"J. ts?f f " ' ' , R"sm ' JsVtim-n?iifttq0p ififSV- -'"j UM' -f "- ai-.v THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, .1002. nH? 'i r t $$e $crMtfott $v(8utte rubllahed Daily Ewept Burnt ty, by The Trtbun, rubllihlOK Company, nt Fifty Cents a Month. MVVB. 1UCIIA1U) ....... tniTrm. I O. F. BYXBKIJ BtilsM Maximcr. EnUratl At tin Postofllc nt Bcriuitnn, M Hecoml Ulasii Mall Matter. When npnce wjll liermlt, Tlie Trllmiiii It ninny Rlntl to print almrl lcttrra from Its friend bearing oil nirrent tiiilii but Ita rule li tlmt thrie tiitiat lie alcnml, far pub llnntlun. by the mltcr'a renl nnnini ntul the conilltloti lireietleut In nccmitniitio la tlmt nil enntrlbutluna ahnll be subject to eilltorlnl revision. THE Ff.itT ItATK FOIt ADVKKTIHIMI. The following tatilo lmui tlia (irlce per lurliduii Insertion, mtn to tie iiwl ttliln ime ) cr: iiisnrAV " '"" of "'l!!," '"It IIIMI'I.AV ,,- . Oil lMIMnn L l!""'ll" ... feiwlnni ftoliiihei M " 11 " m M) IncliPi .... l 41 . IlK) " . . . "" .11 .W SV) " . ... -'f .-TS .W ;0 "... -'II -- "I tIKK) " . . . HI .!? .! For caril of thank, rciilutliiin of londulnnce, unit similar timlrlhiitlnioi lu 1 1 1 nntiirenf ntUerlMiig, Tho 'Irlliunu tunkei ft inanit- f 5 tenet it Hue. SfltAXTON, OCTOIir.lt K: t!'02. REPUBLICAN TICKET. xStnte. Gin ci nni -S W I'MNN'M' VCKMlt I.liiitciitiut elnvuiiui .M HliCUVN Simian of Inliilul Affulii-lhAAU U imow.v County. Cnngloss- Wit I.IAM t'O.VN'UliL Indite A A VfWIII Itl! ComnilKMoiin-lollN COt'lUIHl Mlllt- IMS iOlIN I'llXM V. Minn Insiioetms I.U'.WIU.VN M. l.- AW PA ll T 'I1.I,IAM& legislative. Semloi-.IOIIN I! JOItOAN Kepio-i ntiillvt rii mi DMiid-HTiNPir oi.ivr.it second nistiiu khin st iimi nit. Jn 'ihii. i iiMiiit i:i)viti) iamt:s I'ointh Dlstilit -1' A I'im.lll.V llloetlun iliv, Nov i To h" 'in.- tin H1 aif ti lists, mill to lip Fine thev tin I ,i In i lenieuts of evil, .mil it will 1 1 1 li i Hinr ,ind i.iii'in! wink to miiect th'in II. is tlip Iti'inililli.m putvi'voi I lilt (I the n itlon In lis limit of need .' The Proposition for Pence. In Tin: i .vi i:m:sT m tin- public welfaie it Is to lu- hoped tli.it spied v. an eptiiueo of the impo sition in' tin- niiiM.itots will lie lnnile In the sulking tiilnc i - The pi imposition i inn nil -i Mh.it I'li'-iiknt Mill hill Ins i nun mini tin, with the hitule I'Ntfiitlmi nl leioKiilliKii til tlie union unit h" Is on in in d with lite iisseitlon Unit limit. il in ofiiiltlon i.m liew.ilvtd li mlii s ol Kiim. lines i, in lie elfiHtul In liK.ins ol .Mltihills oiRiini.itlmi, the in Utei tit tiilinii.it if lORiiillun ni.i will .UMilt tlie nniiso of time. Apatt fimn in tiiistimi ol what ina bo tailed I ilim polltiis In iis uliiliin to pel son il ainliilloii, the piospnt of n thmmiKli inestip,allmi ot tlie antliia i Ito indnsti In a i oinniisslon nl i mii petent epei ts is line ot pi utilise to tlie people of this illei Tliu industn needs inestlB,iiimi li also nnds ie lonstiui tlim Its ni( tlioils i.m iindonlit edl he itnpuneil and .iluiiir with suili InipiineineiiL tlieie would lie it i-oit to hope fin siuh a llftitiR: ul tile Ime of cliaiattei iid lutilliinie .tinonn' the mine wmKns ,is would uinteililU imi tiibute to the ht-ttu nieiu ol mi i,il i un illtlons thioiiKhout tlie i oil lit his Stiih n les-ult would in the lmi tun will ip ia the itisL whlth tlie pi (sent stiiu(. lius inlliitiil I'nltss thiti sh.ill lu suih a lesiilt, the sail llii e will hae been lu ain It has t.ikui a KU.it dull of nluiation in the sLhoul ot ipeilenie to wtist ftotn the men who mntiol the antln t tite lndlistiv tlie concession i nihodli d in their latest piopnsition tor peai . it should, then-fine, not be lleluh le Katiled. Ueietoloie tlie bin den of pub. lit" uitlilsm has; ie,.n upon thun but their oiler is well lakulated to shut It oei upon llieli opponents should the lattei show a. disposition to pioloiiR- the public unlet tiud ituoinenli nie in a "eiuh lor mote adautiiKeotis tuius The man with a lull i out ulhii will ponn uasc to i miislilei hiuisilf a iii.ik nate. The Wage.Earnera' Need. (I'm Tho 'lilbuiie b W'.iltti .1 II ill ml) Tin: rini:r ntv.i of nm w.iKt i ii nets In iiinneiilon witli tlie pi'si'iu lauiinitjii is the i lei tlou ol linpuhlli.iu i mi Siessineu, tot the lollowluir lensous; litiaii-e the iesioti, in uillui. the mutilation, of out nou-iiie t.tiltt mint lie piiintd. That tiuill in.iili' It ios slide for us lu tut n out In tin llsial yi.u just iloseil, in.iiitifiu tilled riioiI1 to tlie attic or mm i than tlilitn u thou sand millions or koIiI dull it Meiausi' the piesetallou of the taint ! n'iess,n to (.iisiue t inplinui' in fin the li.Trn nuil f.utoiy wane-eal in i,- Hi i ause ol the i oinloi t ami h,i plliess wlilili a lull Mum ickuI.u l'llilaj niuht pay-ioll Inliirts to tlie many millions of women and ililldien, who nie inpend. oilt on tlie eainliiKs of the w iKceain- P11S Illoiausc It is iieifssaiy that we lluuUl imitate, not dKie.ise, the Mil inittluiis wliu h wo paj out eail, in puhltt scliool teatlictH fm the beuellt of tljoe ililldien and, lliiiehj, nt oui ii(uiuir. HeiMii-e It N efntiji Ui.it tlie pip. (lutt of one wiiKe-eainer Khali be Mild to tlie otliei waBe-euiner. thus ensiiiliiR coiitlniioiiH uoilc tin eiuli, Instead of Imlnt; our Mility thousand million tlollai home nuilUet Hooded with the nvintifiU'tuits of (hi. ip lalioi iniintiie, tii)d tlio Ainultuu unset in dpi waiKiiitr tlfe stnltts wllinils hiiuH In his pmU. etn, wlijfo his wife and iliilduii aie iryliiK (yi liif.ul, eoutio tegular woiU at lull wages u"u oui wase-taineis iikmiih Hie.id) and piolltalile tinili inr the oudles,s ihain of oif bulilieis, b.iKeis, Kioeein, flothlets, dt) booiIs men hunts, and all lines of trjide, mid einplo)iient foi mtuo t lei Kb and assistants in those Moies lei.uiM; tlieie will he a unitliuiul in. cipane of deposits lu our salnns baiilts aiirt. luilldliiK ami loan nnsoi latlons, b the help of which the piudi-ut w.im'. earner Is able to bii) a home .mil ho as independent us a fifth uemie million nlie. Itecauce tlie full poiUet of ihe wage, rr-rner entibUs him to buy" nioi of the JtnpoiUd luvuilcs, of life, whlili we do not pioduce, mid tliui Incienpc tlie tevenuo of tlie government, (Muitillng It to rIig u ntoto ptiltlle bultdltiKs unit other ptllillt' lliipttneinetitii, theieby en liahi'ltif,' tlie iiliit of tliu wiifro-Fiiineifi' pioueilv lleiiiuse the IiIkIi wanes pievallliiK tllltlnr a piotfcllU' tut Iff elinhles Ihe iiu.e-iiiinri to buy rut ills wlfo hollei tlothes mid bettei fin Dilute, to buy fur tils iliiuithler u piano mid In pay the tciuhei lo liny rot IiIh fiiiim a tnhnlfal in I'Vi'it a i'iille,R' eilm iillon, o Hint lu aftni M'iiis his rhlltlKii inny do lilm iieitlt. and Liitise his name and lite, win It to he Npnheii or as a finguitit unit Kialeful meiuoi) All these things d'peud dlleitlv upon the pti'sei Mitlnil of lltptlblltilli ptosper II N -the (lllld of the piolecthe tailff whli II lite Oeutot nits piopocp In mutl late and to the limit of their nliilltv annul, Tin in cits ni tlie llnhuemniiu houpl tat, untile Known lu tlie local i oluiuus tothn, nppenl to a Kieat poitlon or this (tumnunllN. Au Institution whlili aids the si h and nenh wlllniut liione) and without pi In, dpties the hem ty sup- pmt of those who utn iilloid to Itelp a little In something; whltli toiiihes suf lei int,' hiiinunltv. We til ' not able In one sluiil llle to wotk meat teloiius, to thmiKe llle toil! fe ol the sun and stais, mid not liiliniututlv out pthate ihar Itles me mlxitlieptt'il, but we ean nin tilbute to a well-oiKanled thin liable Institution whose aenues ol lnes Kutloii mi' so well iiisanUnl that tin postines n to limit ult lo elUtt, and wliost. wink s th ' most piaitkal in eveiy llii". Thde shonhl he a Keneioiis li'sponsM 1 1 inn those who leeiimile the Millie sin It mi am nl as the Hahnemann hospital Is to a ill) ol the s, and lie iN oi S( i niitoii. Naval Officers. Al)i:.l!TII of s.iilois for in.in iiiiiK out Hut nilKltt n.ituial ls in 1st- ft oni a .n letv of uiilsis In times of pe.it e S.illoi s at e iiinile ami not hoi u, al IhoiiKli ht'ie, as in all othet piolesslons mid tailings sunn men ate mole adapt ed and InUe Klndliti to a life on the on an wave 111 in othets lint as a mle, Klvtii a tt'itiiu nuuibei ol vuum,' nun ot Inns oi the olllt lal phvskat staliduid Hid In the i oui se of time ami the ieiiil site ilisilplln.il) ti.ilnliiK thev can in a suipilsi shot t tinlnliiK' le ti ins roimetl one ol iitieouth landsmen Into sniitl and ti ilnilt. illv expeiltntetl ea I noil We t annul, hovvevei, in this fashion mould olllt t is Jor oui nivv, upon whose pi.it thai espeilenie and si ientlfii abilltv the le.idintss ot oui n.i v) in an- and its sun ess In war depends It is nol In nnv wav to the 1 1 edit of the lountiv llial run llfel, ln.iKtlin dllf allnwaliie lot the ill iftiliK ol Bi.nltiatt.il i.ulets tmii Annapolis, Is sl hiindinl shoi l nitoidiiiK I" Sene lan -Moodv, ol tlie i ninpleineiit. iniiiit dlntelv deinaiitled fin the ship., lu toni. mission and those about to be launihed nol lo spt iic nf those whli h aie piofcit. ul Tlieie is hue mi iiicsilou abuut nit leasing the n tv v il is one ot sup plv ins ollu. r s in siiiiIiIhiiI iuuiiIkis to loiiimiiid the ships we have ahead) allnit, oi those we shall snn tlv st f In at th e st i v lee It lu not the lauT of the n.iv) dtpait- ineiu tlmt this stand lions state ot at fahs is pcimitled to esl. Oui s stem ot leeiullins ofhees loi the uav) Is not obe( tlonnble itmlei the tistlns s)steni so lai as il minis etllt lenth the pui piw loi width it was lust! Intnl. Hut shite lioinlnatlons by i tinmessmen have piovul inatletiuate to eiseiuies of ihe sit v It e mp.iUi lntitutle ami w Ith It lesponslbllltv niiis-i be pl.iutl In' the nuw depiitinent to obtai'i the inn ease In the uuinbii of olliins whlth will se nile a noimal limit lo the 1 u-ioii of duties. Complaint is made that onlv slv uiin nilsslons nm be tonleiied annually amour? enlisted men, and the t asp ot fittniit t 3loin.ui Is nililiii ul as an In stant e o supt it lllous eilisleliess, .Vim , .Moin'.ut's s a i ase in point .mil the nit i it ot ptiimotliiri- tiillstul nitii lioin the (Ink to tlie nuaitei deck tan be aiKued fiom his dlsappolntul anibl tliin in a piaitkal mid dispassionate wnv, Mm nan was a truiinei. A kuh nei Is uelthii a silloi, not a naviRatoi; he is snip and esi luslvt ly an nitl llut. In his own line he Is iimiuesiion ablv an eMt'llenl man and woithv of the tilnll to whlth he aspiied. Hut while the late Admit al Sampson laid nun than ueu'ss.iiv stiess upon the fact tint an ollleei in the Ameiltau navy should possess the sodui tiuillll tallons found auiout; ulllieis of toieli;u nations, vvo tan well belUve th it he did so in u.it iui sense ol last-, , ship ,n sea, anil espi t iall) a battleship, s a veiy iiiilot i.itlc tiionauh) It Is essen tial thill It should he so. The le.il ill If t ot Sampson's objection to Moikiiu and men oT Ills .stamp was that il Is of the hlKhtsi iiiipoitaute that a naval ollher should lie tialtiul from ho) hood to manhood lot the position width he is to occupy, A b.ittlishlp is it iiiiiipllt.ited ma chine whleh demands In tho men who tommaiiil it a uautli.il, u stleniiilc anil u mllliaiy eduiMllon width taiiuoi he III quit eil In tilt fill elastic m tlie BUIl nei's iiioin, II It Im piactltable to (111 vacant les In the wiiuhooiu by di.ifin In the loieiastle, Amu polls is an e peiishe supeillullv Hut no advocate of piomotlon tioiu the loks'hole guts an far as this To be IokIihI, oi even ut tlonal, the) .should. An hospital ouleil) ma) be n ei) Inlelllcjtmt man In hln line, hut ilm most i.ibld tlemoiiailt pat tlsau would liaully nndeiKo as a niattei of piluilple a siuRiial opeiatlou, In vohlliK' llle r licit li, at his Ii.uuIh Let (oiiKiesslounl nominations both to West Point and Annapolis bo supple meutfil by tompetltlve exainliiatlous witltoui tills loiidltiou, mid the male i lal lot suppl.vltiK tlie navy with all Ihe nllheis It ieiUites Is unlimited. Tlie .New Yoik state platloini of the Uemtitiatle patty In leekliiK with social ihin, tiud the iuet that the leadei.s do not believe it shows that Mieli chase nttci sllvei has not l.uight them pnllli. cat wlstluui. Tlieie aie now intimations abioad that lion, Davitl Hill's statesmanship U tdiupl) u lion's skin tin own, luosel) user a pair of long eats fllforny General Knoij on Trlisfs. pittsbiiiR-, Oft, n. Bttl'Olli: the PlttsbuiR; elininlioi of lotniiieife tonlnht Attoinev lien elal Kno dellleieil an liislitlit IVe speech on "The Connueicp rlutise or the Constitution and the Ttuots," A Her ilellnlltR- "li lists," he said: 'tttrsi' Kit ii t i iinililiiatlonx now number. Inn tliiill'iiiuls nte the llistt tntiPMtiilltles of iiiiuleiii uiuiini li lal activity. Their iniinlier and se alone npintll no heiilthv Atupiltiin, Ui me net nstiimid to liilIU' tittups ami to do I hem In a liiuie wnv We me nir'tistiiiiinl to spink Willi a Ills tillable pi tile of oil l km nt InxlllUtlolis and wlial we have faith aiciiliiillsieil (hitiimh tin in N'n ihtht-tliliiUliiK Uieu dp sites to liupnli the ellleliiiiv of llle Kluit uiipoiilllnliH iih liiHliiitneiitiilltles ol tin Ihilllll iiilllllli'li till tleVi'tiipilli lit lli'tnlisp thev aie Rieiil iiud liiiiJpeiolls It no hiKII tletit iiiisiin fm tin li iiestillillnu If Unit c.iiiitnii's nuil piospi'iltv ate lint the icillt ! the ililliiliui of tlie tliitllinl lll'llts in titiKlnl will of llle peopli, thin' Is no Inst t iitise of uiiuiiliiliit That tin u inc nils n ml alums In llllst plclllllllloiis pill )tlt lllBllllll'll- linn-, mi thnils, liiiimiHi incut ntul elffi ti nolle iilesiiiis eM'epl tlii)e who have pintltetl hv those i Vlls Conspicuous Evils.' The tiinypleiiiiiis noslous I'ntiues of ttllsls elHtint ntul ni)-ll)le nie them Owiinpllnll illoit, link nf pulilltllv nf opeiiitliin. illti llniltiiitliin In ptlu! In tie stun innipi lllliin insiillli lent peisoint Ifsponslbilllv ol ulllieis mill ilhulniH fni tin pillule iniiiiiiiieini lit lentil lit v lo niiitioph anil Ink of nppiei liitlnu In tin li in iiiiiki mi nt ul tlieil I In I lull" to tlie ppnple, im whose In in lit llnv me ptl nilltril to i" M. Oven iipllnlliiliiiii ls the dilef of tin so and the hiiiiii' Hum wlilih tlie nililiii nm Haw. It Is ihe pnssibllltv of ovu eiipltiilliillon Unit liltnNlies the teiiiplil lltnis imd opiiiu timltli s for most of the othels On iLilpltiillriitlou dm s not inenii lairSe i iiplliilli'.itliiii oi eiipltalliitlon nth filiate loi llle Riiattst niiilei lnklltKs It is the liuptisltlon upon an itntlt t tiikitiK of n lliilillltv wltlioul a ciiiiespoiulliii; asset to If pit stut II. 'Illiielnic ovcl t ilplliill itlon Is a fiaiid upon thosp who rinitilliiile the tv il lapllal i Illn I ol In lu ll 1 1 - in In pill this,., and the tllmU to leillp tllviili nils tin i eon liniii nptiatlons is n ft unliili nl iiiiniisltlim ol a bunion upon the publli When a piopeitv woith a inlllliiii doll. us upon all the sobi I losm of value is i iipltiiheil at live millions' ami snlil to the public It is t.itlonil to as sume Hint Its pint liasi is will i ei I eveiv t Ifui I lo Krtp Its cniiiliiKs up to the lusls oi Hull iiipltalliillo I Win li tlie inevitable dt inrs-lun tonus wiikos must In lttluiiil. pilus ctihiliiul. nl dlviileiuls ftiiiKone As pilus ale naluialh not hi nt isrtl but low (I id in dull peilmls. It ihii nlv iisnins liseit Into a oni stloii of w mi in illv lilt ads While this uinililioii in i tlst llltdei inn ilu iiiiistiu.i i s It Is ox igfiateil bv ovtii aoiliillatliin In the llluslintiiiK tiisp live In out The ovi ic.ipll.illt il hiiiiI Ilts nut i lulu l lie Rt hoi il budget of the toimtiv, aie ImmUii and sulil, lise anil Iall, inn tluv lluctu lie btlween wltlti i Hints, mid ait nioit siiisiie u pmpoi tiuu as tlip an luiiliet iiinoveil fiom Intilnsk valilt-. anil In slum an- liable lo he siiiim untPis ot llnancl it illstiub miies ol Im -ie.it hlliK const rpience Thev also In the same piopm lltm lui lease tin leinptatinii to niisiiiim ifjeiiit nl mill mil ii Ijiii 1 1 1 i.m b ni put .u atlinlnlstt i- tOIS I'll! pilllllllllls mil ir sloclt 111 Otlll't iissnt I ttli.iis, ilepeiiilliifr upon nm st.itu toiv lnv loi tluii esNteuie or piivil e.ts tl idlnir bevonil thcll own slcitis, 'lioulil be li oulirtl to ilo bushuss ill t vol v talt ntul lo. Ultv upon piulselv the ' inii' In ins and conditions 'ihuo - liotilil be no illsiiluiiuiitiiiii lu pikes no pufei enies In si i t e Silt li t orpoi iliotiH m'IV iiik the .iiil'lli us i iiiius and in slnill.u tapiicltli s sboulil bi tmiipellul to kci p the nvenics oi coniniiice fin ami nprn to all upon the s line li i ins and to ob snve the In us to its IniniHtloiis affiiinst sUllln: ioliliielllli.il "Mornovit toipoia lloiis upon width the pi oplr ikpenil foi till in (i s iks of llle shoulil be ltipiliril to ton lu then Inis-hius Mj ,is ieniiliulv mil u isii'ialil lo supph tin public ileitis 'ihe should lie siibjttt to s. t oi i 1 1 siii i vision anil full mil iiiuu .tti t ul oi illation as lo tin li opeiatlnns shoulil lie tu nie iij.uliulv at it ishiiuIiIp Intel v. lis NiliVv In the contlm I mill li -lilts m opiintlon s unliili lo the utiii inai.aii!" "tot kholili is, nuil shoulil, as will loi lensous ol statt, be piohlblti il bv 1 iw II tilt -e scilons evils weie u iilk'utul ami a IiIk-Iipi iiiciisuk ol adnilntsu.ith t li spmisllillllv i.tpilittl In toi put nc otll C(s, i ou -lip would In taken low. ml alliviiiL, (ho iiMsonablt appit lien-ion that Ihe untlitckoil innit'sslon of the liitsts will it suit lu pi.it tli.il liiontipolv of the inipiit tiint business oi tht touniiv. The Question of Remedy. Less tinili ultv It (iiiniuiKitil In ili'seilli Iiik the ndsi hit I ol tiit-is ilmu In snM. (,eslii ii latlmiil and pinukal uuiulv The ('oiistltiitli)ii piovldis (sit s mi ,). 'Ilu toiMirss shun hue powti "lo icku lute (iitiuiii li i' with liiirinii iiiitlmis anil aniline: the sevei il slatis nnd with the Indian tilbcs " Coiinits. (,luh .'. P'iiiI eiiiieled tliat cvci) Conliait ( mntiliiiitlou In the foi in or a tiust in otheiwisi, oi conspliiit.v In testialut ol Undo m ciiiiiineue itmmiir the sevpl.il stati s, li IIIokiiI, piiivlttlns puii Isliuients ami coiil't i rliiK iiuisilli tlou upon I'tilual tiiiull t tun Is to puvtiit and itsiiiiiu violiitloUM of the int. It was i iiiiiinonlv Hiippostii nt Ihe time of the passage uf this ml that Its piovls. Inns tmliiilo the el-tt in e nt It lists that Wtte (UnllnCd 111 IlllllllllllllC, the pin- duelloii tll'oiinhiitlt the toiiiitl) of vai IniiH null les of eueial i onsiunptlon nuil ihe unit iiuiifiii shun tl In this Mew Ac lion was hi mm In the Pulled Slates iinidust what wis kno.Mi as the Sill-Mr tlinU. Tlllf was a t ul pin. illiin of Ihe slate ol New .leisev width had liupthul the stock ot a iiiimliei of MiKai-U'diiius t til i(ii nt bills In iiuotlii'i stale b) an in i haiico of its own slums for the slimes of the v endinc, slockholdt is of those com ptnlcs, It was fmnieil us Its tliiiur Muted, lor the piupose of "bit) Inn, iiiiiuulat tinliiB t ('lining- and sellhm siiaiu In illlleient puilK of Mm couiill) " 'Ihe novt iiiinent h tmitcutloii win that the pin pos. of the piiuliuso was to ac iplhe a stibslnutliil iiioliopolv of suni itllnliiR, anil as the piodiut was for sale and distill utlon iiiunim- mo Mates and lo foieliiu loiiuliles Unit Urn in i aiiKenii nt was a violation of the law cited. 'Ilm ttinttact t hnlleiincd was one ichIIiik In the llttst the lat of tliu Indt pendeiit n lllittles but nm in the I'ltited States, tlieubv nlvluK It the almost touiplrte IllOlllipOlV of il Ill'U SMI u of IlK. lis inntiol was 'is pt i it at ot the wholi, The Siipieine unlit iltclded that as the luiiiiopolv was lu the pmcf notion or iiiiiiiu fatliile of siinill and Itx sale or dlstillm. tlou miiinin' tin statis and lo 1'oielnu tiiuiilikM vmih but Itiiideutal thucto. It vvtit not within the piolilhlilon of the law si) hin' that miinuliK liiilny, nl IIiiiiikIi it plenties lonmieiie, Is pot a pun of l and that the at t mil) applied In lestialalK ol uipiiueicc This iIIMIikIioii Is uislly uiiileihlooil Whin It In lecollet led that iDiniueice lllt.ilis Intt'icoiuse, tlaiininlsslou, com. luiuilialluu. liaiispiutaliou. ami min im lie anions the stabs, Hit itnliliou of which icsls lu the I'rdeial povvei, means as the It i ni Implies that this In. leuotirsc shall be In twee u or miuini, the slates Miiniifut tiiilny, on the other hand, does not hnpl) ol necesMtute luleuouise aiuiiiiK lht Htatcs but implies u situs ur place lot Its opuutltius lu a sub.seipKiit cusn, tho govt lnnient dnsiiuved u coniblii.itlini known as the Vtld) slnn pipe uimbliutlon. but upon tho einuiid Hut I; was a lonspliucy uiiioiiK liitltpenileut in odueoit nf pipe to lestiuln lis sulo and ilhtrlbullon ainom; the states The c oniblnutlon In this i.iso opnaltil dlicctlj iiiui Inteistnte loin nit. ice. TIippp capes seem In ilelhie the scope of the mitl'tniM luvv ntul nhovv how little tlieie Is now teti for Ihe stutliln to upd ate Upon. II U not euiniHlt, It seems, that a tint oicoipoiittlon owiiIiib toipiua llotts exist", in that It Is ptiffiigetl In In tel slate in foti'lnh tottllncice, lor Its nine eiiRimhu,' In coiiiuicn e Is not pio lilblted, oi Unit It liuiniipolies piotluc. lion tliioiifthnitt lite totuitiv, or Unit II Is fm imd lu itstiniu m ttiminptillp bust liens vvltltln siate, or tlmt bv nnv of the'" titbit, II Indliocllv nlTiits Intel lule t oiiitiieicc with h piactlciil icstialut m liiontipolv, lo lithiK the t iiipnriitliili or Its pn titular tiatisiietitiu within the un phatle tlnitses m iniiler the iliastle pPlltillles or the iihll-tllist lnvv. Wlial seems to l)o tiocessiii v Is lo cHtnlillxh In local pioor la i unit a combination for the illicit muiiopolllinr or lostinluliiK of whiit Is strlcllv litteiHtate t olninorce, iiud lo pi me tlil amilnst ciinibluatloiis whoso nllalrs ate conducted upnu Utn lust IoriiI nilvlce us In what Is mid what Is nut obnoxious to the law, In mollioil riiet or ItiL'ealotislv I'oalilvcd to avoid llle b Iti't of the law I want to tall vour nllontlon to this law, not lu a splilt of ultltlsui, but to show )uii ildiilv how fur It went and whole II stoppi d II mull t took to Invalidate alt attempts' to iiioiiopolle lull I state (ottmitlte, whleh Im hides nmoiii,' olliot Ihltm im iilloned, tiiiuspnl liitlon, bill II did not Invalidate iiiouupiillis of pKiilitetlon oi iinlllate uiiunietto In such a wnv iih to floe It fiom the itslialulw such monopo lies iiiitlu i tlv Impose. The emu I did nut sii t liu t Muse Intllioct elTetls upon Intel -stale lomiiicice uitild not be pieventitl bv t onirii'sq, t Is eiiiiipsllv uintPiitteil bv iiihiiv llial at It stiilids tills law e pi esses the limit or I'ulenl power In that tllioctlou Itllt bus mil coliKiess the power bv Its tpfrilllltloil to piotocl t oin- nu.ii.n I. . il .. ..... 11... ul.ilf.tt ft .mi lii.lllir in. stiiiliud bv stati. imputations and toni blnatloiis tunmul In inteistute tiade, vvheii tluli pin pose or effect Is to ill sliov tin' ftipilom of such luteistatc tinile, ami when llieli opeiiitlons mo be sides Itiliit Ions to tho ri in l nl public,' lliiiiilalloii uudei such u powei would not luleilue wltlt mere pimliit lion, oi Hie powti of Hie state ovu piniliu tlou It would onlv uiiict them tunottlv nuil In olduitallv, lust as a nionopolv thai pio diic't' all tu most of n it i tain line or ntioils alfrtls tonuiiiiie Inilliettlv, A Remedy Pioposed. It' It lit tine thai a state tan alithotle nt penult a nioiitipol) or pioduelion within Its buitli'is In cause II has the povvi i ovcl piotlucllon as sin h. iiHIioukIi It latllier tlv artects Intoisiate coniniiice. iiiiiv nol the Pultetl Stales usiiliile lutei sluto toinnioite ovu vvhlci II lias extlu "Ive uiiltlul even UioiibIi it liulheitlv ifTtels pioilut tloii, ovei whlili, is such, It li is no conliol ' If umsipss, inilei Its povvei lo reR'tl late Inteistiite coiiiiiiuu in iv llltcilv ilestim- a tombln itiou and Inilelt Its piopeitv lu Inteistiite li insii, as the Sheiinnu ,ut piovlde, liitiiuse il le stialns stub lonimeiee, It sums unsell able to s u that II tan hi the outse nlv tin s ime povvri dciif to a itiiubinii t loi whilst llle it can nut tiaih the inlvllcRp of i iiKiinliiR" In hitusiate tom liit ire t t ept upon suih letnis is uin KHss max pitsulbe to pioleet th it com nii in 1 1 oni ii'stiaiut Suih a UKiilntliin would opeiate iluectlv upon uimiueice, and onlv Intliiutlv upnu tin- In 1 1 unit n t.ilitlt s and opeiatlous ol pioilut tlou If the She! mini ait exhausts the power ot concuss ovei monopolies the Ainul e.ni pi ople llntl Micnisplvos hoptlissK m polent, r icIiik a situation liaushl with Ihe most il.nmlni; pnssibllltli s with which neithei Hip leileial nm 'Iilo ov ci nine nts can deal 1 do not believe that we lind oui-elvts so helpless Win n tlie uiuonts of nionopolv evil obvlouslv Mow out ovei st ito linos ami tovei tho tountiv, not onlv ontoiiiin- but I.umIv lllltiin' the ihanuils oi inleistite an" rmeUn tiatle It will not ilo to si that the evil Is In oiid Ihe liitlonal null, .mil tint be talse the 111 si -up whlth lil.ii lead to the evil is pioilut t ion. width nuts! hive a llxnl situs within a .tuti th" spins alone in i deal w 1th It foiii i diiin' tint Hit' pio-ent law Is no! irtiftive tbioiihliouL the situation, wo t tune to Hit llii.il altcr-iativp Mav not uinmcss iniili i ihe existing coiistitu tiuii.il nianls aim ml and extend the law and thus iiinedv lis delicts ami so i f loilivelv leKiilitp nillonil and fmelhn lomnitice as lo pi event the stlflliiK' of t oiiipelldon. tlie tOntilallni; of output ami pi In. anil the lestialnliin' of national and iiileiii.iHiin.il tiatle.' If the unswei lo this (pii-tliin shoulil be In the afllimn llve a sitontl iiuostlon lollovvs How lulKbl uiiiniess iiuitntl Hie pipspiit law .' 1 do not sciuple to suv Unit in niv iiiilniiirnt the iikjii a tliounhtfnl mind Kiln Is on the III st question, the mole unhcsltatliinlv will an afflimillu an svvei lie ictiiuiril. 'I hat icfriil illmi bv ctniRiess in Ibis wnv would tiulliuUv oi leuiolilv allrct pioiliicllon would be no bit 'I lie vu pOillt Ol till' Slln.il llllst ( I'O was Unit a cousiillikitt tl sthiine ol piotliictlnu nilnlit bad lo cotuiiieiu. tu mlRht inillicitlv m itniiilelv mini coimni ice, but tliil nut lot Unit leasou Invoke the rulcial powti ovei tommeiu, and the lllusltatlnn fiom Hie um'voise of Ihe siliiiitlon is s,;M taut mi tin point hisi stated, Coiikioss limit i this povvei pipveuls Ihe iiiipmtatinii oi tiiinspni tatlon ol milt les doomed Inluilniis lo the sentinl wel (.iio. Thus the law subjicls the move, mint ol explosives to sifoniiauls ami billilens absolutely excludes Impilio III iiiiluie and tlist.isnl cattle umviils and contiait lalioi, ami sciiiiluli't s ami mo vents in i hoiks main fun Inn and Intel -slate mini UK ills, thioilnhuilt the eutlio Held ot Int. 'in, itlon. il .nut national iutei uiuisp In the Inuiesl ot all the people, mi nioiimt- til uiiumoiiliil, liVnlenlt. m othli il polkv Who shall stt limlls now, In .nivalin' of a cimlullv named mid hi dleiallv lestnl law, to the cninpt tenet or totiKiess to i I'crul.ili' tommuce in ihe wav silKnisled III the exoiclse of the It Kislutlwt vvlsdoui and In tlie wide ills, iiciloii uiallihil to If Who shall say llial the powti of coiikipss tines not ex tend so lai ' I think it doc-. I am unite sine no one tan now s iv that It dues not, i:e.v ((institutional iiuestlou Is an open one until il Is iiuthoiltutlvt Iv t Instil hv a declstou of the hlipiune tout I The lueslilt'lll said 111 Ills Hint I-iossui he did not think the aillhmilv m toumess to piolift the ptople iiK.lllist the evils ot Ilin tl lists had been exballsliil The vlovvs 1 havo ixpiessui mo but an inn plllliiitloii ol Ids Public si'iitliiieui Is sllllitlelltlv aioilsul alul the situation is siitllcleullv Kiavt lo call rot the effoit the piesliknt l niakliiK' to suuu' an an thotitatlvr exposition ol exlsllni; laws and siinKi'iUiii; additional ones, lo the rud that the public niliid shall lie set ut lest and these economic tpiosiloiis taken fi am the domain of uiniiovus) and nil lertaliil) Mr. Knox icvleweil In detail the at MoiiB alieady taken by the Pnlted States depaitment of Justice to eiitmce tlie Sheinian aiitl-tiiist law. This pint of Ills speech, owlus; to limited ppaie, must be ieneivetl lot sul)setut nt publitailon In toiitliisioii im said: Not Hopelessly Helpless. Jl) whole pm post) in what I have said s to thalleiiKe ihe pioposltloii that wo aie Impetus)) helpless uniiil ntll njsleni nt nuveiiuneut to thai with fceilous piob. IcniH whlth toitfioiil us in itspoct In out Ric.tlesi, inteiests hlnrr tliu i.nlluil iiicstloiis ot human ilhliis and liunmii i40V( llinniiis have .born setlleil. the pin iliictinii, preseivalloti and ilistiiluitlou of wealth leielve the chit f atieulliin ol tlvllletl peophs Tin extent to whlili buiihitive inntiol ovti ioiiiiiiciil.il aillvl Iks should be exeulsed Is, of cuiiise, a ipiistlou loi legist ttlve wisdom Wo have tho expi'iiincu of the olhei imtloiiH to nilitlu us In ileleuillnllKj how Im Hit) ilelliale and ni)steiloiiH odes of Uutlo tan bo lutei it red with bv positive slat, utes without liijui) That cxpeileneti teaclies us Unit tho le.ut Inleifeieuie lonslsient vvlth the presei vatlon of es seiitlal lights should exist Albltiary icmilattons that icstiuln fiec liuer toiiisc are usnall) I on ml to bo unwise Piiliuililv It s foi the'ioiisicss to de ct'ie whether II luu the povvei, and Bright's Disease nuil Kidney Trouble Of Long Standing Cured by Warner's Safe Cure Many Cases Investi gated by the Editor and Pound to Be Completely Cured. A TIMAI. lllVITIilJ OP W'AltN'Mlt'S hapij it im. Tiir: ()hi:ati:bt KM)- N11Y MMIJIl'lNI! KNOWN' TO St'l liXOi:. W'ltm 1112 SUNT AIIS01.I Tlil.V PHMP. POSI'I'AII), TO AXV HIIADMH OP THIS PAl'H An luvestlKiitlon bv the Pilllor ol this pupei ot the luiiliv liiliaculoiii in ion ntiiite b) W'ainoi s rfife Pine has so liupitssott us Willi the dilative pout is of this ki out Hit illi hie Unit we publish two of Muse let ters for the liottelll of tun leudeis Sli ,1 Wlllliinis, of "S Potiimlilii St, Itettolt, Mlclilftau. Px-IIiIk-Moii Otilu Sons or SI Uoniite, sivs. "Pol Veins I illlireieil limn kltluev and blaildti timiblts and tiled main ilrctois hut noli" ol thim soeinod lo help i'liiillv mv dot toi had ino li v Win no i'm Sure Cme, which helped lue fiom the lltsl dose, and mitt I hud taken Ihtee boll les I was toinplelilv iiiuil Mv Kt noiii I In it 1 1 It Is 'loltoi ntul I have not bad the sIlKhttst atlack ol kltl liov in hlatlilol Uoitbli shite II mij oui has weak m imhiutlhv klduevs I heailll) leinmmeiul Would s Safe Cute' Mils I.utv llixtot of Now pmt Ntvvs, Va , who Is i.J vi ais old, savs " bmit iwentv vims ,ihti I was kIviii up bv tloc tois, who said I was so Im amu with llilnht's Disease Unit I touhl not ictovtl. Uiopsv was well develop! il l)i. Maitln, ol Hv l nt use, X V, pustilbnl Win noi .1 Sufe t'llte ill tounoi lion wllli Sale Pills .Mb I tnkliin tlliee bottles I wns iiblc lo u siiine vvoik, itml In tlijrues tinul 1 h iv e to til ink Win ni i's S Ho i 'nie fin bc iMX alive loil iv IT J mi hiive pains hi voiii Im c Iv m side, P ill) while pissing mine, tllflltuUv in p issIiik It, illzlness, uaiisi.i, loipltl llvel, Venn klduevs an illseasnl MAKi: THIS THhl' AND I'IN'IJ Ol T I'ut soiue mine III a kIiiss oi bottle. Altci It Ins stood Jl boms If It Is a ledtllsh in blown eoloi, If ihii lb lis tin 1 1 about hi 11, ot li II is cloiulv, von till list IISSIIUl) ) mil khlnevs ale illse ised unit tumble lo do llieli wotk, and 11 nut utleiiiloit to Im inulliilclv llilnht s illsi ase illnln les, lht'll uiallsm, Kiiut, nib' mid hillainiuutlon ot the blaililei nullsiones in uilnaiv linublis .will develop and piove lutiil In n shmt time W. ii hum Sure I'me Is (he onlv ohso lute ime loi all these loims ot kltluev, llvei ami hi uldei lioiiblts It his btutiRhl the lilisslni; ot hinlth to thousantls upnu thousands ol suiriiliif; men mil women W.unei s Sile fine Is piuelv viotilble; lice 1 1 mil uutntlts anil otht i htiiiiltit ill iiss foimtl In m.iiiv so-called klthiiv linos It Is pkas-int lei lake mil lue fiom sediment t lit win o oi so-called kld nev lemedliM whlili aie full or sediment and or bail t olm : tltov aie haimtiil) It tines not constitute AVainei s Site (.'me tan be pinch isul at miv iIiiik stoic oi ill utt ill two sy. s "tie anil 1 ) a bottle He sine vou Ret "Win an s" NVAKNHR'S SAI-T. PIM.S move tho bowels Kiutlv ami alii a speedv due Refuse Substitutes; thev an ilau Briniis AsU lui Win in is, u win nut. von Il lilt i o aie svinploms In vmii imi ou do nut imileistand, send i simple ul mine to the medical dt pu tinent and the line tois will aiulvc II ami si ml vou tepott ami atlvico lice TRIAL BOTTLE FREE 'III t UI1V llltt (VP1V Sllffoill fltllll S( ISIS of the khlnevs Mm bl.ultli i and blood thai Win nets Silc Piiie will ime them, i 1 1 in 1 bottle will be sent absolute!) lue, postpild Also a uiliiuble nicdleal book lit vvblt h tells ill about the diseases ol the klduevs, J i x t-1 mil hlulilu, with i pit iiilptinn loi euh tllst ist, ami m.inv thousantls or testiiiiouials uciivod dallv Horn sialeful pillents who have been until bv Wainu s Sale run All vou li iv e to do is to Willi W nut i s S Ho fine Cninpinv. Hnchtstii, X y. mid mention hands- mid this llbei.il oriel in tills p i pei 'I he c,i niilm nt ss ol this oht 1 Is milv niiaianteitl bv the publlshei nhotliei anil to what exluit II will oxe tuto it what chaiaclor of usti.ilnts whcMiu nil or those onlv whlili .tie lime isonable ami Inluilous shall I ill un tie! the bin wilt tliu iPKlslillon hi the lis iusl.inio shoulil i nIiiiiI to ill Ullll iniue in onlv lo imimieiti hi aitloks of Vital Impoiliiliie to the ptople 'I lie time lie vu was when He f:iiKllsi-sp,KtiK ptople piuiiltted the aillihs liutssnc Im Midi txlstuito to In iiionopiilieil oi uiiitiolkil, ami all deviees to th, t ml found ( ouili miiatioii hi ihe bodv or Huh laws -ilu j-ioat Piulish Judi s pm iiounced that stub niaiilii si uloiis ol ho man nvaike loepiiitil no st.uute to dt -cine tlieh Ulll.lWlUllli ss tint thev weie eiiiius .ly.ihisi loniinou livv-th.it Is, lUalnsl i oiiinion i Isbt Il Is llilllcillt 1(1 lllipiOVl lipoll tlll'n'K it unvvilUeii uiilo known as the common liw. Piiiln Its salutaiv Kiiiiianltis and i -1 1 1 1 1 n t it the Ihinlish-speiikliin' piiiplii hive alt. lined tlieh vvc ilth and povvei It imiilcmiis mmiopolv, and (oiitiints In iisttalut ot tiade as well The tlistlni don, liiiwovoi brtvvten lesimiuts Hut a if leasou ilile lu vltw ol nil the tilt urn slant ts, and those width aie iinieason al)l(, is iceOniuoil imd Ins bun lolloweil In this uiuutiv liv the tonus Tills dis tinction niiKi- a i ulo Unit mav lie pi .ii -tu. illv applltil, iiud pitsuvts the ui tlon il mean between mill sti.ihii tl com. inene ami Uu absolute riuibuu or con li. nt. A law iiKidalhin' lutt tstiile cnmmeiee Im Us pioiictloii ac,altist itsttalnt s, bio id as to iot i all ptisoiis whoso busi ness s loiiiluiled mull i ikiii meiils whli h aie In anv wav or lo aliv exluit hi li -11111111 or tiade, llilnht rxilllde ihiui nnds ot small mm tins uiiiiliutliin In ilusnles In one slutc iiom uuiikitbiK tholi pioilucts In otheis but u law which onlv uiviis uuiiiai is anil t iim lilnalioiis In uslialnt ol n nh us ibilmd In Hin uiiuniiiu law would oxi link ill ll It 1 1 1 111 lOiuhlliiiUiilis lllld itilispbacies t'oiinltss t mi. II it -its Hi, adopt Hie si'hcnu ot that luvv lu tlie unmet mint ol sin h law i in h i ise ns It mose wonM be cousiilin 1 tliou Its own tails, and tilt lull ol nllltlaine would In as laid down In Ihe Siipirnu' toiul ol' tlie I'lillnl Slain, that is "public willuie Is Hist tmisliluul, and if it be not Involved ami the ii -tl Hint upon one paitv Is not nitalt i than piolu tlou lo the utlit'i p ntv leeilllles the toiltliicl mav lie, susliillied The ipn stlmi Is whilhei lmdi I Ihe p.u tlculai t iiuiiiistiiiii is ul the t use and Hie niituie ot the p.mli iilm ionium Involved la II. the tmill.ut Is tu Is not lenson able ' The ipientlon ol lonsomblctiess is thus ono loi tlie mints to dtteinduo, and It U inanlfesl Unit lids doctilue hlvis pluv to Just iiilislileliillons lit the lU'celotii and liivlolablllt) of uiiitiaelH vvithino)u latlltliil safCniiaids iin'alust uinoiisclon. able iiiialisenieiits lUlitl) .Mild as t ini tial) In public polk), A VALUABLE PROPERTY. f'.vius TiiwiisuiiI iliatlv. wlio Intends to male bis inline home lu HinuKlMi, lolls oi a .Miihudlst tiiiull piuitlici vvlioai he im I In tbu wist ami who be muse of Uu vusi slietcb of luiltoiv tovilul li) him i able In ase Ihe snliu suiiimi niiiiiv limes ovu Aflu luvin pieathoil Mils dlsiuiuso on one paillnilin ouaslou he was biulonlirilul as ho bit the hit) t It b) mi old toloitil pusou who said. 'Mils a lnkbty lino senium oh )ohs Ah lll.ts II bettei tbeiv lime Ah lniii it Stems we class tilth otlltis liaik putt) ol p. sab. lo Itula) makes do sen viltli blis't tliati Ahse hem )o puaih it Ah'iu bit iiv a pieatbtr in).i I sub uu All wants tei su) Mat. when o' lilts fni will tint hoi moil All's lead) lei bu) It, sab Oimlit tcr lasl a Ioiik tlmii it, sub, it uin suih Rood stuff. 'IKul. sail, Ahse vvlllla' ler plli n" lo' bits now, Ins' to bin' tli' balife'l'n, sub," Uiookl)ii llufjle. The Crane Store Opportunities pie sented for a peep at what Mistress Fashion Has consented to approve for Early Pall. Take Elevator at 324 Lackawanna Ave. Oo You Know The best plnce In town to buy 13 nt 412 Spiuce Stieet. 300 Lnckawanna Avenue. We have a complete nssoitment of the 50c kind, the $1.00 kind nnd all stnndtud makes, in all gindes. Agency foi Dr. Jaegei's. ? . , v. K . u V. v, vi t t a tr, v, f Bast The Celebrated Always reliable. Dickson SI! & Grain Co Scianton nnd Olyphant. VI "A 'A "A "A A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A 'A 'A 'A "A 'I' ! ! ! & 'I' C i Men in M i Of anything in the lino of j, optical goods we can supply it. .j. Soectacles !and Eye Glasses Piopeily fitted by an expoit .t. optician, From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of piesciip- tipn woik and lepalilng. ' t Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. t SUMMER REf?RTSJ Atlantic City. The temperature at the AtiMsW, Uu the llt-.n-li, in C1i:Iscj, Atlintic Cits, Vloiulii) WIIH t3u. Uvei) appoliilmeiit of a iiiodoin Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND, Kentucky Annuo. I at Hold lioiu llojih, At Untie Lit), J.. tJi) Ocuii vinv loomj, ta. paclt) 100, wine lor epuUl laus. J 11 Jcnl.. uu, I'rop ' PCNNSYLVANIA. BEAUTirUL LAKE WESAUKING On a tpur ot Hie Alliiiluti) )luiinuin, I dii'li jllo) uihcijil, tu ur Inuainlj llalliini,-, !liiii', iiioiIj, lit Kvellmt Ublc II j-.jnalilc hum, LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL p. 0. Aliei !'. Ss-nl fr bouldet ' C K UMIItlS EDUCATIONAL. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, N. Y, OITMItS li bit Ui Urtiilai I tillem Cciuisiiri Miibauic.il MlnHlc. it ami I'ivil MiiKlucnluK. An hint tun Music Palatini. Law .Mnllilne Soclolos) nnd PctliiKOKv OVMll I'OllTV of tho Uncling uiilvu sltlts ol this eouutiv ami Ihuopo mo icpusi iilitl mi the lauiltv ol the l.lb Cllil 1 ts I'ollee 'lllllluli espensos aie so iiuiileialu that thev aie less I hail Ilu lies In smno inheres vvluu flic tullloil is liivcu Send for Catalogue, Men's Uin c How Help Yoting Men and Women Secure Educations r 44 YOUNG MEN and 7 YOUNG WOMEN nie eiulenvoilnir to senile educations ihioiiKh Tin: Tnini'N'irs mdijca- TIONAr. CONTMST. In which .'.1 .. r. ...I. ...... ...I,...t il mm D! UCIIirt nni I I I . Ml. ut-'" . " ' V'.s. $1)11, ino oireicd. The scholill ships III U 1 2 Syineuse Univeislty. 1 Bucknell TJnlvoislty. 1 Univeislty of Rochester. 1 Washington School for Boys. 1 Willinmspoit Dickinson Semin' ftry. 1 Dickinson Colleglato Prepariv toiy School. 1 Newton Colleginto Institute. 1 Keystone Academy. 1 Blown Collego Preptiiatory-, School. 1 School of the Lackawanna. 1 Wilkes-Bniio Institute. 1 Cotuit Cottnges. 4 Scinnton Conseivatoiy of Musicr: 4 Hmdenbeigh School of Music' nnd Ait. 3 Scinnton Business College. 5 Intel national Coircspondcnce Schools. 2 Lackawanna Business College. 2 Alfied Wooler's Vocal Studio. Sevei il'of those scholai ships Include not onlv tuition, but also lio.utl mom, beat lislit and luimiliv Toi peiiods ot two In loin vonis Amonp; these lltt) one vouiiR people tlieie .ue thlity Mnee wlio ,ue leallv stilvliiK to securo uliit itlons. ami tlieit names appeal on anothei pme of The 'illume cvciy illuming, in tlie table showing tho ' St indiiiK or Contestants " They slmultl bo em oui aged In their com mciiiliible entieavoi HOW YOU CAN HELP lr vou me not ahead) a siibscilber to llle 'I illume, send ii noto to sonio one or tlie contestants, ictiuestlnu a cull Oi, bettei still, send xoui subscilp Hon to The Ti ibiuic, together with thoi monov to p.i mi s unc. tleslgnatlng' some contestant which nn wish to le celvt Hie citdlt Contestants aie ci edited with one point fm evciv month -vou p iv In ad- Minte The pi Ice of The Tilbimc 111 advance is roints Ono month $ "1 1 'I luce mouths 1 -'"i Six months 2 r0 f! One e il ii 00 12 I'Ili:sji:Nr St'BSCIJlUliRS can aid eoiitestiiiils iniitoii illv In tuinlshlnc them with - list of fi lends -who might lie indue eel to t ike The Tl Ibime Oi, Ultv can peisonally leepiest theso 11 loads to siiiisuitio Oi. ihov ean sonil The Tilbmie to tin ii ti lends, piving tlio monov them selves Slum- .no iloliig this and tne i on test mis aie ei) guitetul for this whole-he n tod alii on'i.v ni:w sunsenroens Ann COL'NTlJD TO CONTESTANTS Honiembei : The Tilbuno's T;duca tlon.il Contest closes Octobci '.j, nt S p m No points not in The Tiibuno ollleo bv tlie fhst stuike or S as toltl bv the Couil House i look, will bo counted i'fl'l'l Those ice civ eel b) mall and postmatketl at oi bcloic S p in SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE FOR OCTOBER TIVE DOLLARS" IN GOLD to the contestant bihiging' in tho laigost numbei of points during the week ending Satuidny, Octo ber 18. B IIMIIIiniBI "M1 J EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Net i khort course, nor an easy course, nor a cheap course, but tho best education to be hud. .No other education is worth spending lime and money on. K you do, tv rite (or a catalogue ot Lafayette Easton, Pa. which efters thorough prep-intlon In th l.nslneciln and Llcnilial Prulclou al well n tlio regular College counei. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL EAST SrilOUDSBURG, PA. lttgulm rilute Nuimil Comscs and Spicial Depailllieiils ot Mlislt Mlnctl. lion Ml Di.iwIiik Hti'iiugiiipliy and T)pewilUng, slioitg Collifo 1'iep.iia. loi) Uipailiuuit TREE TUTI0N. liiiiidlm, expuises U'n pet week Pupils iiiliulitid at nnv time Winter Tei in opuis Uu -Uh Wiito fm i ilu llM"1 E. L. KEMP, A. M 1'lllHlpul SCRANTOM CORRESPONDENCE SOHODu CAM01 PA. 1 J, I'oiter, rrcslduat. r liner II. Lawill, luu. B. J. Koiter, Stanley 1 Allen, Vice rrcsldent. Secretary. Lawyers Tlie Tiibuno will rjuaiantee to print )om paper book tultkor than any oth cr printius huuso in 'ic city. College I,
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