'rm, w???.T-,,i V-"5!T ., ,"' 'iv S $(, rJj!!P atr. h$ayufew "jwtaaafeiigM f TfwE . .:; ' ..' 'H? 'Xv.r '-'" 'r'.'M' VWK'P"'''' ' ''' '?'" i i'-i - ' v ' ' '. "' v-rfr.i A'K' ', &' m ; ,-. - l -.,. - j 4 OCTOBER 15, 1002, THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, '-" f WEST j&RANTON Three-Year-Old Lizzie May Richards Had a Very Narrow Escape from Death Struck by Trolley Car Other News Notes- A huge number of people on North Mnln avenue, near Hwetlnnd street, were horrified yesterday afternoon to pee a little girt struck unci disappear under the fender of a street cur. When the cur was stopped It was expected that the crushed and mangled remains would he found, but Instead the little girl, Lizzie May Richards, aged a years, had. escaped almost certain death and. with the exception of a few cuts and bruises, was uninjured, Shortly after 1 o'clock Lizzie left the home of her parents, Sir. and Mrs. George Richards, of B31 North Alain avenue, to go across the street, and In passing out of the way of nn approach ing carriage she blindly rushed In front of a passing car, which knocked her down. She passed under the fender, and but for her dress catching' In the pilot board she would have been crushed to death. As It was, she was dragged several feet. Willing hands soon extricated her, rind she was Immediately taken home and a physician summoned, who found that the entire left side had been more or less cut and bruised by being dragged, and the left wrist had been sprained. No serlaus results from the unfortunate accident are anticipated. v Election of Officers. 'At a meeting of the Women's Homo Missionary society of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, held at the home of Miss Helen Peck, on Chestnut street, the election of officers took place. The reports for the year just past showed It to be one of the most prosperous in the history of the organ ization. The officers elected were: President, Mrs. II. L. Morgan; iirst vice-president, Mrs. McOermott; second vice-president, Mrs. G. Moser; third vice-president, Mrs. Lull; recording secretary, Mrs. H. M. Bass; corresponding secretary, Mrs. William Hagen; treasurer, Mrs. AVItl nor; local secretary, Mrs. R. J. Hughes; supply secretary, Mrs. George Carson; collector, Mrs. Friant; collector, spe cial, Miss Peck; secretary Mothers' Jewels, Mrs. Chase; assistant, Mrs. Part; literature secretary, Mrs. Part. Williams-Space Nuptials. Miss Lulu Tl. Williams, of 1004 Price street, and Stewart Space, of Seranton, were united in marriage yesterday at the home of the bride's parents, 1001 Price street, by Rev. H. C. McDer mott. The house was beautifully decorated and the bride looked very charming In a white mousseline de FREE! FIE! FREE! Five stamps given away with, ench, bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. if The Annual 1 Blanket Sale I Starts today. As a bargain event at the Globe Ware- g house it has no equal in all the money saving offerings of Ls the year. Hundreds of people wait for it, because they !C have learned by experience that it just saves them so &. - much money off every pair of Blankets bought. & a $ Pure White Wool Blankets $ 13-4 Highest Grade Californias, jacquard bor- . ders, $10.00 kind, at JpO.OO S "r 1 1-4 Highest Grade Californias, jacquard bor- -, & g ders, $9.00 kind, at $7.50 St d 11-4 Fine Californias, with fancy floral borders, , ,. si $7-5kind, at 5)6.50 ja 1 1-4 Pino Californias, with fancy stripe borders & , ! $7.ookind. at $6.00 si !s 64x80 inch California Blankets, for beds, & . S .5 $5.25lrind,at $4.50 S ' 1 1-4 strictly Pure Wool Blankets our famous 5 $5.00 kind, at $3.95 j- '. ' 62x8 nch Pure Wool Blankets for single beds, 5?i g $4.75 kind, at $3.85 6 5S 64x80 inch Pure Wool Blankets for beds, , , Sf; 3 4.25Mnd,at $3.50 Si 5 ii-4 3-parts Wool Blankets, heavy and warm, ,. . Sp 3 $;!.85 kind, at . . $3.25 g 5 1 1-4 Cotton Warp Blankets, all wool filling, , & j$ $2,75 kind, at v . $2.25 1 1-4 Cotton Warp Blankets, all wool filling, t ji $2.50 kind, at $1.95 i IS xo-4 Cotton Warp Blankets, all wool tilling, M 5: g $2.25 kind, at $1.85 j Grey Wool Blankets & ll-t Silver Clrey Pure Australian Wool Hlankets J6.00 kind for $1.75 & ;g 31-4 .Silver Clrey Pure Australian Wool Klunkcla J.vjd kind for $1,25 Si i3j 11-1 All-Wool Grey HlanketH, Fancy Horders $i,&0 kml for $3.73 l! 5 10-4 All-Wool flrey Hlankcls, Fancy Borders $3.73 kind for $2.75 S H'4 Orey Wool Hlankets, good weight $3,00 kind for $2.25 Hi i3 10-4 Clrey Wool Blankets, good weight $2.25 kind for $1,85 ! jT ll-l Wool Pilling Orey Hlankets, good weight $1.05 kind for $1.25 ;, 10-4 Wool Pilling Grey Hlankets, good weight $1.25 kind for $1,00 Si i Fancy Wool Blankets ;g 11-1 All-Wool Hlankets in a variety of Fancy Plaids, $1,25 kind for $3,25 & la Cotton Blankets 5! 2s 10-4 Orey or White Hlankets, Fancy Holders 03c, kind for 45o H? U-4 Ciiey or White Hlankets, Fancy Horders S5o kind for 69c & ;5 11-4 Clrey or White Hlankets, Nxtra Heavy $1,10 kind for 89o Si jS 12-4 (irey or White Hlankets, Extra, Heavy $1.00 kind for $1.25 5! 3 Pretty Fancy Rabss gj Size 6ox8o, in floral and scroll designs, suitable , si; "3 for the bath A wonderful value during this sale at, , . 69C & ' Our Entire Comfort Stock & j" Shares in the above reductions, ns usual. The proportion is & JS exactly the same, Si ' p This Sale Begins Tuesday Morning Globe Warebods?. 1 polo gown, trimmed with old lace nnd she wore a while tulle veil. She car ried white roses nnd malden-halr fern. Her maid of honor was Miss Delia Davles, who wore white organdie over white silk and carried white 'carna tions. After the ceremony the bridal party sat down to a sumptuous repast in the dining room, which was beauti fully decorated with chrysanthemums and autumn leaves. Mr. and Mrs. Space were the recip ients of many costly gifts and will go to housekeeping ut once on Price street, Blttenbender-Molv. A tiulet but pretty home wedding took place last evening at the 'home of Eugene Ulttenbendor, of South Urom lcy avenue, when his daughter, Miss Fanny, wns united In marriage to Wil fred Stanley Molr, son of Hon. and Mrs. .Tames Molr. The bridal party formed In an upper room, and, to the strains of the wedding march from "Lohengrin," as played by Miss .Mar garet Gill, marched Into the parlor, where they were met by Rev. 13. .1. Mo Henry, of St. David's Episcopal church, who performed the ceremony. Miss Stella Williams' was maid of honor, while 10. W. Williams acted as best mall. After the ceremony, a re ception was held and later a bountiful wedding supper was served. Upon their return from a wedding trip, they will reside In a newly-furnished home In Seranton. Morgan-Evans. Announcement has just been made of the marriage of Miss lieu trice Morgan, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas Mor gan, of Archbald street, to I3ert Evans, of South Main avenue. The happy event took place at Ringhamton, the ceremony being performed by a clergy man of Hint city. After the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Evans returned home, and informed their parents and friends of the event. Congratulations were In order, and for the present they will receive their friends at the home of the bride's par ents on Archbald street. Very Thirsty Man. P. J. Cllenn, the Jackson street hotel keeper, appeared before Alderman Da vies late last evening and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Mich ael Lee, of Cameron avenue, on the charge of stealing a bottle of brandy. The prosecutor claims that In his ab sence the defendant lifted a bottle of brandy and disappeared. The warrant was placed In the hands of Constable Timothy Jones who lo cated his man, but in' making the ar rest, Joseph Ankers, also of Camden avenue, Interefercd, and attempted lo take the prisoner away. The con stable brought Ankers in on the charge of disorderly conduct, and, in asmuch as both were decidedly drunk, they were locked Up for the night. ' Gall a gher-Powell. A very quiet church wedding took place yesterday afternoon nt i o'clock In St. Patrick's church, when Miss lles slo Gallagher, of Meridian street, was United In marriage to James Powell, of Green Ridge, by Rev. J. H. Whclan. The bride was charmingly attired In a tailor-made gown of rich blue, with hat to match, At the conclusion of the ceremony, a reception was held, after which they departed on nn extended w,eddlng trip. On their return they will reside In a newly furnished homo on Meridian street. Hoth young people are well known and have the best wishes of a host of friends. Board of Trade Met. The West Side board of trade held a brief business session In the rooms of the Electric City Wheelmen Inst even ing. The attendance was not as large as wns expected, and, after passing upon a few bills, the. meeting was nd Journcd, although It was Intended to bring up Important matters for con sideration. The board is making arrangements for n public meeting of West Sldors, to be held the second Tuesday In No vember. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. A large number of well known West Seranton young ladles met at the homo of Miss Harriet Bynoti on North Main avenue, Monday evening and organized tile S. 11. L. club. James Williams, of Academy strict, Is recovering from an Illness. Miss Mildred Jones, of Forest City, Is the guest of .Miss Olive Kscott, of South Main avenue. Mrs. Harry Fulton, of Wnsliurn street, Is recovering fiom an Illness William Deckelnlelt, the South Main uvi-nuu hotel proprietor, arrived In New York on Sunday morning from Gel many on the Red Star line Kroonlnnd. Mrs. Deekelnlck and daughter, .Mrs, G. Lewis, went to New York to meet hlui and they were expected liomo lulu last night. The funeral of Anna, infant daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Vanstan, of 112.", West Lo cust street, was held yesterday afternoon. The funeral wns piivote and alter brief services tin: little one was laid at rest in the Cathedral cemetery. Rev. T. A. lfiimplireyn, the newly ap pointed pastor of the Plymouth Congrega tional church, nnd Ids family, are the guests of Mrs. M. P. Daniels, of Division street. Mr. and .Mrs. Daniel J. Tliomas. of 111 North Hyde Park avenue, left yesterday for Philadelphia, where they will make their future home. .Mr. Daniels wilT en ter the employ of the Adams Express company, Gordon Evans, of Eynon street, Is con valescing after an illness. Ex-Alderman John P. Kelly. sr is se riously ill with pneumonia at the home of ills daughter, Mrs. Peter O'Donnell, of Railroad avenue. Miss Lizzie Krager. of Tunkhannock, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Denn. of Lafayette street. Miss Rose Hiibler, of North Hyde Park avenue, is homo from Avocn. Sweaters, A full line of good, heavy, warm sweaters. Flofey & Brooks, 321' and 524 Spruce street, opposite court house. SO UTH SCRANTON. The new St. Paul's church which is be ing built on Plttston avenue is ncarlng completion aarl the dedication services will take place on Sunday, Kovcmbcr 1U. The parsonage which adjoins the church is uls-o about llnlshed, and will lie occupied by the pastor, Rev. I P. Doty and his family about November J. The new edlllco takes the place of what was probably one of the oldest church buildings in this part of the city, and known as the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church. The ground on which It stood, at Cherry street and Cedar ave nue, was purchased some time ago by the Seranton Rutton company, and at first the intention was to move the house of worship to the now site. This plan, how ever, was abandoned and the old land mark was recently torn down. Th con gregation has had no place of worship since, but it was given out last evening that services next Sunday would be held in the new church basement. In the meantime the various organizations of the church meet at the pastor's lesidcnce on Cherry street, where the Blhlu class met last evening. Tlio Iron Workers' union? of North America, Nos. Ill and ;:il, have joined in a ball which Is to take place Prlday even ing. The alfair Is la charce of a com mittee of South Side workmen, headed by Foreman Moulder Hugh Parry. Music hull has been chosen lor the ball. Preparations are under way for a con cert to be given under the auspices of lady members to the new South Scraplcm parish. The affairs will take place on Oc tober 2.!, at St. John's hall on Stone ave nue. The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wetzel, who died Mon day night at il.M Irving avenue, y take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ser vices will be held at tlio house and Inter ment will he made In Forest Jl ceme tery. A well attended meeting of Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, was held in Han man's hull last evening, All Republicans are urged to be pres ent at tlio meeting hi Athletic hall this evening, Miss Julia Uaukwlrtz. of Crown ave nue, Is visiting friends ill llulfalo. This week's euchre and social, which takes place in St. John's hall tomor row night, will bo in chargo of Miss Nel lie McOuiuness. Daniel Sullivan and Miss Agnes Coyne were united 111 marilage yesterday morn ing at fl o'clock in St, Joseph'', church, Mlnookn, by Itev. Father Ilea, the pas tor, The bride was attired In a. beautiful gown of white nun's veiling and was at tended by Miss Mary O'Neill. Tlio groom was attended by Thomas Whin, After the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the home of tlio bride. The couple later left for New York city on a wedding tour, and will icslde, mi their return, on South Webster avenue. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Rnlsam is guaranteed lo cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers. Tlio Catholic Mutual Henelit association met In regular session at S o'clock last evening In Pharmacy hall, A social ses sion, fur members only, followed tho meeting, and a surprise was furnished by tho committee of arrangements, the even ing was eujoyebly spent. A pleasing pro grainnin was provided by vailous mem bers and during the evening light re freshments and cigars wcro passed around. GREEN RIDGE'. Tlio Clrcen Khlgo Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet this after noon at 3 o'clock at Mrs. .1, S. .Miller's, 1702 Peiiii uvrnuo. It will ho an evangelis tic mco(lng In charge of Mrs. Miller, su perintendeut of the department, A cor dial invitation Is extended to all inter ested, An entertainment and match social will bo given by 11. H. Dangham's class of tho flrcen llidgo Uaptlst Sunday school Thursday evening. October lit. Tlio en tertainment will consist of piano and vo cal solos, recitations and Instrumental music, Miss I.iilU; Dolph has returned to Urcen llidge, ufter spending the summer at Lake Wlnola. "Conrad Schroedcr Is building a green house, which will be- equipped with ull A 000D PAL OF NONSENSE. About "Blood Purifiers' and "Tonics" Every drop of hlood, every hone, nerve nnd .tissue In tho body can he renewed liybut one way, nnd thnt Is, from wholesome food- properly digested, There Is no other wny und tho Idea that medicine In Itself can purify the blood or supply new tissues und strong nerves Is ridiculous und on n par with tho fol-do-rol Hint dyspepsia or Indiges tion In n germ disease or thnt other fallacy, thnt n weak stomach which refuses to digest food can be made to do so by Irritating nnd Inllnmlng tho bowels by pills nnd cnthnrtlcB. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure Indi gestion, sour stomach, gas and bloat ing after meals, because they furnish tho digestive principles which weak stomachs lack, and unless the de ficiency of pepsin nnd diastase Is sup plied It In useless to attempt to cure stomach trouble by the use of "tonics," "pills" and "cathartics" which have absolutely no digestive power, and their only effect Is to give a temporary stimulation. One grain ol tho active principle In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest .1000 grains of moat, eggs nnd similar foods, und experiments hnve shown that they will do this In a glass bottle ut proper temperature, hut of course nre much more effective In the stomach. There Is probably no remedy so uni versally used as Stuart's Tablets be cause it is not only the sick and ail ing, but well people who use them at every meul to Insure perfect digestion und assimilation of the food. People who enjoy fair health take Stuart's Tablets as regularly ns they take their meals, because they want to keep well, prevention Is better than cure, mid Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do both: they prevent Indigestion nnd the remove it where It exists. The regular use of one or two of them after meals will demonstrate their merit nnd etllciency better than any other argument. the latest Improvements, on the grounds of bin beautiful Sanderson avenue resi dence. W. O. fiates and wife, of Ponu avenue, have returned from I.ako View. JIIss Gertrude Kelst. of Plttston. Is tlio guest of Mrs. Bertram McDonald, of .Mousey avenue. Fire started yesterday afternoon about : o'clock hi the bouse of John Dougherty, near the lace works. It was caused by a defective flue. A still alarm was sent in to Hmo company No. ", and the blaze was quickly extinguished. Slight damage was done. Mrs. F. R. Roney, of Monsey avenue, is entertaining her brother, of Sayre, I'a, Mrs. C. II. Crandell will attend the Bentley-Gulld wedding at Honesdale to day. Miss H. R. Reynolds, of Sanderson ave nue, hns returned from New Bedford, Mass. Miss Stoud, of Athens. Pa., Is the gue-t of Mrs. C. II. Benjamin. A large delegation from Asbury Metho dist Kolseopal church will attend tho convention, to he held at the Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church today. Mrs. George Gibson and daughter, of Monsey avenue, left for their new home in Buffalo yesterday. NORTH SCRANT0N NEWS. Two Men Held for Court on a Charge of Highway Robbery Y. W. C. A. Notes. John Mollick and George I-eprinskl, of the Cayuga patch, who were arrest ed for holding up Ralph Chenuack in Tripp park Monday evening, were ar raigned in police court yesterday. Che nuack was going through a small woods in the direction of Lloyd street to visit some friends, when Mollick and Leprinskl, one with a 32-calibrc revol ver, and tho other with a 38, came to wards him and told him to hold up his hands. They then went through his clothes. Chenunck followed them and secured a number of his countrymen who dis armed the two highwaymen and held them until the pollen arrived. Mag istrate Fkller held them for court. Y. W. C. A. Notes. A gymnasium class will open In the Young Women's Christian association rooms, Thursday evening, Oct. 10, at 7 p. m. Miss Coflln, physical director in the central city association, will have charge of the class. Miss ('otlln has had sufficient experience in gymnasium work, and comes with the best recom mendations. All members of the asso ciation may Join the class for ten cents a lesson, and till young women may be come associate members for one dollar per year. All who wish to enter lite class are requested to notify the secretary and be present on that evening. Stars Victorious. The North Hnd Stars basket ball team defeated the Crystals last even ing by the score of 10 to (1. The game was uninteresting, as tho opposing team was picked of several players who did not understand the game. The Stars played nn excellent game In bas ket throwing, but their team work was poor. James McCluskle played the star game, tho throw over his head, result ing In a basket, was the feature of the evening, The following was the line up of both sides: .las. McCluskle, .right forward. ..O. Owens P. McCluskle.. left forward W. Owens T. Kvnns center nilrews Davis -ight guard Davis Jones left guard Shaniborn (loulx from the Held wero thrown by ,1, .McCluskle, P. McCluskle and Davis, of tho Stars, and D, Owens and Davis of tlio Crystals. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Tho Ladles' Mi.isonary circle of tlio North Main Avenue Baptist church will hold their annual meeting Thursday af ternoon, October l. in Urn Young Wo men's Christian association parlors, )IS North Main avenue. All ladles of tho church are curdlully Invited to ho pies cut. A regular meeting of wo North Seran ton Republican club will be held hi their rooms, on West Market street, Friday ovenlng, Tho independent orchestra will conduct one of their annual socials in tho Audi torium this evening, P. V, Mcllule,' barber, 1 lead; let others follow: Shave with tonic, 10cj ht'.t hair-cut In tho cty,'l5o; children's hair clipped, 10c ; medicated sea foam, 10c. . John Sklfllngton, professional baso ball player of Dover. N. J., has returned to his homo on McDonough avcnini for tho winter. Mis Harriet Finn, of Providence road, Alt OIB AtTD WELL-TRIED REMEDT. , MRB. WINSLOW'S SOOTUINO STRUK tor children teething. Is the prescription ol pno of the best fcmala physicians and burses In tho United States, and haa boeS Used sixty years with never-fallliig sue, eess by millions of mothers for their chlU iren. During the process of teething iti Julua Is incalculable, R relieves the chllJ from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In th towel, and 1 wind-colic. By giving health lo the child It rests thn mother. Price. twent-flvt ctau botU. ' HAT SHOP There's many men in this city who know it; there may be some who don't. We continually write about it in this and other newspapers because those who do know this hat shop are interested in the newest shapes. We've already received many comments on our -large variety of shapes for this Fall season we expect to receive many mere as the sea son advances. Are you interested in hat styles that are exclusive? You'll find many in this department. Such styles as you would only expect to find in the exclusive Hat stores of the larger cities. They are shown here because we firmly believe the well dress ed men of Seranton appreciate our efforts in securing the very latest and you'll always find consistent quality whether you pay $1.50 or $4.00. Samter Brothers, Complete Outfitters. who has been visiting lelutlvcs in Bing hanitoii, has returned home. Regular meeting of the A. P. S. (oclcty will bo held this evening in their rooms on Providence road. All members are re quested to be present as business of im portance Is to bo transacted. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. R. Clark, of Noith Main avenue, and Charles Clark, of Wood street, returned home last evening from a two weeks' trip In New York and Wash ington. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet Thursilny afternoon, Oc tober 1. at tho home of Mis, Elizabeth Watklns, of :!u'm Kdna avenue. Sweaters. A full line of good, heavy, warm sweaters, Florey & Brooks, 722 and 3.M Spruce street, opposite court house. " DUNMORE. The Tjlbuno was eagerly sought yes terday morning for the latest strike news and great was tho satisfaction expiosscd by everybody that tlio prospect lor a set tlement had so suddenly grown bright. A party of hunters after big game start for tlio wilds of Columbia county this morning. The sharpshooters are John Nichols. Oscar Vast, Dr. !'. W. Winters and the famous marksman, Harry M. Spencer. They start with great expecta tions. The most active temperance workers In town are the Father Mathew Cadet so ciety boys. They number about four hun dred nnd thdr leader, John Hughes near ly eighty years old, deserves great credit, for the grand work lie Is doing for tho cause of sobriety ami ilghteousuess. AVintry winds window glass at drug store of j; G. Bone & Son. Letters remaining unclaimed dining tho week ending October 11, llin;'. Persons calling for these letters will please say advertised: Mr. Leon Hills, No. IliS Given Rldno hticel: Mrs. Kmumllnc Hariinglon. Mr. A. P. Met lough, No, ,"Mi .V, ailli St., Philadelphia. Pa.; Miss Mcderincd, No. K"0 Adams avenue, ' OBITUARY. 11. (i. DI'NNING, jigt'd 8. years, a brother of A. it. Dunning, of this city, tiled yesterday morning at his homo In Oakley, Sii-quehunnu county. The fu neral service will he held this afteinnon at L' o'clock, at the resilience, and Inter ment will lm made tomorrow morning In in,- 4'muiv pun hi mi' I'.iiiiuursi cemeiery. Tho remains will be taken to the latter place on i ho Lackawanna train which leaves this city at 10.10 a, in. WILIIHLMINA IIAl'H.SKH, the r.-year-ohl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William IlitllSher, dietl yesterday at the family residence, ";W Alder street. Tim funeral services will take place in St, Mary's church tmiiorrmv, and niternienl will bo mudo in the Uerniun Catholic cemetery at No, 5, UNCLAIMED LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the Sertinton. I.i.,i postolllce. October IS. line. Persons calling for these letters will please say advertised and give tlato of list. Kzru II. Hippie, Postmaster. Miss J. M. Amory, .Mrs. Atldlo Arch bald, Dr, II. D. Haines, Miss Vivian lliitler. Allien llooth. Mis. Charles H. Hrown, D. K. Hell, M. M. Itruwii. Abraham Hesser, Miss midget Hiirretl. .Miss Laura Itrowu, Dr. F, T. Hudd, Frauds D. P. Hilsh, Dr. 11. 1), Harties, Wesley lleseeker, Olivia Carlson. .Miss Juno Cobb. Mrs. ICIIza Corby. Mr. Copeuhaver, .1. W. Casey, Carl Councilman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Casey. Mrs. John Penshnm. fhnnor Davis. Mrs, M. llvaus, W. H. Kdwurds, Charles; Klsele, lldwlli 1. Kvans, Miss Kmiim Krksforil, Jennie llstcs, J. Kdwurds l), formerly of .Montreal. JIIss Hesslo Fitzgerald, Adam Flicker, James Fox. Silas Oilfllu. Sam tlritman, M, Ciabash nlk. I'at (illroy. Arnold Gross. Miss Annie I lodge. 1). J. 11)11. Or. C. Ilutchlns, Fred lliukley. Ihnnia S. 1 luges, O. 11. Iloaglaiitl, Wiilluco Hopper, Jane Sweet Hunt. W. It. Jenkins. R. S. Junes J. 11, Jones. Kilward Kennedy, Marllu Kelley. Dr. S. C. Lewis. Charles Little, James Llller. Margaret Long. T. W. Lewis. William Mullln. Dr. J, Makedelz, Hesslo Mauley, Mineral Kssay Co., McCanalo und Thomas. Vision Myers. JIIss Sudlo McQradic, Samuel Moore, John Martin, Cora Matthews. Mercantile Clearing House, Ray McGonawlll (U). OUR AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. Reis, Lessee and Manager. A. J. Duffy, lluslness Manager. Two Nights, Wednesday, Thursday, Oct. .". HI. Matinee Thursday. Henry W. Savage Presents Tho Phenomenal Comedy Opera Hit, Mx KING DODO, by IMXLKY .V: LL'DKRS. lij Comedinnt "U lO-Chorus 10 ai-Oreliestru 10 Daly's New York Tliu nter Production. PRICKS-Xight. Sl..'i. ?1.00. Tm. We.. i.ic. Matinee, Jl.ee. 7.V., ."0e., i.e. Scats on sale. Academy of Music M. Reis, Lessee and Manager. A. J. Duffy, Uusincss Manager. Three Nights. Starling Monday, Oct. V: Matinees Tuesday and Widuesday. Spectacular Production of Hartley Camp bell's Immortal Drama, Til C" A Story n c of the H I T E Sunny South. SLAVE 25-inopi.n-25. New Scenery, Novel Klcclrlrnl Kffects. PRICICS-Miitlncf, i: and '-'.V. Night, lo, iTi. :;.- and 50c. Seats on sale. NF.XT ATTHACTIOX. Three Nights. Starting Thursday, Oct. Jii. Mnflnrosi l.'ilduv and Satiirilav. "A FIGHT FOB MILLIONS." Dixie's Theatre, HENRY FARNSWOHTII DIXIE, Lcsseo and Manager. WKKK OF OCTOIII'lft IS. Katbryn Osterman and Co, The Sniedley Sketch Club Drawee, the Juggler. Two performances daily, I'.SO and S.15. PrteoHin, '.'.", ;t,i and Mc. Special matlueo pi lees. Uallery Hcutti, 10 ceuls. Mr. Nuttall, siipi'ilntendeiil; !). It NIcholaH, .1. P. Oil, Mlxs O'llrh'ii (fit. Mrs. S. ClIHliy. Ml'H. R It. OMMIp, 1 If. Dili. U'lillam I'rong tt'o. (. Iltli itegt), Ml.-s Piiscllla (:. Klin Htreeli. Mrs. Cai'lle Itozell, .Miss Maine Itourite. Frank Stewart Uelgart, Jakob Itiiuf. Porter Sekerly, Mrs. willlum Seiner, Johanna Supon, lieorgu . Stooksbur.v, L. Schmidt. Charles Smale tilth Iteg'l). John II. Sehoeulierger, Joseph Sttiuiallis, W. II. Slieck, Mrs. .Mary Slniumls. II. S. Thomson, 1). ,M. Teinpletoii, Mrs. 11. T. TliomiiH, Dudley Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Van Canipen, The Van Vieck Co. I!. D. Williams, Miss Llswlo Willard, Mrs. .1. I). Windsor, M. Woruil. .Mrs. lieorgu Yettor, Mrn. James Young. ITALIAN. Cainlvaln lllasc, Catteriuo itoillghiero, (Irabielo Zvili.'ila. Oiuseppu ithtoiii. polish. Wlllin Stralvlnelil, Anna Fyczok, Anton Pautonskle. Wlccnty Kurczewskl. W'llluin Piilgkowskl, Adam tiiiorhczyitiskl. Panel Chliidziensky, FruuelszoU Uutkowsyl. Peotry Stunlslewskl. Jim llnlkowsky, Stlfiin Mnraiisliy, .Miss Ani llundzuwlez, Antoucey Czavleckey, Mike Augufsky. Antony Ciivnetky, Mali Kalkowskl, An iunl Kredciiiskl. III'NISARIAN. John Kanutlcs. Frank llrcudiue, Fran, clszek LlmeJda, Wulsnty Nysz, Kostanty Wasllak, Matulcl Kubcsiius, Muriitln l'reskiis, Maryeiuia Strycliarz. West Seranton Station. Mrs. M. Hong, Francisco Ceruso. Fran ces Dean, Carnihui Do Sanlls, .Mrs. Jo sent (irusllr. Joseph Orossek, Miss Dor othy Jones. Murrln Korpuslkl. II. Kuugli it, s. .Madison, Churlvs Recti uj), V :&S , -M IP 1 Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. 1 THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent fj Gas Lamp. h Gwistertf Forsyth J jri ni" i m ziM-iiz rcini Avenue. n nEnMHDHHMfi LI Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock l PILSNER t n.S.. Scranton,Pa. Old 'Phone, 333 1, New 'Phone, 2935, KH Apples In Bowls Aro always templing, hut tlioy possess n double attrac tion when resting In nno of Iho hanilsoiuo npplo howls for sale In our Pyrography Stutllo, Not only Applo Howls hut Desk and Smoking Sets, Cartl Truye, In fact anything niakeablu you will llntl for salo hero. Don't mistake tho locution, I 211 Washington Avenue, GRIFFIN ART SHOP, Sweaters. A full line of good, heavy, warm sweutero. Florey & Drooks, 522 und 52 J Sjuuce street, opposite court houi, is v. - ,
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