(-s.t 'K"V', n v THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1902. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. v ..... r GOVERNOR ORDEK muura The Eighth and Twelfth Regiments and Governor's on Duty at iENERAL J. P. S. GOBIN IS IN COMMAND IThe Town in the Hands of an Infuri- ated Mob Last Evening Two Bor ough Policemen Shot; Merchant Clubbed to Death A Riot Pro voked by the Effort of a Deputy Sheriff to Escort Two Non-Union Miners Through a Line of Pickets. A Desperate Battle Between Strik ers and Police Follows, in Which Many Shots Are Fired The Dep uty and One Non-Union Man Es cape on an Engine. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Harrisburg, July oO. Governor Stone (has ordered the Eighth and Twelfth regiments and the Governor's troop, of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, In command of General J. P. S. Gobin, to proceed Immediately to Shenandoah, the scene of today's rioting. General Cobin left here shortly after midnight in a special train, and It Is expected that all the troops, the combined strength of which Is 1,500, will be on the ground by daybreak. The governor has been kept fully ad vised of the situation by Private Secic- tary Gerwlg ever since the call for troops by Sheriff Beddall, of Schuylkill county, early this evening. At 6 o'clock the following message was received from the sheriff and immediately re peated to the governor at Paul Smith's in the Adirondack mountains by Mr. Gerwlg: Shenandoah, Pa., July .10, 1902. William A. Stone, Governor, lluirlsburg, Pa.: Deputy sheriff and two assistants sur rounded nnd one killed, three of the mob shot by sheriff; three local police officers shot, one possibly fatal. Town Is with out police protection and local govern ment terrorized, threatened by rrtob If they sign petition. Feeling running very high. Mine workers admit foreign ele ment beyond their control. Mob Is be yond control: situation requires greatest haste. Sheriff powerless for want of suf ctent assistance. S. Rowland Beddall, Sheriff. Subsequently the following message was received from the sheriff: Pottsvllle, l'a July 30, IMC. .William A, Stone, Governor, and Adju ." tanl General Thomas J. Stewart, flar- - rlsburg, Pa.: Frf jHiiuunuwu uiiu nut 1:1 hum cuuiuy; jurcd, Situation beyond my control. Troops should bo sent Shenandoah imme- tlliitely. " (Signed) S. Rowland Beddall, Sheriff. Governor Stone started for Hurrls burg at 8 o'clock this evening and ex pects to reach hero in Chicago Llmtte-1 at .'! o'clock, tomoirow afternoon. Ho Is belns fully advised of the situation nnd the movement of the troops by Mr, Gerwlg. Arrangements havo been made with the telegraph and railroad companies nlong the route over which the executive Is traveling to transmit to him inesfugf-H received from the Schuylkill county authorities. Thu lieail.iunrters of the Eighth regi ment Is at IMltsvil.'e, It Is commanded by Colonel Theodore F, Hoffman, Colo nel Charles M. Clement, of Sunbury, commands Hie Twelfth regiment, Tho governor's troop Is located at Harris burg and Is commanded by Captain Fred M. Ott. Should tho presence of additional troops be needed to quell any further 'disturbance, ono or moro addi tional regiments of the Third brigade will bo ordered out. General Gobln, who will havn com mand of the troops, was in command of the provisional brigade during tho riots at Hasdeton several years ago, and subsequently at Shenandoah, He will be Joined at Shenandoah tomor row by his staff and he will Imme v dlately locate his troops at the place and In tho surrounding country, Mobilizing the Twelfth. Sunbury, July 31. At 12.45 this morn ng, Colonel S. M. Clement of the . rwi rwelfth regiment, N. G. P., received era irom Adjutant uenerai Stewart Harrisburg to mobilize his command accepting the Lock Haven and Dan- llle companies, and proceed to Shen andoah at once. It Is expected the sol diers will reach there by C a. in. "Wllllamspprt, July 31. Major Upde graff, of the Second battalion, Twelfth regiment, received orders ut 3 o'clock this morning from Colonel Clement, ut Sunbury, to leave at 3 a. m, for Slum. T. SJ V ocm 4 iS SHENANDOAH Troop Will Be Daybreak. andoah with the troops that he has assembled. Governor Stone En Route. Utlca, N. Y., July 31. Governor Stono left Paul Smith's, In tho, Adlron dacks, at 10.23 last night, and Is duo to arrive at Utlca at 2.45 this morn ing, en route to Huriisburg, where he hus been summoned as a result of the riots among the strikers. REIGN OF TERROR AT SHENANDOAH. The Town in the Hands of an Infuri i ated Mob. Bj Exclusive Wire fiom The .Ksouatcd Press. Shenandoah, July 30. A reign of ter ror, compared with which the scenes enacted during the riots of 1900 seem Insignificant, held Shenandoah in Its grasp tonight. Centre street, which is one of the principal streets of the town, was in the hands of an unfurlated mob. Two of the borough policemen were shot, ono perhaps fitfully. Joseph Bed dall, a leading merchant and cousin of Sheriff Beddall, was brutally clubbed to death and upwards of a score of strikers whose names at this writing could not be ascertained, were shot by policemen, and It is expected that many deaths will result. Sheriff Beddall ar rived from Pottsvllle at 7.45 o'clock with a posse of deputies. He has taken up his headquarters at the Ferguson hotel. To an Associated Press reporter he admitted that he lias asked Gover nor Stone to send the militia. The governor wired that If the cltjzens of the town petition for troops, 'he will send them, and a petition Is being cir culated for the purpose now. It Is al most certain that the troops will be here tomorrow. The trouble started about 6 o'clock this evening, when Deputy Sheriff Thomas Beddall attempted to escort two non-union workers through the strikers' line of pickets. The workmen were dressed in their street clothes, but one of them carried a bundle under his arm, and this aroused the suspicion of the strikers. The bundle was torn from him and when It was found to contain a blouse and overalls the man was tak en from tho deputy and beat almost to death. In the meantime Beddall opened lire on the mob, which had gatheird by this time, and emptied his revolver. Two of the shots took effect, ono man being shot in the leg and the other In the .foot. The deputy and the other non-union man were now compelled to lly for their lives and took refuge In the Philadelphia and Reading railroad depot. The depot was soon surrounded by an angry mob of C,000, which was becoming moro threatening and demon strative every moment. Joseph Bed dall, a hardware merchant and brother of tho deputy sheriff, was seen making his way through tho crowd In an effort to reach his brother, and the mob div ining that he was carrying ammunition to those Inside the depot, seized him and beat him with clubs and billies Into insensibility. He died en route to tho miners' hospital. An Escape on an Engine. Shortly after this, the entire borough police force arrived on the scene and escorted tho deputy sheriff and his man to an engine which had been backpd Into tho depot for that purpose. When tho mob realized that their prev was about to escape, they surrounded tho engine and the engineer was afraid to move. In u few moments, however, the police llred a volley, dispersing the crowd for a brief period, and tho en gineer turned on full sterna and got awuy with his men. Stones were now thrown thick and fast about tho heads of the police, whereupon Chief John Fry gave the order to lire. At the first volley the mob fell back, and sev eral were seen to fall. Their retreat, however, was but momentarily. They turned, nnd with revolvers, stones, and even a few shotguns, they charged on the little band of policemen nnd made them fly for their lives. The policemen turned In their (light at short Inter vals and fired volley after volley at their merciless pursuers, but tho mob seemed thoroughly Infuriated and smoking revolvers seemed to have no terrors for them. AVhen the Lehigh railroad crossing was reached, a pass ing freight train blocked the progress of the police, two of whom were caught and brutally beaten. One of them, Stlney Yacopsky, will die, It Is estimated that upwards of 1,000 shots were fired, and the wonder Is that more fatalities did not result. More than twenty strikers, nil of whom were foreigners, were shot and at let-tit two of them will die. Many of the nwchunts and politicians refused to sign the call for troops, fearing that the miners will boycott them ufter the trouble Is over, and as the governor had made the sending of troops con tlguent on tho petition of citizens, there was some doubt as to whether they would be sent. The doctors of the town dressed the wounds of nearly forty strikers, all of whom were foreigners whoso names could not be ascertained. It Is known at midnight that four out of tho six policemen were shot. Chief Fry re ceived a slight wound In the hand; Yacopsky was shot In the hand and back and may die; IUnhelser was shot In tho neck and head, not serious; Laurltes was shot In pcverat places and cannot recover. Mine Workers Post Notice. The following printed notice wns posted by tho mine workers all over the town tonight: in view of the tlNtm bailees that liavo occuned In Shenandoah within tho last twenty-four hours, In titter disregard to tho teachings nnd pilnelples of the I'nlt.'d Mine Workers as an organl.ntlon and contrary to tho explicit Instructions of tho leaders, we call on nil membcis of the United Mine Workers to nt once do nil In their power to suppress lawlessness, nnd to aid the officers In every way to maintain peace and good order. (Signed) John Fahy, President District No. 0. SITUATION VIEWED AT STRIKE HEADQUARTERS President Mitchell Refuses to Dis cuss the Shenandoah Trouble. Want Engineers to Return. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. WIlkes-Barro, July 30. President Mitchell was shown an Associated Pre.s dispatch from Shenandoah to night, giving news of a serious riot theie. Mr. Mitchell said It was too bad, but In tho absence of full particu lars from the district officers of the miners' union, he did not care to ox press an opinion. It has been known, however, that ever since Monday Mr. Mitchell lias been In communication with the dis trict leaders of tho miners' union In the Schuylkill region, and us ho has always favored peace, It Is presumed ho warned his subordinates to keep their followers in control. It was Mr. Mitchell's Intention. to visit the Schuyl kill region this week, but press-of busi ness so far has kept hltn at headquar ters. All the coal operators here are watch ing developments tonight. They are anxious to know If the governor will send troops to the riot region. At the office of one of the coal companies, private information was received to the effect that the governor would not or der out the troops unless it majority of the business men and property owners of Shenandoah signed a peti tion saying Hie and property -was not safe. It is reported that the Raub Coal company, at Luzerne borough, has of fered to take back all Its own engi neers, pumpmen and firemen and give them an eight-hour day, if they will return to work at once. It is said tho company has had more or less trouble? In keeping Its mlnefreg .from, ..walcr with the new men Reemployed when' the old hands quit work. The applica tion of the company has been referred to tho district board of United Mine Workers. It Is not believed tho old men will be allowed to return to work. The ruling of the board In tho past has been that having refused the demands of the engineers, firemen and pumpmen when it was first made, the strikers cannot return to their old positions un less all the employes are taken back. ENSATIONAL TURF EVENTS The Blind Stallion Rhythmic Outclasses His Field at Columbus, Ohio. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Columbus, O., July 30. Eighteen hard fought heats were decided on tho sec ond day of the Columbus Grand Cir cuit meeting and the racing was tho most sensational over witnessed on tho local track. The blind stallion, Rhyth mic, winner of the M. and M. stake, outclassed his Held In the $5,000 stake for 2.23 trotters and won as he pleased. Summary: 2.00 class, pacing; purse, $2,000, Dan It 2 5 5 111 Fied S. Wedge wood 1 1 -I -1 2 2 Captain Sphinx 0 4 12 4 3 Daphno Dallas 5 2 2 3 3 ro l'llucu Direct 3 3 3 dr Lou Vauglmn 4 dls Time, 2.01 '.'.CCU. 2.0i'.',i, 2,tKi!4. 2.0GJ1, 2.0G?i, 2.12 class, trotting; purse, J.'.OOO. Hawthoino ti 0 5 2 1 1 1 Leolu 5 113 4 3 2 Dan T 7 3 3 12 2 3 Border 15 1 t! 6 4 4 Hello Kuser, Lady Tlilsbe, Tcsbio S. and Hairy S. also staited. Best time, 2.10U. Tho 2.19 tiuss, trotting; purse, 1,200 (un finished), Miss Johnson 3 1 Ella Leo l ti Brlgham Bell BaronvBell 7 3 Jack, Jim Kenton, Betsoy Ross and Tomberl also stalled. Time. 2.1714. 2.1li',i. 2.2J class, tiottlng; purse, j,000. Rhythmic Ill Patchen Maid 2 5 2 Lauretta ,,,, ,.,,, I 3 3 Alfred Star , 5 4 4 Tho General , 3 2 dls Best time, 2.1214, 2.25 class, pacing; purse, jl.ooo (unfin ished). Pearl 'Lester , fill J. C T 1 4 Dick Wilson , ,,,. 2 3 3 Junius ,,,,, ,, 4 4 2 Orln B , ,,,,, 3 5 C Belle Mnislmll ,.,, ,,,,, D dls Best time, 2,12!4, Advance in Coal. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Indianapolis, July 30. At a. meeting of coal dealers of Indianapolis today, an advance of 50 cents n ton on Ilia price, of anthniclto coal and 50 cents u ton on all bituminous coal was ordered to tuko effect August 1. Under the now sched ule anthraclto coal will be advanced from $7 to J7.50 a ton. An Engineer Killed. By Exclusive Wire Irom Tho Associated Presi. Altoona, Pa., July SO. Tho westbound fast mall train on the Pennsylvania rail load ran Into tho rear end ot a freight tialn at Pack Saddle, near Bolivar today. Engineer John Kcmmeiilng, of tho mall train was killed and his fli'oiu.Hn mid three mall clerks were Injured. Kern morllng resided in Altoona. RIOT AT A FUNERAL Mischievous Workmen in the Hoe Prlntina Press Factoru Start a Bio Row. THE POLICE CALLED OUT TO QUELL THE TROUBLE Employes of the Hoe Factory Pour Pails of Water Upon the Heads of Hebrews in a Funeral Procession. The Attacked Persons Retaliated by Smashing the Windows of the Building The Police Charge Upon the Crowd and Many Unoffensive Persons Are Injured. By Exclusive Wire from Tie Aaoclatcd Press. New York, July 30. The funeral of the late Chief Rabbi Jacob Joseph, head of the Orthodox Hebrews of the United States, which was held here to day, was tho occasion of ono of the most remarkable demonstrations ever witnessed In this city and led to a col lision between the masses of Jewish mourners and the police. The streets were packed with thousands of He brews, the stores were generally closed and every point of vantage along the route taken by tho funeral procession to the different synagogues was crowded. After tho service at the house tho body was taken to each of the six synagogues on the East Side, where brief services were held. When the procession was passing the printing press factory of R. Hoe & Co., on Grand street, on its way to the cemetery In Brooklyn, several employes of tho factory emptied palls of water from the windows of an upper floor onto tho spectators massed upon the sidewalk. Pall after pall. It was said, was emptied on the throng, which shouted and struggled and stampeded In vain to escttpe. Then overalls and clothing soaked In water rame down from above, and even tools, scraps of steel, bolts and a dead cat. The angry populace, most of whom were Hebrews, retaliated by throwing back Into . the factory' windows the mlssllesthat fell on thorn. Tnb'y, also 'gathered up stones "ahd'stlcKs, and in a few minutes there was scarcely a whole pane of glass on the Grand street side of tho factory. Then some In the factory turned on a hose and played It Indiscriminately all over the funeral procession. Drivers of mourning carriages whipped up their horses, trampling over citizens nnd the stronger men trampled women and children under feet in their efforts to escape. People Clubbed Bight and Left. The police had In the meantime tak en a hand In the trouble, and were clubbing the people right and left. They were, however, unable to cope with the crowd and the reserves of half 11 dozen precincts were dispatched to the scene. It was more than half an hour before order was restored and the streets In the vicinity of tho factory cleared. A number of arrests were made, among them being several employes of the Hoe company. Many persons were found about the streets, bleeding from wounds on their heads and other parts of their bodies. Ambulances had been.summoned In the meantime, and three responded. The surgeons were kept busy for some time dressing the wounds of the injured. Several policemen were also wounded, receiving cuts and bruises. Two men were taken to the hospital. Bad feel ing la said to exist between some of the employes of the Hoe company and tho Hebrews residing In the neighbor hood ,and this Is said to .have been the cause of tho trouble. After the riot had been quelled the funeral procession proceeded to Brook lyn, where the body of Rabbi Joseph was Interred. Threats of clubbing by the police finally restored order. Forty thousand people ere crowded In and about tho cemetery on Cypress Hill In an attempt to witness the services at the grave. GASOLINE WHECKS A BIG POWER HOUSE. Losses nt the Shire Colliery Will Eeach Many Thousands. By i;cluste Wire from The Associated l're3s. Ilariisburg, Pn July 30. Tho oxplo slon of a gasollno engine last night at the mines of Jacob Shire, an Individual operator at Shoit Mountain nenr Oratz, wrecked tho power house of tho colliery and destroyed tho breaker and storogo house, Tho loss will run Into thousands of dollars, a portion ot which Is covered by Insurance. The llanies from the wrecked power Ihouso wore communicated to the ad joining buildings, and nil wero destroyed, no llio apparatus adequate to fight tho llames being avnllablo, Tho strike of tho hard coal workers has not affected the shlro workings, which hiipply only loeal trndo, There are no union men employed there. CRASHED INTO A STATION, A Train of Runaway Cars Creates Havoc at Trenton, By Kxcliulre Wire from The Associated Press. Trenton, N. J,, July 30. An unattached train of fourteen cats on tho Beading rallioad broke- loose at Prospect street, thf.i city, early today and running about half a mllo crashed into tho icar end of the company's btutlou, Thrco of tho enrs were piled up inside of tho station and tho building Is so badly damaged that a good portion of it will have to bo lobuilt. The ticket office was directly In the lino of the runuwny cars and was smushed. No one was injured. A wrecking train cleared away tho debils, fhcro wcio two brakemen on tliu train but they were unable, to hold It and jumped off before the crash. S MB. M'HUGH TO COOL OFF IN THE SLIQO JAIL. A Member of Parliament Will Servo Sentence for Contempt of Court. By Exclusive Wire Irom The Awoclattcl Press London. July 30. Patrick A. McIIugh, Nationalist member of parliament for tho North division of l.eltrlm, left tho housa of commons tonight accompanied by tho governor of the Sllgo Jnll, In which placo Mr. Mcltugh Is to serve a sentence, ot three months Imprisonment. A select parliamentary committee decided to tako no abtlon In tho case. Mr. McIIugh wns arrested on Juno 25 on a bench warrant Issued by tho spo clal court assembled nt Sllgo, under tho crimes act, charging htm with contempt of court. In the course of Mr. McHugh's trial In April, 1901. when ho. was accused of publishing seditious libels In his news paper, the Sllgo Champion, It Is charged thnt, ho called tho presiding magistrate a "damned liar" nnd that ho refused to apologize, Faying to tho magistrate, "I never express regrets to sweeps of your kind." , GIFTS OF THE EMPEROR Decorations and Presents Be stowed Upon Americans by Kaiser William. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Berlin, July 30. The German emperor has conferred a number of decorations on Americans Incidental to the visit to the United States of Prince Henry of Prussia. The Bed Eagle of the Third class Is bestowncd to Samuel H. Ashbridge, mayor of Philadelphia; Ju lius Fleischmann, mayor of Cincinnati; Rolla Wells, mayor of St. Louis; David R. Francis, former governor of Mis souri; Arthur Eddy, of Chicago, and Gustav H. Schwab, of New York. The Red Eagle of the Fourth class Is given to W. S. McChesney, general manager of the St. Louis Terminal'; Gustav Fischer, president of the Ger man Macnnerchor of Chicago; Chief of Police Matthew Klely, of St. Louis; Prof. Camlllo von Kleuze, of Chicago, and the Rev. Dr. Gustav Zimmerman, of Chicago. Those who received the Crown Order of the Third class arc John N. Part ridge, police commissioner of New York; Captain Titus, chief of the de tective bureau, of New York; Henry Rubens, of Chicago, and William Vocke, of Chicago. yiThe Crown Order of the Fourth class ji'conferred on Consular Agent Baum 5ach,of Milwaukee; .George jJJ'SB.oldt, manager of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel In New York'; J. J. Coakloy, station master, St. Louis, und Wllhelm Schmidt, of Chicago. The emperor presents autograph pho tographs of himself to the designers of the yact Meteor III, C. C. Cary Smith and Henry Barbey. The foreign office announces a list of presents made by Prince Henry. Some of them were conferred by the prince while he was In the United States, but most of them were sent recently. David J. Hill, assistant secretary of state, received a gold snuff-box bear ing the latter "H" and a crown In dia monds. Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans was given an enamel portrait of the prince, surrounded by diamonds. Major General H. C. Corbln's present was a gold cigarette case, on which was the prince's portrait In diamonds. Colonel Theodore A. Bingham and Commander W. S. Cowles of tho navy each received a gold cigarette case, on which were a crown In diamonds and the letter "H." A bracelet bearing the prince's por trait In rubies und diamonds was pre sented to Mrs. H. H. D. Pelrco, wife of tho third assistant secretary pf state, and to Mc. Pelrco was given a framed portrait of the prince. Other presents were given as follows: Major Richard Sylvester, superin tendent of the Washington, D. C, po lice department; John E. Wllkle, chief of tho United States secret, service; John C. Stubbs, railway official; Qor nelitis Van Cott. postmaster at New York nnd J. B. Reynolds, secretary to the mayor of New York, diamond scarf pins; McDougall Hawkes, dock com missioner, New York, a gold scarf pin; Thomas Sturgls, fire commissioner, New York, and Deputy Police Commissioner Thurston, Now York, gold cuff-buttons; Police Inspectors Cortrlght, Biooks, Hurley, Thompson, Kane and Cross, Police Captains Schmlttberger and Wendell and Captain Smith, of the harbor police, all of New York; As sistant Superintendent Hunsdorfer, of the Plnkerton bureau; M. Deutsch, who was telegraph agent at tho Thirty fourth street pier. New York, where the Hohenzollern lay, and Louis Mur phy, of the United States secret service, nil receive scurfplns. Postmaster Frederick E. Coyne, of Chicago, Is given n gold cigarette case; Chief of Police Frank O'Neill, of Chi cago, 11 gold scarf pin, and the man-' ager of Wlllard's hotel, Washington, a gold cigarette enso, Framed portraits of tho prince nro sent to Seth Low, mayor of New York; Patrick A. Collins, mayor of Boston; Carter H, Harrison, mayor of Chicago! to the Navy department nt Washing ton, Nnvnl and Military academies, tho Now York Yacht club, the University club, New York, to the armory of Squadron A, New York, and to the Milwaukee museum. When Captain Titus was asked about the decoration reported In Berlin dls patches to have been conferred upon him, he remarked; "it's a high honor, you know, and was for guarding Pjinco Henry, you know." Steamship Arrivals, Dy Kxclmlve Who from The Associated Press. Now York, July 30. Cleared; Columbia, Hamburg via Plymouth; Frlederlch der Grosse, Bremen via Southampton; La Uascogne, Havre. Sailed: Majestic, Llv eipool. Nuples Arrived: Lahu, New Yoik. Liverpool Arrived: Oceanic, Now Yoik. Glasgow Ai rived: Ethiopia, Now Yoik. Southampton Sailed: Kaiser Wll helm der Grosse, Now Yoik via Cher bourg. Rotterdam-Arrived: Rotterdam. New York via Boulogne Bur Mer. Ply. mouth Arrived: Bremen, Now Yoik fur Cherbourg und Bremen (and proceeded). ILION BALL TEAM STRUCK BY TRAIN STRIKERS HELD TO BAIL. Defendants Threatened the Lives of Pumpmen at Lykens. Dy nxctmive Wire from The Associated Press. Hnrrlsburg, Pn July 30. John Cyssaw skl, Paul Cyscawskl, Albert Topkl, Mi chael Morgan, Jr., Miles Morgan, Horaco Lockomcr nnd Frank Hcntz were held In J300 ball each today by Aldermnn .Tnck son for threatening-tho lives of Cliarle3 Frank and ,fnmlly. Tho defendants are striking minors, nnd It Is alleged they have frequently threat ened bodily harm to Frank, who Is em ployed as a pumpman In tho mines at Lykens. MORE SMALL-POX. IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Three Cases Have Been Discovered Near West Nicholson. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, July 30. Thrco cases of small-pox havo been discovered just north of West Nicholson. In tho edge of Sus quehanna county. They ore tho children of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Phelps. Other people In the vicinity havo been exposed to tho disease, and considerable excitement prevails in tho neighborhood. FAVORITES LOSE THE CONTESTS AT ERIE The Card Postponed from) Tues day Is Badly Hit Good Sport at Pulton. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Erie, Pa., July 30. Favorites lost all of the three races on the card, which were postponed from yesterday, and the talent was badly hit. There was a large attendance for opening day, and the events were Interesting. Gipsy Red went a fast mile in 2.11 in the 2.12 pace. Summary: First race 2.1 pacing: purse, $400. 'qess . 1 1 1 Farmer Boy S 2 v2 Klngmoro .... 2 3 8 Little Bob 3 7 I Governor Plngree, Fannie K., Harri son, George R., Mary Mansey, Vase and Colonel Baldwin also started. Best time, 2.1SU. 2JM trptiipurso, $100. j Freebooter ,....- 2 1 1, 1 Lconara 1 2 2 4 Sphinx Lassie i i 3 2 Maud S 3 5 Nancy Medium 5 3 1 3 Best time, 2.2J'i. 2.11 r;e; purse, $."00. Glpscy Red 1 1 7 i 1 Clrclo 2 3 13 3 Fred M 3 (i 4 1 2 Hamilton C 2 2 3 li Don Sphinx, J. K., nnd La Honda also started. Best time, 2.11. Good Sport in Fulton. Fulton, N. Y July 30. The races to day of the Central New York circuit offered good sport, fine weather and a fair track. O'Leary. the favorite in the pools in tho 2.2S class pacing, won handily, after a mishap to his sulky in the second heat, tho judges allowing him to continue the race. Afton L... the second choice In the 2.22 class trot ting, easily defeated Hattle Mack, tho favorite. Summaries: 2.2S class, pacing; purse, $400. O'Leary , 10 11 Pansy 8 1 li 8 Lady Chimes 3 2 2 2 Vina Blrchwood 2 5 3 3 Roxle, Gayward, Red Thorn, Jim Ross, Grace M Sunnysldc and Pop B. also started. Best time, 2.19. 2.22 class, trotting; purse, $100. Afton L 2 111 Hattle Mack 12 2 2 Hellen Russell C 3 3 4 Lou Potter 3 4 4 U Sunol Stakes 4 5 6 3 Kittle Wilkes 0 6 5 D Best time, 2.17. PLATT HEADS THE ROOSEVELT BOOM Says tho Hero of San Juan Hill Will Have a Solid New York Delega tion at Next Convention. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 30. "Presi dent Roosevelt will have n solid dele gation from New York state to the next Republican national convention," This statement was made this after noon by Senator Thomas C. Plntt, of New York, after a conference with the president at Sagamore Hill. Lightning Strikes Coal Shaft. By i:cluslc Wire from Tho Associated Prc.13. Wllkes-Barre, July 30. During the pro vnleiicu of 11 soyeio electrical storm a lightning bolt struck No. It shaft of tho Krlo Coal company at I'lttston and pass ing on thiough tho workings caused un explosion of gas, part of tho Interior workings of tho mlno weio wtecked. Had tho colliery been In operation feomo lives would undoubtedly havo been lost Loudenslager Wins. By Exclusive Wlru from The Afaoilatcd Press. Woodbury, N, J., July 30. Tho contest in tho First Now Jeraoy district for tho Republican congressional nomination ended this afternoon In tho selection of Congressman II, C, l.oudtnblager, who re ceived 1SI votes in tho convention against Kt for J, A. Vun Bant. Charter Granted. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Ilariisburg. July SO. A cluutcr was granted by tho state department today .to tho Wllkcs-Barro und Scranton Coal and Iron company, Scranton; capital, $75,000. , Carnegie Buys Acton Library, by Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. London, July I Sty Andrew Carnegie, who bought the' famous library belong ing to Lord Acton, has presented it to John Motley, Members Hurlecf from a Band Waoon at the Erie Cross- ino at Lestershlre. I DRIVER LEWIS KILLED; MANY ARE INJURED A Vehicle Conveying the Ball Team to Suburban Park Is Struck by an Erie Train Running 70 Miles an Hour Charles H. Lewis, a Colored ' Driver, Is Instantly Killed Nearly, Every member of the Club Injured. 1 The Horses Killed and Dragged 200 Feet. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Binghamton, N. Y., July 30. Tha band wagon which was conveying the , Illon base ball team to Suburban park today was struck at the Broad street crossing in Lcstershire by Erie train No. 2, and the driver instantly killed and six others injured, one seriously. Both horses wore also Instantly killed. The dead'and Injured are: CHARLE3 H. LEWIS, colored, driver, Binghamton; Instantly killed. ARTHUR SIGNOR, 7 years old, Blng- humton; left leg cut off; three severe scalp wounds; injuries serious. L. W. HESS, NaSticoke, Pa.; left leg broken. Injured internally, bruised about body. HARRY HESS, Nanticoko, Pa.; pitcher lllon team, back wrenched, bruised about body. HOWARD J. EARL, New York city, manager Illon team; back wrenched, badly bruised. GEORGE HANLEY, Oswego, right field er, Illon team: back wrenched. , CHARLES MORSE, Auburn, Me., pitcher Illon teum; back and neck wrenched; bruised about body. The other occupants, of the wagon were badly shaken up and bruised. The view of tho track west ot the' crossing is shut off by the(statIon and a high bluff, ana the-occUpants .of the tvnp-nn I'lnlm thn.t the entrlneer Of the train, JoliirjDe- Lancev, .failed to blow his whistle or ring me Den. ( 11, 13 fin lined bv nussoncers that tho train. which was forty minutes late, was run ning seventy miles an nour. The band wagon was descending tho hill toward tho crossing slowly, the brake being on. The players were laughing and joking and the norses wom nlmnst on the crossing1 when a young boy, Harry "Wheeler, of Lester- shire, at great risk jumped on tne track and tried to warn them. Tha driver, without thought of himself, turned to the others In the wagon and yelled to them to jump. He had plenty . nf timf. rn save himself, but remained at his post, and when the train struck the horses ho was thrown neaa tore most against a freight car and instant ly killed. Catcher Shea, of the Illon team, attempted to save the Sfgnor boy on the front seat, but he was un successful. Pitcher Hess, and his father, who had come here today to see his son play, were on the rear of tho wagon when the train struck and were hurled twenty-five feet, landing on the tracks. The wagon was turned completely around o.i hnfiiv rinmnced. The horses were dragged 250 feet. The train ran nearly half a mile before it couia do sioppea. OPERATIONS ABB RESUMED WITH NON-UNION MEN. The Empire Briage Company Has Banished the Walking Delegate. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Now York, July 30. Tho Empire Bridgo company, of Brooklyn, whoso Iron work ers numbering COO men havo been on strike for about two months because of the refusal of tho company to permit a walking delegate of tho union to go' through the shop at all times, resumed work today with non-union men. Strikers gathered In the vicinity of tho works nnd denounced tho new workmen but a largo force of police on hand of forded tho latter protection. m ' IOWA REPUBLICAN TICKET. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Preas. Des Moines, la., July 30. Tho Roputv llcan stato convention today named to, following stato ticket: Secretary of State-W. B. Martin. Auditor B. C. enroll. Treasurer-Gilbert S. Gllbertson, Attorney General-C. W, Mullun, Judgo of Supremo Court Scott M. Ladd. Judgo of Supromo Court (short term) Charles A. Bishop. Tho only controversy was over the tar iff and trust utterances of tho platform und that was sottled In tha committee on resolution In favor of a reiteration of last year's utterances with an addition to tho trust planlc congratulating Presi dent Roosevelt on tho Inauguration, of judicial proceedings to enforce the anti trust laws. YESTERDAY'S WEATHEI& Local data for July 30, 1902; Highest temperaturo ,,, 78 dcgreei Lowest temperaturo OS degrees Relative humidity; 8 a. m ,.,,.,,,,...,...,,. KG per cent, S p. m. ., ,., ,... St per cent.. Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. m.,' trace. 1 -H f WEATHER FORECAST, , -f Washington, July r.0. Forecast -f -f for Thursday and Filday: Kasteii - f Pcnnsylvanu: Paitly cloudy -i' f Thursday and Friday with rising - -f temperature; light varlablo winds. 4 . . il i , ,31 J1 "WA tipy J-1 P Vfc & AT -kt ritftoJiij 4j&i&i)te&. - . 11 urt, iwe .iti.ii-ii&u
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