fjrVliiiVl .?!. .'.V tiwi' BBC l8U&nHiHH&'tlHtsSl!t f tlWH 'tkv-e v? KtS M,- ,' , I -- -'. fr JV MtMai an rfAJj fcfi '.M Mt-r " M "$y ,v 'A i2r?u .w " - -v " - . ? . .P. . ... liV ft"' .?I ti' . M.t.Al.a., f f I l ;e Hannah Tyler's Willr i VXEWZM8' NOTICE. WM..'W MWAWAIIlAMilANAW!! VIEWERS' WOT10E NOTICED VIpWERS' REPORT. (Continued from Page 11) (FIFTH WARP CONTINUED.) Written for Hie Democrat aih! Cliionlde by H.wy A. Hcmlnway. HANNAH TYLEK was dead. The curtains nt the windows of the tiny white cottage itt the end of the vllluge street Were tlnhtly drawn, nnrt from the front door knob crepe streamers fluttered In the brink December breeze. Further down the street two neighbors were conversing anent the .cvont. "Just to think," Mrs. Daggett was Baying to hoi' .friend Mrs. Bates, "that only yesterday morning I was talking 'to Htinnah In the postofllcc and she Hcemcd as chipper as- ever. Why, I never supposed heart trouble would carry her off so suiddcn; Doctor Hitch cock suys she was sluing in her rock ing chair as natural as life." "Yes," assented Mrs. 'Hates, "she cer tainly passed away yery suddenly, "But in the midst of life ve are In death, you now." Then she atWed: "I sup pose her four nephews will got her money Hannah had over S3.000 In the Crosbyvllle bank and then, there's the house and land, too." "Maybe so," said Mrs. DaBS"- "but there is one of the boys that vvon't get much of her money or anything- else, I guess, and ho Is Frank Elliot; you know hW aunt never forgave him ,for marrying pretty Jennie Valentine." "Well, all I can say Is that If He hasn't given Frank an equal share in j her property It Is a shame:'' wnrmiy lesponded the other. "Every one knows that Jennie has made Frank a aood wife and they are working so hard lo pay off that mortgage on their place: Frank needs 11 lift more than the others." And Mrs. Daggett was correct in her piophecy, for when a few days after' the funeral Lawyer Htubbs read the last w ill and testament to the quartette of nephews the next of kin that por tion of the Instrument which related to Frank Elliott lead as follows: "And to my nephew, Frank Elliott, as a mark of my displeasure In marrying contrary to my counsel and wishes, 1 bequeath the sliver dollar to be found In the loft hand corner of the upper bureau draw er In my bed loom." Poor Frank! as he walked slowly liomcward that crisp winter's day, he was wandering what he could tell Jen nie: she would blame only herself for being the cause of his late aunt's ani mosity towards him, and he couldn't stand that: and he had secretly hoped that perhaps his aunt would remember how they had worked so hard he and Jennie to pay for their little home and would at least leave liiin enough to lift that ever-present spectre, the niort page, from his mind. As he thought of the silver dollar he sighed; how well he remembered It! Years ago, when he was a boy, his aunt had shown him the dollar, a wonderfully old coin, but as bright as the day it left the mint. He remembered, too, her telling him that he should have It when she "got through with it." Now It was his with a. vengeance! Jennie ran out to the gate lo meet him. "O Frank, dear, I know you have bad news for me, but don't be discour aged. I know you do not regret marry ing me and now e will work all the harder. It won't be very much of a merry Christmas for us dear, but wo will do the best wo can: something tells me that there are brighter days aheud of us." Frank gulped down tho lump rising In his throat and said: "Yes, Jennie, wc will work all the harder now: anyway, thank God that I have the dearest lit tle wife In the world!" Two days before Christmas Frank happened to be in the village store when tho Hon. Luriman Crosby en tered, n pompous old gentleman, the president of tho bank and the richest man in Crosbyvllle. Ho possessed one hobby, however, and that was the col lecting of old and raio coins and was the owner of one of tho llnest collec tions in the country, there being but one or two specimens which he did not have for tho reason that they were not to be obtained at any price. Seeing Frank ho beckoned him aside. "Elliott," bald tho old gentleman, "the beml-annual payment on the mortgage wo hold on your place is duo in a short time; 1 trust you will bo .prepared. By tho way; I understand that your late aunt ignored you in Ucr wll. Did she leave you nothing?" "Only an old silver dollar," Frank re plied. "An old silver dollar; how old? Have you It with you?" Tho numismatic in stincts of tho old gentleman crept to the surface. "Why, yes; here It Is," and Frank offered the coin for Inspection. "Um very singular very singular!" tho old man exclaimed. "Would you mind stepping over to the bn,uk for a few moments, Elliott?" Frank fol lowed him wonderlngly. When Mr. Crosby had ushered Frank Into his private ofllce, he produced a microscope and examined tho ancient coin attentively. Then turning to the bewildered Frank he asked : "Have you any scruples about parting with this dollar, Mr. Elliott?" "One dollar Is as good to me as any, ' suppose," answered Frank, "1 haven't so many of them that I can afford to keep. them for sentiment's sake," ' " "Weill I would ke to buy this silver 'ilqllur from you; J. vl glvo you 11,500 'for it." Frank dropped limply into a chair, "What do you mean? Are you jok ing?" he stammered, "I mean simply tyls, and please re 'nicmber that I seldom Joke," replied the bank president, "that this coin is an uncirculated dollar of the Issue of 1804 and "when In as fine condition as this -specimen happens to be, Is worth ex actly fifteen hundred times Us face walue to 'coin collectors, For years I ,huve been unable to get an 1804 dollar; wq hold a mortgage of $500 on your "home. Now, I will cancel that mortg age and glvo you $1,000 In cash for this coin; what do you say?" i When Frank Elliott arrived homo that night he had glorious tidings for "'the dearest little wlfo In the world," 1.0 1. 3 i c Block Owner. SS William, Murray SS Thoraa3. Mooro . Amt. of Bono- IllS IISSCSBSU. It Depended, f Two old time darkles were engaqed in a dlccus Icn of death and its rnjstcricj when Uncle Mojo Mid: ''Reuben, docs you li'JIcve dat wliln a pusson dies dat Jie kin turn to a dog cc chicken" "Well, I dunno," onijred Heuben. "hi jou had yo' y whin you dtra would fou turn to cr chicken?" "Pat depends all togedJcr." '.'All toedder on whatp "On vhvddcr you Hud in de iicauboutj cr a;.' ."-I'liUidcluhia Times, 10 n 12 rsii 13b 11 3S SS SS SS SS SS bit SJ SS SS 40 to 40 i. 40 40 42 T.nnnllntv .....Being GO feet on Seventeenth avo HUC, Willi U. UUI'UI Ul IUV vn... .....HfJilR 6t feet on Seventeenth avo- , .nuCf win a ucpui oi iou luvi,... Mary Hoffman .....Being DO feet on Seventeenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... 1'atrlck Batchford Estate, ....Being 50 feet on Seventeenth ave nue, with n depth of 150 foot.... J. It. Brown ..........Being 50 feet on Seventeenth live- lino, with a depth of 150 feet.... John Hoffman .Being 50 foot on Seventeenth ave nue, with a depth of 150 feet.... John Hoffman Bi-lng 50'feet on Seventeenth live- line, with a depth of 150 feet on Sndle Plato '.'"". Allco Connors Bchm 5; feet on LUKorno street, with a depth of 130 feet on Seventeenth uveniio '".' Catlmelno Norton Eelim1 50 feet on I.uswrno street, with a depth of 150 feet ......... Jnmca Fecney BjIw; 50 feet on t.tizorno sfcet. , with a depth of 150 feet ......... Robert Armstrong Bcltw GO feet on I.tizerno stieet, with a depth of 150 feet E. A. Ilccrmans ..Belnp Hi feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 150 feet Stephen Flanaghan Being 50 feet nn I.uzerno street, with a donth of 150 feet on Eighteenth avenue Being 50 feet on I.uzcrno stieet, with a denth of 130 foot on Eighteenth avenue Stephen Flanaghan Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with it depth of 150 feet Anthony McNulty Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 130 feet James P. Jordan Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 130 feet William McNIcholas Bring &i feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 150 foot William McNIcholas Being 50 feel on Luzeme street, with a depth of 130 foot on Nineteenth avenue Anthony McNulty Being 5IV4 feet on Luzeme street, with a depth of 150 feet on Nineteenth avenue Bildget McNulty : Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 150 feet Peter Cleary Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 150 feet Bridget Gnllagher Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 130 feet Helen McDonough Being U2 feet on Luzerne street, with n depth of 150 feet Helen McDonough Being 25 feet on Luzerno street, with n depth of 150 feet Jerry Drlscoll Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with' a depth of 130 feet on Twentieth avenue D L. & W. R..R. Co Belntr 5tio feet on Luzeme street, with a depth of 100 feet 1,077 5? Stephen Flanughan 05 S3 05 S3 05 35 03 35 05 35 05 S3 03 33 HI 13 W 33. 05 S3 03 S3 05 S3 05 35 05 55 05 33 95 35 03 33 101 SS 95 35. SIXTH AVARD. 'Lot. J I V! W IS Block. 0vncr. 3 Biidgoulllgglns .... 5 Patrick Carroll, sr. Amt. of Renpy 8b 10 It 13a 15b 16a 15b 17 l,b 1U 3a 3b 4-3-0 7 S 12 4a 4b Ga 5b Pa ti ick' Rogers Thomas Fltznatrlck . Peter' Gcrrlly Patrick Goldeii.cstato James Lawless James Mang.ui Esf. .. 7 Georgo Lavls 7 Georgo Lavls 7 Daniel D. Howley . 7 Mnry Carroll estato 7 Patrick M. Million- .s i 7 Ann Jud.san '. 7 Thomas Arthur..... Lnentlnn. llts assessed Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 75 feet on alley Being 50 foot on Luzerne street. with a cloptli ot i,i teet on Fifth avenue .Hannah Coar Being 23 feet on Fifth avenue, , with n drpth of 150 feet Bridget Hogan Being 50 feet on Fifth avenue, with n depth of 150 feet Michael Reagan Being GO reet on Fifth avenue, witn it depth of 150 I'eet Anthony Gerrlty Being 50 feet on Fifth avenue, with a depth of 130 feet Michael Lyons Being 50 feet on Fifth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet Edward Kenny Being 23 feet on Fifth avenue, with a depth of 1".() feet Holy Cross Catholic church. ..Being 47 feet on Fifth avenue, . , with a depth of 40 feet Martin Hart Biing S4,j. feet on Fifth acnue, ', with a depth of 123 feet Tobias Burke Being 34 feet on Fifth avenue, with a depth of 110 feet Mary 'i'uck Being 00 feot on Fifth avenue, wmi ti acpin oi so i"ci Being CO feet on Fifth avenue, with a depth of G5 feet Being StV' feet on Fifth avenue, with a depth of 53 feet Being 3iy feet on Fifth avenue, with a depth ot 50 feet Being a triangular plot of ground 79 feet on Fifth avenue, (H feet on Luzerno street, and 57 feet on Railroad avenue .... Be'ng K.' feet on Railroad avenue, with n depth of i" feet Being liO feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth or 7n feet James Calpln JJeing GO feet on Railroad avenue, . 'j,.' with a depth of 100 feet ..'. Edward Long :... Being t9 feet on Railroad avenue, . .. ' with a depth of 125 feet MlchueP Colllgan .'"....Being 51 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 123 feet Edward McCabo Being S3 feot on-Railroad avenue, with a depth of 100 feot Anthony Hennlgan Being 20 fret on Railroad avenue, " ' with a depth of SO feet Richard Kocllo Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, v with a depth of 73' feet Catharlrto ,A. Riley Belng 30 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of C3 feot Georgo Shoemaker Being nn Irregular plot 124 feet on Railroad avenue, and 12J feet on Broadway James May, Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 12S feet Joseph Gates Being 50 feet nn Rnllroad avenue, with a depth of 12S feet John Kelly Being 50 feet on Rnllroad avenue, with a depth of 12S feet Richard C. Walsh Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 125 feet ..Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 12S foot ..Being 24 feet on Railroad avenue, with n depth of 12S fret ..Bulng 2rt, feet on Rnllroad avenue, , with a depth of 12S feet ..Being 50 feet on Rnllroad avenue, with a deptli of 12S feet ..Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 12S feet ..Being 50 fet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 12S feet ..Being GO feet on Railroad avenue, .,,.,,, . , with a depth of 12S feet Patilek Golden estate Belntr GO feet on Railroad avenue, . , ,, , , with a depth of 12S feot Putilck Golden cstato Eelnjr nn irregular tract, 110 feot on Rnllrond avenue, and 82 feot on Luzerno street (corner prop Patrick Golden cstato Bring 75 ?eot' 'on 'LuzenaT street', with a depth of 31 feet in tho 1 centro Catharino Roach BWng 53 reet on Third avenue, ,,,, with ti depth of 97 feet Patrick Hcnly Being GO feet on Third avenue, . ,, , with a depth of 97 feet Anthony Kerrigan Being 23 feot on Third avenue, , with a depth of 97 feet P. G. Kerrigan Being 32 feet on Third avenue, , , , , , with a depth of 97 feot Patrick Coroner estato Being 157 9-12 feet on Third nvo- . . ' ,, . nue. with a depth of 97 feot Annlo Mahon Est Being 49 feot on Third avenue, , ,r With a depth of 97 feot 1-rnnkMangan Blng Gl feot on Third avenue, , , ,, with n depth of 97 feet John Connolly -. ..Being GO feot on Third avenue, r. .i.r . i w"h a depth of 97 feet Owen F. O'Mallcy cstato Being GO feot on Third avenue, ,-, . , . w,tl a depth of 97 feet O. F. O Malley cstato Being GO feet on Third ayenuo, with n depth of 97 feet on Fel- , , , lows street Jano Batchford Being 51 feot on Fourth avonue, with a depth of 07 feot on Fel- , Iowb street , ,,,, John Barrett Bolng 49 feet on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 97 feet Mnry Walsh v. Being 23 feet on Fourth avenue, T . wlth n denth of 97 feet ,.. John P. Hogan Being 2u feot on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 97 .feot Mary Ncavln Being 50 feet on Fourth avenue, . TT w"h a depth of 97 feot Mary A. Hogan , Being 50 feot on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 97 font Thomas Hogan Being 50 feet on Fourth avenue, . ., , , . With a depth of 97 feet Anthony Judge Being 50 feet on Fourth avenue, ,. , . T , with a depth of 97 feet Mary Doughorty.John Dough erty and Sarah Deliiny.,,,,. Being 32 feot on Fourth avemio, with n depth of 97 feet ..,,,,.., William Gaughan. sr Being 30 feet on Fnuith avenue, T , , ' . , . with a dopth of 97 feot John McDonough estato ,,,,, .Being 25 feet on Fourth avenue, ..,,. , w"h a depth of 97 feot Patilek Kerrigan , ,,, ..Being 50 feot on Luzerne street, with a depth of 73 feet on ..,, lourtli avonue ..,,.,, Patrick Kerrigan Being 47 feet on Luzerno strcot, , . ' Tiwlth a depth of 75 feot on alloy Ldward McGarry ,, ,,,,,, .Being Ul feet on Luzerno street, with a depth ot 127 feet o I I'uiinu avenue ,,,, ..Being 55 feet on Fourth avenue, wmi a uepin or i;u feei ,, ,,,. Being 03 feut on Fourth avonue, with a dopth of 90 feet , ,,, .Being SO feot on Fouith avemio, with a depth of 03 feet ,, .,,. Being 2S feet on Fouith avenue, with a depth of C3 feet ...,..,,. ,,,, Being an Irregular plot, -GO feet on Fouith avenue, with a depth of 99 feot ,,..,.,,.,,.. ,,, .Being an irregular jft.t. 50 feot on imiiioau avonue, wmi a aoptu Hannah I. Manulx and Mary ,...,.,..,....,. Dwyer ., , Bolng a triangular plot. ISO feot on Fourth avenue, and 130 feet t, , ., -.r ,. .n Rallload avenuo ,.. I.llzabeth McGoff. .!f..,, .Bolng CO feet on Railroad avenue,' with a depth of 73 feet Ann Moran .' Being U feot on Railroad avenuo. . , . , , w'th a depth of 92 feot , t Patrick Calpin .....Being m feet on Rallroadiivenue, V ,, L ,, with H depth or loo fectT........ Mrs. Bridget Golden Being 52 feet on Railroad avenue, wmi a aeptn ct l3 feet ,..,...,, C3 59 C3 5G 47CT 05 35 95 35 05 35 05 35 47 07 G3 50 62 9 i C2 93 95 35 47 C7 47 C?" Ill IS 95 35 03 33'-' 131 59 G2 93 17 67 53 59 53 59 202 53 95 35 95 35 03 33 05 35 47 G7 47 SI 05 55 05 S3 03 35 05 35 05 S3 209 78 76 28 53 82 76 :s 37 14 62 03 299 42 70 37 77 19 76 23 70 23 76 28 0 Casey Bros 9 Mnry Kane ,..,,,,,,,. 9 Mary Casey ,,.,,,,,, 9 Patilek O'Malley ,,., 9 Michael McNally .,,, 0 Patrick O'Malley ,,,, 80 09. I 7137 37 U 37 ll' 70 23 76 28 70 CJ1 76 2u i 4155 49 5S 3S1J , 62 93 0J91 1212iJ 101 93 S3 47 67 43 87 76 28 62 03 121 2D 70 Is 05 S3 93 S5 78 3 VXBWZM' NOTIOX. VIEWERS' NOTICE. Lot. 1112 13 9 V John Hewitt, sr, 1M3-16 0 Michael Gllroy ., 3a 3b (SIXTH WARD CONTINUE6.) . . j Amt. of Bene- Block ..Owner. Location. Illfl assessed. 8 Martin McDermott ...... ...... Being 100 feet on Rnllrond avo- j. mm. with ti rinnth nf ?r, font nn I northerly side and 100 feet on Boutucriy biuo luhi ii i ..Being a triangular plot, 101 feet on Railroad avenue, and 109 foot on Luzerno street , i... i... Being nn Irregular plot 101 feet on Lucerne street, with n depth of 15 reet on westerly sldo and 100 feet on easterly sldo no Being GO feet on Luzerno Btrcot, witn a ucptn or n.t reet ,,,,.i... . Being 32 feet on Luzerno street, will, n rlnntli nf VT. fnr ...J Margaret Gallagher Being 32 feet on Luzerno street, . with n depth of 125 feet Catharino White .....Being a triangular plot on Lu zerno strcot, CO feet frontage, with average depth of 127 feet P. F. Ruanc i ...Being an Irregular plot on Lu zerno street, 100 feet front with . 1S1 feet uveingo deptli E. J, McNally. guardian of , John, ldwurd and Joseph 0 9 9 10 10 10 Bridget Clark John F. Moloney 12120 124 20 121 2-J 05 S3 CJ91 0! 03 101 ;;s 110 S7 McNally 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17a 17b 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ' 10 11 10 10 12 13 U 1-2 11 21-25 2a 2b 6a 0b 9a 9b 10 11 13 Ha lib 14 U 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 u 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 10 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 IS 18 13 IS 18 IS 18 E. J. McNally .... Thomas Gallagher John Gallagher ... Patrick Conwny .. i Mary Murphy Estate Gllbride & Roach .... Being nn Irregular plot, 30 feet mom on i.uzerno street, wun a depth of 100 feet Being 30 feet on Luzeme stieet, with a depth of 75 feet Being 37 feot on Rnllroad avenue, with a depth of 180 feet Being 75 feet on Rnllroad avenue, with a depth of 1S5 feot Being 37 feet on Rnllroad avenue, with n rlnnfh nf Ht. IVnt Mary A. Freeman Being 4(1 feet on Rnllroad avenue, ..... . . with a depth of 190 feet Patrick Golden estato Being 37 feet on Rnllroad avenue, with a depth of 193 fnet John O Toolo cstato Being 57 feet on Rnllrond nveuue, . , with a depth of 200 feet John E. Rcngan ..,.. Being 02 feet on Railroad avonue, .. , .. ... ' w,th a deptli of 200 feet Catharine Moffltt Being 37 feet on Railroad avenue, . . .. with a depth of 200 feet Catharine Nocdham Being 37 root on Railroad avenue, ... , with a depth of 200 feet Michael Holleran Being SS reet on Railroad avenue, ,,, . , ,. with a depth of 200 reet Michael Holleran Being 75 Teet on Rnllrond avenue, , with a depth of 200 feet Michael Moffltt Being 374 feet on Railroad avo- .. .. . nue, with a depth of 200 feet.... Martin Roach ....Being 40 feet on Railroad avo- ... nue, with n deptli of 150 feet.... Dennis Judge Being 44 feet on Railroad nve- ' ". nue, wltH a depth of 100 feel.... Thoman Hanlon Being 32 feet on Railroad ave nue, with a deptli of lin feet and 20 feet frontage on Fourth avenue Wm. J. McDermott Being 50 feet on Third avenue, a tilnngular strip 10 reet on ono end, 20 feet on tho other Mary A. Conncrton BoJng 79 feet on Third avenue, 20 . feot ono side, and 75 feet tho .,,,, , opposlto side Julia Cloherly Being 55 feot on Third avenue,' . . with a depth of S3 feet D. W. Brown Estate Being 49 feet on Third avenue, with a depth of 95 feet Ross Mahon Being 52 feet on Third avenuo, with a deptli of 105 reet Bridget Mahon Being 52 feet on Thlid avenuo, With a deptli of 110 feet Rosa Mahon Being 52 feet on Third avenue, with a depth of 110 feet Frank Mangan Being 52 feot on Third avenue, with a dppth of 110 feot Bridget Burko Being 48 feet on Third avenue, ' with a deptli of 110 feet James Connelly Being 62 feet on Third avenue, with a depth of 110 feet William Connelly Being 50 feet on Third avenue, with a depth of 110 reet Being 50 reot on Third avenue, with a depth of 110 feet .Being 42 reet on Third avenue, with a depth of 110 foot .Being 67 feot on Third avenue, with a depth of 110 feet .Being 101 reet on Third avenue, wtm a depth or 101 reet on Fel lows street Anthony O'Horo Being 30 reet on Third avenue, . with a depth of 100 foot ..Being 72 feet on Third avenue, wtih a depth of 100 feet ..Being 34 root on Third avenue, with a depth ot 10J reet ..Being 102 root on Third avenue, with a depth or 102 reet ..Being 50 fpet on Third avenue, with a depth of 103 feet ..Being 49 feet on Third avenuo, with a depth of 103 feet' ..Being 34 feet on Third avenuo, . with a depth of 104 feet ..Being 35 feot on Third avenue, with a depth of 104 feet ..Being "f reet on Third avenue. . witn a aeptn ot inn reet, uciie- vuo Place Mary Calpln .; i i... .Being 57 feet bn Fourth, avenue, ' i " with a depth of 101 feet on Bellevue Place Mary Calpin .-. Being 32 feot on Fourth avenue, i with a depth of 101 feet Julia Cloherly Being 63 feet on Fourth avenue, with a depth or 101 I'eet John Casey, Sr Being 36 reet on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 101 feet John Casey, Sr. ...." Being GO feet on Fourth avenue, with a deptli of 101 feet John Casey, Sr Being 50 feet on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 104 feet Patrick Sheridan Being 43 feot on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 105 feet Mary Kane Being 50 reet on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 105 feet James Vaughan Being 50 feet on Fourth avenue, with a depth of ia3 feet Mnry Cuticle , Being 79 feet on Fellows street. with a depth of 101 feet on Fourth avenuo Anthony Moffltt Being 52 feet on Fourth avenuo, with a depth of 210 feet John McGrcavy Being 26 reet on Fourth avonue, with a dopth of 190 feet Catharine McAndrows Being 32 feet on Fourth avenuo, with a depth of 175 feet Mary Kano Being 74 foet on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet Domlnlck Gallagher Being 52 feot on Fourth avenuo, with a depth of 125 reet M. J. Ruano Bolng 51 reot on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 110 feet Patrick Sheridan Being 2G reot on Fourth avenue, with a depth or 93 roet Thomas Ferguson Being 2G reet on Fourth avenue, with a depth of 80 feet Thomas Ferguson Being 20 feot on Fourth avenuo, 11 Gllbride & Roach 12 P. J. Mahon Anthony O'Horo .... James O'Malley Kate O'Malley Thomas Murphy .... Bridget Coughlln ... Julia Cloherty John Gerrlty Estato Margaret Rellly ....' 13 Mrs, 13 13 With a depth of SO feet 3elng 32 feet on Fourth avenuo, Mary Hamlll Betnsr wttn a deptli or 7.i reet Patrick McGovern Being 23 feet on Fourth avenuo, with a depth of 70 feot Garry Messltt Being 23 feet on Fourth avenuo, with a deptli of 05 reet Joseph Brangor Being 50 reet on Fourth avenue, with n dopth of GO feot ...v Edward Gllroy Being 50 feet on Fouith avenue, with a depth of 53 feet Edward Gllroy Being 50 root on Fourth avenue, wilh a depth or 50 root Edward Gllroy Being 46 feet on Fourth avenue, with a dopth of 50 feet on Belle vue Placo Ann M. Morgan Being GO feet on Roland avenue, with a depth of GO feet on Arch Thomas W. Jones bald street Being GO feet on Roland avenue, with a depth of 40 feet Michael Earley Being 42 feot on Roland avenue, with a depth of 100 feet Michael Earley .Being 42 feot on Roland avenue, with a depth of 100 feet Jnmes Murtha Being 42 foot on Roland avenue, with u depth of 100 feet Thomas Henley Being 42 feet on Roland avenue, with a depth of 100 feet James Donne .Being 42 feet on Roland avenue, with a depth of 100 feot Robert E. Owens Being 42 feet on Roland avenue, with a depth of 100 feet on an alley James Stanton .; Being 60 feet on Roland avenuo, with a depth of 121 feet on an alloy Evan Owens Being GO feet on Roland avenue, with a depth of 121 feet Thomas Schahlll Being 50 feot on Roland avonuo, with a depth of 121 feet ,, G. Jones and J, H. Williams, .Being 60 feet on Roland avenue, . ....... w'th a depth of 121 feet G. Jones and J. II. Williams. Being 50 feet on Roland avenuo, with n dnnth nf 131 font II. Williams. Delng 50 feot on Roland avenue, .. ....... w'th a depth of 121 feot II. Williams. Being 00 feet on Roland avenuo, wun a uopin ot 121 feot on Archbnld btreet Patrick J, Ruano ...Bel. lit GO feot on Acker avenue, with a depth of 1E0 feot on Archbnld street , Thomas T, Jones ,,, Being DO feet on Acker avenue, with a depth of 150 feet , Evan Lewis Being CO feet on Acker avenue, With a depth of 150 feot John B. Lewis Being 50 feet on Acker avenue, with a depth of 150 feet Edward Harris , .,., Being 50 feet on Anker avenue, with a depth of 150 feot Elizabeth Harris .,,,,,.., Being 50 feet on Acker avenue, with a depth of 150 feet John Bevan .,., .Being SO leet on Acker avenue, with a depth of 131 feet, William R. Jones ,,,,,,,,,.,, .Being so feet on Acker nveuue, with li dpptu of 150 feet on al ley I.owla Roberts , , Belno; CO feet on Acker avenue, with a depth of 140 feet on al ley ,, Edward James .....,.,,.,.... .Being GO feet on Acker nveuue, , with n depth of 140 reot,,,.,... Being 60 feet on Acker avenue, with a depth of HO feet .Belnsr GO feet on Acker avenue, with a deptli of 110 feet..,,,,.. .Being GO feet on Acker nveuue, with a depth of 140 feet .Being 50 feet on Acker avenue, wun a depth or iiu reel , Being 60 feet on Acker avenue, with a depth of 110 feot on Archbald strcot ,,, MiuMMiBoliiE 68 feet on Archbnld street, with a depth of 120 feet on Cor Lett avenuo Jones and J. Jones and J. John Hale ,,,,..,,...,,.,,.... John B. Lewis .,........,..., Thomas D. Edwards ,...., William J. Thomas Estate, William R. Lewis 19 ' Lewis Roberts GO 45 CO 45 76 23 137 MS 76 28 05 S3 76 28 110 CI US 51 76 2S 76 2S 76 2S 141 S3 76 2? 7 28 76 28 G2 93 SS It 89 63 89 63 76 23 95 35 05 S3 05 35 05 S3 01 54 05 35 05 S3 05 S5 80 09 127 77 19S31 57 21 137 C5 62 93 194 32 95 35 05 S3 G2 9J G2 93 63 50 103 73 61 02 121 25 GSG3 93 33 93 33 95 S3 05 S3 150 GO 114 42 Gl 02 C2 0J 11183 09 13 95 33 49 5S 49 GS 49 5S 57 31 47 67 47 67 70 2S 76 2S 76 2S GSG5 70 23 GS65 70 2S 76 28 70 28 76 2S 76 2S 87' 111 42 95 25 95 S3 05 S3 93 f5 05 S3 05 S3 95 S3 05 S3 93 35 95 25 95 35 95 33 57 21 67 21 111 42 93 15 93 1'5 03 f5 03 25 93: 133 51 VISWKM WOWCE. VXfiWXM' NOTIOX!. Lot. 2 3 4 5 Ca 6b 7a 7b 9a. 9b 10 15 16a 16b 17 10 17 la lb Sb 4a 4b Ca Cb 7 S 10 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 I B1XTH WARD iCONTtNL'ED). v i mm. ul X3uiin- ' ,IjOC.n,Uor''. . . fits assessed. ..nocinu- vt root on uornett nvenue, . With it dentil nt inn rs r, - . Vi "'.-" . . "V :!-- nine neuau ..i....i.i.iii...ii.iH.'iTiK i loot on joriiott avenuo, ttrith A ilnnlli nt 1ftlTrni. Charles L. Collins ,..,.i i..i..f.i.iit... Block Owner. ii 19 John tHale . i IM1 1AAtjt . , . . .Ratrifr 40 feot on Oarbett avenue, With tl rirlh nf Art . Chnrlcs L. Collins , BHtiB 40 IVet on Corbett avenue, . . , ... wl"1 .i 'loplh of 100 feet ,. Richard B. Smith Belr,g 40 teot on Corbott avenue, vith n deptli of 100 feet 3HII1 James Carpenter Estate..... Bnitnir 40 feet nn rvn-iiMt nmii. 'villi a depth of 100 feet on nl- Davld J. Williams ............Uctiuj 'lb''feoV'oirsVivdpr'avenue', , with a depth of 100 feet on. am ' ullojr ,, , ,,,, , ,,,., Georgo Powell Bolnr; 40 feet on Snyder avenue, ,. .Y1-1' ll 'hi'th of 100 feet William Heath HcImr 40 feet on Snyder avenue, ,. ,,vi,th n depth or 100 feet William Heath Bving 40 feet on Snyder avenue, . ' , . ,w,th n depth of 100 feet Jano Reese, executrix Being 40 feel on Snvder avenue,, . . . l,h a dePtl of 100 feet ...1 John Samuels Bi-Iiik 40 reet on Snvder avenue, John S. Davis Bring 07 feet on Archbald street. on 70 . 76 28 76 28," 72S 76 28 76 28 76 2J' 76 28 76 28 76 28 with a depth of 100 feet i-om!r n,i.tiiifl William Samuel Bnlny wr'. reet on Archbald . r.yf''!t' wllh depth of 120 feet. William B. Davis Lofng ;i;ij fect on Archbnld .. yirnc. wun a depth or 120 reet. Mullanoy Bilng to feet on Snyder avenue, feet 011 70 2S, 76 28 107 74 7161 7151 20 John B. Davis Rceso B. Davis Estate. Grlflln Williams 76 28 78 28 76 28 76 28 38 14' 3Sl4 38 lfl 67 2l 76 2B Thomns J. Jones.. Thomas J. Jones... 76 1 76 29 80 09V 1 76 28 76 28i' John T. wlli a depth of 110 Round Woods lnno 76 28 20 Miles Dclmnr ..Betis? 40 fcet on Snyder avenue. ttoptll nt 110 rent ,..... 20 Miles Dclmnr Bung 40 feet on Snyder avonue, depth of 110 fect 20 G. Jones and J. II. Wllllams..lMtiK 40 fcet on Snyder avenue, I depth of 110 fect 20 Owennle Morgan .Belng 40 feet on Snyder avenue, lepth oC 110 teet 20 William T. Davis Being 20 feet on Snvder avenue, .... .'th a depth of 100 teet 20 Wllllnm R. Jones Being UO feet on Snyder avenue, wun 11 nepin or Jiw reel .UeliiB 20 feet on Archbnld Btreet, with n depth of 120 fcet on huyder avenuo .EelMg 30 feet on Archbald street, 'With a deptli of 120 feet .. .Beins-40 feet on Archbald street, vitu a ucptn or 120 reet Jonah Lloyd Wiring 40 feet on Archbald street, 1 , . wltb 11 depth of 120 feet Ann Davis Estate JBeing 40 feet on Archbnld street. ,. with a depth of 120 feet 76 29 aonii a. Jones ueuig w Teet on Archbald street, with n denth of 120 feet nn oorner of Storrs avenue 75 281 wing 40 reet on Storro avenue, with a depth of 110 fcet Brtng 40 feet on Storrs avenue. 'th n deptli of 110 feot 76 1 su jonn w. aames iseing 40 fect on Storrs nvenue, m . ,.wlth a. depth of 110, feet...,-.... 20 Thomas Price Rping 40 feet on Storrs nvonuo. T with a depth of 110 feet........ 76 281 iu .viiiiuiii j.. Junes 131-insc iu reet on Storrs aevnue, . . m -., .iT;1"1 a dePth of 110 feot........ 20 Daniel T. Morgan. Brtng 40 feet on Storrs avenue, with a depth of 110 feet on alley John E. Reese BeUng 42 fect on Storrs avenue, jrlth n depth of 100 feet on al loy ... . Alfred Powell Btilng 40 feet on Storrs avenue, , . . ..,., .J1"1 ll depth of 150 feet John H. Kelly Blnfr 40 feet on Storrs avenue, . , . Y1"1 a depth of 110 fect Benjamin James Being 40 feet on Storrs avenue, . aepin or 130 reet 76 28, Henry Browning Being 4l feet on Storrs avenuo, j r,'111' n de"th of 12; fect T6 2? Davitl G. Reese Being 40 reet on Storrs avenue, . with u depth of 120 feet...' 76 2 Joseph H. Evans Beln 40 feet on Storrs avenue, . . wn a depth of 110 feet 76 28' David Thomas Be'jnp 40 feet on Storrs avenue, ., t ..tb depth of 51 reet ' 62 93 David Thomas Balng 40 fcet on Storrs avonue, , , , ,. 'with 11 depth of 51 feet 62 93 David Edwards Being 52 feet on Archbald street, with a depth of SO fcet 76 28 Evan Evans ..Being to feet on S. Main avenue, with a denth of 103 frnt nn ' ... Archbald strcot. 75 feet in rear Thomas G. Collins . Being 40 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth or 110 root Edward James Estate ... Being 40 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 120 feet William G. House Btelng 40 fcet on S. Main avenue. witn a oeprn or 130 reet.......... ..Being 40 reet on S. Main avenue, with a depth or 140 feet i.Belng 40 fect on S. Main avenuo. witn n depth of 142 feet 21 John D. Phillips ..Being 35 reet on S. Main avenue. with a depth of 142 fect 72 48 21 William D. Roberts ....Bolus 30 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 153 reet 62 93- 21 John T. Jones .1.. .Being 7S reet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 167 feet on , Round Woods lune, and 30 feet in roar , 150 Cu 22 Evan J. Evans..., BcItic 67 fCPt on S. Main avenue, wAfTi a depth of 150 fect on Archbald strcot. 20 fect In rear 127 TI 22 James Carpenter Estato Bolng 40 feet on S. Main avenuo, , .-with a dopth of 125 feot 76 28 22 Benjamin Phillips JBclng 40 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth ot 115 feet 76 28 22 George Watklns BeIng 40 feet on S. Main nvenue, with a depth of 135 feet 76 28 John R. Russell . Being 40 fect on S. Main avenue, , with a depth of 120 feet 76 28 Ebenczcr Griffith Being 40 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 103 teet 76 23 'Ebenczcr Griffith Being 13 fect on S. Main avenue, with a depth or 100 fcet on alley, 41 feet In renr G2 93 22 John T. Jones Being 40 fcet on Archbald street, with a depth of 92 feet on" Starrs avenuo 6S 63, 23 Calvlnlstlc Mothodlst church.Belng 3j fcet on Landls street, with a depth of 50 feot 36 23 John R. Jones Belng 100 feet on Landls street," with n. d'.nth nf SO ffet flri Being S7Vi feet on Storrs avenue, with a depth of 125 feet........ 7151 Being 371J feet on Storrs avenue, 71 51Lt 71.51 , 71Sl ti 7151, 71 Si' 71 si1' 95 25' 95 S3 91 St. Ill 09. 11109 05 35 95 35 21 John W. Halo .. 21 John W. Hale... 95 SS 76 28 76 28. 76 28 76 28 76 28 John R. Jones John W. Williams Estate.. 291, 331 wrtth. a depH-of 123 feet... 2J Mary Samuel Being 37',J leet on Storrs avenuo, with a depth of 123 feet , 23 Henry II. Davis Being 3714 feet on Storrs avenue, ' with a depth of 125 feot 23 Henry II. Davis Being 2V teet on Storrs avenue, ' with a depth of 125 feot , 23 John L. Davis.. Being 32 feet on Archbald street, with a depth of . 110 feet on Storrs avenue -,.. ' 23 David Harris Being 40 reet on Archbald street, . with a depth of 110 feet '... ' 23 John W. bowls Being 60 reet on Archbald streot, , with a depth or 110 feet "... ' 23 John James Being 50 reet on Archbald street, . with a depth of 110 teet ' 23 John S. Jones Being 48 fect on Archbald street, , with a depth of 110 feet on '' Snyder avonuo , 23 John J. Williams Being 75 reot on Archbald street,'1 with a depth of 110 feet 23 J. W. Williams Estato Being 75 feet on Archbald street, with a depth ot 110 feet 3 John D. Phillips Being 50 feet on Lnndis street, with a depth of S3 fcet on Sny der avenuo , 23 John D. Phillips Being 50 feet on Landls street, with a depth of S3 foet ' 21 David Samuels, Mary Sam- . uels, John Samuels Being 50 feet on Archbald streot, with a depth of 55 feet on Sny- dor avenuo 21 Joseph Lewis Being 50 feot on Archbald street, 1 with a depth of 55 feet 21 Mary Pcnry Being 55 feet or. Snyder avenue, with a deplh of 100 feet l Elizabeth Lewis Being 43 teet on Snyder avenue, with a depth of 100 feot "4 James D. Davis Being 40 feet on Snyder avenuo, with a depth of 100 feet 24 Reese Morgan Being 40 feet on Snyder avenuo, with a depth of ICO fect 24 Benjamin Morgan , Being 38 feet on Snyder avenue, with a depth of 100 feet 24 Morgan James Being 100 fcet on Landls street, with a depth of S3 feet on Sny dor avenue , 24 William S. Griffith Being GO feot on Landls street, with a depth of S3 foot 21 William O. Williams Being 50 feet on Lnndis streot, with a depth of S3 feet on Cor bett avenuo 21 William J. Davis Being S3 feet on Corbett avenue, with a depth of 100 feet il Thomns J. Freemnn Being 83 feot on Corbett uvenue, with a depth of 100 feet 21 Owen Hanls ,, ..Being 55 reet on Corbett avenue, with a dopth of 1C0 feet 21 Owen Harris Being 65 feet on Corbett avenue, . with a depth of 100 feet on Arohbuld street , 23 Joseph Davis .......E'us '3.3 feut on Corbett avo nue, with a depth of 140 foet 011 Landls street 23 Susan Rogers Bolng 53 feet on Corbett avenue, with a depth of 140 feet 23 Mary Prleo Being 53 feet on Corbott avenuo, ' With a depth of 140 feef 23 Thos. D. Reeso Estato Being 53 feet on Corbett avenue, with a depth of 140 feot ,.,, 23 Hnpkln Williams or John M. , ,, , . .,.,,. Jones ,,., , , Being 46 feet on Archbnld street, ' with n depth of 110 foot on Cor bott avenuo ,,,' 23 William W, Hnnls Being 46 feet 011 Aichluld streot, with a depth of 110 fcet 23 William W. Hauls .,, Being 40 feet on Aichbald street, with a depth , of 110 feot on Acker avenuo ,,,. 25 John W. James Being 30',4 feet .011 Acker luonuo, with a depth of 120 feet on Archbald stieet ,,.,..,,, ,,,,, 20 John E. Williams ,..,., ..Being 36',:, feet 011 Acker uvenue. with a depth of 120 feot , 2.1 John K. Williams ,,., Being 36(4 feet oil Acker uenue, with a depth of 120 feut 26 John Lewis Estato , Being 83 reet on Acker uvenue, . with a depth of 7.' reet , , 26 Adam Newell Being W feet on Acker avenue, with a depth of 70 feot 20 John D0110I1110 , ,,, ,, Being SJ feet on Acker avenue, with a depth of 70 feet on Landls stieet 26 John Donohuo Being a htrip. 93 feet 1 on Roland avenuo. SS fect at tho widest pait, running to u point. 26 Adam Newell ,,.. ,...Belp? foot on Roland uvenue, - with a depth of Oo feet ....... ... 47 6T 47 67 , 101 88 76 28 7161 S7 72 62 93 158 49 0 09 SO 09 140 37 140 37 104 S3 104 SS 158 49 104 S3 101 88 104 S3 S7 72 87 li 87 7J 6S6! es a J 6SG3 101 SS 101 8 10IS 5T2j 101 S3 r-a f y$Mr-L ktfrfMtWjr.iijMw3Jh-'-fc't.tnjw .tiy) yv -.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers