" ,--y.,,,,tl-.-", ; l-..', , . ',m' m, in . , . i M '," i !, in I , i. i ,i. ;j, iii i ii . ly.jiini (imi"IMMiiimiiiiijiii in, ii -MMwae t4MffeMM&MMi& ?' i Tito ffetilttos-flttlng t. if r. iff vf l f 9 Shoe for Women All the knowledge and facilities of this house have oeen exerted with a view to testing the claims of the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe. As a result of the Investigation, we give it our unqualified endorsement. We find it so easily superior in all the point of BEAUTY of FITTINO QUALITIES and of VALUE, that we have decided to dis continue all ether lines of women's shoes selling for $3,00. bk! A r H LL Inji WMi f S BBk I-JPr -RvVjE aB iK B " I 2 Dorothy Dodd jl .. " P I IVTOrflS fl2 Oil M, v 4 k w ? mHHMmWIiM me Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Co. Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues. We Give Trading Stamps. v S$9$999$$$?$9999$$&$$!5a?? KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF STATE THRONG CITY Concluded from Pago 3. Charles S. Foos, principal ot the boys' high school; Samuel D. Dlbert, cigar manufacturer; James AV. Yocum, cl gRr manufacturer; Plumbing Inspec tor John Drexel, Fred A. Dlckliihon, assistant excursion agent Philadelphia and Reading railroad; John D. Mlsh lcr, manager of theaters; James H. Kenninger, hardware merchant; Geo. H. Valentine, cigar manufacturer. Among those comprising the Read 'ing visitors are the followlns: Mr. end Mrs. M. D. Trexler, Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Werley, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fink. jr.. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stein, ,Mr. and Mrs. John E. Clouser; Mr. and Mrs. M. K Roeder; Mr. and Mrs. John O. lase; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sharman,' Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Rhoads, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Lelppe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bavto, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. M. Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Yocum, Mr. and and Mrs. H. S. Dlert, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Schmehl. Mr. and Mrs. AV. B. Yeager, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rennlnger, Mr. and Mrs. N'. M. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Renshelmer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Nles, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Schlechter, "Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tobias, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. E, V. Van Reed, Mr. and Mrs. AV. H. Denllnger, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Croll, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Braueher, Mr. and Mrs. W. AV. Troop, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dumn, Mrs. and Mrs. D. H. Solil, Mr. und Mrs. P. G. Lykens, Mr. and Mrs. ' T, F. Seldel, Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Fink, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Burkey, j ,.y; and Mrs. H. D. Dlbert, Mrs. and , -Miss Emprlch, Dr. (J. B. Jennings and V'the Misses Jennings, Mrs. AVilllam i IRoese, Mrs, Ella Long, Mrs. Emma j Warkley, Miss Katharlno Dautn, Miss ,Jllce Markjey", Miss Cora Shannan, yypahlel'J. Hendel, H. L. Sartorius, j :V. A. Schmidt, JProf. C. S. Foos, Dr. "Oorge AV. Kohl, Fred A, Dickinson, AV. H. Smith, I, a. Lelhy, J, G. I.elby, " fJ3,r h- Ilelnly, George U, Bowman, H. iLT Hoffman, Leo C. Brlcker, Jr., Mon ''rof.1. Bolts,, 'John B. Rennlnger, "f ilws Dauth, Thomas E. AVcber, John f. FbbIr Cyrus Lord, Frank B. Da - Turck. ""ThefRlngBOld band, which aucom 'patilps tho Reading commandery, Is ono ot the leading muRlcal organlza ,.Mon8 of tho state. Every time t has vben"heurd In Bcranton, Scrantonlans I ''have been made to feel that "there f are others" besides the crack bands of "jjficranton. m. A. AUhouse Is the f1(jjsflficr fifhe Ringgold. The,cpjjnnltee of arrangements for ,,-thO'trlp to Bcranton consists of David ,ia'Srhmehl. Samuel D, Dlbert, James !".H, 'Rennlngeri J, Harry Lelppe, John '"OJOJIase, -1' ' '"'The Reading knights and their Udles left at 1.30 p. m( yesterday, ar t Hying hero at B.30 over the Delaware ;Mjd" Hudson, They are quartered at 1 nT VhU rr rir ian Boots Cost $3. With th exception of a few special styles, which by reuon ot tbelr being more ex- & p9ive to cut are quote! at 60c more. & 'If the St. Charles. On the return trip, which will be begun at 1.30 p. m. AVed nesday, they will spend four hours at Allcntown, visiting Dorney's pax-k and taking supper at the famous Duck Farm hotel. Mount Vernon, No. 73, of Hazleton. One of the youngest but most pro gressive of the subordinate command erles Is Mt. Vernon, No. 73, of Hazleton. It was constituted June 17, 1892, but its growth has been rapid and today it is one ot the staunchest commandcries in the state. It sends to the conclave one of the largest delegations that come from a SIR GEORGl! B. JERMYN. Chalrmnn of Committee on Hotels and Railroads. distance. Among those who will parade with the commandery today are; Past commanders, AVilllam F. Adams, Charles A. Smith, John AV. Crellln, John AV. Clark, Jeremiah McAvoy, Thomas A. Harris, Hiram P. Kuntz, Frederick L. Smith, John M. Lewis. Amantes M. Eby, eminent command er; AVilllam S(. Jenkins, generalissimo; AVilllam Glover, Jr., captain general, Sirs George R, Clark, Lloyd T. Con ner, Fred H. Cuyle, Clarence J. Crev ellng, John J. Cuyle, William F. Dan ger, Henry V. Erwln, Sylvester Engle, Samuel Y. Fredrick, Stephen, E, Fisher, Arthur C. Foos, A. D. Ouencher, Chris, C. Heller, James G, Harvey, Andrew F. Hager, John R. Holcman, H, W, Held enrelch, Richard C. Jones, George J. Kohlhaas, Joseph Levy, Henry C, Mil ler, Peter J. Miller, Daniel AV, Mears, John L. Mayer, George W, Moger, H, AV. McClellan, John T. McCartney, Wil liam F, Otto, A. Oswald, K. A. Ober render, Victor Oswald, John L. Polttel ger, Q. O, Praotorlus, gqmuo! Pardee, Jr., James H, Pennington, Charles H, Rice, Frank AY, Smith, Thomus K. Samuels, AVilllam J Thomas, John H, Warg, Julius AVolf, Fred E. Lerbeg. Temple, No, 60, of Tunkhannock, Temple commandery, No, 60, of Tunkhannock, held Uh first meeting on Marc)) 3, 1883, under a dispensation- 4u,M iiiu b,n,,4 wiiiiimtinwj u, 4 VIII1- sylvanla, with the following officers; Frank H. Piatt, eminent commander; MmiMim Ul iki Imk it Kb I ii in null iinniiiwMWWMWWwwtw p . mm 1 , ll ', ''"X A5 "'! ..V ;,r ,Vv'VHM&vi4i ;.-siiB.'-!i'' v NnPMMHHEHF:' fa jHH SH9nH !l Laxative BrmoOuiaie Tbuu , imiiiv vm vum n i The women I that we have completed arrangements by which we are made exclusive agents in this city for the new faultless-fitting: shoe for women, known as the t4 Dor othy Dodd." This Is the new shoe The that has been raging In the shoe trade for several months past. An imt&ti4 thing about the " Dorothy Dodd" Shoe is that it is the only shoe ever placed on the market that embodies a woman's idea of what constitutes a perfect shoe. We extend to you a cordial invitation to attend ottr first "Dorothy Dodd" Opening Display Tuesday and Wednesday, May 27 and 28. Draper Billings, generalissimo; ames AV. Piatt, captain general. The com mandery was formally constituted on July IS following with a membership of twenty-seven. It has now entered on its twentieth year and has a member ship of seventy-four. During the past year It has knighted sixteen mem bers. Among the members who accom panied the commandery are: Hon. Frank II. Piatt, cx-member of the Pennsylvania legislature; Hon. George AV. Cooke, ex-member of 'the Penn sylvania legislature; H. AV. Bardwell, ex-postmaster of Tunkhannock; Rob ert AV. Bannatyne, tho piesent post master; George S. Baldwin, editor of the Tunkhannock Republican; George B. M. AVard, editor of the Messenger; Prof. Jacob. P. Breidinger, principal of the AVilkes-Barre schools; Edwin V. Stone, cashier of the Wyoming Na tional bank; J. Selden Swisher, assist ant passenger agent of the Central Rnllroad of New Jersey; George F. Al leman, superintendent of the Mont rose railway; Attorneys James AV. Piatt, C. A. Little, Asa S. Keeler, Bradley W. Lewis, Judge Frank M. A'aughn, of the Wyoming county courts; Frank H. Jarvis, county su perintendent of schools of AVyomlng county; Dr.- A. B. AA'oodward, of Tunk hannock; Dr. Frank A. Watklns, of Wilkes-Barro; Dr. N. E. Dornslfo, of Centremoreland, and Dr. F. J. Bard well of Tunkhannock; Dr. Dennis AA'. Sturdevant, of Laceyvllle, and Dr. George M. Klnner, of Meehoopany. Sir Knight Rev. If. H. AVilbur, pa&tor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Tunkhannock, Is also present. Other members of Temple comman dery attending the conclave nre: Ed gar Harding, Draper Billings, Lewis E. Hewitt, George AV. Cooke, S. Jud son Stark, S. Tracy Roberts, Nathan iel A. MoKown, Truman B. A'osburg, Leroy T, Burns, Roscoo T. Handrlck, Moses Shields, jr., Charles M. Barlow, Charles E. Space, John B. Jennings, Edgar A. Adams, Nelson L. AValker, Henry F. Metcalf, Dexter AV, Stark, Charles G, Brown, John B, Fassett, Isaac U. La Bane, Ruel E, Billings, AVelllngton L. Clifford, Harry L. John son, Harry D. Billings, Fred J. Bill Ings, Aaron Brown, Orrln V. Love, Spencer D, Reed, Oscar H. Kennedy, Edwin N, Stone, J. Howard Hunger ford, Chnrles Fredenburgh, Lorcn L. Travis, Maurko L. Jennings, Charles E. Goodrich, Charles P. Shaw, Percy S. Stark, Fred B. Jennings. Tho officers ot Temple commandery aro: E. Sir Charles E. Space, eminent commander; Sir Asa, S. Keeler, gener alissimo; Sir Nathaniel A. McKown, captain general; E. Sir James W. Piatt, treasurer; K. Sir Bradley AV, LeVls, recorder, Sir Henry H, AVilbur, pre late; Sir Oscar H, Kennedy, senior warden; Sir Frank H, Jarvis, Junior warden; Sir Charles E. Goodrich, standard bearer; Sir Aaron Brown, sword heater; Sir George F, Allemun, first guard; Sir Fred Billings, second guard; Sir F. .ludson Bardwell, third guurd; E. Sir Frank H. Piatt, warder; Sir Percy S. Statk. sentinel; trustees, Sir Aaron Brown, Sir Charles M. Bar low; Sir John B. Fassett; auditing committee, E. Sir George S. Baldwin, Sir Edwin N. Stone. Gethsemaue Commandery, No, 75, of York. At the annual conclave of the Grand commandery, Knights Templar, of kLA 3P1 TRADE MARK! of Scran ton will be Tremendous Sensation Pennsylvania, held at AArilkes-Barre, May 23, 18(13, a petition signed by thirty-two sir knights was presented for a commandery of Knights Templar, to bo stationed at York, Pa., and to be called Gethscniane commandery. No. 75, which was granted. At Pittsburg, in 1894, a charter was unanimously granted. The present officers are: Eminent commander. Sir Lewis J. King; gen eralissimo, Sir Lewis B. AVampler; cap tain general. Sir Matthew D. Porman; treasurer. Sir A. E. McLean, and re corder, Sir S. J. Rouse. The following members are attending tho conclave: Past Eminent Command ers S. J. Rouse, Edward M. Vander sloot, Harry E. Buckingham, William T. Nelson, N. Sargent Ross, J. Frank Small, M. D., John T. McFall and P. K. Devers; Eminent Commander Sir J. Lewis King, Generalissimo Sir Lewis B. Wamplor, Captain General Matthew D. Porman, Treasurer Sir A. E. McLean and Sir Knights J. McAllister Gemmlll, Edgar Y. Shearer, Lewis Shlve, Lemon Love, AVilllam O, Thompson, Henry Thomas, J. M. Curran, M. D., J. ft. Lutz, M. P., J. H. Bennett, M. D George W. Drury, Charles M. Motter, Eli H. Zleg ler, J. F. Kissinger, Edward G, Eckert, Harry C. Naill, S. Nevln Hench, P. A. Elsesser, A. L. Kraft, J. E. Baker, H. C. Nlles, William AVitta, C. J. Wallace and Hiram Young. The Pittsburg Delegation. For the first time In many years, Pittsburg sends no full commandery to the annual conclave. This is because of the great distance of that city from Scranton, She sends, however, a mixed delegation, comprising some of the most representative members of all her com mandcries and of those in Allegheny. The majority of the members compris ing the delegation are past command ers and men who have for years held high places In tho councils of Templar Ism. There are no less than three past grand commanders In tho party, Those comprlhlng the delegation nnd the com munderles of which they aro members, arc as follows: No. 1 commandery, of Pittsburg James B. Sampson, P. G. C; M. M, Fel ker, P. C; Herman Junker, P. C; J, G. Morris, P. C; Ell Edmundson, P, C; George C, Johnstone, David R, Tor rance, Arthur B. AA'Igley, Charles ,A, Hedges, E. C; Henry L. Dixon, G,; Edward Lewis, C. G.: William A, Early. Tancred, No, 48, Pittsburg AVilllam I. Mustln, E. C; Benjamin N, MeLaln, G.; AV, S. Bell, C. G,; John T. Cunning ham, P. C; D. AV. C. Carroll, P.-G, C; John Dllworth, AVcidmnn Murray, M. AA'. Hedden, Major AV. H, Davis, George T, Ghrlest. Duquesne, No. 72, of Pittsburg Thom as Marshall, E. C; R. M. Sterrltt, a.; Former Mayor William J, Ciehl, G", 8. AV. Ascalon, No, B9, of Pittsburg R. R. Woodburn, E. C; John D, Mara, P. C, Allegheny, No. 35, of Allegheny Leo S. Smith, P. G, C.j John AV, AVUllams, St. Omer, No. 7, of Brownsville A. G, Van Hook, E, C,; John H. Bowers and Karl Heffer. A Hutchinson, No, 32, of Norrlstown, A splendid body of men from Norrls town are quartered at the Jcrmyn. They are the members of Hutchinson commandery, No. 32, and they have brought with them the celebrated Third Brigade band, of Pottsville, whose, play ing is such a uromlnent feature at the I I Tht faultlesi-f ittlng S $'J llll ! Shoe for Women Sr W W W "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes combine all the essential point that ' f K discriminating women seek. The fastidious women needs W '; ft pay no more; the economical woman cannot afford to pay fk" I ,eM ' m' S The range of styles includes shoes for every purpose, 2 K from the light exquisite dress Oxford to the thick soled Z W hnot for tratnnlnar and nntlnar. . TV. interested to know that caused state encampments of the National Guard. The members' of tho commandery present In the city are as follows: A. J. McFarland, A. H. Roof, Daniel Jones. William Benner, Charles John son, Daniel Yost, Edward Nyce, Daniel Sinclair, Joseph Earl, AVilllam Ritten houe, AValter Derr, Leyshon Thomas, Charles AVainwright, C. H. 'Alderfer, B. F. AVhitley, Walter Childs, Daniel Hit ner, John Bennett, S. B. Drake, D. F. Templeton, AVIUiam E. Perry, A. Craw ford, O. F. Lenhaidt, Edward Crawford and AVllson D. Althousc. Chester Commandery, No. 56 of Chester. Quartered at the Hotel Arlington is Chester commandery No. 66, from the thriving and up-to-date little city of Chester. The officers of the command ery are as follows: Eminent command er, S. E. E. Kay; generalissimo, Albert H. Baker; captain general, J. E. Oliver; senior warden, J. AV. Booth; junior warden, William F. Mitchell; recorder, William H. Call; treasurer, H. E. Blumc. The representation is not very large because of the season. Of the 163 members the following are present: Stacey G. Glauser, Joseph M. Harper, William M. Ford, J. Irwin Taylor, S. H. Appleton, Harry Pcdlaw, A. H. Becker, Samuel C. Chase, W. II. BIckley, George W. Van Horn, J. D. Oliver, Robert J, Knott, Ed. J. Oliver, W. B. Harvey, Dr. Balrd. Hospitaller Commandery, No. 46 of Lock Haven, The members of Hospitaller com mandery, of Lock Haven, are at tho Conway house. This is one of the smaller commandcries but It has sent a very good sized delegation, The offi cers of this commandery are as fol lows: Eminent commander, Philip P, Rittman; generalissimo, George AV. A'ernes; captatn general, Emory D, AVaters; senior warden, William M, Israel; Junior warden, William Klnley; recorder, John Noble; treasurer, George W, Mason. Tho other members present are as fol lows: Albert Marolf, AV. H. Klopp, K, D. Botchler, D. A. Cochran, Harry C. Truny, Sedgewlck Klstler, J, H. Mus sina, E. G, Laydcn, Simon Seld, J, H. Miller, E. D, Truny, H, S. Baker. L. ,M, Patterson, E. A. Grugan, L. AValtcrs, Hetbert Rothrock, John M, Ward, and F, France. Mt. Olivet Commandery, No. 30, of Erie, Mt. Olivet commandery, No, 30, of Erie, s quartered In a Pullman sleep ing car near tlje Lackawanna station but It has what aro undoubtedly the ynt lnfiitprl hnadnuarters of nnv of the communderles. The headquartors are in the writing room or tne otei jer myn opening from the main lobby and iiiov wpro throneed all day yesterday and far Into tho night with Knights from all parts or tne state. The past commanders and sir knights ni-PRPnt are as follows: F. J. Bassett. Frank McSparren, Peter Barkey, David A, Sawdey, A. P, Burton, J, L. Stern berg, Henry E. Fish, Joseph H. Wil linmn. n. P. Huches. AV. A. Kupnert. AV. S. Rose, J. T. Caldwell, C, H. Gelger, R. U. Tan, la. xouug, i?nry rrjiz, F. B. Gilbert, J,' R. Mulkle, Curtis Johnson, E. T, Beatty; Sir Knights A. AV. Walker, Jacob AA'elnhelmer, C, W. Nick, C, J, Haiicr, m. m. wens, r. a. A distinctive feature about all 'Dorothy Dodd" Shoes J tt Is their FAULTLESS FIT; feature the result of a wo- W S man's genius, m 35 Hn -HBBiisi 3oA. AaV i jR& V 2 r H EtVr 'jVbTsSbV Hal 3 J" JB B l ft y -A ''k t ur aBsati eea ' jia. 3g fr ' H9 H am 1 fr -isisBamal 3 -sbb Hamiv -BmBmBmBmBmamamamV TTaP B JHtoWjF maKBKai flfc t iff K JiJBBVlf bkbTbTssP 7 I P I I (UB - a Beautiful Window Display. Brevllller, J. L. West, James Splcer, E. T. Bennett, J. O. Hay, and G. J. Miller. Corinthian Commandery, No. 53, of Philadelphia. Corinthian commandery, of Phila delphia, popularly known as the "Corinthian Chasseurs," 'Is at the Hotel Jermyn. This commandery comprises among its 500 members the most thor oughly representative men of the "City of Brotherly Love," men rep resentative of Its business and com mercial Interests and of Its culture and education. The members present are as fol lows: Ed. B. Spencer, P. G. C; Rich ard C. Ballinger, Ed S. Perry, M. H. Buckley, R. C. Ballinger, H. G. Bru ner, Charles Bonsall, Charles Carey, AV. H. Chambers, Charles AV. Davis, Charles L. Adolph, Lewis Good, James Gray, Jacob Geller, Andrew Hughes, E. E. Harding, Eugene C. Honsel, Wil liam McGowan, John O'Donncll, Ed ward Perry, Lewis M. Phillips, James A. Parker, Charles B. Prettyman, AV11-. Ham H. Slvel, Fred H. Starling, Carl H. Sundstrom,- John P. Taylor, Alva F. Todd, William H. Strlngfleld, Theo dore AVeldman, Robert AV. AA'alls, AV. R. Roe, John J, Uhlman. Philadelphia, No. 2, of Philadelphia. Another Philadelphia commandery stopping at the Jermyn is Philadel phia No. 2, which Is one of the oldest In the state and which numbers among its members many of the leading citi zens of the metropolis of tho state. The ofllcers are as follows: Eminent commander, Chnrles Band; generalis simo, F. J. Callahan; captain general, Murdoek Kendrlck; recorder, A. How ard Thomas; treasurer, Frank M. Highley. The other members present are as follows: George AV. Kendrlck, jr., Frank M, Highley, Murdoek Ken drlck, George Berkler, J, B. Jardella, F. J. Callahan, Robert A'olght, M. B. McLay, Rev. Charles H. Band, An drew Brown, AVurren T, AA'are, Ralph E. Slltzer, George B. Wells, John A. Perry, F. E. Gordon, A. Howard Thomas, A J. Grllver and E. A. Crin ger. ' Lancaster, No, 13, of Lancaster, Quartered at the Hotel Terrace Is a delegation from Lancaster comman dery, No. 13, of Lancaster, the ofllcers of which are as follows: Eminent commander, AVilllam II. Bltner; gen eralissimo, J, AV, Louslnger; captain general, John L, Martin; recorder, Joshua L. Lyte; treasurer, Joel S. Eaby. The other members present at tho conclave are as follows; John H. Myers, Robert AV. Groozlnger, D, Miles Sherlz, Park Crawford, Henry L. Zook, Fred Fisher, Dr, Fred Achey, Luther Sehioeder, Fred Seur, John Eehter liasht, J, W, Lauslnger, Dr, M, T, Reeder, Joshua L. Lute, D, E, Aukamp and John H. Myers. Mountain, No, 10, of Altoona, A delegation from Mountain com mandery, No, 10, of Altoona, Is stop ping at tho Hotel Terrace. The follow ing ofllcers are n tho city: Eminent commander, A. L. Hench; genural Islmo, Allen Beckley; captain general, Georgo Vlchum; recorder, Wilson Tur ner; treasurer, Howard D. Crawford, The Sir Knights In town are as fol- lows: A. L. Hench. I. J. HemphlllJ Chas" V. Biersacher, J. E. Elway, H. EJ Crambaker, S. A. Martin, Chas. Q. Matlas, J. R. Heimer, W. A. Mazuria John Dowllng, J.W. Lupfcr, H. J. Mar key, W. O. Kepper, Wilson McClellan and J. H. Glasgow. Lewistown, No. 26. of Lewlstowni- Lewlstown commandery, No. 26, of Lewistown, is quartered in a Pullman sleeping car. The officers' and sir knights present in the city are as fol lows: Eminent commander, James Macklin; generalising, William VH. Wren; captain general, Joseph M. Woods; recorder, William F. Eckbert, Jr.; treasurer, A. S. Harshberger; Sir Knights Jesse R. Brown, P. C; A. M. Smith, E. H. Hever'ley, J. S. Selhelmer, H. J. Felix, J. D.'WalV,B. F. Scheibly, H. C. Kulp, J. M. Stettler. NOTES AND COMMENTS. A place of honor near the head of today's procession will be. accorded what Is to be known as the '"'Gold Bat talion." Tills will be composed, of all past commanders entitled to wear .the gold badge of their rank wholmay be in attendance at the convention., unat tached. It has previously been (heicus tom to assign such commanders to places with some of the commanderlcs In line but Grand Commander Penman has decided to honor them today by permitting them to march by them selves. D. R. Torrance, city treasurer iOf Pittsburg, is with the delegation from the "Smoky City." A number of bands from out of town serenaded The Tribune last night and proved conclusively by their playing that the standard of proficiency in band . music In all parts of the state Is a high one. Among those which discoursed music In front of The Tribune building wero the following; Third brigade band, of Pottsville; Flak band, of Wll llamsport; Ringgold band, of Reading, and the Preseverance band, of Lebanon. P. E. C. Sir Samuel J. Rouse is 'the veteran member of Gethsemane com mandery, No. 78, of York. He Is aged 73 years. Ho was made a Mason in York Lodge 266, F, and and A. Mi In 1864, and Is a past master of the same lodge, past high priest of Howell chap ter, No. 199, and past eminent com mander of York commandery, No. 21, from which ho was admitted and is now affiliated with Gethsemane No. 75, of which he Is recorder. Hon, S. E. Ancona, the Democratic leader of Berks county, Is a member of Reading commandery, No. 43. He has many personal friends in Scranton. Irem Temple will have a meeting at WIIKes-Barre, AVednesday night. Many of the knights will stop over to at tend it. Mrs, Titus A. Stelner, of Easton, ao' companies her husband, Eminent Com mander Stelner, of Hugh de Payens commandery, No. 19, i Today or Tomorrow You should examine the display of Masonic supplies, paraphernalia and K, T. uniforms now being shown at Wil liams & McNulty's, 129 AVyomlng ave. nue. They are the work ot the M. C; Ltlley Co., of Columbus, Ohio, and rp resent the quality and style of good: manufactured by the largest society bupply house In the world. Unlformi nnrl ftllnnltpn et nil lclnri mfnllftltrri I at the lowest prices, J, i -lit II ' I V ur . R rK . It 'i,. Z2J?-t. aJh.fr7aa..A,. 1 i --." 1 Vi "-' if-ilfflffii-lfYrrr - --- ' . . --.- f m
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