. • lEEE ESTABLISHED IN 178 PiTTSBURGI-1. GAZETIT V.111.1.311E1,1411.1: AND WLEFILY Dr WHTtB CO. =MU CI:E=SIM PO.-11 , " Thi EaklS, • . . rq. ols.th:o bait Tn. - 1, + 3 13 1 ,4 + , 33 .• T.: a nt) . bu 13 01 - ° 4 • rbt Par.t•r Chef ZO be one pawl 6.“1:146.135 ralitinTablr in oiliatift No Club P.P . . ' ,ll Ib^ r ,r • Lbu zioNir l•Aint • A1:EB.11131P0. (10 liar, c.: Nominrull or I , AI isao ...... 3 U ta..ii3.lliii.33llrlSCßloo.. ..... 3 - no" , 6 of fun. Anx.th• .... ID 00 t tr.ll, nth......_.... »» (I. 0r1,4.:•-t Ow. Dell r .1,-3.A. 0.1,1i.m,1 line. • . r Ol %* rr . t t. usrah tul trtrn J ;early I . eli::•Wra,rl; et--lin. iiAara. nrol or Dort frWen it.arvd as a alum., awl. a half.. 1re...44114M It . Jr , I.g.ll, , ,falvlrtuwanotx f - ', 'l l ' n . g. ri: , !!:;tri i. Ta), :4.l,T,'ll:;":ll;ried the [any wri,t,'lspefoirarentr. a.lv,ct.tu,ti: ruar“.l la dua l co). tor a +periraal. eont:r.u. tall 11.7- .7,110. •• tv:r... u‘onliogiS• rite initYiDirt of aunnii ../Parilieri ititri , ll llealtrS to their eon intioulitut bur roue ;- not nit adverratitnenta t Drain!. tither i.mstly, 713111.,xlimPtertilamol. not COUllected with theft pato Detente., awl air eilloria nr fulrertiftmeuti. to 'Multi or otherati., taStret the iitoitaeopairwl, will he ettliag,l at rho usual rat.. For all viten totoetent selreirtitinit i bill, will ho atratial-ili' ende rel, nod pi.,Tript partaken to too 1. eilstirtowinenta tarchartable inelltntinna, fire mini Wirth to tor whipp. awl miler publin oarating., rot eurh like, to be uharioal pre, ttaiable etrittir io 4. 11ntk , ..1 In t ou tx 50 recta. Ihiath outloutitiweitteil without charge, nukes mointrire - .Wail hp toner. Invitations or obituary notice, awl Villal3 ..7.• tontantri ln to, poll for. Iteentir advert...ix lin.Ptel others ending I,IrXILIPi, t lons. ra t ioning witleat &ironed to eon attention t in Jan>, retro., Conetirts, or an, public entertainment-at Ohara, eltargto a re Par IVllMitisaco—all notte,a of pH o nritacti thripttal to eall attention 14 prirnto entsrpraeo. calculated or intemlail to promote In radual interest, go noir inrerted vith the t o be the. the to be potil rnr. .if in.telrl to be Ina arreril the column, the rotor U - 111 rharnl. at It. 1 .. e1a dr pot Ir. then 10 tent, per lint. Illatteo or Mr Plotkin to be charge-it triple Drina Torero Lioespie Panama £2 carte. 117,;03, --- A t .;i;;;;;7i iobnclesisiel nailer yearly rat )4; but•te • dzes count or thirty three reel nee thini bet serf tribe the amount of bills. I . _ lertny ea Siena.= DS mina tteci.S. One Flqrserr, three .......... eerh silditleted aerrestires yet.: wine- C.* tbiltereall) hoer) pee losertien 61 reser. Lb. riot a:hilt:real baser:Pm I ka trenelerst etrertirersiertte Le be betel in same:, 'I3USINES CARDS ARIES F. KERlt,Aitorrtey at Law—Oftre qj Fonrth a., betiren Emithll.l4 one Orant,,llM o'gh• §US. WEAVER, Attorney at L. Fourth I- otter:F. unit. Maroen 01:10q„attgbarah. Va. Col el basi. acten4nllolmarwl?! . . EurL.,b.lkc t.,5nA.5.411 , 1141/1, / 5.L.A.T...6 ; (Lot, of Uolontaso., (Late of 1u11... Po-) 10 t [PLIANT' & TAYLOR, Attorney's at 151..".i4c---omcc cc FOTlral AtZert. No. 82h, I,tarri; Wt.:4 .., 11, .cabc<ia II a , a.---- S laisi ,.. N t....C , .(1b u i :5 ! .. .... , itt0r , t .i 1 i Attorneys at Law— t 'I '! . V... 7. WUITEJ Attqincy at Law—Of ic,a!: rlrgf a: x gr A t . la tr..t. 'tear erarm • in Arlii,Aizil;cll.3 60MM1 , ...1,11'1 . Int the S44' I,IV ,-- P. 4. O. L. B. k'ETTEM RAN, Att.,r toys at Law arrflt4l tAate Itzmitle. No. lir .itt. ,ttrtt .Fitt.thnrzh. 64.1,t AMES J.- KUUNi r Attomey at Law, office lb T11,11=1,1101, .r.b 11raatatreat and M¢4, a cy.-V,ttsbarrla RAA GIB C.E.LAN'EGlN,..ittorney at Law - ha 174 Foarch atrbk. Pitteburab - % — aTOWE ViAlt:SON, , iAttomeys Lan t:al.l3 fourth stmt. I'itt4burgh. :11 - cr.vreM—Slewnd.r k Dar; Jetva .F.ny<l^r. En.: tertl. Morri,o Wm. R. VELN) - ; Jnim ilematoe. A. ~ ..untnot qms. W.J., , 52 , 41,11t - txbarglt. 1.1:ly _V it t DIVARD P. JONES, Attorney at La i r: on Fourth Itriwt. botcnorn WIALIKIId Smith- LASPEII E. MA A", Atuzney at Laz firth r_., Pltt.t.rah. P. I 11A1UUSCIN SEIVELL, Attorngit Law, 4.lhin I,..,.,.C..,xtrdsvicnai.fcetalt.ireS Dr . tqc Rmt erc , . o-rn• nr.. , thTro•-•4oArl. 1 - iOl r M r lEOIT:tig E. ARNOLD & .CO., Hankers: ‘,A Dealers to Ey-thongs, Cein j Mak 4c., 77. 74 foorth stn., next 'door to the Bank. of .Pittntrnret. lectSona earyfull, - ut.teudot to, sod-the woonnto younittnd to any port et Lb. uniott: • A.. *lt.s..t.oc,_, -.J. e q. 001701. WILLIAMS &, Ca Bank.Prii , V o'. orrir..x.chx,age Croke., iSocth Earn corner of Wend and ftI , PCS. Intsburgb. icnr.oactlone ownle. on liberol Wax, ar.El eolloellens firotnools onenxieol to Jancly L. KING, Banker and Exchange Bruk,, rourtb D,rtier in Bank : L i otkaatilb of 4 enanc-, 6.4 ad Sill er. Swan boacht and sold. ' Vas Mari:cid market pri, 'mid in ina'ini nin tar flair Doi !ars. an .1 ' and ipaiiiits TaAlars, In,fiai Jaai WM. ialliTAß 8., JP, Banker and Broker,4th .2rintt4 Ito. 03. hajoinlrEgtbm Ituth of PI tttbarTt.. -WFLKINS - ,"c CO, Exenange--Broker4, Fohth Itaat Coira": at Mir! amt . 6Thikht .rr-t nti tiattath - 41‘4 , 41. th,4llbhral •IfOLMES & SON, Penlei; in Foreiw.ii riN und,Dosntnier.llla Sactinsigy; eelsl6. - Lars of putt,: Cant,. Notes tad , r, mnrkert rtrrrt, burr.1..;,..17-3.ga/•ctions tall. uz. 111th . prim,pal ritwe tllrouVertm tbo United W AXIER HAIM Bankci and litekerte Dealt, FeteiGn Donseeete W • . Exchange, evet:s,ett, of Detenih . tereee of Third pee Wood e 0 tO. . .oPonte the lit Charles 11 ,t Cammiskuun Slorettant= JJVV...llllllltekk-rs. N. 114 Sevonal Meet ,Pers.nal.^l 144.a.te anatitirm-from 1101)10 Sli/XOOWm , ontaal dantel.....-Lent. g. ours. TgIAIMER, 'HANNA. &: CO., Succeseori to - • theeer, Itenne:e ro.. aensera.ndefUntor WOO, dentrrs to Fon-tdo one Ltotaretie Medawar, Cerni , ..tre tAteprot. lank So" ant t'fflr—Nortb Wert earner d Word unlined' ferret, Current Money revived on Be rner 51eht Civets for Vlie. eat onlectionr inele en n-r -been 4, ffne-nel t.einte of tbe United Stedre. rt. hie - nest pre.lont •pold tor Yoreign and Aneriont ddronere carders. conedormeits of Predotrosbtnk-1 ern. "titterer: term.- • A Y ecimmintioner and hill .N.,ttroltrr; strand =vet_ .stlievatfinatkm- , 111 to, • , g m . luLlnonen swanned to Ma tare. Intothaniti ealkleSetenas an hand or Pran , o4 00 tort =nrs. NOW'. Boo+, XeolOgesate.. nenotinted an favor. able -. &brawn. ma.. reanizea: gitirc)SA ti:4:4VAoOF:y7tio 0):,3411:p I[l O. STOCKTON,. lasi,juktruitan &Sitmt ).r.ritirtrillignlsrgb=.4 ',II"AD.:I3,:IIOWIES',OPeop Literary Depot, str,t,aplansft. Vost New Bocce op -41ra t dallp...T threes. IZtiena mftiyed 03 00 f of LOO. )I+l4o=ooc7 : 4 1-..rparca. ruall:l..ed at the zmbli.bcr's L. READ, Bookseller. unii Stationer, H.:TS Srmrth Amil,l3,lllding. .8 -- P fr DEALER vkr 31'0LINTOCIC.,1\ tanniactaret tuad Im no,ter.of Cannots.:osl.Clulloo, Ob.= Pons Trim 'cond. Wioticor Stonier, he. • Warehouse. &o n 6 Fourth ot., • and 7, Wnod rt. Ftoo,onrols. Foßwmonr - G. - • iIItNI.I:2;TER, cornerof Water and ILL. :qaerefele, eta. rjltsburr,b, Co OURIVIN am) lOar. araarir : J ou=r. and ;for Iha yarcaset and aale of flour, ...tofu fl•odueo. I roafltralam,sandtbotammufacturau 4 1411 7 ,- " Vil . P;;;:-71) . ); . ! " .c of 11. Harter t WO roar o)rbamoi Marna', and Ilr Varkcout Philudroahot mica, an I Jortirn)) Co.'s toperlor falekrrl Tem. ans:ff 31.3IINULTY k CO--Transportepi. j. i'vrlrst4ing anj Cottualoni. Merchants. Papot o.r.a. 40 , icon stmt, an Rams. FIN WOODS & SON, PRODUCE DEALEBS •nrrea Watch onset. ---- o,11;f: L. JOUNSTON, Forwarding; and Pi liecbarit. No. 1.12 Second ptrert 6 f i c „ :l: : JONES, re At , ti Forwarding and Cora- l:nig& NCrehlillt.. Dealert in . ' Prner )I. , af...tumi.rtitln. Canal lksin - Dear Sevectb mrtobomb. . • . • AEJYY, JONES 14 co:. ilaccesstax tr, At -*tad, lottrt k Calttnaltslon •nd Art.tersin MAnttractatmi Om% Pitt,- ' DIY GOODS ILERCHADTS S. 16,2011.1 ATM= 4, Te.,:• A A .A. MASON CO, &; Wholeasle and Retail rj. healers rates =1 Staple Dry 6, 90. R Blio.rhA .....m,...lbtt,burth• k 331.111,011F1ELD, Vinocealir. IT]: .04 11.4 sit conskrr et. Cenritt smi , larket strwott. I Att.Larch • _ DENTISTS dr) itz-p..IIUNT, I)cl:diet...Corner of Yourth bm-44.11 bitylkot Rod Friv , atz , ..., Pg, WOOL DIERCHANTS • • oac. , I.c.46Eas and lirribututs- fa. ihe rule of Abbßrlb.h obtAr ! , 0.1.39 Librrt rt. Pittsburgh. HARBAUG.II, Wool MerAlianta , Fltair Ana . Produce sznerally, AM For , OvrtstlP.ictu Mare!lua. 11.5 '31,4 th.l.llll6 , Arl , trevt. tit bburb. ' 1 5 HARDWARE NERCH i. .00,9 i W NILSON & CO.. ImportetB end LA Wholesale DealSrs Ilsrlasso sal Cutlers :N.129 h4sst TPA .DEALERS., • _ MOBRIS.Tnn and Wine Met. ' eloatt.R.4 of.thp,'"Piimmt, Pictsbarep. MU:bt 4r. CO., Grocne — and V T 1)-tterl, , S, 94,5 tuwt, WmA Xr.4, bIiarIOZISA:v I tilir2o lartn.etit u4PaWlcai. 141.1-401,10 Fruits ant Nu4Virtle• tTuAL Des 4 riMPU.6 o iii4. bi tl' 14L -•- THE • DAILY 'PITTSBURGH DRUGGISTS A. FAINTSTfit.3i Co„ rosLtur..ctur.,cf,L.e.l.ll4 , l 15,.1,;...1 CV{ Fr,ut r I`.l-1.. (5 , 110‘1,,,r , it-rt $‘11 , 4.-tt. 14tAit O. 1 0 1e... 0 , L ''''' - n ogoilko, viok .4 14. z v„urth E SELLERS,. \I" ti.,l.—Alo ir• ff: •rc,t. 64" N" , ,: AM., W holo‘s.do .7+t 50... 1,1 4.1 If 0r..) , ff•frnor of ,oxf ff g}rTIALIN I M(TI% alto houlli ) iroTiFfifflff..f•nrnot trinf,tft I f E ERN 0.,\% 1,1,1;1. Dru 99 f.tfrch GROLM,Rb • _ . . . BL.t.CI(IIOtS CO Whol o oota ljro vv. 1.-ch, urzh • n 0 0.1.1 the.1•111.11,./tl~ . 11 Si t • ~:r. g, 1. Iti IISON. ,„3 ."." , Y11(114. ar, 117 I rout 5 1... HEE. wer. 0 r',l“pf 1,0 7 co r ut.l Kn.?. •AAr.er Vent. nrul Inrsu I dt•t , o,ti AMUEL I'. 1:11 Ett, CI eta, Prollsen zu,.l 11,clAtn, FA, rani et• sr. Patel., Artkrl , . No. I "...n,l.l•Are.rt. A An•l JOWI 5,, 01IN S. DILWuRTII a CO., NV bok,,,A, -IP_P Gm-on, hcoduno awl CA 114, tr 11 If a. , `.• .1 1,,x1 lt. al . B RIDGE 4. t :x.vtaai, IV 11,d4.,a1e (Irtenra *nil Commwahou I Irtrm.t, nni ILO nrst .trn, Vitinboret,. AEI% AIAI"ILIEWS , ' Co., Vl' huleculo kt.Urowrn.Comminion find Frrexenhan, Alttatli Itnoh , on ()ono. Yarn, 67 W., ,L.Pntsburaln JOILII WATT • . JOHN W kivr co., wholo- .A.1 0 41 , UwuNon Nlerevrialts. smt ILretitirii Nlanufittiturrii. Nn 14 , 71 1.1,- burch. - B. CANFIELI), Into+ oV Warren, 01..0. PI • einximiteunii and FurviirilinA l h,huht. mut iii.leDsaire in N V. it em I . Arh, VI ...ern II SMlthbold awl F. VON lIONNUURSI . 1,_7 • ea1.,1r0,,, F'•.r>ar.lln.c and 12.:mmi Vie, 5. Ant, Itettiora t n Pirt.t.urch %Intr.:l,l , o+A koo Itodum :V, mrc, of Ir.. rtm, \. rid Cbtsx+, rittAbur7L z,l 1 SAIAII DIC 1,1 , 1 1 J. -01 , A ,ca.l-,°,","'..17117'-‘l,r7llT''',.-n!,ltti.',-74."'"- 1, 1 NGLISII u & BEN N ,E 4 uramkatera Cr ur t rorward.uu:Alerrlasa, ca r t 1.•.1,ru trt utui uurgia I,l,uururturrn. No. 2, r, t • t tu.t.rr-qt Wkwua mil. M" .... , • 1 .; LLS & ROE, N% 1,,1,t1:. r „:.. i tY .oupaiision n . nularr ()BERT 3100 .UTUfrtu:. istnrup, and M So. kttlif" khd Cie,' Vlncb Aukt Inv fur • Ili 0 ;, LZEL4 4: CU.. V: b. , 111, , th , tkr.. .tr.loaissl,:. sod PitustAitut. •Isouturmr, Ilttzburia. ' I,poliEr:r A. 1 2 (.%\ I :C 4 _; - !Ha , - 314. rrt.u,,101 , -1.11T... ',tar: roaut. soil Lela, iu . . 1 11,731. lIAGAIMY b./.. 7 7 em. No, aml tV•Pg WICK 41 - 7t/CCAN MIES!". 11.1 Cotw-eioit 4Rrc E..., • Caton tra, ar.Ll rstuborgl. r t iVt.l and West., ..... . CULBEICTSOI.I CLOUSE. Wll/.10..1 ki 190,, an , l (L.cramisAio. 31a , hant" gn:. Ala Slsnot,trir , L+l.rt gare , ,t. Iltt-turr‘b• a. . - D. WILLIA:ILS . 1 1.4 ON • ii.t.t.l.ritFs.aul, urociporg. az. u 4. l u r n N.r klaq,. 9 !IlLuarowt.-1, Vir.!l 1 • 111. 1 1.1.1 • 1. 114 UllliNtON, LITTLE A . CO.. .C.b4 laberty Manuirrtarry. •jj•••• •—•— • • IL - FLOY 1411„J:11.• . nalp•inn Ker.•!..nt...., and -• Lacact. tr,ut..g4, t. .• JOH ' ,c 1,0_1% ti•.l4-4111%.(, az 1..-cur...l^ •!: /I.lK.r—N. LP , rt. .1.. :.airurt E As. DAI.J.ELL. ralirgint”..l Nita, i•itteint.m , Mat.4.l7:` , W.tttir •L •itet MUSICAL INSTRUICENTS. g Oil N . IL MELLOR, In i 'tan. r. ♦ 31.4<; st far Irma I)..aler ..t Mn.ir, Si Jr 1..1... , tr , . • • ..q.ntt far Nosatal era.t..l sod -with Anle,to .1,14141.4, If MANVFAC'fITRFRA. ILLINGS, 15'1 LSON 3)., :11,tn.i, tororo of .11 /.1,11 tact, lore t1,.1 goof net, t, 1 . L I .. that, Dant JooloA liolrbot+, lout. :hoe raga, Cut I,arroi 00.1 lothloo . f. 0.. 110 bur! uail.. Itc , ece t)tioo at I.lll.loNetfrT a , No, 11 , , V. •1., et-. 1 , ,1t0. turkb. • 1110 N CITY TAcK FACT( exiirrs ps...tifsetun axPI gett:Tr u m . r , t . ottlizlz , ll , iiyo 07cr k '' ISin ', f 17 , F:r " i7r.ritl N.‘ epy,er Ind Tacks . , I.l.rnd NfttL, Copi, gag 7.m.• :10.• Nai!a: Jr'nk.l,4ll.; gfc. 0.1)!1•1:1,1.1.. .% tisrpt.w.o. h. W&.. .L. CUILDS S CO., .ILintata. t n-rs Teti ruperi,r 4-4 .ittn , .. v et tio.ll Twine Ilattmr. ',nil 11_)ITTSISUIWII ALKALI WORKS:—iivn ji_ rtTL.l.l , rry Co. Maoutaxtorer , 0 Sods Anz,lt,, , .- !,1 l'ovJer, end 0011.Vurie Ando Wnr01v,,... Water .0. I,low PAPEE HANGINGS iiITALTEP. P. MARSUALL, Suropssor to y Y lamu.l c.rtill—lmpnrier and Deal. , American raper 11.171 v ind nortl,re. 1. pig.na , lire Marl PrmiF, oaf If ranbar. raper. Wood Intl. tr. anal. blamboa alley. eit,Mlllol. i'a TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. OLIN A. CAIJUIIEY, Agent for the Lake 0 Erie and 11..347. anal lOt Lakefil Ct. tbo ffan, IV at, 4.1 emktfit.lztn. •11)LEMII Sr. CO., Trtnsport,re by Canal azd Forgrazaing NlffrvhotoG. mmv.r of Verm ,rroel t/U. Out•J. 'aIiITILLN BLINDS. I:HOWN would InoFt reripet:Liully tnfnrnl the Vn tolin that be kenpn,n bend at Ills sten.' un ten w•rt ;to Diamond, Alin - y..1,y alts, a nn'orn to ..wt.tn”nt Veal( San elan Venitian Yhutret• an. made n. nr Int F. ten frtt stile, warrant,' ,MILI In any to the i,tnnel . . . . - . lairolo '44 1, ;.m nl - ,•( • tfx..Trlver. purchrt.....l , • ca1. , 1tte1......1.4.1h=nr.t lta=m, I et. velar.' furnioth their .14 n; er..11 th:hg to thnr rlttAluirnh .1 a PAPER HANGINU AND PLASTERING. JOSEPH JOIIN6TON, Pnrsit liANC11:11 ,rn, ,i;11..1 t pr. . Mortar. Lath. VETERINARY . SIMEON • DAM HAI:DIE, Veterinary Surgeon. la', trout E.llolwergh, N,welead. would rete-ctith , tites:ea the public thst he hemeemmenetel peewee, iw tNe else,* profweeiore loywareful atteetinn wheteter to entruned to tan, he borne to g seeleheetene. In coantelios with Jame* lam ive ella. Von.. ElloArth eml o,loc o .o l tJaho /0 heneret will bee arrhel wet, et lbe wwher Tunnel zerwei earl reeavelearlio Avwesue • ENGRAVING AND i.ITEOGB.APRING EVILLE JOAN N, Engravor on Wood, .I.l' Phu.llnu. (tii!rd nteiti.) PAtab*rgh, r.l llnSh'Aurbinr:r:. S"'''''9.l" . ". ...d , •PR , Drug 1.0.-.l?th;,4r.rr. rv*.• rnr e tit•,..tk.Ltk .orlaT:Crner.., • art. a,.J 10. cT.. L.,/•••1. peat., _ _ II,I,IAI,StAILIi!IISI4I.N'S Lithogrt.i . d. ttord- Aurt.,t, 10, l'lttelwrg6.. Latilimulm ,,,, rtn`lL . • Arrht‘metor. , l at, M..M.lrm Ors•inve,ll - rmitm, proi Card, te_ .I,mrn ma :Inn, and proulea to tow, GA 1, Ural,. m . Mork, lu and ttm Wegner, Ilnectm - er & Mueller's LITIIOOICA l' lOC ESZABLI811)11:N1 T LIE AB°VF. rt.l reqpk,ctfu Ily annotitx , to their fr; , ols..nirerVie ant prop . arext ten ti nit ` , sntarg 1 , 4 r, elloc Cut., 1411 s, Inylucias, Cheek,rc ad Pttloutinti,l Cant,. Haps, Ch.rt, h, Their tmtsibilltaxernt se as No Sl,rtet TtOrd'arui Vomth .1.11• 11,10 W. WILSON , IT" tv a re. and .11.11itarr , Unn , :,l•; mr,l3:t ra - And Faurtlintrt.rt.,l.A.Lnbux.:ll.l.a., • Z: • .• EAGLE .:;IA.P.BLK WORKS, (r;c:ILI/she r d la= by. kluftWii.) WILK I:ii, No. 1. , ., LIN , ,, . t etizt r , 4" , „ . l.! i f= m —lii , L . t ., l :o . r , f . . b. ,.. .1.12: . ..z! . . t,.r e ,. ... , ti ger Sor.shrsyl ma hanZ lad ;AAA to ...nTir. . .• 5.1), A clinks Mhetioo of LISwiAD Au WA/. 3.3 A PHYSICIANS - - Doctor G. Reichhelm NFoRM:, ht. trieniie and the public in 1V1:1- ,at, that 1,“ lu. rainoa+l nfllre W P... Fir+, —ProKars tor. totn..l to tout for a It.n , rth nl tiont. ttirtO Ir to.on funds drto.d'al I r . V rolnip azo.l Mx,' land . k' , 917 Moore, hf . D., ond Noon Enoland Pol,n o %not fouto , olot•orotot.,...rollY• " o „, ettottot, 0 70r.f , otrotiottl olit..ons olefin , on A1.1..r , 0n near j/0 . . Mood t ‘nd d on , 0 ., 0000 . tt, oo Italtsto. r 7. . _ • „ . , irit• 'ill. 1 . ,,,, ~'., ~,,,•• hou" '''' ' ''" s 'IOICII A It D .1. 0: HOF:I.:KING, Manufactit .l . ~....L1 Wow 7m, , J I, M .". , . . __ - . 11„ rrr of I..kitnt lA:am awl lirtun. html.t and ISamt. i 1 Eel ..I. MY E RI-I-- . ..'urge.in ana Plipiekun ; 114 , 7 h i , ..5.? , !6t,.. - ,;;,.......,:.,, 71. 71,MM ~,.,. rt 1 . ,,,, z 4 il Y 1711 i., owl ',Alin& corner of Darling:nu', Ir., hs. ''. 1 • .. 1r hAllt ,tr .,,, trio ds., alo., ill-4,61:01d Ist. , prNE AND cEDAR- WARE. ~.I ' "2'..;;`,' ;;'. ' ,.„',7 . 71, L ,T.':; ' ,1A,;'..7714. ' . ' ,,, , ,.1 ' . ' 1i " . ' ,;i ' t 5 i !:l ', : i (.2 . ATM ET. R 11 ( ),ESEN keeps eonstanON 4,n ,a.....ssl•tra,t,rsts• n ts, SVIIGI ,1 CY•lep allil the .11...1.t.,•' ' CI h,,,,1 ~ , ~.., ~,,, ~ . nt If Warts awl I,th 11,1•••• •I'l , ""n. tri.t..... et „ .0.1 . ,,,t. ' llal r, Ve'.l. Ilit..hou or Mao linck.... ' • •'• • - - 3 • ' *c . d . '. 13. 1.. a. Churn, Iws Nlot•surr, %In , awl l'lsorry ralscELLAmous CARDS, etc. • : w,... It at i an! all .•t/ . r /sin& ssf assn. in 1i1.13w. I hors, .. .. 3soa,wr Ilan. Fslth •v.,I.PAWL - Las:L. Pa. . s Wm. M. Meg`m .02.4. t ght I i ATS.t. (3A 3 I'S., AND LAut Fall Fashions. 1.411 , 1 , .. : ! :, 1i , 5 . ;,: i... 9:(; .., c ,r i.1 a i ., , , 1 , t i t ,.. ... ,, 11 ,,,, ti ,, 01 , 1 , l' , , : b l .. i r r , p . 1. ,.. , • 1 , 1 , 1 ......., FT FURS. .. `.. .,71 ' ,:c7i ' ..7:::,...,11,, E ir. ' ;ii ` Wir1h„ N..st. 1... rt 11.0-, A W 11. SON A SON.. No. 91 Wood at. ~,,,,,,,,,,, ,•,, ' eip , sli•srl dosarj...l..* ' , Sunman ntis..., sass Id i . 5„,.„.,,,.,,.__,,,,,,,,,,,-„.„,„ 55.,.. t - san,s, P. N . 1 3 St' , rt.• ft- ...sontss.s. ass thtar r....1.11:1. r. an.l list. watlli• n,, , , Itamytots. an., Ww. tt••ttlusll.,-. U.,- ~ , .. I i.• •r lor, ot.li!lort sttli..t, 1,. ...”.rt•rritlnt It' s I't .r ' , lf's ,. r 'tot , Itt ISnost, • TI s.• tr,rtwent ....not., Its l to tl 1i ES ..:. Q I IGO 310.11111neatrer , el 'Si rit„,,, „, _,..,..„ ,„„,,, -,"„„,,, ,1„,,,,:, ~,,,r, on I 3,11111, et. awl Isss,..r; 5.,..55, s's,snks 5.4..,.. t.1.a.1 Pls.,Antt.stsw. ' 5..........).. r • . .1. o stn., ro. ...I,- tt 11 i' limos! owl Drub. • , ..• , nil ,i1•0•*: prol,. 1.5.1ial•••••i I ts.n All. ~. is, ll, ...tir, 1,1.1.,.r.m., os. t 5,114 , r kiwi' n! UST, Iln . crt..t. .1...1er. tss Mos.•taka.. m011 ' . .-,s3n.t Isn• tanstuu . 111.. ~.... •.•1. ~..I at.ds.. Pea.. 5 11 0 ./ii , t.etill,tfit.ttslt. 11.., I. rl - 1C1t111 , 1,, ~.rw •t• rt., n 1 IL, and Fn.! • isa , I •ss.l 1510r...1 s• 11., s.l att.., ass •,,....,,,,,,,, ~a , ,,,,11tAr, . tat ststmtls. l'a_ - .tsst I 11, .....• Snit . ss • .1. tat) ,s 1 ....,..n..1•••• pr1....0 3 1tthn1.• • t - 0ti1... owl .sosl iSA I-1.11 1 , 1t.:K I.: Y & CO.. Agenta for :k1 „ - ' ne..e.-1...1.1:- Ft H. , Tsf s - Isi w .k an , N.,,„..., i.,,.. , ‘,,,,c . , , ro,, 11 ,1... ~.„. ~..,,.,,,,,, ~ , s ,, s , ~,,,, i !hell. ..,:•.:r...,....1 „ ...5is t3....sisst, 3 , 11 . t . • , 1.1...1 . ws.l tllls+rsors. asr tale , ...t..1'.• tr..... on.t t.s -nw•ris.r to. 1•1; s Has ;imp:.•l tlt I Ssl t 1.... an.i i• lF• Fr, , ~.. ~,,,, 0,.,,,...„ .. „,,,a I SS la, A . ti t ILMAtaI II .3. . 3 .oiiii.E--e,tv Vi urn. ' FAIL FASIETON ' ' . - 1? ~ r . 4155 5 . t.r, a,. la.•, oar nt Ada., -I. I , Sltts.t.". 1 49 F have jll , ll reet•lV•if 11117 r.eautilizt, rx,,. V, lel it , i—tS ":11 . I.IN , Civil F.ll,tibil, ; ,„,„ o , ;,, ` ,',.'',`,..!„, ' , ' ,‘?„',i:,,, b 2,%,, 1 °,7"^, th '''''' - ,,,,,A,: , 1 t•tss. twrn,n. sin I 14-...1.t0l altans, a.....e5s 1t..., aost, ti..stll; I , a .3•1. r...r. i'lttTa 3 n4 I.lnnl at,.. Penn Glass Works. ~...,•• ~ . ....m•-, - 1 ^ ~...... ~.• tt.....•. , .. •‘... " - r ..Ersta. , ~ ~ . .. _ ... i 1 1 , 7 ,. erntsynet• 13.1.., • , 11, t l'ittohnw Si . , t•shlt . 13 • ' ? WIEN Z 0... 1% HillTM AN. (formerly of the . N•. , 't:i W. 1.) 3.3 CO., Wheleoale and l'e:LAil 1 I A ri—n ,xt ~,, ii , +,ll, .1 0 ~, at...wt./owns caf all I % ,„ .. . , „, , ,„„,,.,,.,,,,,,, n „,,,,,„,,,,„,..! t...,.....„ ., I I 11.7 . „ 11 .. :1;1 , 1 ,. ..7 . . ,, ,t1 .2 11 ,. 1:; 17.. 111,,, GI . 1, •..1 :A. , . i ir1:... ,,, , , V , `", , , , !'h•l''''''''' i ‘ e. n . ii " :- '',, ... , •” , r- , i ,,•,• .. ••,.••••-•,• ‘,..,'," ..; ..t - , ,,,,,,,,,... , ,,r. ibe.... t..., i 111 - , , .1 . , ~warty.,';,-,.„_,..,... ,_ . , ..... , _ . ~ _ •• f 1 ... , 1:1, 117.1 .5% I, 1. 11771,11, and !WWI. and .1. „ lan . F.' r. ”' ".. '. I' t` ss .• t s'ta• • sse. 1.. I• , It•••. , 'lt'. ' 3 . - ft . 3 ' 4 1' .3 ' 3....... " 3 ' 3• " ... ' C. W. Feine, Professor of Musfe, 1,...—,,,,,, , ,, , , ~.,,, ,‘,. , ~,,, ~..11 mi th••..,.1 I F:(;: , . i.•,,,.. t•• inform Ml.• i1.,,,•-• ot l' • ; 1,.. • • 1 1) •M. DIG I: 1.:, :qv, ha nt T.Lilor, 1 , :-.4 , r . .„ „ ,„„„ irkv .„.,,,,,.,,,,„,,..„,, ~,....,„„,„:, lat i•sta.tS• .', 'ot i.•orts•sus I. t••rn.. I . ....1., tawswns.s...r.l ssw I !ON Keit Is Fa! 1 .,,,, 51.. ,, 1 :, 11 „ ,..._ .,.. 1 .. 111 , 11 4 ...! . m t" • , , ,,, :: . 1 , ~....., . 7. 1 :::. • ~,.. • y., New Chocolate Factory. 111 AM lION I . nel. , et fully in k A MA DEIRA ; D'l"wnre 1 14re: ne. rem., lino N COFFIN. Agent for Frani:l:ll , in.`"m"" tarn r ,° ' • n "` " ' "'"! I tf .nt % 1 1: M. II LEN N`, Boor Woe,' etren% . V V •••• ,, n4l ..Ic.r (ma I. enrctr, ni Third, Prei,mlt..l.4rper•ry Eind,r.4 with ; - n 11.41 tr: 4,rlr.tan4zll, uK.. n,, r ror ST CLAIR HOTEL, ,n 1 - .1•1•7. , , Nr r n t• •, , I: t Ar m.‘• :I,•llc.min rri • rl lln 1, r s tin` ) Corner of Penn avid Si Chu' Streets, Steamboat Agency, and Oettera.l pirrsnunGa. Slon, Receiving and Forwarding:. : .. . rrl• , • t 1 ' A I.IAI/ I'LL MI hate Mir , I l.t ru•, •••• • t •• • • r 4rb!•r.lth•• I' , V: , •_,. .• iiVl-1N 1ru..1, Lirrrrarl; rriberr. ofrirlrefr, r, -,‘ r •—,, rrra.l rrl eir lir rli 1.1 rrr rrrt* • , ' lf , F ,, k , New Coach Factory—.9.lle..henv . M. A N‘ I I Drawing. Perspective, and Painting in Oil, 4. 1: D. I; rr prop.rod t. , ~J`.,: 77:1 •r.l It orwr.a.:l••• N WALL PAPER Fresh Assortment of Spring . Goods TI PALMER In . Grmdatom•a ! Grind/ton< MEMEMI ‘.. . ;..-- " WILSON k. SON, I - f•IlLt.1101.f. itUSBEY & SINCLAIR, a- Stonwe,Siiippia , '• , Conimizsionm , :rehalav , ,t, .I`ttecritt. ' ttt•-t Suns' Fin, PtO9l Mineral Pa THE of , 1e...ca0 ttl••••• tt .t •, Itatetts.• • , TAtif .tt• /1111, Rockingham and Domemac Wiremwnr: IMM=IM klexruld*rliraidey lIIME=I F.1('78 1,1 Pittsburgh on..s Ptir. and Tub° Worm. 4 ia7 , Jon 4,:trwirt...; , r if: undf , r,ipiPd I Itt r.; . • I''' tiA • Boltvar Fire Brick Kant/factoring Comp'y. • • GIAYCLIt. KIER of. CO., Pr:amok:TOß, . L. , AnAnt THE SCI3SA.RIBEItS, hatirr bet, np- 1 . ; ..‘ nren, I.t the atm.7. ten.ied are aut.,. v. .tl. ... 01,1 IP ....lA/ .0.1 t intautli on nand a eispnl,• alita,,s hand tn. n.,A• ,„, Ylr. lA het !tarnive Iteanneaiei forrutur. frnu tn. ',eat..., ..1 ta tio n,]. ,th it 4 , 1 , 1 V r lll,lA.d. funurtii, tin at.a-k, inanu.seturwl ratirni•ly lr Is pi,tanAli order Ha !1, .-nhore . that the aJ•an a,,501..1e.Gt r .-. ont, to -numeral. It cnnn, on Isg.. mat l... ;tern all other-J... •rite,.. L . pert, nt ht. st . ..d. a, rt. to., Al Lurk ta.112 nternl tor le In thCir etype .1,1. and nr,o .-atiunt in ant .d haati.n. It)) baltiA tnurn alninst all neri.nn“ihr. Fora Ildels The nroprinun hat.. ileArrelinvl that , ratlor. drsrluti.•dininJ. ana room :Ina.. .1 nrlrk , hal lone non, of Mini . rt,bir r•••••.•-. 1 111A10.Ar• • ,A, mint that sir. rp.... /ball nnhAt to make them a•.•/.. AD I I.a: Av. twtt...7 , 1411. , Lt., fine hatAltdote 1.. ni 11.1. .k t, Vt. 'at... inanufacturtrn !he 11rJo 1 / 4 Frehl. 1.1 America. natin 1... 1a...i, What An. ant KILL: ••.INF', part, 'Artlin, 11 ..: iiihte. met: „na: Latin. n0r..1.14 lan..I an.. fano, .4.1 +mud , An...• hain, ant biAder, onll.l. ninhnJan, .riAnirtA.l auJ enitri• and anti. tn. W. Dixon ' s London Patent Lever Watehes,• rA any Walth.. off rmi in rifhOunii , ,bl.c 1+.1.4.e5t1• wnhatanda istb tiI.CLIAII.IrON, FAI )larket t.tre,t., hiiJe eisonhneetiL Fria, half and JO,l, ere.gat. rt,aira, • "•'"' W ' ch" Ve ' iT4Xiirt 'i ni•T.n " l7,ll " Zl. 6 .lt 1. 0, ilovt, hushio... In attached In yea. Wedeln , Ity nm'Cittattoent Adsturalty. 1.1 r 1 1.V. , • """ liven. Loudon, larJ, ~,uon„n .„ oats, 17.1 AN-loilon it Ilits canine. thittln areninf.anyinnWatoh. -- • .te ' Uh• " .. .‘k ••• ' L .P . ' • 4 1 ' • 11 ••" . '" , ' ".." i•tentiihuar.• And aturtrot soh , •'"""". "" k. `" , nrrinintl, r • • J. entitnnte oiarAnts. the 1.1.,,te1, to non, tn hi At.. en: - , The only real New York Plumbing E,stult .4.lo•llishment •-- A Card. ,fl Eft I: iihno Scientiti.• Prat EirtED Ole Now•YArk ' •1,7.,.'1„,•,„ • piae.la r.t•AIfAA if, ar , r...m. tl.• I ,„. &alp, ann wtt Ire ni h f nod 1.,. ra,n-ted tie tin,. and nat.), 'I .imerior avoithinut Shall he Lame., DrirntelJk,.. 1 " .0 1 rele It and ...rinan•lkau.....lt A ...Ter, kind, 1,J0r..1 and piAlei NluAltn, Ito! Innl nf different width 1 .. 7t. .111.. rent path., ,„, ". hihrteu rtin't ;- Irni. 80hn... At linden ainlltAnd.. Conn.,. I . a., I anal.. and Ta,..-1 Ihn i u, I y Coed Sih. mot ljiil4l • ADA he, • ' • n•n , • Launi•he I,,outerpan,•• enlored nJ t],uhr Itarna,entl.tani . bah]. sin put on it sin dinhan in M. roontry ..J!i••J. k I 01, • 0,1,1:i, Itna.r.thr toinetuati, tein n t r... A W 114.1", 126' Vim •I ....I and llarket ots. • WiLiub Son. „ J .1N M 4.10, ILT 110 LE: , A .Irid titithiifriettl- A Slanni.• T r. I , and Hale and L No.pl I IDreAdted fhn lacnntneluttrr, hi.h.and Pitt, end 1, Leen , olio a 1...1 aod .-nrintet. Ann et !Inn Wain Sa.ef ulo Lt •w t tt.ttntlitteturtt. etf tt.•s Intr. of tit tt,tl ttttr.tettle Utest 4 ,4 ft, ntel rttutil. lattl , nst . ltt 'ls — came., tttat,ttn..,l 1.1 raw. nl tr6lol. 11.1., sf^ sttoittitto t,..tuttry• ,rtti ettt st.vtirto. Itt.tta _. WAN - TE, ' tIEOB.GP. P.. ARNOt.,D & PO., ilk it . ! I.,STERN BANK NOTES, lit barest - BA iN KEBti. rat, aaa, b , ia, hind, b, I, la KIN , . DentEm , Is 10(t1.1 a ,L, 4'61,, lialti. ilorio-W. I 1 . 01 Meal., a Imaarr. rtairtb la. ... - . NI, :4 Paul-. at., r..., t . :taw V jarp.,,,, Nat, larla I.r,(g• ~ . ...,..1..“ ati part. r.• .I....Unvan , . Paper. 8t , ...k. b . ... , ... —..... ' , .m .4 ^.. ''''. '''..' : 'JIM Pal N 4,i, WIIIT I Nt.i. ut,.IWRA Prip:(; ea rElt.— . . r.-ras., 21 by . .a Prinainc 1 , 4 , 4jSIITLIVI . VOLVIN. Mo.rel.nt. I - 7 .0 1 , 11.., Or, awl 'Nall , [4, r 111,111 'rum ptkP i•Ga REAL ESTATE AGENCY .• M . , ,iiran, C<niry, and adjourn: en. hrs. . i "CATrI) is 1111, Lt....4;011' ,th' sEH 111,1citli./V l-,,,, i ,,,,,,,, 1 7,,, ' k .,,,,,H7',. 1 , ' :';',,“7:17,;',,',',.',7.i . .':i r ,..:::,t,', U j," r rit 1 E SUIISCR3I t ER, havtni.; Lech loval..il ; ~ , , , , ,I.,tzt., r i e::, , t , ,n i . , ,,1 , :fg:',.'',..',F.,:: i'..l:::;.;'.'":i7„,` f: p I:, mow two few., yn, in the hourigstn 4 lloruki g h i.f ! ! ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,, • . . ," '' - :, el fir,ghinn, n.I ree.glr•l for in re thsu twelve year.t.A.t i A ,,,,,,,..„,.., a ~ ~,... ~,, ~,r ..,,,,,,, vi the ',trio itr of -che tame, no•I during hat ntne In" nl• enntin g i'..p., n,el.• in ,;I,lei to .11. , rt Imo-, • ! t .i.v.t.ii h i. been Oren I{l[ll...rlosivel, to Litml 4/.-te J. ,:... ' , opt 113.; 50..1.11.0, nf the N MI.. ,n,rnll h.- ," enro.t. of I•enn *O.l I re:.t, pia. , il 0* nrCliled no llew In the n t.tvea).4-10r-rvugli I-iteinted ..11 - ',only!". rtext. rant th e rentro ti Ow town, •lurin, ; toe ' Patent Candlesticks. ... Paella hegtatlf for anterior 'I o.n I" . .V,To r iii:rt J",:ttoufnr totems . - I UST REC'O, .AT IL RICHAILDSON.S. 'Tlear - are how n OORItw , ni ~l llt.hlr Int^ .n.i.."" t.`i' Sy .s. sl M wir kin . nri.,..t, ntinch.'r lot or 1.,. kl.eit. , - ,tw c... 11, the I,atn,s i rh and helgliburln...l. for utle ~11, i ,,,,, . ~., 0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, n , „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ei d i ., : 1.e,“ Yak, and ter.. suranturnnus. ' . lalmirennint ,Ai th, . {.l role, whi th cu.. , ul.I tr act' r no" , i b e ,• ~t ri e t ly r.itulned Ink, etid nn In.ntWii treethllly 'On out In lw.ll and examine. o' il -2 . rift /re nifFrol nth.. the tale i,lmliopotniilr. -- -- l' . deMtneuz ,f purch.intt it ,In w. II t" rill an.l • PittsbaTti, Cincinnati and LOllitifille Te1e ..,..F:r.,,,,,,,,it,..,,•,.... • 111.--.1 ,, 1 . t .,4 1,1)3 . V!TV , t1.1. , . graP l L --' ------'- -•- ". -•--- i FEW SHARES ul this Stock wanted nt , Fine Wat.chea! nk . the }ST/lance Ohl.vof t ' PEW eetf olperior Cold Patent e s 9 _ ) ,1,, . , wic.siss., c. , . ~.1, 1...,,,,,,. w..,b. ,, , ~,, , ,i I, ~,i r., ,,,, .Tpzi • i',„ TE AAI 110 AX QFFERED FOIL CITY ''fi r ' c lph ierma. , 0 PM/YEW/71—A bat.sloi will ',mew. ir aprii , satia. tr” ..h,10: anub . imrsom Hunan,: Au, c , .ac, wed of no‘tit. styles patterns, turns. at 1 Ift CIMI• MU to • . flAni.li At Ilijt2i, '' jr43 ' " i LLIUCUAILIDWN'tI. 11l Alark4 at ~. /72, Ili becond R PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, I 8 MSCELUITEOICS FaCELMIE AND BANKING EOiS A. Wilkins &• Co MEMS Wet 5Wr,r0,.,..1 EAGLE BV.ILBLE" WORKS- MEM IN I LK ' i Iln~ ❑v rt 1, .. 1 . I:u MIMI a krn.t 11 , ¢F.• u • cra. , la . r wr•-a•., • 1 INi 1 JAMES Vi WOOD WELL, 1 , N n., r1 FUHNII : I,KE ~M ANI! tWorm• rn, • A•aro.r. t,..t hz• /01 ts by :Y.:, •.,":4 • Vapor , Crtman Str:val rarer. MISCELLANEOUS Western Insuraaeo Compliny of Pittsburgh. AI'ITAL ssoo 00(Lf... ' tyS i is onur...tut kinanri r sk, I.lwrin. A..... - u.. ad;ust, w. 1.1 unattr , , Osii. A hnmo Irn , ltuflou—tumnewd bF t 4. "..u , u , :ty. nod who NIT .I.trtnir."l tov ,21 , 1 mint In ,hsrArter whirl, . , 11 pn 1/4. 1/imrr - n , RI.--1, Miller. Jr.. tlem. Jr,. Wrn. B. Holm', " . Groh Par , u, A....J. A Wett.r frarphm.o . 1.'1 , 11 • - - FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY -11.1??Risnra, rA. I)L;11)NED nnly . ll,r the r.1ng,0,3 vi..rtr. nn Ltn,ln naorni` ndwAnina.• cf rhnitrenran. nuA country ter out, nnJ oanx r! i.. 11,1,1 .ountr , pn,q , A Arttmry. • • .I:rnnrhAilleeP. Orleans Insurance. Company. ALMON, F. r CAPITAL, 8160,000. . gfrtmrd nr,rdnne• mirk th. Oruro/ tre•qran, Lai, of the Mott penqpernum Tr•it.nroaill It • , 41115111..1 With rift, .1.1 Mt, u. Ito t:P, Alett, , •••1,1, - th• , Itt•t r..0.1tt,.nt • t.• 11 04111,.. 'tn.! rota,. ""i"'"N • (ip, N'n. tttlithl7..ll,l a. l'itt.t.ttrtet A. A. CAItI , IKII. A :111. King, rem: took Co., EAGLE ro;rToN"NOB KS, II - .1 It111 , 0V,1:—NO ^ivioto N'UFAcT(.. NERs T• tYnrp.l.lnyt.rlt.. t.t.,ltstEnw. .a -.•t ANCHiltt ,rryr. • o Iv - E i i. h .. zu k, m t t t 1 i n ,.. ?:;:...1 ., t n .: .., j u k r71:7:44:11 vr 1 . , ,., :c ..n % In Soap an hitn.l a nartlplots ^morn:natal ol andarn sad aur L . ass mediulanure of Coat 011 dont, arrisaa rums. and forntlura , •Il entlat of ovary' Jean Intion: Inan.psn.n., las,. gal . /lath and Indf Ilnala, win. a Hinds sad tr.-, win, manta, , wish English and narsuan 111 andla• in Is uldtrnal In Ma wan.. • . Span j..alantly nn hand s fall ans, af lIIIIIL Iluldwr cam , I,lt/nt. nova, nes. wkind. lay, elotlin,a. Ist 11, roil ,nlionnan , dal—. 1...da, aan dsla en, buslaina of ail atm', and esar, nth, nOnde gnsnalarturnl al Indls nudldr. ander I/dadyaaf gastaa• di r I w 111, n .7 , al pr. , , tl,nl •san.a fan t , ~Iru~•. 1. , n) .1 1 II.•P1111.1.11•-. WA I,TVAt & Co., Flour and General Produce COMMIS3ION lIOUSE NO , SEAR IIALT1114.1.1::11:EKT .13ALT1,41012f: =l= ~, • rniP ~l.lin, , • Y.) ~,,Inktt 4.0 liaatng at latat tyttn.l vri.n any ettlant attarLnt tbn ans Inapt. • Latalaralnat-alr talth otaka galas .0J Q..0.4.rri urn, and t-tnt Inark• t vre. ro,a refttllf nn , t , rn,rntta, • Ir.a. , lant awl Cub let nfAari Da, Y. Ilan gi a of ;wn' I:a.m.-m-Is/ a lartncr• Paul. Chratiers I, I IIE CHARTIERS COAL COMPANY mu!. yttAnytry Arryyzynirrn• ‘,,sly nnr,•L tr elerNrr sr, 4 yr nrr fro nt T.llO umay--14,0. • • rwr •••••., • rtsrlery,F. c-• 111 •••fina. Th, • or r why,- •I rr t., W. par..% i;:ha•711: A . LI „ • ~ yptAry hax yreulna fYr(111, Irny C4n al Itny y Har 14,,A, L . Y., kyr r 1 , •••r muter.. A con et 2/1..) lb. mute • ' rwor ••••A•t.t rh .ADV!,' to the al 11, •1 IlAck• t. U. ,r.... raq • •••{,A, T11.1,1A• 11 !l %Tit." I:RPM A. 1.11:11(211FIELD, Vn•th L..d .t • hm , • I ,t 1 u • 13.1 fon. • X^ 4,1a.a..p.51g.. .• I tn.,rhgne Ore.• e•uvr. Ig•nt ti .1.• a.. I (Arum, "'hr.,. Lel., t.•ei arr ;cr., eull lurk gt :Au huge Ow n Splendid hatrunie;te I 'l l ll f: ra1!..ic711.., ha. iv.; re,, i, _ j_ s . .er, thct- rerLaloq. •( I• curl, ••••••••• I, h nth ...1•,. eiel alto So I•unharl. hew a 'Lk 1 rr.s•asv nth er• a elactaifievnt. tali L.,. •en Lear- .ararad A ...1 mad. II Zaurca & Cier, Il, ~` it...t.1:. VI, . •er a eIL I r r .r, Lrray.,t/t L . . r• , L•en , vl • . , b. r•,•• feva.rsr, Nem Inv. eitr acLI rarv• la " I ~.—. r. L r v e of L•ryt, •aza• • a • r .:.• 11,1.•• o t: • Lhaatav lit,. ^natal. Lf el,r ouprre.••• • ..o. ever a vL,I., .., 1L..., II l• 70.,441.1, "' - ,4: .. r..... -- • •- • . •••-• L., ITEW 20'0E.E. a.- .. . filliEli fill - Ing vtken thr ' , b., .ile ....,"773 , ZWYtt ,r..:rvr: ra-L•vin ...Lea...4 Lr =REM t., Lv LU)II'Sh 1./1•• t I I'.. e1•~ Falf and Wolter Stock of Fancy and Staple oto t A NI.N a k • ns v. •; • ERE r;"" 0 •'• artp-i. ta NEW GOODS. M ?., lh.rm ,gf i PDS. us.s. u. - • Vu . : l . l " .. t; ' . ' l.;;nr ',' ;:: ‘i.l.111•• I • I ILI,. .1, .0.• v. t.t.r . .trx,..r.t.1.......ratrt haat, •rta rrt, tt fat.: tr. run-, ,• r • :v•ttot.r,... vrttt, parelt,-.,.. LI , . triller.t...lt awl twrlottri, r trrrirt. :atht. T•tlltr;tl{ Iln• r. r.t.ttrurr‘lt:, (.. •t.r. rimer..t IVA/ A •:rrt So• :• , ••f• • ~ t uuA E Et Alo IT • 'l'FllultE •• JIE PLui'LE, ir t ,hliP /4•Irs•RA:(4, •r.ito,rr rnarryr ~,In•••• la UP pnfen•Arr. 1.3 , 1 dtIGC, r • litnera/ g r:f r:,.t (41E4 3” lb• f. rur,fp v0,,,f414..11.Ama Ir•rs•-•A. r r•J,...r, •r, r-•••• leo.t.tt w k• •••• t.••• trucr.‘l•••••• • wtim. ,•,•,••••••••J. af,A law mum. nt u•r.i. Ilrlirr I. • • v••• lar r• tun. 11•11- r , • t .11.1,1,11 A ••• .t• , STAR GLASS. WORKS. R BERT WINTER A co., IP.nmoo —No 17 .1h1,4,/ Pitt7turgA. 1 P.ItnERT WINTER A Cu., hoeing token fit t, Arlt , wrut.. 'grin um... Eton. el! k0t..1.4 Groan Tolovonenro. trt 11... been esTrol.n.s•-1 c I r e vevolaoo., • •.on VIIIIIPAIISE4, r) ARFri NI/ "4:1,, o.,—..vvr Jemerioi. n nt r.x.rrni Ii ISt j” 111,. A Put, Al L. , 41,VcJ.4 . 1 .1, , it,. lb. tqua. u, Si, uan.lotrt urr•l u, ,t n„ . ~rl-,11, • , tt•r ha. 6 en e, tn Incits nt.. ant i1t,10 ,, 1 in t.ll Orr , nbr. 11.2 , 11 t .11 , 1 1,1 , 1tt - vt rtti V , o,ll‘ • Drug' Store fur Sale. eon. for a .1;;;; , ,alt; 1;;;••tr , r;-!.141V;;,t xrelletta root.f motor° at fr, pr ,, nt tm 1;; c-r.,1 ;tll ...lel...tauten. •et;rtd •, I. ynlcr 1,;;11 - 11.;,..1.1;;1; vrttt; ;;;;;;;le, ; rot; tab, tur , oll/;;;;;‘ to .; ;, ; rttotZttoi In 114 tt , trtil - tt.ar NA 10 , "01; r. 1.1 tume. CLEVELAND NEI/ICA:1 COLLEGE. .•I . is the I Cl.relatt.l ;'; ;. , ..ti 5 , 1nrr..,-; C , Wrd twasf., 1411 s .15 • 1 t; ;;; , ,tt.p ..1 ,1;t;tt...1 1% Tbn 1011.;tio, gptlll , tart; r rnr=. tt. 4,tatt, etrortion; .notIN 111 . .1.411ATV,:, t.,.. r „f nor., and 'lt, ry Pr,ii.p•-t 11011 WE A. SI I.. At A., ht., it . 00 iint.irt . 61..1,41 Jurt.prud,..... J MAID J 11...L1,1A , 1 P • and 1 • 11 , ..t.wr iLe Ka the anl.” r• i• r • NI •4•1 U.., • tp• tom,* t., a.lo pa, at.g the liar: r. ••rko o.t, with r.o.m, lisle. n.l pr at hre , r P , s r a . r o t e , h for tell 1 1.. 0 .r dO.. , 2 pt . prL • et a..., A • nv..llrain.wr ..onrren, er.e. tr... tr. ap I r•ten rt /Len rtt P. 1•1.. ...I tl ruo 11,...rtnn a•• end., Orr tic,rtrta• • r rrptr..tts 0,-. Si.,! ',Up, In lb. narnAhrr, h e a r t an,ningr,...l' pg....ent..1 I. 1..11..6,1 v. qoal Lp tr. .s,onkr, J. I. f. oepli• , w 1,15 ,7 .1 thr 11..1trai or. , “Irir . _ ut.NLI.:AL ANu ALY.`,I/.15i ILLI • •.. • ‘• • Wall Paper and Bottlen, for the Fail Sates. g UST ItEl: El V ED, at the old estadilhoi i 011.431 ,110 , 1116.gi 11..11 • rt.. , n/PAri:III.IAN , aN. , S riVithalts, rmytorkaha4,..h 6 1i1 , 4•Zatif, ttl<laavx and mutt r on =miasmata, sad for our sr. low rata% bt the TI.O atad eccnnmical. A. W/taillit , t law] Eobang,,BrOki • 1194`20 THOMAS PALMIEIt I mc:i Osrner Natkfill sad llaird ft • STOOKS, OURRENCD7 AND NAILS- PII"I'SBURGH. GAZETTE. ED It E.:l' I Ali 1.1 ANL/ t' ILEYCLLY Congress united KohiliXih to his t.i \ t, _ the aot was enslaved Witti t,„ nniverval •. `' ' L ssr Horns\ or Lie ALW.VANDLII.--Frorn o', bY the l' e° P le 'k s bl ie-eom iffc. he" 'tin t' s PRICES OF STOCE,S , the governmentl 4 emil the pterMeelon of \ s t . ' long und interesting sketch or the life and death t will ecsduely be It i , , or beg pleasant co a.t Trl• n I TED I'' 14 " Ihrr 'e r ' l ,'" dt e'r7rrTE by I.of tee late Archib Id Alexander, U. 11. LL. , lin regard to the mikt r. ..\\ , ~ . \ A A. I , V 1 I,K. i i S , ‘S . :. C 0 . I ' 1 the New York Observer of last week. we take We see nothing tapecially ‘ \ te Moat in s ' STlth - 21 A NII Excrl A ;.;co.lf;isizoi: ER:, ] 0 1 ;\ following extraia: i conduct of Kolanth,Xitheron 1 the,ifil \ • ••• H. ~ r ?inttoor .. tatfl,,nu, , „o. r 08oG De , i, or at the portisibich el/launched- a Alexar;iler accepted e 'call to the • r e•IP .. , 3 , x . •, I . , , . A Call we believe that. awe-neon .nth eta\ /..- , ..,.E t.. ~r k ;,,,t . petts] charge of ilk° Third Prer,byterum ~ . ch. 4. In Philadelphia, c caner of Pitientul 9th : hber'hd are ' e th°e ' r ug h /1".. i ' ° t he hi ' se of e, etge despots am td join ids, lheiir co iziet..' •r - - • , 5..,, a, otrettsft Hero he was Ito •rainently useful \ pass - 1 • . - .:. - - ihtha e stood declare themeet'es a d M their rt. "IT• • ' I • - -, - - otter sml\penor, and hero he m g X I they, are cnarged with d 'ng on coconut tins -1 I ' •' - . ',•-• . ' !:.:.' i lg t l l'-'';'''l LO • 1 i to" he d e''' . " 'Mr' /Carded and \ P enru k i" 'ti girhich'llf. th h id .VI \IT • coti tat • \ eLr:. ie.' , ' - --In , es - '' Lt •Isn•a" l' l i muieteref \reset, Bet the Peettliverian Church i T in - I , , a; hr° at. ar .. M., la . ' C .' ''' , F, int . aa! test ~ ~, , , , ,,e A ,i 1, ,,,r the . . te ,,,,,. , itlareetilea , ,w natural amb3tteAdable, if itt!othy 3,„ . , is, ~,,,,,,a v '.l hod tle!'ett iS m word ' a Y r l a „,\ i the martinet code of diploma y,ky4he itop r Oca I. " ''‘':., \ t. \'' r ate Instrtuition of her Bona to q \ i u the for the inini•theyi of reccincifiall et erer Y \ c ße P ub heah behr L. i ll° .. 4. Ph '', 0, A to to, ~,s.nol rel.._ k ,' s.. , • ispectfully or leave to cross .8 cli Knglant).., .e , •li r"\, -.: h "' y e t ~,, e • see. :she wolf :. around amoug ait n r p rudeZ and.insultingly r fuseby a ilef, \ . , hal °".\ , ° 0• • •• :' '4 "" 1. ''. • ' a cl men of learn g mid ,wisilem, for e the " ::: \ „R..._,.. • I,to e a guide to L' oath, to meuld r theiii minds R."\""'''' P'r id"t- s tC'uld , 4 P 4 oil - kbP infer "t , ... • • , ence that such. Gove/runeat 113 e e er the a, \ „ , ~...at,r • e"t l 1 , th d I,,ien their vie in the grea \ aciebee \tif dt. oo s . tool s , k • . , . F a t..., . , .. ~,,.. .. vine sith There ittere gents la tbohe d7r, s __Ke`r °l 0 2 tru4 'Pr trh ~,r ,'FF t. . •,.‘ \\,, • All li tl thr . wir on h hmeh\ ll PrmetPles • PT the Coil \ \ , , ana ong them ( all` . ,e Tal l e was 0,. _ ittrortt\ to, support s \ , 0n1n0v..1...11 oral , n ~-,, n the ' ., :totertr o Areko ‘ ht, d , exandti V e •,I.lpott the good taste or • right eelin y .rml, \ \•.„,"' . I.• ' . 1 ''.'' ''''"" ' l'' ' I hand d it 4, alone het* .1, t to Pnneet n- i‘a th.,.., en rt..l.- .',.. ..i.', .1\ s . . American 'who can k 1 en e its. fn ar t r t. " 1 . • 11 1 1 n le la founded '4 of that aclono: ,; ofahe -,- \ - 'P ea ° m 4e • . .,, ..:, 'N I - ''' • •," . its kheir.contatey for easertlng its righ •ei, K \ o c‘ e.- , . re, t ` ; propheds fut which h pow been ten _ h , . n ,„ ~_ . tt. ,_ ~. _ ~,,-, ‘, nll' be was joiactl Dr '' 4 '. P.u5w. ,, ,.. , e been, la sac Tn2,\ r . ,•\ .._, ) : , ::: 7 .- ,-... 1 .., , ` f,% , •.\\, 1,, ..; , • ; ..rnn'tnfdli, e hd " I . 'l b • y th . writer. uses, it isnot necessary - th at ae• • \ ,"" • . i 0.... me. ' ' . c 7., iu. ... ,'l Ur \ tiller, wh% wag called t, 0 Seminary ro, m ',(Ling ;-; '-n . " '-\ - • • , ! 0. , . • Einar Pree l lfterian Chu li, :few York;./0- shouldo sal v e may e y 'Via •. , , ms's V \ „ Ott' r •70 ,\ . t ~,,,,,,. thee , \,,,,,,,,,1 nth mw t 4 ,,,, at co i o _ Mennenta to the .bearof every reader. s . ..... .....; \ , t ,••,tn. e- - 1 ' '''' ''. 'rt" , F •I‘v ' 7' • 'll,l t\ 'hilade ph'ta Ledger in, commenting\ on '"` I lell'S ~,t,tra. A I ..rt.'. , .05 .t \ ... I denee. attention nett hi:moony,•, tth they were \ \ \ ' . • `','" \ -,:.'.,....',.,,,,.,. - . Parte./ hkethe tiv , ,opheti , ET s and Klishe, three le ter* d mincing Kosemth, has the el \ , „ .1., \ , . • t by the ascension et na to Its roar+. 1 and jny. • owinkseosible reniarks : \ , , ~,•.,,,,:-,,,' t ...4. .21,•: ~. .A ‘N,.. "be mood of J hh u lY• 18.5 ° )\ . ~ ' There, mee s mi to be.a'stud -e me On the par ,•\'‘, \. ,„ \ , . , , „ , ~ , ....• , "•,, '.• \ • , rt s ' , ltll."' fnrrY Yeerstisre Pus. • tote rtr• of eter .trntera abroad to pr 'udi e the minds of ,•,,\ 1 „et ~;-,,, o• c , •• , '" , •1 11 , • .:',.! ..,,,, s. , \)" , - ,, rstuler ,ilf" . • it, fan ton. In thealnineee, the mertradveople against the, /saurian ex- \ ''-,`, \', \ \' ‘, \ "1. , .q . ''''4 , ''' i ..Ce. : l , '' , !i n .thhd the h e a r e ' . l ir et h t Bee, 'wo harelbeen,ilemd woky , ‘ret nation', , \\,`, .•, :\ ' _2_,.. ' . _,:,;!, „...,, r t., . _ ~,, , 5 .„ ,, _ _ z ~ eli ,r aladter,,tl . ,,,e n iej t in t etl i t , r oo lly on del, , e t iopm e tot.ant. , interesi s atel\ . rrd. It is at least d to these \\ `,,,,,.., "' "'• ' r ' 'N,''•'''" r ' , ' • ), e- f, f- V - "! , l' h ' r 1 •b. the + unfortunate in t•aluals that they shoal 1, lieata.. , ~ „\,, . \ . _. . . , . ~ •,,, n Eo . ,1 z. rito a eel Putnam el el' ^• . the l e h em belre thee damned, peci sly he " . `''' '. • - ''' - \ / 4 : 4 ; • ‘F \' \ n, d - e r e , d eure ' reede ". ll l, rbe Y ehe fflhe h mu perndiee\aud s ill-feeling is e- ibi :. ,by L' • t reth'''. '' 'l' ' , ' ' lr \r. r g er l led brrn "'''''').' '` il t l ie thrb-er e\ d th „who Make the decusationnagain th • . . • id ny.,,..\ t• a, . \. \ per4olool blend, \ .1, \ \ , , , •\ \ . - Koseuth may have aleied differently (Sem • t A fln• mato. rep he told us , its .ttprillltlf 90r !,,,,,,, er i tynted• . tind perhht , s. z, di fferently p pppppptttttt ~,„ , \\ ~ ~, \ 0 ‘ , verlno , leil ihtik , l , l e ' llw' 116 Mg the Pam\ hml ' unt 'e t r ainy hare been \lesired, brit not, probabl . oil \ ', \ , . , .1 ~.. ""''''' ' "r" \ '' ". ' '''' !' ' '''''.. l ':. : l' 181' r i'' '...b' ‘ t SMI " 7. 'it'd • i n h\ ''' " re ' l Y , rb . ht t;ary to ihat he s deemtd Lin duty to his co ntry • \, . \ ' 4. ''\. 'nett' eeeine. - ' 1 .1 . • •.` Y. , \ be bad' al ..Notre. Tie weight 11 eighty nit ,r t t h e , ~,k,,,, in whichhe oteegaged. The ein Nrrall W.', • -S •5,... \ 2 .• •• ° , \\'l , "2 \\ :Y.,. \e ....re . !..t .A . \ ears he bore lii he harness•on, ski alt . en the •,11 ‘ botEting in his conduct which ten comprocatee . F 't „\ ~ ' ' ''..\ •,reti e t.,. •n, , .. ... .- •• \ r ter ` hrnr. bh r . e flsh i ehl .r'r doing h, t 4 1 ,.,er,. n' t f the unita. st.tB with a w dal he•diet Fiedie4 as he liv•Nl ntil i\ e r' t h•.• weeks ag 1 .11 'enntirmed to eke,' e M nt m deVirOris of atniditig;trouble.. Thr. ... \ ~ \ . , \ . • . : L i ' '""...l' . . ~. 00 t t g ra . \lit' e ,,iiin \bier ru‘ del add uncivilly re- ' ,, , • 3:; , , , ,.... •••••„.•• ti, , ,, .1 v., 3 .. f o ' ., ll o l o : o °l to .r. o lh oo t t b o r t . S i r o m i. :' to ' r) : lot h‘ o n ,,, d o t t h oti eh v h ie ts e/4 , \i h o -e le from re üblie . an 'France should exempt, ' \ \ -, -" - e himself,indgnautt a n d the President of that ' ..: \ \ '., \ '\ non f,L, it,,a . -1 , , • - end 1.0 Deno on inul.,,,Tha s three score year „„,,,,,,\, O 4tnral and to be expected, If he in- • '- \ 1 " , \ le , ,„.,„ , , . _.,__ , , ~, _ i,,,„ end teX ere numbered, nelibyinasion of etren* . , ;Ited the \ goternmen k t ill naying that it does not • • - they were even four •, , ,,re „,,•• ut.his,how eboue, \ in nternkth. " I t' s „\ \ presmith he s general Cabmen[ of the country, .' . . 1,, Fie ".... a tacked with dy eeftrYl, wni,elt had b, it ' : t 1'73 1 1 6 4; k gt t e 3 t..2lla u•neYoicOm'r"ittellit"heF=ee ..,..).\ ' \\ , ~,,,,., 1 , , bre ' e ferhib e L't° ' hr. ' e;4•.,kadrs tat k e , O re ' .le e and with Much lee cause for giving vent • I hi \ , , PRICE OF COPPER S'l'lft.' ~,, l e'l I b 9 ' ie.el' • I h i " I "''' l Y reb ef e . * s er e hr • ''" e to k s thei . r feelingn‘ than Ko • uth had. 'We say k•ned ,hat liable. would t.e .„l feta \ Ripe j „,, ' a ahj 'let Ko suth betAeard i his defence before ~,,,,,,, ~ ~,1,,,,,,,4,,,,i1i.1.,0.1,,,,,a,;•:7.1-..\\.1,' ". 'i i i i r ip eth . cola k ran of tli! . ', ,, w 3. ll “ e i n ly e ri iii p . u . ta .rtr,43:4,,_er,,,,efi? g e,, g e nd e j.innd,it o i ttoo l , ~ g 4, 01 1 :, : i at we ihtended 3 a \ ~ . , 1.. 1 ii line... L. lo \ t 7, : d \ fti I 's . ' , to a,ok gradually, , teems that ble , tjays ere,. . \ , P.tt• r 14.stnn i'lart ,t,ta t .k . 11, , •-• F.,1.1 , t ' nuoth ,s ered. and Met thh time ofhii s derht;• re , ‘\ . aro\rt tho.' Late St <r Jourall \ 0 ...s. \ • • ... ~...' • 1 , l was yk hand One ~A (iiie Rev I 19,..A ~ t `. ' . _•• ~-.-a m. ' • ' l ' \ IA ' and 1b..r.t.t., eamestli deAre. CLIFF. Ne•RTTI AXEI4aA# ~AND a \ .\ \ \ A ,,, • • - 1 1" I ---,:'.' mot OPlnight tee him oh- he died 'The dendee 1 t. ING /IP*. \ , . 4 . . \ , e.,,, , .... r.ll- . ‘, . .t, . . 1 , 1 2 . wan grante,l and more, folt.ii\eon retn__rne.,, , Ja4 , 10 The mamttitilh Cliff mm cattlinnet; o..ouutsmticipe \\ A \ ~,, \ , •• 7 ° 4 . - .° \ . -'• • •n ° . ° • 4 . P 5.07 week shefer. the father\fel aeleep. t \ •1, °then' m une country , '2'.`ly. for .27 , e., ~ , 1 ,p „., ‘ l'• ' •• r. ' 1. .1's - 2 \ re °' 'I ' n \ - 1,1:11I toe tl 3 his bedside the P s incessor, on wham , c• •Pur is toner all btherenOt , he wo_rt s . „,-; __, \ \ • • ......',„ "e, ;"e ' , hlie s mointie itslid s he gore him: the , most mthiate de the able supt4lntentlenee \of cant. Jezmunga Iv`n 'V "• • • ~ - . '.. l t , '.l „I , 1, , ' ..„„ishie 0 . 011,- es cell the intervlale, thle, ich lodo cent:rums iv to yieldpp its weelth 't Se :. xe s .lo r e . 0 . r p pat \ • , - ' • karta \o r tks SemillUlT, littrer to hint It\death than 6\ ,at th e . rate of s .9o „ to‘s ~ it month of pore coppseSl, . ' TOM , , 1 =t , ./ ,-., t! I life, sikkl hring\cnototted it to gun \ srho is bead., kive r rt s. bot that) Stfaskr, neon ,e e ,ri r d ety, /11. 0 m 0 0 t ,1 8 1: 0 1 i t .0.,„.._,„:, _ . , , 1 , ..0 ,, , ..•.. •. • ~. ~ , ..,, ,IN ~„,„ i over all"ohing,. tot\ the Clinrch he w7, ,, ready to ,l i d „ h 1 11 1 \ellgq. an : . 0 7:%;'. th , cl \ --.. \ \ - 1 ~.- .--. • 1 ~ ,• '„"; I deTI?" \ \ . \\ s no ' -;, - -, ',; , !fa, the.seantin, n'fc : t c, lytmestir sorrowkos,,l not ntfcal fr one te„.4l'y toue wetg t!‘ s ere \ \ s, \ , , i h ir,:„, -', ' h k , ,' I our dt,tin \to lett. ‘. \ But it is righrio etty from \ Cam ''‘, s nearen, rep hresetle 6 1 4 l." \ ‘., , ' V' \ w'th ''' ''' s,:',. , ' ''..,'' .';'. , that the •t -t f 4th, them' alearest \to ifhpi:, was levirl.lbringet ne to`uther asses, tail spin . in • •\ , \ t ~,, -• . I )0, 3 ,, • , ~,,, b y at e b e d s id e of et, , , , 17. and Oppose' ,of unirmina ire and ratite. '; \ ,- . . „ '' ''''-' ' • s :I ' nil" ~ /nt \.telse w lee , Preaity of perfect Psmee As if\was re ow thin pee ihe Ine r ary o%:„t „ , \ \ A „ . . • \ , - \ , \ e . , . . . . \ n - • ' \ • \' " • it /IL to h •tit ... , of Or eborch in Prince% largely in\mmenedi and con s r iitaceitunate r d , ,m, , t s, \ ,_ I •.n.' • 1 • . , 1 \\/, I '''' 1. to tile ahltrolN and, gat, 1140 hio 'l:mitt..Cp l . , What ilt 0/I.td bk el'antrotoMpsa•ork the 110- \ ••, 0,, „, , '' hh• l ''''" "`" ' . - ' 't:', ‘.3 :.• 1.. ' 0 uto.e, se es f aIS, strong ithrectiod s sent t ,' star el se his Delta eritr. l 4 Titeth . e° ,;'?".T., , e . - 'l l "'"'"'"I . ..••• • • '-' , ' l" , he, ,ra s. • age• • ' loiv is i\ it. ftemtly,'artd\ then lootie ,a4V wliern_witt no Ithtle r lomat. enoe, \ tr.. ' :1 , ) , „rt, 'L , rceetvelle , 0 1 ,etittli, The coo as rttalt as aunty to ths ores , aopp ve , ,•wi ~-',.,.„ ~..s, •', ~, ~...„.„... ..., ~.'",' ' .\;\.,. O, 0 . S'lo7l, :10:1\ 0, psitineel; iii\i tatreelt. sits. yonder tuati adur 1 lion thy\reiteense as- \,„ .. 3 .... I • • `1„ „ , •,,,, h e•I, upon hinshecitj, an.ll,ifted ip tx.4 voice see of the pure 'metal r e img `freak the p ?fie. \ , thec.o. , .1 tn •-•, 0 , -' ;,, on.l r ved for the 0.1.041 , ,r, Abrahatn 't.ll \ 10000, Veil; dpd those who war 'in dedbiat test, s 1, .'\ 1, ', .. \ •• '',:1ii,.... d "-I .." 1 , , - ; s J.s, \‘ ‘ , t , aid .-ea , to Ides, 1•14 t "tti the riebetrer. hes- ,to its krmait once have e too many, convi - \ ~.,-,, ..,,‘ . \ . 11.1,11'il Ili AI•11/.•• 0••• r. , A 7. , 1 yea'. net .. \\ . \ I , s. \ eing prosaic. for„ two years P \ e, to ttilettker In, • \ ~ .e,v:, ~, - ----'-`-' ' • - '''- - '-\ -- ---- s Ity •i , arkable , bull s d Pply interesting \li , credulous r etta,thia pole; It s ea no . 15,e t e st , \..„ .\ _ s • c • RATES DISCOUNT\ •\ t ~,,t i o n ~, ,t iue Providence ", t h e 5y,, , ,,,i ,„,.,N.,k,,, with th th e e x; . l ,th o f , 1 00 ? \ •v q ..l v ft, . T .,,r1'., 5.7,. ''.:.)\ \ '''''A"- ''',' \I I:et-spy en ‘, nr age, adjo bb eti to\ meet in, malty Lund . feet in length, tieid-it'eftl us. \ \ „ tit it„.lLi. 3 t ti Ise. i•no I. arg , \ "rt Prtoceton o • th‘rt thin! Tuesday Tideteber, 181, - ,1, , c tains the atemarich character. , a ss everyto re \ ..\:: ." r,...,.. , „... ~,L...--_,,,,,,,,....., ..,.-0.,, - ...,. 1.,, ~,,.„,.. uo.t .[.\*., the day bet ~ t he Otte epee , 5 regale! andSpelltlefuied\as as de , m,t.N . \ ., • I \\. s ~,.„,, I\ ."::;;,', s ' -r '''', -4 ~. n,`" - .1 . • 'I I , ~'?.7''',',"„ : ~, , winco,their • tit\sli, rather exp•ead.. Ile wah s all, and titers 7r `inn as od e.,,ii spect s ofl ~ , x ., \ \ , ~, ..... , , „ ' l e.•' l .v l . ‘ " ' .. ' ' ' 1 '' ''e: ' I \hkieLP fnewart Qt`tbeir meeting . ' l eat\T ' les - . ettrh.ece ~ ,,i k v e• .7P rem h s " e.F; „,. \ 't, \... . A • ore, with pose of .Thi ,ts a•r't ,‘, s.est.ahta,l'.,l ‘ I '''''l" . ”.- •''l i .tkls , . 'MI al a' thq laf 3 L 'r. \. tto aL into tido. n ., t ...."rt . \t ',N"1t. : '.1,tr.... Lr , - ' • •,,... "e s , re \mre, p rhape unrirelled ta, perfect •Ivethue \ \\ f take ..upeljo aarr il \ s `, • Mei cede sire tr,h o s,\nnd \ \ „ \• ' '''''''' ; \ ''., 1 :,,'" ,"s:.‘ j1.1','," Tt.',:`, ' ,' (hlt t lie \repeats Otrer the names o s lime k4K- a.hthe• , , , .\ \ \ enZ,...t..:::: r e•i2, ' ... t . :•;. \i‘:,..", t 4 at a .I,rutl S X - , Ort'l . a B(te, of \the. ministers of body it hapiti T e rm ab u ro4 p d c , y ~ Tao:, tat \, \ _ ~,\,....„,.. ,".:Ijf.,":„!„,, 1,13.'1",1. 3 "1.`„_',„,",' l_'.' ~,1 " ,1 3 '..',,r , „tr l ' ,_ r; I,,,whotha, been hi. oylsl ~..% sweet•tb tight \ td., any\ fel \ \ ''',"` '„,.,1'. 1 ,„', ;,. : 'l, • , , irme 1,„,\..,,10 i•ent e \1...0ne they noxe 1. , : many ..pr t omisa s eheald be 11 , 11,- ' 't . 1,7, \ ' "'".". '7 '''' \ ' '''"'''' ' ''' 4-'... \',\ \ \ ' ' 7 l i' t ,c dta 7 e r e ' t t,. . e r m st i:' t, t o: h. ::ll 4'7 "o 7 t t e " :llv 77 . 7 y. "l l;e7 \ l di : l ' c7e P ri P t 6 tl3 ' ' n e \ d 'i tto gn e e nC:t7rege7:;j il utt ° l,r ,, \ „ „\ ". '', . 7 \ \ :. --• , . \-, ,- \ -.,.,„ .-, \ . , 1-I,r‘rrl .1.. trat,ltoury, \II,. hot • distr at i,, in this tweiness - mess - ev s , ,l„ - r .. „ , . e s ~ , , can bat d for r hivestin ,„n en i t.. ,i , ,, - i, -- y ---,3,...vc „.„ \ \ t 1. ~„.. i„:,"' s s , ,:.,,t, , ,1' ^ ,N O, •.; ~, , p, 1 „,-,,,..... ki shine --tnetnhto all thetr any \ ‘ ,1 ,.„ \Veneta. _, ~,,e're,eit vieithj , the _ u r , \ A i. \• r , ~ ..' \ \ ' • 'l ..• .'''' , , . • 1:4,,. a..‘,., t oho,. wolcheth thNhildren nf \issl‘vilnahle entface kl .4,VenVementshthelt\ Imrte'hen , ' r t \ .. \ . .-, \ \ \ V , .., ‘ :.,.. 0••: ,\ ',.., rr.rr N. ,,.. .•,,,„ ~,.,„,,, ?art.ti 1., enti'satiligh.fttl Al gi}e , totit direlling d litet been ease i , c . asid , e ,,, n : 't . .,,, \ ., is ht. \ \ v s „, . \ ' \,„ •,.._ . 3 ,_ ~ ~`,,,,, .:, , \ \,. ~,-, n . seen a , `l<7 he milt o:tkin\ nroton r lbke,a4.lltkon h al . lan Nteen,putt,thums.ilnr pre is r., li-• . , ,- '. \ e: ' ''-l'• - ' ' .‘,..•`‘',A , • ;....,:-',. r„:10 111, .II•1 ttllk a- ~trhc et h. snowed Ske polt. 0 thent, , antNt eir roa seg . . i . kth • ‘ len • 1:I'S:. , , i •- •,, r .".:,..: \\ , s.. \ ,;'..,:, ~ 0 , 3 •:..,,i o i, p:tt , in. e..i a It, IN 1:4 -, ,I TIT xtlectrde ! the 'lno • St imp nano[ ne s ttroett . on i. 0, e r re c '\;.!l t, ~Th .‘ „, l. ~.° "L • hn.nr., ali he htlechnll, No ' , u 4s. , duhengme Imule for thetrmeli .. 0171p , -, 11 , i! 1. \ \ ;.,• ,\''\'°!. \ \ ' '.‘ , :\. s, • ' ••04 '. . ' 1\ ‘ '. ...: ' \ . c h. FII . I.llo°l. 0•11 \O, Vllllll to 11104 \ 7.0'. atl4 ' a larwl , Avet siory bnildin,7 . \the miniritreftt.;.beze. \ ~,..• . '' • .... \t, ' ' n\.• t tts• -, , tirre the ezheilynee ha` as wl-thrn nh , , t let ,t i butlt e f f idon4,with h, :rall:t . :A an ,, e u ntia t„, sil \ ',. it,....... ,„..• , -. A ~ \,. ~, 000.. i serte o n., k• the fit ngenee t, a \ . ,t• ,Nor s tlocte . , . 7 new gnia, i i p i, g , l . td e ' 'l, . \\,, 1 orofllotATlA 111 afford power,onffimen to dreo l'f , :k . • . „....- 1 , ,, .••••• .., ~\ n. ~ ...., t • , \ 113 . rent T4l.no[ta whn,,,..ntk preoctonf ‘,1k0,;• ' thtsty-ii4.feStopesds sod muckc•Nhor 14tietine- \ .L: , l I t ~ I ..,,........ ti, .• i ..° • ~..,I‘ . .- ,N\ ... •• -A \, I• o l„ , I v , vi ‘ A who es .1 is tight ' tloeuQ,), \`,4 'rtln he nit littrd. \l'hi-• •i• , beird .' ll ol ll e r'” ' '....-". i ' :;...., ‘, ‘ ', .: ' : '.' .. \ ''' 7l ~ ., .% ' I Z. ."- \... \ . h a ., ' .i;i , r. lttv)-earm.. Wiia liip taloa, i'i,t, Fre /orations ,e carrying forwar , ltlt s. opera it \re k t.4,4,t r....,,,,,... , ~ ~, r...‘! \ \"‘C ',l .., • •.11 , •ntt. \y.rrs ata on.. at . the me t:"leanu 4 sud, It • this valnab mine, , ."., . .. 1 \ \\ '.•\'. \ t :::-P. 1,, ...r......, \ N . .\.•''''• ~' , . .....,1, ' '' 1 r s tn. t ‘ h • i't 1, I mon l n •t. k s ti Prait4yors of I heoltns r,(' the age, lt s , We hope to rrk it In Tn. power, vetw soon '• , ~., i ~, \ ', V, , ~, , ,• , ,,X..L:, 'l \it t Its no \ `.. in ;th-1h,..1, nnd hr ion iee,11,,. Ob. I it:ry cier readers toll seamen t of tie het , pper an ,- ,;. - 4";... „_. , I e l,', - :I \ ,I. l'Or 11. 1 \ \ 401•1 IWO 110\ °N: Ill•Oritig of hl• troen. . and we It ork , rakro ot . l , tytf thesmtne, the isquak,, , ,r a y, • ~,, \ h -'"-' '' " \„_"‘ '' 's \I , r ,t,,` I. ,\ s " ".',` \ \ let p outteA• ,Il t ,rri.t. , li.. s tt forth; firer pot. Int co: • ehipped .ine•4lle orient:3g of thecenlnc-A • _ ~\ "..'." '' "" ' ''' ' ' '''' ''... ''''. \ " \I . \' \ I\ \ "•• ' '/ ' ^the n 1 • the tof \ condn the [tie \ l thek, pre- •, ', Ir - e• - -' (-'., . ': ~,;','- . l„' ' s `t. •j ,3' r t h h,' 1 ."" r ~‘l.-^'.l,'' '' ;•" \''.' . . • s i ' ‘ - f • l ~,t•hi, i t t Nst. \- 1 •1 . - ' ~ tip .\\„ '''' h •' .-, "\ s . ' ' 1 .,,,,. , ' • . NIP.N. n. tt ,%Itmt , „ninths, jeers .0111-,. t-rev,i.,a dins lky Ota !artlet" ars 0. ~ , ~ , -". ." \ ) '.....,!''',,,,'• s ,ni ;''' . \ s . n . AL .ft• a \.t.ual ratstrit. ha a transeetp\X the i ins cbsk ctn. , k. s s •" \ , 5 ,; , .„'..t.,.„ , ,., -5 .,,A-,,..., ,A. A T ! . '.‘ 14,10 \ iustt.l\‘t \team i s tut eni,l, • 41, .rty ! thou* . iie to he wet 4 ,,i saiei tt i o g th e Cl,, ‘, , 1 , , t,e, in • \ \ ~ 3, : ,,,,, ~, k1,,,,i . los ~,•,' I..:ex romp, r , a,. the beeln'tifttlitilage ( the Sonh Arcierics‘ ' 1 • ns, '‘l , l i `,‘•.,',lel r . , t,,,A.1,.\ ~,,. tt,\,,. \../ t ‘ ,4yee inn •rr " .., mune Sli,kilady s taste 'on the Svotthere'side.. \ \ - 1 1 ," '' '' Al , 11 : '. .. 1 "'„ - ~. ‘ ,Fe 'meat:troy. I•Xi , „ x hi\ , k•inettire, Tie l'of Tee mititoral hlu this ceropwly have , "becti „ ___ \ , •.• ‘‘."'"' i1,..1",T; 1.,,, • '' lo t E tt p. (Aif,1, !, ‘•‘,.., 1.0,* 0 ,i. t:.: it, the soehe worttlt)g a ref!? not , rneh . \rnseer f s , a b s i thn, ,f \ \ !.. ....,.\, : - . ',::15,„ ,,, ,, ;,, , ,, \ t h h e n „ tl c nt• I\.• , b k. ts, h t d ozo e ntl ‘ tki ,,,, t , a t tlt t l:7l,... i t s, r ,i isr y, w n‘ t.l ., lrff he l i t , u fi t n ait . :i! „. : ,. ...i nd o tf . profitable and e . t ,r ti i . , ' ''''t c r AI t '‘. • eta p ' erto illty.f, tAfo in t . l•bi aLer wh••rt. 1., ohr . , of a super r, oust yan lettuces hove ' •,-," ' ; . •••, ' . .. , .?.7,k "N': ' 711.•',,Mt.f 0. i\tt \I 45 ritt,2ll iV.,1,0Xe11 .. tli it /ant , It tn\takerf and tt•cetill t ken I btindrince.- '••1•-•:. \ ' •.1 , 1n.i. the kutport. willc , o li s le pile in the' TL \ r have sank se Val eba it ot a vein, the ' •T, \ IL ir "'" • • • •"'• ' he \ l l . d 1 I' . ••'1 . ",f 6' 11 • 4 ''t'" tact de b \ end 1. re -';''" \‘ \ Litt •...t , ~• ift Il• \ Vs,ror,, , of . ire t s ~t lt _Oa. y, ..rn , ,t tippet et • p- ow . ‘t e w tc. DJ ...,0 , 1 .p , . .0 _!!!!„......, .„ ‘ r % .'. ,, k 1 , .., . y 1 N... tl,” rOr V. , \ll.,wit. 'li rk ph and, at lee five t e•fe, , beitair lento IRO 01, teet . cogti..- ----. 7 --- ,..1, \ V i ~ - , V., ,-1::*" -..' \s' • ' ..\\' • - Vr • .' l- '' ' I k iN I ' ' ' . . 1 •. \ \ •• tc-c7.‘ t • t• L 'e- , '2l. ••••,,I, the wh 'r et Ile ctstern staf , ol erkll - ~ only ab sest•lttle of tier tone to . ~e [,- ."'' Is *'-‘ ' '1 ' Ilr " n..leer. 111 . -41. . pence/I - 141r\ thee :he ' ploy tithe& lils men •su, itd ers,en ell eMtn rm ' '''' 1 • \ ! •'I lt ., i . .it ky t. .. . 1 7,, ,‘,, ~ t y,, , ., ,\ t , ~, i t i . o, otAl or his Spirits lit s gh w. Jr; rt „ to t h , .- ems will ' about 175 toh of cop rt . s \ tr., - "..' . ,'..%;,"''', . I ,' • ' ' 1" " t '\i by th""'''''''''iSt •j " ' e V \ ' 's \ ' c u l . . '''' '' • a \' t lot , \ \ \\' \\ \ '?' \ e 5.:,..„ . ,_. •„, \,,,,_ and m,'_3 hoe v m us p t o ;r:ct . ed . ft emsgitia u rg, , 't ,•, - • 1,, ,, I 11.. -t WI. 'east rn 4y:changes att. fillet anil bora . r drtilig chmne./. 00\ s t , \ 7 V 111 up n der the Allptspo ride e f CA • 11. , i , .„, 4, ,,, r e ,-, t letters °lli 1.0 \!1•6000 to Me 'tree \ eed- . er. r" '\. , , I ,e , ' 1 .7„ . ..,-„1i,tt....‘. \l, a s \ •\ 1 1. \ . • . \ . \ r l \ \ 4 , ". s 1 \ 'r e,, o • , • 'N,.. • 00 ~ 0 t , \,, 5002.• . ottot . t, ), •„c ineteel g i , 3o \ T nil i d,r r , Nl i r ‘ . w il i tcirta n n i,,, c ., th i ll n e o n sp e - i ,,i. t i r „. l; o w . i ...,,, , ..,.. ‘ '‘", • ' III b hi " e° \ h" °ll ' l ke"r 4l ''''''' " d ' n \ '1 : ' .4 6, ,,‘;1 , ,much to th4r dectivenessittidtalnenf Dr: \, \ , -."„ )l.k, ..V,,, , r-yerf flet,. publothee, along\ tet-. wbielltninh s . Besides rile ethe copper and s ptepp . \ \ ..- 0 ~ .. ..,,,, , \ ~, - -„, vas cis, the \ obstanecle et\ whic . s we boon %lite Min,e it is int Sud ,1 M drive th en . * RA• t \ \ ' l . \ , , AP-RIVALS Sit N DEPARTURES OP All 6 t a1t,r,:,,1y '\ \, and al.p, l r?ds ke Olj "1 . ,,,, 3 re. . ' 'ilp . pl .. .. , 4Tif all the luMba 'needed at I tliemine... . :1 , f, t.-,141.,uc 11 , 1 At \- , tr.....1 Inta.rlatr , l 1.! - 0 .„ tra ..., \ \ ..! \ , ' • ,'. iV at ilf ir\yti \ e : - .5'; '. - They are, doing a go. 1 ;ism . e s w o !!„.. • ~, Wt, Vlach consists f • hit sils„4triad ily \ 0.,•,...„., .• 0.0..0,0„ , ,0,.. 0 , 0 0o0o „ ,, et ', \ • \ If.Q „ SkffITII • AGAIN \ . ‘ ten .. ostroo, otote ,„ in , , t . t e i ghty m ,. 4. ,,A tc, „ . , \ \ e ; - 7,e,',`,7„;,..,.,,,,,:,;,,,.tim ~ ,,,r,..,,,,,,,,,\ '1.,, a * 1 1 , p tclbill , jitlll,tlit•rOlog, a letter \from sts at went \t , V \ r .'. , Itrlaaatt. , •• Jrlrrl.^4 .• ~t i, nr\lbe \ icier al: 00,' e ell ' e ' est.1 1 1 '.. , l'‘' . . isteltlea thin ,1 tk7 VP :to WhiCh \ \Ay \ \ , IL. ltra.,l. , •r to -• • • .'N.... L..t.al. ...At . -.arty aut. pro tle :tr. 1.rau.,..,t k. li • r - , ..pi al ti a /...1 1 .1•0" , a • , .... WE\ , .i. ' ll, ' eest r ,, ler till e hr h bl elt h r he, " ht hrtd • have litirctofortt diners II air case, they • • Norm ."txtran -G. IttaiftlAllt. and 71,14,21 4 ‘ , ..; : r2. ,, 1t ; i! ,,,, mi .,A. e. ,,,,. . e , „. 9ur,Ro ~,,r 4 t 1, • 4 ut . F' have welt . 17 calird the a h ;fr,e ,cr \he r, '''''''` " r• h ' l "' ' h iiie,i\ hr lt- . r n' is ‘ 4ll. l'•rc , emplaien. and slitil,7c,s \TLetelegraoh\lite al- n - t n ,h h - , ee , te , , "e''''. ' • •'•'"' ' . , • from Matt ~ 1• . ti iff .1 . .1 1r ns, oh p tele of tilt.' l't, : k e,.0r../..t.4 rart al llntl t a,rrt., , 11411 ....,,,,er 1 ready-apertltrona tiattb;bgten that oespatenee n ,,,,,,,„ 0 ,„ r .,„,, o 1,,„,,,.niea0pa, ai map a s _,,,, s , " , ,,, i s oi th Chan COI-teeny. • hey sonl hirt , 3 ., •1 11 '\, en. e'en ' L"t• l ae \l.ei •." 1 1 1,...r.• I•"r ''' " t .: h' l "b" 1 .1 t .° i n ' l '-' . l ''''' '"''' '.,,,- , b, \ '' h 'l'o Pan Pio eiirly part r be son, end N I- I' s ~,,,r. te , n „,,,, eartl4w I t im letter 14 . ch T'Phl;llsh' to '-to ecommetthe this a a an II a s theit\ en- , \ \ '., • t, t,,,..tti r .... ' i,,.:,Ttr t t . °,7N,:w 1-4. ssoknoo•rCnatlils, 1.11 . \ Y•will.V.. llll, 'Vh he end \ 4,th . , : e se s e , 4l .„ ,i , e ra :ri g'tn le erected,\and to e tune 1 111 theyetitk- \ Arit•••• et ',.• r a •n , l eleryTt••l. 9 Ai!. ~ \ p awl i'4l3 um \e rani 'lag \ ~i , .1 the 1.1. which IP elttl vied to 1 helots ,c • i '' ~.• P ..1. , 6) ,v rµ \- " e .i , ,‘, 4. °;V` ha t been Attten.. I! Indic, 's a„ • tied Pnt f f 0 t 100 fee . ..ke • . the esm • „ ‘" ~ . , SUr A . rom 1,0"2,",,,1;,;,',"n,,,L, ~ , ,n1,;,, , ,,' , ,7,111';174, , 0T,7,ZJef,,,13.,./,', „ ''. p . m.. ou the Writer it \ port, ‘4O 'I 'awe •thte alter - •,e.,fteekin which t e Cliff la eking e t , ite stores ' \s\ • 'est \ ‘', \ h ' h. ' "' " dhr ''', b ‘ • " 'h ' "r' '.`;` l• .'- 1 '' ',', ° P., ' l eltr N. ‘,.., n,‘ri'..".llurlt s riS \ a " li " l' r ' , " - 't.f weal[ '' there, tail be bit lt tin ac..t, ~,- v.,, \ i..: - . 6% ` , •.:•'. ;. ,"....1 . .. , ' ; .' 1 ,...' ,. " ; .i.' ,. . , %1`!.:...R r .' „ ' - i A f r 0 k, " , \.".,' ,, .,". , , L .-,.',...01 5,3 ce tht\peopleh o f tit, Onited ..ltute2tign • i. at Me skit fm_d I\ i t , inally rihb . on t t hei m ow: , gr on o c , 4 ' ail Tit', , 0 ,,,., - •,, ~„, , i , ,,ia. ende, ,, ,,v.ir it not phove atec,., cu. • affnire of nano are. m the „ ging \ A . ''''''''', " " -I', l " \''.. I '''''l s '• I. . ' "• r" ii n t . ‘ ' 'i°lb "gtee h l'i 6 3 m°r°l lh / hr \ "• l thlt e.' he ‘f e. ' . con\lition, st the. entelrising ompahv nil -, i. ' " • Ir. ''• e ''''''' - "'" 1 h "`"'''''''''" '• ' '''' ` '".• r ' ''. illt",Vlllnch chargi'll as a' , ,, ri .'~ , , l s cl l "' l b . snon\resp eXth reWttoßter their erscse'Ys. , 4 .. Ann...., II ... II . 4. rat, tO., 4.r h.... 1., ltart„, -llr 11,tater.1 a ~r.. 1.,,,, '1 t.,la - and tO4be " Nes, of Lorelles • sod Irbi l t'''‘,. and „t,c„ 0 As e i tn i \ \ It, \ \ . 1,..„,.... e, , t,,,,,tnltlnutt. rrututatla. I,..rtatty :•,' ;s?Un' aa ' l „ 3 ".,% liaad b,r ''\ Thr \ Pl - 11.111it keltlpa rider th barge on A.,htat,,,l.t.trtrt.lt 11, .• • • Mrtlus,,a!al"'ax.,..all, \ ILKhlaal. 1.....ata. ltur-n of ots. Frt.. raodatk. I n ' . ' l4 '''''' ,. g '`‘, a l . ''' SautuCA/3ntie N , al .preparing t err). en\ wad I 4,... , .utt..., .11. th. , la, 6,rtp.... , t,, semi in \nll thoeght \ ~ ~„ weir oll4g WOr vaoreuely,doring th - elf: ‘., , ‘ '.. 1t... 1.., -, tt ..- ~ ~. 1.. Art r, 4. ,!, t. '1 . ."""'t , ' ' . 'T \ l ' i ' b ." . il• compkoy has !Lc neteth Ea le Ri De- \ . 'I ~.11,tt.e tti, his shode. •\, ll • e which are lily tie di knorett fa reprit ,LI r N. - „1.,;(j00 ..r f.te s `kl. - .,0.-41 ‘ \ t g 'l * Co,sr . .fescription. ftey lint/ lately prit •• all \. N luta.. r-. t 4 ist ' 0...,...,, a1.....r0n11a, Atv.,.,ti a... `! ' '''' ....'''''' ". "•''''. '•'" ' '‘''''','... '‘'. eon's,. bare beco ,form \ ICJ t hie6ttrte '"g u 'X" WI pumped e '' ' ' ''''" l I '" f "le.'d 'c'e s '' u'i" ' 4 1,, !". _,, ~ • , seam ON nowto thorny ten he frts, \ . P h T er t'l e e rrhht 7\,.. rhe which l age masses ot„ olgmer , 44 t)te fn '\ f01t:,.., ; •. less ,r.at..r.l. t . a. -1 e\ l t i a r, Übik Te "i' l ' a . aa ' kt . eD clue of silver' ever fait d .:I,\ the t,..infr-. ..\,,,' ll . e-,, t _ e 5„,,,,,, -,,, ..,,,....o. tta.1, , ,t1?,... /I, ", he money fir lad be lh- • 0 , n e s . t ‘, V s: . , h , _,‘", ~. , .e.. j ,a , ,., f o forot,, lc ooreopt m were laze a 1 W yeat , act t.e q n tat at, \ par.. ....1,...- a t , ~.,,i ~..unat ,al a • •ttant,nd oil hie dayt7.k?"*""'n of numerntot and reitporta it. nutttl er . , • O loge and fine Ids, tbey,,wiLl hai l litt. ret?e, ' , hot It no k ; r ate.-rosf. o`i , ~ ~ \ Nevrk. code at \present, ,tr ot will to cc, led 'N, t,' '‘,“""' .r ' ,„'‘_, '‘ Wa L )1 ry on their \mining ' , troth with less r tan 1, ti.meentuver, y •Wlt tC 01 °°° • ° " .S° ° ° . "°,"•••''{ 111 e ...:•1° S , \ v ' t". ', ll•• 'l' A. me advantages\ lan new companies. \ aid in their ex t i - ' ..1 r i . ,',` . `,.`",..." . %,,, 7 ...., ,r, :0 r pi.',• ...I 11,atttia t ...a ~ , , 0 ..,he new vein they.have sunk to r kthe •Tri•th ra., , !wad., atri il..trala t • It i /' 11 \ . .° \ . °°t° " e 'O5 17 ',feet, and hase driven on first le vel '450 \ 1 \ o 't ~.., ta t, t t - a ! At, .. tlurd•cl.,lll... t... eve I r e . I feet, onleeecond '_'t feet . and have cop eonj,. , . -- 1' r ....1. 2.,:;•,',,,., r l-1,,;,, . • 00 s thh , , menced‘Nn third level, Ati \ tar no we\ e,,,t1,1 \ \ ~,,,,,,, • Ilt li 1.010..... .1. , • ope, ea , , , • .„ . nage iniv.vein as floes not appear a. pron.,: re`. , o.ll‘. 0 , ' I th , . f0 ,..,.„,\,, ~ s, 1 ~,,' a., e tat , ''ltb.ttpe, as we presum e\ . I. 1. , .... /S. .4 . . - N h. chie fl y di - hetet! to the examineden or eke old `, n w nh o L'e h o grannie doringthevrinter. \ . - •0 , The Eureka; Vining Cntnentiy. 't Tile er , ... , 1 Su /0 seek , A cheer. , e tlliff, hare el., men at weak, • .\.t, er,g,,tv, 1 ~„ i . rttitatltting rk m the nail, sthcit 1 . ...-" Cr 161,, \ Pre.---- l kr'i in 'iengihr `Seace we were [hare, knr have. ‘• the eXel h....,' t he, hare ithd their veiii, wlti‘it lolk '., rigots of cry and af neizt . - r i ., Th ~" one hd0,,,i, - „Ai,„).,.. 0 . ,,! Pr \ ngl.• eY n, ' O, • • modAt.m,,, of their m ti,aand harp-very pr o{[ tinge biththigence that 'O, tu,- 1 ~. h _ ._ • . , ‘1 a r extorts pialrmg up thetaseiiv. klnglari „ llitas received ittitrue- , I ' rrh ''ll.• r ~..n t -. • -,, • if Reient shall be ediatl. 0 I P r° .,g ° Tb...N ° ' 4 ,"'' g e e .V''!' ' tirgaci ig 4 frov weqe. slew by telegia i 121 ` ° " - " 1 \. \ A - - •":',-, ' • - rbat Mr. O crate is to li 1 \ .1.- b l4 °D in K'sC ea u l th's "Ti dittt . 3 W i evilw - C ' e r nfiti;n m t,i i rill trenqe leTtrwit alteeonttlpt itnimite i • 11,Chlb I a Matll.l 0,174 /111,), SAVIII, 11.10 r , 11 , 14. FPI Qooda. ,:. ...~....e-w~~~~ n. ~.~ r. 4 linnet. us . l'r ht.". .1 1•1......unt kn GAZETTE: Copper Stock.. 6. 0.... ,~\ \ \` .. ~~ -, \ \\\~\\ VOLUAIE OR sedo • nnd \ PIAN Oar., OnlatlattlrlM by nrclar A(3111.. .odrAl 0.1 A ticnamon ElZMOucaol., tx t e ta w .t_ bes- \ - -A \ ' ~_, _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers