,i-j, if,ss i VZt-"- ' 7V(f,'tV, t 5VT' n -Tpf.T THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 190.v Hot Rolls hot muffins, hot cakes, made with Royal Baking Powder may be freely eaten without fear of indigestion. DELEGATES ARRIVE TODAY ( i. In lulled t ..i,i I'jf piiinlC'llt "f tlio iii ill" H'"'. "HI nl.o lip In l'( TON Iii UTS MASS MKKTIXil The inn' Ins luter.il fen tut of Hi i iiinciitlnn l tin1 inn uii'ctlnR' to lie lii'lil nt the :u iiku. v lonlKlit. 'mil the lilK fell t III o of tile meeting NX i 1 1 In- the ,'i(lilro""i on ".Mi'Klnlci ; n Type iif It", pilbllcinl-iii." Iiy Si'ii.itoi .folm .l 'I'll u I 1 1) ti. of N"lii-iijii. N"o in. (ti U lienor iilile tn litnulle Uilf wiiliject limit St'liatiir Thinxtiili. Hi' Ix mic of A met leu's KiP.itft pulllliiil oirttoi.. mill fell Help I'lllM'l' lll.Hl llilll In till' niHi'l.wn! i i 'lil.ii l . I'loiiiliiciit men from I'llllinli'lplila hip ciimlni; hot,- ppclnlly lo In iir Senuiur Tlmi-cton's i-ppecll. licllliiK llml Hip subject ami llip iMcaxlon will draw fnmi liim an i ri'ott tli.it vs 1 1 1 lip cuiiiitpil hN ni.iMei- till CO. The niri'tliiK "III In' (ipcliPil with a R( lection liy 1 5.1 Tlt'i '. 1 . t iiil anil an In Mieatlutt by I lev. Kolicii l V. I'leice, D. D., p.iMur of tlir I'ellll A Willie H.ip li.st chin ch. .Attorney M. V. I.oivr.v. chidi man of the KtiiPinl I'omiiilltcp, will make ihe npr-tilm; iiiltlie. '. after lilch he "111 Ihtrnilucc In tllin tlu ."pcilici". of ili pxflillK,, TiiMlilonl .Mouic. ol Hip Stati' lineup; Seti.tuir Tliiii."lmi. lion ,lo pli M. IlllMon and .Son.itn.' Holes I'etlKi-r-. Tlio spfpche." "Ill I ip InuMxppioPil "tth iiiiihIi' li.i RaiiPi'i Ii.iihI. Hip Wil liam I'ltiiurll i;i"i i Itih and the Nnrili JIuiI Oln- ( lull. tiik viri: i'i:i:sii)i:nts. Tlio following. lio hap lippii tunned iiw vlci'-pioldPlilw ol lonlftlu's iiH'i'tiiiK at tip' nrnuiiy. will oicup eentn on the pl.itfoiui with tin' ppeakpf' linn. I,'. " nMi.ild. I) II Vi h u. lli.nl.. It. i kit , II, 1, Aiketl.i. I 1.11k' i.i.iii I'nlctn'l II. M. llnic, II, ,n Ii lie. k, M,.- .; Itei p. - ll.ntlii, I! (I II If. P. Ill.ukinli'ii, 11k mi. I! IlKx.k. II .1 'I .ink... Oeorcc . Minim. 1 lull. .1. . laipeutir l..n Mtllijti (mini ' llin ". I.. ( hiiiipII. II. mi le. I I vmii'll r. II. Lfninn. . .1 l.,ilnli. .Ii . I I I'liilifii ilen, William I lupprll, l,ri;f II l .ii.vmi. I i ink i.irlmii. .Ii'liii . ( iiif, roiiipkluiiIlt M. II. Ii.ile. i.riir I'. Iiiik. William II II.IU., I!i. Tljtiiii.H P lliui'k' linn II. , IJIu.iliI-, I. (ie-ilue l.l.'li'. lame A I'.iain Moil. I'. tt". Fli-117. 1 1. Mi I Mill II I I'ww. il.'ll. .Mm II. I'.ili. I.. I.. Fuller, 'I. I. I.., In. U .j-n .1 M. l'l.li. oI CnlU'in'ili I. -' i.iln.. .I,.lji II i.utiiui, .Ifiinjli. linn. .Mliiil II.Hi'1. Ik'ii. II I. II 'lulu. k-. 1 1 -Ii4iu 1' HalMcjd, .luliii T Mime, (pins' Now, (ll.ipli.mt; I! II. ilolaal''. Li I'l'im.'. II. nit' lluirjji. Tuylcr M4rr V. ".. hclii. I!' lloi I- jiI II . .l.iiira. ( ..ihnniljli-. ll.ii tt II. .lm.up. linn. rIi.int .1 mil'., .luliii Irrnnn. ('. P inn'1, .lolin It. .Tniirj. rM., lirnr. A. .Ii nkin., I! T. .I.UTO". I.. . loin l.ullirr Krllni, .lulai VI. knimn. n r. V.ti.,, Km n, In. A. .1. i;..iw. Hon. W. .1 l.ii. J. . l.iiiMiiL-. Iu.cpli l.r.', "illlam II. I.pcjii. I.. I.. I.numl,. Inlin l.illi t'lldsr. Ill4t.ll llnu. .kinict Vtnn, tin, I' .1 V, VI huh, ,'r, Iiiik xi 1.1011, .1,1111(4 V Vlt ViiiiIm. VV VI i. William Mil lid. ( p. Vl.uil.. .. V Mi Mill Jen, Orboii'Lili : .loliii Vli dunlin, !,i..i. . Charles uil. .lulai iiIi1hi, .ln"in. I' .1. JSoithup, (iltiibiiin. I. iinn. Nn.uk, Vui.i, lion. '. T. (ikill Vl.ii.ir I V ii.kdiinl .' linn. I. A. Phill'iii. Hun. T P. P nmiii. C. i Jt l Y. rinip, (. II I'nnil II II I'.in mi, r'olonnl Tt. A. Plnlhii. I". . I'jikni, ( l.nl,'. Crrrn; llan Povrll, Puniiiuic. Hon. Tlionrn .1. IlijnoliI-, II, ,n l,,ni I !:. Toid.i, OtbouJilc: i iiiuin'i i: ii iiipi'ii . i.itv v. tihanl. t:. K. Rcliithan. I ink l!.. CiIbh'iI lt..l.-i I. V. Tllcliari J. llsc-i. IVikMlk It "ill,. lt,.n., n J'oien. linn. .Tnrph A '.ii.iiiiiin. II. mi I.imi , Ihmii'i. Pr., ( (.Innrl licoici Mlnll im.ii. i piii.h1 'm liinnlnr, I'. P. Simpson, sjiiniil dinti'r, I. II .nnun''. Alrvanilnr I. Slnlln, Tiinini. ii,isii I'rink ll- iin.i n. .1 1 . . Alrvamlu I'. iniiriu, knui. ".Iiwjv, (IiiiIii linicli, I 1. 1 nl. nitli. rnli'iinluli-; .ljni VV. smllli. Piikvuli'. I lit i x . .iii.ni. I''.. imwillit ljton Miinn -vliinh, r,n l. V. 'I'JJ lor. .1 It, TnlKt, Inllll II Ili.HlU', ('mlmniljli'! .Inlm P. 'Ili.i'iu', I'.kIi.i IP n. . A. nl)inu, I' ( Vnii iniili, VV V 4USll4ll Hun. P V. VVIIW11I. Hon I. X VV..Iic. II, .11. l'enir VV.itrtn. linn. W VV Wjimiii, I'. II Wji Via., (' .. Wouluoilli, fi. VI, VV.11,,011, , .1 vVil Hjlin, .Inlm II. "Illlunii. Kliniivrr Uilllnnn, P. ). "Ptiiiirr, I.'. II, WlliUniN I,. II. VVinl, Niiiv Vllllam.. I.III1M VfillliJ. Pillinluli l. II. Z.'limlir. SUATS FOi: UKU'HSATKS. Hcnlliipr iipciiuiiiiiMlatlons have been irifinsod for 10,000. The only vats ip wnl will Iip tho'-'o awlKtiPd to tlip dill sai.-s, illicitly In l'mitt of tlip plat form. It IhiH be 011 dpcliled that the sppak cr's platform will 1p located at thp .lpffcrsun ivrmip end of the Inilldlni;. closp up to the haliony. At the lp.ir nf the plHtform will Iip erected a wall of hoard?, covered with eanvuNx and bimlliiK. which will lie tliii.li with the front of the balcony. This In Intended to ait js 11 foundliiif hoard Oilier lu ratloni for the platform vvcip advised, but ti'iiK as to iU'oii"tIcp. piovcd that this win the best place. The imiventlon on Wedupsduy will open at oi o'clock In the Lyceum, with nn linn ailon by Rev. James Mcl.eod. V. D. Ac address of welcome will be delhci'prl uy neoorder "W. Ii. Connell, and 1 "( 1 led to by Fit st Vice PieM dent J .'..i Hi. nomine!, of Phlladel. Thla. Tin will also be addresses by Coiibipmiiii .111 Jack Robinson, Major Kvcrett W.uipii and Hon, Arch Slack. 1 ell. t'ornii'i state presidents. It had not been it'ilded Inst night, whether or not two (.eKslons would he held, Pro-lib 111 Monro has appointed P. Bl!a: Wnli. ' as reading: cleik, to nslst llecoidliu: ictai.v George 3 Ilewel ln, of W I "Harie. It N ivicitpd that there tvIII be n jiumber of. lively contests for seveial nf tlio olllces, particularly for the one l tlie ttAbii vice presldcntH usually S accordel the mimed Republican. Philadelphia, ha thiee candldales for the place and all nie IlKhtliiK haul. I'M. BIT, rnlt PltKSMMINT. It Is as Bund 11s settled that tomor row's reinvention "ill elect Depllt.V At torney General Ktedeilc W. Kleltz lis state piesldPlll. lo succeed J. Hamp ton Mooie. nf Philadelphia Mr. Kldt did not seek the nomination and had no 1 liollt.il t of behiK a (iindldate until leadtli of the league solli lied tlllll to entet the list". ANei some llpsltatlon Iip agieeil Hull 111 nee til- leiiKlle was despoils uf hmi oilnj; Sciaiiton b kMhk her the piesldelK y. .Hid his tiatile was .1 pl- nble l Ills fellow local Kepublli alls, lip would be pleased lo have the hiilloi. The name nf Mr. Kleltx was not under ( onsldeiatlon fott.v-elKht Imurs befoie every ItPpitbliian 1 Itlh In l.ai k iiwaniia count v bad passed ipsuiutloiis endoisliiK him. It was left to Lacka wanna to name a landldale and Lack awanna unanimously picked up Mr. l-'lellx as the peillllail.v well-tilled loan foi the place. In this last-inentloiiMl icspeit, Lack awanna illspkiyed rale Judgment, for Mr. Kleltz. It Is safe to sa. can (all by name mote teptesentlitlve P.epublli ittii In Peunsvhanla than any other man In the ('oiiimiiiiwealtli, and ainoiiK these same lepieseiilatlve Itepilbllcans no .MiuriK man of the party Is n-nanled " lib mine esteem. Mr. Klelt. came lo Scianlou eleven eais iibo, at the ae of tvveiil.v -fiillr. In that lime lie lias advanced himself, Mep by step, until today be occupies a position instate politics (bat nn .voting dim 11 mav well envy. Helllle he was went-ole ell I s of iirc he was 1 nunly chaltmau of iioK.i, his unlive county. That same cnr he served as secielaiy of the appnipil- Htions (onimltete; In l&Mi and INK I he was tianscrlblilK cleik. In l'M he was Journal iletk in lb'.i", renilliiK cleik, and In lS'O be advanced to his pieseiit position, deputy slate attorney neiier.il. He SPived as seeieiHiy of the Lacka wanna (ounlv coimuitlee in IS'ij, and "as a .state delegate it the innven tloiis which uoiiiliiated Delaiiialer and Stone. In IMi? bewpiit lo Delioll as a Lacka wanna deleRilte to tile liallolial enliven tion of I lie Le.lKlle of Itepiiblh all clubs. On Monday, be was put Imwanl as a laudldate for uallonal piesident aKalnsi I'olniiel ( 'law foul, of Kenltiiky. (Jn Wednesday, when the l.STil voles wcip (oiinled, Mr. Kleitz was found lo have ( nine within seventeen votes of lieillR (iei ted MISTOItr OK LKAC.l'K. Tin- I'puns.v Ivnnla State League of Itepulillcan (lubs was organized as an riiixlliaiy lo the P.epubllcan oi'Kanlza tlon fourteen yeais niio. The Hist prcsideni wa Kdwln S. Stuart, who atterwaiils becdine mayor of the city of Philadelphia. Mi. Stuait served several teims, when ,1 rontest atosi b 'tween John DaUell. of lltlsblll'R', and John H Itohliison. of Uelawaie cnnuty, lot Hip sitccenlon. At that time the piesldenoy of the Slate Lc.igiie was teuaided ns the sieppliiK stone to ceitaln hijjluT honoi". iii- dt.v selected for the convention at the time of this contest was the city of Sei anion, to which the Ip.irup Is goliiK tills j ear No mnie eNcltlli"; (invention, perhaps was ever held in the state ot Pennsylvania, Clubs were (irsanleil ill every spi tloll of Hip coiiiiiiiinwp.ilili. and laij-e ainount of money weie spent for tianspoi tatlon and entei taiimiPlit. The enthusiasm at the time was Intense. iSohlnson fliiHlly "on the battle. After s'i'vlii"; two teims. Mi. Itohin son, who had become a 1 oiiKressinatt, was succeeded by Major Kverelt War icti. of this ,n. Major Warren set veil two years and vv.c iiici ceded In the dty of Kile by l-adoi' Solid, who be came posttuastei. Mr Sobel sei veil two terms, bi'llic sill leedeil lit Pllts bui"; by Aichbald .Markieil. a promi nent dty olllclal of that place. Inter est In the league iIuiiiir; lie last two 01 three i,eais has not been so jfieat a pievbiusly, owini; lo a feelltiR on the part of the leRtilar otKunlzatlon tliatlhe leHBiie was a ilval for public pl.u . At Ilaiiislniii;, where .Indue Mack rell Ke up the eharse lo J, llaiuplnii 3I0010. of Philadelphia, the league had pioh.ibly leached the ebb tld of Its eltence. DuilliK the fltst year of Mr. Mooie's administration, however, 111 tive and eneiRetle measures weie adopted, vvlihh attain buniRlit the le.iKiie Into promlnetii'e throiihnitt the state. The national convention whli h nominated William McKlnley for president for a second teim, was held In the city of Philadelphia, and the State Leasue piomptly lujeited It. .self into the campalKii. oieanlzlii"; ililbs all over the state, cciitrallzltiK those of Philadelphia Into the Allied Republican 1 lubs, of that (it. Till-: GKNKUAL fOMMlTTHi:. Helow ate Riven Ihe names ol the Rentlemen compilsliiK the Reneial iniu mlttee In cha I'Re of the (onveiitlou at lanReiuents. Those whose names aie not followed by it place of iesldeini aie fiom Scianlou. The list: linn Milium 1 onni'll, Hon II W Vi. Mm ,1. Hon .1 SIJI1K.11. Hon II M. h..Ki,li, llmi I V41t1i, 1 1 mi I) . WilUnl, Hon. W . I,. I miiiril, linn W I l,e In, Hon. .Joint s,li.uci, .b , Hon .1 VV. rmpfnlrr, Hon. 1'ieref t Uan.'.i, I I nn W.1,1 Itlpplp, Hn'i. I'. I'. IV11111.111. , n .Inlai I' WilllaiiK, llni. .hlne. V. ii, ull lt, die tt. licit, lion .Inlm It Kan. Hon. AW. T. ( uiinrll. Hon. .Inlm II I'rllow. II. .11 IMnanl .Ijiiim, Hon. lint i V. Iniii, Hun 'limine ,1 Itr.Miolili, Hon. VV. K. Ileik. Hon. Vitrei Html, Hon. II. II. Ilnni(, Hon. (' p. (I'MjIIii, Hun, P. A Philliln, Anl,b4(J. Hon. V I. ViUilv, Wavfrly; Hon. Sjninel S. .lon, ('jtlioiuljlc; Hon. .lolin It. Ituoldj, fjibonible, Hon. U. , W'iUon, ), U. Athfrton. Dr. VV. K. Allfii, II. S. . worth, Stanley Allen, W. A. Avuy, I'lurlr. It. Acker, WUIIam Allen, rwlrvlllf. B. 0. Itrooka, Tlinmn It. Iliooks, I'. I Ilrnwu, Fiuil llonn, flunk (I. Ilaik.r, P. W. I'm llrock, ,1ofph Paiimclitfr, A. II. Prime", It. .1, tlnutVc, I'ranf Hfckrr, (Jeofijf V, promt, llmM lli-itirdi, Dr. Ili'ttnan Ilovy, Ueorge V. Ilminif, (Juk'c Summit j .lolin V. Ilntlfr, Clark' Summit 1 Karl IIMiop, lliininorr: C A, llillrnlierir. Vtililulili I'.inc II011J1111I11, llr. .I. (. Itjlionn, lrf-nl II. letter. VV. scot (.ollln. I i.mk II. liimnn". I' I:. I lilttdiilfii, .I ntliniti, .b . I elAiirl It. V ( oiiroeii, Pr. P. Capivrll Wab If r II. Cliii.liii.M, ( luil.'j It. I eniii'll, John ('inn. mini;., ( di ml . J. It I 4M11II111'. 1.. . oiiimi, I'lrilniik otiiii'll. K. 1!. l'lir, .loepli I .ivf c. Prank ( ailmrl, T II. I'laikr, IMrlla: Inliti l t inc. Toiniklimlllei IMn ird CurpHilcr, WkimIji .Inlm ("optliiiul, l'jilton.l.i1. Ilinml II. Halo, II. .1. Iliil. W'. s. ij,hl, 11iiMia P. Djlilib. UIIU.1111 II llinirl.. (iniiKc V. Ilitlt. W VV IMvl., VV. i:. p4l. I'icil Pun. II II. P.ilf. II. II Dunlui.i, VV, VI lliikvm, (InlT T llnl, (luild. I:. P.iul'-U, y. .1 lliil.cil. Ililr llmkir. .lolin VV. Ilu.rnl.uii. M II Pile. VV . I). Home. VI p, ,1. p. lljlnl, . .Inlm I. DllK .Inlm II. Illllc, 'lailur; I). .IrihiK Pui", VV .1. Punic Ids. .1. Ccoiiir t.l'rl.', , II r.u.iai. WIII111111 Plana, W V. Knn, H VV, Uvins, l.lla Pun', .laint IMniiib. Inlm It Kdii Jidis Mark K.ljnr, Itnti.rt I Mrnl, II)' W. Hi an. I . I,, riiller, T. .1. I'oOr. VV t linn, P. II IVIIoviK, II. .1. Pnnler, .lainti P 1 cilui, IMwnrd riOlcr. I', l". IVilnr. MilUr Iri. k. I'nil s. (Imlliri. '.. II I!jnln4r. pi L. VI (..il'.. (' .1 llillifp;.', Isddi.lr llno.hn.ili VV il limn (Jw.iiiii, II r. (iirci. Pr. I liiilfc UHlim, Piiirnt (jriaii, .Inlm It, (oUrilli, .liiiinn I vu (liairicr, ('arliomlalc I r.lnni'l (iooiRp VI. Halblciil. Alloil llnivn. W J ll.iinl. V. II Pollux, Id but IUik, II II Hoik. '1 It. Iliivlic, l.li.irlcs llnclci. Hum. II ll.(in. II, ('. llaiiiiii, I'ainpliill lluuhi". tibvaiil Hurt", lolin T. II.'am ; II, II HnUiili'. la I'luui". Pi .1. V lloiiwi, 'l.nldi, .lolin VI llairi, l'.i- I'M. .lolill 11,(1.'. I. II. I. J,.... s M h... ('. tl. .lolin., U T. Inin, (liOIRC VV ! nklliA, rinniKn 11 liimiii, Pa 11 S. ,1, ih. .Inlin I' .lanes 1'ilnanl II .li'iltllll VV II .lolitl. V S. IjmM, livvlluii I., no. I P .IjiIimii. T I) .1.(1 kx.11. K. V Ii.iiric. Vi, I1I..1I.I. John II. .I..I.U. T.i.tloi. I.llllmi ImIIci, VIiiuii k t()ll, I P MliKl"ll' (li.nlo Kiel. V. I. Ki.t. I-. VI. (..I Kolui. V. K. Kiiiifmin, I) (' kiiiion, I fit VV I' Kicm'I. J V I..HKIIU. I nlnni'l Vilhur l..,un. C. P.. I.oiinil'. William II I (!. V I. l.-ui-, VV II Ix'li.ili. Pi s liiimatiprt, il.nl, l,orj, II T l..l(l'l. JiHlpIl 1.1-1 1. P. V LoiinliMU. .lolui M-llile. lolin V. II.. 1 nl.l. VV. II M.ll.-iw. .1 41111 s Mi Vntilii, lam "1 Vlitoi, lulai Com 1 r Moiil V I. Mcniinjii. tt Mn. "'. s Mip In, HkImiiI Mm it hi, P C Murn. VV It M.i--iIipoh. (tVoifin Vhii hell, lli.tna Vlooip, ( W , M.iMIicm.. 1 11 tn I). Vh.... Iioil Miln-r, V. ' Vlnnl't.. lliirlc Mnlr. Inlm Ii ( lindlc. Vluo.lc, s VV Millln-iie, liii.iil- I " McliiVbillll, M.ntii'lil, .lolin V. VIimi.. tlmiiMi Met lull. (Ik.mi- I. I.. VV. Mii-luK. .Ii I liarlp V,il. I. .1 Nuil Imp, (li-iit-um: I'rirf Ni-nl-, .Inlai Niitcll, ,ln.rin N.'Ijii. I'imI Ni-vlor, Old I'uiiti' laiuot VV (liktuld, Jn. -pli (Jlin-r. C V Ollfi', lUll.l Ih.fliV .Inlm II limn., Croltff VV , O'.o'll, tt illlam II Ohhi-. 'I'.i.'l.r Cilmicl II. . Plillllp.. I, W r.iwdl. J-'lni II. Plnllil-. It II Clllelfin. VV II I'lPl.n. llr VV. V P.iiiic. I' I.. Plnlllp.. 1-J4I I'.i.l. .lolin T. IV.lP-r, VV II Pel.. (I II P.n iridic, (ii-Mur k. I'd V.. II k Piiiii-. .loliu IVliiiuii. Dliplianl; I (Hi1 VI. Vlnnlc. II s. Pou-a, (mil" Pullrll. Vli'i Pitinr.or. Iliumn l'n kcrel, (1M l'oiun: Maoliall Pioiou, llinirl .11 M P.nlor. I lnik' (.mil. lllliiil I'oMi'lt Piil.moir; Itolicil IVrk, lipoiue Pimcll, Old I nop'. Pr. I'. VI Phillips i: P 1'ni.r Ini s. Hi, I, ml. I'inl i o,. S tt ltoli4iii, I' I ltolilto.il . II C llpu.olrl.. (I,;, 1 1.. It,,.,-. I r.mk II It. o-c. I'l.il ltiiKl.it J. Jul, 11 M licinoliN. Philip VV. U..1I, liluanl lln.l. li.V. p VI It.i nolils WiIIi.iui V limit. .Inlin W Itn.r, II, Will'. Itois Old Phiup. II s i,Kuni .lo.(.ll Sp'-liliPr. (.((-Iffr II. siiiillt. Viol s,tn, son II stpmti. P. II, shtit;is. (.roipe sa-i ilcKoti, Conia-I Si ,i(in,, r, VV. VV s, innlnn. (.cniup siiir,., .Inlm soiilf.-. 'I'lioiui slictttnii. .1.1 ink lii(pr Vrlam silirurdti, into II s,n,.,r. T I s,, n, l,n. ( imlfi v. s,Hnt y; soir imr. 1 uuis s, hrt.!. Hcnii s.ipiij, siMfrr, 1.11111111 Snit(, (liltli. SMMifH, s,tin)f. S.,,, Mnilipii snpp, . H st,,v.. W .1. niiili. II M. siipnicr. (' s SrjtiMin I', (mi. sjMllKll,. ; U, Maul s.lliiuji,, r Vln. p s,,..., VV T. Sillipioll ( II Stti,.(ii 1,1111111 VV suiiih. I'i'i'k l tile I olotlt I I I. S .( CIIIIIMkel, lllllllltlli.1. Hon s,,jitn.in.. Itpntoli It II stnt,t, l.nli,ii. ilil, Clnrlc nn;r, Pnfiiiorn, i n ok smith, ( .ulionilaln; Ch.nli. ipn. .lainn II. Totifi. l.nr II. Ij'lnl. tt V. Thainr. i .1 rimtiiK. M.Mf.in 'llioni is .r,,liti II, 'I lii.tii.e. I .cl-u'idilo: riooruc It rhouipMiu, 'riinuiM VV. I hum 1., tt. (lav lord 'llmiu.is W .1. Thome. II I Tailor. Iipullt Ten .Inn 1, (hnlci 'IV rw tlliu r .lo'in It. 'Ilinmas 'I'tvior V. . V.i.liun;. I.. VI Vnn.'i. ( I.. Van llm kirk, Wllll.illl elM-lnk loh-l Vmi 11,-rilPli. W P V inuli. in. T. (' Viu stun I,, 11,1 .a- .in llieknk II1I1I Vlount; Pr. V.m s Kli-. (ilipliint. pi V in llii-l.ilk, Oil phaul Ihcodorr II. Wolfe. 1 I ttoriu-nr. (!. M VV 11. Miti. W .1 Uid.li. C. s. V..iM,rlli, V. II W.ir tn.di I M W.ilk. r, solum VVillUnis flatlc I. W iminr, C-irtn Wnlli, Jr . P. tt'.iltnt I li.nl.-4 Wcl.li.r. .Ii , IMwanl Vim?!-!. Ililph ttlr.lcti, llnuiiioii'. .Iiroiiio Wooillitiu-, (hailr-- ttniphil, .Inlm ttooilhinmc, HjIuiii, la i 1: tt'.nl.ni.. Tailor. I.dnii.l I Willi.uns lolin II Willi 1111.. Motg.in M ttilli.nu.. Pod VViiluia.K-r, i'inl I.. Waul .Irttn. V-.tnit It V yiiutiirnndli. I'inl VV 11-I111 -nn The reception 1 onilllltteP, coinpnsed of all nf tlie Reneial cnnnnlttee and the Republican (lubs. ate to meet at the Jeini.vn at 3 o'clock this aftct noon. Ai lansenienls have beep made- for takliiK stlbsi riptlous for the McKlnley liiiiuiiineiit at tniilRht's ni.es nieetiiiR In the Annoiy industrial' jottings. Offlcors of Mins Workors Have Gono to New York to Confnr with the Operators. Piesident 'J'. II Nil hnls. of Distil, t Xn. 1. of Hi- liilted Mine Woikeis ()f Aliicilca. left esietila' iiiiiiiiIiir for N'en Vim k. whi'ie he lolned N'allnunl President John Mlti hell ..mi Dlslilct Presidents Duffy and I'tilie. Al the ( onvetil Inn of tlie ib-leRates ippipsenllue; the entlip ,'inthiaiitc Held, held In IlanlPUin iluiiae; ihe latter part of AURilsl. Pu-sldeiil Milcllell and III" thiee district presidents weie author I'-ted to aiiaiiRP a confplenic with tliose In inntiol nf the coal intetests, with the view nf biliiRliiR' about the adjust ment of ceitaln Rilfvatues beloie the cNplratiou, A pi 11 1 hum, of the agree ment now in folic between miner ami oppiatm . It Is Hip hope of the four nilitPt icp I'pspiilntivps to obtain the pioinlse for a Joint confeicnie, lo beheld some time In Man h. Doubts have been expiesscd as to whether the coal operators would icc oRHlze President Mltihell and his asso ciates' Mtlthoilty as lepiesenlntlves of the mltiPls. Some time w-o letlcis weie sent out fiom mine woikeis' headiiuai tets. asklni! If the operatois would te. (elve the four piesldeiits. Piesident Mill hell has never shell out whether leplles were lecelved or not. and Pi est- Ipiit Nil hnls, when asked betoie his (lepuituie, fiankly stated that he didn't know. This is one of the UiIiirs thai has caused the appteheusinii AhoiiIIiik 10 the speeches made by Piesident .Mitchell diiilliR the past fevv weeks at nian mass meetings of miners, the mlneis will demand reuiR. nllion cif the union, an clchi.hcnii- 1l.1v settlemeiil of the (linkage dispttles anil the ledtess of othet smaller ri levant es. D.. L. & W. Board for Today. Follow Iiif; In the make-up of the 13., L. &. W. tumid for today: VI0l. sl.i'lCMiu ..., Wild Ciu, 1 ,nt y p in.ii w y,,,,. ,,,i, in p. Ill , .1. W lliolhall 'Hi s.i , s.iKVlll -.'I Wild ( jtii, Ian -1..IU a ni.. II 1 11,111, uhli II I-iI'.ujii'. ilcui I ;i. in., lirmci- 'I h.ilil.i,; H a. in., il. .1 Hi'iiiiliiJir, U u. 111., , It. Viinnj 11 .1, 111., ,1. II. Mulria; '.' p. ni , O, Ki-Jiue.i ; & p. in. II. llUhliui Ii p. in., P. HallHt, hilliilnlu. Pic- 'I a, 111,, 1 ...I, .1, Hi nnljiiiij i 1, ., w., (i, 1'loiinli ll.il 1 o ,, m , ,.,,, ,mi. on 0 p. m rt, .1. Carrlaci p. rn., c, Utllmfr, 7 p. m.. Say Aii. William Hoar, viipi '.. McMllilrri- urtcj 7 p, pi., t aiiuja, M, Clinic Pinlifm-..'. a, in., S I'lnnrrtri s , in., llbtioen II .in in . Mor.ini " p. in Mmpln 11 p . VV. II ll.iitliciliiiuiii In i. m, Lainpiiitr. Pinirpr Kmliip- "a m , OarTni-j; ? m , sinjrr. in a m . V. Vamnan; 10 .1. in,, P. K. Sirnr. 7 p 111.. Stantciii, .,'i0 p. in,. V((.rnpiii. VVi.il ( 4, ttp.i -1 a. 111, 0. ttandnlplii 7 11. in V. V.lli S 11. 111. V VVIrlfimr, 11III1 (ait 1r' 'I w 1 In .1, m, VV .1 Vlaorr; II a, in, 1. Iiliik'"l.v: 1 p m, V. i:. Ki-Kliami 2 p. m, M t.-lllnoih; I p in, ,1, . Vhtaiiiii .') p 111, John llaliauaii: ii p. in, Dnmllian. MJiifi:. mi'liKinm O liraiurv, II, Ileblnit. M. It Mi I..OK-, J. II. Mnli'14. 11III1 thrlr IK-H4, will ol-li-inl S p. m. da, Sejit JJ, nt all brake Inttitic Hon i.ir Cntiilui lora H.iiidliaii, M. Caimoitr, P. Cava ImiikIi, T. J. I hnliip-nti. A. II. Itoilc anil drill will atlcnd PI a. 111 1I1 .4, Sipt. i, at alrlnakc lliitntrtloii car. Cotiduiton K. M. Ilallftt, P. I.. Horcis II. I'lnlcj", M. Plnnoity, VVilhani Kliby and irons lll attend '.' p. in. cla.., S d. il, at air luako lu.liiKllon tai, I'oiiJm lor tt. VV. 1,4 Hair, A. .1. laikln. ('. VV, Dunn. I'. Vlit arthv and 1, .1. Co'l'llo ami crr-ui mil all-ni S p. m ilats .-pt H, al air krakf In. Inn linn tar HtakeiiMii In.pph smlili trporti for I.aii2.litic,', CONFERENCE OVER. Atlantic State German BaptiaU Ad journed After Belcdi&g to Meet Next Tear At Wilmington, Del. The annual (onfeieipe nf Hip A' laiitle slates (onfetptice of (lei man HaptNts, which had been hi session In the Fltst Oct mini Kaptist chlticli lni e lust Thuisday, was luotiRht to .1 i loi with a special set v ii e last nlRlit. The devotional set vh e yestetday linn lllllK was led by Itev. .Ml. Heckci . of Albany, ami was lollovved by 11 Reneial discussion of the sermon de liveieil on Suuda.v nil the divinity of ChlWl. The fcattlte of the 11101 nili"; si ssion was a paper by Itev. Ml. Pistol, of CoKiiin. on "OilRiual sin." In tlie ariernonn teports vvete pp sentcd by the nilsslonaiies IiuvHik chaiRe of the wotk of the Mills Island emlmiaiit station ynd at the llonie for KnilRi'iiiit clltls In New Y01 k city. It was decided to hold next years coii ei1ti1111 at WllinliiRton, Delawaie, at a date to be lived later. A fat ew ell sei mon was pieaiheil last niRht bv Itev. .1. I'. Ttatmi. of Wll mliiRloll Delawaie. This was fol lowed by a love feast or testDnnny meeting- which lasted until lout; past 10 o'clock and iIiiiIiik which neatly evety delegate pieseut had a few winds to say. The sen Ii e was pioloiiRcd to silih nn c.Ment that the vMtliiK (ieiR.vmen weie obllKfd to make a wild sciamble for llulr hotels at Its conclusion In nuler In lie teady to take the 11 :;,"i Haiti for the west. They aie Rolng- to st the Pon-Atiieilcan expiisitlott and to later intend the trl-ctinial Intel it.itIou.it con leiPiicp 10 be held In a few das at Merlin. Ontario. Resolutions of Veteinns' Union. Tin- follnwinK ir-olnli.i-M into .idnpwd In C I oiirl (lakford ri-Kimnit, .No 4, I ninii V.-inrnii' I iiiiui. at their niccilnit In (.nirn.fi hill Vlnndji - iiiniiir, "sojit il, l',il: Whiu-as 'Hit Md nit lintimi-l.t dialli of our Inloifil prvsl-irtit, lau-i-d be the hand of a ion atdli aa.'in. and th.i.l.y milkim; blow at 1 lie cm i nun. nl ot tin,. Inf , ..iiiiii.v. t-huiild (.ill loilli the 1 nmli'iiui illi.n of ill. It,, it, im-irioii-, lti.obi-d. IliO 111 1 omnioii uiih all inn- .nnl l((i.il pinplp no tnouin lie- imliiii..,i and liairic dt-aili ol (.or iit..alii,i, and d' 1, 0111,1 - In ilm sci.-n.l leini-i ill 11iK.1nlr.1lnm itiliniial to fm Eiiirinnirnt and a-k a iHn-ny thai pi..p.r Initts kition he i-niilcl uhrn-iu liliri.i of .prn It and the iirIiIi. of .1. Ili l dilni-d mil rPkulalnl, did that the alien d.ntdiii- ol au.iHhi and all olhfl iloitlirc. .ikili t.i' it tin .iippri'.i r ,in H upp-'iKi. Iiaiiij.hnl and imIh.Ii.I tmu, tin- I uli.d si no. and iii. I'li'linlc-i futi-iir Resolutions of Mine Woikeis. Vi a n.-iilar liii'd m- of f,,,i.il No 111',;, ,,f ilm I mini Vlii.ii VViukci. of Vimrlia, a n-olutl n ii.-d iilc-ulii .1 lotmnitiii ua ippolutid to di ni 1 oiidnti'lli r. lot out in.ii 1 1 1 ,, pre. n. in, VVIIItaii. Mi klnli 1 Tin 1 ifpoilcd the tollonina, uliuh unip rtdopli-d- ttc. the lii'inlii'i. uf Hi,. nliDir luial, ii-ii.iiip ill ail of iiulmr- luiianl the 1,0-11 ottutr. of uur KOtciiiiiiPiil VVv 1 iiiidi-inn il, n li mil, loundli al in tin- anuiN of 0111 hi.inti. Thia SiiM'iiimi 111 l .1 Kntiiniiiitit of Hi,- ...,. iU- and fnr tin pi-oph-, ihiKfoi-n the innonii t.i,,ul. niln. cpni i.illi lihnti ihxrntinn na mi plaml.i tihuMIl ill llie ihd.nu; uf Kill lair pn .iih'lil ttn ('-..'( i.illi lotiilrlnn .ill .ii.jii lii.t, ,,ti, t,,, lh.lt llo' K'iwiiuik 111 utll Iii ill 1, III nn l- timk-i-ut llul no tnoip mil line itittitui- li.tn ,,11, i.-illitii VV( 111..I1 in ipi,a out (hrpcftt .ilup.e In uiih Mr. Vli Km'.-i in ln-t mi.I.I.ii l.tifiw In. nt Heptaeophs Express Their Orief. Vt 1 nirdiiie of S( union run, lair, No 117, liiiiuotrd (Ii 1I1 1 ol Hi ptisoplia. In hi at Kaiili'l I. -ill la. t iiinn.L tin (iillnuiiiL pr. tnililc and its otlll l.-tn 1I1 IUI.lllitllull.lv (Kiotillll. Whr-ira-. Iii 1 tit (oiii.i- nf liitiitiu t-irta., toi ihe Iliinl tinii in tin- histoiji of inr luituiu, ih-pl'i-iililll of tin- flllliil st.tt,,. ha. In-ill ,lv,..n Bird, to tin- iin.pn.ik.ilil(' amf and Hitict ot all uiiliid natini., hut I'.pii l.ill.i of ..in own. in lin t.ni; upon no, in a ,iio.l riiittil tct.i uti.-t . In -o ih-.pciaii l.i iiu I an nit, a-i Iik patiitile oAK m Hi., ih'.illi of 0111 In l.n c.l piirlilriu, ttllliam Mi llllilr.l. 'II11 nil, 11, ln it Itl'Millrd. 'llml IIP i-lr-iralf thi' 11.11111' nf .h- dai.ndli .man hi. lit .i..i..in of Pii-.Id-ni VI. kliili-i. mid Hut in- zlir ii no iiu-uliou In Ih 1 otinii lion. Iirluilnu ,1. ur iln inai l( (.linnhi l.n iHi.i;niil in well iniriii'd cliliiiuii, ihci.lii n. iiiuilni; i.nr uf the pu..l(lr ini id ttir-nta tu lln 1 iiiiiiiiI..uii uf .tnli fuitl ilcid.. Itcohi'd. Ih.it It l hlh tllin' tin- iiuiciiiiui'Mt fliuiilil lesirlaip alnnir lie of a gnali-r lie' v of at ciitUi'M makiu;; an .ill.n k uputi irivul tlii-11 , or rirn a thirat to nlta. k. 01 rc.iin.i'lln. nniin or ahi'lllin; .111 allaik. hluli iri'jMHi, uiii.i,ilili. uith lUatli, and .il-o 1 1 1, 1 1 i 1 1 ur fn-idnm of pn 1 h. and of the pn.. (I iticr boia.iN ilirifui. o Hi.it Jilinily tua.i not 11111 linn Hkii.i Iti-.nlwd. Thai Mr I'M'tiil 0111 tmlni-.t miii piih.i In Vlr'. Mi Kllild In lu-i Mil lu'iraioiiii'in, .1..111I117 her llul wldli' our ci 11 r (.mnot he n p.iitn.ilil a Ini'.. nt It I. ltiiiii', .mil 111. (I the (oimli.i and the ivoild snri.m iillh Inr in tin hm of III' donilnl hii-lnnil, ulm, tn 11., 11 , 1 mod. I j-t utt -111 111. pine in pulillf md in piiiaip llm. 1 niodi-1 man In ncry ilinuii, kind, nunhlii pr, UPtirroiis, aflpi tlon.ite and ippii'i iitlie, Biiill", it tlriu mil fai'Mtltit:. rnr i.lm.n uhulr 1 0111 s. In life lias plirnl 1 1 nann- I 12I1 amoni: the ti"f tuiniuiid naiin-K that in-in not lt.nn to die ' Itc.nllril, Til 11 I (opt i (.rut In Mia. Vhtiin- lei md Hill a 1 opv Im aiiliinittnl tn tin' I1..1I niu.p.ipci fm pittilnaii. -i .1 Kllioi lto.1-, V II Ihi'ih. In Lime, si m, rmniiilttir ' Delaware and Hudson. In I'.ffdt Junr tl. 1001 Itaina for I'aibonilale hair bi'taniou at 6 'a, tOO, S5S. 11' "' '-'w- l-'-K. - Mi. ft "9, C'.'j. Ti7. OH, It SO p. m.; .1 a m I'd lloiiridalr and Lake l.ndotr, 6 -Jt. lu j 1 m i (( ii'J 3 29 p. in I'm WIlkM-BJiie . "I", sil, (),, pj.u a m, 12 01. IS, '2 1s, a.,W, 4 27, BIO, T l, 10 41. 11 "0 V " for I.. V R. It PolnU-M5, lUi, m jn, 4 -27 and ll.) V m Tor IVnnnlianla R It polnii-8S, v:ii, 21s, Xii and 4 27 p. ni I'oi Alliani and all pnlnti nmili-A20 a. in and : !i " MADVY TltMSs. I'or Callinmlalr -SAO, II, Ki a 111. j -2 11, ;,'.j;, 6 62 and 1U.S2 p. m Pen VVIII,(''llaii('--3S a tn ; 12 HI, lis, ,V2 e :i2 and ti.42 p m I'm Albany and pnluta north ft R2 p 111. I'or Hunfdalr and Lake l.odore S 50, II, Hi a, in. ami 3.52 p. in. Erie Rnlhoad, Wyoming Division. Train fm V'W York and iuti'linidialp puluu bate sitaninn a follbio: 7.'Jn a, 111 ; -2, '.'l p. 111 Villi il. in ..."i a, 111 truin HmiKilali. Ilinlcv and Inti-iiiii'illili' imkiiU; i."ii p. 111. Iium iv V oil and lull iiiifdiau- poliil. .Nu MitnUv lialu. It's as simple as A B C. The atmosphere contains moisture, which is an enemy to crackers and biscuit. Now you see why biscuit or crackers exposed to the air in a box or barrel go stale and grow musty. To overcome this an inventor created the In-cr-seal Patent Package, an ingenious combination of specially prepared cardboard and paper so peculiarly folded and securely scaled that it keeps out moisture and all kinds of badness. The In-cr-seal Patent Package is used and controlled exclusively by the National Biscuit Company to keep their products fresh and good. (rrVvV e l1""' Patent Package identi- amm Bk y Yy fied by this Trade Mark on each end. iiT mM NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. BRiIbSB RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA lAIUMi Schedule in Effect Juno P., 1001. Trains leave Scianton: 0.45 it. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and conches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal In termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Hnriisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg nnd the West. 0.38 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Hanisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington nnd Pittsburg nnd the West. 2.18 p. n week days. (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg nnd the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Bnrre. Pullman buffet parlor car and conches toPhlladelphln viaPotts ville. Stops at principal inter mediate stationi. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury. Harri'sburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. ,t n iiricnisos On Mr. J D. WOOD. (Jen P.i' A;t. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Kffert .Iiiiip l'a)l. 'lYaln Icaip buantmr for ridlade'rliia ami Nf' NoiW m l A- II R II., at 8 15 and 9 -In a. m.. and Ii Ii, 4 27 (lll.uk lltainnnil I xpiew). and II ) p m sun-dai-(. D Ml It II . I o X p m. I'or While llaii-n, llazlclon and pnndpal point in llir inal Ifgioni, ua II. .V II. It It, ii.41. 2 15 ami 127 p. 111 l'ur I'otHiille, u t j a 111 . 2 IX 1 1. in Tor DotliMiNii. Ila.ton. Itrailinji. Ilaitiihiire anil principal inlcrmi-ilnic statintu ua D. A II It It, 6 43. 1 a lit , 2 l. 4 2i (lllaik Du moml J.xprfM). lt.Wl p. m. nndajs, 1) i H. Ii I!,. li.'Ji .1 ni . 1 OS 8127 p m. I'lif Tunkliannoik. To.ianila. Klmiia, llliaia, Cruris and prlnriial intcrnicdlatr 11 itlom. ila I.. I. k W It. It . S 10 a m and .1 10 p 111 I'or ficnc-ia. ltoi.lif-.tcr. Itnflalo. Niauaia KalU, Cliliaco and all points unit, 11a I). A II. R It, 7.4. ll.M a. m. 1 2.. 3:tl (lllaik Diamond I' prov, 7 l. 10 II. II "0 p ni. MtndiiK, II L II It. n . 115'.. 8 27 p in Cullman parlor and Mcrpins or l.nliicli Valley pallor ian on all train between Wilkr.-llarr anil Veiv Vork, Philadelphia, Ilnnalo ami hiu licmlnii IlildKP ItOl.l.lS II WII.I1I II, Cii-n. Snpt , 20 Coitland ktrrct. New Yolk CIIAItl.rA l.l'l1. (ten PaM ArI., 20 C'orllind atliri. Vi'iv Voik. A. W. N0NI:MM lli:it, Div Pan. Agt , South netlilflidii, Pa I'or tkkrti. and I'lillinan iwitatiotn apply to 301 I.aikaivanna airmie, Snantnn. Pa. Delaware. Lackawanna and Western In f.flrct Amr 11. 10! Trains leair- "icranton lor New Vork 4.1 1 10, rs.do, 6M, 7.50 and 10 Oj a m. 12 . 3.20. 3 45. Jim and S -'-0 11 m. lor New Vork and Plilladi'lpliia- 7 50 and 10 05 a rn., and I 4') and R.41 p 111 I'm T0I11 hanna At ti 10 p in I'or Ilnllaln-1 l.i. 0 22 and WO a, 111. 1 1 10. ."52. 7 0r. and tl .il 11 in Yor llinshamton and nay ua tlnn10.jn a. in. and 1 Ot p 111 I'ur Onifso. Sitaiil-i- and I lica- I 11 and 0 '' a, ill., 1.30 aiid 3.5! p rn. 0,w tro, jtautip and t."ii' train at 0'." a in dailv. eiicpl Simdav. For iloiiltocr 0 n0 a. in; 101 and 7.1V1 p m. MclioHon ariotnmndatlor, 4 00 ami I1.H 11 in. IIIooiikIiiiik UnWon I'or Vortliiimlirrland, at 0 45 and 100 a ni ; 1,10 and 010 p in Fm I'limoiitli. at S.10 a m i .1 ,1i and 'Ml, i 111 Snndai Tralni For Snv Voik, 1.40. i 00. 5 1 and 10 il'. a in . 3 20. 3 45 and 5 ml p in. lor HiirTatn I 11 and 6 22 a in.; 130, 3 .-'. 7 01 and 11 3," p, m For ningtiamtuii and way ia Hon 00 and 10 20 a ni lllooiiinlit.ri; iliillun I.raie S union, 10 05 a. m. and 6 10 p. m. Now Jersoy Central. Station" In New Vork Foot ol l.ibdty ti-ct, N It. and Ninth Fury. 1 IMF. TAItl.i: IN FiTI.CT II'M: 30. ioo Tiain lfic Vranton J01 N(r ork. Sciiaik, I.liratftli. IMnladdplila, Fa'toti, lldlileluin, . Icntonti, Matuh Chunk and White llairn, at S ', a 111 ; -xiiev. 1.10; fxpie, 4.tu p. in. Sun data, 2.1" P " For l'lttotun and WilkeH Dane, K 4. m ; j i and 4 00 p. 111. hundaja. 2 15 p m, I'm- Ilaltlnnie and Vahlrit;ton and polnn S-intli and et ila llelhleliem, .,5 a 111., Uo and 100 p in Suiidaic. 2 15 1. 111 Fur 1one Hiamli. Ocean (lime, etc, at 8 51 a in. (tlnonsli iojiIi). and I 10 p m I 01 Heading. Ubanon and ll.irniliiiin, via l Iriiluwii. .V- a. in and 1.10 p m. sitmlaja, 2 If. p tn Foi PotHMl'e. S ft', a in . 1 10 p m For Mounlaln I'aik, 51 a in , I fl and 4 ou 'IIiiohbIi lUketa to all polnta eat, ajiitli ami vekt al low ill lalra at the atatlon C M. lirill'. Oen Pa Sut. J. IIOLIIAl'Sll.N. Urn Supt New Yoik, Ontntlo and Western. In elicit 'lue-ilji. cpl 17, I i Mill 1 Ii IIUI'MI l,eaie l.eaic lime Tuin. , i.iiiioii. r.iihiiiuijii' ( .ui.itia Xn, t lii.:ala. 111. 11 in 11 in I im p. in .So, 7 (1 0p In, Ar. 1 jiliondali-ii 4U p. in. Mil III Hill Ml la-am l.i.ir Vniie ( udoi-la. 1 .iiliolidal-. -11.111I011 No t, . . .. I1 J. 111. 7 In a 111 .No 2 S 1.1 M in I in p.. 111 t ID p. m Ml Nlim (INI.. Ndlllll 11(11 Nil l.i'Jlo l.t.lM .Mine 'I'inl,.. , ijiiloli. I ,iili,-nilali. I ido.u No 'i !.;,0 .1. in. 11. Hi a in in Fi a in. No, 5 ,.. 7.ini l. in. i.l -iili-niilale, r.in 1, m OI III Hill Nil lieaic I.1.1U' . 11iu- I'ad-i-la. Caitionilali'. Nianinii No. 0 7.il a 111 7 4n a in .No. in 1.30 1 1, in ! ml p. in. it t'i p in Tl.iln V". I "ii 'Veil ila'! "ini " mi iimt-ii . mak- niiln Iln" (oiineiiloin lor Sen mi, ,tVt MiddlrtoiMi. Walloil, .Nnmltli, II11.11I1, l).u,-n and all polnl el Fur fm I in 1 Infoiiii.itlnii, ion. nil in kit audita .1, ('. NIII'IIIIN, It. P. , N.ii tk J, II. MI'.I.MI, 'I'. P. A., MlaiilMi, Pa, Why biscuit set stale Whtn you order Sods, Milk, Graham, Oatmeal, Saitine and Butler Thin Biscuit, Banquet and Vanilla Waiers, Ginger Snaps, and Sultana Fruit, don't forget to ask (or the kind that come in the In-er-seal Patent Package. -- F.ieiiliodi t Inteie-iteii 111 tin- in. .1 .1 llliat the olltioine of tlie t,o.- ttll l,i n,it vionlil he - fide a mm It nneteit in .ill u ,,in line nl I lull III ea 1 rot m- I, tiMitilnii lin. Biuna; ( lionnd In kmu I, lompi.titim -k n u I, We coiir (ontlddiie and liallinai- romp, lili,,i, 2 412 Spruce Street. Try our 10c. Linen Collars. EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition Hy a tcictil t of the IfRisla tutc nee tuition is now gt anted dt tlie Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pn. tn all tlioo picpailiiK tn Inn Ii. This hcliniil iiiallitiilns ('(iitte-ei of Miid for tcarlit'ts, for llio'-i iicitiiiiiK foi 1 ollosc, ami for tliii.-e studying inu.-k. It 11 III par In nrile fm parm ilia'". No other (.hoiil nffeia m Ii superior ad anU,e4 at uih low tatei Addicii J. P. Welsh, A.M., Ph. D.,Prin Inti-i iiiilliiiuil I'oricxpoiidcrKf Si lioul of Suaiitoli. IM. (Im ot pointed) 1 000 1'li'P Si liol.ll'rlhiiw. Kor pjl'tli llilll. , hiIiIii'ks ('haili's 1'. It. Macatil.i.v, Si llllltoll, I'.i. B1NGI1AIY1T0N TRAINING SCHOOL For Neiinnt. Ilukiiiid aii( Va( Mnti ("hil ilnii I'lii-n il liannin:. Manual 'Ii.iuhiu, i h nlalkn Mn-11 lliaiMiu. liindiiuail 11. Opin jear aioiiti t m lai S. A. Doolittle, Faiiiiv Xti'iiue, lllrnjli inilon. S V I CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY Vissahickon lleishts, Chestnut Hill. Pa! A lioatditiK choi)l for 1io In tlir elciateil and beautiful open country north of Phila delphia jo tiniiiitea from llroad St Station Hot catalogues adilie- JAMES L. PATTERSON. tUad-Maiter. SCRANT0N CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, MJRAMOV, 'K. 1 I I'Oiier 1'ieiidcnl. I liner II. Lauall, Vieai. R. J Foiter. Sianley p. Allen, Vice President Sfcretary. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel no annex ViiKlnl Aie and lleacli, Allantlc City, N I blxtli year; BIO I'fautltnl monn ennille. ainitl and Willi l-alh. hoi and (old ea-nter latln In hotel and annex l.oiauon telect and lentral, ulllilu leu lanN ol the steel Pier (luhe-tia Cllir ipeclal irlne ralei. li l Hi by week, ll.M up b) dai tpeilal ratea to lauuliei I'oailiei mitt all irslin. Mrlte lor booklet ( IIAIII.I S P ( OI'B. TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS 1 r mrn K fgrnuiiiXj Meldrura, Scott k Co. Special for This Week One Case Outing Flannels, elegant assortment of light and dark colorings, at 8c Worth 10c. One Case French Flannelettes Double Width absolutely fast colors, and finest assortment of pat terns exceptional value at 15c Per Yard. 126 WyomingAve Lager Beer Brewery MauiiTftcturersor OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 465 N. Ninth Btreat, . PA Teleplioas Cull, i'Mi. -V Every .Woman V?" W uv niutreiiriiandalioitMinw 51i3 VV A .ibuiitiUnondetrnl tV, ." ,5 m M M Vlt Whirling Spray T S S l II11 ("'la'Hj" ")". 111 scooit. Ileal at eit lion i onven eni U'-iuiipJ J f ikk ftiurUiuitUt for It If Iimi intiot mippl) llie X Mtitii:i,.j. eiiiiit. x' llllriiirilaillill;, 0lif,ilUkfi't fctJltllt foi 0 luttl.llP 1 liotik rUit tl li Illl p ill it nl.irtuiu( l(rt 1 it'ti in "iHu mi'imrii iiUl,M (l,t Prof.Q.F.THEEL5278?.?i,r IMfit-.!frh rtif 4 I IMdtt f mm, Ah,A . UI..J n.i.- t...... la.kllli. t..a it.L j ' viwiiia 1 vivnait rrvv I'rniiiii aaraiiaBviBf riptilnf irJ -tdl'il m4 rtttlrUtUrtw I, MmIIm pipr,' -- - .-.t..i--t-t.f i t-H I ;;:ji x r v m s- T JCi tl iJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers