VS?-'J 'lit r"A T --flP35? v THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, IU04. 1) NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. Speclsl to the Scranton Tribune. Tiinltliannock, Jan. 22. William 'A. Kutz was a business man In Towanfla on Tuesday. Unify Splcz, conl agent for the Lc hlfih Vnllcy Cont company, of Wilkes IJurrc, wns doing business dt this place on Tuesday. Daniel Decker, of Melioopany, wns sailing on friends In town on Tuesday. The Monday club met autho home of Miss Elizabeth Klofer, on 1'utnnm street, on Monday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. John Sawyer and eon, Fred, of Spokane, Washington, who liuvo been visiting their cousin, Mrs. Stephen Rob ertson, on Second street, the past month, left for their homo on Monday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Daniel Tlrown, of West Nicholson, and Miss Inez Lelphnni, of Lackawanna. Addison Mowrey, of Mcshoppen, at tended the Ilttwke-McKeown wedding on Monday. Hnrry Welch, of Snyre, visited his father, Joseph Welch, on Harrison street, recently. Miss Elizabeth Bunnell, of New York, visited her mother, Martha Bunnell, on Tioga street, Monday. George Klttrldgc left on Wednesday for Cincinnati, Ohio, where he has ac cepted a position. The Chttce-Mulhnne minstrels will give an entertainment at Piatt's opera house this Thursday evening. Quite a large number of Melioopany business men Interested In the county bridge question, wore In attendance at court on Wednesday. Harry Welch and family, of Sayre, are visiting relatives at this place. Charles Gardner, of Factoryvllle, Is acting as foreman of the grand jury this week, i Captain James C. Turner, of Falls, a well known veteran and lecturer on the civil wor, is In attendonce at court as a Jurer this week. COURT NOTES. In the matter of a free bridge across the Susquehanna river at Melioopany, the grand jury on Wednesday reported v in favor of making It a free bridge. In the case of commonwealth vs. Thomas Ryan, Thomas Collins, John , Meyer and Frank Williams, charged with burglary and receiving stolen goods, the defendants were tried, con victed, and sentenced to a term of six and one-half years In the eastern pen itentiary. In the case of commonwealth vs. Harvey Rupert and Carl Snyder, "harged with burglarizing a dwelling house in Windham, defendants pleaded guilty and Snyder received a sentence of six and one-half years. in the peni tentiary and Rupert four and one-half years. Commonwealth vs. Carl Snyder and riiomas Ryan, charged with an at tempt to break prison and escape, de fendants pleaded guilty, nnd sentence vas suspended. - Commonwealth -vs. -Carl Snyder and Thomas Ryan, defendants plead guilty, and sentence suspended. Commonwealth vs. George Alden, de fendant and bail called, and not re sponding, ball was forfeited. Commonwealth vs. George E. Keeler, defendant gave ball In sum of $1,000 for good behavior, and a verdict of not guilty was taken in ease of assault against him. Commonwealth vs. Harry Lackey, charged with assault and battery on Mrs. Mary Shlppey, grand jury ignore bill, county to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. Charles Peterson, charged with larceny by bailee, grand jury Ignore bill, county to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. Perry Talada, charge, fornication; grand jury ig nored bill, prosecution, James Dady, to pay costs. The surety of the peace case ugalnst Fred Wall, James Blackmar, prose cutor, and also that against Perry Tal uda, Stephen Walker, prosecutor, were heard before the court on Wednesday afternoon, and the decision of the judges will bo given on Thursday morning. The matter of a county bridge at the outlet of Lake Winola was before grand jury for their action when court adjourned on Wednesday. HONESDALE. Special to the Scranton Tilbune. Honesdnle, Jan. 22, Chase and Wil son minstrel troupe are booked for the next attraction In the opera house. The ladles of the Methodist church are preparing to give one of their pop ular suppers In the church on Thurs day, Jan. 20. The school children and factory em ployes are being vaccinated In com pliance with orders from the authori ties. Recently u load of wood containing four and one-quarter cords, weighing leven tons, was brought by Burnett flnllow from upper woods pond to Uelflcni and Sons' acid works at Tan ners Tails, which won a five dollar pre njlum offered by Messrs. Relller for the lareest load. i In addition to $1,901,29 costs In the lato Wlnans Hull trial, u Cnrbondalo constable presents a bill for $1,000 for flotectlve services at the vato of H.r.O per day, from tho time Schoonover's )ody was found until the trial. The Republican borough caucus will po held on Saturday evening of thlH 'eels. The Instructions of the factory In ipector to place lire escapes on build ings In Honesdale has not been ob served by building owners. Steps will be taken to enforce tho order. Mrs. Leopold Fueith and Miss Juli ette Freeman have arranged an ex cellent programmo for the first meet ing of the musical history club this Thursday evening. BROOKLYN. Special to the Scranton Tibuiu. Brooklyn, Jan. 22. Boy Shuaduek, Karl Alney and Robert Hull, of Key stone Hcademy, bpent Saturday and Sunday In town. Last Friday the Hopbottoin Sunday ., , school of the UnlrcriullHt church cuino to Brooklyn for ti slelghrlde. una Sat urday tho Methodist Episcopal Sunday school passed through town. Mrs, S. B. Kldrldge spent Monday of this week In Scranton. Mrs. Joseph Tewksbury Is spending a short time In Scranton. L. II, Squler la quite sick. A company lint been organized by ten business men for the purpose of putting In a telephone lino from Brook lyn to Montroee. Miss Jennie Brondhend, of Montrose, Is sewing for several families in town. She Is at Dr. Alney's this week. Mrs. J. J, Austin Is entertaining Miss Purdy. C. II, Tiffany has been on the sick7 list, but Is better. Mrs. I'hlnnojvof Pltttston, is visiting her husband, at the homo of F. B. Jcw ett, this week. Mrs. Amandti DoWItt Is assisting with housework at tho home of F. B. Jowctt. O. M. Dolaway Is still suffering with Inflammatory rheumatism, but Is slight ly Improved. JI. W. Mend has gone to Hornclls vllle, N. V on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. 13. S. P. Hlue expect to occupy their new house soon, Mrs. A. W. Kent entertained nt din- PICTURE OnrO Can you read Shakespeare? ner last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sterling, Mrs. A. S. Waldle and Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Palmer. E. F. Tiffany has returned from a poultry exhibition at Rochester, X. T., where he took his fancy poultry. Town caucuses have been held, and politics begin to be the subject of con versation, instead of smallpox. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Siranton Tribune. Hallstead. Jan. 22. L. G. McCollum, grocerymnn, of New Milford, was look ing over his business and found every thing satisfactory. He is a popular man and does a large business through out the county. L. B. Parks, of Hickory Grove, was at the Mitchell house yesterday. AVllllam Stuck, esq., of Susquehanna, was engaged in business here today. Harry D. Jones, of Sayre, Pa., is vis iting his relatives and numerous friends in this place. Sheriff W. D. Maxey was engaged here on business today. Attorney W. D. Lusk, of Montrose, is attending to professional business here for a few days. He is stopping at the Mitchell house. Miss Winnie Tlngley, of Cohoes, N. Y Is visiting her parents at this place. James Strency. of Elmlra, is visiting friends in this place and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. George Brink, of Mara thon, N. y are here on business and visiting friends. Chess Is getting to be quite a popular game at the Railroad Young Men's Chrlstlun association. The experts have many spectators, who take great In terest in the game. Messrs. G. II. Winkler, Harry Terwll llger and F. A. Bauman, of Uinghnm ton, were registered nt the Arlington today. The marriage of Charles O. Tlngley, formerly of this place, mow the populur clerk, at J. C. McConnell's drug store at New Milford, occurred at that place recently. The bride was Miss alary L. Burton, of Oxford, N, J. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles Smith, tit the Methodist parsonage. AVOCA. The marriage of Miss Mary Cnvnn ngh and AVllllam Corcoran was solemn ized yesterday afternoon In St. Mary's church by Rev. M. F. Crnne. Tho bride anil her attendant, Miss Mary Clifford, were handsome gowned In blue suits, Boih carried pink loses, The groom was waited upon by Joseph' Cn vfinaugh. After tho ceremony, supper was served at the liomo of the bride's pnrents, on tho West Side. Neither the bride or groom Is yet 21 years of age. The death of Thomas Farrell, which occurred yesterday morning at Pitts Ion hospltul, was a great surprise tq tho people In town. But few knew of the sad accident that befell him, hap pening as It did late on Tuesday even ing. Deceased for a great many years worked In No, 8 shaft and on Tuesday, after coming liomo, ho wont back to bring his mining tools to the black smith shop, whllo returning, he was about to step from one track to unother when he was run down by u Bwlleh engine on tho Erie road. Ho wns re moved to the PltUton hospital, where It was fquiul necessary t amputate his leg, The physicians hud hopes of his recovery, but through tlie njght n buddeu change soon overtook him nnd hu died shortly after, Tho remains wero removed to the family residence, on the West Side. Ifa Is survived by a wlfo and one son. The funeral vlj take place on Friday afternoon. P, F. Godfrey, of Jessup, spent Tuesday with T. J, O'Malley, of Main street. Mr. Cleotge Allen, of Dunmore, will cpnduct tho meeting tonight at JIUs Haetie'a. Mr, Allen expects to start next month as a missionary to Africa, Beginning Jan. 27, tho Christian Al liance will have a week's meetings lit &&A y tVi'tjsHji remedy that cures) u cold In ouo Uj, charge of Rov. James Lelshmiui. Bible readings nt 3. Kvangellsllc servient at 7.30. Place of meeting will bo an nounced later. c Theatrical. TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. ACADEMY Pranklc Carpenter company. Af ternoon and night. STAU-"MIh' Kcw Votk, Jr." Afternoon nd night. 'Brother Officers." "llrother Officers" deserved a better home, a better company and belter surroundings than It bad last night when It was presented at th Lyceum. It U tho play by Leo Trevor, In which the Kmplro Stock company fo mightily pleased critical New York audiences a season ago. John lllmla I A young Ungllshnian of lowly origin, a sergeant In the Tenth Dragoon, brave ami manly and every Inch a soldier. He has proved Mi worth aa a soldier and save the life of .Lieutenant l'leydoll at the risk of his own, and for these an officer's commission and the Victorian cross are liU rewards. Ito fecks out of place In the officers' quartern and Lieutenant Plcydcll undertakes to give blm some social pol ishing. This procesj brings him much In con tact with the Uaroncss Hoyden, nnd ho learns to love her. She lias been Plcydctl's companion PUZZLE. this quotation from since .vouth and they love cadi other. An un fortunate gambling affair puts Plcjdell in the power of a rascal named lint ton. The lieutenant lias no way of paying his debts to Hutton, lint the latter is willing to forgive them if I'loydcll will introduce Mutton into society. The lieu tenant iefuos to be the social sponger tor such a blackguard and has asked for an ccchanic to a West India regiment, knowing that he cannot lcin tin in Unglaml after the blow has fallen. Hinds recognizes in llutton n niuu a twenty flic jears before lobbed his father of Ave hun dred pounds and Ids wife nnd lied with bath to Austialia, where lie anuved much wealth. For an instant the temptation is slicing with Hinds to allow Hutton to break Plejdell and thus clear Ills path to the Haroness Hoyden, but he quickly brushes the tempter usldo. lie do cides to save liis friend, the lieutenant, thoiyli by doing so he knows he shuts out all hope of the baroness and moreover must forego bis pil vate vengeance against Mutton, fly means of ha knowledge of Mutton's pat he coiupolls the latter to hand over bis note against Plejilell. Ill act of self sacrifice and devotion to his filend accom plished lie icalizcs that ho cannot be ha.ipy In England nnd he take3 l'Jej dell's cschange to tho West Indian regiment and leaves Phvjdell at home to marry the Haioucss. Howard Could made a very minly Lieutenant Hinds and was most acceptable thioughout. 'Jh" mcmliers of the company wore not equal to tho tak of pre-erving the atmosphere of the play, and in "llrother Officers" atmosphere counts for a great deil. The acccs'oiics In the way of staging vveic not up to tin- standard icipiiud by the play. "The Garrison Girl." 'lhi fiirrlson filil," a thiec-act war melo drama, was the piece Mageel by the I 'lankie jr pentcr repertohu company last night to a well pleased audience. Miss Carpenter plajcd the title role in n manner that could not he e iclled, Jeie (irady as Tonialonc Hill, the weath-er-bealen stage driver, was teen In an entirely different part from nnj thing c-aved by him be foie this week, and his leading of the lines was a most satMailory lemlulns of a cllfllciilt put. Tonight, "lly 1'ilcnd fioni India" will be given and on I'riday evening 'The New South" will ho picsented. At the I'llday night pnfoimante, each lady will lie piesentcd with a souiculr pic ture of I'rar.lle. . "Richelieu" Saturday Night. Cardinal Itlchelicu la a prominent character In Bcver.il novels that are now popular, especially in some of the volumes of Pumas' vroiWs, which are beicng extensively trad ut proent, Xo cinr acter in Trench history, unless it be Xapi'pcn Bonapaitc, cvrr achieved greater prominence than this military prelate statesman who, as prime minister to Louis Mil wielded the power tint was fctipposed to belong by right to his monarch. The play vuitteu by llulucr around ipboiico that oicurred towards the close of Ids long life, .'s one of tho most interesting and entertaining drjmas ever produced, and is considered a classic in dramatic llteratuie. It lias been mOiticI as the pla.v In which Jir, Crcston Clarke will be seen at the Lyceum on Saturday evening of this week, ami a fine sjcnlu production la auiioiiuted. At tho matinee, Jloupi Isoii'fl celebrated comedy, "David darrlck" will be given at popular prices. Sousa's Band. 'I he legion of fc'oma admirers in this city will rejoice in the announcement of the early coming of tho "March King" and his men, and u cor dial welcome homo aftrr their HritUh triumphs awaits these lepiescntativo American uiU'liiati. Mr, Sousa will give tin It another concert as tliosj that delighted Loudon when be appeal at tin: pew armory on Jan, 23. Jlmd teeo-I)ivle, t prmioj Dorothy llojlr, vlollniste, and Arthur I'rjor, tioniboue, arc the soloists. Irhe Carner Stock Company, The Tamer Stock company will begin a week's engagement at the Academy nf nuuic Monday nlKht, Jan. 27, piescnting for tho opening pliy llal Iteid's beautiful Southern too in four acts, "The Knobs o' Tpiuiesee," Willi tho popular comedian, Man; L. Yi'ehli in bis original charac ter, Centennial, Specialties will be Introduced between tho acts by tho great Koppe, the juggling comedian; t'led Itusucll, ju illustrated songs, the billliaut i Mid artUts, tho M'tcrs I.o II la nc, and Will llt!iu.Uuer' elaborate moving picluivs, etc, JIatlnte wit) bo given ditly, starting Tuesday afternoon, rieals on sale at the box olHce 1'iiday at P a, in. "Miss New York, Jr." The folio lug prc4 notice clipped fium the Ih vnlng Telegram, cf Providence, It. I.) " 'Miss New Vok, Jr. opened tlm week at the West minster theatre Monday afternoon and evening vvth irovvded bouses. Tho opi-iung suit is en titled 'Sir Thomas' Deception.' It j Hie story of he tdienturcs, of two American hoboes, "The principal feature of the olio is the klucto Hope pictures of the JerTries-Iluhlln right. The movements of both of tho pugilist are remark ably clear nd vividly depicted. HUi Allle Vi- S iofir Tbl signature is on every box of the genulnt Laxative Rrnmnniilriiiie Tabuic vlan, who opcm this portion of the programme In a singing sketch, has a good voice Ahd made a big lilt, Mills and lleccher have a Herman pro fessor and his pupil act, which was well re ceived. Cothlcy and Ilutke, two Irish comedians In it comical robutf trlsti act, follow, "Tho Connoly sIiIom, three blactc-pj ccl beau tin from Chicago, present an artistic singing an'l datulng specially, which Is cleanly rendered and met with great favor nt jcslerday's per fomiaticc. 1.111 Inn, a brisk-moving buck dancer, nnd Bhorly, n dlmlnutht! comedian, best ap pear, Idrry Crane, a clever Irl'li conjurer, closes the olio with sonic tiartllng Illusions, The per formance ends with a farce entitled "Loop the Loop.' " This company appears at the Star for three days, beginning with matinee this afternoon. STAGE NOTES. Oicar Haminerstcln will erect a theater In Philadelphia. Nst Goodwin says be has three new plas on hand for next season. Olga Kethersole has cnttrelv rrcovcied her health and expects to appear at a Loudon 'thea ter In the rprlng. Clay M. Orcene and Ijvlng Uachcllrr arc col laborating on a dramatization of "D'rl ami I," the latter' novel. ' Loult Mann nnd Clara Llpnian have shelved "The lied Kloof" and are ones more plajlng "All on Account of Elba." Lole Puller, with heryflrc dance, In conjunc tion with a Japanese troupe, U doing unusually well In the German theaters. tluy Ilstes Post Is to ,bo the leading man of tho Itobcrt IMeon company plajlng ltlchard Harding Davis' "Soldiers of l'ortune." Charles l'rohman has nt last decided that Vir ginia Marncd shall have the title role in "Iris," l'lncro's latest comedy-drama, next kcason. THE MARKETS Wall Street Rtwlexr. "ew York, Jan, 22. The professional opera tors in the market made an iinward turn of Tilces ngaln today. The dullness of the market and the congestion of the scanty dealings Into a few stocks cleaily reflected the continued In difference of the out6lde public to the securities market ami the abstention of the gicat banking interests which undo the great bull markets of last j ear from any hand in the trading. Such narrow price movement as there wipi, was pielly mtic.li wiped out In the closing dealings, and many stocks closed below last night. Metropoli tan Street Hallway was the central figure mid moved up late in tho day an cxticmc ;)?i on a volume of dealings very unusual for that stock. The gain on tho clay was 24. The dork of other Xew York public utilities did not fully Fjmpa Hiiro, and leaded sharply nt the last. Advances of 5 points each In the Chicago and Xorlhwed crn stocks nnd 37 in Lnckawunna were accom panied by minors if a coming distribution of scrip. Sugar and People's Clas gained nearly a point at one time. This about exhausted the list uf advances worthy of mention. The lain and snow In tho winter wheat belt aid tho prom ised benefit to the ciop were u-cd by the traders as arguments for advancing railroad stocks. There was recently some speculation In Hrlo shares based ou the assumption that the dividend on the fii'ot preferred was to he advanced to 4 per cent, but the belief has been general for some weeks that the late would not be changed, as proved to he the case today, with little elTect on the stocks. The market cloed dull and irregular. Total sales today, S17,nou diaies. The railroad bond maiket broadened out today, bringing foiward many dormint mortgages into activity. The dealings in some of these, notably in the Itock bland Is and the Ceuli.il ot (ienrgla income bonds mid Comal Idated O'i wcio very heavy. Theie wcie advances i.iuging fiom 1 to 2'4 in the Itock Islinds ti's and 4's, the Oiegnn Short Line U'k, St. Louis and Sm !'i.inelro ti's, New Jersey Central .Tr, Peoria .lint Lastciit In comes. Central of tieorgia 1st, 2d and t'd incomes, the Chicago and Pacific division O's of the St, Paul and Texas and Pacific 1st. Total nlc, par value, .J.,C20,n'). U. S. bonds wcie all unchained ou the last call. The following quotations are furnished The Tiih- one by M. S. Jordan & Company, n.pm; 701 708 klesis building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone, SUUS: Open- HIeJi- Low. Clos- - Ing. i"it. (, in?. Anieiican Sugar V'?1 32! 123 122Vi Atchison ..., 73?i 7311 75',s 7SVi Atclilion, l'r 0(1 ill?! m, IH'.i Iliook. Tract lo Im' Wi IIS'JA HI Halt. & Ohio -(O'.i 4'iVi 4(lVc 4(1',; Chic. Ic tit. West, ...... 2.! .2.! 22-j 221$ St. Paul v.lH2vi IVH llltTn lOtij Hock Island 151 l.ViH lii'i lJi',5 Kan. & Tew, l'r 5! 51 51 51 Louis. & Nash 10JV1 ltn?i V' lW.i Man. r.lcvated 130?i lSVtt l'Wli Met. Traction 1(13 171?s l(J73i 17014 ML-so. I'ncllie jofl'i Vm' 10ti& JOO'.J Southern Pacific ifli.i .M'i 5Sii 'iVtt Nri folic k Wat 6(1 fill 51 ii) Krie It. I! Rnsj :;)7s fS7i :U Ihic It. It.. Ut l'r 71 71 70 7016 X. V. feudal !(.!:. lrji.', KJ) W X. ., O, Ic W : :t:i :uJ .V!V, I'ciina. It. It -..Ua 14t)'i 118i H I'acilie .Mail 47 47'i Id 4.", Heading It. It MVt ."(!& m 5ii'S Heading ll.v., Pr tS2 2 SKi SI14 .Siiuthein It. It. ........ :!2'.l :i2Js t'-i'X 2',i South. It. 11., Pi 0.1 0! !r'3j Cihi Trnn. Ceil A. Iron (i2V, 02U ii2',i t'2'i 1'. S. Leather 111J IlKj 11 H4 r. S. Leather, l'r 81 SI l stui 1'ulnn Pacific lOOTi 10114 lftlVi lOi)','- t'nioii Pacific, Pr S3',i MU S!4 Hi Wabash, l'r Hi 1 1-"! 41'4 41'4 Aunl. Copper (VJJ 70 f.i)t-, iflij Peopled ias SWi 10.T); mil HKi- Texas Pacific :wt tisu s ::t Am. Car I'oundiy, Pi... Sti M'.i M M 1'. S. Steel Co 123A 42 U l.'-A I!"- V. S. Steel, l'r lA 'ny nt"i mi Scranton Hoard of Trade Eschnngo Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanni Dairy Co.. Pr County Savings llank & T, list Co.. First National Danl: (Carbondalc) .. StamUml Drlllimr Co I hliil National Ilauic Dime Deposit and Discount Hank.. Kconrmy Light. II. 4: I'. Co First National Hank Laika, Trust & Safe Deposit Co.... Clark it Snover Co., l'r Scranton Iron Venco ft Mfg. Co. ... Scianton Axle Works Scianton Savings Hank Traders' National Hank Scruntnn Unit & Nut Co IVoplrt's .'.ink New Mexico lly. & (5. Co IIONIH. Scranton l'asseueer Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 People's i-trcct Hallway, Hist mort gage, due 1013 I'coplo's fctrect Hallway, General nioilgage, due l'X'l Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka, Township School J pe,- cent. City of Scianton St. Imp. 0 per cent Scranton Traction 0 per cent Keonomy Light, Heat & I'owcr Co.. Hid. Askoc 00 COO S2' SO Kit) 27, ... 1(1 1WX 1113 125 100 05 500 175 107',S ... i::5 75 115 ... 115 115 100 102 102 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Collected by II. (1, Dale, 27 Lickawanna Ave.) flour M.tO, Ilium f'J.SU. illutter I'icsli cieamciy, 2.'ic. ; June ticamc-iy, 23',!;c.; dairy citamery, 22c. Lheeae ll'iaUV. L'ggn Ncarbj, a2e. ; fancy stoiage, 31c. l'ca.-1'er biulul, .). I'otatocs I'cr mlicl. 85c, Oiiloini I'ei biiihcl, tl.W, fhlladolphin Grain nnd Produce, I'lilladelplilj, Jan. 22, AVhe.it I'lrnii contract glade, Juu,, Mabji&c. Corn 'ic lower; No, 2 Mixed, Jan,, ultfaiMic Oats Steady; Xo, 2 white dipped, tile. Iluttcr linn, good demand; extra winter ci turnery, 21c; do, nearby prints, 27c. Hggs I'll m, 2c. higher; freili iieniby, 27c; do. wedein, 27c; do, kouthwelein, 27c; do. southern, 23c. Cheese 1'irni; New Yoik full creams, fancy small, 11! je. ; do, do, do,, fair to choice, D',jallc Itiilncd tiiigura Un changed. Cotton 1-ltic lower; middling up lands, 8!c. Tallow Steady; city prima in tierces, C?ic.; country do. do., bbls., U!lat!i'. ; do, datk, fiftaCc.i cakw, fi?ic Live poulny rirm, good cteiuaiid; towU, lOatlc; old lodcw, 7c; thickens, OjlOc; winter chickens, 2aliic; clucks, 12al3c.j geese, 10al2c.j tuikevs, laillc. Drcsrcd poultiy 1'iiiii, good deinand; fowU, choice, lie; do, fair tu good, lOjtU'.jo. ; old loosteis, Itf'.br-i ihUkcns, neat by, UVSv. ; western do,, tMWIsc; turkeys, nearby choice to fancy, IJalUc; we, tun dn., l'2ul:i!5(,; fair tu good, fa lie; ducks, nearby, lOallc. ; western do., lOal'ie. ; gei'e. Dalle, Hecelpts Klour,2,K barrels und 070,000 pounds In tacks; wheat, U-t.000 liiulieh; coin, ll.UXi; oats, P1.O0O. Shlpnient Wheat, ll.ouu buslieUi com, 2j,0uu; oaU, 10,000. New York Grain and Produco Mailtet New York, Jan. 22. flour Maiket was held Calif, above buyeis views and i tiled quiet! win ter straight, fcl.tWa3.75. Wheat spot ,teady No. 2 red, 88c. f. o. b. afloat, and (XV, clevalui; No. 1 northern Dulutli, ftlVic. f. o. b. afloat. Options depressed in the day but closed rather Hi lit ut ', net decline. March clocd UHv.; May, 83c.i July, blfte. Com Spot itcadyj No. 2, iWJc. elevator, ami V.k: f. u. b, utlojt. Options weaker ut tliot, but tallied later und closed toady at !is!ic. net loss. January closed tSiici May, tUVic; July, oSiic. Oats-Spot. UUict) No. 2 white, MaJ-Hic. ; No. a white, C3c; truck mixed until n, 5UJli4cj track white, Hi THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Titan Pour Line), 3 Cents tar Each Extra Line. For Rent. HALF HOtJIlLl! house, K8 Harrison avenue, $19. Alo half double hoiw, um line street, ?17. t'oascloii now. Apply 050 llatilsou nvenue. HODSi: NO. 0.12 forest court, lielvvccn Wyoming avenue and Lrlo depot, llent, 12, Monroe llroun, Hull's Head. BT.Ml CAfH, with fixtures, for rent. Apply J. O. Welch!, 3S0 Webster avenue. l'OH HUNT Hotel Hest, 3H and Hid Cedar nve nue, from April 1. Apply at Mjer Havlduw, E07 loickawanna avenue, foil HUNT My resilience, "21 franklin avenue, 12 rooms and first class In nil its appoint ments; will make a favorable Icaee with n good tenant. J, M, Kcmmrrcr, l'OH HUNT Store, coiner littston avenue and Illrcli street; ood location for grocery tlore or hotel. Address, Corner l'ltlston avenue and Illrcli street, v Toil nnNT $18, one-half of double hou'e, In upper Green JHdge; large janl. bath, hot and cold water, range, clertrlo llshts. It. P. Hamilton. Paul! building, Spruce street, Wnnted To Hent. LAKH Amur, COlTAni:, wanted to rent, Jun to October, 1 months or .1 months, luinlshcd; nothing fancy; just plain nnd comfeitablc, at reasonable price. Addicts Cottage, Tribune. WANT1ID TO HKNT Tluco or four furnished or unfuinl'licd rooms for,Iiouekccplnif. Address 325 JcrTcrson avenue, city. For Sale roil SAT.IJ A good horse. Apply to Oeorgc Ilrlegel, 111 Olive street. BLACK MAlit: l'OH SALE; guaiantccd sound and kind. V.. !. Cnurf.cn, 42J Lackawanna ave. fOH SAr.H l'accr'vvllh nuik ot 2.18; ill-" buggv. light delivery wagoii and hatnes. Will t.cil entile outfit for t.t30 i'ah, on account of leaving city. Incpilre at J. W. Guernsey' .Music Store. Jl'ST AltlllVi:i) with n eirlo.nl of hor-ei; cood woikeis and several tloicle matrhed tcims. Weight from 1,100 to 1,500. Can be seen at ii.ll ltajmond court, f. M. Cobb. l'OH SALi: Slnvlngn, sawdust and klndlliu wood. At Amley's Lumbei Yard, S'Jl Scranton S l'OH SALI! Stock of the lnlelinllona'. Tct Hook Company of Sir.irton (formerly the Colliery Engineer Co.), Clias. II. Saudeison, 130 Wycminj avenue, Scranton, Pa. fOH SALU tilllAP-flievvood. iron rooflnj, tim bers, boards, scantling, etc., fiom old cars; nillnhle for all inupos-i. Jennliii!, Central Mines switch, foot of lla-nptoii sliect, off Soucli Main avenue. fOH SALU Two light uprlnj,- wagons and some harness, cheap. Hvans, rear 11J2 I.uzeine street. TOn SALK Cheap; horse, xprincr wagon and baincss, at No. 1S20 Cedar nvenue. Furnished Rooms. I'UKNISIinn ltOOMS for rent, modem Improve ments; private famllj ; gentlemen ptetcircd, at 537 Adams nvenue. fOH HUNT Two comfortably furnished ioot.s for gentlemen; modem impiovcnicnts; pri vate family. 330 Washington avenra. foil HI'.NI I'uinMied fiont rorm. with heat, bath nnd gas; near com t home; gentleman preferred. Addrew Hoom, Ho 2'W. fOH HUNT I'liml'lied loom; heat and tilth. 025 Linden street. I'UKNISHUD IIOOMS FOH HUNT, with heat, pas and bath, gentlemen prclencd, at 530 Adams av cnue. Wanted Boom and Board. liOAItl) AND HOO.MS WAXTKD Tluce or four coiniecti'ig moms v.ith board for l. In a nice location at moderate terms; home cuoklur. Addiccs T., Tiihunu of die. WANTI'D Hoom and boaicl In iefii..'il piivite (amllj- for three ladies; nut to c.eid vl2 i.r week. One Ircatcd within live mliiiite-s wall; tioin city hall piefcticd. Addles, K. II, Tilbuuc Of Ike. Booms and Bonrd. TWO U."Ni:CTIN(i looms und bci'd for family n( tl.iee; cential loiatlou. Addieos Hov. 15, Tilhiuie utile e. ROOMS TO HUNT, with lioarJ. nc'J Mulberry ttieet. Boarders Wanted. I'HIVATU I'AMILY wisjies to have two lib e men to bo.ud, (Iciman or I'ir.'lUIi. Call any lima alter 'Ih'jiiiljj. All conveniences, b07 llauKon avenue. MToney to Lo?.n. ANY AMOUNT Of MO.NI'.Y TO I.OAN-Qulck. straight loans or Ilullilln and Loan. At from 4 10 II per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 3U-J15 tonnell Lulldlng. Wanted. WASTED Kvcry family botheicd with roaches to send us thcli addiess. We manufacture the greatest Hnach, Moth and Poultiy Yertnln exter minators of tlu aye llcais Powder Co., llox jM, Keranton, l'a. 57'te. With other inaikets oats at first were oft ii little and then partly recnveied;; tio.Ing quiet, lliittei film; creamery, U'o2.iH.o.; factory, 1.1 iil5!:c; June crcimerj, 11a21c; Imitation ireameiy, llalSiic ; state dally. Ha21c Chcc-e I'lruii ktate full cream, large fall made, fancy, lo',4uloc.; state lull cicaiu, small, fill in.uk'. fancy, llViall'.ije.; late made, heat large, Utfr.; do. do. do,, small, lOiinyie, l.'gg. linn; state and I'enu-jlvanla, 30a3lc; westein, 30e, ; south cm, 20c Chicago drain and Produce Marhot. Chicago, Jan. 22. tiialus cMtellcnced n ner vous Jeiky Hade today folluwing thu lead of 'wheat ns It tlauudeiod about on eveiy bit uf canty news available. At the clmc May wheat was a shade higher and May coin and oats a bile lovvvi. Provisions ciused TVaalOc. In 2 27!6'. lower. Cash iiiotatlons vveie as follows! flour Haicly steady; No. ;i tpilng wheat, 72'.' 75!jc; No. 2 red, tU'iaSlc; Nu. 2 nats, 15 ia iilOitc; No. J white. W'ial7!4c; No. 2 lye, (r2!'j.iewJc ; fail 1u choice malting, OlaOlc; No. 1 Max feed, l.7; No. I iioilhwcsleiu, cJl.TUi; prlnin timothy teed, iffl.35; inc.s poik, 5.10,251 1U.30; laid,; hhoit rib., S.2DaS.40; dry malted shouldcis, 7,,a7,4c; shou clear tldcj, tS.70a8.c0. Buffalo live Stock Market. fast Hunalo, Jan. 22,-Cattlc Heceipts, light; tteady for good (trades; veals, tops, J.23aS.75. Hogs Heceipts, 2,000 head; hteady but weak early und clewed Hie. lower; beavv, M.tntll.75; mixed packets, l;0.5tall.0O; iyt, if3.ll'u5.7J; roughs, 5.50a5,70; tag., flal,50. Sheep and lambs lccclpt. H.OtiO liead; klnep, Meady; inixcil, iflnLSOi wethers and callings, Sl.oo.i.1; culls to good, 2al; lambs, lower; tops, ii).10a(l.20; culls to good, JlaO. Chicago Xive Stock Market. Chicago, Jan. 22. Cattle Heceipts, 10.000; steady to 5o, lower; good to prime, ssl.50a7.40; poor to medium, iplad; tlockcr and fcedeis, b2.2i ul.Ti cows, S2.25al.75; helfeis, J2.50a5; can neis, JU2.25; liulls, 2.25al,"jj calves, 2.50a0; fid bttcrs. .I.25jO. Hogs Heceipts todiy, Cj.OOO; tomoiiow, 10, 000; left ovei, 12,000: kIow und 10 tu 15 tents )uwcr; piived and bulchcis, jHIjU.W; good to choice heavy, ?tf.20a0.l2!ij sough heavy, 3.00a U.15; light. If.l.00a5.05; bulk of nalej, S.5,8.1a0.30. tslieep Heceipts, 17,000; sheep and lambs, steady; good tu choice wethers, vi.8Uu5.20; west cm sheep, ll,25a5.15; lutlvc lambs, fed, iVI.JOjU: westein lambs, f5.20a5..V ' East Iiiherty Live Stock Market, L'ast Liberty, Jan. 2-'. Cattlo-Stcadv; choice, Ifcl.40u0.is); prime, 5.65a0 good, if.V35a5.0i. Hogs Sliady; fair to inline heavies, W.lOa 0.50; best mediums, JO.30aO.35; heavy soikcr., W 15a0.25; , light do., .VOaO.lO; pigs, ?1.70a 6.WJ rouglu, ?3a0. ' Oil Market. Oil City, Jan. Si-rCtcdlt luUntw. 115; ccititl cutw. no bid or oiler. Huns, si,bl5; avviagc TI,W5. Shlpiuents, 10il,217i aviiagc, 02,130. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. BKAN0H WANT HVVUm, Want Advertisements Will Bo Bccelved nt Any of tho Follow ing Diug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALDCHT RCIIULTZ, corner Mulberry street and Webster avenue. OUSTAV P1CIIEL, 050 Adams avenue. West Side ' aUOIlUU W. JUNKLNS, 101 South Mala avenue. South Scranton fHUD L. TUHPPU, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton ai'.O. W. DAVIS, corner North Mslu avenue and Maiket street. Green Bldgo CIIADLUS P, JONHS, 1357 Dickson avenue. P. J. JOHNS, P20 Green Hldge street. O. LOHUNZ, rorner Washington ave nu3 and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNUPFUL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. doni; it sok. Help Wanted Halo. WANTKD Several reliable and energetic life insurance olicilors to represent the "Old Hclllblc" Mutual Dencflt Life Insurance Com pany of Newark, N, J., In Scranton nnd nearby low'rs. Apply nt once, COO Connell building. WANTf.D A young man for stole. II. W. Hal lctt, 422 Spruce ftreet. WANTUD Young man to solicit orclcia and de liver goods. Apply II, W. Hallctt, i21 Spruce street. WANTUD-lly leading Philadelphia house, firtt class .alcsmaii, to sell geneial lino ot paper to tho retail tinde, .one who has an acquaintance preferred: niut have best reference nnd be able to furnish bond. Address P. O. llox 203. Phila delphia. Help Wanted Female. WANTKD A good, rcllililc girl to do geneial housework, small family, no small children. Apply at oire, OU Madison avenue. Mrs, L G. Webb. ITfTY Ol'EllATOISS WANTUD Steady work guaiantccd. W. K. Deck & Son, J.lo .Jdann avenue. i WANTUD Girl for general housework at Dalton. Addtess 11. T., care Tribune. Agents Wanted. AGUN1S TO SELL- "SCIILI'.Y AND SANTIAGO" by Geo. U. Graham. Atitngiapli introduction and personal account of battle by Hcar-Admir.il SCIILKY. TUUE hTOHY Of SAX1TAGO TOLD l'OH flltST TIMU, bv the only oo-witucs-os of Hie fight. Sells f.istei than "Life of McKlnley." l.ibrral voimnls-loiiH. I'ltUH OUTfIT HUADY. Send seven 2-ceut flainps for postage. Hooks now rcadv. Hewaie of Iiiill.it ions. Can be had only from' sole publlslicia. W. II. COSKUY COM PANY, Chicago, HI. WANTUD Ten men to cur. ass in New York tute: i.pcnses advanced. Call at once on f. N. Chall, 1-iekananr.a Valley House. Situations Wanted. SITL'ATION WANTUD lly girl to do house work of i.uislng. Address 111 New stieat. WANTUD lly a goud gill place tu do hoit-e-vvmk In pilvate familv; onlj small fimily pajlns good wages need icply. M. C, Tiilmnc cilliee. A POSITION" VMiutcil ly n Joiing nun tu woil; nftcincnns or evenings, can assist in tten ogtapl.y mid tvpewrltlng. Addiess, II. H. S., 1030 North Wa'hlngion avenue. YOl'NG MAN if 20. with business education, wants bookkeeping position or oflice wulit rf nnv kind, live jcus' cperiencc as clerk: i-m furnNh excellent references,. . Addie-s, l'o.ltion, l.ov 10.1, ilcosie, Pa. WANTUD Hy a yourg lady with good ediieatiun, a po&Itieii ill an oftlee oi n. assistant book Leepei ; hlgkefct ufcienee,. Addicts Ilu Hi I, llawley, Pa. WANTUD Petition as b.ukreper 111 flist-class jalooii or flub house by paity who thoiughly nuclei .liitids hi I hu,iiess, laigo i-perlcnii, ca pable cf takln;,' lull cluugc; leference as In chn aclci, etc; have been owner and uiiuigii for liumbci jcais. Addle. IloM 20, Thbiiliu ollice. WANTUD Small family washing done at homo Mondiii. Mrs. I.'d Salniuu, 020 1)1 com t, city. WAN'IUD A position, as bookkeeper by gentle imn with frKtecii jears' espciicitce; bet of icfrrenee.s. C. Tilbune utile e. SITUATION WANTUD, by mauled man, pri vate coachman: best city leterciire. Apply A. Z., Trlbuno office. SITUATION WANTKD Hy a woman to go out , working or to take washing and iioniii; home, or go out washing and iioulng. Address 015 Orchard stieet. SlTt'ATION WSTP.II A .vouiiir woman with clilld 3 yeais old: hoiwekeeplng pitfcueil; best lefirences. Mr. llrovvn, Scianton pastoflUe. SITUATION WANTUD As ilcrk or workman in Jeucliy htoic; thirty je.ns' expeileme; gooil rcfeicnces. Addiess A. C. I)., 22i Spilng tticet, West Plttotou, Pa. Business Opportunity, A PAHTV iiiidcistaudliiR double entiy bookkeeii inj can ketuio lor hlnisclt a line position in a well established dividend pijlng conipmy by Investing eK or even thousand dollars, Addiess A. V. '.., Tiibuno oflhe. S'i'Ot lAND WI1UAT THADUHS without delay, Wllto for our speilat market letter. I reo on application. S. M. Hlbbatd & Co., members N. Y. Cctisolldatt-iTand Stock Sxchange, II and 16 Hioadivjy. .New York. Ustubllslied 1501. Long Dlnancc' Phono 2JS3 llroad. Real Estate. l'OH SALU At ( laih' Summit; a place of ll-u acies, house ami fain, goon nine; mcaii lor cash. Imiulie of Mis, L. Lindsay, 1111 Norih Main avenue, city. FOH SALU One acie of land, improved with nine-room house; plenty and vailctv of fruit; good location in village ot 1'lectvllle. Mis. Olive Pith, lTcetvllle, Pa. investment Offering; PHICi; TO YIULD NEARLY 1TVH PHH CENT. Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Comp N BIX PER CENT, PREFERRED SXO0K Issue $4500,000 Fixed Limit) O P U It K T I O N . Tho Company oppulra about 110 miles of load, measuicd .is single track, and M,rws in nil a population of about MO.00O. Also uvvn.) pcipetual frantldscw for llio genera lien ami alc of electricity for tight, heat, und pawn, vvhtili fiaucbbes cover the entire city. The clii is well occuidcd and cciuivii.v served by the Company. E A II X 1 N P O W K It . foi the jear PJ01, the tuiiihts, utter all fixed barge, was nearly H'nce times I lie I'leterud iliililcnil icipiircinpnls. The t'ompaiiy appiuprlatcd for ri'wive, an amount ubncvl eO,ual to the dividend pajinent, INVESTMENT V 1. 1' V. . The laige cah rqiillics, Junior to the Picfcriejd stuck, and the income leeoid. ule pioof "I the exceptional iutiiiisic value of the investment, tpccUl circijlar luiiilshvd upon lciuct, MARKET. ThdKlock Is listed upon the New Yoik Slock l&change, ha ostabllslied mt ket, and is iiou'tav.able in New Vuik Slate. Spencer, Trask 8 Co. , Branch Oflice. ALBANY, N, Y.' ' S7 & SO Pine Streot, NEW YORK DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Tim I'our t.ne, 6 Cents lor Uncli Blr U:ij, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. UmVAItl) C. KPAtJLIIINO, 2.1 THADUH3 l!ANI ntilldlng, and St. Paul Handing. New York. Architects. UDWAIID II, DAVIS, AnClllTUOT, CON'NKLt, Diilldlng. phudkricic r,. nitowN. ahcil d ncAii Ustste Uxchange Hldg., 120 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. It. L. 1IAIIDINO, 000 CONNULI, 11UILDING. TJontiots. Dlt. C. H. UlLUNUKItnUlt, PAULI UOILDINC Spruce street, Ecranton. Dlt. O. O. LAUDACII, 115 WYOMINQ AVUNUB. Irfiwyers. FHANK U. nOYLE, ATTOHNHY-AT-LAW. llooms 12, u, 10 and 18 Burr Building. P. K. THAOY, ATT'Y, COMMONWUALTH HLD0. D. D. HUPLOnLK, ATrOHNUY-LOANS NUQO Tatcd on real estate security. Mcara Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. WILLAItD, WAHHKN 4; KNAPP, ATTORNUYS and coiinscllora-at-Iaw. Hcpubllcan Building, Washington avenue. JUSSUP & JUSSUP ATTOHNHYS AND COUN- scllors-at-lavr. Commonwealth Building, Hoomi 19, 20 and 21. K0,yAIlD W. TIIAYKH. ATTOHNf.Y. ROOMS 003-COI. Oth floor, Mean building. L' .Ai. WATRCS, ATTOnNUY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building. Scranton, Pa. PATTUHSON & WILCOX, TRADUR'S NATIONAt Banic Hulldlne; C COMUQYS, 0-13 HI'PUBLIOAN BUILDING. A.V; MKBTHOLK. OFFIOU MOVUD TO NO.' 211JVyomlng avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLCN. 513 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L-AMORUAUX, OFFrOB 339 WASH. ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic diseaoo, lungs, heart, kidneys and genllo-urinary orgaia a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. , Hotels and Bestaurants. THU KLK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVC nue. Hates teasonable. P. ZIEOLIin, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSU, NEAR D., L. ti W. PAS senger depot. Conducted on tho European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Propilctor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND ceis pools; no sdor; only improved pumps used. A. U. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor net Adams and Mulheiry. Both telephones. Seeds. C. It. CLARKE & CO.. SUUDSMHN AND NURS ermen, store 201 Washington avenue: gieen houses, 10.10 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 782. Wire Screens. JOSUPH KlIUTTUL, REAR 511 LACKA. AVE.. Scramou. Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CH1LDRUN TO ORDER; also ladies waists. Louisa Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MUGAP.GUr. BROS., PRINTUHS' SUPPLIES, EN" vclopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1.10 Washington avenue, Scranton" Pa. THU WILKE-S-RARRH RUCORD CAN BH HAD in Scianton at the news stands of ltcisinan Bros,, 40(1 fcprucc and 501 Linden: M. Norton, 322 Lackiwamu avenue; I. S. Scliutzcr, 211 Spiuce street. LEGAL. THU ANNUAL MEETING of tho stockholders of The Lackawanna Tiust and Safe Deposit Com pany for the election of dncctors to servo for tho cu-iilng jLar. will be held at the otllce of tho company, 401 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa,, on Monday, Pcbruary 3, 1002, between the hours of thlce and four o'clock p. in, 1IENHY HKI.1N, JR., Secret a ly. OITH'U OP tho Scranton Holt and Nut Co., Sciiiulou, Pa. The Annual Meeting uf tho stoikholdeis of the Scinutou Bolt and Nut Com paiy, for the election of dhictoiA for tho fil ming jear, and for the ti.in.ijet Ion of Mich other business as may properly be brought before it, will be held ut the oflice of the Company, at the Winks, on Thursday. January 23, at 2 o'clock p. in. L. M. HOItl'ON, Secretary. IN TIIH DlS'UtlCT COURT of the llnltcel State.) lor the Middle elUtilct of Pcnnsilv.inia in I he matter of J. I'lieislcin, Hankiiipt, No. US in bankruptcy. Tu the crcdit'irs of J. fuersteln, of Dilton, in the county of Lackawanna ami dlstiict nfoie aid a bankiupt: Notice is hereby given that un the 21st day uf Januaiy, A. 1). 1002, the ttttd J. fueistiln was duly adjudicated bankiupt; and that the llrf meeting of their creditors will be held at the cdflce of the ltcfeiee ill tho Guv crn. meiit bulldirg, In the city of Scranton, Pa., en the 1st day of fibruary A. D, 1!K)2, at 10 o'clock in the foieuoon, nt which time thu slid creelltors may alleinl, prove their claims, appoint n trustee, eumluu the baukriiiit, and transact such other business as may proiH-ily cumo befoiei Mid met Ing. C. A. VX WORMEIt, Referee. Scianlon, Pa.. l(e. Pioof of tialni 50 cents. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be iccelvcel for fur nishing and electing complete, iiM lineal feet of iicm fence on New York licet side of Licki wanna county piison, pi Ice ti be per lineal foot erected und piinted ceuuplete, Hyle of fence ici he same as that aheady in fiont of said prison, lliils to be addressed to undersigned and in hands on or before Pcbruary 1, 1002. All bills must bo iicconipunicel by certified check for 10 per cent, in evidence of good faith. Tho light to reject any or all bhls Is reserved. H, A. JONES, County Controller, Scranton, l Jan. 15, 1002. FINANCIAL. . F. MEQARQEL S CO,- r STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING. ' l, F, Megargel. Hoy Chester Megargcl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers