-XfJ -M !'. iV,: isy"f.- .,- .-- : ", - v a : ' tet?S I w L. . THE SCIUNTON T1UBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEU 15, 1902. L'liiMiLiwwfiiihti-tftniJhnftwu. i r A Recipe that Butchery l-cit-ovor meat remnants &mtJjfai ized and made into most ve and lastv dishes, far more .tSfcZT' attract i r iw suitable for breakfast RT 9 dainty luno heon than whole meals besides Vw' Remnants of fish or meat SHREDDED AT taste, ded BISCUIT tlr.it with eat DtscuU Is served In scores pi whcly nourishes the all (troccrs. Send for I X ..iJ m izuuc i V WT WHOLE WVft TITTIj v mZ. wh it " fwjjB,!i2I tlon ' (itcctpcs. illustrated in colors,; ercc. Address Tho Natural Food Co. N'iaoaua Falls, N.Y. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA BHADI'OHD COUNTY. Special to tho Seraiiton Tribune. Tounmln, Oct. 14. Tin; friends of llie Into I.lprnleo S'hooiiover wore greatly Bttrpi isod nfler her death hint Thtirs ilay, when It' was discovered tlinl she had boon mauled to K, C. folk, of lio.-ton, Mass. Tho ceremony hud been performed by on alderman In New Turk city, Dec. 2!i, 1000, ami the affair lmtl bcon kept a close secret until tli" marriage certificate was found by the young lady's inother. Thu Democratic parly of this county lias, through Comity Chuinnnn I.eahy, offered for filing at the futility com missioners' olllce lioiiiinatloiis for four ofllces which are now held by two olti eers, namely that of register and te eorder and prothoiiotary. The plan Is done In accordance with the provisions of an ict of assembly, passed June 1", 3001, which qie party claims applies to Uratlford coilnty. The commissioners refused to accept the Hlhitf of the papers, on the Ki'ouud that the said act dops not apply to this county. The mutter will now l deckled by the court at an early date. Itobert. i:. PaUisoli. (!. James Xolan and others mass meeting at Towandu W. Guthrie, will linlil u on Monday afternoon, Oct. -1. St. Joseph's new Catholic church at Athens will be dedicated next Sunday, under the direction of Ulshop Uoban, of Scranton. A musical programme of unusual excellence lias been prepared for the event, and selections will be rendered by a double quartette from Seranton. Jliss S. rtesina Hums, also of that city, will take part, she -being a noted vocalist and organist of the valley.- Yom Kippur was observed by the Jewish merchants ot Towandu on Fri day evening and Saturday. ' ICiicouiaglng prospects are now being made for bringing natural gas to 'Sayre and Athens from Gaines. It can be secured by consumers at about one-third the present pi lee for gas. The supply will 1)" secured from the l-'l-mlra branch. The follow ing is gleaned Horn the re port of County Superintendent I'utnam for the year ending June I, 1!M2: Num ber oT school houses, "All: seating cap acity, lT.HfiS: graded schools, ITS: male teachers employed. 111: female teach cis employed, ;!:!; average age of teachers, - years; academies, semin aries and private schools, two. The Bradford County Sunday School association will lie held at New Al bany, Oct. 2S and 2!. Dr. and .Mrs. (. J. 1'vaus, of Minne apolis, were visiting friends In Towan da last week. Theie were IS." teachers enrolled at the opening day of tin- teachers' In stitute yesterday. heavy thunder storm passed over this vlclnltv last night. K. K. till1, the deputy grand com mander uf the K, t). T. Jl.. Is endeav vviuj, to organize a tent In Towandu this week. Mis. t). A. I'.aldwin Is in Pitltsburg. mtendlng ,t meet lag of the Pennsyl vania Federation of Women's clubs. AVOCA. Oeorge Hqsiry has been elected dele gate to attend the Textile Workers' convention at Washington next week, An operation was performed on John, the Utile sou of Mr. and Mrs. John tirahaui. of Uncoln Mill, for the re moxal of an abscess on the shoulder. Mrs. lirndbury. sr.. has received her commission appointing; her district diputy of the Degree of Naomi, Mystic Chain circle. l.lsle llolllster, formerly of this town, but now of He. mi... s visiting friends ltr-ie tills week. Mrs. Wljllam l.alnl. Mrs. Kdward I.alnl, Mrs. James Morton, Mrs. Charles Waireii and Mrs. KIlKubeth McQueen attended the Kalikln obsequies at Seraiiton, op Mondn,. W it. curraii, J. ,1. Mcl.aiiglilln and A. J. llarrell attended the Tlilrd degree, Knights of 'Columbus, at Scranton on Mond.i.v evening. Mis. T. J. O'.Malley am) mother left on Saturday for Newport News. Dr. lieige Is slowly lecnverlng from tho operation which he underwent on Huturdn. Miss Margaret Duddy, of Plains, epeut yesterdiiy Willi friends here, The condition or Claire- llolllster, who has been suffering from typhoid fever, is much Improved. There will be a day of meetings ut the home of Miss Mury Hustle, North Main street, on Thursday, Oct. 1C. Ser vices, nt lO.ltn a, m L'.HO ami 7.::o p. in, Kvangellst (Maienco Crlsniau, of AVulls- Do Good It Pays. A Chicago man has observed that. "Onood deeds are better than real es tate dpeda-sonie of the latter are worthless. Act Kindly and gently, Plum sympathy and lend a helping hand, You cannot possibly lose by it." Most men appreciate a kind word nnd eiieourageiuejit more tlmn substantial help. There are persons in this com munity who might truthfully my. "My good friend, cheer up. A few doses or Chamberlain's Cough Itufuedy will rid you of your cold, and there Is no dun. gcr whatever from pneuiuonlu when you use mat medicine. It alway cures. I know it for It has helped m out many' a time." Sold byxall drug 1 16" Visits. Save. Bill5 nsh or may be or even the most WnBtn wjJ6MKj V nna making considerable sav ins on the butcher's bill, For Fish a la Cretiie: Two rttps ot nny lilto lluUcil llsh (cooked), Fry n slli'c of onion In 2 tablespoons of Imitrr without browning Hetnoru onion, stir in 2 tablespoons of flour, then I cup of mill:. Stir nnd cook un til It bubbles, nilil salt nnd pepper to then tho llsh. Let boll up. mid little lemniihi U'c. tnen mi into stenmeu tren Wheat lllsuult baskets, which lmvo i been moistened In cold milk. Unrnlsii lemon ami pursier. Shredded Whello delicious as tonct nml ueuniiiiiu ways. whole Mr. Sold "The Vital Ones- vllle, X. Y.! Hev. Howard Smith, re cently returned from Soudan, Africa, and Miss Mary Compton, of West Pitts ton, will be present and address tho meetings. Mis? Compton 'expects, to sail for India on the 2Stli insl, being sent as it missionary under the Chris tian and Missionary Alliance board. A cordial welcome will bo extended to all who attend these meetings. SEW mLVOMX Special to tlin Scranton Tribune.' New Mllford, Oct. II. The AVomnn's Missionary society will meet at the home or Mrs: 11. P.. Carpenter, on Wed nesday afternoon. Itev. Charles Smith, of the Metho dist church, Irf enjoying a llireo weeks' vacation. Vangle Dennis, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lOugene Dennis, is quite ill. Airs. Jane Harrison is conllned to her home by Illness. Mls Tlllie Harring ton, of Montrose, is caring for her. Amos Kent visited friends In Mont rose recently. S. V. Trumbull was In Montrose, Wednesday, on business. .Miss Kva Sehlppert is visiting rela tives In Uinghaiiiton. Mrs. II. II. Alney has returned from Scranton, where she has been visiting friends. Sir. and Sirs. J. SI. Vail are spend ing a few days at Ararat and Harford. .Misses Hazel, Myrtle and Kllle Kills, of milieu, N. Y.. are visiting their father In this place. The following young ladles enjoyed a potato roast at the tannerv Monday evening: .Misses Edna Qulnn. l-ulu Tiffany. Uuth Villi. Lizzie Hand. Slat tie Vail, Kdna Snyder, Mabel Tlngley, Olive C.rlnnell and Slae Talbot. We understand that Sirs. John Hay den, who has resided In ninghaniton ror some time, has returned to New Slilford to live. SP1UXCJVTLLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Springvllle, Oct. l'l. Stang . Whit ney have sold out their stone quarry In Diniock, and Stang has the western fever, and will probably depart for the "wild and woolly" as soon as he can ge'. ready. Sirs, lieorge Stevens, who has been so very sick with typhoid t'Qver, but was getting better, has had a relapse, and grave fears are entertained for her re covery. Silo tilling is done in tills vicinity, and now the gangs some of them are pressing hay. T. W. Strickland lias just run out a dandy "little red wagon," which he will run behind his chestnut trotter. Sirs. .Mary Ciavltt has lately returned from visiting her sou, Kdward, who lives near New York city. Dr, II. 15. Lathi-op and wife, Oeorge SI. Lake and wife. Fannie Avery, and perhaps one or two others, ore arrang ing to visit Washington, D. ('., the lat ter part of the present week. Sirs. Lucy Wakeleo is contemplating a visit to her daughter. Sirs. Slollle lirunduge, of Syracuse, N. Y., where she will probably spend the winter. John Coakley has moved from his place in Dlmoek to the farm lately owned by his sister, Sirs, Rozelle. 10. IX. Lake, district deputy grand master, went over to Hush, Saturday night, to Instill the olllc-ers of the lodge there, but us only two members were present, nothing was done, In. tho darkness of the home trip, lie had the misfortune to break both buggy shafts, Six weeks ago there were plenty of grey squirrels here. Now that it Is nearly legal time to kill them, there are none to kill, because the law-abiding citizens have bagged the whole lot. IMTTSTOX. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pltlston, Oct. 11, Uelatlvos of Thom as Soudan, of West Plttston, lire great ly concerned over his mysterious dls npeparancp, Karly last weplt he went to visit Ills brother, who runs a farm near White Oalc Pond, about four miles front Forest City, The lust seen of him he was outside his brother's homo, chopping wood, No trace of him can be found, and it Is feared ho may have fallen into tho pond and been drowned. Soudan hud been slightly demented since a recent nttnrl of ty phoid fever. A big crowd of Serantou and Avoca sports attended a bulldog light at ciis ham's hall, Hrnwntown, last night, be tween Scranton and Avoeu dogs, The light was a lleree one and lasted nbout two and n half hours, at the end of which time tho Serantou dog had al most chewed Urn fore-feet off his op ponent, nnd was awarded tho light. The battle was for tho gate receipts, Hundreds of dollars were wagered on thu contest. TLTNKHANNOCK. Special to the Seraiiton Tribune, Tunkliannock, Oct. II. The. SInmlay club met nt the liuiuu of Jits, W. L'rneat Little, on Warren street, Jlonduy after noon at '.' o'clock. Sirs, l-'llzahcth Heed Is at Lopez till Week, whet e bhe is caring for her slster In.law. Sirs. Jacob DoWItt, who In III with typhoid fever. Sllss Josephine liuyie, who Is employed In thu International Correspondence school, at Scranton. spent Sunday with her parents. Sir. and Mrs. Patrick iinyrv, on Pluu Hired. Sllss llesble Vaughn, who has been con fined to tho house by Illness, Is con. valentine slowly. Sirs. Nealls Harding, who has been the guest of Mr, and Mis. Dexter Stark at their, hoiue on Wyoming avenue, returned i k -i Tf to her homo lit New York city llie I'fctlnr part of last week. Mrs. llcorgo Khmer, of Stohnopnn.v, Vis lied Iter parents at this pluco on Satur day, Kx-Hheilrt Alieru II, Oreftory, ot Slo idioppeu. was a business tiiah In town on Monday. I'otut convened on Sloud.ty afternoon with Judge I-!. St, Dunham ami Asoclato Jlulges. Harvey It. Hlckler and Frank M. Vaughn on Hie bench. I'OimST (TIT. Bppclnl to Ihn Serantou Tribune. Forest City. Oct, II. Prpshllng 1-ililor Warner rolidncl'ed services In the Meth odist church on Sunday and administered holy communion In the evening. Fvcit gpllst A. J. Dolboli preached. itnv. J. L. Williams, u former pastor df the Uaptlst chuieli, now In Susquehanna, proposes that popular meetings be held hi pitch tlty and town to esprcss their views on the coal strike, lie has called ror a meeting of the editors anil clergy in Susquehanna to arraime one. Tho family or Oeneral Siipptluteiideiit Peterson will this week take up their residence hi Scranton. The community will greatly regret to lose them and their removal will be keenly felt In the Pres byterian church, where the family have been earnest woi Iters. Hugh Johnson Is out again after a se vere Illness. Sllss Laura Davis, or Scranton, Is the guest or Sirs. A. D. Kelireu. O, W, Hughes, or Cnrbondale, was a Forest City visitor this week. MOSCOW. Sllss Uitelit llrown was pleasantly sur prised Slomlay evening on her return from Washington, D. ('., by her teacher and classmates, with a few young frlptids, at her home on Jflll street. The evening -was spent with the usual social diversions, among which were piano solos by Sllss Lizzie Knlh, Sllsi Uiiela llrown, Sllss Slay Hornbaker and Sirs. Garfield Hrown, and vocal solos by Sllss Alary De Pew, nfter which dnlnty ip freshmcnlH were served. Among those lireent were: Sllsses Alny Hornbaker, Lizzie Kolb. Pearl Prentice, Slyrlle Vciiux, Lena Dixon, Ida Travis, Slary Do Pen, Cora Wehr, Nelllo Shoemnker, Kathryn Hrown, Kllza Roberts and Sirs. Garfield Brown, Prof. W. K. llrown, Garfield Brown, Fred DePeu, Lloyd Travis, Hay Hinds, Hoy Stookey, Nell Prentice, Thomas Itoherts, James Shaw, John Van Ilrunl, Joe Van Hriint and Frank SleWadc. Air. and Sirs. Rogers, of SIIII City, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Wilson. Sir. and Sirs. Smith and Frank Cam eron, ol- New York, were visitors here over Sunday. Sir. and Sirs. John Honey, or Scranton, called on relatives ami friends here Slon dtty. Miss Helen Clollse, of Honesdale, spent Sunday with her parents, Sir. and Sirs. H. C. Clouse. ARCHBALD. Sirs. J. lines Katun has returned, from a visit with relatives at Seiainton. H. S. Jones, of Olypliant, was a caller In town Slomlay. Sirs. William Van Doren is attending the .Musical alliance a'. Factoryvllle. lion. P.' A. Phllbln Is nt Harrlslung. Sirs. K. A. Jones was a caller In Cnr bondale yesterday. Aliss Kdna Klecs of Scranton, visited relatives in town yesterday. Sirs. Irvin Vail and dnugliler, lsadore, of Carboadale, are visiting relatives in town. Sllss Grace Humphrey, of Carbnudale, spent yesterday with relatives In town. C. F. Gannon, of Olypliant. was a bus iness caller in town yesterday. The f mineral of the late Thomas O'lloro took place from the home on Salem street yesterday morning. At HI o'clock the renin Ins were taken to St. Thomas' church where a high mass was sung by Rev. T. .1. Comerford. The Improved Or der of Heptasophs. to which the deceased belonged, attended the funeral In a body, 'fhe funeral was largely attended. THEATRICAL. "King Dodo" Tonight. Tonight at the Lyceum "King Dodo" will be clowned king of Spoopjulam! and he Is a monarch worthy to reign over his chosen people. Ills mirth is unctions, bis songs and dances a reve lation to his admirers and when tile ohanges from old ago to youth, and youth to old age, there Is always the same happy strain in Ids humor which char acterizes ids whole being. "King Dodo" Is a monarch to be envied, as he Is sur i minded by a throng of pretty subjects that would do justice to the Goddess of Beautyland. S Frank Pixley and Gustav Ltulers' com edy opeia "King Dodo" is In three acts and two scenes. The llrst shows the ex terior of the King's palaeo In Dodoland, and the second is the gardens fronting Queen Lill's palace in Spoopjulnnd. "King Dodo" will be repeated at a spe cial nmtlneo tomorrow afternoon and again tomorrow night. Street ears will be in waiting on all city lines and for all suburban points at thu conclusion of tho opera "King Dodo" to night. Patrons of the opera are requested to be In their seats by S p. m as the cur tain will go up soon after that hour. The orcrestra tonight will consist of twenty picked musicians, ten of whom travel with the opera, "A Fight for Millions." Malcolm Douglas' greatest success, "A Fight for Millions," will ho seen for the llrst time In this city at the Academy for three nights commencing Thursday Tho play Is new, and since Us llrst perform. unco In New York live weeks ago It has drawn crowded houses, In Philadelphia people, were turned away at every per. PICTURE PUZZLE. FOR THF3 L1TTL13 ONKS, Cut out tho pictures appearing on this page each day, draw a pencil murk around tho hidden object, save them until Saturday, then send them or take them to The Tribune office hi an envelope, addressed to "Puzzle Department," I-3ncloso In the envelope your nanio, ngo and address. The boys nnd girls who correctly mark the six pictures nppearlng during tho week, and whoso answers nro first received, will havo their names published In Tho Tribune Monday morning. MUl The Kins finding the blackbirds In HHpaHMMnia9BKSBnniaMMMMaaM.BMamHBCiMNMannBft IF YOU HAVE WIN YOUR DUCK Do Not Be Deceived. You hava Kidney Trouble, and You Do Not Need a Physician to , Tell You So. Pain In the back is an almost Infnlllbto sign of kidney disease ; a surer sign is the condition of your urine. If you have b pain incite back, then look to the con dition of your urine. It is easily done. Take tt k'sh or tumbler nml fill It with urine ; after it has stoott !M hours, if it fans tt sediment, if it Is milky or cloudy, if it Is palo or discolored, stringy or ropy, your kidneys ttntl bladder are in a dntt , gerotts condition nnd need immediate at tention, or the consequences may prova fntnl. Dr. David Kennedy's I'nvorite Remedy is the one medicine that really cures all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspep gia nnd chronic constipation, and it will take you but o short trial to convince yourself of its wonderful curative power. O. F. Sninniefof No. -10!) TloRti street, Syracuse, N. V., in a recent letter says: " I was afflicted for years with severe pains in my back and kid neys. 1 tneci many uocuns uuu many medicines, hut ot no relief. I bought n bottle of Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy and it has entirely cured me." It is for sale by alt druggists in the Now BO Oont Slzo and the regular $1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Sam f If bottlf-enetiffli for trial, fret by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Ilr. l)iU Krnnrdr's Chirrr llnlmm best for Colils, Coughs, t'oniumptlon. Kic, 00c, $1.00. forma nee, nnd the marvelous, scenic ef fects have been the talk of theater-goers la that city and the metropilis. So great Is "A Fight for .Millions' " success that arrangements have been made by which it will be seen again in New Voile Tor an extended engagement, and it will soon bo presented in Knglaud. Its notable feu tares embrace the wlro- 1...... t..ln.il,.i ,ii, ntul uiilimn ,'ll.n Itnsil. 1 lot 1 L rnf which have never been seen on the stage until now. In the company are twenty well known artists, and two sixty foot baggage cars are required for all the niagnlllcent electrical, mechanical and scenic effects. .Matinees Friday and Sat urday. Mme. Sembrich at Armory. The Interest In the song recital by SIme. Sembrich at the ntmory on October l Increases each day and that It will prove a great success Is now fully as sured, Tho sale or seats is unusually large for an advance sale ami those wiio pVanfc choice seats should call early. Slme.eScmlirlch arrived from Kmopo yes terday fresh from her triumphs abroad, where she Is even a greater favorite than i.r,,.,. ii. ilt.d, v.x.lt.ilu xvl1l lif. clven here. She will reach Scranton on Monday next. and during tier stay sne win visit me in ternational Correspondence schools and other .points of Interest. Wllkos-Harre, Caibondale and other outside towns are Interested and ninny will bo present from points along the different railroads. Arrangements have been made with the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western to have trains stop at all points east and west alter the concert and a special train will be run to accom modate those coming from Wilkes-llarre, Kingston. Plttston, etc. The appearance of Arnold Lolnnann, violinist, with SIme. Sembrich, is received with much favor by bis many friends who will give him a lilting reception upon tills, his llrst appearance after three yeius" absence abroad. STAGE NOTES. Two large audiences greeted "The White Slave" at the Academy yesterday. It Is one of the strongest attractions which lias been presented at tho Academy tills season. It will have its final presen tation tills afternoon and evening. Lovers of coon songs find much to please in tho performance of Paulino AInrnn and her Pickaninnies at tho Dixie theater this week. Sllss Slornn's portray al of the woes oC "Hill Ualley" is one of the best of any of the renditions of tho popular song. SEA LED JOPO&AL SUALKD PROPOSALS will be opened in tho office of tho City Recorder by the Director or the Department of Public Works, at :! o'clock p. m on Monday, October Si. 1901'. for thu construction of a lateral sewer in Sterldl.iu street, from tho Third district main sewer to the alloy leading across the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad lit the Fifth ward. All In accordau-e with tho plans and specifications on file In tho Ilureau of Kn glncerlng. lCach bidder shall enclose with his proposal, cash or certified check iu the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars as a guarantee to execute u continct If award ed the same, In case the bidder to whom the contract shall lmvo been awarded re fuses or omits to execute u contract for the work la acordance with plans and specifications therefore within ten (10.) days from the date of the award, the en closulo accompanying ills proposal shall be forfeited to thu uo of tho City or Scranton. Didders will be furnished with proposal blanks ut tho Uureiiu of ICnglneerlng and no others will be accepted. All proposals shall bo filed with tho City Controllir ut his office in the City Hall, Scranton, Pa., not later than 2.3a o'clock p. m., on Simula;., October 110. JIM.'. The city reserves the right to reject tiny or nil bids. JOHN 1-3. HOC II 1-3. Dhector, Department of Public Works. Scranton, Pa., October 10, iWi. the pie. Where are the two cooks? THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Won!. For Rent. FOR HUNT Five looms on ono Hour. Id S. Hromley tivelllic. HOITHK FOR RI3NT, W .Monroe, looms, K"l. Comegys, FOR RI-3NT Furnished house; ten rooms; steam heated; centrally located, :M Sladlson avenue. . $IS For Kent Ten-room house: pxcellent neighborhood; all modem Improve mpiiis. on uventie. Apply to H. P. Ham lllon, 420 Spruce street. FOR RKNT-New house, .corner Linden and Colrax; all conveniences. Inquire S0.1 SItirlon street. For Sale. FOR SALK-llluck walnut bank fixtures, can bo seen In building now occupied by Merchants' and Mechanics' bank. Ap ply, Kstutu of John Jerniyn, deceased, llu Wyoming avenue. CL'LSt PILI-3 for sale; large and of good quality, ut Hurtnii breaker, Carbon dale. Pa. Inquire or W. (3. Scurry, tar homltile. Pa. FOR SALK-Fiuo diamond ring '.i carat, $; one carat ring, .Vs; I'd carat ring. Wi 116 carat ring, ?'J,v. 1 carat ring, fioo: 1! carat ring, l,7l. Address N., P. O. Hox 0.1. FOR SALl-3-One hot air furnaee. three mantels, Charles D Sanderson, i.,0 Wyoming avenue, Serantou. Jl'ST AHIHVKD Willi a carload ot horses, weight 1,100 to 1.300: good work ers and drivers: also several closely matched teams. Can be seen at "11 Ray mond court. F. SI. Cobb. FOIt SALK-Ono hot air furnace, three mantels, gas chandeliers. Charles D. Sanderson, ISO Wyoming avenue, Scran ton, Pa. FOR SALIS3 About 20 feet or desk coun ter, surmounted with glass rront nnd two openings, lower portion nicely pan elled, with drawers and nhelvcs under neath. Slay be seen at the 'BAIcc ot Tho Tribune. For Sale or Kent. FOR SALK OH RKNT-The 8-story brick building, with boiler house attached, anil long row of sheds for horses, wag ons, etc.: also railroad switch suitable for manufacturing purposes: lately occupied by the Clock Tobacco Co. B. SI. Wlnton, Room No. 303, Slears Building. Furnished Rooms for Rent. TWO FRONT rooms, choice location, lino view; well lighted and ventilated; steam heat; bath, gas. 019 Spruce street. FOR RF.NT Three newly furnished front rooms, heat, gas and bath, nno block, Washington avenue. Address X., Tribune office. Lost. LOST Cameo warded by office. pin. Finder will bo re lcavlng same at Tribune LOST A ladies' gold watch, open face, 14k, initials on outside of case, A. L. G. Walt limn movement. Finder will be suit nblv rewarded by returning same to SI. J. Gcrritv, 17.10 AVayne avenue. LOST A purse containing sum of money between AYest Ulm street and Acad emy street Sunday evening. Please re turn to J. .1. Davles' drug store, South Slain avenue. Miscellaneous. TIIK MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmoro, launders shirts at Sc. each and collars and cuffs at lc. each. LEGAL. TIIK SOl'TH S1DK RANK A special meeting of tho stockholders of the South Side Hank will bo held ut the bank ing house on Monthly, November 21th, 100L', between the hours of 'A and 1 o'clock p. m to tako action on approval or dis approval of tho proposed increase of the capital stock of the bank from $30,000 to $i;o,ooo. FRANK Hl'StSILER, Secretary. CLERK'S NOTICE IN RANKRCPTCA . In tho District Court of tho L'nlted States for the Sllddle District of Penn sylvania, Isabella Cohen, trading us Serantou AVIne and Liquor Co., ol- Scran ton, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under tho Act of Congress or Julv 1. 1M)S, having applied for a full dis charge from all debts provablo against Ills estate under said Act, notlco Is here by given to all known creditors and other persons In Interest, to appear before the said Court at Scranton, In said District, on tho I'.d day of November, ion:', at 10 o'clock la the forenoon, to show cause If anv they have, why the prayer ot the said petitioner should not be granted. EDWARD It. W. SF.AHLE, Clerk. NOTICE is hereby given that an applica tion will bo made to the governor of Pennsylvania on November 10 l!Ktt. by H. Slunvllle. C. S. Weston and h. L. I; id ler, under tho act of assembly, entitled "An Act to provide tor tho incorporation nnd legulatlnn or certain corporations, approved April 20, 18T4, anil tho .supple ments thereto, for tho charter ol an In tended corpoiatlon to bo called tho'Cur bondalo Light, Heat and Power Company, the character and object of which Is sup plying light, heat and power by means of electricity to the public In the city ot Carbondule, nnd to persons, partnerships nnd corporations residing therein and ad jacent thereto, ns miiy desire tho same, ami for those purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act or Assembly mid supplements thereto. ,. , WELLES & TORRI-3Y. Solicitors. Real Estate. s& ' DESIRABLE . ACREAGE LOTS CASH OR EASYTERMS V NEAR THE MAMMOTH LOIIli 111 RANI AND TWO DCAU1IFUL PARKS. VGEO.'T, ROBINSON,,. NV2 Erlo Co, Bank Bldg,, V U BM.Y. fX The Lackawanna Steel Company Is creeling a $40, 000,000 steel plant In the suburbs of Buffalo. If will em ploy 15,000 men. These will nee.d names. We offer eligible lots across the main street from, this mammoth plant at low prices and easy terms. They are sure to double and triple In value In the near future. A good place to Invest a little '-money. F., L. HITCHCOCK & SON,. . Fire Insurance and Real Estate, Commonwealth Building. No Order Accepted 'for Loss Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT Offloaa. Want Advertisements Will Bo Received at Any of the Follow ing; Drue Stores Until 10 V. M. Central City ALI1ERT SCHl'LTZ, corner Mul berry street and Webster ave. OTSTAV PICI1EL, tViU Adams avenue. West Side GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South Alain avenue. South Scranton FRED L. T13HPPE avenue, 720 Cedar North Scranton GEO. AV. DAVIS, corner North Main nvcnuo una stieot. Muiket Green Ridge , , CHARLES P. JONES. 13" ! son avenue. Ti,t..n F. J. JOHNS, 020 Greet! T.huo C. LOItlCN.. corner Washington iivcutio and Mnrlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFKL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. G. HONE & SON. Help Wanted. v. . .....'.... . ....... .-. 'r,,i,i,- Wll- V..N I VilJ lonng mini ' ',",,. . ; man to do office work and make them selves generally userul. A knowledge ot lire Insurance Is desirable, and ir poss bio applicant should live at home. Aildtess with references, II. It. H.. Tribune office, Serantou. Pa. AVANTED-Agents to sell tea and cof fee to consumers, rosmorm -... nent. Grand Union Tea Co, wanna avenue. 311 Lacka- Help Wanted Male. E ITED An experienced Shoo Sales man. MYEK BAVIDOW, 307 Lackawanna Ave. H WANTED Young man for office work: state age, experience. Collier, cure ot Tribune. Help Wanted Female. AVANTED Dressmaker lor a few days to work at house on girls dresses. Call 010 Madison avenue, any time after 3 p. m. AVANTED Experienced lady shoe clerk. State salary expected. Address, Clerk, Tribune office. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for this county. No books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond. State ago, experience, references first let ter. Address, Suite 372, No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Qulck, sti night loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 31 1-313 Council building. PROF ESS ZONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING, C. P. A., 2a Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phone 1S0I. Architect. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B., Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash ington avenue. . Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 813 CONN'ELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, nell building. CON- Bentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGEIt. PAL' LI building. Spruce street. Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII. 113 WYOSI INcfa'vo Fire Insurance. SCI1 LAGER & CO.. n Council Building. Patent Attorneys. PAT E NTS i,Ki,,,ecaYi,Arc!OR Thu only licensed nnd equipped intent solicitor in t lie city. No charge for in formation on patentability; uvet ten years' experience Rcplog-lc &- Co.. Alcars HUljr. Hotels and Restaurants, '.HIE ELK CAFE. 123 ANiriirFRANIc". llu avenue. Rules reasonable. P. X.IEGLEIt, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR ) I"v! Passenger depot. Conducted on the Ru rnpenn plan. A'lelor Koch, Propilctor. Scavenger. . B. BRIGGS CLEANS PItlVV VAULTS and cess pools; no odor; only liupioveil pumps used. A, B. Ilrlggs, proprietor. Lcnvo orders lloo Noith Main avemiu. or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 3D LACKA. ave., Set aiiton, mfrs ol Wire Screens Miscellaneous. SIEGARGEE RltOS., PUINTEHS' sup plies, envelopes, paper bass, twluu. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue. THli"wTT.KlisTiT,lTHE "it ECO) Ml TA N bo bad in Scranton nt the news stand df Iteismaii Bros., mi Sprtit'o and 3iil Linden; SI. Norton. ;!22 Lackawanna ave.; 1. S. Schutzor. 211 Spruce street. TT re? DIRECTORY! mm HMW RMIE , Only Half a Cent a WorJ. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. AVtllo for our special mar kot letter. Frco on application. 8. M. Hlbhntd Sr Co., members N, Y. Consoli dated nml Stock Mclmngo, 41 nnd 41 Broadway, Now York. Established ISM. Long Dlslanco 'Phone 2SR.S Broad. Situations Wanted. SITUATIONWANTTD-By n middle aged lady, wishes u position as u house keeper In a small family. Call los Mnrlon street. WANTED Office work by young man 21 years old, sober, Industrious; good ref erence. Address R Tribune otllce. WANTED Washing, Ironing nnd- lioiiso . cleaning Address IIS Willow street, city. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Klfect June I, 1102. 'Jrtilns leave Scranton ror New York At l.'.o. :',.20, 0.H3. 7.30 and lo.lo it. in.: 12.11. ...Id. ;t.U3 p. in. For Now York and Phila delphia 7.30. to.io a. m., and 12.10 nnd :;.:W V; 'JL1'. l'01' Gouldslioro -At 0.10 it, in. For llurfulu-1.13. (1.22 and fi.no ,,. in.; .&", 0.30 and U.io p. i,.. .'0r lUnghninton, Kltnlru and way el.t lions- 10.23 u. in.. 1.03 p. in. I; or Oswego. Syrucuse and Utfcit l.lii and I. .2 a. in.; 1.33 p. ni. Oswego, SyraciiMi and I Ilea tivtln at 022 a. in dally, nxcepr. Sunday. rr siontrnse-tlou u. m; 1.01 tun Mi..') p. m. Nl holson accommodation 1. 00 and lit,-, p. in. Illoomsliiifg Division For Northumber land, at iia.". and in. in a. m.: 1.31 and 0 10 p. in. l-or Plymouth, nt S.10 a. nt.; 'J. I) and a 3 p mi. . Sunday Tr.i'.ns-Fnr New Ymk. 1.30, H-20, V, ''., ",' a. in.; :'.. 10 and ;!.;i", p. m. For Iliiiralo 1,13 nnd 0 22 n. ni.: 133. 0.30 nnd 1110 i). in. j.,r. Ehiilia nnd way stations -in..'., a. ut. i.'oi- Rhichnnitnn and witv sta tions, on.) n m. Bloomsburg Division -Leave Seraiiton, 10.10 i. m. and rt.1i p. m. Xehlgh Valley Railroad. in Effecl June 13, IW2. T.itlus Leave Scranton lor Philadelphia mid Now Ynilc via D. & II. It. It., at at 7 II, through Parlor Car nnd Day Co teh Caibondale to Now York and n.47 it. m.. with L. A'. Coach Carbon dale to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, l.i". (Black Diamond Expressl. and 11.10 p. in. Sun days, D. , j i. n. R 1.3S. 0.17 p. m. For Whit? Haven, llnsdeton and princi pal points In the coal regions, via D. .V: II. R. It., 7 11. 2.IS and t.:'.3 p. in. For Pottsvlllc, 7.41 a. in. For Bethlehem, Eastnn. Heading, liar rlsbiirg and principal Intermediate sta tions, via D. a II. R. H.. 7.41, 0.17 a m ; 2.18, 4 ill (Black Diamond Express). I1.4D p. in. Sundays, D. fc II. P.. R., 0.3S a. m.; 1..3S. 0.17 p. in. For Ttmkhannopk, Towandn. Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Interniedlnt-i stutinns via D., L. .t W. R. R.. 0.33 a. m. and 1.53 p. m. For Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo. Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. & II. R. R 12.0! p. in.: ,1.23 (Black Diamond Express). 10.11. 11. to p. m. Sun days. D. & II. R. H 12.0:!. 0.17 p. 111. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Vnlley Parlor cars on all trains botwesu AVIIkcs-Barre and New York. Philadel phia, BiiiTulo and Suspension Blidge. ROLLIN II. WILnt'R. Gen. Supt., ".S Cortland street, New York. CHARLES S. LEI-3. Gen. Pass. Agt., 2i Cnrtlnnil street, New A'ork. A. W. NONEMACUER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman vcaervatloni apply to city ticket office, GO Publlo Square, AATIkcs-Barre, Ta. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Corrected to September Hi, 1002. Stations In Now York, foot Lloerty stieet and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leavo Scranton for New York, Philadelphia, Enston, Bethlehem, Allen town, Maurh Chunk, AVhito .Haven. Ash ley, AVllkes-Barro and nttston at 7.::0 a. Di., 1 p. m and I p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7."0 a. in., through solid vestlbftle train with Pullman Bufl'et Parlor Oar for Phila delphia with o.ily ono phiingo or cars Tnr Baltimore and Washington, D. C. and nil principal points south and west. For Avoca, Pittston and Wilkcs-Barre.' 1 p. m. and I p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. For Long Branch. Oceuii Grove, etc., 7.!'.0 a. m. and 1 11. m. For Reading. Lebanon and llnrrlsburg via Allentnwn at 7..!0 a. in., 1 p. in. and I I), m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For Tnmiiquii and Pnttsvllle, 7..'!0 a. m ; 1 i. in. hnil I p. in. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. C, BESSLER. Gen Malinger. C. 7)1. BURT. Gen. Pass. Agt.- Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Klfect Jlinu hi, I0J2. Tinlns leave Scrniilon O.RS a. in., wee': dtivs, through vestibule train Iron AVilkes-Barro, Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle; stops at principal Intermediate tdn tlnns. Also connects for Sunbuiy. Hnr ilsburg. Philadelphia. Ilaltpiioie. Wash ingtou and for Pittsburg and the West. 0 47 ,i in., week davs. for Snnbiiry. Ilin--rls'bmg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Was'i iiigloti and Plttslune and the West 1 1 p. in., week days, (Sundays. I .' i. m.i. for Suiibury. Iliiirlshmg, Piillnd'l l,l,l:i . Baltimore. Washington and Pitts-liin-tr anil the West 4 li -....week days, tlirnngli vestlbn'i tiuTn from Wllkes-Barre piiilm.iii lmff-t pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia i i Pnttsvllle. Stops at pilnclpul Inlermodl- "' j ':;" p m ."week tins, for llazlolon, Sun-liui-y. llturlslniig. Philadelphia and PlHc l""S' .1 li. IIUTCIUNSOV. Gen. .Mgr .1. B. AVOOD. (ie'n. Pas-. Agt Delaware and Hudson. Ill Etfeel .lime ID. ttl'i.' Trains tor Carliondale leave Scrantnii nt nil 7;iii s::ii, lot:! ,t. in.: 12 03, 1.12. 2.1 1, k', :'.'$. 0 23, v-'i, 0.13. toot p. m.: l.'.n, l'Fnr'lione.sditlt-ii.ll. 10 pin. m.i 2.11 nnd r' For' Wilkes-linrre-ii .is. 7.11. S. II. !U7. 10.3.1 a. Ill.i KM. 112. 2.ts, ;i.2f, I.:i3, (110. 7 is in II. 11.4!' P- "' Fin' i. . V K li. Polnis-i.ll. P.17 a. 111. "is t :;. mil 11.11' i- in. "For Pennsvlvaulii It. It. Pnlnts-U.31 9 17 a. m : i !'-' :' :fi ""', lF' !' '" , ... For Alluiuv and all points north i.ijij a. "' "nl1 ""'SUNDAY TRAINS. For C.irbotiilal-- s.'.o. 11. l a. m.; ,?.'H. :i:,ii. r,.32 nnd 11.17 p- in. . ? I'm- Wllkes-Harie -!t.;'.S a. tu ; 12.0-). 'A..H, :i.2S, 0 32 nnd 0 17 l. in. , '.'.., - For Allmnv and points nnrlli-.,..,', ivm I'or Iliinesid.iilc.-S30 a. nt.; 1-;j anilUj-O PWL. PRVOIt. D P A.. Scriuit,on.-ir,i. "ideT Railroad Wyoming Division. In Etfi'Ct Septviuber 13, Wi. r" Trains leuv Serantou ler New A'oik, Newbutgh and liileiinedlale points, also for lluwley nnd local btallons at 7.2,0". i. "Y,or1'llonesd.!io'aiid AVIilto .Mills nttl '''Trains at rive ut Scranton ut 10.115 n;jjn. nnd 013 ti. in , ', New York, Ontario and WesternT Tlinu tabid in elleet Sunday, Sept. SI, JJO.', NORTH BOUND TRAINS. i- l.eavn Leave Arrrvn Trains. No. 1 .. No. 7 ... Sci'iinton Cm lioiiilule. CadoSla. .Ki.itna. tu- 11. 10 a. m. l.OMrOn. , n.liiii. m.Ar.Carbondalo 0 Iii4.ei SOUTH BOUND. S,' Leave . Leave . ArV4 Cadosla Oiirbondalo. Scrantau. il3i)u. in. 7.23iii,in, Tialns. No. ii Kn ' 2.1"i p. Ill 4.IKIp-m. 1. 1 , PXI11 SUNDAYS ONLY. NORTH nOCND. ,pa.o 1mo 'AArriw 2.131). Ill 4.0li- m. 1.13 pjfm, I ft H..1 , ".till, ' J,.p4,.a Trains. Nq. a . No 3 .. Scr.iiiion. t'ariioiutaie. caqoua, , SJiOn. in. Mtla.jii, 10.4111111, . 7 ill) p. in Ar.Ciiiioidalu7.Vfcm SOl'TH HOUND. ! Leave Leavo aAitIVo Cadnsla. Carlioudule. Scranton. ti.&)a. in, 7,23a?nn. !.:',0 n. ni. lion n. tu. ii 1", n:'m. ,..st.i- .-"lv. t...'. Tin I ns. No ti . No 10 Trains Nos. I on week days, and cm Sundays cannect for New York city. Slid, dlutowii, Wullnn. Norwich. Oneld.i. Os wego nnd all polnu west. ' r Truth No. . with "Quaker City Ex press'' at Scratiyai. via c R. R. of N,".L. for Philadelphia. Atlantic City. B;iltlmorc. Washington aliiP- Vonnsylviuilu stiita points. X' ' So ttniCitablo.uiul cpnsult tlckoticehta for connectloriiiw.lthoth'rllnfs-'' K J, C. ANDERSON.'O.'P. A..Nciw York. J. E. WELSH. T. P. A Sciunton, Pu:- )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers