'ifV'i'v' 1 a:. 'J'U: rf . : v- - iv VfV 1 ' 4, '"( i A. ' fcj 'H ' .V . r? - !- f V, 7- i r - 1 - JM THIS fcHPltAOTOlC TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MAY 2Ti lfO i' Tif& SSE2 VXBWBltl KOTXOZ. j-Vrf-NOKSAwHWSNH. VZ1WBM' HOTI01. NOTICE OF VIEWERS' REPORT. Nineteenth District Main sewer, In. Fifth, sixth, Fifteenth and Eighteenth Wards of the City of Scranton. (To the Owners of Property abutting tho lino of tho above Sewer: You aro hereby notified that c. the undersigned viewers, nica our rnnon u he twenty-sixth day of May, A. D. 1D02, In tho Court of Common P'fJ "Ufi,' ranna county, to No. 442 May Term, 1001, In tho matter of assessments of benefits. the .wanna county, to no. na may ierm, iuwi, m mu immi ui "." ".i""";;:.-:, costs and expenses and damages by reason of tho construction of a main sewer of the Nineteenth Bower mitrict oi me uuy oi Bcraiuon, nn ," ,,i,X TinS I a Bchedulo of tho benefits nBsessetf upon tho properties abutting upon tno una of said Sswcr ns tho same Is shown in said Report, to wit: a AIIll. Ul tvu- Locallon. s nts assessea. FIFTH WARD. Lot. Block. I 1 I i I l b. 1 4 1 5 1 8 . 1 7a 1 7b 1 5 1 6 1 fO 1 Owner. tnlu, trlannertf Boltnr 40 feet nn Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet on ntivato alley Patrick Mitchell ...... .Being 60 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet ........ John Mitchell Being 25 feet On Moridlan street, . with n depth of 130 feet ........ Thomas O'Donncll Being 25 feet on Meridian street, with ii ilrmtli nf UJ1 foet .Being DO feet on Meridian Btrobt, with n depth of 150 feet 76 28 95 35 47 67 47 67 95 35 Richard M. Reese Richard M. Rooso Bclnv'50 fcet.on Meridian street. w'.tli a depth of 150 feet to 35 Ricnaid M. KCese ..Bcmg 60 reet on aiciiuinn mran frith a depth Of 150 feet 9j 35 Mary Mitchell , Being 25 foot on Meridian street, , with a depth of 150 feet 4. 67 Thomas L. HCln ......Heine -j rect on Aicnaiun siruei, wun ii acptn oi iuu icci 13, V IS 16 . 7 18 L9a 13b P0 C2b S3 C4 111 13 13 Jib 14a 15 16 17a 17b IS 19 a 21 22a 22b 21 u ' 25 i-B6 27 28 5 29 : - Bl ThOmas Gallagher Being 50 feet on Moridlan street, with a depth of 150 feet Michael Gallagher Being 23 feet on Melldlan street, with a depth of 150 foot James Gallagher Est., Mich- L11 .. . . ..... ... ael Gallagher, executor. .....ueing .; reet on meridian street, with n depth of 150 feet 1 J. C. Gallachor ...Being CO feet on Meridian street with a depth of 150 feet .. 1 Mary J. Dunkerly .Being 50 feet on Mnrldlnn street, with a depth of 150 feet 1 David Cosgrovo Being 50 feet on Meridian street. wun a Patrick F. Conner Being 50 feet on Meridian street, depth of 150 feet 'with a' depth of 150 feit Being 50 feet on Meridian . ..-r- .. - -i - . ,i wun a ucptn ot uu iocl 1 Albert Dunkerly t. Being BO feet on Meridian street, f with a depth of 150 feet 1 Enoch Dunkerly, sr .Being 50 feet on Meridian street, George Gcrrlty or Helen GeT- lity Being 37',& feet on Meridian street, wun a acptn or ro reel 1 Patrick Rogan Being 37 feet onMerldlan street, with' a depth of 150 feet 1 Kllen Norton Being 25 feet on Meridian street, 'with a depth of 150 feet 1 Mary Smith ....Being 50 feet on Meridian street. , with a depth of 150 feet 1 William Richardson Being 50 fcot on Meridian street, with a depth cf 150 feet 1 Susan Richardson estate, or Abraham and Win, Rich- ,., ardsOn ....Being 50 feet on Meridian street, with a flenth of 150 feet Edward Burns ...Being 5 feet on Meridian street. mwi ti. ueiiu Ui i.JV ICUL Edward Burns Being 25 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet Ann Sheridan Being 45 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 120 feet Mary L. Casey .......Being a triangular plot on Lu zerne street, the dimensions be ing 1SS, 177 and 115 feet Amelia Reese .........Being 60 feet on Meridlnn street, with a depth of 150 feet M. H. Dale Being 50 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet Thomas H. Watts ...Being 25 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet John Raudcnbush ...Being 23 feet on Meridian street, With a depth of 150 feet Henry Everest Being 30 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet Michael Higglns M Being 50 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet Fred Zimmerman Being 50 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet D. W. Sullivan estate, or Mary Sullivan Btelng 23 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet John Higglns Being 25 feet on Meridian street, ; ' with a depth of 150 feet JbhVi J. Daley ..Being 50 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet James P. Heln Being 50 feet on Meridian street, with ii depth of 150 feet John M. Heln . Being 50 feet on Meridian street, with.n. depth of 150 feet Ira I,. Smith ........... Being 50 feet on Meridian street, xytth a depth of 150 feet Ira I. Smith ................... Elng 25 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet T. Ii. Heln ......................Being 25 feet on Meridian street, with ft depth of .159 fcer Mary J. Dunkerly tt.. Being 50 feet on Meridian street. Wth a depth of 150 feet Catharine Joyed ......v. Being 53 feet on Meridian street, "with a depth of 150 feet Miles Joyce .....Being 47 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet Geo. W. Thompson Being 50 feet on Meridian street, wun a aeptn or iw teet 4i Patrick Roland ...... .t Being 33 feet on Meridian street, 1 1 inn mi ii I with a denth of 150 feet Robert Flynn . Being 42 feet on Meridian street, with a depth of 150 feet Brlflcet Moran .,.......,. Beine 25 feet an Meridian street. 'wMrflnMBil with ft depth of ir.0 feet 47 67 with a depth of 130 feet Bridget Armstrong or James Llghtfoot 4 Being 28 feet on Meridian street. 47 67 03 33 47 67 47 07 f'5 35 15 35 05 ij 95 35 1(5 33 93 33 71 11 71 si 47 67 95 35 05 35 95 35 47 C7 47 C7 fc5 82 219 32 114 42 95 C5 47 67 43 S7 57 21 95 35 95 35 47 67 47 67 95 35 95 35 55 35 95 35 47 67 17 67 95 35 101 07 S3 63 95 35 02 93 SO 03 witn a dent i of no feet Miles Gibbons ................. .Being a triangular strip, corner 47 67 53 59 of Luzerne and Meridian streets ,,. 05x150x150 feet in dimensions.... 192 53 S v 8 John Christ ,.,. Belnp 50 feet on Christ court, with a depth of 100 feet 76 28 S 8 Andrew Kelsol Being 50 feet on Christ court, with a depth of 100 feet 76 25 .4 '8 Michael Ralney ...., Being 50 feet on Christ court, , A , with a depth of 100 fcot 76 28 5 8 Michael Ralney Being DO feet cu Christ court, with a dopth of 130 feet 03 35 .6a- , ., ,8. Catliarln O'Connor Being 36 feet on Luzerne street. j ' r y h witli a deptrr of $0 feet on 1 ' Christ court 02 93 6b 8 William O'Connor Being 38 feet on Luzerne, street, with n depth of 80 feet 71 31 T ' 8 Patrick McNulty ..,.. Being 75 feot on Luzerne street, , i t " with a dopth of 80 feet 55 35 1j -.,(.. 8 John Christ .Being 75 feet on Christ court, -" , with a depth of 1100 fcot C5 33 . half ' . - n&v'-tt Micnaei ttainoy Being bo reet on Luzerne street. J-W. half - 869' 8 with a depth of 84 feet on Christ court I 10 11 13 ! ' 14 15 .' 7 ' 1 . 3 v , 3a 3b la 4b w 2a 2b , 3 ' K Tft 7b. 8 9 10 .'l2a i'lJb J.Uo n 13 13b' John Mofflt .....Being 50 feet on Luzerne sticet, witn a depth or S4 feet 8 Helen Schobn Being 50 feet on Ninth avenue, - ,. .,,,.,... wlt1' a depth of 84 feet t Geo. McKulght, John H. fcl- . Iowa Being 50 feet on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 150 feot 8 Plummer oodbrldge Being 60 feet on Ninth avenue. , , ,, , . with a depth of 150 feet 8 John ChrlBt Being CO feet on Ninth avenue, . . .. with a depth of 150 feet 8 John Christ Being 50 feet on Ninth avenue, . ... . . .. with a dopth of 150 feet 8 Nicholas Kraomer .....Being DO feet on Ninth avenue, . . . , . with a depth of 150 fcot 8 A. F. Btuckart Being 50 feot on Ninth avenue, . , with a depth of 150 feet $ Chas. Warner Being 52 feet on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet on Ox-.-,,.... ... f?ri' street 8 John Moffltt Being m feet on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 50 feet on Lu i zerne street 9 Frnnk Auer Est,, Phllopoena Auer, executrix Being 60 feot on Oxford street, with a depth of SO feet on , i. , t, , rflntl avenue 0 John T. Palmer Being ii fCot on Oxford street, with a clenth of 100 feet on As- , ... woll court 0 Ann Healey Being 4S feet on Oxford street, . , t. j , w;ltn " dP'h of loo feet 10 John Powderly , Being 70 feet on Ninth avenue, with a dopth of 103 fcot on Ox- .. . .-... forrt rcct , 10 Mary J. Edwards Being 50 feet on Aswcll court, with a depth of 82 feot on Ox- ..,,, . ford court 10 Bridget Kelly , Being 50 fcot on Ninth avenue, ' . ,, t,"" n dpP"l f M feet 10 Kate McCarthy ., Being 50 feet on Ninth avenue, . . . , , . wlth a depth of 90 fent 10 John Christ , Being 25 feet on Ninth avenue. .. , . T , , with a dcplh of 173 feot ,. 10 John Berger or John Burk- ett , Being 25 feet on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 175 feet 10 John Hennlgan ..Being 50 foot on Ninth avenue. with n depth of 175 feet ., 10 Geocgo Durktn ..,..,.,,..,..... Being DO feet on Ninth avenue. with a dapth of 175 feet 10 Louisa Klngsley .,,,,,,,,,..,, .Being 50 fcot on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 161 feet, with Chas. Klngsley's lot cut from rear nortlon Charles Klngsley .,, .Being 23 feet on Aswcll court, yviiii ti m'lmi in in icgc 10 10 10 10 1.0 to Philip BchneJl ,,,,,,,,,,,, .Being 50 feet on Ninth avenue, with a depth of lo foot David Warrick ..., , Being DO feet on Ninth avenue, . ' . with a depth of 153 feet Andrew Zimmerman or Ann , Reap ,.,, ,,,,,, ...... Being 70 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of DO feet on Ninth avenue Sebastian Klein .,,,,..,,i,.,,,.Belng SO feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of DO feot on As well court , Mrs L. M. Truax ..,.,..,..,. .Being 65 foot on Tenth avenue, wun n aepin oi ( reet on LU- zerne street 10 Mrs. l. M. Truax ,,..,,..,,., .Being DO fuet on Luzerne strcot, .. , with a depth of 73 feet 10 Mary Floyd ,.,.,,,,,.,,, Being 31 feet on Luzerne street, with a denth of t64 feet on As. well court .., 10 Thomas A. Hale ..,.,,.,,,,,,, Being 60 feet on Aswcll court, with a denth nf K tfi-i ' iv nomas juarun .,.,,Belng SO feet on Tenth avenue, , with a depth of 75 feet ,.,. ' 57 76 28 76 28 76 28 95 35 95 35 93 33 95 35 93 35 95 35 99 13 160 19 137 66 78 33 9151 133 51 76 28 76 28 76 28 47 67 47 67 95 35 83 C5 95 33 47 C7 95 S3 95 33 93 33 95 35 124 26 93 35 62 93 93 85 21 viswsiliv xomo. 1 YX1WBM' HOTXCS. Lot. Block 130 10 14 10 15 10 1 10 17 10 17b 10 17o 10 18 10 (FrtTH WARD CONTINUED.) Ownor. Location, Amt. of Bene fits assessed. 19 20a 20b 18 IS 20b 21 1 3 3 4 5 7 17 8 18 19 Sa 9b 10a 101) 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 1 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SO 13 31 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 33 24 26 27 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10a 10b Ua lib 13 13 14 15a 15b 1 IT 18 19 20 51 23a, J3b 24 25 26 60 10 William D. Jones .............Brlnir so fnrit nn Tn(h avuniin. .,, vv ---- -----". --- . ... .. .... win a aeptn or 75 reet 1 u 6 1:1 Thomas A, Halo ..,.......,.,u.Belng 40 feet on Tenth avenue, .. ., with n depth of 10 feet 76 28 Jas. H. Terwllllger ............Being 50 feet on Tenth avenue, ... with a depth of 160 fcot 9333 Evan Ii. LOwls ...,.,,, ..Being 60 feet on Tenth avenue, 10 James Bhlffer ....Being 50 feet on Aswcll court, . with a depth of 6.1 feet 63 93 James Bhlffer ........ ...... ....Being 18 feet on Tenth avenue, with a depth of 110 feet S3 75 James Bhlffer ..,...,...,.( Being 32 feet on Tenth avenue, , ... .. . With a depth of 110 feet ........ 62 M Fanny Aawell or Nicholas uawicy Being 51 feet on Tenth avenue, .. ... with n dopth of 100 feet Dl E4 10 Fanny Akwell .,.,.... Being DO, feet on Tenth avenue, with a depth of 1S1 feet on Ox- . .. .. .. ford Btrcet 160 19 10 Henry Moss .....Being 20 feet on Aswcll court, . with a depth of 75 feet 37 14 10 Henry Moss Being 30 feet on Aswcll court, .. with a depth of 73 feet I B7 81 11 Mary H. .Heath .......Being 70 feet on Tenth avenue, With a depth of M) feat avail- able for sower purposes Do So 11 Elijah Bhlffer .Being 23 feet on Tenth avenue, with a depth of SO feet 41 55 Jacob Pclffcr ..iBelng 30 feet nn Oxford street, with a depth of, 75 feet on Tenth avenue 62 93 Geo. Ptlffer, Jr., or Chftrlotto I Peirrer .....Being 50 feet on Oxford street, . with a depth of75 feet 16 28 Nelson Stclnbach ...Being 100 feet on Oxford street, . . with a depth of 100 feet 160 19 M. E. Wheeler .........Being 50 feet on Tenth nvenue, with a depth of 150 reet on ox 11 11 11 12 ford street John Aswell ....Being 50 feet on Tenth avenue, with n denth nt 150 foet 1. Being 60 feet on Tenth avenue, with a dopth of 150 feet 12 with a depth of 150 feet 12 JOhh Aswell Being DO feet on Tenth avenue, 12 Henry Smith 12 GeOrge H. Follows ....Being 40 feet on Tenth avenue, ..,.. with a depth or 150 teet 12 Josephine Fellows or George H. Fellows .Being 50 feet on Tenth avenue . .. . with a depth of 150 feet 12 Frank B. Metz ...Being 21 feet on Tenth avenue, .. with a depth of 150 feet 12 Mary Hagon Being 21 feet on Tenth nvenue, with a depth of 130 feet 12 James Bhlffer Being 59fc feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 120 feet on . .' .. ..... Tonth avenue 12 Win, R. Williams ......Being 33 feet on Oxford street, with a depth of 52 feet on Ed- wnYl rnurf . Dinah Jones Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, With a depth of HO feet on Ed- . . wards court Fred Leber Being 20 feet on B. Main street, with a depth of 100 feet on Lu zerne street 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 William Leber Being 24 feet on S. Main strcot, Lu zerne street ng 24 Ith a with a depth of 100 foet on John T. Williams Belhg'33 feet on S. Main avenue. . ,. 4.. , with a depth or 100 reet 12 Thomas W. Davis Being 40 feet on S. Main avenue, . .. - with iv depth of 100 feet 12 Wm. R. William Belhg DO feet oh S. Main avenue, . wlth a depth of 150 feet 12 Louise Corlcss Being 50 feet on S. Main avenue, . .. ... . with a depth of 150 feet 12 Henry Mets Being 50 feet on 6. Mnln avenue, with a depth of 150 feot 12 John Williams Being 50 feet on S. Main avenue, . .... . ,t with a depth of 150 feet 12 Albert Ruth Being 50 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 75 feet on Ox . .. .... ford street 12 Sophia Williams Being 50 feet on Oxford street, with a depth of 75 feet on Ed- . . wards court 13 Wm. E. Johns Being 40 feet on Tenth avenue, ' Tl,l th rt rtart.tt tf lrt f not ... Mrs. Amanda Maurer Being 23 feet on Tenth avenue, . ., .. with a depth of 150 feet Wolfgang Myers Being 25 feet on Tenth avenue, r .it i.i, w"h -i dppth of 150 feot Harriet D. Miles Being 50 feet on Tenth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet on Ox- ... . .. ford street W. E. Thayor , Being 50 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 150 feet on Ox- ... r. . . forl street 13 Thomas D. Thomas estate.... Being 35 feet on S. Main avenue. Thomas D. Thomas estate ...Being SO foet on S. Main avenue, ,, . .. ... with a depth of 150 feet Elizabeth Williams Being 58 fcot on S. Main avenue. with a depth of 143 feet on Dlvl- , . slou street Jane Jones Being 23 feet on S. Main avenue, ,, with a depth of 174 feet A Mary Evans Being 33 feet on S. Main avenue, ... ....... with a depth of 174 feet Wm. R. Williams .....Being 40 feet on S. Mnln avenue. .., ,.,,,, with a depth of 171 feqt Wm. R. Williams Being 50 feet on S. Maiu'avcnuo, . . . with a depth of 174 fe-n Ira Tripp Estate Being 50 feet on S. Main acnue, , with a depth of 174 feet Thomas EynOn Being 70 feet on 8. Main avenue, ., . , with a depth of 174 feet Susan Wickizer Being 30 feet on S. Main' avenue. ., , , with a depth of 174 feet Susan Wickizer Being 50 feet on 9. Main avenue, . . with a depth of 174 foet John W. Brack Being 50 feet on S. Main avenue, . . .. , with a depth of 174 feet Edward Roberts Being 25 feet on S. Mnln avenue, ... - ..... with a depth of 174 feet David C. Williams Being 25 feet on S. Main avenue, . , mr with a depth of 174 feet John J. Morgan Being 43 feet on S. Main avenue, , . . . with a depth of 174 feet Lena Dcekelnlek Being 2! feat nn S. Mnln avenue, with n depth of 90 foet on Lu- . ,, zerne street Jonn J. Morgan Being S3 feet on Luzerno street. with a depth of IS feet on Deck- CIH COlll't 16 Jeffrey J. Powers Being 56 feet" on Luzerne" 'street, with a depth of 130 feet on Tlnnlrm.'a nnnpt ...... Frank McHugh Being 50 feet On Luzerne street. . with a depth of 150 feet tred Bergo Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, . , with a depth of 150 feet Thomas A. Evans Being 50 feet on Luzerne street. , ,. with a depth of 150 feet Henry Leltner Being 50 feet on Luzerne strcot, with a depth of 150 feet on Hyde Park avenuo John A. wears Being 55 feet on Hyde Park ave- . . line, with a depth of 22f: feet.... C. Jones estate or Mary J. Jones .... Being 50 feet on Hydo Park avo- , ,, .. . nue, with a depth of 215 feot.... Julia Shively Being 50 feet on Hydo Park ave- .. , . , nue, with a depth of 210 feet.... Ann Maria Bhlffer Being 51 feet on Hyde Park ave- .. , . . nue, with a depth of 210 feet.... Ann Maria Shifter Being 22 feet on Hyde Purk ave- . nue, with a depth of 20S foot.... Harry S. Jeffreys Being 28 feet on Hydo Park avo- L ... nue, with a depth of 205 feet .... John F. Randolph Being 50 feot on Hyde Park ave- ... ,,, .. , nuo, with a depth of 200 feet..., David R. Hughes ..Being DO feot on Hydo Park avo- ,.. . . . nuo, with a depth ot 93 foot .... P. W. Coons estate, or S. L. -oons Being DO feet on Hydo Park ave nue, with a depth of 93 feet on . , , . , Division-street 19 Daniel J, Evans Being 33 feet on Hyde Park ave nue, with a depth of 160 fcot on ., .. . uivision street K H. Poolo Being 33 feet on Hydo Park avo- ,,.. nue, with a depth of 1C0 feet.... Christ Beavers Being 3J feet on Hydo Park nvo- , . . nue, with a depth of 160 feet.... Simon Rhodes Being DO feet on Hydo Park ave nue, with a denth of 160 feet.... Ann R. Hughes Being 50 feet on Hydo Park avo- 19 19 19 19 19 19 John A. Mcars 19 Julia Shi voly ... 19 Ann R. Hughes Being 60 fcot on Hydn Park ave nuo, witn a aeptn or iw reet.... ...Being 50 feet on Hyde Park avo- . mie, with a depth of 160 fcot.... ...Being DO feet on Hydo Park ave nuo, witn a unpin nt iw iect,,,. George B. Hill Being 50, feet otv Hydo Park rvo- nue. wun a aeptn or W) icot on ..,... , . Sadie Place 19 G. W, Harrington Being 73 feet on Hydo Park avn- mie. with a depth of li feet on ,. , ., Sadie Placo 19 Frank Rought Being 50 feot on Sadlo Place, with . , . a depth of 75 feet 19 Oeorgo Flrestlne Being 30 feet on Luzerne street, ,,..,, . with a depth of 71 feet 19 John E, Edwards Being 35 feet on Luzerno street, . ,, ... ... with a dopth of 75 fcot 19 alentlne Erbach .Being DO feet on Luzerno street, ..... . , with a depth of 75 feet 19 Catharine Kuhns, or Coons,. Being 50 feet on Luzerno strcot, ,.,,, . with a depth of 73 feet , 19 Fiank Raught.or David Tay lor , Being 50 feet on Sadlo Place, with ,. . . .. ft depth of 75 feet 19 E. M. James, or James M. James ,,,, Being 50 feet on Luzerno streot, ..... . with a depth of 73 feot 19 James M. James, or David Taylor Being 50 feet on Sadie Place.wlth ..... a depth of 75 feet 19 Daniel T. James ,, .Being 60 feet on Luzerno street, .. . with a depth of 75 feet 19 Mary J, Smith ,,, Being 50 feet on Sadie Place.wlth .. w . . .. t ' a depth of 75 feet ,1 , 19 Margaret J. Hughes .,.,,,,,,, .Being 40 feet on Luzerne Arcct, with a depth of 75 fcot on . , Twelfth street ...., 19 Edwin or Evan Williams Being BO feot on Twelfth avohue, with a depth of 150 feet .., 19 Thos. H. Jordan ,,,,.,..., Being 50 feet on Twelfth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet 19 John FItnaghan ,,,,,,,.,,,,,, .Being DO feet on Twelfth avonuc, with a depth of 150 feet 19 Hiram Bayers ,,, ,,,,,,,Bolng DO feet on Twelfth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet 19 Watkln James ,,,,,. Being 23 feet on Twelfth avenuo, with a depth of 130 feet 19 Henry 8. Davis ....,,,.,,,,,. .Being 23 feet on Twelfth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet 19 Wright Broadbcnt .,,,.,,a.,,.Being 50 feet on Twelfth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet 19 Beth Wrlgley .................. .Being 60 feet on Twelfth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet 19 C. R. Hill ,.,.! Being 60 feet on Twelfth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet on Divi sion street .. 19 Margaret J. Hughes .,,, Being 50 feet oh Twelfth avenue, with n, depth of 75 feet on Sadie 160 19 93 35 93 33' 114 42 76 28 95 35 41 55 4155 160 19 47 67 160 19 47 67 47 67 G2 93 76 28 95 35 95 35 93 35 95 33, 47 67 47 67 76 28 47 67 47 67 95 S5 93 35 76 28 132 57 110 61 47 67 76 23 7C28 95 35 95 35 133 51 57 21 95 35 05 35 47 67 47 67 63 56 5153 91 24 106 79 C5 33 95 35 95 S3 5 35 11189 123 96 12J96 123 96 57 21 62 93 123 96 95 25 95 35 76 28 76 23 76 28 95 35 95 35 95 33 93 35 95 35 93 53 111 S3 76 28 62 93 62 93 76 2S 76 28 76M 76 28 62 93 95 35 76 28 62 93 95 33 93 33 95 33 (5 53 47 67 47 67 S3 33 95t33 11(43 ' J6M YXBWSIULV XOTXCI. VYTrir-ii,i-i-iiy----i--giftrt - j.i-i.ra-i.i.ra - VIKW1R' yoTioi. (FIFTH WARD CONTINUED,) ..i.. Amt. ot Bene- Lot. Block Owner. .Location. . . fits assessed. 1 24 Thomas or Mary Ryan ....... Being 52 feet 6n Twelfth av6nuc,' with a depth of 150 feet on Dlv . n .. . .. . ISloH Street 118 CI 2 21 Edwin T, Hughes ..Being 50 feet In front on Twelfth 21 Henry S, Davis ....'.... ....... .Being Go'feet on Twelfth avenue, . n .; .with a depth of 150 feet ............ 95.3j. .iu.,i . AiiumuB ................ueine do reet on -rweutn nvenue. 3 4 5 G 7ft 7b 8a 8b 9 10 Ua lib 12 13 14 15 16a 16b 17 18 19 20 21 3a 3b 4 5a 3b 6 7 Sa Sb 9a 9b 10 11 13 14 9 10 , 11 12a 12b 13 14 13 16 17 IS 19 20 m i ... with a depth ot 150 feet 24 James Price Thomas ...... ...Being to feet on Twelfth avenue, , .,.,,, ' wun a aeptn or ino reet 24 Mary Lloyd Being 50 feet on Twelfth avenue, , . . with a depth of 150 feet Being 25 feet on Twelfth avenue, witn a i 24 Morris 'Williams wtllt n lAttl t9 iJ aa4 24 Wm. Morgan Being 25 feet on Twelfth avenue, -. . .-.. . with a depth of 150 fcot 24 Mllcah Davis .............Being CO feet on Twelfth avenue, witn 24 21 24 24 24 a denth of 120 feet on .,, .. . aaie .fiaco William Morgan ...Being 30 feet on Sadie Place, with a depth of DO reet Henry May ........ Thomas Saunders' Being 75 feet on Luzerne streot, with a depth ot 150 feet on Twelfth street Being 37J4 foet on Luzerno street, wuu a aopin oi iwi icei .... Sol. Jones Being 19 feet on Luzerno street, ... .. with n dopth of 150 feet Edward Jones ....Being 19 feet on Luzerno street, itn a depth of luO feet w t 24 Anna Thomas ........Being DO feet ort Lucerne street. .. . .. with a depth ot 150 fcot 24 David Rosar Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, ... . . . ... . with a depth ot 150 feet 24 Ann and Thos. W. Jones. ....Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 130 feet on .. .. .Thirteenth avenue 24 Mary B. Thomas ...Being 60 feet on Thirteenth ave nuo. with a depth ot 150 feet on . . ... Sadie Place 24 Thomas Jenkins Being 25 feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth ot 150 feet ... 24 John L. Jones ......Being 25 feet On Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth ot 150 feet ... 21 Thomas Richards ......Being DO feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... 24 John J. Hopkins Being 50 feet nn Thirteenth ave- . .. nue, with a depth ot 150 feet.... 21 Mary Rccso ..Being 50 feet on Thirteenth ave- nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... 24 Benj. Griffiths Being 50 feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... 24 Jennie Hughes Being 50 feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth ot 150 feet.... 22 24 Daniel Elslngtr Being DO feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with n depth of 151 feet on . Division street 1 25 Margaret JoncB .......... i.... .Being 50 feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 foet on Division street 2 23 Margaret Jones Being DO feet on Thirteenth aVe- nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 3 23 Reese D. Reese Being DO feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 4 25 John Reese, Ex'r. of Char ity Jano Markwick, dee'd,... Being B0 feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 5 23 Richard E. Thomas ..:.. Being DO feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 6 25 David Redmond Being 60 feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 7 23 David M. Jones Being 50 feet on Thirteenth avo- i lino, with a depth of 110 feet ... 8 ' 25 Albert E. Becker Being 50 feet on Thirteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet on Sadlo Place i ;....,,... 9 25 Richard Morgan Being DO feet On 'Luzerne street, with a depth of 130 feet on Thirteenth street 10a 25 Annie Mcale i Being 49 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 75 feet 22 25 John Drummond Being 49 feet on Sadie Place, with a depth of 75 feftt 11 25 Ziba S. Smith Being 39 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 150 feet 12a 25 Wm. E. Lewis Being 39 foet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 75 feet 12b 25 B. S. Smith Being 39 feet on Sadie Place, with a depth of 75 foet 13 25 Catharine E. Smith Being 42 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 110 foet on Fourteenth avenue 14 23 Samuel Lewis Being 50 feet On Fourteenth ave nuo. with a depth of 110 feet on Sadie-Place i 15 25 Frank GleasOn Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a dopth iOf 110 feet ... 16 23 Frank Francis Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 17 25 George Coombs Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 18 25 David J. James Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 19 25 John Swiuson Being DO feot on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... 20 23 Margaret Richards Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet ... H 23 Richard E. Thomas Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet on Division street 1 SO Charles Coombs Being 50 feet oh Fouiteenth ave nue, with a depth of 110 feet on Divlplon Street 2 30 W. Jeremy Davis Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a denth of 150 feet ... SO William O. Jenkins Being 37 foot on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... CO Chnrlei Coombs or Wm. D. Jenkins Being 24 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... 30 George Coombs Being 40 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... 30 Reese James Being 23 foot oh Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... SO Thomas Baldwin Being 25 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... SO George F. Thomas Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nuo, with a depth of 150 feet.... CO James W. Peters Being 50 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... SO Herbert Roland Being 52 fret on Fourteenth ave- nus. with a depth of 100 feet on Sadlo Placo 30 Mary H. Heath Being 50 feet on Sadlo Place.wlth a depth of 52 feet SO Jacob Jones jBelng 75 feet on Fourteenth ave nue, with a depth of 50 feet on Sadie Place 30 Mary Murray Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 75 feet on Fourteenth avenuo SO Mary Murray Being 48 feet on Luzerne street. with a depth of 150 feet 30 Blidgct McDonough Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 150 feet SO Bridset Connors Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 150 foet 30 Allco Connoi's Being 51 feet on Luzerne street. with a depth of 150 feet on V Fifteenth street 33 Thomas Durkln .....Being 50 feet on Luzerne street. with a depth of 150 feet on Fifteenth street 33 Thomas Hennlgan Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 150 feet 33 Michael McHugh Being 60 feet on Luzerne streets with a depth of 150 feet 33 R. W. Capwcll Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with n depth of 150 feet S3 Catharine McHugh Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 150 feot 33 Catharine Durkln Being DO feet on Luzerne street, with a depth ot 75 foet on Six teenth avenuo 33 Michael Durkln Being 50 feet on Sixteenth ave nuo. with a depth of 75 feet on Sadlo Placo 33 Ann Sheridan Being DO feot on Sixteenth nvo- nue. with a depth of 150 feet on Sadlo Placo 33 Michael Hchcr Being DO feet on' Sixteenth avo nuc, with a depth of 150 feot,... 33 Bridget Flynn Being 60 feet on Slxtconth ave nuo, with a depth of 150 fcot.... 3J Michael Flnnerty Being DO feet on Sixteenth nve nue, with a dopth of 150 feet.... 31 Christ Vetsohcck Being 60 feet on Sixteenth nvo- nuo, with a dopth of 150 fcot.... 33 Henry Hlldlch Being DO foet on Sixteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 fcot.... ZJ Patrick Walsh Being 60 feet on Sixteenth nvo- ' nue, with n depth of 150 feet.... 33 John J. Cat son Being 48 feet on Sixteenth avo nuc, with a depth of 150 feet on Division street 34 Mary McHugh ...Being 60 feet on Sixteenth ave nue, with n depth of 150 fcot on Division strcot , 31 Mary McHugh Being 50 feet on Sixteenth ave nue, with n depth of 150 feet.... ii Mary McHugh Being 60 feet on Sixteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet..,. 31 Mary McHugh ....Being 60 feet on Sixteenth nve nue. with it depth of 150 feet,... 31 Catharine Kearney , Being DO fcot on 'Sixteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet,... 34 James Mulroy , , Being DO feet on Sixteenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet,... Si David Reap Being 50 feet on Sixteenth ave nuo, with a dopth of 150 feet,,., 31 Michael Bolton ,,.,,..... ..Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 150 feet, on Sa me 1'IUCO 34 Thomas Carroll Being 60 foot on Luzerno streot. witn a ucptn or ku leot on Sixteenth avenuo 34 James Flynn ,..,, Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with ft depth of 150 feet 34 Martin Carroll Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with n depth of 150 feet 31 Anthony Mcllush ,,,, .Being 60 feet on Luzerne street, witn a depth of 150 feet St Bridget Mcllush Being 50 feet on Luzerno strcot, with a depth of 150 feet 31 Thomas Carroll , , Being 60 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 150 feet on Sixteenth avenue , 31 Helen Bolton .,,.,, ....... ., Being 50 feet on Sixteenth avo nuc. with a depth of 150 fcot on Sadie Placo ,,.,.,, 34 Patrick McAullffe ,,,,,,,...,,,Belug 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 160 feot S Martin Burns , Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with ft depth of 160 feet 34 John Hatch ford .,,,,,,,,.,.,... Being 60 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 160 feet , 34 John Carroll ,.,...,.,.,,.,,... .Being 5) feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 160 feet ,,..,,,.. 34 Annlo Sheridan ,,..,,Uelng 60 feet on Luzerne street, wun a aeptn or iai reet on 2K .fl4 Ann McGrann .,,,,,..,..,. Being CO feet on Seventeenth avc nue. with ft depth of 150 foet oi w. Division street fa -M lb 38 Catharine Carroll Being 27 feet on Seventeenth ave nuo. with a depth of 150 feet on Division street .., Patrick Hannon ... Being 22 feet on Seventeenth ave nue, with a depth ot 150 feet..t. 95 33 95,85 95 33 47 67 47 67 114 42 43 87 HI SO 7151 35 75 35 75 95 33 95 35 f3S5 93 C5i 47 67 47 67 95 Co 95 35 95 S3 95 35 ' '95 35 95 S3 93 35 95 35 95 33 95 35 95 33 95 35 95 55 93 C3 95 35 47 67 47 67 76 28 58 14 CS 14 95 35 p l -y .f-. 95 33 95 S3 93 Co C5 35 95 S5 95 35 95 35 114 42 114 42 15 35 7151 47 C7 47 67 47 67 47 67 93 35 95 33 95 35 47 67 62 93 62 93 9151 93 35 95 35 95 35 95 S5 95 33 95 33 95 33 95 33 62 93 62 93 95 33 ' 95 33 95 33 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 33 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 33 93 35 93 35 95 S3 93 35 95 35 93 33 93 33 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 35 95 35 93 35 53.63 41 65' " iTi "' (Conttd on fag 12.' NEW BUVH5 ' , ADDED JO : LIBRARY The following new books Tiare keen received at tho Scranton Public Li brary during tho month of May: ' PHILOSOPHY-RELIGION. Baldwin J. M, Social and ethical Inter pretations In mental development.. 150 B7 Feasey, H. J. Monasttctsm: What .Is M ,271 Guggenhcrger, A. General history of th Chrlstlnn era. 3v i 274 G Btapleton, A. Memorials trt th HtigUfc nots In America 284.5 83 Phllpot, Mrs. J. H. Sacred' tre in re ligion and myth v , PI SOCIOLOGY, ' Lane, M. A. Level of 'social mbtlon.301 M. Wells, II. G. Antlcipatl6ns ot tho reac tion of mechanical and Scientific profc reus upon human llfo and thoujtht.JOl Wt BroughC. H. Irrigation Ih Utah. S08-Jlvll Meyer, E. C. Nominating systems. ,824 Ml Laughlln, J. L. Elements of political economy .......320,2 LI Dugultl. Charles. Story of the stock ex change, London 33l6 D Burton, T. ,E. Financial Crises and "peri ods of depression 33$ Bl Two Centuries of growth of American law, 1701-1901 340 Hunt, Galllurd. American passport. 841 H Blauvelt, Mary T. Development ot cabi net government Ih England .342.4 Bl. Ashley, R. L. American federal state: text-book In clvictr 342.7 A Colomb, P. iH. Naval warfare 359 C Clouston, W. A. Popular tales and fic tions. 2v 398.3 CI EDUCATION. i Miles, E. H. How to learn philology. 407 Ml Oertel, Hnnns, Lectures on the study ot language ,..i .407 O Goodcll, T. D. Chapters on Greek. met ric 48G (1 SCIENCE. Nugent. P. C. Piano surveying 528 N Scott, D. D. Evolution of mlne-surveylflg Instruments 526 S3 Kelly, E. H. Architectural acoustics. 634.8 It Beecher, C. E. Studies In evolution. .562 B Brlnton, D. G. Basis of social relations. 572 B3 Newman, Edward. British butterflies and moths 895.7 N USEFUL ARTS. Chittenden, R. H. Studies In physiological chemistry 613.61 C Daiby, W. E. Balancing of engines. ;621 D Clarke, G. S. Fortification ..,....,..623 C Rldenl, Samuel. Sowage and bacterial purification 628.3 R Newell, F. H. Irrigation In the United States 631 N Johnson, W. G. Fumigation methods. 633 J Penn, W. A. Soverano herbe: tobacco. 633 P Thomas. H. H. Book of the apple... 634 Tl Furst, Hermann. Protection of wood lands against dangers 6349 Fl Curtis, Isabel G. Leftovers made palat able: appetizing dishes 641 C2 Seelcy, Llda. Mrs. Seely's cook book. 64182 Hickok, W. E. Correspondent's manual. 652 H2 Brown, D. W. Science and art of phrase making 66? B3 Pendleton, John. Our railways 656 P Standoge, II. C. Leather workers's man ual 675 8 Millar, William. Plastering 93.6 M Hodgson, F. T. Practical carpentry.94 H5 Baldwin, W. J. Hot-water heating And fitting . 897 B3 FINE ART3. Maxwell. W. Stirling. Annals or the ar tists of Spain. 4v 709M Johnson, J. F. Residential sites and en vironments 712 JX Arnott, S. Book of bulbs 716 Al Coleman, Oliver. Book of a hundred houses 728 C Hurll, Estelle M. Tuscan sculpture of tho fifteenth century 734 H Cust, A. M. Ivory workers of the middle ages 736 C Rawllngs, Gortrude B. Story of the Brit ish coinage 737 R Caffln, C. H. American masters of paint ing 759.1 C Gower, R. S. Sir David Wilkle 724.2 G Curwen, J. S. Studies in worship muMc. 783 C Parker, Arnold. Ping-pong: the game and, how to play It 791 P Leigh. Lennurd. Principles and practice of whist 793 L2 Grlnnell, G. B. American duck shoot ing 799 Gil Rhcad, Louis. Speckled brook trout. 799 R7 LITERATURE. Halscy, F. V. Our literary deluge and sonio of Its deep waters 804 H7 Right reading: words ot good counsel on tho choice and u.se of books S07 Zl Copeland, C. T. Freshmen Ensllsh and theme-correcting In Harvnrd 808 C7 Miles, E. H. How to prepare essays, lec tures, articles, etc 80 M Monroe, L. B. Publlo and parlor read ings. 3v. S0S.5 Ml-3 Northrop, H. D. Excelsior writer and speaker S0S.5 N Emerson, Ellen R. Nature and human na ture 843 E12 Flower. Elliott. Policeman Flynn. ..817 F5 Dobson, Austin. Miscollanles. 2V....824 D3 Fowler, H. N. History of ancient Greek lltcraturo S80 9 F French, Lilllo It. Hczeklnh's wives,, 0S6 F Sedgwick. II. D Samuel do Champlalu. 089 C8 Brown, W. O, Stephon A. Douglas,0S9 D5 Gordy, W. F. American leaders and he roes ' o9 G8 Kalor, J. O. Story of Pemnnuld 0S0 Ki Wilkinson, W. C. Foreign clnsslcs in English. 6v. OSS W2-7 FICTION. Eggleston. G, C. Dorothy South. ...Ell.10 Flynt. Joslah. Little brother F35.1 French, Allen. The colonials F55.1 Garland, Hamlin. Captain ot tho Grav- horso troup 03.8 Lee, Jennctte B. Son of a fiddler.. ..L31.4 Llljenerantz, Otlllle A. Thrall of Lelf tho Lucky L31.4 Long, J. L. Naughty Nan ,.L40.4 McCarthy, J. H. If I were king ,.M2.3 Morris, Gouverneur. Tom Bcaullng..M.l Munn, C, C. Rockhaven .., .'..M93 5 Price, Eleanor C. Angelot .102.3 BIOGRAPHY. Dutto, L. A. Llfo of Bartoloms de Las Cnsas .,,,, t ...922.3 L4 St. Cyros. Francois do Fenelon... 922.2 F3 Jenks, Edwald. Edward ,Plantagenet, 1 932.1 E8 Hnmm, Mnrgherlta A. Eminent actors in their homes 927,9 HI Hnlsoy, F. A. Authors of our day In their homes ,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,'"1.928 H13 TRAVEL AND HISTORY. Ward, John. Sacred beetle: Egyptian scniabs In art and history 918.83 W3 Crulckshank. Umbrlan towns.,,,,. 914.6 C3 Hogarth. D. G. Nearer East,. ,.,.914 96 HI Pnrkor, E. It. John Chinaman 915,1 F3 Walker, J. W. G. Ocean to ocean,917.3$ W, Tlnvaltcs, R. G. Down historic water ways: Illinois and Wisconsin rivers. 917.7 Ta Crozlcr, J. B. History of Intellectual de velopment , ,.901 CU'3 Mallcson, G. B. Ambushes and surprises. 904 M Hanna, C. A. The Scotch-Irlsh. 2y841 HI Henderson, E. F. Short history of Ger- many. 2v ,., , 943 HI Bsln, R. N. Potor III emperor of Russia. - .. 917.B3 Morfltl, W. R. History of Russia.,. 947 Ml Thompson, lit1 E. Hand of God in Ainar- lean history. ; ...,..,.,..973 T3 Root & Connoljey. Overland stg to Cal ifornia ..; '3 R CoUiuhoun, A. R. Mastery of the Pa, cific ,ft ,.,."..... in... t99Q O If j .; V ,. "
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