"' i THE SORANTOK TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, ' JANUARY 23, 1902. 6 . -' r-Jt-,ji rfpr, WEST SCRANTON A VERY SORRY SPECTACLE TEN-YEAR-OLD BOY WAS TOXIOATED. IN- John Martin, of Tenth Street, Picked Up at 11.30 O'clock Xnst Night on West Lackawanna Avenue In a Helpless Condition Special Be vival Services In the Churches. Janitor Davis Injured P. O. S. of A. Install Officers Events of This Evening Notes and Personals. A hoy, not over 10 years of age, who Knvo Ills name as John Martin and resl ilnnee on Tenth street, was picked up nt 11.80 o'clock InHt night opposite the Central llnllroad of New Jersey pas senger station In nn Intoxicated condi tion. He could neither talk Intelligently or walk without staggering and falling. Shortly after 11 o'clock tho lad en teral one of the hotels In that vicin ity, and the bartender sent him out. A few minutes Inter he was found In a stupor In n nearby doorway. lie wan picked up and taken to his home. An effort was made by them to neci tnln w here the boy obtained drink, but the victim was too Intoxicated to cxr.laln. Special Revival Services. Revival meetings of great Interest are being held every evening this week In the Jackson Street Baptist church, where a "large number of young people bnve gone forward for prayers. Hew David Spencer, D. D., of Blnkely, will preach this evening. All are cordially invited. Jtcv. Austin Griflln, D. IJ.. preached n very Impressive sermon to a large audience in tho Simpson Methodist Episcopal church last evening. A quar tette, composed of I... W. Kresge, Will Sutloa, Evvurt York and James Fen wick, sang several beautiful selections. The interest in the meetings is grow ing. "Hxcunes" will be the subject this evening. P. O. S. of A. Installation. At a regiili.tr iiieeling of tho members of Washington camp, No. 333, held on Tuesday evening in Washington hall, the following elected olllcers were in stalled for the coming year: Past president, William Sutton; presi dent, Thomas U. Davis: vice-president, Samuel Jones: master of forms, 15. R. Anthony; conductor, John .1. Thomas; recording secretary, Prank Eynon; Diifoiir's French Tar Mill promptly relies an. speedily cure coughs, colds art'l all luns trouble. For Kile by 0. W. JUMUX3, 101 South. Main CDUC. Special Sale of Silks Cheap as Well as Charming Here is an alluring array of Silks to bring the bargain-wise women to this silk stock from miles around, nothing sells goods so well as genuine goodness, There's not a dainty desigu born in the silk districts of the world but comes to the notice of our buyer. We gather beauty; we charge you only for commodity. Black Taffeta Silks Crisp, choice stuffs of superior quality, and excellence of dye. No other stock hereabouts offers such oppor tunity to pick exclusive things. For instance 19-lnch Black Taffeta, worth 62Jc, at 48c 19-Inch Black Taffeta, worth 69c, at 58c 21 -Inch Black Taffeta, worth 85c, at 69c 27-Inch Black Taffeta, worth $1.00, at 75c 27-Inch Black Taffeta, worth $1.25. at $1.00 36-Inch Black Taffeta, worth $ 1.25. at 95c 36-Inch Black Taffeta, worth $1.50, at $1. 19 More and mort of the Silk Business centers at the "Globe" be cause of our absolute leadership as Silk Sillers. Colored Taffeta Silks This stock has rivals, but no superiors, and particularly in Colored Silks. Precious little you have to pay for them considering their richness of appearance. 19-lncIi Colored Tnirola, worth 02c, at .S. 49c All the desirable colors. 19-lncli Colored Taffeta, for this sale at 03c That's a good deal cheaper than it should be. . 10 Pieces New Waist Silks All the new colorings and fancy weaves, and the fabrics will prove as serviceable as they , are pretty. Notice the sale price. Worth 75c, at 5vC Ten Pieces Spring DesignsNew goods at a new price. Worth 85c, at 69C Might Pieces Novelties Intended for Waist making, very . handsome. And the price OOC 1 ZlbcllllO do Sole A new fabric, suitable for waists, gowns and linings. Said to wear better than taffeta, but that's for vou to prove. Tventyfour inches wide and dc- lightlul assortment of plain colors, And the price ip 1 ,00 Addendum The leadership that helps u to sell exclusive stuffs also juakes us best sellers of the eudless liue of chic and pretty fabrics not coufiued tq us. Come to the Silk Sale auy way, and, of course, it doesn't iuterfere at all with the Blanket Sale. Globe '323 0W'l',mV.iVV nnnnclnl secretary, William Bynon! treasurer, E. E. Knnppi Inspector, William Shoemaker: outside guard, Jesse Jonesj trustee for eighteen months, Thomas II. Davis. A Peculiar Accident. William Davis, janitor of No. 13 school, met with a peculiar accident yesterday, while at work In tho base ment of the building. Ho was wheeling a barrow filled with nshes from tho furnace, when tho wheel came off, and one of the handles struck him In the side, causing an Internal In jury, from which ho suffered much pain. He Is now under the care of a physician. Events of This Evening. The members of St. Leo's battalion who are interested In the organization of a drill team and camping club, arc requested to meet In their rooms this evening. A speclnl meeting of the choir of St. Patrick's Catholic church will be held this evening, to which all members are urged to attend. An Important meet ing of the Holy Nnmo society will also bo held this evening. Tho members of the Electric City Wheelmen's Minstrel company will as semble at the club house this evening for their first rehearsal. A Bible cluss will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon ut tho home of Mrs. Tyler, on South Hyde Park avenue. Rev. Mr. Alrleh will leutl. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The North Main avenue street car line was reopened yesterday for the first time since the strike was Inaugur ated. Workmen were engaged all day in resurrecting the tracks from tho dirt and Ico which had accumulated on the roadbed. Cars nre now making close connection with tho Lafayette street line. Rev. Austin Griflln, D. D., presiding elder of this district, In tho Wyoming conference, led the special revival ser vices at the Simpson Methodist Eplfco pal church last evening, speaking to a large assemblage. Tomorrow evening will be Sunday school night, when tho children will participate In the ser vices. Christopher U. Luthge and Miss Genevieve Price, of 1710 Price street, were married recently by Alderman Davlcs. Tho remains of tho late Margaret A. Evans arrived In this city yesterday afternoon from Jersey City and were Interred In the Washburn street ceme tery. Tlev. James Bennlnger, pastor of tho Hampton Street Methodist Episco pal church, conducted a brief service at the grave. Prof. Lewis Davis, chorister of tin. Jackson Street Baptist church, will or ganize a choir of mixed voices to com pete at the national eisteddfod to be hold In this city in May. John Reed, of 2407 Jackson street, accidentally discharged a loaded gun, which be was cleaning recently, and narrowly escaped Having one of his eyes blown out. The contents just grazed his eyelid alid forehead. Dr. J. J, Brcnnan dressed the man's injuries, Warehouse 1 J5rcagsss?ssag3gaqsj3 II MS Equal Not a Single Fact. Scranton Endorsement Makes This Claim Fact. a Endorsed by scores of Scranton citizens who cheerfully make a public, statement of their experience, Is the proof we have to back our claims that Doan's Kidney Pills cure every form of kidney Ills, from a common backache to serious urinary disorders. Hero s one local example. We have many more like It. Mrs. William Riley, of 1014 Capouse avenue, says; "For seven years I had trouble with my back and kidneys. When I stooped, walked or stood long my back got very bad. I could not do hurd work about the house without giving up completely, I felt all played out and had no nmbltloi). I read a great deal about Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box at Matthews Bros.' drug store. I took In' all three boxes and they cured me." For salo by nil dealers. Price 60 cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y., sole agents for tho United Slates. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. and ho is rapidly recovering from the shook. Timothy Larkln, of Van Buren ave nue, had his left foot severely Injured while nt work on tho Lackawanna rail road recently. Charles Schalk, of Luzerne street, was tendered a surprise party recently by a number of his friends. The guests were entertained In a manner that sur passed their expectation. Edward Hosan, a footman in the Sloan mines, had his foot caught be tween two cars recently, and tho mem ber was badly squeezed. Dr. J. J. Car roll Is attending him nt his home in Lincoln Heights,. Miss Viola Kendles, of South Bromley avenue, entertained a party of friends at her home recently. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Tewksbury, of North Rebecca avenue, had a finger nail removed recently in order to remove a splinter from 'the flesh. Daniel Morlcy, of North Hyde Park avenue, had his hip Injured recently by a fall on tho Ice. Born, to Mr. and Sirs. Thomas Hughes, of North Hjde Park avenue, a daughter. The concert at the AVashburn Street Presbyterian church, which was to bo given Thursday, has been postponed until further notice. Patrick Barrett, of Seventh street, is still a prisoner at the Jackson street police station, Constable Timothy Jones being, as yet, unable to appear against him, owing to his injuries. James J. Mcllale, of "West Lacka wanna avenue, had a warrant issued for Martin Flaherty, of Winton, by Al- drman Kellow a few days ago, on the charge of assault and battery. He waived a hearing and entered bail yes terday In the sum of $300 before Jus tice of the Peaco Boll, of Winton. A social tea was enjoyed yesterday afternoon by the Ladles' Aid society of the First Welsh Congregational church. In which a large number par ticipated. Tho members of Sty Mark's Lutheran church held their annual congrega tional meeting last evening, at which Hip pastor, Rev. A. L. Itamer, Ph. D., presided. Reports from the various societies of tho church were read. All of which showed a general increase in membership and finances. Tea and "ffrols" was served by the Ladies' Aid society at the conclusion of their all-day session in tho Belle vue Welsh Calvlnlstlc Methodist church yesterday. A large number were in attendance. A business meeting was held in the Washburn Street Presbyterian church last evening, at which several matters pertaining to church work wore dis cussed and acted upon. Hy A. Parsons read an interesting paper last evening on the subject of war nt tho meeting of West Side con clave, Improved Order of lleptasophs. The paper was well received. PERSONAL MENTION". .Miss Anna James, of North Hyde Park avenue, Is convalescing from an Illness, AVilllam McAndrew. of North Main avenue, has returned home from a visit In AVIlIIamsport. William Jones, of North Garfield nve nue, Is the guest of friends in Carbon dale. Thomas John, of Bundle avenue. Is reported to be seriously HI at his home In Lincoln Heights. Miss Sadlo Zimmerman, of Falrvlew avenue, is confined to her home by ill ness. Bert Myers, of Decker's court, Is laid up on account of sickness. Adolph Brunlng, or North Hyde Park avenue, Is confined to tho house on nc count of his vaccination. Mrs. Mary Wilmoro, of Brown's court, Is seriously ill at her home. Mrs. Thomas Jones, of nundle ave nue, Lincoln Heights, Is suffering from illness. GREEN RIDOE. Columbia coinmamJery, No. 25, Aw lent and Illustrious Order Knlshta of Malta, gave an n. tntaliiinent ami toclal to the members and (heir blends in Masonic hall, niclsou avenue, last evening, No llxcd programme Mas followed, every lcron callul upon told a story r sung a fonj; and the ii-ault was an evening of raie enjojincnt to those present, Alter the llteraiy and muIcal part of IIki cnteitalmiicnt refreshments were ui red hy the committee in cluige and an in formal social hour mjujtd. J. H, Mlllir, of I'enu avenue, has relumed fiom Clifford, where he was called the llrst part of tho week to attend the funeral of a relative, Mrs. I'ur.ell, of Delaware, is convalescent after a weeu's illness. The Maccabees have leased the lull over C, II. Cun en's store, corner of Sander ton avenue und Kjit Market tieet, for club purposes, and basket ball practice, Mrs. M. (J. Carr, of DIcVson avenue, lias le- turned from n visit with friends at llonosdale. Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Poland have returned from their vveddinir totir. Mrs. Coa Durland lies letumed to her home in llonesdale after a few da' visit with Green nidge friends. Mr. Lewis, of Breaker fctrcct. Is ierloo,ly ill from pneumonia. W. I). Webster, of Sunset avenue, has returned from a rLhlug trip to I.Vke Ptyntelle. NORTHSORANTON THOMAS LEWIS, NEW OFFICER OF RESCUE LODOE. Installed at a Meotlng Held on Tuesday Night Surprise Party Tendered to David and William Evans, of Parkor Street Birthday Party In Honor of Mrs. Edith Thomas, of Robert Avenue Mass Meotlng; to Bo Held Tonight In North Main Avenue Tabernacle. Thomas Lewis, Who on Tuesday evening was Installed us vice chancel lor of Rescue Lodge, No. 371, Knights of Pythias, Is ono of tho best-known and most popular young men In this part of tho city. Ho Is driver boss In the Brlsbln mine THOMAS LEWIS. VUe Chancellor of Itescne Lodge, Knlghti of Pj thias. and for a year past has been con nected with business management of tho Crackerjacks basket ball team. A few monthsago he was married to Miss Lizzie Davis, one of North Scranton's most popular young wo men. Social Events. A very pleasant surprise party was given to David and William Evans, of Parker street, Tuesday evening. The usual party diversions were indulged In until a late hour. Those present were: Misses Katie Miles, Lillio Ow ens, Rachel Hltchlngs, Maud Williams, Leah Evans, Edith Evans, Katie Evans, Ruth Miles, Mao Evans, Sadie Jenkins, Hattie Evans, May Jones, Bessie Grier, Edith James, Catherine Hltchlngs, Cella Williams, Maud Da vis, Martha Edwards, William Lnyard, Joseph Jones, David Edwards, David Williams, William Evans, George Da vis, William James and David Evans. A birthday party was given In honor of Miss Edith Thomas at her homo on Robert avenue. Those present were: Misses Hattie Evans, Mao Price, Jane Jehu, Pheobo Evans, Celia Williams, Annie Richards, Mae Evans, Ethel Simpson, Lizzie Williams, Maude Da vis, Mrs. William Davis, Annie Sum mers, Mrs. Daniel Davis, Mrs. Edith Thomas, James Davis, Samuel Cole man. William H. Price, William Thomas, Evan Jehu, "William Davis, David Powell, Stanley Davis, James Williams, Robert AVeston, David Da vis. The out of town guests were Lewis and Jacob AA'endt, of Olyphant. Mass Meeting1 This Evening. This evening a mass meeting will be held in connection with tho Institution of Human Development, in tho taber nacle of the North Main Avenue Bap tist church. At this meeting several prominent men of the central city will make addresses, among them Judge II. M. Edwards and Colonel E. II. Ripple. The committees on by-laws will make Its report, and the institution in a short time will be in full operation. Every citizen of this part of tho city and those of the centraf city Interested in this movement are invited to be present. TOLD IN A PEW LINES. The condition of Hon. W. J. Lewis, of Edna avenue, is somewhat improved. The names of the competitors for the 'eisteddfod to bo held here Monday evening, March 3, 1902, must bo In the hands of Secretary Luther Edwards, 1744 Wayne avenue, on or before Feb ruary 28. The committee of the above eistedd fod requests that all members of Carl adlawn lodge bo present nt their lodge room March 26, as business of import ance will be transacted. Miss Nellie Georire, of Theodore street, has been visiting for tho past two weeks with relatives in Now Jer sey. This evening the Crystals, of Prlce- burer, will have for their opponents the Twentieth Century team, of Mlnooka. A meeting of the North End AA'omen's Christian Temperance union will be held nt tho homo of Mrs. Pierce, 1821 Nay Aug avenue, at 3 o'clock this after noon. All members or the North Scranton Oleo club nre requested to be present at tonight's rehearsal. In tho near future the club will conduct a concert in the tabernacle. DUNMORE. John, the 10.yfar.old on of Mluo Foreman Allan, of Dudley street, who vvps injured on hat urday last at the Nay Aug collleiy, died yester day afternoon. At the time of tho accident It was not thought that his injuiles weic serious lint he suffered from internal injury that eauod his death. Ills demise, is partlculaily sad, as the family havo hardly bcioine settled In their new home, having but recently icmoved heie born Avocj. The young man had been it icgular at tendant at the I'rfibyterlan Sunday school, td Ilia death will cast, a gloom over that circle. The funeral announcement will be made later. It is expected that by the closu of tod.iv oil those connecttd with the public) bdiool in the borough will havo been vaccinated, Dra. Win lets and Drown have been busily engaged Cur. Ing the week In looking after schools Nos. ;', 0, 7, 6, U, 10; Dr, Oarvey at No. 2; Jlra. Chain, berlaln and Murphy at No. 1; Dis. llublcr ar.d Snyder at Nos, i and B. Uorn To Mr, and Mrs, Spencer Ma.teis, of fourth street, a son. Utters remaining unclaimed, during the period ending Jan. 18, 1WW. persons calling for these letters please say "AdvertUed'': William Drink, Johnson Mule Darn; Mrs, Sarah D. llJibir, Mia. II, I. Dimmock, 320 Madison avenue; George Friend, M. J. Foley, (Jcorgo M. Foote, Llzjie A SENSIBLE MAN Would use Kemp's Uiljam for the Throat mU Lungs. It Is curing more Cough, Colds, Asttium, Bronchitis, Croup and all Throat and l.un Troubles than any other medicine. The proprie tor has authorized any drujsjvt to give you a Sample Bottle Tree to convince jou ut the merit of thli great remedy, l'rlce, 23c. and 90c. RHEUMATISM Kept Him Home. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Cured S. H. Stroud, of Catmstota, N. Y.; read his conoiso letter. "I suffered awfully with rhcu mntlnni. At thnis it was bo Bovcro I could not got out of my liouio. i ii oar u oi jur. Dnvhl Kennedy's S? nvorlto Stem cly mul took four bottlcB of it and woo oo)u plot cly cured, and I havo had no return of tho rlicuinntlBm since. S 11111 lioppy to add my tostl monytoltflvlrtuo and cheerfully recommend It to others," Dr. David Kenne dy's Favorite Rem edy restores tho liver to a healthy condi tion, and cures tho worst cases of constipation. It is a cer tain euro for alt diseases peculiar to fo ranloa and affords great protection from attacks that orlginato in cimngo of life. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, rheuma tism, dyspopsia, all kidney, bladder and urinary diseases, gravel, diabetes and Blight's disease. In this Inst disease it has cured where ail else failed. If you nre not already convinced that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito Remedy is the medicino you need, you may havo a trial bottle, absolutely free, with a val uable medical pamphlet, by sending your name, with post offico address, to tiio Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Kondout, N. Y., mentioning this paper. iDr. David Kennedy's Favorito Rem edy is for sale by all druggist at $1.00 a bottle, or C bottles for $5.00 less than quo cent a dose. Dr. David Konnody'c Golden Plasters Strengthen Muscles, remove pain anywhere. 15c. Oleiclmian, r.irk street; .laniei McCarthy, H20 .IcITerpon avenue; I'.Ie.inor Thompson, Catlieiinc Pace (l'), Lena Wheeler, 111 William slicet, 1 package, foui th claw. fieoigc Dryne, of Philadelphia, Is vNlthig his parents on Dudley Ktrret. Miss Nellie Mcllnle Is visiting friend? in l'otts vllle. ' St. Maiy's council, Young Men's Institute, -vlll hold a special meeting tonight. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Number of Boys Arrested, Charged with Selling' Sleds Peter Hughes Injured in the Mine3. Fred Kyan, Tlorlck, Jllohael Handley, Leo James Gallagher and James were arrested yesterday on Burko charges preferred by JIathias Stipp, and James TIguc,. Jllchael Ilayos, Charles Ttcilly, Edward Lewis and "Walter Ilyan were also arrested on in formation sworn to by Colonel Cfi thaus, for stealing sleds and larceny committed at vuriuus times during the past winter. It appears that for some time past, sleds owned by residents of Sanderson Hill, including Messrs. Stipp, Ostiums, Archbald, Scranton, Holes and Allen, have mysteriously disappeared, and it was believed that a gang of young pilferers were engaged in stealing the articles and disposing of tliein to others. On this presumption, search warrants were issued and eleven sleds in all were traced to the boys' homes or were found In the possession of those who had purchased them. The entire gang were rounded up by Constable "Woelkers and at a hearing before Alderman Thelites last evening pleaded guilty. Messrs Osthaus and Stlpp were present at the hearing, as were the parents of the boys, and after the evidence was all in, it was agreed to drop the matter, on condition that the sleds were returned and all costs paid today. On this arrangement, the young pil ferers were allowed to go, after listen ing to a severe lecture by the alder man, who Informed them that if any other case was ever brought against them, they would get the full extent of the law. Assault and Battery Charged. Gyula Csarnl, a laborer, was ar rested yesterday hy Max Piresteln, on a charge of assault and battery, pre ferred by M, Ii. Llennovlts, of South "Washington avenue. The warrant was issued over a month ngo, but there wan some difficulty in serving It. The defendant was nt llrst sent to jail in default of $200 bail, but was later allowed to go 011 his own recognizance for a hearing, to take place this morning. A Pleasant Gathering. The Preuon Vereln of the Christ Lu theran church held an Interesting meeting In tho church yesterday nfter noon, which was largely attended. An instructive session was held in conjunction with tho mothers' meet lug and at the close, a drawing for a large cake was held to raise church furnishing funds, and it was won by Mrs, W. Kornacher. Coffee and other refreshments wero served during the evening. Hurt in the Mines, Peter Jlughes, a resident of IMttstou avenue, wus pulnfiilly hurt yesterduy In the Minookti mines, A silver of coal from a shot struck Hughes with much force 011 the forehead and in dicted a sever gush. The injured man was taken to his home and Br. Walsh cent for. Tho wound proved to bo Quite serious and live stitches weio jequlred to close H, Coming Social Events, Itoarliig Drool; coneluvo of JlejHa sophs will observo their tenth anni versary on Jan. 30, with u banquet and bull In Athletic hull, on Alder street. Klectrle City council, Hoyul Arca num, will hold 11 public Installation and buiKjuet in commemoration of Its tenth anniversary ut Athletic ball, on January Si). The Arbltero Vereln will hold a mask ball In Workman's hull, on Al der street, February 10. Vaccination, At Br. Kolb's olllce S to 9 a. m.; 1 to fllp "iu -d fig's O i puu 'in 'd OC'G NUBS OP NEWS. The Harmony society met In regular session at MIrtu hall, on Plttston uve uue, last evening, Miss Anna Uerglmuser, of Elm ' Jonas Long's Sods 1 . . 1 Clearing Sale Prices On Seasonable Goods The Coats and Suits that have such little prices attached to them is due to our method of not carrying this season's stock over to next. The Price-Cutting Knife has cut the original figures in two. You can buy today and every day this week at' the following prices: Any of Our $6.50 27-Inch and 42-Inch Coats, made from best of Kersey, silk and satin lined, yoke front and back. A few numbers have velvet piping and velvet collar, black, blue, castor, tan, oxford and oxblood. Clearing Sale , Price ipO.50 AT $9.50 All our $15 and $18 27-Inch and 42-Inch Coats, made from the best of Kersey, materials lined with satin, blue, black, tan and castor, Sale Price pV5U At $10.00 All our $15 up to $20 Suits, in all kinds of materials and styles, single and double-breasted, and the . -. Eton styles about 50 Suits, all told. Clearing Sale Price 1 U.UU $5.00 Women's Blue and Black Dress Skirts at $3-49 $7.50 Women's Black and Grey Dress Skirts at $5.00 $10.00 Women's Fine Broadcloth Dress Skirts at. . . $6.50 FLANNEL WAISTS 50c kind now 35c $1.00 kind now 69c $1.50 kind now .98c $1.98 kind now $1.25 CHILDREN'S MITTENS Black Wool Mittens. Sale Price OC WOMEN'S DOUBLE MTITENS In black. Clear- .i ing Sale Price I JC MEN'S MOCHA GLOVES Grey and tan, 1 -button- Clearing Sale Price 93C Former price was $1.25. WOMEN'S 2-CLASP KID GLOVES Our regular 75 cent quality. Clearing Sale Price 59 C Gems from the Lace Department Persian Bands and Applique, in light and dark shades, regular price $ 1 .49. Clearing Sale Price, yard Another particular number that will interest you is the Persian Bands and Appliques, in light and dark shades, reg ular price $1.25. Sale Price. 3ffo Can of 1 Bartlett "Blue Bell" Brand, A standard quality of canned fruit in double quantity at half price. Extra Special for Wednesday and Thursday, at the The (JJoyce Storeso Popular Priced Provisions street, is again able to attend to her duties after a week's Illness. The funeral of Anastasia. AVIskow sky, who died Tuesday, will take place today from the home of her parents, 435 Willow street. General Grant eoiumandery, Knights of Malta, will assemble this evening at Hartman's ball, on Plttston avenue. A bowling match between the South Side club and the Ilrevvery club, is be ing iii-runged for and is scheduled to take place shortly. OBITUARY. BKNJAMIN EDWARDS, 1111 aged resident of West Scranton. died Tues day night at his home, on North Brom ley avenue, after 11 few days' illness from pleuro-pneumonla. Deceased was horn in Wules, but had been a resident of this city for many years, Ho for merly worked In the Diamond mine, mid win 11 member of the accidental fund of that shaft. He Is survived by one son and ono daughter, Diehard and Charlotte Edwards. The funeral ser vices will be held at the house tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will Ijo made in tho AVashburn sheet cemetery, MRS. MARGARET CWXESPIE, wife of the late Bomlnlck Gillespie, of Durkin stieet, died Tuesday evening at JO o'clock, after u short Illness, Mrs. aillesplo was well known and highly respected, and litis resided here for many years. She Is survived by the following children; Patrick, of Park City, Utah; Mrs. J. J. McGulre, Mrs. E. l' Gallagher, Margaret, Elizabeth, Anthony and Joseph. The funeral will take place Fildny uf lei noon at 2 o'clock. Services will be held Iu the Holy Rosary church and Interment In the Cathedral cemetery. JOHN AEUEN, uged 15 yeais mid 3 mouths, died yesterday afternoon ut the home of his father, James Allen, on Dudley street, Bunmore. Funeral notice later. MRS. MARY CIII.MORE, Wife of I'Jooas Long's Sods! 1 98c 75c jqwiysEMwrs Lyceum Theatre M. ItEIS, Lessee and Manager. A. J. DUI'FV, Dm. Managtr. Jft Saturday, Jan, 25 Creston Clarke, Supported by a capable company, Mat inee David Garrick, 13 vou ing Richelieu. Prices J Matlnqe, l25o and 50c. Night, 25o. 50c, 75c, J1.00, RoP Academy of Flusic M. IlEIS, Lccace. A. J. Dully, Manajer. FHANKIE CARPENTEB CO., AUt THIS W11EK. ONE fcOMIJ WEUIv. The Carner Stock Co., IlcRlnnlns Monday ovenlnpr, Jan. 2", piesentlns Hal liclil'a beautiful houtlicm drama, "The Knobs O' Tennessee." Piices Night. 10, 20 and a) onits. Matinee, II' and 20 tents. Seals now on sale. STAR THEATRE AI.F. O. IIEmilNOTON, Manacer. TIU'IthDAY, 1'ltlDAV AND SATI'HDAV, vlaniury 2J, 2f ami C,V. Miss New York, Jr. Matinee Every Day, 'A FARMSU fm- SHBAUNCEJCnOPTILWiOiV Thomas GUmore, of COS River street, tiled yesterday after an Illness of one year, She Is survived by her litis. band and daughter, Mrs. John W. Con way, and sons, Michael and Martin, and ono sister, Bridget O'Boyle. Fu neral announcement later, RUTH JITRV. the threo-year-oln child of Mr. mid .Mrs, A. C, Jury, of HUG Rock street, died yesterday. The remulns will be taken to Gouldsboro today, where Interment will bo made, America's Carlsbad, No American resort has so wide a reputation as J.akewood, X, J,, tho winter resort frequented by the wealth and fashion of the country. Its clim ate Is exceedingly healthful, and tho siitrouudlugs nre without exception tho finest any resort can boast of, Magnificent roads lead Iu every direc tion, and coaching Is the ono leading diversion, save golf, which lias u great following at Eakewood. Tho hotels are Ideal and no want of the upTtordute resorter Is overlooked. The New Jer sey Centra) Is the road for Bakevvood, ami the train service to und from New York and Philadelphia is ideal. The equipment is the finest and nil in all J.ukevvood Is the place for 'spending the fall und winter, The New Jersey Cen tral (ins issued u descriptive booklet on BakevvoQd which you cun get upon application to Its general passenger department, Wi Blberty street, New York city, if P 6
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