I'l (:AZETTE , b1.1.,11 Y.ll 11AI A?if, ii KEli Li' LLY wKrrE tsL co. • Tmoar. Ir tO re. e • 1 • •ier inntitrii •n! nsrli Club lin tn ~• P. , I nAr.bir in alvanint In.•meta aft, 'in i•• tr, rnion•r • rinn•niis, ILITEZ 011 ^l,l4' lli.ollt/1131 Jt..,•• I tet-tr ttuali,ttutn. ,tttt tnt tte ....tant., ttitarged ,113.• • tat...tattoo. tint am, th , t fin. altad r•tt ttt-it•ttiott., tt: C.•,11411.. tit/ forttul,aatl . ea .tettrtlta4l, - t orifttly lintetirt , mai Alt ...1.e..rt.1...nut 1,,r rn a n wok) •4‘ert.cstirut...l hairaw th n an , l all ..,1 tarprti,m , .ni.. it. I. nntl. a.wl., ....rharn.a.l. 4.1v,...t0ta, hill, .1.1 Fran,: 111 ~. .I.rll,..uontr far el... ll ...loh.'irk.altntian, Inv rant. nal .01. pablie Why lantz..l t, slos,ace notes s , elsara rds iste so so . stoortot u.thicst eliarios, ashen er ousts., ...tow, ant ashen so or ociposssol is• to pail 1,. {ie:soar oir.rtssers, nrl 01l ottsera usretinC sotruntanler Icing. or nesnirlsie orieso slosh:ass, to oall attention to otter. nos noels. r ricotta. noises, of prs rat.• •toosation.—eror, osh, deoc• .1 to essll attention to Pros.. entesrpr,so. ), snteoled Ps promote Ind. - lanai inter. otia soil, - ite .n.rrt..l moth the loroc °sit thc sumo , , iss• tool nds. to les in settol in the Ir.. I ,:ri.1.111. Inte eharcol at ths. rata of pot lean than 10 ern, per line Itlalsop ur rlalo Pisstloso In to rharcesl triple prim. TILIWO Lui 17etllosno $1 each. Real I.latate lze rsnoos nts . and A netionessr, rit - Soticetnent., not lobasriaesoiearly ratess. Inc In he allowed • alt-tonnt this - V . lhr.. sonsl or, Lion, per ear, from cp. amount so . hllf on tu-sissts :s , ts One Ssusn.. ..... SG D. each addlitonst .1.1,11.71.11ENTY WEILKI YAM -IJr, &pair, (10 Imes.) nor. (nue. n .•.50 nents. Pt, each .I.litinnal Inscrt,:‘ ests. 411 rramlstit sdrretissnents to he argl is lutrante. • • - BUSINESS CARUS ATTORNEYS IA M F. Atturnoy at Law—Offiee ►F:tirth .1. t.t....•en lift and Grant, Ilto. •' . WEAVER , At torumy at. Luw,l'ourth 01 . t• , .....t,144.4t5. th Ni,...:. "Or, rst”burgh, Cot , t. tornt.llo, ......1:111, ALCIANIMIt TittLO . • I.nt.t, a, ”11 1.41 , (1.104. r.l 11.1 , 1 , 11 ANT I. rig viA)R. Atlor. 7 r'...l.ll:;lffr k.a.1113.1.1.,,nrr P.r . ;I I N "si COLLIER, Attorney, at Law 1 1 71 R IV. F. AVIIITE. Attorney at Laiv—tif -11. IlrnilLetre.t. r.aar 14..4, iv /Inf.& /4,1 1 1/cr I'. A. U. 1.. B. FE'rI'ERIBAN. 11 . 1 1.111.1'11,11,1. nu.l C. 11.1. Agent., Nu. Iv. • 11-1 11 .1M ES t kUIIN, Attorney at Law, at',' PPlgtanzul I tall, onrn.r of Grata .tart and Lhanuuta till,borgh. • talhallr INO I S C. P L ANF,CLN, Attorney at Law, n. iya 'Numb alte‘d, 'Fittr , hur.l/. Q'fOIVE WATSON, Attorn .aL eys at Law, I - 7 f•:". Ilu Fourth rtryvt, l'ltt+hurah. Tirrravoure—.llesnrler On; John MuFd tal4 ton, limulaun C It, Fumy. Juba Flonalng. Ac oulanl:ll... M. Jaeknon,llttaburulk. Jantly kl 1/%5'A1:1) P. JONES,' Attorney at Law; ~ , 11, • • Fonrth street. heeanulu Wojd and &alit- A:4'ER E. BRADY, Attorney at Lail lift Pncrburch. Ya , A .V.R ISDN Sii; VW. Attorn o ey at Lan Prilitica, • 0 4 ',1, , ,Liu.1,1, • , 0 11 1 .4.—innitt. gitr•el,alov trirAnia,r BANKERS AND BROKERS. I EOlt ( 311: E. ..I.II.NOLD & CO.. Brtnkers: I,X Dinh. itrt‘chnd... ontn, Mr& Nat.., A,. No. 74 stnvE; o r dour to Q.. Honk of.Plttithuroll. (W. retintlear4o4.lrsttokllct•tootod the p";a4.1 . 1..m011tt.1 antilt , ol thVnuton. AC..11 it ar..11117- o. corr . Ile. ILAF T F - M, L iii, WILLIAMS .tr ij)f).;' Bankers 14.toblor. ilroows,Nnrth 6,4 flamer of Weal 71,44 Atrprt.l. Vtllebutyzh. All trim...Alpo. mrdr on and mllettlon• • .1 , 41 N. uttabd;al to. pklr 1. KlNtp, Ban cram Exchange Broker ..rnurth' Dealer in Dank N.., Bill., or Kx .tangn.kll.l am Eiher." Eton). nonghl, and rola. The likrlwar pricn paid In arrntinni Orr Amer* • aU 1/.11., end 311.tienn raid I.zinini.h Dollar, p un4, ,2.1 - - ---• 8., Bnnker and Br Ik••r, rre' 'WILKINS CO. Exchange •Er..io.r., Snistl.2 , ,At On-not .01 Third and Market ctn..... All rnria&n.lnt,at mrwt lit..nd rat., . . A' lIULS[47S & SON, Dilalers, in Forel I • ....11.tn.rtir th , h..cr,Certincaten of pane. llnat No , . and nia-ma. T. , . Market atnnl, Pi burr'. _ 49.1k,lination. 111,•144 Lb.. principal ci tannn,c,nl ~.., •- • •• .." 41 ' , . • • ..!, iic11:1:111:11 ,t, ItAIINI, I/ankeres and Ex rlokn, ❑n , kor Penh,. In Forri. ant b0t..1 ...1tt.1v11i0n,..t.,,t/f1e..t... GI U•tndn.. Uwk Nc.... • ok....orner iqf third nnd 1 1 , ..1.rcrevta., dimelly ono.: n EL 01.11..5 11,4.1: • I FY. • IaVIN. A Ilt I) a. lit VII, Comm igniun filerchaub. I, I iII ner4o,,, N. , DJ N...t.l , treet- 1, weal awl • I fr , m) .1110.... Ova". no hand or •74 1 , •,14.. ....WY. X. MAR.: 1!,V1,M 11AN NA & CO., SucceeAunt tala Ira a 0. L 1..., Au For•ian and Doms,tieExettang, Certlfirat... Itant. I'ju•ti , .—North Writ enrarr Wooal Tl4nl Carrot Man.' ta-etvetl.on TA rollection... made on nl,r -y all priorlpnl pGin. nr IttnUaltwl Th. , 'A1a..... prrumm pnbl !or fond.n and Alamr.n 0014. Mr nces =mile no constvuxtryta or Proluen.ehipprd .rtev. T A Y1:15 - 1:, emnniiNnioner and B • • • 112 , Ftrirt att•talott lelll be. rola LI all bszxtr.n. ntrv.twl to hi. ear.. Ilttsburuks 7.gif.,Votfl h r"' a.. 1 Adv.., If 1300118F.T.LP : B AND -STATIONERS. . II STOCKTON,. late. Johnston & Stook • t0n:11..nka..11,,, Stationer Printer, and Binder, rttr r nt slaritet end Tlarri rtn•et, ItlttaburFp. AS. 11. ITOLMES'OtOtE. -- Literoty Depot, euT'.l76.l';°,rer"rlttot tH4tUT at rtiliditeil at Ms publulter's • rot L. READ, tinoktoller and Stationer • Nn.TK rnurth •tenet. A 3/10Ikiloge. CARPET DRA 111! ;WCLIPJTUCK . ',llanufa.cturer and lm g.li7a t "* itgef tl r t . Work! 1'1tt.4.110.. CO r(CDELSSION AND FORWARDING. . . it W. Pi II corn er of, Water and Start. t Pittoburgty Onrirreston AND rn. rno fnr Um portly., and gale of Flour, Vogt., fnm. G tbn sustrufactoron4 of Illtltaindlcvrierally. fv.r Ilex ell.. of N. URATIOT Q Co., sod 1 r•loi.rat..) !demur+ end Ifs, Fork., Ni Phuaddidua 'or lat. Irfilin (10. mrsrkrd TM!. .031 • I A. AI eANU LTV & COrj , Transporterr, J.tint dirml 11.nio•Ital Ilrchavt, D. 5.4 In: • .nra n l , nn strwl. I.lt-Gbureti. WOODS & ;SON, PRODUCE DEALERS • R 11;61m1.666 11nrhaot6, No. 61 160.6 616.64 /M. H. JOIINSTON, Forwarding and Nn, 112 Swmod etrort, flat &.6WPI,S. Forwarding and Gun tat.ion Mereht.tx, 1.4.1 mt fe Prolotr, awl Pitt. Alannflirtatent artk.6s, Owlet flarkt, tantm timpulb t, Pitt,bontb. .ZONES S CO., SaCeesaOrs enn2mlplan and rnrwardlabl_M t , ...lbalers la I'lltobarah .111wnfartnre+1 Mc*. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. on i rmyronan armory teo.. A. MASON Sc Wholesale and Retail 'D Mtn In Fnury ernl CO:, ' Staple Dry Ont , tls, ttfintkrt t nltUttprgh. • 11/{.PfIY Xc lUI WIIFIELL, WIIONCSALIC • ..na:Mil pry 4imokittlmikt., corner of I'm:kith I.mktokt toMmx. litzthuich. • • 1. DENTISTS. IgUNT, .Dentist, Corner or Fouith I .0 or rt., bersarn Markrt and Irrrr rtrialta. WOOL NEROItANTS Y 1E LEE, ‘Woor..DcAutas and Onto mWino Myr:boots thr W. We of Amrilran u(Orslr. No. I .. 34Libsrer st... Pittsburgh. lIARBAUGR, Wool Merchants, ttrthrs In Floor sn.l Prot tten .nd Yor In: tin t Crunrol,tint len:hard*. tin In Yirst vr,tn. Itillotnagti. HARDWARE .211 - EI3.O.II.ASTS. • ... . . . 1 / }A V, W1L:3614 .. CO., Importers and Wh.1.1.1.. Duren_ in 113711.'1in. 1.1 eutipry, N. 129 .e.,....t.1.i.b0re, ViA DEALERS our.mr : .iO • Tea and Winnler Nitioil Marnand. Pittxburah. m.. GiOCers a nd Tp: Male* No. ..:56 /4.11' stewedstewed&boy.; wi vass Isrre•Lyoolme.nt of laid. Grog;.. THE _DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. 1./ .1. 1' AII N 1.... , 1'0CK .4 C 0.,. Wholot,,le is Doctor G. Retchheliu T2l, •0.. •... , ...... ,,, oer ,—, , 0. , vr-o , ..,—,. i' ,,, NVOli:11, los trienitH and the public in g-on tea,”.. t ,.,..,,„,„ , 147,. et,...tt11..,1 6I E Y'SE It A: Ntel.ll%t 1.:1.1. (tittevo—„, t., „' ,: lt tail l „J ,'".- ' - '''''''' ' ''' I. '"r " ''''. th ',',Y..“,":„' 4 " tt.o. t ~, %0.0. i. 4ret M.., to. .r”.t..." .rr 1 1, ..1..t...01 whi vogli, oh., F. IL Moore, M. D., 111 III:i , l' %Till , ' 1111 r , ICI'O. .I.ooono , - t.-i.0..r. KJ 1 , 1) ,4, CI I_ 111. or ' • t',..re1L . ..1..,;. 1 '*r,!:' 7 `; :','"Z, '''''''' ''' '.';', ‘‘. ' I)i,'l I A I{ I .1. I . 111 I, INI I M MI111:0411. I .ll k kit.,./ , .I .. AI I En•--i..St7.,'goon 7..,.7. and l - 'hp-.! !"! '. , , I t l, t , PINE'Dr s„e .. tadi ldmr.t a.”I ! AND CEDAR WARE. 1.-• 11,,. 11 , %61 vd % I .%311 El N 1:4 tr'..T.N keep,. e.,,,totiv on .. • -- hl DP &, I_ 11'1101,410p brpg,: . ,l4t., . •...•II ra.s.l ea , tr - torkettl, :c.s. , 1•1.11.••••4 •r 1,11, •rt 1 1, •• 1 ./..-orrier %INA nod 1,tt•t..11,:h • 1, i-r, -arefullr prk• - 1.. UPIS. SE I.L I. RS, l 6 tolomale. I).Jler a • 11 “ .1 •tirir111. Sair.la, As_ 1,•1 1.111,rb4,1r. nar..1.1.• S. W 11'li EItSII Wit"lesalt, Isl 14ri, ultarri N.. nu.l .1,, rortoer ot It Itzll'N REITEIL, ‘riorks:iii, and Re•lnli P {.11,r1, no.l At Clair .1. SCHOON M.t KEIL& ( IV 1,(4(....(11( Drug( iplf Sr. t.tt .q.l y iti 131.tc ..t YtiveN eKitURN co ” 1..L.1 e luir w u t e a l r s e o ILI.L ILILa!I uA. Lr•tre • Oc F. 14'11,SON. Vt 1.,1...a1r 4; r•wer• V • , C1ZUE.1,.1% A1V1 , 44141, r.l Pit Pon, ono.n.r. lad 1 o.nl al. . 11 • L. SI ror..r. t!..tntilLuittal itl Punn and Irwin atnnas. 1 . 111,1 , u.r,] 3111. EL P. SIM( VEE., WholeN.alt , t 7cur, Produce mu] ].'oulur ration Nl,rlracctr, and Itl Pittabur.h Munuf.xtorW krticlru N.. I.lr] unj t.]'_ mud 4r.ut. I. t... 11 r.l an]] Surstl]noLl Pittsburvh OW S. DI I.WORTII & 11' a . Z.A.llll3lrfrifril. 4.. P....1.r ..1 , N.. 31,%1 crri . 47 9J I UIU II , & INC; RAIIA.3I, Mcnbant, N.. 116 .t.• mud I, Vint Pituhunzt. ILE Y. .N.LATTIIEIVS h kt., Whole - 10 1. r.u4 F. , rwnnittiz Merrhan.....l Bruth , on ('.stun 1.11, L 71% at, rumbut,h • I OUN WATT & CO., Wh"losal, 6,4crA, ort/.4, and 1 .rch arch Ilmagit M .lum. hurch. I • R. - CANFIELD, lat. .1 Warren, Ohio, dt ' , Art Anh..ml 11.. r A•[ and t, ..v, l'ar."bur, Q F. VON BONMIO RST - s et).. ttear.r.l7l , lti.:72Vii.n n t.-`te"r m -`'.,7l'it,'rL I . a.lturet. l'roodur.. mrner 41 tn.,. Atm. ' •t atto ' Clkenror, tan.. S.k I All DICK EV A.CU. . 1511.1,41 r Or.. 4t.1. Nat., ”. .1 I.•: hi.to ,rvet. httAlbural, WM I. J bINALTI & BEN NETT. Ince E 1.4.01, • .11Ubi.e. a 12...14 - h. , 1,--a10ur,,..1,wwwy.1411, anti ..rw-nralinc 1 1m - chew, mud 1 , -..w atut 11‘1. halehh M4lll l / 4 , ll.lresi. ,n4rn.l al aat.i 1,1 Ww..l and , mahlw-1.1, 'ti 1 LLS S HOE, holf,Lle Drovers awl 1 .11 1 w,i walmtcw. bh-w-hauw., #()BERT Whoole,tle hiwterinw hah.hurch fartunre, autl all aim& tonh.-14 and Otiu.ai.. • 1.400ra, I.llw.rt • has, u Iwry larg” ehiwk ,wlywraur Ni..“,w,ga1.w.1,{ which whl nohl Ihw tut- emL 1tU 1 11ERT ,, DA L 1 .: LELL .., :t. ,: t4..).., „, IV bulesale 1.41.11 I - WlAburgh. 111114JBERT . A. I;I) . N . NINti clith a Ihl !Abort, - Rix% Mtg.-0; IVY. .141,1 111. BAGALEY IV hukial. , Or ry, r.r. 18 ethl 1.71_11 14-152, ICK s MCCANDLESS. successorti to . . _ , • I. 1. J. P. N'bokftle tirr..nra, Fora arils... Slarc.hat...l.lo.lf. All In,. ottort Tarun . an.l hamburg./ flumlaetun, ruer GrWat.r Iltuburoth.. _ _ erl-ute:Tstol CULBEitTSON ClAjUsx. wh o i e ,i e • wad Cc.inin3l•4on M. r.-imittl• ‘l•nuf•rign, I • 1.0- .1, PlMMsurgl. WILLIAMS & 1101e.11t. and Il • Lew! YiumlT Porrii•ling 1.31.. Am.! 1.111. n. JO t!, , aulry Gr W0...1 I MIZT. Ti LISTLII $ OBLNISON, LITTLE co.. N.,. '255 LOwS7.l...l,llt4burr.b. Wbnleraln p u rx, 1 - 1, And C‘nnmbWinn Merdyntß.nniidemkirro in 1...4bure1. Ilattutetur.. .1 . 901 /1.01714. ......... . L.n6., It. FLOYD, a:C.6m 11.rrnant, Drawn,tqrty, a.nd dd Pruluntr--Knu L. nirb o n Ll PlUstrnigh.P.. • J OLIN E. I PA a. CO., N'lloleelaletirwerF: -10 L , alen. In Prr.lin-r, Funlgn MO, ontabela And Itectaled N Isn.key—N. l'otnna,reikt Lltyrrtr g 1... I AS. LIALZELL, W6olrsulo to no.!vr, C. 411 uthdtiut. and Torwanlinu Marchata. and ~• • N•da, Mam. Catt.a. Varna, and l'it4i.urdl. thundartuu Watar at an.l nrat at.. Untauura MUSICAL ENSTRUMENTS, . _ . I ()LIN 11..MELLOR, Dnaler in Pin in, Fort,s • Mune. and flueical Inetrumetite, Minot eirtioaii.ty. hole a.(ent fur CAsbriu•ti.e• Weetern Penneilvae-No. hi I ENRY I.( LEBER, Denier in Alume, I,lu uA Ceolcionia's 4:o4sti ALLatiunerpt. MAMOTAMMID3 BILLINGS , WILSON A: CO., 31anufac lia re' pf all Jut.. tark, Jura arul orup turlr, rigs Mnaibr. finirhing. riga!, hub, ;ot hut. awl, 116ur harrrl aul lathing d, 4 abv, nnr OJ au, rblur.: nail, St OM., at I.II'I . EINCOTT CAL Fu. 115, Water .1. rier*- burgh. J RON CIT TA. J. CJIMPII.J. TACKFACTORY ..... ,11 .— .I,.% Th II • XXIGIVS. Y e nub criber. sasnUaeture stud Rawl , eon:land,. •rn hauld Tot: ' lC ( Zrll ' il. B 72t4l ' lro v . " , - , 1 3 A" " altrry• Punta lybla, sAsnYted CAMPUFLI., CUES, a ,pll4 Wspelump, LP 1t a•rret. Pit.hurgh. ENNED.Y, ic CO., Manuftwut r, va-alur Plis.• , srlun J 44.11 Twirls sai ry l Catn sag ap. Iron 111.1. I•AL/441,th. 11111'SBUROU ALKALI WORKS.—lien- Iltrr. A 0, Plsaraseturrrs of Sods A.O. I l r 4f . ! .. ..rd . .j . ;; ;. .Slprii . stils i p .: l Sulphuric Amt. Warshou, PAYER HANGINGB It/ALTER P. MARSHALL, Successor v Eansual C. lllll—lmportrt and Ueal.r iu Fr. , 1,11 and Anvrican Papnr Ilan roan and Ilordo.r, Shad, fire hoard Print.% er. Abn—Wrwina. Vrint and Wrapping raper, :in 5,5 Wool arrest b 00.,.,, Four( Diamond alley. TRA.NSPONTATiON AGENTS J . NIENT A. CAUGIIEY, Agent for the Lake LA. and Mk/4,i n Llne. Lte4yer and the Lad...A v.u tie corner oL &Ler and ownhhelal LL:liell 6. CO., TransporterN hy Canal For•Lxkllop Merchant.. corner of 1,:on ntromel MM US! BLINDS • - I A. BROWN would tuutittespuetfull v inform tam publie that he keel...unhand atlyi.,.tutut L. thin ...et stuent the Allegheny nty. 1. rumen. y.Renetin•nt of,VenitianhllolLn alte Vruillan tihotter, sae mule to order In - 'tv test eirrle , teurranted equrl to euy .0 Unn....1 Mat.. lily 81111113 can he reuyounf wltinout the ski at • :I F 4Te d ..Vl:l e y r ot Zl!l ' llgoTZtt7ll 'met...rill to (camels their fII I O.A.MIIr, Wl4l pub lie 21 huge. wrgth even in these h.. Agent.), Mind 01.114'04 • PAPER HANGING AND PLASTERING. I OSEPH JOHNSTON, PAPER HANGEk corn, of Third Arr.. Alb•gh.my. ennd. Alnr4r. lett, tc, for .VETERINARY A LPANI 11A RDIE, Votorin:try Surgeon, late 11}Aluburghi Bnutl.d. would. r,, , trully otao. the public that h.. rvinart.E.vl pnietwo m cb.re pm.n.aima, 01.1, by r... 4141 at. 0010,11 vgbnLwrrr . . . . vntruat,d 0 thine bat,. to Ore fattrfarti. la consita• Jarnos Hardie, Ilona, :lhor.ina and Illawartutthing In ,oneral will he carried an, at the ootnor of Tunnel attr.t and Panturlvutia Aronno. ENGN,AVING AND LITHOGRAPHING . _ . . N ' V L JOHNSON; Engraver on Wood, Ptak, (ILI]. (third Ator. 7 Vulaburgh. Vo.•. ul ditura. Mxbinßy . Itiltar Of Ncurtpap•rn,Frontarpl,rm. /...ni.treat... Drug Label..., tor biriouorso. r-wiatonr, Cotton .'tacut...e..in th. firrt my la .1 al, tuld 05the low.irprires. Sell UCUMAN'S Lithogninfi , T VAttoal•luthotle.. Third turrlnt, Uppraidlat thr emo onvd,av,•:fi..l.po, Land...two. l'ortrulG. Ha m Li/ IN 111111terrt, Sinai. . I , otul. latrlr. Arrhihrtural on.l Mssehinn Ihlturtn4, and Ithdllux rograr...l Itrzerri oft tqutu,trbte4 Ili t!olort, told: erooo., .1 , 1 , mr. 4 1rtr1.. xi; I at Ihr nn.orn. • Weguer,'Eueehner & Mueller's NEW LI'rIIOOItAYILIC ESTAIiLISHAIENT. rrliE ABOVE Elftsl respectfully ant:loupe° LO Ibrir Inemle an¢ l thA , Llu a l;l r i t e ler liti t olir " Ca.4.7 ; ll:lle, Liplutz . 2l, V ',GCE. ail VrOftmlortal Caiele. Mere, Chart, e Their eeLebllshinept Ir nt No. ie. 'tart,; Thtr,ijind Alosrth etreete. a.. etelre. JEWELERS. • . 11 . W. WILSON, Watches Jewelry , S*l ccr atr Y ttfo ' rr ' rt.;, °'i "' d • v CiOrk• • - 41,t1 7L F: A1A16 13% W}: ORKS ; (e•ablisha.l ' Par4).l4 Uhl , Na. la! Lib.-rty nt itool parent, rittepnr4. atruaa,a.. Bun ki ntati, Tombn,'llestlotonOs,4t4 Unntel Upon. Centre SW 41111 • Mat Up; alnilys on W. I. sant Wadi; to orUer. Of, H. ♦ allaia•adaatiou at Draartuse on wad. alp °I; DRUGI3ISTS MISCELLANEOUS CARDS, &c. Win. M. McKnight W ILL. Rio o a 11,11 1 ,. Ow 1 . 4,11, 1,1.1..r01, GROCERS • ,:\iytN,..,Qt:ll W•L• • St rou tt... IV N 'll. , 1N ; Nturl , 4lri M . _..... e . . . . . ~... ~ ,.:0•.... 1 i /I:F:IV/. a II 1(IIIT11.% N. (I..roo•rlv .1 the I A ... 1.1 1, in U.lll , a 1..., ‘ ,l l•ll3.l , arero o f .11 kiwi. ..c tII 1 .. 111111 I 1 . -' neoi .• its. !ki ts ,h k s o , ft': N I; /.1.0 ft..f ...... t. , . 14. -I•1 ,t0....,L1 " lis.iO4 .1......“1 ~. ar. nt..,i1.1 • r 11111. .i..., 1 Is. .It, C. W Feint , . Professor of Mnslo. ~. ''.-,,tv:,,,'.,i.1.:.-,.-.,,,...1 Pitt - li•.1. iIiI , ; )..r , drl,i It y 7:4 ;, ,L: c.., , ! ,,, : ,, L , ;:: k . : :, i ,. „ !,,,„,v N ~, 4,,-:4;;. I ,„iil;k cO, Imi,.i I‘, ;.' 1.',!':ii..,"" ; 711:!''''1 . . n t..t• n. •to ~., 111, ; I • New Chocolate Factory. I)-1 A t M A I.Elfi A. Agrut r.r PA", Tirr. Mt,- S ! II : ~N .( i I .i3l Tli .% I PO. rtwitt effullyirt 1 . tu.kl :4.1.1, 1t....144.11... 0.111, , Z. l: 1, ftt..r 0ir.... . 11 ' .,, .•,,Lt,,,,,,...,r..,..,,,,,...t,”.,•—• . 10l .•.• ....u ! ....„,r,,, • GAitbiNFReoFFIN Art.nt I.tr Ft.atk kit '''''" n''' "th"''''''' ' ''''. .. ,,, 5.k , .. , m.....i ut. tt, rm. itttut-an. , c- -. . , t , ..: - ..... ,,, k t t-• .• , ..r , ~ ' d . tr';.'.'..7...t . .: "'-' I ,,P . .TA V.. Yr:, re?..77....T"07..;=.; !" j tkt /MA i1t.04 otro..to : • 1 tit.- Ito z.t.t. Cili‘fl.4, L l .ltilfoa . t.,len tr. i t .1 . , ,..”Ur0 th. I ['aka , that they 1,11 !Uri., 5e..,01.... 0 kt it to.. •ttr- IV 31. , a i L i EN , N,. 13 , ,.. 0 ...111 , N1 It L , Ft i .. t W ,; hrd , itO.:ti; i r l r t ' l'. t i •: . e.t: ' •. ', 7l;' ' tVtit.7l7. l .-" 7,t, F•: - .7., 1,.—., t.r,t.., t. .1....5.,.. d....tott ~1 ittttr..: .tth ca....row iNo ,•', .`..rfh “• tr tt•o, to., .1....• to•it, NI., or'. of kit I durxhrott than! 1.1...., nth,. 11. 1., pkt ton, **ad [ ""' ktuk•-•• Ir.. Li.,l .on.' Ato...u.nto.oh Rook. to ttuntl.tr.. .r .1.1 Ikktit. ET. CLALR HOTEL, hottho .soorkt., roptur...l Name. put ••tt h. Of letter. • Mo. ant, h.`"^ h'.hhh."‘ hr. 'h '.f ...' ".'." .."'•"."". ' (Formerly, the gsvharige,) 1..th.11 f - . Steamboat Agency, and ileueral Commis- .Corner of Penn and St Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH mon, Receiving and Fonvarditig. sim.: _-- boot „, ~o.trol, 11.,1 mem( e 0....,. IIA 1.1/W IN, PLI , MVP, .1 I't t. hal,' tit : I .e., i•-- littl'El.. toot ou t 0.... n .. nyttirt., rt lr ' '' '' # '' ' ' ' - ^ l . "''! ' - : '''r '' ' ' ' ` '. ': ' '; " •;: . . * .': . ....'1 i ::. : tt ' . 7' it". ” ... ,! !.71:".. ' 1Y.:.1 .. .rZ.' g .!,:',1.7" . "'' .. ” ' '"' ''' "'""'". ''.." ''' ' r.. ':'l . .l'. \1 . .1 . . -.. 1.1'1 .- iltl b ;t';... ! 11.'1'41:.;.:'7trt..77.i..Tt't''Irtt:Jt1117.nl''• 1.0. t., It.. Alortl 1.. I , I . ICI th•th.tyo 1... ',“ h" ht , '`..ht•ht , n-t hht• tut., .Irktunt kud .••mforts• korti, •d••••.tyl..kthi.tut....,.-1....,..r .tit bettollll. tk.o. ..I knout.. St /F N'll I..INI)S—CArr. Cu tn S. n t ..a ,• ...,-. •1-5... .., leo,. ma.. omm., i. e . '''.' . /..:•.7.11 tm.... meeieo • lI If I. the.to or ll ho-tll uo tok, ot .I. it0 t ....• ....t., do. ~,. .......hir'• .., Mt' ' `'hr'h '`. '''. New Coach Factory—Allegheny. a ..,...,,,••. . 1 i . 4ai,j 4 . M. A. 11 111'1'F: A. l`U ....hi ri. Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in 01. , _.,,,,, )1. .\, th. puhlte thnt Oh t h... NI ii. 1.. It. ;S3lll 11 .. tt,tvr prei . .ared L. t .-tvt• :;;....,,• r,.... •,,,.,.., ...., sr.. p,.„ ..,....,,,, t , i.fh• ,• , .". t• th•kt , o' .. , h , thh• it'd. •'• l' 4 '.• `'". : owl . tit, 1.14 - 11.1.... IL, 1....•. 6.... 1... I erli,i.J.,./ tli, tat: .t .. r: 1 : 1. . 01' .n. '.,' L ' : - .. - „ '' . ' , ` , '. .:,F '''''' r .." ' ' '.."..1 .. ' ' ..' ''' ' ... . ' r ' .. - ..... . r. ' •.. '. ' ,I 1 I . 1, 1 )51.401. r Or th•lom.n •'''' "I i " t ..k. ts. toad a 1....-. WALL PAPER. 1,4 W .tt .1 ....rrknrn,...r ...ou :t. to Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods. . 1 - , t , 00«. nt Li- pum , ,, , , ~,,, ...., rilitomA, riomit I, .I.lsly re: ruin;: 1 r ,' ',.. , ...-. I L '. '''r'',..,, 4 „ . ,.:" . " '' ' .. . rr. , tk• i.... , .... , ru . p.e, . 1.- .o.i ~....i. No. 55 :"TitrAT, Bet wrrn Th.rd und 'FouriA tt Pfttsbu: vA, 6.r a tt.,”• t.t.ttrt , ll sta ttt, It. ttst,ult-git • 41.. tt. tat., I. • t ' Il i VA LI, r.l - 111..\ 1 , '.1 , tpi lIUSSEY & SINCLAIR, S torage. shipping A Commis 1011 Merchrnts, • • Nile. A. 0 Law, f 0. 11...,'. ¢0.14.f1¢, 4oaringlia.m and Domestic Queens - mut, I VOOt i RU, 4s - ~':uu t , i. 1t..~m•, .t.rn.r r~ctlt u..[ Il..r!.l~.unl~rnil~lin..~.ntrsnn r... .1.. i t• nY. kb.,.!. N1,.u.1. ELI..:. -,r ,131, I Or h,tl-111, Alexander Bradley. No VI Wood strrei, F.orrrno•-hr.f and Sevond 1 , 11,% Ilf ...!1.1”.S • T , .1 K.I . criplin •1.1 •u. A.: will ',ad, Alut,-1•.% It LIM auttuut uttt Mut , rol•r•ratui ,tuur Itto Mr Stout... 1., :tu.•••• • ,Itou us, luau, to vb.vh 1.1.11. u. ur, Wa.tu • •tt Jualur • tu lure iturt•nutunu el mfMT • . Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. T V. ontlornigio•ti 113% e II:0N TUBE WO,lak S, tul r“.• maw/ Iteattrurirte Alt ta 814, II I'M l a,tttra Aa.l ult., mai all ttIS.. . • hi, h 111, cslirr I:r Nal., at lb,. l•pir.ot t•r•••••• TI, ••••• oar pr.-pv.l !.., na.eutr tr fora. 4. any rztcnt. altl•nnt .1.- . 4 1 . .1.,••• a C•,.. Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y. EMZIM • rr11): SU BSI:1i I HERS. tillvtiw. po..•11 ,p. Akeut, ier the ua 14.,111,/, ht the Yin. 11, .rE r an C a, .1 ur uare 111, an. in ntlerk P.k h• I.inad• • sh • lie .11 'ha, /..1 Olvt {otrrtOlAoLY which •L•. 11 he r vno , t , l . , 1.1•.11 it th Pnuturrat.. 11, wan, ad antkko, thn 1.1.,11.r..r For. ail otheralhat nrick Tne propth.l.kka p r J.l..rkuluoll that the 11r1ct ..11a II 100. nnot t pre.,..ot tahl.. rrputatiok. land that no 10. /spared In ruak.. Orin ~ .I. l ter lb..- th, bat« ke.r..lofort hr., 11.1. nni, aktahti..hinpur nnv. nianufaciuntw Fir.. brick at Bei. W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches, Sayeniar In any Irate., err,' .ff•red .31 • H I ILICIrAItDSON !" I Mariolt •Areet, i. lA;ll:',2LA=4`r,!'ur By apyniottuent 11 to . 31 101.1 N, °owlet., sod Watch Almnpfarqurwr, K 111.7 uierr, well 11. , ww1. Lund., N•rtib... slat the arr.migren, ing 11 kirb. N., —.5. Irialral rb1..1 by ibeywnl to bit b .f.( my rnanl.T. yt,rs, and liolkntrb • ato• tl Yr‘ 11111tea,10.srmu m...b..... yrokrunlvo the lo t.v i tr i tz t 7..k I.l.rtia. a lb. Iwyellso.rt r1:13 k T r HAVE FITTED [II', (on the Now York 1.13 , 0 vrrTT ruprrior arertroo. In, t nor of t•dr Wpm. Qurtain Maferfalo. !gnu avarf ILE, eq....1 - MI:ao. to fanhionaLle parlor. nod bar.. Paged he Info., and Pond noperlor noortrovut of Patio Do Lain., Pro.olodo. Vretraff and ,iorroart Litho, Engl.. It Maroon, Ch.M., Turn, Rai emir..,, at -for, kind. Lsta figurodplain Slo.loa—lnot land of thflrraut width, Comic., of dinernni ?tile, Mx.. Window Itlindonml nhadonCortnin Bord.ro Mal Illtudn.etarkanz nu, Tvannlnond Vs..] laropn, D,rd, 5111 mud %Vona.), fled Chintz... nod Frjonro. 'Allen and leauraord . Vnllt., Ct.onlrfP•or• nod ...off. Vow forty. SI manna, 11.1. mod 144fdlow 1:11E1=1 " 1 . 1 Ar;! -. W 110 LESA LI; and retail noinufn:tu (l y Y tr.. aud ."1.. Ca In Ilut. and ape. Nu. 91 15.4 Jr , thinl dour laluu Duanuu.l Aili , . N. hurgh—•l.4.ll, uttdr a null aud t001ut...1.1. 44 11. utul 1 . 11. ••111., oan soul tootern manutneture, (4 r, rr, epoday and Pld I, hy wholrualu mud tetutt. mud ...it.. du , uttuUttnu uf their ,:uetntuor% and Ow ;midi, au....tinud lb•i0 That tha, aid .11 uo th. loud rua..hl. , t.tuu.. GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO. BANKERS. DIALELIN IN [41:11 kr/0 t, rUIN, DANK Nerrhh, tr. • .4. 74 itholts tr., nral Bahl Nothtt •tut I.nlll. ~,11..rttx1 ht. all ;pat-, th, tanuOtt •thl mtaine.ntunt. h•liththie • .1.7 , 72a -t . ...1•11113M1VIT. Al IL I A COIN IN, Coal 5/f11,1111104 I_3 1.1 !Marrs Iv Or', (7.16.1. 411, If,. and h , , of WAIIIt. Ai. I ..a am II Torovi, Mm n~T _ • REAL' ESTATE AGENCY For Bear, Urumqi, and adjacent &untie,. 14,1;ATKO IN TRIO 114.:1011(111 OV Nt:IV rrilE SPBSCIiIISER, boring been In tell j, for wood tirerjearra 'mot In the Notrffhlon, &vousl, of hey Ilrightoll. and rmt.tfal f,rnore than tore, rs , In the vloitnlti of the Panle. arfi dnntn: tn.! time hie et , Lention her hf.., 010enaltsfetft exelneireir to I.nd rIO. Yoe the iten,fussoalnti.n of the out,he ,fet..rall,. 1. 7 . 1.1 , / . ..:lt .. tefrlAtry for 4osterlntr Town Una , tan DOW'a wanl.r nt rnlost,lP has nuA 1111.• clen, ,e6 lJ.r. e la au , l wrghlarrttual. .ale at 1... d advantanona. Tab, alway. •trietty g Into. and no pndpertr Will be veered nbletn th. title , In.linputaide. 11YR11 . 0110.1 pni , ll.lnli null to tall mud .amine fur LtanaAahrea. It ISNJ 1:1/h11 Ilitllo4llti, ....vlfetan -Fine Watches! FE\% verx supariur t /old Patent eN„ . Ley, 14,Yrbeq,rtr. Ch..l by eapn...., asurmytn.Li •Y^ of• 1.0.-kot ropow.try, tui, , tal • ouble nowd /looting: sim. plain and PH YSICIANS El==r2UM S Yl rat: e Cataat . Vitt h J. Wilson & Son MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE A. Wilkins & Co .1, 4trlr n Chprt, , Fastitonr, 1 , 1411.:4. V., .c.. 11.‘1, •; 431.1 v. ./. I.! 1111, Int 11 '" '• 0 1.1 ‘lB•l,Li • I I • FALL FASHION IV F: t Peni Glass Workx. Grlndstones ! Gruadstones 4 , 1;.1:\ , 11.;•ir71 IN) . N., 14 tr., ..rl:•rrr.rrjr.r. sr , sri..rlr..ror•r • t.••;-. rrrr.tt • Suns' F'irc Pinot - Mineral Paint. 1 1 ,1 , rith, 4r), •• IM, 4-4 4 it. EAGLE RIARSLE. WORKS. E , T./11.14111.. by EDMUND -"" W ILK/ N., •4.. I.ll.erty 1..161 h t. Y ~._. Y it) YkIIKM'A. lion 11.11 1150 mar 1,81. rt /0.5 la 114 1 .1itt... ir - het t ittrittt, I' l sit 1,01. .1 11 AL • 1, 5 1111 t 001..0 ht. U. sn, 1 1.0100051, Kan. Itrinsine 0 hem. .J.Ol tt. 1.150.1.- tx. Prittl Inthrnp.F., 111..50.0. 1. 11. ttrat.fut Ior to. 7 01..051 lar Jtru.it ir..0.. berm.: 10.111.. .• • JAMBS W. WOODNPRI,L, t‘AiiiNET +TriNrIT,Kr: Li Ir - tuts, Warr fa...* 0: r....t ,1 11 {l rc• a,. trolly oicerm. fp•crel- .en•l rtr• • cl)...••• polo, rc• up•••:•1 el•• red, crt .c•e•ccr•circrtee. !u• 1.11•1•••1• pc ,cs• • • •er rwt, tore, r...• I.•ts/111.1•Iir i.11 , ••11..,1 .1 , 1.1 of • Wrr, ..1 fursut4t•. 1,,n1 an.t lg. .1.- 11 1 `re 1 ' 14111,4.A 1,1,•• ••r 1., utdey th. rotor. rc,11.1. 14.1 lb.. tulveur• tag /-41,1 , 11.1,11,r1a nA, ca. 1•11. 1.'1,4 • 1.4.1, nty1...441 fi..•4 14.4..4 y Per<or. waning, <lnd. and le, <min elan, et,l n - eeect-.1. tuata n eu an / ennonrvarnin. atm< En, n< nt .-enr do, < nut Ilne. <lnn, T.,. e.teln mod Inv <Me <lll.er late, t< ere and an•rn.at. ratrrto, 'rmbnta. aln latliee ln • eed., tinting In nY• t 'Jul. u ,* a, kind Whanles< i< nen Table l 1111•1 agil.i A• 411144, buLl•re. nn.rl.l - and e ll <entre amt Wen. exnenenatdinlng table.. all •Ite. and .1.-eldeelly <l,- <wet <Awl <nude. earl. J . ...unman lenJl and per table. runlrane.lo-teleade and ern-thelande eadh larg. neeortun,a. ;4,1, and men, neerntlnn Hydra. ottneinne nnwner, end 1... k ene.e, lewnle. tire n - rene. tnnl.l raene, tt. and Munn aunt, <nit. aW nple el.ll.lren pai<er tahle and 4•1• 1•••{0. rnattnerane. eneenennel. and'Anlanl <-arl ram ....o.- a: d. l•rge nee•rtrnent n< Onturonn Cullman 11Ln.nnr Chair, 0n.14n-t no, """ 111.0. • Stnantbnete ...1 tszniqned at It.. 'lawn..! Jan The ?nly real Newj:rk t Plumbing Estab- 11 ERE w.irk t1:;t1.• p,;„ 7 7 pi... 4.1 oon ),1110..11, it• I% F., till• Mon I! arta, 1,1 I r•lt ..it Tr.), 11.1 AM ruru/traa. 1. al ttintmhml Kn,l lent tit. at llso• 1•••• CI, atm... mat 1 ai , ll•lmm, 111,1 re ieltr• llama s ram.lant la Of. !P00...1 , 11m tog, al atm (11.131,..114 lit. .aainlm liarammg rm,inllT altmt•-I I. • ti.: I•;'. Pm.. at • • I•mam•to tl.anl mod alit.. ala. ILILAY AN II ,NIA FORK 1.1 Harp, • a/Mmrattal Harms.] llnntim risrll, ramialal tram rtamaitm turari,l.Wlal/11:;:atirr.rata imam awl lar aa• I al, ?Mart. • Potatm•••• Ilmalt Itatrittqir ll,tam , 0.,1'7,• mtam•••••••1 JOri • Jr,...? Ilia/. tla - > 5, " mart Maur.. !lima Itstnatu•ti••n. et,. I TED, till: STERN BAN ANK NtiTE,h, . 7 ,ruarkrt Ibigl•••.1 rrnsita Am,rs As. • 11,er. it• 1,,11•1•, 1 , , 11. JO KINO, II ook, of. Paper. - PRINTING. WRITING, and WRAPPING P r•-nn.. 24 Po .:• OW , 01/ • iiittf 't•ll:o;fl'4l.l.tiri • fi:isniln I ifir.iii.. nnw 7 , 22 •• • • •• hlnlttsno and go vl.• Crown line. un•lormnrord krn0....01,10nL:, on hand anal bor eale Or o•koirdn.o. na,••• .a.I wom.stuv•ro of Cat.. ..n1 L • oPot.• Mon ., IkLortlp. •.• Moo -Voltink o m f oil a, nnettuforturwt, Prtetine ..•prt tn., to 4,r11, J. L. HMI. prnJr a Prom ocs. Patent Candlesticks., . I UST IZEU'I.)„IT hICIIAltlisoN'S, 0 I—vl Markel •tn,,, r I . •hAt Olk , ••• • u..w metlrle..t prewol ww-1. ,2 .I••.anJ n gm./ Improi.tuent 4.11 nylo, • h/th.lbe public Inet."l awl 1{,..1.411119. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Louisville Tole &lark' A 'FEW SHARES e this Steck wanted at the 11..Uhf.11... 0111, of A. WILgIbUi A CO. 4, EA 31 BOAT OFFk;itEII:WOR CITY bzirAtln ItWrlz If apph.lina be inl4. , Kai to 11.41 nu a /It% IN, 134 ?Wood MISCELLA-NEOUS Henry Richardson, Jeweler, 1 ! f I 111 , NG ,.., r0:1im..111i5 7 1 : 111 r. ~. #.2 II -..r,,„7,7E1.. ,",,,, . !. . 11j , I k%l •soiol niliti, 1 nt.t..,. 1... ~ 111• ....—i J.... .rt,,,. t.„. A\ PASII I 1 ONS Joni r..erivo•l l. l l nt on I.V1,1•11 ••• 1,1111.1 1. k. lhrrklar owl • , 1 01 Irllll-ii•l.. 01 strsail w. tu, 114.11.• childron • IA•cln••••. Ludo,' Vap• un I Orr, 011 N 1Y ETHER ELI., Manilfaottir, of • I . Al 1,1. 0 BOA u..l !WV/M.ll.r\ • I Jlut•A l•rAlue. All, 11. A.• Now Marble and Freeport Stone Work& • W ILK INS in additioni to hit I ' II I" 1. . 14.x1e Mart., •Sarkm. 41 or , 0: L. •• 114•1111141 eV VaAiely V 3,.. pal •ti Al•A•umwts, I Ault, 1.111 , ,lono. •1A..1-1, . CurlAnv It. n aullern.lonlb, terlu. nel 1.'1•,` yap ,on -a of Eno r 0 - •• • .kini 0-1 Patent Shingles. VIE sill NG I, t:ti rt.. 1.• of Walnut, Pint., Ay 4 ..1.14, • 11i. , t , tt trt tt,flailt•tt •I tett telot, 130. m —1 Alen. tt.t.t t 1t.% en. 1t.... 1.1 ot.t t.littec tn.,. t•lttrlt•. Itlrtg t..tt., ermr• Itt ntr, •11.. n 4 • 1.1.1. r.ll At I, 11.44.,...trt•ttr Ftturitt ttutl tit .104 -1.. f' It 111,1110.1.1. K. D. King, HANKE AND EXCIII ANO re, 01toK ER l:.elmnFt. ou the Elan anal Watt 6..0., and tart - 1..0! and .Alan (a01.11..4.. _ 1 4 , 11 C W ATCHES, the tot.t Eg ' rro,l tionov• torrnuracturorr, noir „„ ir, . ••21•11., %al 4.1 ref, , or• E r ~ r ihm . I.r.r Watch., room .sl3oo to 11.400 , roo R Mare- •ar r•ntorlrl •• reprooootoa, irron, ro• WA7C7I , tEP A lIIINO exocittol or the ror , Kinrr. tw o. v. rtaletod r,r -uporr. r thr/tn•b i Ilarlrot r.,rnor of roar°. ► King, Pennock & Co.. 1 EAGLE COTTON WORKS, wAREINA:sz—No WOOD PITTPDCHOII A NUFACTI t IRERN of Cott2n T ‘ aruq. _ Y . Onr Tut iro. Ncrp, Aril frr io alt, nf ANCHOR AND ft ETSTOYENtET A Card. w: . k w re h.„. n rn4 , m w. i.. „, !!0 . . r , In p ttn ha. a rtilipliitt amorixneni as •PAI,Uf ...rn =Attu, teturt...f ailb, cArpitici.. - terutti r ialt.l furallAnt ~L I r. 0.• •.f trsiptits err. It./ .1,4 and butt limn, 'window blind. Anti g im. tang, ...mtg.,. ill, Etegilhh ay,l 11ertuari rinslit in .rttit • • fai galk theru rth e urer N. bin . unho g tl ,b eea, l aonhd= " r! ' tZe . ; rarrele hoscrerreetorwt r•I I cirri. Iltrt he, me i, tr r r• r•ler rr: rt o, J • II 1r1111.1.11.-. IV A LTER ci) Flour and General Produce C )1 NI ISSIoN fit SI 41: ert!.uri BALT! ifoßr N 4,11., it; rk 1 ,7 K11 , 1111:.1.''N OULIt, •EIV.NCEP I, rlli rI In ul 1•••ni sdiAnt•.t.- u. t .n.I l'artn.r of Sh.r•tot.l..• Ilse, .1 11a1t.u...r• 1 , [can0.../ A Pant Fall Goode. URPll , l ,: t r, lll ;ll l .l , ll . lEl ; l , .. : N , orthon A t r.nr 11611 4 ,•1...14. 1 4nui.,./.144114.(144.... • •tall r ran 4. 44444, ,0,44 , Nl.a. 11.44•4 / 4 .414.441. 1 , 4.11h4.. 111444-14 awl lan, bras: el., 444/par plaal (Ma 14•44. 14.115, Lny/ au I hot 44..4.4144 .al • • Spl endi netinnienta. CINTIE wu tmcriber lrrr just rrrci t.•. 1 In voice tit • rery rho,. arlarttou rtruly Nunn.and slay, by Ilanti•ce.N.• fort Amou,s4lb tyra, • 011.11ii51,1. lull alyerd ...tn. "mar. 14rand 444114 . 44 Nut., (Nark 11. Inalrumant.alwr • my, I 3,1 latahlitt/Frafiimag omarnma..4 6 , dorm , ot Ynyt city the due.: 1441.40 Ala MOO ,KII• a:(44111,1,1 I 1an0... 444 la•uulartur.4l 141 114,4 enoutry rrra I 44,04 1...14:4 I bunauulal. euj or, ti urtt. l 11•1, N 4. {IQ :441 atra Thy 4.1,444.- haul. horicog !woo 4.144,-lyd t , 4 tha 4 - 44 , 44. 114.. Youra Yaararn c u warTanlyal aupyri 1,..414 4.4. 44414 Ka rr II $4 Fall and Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple A. 31AS1 Co, would In nit resp•et ..l t, • !•/••44. Irtult to ;twilit-ill, to their tar,wi ki art runt w Iwen-t1 k • t/te•le. G nll n,.1 w -nlew wlytelt will Ite Goo! I ~, ttoin nu, they nor. trio- , nenwl 0- .-1.0•1•• II.)10••• VIN , [0•-• iloor to itilwwl feint and wionre 'Law I IttO In-11, t , 1.00 ,1-4 topertnr Islnnkt•le t Ittrl I 1••••/•. r•l'd •-•••• k 100 I renelt Memo , Ilk Yll Lot. 1l Willi, i j• rwrwritelln t Cotton, p.-.-.ie , ' V. !,",„:..'"l7,.Y7Cy„lolayV' • Gk. r-toinktte t t t arion• tnw Ittn I•eo 105t0.1 . 11411, IVO ear:, n•k trotKtrortet I wirer., • lotto, I w • ww-• ettu-k a4ls tl lortwer.illrn IoYII.. y. I 1 wewle and.letaite I Yokt on le- itoyortotl r• non., reit, tleri ty•u nil lestyek in • Ink r, 41,14 Alstlyatt kt knola kEW GODS. Ulu It Y irgn to inform 3 . 1 , . ie. friends Pig ILA ly Inklortnititle gottd. tool new. for tkeitll non , wear IL I...rig utterly y:v..ollr I. clettel,The t urn- ty ra il el. -rant-a ttl the rot le God odnern• hI hits (lag etrutoe t, It-18,1.0t nipento quality or n o t lotty-rt• tor lye, ilynt Ilan , arturrnetne nor went e l -t• (wt. r Niro w Olt an warty call Alit, too. Ile wonewt. lowa a l •1 ono. !wilt- Itoit t• yloek of 111,11 IS MAIM In Or elf,. wIl at: • /I • Ili tot ttOerwyl Itie 'or, pricw• Ln esiln t. IN t tri or .rs tout o Count L....a t/1 s. ti , 'atBll •rmtmham •.li t.• n• mama.. 1t..., It 1.1,0 imtvitmot, .• ll.m an, , h.. 1 - .l*ring t*nnl. n the now: 41 •nnrt....4 ncnr* 1 nr. no- • *nt* I rEEP IT Ilk:Foiti; pe,()1 , 1.E, that who,. ih,dr...lat. at 1 , 410.., *.nn. •nd ciang•nnornsoln*rai Ix r 4 I . .rent )1.11 , 1n*. 11,..1**1 rtn run. lbw n•nr****l4 Dort Un..l 1.1:V4U, hann. ounnnal or m•rsurtal tI( I• rnti Ir*l.lf, w In. kwar th* 10vr...11.1e.. p ,• ornpn...l, nn I its* InAnn, n In•lunt War* l•• n •. •pa n**•urn , ^kl by N 410h/0:S11 4 Corn, hl and Lh M. Ft. • - • STAR GLASS WORKS. ROBERT WINTER & CO., Irdreho.r—No. 17 Market steed, rfilsburgh. I ) UBERT WINTER & CO., hnving taken tt,s bore work, will paanufectorrali itintim of anon uld aktittlen, W.A. Jr 11 . r. at.proprieted • factory rarluArtly 4. tho trtanut.tittion 4.1 X.100.n. rl lnt l l , lotiltN, Clot REIN AND MIADEIRAM. atop)) drortintion of er.foTl 117.Vk BOTTLIA PORTNhA ItINEII.II4. Jr TA., Ban, - Ito niarivra Fb.l the, ran furolob article., In tb.1r110....n.t to y inanulart urn' in au- r . ... 11.11, .11 I tin attention lo I.uoin.ot, lt. merit • .harr .0 pntrt....g. toot hoo to other moo Men. ar. proparod to nil all (A. Imi", volt, groin!, i hair I.ll l ml. 1.701 lb. ' , obi. , ix. µgoers! nosy Into, ttl.ou. fliro at rr.lar nasnon tun/ In privet. a...Ws pewit 1y Drug Store for Sale. Dltral STORE, AN • NMI/ICI NEN, lu a niolr.,t. not.l , oleoal. •11.1 v.lail uaine..an,l In, • , ..11.nt la, of noioni with 11, ..nthliann.nt 1401Frfili r.,nular ...ant, villein with In. L.th , qq,0.it......•r00d.r. it o, tre matt to .y droll.. angain. n For parln.lara nos 42k. arlln real name. CLEVELAND MEDICAL COLLEGE. 'Atlitunl Course of Lecturrs in the 11..1..1 N. 11,1 ra/.., 1•111 enromeno. on Wed woo., In. tiny da, Novynn., and re,ntlnuo ' The lolloyrlna gentler., //ma,. tan Faculty of In t/1ra...n0 .1.11 , 1 114 . 1 .AIIATEII, II fi..J.,./framnr a 1i0n....1 Path .L.,, il Linn,' . laud 1nnn.....1 - \ Conn, ftnd Children JA ft LI/ P. K 1 /tT1,A,1., L. D.. Pn.henor of l'ln Meal 01- ...no,. nod I lent' end Preenve of 3lnarine. 11.111Allh A. ACIII.E,T. 111.11, Proton, of euraory. Jolt:\ L . f.ioal.l.L. \I 1... P.0.e., of t lanna Modlon, i lelltin:l/7/T .1111 X 31 L, i.r.r..... of ClonoLary and alnletal Jutloyrudenn. JAlnfll J I, LA 11 1 171111 1I 11., Prnfon.n. of Anatocor .tel Illr slo' Ph* In tor the WWI, ~,orw• of Loehr., 14 1.40 M 1 14,131.10. In .... / . .. . J '.ileatl." ' l ' n ' 7l . . oroune//ory nole , payable lo twelt molle. t w 1.11. i, and noned . I . ll nlir with mll" P .. '' . *tone reen.....14111• cell itlell lo LT. Justin. n 1 tl.a Pied, tor . Judi, rn the e \ .../1, or bonnet In which lan owner nentle., ..11 In Qr./opted In 111. nl.e. or inoner•lth. ...Le !Inaenl /inLlnfan. and 'loin. who h....n0n/le/1 ..en tun ....Le. , •11..ra0r..., ~,.. of Irldra Ira al Lida I wallai 1 ,. / .1 1 . , .. 4 11 , / :211 1 .: 1 :. , 1 . 1 ., ffz..a.1n: 1, ..n0/.. to 1., La elnr, br ../.1 lenr.l. waif n.....,1,1.1....111 faei, tan he proeurni Si 4..... r......t 1.4. 34W lo 32 ' , el/ nook. , Kyr, feed... 1......11 L....., rein. 1......inect at mat. an. A anluninor, mane..( lorlnn, fro. In Al Alatrieulanta of dm 1L11..., .ill nom mon,. Lour Week. pny lon. lo IL. , /oataneym.... / the reatilar eourn., and eonlantle until Lhe .ne,o, of tio. tern' i'11.•1.1,1n PI ootA. tar W e cull'. '''''AT 111.T1:/:7'11t11"'n1/1"411Z the ire ' en it'''''''J ta?l n lar Zit the 1 t•ahcc, ond.rtlielllnotton .1 c Prr.ll:/nny ' lrelatoater, Ilirn lona, owl Aral,. In the numb,. varlet,. and inlyortann. ~ ~..m. ~.....1 . Lellernt in Is. 1,1.1 lo any in the 1 ' J. 1.. CABOI , I.L. n;ptalf Nee r.lary nt the %%h al lineally. A IifINCIIAL AND !All:Nal VIC A tIS(JIITAiENT Or . Wall Paper and Borders, ftrr the Fall Bales. 14UST itEci:i vEli, tub the yid eAtabliehed .hood, f. ,1 1.1ar10l street, acct mint of air nalabrated -Uli farlforin. s anal many raw. of PAl'Bll.llAlall - and 111./IlliCll,l, r emnant, curl • ralletr if Ark. ...1 NW. 4, mu le..rdly full to ....Illy the laaten and rant the rte.* of 11/. omen antidiml. and oronmnical. sue+ , .L , THOMAS PAL3IEfL__,. Boarding. ryWO SMALL FAAHLIES-ean ho emote moue,' •Ith alraaant front rooms on ti. mooed ... CUL. , htrohbAhl or euntrol•hei,ntei ,o ld. ~ ,A i r at the corner of Tiara hod Brant rts. ... , . sTo us, CTRRENCY, AB \ ll ...man,\4. ! p i'l"l'sfil R („; I-I I ; .\:./. El' . l' E teoltitta e rgh It EGULARIn ANDCllttil:l.l \ • \,' - ~, \ \ , \' • , PHILADELPHIA , PRICES OF STOCKS. \ t r. 7. ...,' { OF:Ott/MED goo Ma glrntlinluill iitZk..,V it \ , r ., , t / 1. . .. •,.., t A. lA' II . 1i... IN S " , .. 5,4 (.! 0:\ . ! ',, , , , ITl'lli AN It XXL I IIIANI3K, WWI< EII,Fex 1 livre• es:ttive-^ , q in 0.. 1\,./. 1..... l'illtN/11l SIP \tat - MKT nhit IMMO Kin \ \ l ' \ Push t I• 4111 lA, I! I" 0t L ~., \\, Judg.ter,geve the U S Slarsh., i ~;,,,,, \i,.., ^,,' ler fosse° •tions to runinoms ie... t-ut !is ai el ' ln, \ 'II, ategts L h ' ighest re, ert•lnltillty uh/ l .i I" to tht• • •ttl• t'tlit,! o•-otigOr I iop ,, t Ntliity as , A,orore ' .ii! the from:Lei : vas:es /;,, ~, •„;,.,.,.,,,,/,,,,,, i r ~, itlid Statfa\r ni enater Caer ,, e, Slr'- ‘ llroei, tr.' ' It h eci,tlC bridge. ao RP Ifily honest of the. ray; reveral ' /Ilnict. „ 1 Y. zlo• way Al a het , the ,Thar CoiartS\ white see m\ at , tmte to •^ e• - • linei, ! rec.:, NI ,1111 1 sin„, Ini lan, w\ll•ktiewit irkla, 1,.• 0011 In, a xt.,..3.. lint. ... It is i time,l on t s lvpart of ths,floveriotient, ; Wax - Iw:too. Icy ties goy NW I that It ill ,il of greater reapeetaliiiff, 1,. :over i Eh ~,ie.,,,,,,,, -,,,, lisumniutied \twthe I oiled mate- ' \ ! orekrwr. \ The •liitt\Arin why air indicted for tree,. air I. liy tne„way .1 , ‘i in',moderate circuundotiereo /1 , . iegards proper ''',l Vroslin,:t n !n, •. ~ ty.t it et the st,rivig spit faitiy which their , in , !,, Pigs ~0 rroot„ ii •t t h r havi l, . ezoned Po *the vii•initv from which they I:. Itelscreox ' eame;\ will not e%liti.t ith(df it, no-vi'pl I r h,„. ;Igo - into, will I preamde; but wil tvarantee Niliei_•iii,fil:: or all rinil !wall.. ..f in r..• retpu.ito fun. to rqiiii. anifil-4 1 , ,e their de , A ',11., has .0 , .. • ~,•., fluke ••• \ • ton t i.Wherone 1,, , 1 ~ „ A . Tilny lo"ing much I ir -r in inituitv th it; !hi I ' .."'..1. , ~ , ',••• \ block:\ ad ! „ ,11,,, pot,t,ed ..f ohato ~,,l, t ht l Fut, Ii• s`eteo ; ete iaiscf rellitiveviervii•nds. na I . Ilea pI,Nal a;nIIP 10,: - erpen/In• ~lt , 1 .. \ t el t eir inkrionnu•et o o.h Lo/ieete,.„,,ded 1 , 1 , R ,-.. e , ', , , rit I : \ 3 : . , .:.1 .. ::: ,. 1 I fr ' ",i;flie - e I :laek , tivi t -air lan, ei , awl tho,etlect l' , C I L r . -. ' • !!•• itrinu their 1 1 repouti of a 411 , 1. Vi. pel,ll, Min 101 ' llinl'i. ' ” " ' • • 4 ~... priofFclit as the ' Wet , ••igiat A, oe oi 111 , v1,1 - ..i \ - 1” V. ' '.• L• la in re 11,111r.r, Init`p !••t•'l,, spri • , a. , IP. o•• '‘, ''''.. ! r ". .“ ' "'• \ your , the tumult , . al \ t coltil. I tutA, .. th• rot:, I o" ‘l' l e • l•,' t l• ' ' 't • ' \ Don t•?\ o hat totottllfa littlaatryNa ottroth.• !total' 1 tit t: , \Knal . 1)1.111 . Nit', iia • Vl n• H. , \ 1 ! ' Scotch wo nu •-iii 1 if we , - wit es, he. - Ig•Nl , i , i• euelairol •• 'ere, ' "nisi ••11,!\ • ,f :It .- r, a aini, a. , a Ikentd, to , 1 al. , • ,, ,,,,P \ •.•,, !., ~ .i/t *,, ^ I: soli my hour hl••••.! ‘,..., i al. Lceiff iek ...• who Veiled thtiarie nit) \t . I :li • aslialla, tn ‘ nr‘c•l danne'•Of those hOur fe110w,,,.e u l tt l ' N ,,t v day, op\ •\,l P. thelr • little pal or epee " fltl rotting. 'send theirAttle 11,4,- , or too -tort 0 ,, I.` and of eudeslieei tratepled ;it an Il k ea•nid, an their hen•creipo emptied, a"..0 ira^e [toga wrra whot they ,IRpeni on fo ' r , their ..„I,ppni4 through • SONE , VIA here lraP pli4 . .a \lon , P4?llitil X,• i•- cover. to my firth letter trate, l'hil , Nolphie. the •! evtilent ` ferC' ththt ths:writi'r s:ryniprf.thirstbcith the priennere,' -ffrotiably ilie\ In•t Cgreoßdsiur paragrnplgwill hi tegottlrd I,S.hlrtherky'')'''ir ta the come effect ,ii - 1, bAtt, to veep a , . }.. . w ho told to me I '.. Multort of f0a1, 1 ,,,,,t4 l in, 'hate lotto, are;••!1, all ' P,k. , , , , , ,t+1 Int,l ' S . /ily , 4i the heat Rothority Aft no 'taeerr; ter , ;" !,/,, ,i'aie. gt , L. no!I aa mlna is is free 'T Ovary tor iskoi , nif - ,qi. I ,bell t. very likel, in toisstera tit repirii, ; :e iiell feeling. teenveil m 3 ~.A. r . ~t Nit fr.T.1041 , .111,1.1 MorPOVer, ar i 111:11 not nr,l:l la I . neV ,, :a.4l, tot eVell a member of ibe I ' eite , g;44,etei, 5re , ..10. lypt. ' as I rian Slat - shell ,31-1 ni•,111. p•keilr,..;\! of '.6! Congreasional ternt Ipapal, •• thunki ; find.' MITT .J,ely itei„ 'Citizen, I it io papal that ley doltg, •14;. vrn/ not ~ hg thought u grog, breach ,3(' propriet. Jan . du hue, • cry strongly •n or r00.',... - \ Til. pollnpel 1,,, OP twenty live , ffored Wen ' who ace to be fete I fur trenaan. \ttrt• Itjtol PntH s .., Drowit, , ,,illliatt, It lharro, .1 Hyt , ott I. hula ,i t Fogs.. outhis city, and - din), Tiontdelis : , ,n A ,. ,-, \Or Laneir\eter Al r bane in it sou a! or, \,l II,: Andgen hoTere whoa, , f tloaten will `de Ittod •,i At. report / ,iliat lion. Char led Siininhr, gr: Tkvl Su., Senator from Messeehuoetts, Im:l,ltron 4- tainhtl, is uottorrent. • \ It Ili expectei, that en the rori . ef the ,far,.:.,. there anti I , P a a 14 . 11./,,n, 161 , 11.,1,1 1.1 ~0..1., I\ .. male. , at the •,; rtio•r couneel;/, b/ say not\ ar er the yetiuger genilniet, retniiieff nI,OPe r• '. ...1.. iiition is eta yet Pa \ 1,..P11 , y arid Pn*sdel,• ~, L \- lishpd, and the extrato innry irripertaneo tar !Vs . , eaßea lint only a. level ing ao largi , p nembeir'l of boy.. 1,,,,,, but as , recedonts iip , fer the ' Fugitive Slave Law. fully • ustify thio ' vas -ta ttoo : The enamel employed t ` n , erred the eNered (MOD have been paid (lieu - retail era by ;be \Sloe „Ittion SocietA of the State of ! • eulioylvani ii„ society el' ivaili tie Prat,t,t,a, a a „o't t, ~, ` rt,,.• feunders. Tbi\ `lo , illy di,oliiiini, i. 1 pat..... .'/. I \ ettotirtg . the alioltion of slavery in . . ner ~i ttion,\,! \ buLA , L on)juen its„ 1.. the ninelmfsti ‘n of, 0... f, contil‘!en of the 1 , 171 is within the hdcderik„ , .! Penns i lvatoff, It .." \ els!. prol,al.l/Ninal unary Nronfil, I. . ii, tribunal \ ; : trom ithio ant peelinfia fr ina , ,tor, St a t es , et oeces,si, \ you will/lie kept twrirVidrited of owed, , they trecoplre, respecting les. intetesting, c ! see. , • ~,, , ! . Vraiajna ,-wion'rii-sane ! /MUSLIM AND AO A. Fact_: have their frelsch ion, their , iiticon 1 ski. self - redacting Mall,. ay et . , ! l rat 1r •rda The flume paper which ann./lomat o iliii . g" , people of V n Vienna the reception of ft i•" , itit oh board the American ;weenier. e /plains 11, IA ; , count of him trial and rooriction at Po tit ott eautuniese Ifs was omitence-1 to be. Imo , iff hy, , proxy, with thirty five Pf his companion' ;so i, proxiee tieing blank tomrth og wood /1,- to I', undeig'Oing that supposition+ oreengtilutien h - ! candy at lho lime when lie wan Onnging the fres breezes of the NPR and libel ty. The conirnat hetweeu the fact and the Rs - .1. -, ,t, 3 •is strikingo-between the , ho.dli, ' ins:i,,. - ,i,t' choking, rtglilnlll, anal. the Iseelthrol Inifit 1 .1, to ,•'\' • The figment may oho,' for the 0x50i...1/ ••,,,, d view id Aumlria, which fetus, e, se, any I:. nr, ; r ; inconsistent ail!, her awn 01.1 pre•J , utittolh • ,;i,. t! Viennese vies or the universe, -tr,i'll3 rottr a !!l !l ' lii ill the,faet. The figment i , 21 Pi1f....4,,,n l\., Inal Ir, the desires of iliotrin exceed her polio,- 51,.• 14 i Ii tyrannical, she irotald 'be ini•re '4O hill .hi. 1 . 1.,. 5,, mit, With all her format, make her powor •• hot! itt to her will; and in the ' utipotericy of bor rend„ ',/ revenge she proclaim, to "her -.Ilk!, ii, or 1111, ! , three -two important triults--t hat tyr itovehl she in she is tot en tyrannical Co. ,by would be: n., that:powerful nu she i.. Rh, Is'oniiiipnioni, It may be trail ; flint the haegiug i. , In, morn., I , ' than n form; but fom, arc ate latigimeoiff h t! , ' I • ; / pi „often mere expressive than woi dew; I The Joint plienottienn oupplios a ' out - rota t• ' ' I', for the intloeuce or thy lao roltlendin, nam . . rs , ~,,, -Orictorious Auetria, and as tugiutS 'I, A ; „...„,„,,,,,„..„,„., 1 Hungary. Here is it vase civil unit rtni,,,, Letter Copying', A .p we with every thing at connualf,l 1 , pill.: ,V . , , 1,4 ilt , ecees, re sontilisbed through on the Ir'Vr' , ' ~i. i ' ' ' ' ' N' ' , I :, -i , i , l ::', - , 1 ::, ! :, ' „ n /., and biredth of .t. territories. Red 3et on ff. ! ' •.' ',.; , ;•:‘... r;:0• „ ; ,-!- 0 ... .,..ait . i; • cc , . and lit detail. Fosoeesteg . ant resources • ";',' ;;..";;;;„.",", ,':::;',f'-'!..;.•. 1 with which it might serve the 'milieu^ nixter ILI x , ! ,r 1 . ~.te..11 11. - ~.,- ~ ~ .1.1 f a . i. .•,-,, 1 onto aking now and then mayso uestion:L.lc i ‘ ,.1 . , ' ; ! :. ‘ ,. -" ''''' 1 "r ! .'" "'' '" " ! ; tempteceven in that direction here and there'. o !ki lko to •- ••••! . .. oeh•a• 1 • 0 o tos' 1 cannurget up o belief chef it is a beneficence. With 1."1 4 tall Wt `imw.v,j ,, ,,,,„.;:,.,,..... ;;;/;",. i Power cannot have it With . ireimenseweciimejntion•;;;!',,,..„, for / defenetand offence, it lies so little cun t . ..len, t l, • ' , !! i l. " - !• , 1 '• u o . s' o ..!',/, i r a!lse• in itself. that it must take unewing and elul, ,- 7';; - ,', \ .:, „,,,, 0 ,,,,„,. „„, ~,,, rate .Wrecentiens ageinst men who aro fur awn, ''f •t• haeu.nt- ~ t... , ttm , ,a rah,,,..0t 1 in exile or at rea. .At Ace. stripped of all power and manna. gtood i ..-/"., l 't h I• Cer,!! !!' 'a -- ••r ~...., in a atru im, nhip, Kw-erode exercißes in thee:nun ; ' ' \''. . . ' ionie. ik„; ,n 1 - nn.., try from Which be in exiled ren Mgt.', effit.• l l •"'sh , .., the Amdrititi can doOl. more not. etny tit , Orpliaftn . Court So. tint guards, 4int laligltde illaksly :liar doll, btolgo '"a It •I t O,t• A NT ,;..,,, 0rd .. 7 ~,. ;an emperor, KOlll4llOl . ip pate Ile nee not 11„, B ..., , ,th,„. , ...,0„,„...;...„,„ ~ money, and it la Ilrangnt. to him. tinnoked, 1.3 f•i ' e,Rau. i... i ~ , , \ • !, „ : , ,,,,r . hand of a stranger fie shows luttmoth and ttr ', ;‘,,,:', ..,', ~,,1 ~,"„',.‘,‘ '1 ,,1 ' ; ' ,",-" ' ' '' ' . , people even of Itireign 1p1i44 Me inlpanent to 11 p `. ." . ; - h-i• ; -, 1 , , , 1 ; - • • • • =1 . ; • ' ,1 ,,• , !• , -o ' l " meet him. The ,:3;ceiPtlghtsTf Francis deoeph 1 ' ; , :0. , ..i ." :t;;;1T ': T. I I ' Tni \'...''' trlU.t. liire beetles ogslacquenre to perform the.- ' '''', - . 41 ' . 1 a.." ; . N.:7 • ~, •,\• , 1 .., haat which is to beonani r eStN by his beloved ' ' -' 2 fie.. "" ". ' .1 . ;• iCk /•-•!,..•''''',\ r ".. , . PUbjeCtsl. . The man who has then •Iri•erti s forth from le., ', . Orphans ' Conrt Sail ! usurped government, say the \I r, 1" a j ; )F,P,!, - ,r3A ',s; Itoen i „11., ~N Wort,rffesa matt, 'a vag,ilbond, a N . -Lori-0i II gm , I' 11 • . 1 : 1 . .4 kli. -,IT 111 GM; T . „T.:. I ; 1 telher, and nothing more: ii udier ner, : unit • toi o ;''.,!%"!;.,',",;!,'ir',.,17,::.'• ,"..„."./.''' ; loos, Nickles, for others, cowardly fur \lnut•r,f ' ,1. " . h.a.rri ''' , 11... , ,, , ,:n1ij...7,t, ITT I inot honest in money' matters srone op . ef,,..e , i•••:;!!!!;,s•;•,:"-;::%!!• .\•;;;,/;;!:.'„,.r; *erg. are intelligible ennifali hos s nefe'ro•i• 'i , L • i ti,..,41 , 5e,. in cerly life through hie own terl,enta ant perxo, 0- " r• t ; ,' ; T "' l ' - ' . . ',.,--- i'" l . !'' .. ~,, . j al influence, be, wlthout high Poll,llnPnola. ra , V4 i• \To the Piliolli I upon the untffira of Hungary a series of reforel,/, I for which all of ,them °titmice , ' Patti,. ertalq and\ rillir.Lood,r , :n.lo. 4 1 ivirig Marr y ""bem retained ti" ' ' ' ltall P l / 4" agni"'‘ •,,•„.!;.\'r'',',/'‘..'ir.:./'Ort'l'ii•io' the rent author. He, if we miatale apt, ea' in.:. , • n r , ...r., , ea,,...,n. , ....,•. ; . ~ strumentel , in teaching the Ilencairinn ' a toile, nOI ! „..,,t:„:,. " L! . , ' ,,7;;,:: -' ,.1 ' , : " \!..,:,',,. ~,I, of the technicalities of the low, they might mein ero:1, L toe, ',so :Lies- ,^utti to nitre meanie of enforcing a kind of Etiohnibered ' ", ; ,, ` ,! ! "7,1! . .;; ; •! • ; ; ; ' , Vt,, , 7; , , , ,, Estates Act, repealing the ercloaive - I ' , - rht. of \ ~....., .3,. th , T 1 1•1,,,np \ fictleione noble laud punprieters. It root ~, ,,,V,' „ =" "".^! ..i f i- , ,,"„" '7' ; Z‘,l i i ", !. to see haw unproved reports of dishonesty • 3 might be leveled et such n matt, reports uteri-3 . ` s Allegheny 114tilr"' 'unproved by evidence, yet loured only too wolf II is: purenutleo of the ii triWeir fur the belief or etooo prejudice end even of bioe- N;•'",i';\!/:•.„l!..iir!‘i2"ij-‘\• psi bigotry. ; •., e• T.1 . ,,,,1t..11 • t }VT.. Patt.tsr,.., /5,..1 'rho influence of that winning voice. say. the , n; %,,.„_;',„\ .., ; " ;; 5 ; :i , : •• • • ; ,; .. ' Austidene, never extent - 101l further than :Ott on tV , .14-.1 t . ,!..; I.:tit. ' I,. t. ' P 01113,14 Collid reach. arid it now ;wile gl,mr! , ,',7,," ;,•:;'',;;;:, 1,t11t.ft,:dy,T,7;:,,1t Strange. thee, that K s ereetath ' should have ten ! n ',.. ri e. , ht share r \ . , able to govern is whole temetry. 111 or,, air , ', 1 1 ' ,. ,„,",,A, ‘ ,..1',..4,, , \ N!,',, r ;.T . , combinntiona to raise money. Strange, if hie \ ilt,a., i i al, , ,t , , e i l ;, :atio. \ie AM . !, lt! tmlut,„ca kaa.guort no totally, thnt prOrmitionn ',jel‘,'la,Vt,l;:i 1t.);.,,'G7.• egeinet him should be needed. Htratigo, if he ; hithEit I 1.114 \ . ' .1,10 ucht,l in that Worthlelta Ornutorg, than he shot All Inc ; 'I ;I '! ",TAVI, I / 4 ; • liMk":.,‘;, more fermideldieto Austria than, the aiitlinr of ' - 1 ••tt:f 111,1,' IIIPONS ' 1 ,11, , 1, : name detected ..iiviin. The populitioeftimakion I :/;?..A.;', 1 ;1', 1 ,, : '' I , of him may indendlhave`beca exaggerated; Ilia I :ralaisatier '•' if is, nil bee ronntiono influence,' perhalis ' . ' ' . tr - ,E ' r ' illie — V;l ' • cren ell his true inll9ence, I, the erentioh og, I t ik . plii Nils° opER . :E, o ,i, accuses. If such a\mtita as beneath in !le- \ ,' ~,,i / .p.pa, p‘yr.r ‘ ., t . scribed to he by hie °flutist adversaries, hen ally i T-.,,.,i,,,t'r0..",,..4•^7,„":1"t0'‘''''''''''...,' inffuence, It mart be beeselse hie country ie bad. I' , \ PV;;;Z:e..fO'; .. t -: ,. .';0. ;,, ly governed: The influent* of lioseuth in lin, I tsa pv' , ,,an.l an th.. 0rgvn...,.... r 1,.. gary is the measure or Atartrion Impolicy n lid ' ;',',, .'' ""4 '- 1 ,''!'''' '' l ''' ‘ ` -^o ink term, a a. itser,,ereson, ,Ie turpitude. , • ,; rai.nizieltra For futnciall, a!,,lr ~ , •i , FIN l ' A . k . a.4l.liitii -s i s I•!AST 1 4_ll .145,606 i Pant, tonna, Indii,,awert. nth] an) ~ 11,02 , , I twee llont4, wbpprgata Nair IP Inanl- A 1P" . pia pnenaap. I•nr Pans 1,, ''''\, -------- a • ham Mr". tutelti I Atoa I ‘I I: rt STU RE'l Ju., . 14 , il,l, Int F. 41 4, 101 J.,A.14.11 1,. I. ILI.)l. ANut - , 7, ,, A.1 ? ;,, N'4‘ •oo I.anK or 1 . 1,1 , k.,11 :at Metriout, A )loot, ItnuY Cacho., hunk Al 1,1 r ,atinao hook I.lent ...Iv. , 1111Art,..r r " BUIL .tnt "ATI. • 1,[141•1•••• 41, 11,1••• Ni -IN • •• • • •'• ,I•••••••I• • . 11 :1•••1,11.r ..I .1 1,1.4 • C.••••tral itervi . ••12.• 4 1•••41i.. Its/1 1•••••1 • 1,11 • •rlato hail It: 3•1 • ',ell.' II oil/ . 1Ir• It f1mr( ...t 11.••• IL 11 A) , Irri I•x•I• ,••• Ito, •, i••• 1-- I •i•• 114oist • - 1.41 ,41 I'N-•••• 1,•••• II•••••• • 1.9•511I•rr. Cold ••• Pn.r...ch6“. 1.14 Nort h neth tuerlr.o N . eurNorth lr CO, . llOsrch 3 / 4 5,5. lm, Ohln lory Irn-hato linuchh.r, ..111.4.(00 Oh. luq , .• • ti Hort . I bluff I Prno...l.ar PRICE OF COPPER JTOCKB. wmlllflJ Pat. • Is .t•,t, .0111 lionutta. Cuuttvr • North A ..nrnzt In•A ur••••I 1.:".1•0 • Fano frater. !.I.tlutlat bluff . , LF It IL u:Latul .rala, Ira 14 tituti t.att. . At at.. 5,,,2••• leL V::!tttlt u ar . 131.11•014. • oult.. lat. It., al JmPII nU suing. .w..;... RATES . OF DISCOUNT. • A o VI //..../ 01.1../00-en Third dr, thorths.. I I.2lGairoA. 1 , AI, Nel Lk AN ANN Hrancli at 11.1 . ...11. k bank of 1 . /tip/oarO.. . par Wu/. 11 .ha at 11 ..1./ .. do atata, Itant ..I an oar firauch at \.on. .. do AI, atol Mat. of .1.. pariltralo./. at 1...na1/town .. to ~./ cit, Pant. Oono., do liana of North A na.rica.. par I ..rup..rrtal 11k.110...11.1.114 111431. • . I.l , ...rttr'nl.4l.eruoapar yrankho Bank , 4„ hank .•. P.n./11001110 • 300.: Ista)ett. Hank.... - to Hank o. H.n. 1 t...1 1 1 1 4. Mr !Oh. 1.1(e. Ina. a I ruat Co Jo [lank of lb. Unital titatos p ll l .lVeata/rn I...kary. 11/“.k. do lkintsuartnal Han! oh Pa- Itank of Atattallon.-- ..... do Has/ kletottanteatek va t :Small Nana.. .... .. . -do Ii irat. Hank Pat, NEI 4- 1114011A - Nll/7 . ...i.e.& Bank-. par' NIIW VIIIIK. 11/,..attp- nk l ,,,N.yr 1 osk 11ty ••.P.lk/ klokun-na/us/ Bank . oatiConatr, -.. n ll / 01 . 1 1. 1,1 0 Ha. , . . P.ll AIAHTI...AND. U Matlorarl. Hank 5.0•11.11.-unot. • . par. trado.noan, Hoak .. par.l.FanLry. ke 11'../...rn Hunk par, N .1).11H1I1 ADEL., It AHH. Hank ofebarobr.f.ur.l. k l All w010..t. hank , .. •• • 4. Hank of Ch./... li.uot. par I'lllOl5lA 11./00 of 1 / 2 .,/,14. . . okrltiank MIS, 1 •11.) - .... Hank of 101 111 .1/10-tor par. Ilk at 1 /tel... 1 1 1 , 11.0//0/1 N, Hank ,d .1, rum ..... a 0 oarl SO. Hank. Ita . 5:...... N, 11001. 01 4..1E3 .1.1.1ra1. k 1 arn...1../ Ilan t of 1 ..,)11./. 0.00 .11....0.. L... ;11..1 ,- Imnt.n. • 11..../. Hank 1, Hank 01 Mot... too. ,0 i North Waot,rn Hato-..... 1, 1 1otit...tu.r, 1,.. Bat. . 4. 4, 1 11100, h. , • l, Hank of Norttnnto.rland 001 ) 1 01111111.c1,11/ /LIN • earllal.l.auk .. ' N. Hank td 1 . apt/ .., • ./ 0.10/olna 111 • 111/01..11/ p.r 111, of Ht. or N .aronna 11 Doybonown 1.41/1 pk/ k 011au.r.0,1 Ilk 11 ilon n4'. 2 Hanou Itat.o . potikloo-lotot• I.ank. ) 1 .../...rn 2 1.... lAnk ta I okILITII 1 a 11/tl.l NA , I arsuer.'ll). ot 0,1.1, 101 It. ..11.0. : 3 1 r.l 1300./44 1 earno.a• Ilk /.I.•licaatet pad Hank of 11 , ..11/ . 1 1,rohna . 7 rartn , Sl4.l.l/..tlioadtna par .I.n )of 110,/,../.1 -.... 2 Into. Mt...V.1.0 (111111, ./.1 1 .ad1., 0. 10 s - ham/IC HI 4 1/11.r.• Ino. 11 ay Et-a1,..0 / 5 11 PA/I.IIA 1 1 1•00111) 111 ( Itobena-ton par A tnresta 100,, a Itankfac en Harm/hut, Hank ..... %J .. iang ..A,,,,,,, 0,, ..... , , 1100.0.1. Hank. ... 1t IHIt of IHrsuomirk, A Struata 2 I TII.N1.,1!).1.)1f, 1 ,1 4/ 01 10 , 1,04131, itauk_ .par All v.,/ ut bank.... . 2 la.l.nor. 14.1. .. par 1)11)1rurK i • . )11nor.'11/.ok of Pow... N, lik 01 Kan 1 ...). 1 ./../.lt. % 31 , n00va1..1a Hank .. Par 11l of Lou,srt.l., Tklur.tnn Y. 1V... Hank 1 4 1 1 1 ortn.rn 111. f Ketlto , lt., , 1, 11 yonotut RAJA /Ik...bartenat: , mottiborn Ilk 0 1 Is ruktn Or S. tiloo//1111 , Rol/0N...1.. 1,, Hk of Stab. At 1 11 , ../nk... N. 111111J_ 11.1.1)...1S /IL./ seats Hank .. • ... 1 / Htale Bank and IpudlaDl•.r a(nl,‘Ly.a. 4 llrau.l/ .1 Akn... .I.llank of IlPrki to Ilanch ). Atlour • WIINHIN Itarb at Itrilgpnrt . J 1) 1100100 Fir. 111 AN, et Ciro l.,l at .1.... the . . dol 111t11 . , Brave)/ at C....land ..... d. , Parloara Itlnclvarnoto Plank 3., I.lran,ll at 1'u1.,10 .. ;,. do ......romput Stock Hata 3 Hrun./11 at I 1.,• ton ...till Pontoottlar Hank_.... ..... 3 Itrats.ll at I..lawar., . dolt nsurane. Company ..... I. Manch •• 0.1/... .., . . do r C tal , /lank... . ... .3 Braukrb at Aohtabuls do AN Al/A. 11/awl at Wm .. I.k /.. IC N Aco.nr.nTorout./.) Flran , b at kloduttleld dr. haul 01 31101/...p1..t0n0n.Ht. Btanctb at Hlpl, . d0,10,,,k .1•11ontroal ... 1434101 01 00010004 . .31,14.4 n( I'. t'auta..l a , Toronto 6 Ittaneb at colutatota . .1. , HAS mit N 1..11 HANOI.) ' Waned. at 1 H 0 . , .... 1111. N.. Va/ra 10 , 1131.„.... ,10 11ran..1, 01 Ca." ... do .In Ptolad.oph./..._... .. ka 1/rau,ll 011... , ./../0,.. ,b, ton 1104103000 do ... %; llrat/ch at stauk..///ill• do/ 11 L./. 1 11111). kXt 1 111101). kraal, al 111. Veruon .. . Jult/tno,..S. ... .... -1, Branch al N.amok . doil.nuiolll. .. .... .._.. 1 1, Ilraultlt a l K l Ttla. Branch at Oprtuaft.ld.... . /1:401111/ ANL/ 0.01:1& HALL! Hranttakt )larletta„. ... do/P00b100n.../Ipt.h 10.0.0 t Brabct/ at it, . dol do l'aerk.... ...... Il,b/D 1 Hranr/1/ at )14 1..... t. .../In ISul.,oLl, Hraneh al 7.anervllta do Hand.. 0-0 .00 llnarni po. Notyalk .. ...do Yr/.14.0,01/./ . ..• .•., i.e. i hh . .... , H./.1.. do TanT.t.ler, runcl at Port./.000,11.1 . dot/1.1n... Branch at Eaton dorm.stogna Brand) al Havarma... do Ten tluild.r, Hoannh at (.1111111eottle.. ...do Nayol..lol/ Brand/ at Curattoga do )lu,ata ARRFPALS AND DEPARTURES OP MAILS. 4'l'm • follow Ism II•t or arrival,. sod ..t•p•rt,ln • of the mail 0 lh. I.ttnr. Enstraw Itp liroonsburs, Chamlwv•barg, Phlladorphia. Now rat - TT...torn. Centro and Northorn m art, of NI. fora, itolawarr. Now Jorsoy. and th. ola New t.naland etates Thor ilritioh Pn.rlttron nir Lower CaLad, Nova EWA* and No• Urtirowirk.dally. ',Tsar. at a.. Doper. at I NOallt Mairealtie and Illolliday gbursU s includint: the rountlea of Brulfonl. Cambria 13antr I.m, Juniata. lokittling, .‘leKean. n etts,P e Porry. nog., and part of M oatilmr.labd, Llvernjorw, Alurrarovillo. Salo. ;4 Itowdo, Now Alatalidria and Indl. ,010/1, Arden daily, at lip w, depart. , dill at Holler. rrmr, enavrtbrd, and J.:Tem:4k mu Wien. 11port of New York and um.er Arri cr. kr. ; and tlrparce nt Horrraum Aao Wraturi.-11., KaAhlogtnn, P. Orson, farnue, Smasrorr, part of Wratroorolaia Vl.l2uty, gi,l,Ltuk,ll,otirootr,%Vagilnriton ('lt, , Soo them And Larry 01 Ohio aadllatA, Neat...kr. Illnok. T 0111.., Are, Ahdama, Arkenrw, North Cart.. Lnuaounw. Vhorkla. and Tocar, daily artivo. at 914 Y. and dup... at 0.. AL litroactritts. Cunt-14 Itarrant Par[ Won, Floravor, Pan, Pa.. 1101141 in. Core, 1.,..1.00n0. Ilarrt nolt Carroll, II ohm, and luftrarawrian nos tdate, ilaut Jail 2. Arrltra at 11 P. kr.;,doparta al 41. a. . Hoorn 11 entan.—lis,ll7 , vvr,l*-,and Cl.vidand. ''" "vIU Lzlr T " r.' Nland, ban dit Huron , , "' us y, lood. and Lunn youth., °Lan tram. nortbarn row/ties of 11. Mauro of Indiauc and ma inrlttlota all 1 11rtil. Kan, lon. sal Marton., dal!, Arrnts at II A. AL; parte at t, Pharnaboro, Houston, BnrinallalLL Tare. tom. irori , ort, Kittanning. In.ltntin Arundruu a , and Cloartl.ld month., atoriploa Bunday, AP , Ave. al 4 A. bot. and depart. At 7 P 1tP.r626•111, W.atind. Zell.nopla, Porters .111, Illarllnations sail Kr. Lodira., Arm.. Tr.la... Tbnr.lat, and Patara, at 8 P. it.; &part. hlonday. Wnltt6adays and Friday.. at 7 a. r. lltattannt —lty Pturgnotio Pltilayplll, and Mo. • ongalsol. City. Anita. l`unitlay. ?tidal. at 6 ir. r.; dr part. W.,lnnalato Maturda), at •. to V ` Plnyt, Run. alolir.oport, lI Coal 1 all., 6:lltabethLoan, Itontray., 11.11 var. non:Cookstoin, Perrtoptill. Pat Liberty, Upp.or to. Pa. Arrives Sundays and Wnitnoday, at 4 a Part.. Monday% and Thunalay, at M a.Pi. Va.-137•IValk.e. nlll, Noblennton. Candor, Dur,rtlatow. Crain Omit Vlll./.. lintrnon'm Pa...- 7trthan, 1. Lt rr nal ltra S h uriday• and Thursday., at 10 4"1=11,7": tloon. Mon tour, Frankfort Pining. P. Panne., la. Am... on Priday, al I/ Junin. nu Satanist, at .4. N. $.14,44.-41, Ann.. NoKb, Washington, and Arol/n. Arrin. un Nadu...dans. . 2 I p. r., d6partr on tfotular ' at n blocnouta.—lly Logort . • Kerry Arne. on Friday, at 4 7. a, deports A NT al 6 A. Perryaville. Wexford, Ilreakneol, Prropert, Whilrotrrreo, ta. lnelmitpt Warren .4 Venal.. manlier, Arrive. Irl-anekly —Sunday, IA edneado/• I , ridify.M. 7 A. IC, Ikra departs Tweelay. Thum t.l, liolonloy..6}{ Y. lmiLerr for the dolls alallx sm.k be lo lb. Office ma bou t betoro tb..ir deportun, lettere Or the trForeell), oreekly,on4 weakly mon., wool he ba theolfiew half . bealr baton. their depatlare. Copper Stock. - /00 slisre• Allutrooota al.olne U.ri.nik! %Ye 100 " North We" 100 " llosoracm. 1 00 Vor.t. Lurvlrs, 200 " TIM " RUM Do. ovilokohrta. and en nal. at low Mon lq A. VILLEINS l UD. 1r sod ssebanonsnAgn. eV* lilaskit sad Mit mots. \ \ MINIEME 4 17, 4 . 1;',11.:41‘,;.: .kt I nler.4 slit 4k. 1 ,, , 0 n oo:'1,2:. on, o or., V, i ~,_:,~ ;;, :~~„~ :7,', I I •••, • _4 iU 2tm Onto Vors ntu Govsttoti—N Reuben Wood, Simnel F. Vinton, Wood's mikjority Samuel Lewis receivid 16,01 1 \ \ \ ' . \ HF.MPFaLD • P Wt : kAtlre. ?IVO; ,4,5• . T 1,.. timit g r r . .1.. , • , ' • 11,.. e415,:0r...• I ,or,r . %Ie but Its 4 yr , tnnwne, If ice w .. rk ~‘ in j 4 ner , n Alt tlir . prf.r./N,...1 ~ :. ,, ,,o inclu•le .041" , r ag. • Al r ylt tv:ii..1,, , , ;`,,,,.. In `ch Ineln tom, t, 1.., t , .In \. , \thP r,1.1 r,r IV . , , fune . •,N Thi. i , ..,,,fr,, 11 ., ehnIrt tr., ' Or ”1,41. `v . i ' lrh . t .h.. pk.r,l , y ill , 1N4A.1 ,n . ime 1 1 ) • ' n ,. \ 1, rtlrnitt, 2 l,,, ..1..r.}, it ,te • ~, 4 ,7 \pr , ~ 1, 6k11 . .;‘, ilpo, .1...., \-.kn, ?ini , O,rript;vn, r, 1. ir fhr •tro (' , :: , gall , • t ~t, n nqer for r . ntru . ' Ov• thp ...\,,,,l:ktrs.,i; ,' \ lV , t;iavt,n to tili• 11-. re,,,,,.., , rpt ...ND I 1 , ... • 'ISc \ tt, ,', +0, ,, t;.,,0, r., ~...1 • ',,,,.. I,' ',llo'irr f ••nlr/l , 1 ..,1,1 rt onere It - Aw l I , 1,, hot fil hd, iil ,:rynle w .t; , l li, citkr,r , ohr 1 , f whor re.pr , :tll.l.:r re , Pr ..1 , 1,..ii, ~. 1, - Ar. ~... 1! I:rnip \terr r rehrrinc:. ~ i er let f,',.,: i r r t , ,-• ,•111N ( I \ e \ Nirorling''r,,,,n 111 hr. i.. 1. : ,1 tva,1.41 , p' .11,•1. tlirtilrr, II r rtzrfir, , y )I,t , e , i4X,, , t , ‘ re :trk hely • i /apt, Ni 11"1\nk,:i 01 VA ‘,... 4.ilif'd \kr, thr• 0. - .. en r'i' 4, "' . I ', '‘Y 11, ' '',, '' 'V' rerrn: , , , , I.t^ql ) redrif l .} . ~ , 1 \ 1 .. \ ~ , •VI ,n.rxi , s \ \ \ • •,%, q ..4,..,1 11•14,1 et . 1 ly ,, brpg . t.o , n 1 11, 4 . N`c, ~,. . r tit , tun were ale ph , ' \ 4 Tirehreti. 1`1,,,t rl, n . 're,' t r1 ,41 4,!.. , ' , 1.0inrrin,,, , I, , 1i ,, , ri, k , /I:. ii't,..l til •:" I•.n ~, $,,,• ehl, .s. l ,:ether(groin 't , rA,,. 1 r. e p 1,21 I,e ,,, reirtr, .1 ~ , Vesnti. \ , l l , POO ViV , l'hierf rtiAtop," t r tno. Ispi ,- 1 - i . N.i. ,, en In e , " ilormarg'ivle rivk-, ,-- , et, kV tirtint. Vol ,-, 1N1 1 1 11 ,0 . 1.,,,r0rtre,,1tv.,,,,,heek ',l'',.,tio nl.,(•11,0) 1 , Pm:lure* . 2p. \ 1 .1.. CT 14•41./..fl N:1/i eri.',M prerninel 11 ‘ V \ ''‘,, eihrk eArhte . ? , chr , Al \ \ l - trp , ropy f e.„11 , t he . pith, .Itdr..kl II t)!..!, , , \ •, 1 \ \n I.n - r 26,QC9 o;tir V. A lz ‘ CAN. PBPfkli , • • - \ ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers