. ? -4-.- ' 4 THE SOKANTON TJAUBUNE-WJiJDNJJJSDAY, MAItCH 19, 1902. 8 x n NDUSTRIAL AND LABOR E. X. PULLER INTERESTED IN A BIO PROJECT. It Io Now Being Workod Out nt Bal timore, Whero Certain Railroads Aro to Change HandsFennsyl vanla Railroad Company to Spend $50,000,000 Lehigh Valley May Adopt a Shorter Route A Hosiery Mill That Will Employ 300 Hands, to Bo Established at Duvyoa. A Baltimore dispatch p.ivh; "Con ferences In tills city of noted railroad lawyers and nnnnclcrn Interested In blda to be submitted to the mayor and city councils for the Western Mary land railroad Indicate that nn Import ant deal Is on hand, In which the Gould and probably the Vanderbllt In terests figure prominently. The party here Includes 13. L. Fuller, of Seranton, Pa., of the International Halt com pany, and head of the syndicate to purchase the West Virginia Central mid Pittsburg Hallway company fiom Senator Klklns and former Senator Davis; Myron T. llerrlck, of Cleveland, iTKunlzcr of the Wheeling nnd I.tiko Krlo railroad, now a part of the Wa bash system; Wluslow S. Pierce, New York, chairman rxecutlve committee, Union Paclllc railroad; Farfax K. Landstrect, of West Virginia, general manager of the Unvli Coal and Coke rompany, which Is owned by the AVest A'lrglna Central. "Mr. Fuller is said to have had a talk with President Hood, of the AVest ern Maryland, and with oillclals of trust companies Interested In railroad deals. AVhlle the visitors would not say they represented tho GouKt or Vun derbllt interests, two of the party ad mitted that an Important railroad deal was being worked out, in which the West Virginia Central and the AVest crn Maryland were necessary factors. "In addition to Mr. Fuller, the syn dicate buying AVest Virginia Central includes the Moses Taylor estate, heav ily Interested In the Delaware, Lacka wanna and "Western; AValtcr Delano and Cornelius A'anderbilt." To Spent $50,000,000. Second Vice President Churles E. Pugh, Chief Knglneor AV. II. Brown and Uobcrt Pitraini, tho Pittsburg resident assistant to the president, have looked over the proposed im provements and extensions of the Pennsylvania railroad system and have decided that work shall begin at once and be hurried forward with all possible speed. The directors have authorized the expenditure of $:!0,000,0no on physicil improvements and $0,000,000 for new equipment. Much of this expenditure includes preliminary work in con htructlng the Pennsylvania's under ground terminal in New York city. One important improvement that is to he hurried forward with all possible despatch is the four-tracking of tho Pennsylvania 'lines between Pittsburg and New York. This woik is to he completed before next fall. New York gun. Shorter Route Proposed. The washing away of the Penn TIaycn and AVhite Haven bridges of f'f Lehigh Valley railroad has revived i ? s-tories that that company will seek a new route between Penn Haven and AA'ilkes-Barre. The present line be tween these points is the worst part ot the Lehigh Valley system, and ne cessitates a loss of at least an hour valuable time to all the through pas senger trains. Besides, It is very ex pensive to keep in repair, as the re- icnt flood lias demonstrated, and i these reasons lead many to believe that the management of the road will beek a new route. liy using the coal branches from Penn Haven to Hazlelon and the route of the new trolley load between the latter point and AVIlkes-Barre, the Lehgti Vulley would get a road twenty miles shorter than the present one, and free from long grades and big bridges. AA'ith competition coming in from all sides by tho Pennsylvania, Jersey. Cen tral and Heading companies, it be hooves the A'alley to shorten Its route between AVilkes-llarro and Seranton and Philadelphia and Now York, or its buMness between these points will dwindle to nothing. AVe.ttherly Her ald. New Hosiery Mill. A hosiery mill for Duryea is now an iihsurfd fact, and it will give work to about ;!00 hands. Some Now York capitalists are back of the project. Sol Hirsch, the AVllkes-Hanv capitalist, had secured about $4,000 In subscrip tions for the project. The New Yorkers asked that Duryea people raise about $10,000 with which to purchase land nnd erect a suitable building. They will lease the same for n term of years, with privilege of pur chasing same, and equip the plant with machinery valued at $70,000, Many of the well-to-do Polish people aro vubscilblng to tho fund. D., L, & W, Offoi-3 Terms. Tho tioublo with the striking firemen of the Avondalo colliery of tho Dela ware, Lackawanna and AVestern com pany has been amicably settled- by tho company agreeing to reinstate all tho old employes at their former positions for whom places can be found, Those who cannot be put back In tho tiro rooms will be given equally remunera tive positions. The same proposition was mado to Ihe Woodward and Pettobone men, but it Is said they rejected It. Wilkes. Harm Record. News Rules for the Reading, A new bet of rules governing the movement of trains, on the prepara tion of which Heading railway oillclals have been at work for some months, will bo put Into effect on that system nbout April 1, The new rules are In How to Prevent Pneumonia, You havo good reason to fear an at tack of pneumonia when you have a Boysro cold, accompanied by pains In the chest or In the back between tho ehoulders. Get a bottle of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy and use jt as directed and it will prevent, the threat ened attack, Among the tens of thous ands who have used this remedy for colds and Jo. grippe, we have yet to learn of a single ease that has resulted ,n pneumonia, which shows that this remedy Is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. For sale by all drinjslsts. "Keep to the Right" With eyes open. Thoro is something in it for every one. accordance with those adopted by the American Hallway association, and are a little In advance of the standard code of rules. In order to have tho various train men and others to whom the rules ap ply thoroughly conversant with them, by the time they nre put Into effect Instruction classes have been organ ized by tho division superintendents. In these, tin; now rules ore gone over and discussed. As compared with tho present rules on the Heading, which have been In effect for some yenrs, the now regulations are said to bo very simple and of a character to be readily understood by trainmen. L, L. and W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: TCiaDAY, march is, IMr.n lUil H i. in,, lloliokcn, J. V. Dnrk. liart; ! p. ni A. II. Hour; 1 p. m., V. I,. Hog era; 11 p. in., Iloboken, Iluotli. WBDMIlsiuY, MAKC1I 1'J. lMra, K.ist l.;:o n. m., O. W. t'ltrsrcr.ilil; 4 a. in., it. Flnnerty; 5 a. m., W. J. Moskr: 0 a. in., lloliokcn, II, .1. 1irldn; n a. m., lloliolcn, Oilier; 10 a, in., T. McCarthy; 11 a. in., C. W. Dunn; I p. in., W, A. Hartholonicn"; 2 p. in., llo liokcn, Xtnrent; ;i p. m f!. T. Staple-,; f, p. in., Hnbuken, 1". P. Slern; li p. ni , II. UNIilnrf. iiiiniiilts, Ktc 0 ,i. in., .1. Iloniilgan; 8 a. in., I'lounli-tkir; U a. in., NicliuN; 11 n. m,, ,1, II, MjMi'is; 2 p. in., '11ionipoii; (I p. in., J. dirrisw; S i. in., M. (loldcn. l'ulicr 0 a, m., WlJnrr; 7 n. in., rinncrly; 8 .i. m., Homer; 11,15 n, in., Mor.m: G p. in., C. Il.il lliolomow; ".SO p. in., Xaumin; ft p. in., W. II. llrrlliolnintw; 10 p. in., laiinplnff. Helpers 7 n. in., Singer; 7 j. in., OafTncy; 10 a. in., F. 1!. Scior; 0.13 p. in., Stanton; S.'M p. ni., O. Miller. lMm Wi 7 a. m.. ('. Klng-de) ; 10 a. in , A. i:. Ketrlmni; 1 p. in.. O. lliiulolph; 2 p. in., JI. Catmorly; I p. in., '. Wall; (i p. m., Will lim Kirliy, witli '.-ttier's crew; 11 p. in., I.at tiinir, with Jol.n CahaiMii's trcw. NO'IK'i:. .1. .1, lu'iinoy will take. liU inn on Xo. SI M.inli IS. .1. .1, DnfTy will take his inn on Piikup Maich 30. II. T. I'ellows will take hi run on S a. m. cxtii Manh 1!). Herewith Is presented a picture of Charles Meyers, captain of the Lleder kranz team in the City league, and one of the best known young Germans in the city. The love for bowling is in- lli.UU.i..- AW.. ... , taitain oi the Lludtrkiaiiz Howling Tea pi. herent in most Germans and Mr Mey ers Is no exception to the rule. He has always taken a keen interest in the sport and lias a very good control over the ball. The contest for high average In the City league lies between Andercgg anchorman of the Franklins; Mei.ster, of the Arllngtons, and Hothermel, of the Hampe's. Andeiegg lends for tho llrst llfteen games with an average of lfio, but Melster follows dangerously close on his heels. The general aver ages fall away below those made by the players In the Northeastern league. A meeting will be held tomorrow af ternoon at Zulager's alloys, in South Seranton, for the purpose of selecting prizes for the winning team and tho high averuge and high score men. m h It has been definitely decided to con tinue the existence of the City Bowling league for a second series of games nt the end of the present series. The six teams which at present comprise the league will be retained and two new ones will he ndded, one representing the Auditorium alleys In North Seran ton, and tho other the newly opened Becker alleys on the West Side, The series will begin as coon as tho present series of games is rolled and a meeting to arrange a. schedule will bo held on Sunday, March 23. It Is the pnrposo of the dliectors of the league to Insist upon a. strengthening ot the present teams and to require that tho men who havo not mado a creditable showing shall bo dropped. Tho trophy for the Northeastern league second series Is on exhibition In the window of Berry's Jewelry store, nnd Is n most unique and handsome affair. It consists of a silver-plated ten pin and bowling bnll, both regula tion size, standing side by sldo on a triangular shaped base of bronze. The trophy cost nearly $100 and will be a most valuable and artistic memento. The members f the South Side bowl ing team of tho City league have won only one game out of eighteen played, but they are Just as determined to stick out to tho end as they were on thu opening night, all of which goes to show that It Is pure love of tho game rather than the empty honor of win ning a trophy, which keeps bowling alive In this and other cities, Hilly Hopkins' total of 574 for three games mado in tho game with tho Green Ridgo AVheelmen tho other night was one of tho highest recorded In a league game In this city, ' The Electric City AVheelmen still have a chance for the trophy, but there will have to be a combination of fortultlous circumstances before they can land It. Tho Backus team leads them by four games, but the Backus team has only tluee more games to roll, whereas th Sale of Spring t Wall Paper 3d Floor The Spring Styles Arp frpotinor o mfa """ " 50 Choice Silk Waist Patterns Tills lot received today comprises extensive styles of foreign and American make. The Big Store's own selections not two pat terns alike In the entire lot, not any like those to be seen In this city. The choice of selecting a Silk Waist Pattern entirely different from your neighbor Is your opportu nity. And at the price per yard asked for such val ues will surely meet with your favor. From 75c to $2.50 Yard Linen Department Extra values In' Table Linens mentioned today. 72-lnches wide at $1.35, $1.49, S1.69 and $1.79 per yard. Patterns aro the Lily of the Valley, Fleur de Lis, Rosebuds, Sprays, Pansles and unique designs, values decidedly good. Satin Scotch Damask 72 inches wide, care fully woven, all linen. There is six pret ty patterns, well worth $1.25 per yard. r. Priced at ij) 1 .) Napkins to match. Table Lirfin 68 inches wide, all linen, a va riety of designs, oftentimes sold for 89c. Priced at, yard .' yC Napkins to match. Size 5-8 at $1.98 per dozen. Size 3-4 at $2. 75 per dozen. For Parlors At 18c to 75c per double roll. Ve have the Em pire, Colonial and Rococo patterns in satin and em bossed effects, also silk stripes, plain ingrains, raw silks and crinkled silks with flitter and applique friezes. The handsomest line we have ever shown. itfall Paper For Malls, Dining Rooms and Libraries In Heraldic, Colonial and Oriental designs, in tapestry and textile effects, figured and plain stripes, from 25c up to 75c per roll. Pressed Papers A Range of Price from S2.00 to $4.00 Per Roll Scrafifof! s Isg Store Jonas Long's Soos West Slilcrs have six to play. If the Backus team ahoulrt fall down next Monday nisht and drop two or even one, the other team eould make a gar rison finish and come out ahead or even. On tho other hand, if the Backus howlers win threo straight they can't bo beaten. a nn .. c s. nea TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. IjYn:i'M Pilla l"o In "Tho I.lllle Mam1 telle." Night. ACAimUV op MI Mr Cluster 1)5 V-.mJo com. lun.v. Afternoon .mil nlnlit, hl'AR "Hie TiivmIo Club Ilurlisqneu." AttiT noon nnd ni;;li Delia Pox. The l!i!.t .iu of "Tlie Utile. Mam'-elle," the tonicity In wlifi.li ili.iiniliiff Dolli 1'o-e ami her la K10U1 cuiiu'ily louipany will present here nct I'liiljy night fur n Mntjle iH.!foiiiuiiie, uve nt l!.inil's Cornel-., a llaitious mtlcment In the Half of Ntw .lerey. It l-i .1 mn nutW ham lit anil the Inn ot the net i Mipjilieil lugely by the host of inner luiimiy p.'uplc who mo In uiheil In the plot. The seat s-ale opens this mouiint; at 9 o'clock. "Up York State." "I'll Yoil. Mute," ulilili will be miii i.t the lAiium Mtimljy .iftemoon unit night, if one ot the gicatctt HKiees of the te.i.son ami ip Krmlly so. Uiviil UUglm anil (Jeoigla Wul ilion, the .inlhois ami ttais playing In the ili.ima hue written n inuntiy pli lint U really a lu( out of the admirable book of American iiual life. The ih.nactcrs ilng title and (lie inildetils while dramatic aru not overwrought or Mulnodj the story it irllo but not loo vehement, and it leilainly U not guilty of tb wnn-t of .ill form of iliiimitiu iueapatltj, tho stringing out Into itn attempt at u play ot two or three threadbare ami lukewarm iiiiidruts, There louhl baldly bo roticoiud a K'ttir tel ling for a play than that alTurded by the bcctlun of llio gieat state of New Yoik known us "The Adirondack Country," liiiloric giouml m tilth through alt (lie tentuiy h.n letalned its dunn ing simplicity along with IU rugged and nuti.lt. Uta beaut). Heal Burlesque Attraction, Ilurlcscpie pure and simple, high tlasa and re fined in IN cntiiety U tho icult of the etfoits of Jliss Mabil Hamilton, llio sole proprietor nud iiuiuxer of the Sam T. Jatk'a Own lliirlcnue lompany, 'llio unqualified mkic) of the new Ulei lui statlled and smpiUed the managers, I'U'vi and public. The opening skit U a lively fanu le. pleto Willi brilliant and gorgtumly dirked miii li.il tieatlonii in wliUh u .nimbi r of liauihome glrli appear to advantage, Tho Kinlo and elittrio iltcits ate a tpcclal (c.ituie, Tho gland piuduUlon of living pietiire being a poitrajal of many tammi paintings' while the grouping of a now of pretty women in tlw lilctuii'4, "l)ater Morn" and the "Choir Hoy's )ream," atvvaja bring fortli unboundut louml-t if applause. The olio includes eleuu feature atu, Tho dosing burlctta U a lively potpoiui of inuslo nnd pretty gills. The company will appear at the biar tomuriovv, STAGE NOTES. Tonight at Hi; Acadtmy of Music llie (littler Do Vonda company will present "Hit Co inter, fcltit'tf Daughter." Tub) afternoon 'Tim Great City of landon" will bo tho bill, Samuel Nivon, of the llim of Zlmmernmi & Nixon, has been In Havana with a lcw cf po. slbly locating a theater there. An DiglUti music lull manager vnt sued by a perfonner, whose act ho i ailed "rotten." '010 jury found for the defendant, Trlxy I'rlgauza teplaced Marie Calilll in "The Chapcrom." at Pclroit last week. Jliw fahlll It preparing for her stalling tour Mis. i orm-lU (umpU'll. a member of vhoe c9mifmtp dens 1 Shopping - News in Wail Paper That iirnricp Ccmr "my"" y In fanlfly founded one of the religious seek, known as Campbcllitcs, is to go on the stage. A western man has stated that in her first ten years on the stage Delli Fox got nlnety-eiglit miles of press notices, which she has pasted in hooks. Iune Perry anived In New York from London last week and nny soon appear in comic opera in Khvv & I'rlangcr's management. babel Kvcsson his not yet got the f 1,300 de- reed to her in her suit agaimt Anna Held and her m wager. The tae Tias been appealed Io the supreme ecuit. Iu one of Hoslon's atotk concern receptions f the audience by the plajeis ale held at cer tain times during the week. On those dis thu house is packed. KNIGHTS OF MALTA . The immediate returns for the l'ebiuaiy election show the apparent choice of the following candi dates: Tor gland commander, Sir .lames L. Jackson, Xo. 77, Wllllamspoit; for grand genir albslmi, hh- IVederick Arnold, Xo. 9, I.mcas tcr; for giand pulate, Mr Ilev. .laiura ft. lloughtei, Xo, 2(H, Millei.burg; for grand warden, sir Kvan It. Joins, Xo. 177, Seranton. The fol lowing arc elected without opposition: l'oi grand recorder, Sir Oeoige 11. 1'ieice, Xo. 21, Philadelphia; grand treasurer, Sir Chailcs V. Hassle, Xo. 112, Sunbury; grand senior waiileu, Mr V. P. Long, No. .vj, Weatberly; gland MMitt nil, Mr ficoige I'. Drunks, Xo. 21, I.evvlstuun; gland (rrMrr, 19-100"), Sir Charles H. .Mcliiffor, Xo. SO, Thainy, There is no election for the ofllrcs of grand (aptaiu-gcneral or grand junior waiden. Meutt lommandeiy, Xo. l!S, at Nmiiivdle, Muss., on M.uch '27 will hold dedication reie-tuonie-; at the opening of tho llrst Malta temple eicited in tlil.s country. Largo delegations of supreme and grand cftticrs will be piosent w add to the impoitante and enthusiasm of thu event. Prime of Peace tcininandery, Xo. r,', at Wllkis I1.1IH', will ictchc a large class ot lllack. Knights on the evening of Much 21. (Irand lteconlcr Ml (Icorge II. Pierce will gnu the ewniplllltation of thu work. A spcil.il convocation of the grand toninundiiy of Pennsjlvanla was held on Maich 7, In the new iouiicII clumber of Valetla commadciy, Xo. td, with firaml Commander Mr I'.lisha S, r.innvald In the Occidental ihatr, A largo number of com panions were present liom Wllllanuport, Scran ton, Danville, Milton, Xontleoke and other places, IMiii commander)1, Xo, 3Jt, at Wojit ( liester, will bo instituted en Mireli 23 by (irand Com mander Sir HlUIia r. I'ainwald and the ofdeers of tho giand lomminoery of IVniui Iv.inla, 'Ihe degree stuff of fidelity lotnmandtry, Xo, 171, of Couteiville, will present the floor woik on this occasion, Cainegle loiiimanilciy, Xo, all), oi Carnegie, at tended divine, seiviee on March u in the rirst Methodist Kplscopil (huich, and a laigo number of the member went piesent. The llev, U II, loins pnached the seimou, and wj.. initiated on Maicli li, Cincinnati)!! i-oiimnnuery, Xo. W, at llanis burg, has had a mast snicc-ssful tenn, with Pavt Supri'iiie Commander John II. Ilollinan in the recouler's ch.ili, The loiiimand his decided in have nit of Its pataphiinalii teiiiwed for elec trlelty. Mystic Cross lomiuindeiy K almost j catty for Institution In Carbon (ounty, and a date will toon be lhcd for the ceremonial. The illness of the Sir Knight (ouimaiider-clect Is taiiiing tome dilay. .Mb.iiij coiiimaiiilery, Xo. 302, in their handsome new temple, ut Albany, N, Y., held their first public Installation in the prestneo of over flvo hundred ladles and Kc-ntlemen on Maich It, Thu I 'Keep to the Right" With eyes open. Everybody is talking nbout It. vv".f Sale of Spring Wall Paper 3d Floor We Are Showing anr. Qpp Thpm """ " wt. s Wall Paper For Bedrooms and living Rooms In endless variety of new effects In Florals, Cretonne, Chintz, Stripes and small figured patterns of every description. 7c to 15c Per Roll Mash Goods Swiss Plumctls A fabric that is more than usually attractive on account of Its peculiar weave. A variety of colorings and designs, very odd. Priced at, a yard &5C Antrim Dimity A good serviceable fabric, 28 inches wide, styles are the latest and colors un usually pretty. A fabric well worth 10c, 0 Priced at C "Silk Spot Pekin" A fabric noted for Its beautiful construction add highly luminous weave, suitable for evening wear. Priced at, a v yard 50C rianchestcr Corded Chnmbrays Plain col ors, blue, pink, tan, red, striped and dots. . Priced at 1 C Batiste Fine comb yarn fabric, fig- . ured In black and white. A yard 1 OC Dinner Sets Semi-porcelain, pretty pink spray decoration, 100 pieces consisting of 12 dinner plates. 12 soup plates, 12 pie or bread and butter plates, 12 tea cups, 12 tea saucers, 12 fruit saucers, 12 individ ual butter dishes, 2 covered vegetable dishes, 1 un covered vegetable dish, 2 meat plates, 1 coveted sugar, 1 cream and bowl, 1 sauce boat, 1 pickle dish, 1 covered butter dish, a remarkable of- fering at this price, per set P0.9o Fancy Decorated Lamp Shades, with - wire frame, each 9C Camphor Balls, per pound 4jc Large Size Box Tooth Picks 3c Paints Our household favorite, Ready Mixed Paints, all colors, quality guaranteed, full half pint 1 OC Market or Shopping Bags, made of imported rush, large- size, useful and very unique. Price 5C ocremnnics were conducted by Supreme Com. mandcr Sir (icorge Stevens Jones, of Dnston, to whom the commandery presenteil a solid silver loving cup of superb design and appropiiitely ni gra veil. White Cross commander, Xo. i.j!, at l.inc.u ter, is organizing a class for rally admission. l'ie and four candidates have been receivid i.t the last two convocation.. Merry commandery, Xo. 322, will bo instituted at Dciry, Xevv Ilampshiie, on Maicli 21 by !ji prune Commander Mr Ceoige Stevens Jones and slalf. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. 1.1st of letters lcmalnlng uncalled for at the Seranton pustoiflce, I.ackavv.,nna louuiv. Pa,, March 10, 1W2. Persons calling for the.e Ietteis will please say adveitised and give date of list. l.zra II. Hippie, 1'ostmastcr. Alden, Ceoige. Iliovvn, Herald, Purges., Win., 2. lliddel, Miss Maigaret. Heathen, Mis. Palean, .1. Hronks, Carlos A. Hrnwu, Leslie, llradv. Mis. IleKii. Hlaikman, .Ml.s Lou, Heagie, I.'. II. llmnrtt. Miss, liurke, John. Holnne, A. 11, Clou ml. J. M. A, Cliff. Miss tiara. Comptoii, Jacob. Chaudltr, llemy, Coggiiw, Ml.s Maiy. Cooper, Miss Mar.v. Collln. John. Cubbeiiv, Claude, , ire of M. 1), (Siintt, :'. Hiitton, S. Hfcl.er, Mr'. Vie. Douglass, I, icy .; Co. Daly, John. Donelley, A. Hlivnod, 1'l.illk. 1'alk, T. J. Kair, Miss llcrtti.i. rallbrlik, Sirs, Annie, Poster, 1). .1, Prune is Puller. Poster. Mrs. .1. M. I'ullcr, Mrs. V. II. r,vihe, John M, (Irltfcuitr, (lottfiled, (loodilcli, .), ,, secie. fury the J, I.ewels Hen. fvielety. lliemei, Mi. Hughes, Hannah. II inly, L. M. Hoke. Knim The Health Pood Cu. ilovver, Andiew. Iluvvlry, Isaac. Jones, MKs S.ir.ili. Johnston, (Jioige II. Jones, Jnlni, llie Infei Pneumatic 1'kit Co. Keiler, II. Ik Iv'erselmaik, Mrs, L, J. Ivellv, 'llioinas, Luddon, Thomas 11. Llud, llattie. Lewis, llioinas A. Me draw, Miss Nellie. Mi Cue, Mis. Illlrn. Miller, Miss Minnie. Malion, Li lla V. Murphy, Mrs. Katluilne. Miilliolland, James. Miller, MKs llattie U. MonK Tlioma.. Malum, Janus and An- llicny. Miller, J. II. Miller, Annie, ;. Velwu, J, Pled. Nation tl Detective Assn. Neu-chel, .Mrs, livan, O'.Malley, Jamei. Oehs, i'ranels. Powell, .Miss Loul.-e, Pel due, J, M. Pease, llenrj II. llrunn, Jauii's. llohorn, Mis. J. W, lleheid, I icorge. Hate, Miss I'iarn'! Hosenbeig, .Mr-, llrniv. Hied, S. C. liiiliards. Ld J. ' KiM.lt, Kislci. Sihinldt, Otto. S'tiegns, ). Iv. Snli.ali, Mi. II, Saiuau, Mis. . 'f. pUklr, Mis,. -tii'llictt.i. ( haile hum uurs. Heott, Miss Annie. Muimans, Ml.,. S,ibados, Albert, "sulllvau, John. Thomas, It. II. Tiucsdrll, Miss Id I. Tlmmpsoii, Alfred, riiomas, William, 'hblietts, Avis. .induilicreli. Ml H. Wells k Iv'earoi, Ward, Mis. (ieorgo. Worker, Tlllls, Whiilen. 1'iaiiL. Wui.l, .1. 1). Mlll.imi, Hell. Wlldriik. Paiid. W iUlabush, Mis, Wei hit, L'liailes. Wilkes, John J. W.ltiou, A. It. ITALIAN-. Marliutonlo Anineo, Antonio IViilfu Agnstlin, Mauo ill Mcrtilio, Antonio Castoiiuirn, (i.vpaie Abate, ll.ilT.iela I. ill. (llnseppe P.ibuanlis, (lloild Dob.ito, Viiieeuin (lulfu, I'uau Huotio, Haul I'eioz, POLISH. Alexander Sinlieekv, Jan Kmuuskl, Josef Wasillevvski, Alllkauder Kuiowsk), -I in Kud yiukr, Adam Tlganviys, reliks lloiovvsk.v, Isidor Kislillns, Doniitik Kadr, Jan Kuiiiislii, Li lorius Ivlseluls, Jozcf Kubinvvskl, Wlllin llaiowskl, Mareiii Macklewiu, Paul Paehutzkl, Joref (ioiskl, Audiiiw Wiijtkiewiu, Jozif Ktanie-iH, Jiuapas Jen kintas, I'lezen Depbunku, Frank Kaihovvski, Jo zif iCaleuskl, Hilary Kliuas, Adam Wolotkevvlc, Prank Knbouslil, Iviiol Duniblevvskl, .Sj.akulll Petio, Piank hianklevvlt, Szanviuliior Diiede.ve, HU.ViiAlilAX. Mhhat Mjiufiita, Joanna Niedbalska, Majk Kuuiel, Jezos I i all ills, Jon l.aiuko. Jan Mil' zatel, Majk Juniijkiavviz, Tonu-wt T.iiuki, Jed n llajchel Poiiel Doner, Pialras Divaplla nlepln, I.udv.lk Ivorin. Kazi.ba Iguac, Koataiity SuukM, Ptlt Lalat, tnj Miaisska, Andiin Mi Unck3.s, Walet llohenck, llerzah Lrml. West Seranton Station. Mrs. Dalkhii. Staulstaw Doiubzuiiski, Muiill KdvvauH, Vnlonl (,'alen. Mis, Maggie lliiii.'s, lid Harper, Mis, John D. Jon, llunll Knnokoivsky, Mis Annie LenU, W, Palteisoii. suulslavv Ito gubkl, MUj Xellie Tragu., Cdvvaid Tllalimau. OF SCR ANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday eveutugs from 7.30 to S.30. Snow White Flour Made from the highest grade of Spring wheat Never Fails To give tho most perfect sat isfaction nnd To Make The largest and most perfect loaves of SraowWh ate Bread Ask your grocer for it. We only wholesale it. Dickson Mills Grain Co. Seranton. Olyphant. We do more tnjsiness. How is it done? We know; by experience and watchfulness for possible improvements, our monthly trips to the markets of the world, and our specinl buying facilities enable us to get just ahead of the other fellow for styles and values. We handle only the the best, see our spring line of Hats, Storm Coats, Neckwear, etc It will be worth your while. 412 Spruce Street. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Kflect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Seranton for New York At I. to, 3.15, (I.U5, 7.50 and 10.00 a. m.: 12.43. 3.40, 3.3J p. m. For Xcw Voik anil Philadelphia 7.G0, 10.05 a. m and 12.45 and 3.1'J 11. 111. For T0I13 lianna At (UU p. 111. For HufTalo 1.13. 0 22 and !),00 a. 111.; 1.53. 0.50 1 nil 11. S3 p. in. For ltinp liamton and way station 10.20 a in. ami 1.10 p. 111. I1)i- Osweco, fcjr;cusi! and Ullca 1.J5 anil 0.22 a. in.; 1.53 p. in. Oswego, bvraeu'e and Utica train at 0.22 a, in. dallv, except fcunday. For .Montioe 0.00 a. in.; 1.10 and 0.00 p. nu Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. in. Uloonishmg Divbion F01 NoitlHimbeilaml, at C.35 anil 10.03 .1. in.; 1.53 and 0.10 p. m. For l'lj mouth, at S.10 a. ni. ; 3.40 and I'.UO p. 111 Sui.dav mains For New York. 1.40, J.15. 0.05 and 10.05 a. in.; J.40, 3.3.1 p. in. Fur lluffalo 1.15 and fi.2i a. in.; I.ZS, ti.50 and ll.oS p. m. For llinshanilon and way stations 10.20 .1. ni, HlcomiJnirir Division Lcav Seranton, 10.03 a. 111. and 0.10 p. 111. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Kflect June 2, 110I. Tuiiis leave hcranton; WJi a. in., week djy, tlnou;:li vestibule train fiom Wllkes-Uaire. Pull. nian bullet pillor car ami coaches to Philadel phia, via I'ottsville; stops at principal fnti me diate ktations. Alo coimetta lor .-.uiibuij, IUi. lisbmv, l'liiladelphla, llultiiuere, Wablilnstou and lor Piithlnue snd the not. 0.3s a 111., week daK, lor Sunliiny, llirrisbiirj;, Philadelphia, Ilalttmore, Waihlngton and Pittv IniiK and thu west. 1.42 p. 111,, week days fhumlays, l.jS p. 111 ), lor S-inibur), llairllnir?, I'liilaih-Ipliia, Halllnioie, Washington and Pittshuu and the wcM S.2S 11. 111., vvetk days, through virtlbiile train fiimi Wllkes-Iiarre, Pullman buffet pirlor ear and mnlie. to I'hiladelplilu via I'ollsvillc. blopj at piinclpal Intel mediate stations 4.27 p. tn., week la), for llaaleton, 'unburj, liairisbiitf, Philadelphia and I'ittiburir. .1. II, IllTCIllSSUS. Oen, Msr. J. II. WOOD, (Sen. IM. Ag(. Delavare and Hudson, In KUcct November 21, 1001, Trains lor Cailiondale kuve hn.mion at 0.20, S.IK), S.5.1, 10.13 a. 111.; 12.00, 1.20, a.ai. 3.52, 5.20, 0.25, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p, n ; 1..I1 a. m. For Uonesdale 0.20, 10.li,a. in.; '',34 and 5.20 p. m. For Vilkes-ltarre-fl.3. 7. IS, S. II. 0.39, 10 41 a. in.; 12.01, 1.1,', -.MS, J.2.S, 1.27, O.lu. 7,l, 10.11, tl.!0 p. in. For U V. It. II. 1uIiih-0,13. 0.3S a. m.j .'.!?, 4.27 and 11.30 p. 111. For Pennsylvania It. II. I'oints-d.OS, 0.3S a. 111. ; 1. 12. 3.2S and 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all jwlnta north 0.20 a, 111. and 3.32 p. 111. hTNiJAV TltAINS. For Ca,iboiiilalc ,s,50, 1I..W a, 111,; 2.31, J Is, 5.62 and 11,17 p. m. For Wllkes-Ilanc-y.SS a. ni i 12,03, 1.5s, Xii, (1.32 and 9.17 p. m. For Albany nnd poiuu nortli ".33 p. in For lloncsdjle S.50 a. in. and 3.52 p. in V. 1 I'ltVOIt. 1). I'. A.. Scunton. 1M. New Jersey Centittl, In Frtect Vov. 17, 1001. Sullons in New toil:, foot of I.iboily meet and houtli lu, N. it. 'Iraliw leavo N-raiilmi (or New Yolk, Philadel phia, Kastrn, llcihlch. in. Allintovvn. Maiult Chuuk, Whit' Haven. Atliley ami Wilke-Ilarie at 7,80a, iu., 1 p. . and 4 . in. Mmda, 2.10 p. 111, Ouaker (111 Kkpico leavca huautun at 7.0 a, in., through lid vestibule train with Pullman llulfet 1'ailor (.'ax. fur Philadelphia, with enly one ihanjjc ol tars (or llaltlmoie, Wariiliigiou, U. 0,, and all prlmlpal points boulh uud weji. For Avoea, I'lliston inul WllUcs-IIaire, 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. eunday, 2.10 p. m. For I.oag llraneli, Ocean chow, etc., 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. ni. For Headlnc l.i'banui nnd IliirUburg. 1I4 Al 'entovvn, ut 7..'0 a. in. and 1 p. 111. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For tyjtul!o al 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. 111. For I J tea nod iik-t apply In agent at station. c, m. nuirr. ocn. iv,. .. J. fe bWhHKII. Hist. Pa. Ast-, Seranton. Yesterday's Mnnlnge Licenses. Iliih K. llumphre.vt, laaelibuig, Arnwlrvii'i t'vuul Maud t'omivi Kciautoii Itoliert l Itelilaiil s,iu.iiou J.iiepLliiv WiUh ,...,.,. 1 anion mm Year FINANCIAL. We offor, to yield About B per cent., $250,000 (Total Isstio, $1,000)000) BUTTE ELECTRIC POWER CO. Butto, Mont., 5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds. Denomination flooo. Maiming 1 to 30 year. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. "Siuoot," the Typewriter Man, takes pleasure iu ex hibiting its merits from, inorn, till uight. 1st floor Guernsey Building, Seranton, Pa. ' ' Lager Manufacturers of Hid Stock ' J. .J. .J. ,J tj. r i J $, 4 'i '! "J" $ ; j . .J. .j. . J ! ! I n' ! ! .J1 "J "i ! N.fi?St.. Seranton, Fa. Old 'Phone, 2331. New 'Phone, 2935. THB fflSOSIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 anil 2, Com'Itb B'l'd's. ' SCRAaVTON, PA. nining and Blasting llode at alooilo and IluabJala Worltt. LAFLIN RAND POWDUR CO.'S ORANGE QUN POWDER Elf otrlo Hattorloi. Elootrlo Bxplodiri. xplodln; blasts, Sufaty Kuii aai Repauao Chomical Go.'s cxp"oTi'vn lOVyAFARMSHf'i AQCftSiAl-efii BALANOt iinur IILmiUIK RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad, In KlU'ct, Nov. 3, 1U0I. Tuina lciu btranlnn. To' I'liilailclplna ami New York ia I), tc II. It. ! at fl.iii mil ''..is a, in., and 2.18, 1.2 (Itlail. Diamunil prv'i), anil ll.MJ p. m. bun- ilja, D. A: II. II. II-, X.M. 6.2,7 l; m. For Willie Il.iM'ii, Ilanlcton anil piinclpal points in tlw coal reffiuns la l. ir II. H. It., ,6.38, 2.H anil 1,27 p. in. l'oi l'ottsIUe, 0.-S a. in., 2.1S I'or ItstliUlirin, Kaston, Iteaillnj, llairlsliuiif, and principal intermedial!) btatlons, la 1). i II, II, II., ".3S, t(,JS a. in,; 2.1!. 1.27 (UlacU Dia niuinl i:pif), ll.J" I'. "I- Sunilajj, D. ii II. It. 11., (.3( .1. in.! l.Sii, S.27 p, in. I'or TunLhannook, Towanda, Klmira, Itliara, Clencta ami inliKlpal InicniKdiatc nations, i ll I., and IV, II. It., 3.1" a. in. and H.50 jl. ni. I'or Gcmta, lloiliritci. Il.illalo, Niagara Falli, riilcaco and all pulnts Mt, U l. k II. H, It, 7,1a, 12.0.1 a. in i 1.12. 3.2i (Illick Dlaiuond K press), 7.43, 10.11, U.iO p. nu Isundaje, 1). & II. It, ll 12.0,!, s.27 p. in. ,,,,,. ullinau pailor and tlcvpliig or wIiIrIi alley I'arlor ins on all tralm between Wilkes-Barte and ,S wl, I'liiladvlphu, llultalo and Sujpen. kinn jlildirc. . . 110 l.l.I N II. Wll.lll'it, Oen. Supt., 2d Coitland tlitt, .Ne ork. ..,..,. UIAHI.US S. I.lli:, fii. i'ass. Atft., 28 Cortlund strut, Ni York. .. W. .NUNIIMAL IICII, Vi li.. Agt.. SautU lldhliiiLin, I'j. I'cr titkeH and I'ullmaii ricrvatlons apply In city tUUet oiiiie, Co I'ullli. b'luaic, Wilkcvllarrf, Vi- New York, Ontario and Western, In Bilcct Tni'Mla), S.pt. 17, 1WI. Uae Ia Arrlia TuinJ. .So. 1 , No. 7 . tvranton. ('arlionilale. Cadojia, ,,10...(a. in. 11.10 a, in. 1.00 p. in. , o.Q p. in, Ar, Uaruoudalc 0. p. m. SOUTH IIOUN'P. hete htio Anlva Cad'ftU. taibondale. Seranton. "iKla. in. 7,10 a. in. . 2.1", P. 111. LI" n. in, l.IOn. m. Train), No. U So. S bUKD.UK O.M.V, XOKI'H UOU.ND. I,cac I-avo Arrlv trains Xo. 'J No. 6 . Sd.nuoii CailiunUale, Padojia. , Ij.SOa. in. 0.10 p. in 10.15 a. in. , i,WI i. ni, Al. C'.nbuiijjlc 7.10 ii. in. VMTM UUUVI). Lae I.'ae Aulve Tuini. I adoia. (.ailwiida'r. Sluiiiqu. Xi 'j riWa. in, 7.10a. in, No. 10 l.SOp. in. uOilp. in. U.ISp. m, 'liuiiu. No. 1 on vvik Uj). and U on hunday, makv main lin iniuilioi,i lor New Yoil; vlty, Miiidl.-t'iuli, U ahull, .oiniiii, Oluida, Uiivi-cq and all pilnU. vet. I'or further luloinulK.it niniilt ticket ants, J. ('. ANHHIisON, Ci. I' A NN.W jork. 4, l WKLslI, T. J'. A., Suanton, l'a. 'Phone 2007. Old 'Phono 79.3. Don! Strike! Buy the ill I 1 ' $ i V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers