THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1901'. 91 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA A.ONTROSE. rtp-Klal to th Bcranlur. Tribune., Kept. !!.'l. Tin- lii'tiplx of Susnuoliiinnii Toiuuy uio looking for ward ultli tilcHHiiralili1 imllrllintlnii to tln roiinty fail, which ot-riiin Iii Mont roso on Tupwliiy utul Wi-tlni-stliiy of next work, the lllttor lirdllK tin- "bin" ilny. i:nliioH aio nlrraily roinliiK to the ortlio of HiTii'tury TltHWortli In mint Iiovm that fonti'llH u Iiiik'" 'i'1'1 morn varied exhibition than itminl. A Kient drawinK tan) In this famuli Dr. Macon dice soi'lcty, Urn faniouH VWIhIi i-liolr of Y'lllps-Hatii All pirecnt skim txnriunt Hip cp--latloa that tho Txlont-ros-c fall will tills yrar far MirpiiHS the very snot i-xuful ouch of foiincr ycaiH. John S. CoiirtilRht. ci.. Is ut Sus-qiit-hiiiinii on Imltipcf. Miss Kllen AnnslroiiB has iPttiinrtl finm f'arbondalc, xxlit-tr- she went to visit a hiothcr, who Is 111 In a hospital In that -lty. Mrs. Wilson, of l-'.irtnrvvlllr. Is the Biipst ol her son, Dr. J. (1. Wilson, at his residence on Maple stieet. I'pcle Tom's I'uhln" Is an atttaclloii In town today. The sticot paiailc, which contrary to the rule uas entltcly rreflllable, set the little people In a fcr nr of excitement. There Is no other show that will Inuniably draw such lnt-tgi audiences as this historh drama, nnrl It is safe to predict that standing room will ho at a pieniliitn tniilRlit I.ouls l.oonils. the yoiitiff man vlio was hhot through the Ior, while stand lnc In fiont of tho Kocler house, at Ttinkhaunnck, hist Thursday evenliiK, ivim hi ought to his home In this plaie vesteiday. The wound l very pain ful, but not daiiKoious, unless uuex leried amplications should develop. The shoot Imk of l.nomls was uuluten tloiiul. but It was the result of rilml nul lei Ulessness In the use of (hearnis, and his assailant Is under bail for his nppeaianre at coin l. Miss llattie Klsley. of, is vlit lnj; fi lends in Monti ose. Ilex K. K. Thomas and faintly have returned from a visit to relatixes liv ing In the eastern pait of the county. The MnntroM hae hall nine xxeie up avralnst it" very emphatically on Sit tin day. xx lien they met the Siisiiue hanna nine on the Held of battle and lay dim n to the tune of IStS. In ex plaining the how and the why of the Kruno, xxe xxill simply say. In short, that had Monti ose been able to piny her lCRlllar team the lesult would haxe been vastly different. Our Iioxm speak highly of Susquehanna and of the treatment th'iy leeched in that town. Miss Am if 1 lli-key, a tialned nurse of Scrnnton, Is piolessioually engaged In this place. The lit. llev. Ulshop Mlehnel .1. Unban, U. !.. of St. Peter's uithedrnl, Sir.inton, made a visitation to St. Marx's parish in this place and held i-nnlli niatlon serx lees yesteiday. At S i) i loi 1; a, m. the bishop x.ts the cele hianl of the mass and dellxeied the sermon, At U.BO mass was i-elebiated bv Hex-. I'",i titer Uroderlck, i-r-t-toi- of St. Maiy's, anil the meinbcis of the mii fit niation class recelxed holy loniniuii lnn In a body. The high mass at 10 30 was iclebiated by Ue . Kather Mauley, of SUMiuehannn, and the bishop delix-et-ed the sermon. I.eonaid's Mass In fJ xxas rendeicd, and the "Agnus Del" xv as sung by Miss Bessie Mlllei. The lunch xxas iroxx-ded. Many fiom other rhuii lies came to witness the interest ing saci anient of lonflrmatlon. About eighty x ere lonllrmcil, aniong them be ing a number of i (inverts to the faith. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tuukhanuiick, Sept. 2.!. Mrs. (hoign M Klnner, of Melioopany, lsitcd her patents, Mr. and Mis. Elmer Vaughn, on Monday. Leslie, son of Mr. and .Mis. Frank i of Second street, Is iiinlluetl to the house by Illness. Mis. Tewksbuiy, of Snanton, for nieily a lesident ol Ibis place, Is stop ping xxlth lrlends and relatixes In tow II. The ojei tint lit utso of I). II. Doiaslfe is. John 1-'. Slckler xxas tiled at the i out t bouse on Monday al'teinonu by a boaul of in bllrators. composed of At torney .lames AV. Plait. Attorney Asa S Kceler and Captain It. W. lianna txne. The pioperty In contioxcisy um-si-ts of a frame ilxM-lling house and h .iselieltl luteiesl, sold aL i unstable sale as the pinpeily of the ilefclidaut, and tin suit xxas Instlttltetl to obtain possession. The building Is located on Ibldge sliict, on giotiud leasetl fiom Stack In Irs Arbttiatois haxe lint yet 1 t.eti up tin It- a win 1. Mis. I'inni,i Shelly and daughter, Will "go" until she drops, and think Fhe' doing rather a fine thing. Very often the future shows her that she was laying the foundation for years of unhappines. When the hack nches, when there is irregularity or any other -womanly ill, then the first duty a woman owes to herself is to find a cure for her ailments. The use of Dr. Pierce's Pavoritc; Pre scription in cases of xvomauly disease will insure a prompt restoration to sound health. It regulates the periods, stops unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. It makes weak women strong, sick xvonien well. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Tierce, by letter, free of charge. All correspondence absolutely private and confidential. In his thirty years and over of medical practice Dr. Tierce, as eisted hy his stall of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured more than half a million women. Address Dr. Jl. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "I will drop you n fcxv Hue to-day to let you know t'ut I ma feellufrxvell now, "xvrites MUi Annie Stephens, of Ilrllex-lllf, Wood Co . We t Va M I feel like a new woman. I took ievcrul bottle of 'Fax-orlte Frricriptlon ' and of the 'Golden Medical Discovery I have no head, ache now, and no more pain In my Me; no hearing-down pain anymore. I think that there U no medicine like Dr. Plerce'ii medicine." Dr. Pierce's Couimon Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. Mary, of Wel I'lttston, aie the gucstfl ol .Mr. and Mis. Steven Itohlnson, on Second stteet. .1. Selden HvxNher. of Snanton, lrt Visiting his old friends at this place. Attorney John M. Onrman and fam ily, of Nunlli-oke, who haxe been occu pying the t'arx'er u-sldeuie, on Second street, during the past summer, will return to their homo today. Samuel Hums will leniovo his fam ily from the Tewksbury house, on War ren street, to the Shoemaker pioperty, on Hrldge stieei t)r. O. 1.. llalsey, seiretai-y of the hoard of foreign missions, ilellveied n very Interesting discourse, mi mission ary xvoik In lliudostau, at the Pres byterian church on Sunday evening. Seveial paitles aie busily engaged In cainnsslng the town for different lives of the late Piesldint McKlnley. FOREST CITY. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Koicst City, Sept. L:!. The tneinbeis of Clilford lodge, Independent Order of PROVERB Which proxerb does Odd Fellows, of Forest City nnd a dele Kiitlon of Odd Fellow H, pait of them from the Filiform rank, nt tended the Pieshx teilan (hutch, .Sunday evening, and listened to an excellent seinion by llev. W. Ilolllnshed. Tim funeial of Fivdei it U l.ily oc curred yestetilay alternoon, anil Inter lnent xxas made In Hillside cemetery. .Mr. I.lly xxais an aged icsldent of tho town and lived alone In apattmentH on Hudson stteet. He x-as found dead on Friday, and an lnities,t was held over his lenialns. The jury decided that his death was due to natuial causes, lie was about ft! yeais old, nnd xx'ns born In (let many. Ono son, Alex. 1.1ro, nnd ,1 (laughter, Jlrs. Thomas Jones, biir xlve him, 11 is expei ted that Nolan & Collins x 111 this xxeek begin excavating for tho borough building. Ily the terms of the tiintrnet the structure uiufrt be cuin pleletl In ninety days, Mis. 10. I?. Goodrich, of Alfonl. Is the guest of her patents, Jlr. and Mrs. It. 11. Dunn. John V. lOx.ins has moved his family to A voi a. .Mr. and Mis. Joseph Aekeiinan are visiting at Pleasant Mount, The latter has been 111 for several days. BRADFORD COUNTY. Sptrial to the Srranton Tribune Tnwnndn, pl. i". Tliuisday xxas a solemn day for Towandn, the duy set apart to observe tho death of the lal, President Mi-Klnley. livery business place in the town was dosed. In the afternoon the patllotle and clxle hoel 1 ties, also the fraternal and file com panies, vxeie fotmeil Into line by (', T. Klrhy. maishal, and, headed by thn (iermanla band, maii-hed to tbe Meth odist Fpiscopal ihiii eh, where the lor ilellveied an excellent tribute to about seventeen bundled listeueiH. Tho foi ty-niiith annual fall will open on the Fast Towanda giounds to iniiriow and 1 lose on Fiiday. Keveial .ittraetlons are pronilsed, among theni being the wontletful Ihiglo 1 Itn-U ami the xxiiiklns xxoiltl exhibit. The Fugle 1 lock Is alone well worth the price- of admission, as It has been seen both In this sei tlon and at tho fair. It xx 111 al ways vx In the highest met It lor its met lialilial elfeets. The nt-Rto tramp who xxas being sean lied for in this vicinity for mak ing his est ape after shooting a detec tive nt Oxvcro, is In the county jail. He was captured near Tiny, and gives his name as "Will Handy, of North 'aiollna. As soon as ren,ulsltlon papers are leceived he will be delivered to tho Ovxego authorities. Vet tie Vincent, n IS-year-old To wanda boy, has dls.ippeaietl fiom homo and his whereaboutp ,11 e unknown. When he lelt he xxore a blue mat and (lark giny tiousers: light (omple.xlon anil wore glasses. Intormatlnn should bo forwarded to Chief of Police M. E. Miller, of Towanda. HOPBOTTOM. bpei ial to the Sertnton Trlb'une. llophnttnm, Sept. 2a. .Mis. h. P. Hull, of l.stcrshlre, has been spending a xxeek nt tho homo of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs1. Charles Mlllei-. llev. James Tlllhighast, state super intendent of the Unlvcisallst church, spent last week In toxxn. D3lbert Undlcy, or Factnryvllle, spent Sunday with fi lends In tnxvn. Mis. Itay llaiber and son nnd Miss Ida naiher, of Sei anion, aro vlsltots In town. Miss Alice Kvnns, of Scr.inton, is the Kiiest of Miss Alta Finn. Mis. K. C. Yeomans spent Friday xxlth her daughter In Illiigliumtou. Miss Perniella Tewksbury and Mrs. F.llen Smith visited Klngsley friends on Satutday. Mis, C. AV. Nevx'tou has been spentl Ing a few days with relatives heio nnd will rctiini f.0011 to Monti ose, -where she expects to spend I ho xvlnter with her niece, Mis, S. 1-3. Newton. Sei vices were -held tiunday at the mmmtammmummiimaHmmKmmmaBmsmmnmimmm. Universalis! church nt 3 p. tn, Instead of 7.30. Hov. Lewis preached nn Inter esting ncrinon on tho subject of "Spiri tual Clroxvlh." Quito a number ntlcmled the me morlal services at Hrooktyn, which wero held In the Methodist Kpiscopal (-hutch Sunday morning. Owing to thnt service the tegular morning ser vice at the Methodist church here wa omitted. If feeling the need of anything bad ly makes It belter appreciated when obtained, there In no doubt but that the people of this village will be ex tteniely grateful when a certain piece of sidewalk, long delayed In piocess of construction Is In position for tie by feet weary of cobblestones and dirt. The Tribune subscribers tiro sorry to miss the pciusal of their paper this morning- owing to a mishap xvhleh be fell the package In alighting from tho tialn. AVOCA. Special tn the Scranton Tribune. Avoca, Sept. 23. The death of Tho. Morton occuired yesterday afternoon nt the family residence In the North Knd. Deceased xvas n skilled painter and one xvhoe scrxMees xxere ever sought. His unceasing labors weie brought to an end a few months ago, xvhen he complained of a seveic pain under the arm. This developed Into an ali'oess, and nn operation wns per formed nt the Wllkes-nano City hos pital. 1le was discharged apparently euied, hut after a time It appealed In a PUZZLE. this picture represent ? more scattered form, and the ph si clans finally pronounced It to be a spider cancer. His patience through out his sufferings was remarkable and his Christian fortitude never lelaxed. It never occuried to hint that the end xxas near until a few bonis befoie his death, when ho sonoxvfully patted xxlth his loved onep. The loss ot such a mini as Mr. Morton will ho felt among the community In general, as pleasing and accommodating manners matte many friends. As a member of the I.ang cllffe elmich und choir he xxlll also bo missed. Ho Is survived by his xvlfa and fixe children, Walter, Jessie, F.thel, Hoy ami lienrge. Ills hi others and slsteis are Mis. James Rlggar, Mrs. James Alexander, Miss Hello, D. C. and James. The funeral ariangeiuents are not yet complete. Thomas Callahan, an nued resilient, formerly or Plttston, died yesteiday morning at the lesldence of Ml.sses Anna and Nellie Calluhan, of Main stieet, utter suifeting some time of genet al debility. Since the death of his daughter about three years ago, he has leslded In this town. He Is survived by thiee sons, Michael, of Plttston; John, of New Yoik, and Thomas, of tho West, Tho funeral will take place tomoiroxv morning at 9 o'clock. Inter ment xxlll be In Plttston, Mihses Nettle Sweenoy, of Scranton, .spent Sunday with Mrs. C. F. Hoban. Horn, to Mr. atul Mrs. James O'Hoyle, a son. THEATRICAL NEWS, ATTRACTIONS TODAY. At AUi:I Kins Pianutio eompant. After noon and night, stai Palmy I'areo UmKmiici. NiyUr. King- Dramatic Company. laiRO audience greeted the piodiHtinn of Jo teph Atthui's niateriitie, "On th Uabasli," nt the Academy of Miiilc last liiRhl. It H, Indeed, a lare tieat to xvitncis a performance, of this class at populai prnis. 'I lie Kintf Piamattt' company t.p.nrs no eiene In giiing lo tlieli patrons ii pleasing piTfoimiiue. proilucuu; all plaa xxilh .jirs-i 1) wi rile and elet-tilial elt-its. 'Hie loiiipnir is lidded by Ion llcalcy, xhose Abe Kail) in !at niuht's peitoinuiiio xvas xeiy )Ii-.iiiik: lie xxai ably av,l,ted bv XUs Maybtlln j:ckcit and a c it ot rire excellent e, "r.iut" iill be pteellled this allernonn, xxhlle "A Waul of I'laiice" Is uiideilimd for thn (xeiiinK, "A Day and a Night." lln.u's comedies hae a I xx 1 x i been well ie- (riled, ami rronnunud the intft mice e.f ul of Hid nt-rt ethonl, and bis lalc-t. "V Day and a Night." is Mid lo be no exteplion to the mie. 'Iho curtain lin-s hnxxnig the hue fctase, whhli ts et in lull xievx of the audirm e. Adi Xlarr, .111 beliefs of Itahwa)-, V .1., who w,i lornurly an ailiths the tlualir, und 1 nteuomii by a ih -ut" cf one more klpht of Illinois. Sho Rues in and Is persuaded to jy and Join lier old comrades in u jolly nialil. hhe h.u hi en a fnuiuus ac iro. in her lime, but to pleae htr fiicnda fhc pad a eluded liie, and niectn )0un; deacon, Xlirble Hart, to xxliom .lie is cntraucd, lie Im-. come to New Voile to eusaire j oung ladlei for his church choir, and incelK Mr. llnnKt-i, a thcatiitat iiuuaorr, xho pioniltcs to help hlin, and liittoduti-s the choius Kills, and Ida elfoits tn ft-lcit choir (.Inaeis aio made 111010 Inteiettlng- by meetlns his flantee, xxlio ii IfLl.iinn him. llifcre the c 111 Ihiii fall., cadi hams that the other Is not so sinetimnnious as hail picxiuiMy appealed, and the pioiw Mr, Unit finally dcMlnps Into a unlit torn I fellow. "A Pay and a N'iclit" lomej to the I.jceuin Thursday nlulit next. "Dainty Payee Buvlesquers." t thn Slar theater yivtcrdaj- tlm "Dainty I'aiee Huiltt.quei'j" opened a week's iiijfiRemcut 'Hie compniy I composed of a number 01 ib-xer cnteitalntM, xho Bite a merliorioiis peifoiiiHiie. Tlie perfoiniauttt opens xtith "liouhlid Tioop eia," a rural fane, xvhhli aeucs to introdute a number of the fiuwuakeia of tho lompim. 'Ihtn fulloxii the olio, in xthlch are tlie bxnntt SMers, liieeia of coon oni;s, Mile bi Toia, lontur tlnnUti bouln Caiifi, the bonelfis roineillrnn and her partner, t.t-ulo Pollard; 1'ieil WyckotT, nonoloRlati 'llio (irjlianw, a ketth train, and John llonan and I'at Keainey, of tills ilty, Irbli comedians, wlio xxero xxarmly ictched eteidi- As a clmdnir feiituie of tho perfonnanco " l.a Parce Jollier, I'.ul Upaldn pfittn," xx.u present ed. The company will be ut the War for the leinalmler of the xxeek and them xxlll bo mall nccs on Wednesday, Thuxday and Saturday a(tir noon. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Ni- Ynik, Sept. 2.1, - nalgatnalei t'oprer Ml S'i below the prlrp of humility lata In t lie ilajr toiljy, anJ atiir a tmi-nolnt tally on coxfrlnif by loum hrrt, m running oil raplilly again bcfoie tlic ile-o. Hie lat priifl alionlnff a net Iom of ")i, follninif the C1 low ol Saturday. Anaioiiitn, the only one of the controlled com pinlc dealt in mi tin- rxilmrne, (ell n cctrenio t'i, alii) lat fi'ln net. 'lhl cciiiiirlafd most of the ln.itkrt lor the diy. 'Ilnre m muiio rjrly reWjuif 011 a liw lollroad tock, but It wit Hb.nidonctl In I lit- (,ki of tlin lie.tiy and peml't tnt llqulihlloii 111 iiulKiuati-d (.'upper, and the xxliolc nntl.rt turned umk. Ibe nit lowei mn between I ami oter 2 poind In quite .111 extend ed llt of lixk. Sin li a Molcnt tie illnc m Mut of Aui.itejinated Oipper 1 bound to alleil llio Hock nurket by vmpjtliy, nlifllexer the (onditiuiH elsevxbere. 'I ho Amalgamated Copper inuxement B'dni'd In Influence by rc.uon ol rolblcral inferences dran from it by apectila tors. 'Ilic rediiitlou In the rllxidtnd and tlie col ljpn in tlio prke line led to rhinit rumor of licili-ouilnpt In mainiKruient and mianici of the tame iliaiaclrr luinlly ilhiloictl by aeieral nl the tnlnoi t-ttnpinle", The cffeit xxas to engrmlir distrust ol alt tlm lndustriiU and their blind pool methods. Also the reduc tion of the mil.nn itul dlxldend, following by the eoiiacrxaltxe refusal by partly IdentUal In teirsts to nih.ine the St. Paul dltldend, uas t.ikrn as a indication of the disposition of SLitulaid Oil cjiiullts to atlmutate a rise in prlie.s, As the tact Ins been obxlous that Jnlil cra xxere jdjniiiii th .McrH,in t.xndii'ate prop erties and the (lould propel ties, Southern rail v.ay, Krle and Manhattan continuing an adxaucit exen this moriilm.', fpeiutatoia were inclined to draw au Infitcnrc ot renewed dlsrord amoiut the jrreat powru wlioe, qmrrcl r-rci-lpltxted the Noilhem 1'atifle coxer." The intrket cloied xie.ik. Total ealcu today xxere Sjr,"!0l sluren, Itjdrtml bonds xxere AtroiiR early, but became iiit-Riilar us toeks turned xxeak. Total fates par xalue, f-J.VJj.ooO I nlled Males nexv ts adxanred 'j per tent. (11 the last (ill. The fiilloniiig quotat.nns Tribune by M. S. .Inrdan K Mears buildirp, seranlen, Pa. liar tnerli.m hurar Ui,4 MtbUnii Ti'is; ttlilyin, P.- 97U lliook. Tiaclion Mij it lit. a- ohi nn t be. k IU1I0 tiA; ( hie. A- (It. Wet 'J.:i4 M. I'aul likl. Hock Man-I Ul'i Kan Tex , I'l ,V,',i loin. A N'i'l llJIH Xbn. i:Tj Mel. Tr.,etlnii InTTs Mi.ii. I'aufio 101 South. I'.uihc ok1! Noifnlk A e-t 5i4 V V. (Vntinl IW'i Out. A We'll 1 n V aie furnished The Co., looms "O'-'OO Tclephnne JOd-i: lllgli- Low. ( lo.s. est. 1JI1J Th's f'7i fill. lot 41-,', III, luin 111 M'i iij'"t HIT', inPi fl-i' ViT'4 nn i:r" fl'-ls lKi it H'j is Hm'i S'l 4M f."i 'Iltt 101 11 I'l ti's 21 Vj 41' fl'a est. J2I Inn. ', W mi Hi's ftj'a ion, p.:. l'MH Ti" SPi 13",a -it, nm Tn S-O'i Rs7, Mi M IT'a -7' f'i iPi !H 07 It ; M'i h7 102', 4'T. M JrV't llt'i WW tor, ite'i f-.v ,tp If. AW,, 7il .11 e'l'i id's ii H iris iiH fe'i ii')', 0J OS 01 10s 4J'4 -:'i t-"i 8.", I'enni. It. I! Ilr.uli lie Hi' tteadme Ily , I'r., .. southern II. It Southern It. It I'r , Trim. Coal .x, lion .. I S. Leather HI 4.'-; Kin Sl'i u C. s, I.e ither, I'r., Sl'i I- s Itnlibir 1 I nion I'acllle lto5! rnien Paeliie, I'r R Wabash, I'r tn'j Ve.ti-iii I nion It-!1 - ( id 1 uel A Irnn fClV Vlli.ll. Ceppei lilt People's Hi lu'i Texas Paritu1 45i Amir. Car l' .... 20' a I . s. S,.cl fn if- f. s su-el to , I'l . ... 01 Scrnnton Boaid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. srorKS nid. Ianl.-nxann.-i Pairv Co, I'r ft) County Savings Hank A- Trust Co.. SCO Virst National Hank tCarbomlile) Standard Prilllns Co Third National Hank 410 Dime Deposit and Pi-count Hank.. 275 Economy I.lfcht. " & '. -'o Plrst National Hani. uno lauka. Tiust Site IVposit Co un Clark A Snoxer Co, I'r. . jj Scranton lion Kinie 4: llf,j Co Sranton Nle Works Scranton SxxiUKs ""lk 4"0 TYaders' Nitlonii Hank 17-, svranton Holt A Nut Co Q People's Hank 13S Nexv Jlexlco Ily & C. Co HONI13. Scranton rawencer Hallxxaj, first MortRaEe, due l'WO US I'eople'a Street Hailxxaj, Erst niort- gaRC, due 10H 115 People's Street Itallxvay, mortgage, due 1021 115 Dickson Maniifirturine Co l.acka, Toxxnshlp Srhool 5 per lent. ... City of Scunton M. Imp. C tier cent ... Scranton Tiaition 0 per cent. ....' 115 Asked. 32"i 30 46 1)5 100 10J- 102 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corretted b II. O. Ilile, 27 Laekaxxalim Axe.) Heans Per bushel, (holie niairotx-, J2.60a2.(,5, Hutter 1'icih cieamcry, Jla.'.V.i dairy, Iresh, JK. Cheese Full cream, 10',(.atlc. I'ggs Western fresh, lJUalfl; nearby ttate, 15'!ial7'.4c. Medium Heans Per bushel, 2 50 (lictn Peas Per bushel, 1.40al.t5. rioui Hrt patent, per bine), $ 43. Ileann Per buhI, choice niauoiv, Potatoes Per biivhel $lal 10. $3 10. Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce. Philadelphia, Vpt. 21 XXheal i,e. loxxer! contract crade September, 71a7lc Coin I'lim, '-e. lusher; No. mixed Sepieniher, W-ihStn . Oats Finn; No. xxlute clipped, 12t',c. flour Quiet, but Ktcailx ; xxinter mper , fj.ni2.30-, do. cxtms, ti tOai.oJ; Peniisxlvania roller ik-ar, '-' M .: 15, do. MiaiRht, fl'Oi.t.30; western xxint'r ilear, RJ.Oja.l 20; do, straight. $.i.!Ka3 33) do. pat ent, $.1.10.13 70, Kansas ftraight in neks, ft .-, i 8.33 do, patent In faiks, $t 4O1J.5 j; Fprins cleir. .).i3 2i, do. atriiuht, 1 tOUtlX; do patent, fci.70a3M; do. faxonte brands, $l!).itl(l: city mills extra, V.Wi-MVi-, do. clear, JU")al.20j do. Mraiehf, it.'J.Vt.'l 3'.; do. patrnt,; rxe (lour htrady at 2 Ka3 per hanel, as to qualltj. Iiultcr-rinn: fancy xxestern croamsrv, 22e. j do. neatby pilnti. 2le. IVm rum, He. higher; fiesh neaihy, VO'iP.; do xtencrn, 20e,; do. fouth xte.tcrn. l'Jc do. aomhern, ISe. Chtese rirm; Nixs York full rreini' fancy fmall, fUJnOije , do. do. (all to choice. fc'.iOo. H, fined Siujai -IJuiei, but tleady. Cotton -I -Hv, loxxer; mid dlliitf uplands, SUe. Talloxx- Film; ritx" prims in hhiLs., y,'te -, countrj prime In bbj., 6'- , caUr.s, fi4c, I,Ke I'oulliy- Dull and xx-eak; foxxls, lla'io old roost-is, Tjin , Kpiing elilik. ens, JMlic ; ducks, Mill'. Dieaed roultry riniii foxxls chore, U'i , do. fair to cod, ll'ialic; old -oosters, ,, , l-miiera iiearb.x, 2alhc.! western do , lOallr. Iteiclpta-Unir. Tt.fW) bjirels; 1,220.000 pounds in dirks; xh-at, H.Om) bndie;,, oats, J,ftl I labels, Shipmenlv-XMieat. 2.OuO buM'N; mm, !',()(, bushels, oat, 27.d''n buh,-', Kaw York Oraln and Froduoa. exe oik. Sept. 21 I lour -1 auly nunc and alradv. X hrat-tiot alead.x , 'o. 2 nil, 7r'i'. I. 0. b. afloat. No. -2 red, 7'i.. dexjtor; .No. 1 Northern P11I11II1, itk. t. o b. afloat. Options opened eiy and xxere depnued most cf Hie day; tlnallv ralllrd and iloscd aleady. May clos"d 70"',u ; Vptemhrr, "t'sc. ; Oetohoi-, 7Je. ; Decem ber, "iTc. Coin Spot firm; No. 2, Ki,e. elu.T tor and OtTae. f. o Ii alloat. Options openrd cax, but experlmted a hioul' late adxancH on expoit binlnir and aillxllx amons; hoita; tloted llriu. May ilostd fll'sc; Hepteniher, btc; Ono. bir, 6.(ait ; Hiteiubii, Hie. ()it Spot Heailx j No. '1 xvliiic, I'l'tiiitli ; ttatk xxhite, tOatTc. lip. lions talrly ailuu und Mtad.x Ituttfr btcjil j cieamery, -JOa'.'Ji ; (aeloi) dune paiked, Htji li'ic; June tieainerj, 20i2l'io ; imitation (icainiry, ltili..; lale dilrv, l(aifli$c. Cliecse "troiis; (am v laige colored. 0"'tiVat-.j fancy liiKe xxhite, 119,1. j fant) kiuall coloied, (i4c. 1 fancy unall xxhite, 'H.aijc, iIkbh Plrin; date and l'enn..xlxania, 2la.'it , xxeitern uneandled, 17aI0c, ; xvcmein candled, SO'jisic, Chicago Lire Stock Mnrket. riiluso, Sspl. 2.I. Cattle -Receipt, 2l,nil; iliolee ateady; ntheu klcm-j xxe,serns and Texans Mrons; good to prime itiera, in.SflaA.Ni; poor to THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Pour Line, j Cent lor Hach Extra Line. For Rent. For Reoto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at oflke of Thf Tribune, I'OR bouse In Oreen Hldje, all convenience!; large lot. Itent, 18. au- HreM H. (,, Trihime. . l"On nilNT-Clcht rooms, 7S3 JeHenon ivenut; all modern convenlencea. For Sale. ALTOMOUII.i: nAHOAINT-New KM automobile. little used, xvarranted satlAfaitniy, pernci conditluii, .1"J), account o( golna; abroad, Ad dress "Automobile," Tribune Offlie. KOIt SAl.I-Txxo-seatetl anriey, cheap. T. J. (Illlirltle, 717 Went I.ackaxxanna axenuf. ton SAI.K-lloiisehold furniture, including; a bandvime dinlnir room set 327 Monroe axe. KOIt BAM: To light eprlmt xxagons and ome haincM, cheap, txans, rear 1132 I.uterne (frret. FOIt SALK-Car load of dra.vlrg and tlranRtit , bornes and (rood family horaea. 222-224 Oak ford court. J. M. Kield. FOR SAI.K A Tottrell k Rom cylinder press, S3i3(i, In good condition, nexv rollers, $300. Apply Wilkesltarre Times Office, WIIkea-Harre, Pa. Heal Estate. fj,HKI MI.I, IlfV double limi.e ami full lot. Washington ntenue, niir Pine alreit; tediued from !jS,500. Wonderltil baruain. Kav tenus. Don't hum it. Comes) s, Dime I! mk bidlairiK. I'Olt SXI.K Two cottages In Minlitirkt xxill be sold to the highest bidder 011 October nth. Teinis to mil. Kxainlne pioperty and rend In jour bid to Di. Ration. 317 Washington axeniie. I'OK SAM: llert biiildlns lots In Diinmote, cor ner Dudliy nnrl Sixth ftreet. Will cut lo slreis tn ult piuiliasers. Address Aithur i t.loe, Dunmoie. toil SI.r A faun. 120 aires mid stock, good orchnnl, xxlth all lonxenlencea. Hlght miles from Scranton, txxo nillej (roni Moatoxv. llary dpiiklns, Maple Lake, Pa. Money to Loan. fM to $V),000 AT ONCn 4 and S per cent, in teret. i:ay terms to lepay. George V, Okell, Coal exchange building. f3J0,uCi0 TO LOAN Loxvett rates: atralght or monthly payments Stark k Co. .Traders' bids. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Qulck, itralght leans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V, Walker, 3H-315 Cornell building-. medium, t 2",a'1: ntoikers and fecdirs, 2 50a 1,10; mxxs, v Jji) 7,,, heifers, -422343; canneis, slums HI; buIN, 1 SOi73: calxcs, Ma.71; Tit as nteeis, $.1al 10; xxctern aleers, l.73a fi llegs Receipts todav. ?,000; tumorrovr. SI.OuO; left oxer, 4.t,"7?; Urong and BalOo. higher; mixid and butchers, KI.7."ii7.2,); good to choice heax.x, 7 10a7,:7'i; lough heaxx, fil.raa0.ti; light, rt.iHia 7 fi; bulk of sales, ?ri8ia".m. 'lie'-p-Receipts, 3I),(HV1; generally eteady; lambs Rtiong to 10,-, higher: good to choice xvethera, t,!.b0a.1 85; (air toiholee mixed. $.i.30a.l.r,0; xxeitun cht-ep, $.t.2ia 3.75; natixe Ijtnbs, $.?at 173; xxetern Iambs, $1.7.", at 03. Ohicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, 5,,pt. 2 ! He.irlsh ntatltlcs and con lit ions pietraileii III general at the opening of a quiet session of the boaul of trade today. De cember xxheat closed Ua'ic under Saturdax ; December corn, 'ni'Jc higher; and December oat, 'tc. up. I'roxisions closed a i-hade to Sc. higher. Cash quotations xveie as follow: riour -"teidx; o. spring xxheat, n7a'ae ; o. 2 red. 705ia71'ic ; No. 2 jellovx- com, Malli ; No. 2 oits, 3il-jitS'ic. : No. 2 xxhlle, SOUa-'ic ; No. 3 xxhlle, .ISi.l'ic.; N'o 2 ne, rilnlSc. : bar ley fair to choiie inalting, llanOc ; No 1 flax seed, $1 5; o. 1 Noiihxvcstern, M i0; timothy seed, fi ',0; pmk, Mt.B1al5; lird. 10.07Ual0.12'3; ribs, tl.lWI 10; ehoulders, 7'a7V ; sidu, f9 50l 9.00; cloxer contiact grade, $ "i, East Liberty Cattle. Fa-.t Liberty, Sept. "t Cattle Market aetfxe and prices ttrnng; choice, $S.75art; prime, X.M fi.70; good, JljaiVJO; hulls and stags, $2al; fair, ?11l SO. lings Demand good and prices 10 to 20 cents blghci; prime heixy hogs, $7.35a7.fiO; best mediums, S7 0; best heaxy .xorkcrs, $7.40t 7.1',; light joikein, $7.30a7.33; pigs, 5fl.30.i7; loughs, f7.Wa7..'; grassers, 0.73i7, Slurp Mirke steadx ; bet xtetbers, M.SOat; good, 1W..VI.1 1.7r., nilxrd, Ma 1.2,; cnlla and common, $1.23a 2.21; yearlings, $2.30al.2.i; spring lamhis, f!a5.2."i; xial lalxcs, f7a7.3U. heavy and tliin, Wi. New Yoik Live Stock Market. Nexx Yoik, Sept, C.) Reexes -"leadx, strcra, ft 10.131I; bulls, y.i2 3i; coxxa, $1 30i-2 7. Calxei --Sleadx-; xeals, 3aS.2: lops, (.-;30; little calxi, and culls, $m ,,u, gra;sera and butteimilks, fta S.W); clinlci, $3 7. Sheep and l.amhs fiood stock strong; others aloxv; sheep, 2.2.a3.75; ihoire, ?(; culls, 1.7'.i2; Iambs, $la5.61; one car, $3.73; culls $.1,13.50; Canath lamKs, $3.2ja5.i5 Hogs Film; xxentern hogs, W.'O; slite hogs, K,i7.23. Buffalo Live Stock. Fast Huffaln, Sept 21 Tattle -nnol to expoit steers, VWiVO: hent heavy hogs sold at $7.35a7.IO; pigs, -Jl,70ar. SO. Sherp and I.amba Dest natixe lambs brought -tX.-2.a,40; fiir to good, iM.fOaS 15, be.t mixed sheep, $3..JOa3.70; Canada lambs fair to best, $.5 23a3 40. Oil Market. Oil Citv ept 2I -Ciedit balances, 125. lerli ficaies. no bid. shipments. 2ni,l;, average, 8'i. !ii7, lima, 111 ,02, meiagi, 71.012. c BASE BALL J American League, At llaltimoie I'iist gdine- It, . V.. Xliltx.iiike 00 00 100.10-1 11 0 lliltlmoie I! 0 I 0 5 O 0 0 '-3 12 ;l Ilaltciles lliifting and Xlalone.x; MiClnnity and Ilolunton, I mplre Haskell. Set ond same R, , ;. Milxxaukto 0 0200002111 5 Haltlmoie 10 10 10 2 0,-, '1 3 Antilles lleidy and Malone; Nopi and lliea nahan. I mpire llaskill. t Ilokton First ginie R, II. y Detroit 0 0 0 102200-3 II t lloston 0 0 0 0 ,'l I 0 0 0-4 S A Ilatteiie "teagir and Shaxxj Young and Cilgir. I'liiplie Connolly, Second game R, . ;, D.lioit O2002K2 '1 ') , Ilostou 00002 00-2 3 0 Halttilea Miller and Mi Mlister; Lewis, l. eon ami Sclueik(iigtit, Fmplie Connollj, t Washington Fiist game- R. i, );, ricvelaud 0 0 0 0 0 h 0 0 O-fl 1.1 1 Washington 00 00 102 00-3 10 2 Ilitterlra Bracken and Woods; Lee and Clarke. Umpire Hut. Second game It, J, r, Clexcland 0 0 0 II 3 0 J 0 0-7 JO 1 Washington 0 0 1 0 U U 2 0 0-3 7 1 SITUATIONS WANTP.D FREE. Help Wanted Male. WAN1KD-A ouug man tu do the wink at .1 prixate house, one xxbo Is anxlniu lu haxe the ndxantagra of the public- nrhoola and bin boaul. Address II. C. I,., Tilhune Ofllxe. MTI'XTIOX Mi: joiinif lady il-du no ultlou as utenoaiapber ami tjpexxillei. Ad dies hteiiegraiher, Tilbune Olflte. W A.N'lKD-llen to learn baiber trade, Rieat"t opportunity exer ofltied; only eight xxe"k reciiiiiid; ponitioin poaltlxely iiiiaianti-ed gradu ates, HIiKtrateil lataloxue nulled free, llolei'a Haibei stbuol, Nt-xx- otl cltj. UltlCKtiAM'Ilt WAXTMO-for (lie brick xxoik toinmiinl(atlons anil nrrsonil filiidieatlona xxill be retelxed at my utflie In llanioik, N. . II. ,1. Uiisaman. Help Wanted Female. YOl'N'd I, DY to sppolnt agents; no expcrleiuv requited. Salan paid. Addirss XI, Tiibuni' Offlie. WAMKD gill for general liuiwvuuk, Applv at 101 Houlli Main axenue, inii't tome rot ommended WA-rKIl-Olrl for geneial bomexxork at Dallon. Address II T, caie Tribune BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be "deceived at Any of the Follow-in-; Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBnilT bCHLUTZ, corner Mulberry street and Webster avenue, GUSTAV l'ICIIEL, 50 Adatna avenue. West Side OEOH0E W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton 1--RED I TEKPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Ridge CHAIU.ES T. JONES, 15J7 Dickson axenue. V 3. JOHNS, K0 Green Ridge street. O. LORENZ, corner Washington ave. cue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. H. KNtrFEU 1017 Irving avenue. Sunmore J. a. BONE k SON. Wanted. WANTED A large shoxv case. Apply William Olfford, 15(7 Dickson avenue. Agents Wanted. OUTFIT FREE, credit giien. t'ut-piue -Ninas books; C0c. book, 13c.; !1 book, '25c; tfl 3(1 book, 30c.; 2 50 book, 75c. AIo best life Mc Kinley Feiguson, C07fl Fifth, Cincinnati AGENTS W NTED-Mfe of MiKinley, Hxe lmn thed page book. Handsomely illustrated. Outfit free, Noxx reach. 75 p-r tent, dt-touiit tn agents. Freight paid, t'irilil Hem Nell, 32.1 Deatborn stieet, Chicago. Canvassers Wanted. CA.NVHi- IVtMr.ll- For an lionet, straigbttoixxaid piopositiou Not a $10 ada scheme, but good pax lor good xvork, doling men of neat nppearame and good habits xx-aittid; If tlit-y liaii had Koine experirnie in tanxassiug. so ninth the better Addicss, -.tating age, el perleme and piexloua iiicit. M'H'si'APEII, Iribiiite ottlxH Wanted To Rent. NTED- Furnished fiont loom by eldeilv ladx. centrallx locateil Rent must be icasonahle. Address J., Tilbune Ofhre. Furnished Rooms. FOR REST Furnished front loom, with hat, bath and gas, near couit houe, gintlmiu prefened. Addicss Room, Hoi 2!). I'OR Itl'.NT Furnished room; heat and bath. 625 Linden street. Wanted Board. YOI'N'G MAN' desires board in prlxata funily, Herman pirfeiitd. Addiess l 1'., Tiihuuc Offlie. Boarders Wanted. WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. TompUnj, 031 Washington avenue. Lost. LOST f-unday moining, betxxecn Midisnn axtnue and First I'lesbjtcrhn ihiirch, a email dia mond stiik-pln. Please rituin to S"J MadiMUi uxenue or Illttenbender k ( u. LOT-On Sunday last, xxhlle bull terilei pup Fars and tail (lipped, Rexxanl for ret lit 11 10 M. .1. lloun. .121 l.atkaxxarna axenue, or l'-O Madison axinue. Reward. k-'t REW MID fur letinn or infoimatlou that xxill lead to tin1 renin, ol black chophrid dog, xxhite nose, Ian bet. name, "-.pnrl " No que-.-tiom asked. T. s. Fuller, tin ine street. LEGAL. IN THE niattei of the Utatc of Ahiaham Ilieil. stone, ileceaseil Notice is beicby gixen that nn appluatlnn xxill be made by II. II. lexi, admlnKlramr in the ahnxe estate on 0,-t. 3. I'iOI, at a a. 111 , (ur his diwharge as adniinisttauir. OICl: The annual meeting of the members of the l.aikaxxunna Stnie, lallou, Limited, trill be held al the cltlm ol the a-oclaiion In the city of "-.cranlon, Pa , on Wednesda.x, Ocio ber 2nd, IftOl, al ln oMoik a in, fui the elec tion nf managers for th' en.ulng xeai and for the tianaction of such other business .-. maj picperly flrmc before tlie meeting. II S. FAIRCIIILD, ?erie(ry. Pcranton. Pa , Sept. 10th, 1001. Hatterles Dnxxllng, Woods and Connor; M'rtcr and l.uskey. t inpirc llait. At PhlUdclphli- R II. I. thltagn 2 n I 0 0 O 0 0 0-.1 'I Philadelphia an O 0 0 2 0 0 -, II I Hatterirs Gilflitli and Nigdrn; Plank and Pnvx eis, I mplre Sheridan. National League. t IMt-buig- R II l. Nexx oik 0 1 0 0 2 0 00 3 I-1 8 1 I'ltUl-uiK 0 1010 10002 3 S I llatterles Taxlnr ami Wainer; Doheny and Ziminer. I'nijine O'Day. t Cliitlni.atl- . II II F llinokl.xn 7 0 0 II .1 2 II 0 25 2tl 1 Cincinnati 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 .1 0- 11 0 ', Batteries Hughes and I ui ill; Stimuli), --ud-bolT und lluiley. I'mpiies Nash and lliuxxn. At ( hicagn- R . ; Philadelphia '2 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 .1 11 3 Chiiago I 0 0 0 II O II 0 O 1 S 3 lUttrilis-Huiiohiie and JatkllU; Meneftc and Kal.oe. I mplie Dnifi. At st, Louis- It, If. II. Boston 2 110 0 0 0 0 10-3 10 O St. Unit 5 10I010I'-I) 12 11 Batterlrs-Pittinger and Moran; fcudhol! and Ilejden, Umpire Lmslle, DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Thin Pour Lines, 6 Cents lor ilacli Extra Lint, PROFESSIONAL. .-- - ,-iiy.-Ui.vji. Certified Public Accountant. LDW.MID C. SPAl I.JINISJ" TlxllHislJASK Hulldlng, Architects. LIIWAIID II. II WIS, AllClllIIXrcONNEIX Hulldlng, ntr.Di.iiicK 1,. niiowv, aik.ii. 11 , niiAir Ulate ExihangeJIIdg,, 12(1 Washington axe. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. IL IhJIAI-DI.NO, wm tO.NNELI, HUILDINO,' Dentists. uii. '. i:. i:ii.i:mii:iig'i.i, i-alii iiuildimi, fprute stieet, Sciantou. I'll. C. ('. HKIIACII, llTTvYOMLNd AVESU1'! Lawyers. rtl,K& , J'- noMdil aitorn7:y-.u-.vw. RoomJ2, It, ID and 18 Ruir nulldlng. 2j-J2lPV, AIT'Y .COMMONWEALTH RI.DC),' u. it ueplohli:, vitor'neTioans Hated on rial estate senility. Mean Building, 1 0ner Washington axenue and Spruce street. W II.I.ARD, AlHH-TYliNApi'. ATrOREX.S ond louimellors-ai-laxv Republican Building, Washington axenue. IIMI' k JKSsI P, XriOlt.NEiS AND COL'S-wilors-at-l-w Comnionxxealtli Uulldiug, Roonu 1!'. 20 and 21. ,:lcV, )!." - TllsVFII. Arrilil.NEY. ROOMS 00.1 Mil, 9th E001, Mi-ais Building. l,. V ." atFiirnT:, board ' T"-'o Riilldlng, Sciantou, Pa. ,'1ir!L:R0Mi,- WI1 - TRADllRVNVriONAL "tiimmij. c. t()n:ta, n.n hepi'dmcan ,v, ,l:'iIi("i'. offick mo"vi:d to no.' -11 W.xomlng axenue. Physicians and Surgeons. OR W-. L. AI.I.LV, fill MlliUI w"-5iTlNC,ION axenue. dr. s w i'Moni:t . 01 Fin: ;ho wsii- ington axenue. Re-ddiine, 13H Mulberry. Cliionlc diseases, lungs, luarl, l.ldnes aiul geiillnuiiiui) oigam a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. in Hotels and Restaurants. Till' r.K CAFE. 1-5 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVL. nue. Rates leaannable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. sCllA.VrOV HOI'aE. m:ii D., L. k W. PAS- sengcr depot. roudmted on the Eurnpcaa f'ln. i( Kill KOCH, Proprietor Scavenger. A. II BRICO-l CI.I'XNS PRIVY VAHLTSAND icss pools; no odor; only Improx-ed pumps used, A H Hriggs, pioprletnr. Leaxe orders 110Q North Main axenue, or F.iike's drug store, cor tier Adams and Mulheriy. Both telephones Seeds. G. R CLARKE k O., SEEDSMEN AND NURS eijmrn, sloie '01 Washington avenue; green boii.ea, 10'aj .Noilh Main axenue; store tele phone, 72. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KI'I.TOL. IIEXR 511 I. ( K . AVE., Scranton, Pa, inaniitucttuer of Wile Screens. Miscellaneous. DflF iMXMNi; 1 111 CHILDREN' TO ORDER al-o ladies' xxal-ds. LouU shoemaker, 212 Adams ax emit- MFOARGEF. IIRO , PIIIMCRS' M'PPLIES, KV-, xelopes, paper bigs, txxine. Warehouse, 1,10 Wasldngton axenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKT-s HVIIIli: RECORD CAN BE HAD In Scranton at the uexx-s stands of Reisman Bios., 4(ifl Spruce and fioi Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lacl.axxnniu axenue; I. S. Sehutrer, '211 Spruce stieet. Situations Wanted. A YOl NO 111111 wants- a Job taking ciee of hor-es or xxoiklng (or a prixate family doln" gt-ncial bousexxoik. Address 120 street hllT'ATIOV WAN 1KD-W ashing and Ironing In ilo at home b Hist class laundies.s; best ref erences glxrn if needed. Address -Mrs. L. M., late 52t Forest couri. MH'ATION W NTF.I)-Kipert bookkeeper and olhte manager xxould like pciiiiaiient engage ment tine" dajs per xxeek; salaiy expected, rca Kuiable, Addrtss O K., Tiibuiiu ortUe. WORK WANIED by an cxptiieiii-d laundres.-, washing and noning tn do at honie. Call or address Jl. N,, -21S Penn axenue. biri'AriONs WAMT.D-Txxo mlorcii gills, sis ters, xxant situations in prixate funnies at genual liuuM-xxork or iiiusing. 3.l I.aikaxxanna axenue, f-ITL'ATION" VNIEH-Bv a .xoung man as steu ograiher and t.xpexx liter, or anx oihei houoi able employ inent; thin- .xeiii evtieiienie; can glxe lefcienies. Address Box: .'111, Hnnc-alalc, Pa. MIT VI l( WANTED In joung ladx. xxln xvuiild like In tl'i xxntlug Can spend xrhnt.i cf her time, if mi ile-iiiil. xxoiihl piefcr to hn in an 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 -i 1 1 1 , othte. Address Mudent, Tribuna jlhcc SIITVIIOV WWTI.D In a hull lo xxoik In- Hit rl.i.x ; to take siashm;; nd Ironing hoin". Addirvi O lx., 419 hniitli Wa.liinglon axenue Sltt'VIION II tVJTlll Ily lonipctcnt woman, In lestaiiiari or doing grnctai hoii-ewoik. 727 Felloxxs street, FINANCIAL. SV i,. VV -X NX -N N--V DIRECT NEW YORK WIRE Stock and Bonds Douglit and sold on the New York. Boston, Philadelphia and Clilcagu Stock Exchange and rate of Interest. Wo Charge the Usual Commission Interest allowed nn balances. New York nnd Scranton Bank References Telephone Connections, Old, 07 ,t;Nf-, 1-19 IRWIN THURMAN & CO., 7a Connell Hulldlng, bcranton, Pa. Spencer Trask & Co BANKERS 2T& 29 Pine St., New York Now ready for distribution, and mailed upon request, Setepmbcr Descriptive List of INVESTMENT SECURITIES Wembeu New "torls Stock Euhangt. Branch Oliice 65 State St. Albany I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers