,cs ;, ev.WKsr sig --', T - V THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIV.hVG THE COMPLETENESS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESSnEGREATESEVVS AOENCYJN THE VORIJ, SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1902. TWO CENTS. rwo CENTS. IT, V j9 TRIKE SENTIMENT IS GROWING It Is Tliourjlu That a Declaration Will Be Made bu To morrow. THE STATEMENT OF PRESIDENT MITCHELL he Delegates Express Opposition to Continuing Work Tinder the Pres ent Rate of Wngos Letters of Operators Seem to Have Caused Much Bitter Feeling Among the Men Some Objection Is Made to a Request for Admission of Fire men to the Convention A Scale Committee Appointed. Dy Kulusiic Wire Irom the Associated I'icm. ShamoUIn, I'm., March 1!l. The miners' convention today begun the consideration of tho important mat ters which will decide whether the no tices posted by the operators al tbn varlotiH collieries, announcing a con tinuance, of existing conditions, shall be accepted or rejected. The commit tee on rules and order of business met al S.SO p'-iloelc, a half-hour previous to tile asst bllng of the. convention, and completed the details of their work. The delegates this morning displayed jnueh interest in the expected presen tation by President Mitchell of. the letters from I) t presidents of the operating companies, declining a con ference, with ofllelals of the I'nlted Ilnc Workers of America. These let ters constitute one of the most import ant subjects to be considered by the convention, but the delegates, having nothing but u general knowledge of their contents, declined to discuss their probable action concerning the communications. President Mitchell to day reiterated his denial that the visit of .Secretary Itnlph M. Kaslcy, of the Civic Federation, concerned the situa tion in the. anthracite coal region. When asked If he would make any fur ther effort to see ,T. Pierpont Morgan, Mr. Mitchell said he had made no ar lnngemenls looking to that end. Want Conl Weighed. The sentiment of the delegates was for the llrst time otllcially expressed during the morning session of tho con vention. President Nicholls, of Dis trict No. I, speaking on the question of it wage committee, said: "The men of our district want their coal weighed, anil they want it weighed so badly that they are willing to fight for it 1C necessary." This assertion elicited vigorous ap plause, which Is taken as an indica tion that most of the delegates have come to th" convention with instruc tions to Insist on concessions by the operators. This morning's session began prompt ly at 0 o'clock, with President Mitchell in the chair, and the committee on rules and order of business presented its report, which was accepted. The rules governing the proceedings are substantially tho same as those of the notional miners' organization. Greet ing was received from John I. Ueese, or Dps Moines, president of the Iowa miners' union. A letter, signed by say era! victims of the Iaiittimei' strike, ap pealing for aid, was tend and, on mo tion, a collection was taken up for the benefit of the sufferers, A Polish delegate suggested that as many of the delegates could understand but little Kngllbh, Interpreters be up pointed to report the proceedings to their colleagues. A motion to this ef fect was carried, and the vice-presidents or the three districts were ap pointed to serve, They are Paul Pul aski, Mount Carmel, District No. 0: Adam Jtyscavnge, Plymouth, District Xo, 1, and Andrew Mattl, Drltton, Dis trict Xo. 7. The credentials committee made their final report, which showed the total number of delegates present to bo Ml, with 92G votes. District No, 1 was S21 delegates and -113 votes: District Xo. 7, 301 delegates and 151 votes; District Xo. 9, 21S delegates and 330 votes. Objection to Firemen, A request for admission to thu con vention from delegates of the Flre mens' union met with some apposition, but a motion admitting them was fin ally carried. A motion was made re jecting the llremen's committee, and President Nicholls, of District No, 1, arose to make an explanation. He said he had Informed the secretary of the Firemen's union that he believed tho mine workers would admit a. commit tee of tho former organization for the purpose of listening to a statement by them. "We had trouble with tho firemen when they were on strike," said Mr'. Nicholls, "apd our men were discharged for refusing to take their places. Wo expect all mine firemen and engineers to join us, and wo already have on our membership rolls ti majority of their number, Why not let us meet them faco to face. Then wo can tell them they are not entitled to our considera tion unless they join our union." ThO motion to prohibit the admit tance of the firemen was then with drawn and a substitute admitting them carried. The convention decided to appoint n senlo committed of twenty-one mem bers, seven from each district, and n committee on resolutions, consisting of three members from each district. . Thu vice-presidents of tho districts ' were authorized to select thu members of tho committees. President Nicholls asked whether thu scale committee wpuld draw up a uniform wage rate, or .. whether several scales would be pre sented by ench district. "Conditions are different In each dis trict," snld Mr, Nicholls, "and It would be difficult to arrange a uniform rnto. Some regions desire pay by tho ynrd and others want to be paid by weight. In our district vte vnnt tho conl weighed, and we want It so badly wo mo willing o ILslu ftr if if necessary. ' Tt.-.s last stati'inyiit met with unani mous approval. Delegate Qulg'ey. of Contrail i, dis trict Xo. 0, made a plea for unity. He inserted that will, fei-arato seller the union would be d!videdt which condi tion might Trove disastrous to the men. President Mitchell explained that tho members of the committee repre senting each district would meet sep arately, after which their scales would bo considered jointly and presented to the convention as a uniform scales approved by the committee of twenty one. This was satisfactory to tho dele gates. The next business In order was the report of the special committee, con sisting of President Mitchell and tho district presidents, appointed at In dianapolis to seek a conference with the operators. President Mitchell 'an nounced that the letters had been re ceived from the operators, and he deemed It advisable for the convention to consider them In executive session. His suggestion was adopted, and tho convention went Into executive ses sion. Mr. Mitchell's Statement. During the executive session, tho convention appointed tho committees on scale and on resolutions, and heard the report of the special committee ap pointed to seek a conference with tho operators. After adjournment this evening. President Mitchell, speaking for the press committee, made this statement: "The committee selected by the Ila selelon convention last August to go to New York and see the highest au thorities of the coal companies and in tercede with the companies to have them withdraw their opposition to the. examination of working cards and ar range for a Joint conference reported the refusal of K H. Thomas, chairman of directors of the Erie railroad, to re ceive the committee and the conse quent failure of their efforts to make the necessary arrangement with him. Tho same committee selected by the Indianapolis convention to invite the operators to confer on tho question of a wage scale for the year beginning April 1, 1902, reported the result of interviews with the railroad presidents arid presented letters from the railroad companies In reply to the Invitations. The letters, while couched in different language, are all of the same purport a. positive refusal to confer with the representatives of their employes upon the wages to be paid and tho condi tions of cmuployment which should obtain. "It is needless to say tho delegates expressed keen disappointment and the opposition to continuing work under the present low wages and unfair con ditions was unanimous and emphatic. President Mitchell addressed the con vention and he stated that he advised caution and prudence In arriving at any decision as to further action. He reviewed tho efforts made by the offi cers of the union ty maintain peace and harmony In the coal regions by the adoption nr humane measures and the best methods of adjusting wage differ ences. He spoke also of the failure of the operators to respond to the em ployes' overtures," "What the final outcome will bs, at this time, is purely problematical," was the concluding sentence of the press committee's statement. The Indications here tonight point strongly to a strike declaration, and It is said by some of the men that the declaration may come as early as Fri day of this week. The operators' let ters seem to have caused much bitter feeling among the men, , The Committees. The members of the scale committee are: District No, 1 (Wyoming) John Fal lon, of Willccs-Harre; Thomas Llewellyn Avoca; Anthony Schlosser, Durye ye : MJ- Stephen Heap, Olyphant; Thomas Michael, Jessup: Jacob Hlttiier, Ert wardsvllle: Stanley Soulmisky, Pitts ton, No. 7 (Lehigh) William II, Dettrey, Nuremberg; U. Ferry, Huvdetnn; J. H. Snyder, Xesquehonlng; Samuel ISoyle, Coaldale; D, Fallon, liazletou; F, Hay, Jeddo; James ilaynor, Coleralno, No, 9 (Schuylkill) Patrick. Hollhau, Uranchdalo; Terreuco Olnley, airard vlllu; Joseph Uolnls, Mahauoy City; Thomas J, Hlchards, Mlnersvllle; Will lain Tllloy, Slmmokln; Kdward Harris, Lykens, and C. 0, Palmer, Shenandoah, The resolutions comniltteo is mado up as follows; District No, 1 William Owens, Xan tlcoko; John McQIone, Dunmoru; I.ouls X, Ilummerllng, WHUes-llarre, No, 7 John McIIhoney, (.'oaldule; Churtes Clallagher, Freeland: liurnurd Duffy, McAdoo. No, 9 Thomas Quigley, C'entralla: David J. Davis, Pottsvllle, and Martin Nash, (Hen Carbon, BlHs of McKlnley's Physicians. By Jixclujlvo Wire from The Aiioolated I'rm. Wa,lilnsluii, MjhIi t!.-Tlu- Mil of the phi,i. liani Kim uttended the late President Mclilnloy have been leceived ln-re and will lie liaiiiinltted tn ronsicts at an oily date. It lux been vari ously kittled that those hill would avumc cnoi'. me in propoillom out of .ill icuon, but fruiu tho highest uuthoilty (lie jiifoiiiiallon l obtained nut I hoy aic fait' ami in no wla cxee"lve, Fair Will Case Decided. By EiiJixlit Wire from The Atiocutci) Preja. Sin Iramlsco, March IU. Thu Sjpicmc ourt ol this Mate, In a decision handed down, de il.ucs the taut c!uuo In the will ct th" late Senator James 0. I'aif Invalid and the propeity will at once lie illtiilutcd anion; the chlldicn of (lie deveusi'd iciulor. It U etlnutrd that tie vntate l woilh uiuvaid gf twenty million dollar. BURGLARS LOOT THE WOODLAND POSTOFFICE.- Quartette of Itobbers Secure Quito nn - Amount of Cash at Clearfield. , Py Dichuhfi Wire from Tic Aochitfd I'ro.".' Clearfield, Pa., March lit. Burglars last night blew open tho safe In tho Woodland postofllce, securing about $10 worth of stamps, $100 of government money and about 350 ill cash belong ing to the postmaster. They then crossed the street to the general mer chandise store of D, Hoss & Co., where they secured a largo amount of cash und some merchandise. There Is no bank In Woodland, which Is a Small' town located on tho New York Central railroad', nbqut six miles front here, and Hoss & Co. had the. re ceipts for several days in their store when tlie robbers gained an entrance. Shortly after midnight, as Kdward Clem was passing the postofllce ho saw a gang of men working about the building. Pefore he could give the alarm ho was seized, bound and gagged and carried Into tho postofllce. After tho men had taken all the money and stamps out of the postofllce they crossed to Ross & Co.'s store, where they forced an entrance and completed their work for tho night. Clem was unable to extricate himself and was found tied hand and foot when tho postmaster reached his office this morn ing. He was unable to give an accu rate description of the robbers, but said there were at least four of them. RUSSO-FBENCH DECLARATION. Pleased to Note tho Sentiment of tho Anglo-Japanese Treaty. Bj Exi-lutiTe Wire from The AMoolnted Press. St. Petersburg, March 10. The Offi cial Messenger tomorrow will print the text of a Uusso-French conjoint de claration, sent March 16. to tho Aus trian. Belgian, Itrltish, American, Spanish, Herman, Kalian, Dutch, Chinese and Japanese governments. The declaration is as follows: "The allied Kusso-Freneh govern ments arc wholly pleased to discern that the Anglo-Japanese convention supports the essential principles which, according to the reiterated statement of France and Russia, constituted and still constitutes the foundation of their policy. Roth governments be lieve that the support of these prin ciples is also a guarantee of their in terests in the Far East. They arc compelled, however, not to lose from ,vlow the possibly Inimical action of other -power s, ova" repetition' of disor ders In China, possibly impairing Chinese integrity and free develop ment, to the detriment of their reci procal interests. They therefore re serve to themselves tho right to take measures to defend these Interests." The prefatory remarks say that .Rus sia desires the maintenance of the status quo and the attainment of com plete tranquility in thoFar East. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. The One Hundred and Fifteenth An nual Session in Lancaster. By Kxcluslre Wire from Tin- Astocliitid 1'ipm. Lancaster, Pa., March 19. The one hundred and fifteenth annual session of the Philadelphia Methodist conference began in Columbia this morning, with an attendance of nearly 350 ministers and a large number of lay delegates. Daidel Stape, a nonagenarian of Co lumbia, delivered an address of wel come on behalf of tho church, Instead of General William Patton, who had been selected for that part, because ho had been an active and prominent worker In the church for sixty years, and who was prevented from being present on account of sickness. Wlll lam 13. Olven welcbmed the conference on behalf of the people of the borough. The conferences last meeting In Co lumbia was twenty-nine years ago, when Bishop Harris presided. Tho full ministerial membership at that timo was liriO, and every member was pres ent, Of that number only sixty-four are now in active work In the confi-r- NATIONAL GUARD ORDERS. Division Encampment to Be Held July 12 to 10 Location to De An nounced. By Inclusive Wire fium The Aworhttnl Pass. Harrlsburg, March 10, General or ders were Issued today from the head quarters of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, announcing that the next division encampment will be held from July Vi to 19, tho location to be announced In future orders. The or ders also announce that an Issue of duck trousers and canvas leggings will ho made to each unlisted man In tho Guard. Tho dates and tours of duty of the naval force will be announced In fu ture orders. Bryan Retires to Agricultural Sur roundings. By i;u'!ulr Wire (rum the AMeiril l'ie. Lincoln, Neli., Jlarvli PL W. .1. llr.taii U v.o l"iier a resident nl tho oily of l.liituln. Till wan Mr. llryan'd foity-ircuml l,ithil.iy, and lio ceMmitcd tho cunt by moving to his fjun four mile fioni the tlly, Until ,i hawNoine country lulilenco which he U liulldiui? shall lie com lilited, Sir. Hi an und hW family will live in the harn. The Huntington Estate. Ily lUchnhe Wire from Ihe Aucuted I'lfn. yew Voik, Mauh l, The TilLune wil kjy to morrow; Hie C'ollm P. Huntington ctutc, i.ow I'clmj invintoried by the, bt.itc'n traii-ltr tat ap praisers, acting: with the cwulois, l.'harles M, Tweed and baac K. (Iali, will amount to abutit irM.tW.ouO pr fcj,Q00,W. The huiuter tax will approximate $500,00n, Civil Service Reform Unpopular, B.v r;cluiiVe'Wre from Tn AsiocUttd ftut- lldurade, ('enia, Mauli 19. The Servian cab in.'t hat tcudeied IU icelgnatloii, owlncr to the adoption by the kuphtinj (Ike national iiwni. bly), of a civil kiTvlio icfoim mrauie, agaliut the nihc of the ininUliy, DEMOCRAT SYMPATHY P0R BOERS Be Sentiments Expressed at a GaiiGUs of Representatives Last Evening RESOLUTIONS FRAMED AND ADOPTED Two Sets Are Presented Those In troduced by Mr. Randall Are Ap proved, While the Sentiments of Mr. Sulzcr Are Rejected The Reso lutions Will Bo Introduced in tho House and Backed by Democratic Eloquence. By I'xclushe Wire from Tho Ajsocialed Fits. Washington, March !!. The Demo cratic membeis of the house, at a cau cus held tonight, unanimously adopted resolutions declaring that congress should express the sympathy of the American people for the struggling Hoer republics, and pledged themselves to use their utmost endeavor to "force" the committees' 'to report resolutions expressive of such sympathy, if only that congress might have an opportun ity to act. Ueprosentatlvc Hay, of Virginia, pre sided tit the caucus. The attendance was large. There was no division of sentiment as to the course to be taken, the question presented being simply one of choice between two resolutions, one offered by Mr. Randall, of Texas, and the other by Mr. Sulzer, of Xew York. The Sulzer resolution was as fol lows: ltcohnl, lSy thi' Democrat of the lioii nt rtpicvntntivcs of the I'nlted State of AniTici In rations resembled: That wo ,Miip.ilhir.e with thf Ihu'is in their lieioie stmcelu to in.ilnt.Un their liberty and independence und protest In the tunic f htitu.infly ntnl (iviliration .igihit the rnntituution of .i war whirh outuiffes tho feelhiK.t nf nil liberty loving people and tint wo khall n'-e our bet etfotts to have the consuls of the rnited Stales, bciiift cmmilled to the pilociplcs nf nibltr.it Ion for tho t-ettlenient of international dispute.'', rciiic."t the piosidcnt to niirc upon llio government of hii innJoKty the wisdom or adopt ing this: pMicy for the piP'iHue of ttopp'.ns the awful atrocities now goinc: mi In !-oiilli Africa and that the iserrinment of the t'nitrd St.itoi should maintain a strict neutrality between the contending torn". Resolutions Adopted. The Randall resolution was as fol lows: Itesolved, lly the Democratic membeis of '.he howo of lepiehentatUe.s of tho United States of America, In canons assembled, tli.it the con. Bless nf the I'nlted States, should, by resolution express f lie sjinpathy of the people of this I'nlted Stales for the people of the South Afiican re public and the Orange Free State in their heroiu etrujtslo to maintain their libeity and ludepeml cm. Itesolved, Tli.it the consress should, in the spirit of amity and friendship, appeal to the Drltlsh government, from the inteieit of human ity to accept overtures for peace, icai-e hostilities and endeivor to bring about a just and honorable settlement of the o.sUting ditiercnces to the end that peace may be established. Iiesolved, That the t'nitcd States should fairly and honorably maintain n position of utrii't neu trality In tills contest between nation) fiiendly to us, and nee to it thaC the neutrality laws aro vigorously aniT impartially (iifoiced. He-solved, That we, as Denioeialii and leprc scntatiuM of Ihe people will u.-e our utmost in-dcauir'-s to foiee the committees now nominated by the llepublieau party, having in their iharjtc resolution similar to these to report the sam luck to the house, so tliat Ihe colliders may i;le expusslou thereon, 11001.010!? the sentiments and will of the American people. After some remarks of Mr. Randall, Mr. Sulzer and Mr. Cochran, of Mis souri, the Sulser resolution was voted down, 32 to 33, and the Randall resolu tion was then unanimously adopted. In pttrjsuanoe of tho action taken tit the caucus tonight, a resolution will bo framed for introduction Into the house and hereafter the Democrats will do everything In their power to secure ac tion upon It. BOSTON STRIKE ENDED. Traffic in Normal Condition About the Docks of the Hub. Uy lclushe Wire from The Associated 1'ivss, Roston, March 10. With less than 3ufl men Idle of the 20,000 who participated In the sympathetic strike hero last week tralllc In tho various trades af fected by the troublo have resumed normal conditions, Prominent business men, labor representatives anil the mumhors of the state board of arbitra tion aro still In touch with each oilier, endeavoring to secure the reinstate ment of the men now Idle. Tho only dltllcult matter Is the ques tion of Uniting places for the old men and the strike Is considered as prac tically settled, Appointment for James Garfield, IVy llulu.lve Who from 'the Ai-ocUtwl f're-n. YVashitiKton, Maiih 10. Jaiiic II, (l.nlleld, " cf the lalo piesldenl, will ho given the uppoint inent of ihil feuUe iiimmlnlonei' to .ucceed William A. IMeiilnutt If lie will accept. Ths president at one time favorably voiulileiei the name of limy S. liailUld tor the nl.no but he wai Informed that iliu latter would not auept the appolntinuil. Negro Murderer Lynched, lly i:.clulve Wire from Tho Audited I'teM. Natchez, Maicli ID. John Woodaid, tho negro iiiuideier of I-eonaiil Calvitt, a wldte planter at I'liloii l'olnt, Concoidla paiUh, ).a.,'wai lynched early today at Vnlalla, Jai. The mob oveipow eied Ihe jailor, took Wood nil lioiu tho prlion .uiid'lijuicd liini tu a tree. 1I was i!i vean of ae, Fruitless Conference, lly l'xvlufhe War fiom The Associated Pits, i lictlytburi;, -Maielv IU, Another fiulios Con tfevdohal conference wj.j held todaj, JlepieiCil tatlvc. of the Democratic parry fiom ork mW Adams counties met at 11 o'clock thi pioiuinjr and after a debate Uttln; until :i o'clock ad journed utihout a;icelug ou a method. of nomi nal Ion. THE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL'S ' ' NEW GENERAL MANAGER. W. G. Rosier, of the Reodinjr, Hns Accepted tho Position, By Inclusive Ire from the AwoclMfd I'rcw. Philadelphia, March 19. President Uner, of the Central Railroad company of New Jersey, today announced the appointment of W. G. Beslcr to be gen eral manager of tho company. Mr. Hes lor has' been general superintendent, of the Reading railway since September, 11)00, lie resigned this position to ac cept his now berth. Mr. llesler was born at Onlensburg, Illinois, in lSGt. In 1881 ho entered the service of the Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy rail road as clerk, and after serving five years he left the railroad service to take a special course In tho Massachu setts Institute of Technlcology. lie re-entered the Burlington's ser vice in 18S8 uh night yardmaster, nnd served three years In that position and as trainmaster and chief dispatcher. Later ho conducted and operated a branch line of tho Uttrllngton route, and was for six years tho superintend ent of tho St. Louis division of that company. Mr. Desler served two years as president of the Central Association of Railroad Oltlcers, and one term as president of the St. Louis Railway club. He Is a member of tho Northwestern association of the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technlcology, also a member of the American Railway Engineering as sociation. DISCUSSING MEASURE TO PROTECT PRESIDENT Some Senators Appear to Think Ex tra Precautions to Guard a Ruler Are Not Necessary. Dy Kxclusivc Wire from The Associated I'rM. Washington, March 19. During the entire session of the senate today, the bill providing for the protection of the president of the United Stales was un der consideration. Mr. Spooner, of Wisconsin, contend ed that the government had an abso lute and Inherent right to protect itself against assaults made on either itself or any of its oilicers. He main tained that an nssault on the presi dent was in the very nature of things an assault on the government, for there never was a time when the president was not in tho exercise of the duties of his office. Ills argument' was largely legal and constitution, and, throughout was . forceful and enter taining and instructive. Mr. Hoar, in charge of the measure, elucidated some arguments he had previously made, and Mr. Teller, of Colorado, and Mr. Bailey, of Texas, spoke briolly on the bill. The Texas senator said he could not support the measure as it stands, because he could conceive of an nssault made on the president as a person and not as an olllclal of the government. The as sailant, In that event, ought to bo punished precisely as if he had as saulted any other citizen. The house today made fair progress with the river and harbor bill. After the close of general debate, 47 of the 11G. pages of the bill were disposed of. No amendments were adopted. The general debate today was featureless. BOER ENVOYS DEPART. They Believe That a Favorable Sen timent Has Been Created. By Kxclmlvc Wire from The Associated I'rcs'. New York, March 19. Messrs. Wol marans and Wessels, the Boer envoys, will sail for France tomorrow morn ing ou tho steamship La Gnscogne. Mr. Wolmarans said tonight, in the course of an Interview: ".Since we have been In this country It has been said that our alliance with the Irish has hurt our cause. On the eve of our return, wo must deny that statement, and declare that tho al liance has been profitable to us, both on the batllulleld and by tho light which Is being waged for us by the Irish members In the English house of parliament. First, we have to thank the Dutch, next the Irish, and then tho Germans. We know also that thu ......A ,.!' ,1... r',lti1 Ulrttnu .-, i-ltlil us heart and soul, and we believe that a few words of sympathy from thu United States senate and house of rep reentatlves would go it great way In helping us with the nations of the old world," LEHIQH VALLEY LINE OPEN. The Road Restored to Normal Condi tion After Damage by Floods, fly K.cluso Wire from tho Attutiiltil rre. Bethlehem, Pa,, March 19, It was of flclally announced tonight that the Le high Valley railroad would open up ou .Monday, next, not only the main line, but all of Its branches : oui New York to Buffalo, Announcement was itmdo afler Su perintendent Wilbur hail rend reports of tho progress or the work of restor ing the road after Its million dollar damage by the recent flood and orders were at once telegraphed to Now York and Buffalo to get In readiness all pas senger trains Including the Black Dia mond express id move on schedule time next Monday. Jealous Husband's Crime, Jly llulmhe Wire h'om The Associated Ptvti. Sew Yoili, Slareli 11, Ifemy Xi shot and killed his wife at their lioniu ' fiictil.entovn, lleiceelaer toutitr, l.tt nhjht. Jealuiity j said tu have prompted die deed. The couple had been married but id mouths Xye hit tliu far ocaped captuic. Freight Collides with Work Train. Dy KXcluihe Wiu from The Associated l'ies. Xllcic, O., Mauh 11. A we,t hound l'liml. wula irclght train iralie'd into a woilc train ca booic eontuinlm; clrrlit nlreplhtr Hungarians. in inline; al lot tbein. Two will die. The wic-l, immediately caught the, ilotions the vaboone, Crowuinshield a Rear Admiral, By t:'!utlr Wire fiom The Associated 1'ien. Washington, Jlarcli ll'.Tlie senate, In ctccu the ejiou, 'today conAnueit'thc nomination of Captain A, S, Crownlnthtctd to be a tear almlatl, CHINESE REBEL! TALK ON SECRET SOCIETIES. Address Made on the Subject Rcforo tho Christian Convention, lly Inclusive Wire from The A'soclatrd rVeiw, Altoonn, Pa.. Mnrch 19. Tho Chris tian convention, called to discuss secret societies, at today's session listened lo an address on "Aro Secret Societies Necessary for Insurance?" by Rev. it. Thiersch, of Johnstown, The following ofllcers were elected: President, Rev. J, C. MeFceters, of Philadelphia; vice-president, Prof. J. H. Brumbaugh, of Huntingdon; secre tary, Row C. P. Krelder, of Cllona; treasurer, Edwin P. Selle, or Philadel phia. The resolutions adopted set forth that In these times of temporal prosperity there Is a laxness on tho part of pro fessing Christians and nn Increase of lodges, clubs' and associations unau thorized by f.Sod and calculated to blight the divinely ordained Institution of church, family and state. The lodge is denounced its tending to belittle the church. Its use of religious rites and ceremonies at funerals and on other occasions' Is condemned. The secret lodge Is charged with dividing and de grading the family and with being an obstacle to Justice In tho courts. Fin ally It Is affirmed that tho lodge does not teach charity and Is not needed for Insurance. The convention will meet In Chain bersburg next year. TURKEY REFUSES TO PAY. Will Not Be Responsible for the Ransom Money .for Miss Stone. Bt rCxelushe Wire from The Associated Presi. London, March 19. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company from Constantinople says the Turkish gov ernment has flatly refused the demand of the United States for the re-payment Of tho sum of money ($72,nO0) paid to the brigands as a ransom ,for Miss Ellen M. Stone ' and her' companion, Madame Tsllka; HENRY HOME AGAIN. The Emperor and Prince Are Given a Warm Welcome. Dy Exclusive Vir,- from The Aisociated'Press. Kiel, Prussia, March 19. The German battleship Kaiser Wllhelm II, having on .board Emperor William and Ad miral Prince Henry of Prussia, arrived hero at 5.10 p. ,m. His majesty and the prince were wel comed with the, firing of salutes and cheers from the naval squadron in these waters. Berlin, March 19. Prince Henry land ed at Kiel at dusk and joined Princess Henry and his sons. That which took place between the royal brothers Is, of course, not a mat ter concerning which those surround ing Emperor William and Prince Henry have been taken into the royal confi dence, further than to know that the brothers had a talk today, lasting sev eral hours, and that Prince Henry told Emperor William his experiences from the beginning to the end of his trip, TROUBLE AT HAYTI. Many Citizens Charged with Con spiring Against the Government. Uy Exclusive Wire from the Associated Press. Port Au Prince, TIaytl. March 19. Many citizens charged with conspir ing against the government were ar rested and imprisoned today, and a number of others sought refuge in the various consulates, Among the citi zens imprisoned are Judge Rourjolly, of tho Supreme court, und General Des touclic M. Seiicque, a candidate for the presidency, was refused all asylum In the French legation, The agitation Is spreading In the re public. The minister of public works, M. C. Leeonte. has left Port A it Prince for Juctnel, with ' a detachment of troops. Will Ratify Danish Sale. lly Kxcltiiive Wire from The Associated l're. ('(ipciiliugiii, Mrn.li 111, The laiicKtliiiiK, the upptr house, In cummltteo of the nlndu and in iM-cutlvti M'wlon oted today to ratify the deity proUdimr for the sale vt the DanWl West Indlin to the t'nltid Matiu, Alter this action itieiu Will lie two ic.idinsM, one ot which l to he In open se-iiuii, The llrst of lhcc leading will not take plate bcfoie Match 31.- Tie opponents it the tie.il' are pl.iliiir for delay, but the limiMuo is now availed of a nubility In favor of iiitlfic.illou. Pardon Board Hears Howells Case. lly i:iliiilvn W'lu1 fiom Tin' Av,oeintcd I'icm. Ilanbbuitr, March lO.-The board o pardotu heard .iijtunicnt today In tint iae of Jf, II. Unw ell, of St'iimtuti, whu t. senilis eighteen months in tlie lutein penitential- fir counteifeitiuir thu labels and Hiappcl., and lutdicli.es sold b.i cer tain li.nii. Pensions Granted, lly Inclusive Wire from the A-aioelattd I'icm, WutliliiKtou, Mauh IM, IViuli ii xrr.iiied! Mitluel . Kvluie, of Wlll.esdl.ure, (l; ( lutlotlii Ilo.vd (widow), of Klnpdon, ! John II. ('uyi-r, nf Moscow. Id'." ratluilnc Wll-oli (widow), Au-hhald, irfl lli'idisel tlalviu (wlihw), Muri t . qivl's Strike a Failure, lly i;cluhu Wito Iron The Assocla'tcd Pieti. MliMMovui, X, V., Milch J!.!cHt ot the W girl tr!ktw whu lift Ihe employ cf the Amer ican t'laar company hue eterclay relumed in woili today. The foiiipauy made no couoo'sl in mid iruiscd torelihlute tlie hadcis. DEATHS OF A DAY. lly Culushe Wlte from The AsanUied lies. Ifflluwtf 1'jIU, t., Murclt ll). i:dard lireon, husband f Hetty fireen, known as tho jltbest woman In America, died at Ills homo here to day, lie had been (11 for i lonu lime, of u com plication of diseases. obcilin, )., March 19. Ex-President .Jinic II. rub-child, for tMily-tbrta year president .of (ibcillii college, died tonight.. He was connccfcd with Oberlin college for sinty-elght years nd had sciird longer than any college olflcUl In the flitted fcutcs. AGAIN ACTIVE The imperial twees Suffer Crush ing Defeat at the Hands of ' tljS Malcontents.. THE REBELLION IS CONSTANTLY GROWING Generals Call for Reinforcements. Southern Provinces Overrun by the Supporters of the Kwantj-Sl Uprising Towns Captured Gen eral Ma and Marshal Su Report That It Is Impossible to Suppress the Rebellion with Troops at Hand. Oy Kxcltisirc Wire from The Associated Pies". ( Hong Kong, Mnrch If). The rebels In the southern provinces continue to crushlngly defeat the Imperial troops sent to subdue them. General Ma and Marshal Kit report that It Is Impossi ble to suppress the rebellion with the troops at their disposal, and the vice roy of Canton has requested Yuan-Shl-Kal, tho viceroy of Chl-LI, to scud reinforcements overland from Chl-LI. The Imperial troops have been de feated at Sek-Shlng, in Kwnng-Tttng province, and at Popals, In Kwung-Si province. In Yun-Nnn province Ihe rebels hold the town and district ot Foo-Chuen, twenty miles northwest ot tho prefecturnl town of Yun-Nan. They also have captured the town ot Llu-Chou, In Kwang-SI province, a lift the town of Yung-Xing, In Kwel-Chqu province. REPDY 03? THE OPERATORS. Impracticable to Arrange a Wago Scale as Requested by Miners. lly Kxclusivc Wire from The Associated Picsi. Philadelphia, May 19. It was learned here tonight from a trustworthy source that in refusing to enter-a joint, confer ence Willi representatives of the uni ted Miners' union the ofllelals ot the great coal carrying railroads and coal companies were careful to word their declination In such a, way that It was not a direct refusal to meet the miners' " representatives because they were suci. According to a high railroad official who was seen tonight. President Mitch ell requested a Joint conference similar to that between bituminous miners and operators with a view to agreeing uppn a new wage scale which would be uni form throughout the anthracite coal Holds. To this request the companies generally answered by letter, saying that It was Impracticable to arrange it wage scale .that would be uniform be cause of tho different conditions of mining in the different Melds, and on the ground that nothing could come ot It declined to meet In a joint conference as proposed. MILD MATTERS CONSIDERED. Executive Committee of United Tex- tile Workers Meet at Fall River. Br Kidule Wile from The Associated l'rrw. Fan River. Mass'., March in. The ex ecutive committee or the I'nlted Tex tile Workers of America met here this afternoon and gave consideration to a number of pressing mill matters. A communication from the operatives at WJtUes-HniTC, Pit., where It is claimed union members are not receiving prop er treatment at tho hands of the mill olllclals. was placed on llle. Tho re quest of the operatives In Augusta, Oa for permission to strike to enforce their demands l'0' fl l,'n l'ei- l'onl' advance In wages was discussed and statements of both sides were taken, Secretary lllhhert was Instructed to notify thw operatives and manufactures of tho ac tion taken, but to keep all knowledge of the same from the newspapers until the notification had been received. The letter of the operatives of th Heading mills, Heading, Pa was re ferred to the secretary. The claim was that mill' olllclals there discriminated against certain union mu-.nhers whr hud absented themselves from the mill on account of Illness. Steamship Arrivals. lly CM'lthlve Wire Irom Tho Related I'nn New Yoik. Maicli 19, Auhcili Turnc-cu. tiiisipms Molthc, mmbunr, Southampton and flii'llMrtiig. Healed! U (iJicoinje, Hail". Silled! (iermanic, Liverpool; Keialnutoii, Ant vwips M. l.omN, Southampton; Phoenicia, Napier n.d fienoa, (Jueenitown Arrived; Majestlw, New York. Suiitliamnton .Vulvitis St. Paul, New l.orU. Uwcl-PJsseds Armterdain, New " oi'c for ftolleidam. New York-Arrlvedi Teutonio. l.lvupool and ijuceristown, Possible Successor to Hitchcock, lie Uu'liuHe Wile from Tht Aaiociated Press. h!iiiulMi, March 19. Tho Tost tomorrow ivll' i,t "It. I understood that ex-Scaator lalwn; Cd'lvei Wokott, of Denver, Col., Is Mi ton tlilcrtd by thu president as tho po.i6lb.le uw or of i-c'ieuiy Hitchcock, who it la imdei.tool will oi"i retire from tho cabinet, Cecil Rhode3 Stronger, (ly :siIihIau Wire from The Associated Trcm. t'apeTov.n, March IU A bulletin ifsuwl at ml night says Cecil Ilhodes had taken nourUhmcnt, mid I hat ho was slightly stronger and that al that timo bo was sleeping, - f "f -f " - I" l WEATHER rORECAST, -f . -f WaUlngton, Jfareh J1), forecast for 4- Thursday and Friday: KaUetn I'enn.yl- 4- vanla, fair ThwyUy; Kiidy vrarrncr and i- 4- partly cloudy; diinlnUhinK north winds. 4 t tt-f-r-.tt tttlr-t.-ttli V- .
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