-;-,wi TspfpaiFmf&9ft0( ' irir -t fpVSfl tyvuMiw Mjjr i i ,T THE SC11ANTON TRIBUNE-AVKDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1902. I Kvy -;r1ur'J5"'i " T KXXXXXXXXXXXj 1IIE VrjDERN HARDWARE STORE. Coal or Wood x THK Sterling Base Heater-Oak Hums cither one cumlly well. Has newly Invented leturn Jltiy m.xMciu, which bus lu ciciiMcd Hip ludintlng put fare nuiip tlinn twofold over tho otd-slyle oaks. The ten kettle lttachmont Is another fruttne. V Thtec sdzes. yf X Foote & Shear Co. Q J 19 Washington Ave. xxxxxxxxxxxxx The Hardenbergh School of MOsic and Art Offers the exceptional advan tage of Piano and Oigan stuct with Mr. Sumner Salter, an aitist teacher of lecognized standing in the musical world. Register now. 004 Linden St. .A Word to the Wise Who Have Ready Cash Tills Is Hip llni" to bux" 'imp nf oiu best local ellxidond pixlng slocks unci bonds Sonic people who Ii.ip those sec nil ties nte obliged to lino ciisl tc. moot obligu tlons railing cliio. anil .no willing to ac cept nlleis on -onio of the liost 11C tnse Pino dlxldond pu.xci-, Toi li-s pi lc than on aio llkc.lv to got them ten again. e mo tho tiaip-fpi lipie-cnlutlw's, liaxlug Mlicndx 11 niinibei ol tlif-e sceinitics 1111 h mil to oftoi. anil will Mail aa olheis oil niiiv want without delax If a oil nio looking fin a good 'life In ostmont. clthpf Hcnuls, IS ink ca Indus tilnl Slock', mill want It .it tho bottom pilco 1.1II InniHillati'ly ni I. F. HEGARQEL & CO. Stocks, Bonds and Secmities, Connell Building. Growing It is a gxowing, active, progiessive, up-to-date PE)9?lfB$BEO PERSONALS. Sliss .lailwin of Ciiboinkili', Is guest ot SIKs Allaci, ol Jclfcisnii uximie. Tlnodnm A White-, the woll Unnwn ni.iniilac.liin 1, is ni .Vow Voik tllj this w ook I'.iptiihi P liol.ac.v .mil his daughter, Mis SI U Itochc, hiixo lolniiail fiom ashingtnn 1) 1', when, thev utti liiled thu Giniul Aiin.x ol the Kopuhlii oinuiup meiit Thu 111 ii 1 Ijikc cit eicoigo S Giuliani anil Sllss VI Mnl la Wiitklns will take plai 0 this meaning at tin home ol 1 lit budo 1I1 Lis iI.ioi .Mis i: i; hmlth ot Pu pouso avenue Slnio r.iuline Willi, nf Puil-, Pnuuc, who has linen the gucM ni hot Mulct, Slit. Sluum Kin, nt this cli, leaves to ila fin Now x.eult while Mic w h,iH on tin steamship l.nn.ilne toi her home. Sllss Jam- Lewis, wlni has keen lixlng in Ihooklvn, X V. im the pint ten jim with IJi ami .Mi,. Ilovie, leininoil istrnlnv ta i 111. iln linn petinanenll, She Is the kih si ol u I miithci, Sim .Iiailllette Loivl-, ol Jll'l e.st Locust htlie t ME. MILLER ADMITS. Caught the Bigg t Picket ol Ever Landed nt Lntse Henry. The biggest phkeiel I'ver pulled out ot Lake I loin. , the pat tlculitr, Pole ami uNclUHhc linhltat nt big plekeiels, was luinleil ychtcidaj by Thoodmo C. Sill ier, of tho Ih in of Hiiindoiv & Sillier. It ine.thtiied tvvei)t-Mx Inches and weighed tout pounds and tlueo ounces,. The pi ex lotis lecoid was lu cut -routine lies, unil four pounils ocn. All doubt at) to the 1 coord liming been biokou wuh 1 omened by an Inter view with Sir. Sillier, He udiulU that till that Is suld nhout his lecoul-ln dik ing plautotlul feut Is. tiuc, The Last Says, Thofco aio leally tho hiht du.x.s of Guernsey Jiiotheis.' Pluno nnd Oiguu Sale, ns evoiythiiig iniiht ho closed out and the utoio vacated by Wednesday, tho 15th lust, It will pay any ouu In need of a musical Instiunieut to tall and get pi hen at HI Washington 11 e nue, and It does not mutter about the cast), Just as good pt ices can bo pin Hired on easy monthly payments. Guernsey Jlinthets will bell far cheaper 011 thnu than othet ilea lei. s can ufl'oid to for cush. Don't fall to cull and get a but gain, If you are lit need of .1 Piano or Oigan. Opening. Chlldien's winter coats Now and ex cluslxe stjles, liaby Duisuur, 118 AVashlugtou axe nue. Sweateis. A full line of good, heuxy, wnim sweateis. Floiey it Hiooks, 0:'J mid O.'l Bpiucc btteet, opposite touit house. ' Im hank in every paiticular. a THE PEOPLE BANK. I SffiSABl? vl4cRJ-;' ONLY WAY TO A ROYAL LIFE POINTED OUT BY DR. BROWN, OP ALBANY, N. Y. In nn Addiess at the Opening Ses sion of the Annual Convention of the Wyoming Confeience Epworth League Sessions Will Contlnuo 'Today in the Simpson Ohuich. Laige Number of Delegates and Pastois in Attendance Dr. Uphnm Speaks This Evening. Kpwoith Leaguers and pastois fiiini pvi'iy MetliodlL l2)li'o)nl chinch In the Wyoming confeience tue In attend mice at the itnnual convention ot the league, which opened In thu Slmppon chinch. West Setntiton, lust evening. Tho spacious ccllllcc was c iiinfot tahly flllud with t'hilstlan woikei.s when tho opening session was culled to older by thu piesleli'iit. Itc. Slai tin V. Wil liams, of lllughamtoii. Tile devotional cei clses wcie led by Ite. SI. S, (JmlHliall, of Waveily, I'u.. who lead a lesion fiom the second chapter in the .Second Book of Timo thy The Simpson chmch choir and the unowned mal" quintette insisted In the son Ice, and the congiegiitloniil singing was n featuie, of which the 01 ami of the evening, He. r.dgiif 11. Htown, U. D, pastor ot the Klist Meth odist episcopal climch, of Alb.iny, X. Y tfinuiked that It was the best ho had ever heaicl. Sllss Hesslo Mayo Slate leclted the tin Ming stoiy of "Mliaiu Petteboue," and was laLiiuled a pleasing ovation. lii'woimi i.i:Atirr. coi.oits The colcns of the Kpwoith League wete much In evidence, a neat design In the toi m ot a wheel having been plated aliiiM' the pulpit. A huge nitm bei of pastois wcie in attendance, among them being the following: Jtov. T. P. Hull, D. D, Oiieonta, X. V., pieslcllng elelei Oneouta ellstilct; ltc. .1. P. Wan en, Palbimdiile, i'.i.. ineslilliig elelei nomiliile ellstilct; Ue. J. It. Sweet. D. D, Hlngli.initun. X. Y, plead ing ilcki llliigh.untoii illstiiU: ltev. M. -Williams, Ulngh initoii; Hev. I. X. Shlp iiiui, Siisiiiiehiinii.i, Pa.; Hev. W. Piisbv, Sliluev, X. V.; Hev. .1. J. Hem v. Hick 01 v (lioe, Pa; lto . C". SI. Olmslead, Unllloid. X. Y., Hev. P. D. Hailsoek, Sit. Ppton, X. V ; Rex J. C. Thomas, Pai sons. Ph.; Hev. II. O IIiuupiI. Pikes Cieek, Pa; Rex. .1 L Iluce. Heinlli mi, I'u.; Hev. At S. Godsh.ill. Waxeilx, Pa ; Rox. H. SI. 1'asioe. Thompson, I'u.: Hex-. J SIiidlMin. citx; Hex-. SI. West Xanikoke, P.i ; Hev. lop, Kiikxxood, X. V ; Rex son, West Xicholson, Pa. I. I.hialieiix-, W. I) .1 W. Lutli- .lohn- Hex T SI fj II. I'llll'V. Pii'iitNs, Sloseoxx, Pa.; Hex Yates, Pa ; Hex. l II. Xewing Dim- 11101 e. Pa ; Hev. U A. Place. Iloneselale, Pa: Hex. Abel Wliglov. .Mill Citx, P.i ; Re. P W Young, Daltein Pa , Hex C. I! llenix. Liieine. Pa.: Hex-. Call ( '01111 illman, ('.imptown, P.i . Hex II I. Smith, Hiooklxn P.i : cllx. IJi lilllln, .lames lipiuilpgi 1, P, A Cine. L Singer, X' liinlamin, II C SlcDeimotl Tin addic-s on the subject ol "Jto.xnl Llxing," b Ut. Uiown, was a masteily clfoit and tho speakers pleasing 111.111 nei and apt wax of illustiating his Ideas, together with his happy elm or luimcu, won foi lilm the udmiiatloii and attention of his heat pis. He j.poke, In pan, as folloxxs-: X11 nation has iitelxnl nuiic titles thin mils and none aio moie appropiiiitu than thai ol "a nation nl Inxentois ' Oiu ilixeiitixeucss is a n itlonal tiait, and I am pi'Ml.x sine xw- me all Allans, meaning b.x that "tho people tli.it mine iipxxaul" Auieiliau nuicliliiei.x and tools lead the w 01 Id, and the Ameilc.iii opiiiitixe N thu must intelligent and Ingenious opuathe nuclei CJcid glei 11 sKx. It Amciliiins hixe 1111 xx. ix of dohij things, tin x make a wax, and all iuxeli tm.s liuxe to meet the test but nian.x do not moot wlln public dim mil, and so the Ameiiian people 111 e peeulkillx gift id In llgllie out thill lelatlou to (led, the s.inii us the inxentor 1111 ets tlu test nnd public dem .nil .Manx people liaxe thcoi Ies ol Me, ol icllqlon, and ol thill" duly towuiK God, liat all must meet the su pn me test. The llieoix th.it (iinnot stumi the test cl dallx" lile xxill not stand the test ol dxliii,, lot ii it stands the te-si It must by I01 an Incii.isid uxeieuce lot Hod, and enable us In i em h out the hand of hulp I illness to otliei s The light theoiy ot lellginu will stun.! the lest ol living and il.xlng, unci lor piool thai snh a life has been llxed, wo need onlx to iiciepl thu dlxine niitiup of Jesus Clulsi on mitls factoix giounils, tm Ills life was llxed lindoi the seven st haiilshlp' A ROYAL LIPi: ills xxus 11 iox.il lite, Ilxod In pcileetlon and sliuggllng In the I. ue of poxeit.x. Tho hsMiiis 1 1 inn Ids lllo liaxo tumid mine people Into the uxcaucs ol I al tit and help than all the npciatois and mai;uutis ol loda.x Chiist winked and was not 1 ul 1 11 led us the xxoild counts eultuie Unlay, but He has caused to ho built 111010 ed ucational institutions, touudeil mom II -bullies, and Is iespemslile loi 11101 o piul f.xiug liteiatlile than 1111.x one 1 Ise, llo has led the louipiests 01 all the xxoild, and (oiuiueied molt- than all the gcnvials ol time, .Icmih Chi Hi louglit, lilt el and died leu us, nnd in Him ceuti'i.s all chionnlugv us tho head ot the kingdom of Until. Them aio In this, win id 111010 Hum leu mllllouu ot his sublet Is lead to light for him. Hueli a life us Ids Is mailable toi all ol us ll wo will bin accept lint It is haul to gel piople to uiidei.stiiud and bcllexo that fact Slillix ilcli people on this t ill 111 1110 not win 111 a (cut 111 the siglll nt God, foi God does not muiMiie men b the houses Ihex build 01 the (lotlies llie Weill, but b.x Hull faith in Mini The gleat lesson ill lllo In he leuilied Is Hint God is lulling to us to Havol oil Hie load leading to a m.viil lite, and to be dim Ipllueil to step uud xxmk toKutll'M' ill Hie (lunch of Cllllsl foi He hii.XH, "If uny man will coaie uftn me, let him duiy jillllM'll and tuke up his class uud lollaxx inc." Tho law of inyul llxing Is the law ol MKiillio, uud oiu' leal xulun is exl (lemi'il bj mil nullity c Miitllho foi thai which Is uhiAo us and heller than us uud Is onl measuud by Gods stand aid God xx ants man to take up His life uud pass it 011. uud tlie man who wont do this Is 11 thief mid 11 lobbei, blasting his own and mhei llxes Tim only load In a happy life is sauillio. mid theio U a Jolly, happy, Clulstlun life, inr nil who will incept t'luist The way to glm.x l tho way of the eios.s, nnd II Mm follow .lesiis tin must den.x MiuiMlf, lake up His noss and lollovx Him, TODAY'S SESSIONS TI1110 sessions of the (ouxeullou will be held today, beginning ut b.;u a m . .' p 111 and I'M p in Thu nioiiiiug xxill be occupied In laziness, spliituiil, Hid my and social discussions, and ut tho at teinoiiu seixieo seveial addiess will be made In tho evening Hev Samuel P t'phain, 1), 1), of Uiuxv Theologlrul bPinluuiy, will speak on "Oiu Debt o the Slethodlst Patlieis " , Typewiiteis. Smoot, "the typew liter man," has tlnee maihlnes which he will tell for U0 each, a Deiisinoie, Remington and Smith Piemier. The Hist comes gets the pick of either machine. Uueinbey Hulldlnsr, city. FirstClass a Advantages.;.... Bl-a -JniiuX wA W3GF faff J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. GO LINDEN STREET. WAS ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY AGO St. Luke's Episcopal Church About to Celebinte an Important Event in Its History. The menlbetr of the congi ogutlon ot St. Luke's Hprscupal chinch 111 e malting claboiitte piepatatlons for the lelebiu tlou of the fiftieth until vet sal y ot tho oia-iitilziition ot the chinch, on Satur day, Simdny and .Monday next. Satin dliv Is St. IatkeV day, and on Hint occasion theio will he a lelebtatlon ot the holy (.otumimlon at 7 a. m. by Hex. Dr. Hogeis Israel, the lector, and at lOIiiJ o'clock by Ut. Hex". HMiop Htlielbeil Talbot, of the diocese ot Cen tral Pennsxlvtinln. ltev. Dr. lleniy lj. Jones, lector of St. Stephen's chinch, at Wllkes-P.ni re, will preach at thin set vice. The .1n11lve1u.il y set x h e ptoper will be conducted on Satin clay night In tho pai Mi house. hen 11 hlstoilcal sketch of the 1 Inn oh will be lend by Samuel Hlnes, w ho has been piomlnrntlv Identi fied xx Uh the chinch for upwutds of thlity yeai. Addi esses -will be inndp ut tills sen Ice by Ut. Hev. Hlshop Tal bot, Hev. Dr. Llo.xd. of Xexv Yoik, sec letai.x or the boaid of fcnelgn missions: Hex". Dr. James SIcLeod, pastor of the PI 1 st Pipsbytuiiau chinch; Hex". Dr. C. SI. Glllin, pastor of the Klin Paik Sletliodlst Kpl.sc opal 1 lunch, and Ilex". Di. Ilobeit V. Y. I'leiee. pastor of the Peiiu Axentie Baptist chinch. Ut. Hex". Bishop Talbot will pi each a senium at the Sunday morning senlco In the ohm oh, and theio xxill be a c ele Inatlon of the holy communion at noon, at which he will olllilute. A special Sunday school set x Ice for the child! en will be conducted in the chinch at 3 o'clock, when Bishop Talbot, Dr. Lloyd and otheis will speak. Rev. Dr. J. Philip B Pendleton, of Schenectady, X. Y a l'oinier rector of the chuieh. xxill pi each at the Sunday nlgh sen Ice. On Monday theie xxill bo a celebiatlon of the holy communion at 7 a. in , and a meeting ot the visiting clergy In the lectin y ut 10 a. in. 11 11 happy coinci dence the twentieth wedding unnlxei saiy ot Di. Isiael and his wile lulls on this day, and in obseivance of lliis ex cut a leecption xxill be conducted In the palish house between the liouis ot I and l! p m. The tenth minlveiwiiy of Dr. Isiael's lectoishlp will be obsei ved on Monday night with 11 public lecep tion In the pailsh house, between Hie hnuis of b nnd 11. Botli Dr. Pendleton and ltev. Di. Swentyel. ol Biooklxn, another foimer lector, xxill bo piesent on this 01 cusion. The committee xxhlcli bus the ar langements tor the seml-centeimlul celebiatlon in oliuigo consists of the pillowing membeis of the congicgation: Samuel Hines. Theodoie G. Wolf, Dxer ctt Wan en, J. II. Bet-sell and Thomas Spiague. St. Luke's cluucli was oiganlzed in 18".', and the leetoi.s who h.ue since been in chaigo .11 e us lollovx s: Hex. John Long. Apt II, 1!!."-',' to September, IS'.S, Hex-. W. C. Robinson, Febiuaiy, 1S"A to December, lSW; Rev. A. Augus tus Simple, Januaiy, lSiiS, to Xoxem bei, 1S7T; Hex". C. Inglls Chapln, Xoxem ber, 1S77, to Apiil, 1870: Hev. J. Philip H. Pendleton, D. D, Octobei, 1S71), to May. 1SS1; Hex". Hemy C. Swentzel, D. D Slay. 1SS", to Apill, 1S9J; Rev. Rogeis Isiael, D. D, Xovembei, 1S9J. THREE SLANDER SUITS. They Aie the Outgiowth of the Stiike Allegations That Aie Made by the Plaintiffs. N Tlueo tiespass suits, glowing out of alleged shindeious woids utteied be cause of the stiike, weie begun csler du by Attoines Joseph O'Btlen nnd R.II. I'atteison lor Matthew Golden, David Jeffieys and Anthony Lofttis. Duinases In the .sum of $.1,000 Is asked In each case. The defendant in the suit htouglit by Golden Is Patilck Xotty, of DJ.I AVest M.uket stieet, this city. Golden alleges that on September 1'0, last, Xotty told a number of pel sons that Golden was an agent for the dlfteient ccupoiatloiis mining coal in this county and wuh liylng to Influence mining men to ie tuiu to xx 01k unci accused Golden of Inning leieived a consldeiable sum of money for his woik, and Blither ac cused Guidon of being 11 lnlbe taker. He also aicuued Golden of walking In and around tho mliiPS, and wound up by s tying thut Golden hud applied to Michael Gi lines for money and, was vvoise than a "scab." All of this caused him (Golden) to lose lespect of Ills lielglibois and be ostiacUcd, David Jeffieys' suit Is ugiilust Michael H. Lynett, of 1731 Beaumont a venue. Ills complaint is exactly the same us Golden's He xxiih vlee-pusldent of Local No. Mil, of the United Sllno Workeis of Auieilca, nnd had to 10 slgn because of the stoiles told by Ly nett, Anthony Loftus' suit Is iigulnst Pntiiek Gallagher, of 17a3 Peny ue nue. He was piesldent of Lotal 510, of the mine xxotkeiij the meiuheis of vvhli h compelled hlui to icslgn hecauso of the stoiles told by Gallagher, which in a geneial way weie Identical with the stoiles told by Golden lonceinlng Nutty. Capiases weie Isbned tor the defendants and placed In thu hands of the hheillf, SENIORS WON THE GAME, Defeated the Sophomoies nt Base Ball Yesteiday. The Senior anil tho Sophomoie base ball clubs of the Scranton High school battled for the chuinplonshlp ot the school yest,etduy, In the (list pait ot the game tho SophoinoieH had exeiy thing their own xvay, but la thu hibt tluee innings they went up hi the air, and tho Seniors won out by the seme of IS to 10. This was the last game, ami the Senium by their vlctoty aie tho chnni ploiib of the whole four classes. The tcoie by Innings: It.lf.i:. Seniors 0 0 t 3 2 !) 0 IS l'J I Sophomores 0 ".' I 0 1 0 3-10 b tf Umpire-Collins. Are offered by the Conservatory for Piano forte Instruction to Students of all grades, from beginners to prospective professionals. Students can begin now. AUTUMN SESSION OP THE ARCHDEACONRY In Connection with It the Consocia tion of the Tiinity Chuieh of West Plttston Occiured. Tlie nlitlttnii sessions of tho Aichdea coniy of Sctunton begun Monday night In the Tilnlty lOplscopul chinch of West Plttston. In connection xxllh the sessions thu consociation of the Trin ity chinch took place yesteulay. The meetings opened ut 7.30 Monday night with Bishop Talbot ptcsldlng; and theie xx etc piesent Aichdencon Rev. D. W. Coxe, and about twenty cletgymutt fiom the vailous chinches. The theme upon which tlnee uddioses wcie made last night xvns "Clulstlanlty In Modem Life and Thought." Hex". Rogeis Isitiel, of Seianton, spoke on "The Spliltual Dlement In Modem Move ment." Rev. Geoige C. Foley, of Wll llamspoit, guxe an addiess on the "In dications ot the Selentlllc Ueactlon in Favor of Religion, " Ii) which he spoke of the Indent uttacks made on Cluls tlanlty by scientists, and declined thut no antagonism exists between science and religion. . Hex-. Homy Jones, ot Wllkes-Uarie, who spoke on "Clulstlanlty, the Salt of the Woild," gave a hi lot and 'foi ce fifl addiess on the theme. At the close of the exenlng session u leeeptlon was given to the bishop and visiting cler E men In the Kxeter club looms. Yesteiduy's sessions commenced at 7 a. in. with holy communion, nnd ut ! T.O 11 business meeting xx-as held in the Sunday school 100m. Tho consecration of thu chuieh took place at 10.30 u. 111. Senior Waiclen H. G. Slercur picsented to the bishop the Instrument ol elona tlon giving the c lunch piopeity to tlie Juilsdlctiou ot tlie bishop. The sen tence ol consociation was lead by Archdeacon D. Webster Coe. and this was also accepted by the bishop. Tlie psalms and lessons of the day weie read by Rex". Ddwarel Hemy Kckel, a foimer pastor of Tilnlty chinch. The sei moil was by Hev. John II. Edgat, of Rome, X. Y., who took for his text. He inous, M:i2. The -visiting cleigymen weie sei ved xxith luncheon In tho Hxeter club looms and in the. aflei 110011 the tolloxvlng pio gi amine was 1 endured: ,;00p 111 Business Sleeting In Sunday Sdiool 1 00111 ,! JO p in Tilnlty Cluucli ml Alelidpiiccm's Itepmt. (h) Papei The Chinch's Su pciioi Repiipnient foi SIls son.u Wink, The Rex", P A Gel mint, Tu- w.eiida, Pa. Discussion. Hxegcsls, Luke II, -I. The Rev. R A. Wiuiinei, Diseii: slon. 7 in p. m Dvenlug Piaxer .xionu ose, 111 .MISSIOXARY SIHHTIXG. Subject: The SVmkoi.s' Ule-s- Ing, Addiess, Setting a Ileait oil Pile lor Sllssloiis, ' The Rev Rdwitid lleniy Hek- el, Willlamspoit, Pa. Addiess. "Tho Satlsfiu tinn ol u Shine in Ascei tallied Results." An hilcninu Co'o Addiess; "riplilln.il Ginxvth hx Mlsslonaiy Woik Bishop Talbot Tomoiiow Sir. llaixey P. Walter xxill be 01 daincd to the dlaconato In St. James" cluucli. m MITCHELL TO BE HERE. Mine Woikeis' Lender Will Speak in Nny Aug Pnrk on Sundny. A .special 1 onimlttee of the Cential 1 ii,i. union last nlclit concluded ai- r.iiigenieiitH toi a big mass meeting, to be held In Nay Aug paik on Sunday atteinoon uct, lor tue puipose 01 gix i.r nnMiilpii lnboi of this ilty nn op- poitunlty to show its appioval of tliu sti iking mlneis" cause. Addicssos will be made at the meet ing by Piesldent John Mitchell, of the railed Sllno . AYoikets, and Dlstilct presidents Nlcholls, Fnhey nnd Duffy. Piesldent John Dovlne, of the Cential Labor union, will piebldu and music will be furnished by the Lawrence band. The North Hurt Glee club xxill lead the audience In singing "The Star Spangled Bannei" and "Aineilca." The legular meeting or thu Central Labor union will be held at the paik PiJor to the mass meeting. ii ' City and School Taxes 1003. Tho aboxp tax duplicates aio now In my hands for collection. F. S HARK 13 rt, City Tiea.suier. Sweaters. A full line of goad, heavy, xxaim Mxcateis. Floioy eS. BiooKs, 5-'-' and Ml Spiuce stieet, opposite couit hou.se. Coffee Courseu's Special Java and Mocha, 25c; 5 Pounds, $1,00. Compare it with 35c coffee elsewhere. E. G, Course n, 420 Lacknwnnnn Avenue. COLLINS AND SHEPHERD ONE GOES UP SEVEN PLACES; THE OTHER ONE. Mr. Collins Also Takes tho Lead in the Special Contest Pivo Contest ants Havo Passed Their Fifth Centttiy Eleven Lendeis Scojcd Yesterday Ten More Dnys of the Contest. Standing of Contestants 1. A. J. Kellerman, Scrnnton.945 2. Charles Burns, Vnndling.010 3. William T. S. Rodriguez, Seianton 04D 4. Win, Sherwood, Hnrford. .545 5. Pied K. Ounster, Green Ridge 519 G. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhmst.517 7. Herbott Thompson, Cnr- bondnle 500 8. Albert Freedmnn, Belle- vtte 380 0. J. A. Havenstiite, Mos cow 357 10. Mnxwell Shephcid, Cnr- bondale 322 11. Chas.W. Dorsey, Scinnton.318 12. L. E. Stanton, Scrnnton. .215 13. Harry Madden, Scranton". . 170 14. Hendrick Adams, Chin chilla 149 15. Lewis Bates, Seianton . . .111 16. Homer Kresge, Hyde Paik.102 17. M i s s Beatrice Hnipur, Thompson 100 18. Finnk B. McCreary, Hnll- stend '. 96 19. Fred Kibler, South Scrnn ton 87 20. Miss Jnne Mathewson, Factoryvllle 86 21. Don C. Cnpwell, Scranton.. 81 22. William Cooper, Priceburg 76 23. Louis Gere, Brooklyn.... 71 24. Hemy E. Collins, Kizers. 66 25. A. L. Clark, Green Grove . 60 26. John Mackie, Providence . 54 27. Hugh Johnston, Forest City 50 28. Miss Edna Colemnn, Scranton 46 29. Walter Hnllstead, Seian ton 44 30. Giant M. Decker, Hall- stead 42 31. Lee Culver, Spiirigville. . 41 32. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst 39 33. Miss Mary Yeager, Green Ridge 34 Dlexeu of the leadeis In The Tiib une's Hdiicatlonnl Contest scoied points jesteiday, as follows: Hemy IS. Collins -'.I Slaxwell Shepherd l." l.uxxis Bales s Louis Geie 7 Heibeit Thompson 0 Ch.ules Bums J r. Fiank ii. McCiiMiy 4 William II. Slieiwood - Oscar II. Kipp - Al thin J. Thujer 1 Ch.ules W. Doisey 1 Theie xxeie two changes. Slaxxxell Sheplieid passed Chillies W. Doisey and heJtels tenth place by foui points. Hemy D. Collins, who was in thlitv llist place jesteulay. is now twentj touith, having passed Lee Culxci, HUXDRICK ADASIS, Giant SI. Decker, Walter Hnllstead, Sllss Falun Coleman, Hugh Johnston, John Mnekle and A. L. Chuk. Theio are fixe contestants In Hie ."00 column now, and none in tlie 100, xxhlle the 300 now has four. Theie aie .six teen contestants between eighteenth and thlity-thhd place who liaxe scoied less than 100 points, and theie Is likely to be a gleat .shake-up In that putt of the table. Homy K. Collins has thu stai t for the $:, in gold oftuied to the contestant xvho Mines tho liugest number of points this week. Maybe some one will catch him befoie the xxeek is oxer, however. Theie uie ten moie days ot Hie con test. llenililck Adams, of Chinchilla, v hose poituilt appeals this moinlng, did not enter the contest until Juno 7, when it was mme than a month under wa. Sir. Adams was the eighty-fifth to en loll. llo Is now In foiuteentli place. LEADERS FOR THE SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE nvn DOM-Aits in cold to the contestant sent lug tho l.ugest numbei of points for xxeek end lug Satuiduy, Octobei 14 1. lleniy H Collins -'5 L', John Slacklc 21 ::, Lewis Bates 21 4, Slaxwell Shopheid ,,.., 15 5 Hugh Johnston ,..12 ti. Hcudilck Adams I 7, Louis Geie. ,,,.... 7 5, Herbeit Thompson 0 9, Chailes Hums ,..M 5, 10, Atthui J. Thaxer 2 NINTH YEAR, Seianton Business College. The school has begun Its ninth ear Same Instiuctlons. Students enter at any time. Demand fm bookkeeper and stenoginpheis gteutei than supply The night school pie-emlueiitlx the school for those who would cam while they leai 11. See the Cut Han. Effective and attiactlvo half-tones and line cuts for caul, advertising or any other puipobc, can be tecureil at The Tiibune ofllce. Wo do woik that lb unexcelled, do It piomptly anil at lowest rates. A tilal otdcr xxill con DR. DAVID SPENCER WEDDED. A Hint lingo of some Intel est to many, In this xlclnlly took pluce H'Stetdny moinlug In New Yoik, the pintles being Rev. David Spencer, D. D pastor iiT the Ulnkely Baptist dun eh, and Miss lA'dlti ll (laughter of Sir. and Sits, Unbelt A. Hltklmlz, of Itaclne, Wis. Rev, Joseph A. Hliklinl?, a In other of the In hie, was thu olllclutlng cletg.x niiui. Dr. Spencer Is known to a huge clictu In Scntiiloii and trinity, wheie he has dmit' and Is lining a gicut work for the cause which lies near his html. The In Idu Is highly esteemed Idr hoi many I'lnlxtlan (iimlltles and cluitncler. After Kiadlliitlng ft mil thu Baptist 'Pi Dining school In Chicago, she beenme u mlsslonaiy In Wisconsin and among the Indians In Oklahoma. For two Jeaia she him been million In the gov ernment Indian school In Kansas, The Blakely cluucli and the eutlie commun ity Is to be cungrattitated on the coming of ti pastot's wlto so well lltled for that position. Rex", uud SI is, f)r. Spencer ur ilved home lust evening nnd-xxeie cor dlnlly weleoined A sumptuous wedding supper xvus piepiued for them ut the paisonage. 'I'hey will he ut home to nil callers, In the Blakely Baptist paison age, on and uftei Slondny, October :!0, fiom i to ." and 7 to 10 p. m until the close of the month. The Ciiibondnle cms to uud fiom Scinnton pass the icsldencc eveiy half hour. NEW SCHOOL INSPECTED. A number of tlie momhet.s of the school boaid yesteulay Inspected tlie new No. '22 school, which is located on Keyset- avenue, near West Sliuket stieet. The nexv building Is a neat, four-loom hi Ick slittcttiie. which has just been completed by the Dunninic Lumber company, after plans piepiued by Architect James Feenoy. The membeis xxvie unanimous In their ex pressions ot appioval at tlie beauty and stability or the building. The old No. '12 school had to be aban doned last spilng because ol tlie sul pliuious gases ailslng fiom a binning culm pile neai by. The Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western company exchanged tlie lot on which tlie new building Is located tor the old site. The nexv building cost completed about $15,000. CONFERENCE ON PAVE. Dneetor of Public Woiks Roche, Clt Solicitor Watson, Chief Engineer Phil lips, of the buieau of englneeilng, and Contiactor SI. H. Dale, who Is eon stiuctlng the Piovldenee load puxe ment, had a confeience jesteulay af ternoon legaullng the piogiess of the woik on that Impiovement, xxlileh has been lutauled because of tho objection of the Scrnnton Railway company to the methods emplo.xed. Mr. Phillips Is still determined that the conciote shall be laid lioni cmb to cutb, thus closing p.u t of the coin panj's Hacks. Geneial Slauagei Silll man Is equiilly delei mined that one tiack shall be left open. He xxill ai lixe today and will consult with Di lector Hoclie on the mutter. Last Week of Schrievei's Fiee Gold Necklace Distribution. Hxeiy patent desiring their child to possess one of those -valuable gold chuln necklaces' being ptesented by Scluiexer to the little ones, should see to it that tlie sitting is made befoie October 20th, when "the dlstiihution closes. Dr. Llndabuiy, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. in.; 7 to 8.30 p. m. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. rcenze SB! Made of good heavy quality mercerized, stylishly made, some tucked and pleated, some ruffled. 'The best Underskirt bar gain in Scranton. An unusual value at $1.39. Tuesday and Wednesday, ie Under 3 ench. E All Cars Transfer to 1 MME BROS. DOCTORS I want to tell you about a rubber article Indispensiblc to you, it's a Rubber Coat That can bs worn over an overcoat to protect it from rain and mud and guar antee waterproof, it does not weigh more than a linen duster and can be carried in the pocket or instrument case, the price is $4,00. Come in and look at it Conrad's, Tcif Dollars for' Guests Who can nnmo the winner In" Tha Tilbuuo'f! Pductillonnl Contest mid tell tho mimbei of points ho or she will hnvo7 First Prize 85.00 in Gold. Next Three $1.00 each. Next Two 50 cents each, Next Four 25 cents each TOTAL Ten Prizes, Ten Dollars. Cut nut thn coupon linlow, fill It In. mid send to "Hernnton Tribune, Scran ton, Pn Oucssltiff Contest." Wednesday, Oct, 13, I think the xxlnnei of Tho Ti to nne's Ptltlcallonnl Contest will ho No, of points Nnmo Addiess Cut out this lower coupon only. The Title Guaranty and Trust Co., Will bo pleased to iccelvo money In any amount and into of Intel est thereon. deposits ot pay llbci.it WI1II0 our I' temporal y at 1!13 n'xe. nio small, xx 0 pntrotmt;a 0.11111 ton Wash. hOUICVXll.lt 1110 ly nblo to dutu 0111 liierenslni GAIMTAL AND SUKPMJS ONE MILLION D0LLAUS Open an account with us. J j. A. WATR10S V. L. PHILLIPS Piesldent Thlul Vice-Piesidcnt and Ticasuror HXRCUTIVD COSLMITTEH. Ala am Neshllt. . Thomas D. Jones. WHIIuin F. TInll3lcad O. S. Joltnson Thomas II, Watklns. L. A. Wntics. ? . Masury's s soosecos Aie the best in the world. In VARNISHES we carry Parrotts, Masury's, Valentines and Lausons Also a full line of Brushes Bittenbender & 126-128 Franklin Ave. SCRANTOiN'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THZSV ENTSHPRISINQ DEALCtS Cfl.V SUPPLY YOUR NEFOS OF CVERY CHARtCTCfl PROMPTLY AND SATIS FACTORILY. FOR SALB nfOniUS nnd WRO-S of all ImlJi aio lluii.ci anil Iliillilliig lot at lurgalm IIOHb! S LLIPI'llI) nnJ (.KOOMl i) Jt M. T. KELLER Lackivvinna Carriage Works SECURITY BUILOINQ SAVINaSUVI3N I Hone Ofllce, COS-MT Jtcirs Duililinp. We m itmln lnir raih month whlci Fhnvr 11 t i;ihi in tin- Investor ot about H cr 11 We In ui inoiiov. W'c also Uu" I'l 1 1 1 Ii soch siaoeo per tlurc, inter est p.1,1. 1 aenil unniully. AMir.lt r n.l.b, Seeretny. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear 011 I ixkaxviiina nvrnue, mannfaclnr-r n' Wire Screens of all kinds, fully prepaid for the sprinc; season. We make all kinds ol porch screens, etc. ft fc 0 ir--. .i Oneril Tcntractor, Ituililer anil Dealer ii ItulldliiR Mone, ( riientins of edlais a i 1 laity Telephone- Ij'U Oiflce, J!7 WaslihiKton axenuc PETER &TIPP, THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK ANOTILeMANUPAGTURINqCOMPANl' Maker of IVxlnj Itrlek, ett Ceneril i-.de? jent. tlllke ave Worksn. N i "s, I'l , I I II Dale !i Wa.liiiijtoii .X. W II n MaMNUHMMMhl 305 Lackawanna Ave,
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