JMT - ? or w n i k' V V .! THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1902. $2 I is I - ,,fc 'AM 0 ' ' w i" r K' It ft" K V- ft' 6 r- If.. If ft 4 V? Ife'-r ? tal , f - The News of fc4"-aV1t JtA PI 7TT f FOR'KHNT-Tho Congregational parsonv mMepslon Riven Aug. IB. Address Win, Shelly, 137 S. Churcli Btrect, Curbomlulo, DOWN THE VALLEY ON THE TROLLEY ' -Wnnochla Club Provides a Delight ful Outing for a Numbor of Their Friends A Hare Time Other Social Happenings of Interest. The members of the Plnnochte club proved themselves to bo entertainers of the first class liist evening, when they gnvo a number of friends n ride down the valley on a specially char tered cur. ' The rur left. Church street switch nt 6.30 pj hi; and was headed for a trip to Scranton, at which place the merry crowd moved for Williams' Ice cream taarlors. After partaking of u good "" share of frozen sweetness, they once more got aboard the special and pro- ceeded on the delightful return trip up uho valley anu reached this city about '"a ill o'clock, r 2 The members of the club were heart "" lly congratulated on the way tbe affair 'was conducted, and all the friends that '.were with them are very ..enthusiastic In praise of the trip. It was quite a J social event. '- ' The megaphones of the Press club", l which have done good service In the cause of the Crescents, were loaned for the occasion, and with lusty voices at . the trumpet end they served to awaken the towns along the valley, particu- 1 larly Archibald, which was passed after ., ,the 8 o'clock curfew had rang and all the natives had gone to sleep. The following young ladles constitute the club: Misses Edith Butlev, Grace .Hall, Grace Munn, Emma Kalil, Gus- .""sle Jadwtn and Mary and Isabelle Yar- rlngton. The party was given In honor of their guest, Miss Host, of Port Jervls, N. Y., who Is spending a two weeks' visit with her cousins, Misses Isabelle and ' ' Mary Yarrlngton, of Wayne street. DEATH OF LIEUT. GEE.. Sad Coincidence of Battery No. 2, Heavy Artillery, Reunion. On the eve of invitations being sent 1 cut for the thirty-third annual le unlon and the anniversary of the for tieth year since Battery No. 2, Pennsyl vania volunteer heavy artillery was mustered Into the service for three years, or dining the war, comes the sad announcement of the death of Lieutenant William Gee, of West Pitts ton. Mr. Gee went out with the company, then know as "Schooley's Independent Battery," and was constantly with his command, excepting the time when he was away lecoverlng fiom a shell wound lecelved in the trenches before Petersburg, Va. As a soldier, he was dearly loved by all of his "boys." He was as loyal to his citizenship as he was to his country's flag. As a Chris tian gentleman ho was beyond re proach. He was present a our re union at Nay Aug park, Scranton, last year. In fact, all of. these gatherings were brightened by his presence. To show how much he loved the "Battery Boys," Comrade J. M. Alexander, of Carbondale, In an address at the last annual reunion, related the following touching incident, revealing the gener ous character of the' man, and how comrades of the war are so bound to each other: "Our regiment, after marching for several days, reached 'Cold Harbor' In the evening. Nothing had been eaten since morning and then the small rem nants of a five day's ration of raw pork and crumbs of hard-tack formed the frugal meal." Alexander, belng among the A's, was detailed on picket. He spoke to Lieutenant Gee as he was falling into line with the detail, "It's hard to go on duty with an empty stomach." Lieutenant Geo said, "I , have two hard-tack left; you can have one of them." Alexander said, "It was the sweetest morsel I over ate, ns it was seasoned with true comradeship." In our city are burled seven of tills battery: William II. Davis (for whom our post is named); Henry J. Baker, C. A. Mason, Lucius Marshall, John Scur ry, James M. Stewart, William M. Thompson. The reunion this year will bo held at Nay Aug park, Scranton, on August IB. Charles Vanderburg, of Wllkes-Bnrre, and William Gee were both present one year ago and will be missed. The ranks are closing up to a thin line. But not, wo think, our column small, All unsuppoitrd stands; For do wo not at times tecall Tho touch of vanished hands; So could wo lift tho curtain drear. That maltcs tho Gioat Divide, Our comra'des lost would then appear Still matching by our sldo. A phono message was received here asking J. M. Alexander to act as pall bearer at tho funeral Friday ut 3 p. m. Ho will leave hero prior to that time and meet L. H. Wint, of Providence, nnd William Davis, of Scranton, mem- , bers, of, tho company, who will also act lnhat capacity. j Plttstnn.-' Carbondale papers artb55fl,J5$iti:'J( copy' ! Enjoyed Annual Picnic, A rare occasion was observed by tho j members of tho "Whatsoever class" of j the IJjrcjjn; Bnjitist church pn"Wcdnes- dajj wJiMthey!helntiielf annual pic- nlo at "tho honio ofMrs. Charles Lum- oreaux and, lucldontull)', celebrated the t birthday anniversary of nvo of their I "":V?Jk ATtor'an exchange of' greetings nnd LH-JteWlH bocjul time, an elaborate -s?1tmcheon was partaken and with a wJ!ibtJi'ar)0,&rflYeXB,I(lll8 Wged the ; party and at i o'clock, after voting J; Mrs. Lamorcaux a delightful hostess, 5 theguests departed. 5 TJ&oif PCSe'"1; were; Mesdumes Em- ti $100 Reward, 8100. ? The readcia of this paper will bo pleased . to learn that tliero la at least one drcud J3ed disease that science has boon ahio pto euro In all its Btuees und thut la C'u Zjtarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure it, jhe only positive euro nowknown to thu medical 3 fraternity,. Catarrh being a constitutional Uteemsy lequlres constitutional treat 5 nSnl tHalf a Catarrh Chrq is taken in. g ternally, aotlng directly upon the blood H and mucoVst surfaces of the system, thero KbfceBtT?5tiW,je,1ounla,on of tho dls. wers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars K for any case, that It falls. V) qure. Bciyl ?tor Hat of testimonials.'7' ..rf"" H Sold by Druggists. 75c. '"' O. ft wall's Fvnilv fllls are the best. Jrm. ft building up the constitution and assisting S. nature In doing its work. The proprietor "have so much faith in Its curatli'n'n.;, Carbondale, cry Holls, Clark iiotzol, Adallno Esta brook, Hcnjamln Dlmock, Fitch, Fantz, S. li, Carlton, Ann Holgatc, Isaac New ton, Grant Vail, William Ktuipp, Frank Lamorcaux, Davenport, Lufaycttc Kil mer, Chester Wright, John Bateman, Chnrlcs Kase, Frank Cohvell, Tallman, Sllsbcc, Misses Loretta Coogon, Pearl lamorcaux and about twenty children, who hlso had a good time. TOOK THE WHITE VEII. Impressive Ceremony, Followed by Reception, at St. Rose Convent. Ten young women received the wlilto veil at St. Hose's convent yesterday ,mornlng. In honor of the event tho Sisters of the Immaculate Heart, of tho convent, gave a reception, which com menced nt 8 o'clock, with a high mass celebrated by lit. llov. Bishop M. J, Hoban. He was Assisted by Rev. Fathers iCoffcy and Fechley. Bishop Hoban pleached a bermon on the Sis terhood, saying their life was one of example, work nnd prayer. Tho young ladles who received tho white veil, and the names they adopted, are as follows: I Miss Charlotte O'Malley, of Pltt3ton, In religion Sister Mary Barbour. Miss Bridget Holleran, of Pittston, in religion Sister Mary George. Miss Agnes O'Brien, of Pittston, in religion Sister Mnrv Benedict. Miss Delia Kelly, of Pittston, in re ligion Sister Mary Eugenia. Miss Susie Tlerney, of Scranton, in religion Sister Mary Magdallnn. Miss Catherine Dlsken, of Scranton, in religion Sister Mary Helena. Miss Madeline Tallman, of Scranton, In religion Sister Mary Cornelia. Miss Ella O'Sulllvan, of New York city, In religion Sister Mary Anltn. Miss Julia Langan, of Olyphant, in religion Sister Mary BenIto., Miss Nellie McCarthy, "of Susque hanna, in religion Sister Mary Wini fred. THE CRESCENTS GO TO PORT ON WEDNESDAY Will Play a Return Game with the Jervisites on Their Own Grounds. Manager Tappan, of the Crescents, has arranged finally for the game at Port Jervls, and on Wednesday our "Pets" will go to the town on the Delaware to play a return game with tho club at that nlace. The Ciesrents will' leave at 7.2 over the Delaware and Hudson to Hones dale und thence via the Erie to Port Jervls. They will not be able to make train connections to return the same night and will remain in Billy Miller's town thut evening, the guests of Never slnk division, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. DIED OF APPENDICITIS. Michael F, McGowan, of West Side, Succumbs After Numerous At tacks. Michael F. McGowun, of Garden street. West Side, died yesterday af ternoon at 5 o'clock from an attack of appendicitis. Mr. McGowan was first stricken nine months ago. He never recovered fully fiom the attack. Since then he suf fered several recurrent attacks and a week ago was stricken again, this time dangerously. An abscess developed and his Intestines become to badly in volved that when he was operated on on Monday his condition was regarded as hopeless. What chance there might be in surgical interference was taken, however, but to no avail. He sank gradually Until death came last even ing. The deceased was born In Ireland, but lived In Carbondale since boyhool. He was a miner by occupation and was widely known about the town. For a number of years he made It a business to rent the boats which were on the "Mud pond" on the West mountain, while that place was more popular than now. He is survived by his wife and one child. His death will be .a shock to his numerous friends and will be widely regretted. Newspaper Men nt Poyntelle. E. D. Lathrop, Of the Evening Leader; John W. Grant and Walter Loftus, of the Republican, and Martin T. O'Malley, of The Tribune, of this city, accom panied the Lackawanna Valley news paper men on their outing at Poyntelle yesterday as the guests of the Ontario & Western railroad and C. II. Smith, of the Poyntelle house. The day was delightfully bpent, the happenings of which nro reported at length in the local columns of today's Tilhune. The temporary organization of tho Lacka wanna Valley Press association was among the most Important doing of the day. The Carbondale Press club was an important, if not tho chief factor In making this project an established certainty. Committee Awards Painting Contract School Directors Vonnnn and Evans, of the building committee of the school board met Wednesday night and after considering the following bids for paint ing and decorating work at tho high school, Evan Thomas, $300; V. J. Finch, $177; W. If. Alexander, $170; G. A. Ackermun, $166; II. Frank & Son, $135; awarded tho bid to Frank & Sons, their bid being the lowest. Tho school board, as a whole, took no action on the bids, the committee at tho last meeting having been granted power to net after the bids wore sub mitted. Mr. Hughes of the committee, was not present ut the meeting. Going to Atlantic City Today. A lurge number of C'arhondallans will go to Atlantic City today op tho annual excursion of tho Red Men. Among those who will go are; The Mioses Nellie Wade, Annie Gorman, Hilda Burke, Mis. John Heese, daugh ter, Muy and son, Arthur, Mrs. John Wude, Anna Moian, Nora O'llearn, Messrs, Michael Nolan, Frank Roylan, David Walsh, James La very, William Fox and Richard Mulone, A Dance This Evening, Messrs. Roswell and Silas McMullen will entertain nt an Informal dance in the Durke building this evening. A de lightful time Is anticipated. At the Recherche Dance. Among tho&e froni out of town who attended the Recherche dance were the Misses Angela UtewJtt, I.enore McLean, Margaret Mouohau, Ma mo Lee, of Scranton; Ethel Ousterhaus and Nellie Bwlgert, of New York city; Gertrude ""'"i " vw, wjiwuuci Wlsley, of Plains; Mary and James TORTURING DISFIGURING HUMOURS ITCHING BURNING AND SCALY ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN SCALP AND BLOOD WITH LOSS OF HAIR CURED BY CUTICURA. Tho ngonlMng Itehlue nnd burning of tho skin, m In Ecrnnn', tho fright ful scnllup; ns in psoriasis - tho loss of hnlr nnd crusting of tho scalp, us In sculled bead; tho facial dlflflgurcment. 119 In pimples and ringworm j tho awful sulTcrlng of Infants, and tho nnxlcty of worn-out parents, ns In milk crust, tetter, nnd salt rheum, nil demand n remedy of utmost superhuman virtues to successfully oopo with thorn. ThatCUTicuKA remedies nro such .stands proven boymiu nil doubt. No statement Is inndo regarding thorn that Is uot Justified by tho etrougest evidence. Tho purity nnd sweetness, tho power to Word Immediate relief, tho cortnlnty of speedy nnd pc'nnnncnfc euro, tho nbsoluto safety, nnd economy have mndo them tho standard eklu curc3 nnd humour remedies of tho civilized world. COMPLETE TREATMENT $1.00. Tho treatment Is simple, direct, ngroeablo, nnd cconomlcnl, nnd Is ndnptcd to tho youngest Infant ns well ns ndults of every ngc. Bntho tho nfl'ected parts with hot water nnd Cuticuka Soap, to clcnnso tho p.urfaco of crusts and scale's, and soften tho thickened cuticle. Dry, wll'hout hard rubbing, nnd apply Cuticura Ointment f rccly, to nllay Itdilng, Irritation, nnd Inflam mation, nnil sootho nud heal, nud lastly ttikotho Cuticura. Hksolvknt Pi t.r.3, to cool nnd elcanso tho blood. This sweet, wholcsomo treatment affords Instant relief, permits rest nnd sleep in tho severest forms of eczema nud other Itching, burning, nud scaly humours of tho skin, senjp, nntl blood, and points to a speedy, permauont, nnd economical euro when nil clso falls. Mjlliorisof Women Use Cuticura Soap AsBlsfcd by CtmctmA Ointment, for prcsoirltiR, purifying, nnd licnuttfjinft theekln, "or cleansing the sculp ut crusts, M-alcs, nnd dnndrulT, nnd tho stopping of fulling lintr, for Boftcnlnj:, whitening, and eootlilng red, rough, nnd uoro hands, for unby rashes, ltclilnge, nnd cluflngg, In tho form of baths for nnuoylng Irritations nnd Inflnntmatlons or too frco or ofTenslTO perspiration, In Uio form of washes for ulcerntlro weaknesses, nnd for mnny sanative, nntlsoptio purposes which remllly suggost themselves to women, especially mothers, nnd for nil tho purposes of tho toilet, bath, nnd nursery. PIITIPMQ1 .RPQMUFNT DIM? (Chocolate Coated) nro a now, tsstcloss, bU I luUnH 'nCoULVCil I rlLLO odorless, sulistlttito for tho re)' cbroteel liquid CoTicon Resolvent, ns well ns for nil other blood purifiers and humour cures. Earn pill Is equivalent to one teaspoonful of liquid Resolvent, rut up in scrow capped pocket rials, containing CO doses, prlco 25c. ..CoIi?rRA P"!i" V M throughout tlio warld. Sor. ISO , Oiitmt, vk , Pitts, Mc. Btltlnh npoti S7-S3.Chrtcrhouis Sn., London. French Uenoti s Hue de U 1'ilx, l"ni. l'onia Dico xao Cutx. Coip.. Walsh, of Pittston; Messrs. P. T. Tlellly and John Landers, of Scranton. An Evening at Cards. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Coughlin enter tained the Kuchre coterie at their home on Spring street, Tuesday evening. The host and hostess were most acceptablo. Mrs. J. J. Reed, of Portland, Maine, nee Miss Julia Coughlin, was the suc cessful one In the guessing contest and received- first prize, a va"se. The win ners in the euchre games were Mr3, J. J. O'Boyle and B. A. Kelly, while Mrs. Keene and Peter Lavln received the booby prizes. Another Child Dies. The' extraordinary large number of deaths among the children of the town was Increased yesterday by Bessie, the ten-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gordon, of Gordan avenue, succujmblng to cholera Infantum, which lias been the chief cause of death among the little ones. The funeral will take place this af ternoon; burial in St. Rose cemetery. To Niagara Palls, Saturday. On account of the return limit con ditions being very liberal, for the Erie's $3 to Niagara Falls and $1 to Toronto excursion, leaving Carbondale at 9 p. m., Saturday, August 2, a large crowd Is making preparations to take in this delightful outing. BRIEF PARAGRAPHS. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fred Masters, of upper Belmont street, are rejoicing over the arrival at their home of a. bouncing boy. It is their first born. MrS. Patrick Lunny, of South Main street, attended the Henley funeral in Dunmore, yesterday morning. Dr. Wheeler, who has been suffering from pneumonia for several days, con tinues to Improve. Mrs. F. J. Doyle, removed her house hold effects from Williams avenue to the Neary block on Belnlont street. Fred Spanley, of Jeffrey street, Is ly ing very 111 and little hope of his recov ery is entertained. Leon Brlggs, of Schenectady, N. Y., who was called hero by the death of bis grandmother, Mrs. LInderman, has returned to his duties at the Electrical works at that place. Miss Jessie Matthews has resumed her position nt tho Purple Undertaking company's ofllce after an absence of two weeks caused by a threatened at tack of typhoid fever. W. R. Johnson, formerly general man ager of the Carbondale Metal company, has accepted a position at the Interna tional Correspondence schools at Scran ton, and ho and his wife have again taken up their residence In that city. THE PASSINO XHBONO. David Morgan, of Pottsvllle, who has been visiting friends in this city for tho past two weeks, left yesterday for Elk clule, where he will visit relatives for a few weeks. Mis. Frank Coates and daughter, Elizabeth, returned to Philadelphia yesterday, after a "visit with relatives In this city. F. G. Durfee, of Owego, N, Y a for mer Carbondalian, Is visiting Ills brother, Thomas It. Durfee, pf this city. Ho vlblted herp last during tho beml-ccntcnnlal. T. F. Boland left on the Erie flyer last evening for Denver, Col., whoro ho will visit his brother for some time. Mrs, C. O. Avery and children, Delia nnd Meredith, of Phllllpsburg, formerly of this city, are heio to visit at tho homo of Mrs. Charles Avery, on Gar llelrl avenue. Miss Edna Dlx Is visiting at the homo of her grandmother, ut Pleasant Mount. Mr. nnd Mrs. li. It. Wlckwlre, of Wayne street, are entertnlnlng Mr. and Mrs, J. Wooden, of IToncsdalc, Mrs, Fred Dlx und bon, Sanford, have returned from Plensunt Mount, where they have been visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Nealon and fam ily, accompanied by Miss Hannah Gll liool, spent' Wednesday at Crystal lake. Miss Maggie Norton left yesterday for Albany and 11 river trip to New York. She. Is accompanied by her niece, Miss Mary Thomas. Miss Margaret Kennelly, of Susque hanna, has Ijeen spending several days with Mrs, John J, O'Hoyle, on Hlver sttect. Mibs I.utu Carter, of IUchmond street, is a guest of fi lends in Pittston, Miss Cariuel O'llearn goes to Scran ton today, where she will meet Miss Lily McLaughlin, of Pnterson, N. J,, who will bo her guest for the remainder of tho summer, Miss Julia Loftus, of Gre,en Plilge, is Visiting friends in this rlty, George Miller, of notion, and Mrs. A. Eno, of Seelyvllle, spent Wednesday as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs, M, O. Abbey, Mrs. T. C. Robinson, of Robinson ave nue, Is spending ten days with Mr, and sua. w, n. Muon ui mewurK, w. v, Mrs. George A. Kelley, of Lincoln Mrs. W, It. Moon at Newark, N, J, avenue, and Mrs. William L. Isger and dnughter, Romayne, will leave tonight for Toledo, O., where they will visit tho former's sister, Mrs. Thomas Hearn. Miss Monica Missett, of Schenectady, N, Y., who Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. B. Madlgan, will visit friends in Scranton for tho next two weeks. Mrs. J. H. Herbert and children and Miss Minnie Bowen will leave today for a ten days' stay at Atlantic City. Miss Kate Byrne returned Wednes day evening from a visit with her sis .ter, Mrs. E. J. Roche, of New York cltv. Miss Margaret McDonald returned Wednesday evening from a week's visit with Pittston relatives. Miss Anna Mohrs has gone to Hones dale to spend two weeks with relatives. Misses Gertrude and Grace Powell left yesterday to visit friends in Provi denca. Miss Dorothy Perry has returned to her home in Green Ridge, after d pleas ant visit with Miss Harriet Rolls, of Williams avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jones, of South Church street, are spending their vacntion with friends in the vicinity of Herrick Centre. Mrs. David Evans and two sons, Rexford and Oswald, have returned to their home at Martin's Ferry, Ohio, after a five weeks' visit at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. David Davis, on South Wyoming street. '" Miss Grace Atkinson, of Wyoming street, has returned from a two weeks' visit with Miss Law, at Lake Winola. Miss Dennis returns to her home in Biadford on Saturday, after several weeks' , visit with her aunt, Mrs. C. R. Smith, on Park street. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Baker ana Dr. and Mis. W. J. Baker nttended tho fu neral of tho late Mr. Powett, at Nunti coke, yesterday. Mrs. John R. Jones, who has been seri ously 111 tho past two weeks, is slowly improving. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Fieas and children are camping at Lake Chapman. A son arrived ycsteulay at tho homo of Mr. and Mis. James Jenkins, of ThliU iticat. Dr. M. J. Shields mndo a professional call at Scranton yestctdny. Miss Libretto. Kenwood, of Second street, has accepted a position In Scran ton. N Mrs. H. I,. Freas nnd daushtor, Bods, aro touring in Now York htato. Misses Hannah and LIz.lo Collins, of South Main street, will loavo tomotrow for Huntington, to vIMt their Mstcr, Mrs. P. B. Borgan. TAYLOR. The Clerks and Butchers played an in teresting pamo of ball on tho Riverside grounds on Wednesday afternoon. Tho Clerks camo out victorious, but not until alter u hard battle. lo was necchtary to play ten innings lioforo tho victory was decided. There were inuuy features of tho game, in which tho work of Pitcher Hoivolls, i:vaus and Watklns, for the Clerks, and Jones end W. Thomas, of tho Butchers, excelled. This makes eno vic tory for each team nnd another ganio will be played on Wednesday to decido who Ih tho champion, Tho score of tho gnmo was: Clerks, B; Butchers, 3. Tho North Hat SmasherH wero defeated by the Lincoln Heights team on Wednes day by a bcoro of 13 to 11. Miss Pearl Gaul, of the Archbald mine, visited friends In town yesterday. Druggist John Wood, of Lackawanna, was a business caller In town yesterday. Tho Heds, the local prldo of tho bate ball cranks, have again been engaged by tho Honcsdalo team to play them on their giounds during this mouth. This will mako tho third time for the rteds to meet tho ilonebdalcrs this season. Mrs. Rcebo nnd daughter, Sadlo, of I'liuaucipnia, ato visaing at tho real deuce of Foreman John R. Johns, of Railroad street, Invincible commandery, No. J52, Knights of Malta, will meet thls'ovenlng In regu lar bossion, J, C, Flynn, of Now York, was a busl ness visitor In town yesterday, David Williams, of Scranton, W03 a caller In town on business yesterday. Mibs Rachel Smith, of Luzerno hotough, will return homo today, after being the guest of Miss Jenulo Harris, of Main strcot. Washington camp, No. 4D2. Patriotic: Order Soiib of America, will meet this evening in regular session. Mr, nnd Mrs, T, J, Powell and Mrs. John H. Hviius attended the funeral of a relative ut Nuntlroko on Wednesday. airs. W, 11. Owens and daughter, Eliza beth, ao home from their visit to New York, Mrs. Swartsi, of Wilkes. Barrc, h tho gucbt of her bister, Mrs. J. II, Jones, of Main btreet. Miss Mue Grlfiltha and Lizzie L, D.ivis nio home from a two weeks' sojourn to Harvey's Lake. AIT OLD AND WELWRIED REMEDY. MRS. WINSLOW'SSOOTlIINa SYRUP for children teething, is tho prescription ol cue of the best fcmali physlcluns ana nurses In tho United States, and has bceii ueed sixty years with never-falllng eur, cess by millions of mothers for their chlU dren. During tho process of teething ila Jaluo !s incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In thj lowels, nnjr-vylnd-colic. By giving health lo the child it rests thn mother. Price twenty-live cents a botUs. ' Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping: Center You are not tapping an empty barrel when you tap this store. I Women's Handkerchiefs 4 At a Third and a Half You can't have too many at this time of the year. 6,000 Women's Handkerchiefs, in fine embroidered and drawn work designs, hemstitched, made bf a good fine grade of lawn, values from 2iz to 20c each. Choose at 9c Each or $1.00 a Dozen t : I Men's Handkerchiefs Fine Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, in colored print effects, colored bor ders and designs printed all over, -value 25 cents, at, each 500 Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with neat small fleur de lis design in colors, a good fine grade, worth 50c each, at Women's Bathing; Suits : Now that the summer weather is on in earnest, all Scranton will be thinking of places to spend Saturday afternoons and Sundays, and halt of It will be off to the seashore or mountain lakes. ,But you'll not find Scrantonians, who have nice tastes and habits, willing to wear the Bathing Suits that are for hire at watering places. Women want their own from point and appearance, and, most of all, from the point of cleanliness. We've told you many times over that Mohair is the best qf all, and that black and blue are the best colors. 4 Some Fine Taffeta Silk Suits, $16.50 I Connolly & Wallace OLYPHANT Mrs. James Reed passed away nt her homo on Second street, Blakcly, yestcr iln.v nftnrnnnn nt 12.30 o'clock. Deceased 1 had been ill about four weeks. Mrs. Reed was 21 yeais of ago. tier maiden niimo was Sophia. Lewis. She was wed ded to Mr. Reed last September. She was a young woman of a kindly disposi tion, who endeared herself to all who knew her. Her death will bo mourned by a large cliclo of friends. Besides her husband, sho is survived by her parents, two sisters and threo brothers. The funeral will take placo Monday after noon, at 2.30 o'clock, from tho family homo'in Blakcly. Tho funeral of Mrs. Catheilno Morris was held ftom tho homo of her daughter, Mis. Kllen Coloman, on Dunmoro strcot, jesterday moining. A largo gathering of fi lends nnd relatives attended tno obse quies. At 10 o'clock tho remains were taken to St. Patilck'a church. Rev. J. J, O'Donncll celebrated tho lcqulcm mass and preached tho funeral bermon. Tho deceased was laid at rest in the West Sldo cemetery. Tho pallbearers were: John Hoban, Hugh O'Boyle, John Mc Ginty, John Nealon, John Murphy and John Daiioy. Miss Mary Davis, of Lackawanna street, was called to Hyde Park, yester day, owing to tho death of a rclatlvo at that place. Mibs Sadie Rogan spent yesterday at Carbondale. William Best, of Pottsvllle, Is spending a few days with relatives on Dunmoro street. Michael Sweeney, of Archbald, was a visitor In town, Wednesday. By a scoro of 4 to 2, tho "Zuzus" do feated tho Undertakers in a gaino of base ball yesterday. Tho pitching and heavy hitting of Dakin and Williams wero tho features. John Dohorty has returned homo from Philadelphia. Miss Mamlo Wudo and James Wade attended tho rccoutlon of the Immucii lato Heart of Mary at St. Romi'b convent in Cnrbondale, yesterday, whoro their cousin, Miss Julia Langan, of Pricoburg, received tho whlto veil. On complaint of Detective Ctippen, of the Delaware and Hudson company, threo juiik dealers, Louis Pescovitch, M. Rosblngcr nnd Isaac Lciher, all residing on Hickory street, Scianton, were nr lnlgncd before Jubllcu of tho Pcaco Cum mlngs yesterday, accused of buying junk from unknown parties, who were nfterwurd Identified ns Joseph Filler, Fred Bingham and Rudolph Kosser, of Archbald. Tho junk In question was stolen fiom near Plane H. in the shnpo of an old boiler, which they cut up In pieces and sold to tho Junk dealers. Tho two from Archbald wero held under $200 ball each, The Junk dealers wero io. nuircd to furnish n Ilka amount, for un der an net of assembly, It is unlawful to buy junk fiom unknown parties. ARCHBALD. Thomas, tho two and ono-half year old son of Mr. nud Mis. liadaluto, died Wed nesday evening, after a alioit Illness. Tho funeral took placo ycsteiday afternoon und was largely attended. Mrs. Mury Van Daren and Mis, Thos, Monlo wero visitors In Scranton cstor duy, Mr, and Mrs, A. L. Holler, of New Al bany, Intl., nio visiting relatives In town. Mrs. M. A. Footo has returned trom nil extended visit with i datives lu Boul der, Col. Miss Julia McGlynu is visiting Miss Nellie Mimloy, of Mt Veinon. Will Male, of Cailiondnlo, w'as a busl ness caller In town yestciday. Misses Itenu Swcnsen nnd Anna Heck man weio visltois In Scranton yestciday, The funeral of Antonio Luseuto, tho man who ft'ns diowtied while bathing, Tuesday, took pluco ycbteiday afternoon. Tho lemalus wero taken to St. Thomas church, whero services wero held. Intcf ment was mado In tho Catholic cemetery. Tlib tnineis' union attended the funeral in a body, PECKV1LLE. Mr. and Mis. H. P. Woodward weio tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Farn ham, in Honesdale. on Wednesday, A cataract of chances for good buying at Connolly & Wallace's. At Men's Furnishing Counter Mohair Suits, ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS ATLANTIC CITY. Excursion Via New Jersey Central on August 1, 1002. Fare for adults, Jj.00; fare for chil dren, $2.50. 'Round trip tickets on sale at stations mentioned below and good going on special train, schedule of which follows, or on any regular train on above date, and good to return on regular trains on or before August 11. Special train leaves WllkesrBarre, S.30 a. in.; Hazle street, 8.32 a. m.; South Wilkes-Bnire, S.31 n. m.; Ashley, 8.3S a. in.; Laurel Run, 9.07 a. m.; Penob scot, 0.20 "a. in. j White Haven, 9.42 a. in.; Leslie Run, 9.54 a. m.; Penn Haven junction, 10.14 u. m.; Mauch Chunk, 10.30 a. m. W. G. Besler, general man ager; C. M. Burt, general passenger agent. $51.25 to Salt Lake City and Eeturn via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. On account of the Grand Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks meeting nt Salt Lake city, Utah, August 1211, the Lehigh Valley rail road will boll round trip tickets at the rate of $31.25 good going August 6th, 7th and Sth, good for return passage to and Including September 30th. Tickets good on ull trains except tho Black Diamond express". Consult Lehigh Valley ticket asents for further In formation. $66.25 to San Francisco and Los An geles, Cal., and Hoturn via the Le high Valley Kailroad. On account of the biennial meeting, Knights of Pythlus, nt San Francisco, August 11-22, the Lehigh Valley rail road will sell excursion tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., at JCG.25 good going August 1st to 9th, In clusive, good for return passage to Sep tember 30th, good on any train except the Black Diamond Express. See Le high Valley ticket agents for further Intorniatlon. A Popular Sunday Outing. Tho New York, Ontario nnd Western Hallway company will run un excur sion to Hancock, N. Y on Sunday, August 10, Tho rltlo over the hills of Wayno and Dclawaro counties nt this season of the year is a delightful one, the view being beautiful, u scope of country being visible fiom tho Elk mountains to the Cntskllls, Tho pretty town of Hancock In Itself, situated ua It Is, between both branches of the Delaware river and surrounded by tho towering peaks of the Cutskllls and other ranges of mountains, presents to tho excurslonlht a view well worth see ing. Thcru aru la number of summer hotels ami boarding houses tit Hancock, with ample accommodations, and livery facilities to nffoul u drlyo through the country for excurslonl&is. Train will leave beranton at S.30 n. in., and returning, leavo Hancock ut 4.30 p. m., arriving in Scranton at 6.45 p, m. The return furo from Scranton Will he II. Foi further information, consult ticket agents or J, 10. Welsh, T, I'. A., Scran ton. Pa, Excursion to Mauch Chunk, a leu Onoko nnd the Svltch-13ack, Sunday, August 3, 190.', via Now Jersey Ccntrul. "Hound trip tickets, good only ou special train on nbeno date, will bo on sale at the following btutlons and intes: Scranton, $1'.50; Taylor, $1.40; Mooslc, $1.33; Avoca, $1.30; Pittston, $1,25; children, 75 cents. Special train on above date will bo run on following i 12ic 25c $2.00 to $11. OQ Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock giiaii3iiiitgi$iigigiifftiil i PILSNER Brewry, y. a rm 43Sto4ss 'srranrnn ra N. sevent mat., LJil U1ILVM1I 1 Ul Old 'Phone, 333i. New 'Phone, '2935, General Agent (or tho Wyoming District toi Du pontes Powder kilning, Wistlnff, Sporting, FmoVeless and Rcpauno Chemical Company'! HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Itoom 401 Con cell Uulldins (Scraatcn. AQUNCIES. JOHN' P. SMITH & SON riymoutH f. W. MULLIGAN Wlkc3-Darrt, Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. schodulo: Leave Scranton, 7,30 a. ni.;' Taylor, 7.37 a. in.; Mooslc, 7.43 a. m.j Avoca, 7.40 a. m.; Pittston, 7.51 a, m, Returning, train will leave Mauch Chunk at 5.30 p. in. for abovo stations. Special trains will leavo Mauch Chunk for Glen Onoko nt 2, 2,45, 3.30 4.15 p. -m., nnd Glen Onoko for Mauch Chunk ut 2,15, 3. and 3.45 p. m. Switch Back tickets, SOconts extra for adults; children, 23c, and must ho purchased on train beforo arriving ot Mauch Chunk, J, S. Swisher, district Passenger Agent. Lackawanna Excursion, Atlantia City, N, J Aug. 14. Special excursion tickets will be sold for all trains going Thursday, August 14th, good for icturn on any train 0i to and Including August 21th. Tho rata from Sci union will ho $5.00 for nduljs and $2.50 for children between the agfa of 5 and 12 yenis. Itoute will be via Manunka Chunk nnd Philadelphia. Passongois taking trains connect Ins vlu the Delaware bridge have no change of stations eu route. The dates select ed for this excursion were tnado with tho view of giving those desiring an outing nt the seashore the most delight ful and interesting part of the season. Apply to the local ticket agent for schedule of the several trains daily, till is B r r A f. -'V trjjjff ! !WaiK v iiM4 Jf Jj .An -J-Afc i I ..; ,. .&& jL4.I. Am- lp qu. gV aaa iMUlW -JMri&3 .4 wt -nSlA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers