: the Pole, and Ruthenians a energetic ! and brave: the Bohemians are profound and eru dite; theeroatsand Serrians are fit for an, thing. That we shall have a career io decreed try lien, • en, is revealed tons by tho craving+ of our own hearts,ltassurrod by all the certainties of toric science. But what shall that career be! Shall it he a political Panslavism, or united em pire of all the Masonic natters under one flog —say that of Russia, either as Russia now' i s, or as she soon may bet Or shall it rather he a literary and intelllctual Panslavism, based on n political distributifin of the whole Selavonic mos. tttto four groups of states, corresponding to the I foor great centres now existing—a Russian I group, a Polish group, n Tchekhtsh or Bohemi i an group, and an Illyrian or Greco-Sclavonian I reap! All this is mysterimis to us: time alone clan reveal it." In estimating the forties of the antagoeint par. ties in Europe, the Sclavonions are to be ta tk cn as among the most formidable elements At present they have not, as we said before, any idea of democratic freedom; but should that "wild fire" which we have witnessed in the Poles, and which yet .slumbors Is] the Missions, be turned against despotism, tfie present order of things would soon he overthrown) Bat as they now stand, they may be set down as 0,0 great substratum of despotism. Conier:von To Misitoss.—The "American Board of Cornmissioners for Foreign Minions" announce the following receipts from different Staten for the year ending August, 1851: ' New York, $60,800 PeopyJeanie,l2,466 Ohio, 11,005 Manschusetts, 77,280 Maine. 7,122 New ITimpshire, • 10,831 Now Jersey, 9,716 Rhode Island, 2,678 Vermont, 8,615 - Connecticut, 88,534. LOUIS KOSSUTH We give elsewhere some extracts from our contemporaries, calculated in some degree to chill the enthusiasm which his -expected arrival in this country watt inspiring. We advise one readers carefully to analyze these attache, and see if, upon n second or third rending, they can find anything in them which'should affect their estimate of the Hungarian hero . Kossuth is ti democrat ; he desires the fibers,- tion of hie country before all other things: he feels that the despotisms of Europe are in his way, and desires to see them overturned All that ought to have been, if it was not, expected. With regard to his dissatisfaction with Captain Long, it deserves to be borne in mind, in the first place. that we have nothing' directly fro that officer; secondly, that Kossuth never prog posed to make America hie home, nor was heinl vited to accept witustage on the Mississippi on condition that he should reside in this country. Much less was it ever proposed that he should relinquish' his efforts to bring about the emanoi riation of his countrymen. Hearing me foots In mind, and making due allowatce fo the prejudice of thatlargro clam of pendia who are thrown tote's cold sweet on =rely he " the word rerolution pranounced, :ilia - shell a suffrcient ration to wait for more }esable - ice Mien, befOre s ire soonseKosenth of ingratu ,or Of Intention - el disrespect to thin go t or its MEM eVr! W. tit: 1 the Y l'r.ion Safety e•,....0titt..- ' I " l6 ''' flt . w.:l „„ ‘" : '"'" " r4"l4' On Saturday Evening, Nuvember Bth, 1851. puhiu• ...111.rif1011% rrs;111; en. thea nr. the trolt.i.ted an.l 00,04: 01 t 1 tat- even . at the A•t., tillatr) of Ott.. Pre.o.lent the C.,m1..t.3 .‘• 01,1. .1..31.• i t ; which 11.1.• ' -1 tn.. 00.1 t.. a,u 004 ket - 11,0 r the =MEI Itg. lirgftit ten ittttntt,trtr.l t't t..h t At , tti wo•k nit rt. ,uteri, than t the , „ „ner tingl ititteletnint ttl zit.. quest.t, • rier. the r , r. Itte e•tttnt ttl thtt Clngret,-ttto..l gra,: ot tatt•itt tit it itti.ite It t tritluipttt ting the the. Nitt,,, 4 Lrt t rt Tho tanner ltit . et a length, we leuro. I.e.'' r tareht,t• I ttt :trek I,l,•rtrltt ‘e•• „ ••••• ity , hr nttet•itti.tif the Sitcret.iry ttl the In „„ m „, , ,„ ~,,h , let te .t t•t t ,..... I claim th" ".." mlnd, '11,I1Vr• tlitt tillarcuttn Fort; ttf the lig. I F r.LI .• „tr L, n. 1121 . I{lll - 111•'.t feeling.; 101.! " I l '"'" n g """ th . • ~1 Ml= 116. 0 1 ,4115.41,..12 .41 [61,, 1111/4C not or her had better or as We Inarti. cuutirm. the .swellll,l,ll Ok. , y : 4 AVOli . or. rqsrl.• .tt ,a caltrt, Ewthiz ILet,ll altat- the.r rat.-er t la. •Itar .alatpe. t.i o. mina vh, •11 - .1 . 11. • 11.4 . t • 11' of te the Stet,: al harp. 4.1,n :a I ••pat ••or „, ;‘'°' Iti,l 111-11,,-• r1,,,.‘11. Ir!titiy hr 4 ° " — c Y - r"'"'" alttr•at the fit-t appal ran,',.a• It ''?"'n pe.aplra It will. aare ta•a.l. eta.tlaie •Il' r th° • ' tter aal aa Ir. iaettak , te altatriat, impraave 1.,,. r ' a tt motte, me, • toll. la , it /•t • l'ttafati -tea, am. 1 , h a !°. I " PI pa.tata, ti or-uiztt the aat ra :tat. t..r aaattia.ll mad ere or Mr "°) tk g 01 IL ge , l for a ~r ••'• "` •1 " ‘••• hutuirc oert :l ra . ry .I.4e.nale I at,t'ea t , t , I Slatd• The RAU, p Wer rrehl••d • " I " '"h:"'"ed , roe met ovltittli aaart. tie I.a. r .01 .".1 "'" " tithe her thirty it, rmotl‘er—naa„ I.e ,tre.ti rat „ ,a) too 111 the tm: lay that weir, next ruittsth T' ti 41• , 1 rto • ••• rimy Oil, 't "- " wet k. altaateriatiatt.l la• Jr.t.aly .1u at. t tal at I. . •-e•Lt.:e 1. lost- I. the I,tum t;titutt,;:r .0 ,nor " '" l ' Thie th ' utter nr, prut,.. t.t , 1 tab much . BEEZIE , rrtti.:ionllon h tit!ft,l 'll4 toro - av ”Drrirrriqi 1..111( .1 1 VIC. ,ro conaueu.,az tu poi,: up r er " i ""' 1;.. ro th nrs , rix mon , r.tlnkat ut drynrerr 13110, t,. r In .ti.Laq Mt rtyn litr rad., ormineb,-.- rho ill,t•Yr.l3 In ttlrr ry. , pr. ir: r ‘ ln ' S' e rt w .t it. w ~.9nnltttet• tt.entr rtber. Ita -.ugh pittlor r 1.,• , 1411 ~ p po•tbt . yttt- :hen rt-l'eteb. ied platc, eboubl rocil• lo • brl "" to be, •etu , ~ .0 ,re!the,tobtn •-t a t n rude I , nr I I • • ltt 1 •• Dealt], •n n+ , r••nr• '"'' et-re the 1.1 et M.. and fir nct th lan het,. . h new, led t., thui the eierci , e Su to nt"loed I'L '"t rt ' r ro .11 ! a I 1111.• r , rou••l • 1 I h 3 cn1.171. 011.1.tte There W. 2 'l3ll, • • " ; " " ew..incne lintsent onil the ihtn el ef ilia pits stein v with.... poet iceeive . VeZ,Tion {1,5.11, fan., ,r oh,— care tinil .tichipni , Ti.. ferttine of these 1n.1,e. aihrle 0.,c E.', ' , invent a teichelor r.lhc r, thur A "'''" • IV.' Ent." stt , - • r e , tit h e, , ;,;.„ f Cl 'll4 its. is a perpetual fund The /"'" nor "f . 's: that ...cited much Inter fttali,p 0 - 4.1 careful of the pocr, are 4 t ri . ends. ' per• decided that Atitanda Sane. who hie! been Jngn' held vie shorecerroince her birth, +nem trent: • then of ttitst greatestuf sirtlieth Chanty eh' fears was white woman, oltleingh her In bush.. wattsrtliT thorn is. little &ling.. "I''St" titrAAttc'll df*,fti to ^ nt t llfff , v'ho usual on election day, there I• less dint: was the mann:When than last weet, decision er the cloe. hi' the „counict roc+ the detrutlauto. Amanita's mother, it v. prdved, rm. a negro dose, vet the c her - elf A her hair her oyes, her n ore, his Will I!! phytuctisi .extcrictr, would prose her hi I evil:it the posy have made .-. white ',man She hAs too perfioely vb.,. children • E,lTnr, Ihe tAjiertsi en the stub Ject prolet - tton trsnrferred from the Poet ,tIIII , JAV 1,1 CO 11, 1,11 0 1.41 1 CA I ' "V`'i Hit] F ,.,.51 p,. 11 ,Otarrlnnit upperdd 0441 ttl, Ipp,4r4n, do, un,anr ;u yurnti•a w prndu“. L.u...h Gott stornation amougithe Democrats as tietilni•nment in the Whig party When the item"- the Po.t prior to the election i• liiken into consideration, ils present itetinit, to any the le,t, tt ioreige. 1/11:1.,,11 1 12Mbilt. The ..b "ointment. however. of error. and the heanewleigenieni and f1.11../Car., of trait, whether it relsto• to., reitgudi or politic., ev.i.ees innepondence of chi" trier w. rthy of coulawn.l.4,lon. .•1 1., the man who po . •ufficient hew,.a to poi -up such acone,, the huh I of friend-horn , ~, hid be coo-diary ' It or gratifying, Messrs to observ e that jnu approve Or the Tariff • iiiietroneo to the fide. inl columns of the Pettsfpur.ll. . and the •pirit of csiolar. go no to say --,' Now, this to, upon the whole, a very artiolc, and comol ao tio aured tint ohs Democrat, pares throughout the Siete would enrrfially in and seemd the cretin, we might hone for bet ter times." The pcmocratie pros, general!), it in fervently to tie hoped. will toltior tho go-al ex ample net it hr the Pant, and laying anode party •prejn•llce:i and predileetonns, ,how that it it in ' tluenced by disinterested patriotism. nut tinsp..- siol to 'make almoat any start?, too promote the pt.hlic welfare. It would, it i• honestly helieveit. he a scandaloa , l a bel nn Whig principle, and peactico. to, believe hoe a tnntnent that the Whig petsl volt not ably eemate the 150,1 work on which the-Post, with commendable teal rind en ergy, line engaged. The importance and necc••cy of lucreasing the tax ?o imported iron, has been painfully felt, and strenuously insinted on for year. hut. the siiggeition of the Post to augment the duties no i'Clognae. Brandy, Monate( Gin, Jamaica Rum, ITenneriffe, Champazne, • ' because the rich will have these, is somewhat new. and has i touched a chord that will vibrate alike in the heart of the Christian, the Moralist, and the frionl of Temperance. Every man of ohnerva lion, uninfluenced by prejudice, is prepared to admit, that the use of intoxicating liquors, is among the greater, if not indeed, floe greateot levil, with which our, otherwise fakored, wea -1 try is attfieted. If, however, men of foqune who are disposed to combat thin opinion, insist on the 'harmlessness of alloying their intolerable thirst, by partaking of the sparkling howl, it Is certainly proper that they should pay liberally for such indulgence. It may, therefore, fairly be Inferred, that the increased taxes recommend ed by the Post, on deliciously Ilakored liquors, cannot he too soon, or too heavily (imposed • • • • ,•• Tulle opinion. that the importation of —light and cheap wines of Germany, France, and Spain" at comparatively low duties, would :he productive of good the l'ost,is unqUertionobly mistaken.— To suppose that the introduction of the liquor in question, into the country, tinder any ctrcum• static., would be nu ,dvantago to •'the poor, and, would very noon take the place of, the infamous compound now styled under the name of cheap wines, which at the hest are highly injurious, if not altogether pernicious," is rts great a fallacy as the mind of it rational being can well enter Lain. The demand for, and consumption of liquors, are in a great degree, regulated by the quantity in market. Increase the quantity, and you re duce the pace, and thereby afford greater feed. ities to men who lore drink, to Indulge in the baneful practice of ritorication. No demon election is required to simplify this view of the sullsol. Should the introduction of foreign quote into the United States be wholly prohibit ed by set of Congress, it would promote the sobriety and virtue of our people to an extent of which no adequate conception can be formed. For the enactment of slaw by our National Legis lature, such as Os been alluded to, every good citizen should most fervently and 'perseveringly Pr.) , To the manufacterere of wine, or more accu rately speaking, Vintner,-residing in the Uni ted States, no encouragement whatever should be given. Patronage in any Shape or form tro. tended to such nn individnal,willtosuredly lend to evil, end only evil, and that continually) 'To be thoroughly convinced rif this fact, it is only Necessary tot a person to open his eyes. and italr .is understanding. A FILIVID or TT.XPIVA.CIi. Watt:mum', Vs.—Tke citizens of Wol',burgh have withdrawn their subscription from the Elemineld Hsiload, which was conditional one— and, purpose applying . it to the subscription of an arm to connect with the Steubenville and Indi ana Railroad at thin city. This movement on the part of the Wellsburghers has excited the ire emienry of our Wheeling neighbors to au in considerable cetera. But towns, like individuals, money when; it is likely to be• tho most prolithble; eta the attune' of Wellsburg have resolved to do . so, without even asking Wheeling for her comsat-rambnavaft • • • p'. :Se Piuubu•p!, RA, .11' It ilia, refleot, the I thut th, nttr .'f'lenp•ttr• - n.. 11 -Lily - bred.!lf nn.. uu ;ha 13,t -1 July. .n. , 1t...f tynety un. cud , . wittttne ••Star. nu.l Stripy. et the fur«, to honor of the suniferolry of our nntinuAl in del ..10enee Thr •Vittita Fr 14.11,/.•• .1.1 the ...rut, .07. it is the tirt t•lnt• Purti tlynr VIP.• pr., Jose hr ntly voter. The nal,' ono oNt thott,lnti , Ittnntiug thr rn.pre, of vii untton. , far the .Imorwan reptuue.. lever, ,st. Enema:en telegroph report , advieet freu the city of \tette, m Ihth, reerierd at Sew lfrlnana The lintiab llinietet bee had an interview - with Pre..iderit Arleta, the object of whieb woe reported 1.. net., Armond a bowlanawer to certain pe.,peettione train the Englieh Government long pending clam, It wee nieo reparted dint the Minieter had threatened tobeeka.le all Mexican pore Un• leee entiefeetory nnewer one given. The Unii• ed State. revenue cutter Forwikrd was at Vera Cruz. waiting ileapotchea front Letcher We learn frnm . the New York Evening Foal that prepay:al:do are making to that city and nn the river a few mil, front the oily. fir packing pork during the winter month. tot a very large rßale. The facility of tranaportationior live hog. by the Erie railroad, from the Wert, ha. led io tbir change in - the hoc trade AVOIDING cn ACRE , —WO 1111dOnlinti tint the next steamers of the t' S lan Steamship Com pany, hence for the fathoms, will nycid Chaorre, "cod proceed direct to Nary Bay. the Panama concocd being completed, and care rooting by steam from that point to Croton, fiueux 1.1010 Learn,Vera —The tietterni Assembly of Sande Island Convened on Tuesday 1011, and adjourned vine /4 on Friday, having transacted the legislature baslncvs of the Spite in four days. Such brevity would sometimes be acceptable in other deliberative to.lien The mint important law passed won one extending the time for paying the registry tax to the thir d day preceding the election. A bill for the total abolition of imprisonment for debt wan passe/ unanimously in the Senate, but was postponed by the flaunt to the next E.oPflietl. Fall Importation of Haraware, Cutleri, ac. =1===!M!II!I 6FID DOMESTIC 1-IARDW.ARE, CUTLERY, &c., INIPMITED DY hECYNT Pnett...r4, • And vntl .11 an, :renr; 60-A 113 . 1 . 11,nprtanent f it A NN'S airMy wife had the Rheumy ~..r.. during that time suffering ruck; sere ery part of her body that she could not It.. ... .. ~, La. king lunge doses of opium; haring no apnea, oh i was minced to almost a minden., every Joint ear a o:len greatly, pod hands. keenand neck covered nab large lumps; lb. , curd. Weft' huntand euntracted. a. LI; 1 hot arm.. legs and holy yore en tamishal and drawn that she no. obliged to Ile In be.rilconalantly. During 20 yeercohe got nothing to give auy permanent relief till rho tried It. ii. Farrell'. A rahlan Liniment. of this rho 11.4.1 fly;: tail-- tie. of the dollar Olt, and the r a. Illy gs burn all goon, the pain has entirely left. - she sleeps w , ondly, is morn Rester than ever .ho oar in bet ha, and spins nut revs I day. it any wae doubts rain evalone, he c•ri yell at itgy reed clue,. three mile. Thom Notts, 111.. and beatiolled. dI , IURI. YLSkils ..; advertleettieut nig Vie . A Most R:CMAIICA BET. Con OI TOTM. fluNmete, Cur.., ar Pirrk.ttuz.—Ww Inello the. Lt9entlon nr the nfUieted out the public ,narnlly• to th. c , rtllicAte nf Wm. nr Skis eit7. no. rase tomr b se,n liy en. tvrron ,lio m k y he elkepfleul in n.latlcn m the Lv;lr here M mei tnrth. g. .HI it I het I..en kfilleted ocveml yekry with n.orcf tnth ire.. which motion...l re Inr.irr until trot. th • inflammation at Stint lime hnrloa Viole membrane of both gyp.. and emin; In rh,.. ofn thick film. which wholly , IcAlmyril my n;ght. ' suoperaUoripmenruird.anti the thirkeningremi, ...en returned find Irft tor in u At Ibl. stage" of the rnmplr-Int I made applied rat of the MAR vommot wslimt men. •he lat Su e t •my even would never net writ.` At thbiti not ,I..t.ingobth my object. By thon.h , ce of un roma:lmnd the ure of the Petroleum. both end 1.11/..littil.r which Mr ..P . A have Improved tit the prevent time. and 1 Lave rumveray t,t zi Ire Sly general health era. very mild. hapru, sal I attribute the reeturalion of mi to toe. 1 reside at 11a 142 &-comi street, in tele At, be happy to give any mformitlen Ia mlat.ou u mr ' WILLIAIIILALI." ; let lltle by rimer * Ncnossil, 144.1 Won,: hreeh F. 941.10ai5. PT Wool otreeh D. A. Fahneettek, A Co. teener Niettl and Prent.tMainlt. X. Curry. EL A. , Llliett.Joervi. Eicohnlearimait 11. P. Peimszts, Allreyhthr: alio by lLe pre twirtor. ••19 - 44vIT t Caul Assiatlkit..rittsbara. MEM= ,Itt reel [lt imp'er. rectirs• I LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Streot, Petroleum ! MA.RRIED. '4,lw v t . s( )N k II AD •:,1.F.. ANNA BISHoe -It Al. A ‘I PROGRAMME. If . .% e. ~~. ~ / 111,1,1' itme .1. , 1 4 104 1 10 F Sl'll Plt r!I•/l. r.l f~.~ rah h,I .r i... .~r... ~ r I. hl.i.r• ~'l J .ri r ATHENAEUM. F. \T AT rft \ T I • , • \ X 1 ,11.1.11 I , I ~ , :S~..r_r.~. LEM= \;.UI ‘') for .1, I A l? . 1:1,..1 , ~ .. Fifty Azonts Winded - - T „ I. I!, 11,•• MI .1 ~~, ~. ! ~^ it j\ \• \ .11.1- Fr 11 " %F.!: \N I t:I; Vr, Executors' Notice t 1 T1 1 1: ellt.. t- .11 IV', .11, 11. ..tra 1. In.: llli {—rec. 12... i,, uut I. •1111.11.1.141 ft, eatt,trroba. To Iron Masten Flirm 11r• TIE at ~„ . . '116..4 [LI, 134. - • 11•., Farm fot iniaed • ,rl, , in, wG ,tl , l Wm, la Tilt: F.llOl ruca.,,in, de ..n.l ,~'~.~,. • Orphan& Cocirt Sale. 303 ::11 Ord, It •J Nt ian o:‘n lA. I,ni• . 11, unArrrtmnr, +it Ali thAl eer %In , • 1 .11,1,, kr th . r est• IT., lA, • . 1 . ••••1•1 • 111 1.n11,..".. 0...1 • “12.t.,1.11ti • ••••• nal 11Th. en 11. RAMII • •• Trant..lll.. I. 11111 1• rnnnnin , . In-n 1 nt ,ginnet. nt..n n...tnan.ll/ nln 1 1 C. az r..rn.r t 1.4 1.. Ile then. .•‘lntottlnot u;,.3. 1 •rn .1 A...., .1 to rnith oinl.l .I[l. nen., 11n) nn.l J./ear-nu .trtn, , 111 1..,..111..ernn1n n nnntnr...l Iran, .)treilin., • , l In pr,nna. mon,. , •f wlstrn 0..1 en., ler.nn kn• •I nnln II ru, • .nlinnof Jan, •11 I. l nrn, Sheriff's Sale. I[3 Virtue of it :Vat ••1 Thsl. VondillOnt p htnonne• Inn••• on , at the l'••••••• •:f C..rrim-•• ht.,. nt nt•ntn itonnty. And in nne hr.-et...1..111 I-.etlt. stn., •• piiblio Palo.C•itt Ihnn, l'..ti ••I I Ittlntr,ithnn Monday, 11••• bent dal -lir llen ihbee, a I) 1a,..1. at I. ::.lock A %1.. tit. iollo.rlnix .1....0rit...1 hittne , ll•ln n•t 111 thi. /nib , . t.:le. •t•h•rtit •••••s , lnint ..1 Jaioili liallon. tine, of, in an. t . all that ii.i of ynivii. miln.linnit tn. \ ~,th nt linKi.....t.nrt. I-Ind lot n. no in is to 4 h.° Itil ••••1 In I nt,:t -•ti•htlt, how., %Vol., eirt nie.•.• It n •3 4 14. ash• tmtn•••,1•••1,‘ li.•• ....-t by Watnnt rt eh ••n the nerh il tot ;in 51. +ill t he tl.l t I lit ittranherrt ill, ~ni nn lb. wn nth by lvt l•••• 11. ••••••I I .1 I eintr .a,ritn•p• : • lit , tett nelinti Al son inninoution with.- in, n/t • • • 1 •Inneb , l•enti e, n• the ••.•l. .4 ...o h wl l'ittts. ai..l. n\ I. oottl In 0 c'ltTll...ihettnt 't• PI,••••1 , lint,. lst•••••aler itt.. Ist, • ETV ;• lost )16Istrs tint. , `. Just re.,',l and [or .altnr 1:11 A 11,C1.ti tCo N nn7 linsee . rs L Tea b at 6. eater, ..) Fresh Teas. 1 \i, 50( ) Ilk'. C A, II ,, E , S 2I I: ,, S ch O T I . ; .L, GREEISM Just ree'il at ths PEAL , TEA STORE, 3, riiLlif...i , Lt.4 ntrset The Ina, Tea. wern ....1•eteo! hr th:• •• •ater ,., ..7 . ? ' t r ' e r i ' o;;l?[T,; . tr 2 ;j ' L . J . s . s b ln%.. " l;7s.s ' ltt!n"it:Nt ~.. „ad .5t01,...n. an I road In St er ty In teu-kases. or tle, han cln, ttnnall gnseess ass illsitett n , ..11 'tn. , ~ S tone ins the Meseta g unlit... \ A1.5.0-:to I tar. 0.1 !At A Coilt Er: \ 1.41.1, , r rs-11 PAS r't Ei \ , re: ,I4nw in, A JAI NEA at. tonrh .1 .. . _. _ - .1%. ItUT - Elt. Attorney nt aw—Cyllue- \ , ,ct . ooc,,del c,..1V1•yitn , 11,,,a1,1111.1. .tterefl to of ibAN K s i..—'27, b 1,15. fur sale by Eno-instlesteirt Puniness, grant osseet. nuns Ins eourt b 004 ~. krl4:li 2 11,1:7n % DLESi, nt.7 , I MOM Al fiNTOAACCO-1 1 ) et,ell . 3lyerh Pittsburgh and Coal Hill Turnpike,Co. .1 \ ,„ r ~,,,,,, \ \ , r ,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,j , ,,,r , i N Election will he held on the :Wcond L. , toN F,• pip Ek.l4 , iii \ i - ,,,,,n, for ~.le by rI2 n.i n .c 'i rj \i f . D AN ' T i o ' ci:.T h e d Z ' A„ .' .l::!; ' ,:g . ;,l= l ,. 1 75 , \ I , . . . \," ,_ ~ ,,; . 2 1.2_, 1_ , - I'l.l..D_Et'.., _ 'rr --- —I 6,, 1" —— - , til v..or.F ,- - ( ‘1.11.4.:S k 4-6 (Kr \t\ XeS lot. ails by 1,1 No. l'ses'l IL le I:g, roes --trlintrtzta.S • \ MANES 6.147.1:1.L. i T tint Annual Meeting of the Allegheny , i . ---- titli\ oll . -1 - . ' I,_ and Msnentst, Plank RouCnunooly. held en Men ^^4 __\_ . .-- ....,. tOr i - ril — n by 1. Nu,rnher 'SI. the tolisesinq stenttetnen tsn, „,,,,,,, rillAN NE S' OIL reser. res She asst ter . President-Tien.; It swassni- . 4 and , ' 'J A ta'S Dll ZEI I Ihr...ors-John T. ',Damn. lt tn.ltaru.e . s.Jstatri;. , ehn n I ri, t i Ap: ~,,4, 0 1 , Ass p. , , , , malts:, Jams:. Andersen. John rhillips , Tan -surer \ 1 , 0“ ,, ,II / : 1' , r nh. t. 0 t entrnr ...., tt4.Y.O rstotassm \J_ 41±.p_iLLZELL jEtUTTElt—Freei Itoll, in coseA, reed dnily by rapres, Wit nni• br CANFIVI.II rita casks Tor mile by I net Ju. CAN/ IEI.I. irriALLOW -4 ; Folv. for lode by .1 11 CAM , I k CII PLAIT) DE LAI N ES--Now tau 1,3 honA • entripl..,lo,k -uo7 A. A. MAW.: k CA). iiK pt r. td rich and high ----- 11 luAtrvo, for PNio L. A. A. MAAWi A CO. NuTICE.—The partnership lieretoruie ex ming betw , wn un.ler the Gnu II OWLA2 , I/ ,t PON. di1.01,4 1 , 3 ulutual ' cul, , Lueltkr , N• totimh !LIM. Nov. 4. 'l,l. .14 HOW LA . 1.1 b .. t0.v7:1,4,S Chickering'm Pinups. TOIIN If. -MELLOR, Agent fur t m it t y chieln.rene. e 1.... I 11116bumb awl We.4lm 1 . 66 voyl v. 116. No. 61 Wocxlo.L. 116.4 j recri7Nl stirs , crul yen' 16 , 10 6 6.. C. 0 1 plA un N. 101ri0N:frus.i W. 111.6161.1.7011' a cidarrm,: B o co, outvistbuz of 6.8%, X. sod 7 orlav, cart.-d .1.1 play. . nod ---- 1 4 ' , 0R SALE—A second hand bb.,raut mabmaos ma. by Loud t brother, PriaLub. .r 1 , Imalred Lau thy dollas. an Liz mouths ni the filr 1146 bt m3I JOHN IL lIKLLOR. b/ Weal et JOHN AVETILERELL, Manufacturer , tift: spy PATENT. EOM BOX and BILAZED BOX rrcEs. tor. r of Auden= sad Robinson fuels. oso moan from ohs Um! Mama Bolds% Allestisay dor. DOLT I 11061.- ~N SFORTS, It .1 1P . , 1. •,kk .1! 111 . , 11, 1.1\ \ MEE I.\ ; Taluighurst's Premium Muni. 1I F 17'1* : 1.11. .;romt .•.;" ~r,„.„ Execut-,rs' Notice 11%. Ur Keyser Pectoral Syrup, TIIF c11:1: ol.' COLD,: MEMMII iv: 11.. I: 4, 1 \I i If ur II Oh 1 oFi'i C,'. • A!' 1 , 411 . „\ tI • - f ‘ k,tts, • • C i X \ !I, '. 111,1 -F I _ • r •r.le E5•A.1. , 11 / I ittri , N , • ;• r Nor liv e11i701,,1•• t .r •••ilt• 5 p . • 4.pott:llturr-c . lit• 1;•• i.:11•• low 1.4,ii.i.••• A IWS:NV(I , I ) 1 . ) 1 1 ,41•,;.\ I, _I ,i J ''l . , niv s rrr 1)1. vizi .\,114.;,i,, PROGt ANNE \ hi llt r• v • t.:l, I .E( 'Tr 11.. Es w r t. anint. tn 1- nv r inf he V nrn,l ". r • of nf thn 14 PiO r C.. nx .1 . w ...I r linna 4.1 ~.1 . il,. ..f..11 nl..r • r • I•• •••••e•rn.n, .diharn • t • , • ts:I• t• ,frul•-••• m••••l....nleTrelna evrr 1....u..v.1. •, r tlnt pro,nunn4 ... .. 4/.41 ,NP/1/,,,. , si , t.L,-.•.:1;1, ~.,, - -e,t, . ., :. IL, w:AX: In- - an..... , ~ .., - r--, Itul.r-trpinot,, t 1 thr, .1,,-1 .., u +t ,10,...', nd . ~ '-- ' J. ra, `TtixE .%:.'67.15 o Amerie and European Amphitheatre! IV'LL i'fll . l.' , ol;7o\ !: , I : l. Pi . T . T \ Sti ., l : l . l{l;il\ . in \ ....1,...a..ra. ot., 11 , 4 note, ',1.,: i 6 U Y 1) 4.,,...:N.r....., nt rt, ‘ ,, -,3 1 .44itk4 , ttean.,..1 .1 1 / op. 11 , • r•PI, Mt, 10 - /-tE..11:11 T.A . C.17..!'0f (LH/ .11 , 3 1, , In, P I l.t - t ,,, mr , n . - tnltv, .--,11,1,.10n.-nt• Fr.n., *,. t..., aut., ...4.ltlnattudird IN. , I.• faun tuouantt.. , ~, 1111.- 1....,,ti--, (b.-W....1e:4 ton,le ruler `II 0, I - 11., , T. , / PPP 4111. \ ill., ill, Al, 1.1.,aut 'l,4lnratn; I li. ••• Itun „,,. 1„,,,,,, Arn,,,, , ,n0, 111,k.r.-1 \to- ..13,1 JO 'PEI,NI I. sNi.. th- Kr , ..r...t ,A - t0,r. , ..t,:1c , •tt , Drr prrft,rtp,t ,,, -... , 10 A ., ,ntvrt.,-.12r1 ',- -nay of F. ILIY4I --1,1 l • 1 , ...1 b11TA1!. , .11,,,,,,1A. it:c. Lollt.1; untny 7., my ./,Ot arr ,utltely u...., ttn..;.lnr 1, , tu...d.:td..h n, I-..r-, t-0., rd rN °clock .. 1.11,5.0 1 / 1 , 4.3 J not , -, - dr -- --- - '• .- '-'' - ' \ , 11 - F, at Le tat. , taeiL 4: Tl: ,, t:e . ..f . aisv , ing... a , ur\l T t ',..,' ' h l k l 'l''' \ ” ct i ,;,;',,,:ii.;:a ' n'et u ti; j \,. , 0 ~,,,-,0,... of N., Inrk, t . • . 1,,,1,.11, paid lb.. xinouot It. 1 y t.ntn ort`nor bull- I ,tatz •u.. r 0.,,,, which was up: r um ,13' Ll , et-stortl 1,- fit.- on tr,. 1;2.1. t,-; Svg.t.ulur - •I -,we bow ,Ittell pr.,n, t 0,... 4111 slot o totrrwonl•A .tir' cittsen., but .1i w a ~...a. ,-,;,.r.conf;b•-tre,nn.lencv_n td Companies. 1 \ 1,- rolling ot, ;.ur frlrt,,l .‘ll .I.lllKii, Ti; {111:TT, N... I, 1V;.,..1 ~ti- - -. 1., nh.- . the Av.. 19.- th,..v i ., 1, ,, , nt 11l i. iNI<KIIF Ili AM/ KS!-The I a Luring V atervj I les\ a . A .-- „T '., .., l . .,tupan, 'nix, r•rabll.bed • 1/4,4-, , t \ . th. Atnre of , tur ,ut.e.-ntno - . for !pro-doe; titost , .lo.ratAiltutyttalF.T : 5.17,01 t, - 11. r e, 14cors nary lay, 111. t.2o. l osit.l4,cdon t f at, h.rnt,.l Pry !bad.. no.l !Vin, un tarODAII,4I bale ipsrry., ,ntvultn-xtl. 1, - orrr;, - 1141 , tr bt.lug 11 . 1-=; 1- d.,or at, t 0..., .-,,artn 4,,lnrr. *n. , protret tot* ant , k .11 , 1 , -,V11.; - .! Our 'MII - to., anost 0•110 11rm. I patott , o cottilort and brant, „ \ , \ Igfi l l'hu,e.t STROP:. *I, o rot , 11 /,-,- .1,T.,,,0f1t'i,....i' ' ' I ..'" 7IA 4 '''''' Sr 41, trailer Mar'A,:and l'on L iti \ s ' is,\, 1 1 !,;i ree'd at N,,. 2.51 i I,itaa - tjvstr;st-- , '''' \I -, ..\,t os., 1 - rr.b 11, ner. ' 1 1.. s • - emuum Prenorved Arr .. , ...r. L S P' 1 dn, Jellieo nr , tl .I‘ttn„, pn, op In !Or, Pot., try ' lin-Inrwo 414 CO , V13. ,, /t// \ ;. , 1,11\,.. I'm:4l(3{llm. - , - Lemott ..1 Or-an-ei'r4, Ind. J... 1 . --., - Lta,tatro i ' ' ' \ I -- , Cbt:rt-1..j, irltr.a, 1, . V v ret ' i , It 4 4n ' ; 43,1 t, 1 fur s c e at Y' a rak by ' ' 1111. A. kl-CLI;Illa C0.... 5\ tIo-1•01.1.nd 'lva Onalynt.\' g urrta,..„s,, ii.,, g ,„ v.. I; . \ \ , „ ~,...,„.,,k.•Jr., .6d far . by' 22 :12; \ _ . l iv }WEL P. biIiLIVER. 1 Altubl.a: just iat.'d and for sale 6,7 \ a 4 ‘.....:9 ' EA OLL P. SHRIVE'S. ,, TAM. GIURR-5 bbls. r Bale Ly.. "7 u «an \ R. a...-ar.u. R 3.4 7 Rocal et- , \ " ----"--`- ZINC PAIN S t NEW BOOEB.I NEW '000ER: k,::: ANUFACii[litEp E THE.NEW i T npLstEsr lA . ev,HARy IfL(t9T, N0:74 : .02 . JERSEY EMI.' NiVANl):umrsu nanPaat, 1 almkotr.,,,o at aittloy the too litthweJ, ' ar , hylvart, N.J. \ , tar o yrh , New Aloothly 31,Manny. ho Not v i t her , 'Mi e lioiapanir la pn to femilsli a pply of thee'' International l ain sable, p.l,ovember i \ ': et,loyitie t,. Tyne.. In \ tryland, by L. MAXbarliarlY. \ ", ZINC RAINTS, , L....t00 Lynne audtLandon hwy. Rh. 14. \ \ 1.....J.t0 Art J o urnal ha o:tottek , i \ IR . bleb have been found atle.kamyral yeare both In A \ / Rump,. and the llnitml but.% to retain tbetk oticirial ‘tol-1 tiollltyiy, Na i. • , ly. Lady'W ‘ LlMM. h. , Rorsteibyr. \ i.,, y. anti an d protective prtmmt v i superior t o , any other ,Inters Lady' liottmor, .. . . \ \ paint whatever. '/heir , \ art i. , A . ~ WHITE ZINC\ 1 AINT \ 1 .,... ~,, , : a advoona. , of no 4X.k.,...;, Porto, \ A Lln barely an 0./.10 of RIM. tor Is 'parnititod fr e ‘a all lit ,. mordant, a nip. n,,vel by 11111.4. , intermit...nal Ramer m.. i ,, r , alober. tan emellent\ O rt d elli'xx= i xr itt a ktlwirit7%`` Toe '" 1 .,:: and thylnymyr. k r . tlttoly.t. . y..... L ... of ~,.. \ .p i r t trthir WM.. Z \ danger.. to G The Lily and Ow lb., Samuel Warren' i ny.t h or Wow, apt Muir Untallaw Ih. timieliM" r i t.. , k , n. , •".-..., , R ......A, , T WILL NOT TURN XELLOW \ • l; d o e ary Ili ..y o n.. ,wath o Poamh , The latiorW tho B•otlY, by Roma., \ i \i, rhao eltpoirtvl tin y or mephict; \ra ~,,._,,,,„.,,, . py,,,,,,,,y 1 , 4i y in p . ..,,,, t,. \ tt ev 0 when alint Op in • Mom mach AA.% mitaide i',,,74.,, nu ,. 0 ,-..,... [annoy \ 0 , i p,,,,i, in y t ,,,,,,,,, 1 ,,,,, llt ithrlands a, tot t lbern climate and the Wvantier ~,,, 4 ,,,,, 0 y. y h . i t .p. I yy L ty.- t y . ita any other mot bring Labia to turn \eliminf or to Fr-iik Mitleit;lk orlmnrt t ilo Li , tArti PrlvAto pit, i aim tie atil rub oft It may Le welled wt h any oiler, , \4O thee ry Or the Itotorition oYklist Li surety in kr r,-- I WI at. bpi ais, tx with varniath 'bleb ea t he role by A..le Lainartow'i \ a. 1,10 montstsoka..... , :aiNo w00.a.e. , 0., \ i BLA 'K AND COLORED ZINC p lids. ",p...o l °''' 00 0 4 11 ''`''' ' 0 \; ll '.''''' . ."./.. 'Them lamb/sal vita law Trio/hand are unekanbleilly '°=,,,,,,, ...,.. ~„. i,,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,, ~ t aLd do?. t and brat panty i n too ...tat {orientalis t 10, taly tho atleviirany by it ton. . ' '''' s ' k '`°"* °E.1 2 . 4 .".........r " . " I". ~,,,,..., Ran .4. 44.10,4.1 in erbrtteP an :la/ ' . ' - ' 2 . 4 "i'Vt! itte"`...x. h .'"C.ll4 th Ril riz t rin th r -\ ' ~\ terra( ik...... ash. Revolution in t. :hi m , .\ \ ~',, .• m a . ............. . --- , YboCoobtsem\ an ilistatlal i plrel. " for IMO they are putectl.eir,ulns!lt .lig! Terairs"4l: b eliVelni r.01,-. , 3 ", .fg ; t o :;17,-,, T r iF = 6 .4... --- VM/t,tik.vf , ... 4 : We ith/raGen''' _ \ ‘ . l.l . it, L ,L "'" . ' t* P " 7 " Thy litpsey alai. .y U. W. 11 Hen:Ohl. . M t mplial liberal tarn. ta rsl.l,. tha Cal laths „ Wald, a Tale of w,,,i,7 I . . \ 17foaW flii ',. • C/Cil4.; n s :e 4'l qi t. 5 a. ,cire doh 141., 1.1..1. by DAL24:I*. H. Het burn, TIORNF.A AT I. ANV-ofs, e , co Fourth „ r o,:f?r Cople's Fire Brick.. .I . LEyKittanning, have ; F y „•„„ ' lla ; 1 . 1 II II • H - tb, pr,til••• Aal, by 11 lirl 1 1 1 t'tl? I 'II I. lb, pram! 11,•utiunt h Y ..,I.I.LLIt, \r,- f. D I IrE--1 tl.hxs. Fro.b. amt Tor •etle PIA A 1.,1411‘1 . 611 4, s I.lw;x e , erettni, ler ...deity , , 0 c4 ( 4.1\• 'WI) lb. f;I . by A . : A V. 1.:. for sale by . bb19.,,..0. 1.11'.”.1e by. I •"' r 71A11.11A1J4.11 •3 1 11 Allklo-1110 bet es Siierr , ted l q s'a and .`-`,hgV.Act wad for sale by AtT.A I ter Hale by a w. tl4l h.', hv A ‘A . &impel Gray, MERCHANT TAILOR, ,LAIK 6,ILDING4. S, CLAIR hTRLIrI.i, t. praparooi tn Wake thrm “lolor a •E, !a .n•I tho,hortoot nntfro SiO- 0 In bioanitnololorlo. [ma ongalord g r , 01...nt0., for poung 000le,tr .n •• • ohtrb roono; surra. , colritirr • .n tho goat Exchange Live,y, Stable. an , I:mashing I ;,-• Penn nee, the St C*or fiord. !,,..tha In ,a 1 1 In la L., , on. barman., .r. , gbliaNirm CablE,lll‘KI . S, !ma loam nn. in 1.1. 1.1 Elt and a•111.1.1ro , il to It, Lain, • t ho nt.:..:n, nnar, ma.. -i ne .ttrbd.rl I . In ba, an.lAlll'Sd manner , 11( , 111 - 1 111 iLLAND RV:MS.—Just rec anlerv'co, r. met, "I rh .tr, ' rea i reoN !('SGb? 1110.1, and lad •I •'• ar.l.ilaln• I 1 I())3K'S 4'IIE3IICM. HAIR IN VIGOR .•• 1 - 1,41 .! cra Hair. anilora Ta.'len • IT or ,nialu ann. ant/ nialata I,n • ; '.• 1,4--rt • 1 tRe 4.u:en ~et ,Sidra - WWI% ERSII.O.I. .. dr., "lath, 9 'II E Q01,,711h,F , n•-p dully 2nll the at, ;I, I • I. -4 A$? -t IEM+, • • ~r abl, t , qnatt . , , 1 , 0,/m - titur t • t• tt Ptckt,. •ntr • n. wadinn..., I - lintrnman nr 11:o ;. • . I; .; no] !I: to.• Lta•mtta t't•t tt .• I; Sur,. I Lntrnp: Corri drum, , 1,1. A 1, • (: ola hcrt• 1 . 1 nr la MN. 11,h. trlnte+lll. Ac.• 1....1.. 1.,..1.... a. nut... a. ratans. Ft:nob:II \ ~.. 1 , %raw., ,ranpall, a.larted by Vm ‘ A. it, 1...^,u.,..., .N.-c York. t . /..sladelplas a. kaki. rn. • t5.,...13,: a1 , ... , tt. , an , eirourat un.N.all<d . e, Si Et) risii--r.. rmna C. A. sal, by i • ,N. \ ~ 'or: .b i1d.:;,51..1..F..,. ; II E int. I SI ; .- ; , ! 0 ),.c. :... 1 . , , !,:qt• by • MrCONDLI>4 • I , tj ut %o.. s O p t;:i." , S ‘.; !\);.11)—,'!”C . 11,,. White, • \ 0100 • J.... .1 KIDD a CO. I'. 410 • 4:3. MI; liE I; LASH ETs;--MrRPsY & t() lo4c a laro, 04 or •oro— •!..1 roamslnd Mral,.r 4,.. opt AHD 0.1 L—15 hl,lw, Su. 1, (Winter,) for J et'IIOONNIAK YR A VO, n,.] ~..% R. , 1 , ! . .te1h' litill'—' .5tSO IbV. A 5 T. 4, 1;0 „ 1 . 5 0 1 , e . by (. - lii.A3l TARTMC--,lbs. for salt ky v 0..1 ~ S Him v 00, ..res woos et. .• ( full LIVEN. U k, —Runts:cm: \Clark. & Co7s v f ,0.v.r... •,..3it ~r ,b; tt,J ,, ,.-rn ~ rgrnont,l,Pale by n , .1 ~.. , , _., . I 1 , 01)D Ago 4.: ,1. '. is 1 t e Ile . 3 71 S lib S -- 7 3.111:EFLIYi. ~ I: , 'LIVI :Ll3 t aer 'Le t ~,,1‘,..1 b.. 4,, ,, rtnar1at..1 I , • e. ~.. ~ ar.47 Kn.! Gr.., Sa ,u,,, i ra/mx:a. ~,..1,, , , . Ch 1N 47 . ..t 5 1Y:effK.F fl 4.4 ;:, - 1` . ..v ' l , i - i : %1.1 :-, 4 at ' th,. ' or tls. /it \•,r las.: of \ Mllit'liV /1,11.3.C11,F1F.L,11. , i i ,1 , 1; ): A f .I.' A ?cr A til.'2 1.14,, pow'd, sva.r ‘•.•'',„sg,r '` " I '''''''\::::‘L'. A. EARN WTUCK / LIL \ - atql 3- 0nr_56i,.k,q1.6 - i'l;), - iy \ i‘ ~..vnitsx.setoei: A Oil. \ -,.- -k a ; Il,\' PR SAN 1. , —K 4 bblv. for bats II l' KN. 11ft.11,--Itl h 1,114. bright 1:01 , ,, for vale ' v tre '.,' IL A AAIIANC.Se4ni /co. • I„,;EN'IIiA--,fs,' , \lii Ift, priav Alextvbilriv..fur !?. .. 1, •bl 4•4.A.X . 5,F. Eir— ' ,V bblv. f,r On bv \ 1-112,TTEL1.4.14:k. fresh ite; for salt by 3 1 .l i, ' ,Fti; A be--' -st l Mile. for sale by, V by, , ‘, vvssuEl. I' Ms , -- ‘. V ,-- ivsov er. , p LA. :k.i...f Li-, : . . 9: _lf . I ) ~,,,.,\ E, ,, ~..±f „ . s ...lort4l'Pisntata. LA 111 s gi ilB(_-2i.‘ A. MI .. i i i too, ..c nn brta f., , ) caitczkr nth. ~...,.a ... ..... t NN r r‘,.rrr itore - Nw Goide. i AMES. A. geIZ.NIG IT. !":OGt:. ey 1,.. r; .41,1 ula oecuod aI•P , I of t :t. ll , \ ,Is it, niathrity 0 . 1 , .141,711 mei. .n. P. lA, lavv. ,urvinn •rativ , In tb. , rlertt cilia, dul _ _. relialV .rt, ~.., a, h• is rtaxlll.l to . aroav o,, t , em , kz , e. ,, , , ,, .• , -.1- \.i tmcr, Ile Vicoyld cul v•rtaeut.e \a% e ixuAr til.. la \ • Plairi &i....s.sur. n^•' l l. 1 ; 4 . 4 ' 1 '"'1 1 .; c.i.i.,4: " . 1. zurlinfw.'"r'.. ' '';‘,"4..::•1!;...471 .4. 1 ~:a c ~ FW. ' ' . \., l'l.l Dry-, Si JO. 'Yee>, mr.b l ll ' ' .1:/olaks, Cinakiiyo, ie.. le, usr 11.5p , ft ,it JAR, , fity run wiretment of lubutits \ =o'l 4 \ wool o,llerm. lint4a ikr.Jer,alu?.l4 IL —Count, ‘, ll .*Jy.nts•clPPP‘4 .ST.7 •e,:c Ts' E ID, t 3 ,11" A testA. MASON k.01, , 5., ,t H4gl LIVtINGg i t 7 : r TTE s D FLANK , I4 O SON a ou..s. pp oaty ttni BUTT \R-21.1 kgs. 11.}1A1510, I_ll \ \ S ODA ' uALT raw \,.\ 10LASSES-3(l\elit, Roc:dale's Ref. r ' BUILIIATIVE a INULtaan . OAF\ l 7 AR-75t,111114, \l4 — e l i?:oe. Bat. laj V l i,4art T'elf.T• T i.rot.e, \ • •.• \eU l4i•ie' s ee'i=e Peir?p r\ ere: for sal. by .. 41 VW In:h: a INU1111.41”.110 Watnr ot . 0 I II ACKER 13-100 kits Mae e •\ escsictrigebßoi.g. ` l ll c`ol,,lTE4y'; ~ I 1 1.1 < , cSp ,r •rra trtroulit The market yea. r.lay m• • ra..ears... taalne.• al •A A 1 SA • ,1 I. L •ELI.LV w.ktisvery - It.g to srri f0,u1.• by t. t: 1111 ,1 1 , d. Legs at 11, V:1 knob roll ta 1' fn.: requeat at t 4,000 Ca ST it at 6OL Fl SI I —The warl , SL.P.lui... . 1 1 , a 'Pa 111 Pr" 1 . .11:a f.llnvinY era ruling near ..Hllaaaartl 1 ill fa1:4111. Na IR 50,a6:: 55 . 11..4 1: Herr/1515,U • t 45 to• Late Solari, I , s"bge 5Th . 1114 H * Lbl littlED — FßUlT—Sale ',1.01. 1361.:151 • 1 ' fmaa • stare at 51 1 2 a Vla A ala 4,(12,1"1 bu pee..l3tio ' r•port ,l at 52 VLa t:OLI.I' LEATHER—New' Wart', VIOL,: at 14\07 , and • • .... I,ltorson ' 'ALLOW—SmaII tales n:-.0:1 beef laden at 7%G.* 1 / 1 '. I SIEDS—A Megifr st•,, , sl 0...0,0 frau tritt ban& '. at 55501.,C10re,, it 11.5 Ttaaethr: au, Si .mar lota b, the hele kt mm ;IA LT—Tha Ilaschlar rate. are e.,50;510r "•.i to ICllltiKEV—Fortber kat., t :ic .al!rte SPIRIT OF TRE DOMESTIC MAI •1 . 1041 \ The morkct continues quiet with* t•t•- ,, . 1 .0 •, r rett th , ?,cuto.larpsf loTeer Woathcr, tt the ow., low.,r.,nrted ' , Merlon • IleXP—M.ket qu!ot. tAtt ma.leo day • f Iran I,sl HI 54 too. lat'76 a .000 °pigs st 64 06, 051 uner •t3t on pri va te pi to .rto. llolders of arloo• lo mii ne, weir Om at 64 /Oto-IX:S. , I Inca -42L0 demand lo . ooorapol solely to 'the tot tho filling of roust °Mum .Tboon, •dos osy Mxrket parrot no 1-1 0.7 , oh: 11 -0,51 1.• Sr, SS: fn Sto , o. $ 3 5 0 . Woe, •.do. 01 OK.. cocerrt , doo 11 00 24 nt VA, al Col,. 10, la 74. on privets torms a , .10 4 70.1006011 In 100 , Atli: Teo P Lu. t..-s-•div • end oei o 3 prior: Vcra-n—Verr lull, , 1031 i and we havi•no tale V, amine We onot,tolyed st n tu , ase jell.. and stite at 32.6trrlorf Du: Las rka, retornel,. a mewl n. Itsatal ~1=0,1.• Ur. -The, no ..i.s.nan . S. and a tale soroiv 4,1. We quote i• as [lumina. Vrvaa .t I.anvvaosi—Tha markgt nontinnes goia , 00,15,1 pri.,3. We I, des me,e port:. in•n,e4r4„ Ir,ltnn W. rd La uncbsts.4. shit \I, otore No I. I, to atal 444. nt E1,1‘.11 1..11 ttk s an , l ta.' •• Now Yeti. No. There has '-heetc contidercage tint vc.o.ldky :s2 ut vtartot clowd oroay. with • otroot tiDword toodoio7. L b,orEl tho:e was bon,s4 tiokopt- .41 Ertl ',ma to?, .'4l. to:with Jto'd dembod. At mart, 1041$ &poem tool' Me- Licata ;tit bowl tho.o,srlort toot auopwanktur, which coat.- LIM at iho toorunAl inaJ, wboto trtextflysocett, with ff. nowptioto., and lett °etym. trio ny vtOrt• d o 1 ot oi St,rlimg. is firm and itt f,j The National Fire laser:kat to Luta .teolamst a 4triJetal — ..4 tel The Dowery Dank has deel ...,euter4 of al? rent; tLe AI ert.anl n..t.t; Tl,A 4 un Nlutual In•ur , .3. , 4004 of If:N I , ~ • nt Mt the rr•a•e•ling ..trArt,r 4. t erds taa. tho •t,Januat7 cell. • The New Tokk, PrOkidence eat ha.N.leclared 14.4iviJend nref-rival`ntork.`nazable th. 134 In. The New York \Flootrig Drp D, hay.• altlelatend of 6la'nenttbr ' Tt, Lank 4: tlao State or mmalt. The , tn.•-• al rn.natizes—in Dirionkm+--The 1 - 4 declared in Vbila.lelenla ."n^ . lienlol Frog TON o.rarat Bank iltrOlaretlieth.l Southwark Bank.. • irt,hanics'ant.. lr ..ll anesmen'e fault Western Hank landau reniingtre3 Eanl Baal ' Bank et the North. ltrlawaremottual I A e.-rlo an 4 • American M. 1.13.1 led 11.•'[11 t:..rm.toarn a rerl , C . ...taut [MI V..,nkfor4 1 It fio I mtV.IVr. NEW BANES IN 01 evvently eatabliebed In l I. rev. Lord'. Clemlnnal Vieleavay Co Rant. tart en liana at C Inin.g.ank. et hone Merchant.' Bank, Springfleld Rant. i erect eft, /Mule. Of Union Bank. at Rand. the Miami Valley Bag Tem Meek Of Corns., Bank of Alarcon. \ ' Champaign Oa Bank. at \,avinge Yank of Cenelni Le keigArlog have flied their eartlfealsr Cali* An t=ntatt:aur.l. will gmbably ' Ineenvilat sim ely coplatee . . Decree, Cant of finds°, node.- • \ NoOth 'Western Bank . f Ohio. Toledo: \ !frith.... Hank 01 Tnindo. Toledo. , • . ' • Vtankin. 13aolgof Portage Co. Franklin. , \ - - Yrielelinivoia Bank of Cleveland. Cleveland. i Rana 4 medina. Nadia. \ lkr 7 The engrarng and ',. printing ars liennvildllY ItiF Revile, Weigh., Hatch a Edson.•They all adopt the plate—the levdino title , being —"ORD) ST.IIB Ba • \PORT OF PIT' SBUR • Maxs,—yttara was dart. 3 Inch. l a cbsaistal by la "- • at dusk. last ailsosts 5a1144. . . \ . J.Elelisa,llatettrasas; blawessakt. • Ml."' watt:twat browassUatt... `, • Ibrho.Q 11 . v. Mint, l'itm Marts'ob, gausses. I.lalle;,lst Norton. lasltic..lSwisets.Strawassille • bakrat, litordust, Navas, \ • Sitabisan, laassat Ju .313loort.iVbealiwg. • Excel, Wientt. talattistrull'a N. Craw, liostinvort. • , globe. Wbeeltas. ^ • • skalds. kaki...a N.wr.ittht. ttyytt ticsa, =slum Sit ,t lisaaes.worilosA" , 3 5. , w. {IACbr 11,116ast. hut& labliwra,LSt de r, 104 T'S, .at s slntian •no nal pc. In awry ES--Natit opt‘tiing at .. .k2 wad Ilk ll3kat antin-100 DoAri, ViNo' , . Tul . D• Leeep 4 Co'. PaliontmPicket 1eva•.47.97 eel • 11241 itc \ t : Z • WUEELTNG-4as . , • raosant \ gIikOWNAVUXS. \! r. Fu Hociaikanira—Tbe eteiciai % swi.not Cnw. will bme u slim WI , 3•0.. \, \ • — .sr -.Nu ;arb., flit 'epic by' nt as MeCA.NTLESS' for galo 6 , 7 • ! :K 4es. ft , r sale 16 s McCANDLI.St. mere' for sale hy turgE It s sale by uuttivtrwE t INGELIIIaI \ IMPORTS NT RIVER., i k• ~ thi.W.1.V. 4 .; WI! r I ow,: bas I ble ea r t:* =I: i l 4 120 60 ebb. ' , Mater Knox IL 0 , 0 60 262 lam elo p pp. •1 refer a leB 8700vrener. 20 . 112EL17. 8 0-4P Osems—e2 bp barley 11 2. A Wwwle: 1 r d e r.r. ll ILL * ;•TE, W t* 1114,11'M alb; e 3 4...' "U.."' • 144k : rte., 61 I.bie " 71 _bp.: Zrletps=4! .. 2 , L. Clark Wpm.: 82 bp we - MB brown. • Ws belllool bp 161.8,0 P tbrewerl. , WHEELING. Pax tows*-33 aka beitiwax , l, and gingivg, 0 Lebo & Co: 12G bbls lour 'Bl 1 \ aka wool, ri Graff & Co; 88 empty ale barrels I\ 87 sks bath*, R. C-mplaell; 14 kegs 4 Darrel* • I \ butter, Jamer•Alackt:',,,l bids float Ido butter, ~ • 1 _ Armstrong & 4rozier; 2 wits wore, J West; 6 ~ boo butter, 10 t Xi kbl3 apples,' aka osts, owner \ , bn board. , •). \ \ \ HOCEINGPOII, Pas Pit:OT No. 2-88 bbls " wlaest•7l eke atipisDaff, 31 bbled32 bp "bask t i illoacath & Noble; 13 rolls leather, H Drat - IC i • 1 85 8 Midi,tn. 11 Joinston; 8 eke : : i s , I I 1 bala'alteep skin Clark & new; 11l sks• • I \ 3 gs wh eat, D Leech Co; 86 bbla whiskey,. • - i • \ I •Wi & McCandless; 14 \kegs battek3 8 Ml wort • 7 aka noise, Barth*. & In gragg 62 tiles I • 1 num ,thebolson &.Paynch 1 box codsli, Saito : I , 1 & Atk n; 6 bbls settees dil, H.A. Pahisatoelb ' • i & Co; &blots linseed 011,11 A \Pabnestoch L, Co; , 1 ` 18 kgs bolter, 6 ski, feathers, I balsell & Co; A • I \-. tool chcalAsis Dwell; 11 bbla aka produces 1. . Harvey; 6 tedl lea th er, S 8: 1 larbangk; 1,61 \ bblo flour, 8 Lindsay; .72.6 do J'o ' raw & CO 11 10 bMs paper,lo Loontis; '22 du :6 do timothy 1 mod 2 boxes, mdse, E •Heaulton ; - bP e•biE. , I stuff, J Lionaldso in tow 1 2.t. tom \ \ I ilizazett's Lam , ina Cornpazy of Pi bank NCOURAGE LIVM.E INSTITII OliS I .Ml ,.,:,, tanbie . R.Xo,..eil„,t4aWati...xliteee,\;_i_tethwo73.l.4lratratate.e,th IL. ~,, 1 Ibis Cptaper Isnow roma co haseuwall ate, • b 6 wewe.llo6 10 trazieltu, value Le. 1,-. . leanu i t e * =Pue " ite l D a . '7.'d en rel . '-, - 1 ..k .„... It. . r e el elt.wwe SI MIA% well owl lb • , I\ em to I.2r:tumbler Le elute einbieseeo 1200161~60 V.L I\ atl lett= mwee—Ce. U. un...y. w...- z.. 00• 7, I, n , L.fisimr. • ' . \ ' ct 4.100 blitB. 4. c fo4 8316,4 Ave l i• " 4 \ ' l ll:.=hAT,Z)t . ,sl.Pia&T" n r= • ' ' \ araxes . • ....„ \ _•-,'_-_•zz.„- ~,,...."--- - \ • I'O3I3IER 121=3:1 A IS at 44, At ten. Yearly 110 ,411,4 , 11 , 111 f. hi Ai] mtlowl enelriif In em , ll to El= Lti /a:ea fur an.l Vt/OlEf nerr ie. 0 A oak. In blasebed aka. f al 4nral 'ft na g '\ , te La 4t...,17 ems.l z . 51 ;MINTZ MATITR. • \ , . .„ 04 Wig:Lana-I'h. Mae pse.ko stow Jam .ticloost. C. codpirill kayo u sbcri. thissruTii.?Oc FoCif irrLow—Tbir splandld smorsockatntist: , w 11.1.1.. ,, obeTiit s 10 o clo k QS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers