v ,V '"" v W THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1002. &3 "n Wfl ix oooooooooooooo 'They Draw Well." Morris' Magnet Cigars Th bonk -nluo for S cent-. Try ono nnd you will smoke no oilier. i All tho hi1Iiir hrnmln of fie. clpurn nt U per, liox, or r. for Ke. 'J'ho Inrgcst vntloty of, Pipes and Tobneeos In town. E. C. MORRIS, The 01 gar Man 320 Washington Avenue. ooooooooooooooooo In and About The City MMM City Pay Eoll. Tho city hull employes received their July wnges yesterday uftcinoon. Excursion to Iake Lodorc. Tho Hint minimi excursion of tho M. T. Jones Household of Ruth, No. DJ1, O. V. O. of O. P., will bo run to Lako Lodoro next Tuesday. Caught n Big Bass. John Morris, of Ponn nvenuc, caught a five-pound bass nt Lalto Poyntelle, ycstciday, A number of good sled cols wcio also caught thcio yesterday. Managers' Meeting. There will be a regular meeting of tho manngcra of tho Homo for the Friendless this morning nt 9.30. It Is very lmportunt that there shall be a largo attendance. Cadet Examination. The United States civil service commis sion announces that on Aug. L'5, j, 7, "ISO.', an cxnmlnatlon will bo hold for tho position of cadet In tho revenue-cutter icrvlcc. Aldermen Off Duty. Yesterday was an oft dny for threo dty nldeimen, Myron Knbson being nt ilontrose. John T. Howe at Blakely and V. S. Millar with General Gobln's start at Slicnandoah. Labor Day Programme. Tho Central Labor union's executive committee, Inst night, decided to cele brate Labor Day, Sept. 1, with a parade In tho morning and an excursion to Lake Ariel in Uic afternoon. Enjoyed a Trolley Bide. Members of the Young Men's Christian association and their friends enjoyed a trolley ride to Cnrbondalo last evening. A s pecial car left the corner of Washing ton avenue and Linden street shortly af ter S o'clock, and returned at midnight. SCBIBES AT POYNTELLE. Spent a Pleasant Day as Guests of Railroad Officials. Through the hospitality of Superin tendent R. U. Williams and Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent John E. Welsh, of the Scrnnton division of tho Ontario and Western railroad, a party of newspaper men from Scranton, Oly phant,, Jermyn unci Curbondale spent yesterday at Lake Poynteye, In Wayne .county, which is one of 'the most de lightful recreation spots In Northeust prn Pennsylvania. A special car was provided at Scran ton, leuvlng ut 10.30 o'clock, attached to the regular tiain, nnd the Scranton delegation was joined at points along the line by newspaper workers from up the valley. The members of the party reached Poyntelle at noon, where they vcre the guests of C. H. Smith, pro prietor of the Poyntelle house. An ex cellent dinner was provided, after which short addresses were made by a number In the party. Those present were: R.'b. Williams and J. E. Welsh, of the Ontario and "Western railroad; M. E. Sanders, of the Sanders News Bureau; T. Owen Charles and A. J. Keller, of the Scranton Re publican; H. W. King nnd W. R. Hughes, of the Scranton Tribune; M. J. O'Toole, of the Serantonan; John U. Hopewell, of the Providence. Register; J. W. Grant, of Jermyn; E. D. La thrope, Martin T. O'Mnlley and Walter E. Loftus, of Carbondale; E. T. Phil bin, of Archbald; W. W. Jones and H. E. Jones, of Olyphant. After dinner, Mr. Kays placed the steamboat "Margaret" at the disposal of the guests, and a trip around Lake Poyntelle was enjoyed. A meeting wns afterwards held In the pavilion, for the purpose of organizing the Lackawanna Vrillcy Press association. Officers were selected ns follows: Chairman, E. D. Lathrope. Caruon- Ldale; secretary, M. J. O'Toole, Scran ton; treasurer, W. W. Jones, Olyphant. t'ne association will include the newa- liaper workers on the various pupcrs irom Scranton to Forest City, inclus ive. R. B. Williams. J. E. 'Welsh nnd IC. H. Smith were elected "honorary members. All the others In the party Identified themselves with the associa tion. Adjournment was made until Saturday, August 9, nt 4 p. m., when a meeting will be held In The Tribune 'office at Scranton to effect permanent organization and enlist others In the movement. The next event of interest nt Poyn tclle will be the elumbake and shore dinner of the railroad conductors on Thursday, August 21, when special trains will be run from Scranton at 8.30 and 10,30 n, m. Dr, Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of women n specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours; U a. m. to 4 p. ni.; 7 to 8.30 p. m. ,. ' Garcia Key West cigars and P. R, Panetelas, 5c. Courson's Scranton Business College BUCK & WHITHORE, Proprietors Students in great demand. Watch this space. A different letter every day. MfkKV lkHjHHH Wc Furnish Good Ones, ., w Scranton, Pa January II. 1302. Gentlemen; I got a young man from you live yeais ugo who has been with mo since, llu now goes to Brooklyn, N. V to man. ago u business I gavo him nn Intel est In, and I need another. If you can set me one us good as ho has been, I will by entirely U If you have buch a man hnvo him wilto mo (not call). I can tell us much from his haiidwiltlug ua by seeing him In pet son. Youis truly, Day and evening sessions reopen Tuesday, September 2nd. TWO COLLIERIES RESUME OPERATIONS Work Started In Every Department at the Oxford and Gauuaa Main Ill with Old Employees. OTHER COLLIERIES , READY TO START Peoples Coal Company and the Dela ware, Lackawanna & Western Company Each Succeed in Getting a Colliery in Operation Large Crowd Assemble, but No Violence Ensues Delaware & Hudson Com pany About Beady to Start Work at tho Dickson and the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Company in Shape to Begin Work at the Von Storch Mass Meeting at the Bound Woods Today, to Be Addressed by President Mitchell. Two collieries, yesterdny, resumed nc tlve operations In every department. cutting, loading, hoisting nnd cleaning. They were the Oxford operated by the People's Coul company, and the Cayuga, operated by the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western company. Crowds of strikers and their sym pathizers gathered ut ouch colliery and mudc some effort to prevent the men from going to work, but these ef forts were not attended with any dis order. To prevent possible disorder Sheriff Schadt was at the Cayuga nnd a squad of city police were on hand to reinforce the coal and Iron police at the Oxford. Neither company would give out the exact number of men at work. Super intendent Crawford of the People's com pany suld the number at the Oxford was more than 120, and Superintendent Tobey of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western said the Cayuga force number ed more than half a hundred. Many of the men composing the force at the Oxford are old employes, but the greater part of them are men whom Piesident Crawford personally recruit ed from 'the ranks of the old Simpson & Watkins employes, in various towns up an down the valley. WILL RETURN TO WORK. Former Oxford employes have told President Crawford that the Oxford local Is to vote today on the question of returning to work In a body. Some of them, his informants state, have declared that whether or not the local votes to return to work, they will re port for duty, Monday. These men say they arc satisfied the miners can not win, and that It is sheer nonsense to continue the fight longer with nothing in sight except the loss of good places with a company against which they never had a grievance. Not much success was achieved In getting out coal at the Oxford. Machin ery broke down twice causing long de lays, and the operations In the breaker were hampered by the fact that the "chutes" were so stiff it required a big force of men to feed the cal to the new mechanical slate-pickers, with which the breaker has been supplied since the strike began. The stiffness of the chutes was due In a great measure to the fact that they were bespattered with the mineral paint with which the breaker was recently covered Inside and out, and which proved to be worse than rust In retarding the sliding of tho coal. It has such wearing qualities that ef forts to scrape it away prove futile, It will only be removed by being grad ually worn away by the sliding coal. The miners were also hampered by a scarcity of cars. The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western company, however came to the People's company's assistance and delivered a large con signment of cars at the Oxford last night. They will be distributed to the miners this morning and made use of until the People's company can empty the hundieds of cars now waiting at the "foot" to be hoisted and their con tents sent through the breaker. MOSTLY MINE WORKERS. Superlntedent Crawford takes excep tion to the statement of an afternoon paper that the force at the Oxford was made up of non-union men. He de clares positively that ninety-five per cent of them are members of the United Mine Workers, and that today, tomor row nnd next Monday will see lurge acquisitions to their numbers. The men working at the Cayuga, ac cording to Superintendent Tobey, ure all Delaware, Lackawanna & Western employes. Most of them worked at the Cayugu. The others ore from the ad jacent Delaware, Lackawanna & Wes tern mines In North Scrnnton. "There Is not un Import among them," de clared Mr, Tobey, "and as fur as I know every man of them Is a member of the United Mine Workers." Only seven of the men who started for work at the Cayuga were turned .buck by the strikers' pickets.- All seven reported later for work., Tho Cayuga like all the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western collieries Is supplied with mechanical slate pickers and Its underground haulage Is dope in a great measure by electricity, There Is a large force of men at the Von Storch nnd opetatlons there are likely to bo resumed at uny time. Superintendent Tobey; said Inst even ing: "We have other collieries In Just as good It not better shape for resum ing than cither the Cayuga or Von Storch, nnd they will be started In duo time. This Is the beginning of the end." ROSE MAKES DENIAL. A report wns In circulation yesterdny that the Dickson colliery of the Dela ware & Hudson company would stnrt this morning. Superintendent Rose denied It. "Wo have been cutting and loading coal at the Dickson for nearly SWIMMING Accompanying is a reproduction of a photograph of the Swimming Pool at the New Armory, which the'trus tees have decided to place at the disposal of the public. It is eighteen feet wide and fifty feet long, fed by springs on the premises, and tempered by steam heat. Everybody is welcome to use it ; women in the morning and men in the afternoon and evening. Swimming Instructors are in attendance. two weeks" he said, "but have not hoisted any as yet. When we will start the breaker has not been de cided." Superintendent Rose stated that nt other collieries of the Delaware & Hudson good sized forces of old em ployes are working underground, cut ting and loading coal, and that it will not be long probably, before they will be sending out coal. The statement that No. 5 colliery of tho Pennsylvania Coal company Is about to start up Is positively denied. The Pennsylvania company has no Jm medlate and definite prospects of start ing up a colliery, but like the other companies expects that the men will not hok",' out much longer and re sumption will be possible with good sized forces. MASS MEETING OP MINERS. A mass meeting of the mine workers of Scranton will be held In the Round Woods this afternoon, at 2 oYiock. It is expected that President John Mitch ell will deliver the principal address. Me.mbers of Mount Pleasant local, 1278, United Mine AVorkeis of America, are requested to assemble at Co-operative hall, Friday afternoon nt 1,30 o'clock, to attend the mass meeting In a body which will be held at the Round Woods. All members are requested to attend. Local union, No. 460, will meet at the regular meeting place, Blrney avenue, South Scranton, on Snturday, August 2, at 7 o'clock. Organizer Memlo will address the meeting. All members are requested to attend. Members of Bellevue locals, of the mine workers, will meet nt Calpln's corner nt 1 o'clock, and march to tho mass meeting at the Round Woods. The Bellevue Fife and Drum corps and the Cudet Drum corps wui also meet at Calpln's corner nt 1 o'clock, and march with the locals to the muss meeting. The full and exact' text of the tem porary Injunction granted In the case of Gauley Mountain Coal company against G, W. Purcell and others by Judge B. F. Keller is here appended This Is the injunction which It Is nl leged forbade the distribution of sup plies t'o the West Virginia strikers, and which was so roundly condemned by President Mitchell of the United Mine Workeis. A perusal of the opinion will show that the condemnation was, founded on false misrepresentations, conveyed In early and Incomplete re ports of the Injunction. The Injunction reads ns follows: KELLAU INJUNCTION. This dny the complainant In this suit by its counsel presented to tho court Its bill of complaint against Q, W. Purcell, W. n, Wilson, Crls Evans, "Mother Jones," Charles McNeils, Picas Clayton nnd Joe Ozzltmr, which is ordered to be illed: and thereupon tho said plaintiff moved tho court for nn injunction us prayed for in said bill, Upon consideration whereof it la adjudged, ordered and decreed that un til the further order of the court tho hum defendant and eneh of them and their associates, confederates, agents and ull persons acting with them be nnd they nra horeby Inhibited, enjoined and restrained from threatening or coercing In any man ner any of the minors and employes of tho plaintiff, tho Gauley Mountain Coal company,, because of th'elr wot king for f,nld plaintiff; and from attempting In uny manner to Induce by or through Intimida tion, threats, force, coercion, or eompul slon of uny kind nny of mlil miners and employes to quit tho servlco of said com puny or to quit wotklng for 'said com pany; und from going upon Bald proper ty, mines or works, or any of them; and from annoying or harassing or attempt ing to unnoy or tuuass In tiny-manner uny of said pilneis nnd employes while at work or whllo going to or returning from woik or whllo In, nt or about their homes heeuuso of their being at work for snld plaintiff; and from trcspntblng upon, Injuring or destroying uny structuies, na tures or any other piopcrty of tho plain tiff In or upon its premises aforesaid or In or about Its mines and plunls or any D( inciii. And the buld. defendants und each of them and their assovlutcs, confederates, I agenti nnd nil periona noting with them Until further order of this court are fur ther Inhibited, enjoined and restrained from nsscmbllng In camp or otherwise, or marching or causing to assemble In camp or othcrwlxp, or marching nny body or company of men on tho properly of said company, or nt tho mines of snld com pnny, or tho residences of Its employes, or eo nenr the mlncn of rnld company or the residences of Us employes ns to ulnrm, Intimidate or coerce snld em ployes so ns to prevent them from work ing In snld mlno; and from being a part of any such body or company of men. But this Injunction Bhnll not tnko effect until the plnlntlff, or somo one for It, shall execute bond before tho clerk of this court In tho penalty of (5,000, with se curity approved by a uch clerk, condi tioned to pay all such costs and dam ages as mny bo sustained by the defend ants, or any of them, If It shall here after be determined that this Injunction ought not to have been awarded. And upon such bond being given, tho United States marshal for snld district is direct ed, Jn addition to the serving of this or der 'upon the defendants, to post copies thereof In nnd about the mines and works of the said plaintiff and at such public places as tho plaintiff may direct. POOL AT THE ARMORY, And tho motion for permanent Injunc tions is set down for hearing at Charles ton on the 18th day of November, 1902. READY FOR TROUBLE. Thirteenth Begiment Held in Readi ness for Sudden Call Large Sup ply of Ammunition on Hand. If tho Thirteenth regiment was to be, today, ordered to Join the Twelfth und Eighth regiments, in preserving order in the Shenandoah district, the call would find the Scranton guardsmen prepared to leave home instantly. All tents and equipment have been ciiiefully packed, and are in readiness for instant transfer, and the only de lay which would be encountered in case of a sudden call, would be the com paratively trifling one which lies In the' gathering together of the men. The regiment is amply prepared for trouble, in the matter of ammunition. Each company has Its reserve of one thousand rounds, and In ndditlon there Is a large amount of powder and ball on hand, which have been supplied for work at the range. The regiment Itself has seldom been In better condition than at present. The officers, both stuff nnd line, are exceedingly competent soldiers, most of whom have niready seen service, In the suppression of strikes, and in the Spanish-American -war, and the men are uniformly well disciplined, a.lert and active. PITTSTON'S NEW THEATEE. M. F. Coons of the Nesbitt and Grand Has Leased It. Millard F, Coons has leased the pro posed new Broad Street theater at Plttston for a term of live years. The edifice has not yet been started, but according to the contract the builders are to have It completed by Nov. 1. It Is to be a first-class playhouse nnd will come under the Wllkes-Barre cir cuit, booking such shows as those that npepar nt tho Nesbitt. Mr. Coons, who Is the manager of the Grand Opera House and the Nesbitt, has had satis factory experience in the business and will give the people of Plttston the best attraction1 that can be booked this fall and winter. The house will also bo Identllled with the Rels circuit, which will take In the cities of Wllkes Barre, Scrnnton, Blnghamton, Syracuse and Buffalo, N. Y. Tho lease was con summated yesterday between the di rectors of the Broad Street theater and Sidney Roscnbluth, nttorney for Mr. Coons, the latter being nt present In Europe, A, J. Barber and William Hall, of West Plttston, were the promoters of tho project, and It was through their efforts that the contract was made be tween Mr. Coons and tho directors. Harry Sinclair, for several years the treasurer of Music hall In X'lttnton, will bo the local manager. Ho has many friends In that city nnd has always been courteous and obliging. Wllltes Barre Record. BLAOK-BEVANS NUPTIALS. Wedding Solemnized at the Bride's Home, Wednesday Evening, William H. Black, buyer nnd man ager of Jonas Long's Sons' cloak and suit department, and Mis. Mary A, Bovans, of 009 Olive street, were united In muniuge utt S.30 o'clock Wednesday evening, ut tho home of the bride, by Rev, John P, Moffat, D. D pastor of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church. Tho counlo were unuttended, nnd only ,the members of the family were pres ent ut tne ceremony, iioin groom aim bride huvo been identllled with Jonus Long's Sons' stores for a number or yeurs , SAYS IT HASN'T RAINED MUCH BEOKLESS (STATEMENT OF OB SERVER. CLARK. All Were Inclined to the Belief That This Region Has Had Much' More Than Its Share of Wetness. Lately, but the Weatherman Declares the Precipitation Has Not, Beee Very Much Above the Genoral Average. Some Figures on the Amount of Rainfall. Although Scrnntonlnns arc Inclined to believe this city has had more than Its fair share of rain this summer, nnd to think that u cessation of moisture would be duly appreciated, "Weather Observer Clarke declares that the local rainfall has not been very much above the general average, and adds that there Is too general a tendency on the part of people to cavil at the weather. "For Instance," he remarked, yester day. "You can hear people complain ing every time It rains that there must have been a cloudburst somewhere around here, and mournfully bewailing the fact that It has rained every day this month. Now that's a fallacy. We have had as many as ten days In July on which not a single drop of moisture fell, and two days on which the down fall was hardly perceptible, as it was less than one-hundredth of an Inch." He the,n produced some records of the weather bureau, and proceeded to com pare local figures with general statls tics. He ascertained from these that the average amount of rain which falls during the months of March, April, Mny, June and July Is 17.33 inches. During these five months, which aio properly known as the growing season, when much rain Is naturally expected and desired, Scranton has been blessed with a downpour of 18.03 Inches, which Is 4 per cent, above the average. JUNE RAINFALL. In. the month of June the rain fell pretty, steadily and frequently, with the consequence that there are C.tiD Inches of rain on record for .that month, which is over three inches above tho average amount of June moisture. In May, however, there was little doing In the way of wetness, and tho local figures of 1.61 fell two Inches short of what wns expected. The other months were about average. The usual downpour for July Is 4.33 Inches, and In pplte of the fact that the skies have appeared to weep throughout this en tire month, Mr. Clarke's records show that there have been but 4.32 Inches of rain, which is slightly below the aver age. Heavy rains are, however, expected during August by the weather officials. It Is u month of thunder showers.whlch are largely caused by the heat. Theie have been few days when the rain fell steadily nnd continuously, but the downpour has come generally in hard, driving sheets. Several smnll storms took place during the month, and on two occasions a rather heavy fall of hall accompanied tho rain. These storms have had the effect of Interfering materially with city Im provements, nnd Director of Public Works John E. Roche stated yesterday to a Tribune mnn that In no month of the year bus so much damage been done by rains ns In July. "Comparatively few damage claims have been lodged ngalnst the city," said he, "but a great number of ie ports have been made of flooded cellars, owing to tho over-snturated condition of the earth, SEWER BASINS CHOKED. "Sewer basins have been choked to overflowing, nnd whereas wo formerly needed only three equipments for work on cleaning sewers, wo now nre forced to use seven, nnd .much larger gangs of men. Tho rains Interfere partlcu laily with recent paves and repalis. "Work upon tho new sewer on Wyo mlnsr avenue has been sorlously Inter fered with, and, In fact, tho ruins have culled halt to nearly all city Improve, ments, as no new work con be stinted, while we are busied making repairs on old .Jobs." , Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. John Yakubaskl , ,.,, Scranton Martha Iiurnsku , ,...,,,,,., .Scrnnton Ira Wilbur ,.,,,.,..,..,., ...NlchoUon Elizabeth A. Watkins ,,,, ,,, Nicholson John Murkee Scranton Mury Simmons .Scranton A Key West 5o Cigar, I That merits trial at O'Hura's cigar ' store. Cut Glass T SALTS AND PEPPERS Rich,, deep cultfof Wltrr ombossed solid silver top3 that screw on Ut glass (no plaster parts) at 45 Cents. They aro bargain ; real value, 90 cents. Knife Rests, Lapidary cutting, small size an lndlvldu'. Largo size for carvers. 3 1-2 Inches Long 35c 4 Inches Long t 30c rest, 5 Inches Long 5 1-2 Inches Long 6 Inches Long CUVxuCVfe, Geo. V. Millar & Co. 134 Wyoming Ave. Walk In and Look Around KXXKHX202Q;HX:XXXXXXXXXKXK! g Handsome Silks j with Right Trimmings That's the Burden of Today's " Store News. x Our Silk Department 0M Ought to be well known to every lady in this nelghbor- jm hood who appreciates styles and qualities. There is an ox- m ceptlonally complete stock here at all times, and it will inter est you to know that the first arrivals for early Autumn wear are here only a few, of course, but enough to show the trend of fashion for the coming season. ' Soecials inPoulard Silks M V Exclusive styles and the very best of their kind. m Foulard Silks that were 50c are now. 33c Foulard Silks that were 75c are now 59c JJ Foulard Silks that were $1.00 are now 75c V Foulard Silks that were $1.25 are now 89c n. An accumulation of short lengths in various Silk weaves at J EXACTLY HALF PEICE. jj Laces and Trimmings In unlimited assortment. Best goods and best values in C5 town. McConnell & Co., The Satisfactory Store. XXKXKXKXXXXXKXtXXXKXXXXXXXX Our llBiinil j i In the New Store commences today, August ist, Choice bargain opportunities will be offered in every department. Limited space will not permit of our telling you about all the good things at once, but from day today we will announce special features of the sale. Inventory Reductions in Carpet Department 85c Tapestry Brussels 65c 1.25 Velvets.. 75c 50c Mattings 40c 25c Mattings 20c Ingrains, special value 3oc up. Inventory Redactions in Wall Paper Here are found exceptionally low prices in all grades of Wall Decorations from the regular 5c quality to the beautiful silk hand goods. It is hardly necessary that we should remind you of the fact that these goods are all new, as they were purchased when we entered the new store February last. Among the newest and entirely exclusive goods are Special French Panel Decorations; unique two-third effects, Colonial Wainr scot arrangements, New Parlor Crown effects, with crowns separate and continuous, and Leatherette Bases for halls and libraries. Williams & McAnulty, Advertisers of Real Bargains Only. 129 Wyoming Avenue Cut This Out Bring; It to Mahon's Shoe Store Friday and Saturday and Get Fif teen Green Trading Stamps Free with Every Dollar Purchase , II II II I I B Mm 50c 75c $1.00 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. First Smyrna All-Wool Rugs, 9x12, were $25 20.00 Axmlnster Rugs, 9x12,' regular $30 value, beau tiful patterns 22.50 t I i tf yj 1 l 1 . t ,', i fat- 't 1 " t-C. A!7' -. '-!.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers