THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESD A V, SEPTEMBER !, 1001' rti NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. iperlil to the it union Irlbutie 'Iunkliannrck. Sept. 2. Mr. Zibti .Will iicynolrls am, llitlc foil Stnvvr.n, f Norfolk., VIirIiiIu, imp vIMlltiii f'aji m'n Wlllliini N. IlnynoliH nnd wife I'hfio thr-v will tcimiln until somi'tlmr In Dfreiiilini Miss i:il7.iltotli Goblc Is vMlliiK .'ili-ntl. nt KhWiiixIIIp HiIm vvrok. Mr. ntnl Mis. 1'utilck Hnic cntoi Ulneo filpiicli from I'lttston ovpr Sun ttuy The Junior ()iler American Me ihir.irw ntl('(l .i IIiir nvot l lie school i-miro at Unions illo on Labor Day. Time was a pu.ulp in the nftpinoon liv tho member's of Tunklinnnotk LoiIrp and vlsitliiK iiiembe-M fioin I'lttaton ntvl Other points In tlip WjninltiK Vallpy, af'M Vllllell r-PVPt.ll HpCPlllPH VVOIP made ami Hip nff.ili was a success In bv -y lrspcf t. Mif Olaiciup Loo, l tho rucm of ip. lamer at Wllkps-Bano this week. Aithur Blown, esq , of BliiclnuiHiin, N V who lini boon tho Kiicst of Mr nn 1 Ml" Samuel i;spnb,irh, on I'ut tiiim street tlip past thiep wipKs ie itn 'pd honif on Monday. Sir-ool bcRan on Monday with a vei.v vp attpndancp of chllilien. f ooifjp W Phllllpoii loft on Monda for AllPnywn, whole ho has ipcurod n position as foiPinau In a Iuikp silk lo'.ibln factor). Mis. I'liilllpnn will continue to icsldc brio foi tho ptosont Mi Popp, at tho cumins factor has 1ppii JoIupiI hv his t.uullv fjoin tliPlr bonip in Illinois and they ni occupying the Scull piopitty on 1'lllP stteet m i HOPBOTTOA. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hnpbottom, !-'pi :!. Mr O O T't 1p has lptiiinrd fiimi a weeks Is-lt with friends at Thompson. M 'and.UP Blown iPtuuiPd on Sntuiilav to ipume hpr woik as teach 01 't I oatos 111 It-. Pa, Mi John Blbce Is enjoying; a wpok's on uij. with a camping paity at Ilcatt lalci M. Inola Dunbar of Now Voik. who has br-r n sppiulliiK i-cneml week at tho Lome of O I). Bobeits lctuincrl homp on Monday. J) i s Jese and 1'thel IIubIips. of Jtinitmn, X, J, who hao Iippii lilt inr foi some time at the home of their K- in mothpr. Mis. Mai tin Bell, also re tn ned home on Monday. 'rln v ill. mo Is i.ipidly liming lt usual co pup of suinmpr Mltois. MistPs Weber and Bradley of N'pw Y rl ucie Rueits oer Sunday at the h' 'ti of V. I! Blown. Mr ntts'ol Phillips spent Sunday vuh hi-" family bpie. Pr I,pwls is ippiidinp; a fpw da.s with friPiids at Oonldshoio, Pa. Mis.c Mrtle Phillips his been spend ing a few dajs at her home In riect vllle A Mt Ike was Inaugurated Monrt.iv nt thp laigp ly two miles fiom bete, opeiated by Cailuccl Bios' Km plovc became dissatisfied with the foi email of the woik. and reauested his icnioval. Their lequest being re- fu'itn, the men went out on stiike. A council meeting will be held this evening, when aitlon will piobably be taken In itguid to tho woik of iepair Ins sticpts. - SPRINGVILLE. Special ii the vniilnn Iiibitno. SpilngMllP. Sept. 2. J. V P.pynolds of c i anion a foimer resident of the township, has been visiting fi lends here On Thin m1,i net the leunlon of Company i 2ni Pennlvanla oiun teers will he held at Lake Caiey, and quite a number of the bojs Ihlng In this ieinlty will attend. A shoit time since Mi. S. Z Sutton had some sheep killed by dop. Again Thursday about sl oelnck p in. they Msited the Hock and this time weie traced to dog-, owned by Theodore Johnien and Sam Kinney J H Aery has been working for C W Barnes in hl blacksmith shop at Plmoek and the other da.v had thf rosfortuno to bum his foot so badl that he rannot ue It Stppln n Tiitlle hac iccehcd the ap rointmni as po-tmastci at Compton Septimlici 13 Is the time for wlvlch the band have the big fall adeitl-ed Theie will he two ballon asecns-Inns, one in the afternoon and the othei In the esenlng, the evening asient be ing arcompanled bj lliewoiks Pmf George T Mh'ioj, ot Biookln, N. y, will make both nsconslont- Fiidav mxt tin i Itli ns band will go ti Palls, W inning iiiiintj to at tend a fair that h to r lipid b the rail s Cornet band. The ' lens'band tuinis-hed musk for the Oiangti picnic this ear, and many compll. inents. SUSQUEHANNA. Fperlal to tre Srrintnn Tribune Susquehanna, Sept. 3 The Krle shops and bieaker were closed ester day In Burke's p-irk. this afternoon, thp OrPat Bend and the Susquehanna nine will strugglis for tho mastPiy, Charles K. Whitney and Joseph Lyons are at the Pan-American. The funeral of the late Timothy Mc Mahon took place and was laigels at tended this moinlng fiom St. John's Catholle church, wheie requiem high mass was celebrated Inteinitnt took place In Laurtl Hill eemeterj. The Hassock team will pa in Sus. quehanna on Saturday nfteinoon with the home nine. The Uairlck Hestre company on Saturday evening closed n voiy suc cessful three, nights engagement In Hogan fipeta House. After a bllef Illness. Mrs. L. Dunton, a highly esteemed rcs-ldent of Lanes boro, died on Saturday evening. She Is survived by hpr husband nnd n sun. Carey The timet a 1 will take plaie trom the Lanesboro Methodist chinch on Tuesday ntternoon, the pastor Hev. I) L. Meekln onidatlng. Fifteen frmh-ali ihlldren passed through bete on Saturday, en unite to USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE rowikr to to lul,cn Into tho iliooj 0t tirt ktl iwollui. mitou, iiul hot, and net "roij otlly. If )ou hate tmrtini; fict or tight chnta, try Mlcn'a Coot Law. It tooli tho lid ami makrt vwlklni: ray, Cuirt ollii). tncatlng (ret, insrenilnc nulls, Miitm ami eallous tpoti, Jtriletet rom and tunlfru oi all pain and iiici ml and if-mlcrt. 1r) it today, bold by all drufelita and ho Horn for S. Tilal pack at;e Addreu, Allen &, Olmsted, Lc Ito, V. V. thcli homes In New Yoik fiom a two weekn sojourn at Windsor Mis Agnes Scer, of Blnghamton, KtuiiiPd home today fiom n Mslt with Oakley Side relatives. Largely attended and ciy Interest ing farewell sei vices weie held In the old L'ongiegatlonal vluiiih on Sundn.v. P.ev Di. Kdwanl Ta lot . of Blngham ton, olllclatng. Jopph lluile. Mls Delia Hurley nnd Miss Mni. ilc.Mahon have teturn ed fiom the Pan-AliiPilian. Mi. M. S. .loidan nnd son are guests of iclatlves in Sullhau tounty. Stuquehnntia will be hugely lepre sentid nt Caibondale's semi-centennial ptleliiHtlun on Tucday and Wednes day. THOAJPSON. Sprud lo thi Vtinion Trllmnc Thompson Sept 3. Miss May Leon ard, of Snanton lu spending a week with her aunt. Mis. L M. Lewis. Poiter Bushnell and sister, of Owcgn, N. Y. ate spending n few with their aunt Mis. i:il Bloxham Miss Jennie Coopei, of Catbondale, MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. wnmm w a rr bwpww mm mm mmmmKnrM There was an olJ woman, as I've heard tell, She went to market her egRS to sell: She went to market all on a market diy. And she fell to sleep on the king's highway, find her two children and another dog. after a visit Leonard Cole, with her sKtei, Mis it'tuineel to her home jesteiday School opened eterday, with Pi of. V. M Compton and Miss Cota La niaii as teaeheis Iiu Latham and family left today to takf In the sights at the 'Pan-American Mts. Leonard Cole visited at Carbon dale estcnlav and saw somewhat of the Jubilee being hold there this week Mai rled. Septembei 1. by Ilev. W K Pinch at the homo of the bride's parpnti. Mr and Mi. Frank Allen, Miss Grace Allen to Mr Heniy Pavne MKs Wlnlfied Oelatt. aftet spending a few weeks' vacation at the home of her father, r M Oelatt. returned c terday to her duties as ination at Keuka college The Baldwins who have been guests at the Jcfferon houe for the summer, i etui ned to tht It home In Jeisey City today, all but Mls Lettle, who will lemaln until Thuisday of this week. They have enjojed tbls pleasant le tieat for several summets A. O Salesbuiy, who sold his shop bete and went with his family to Cali fornia a few montlfl ago. is home again and will make his abode heie Airs. Salesbuiy Is detained In Scran ton for the time being, by the seilous ilUies-i, of hei slMei. Uppsp D. Jones returned to his home In Siranton with his fnmilv, ester day. They had spent a month or moie at the .Ipffpisnn house, and he was much pleaded with their sojouin N. S Foster Is at C,w hondale today, enjoying the centennial Miss Flora Sanfnid Is in Caibundalc toda. HALLSTEAD. fpcilal lo ilio 'vranton lillmnc. llnllsieid. Sept. 2 Barntim D. Shaw, attended the soMliis leunlon at Mont lose. Tl.lil.sda. .Miss cinia Hall, of Kcranton, was visiting Iipip Satin day and Sunda. Tlmin'ay a uceptlon was held in tho M. C. A ball lu honor of the Misses I nnlo nnd Mell.csa Watklns who left Monday for Fai toiyvllle, where they will nllPnd the Kej stone Academy. Mi. and Mrs. John Best of Bellevue, Ohio an- visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Squlies. Mls Odea. Arnold has opened her teim or school in a district school near l'atfoid. Carrie Summerton a nurse in the Htnte asylum at Blnghamton was heme to spend Sunday with her mother. H. I. I'cny list week uncovered a mw stone quary on Mount Monotono niri. The quany gives Indications of long ont of the best blue stone quar ries Ip these parts. Tuenlay the schools will reopen under the caio of an efllclent and trained corps of tenchtrs. The entollemcnt Is qu te large. Vicinity schools opened Monday, The following are a few In charge of neai by ellftilcts: McKlnnoy's Mills, Stephen Ilovan. jr.; Red Rock, Palsy Hggleston. Ives District. Celia Stone; Chalker ills, Kittle Dolnn. 7 Mcdlson Ontheany occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday moinirg nnd gave a scinion of Intense Inftett. W. M Knoeller Is having his shop nnd waie-rooms on Church street re painted In attractive colors. C l.nrlc, Tlerney was visiting In Bci iiuton, Srtfuiday. Mr. nnd Mis. L. K Tiffany are visit Ing relatives In Cortland. Vlift funeral of the liii? Harold Chun h was largely attended Sunday alternuon. Tho floral offerings were, miicnlhclcriit. new It. N. Ives of New Mil ford gavp a seimon full of sympathy and comfort to the bereaveTrt family. Mr and Mis. riant Teiboss have moved from Jewltt court Into a house on Ilaln street. BRADFOnDCOUNTY. Fpcilal to tlio Sirnnton Irllmnf Townndu, Sept. 3 At piesent there nrc 12J persons reglsleied on the tounty nlmsliouso roll nt Huillngton. this county. Mrs William Harris, Mrs. Thomas Hudson and V. i Gregory, all of Allienx, have fallen heirs tn $1,000 by tho death of n lelathc lu Illinois. 1'. J. llnudlpy. omi , who has been enjoying his vacation lu this lclnlty. has letuiued tn his home In Sciantnn, In an eating tontct nt West Kuink lln, the winner ate two and a half dozen of bananas, winning the tact- by one. The next annual leunlon of tho sur viving tr.embers of the Fiftieth regi ment, Pennsylvania Voluntceis, will be held on September 17, at New Albany. Lliuoln Wells of Wynluslng will ex hibit his Cliovedale herd of short-hot ns at the fair In Sytacuse. The last of the big tompouud engines oi dt ted b the Lehigh Valley company from thi Baldwin Locomotive works line ner.rly all nnlvcd, and aie tested Itlween Sayie nnd Manchester. Occa sionally one may be seen In the To Manila ynids on a tilal tlip. A houe boat made the trip from Athens to Wllkes-Bartc, a distance of 110 inllet In six nnd a. half days during the late high watot. The soldleis and sailors' monument will be unveiled October 25, with rial ointe ietemoiile. The stiike of the boileimakeis has ben flnallv declnied off this wck nnd the woiknien aie tcady to begin work Wiicn needed. Applications have bepn fllul bv many who remained at Sayre, whlip it Is expected that others will letuiii to sctuie old positions. AVOCA. The Sons of Temperance w 111 meet tomoirow evening. C. H. Druffner Is spending a few days at the Pan-Ameilcan. MKs Jessie Claik has i etui ned fiom Bliigliaintnii, Mis. John Atwell has icturned fiom Pltflleld, M,ii , wheie slip hns bppn nttPndlng tho Daughteis of St. Oeoige convention. Rev I. T Smytho Is recoveiing fiom a sei lolls illness. James Walsh and sister Mary, are visiting fi lends In Jermyn. 31 is. John Atonic, of Orovs street, is seriously III. Welsh Hio.' circus will exhibit pn Moosic flats today. There will be a stieit p.uade at about 11 o'clock .Mis Geoige Allen of Dunmorc Is visiting fi lends In town. 31 is. William Bex and two children, of Omaha, Neb, and Mis. Harry lid waids, ot Dunmoie, spent 3Ionday with Mr and Mi s. N. U Hasklns. t I BASE BALL I National League. t Pro, kllll-l llt RII11P It i: St louu (110 1 I 0(1001 (i llinnkllll I) 1 0 (I 5 1 O'l s 10 I Mitttrirs-Pnucll tiid ltian, Dmiuvan and I'ai rill llnplrt .Njh Srinn 1 paine It II V.. SI l,oiil JllinODIOI-0 H 2 llrooklin 0000S20O0-7 10 J Ilatierliv Murpliv ttnd Niiliolj; .Settlun, Kit con and Alicatu. L'mplie Nah. N t llwlon It. II. 1,. I'lltrtiurg 1 0 110 0 3 11 1 n ;. 'i 3 linjitMi n a n n n n n s o-j 7 n Ifitlerlea I'hiillppl and O Connor; Dinccn and Mtlrldsc. Umpire l)jcr, st New York- H 11. E. (hlcaRii 1 11 1 2 I 1 0 I O-KI 13 3 .New V. oik r.n I (in I I on I I U & llitterlc Menefee and kih"e; Maul and War tier, I ntpiic l.mtlie. t game, Philadelphia Philadelphia Cincinnati, ram no American League. t Cleveland lust came n H, E. Heston 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 2 (leteland 0 0 0 O 0 1 0 (1 --T " 0 llitleriea I.etvia and Ciiger; Moore and Wood. I mplre Connolly. Second eimc II, II E. lioton fi n 0 n n n n n n 0 s i Cleteland I I (I in 0 0 ."-( (1 2 lljltenea Vlilchell and Sehnclengoat, Ciiatall and Wood. Lmplie Connolly. Al Mllii iukce-lirt game It. II, r.. Ilaltimoie 1 (I 2 0 1 0 3 I f 10 II 1 Mlbiaukeo OonnononO 0 rt 5 Uattciies Mifllnnitt and llresnihani Sparki and Mjlonej. Unipiie Hart. cond tame II, U, p nalllinore 0 1 0 0 0 (1 n 0 n - 7 j Milwaukee 2 n 1 O 1 0 (1 J fl n llitliiiis-Midlnnltv and llienahjnj lluitlni; and Maluney. L'lnpln lluit. t iiiimii N n. 11 1: Waahlnctoii 1 II 1 O 0 0 fl 0 O 21 10 1 lletrolt O 0 0 0 0 n 0 I J 11-2 7 4 livtterlea-Merrer and ClarUj Veager and khan. Umpire (antlllon, t Chicago p;, p l'hlhdelhla :i(i0l)i)onno-l 1 j Chlcaito ", 0 1 0 1 tl 0 II flii-s fi h nuieric i-iaee-r ind Mrclnun; Callahan and Suedeu. Umpire Sheridan Eastern League. Proekton, Ji Hartford, 1. Hartford, 2; Ilroekton, t, I'roWdence, 10; Woicciler, 3. THE MARKETS. Wall Stiect Review. .New Voik Sept. 3. The reason for the sudden ipvpisiiI of speculative opei ntliin In today's stock maiket so far an events of the day thiew any light upon It, was latbei obscuie. The bear paity wh'ib was obviously intimidated on Inrt Filday by the good suppott offered to slot ks by Inside Intel ests and ills nptdlntcil at the falluie of the money maikpt to stiffen on the pvp of the tiip'e holiday wue appaieiitly willing t take chanipR on the short side thnt they were afraid to venture upon for the Intel val dining vvhkb no market would bp available for them to tlnue cDiittncts. The lenewed vlgot In sell1 Ing slocks thus leprespnted a lencvvnl cf the bear campaign based upon the el net tendency of the money mnrket, v hlth wns Intel rilpted by the holiday. The actual condition In the money mar ket confonned pretty closely to what wns expected on Friday nnd which the Satuulny bank statement seivod to enulitm by anticipation, but the ster ling eschntigo market piomptly le s ontled to the closer conditions In the local money maiket lu a way tn Indicate the operation of fences at woil. tor the icllef of tho maiket by eli av. Ing gold fiom abroad. In addition treii' was announcement of the ie te.pi of $750,000 In Atisthrallnn gold at San Francisco, nvullablo for telegiaphlc tiansfei to New Yoik, nnd the expected receipt later lu the month of $1,U5,000 to the same destination. In the pro vabing sentiment on Filday the mark ing ui, of the money rate which oc culted today would have been Ignored li offset by this counter ait. Thp tullng rate foi tall loans today was 2'3 per cent. None wns made below 3 per cent, and the late ran up at one time to 4 per cent. Total sales toda, 503,100 shines. Kailroad bonds weakened. To tal sale, par value, $2,OJ6,000 Fnlted Stetes bonds were unchanged on the lust call. The follcYlnft quotations ute fiirnlahdl The Tribune by M S Jordan Co , rooma 'M 706 Vleara tiulldln?, Scrantnn, Pa Tlephon S0O.1: , Opi'n High Low- Cloi- in? mt rt Inn vmrrliin ucir Hii'j t j,'2 l ia fU'i Vmerlun Tfbacin . Ill 1) ll't ll'l Vtehlsnn . ... Tit 7 1 7k 71 tclnn. I'r I'7'i 'i; l;iH H7'j llinnk Trillion i", 7", 74' ?' nalt .c. Ohm- 101 1'4 lni4 ln.'i ( nt TiMrrn Ill, i, H, cit4 (,T, ( he k Ohio 4i' I7'i li'., 47 ( hit i tit Wtt. .. . it Jl JlS 21 l Paul P.- K.n I..,", f,i'4 Hi. k Mind . Ill's Ill's II.' 142 hin K 1' . I'r .V, VI :,ii, Ri lout Niil lni.v; ki inn, mv Mm Urnlrd .. . I2H 1") tOt Isi4 VI, t Tnrtlin . ir.'i li.'i K7'3 lfi,"'a Vli.vo P,iiirl 1(17'', 17 tail j 10' ciuth I'atifli fil tfi fl'H .M'h Sirfolk A rt : V,', fi", ',V4 n Cirtni r r,4' iuu na, i ni southern n ii'j iv r tint .V UeNtiin " .liii, i.v2 a; I'cnin It II li;j I47I3 lli'i lli'j I'm nil Vliil 4:. IJ'j IIS 4," Iteaillng lit ... . li 4', 4 41 Iteiiling lit , I'r . . 77 TT 711 7ii'3 Nouihern It II . . .! .11 ,11 SU, Niulliern II K, Pr , no, n.i2 i!, lenn (nil A lion ... 07 (17 ta3 i,"i' t s leather i Wi l", ll I' s leallier, I'r, ! -"it Sl n1 I' s Uuliher . . ''rt' Iiu, cm, "(i, t'nion Pnilflr 102 Kii'n K'l's lf0a t'nion l'aiilic, I'r, . ..on 00 io 0,1 W 1I1 ili, I'l 4i. 42' a 41', 4I4 Welern I nlon oi, oti, m,i, ii)t Vmjl (opprr l.'l Un 1I7'j IIn ful Fuel K Iron .. . KV) 101 ini, 1i1 l'c pie's fljN ., . . in m mi, mi, NEW 10RK OR US' HU1KET Oixn- lllnh- Low. Cln WHEAT. insr it eat ins 11 lemher 71 77 7(. i, Mat 7ri T' 70 7'i nrtv peeetnher i,l f.1 dl i, May (2 02 02 H2 Scrnnton Boaid of Tiade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Bnscd on Par of 100. SlO( hS I,arkaanna Pain Co, Pr , CimntJ Stuns Pink It Trut Co, Plt National Bink (Carliondale) , Standard Dnlllns Co , Third Nationd llmk Pinie Dtp"-lt and Discount Hank Konoim I.ialit, II & 1". Co Klrrt Natlonil Pink I.aiki Trmt 'ate Ilepcxlt Co , Chrk 5: sn-ier Co, Pr , Scrantnn lion r'tnie &. Mf(r Co. .. Sainton Axle Woikx , Siranten Snlntu Hank Traders' Natlonil Hank , Si ronton nU Nut Co People's Hank Ncn Mexiio Ily A. C. Co I10.NPS nn! ro Akked. 325 JO 40 275 12fio 130 125 46 100 05 40ll 175 101 1S5 Scrnnton Pawenirer Pdlway, flnt MortuaBe, due 1020 People's Mieet Itaibta, first mort- gaee, ihi" 101s People's Street Iliiluay, Oeneral mortcace due 1021 Ptckwin Manutai luring Co I aika. Townnhip Sihool S per cent. City of Siranton St Imp C per tent Scranton Tuition 0 per cent 115 115 115 100 102 102 115 Scinnton Wholesale Market. (Corrected hy II O. Ilil 27 Lackawanna Ate) Heana Per hu-hel, tlioite mairow, ?2 00a2iJ Putter 1'rcih cuamirj, Jla22c j ilalr, freh, 2k ( hee.e -Full rreim, lO'sillc. 1 CBs-VNtcrn freeh, ISalO; ncathy ttate, 15'sal7'4c Medium Ilians Per huihel, $2 50 flieen Peas-I'er turliel. 1 40al I J. 1 loui Itest patent, per Inrrel, $1 43, Hems Per hu-liel, ihotic marrow, $3.10. Potatoe. Per liuliel lal 10 New York Oraln and Produce. New uk, Sipt 't 1 lour Vlarkei tteadi, hut ralhci quiet, rxiept on top grade When spit east , No 2 red, 70V. f. o li. alloat, Nn. 2, 7j'i delator, No 1 Northern lluliith, 77T.i. f ii, li ofloit Options opined eat, but at otue rallied and for a tune Mere aetite and firm Niih. teipienth, howeter, thet were ( lovd weak at So net deilim "iles inelmled No J red, Mhv rloed 70r , s-ptrniher, 73'e ; Orto. ler, 73'je , Deirmliei, 7nl4C. Corn pov Uleti No 2. ol'n det nor and ii288e f o h, afloit. Options opened Unit, but liter eased ofT and clewed biiel) tudj at 'aV net adiame. Mav tlovd fiiV . Seplemlier, 61't i Plum ber, til'c Oat-"pot (pileti No 2, Silje j No, 3, i-c. ; No 3 white, S'Hjt ; No. 2 while, 4'M 4ft'i ; traik inlxul ttencrn, Jalliji j traik white wetern, .I'm"' , tiaik white Hale, JH Ve Optiona quiet and uresular, following mm. Putter Stiadt . ireaimrt, lR.i2'k-I fielorj Inn pat kill, llV-alVje i imllation rreimert, 1 1 a 1 7c ; Male dairt, KalOc ( hece CJulel, taniy lame (oloied, 'l'e , fani) larEe while, 'I'biV j fimy fmill minted, fi'ii. , liney mall white, fi';e. rrn Klrmi talo and I'tnnMltania, lr-a20e ; we'tein untandled, l(al7c.i iiotcrn candled, 17 alSe. Philadelphia Grain and Froduoe. Philadelphia, Sept. i Wtuat-Slcailj , ion tract Biade September, 7J'ia7ie torn-Dull and nominal i No 2 mixed Sptember, .VliSMit, OiH-Hull and weak, No 2 nhilo Lllppeil, 41'ja 42'jt Wool I uih ini,i d Pioti.iona I nclian.'ul, 1 lour Dull and weak, winter auperier,.' 13a2 SO; do. extiaa, 2 40i2t'i. IVnnn.tltault inller clear, $2'OaU5, tin do. maliiht, l.2Htil 0, wealnn ivinlir tltar, if2 KiaJCO, do. do, mralKht, .! ! S4, do. do patent, j-'l.lDat 70, lianwn klralslii, in tacka, l '23aJ Jj, do. patent in ai'k, $.1 0 ."IV, fpilnR clear, fill '23, do. UralRht, $.HOt Ifiiil do pitent, .! "Oil h3, do fatlratc brand, Himi m.Hlly mill' extrat, 2 fJ nij do dear, ti 03a 1,M, do ura'ghl, .5.23a .13; do patent, Majl 10, Hour quiet ami Heady at 2e3v 2 M per barrel a to qualltv IKittrr Stead-, fanej wemern creamei), 201ie i do. nearby and print. I3e. Fcsa Him, Rood demands freh reaiby, 15c; do. wettern, 15c ; do, aouthiteatcrn, !c.j do. noutlitrn, Kc. Chceae (Julcti N, 3., THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Fnur Llnei, 3 Cents lor Each Hxtra Line. For Ren. For Remto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of THi: TRIBUNIi. . 1011 III'M IMIr and truik farm, two miles fiimi isnntnn .siheuer lltothei", 311 Urook Hreet, cr.inton loll HUNT Four rooms hint Door, heat sup plied 701 ijuini.t avenue. 1011 ltl.NT-Wltli boaid. i pleajant Ironl mom, luinleheil, ntllable for Kintlemin and wife or two gentlemen ,311 dam ntenue. I Oil 1IKNT Pour room, firat floor, heat, fur nihed 701 tyulnty aterue lOIt Ill.NT-Nine-room hotie In Oreen nidRC; all contcniencen, larRO lot Itent, $1S Ad drew S O , Tribune. lOIt nilM-ClKht loomi, 7JJ Jefferaon avenue, all modern comenlencc For Sale. 1011 SM.I. lour pleiMnt rbom. new botjw, witli uio of liath, itiam beat, teas or elettrit llcht, loutioii convenicnl, l.lndm rcct Apply 120 North v ihlncton atinue O I) Stochr K)lt SM.K Three room, one hall and flair tine nrpits nearU new. will noil cheap A pit (I I) stoehr. Hi Webster ittnue K)lt SMI, A firm of 35 acrc, in Vtadlaon townnhlp, one and one quieter miles (torn Slnsott i under Rood cultivation, well watered, fruit of all kind On eiav term II W SwarH JLST VIIIIIVI.I) with tar loid of sood wotkera and drawer', weight from 1,100 to 1,101 (an he een at J14 ltatmo.vl court F M ( obb. 10ft SM.I. Two light fpring wagon and oorne harness, cheap. Kvans rear 1U2 Luerno Hrect lOIt SVLK-Car load of dratlrj and ilrauzht hones and cnod fimtly hoica 222 221 Oak ford court .1 JI Field. I Oil SM.K- v Tottiell i Son cylinder pte, ix., in cnod condition, new roller. Apply Mlkelarre Time Office, Wilkes Darre, I'a, Beat Estate, Kill sl.l.-(ov Utile home in ptifeit tondi linn, t it term-, lhii lliwtlintne Hticit Vpplt mi ptimisis, or lliinillon, Iloom ,iim 1'iull Ilulhlini; FAltVI OF 1I1011I t"i jim, ciml bmie and bun, near Vlrntroe ddrt llu Jl, Dimoek, Suquehaniii t'ountt, pi MlxhOhV I fill Ml.l.-V hrti houe, uttible for cont iIcmi ntii' homo or foi Miiumcr bnaid eta "iliutiil nem chtmhrii, pontoltlce, railwa and Unmbnats I it da-s npinini; for si iduati niirv tn open dun llejienli' heme 1 lie demand fnr It eit Ailduvi V h Iluh, (.latenhurst, Muskoka, Ont Wanted. WA.Nir.D A laree fhow case Apply William Giflord, 1547 Dickson atcnue VV AMID An Inlelllsent (Catholic) lady or sen tlemin to 111 a light, pleaant position, pood pa, if suitable. Address P. O. Ilox 20, Scranton, Ta Wanted To Buy. toiinnv iNe.iNnit srorn w vntid win pit tnr lit o S)tU(ka and bonds bouzht and "hi liininj 'plu pr, 2722, Pit, lin nuiiga K ompini, lliokus, Dimi Hi ilk lluililing Boarders Wanted. UANTI.D Talle boardera. lira. Tompkins, S31 Washington avenue, Lost. 1.0nT spintel llbinl reward for iu letuiii tu Miiritl Iloljnison, lnt N V islitug ton atcnue IOsl small led im, ont horn binkin he tulll to losipli (,ilbert, IjII ltos aunue, (in. LOST In Pirk I'luc, tlnep 20 bills 1 Inder will be librrillt rewarded if retutuid to Levi I it, 70s Iheodoie teet full (li mi fitut Mil ill. 0V dn di do fair to ihoiie, Silt.i nitlneil sugars tni hanged Ccittim LniliatiRid Tallim "tiadi , ill piime In lihd , III , lounlit do do hinels, le ; take, filsl1. i I ill Poullli' -steult , fowls, IK , old inn..! i is, i3ilc , filing ihbken, 11a Hi . iluiks, "iin, PiesMd Piiultr.t -linn, fowl hlglier, fottla chnlc. Ha'jU'i , do flir In goid, 10'jillc , old iio-tii. fii-i. , liuiilcia luiibt. 2al7e , wisternilo, IlalV lliirlpt I lour, hOKI birrd and t,S.V),Oni) pound in ack, wlieat, inu.mio bushela; torn, 2,0ml bu-li(ll oils, 2H(i0i) buslitls. Chicago Oraln and Produce. ( hli igo, "i pt 3 Dilllnek pu tilled nil tiin boaid of ti nh tidit and low 1 1 prici weio finied lleiemlier lot Hi Duetnb.r corn 'i , oal ,'ii Provision iln-cil from a li idi to 5 cinu luwer. tasli ipioiatmns wire a ful hot x. Hour-llnelj sleidi. No .i piing wlieat, (,7i (.s'ti ,'Nn 2 red, 70iji7li , No 2 loin, 'iVji ; No 2 .idhut, W41 , Nn 2 oils, IIiIim j No 2 while, .lii'ji I7'4t . No i white, Sint , Nn 2 lie, M'siVh , Nn 1 NnrthttiMcin, Jl II, prune tinic.thi id, 'i.liiJ40, iiuk, pnrk. ll Cull ,0, 1 ml, jsH"iai7'5, i-liijrt libs, f.s lias VI dn silt, ed thouIdcK, 7'4a'j , hliort deir lilen, s joa9, Chicago Live Stock Market. Chiiaso Npl 3 ( altle- llieupl, 01. in eluding 1,100 Texan and I, (Sal uoicrru; generallv fleuiy to Uow, iniluling T.xana an I ttedttrus, (hone butilur Hoik sleadt , nlheia weak, go nt to inline Kier, fj 40ifi to, poor to medium, 4 25ii i'l. Huikcia ml fecdera ilim, f2 2ul2i: cow sjVijieiO, helfira, fj toil '), cannen, fl fOi2J0, Imllh firm, li 2'ial 40, ulica lrongei, j.lai7, lex i fed necrj, lai, Texas griM Mecia "lott, M 2ial, western atier. "Mb-Valli!, Hogs lieitipt todaj, J2.O00, lomnrrou, 2V1""; fi-tlmated lift ovei, turn) Vive to ten tent loner, lop, 00, mixed and butiheia, tkni (1 7S, enci lo cholie bean, TOimiiMl, mush heat.v, V.la0 2, light, "i 8i 70, hulk of sale $0 Kurt 40 Sheep -lleielpla, 20,rmo, sheep wiak! extra wether, $1 2,, lamM shade lower; top lamb, 5, good lo dioiie weihir. fl 7Sal, fair to choue mixed, UWilW, western sheep, ?.l ", at 05, native lainl, ifiaj, vteatein lamU, $1 lia 1$3 Buffalo Live Stock Market. Fast lluflilo, Sept 3 -Cattle-II iript( )5 cirs, filr demand, lest stier. fii3a'i7, p'rlmo tier, MKiii, vnl an I nltis, rueipls, 100 bead, slow bet veil, aciTiii 21, heat, Mail ling lleielpla, 3J cat, atliv edemand, bulk rf Mba, il"iiii03, piss $iiJ0jnfio .sheep an I ambs-nneipla, 51 cai, good iluuaud for both tiadea and the beat Iota 10 cent higher, ( ma riian lambs, ll ldifi 20, spitnu lauiln, JHaijn; i-heip. handy ttftheis, 1?.. n'ul!), choice to ix tu mixtd sheep, $.l.vm;j . New York Live Stock. New 101k, scpt 3 Peeve -Mead). Calves Veal slradv at J, fid caltea, l, grjss'is and butteimllk nominal Sheip-Sleadt j lamln aitltei top grade hi in tn shade higher; sheep, 2VlaJ.7V. lamb, Sail'2; one deck, M.178; cull, ?150a5. Hogs None forsalc; nominally lower Oil Market. Oil ntt. Sept 3 -Credit balances, 12S, certifi cates, nn bid shipment, Aug SO and 31, 2O,S07; average lor month, 0O,73. Duns, Aug: ." and 31, 211.512; average for month, 87,707. Ship menu Sept, 1 and 2, 131,121; average, 77,002; runs, Sept. 1 and 2, SS.Jlii image, 11,108, SITUATIONS WANTBD FREE. Help Wanted Mnlo. W VN1HI nillee bo.t, alioul 15 J, ear of ne. deltra . . Tribune Olhie t npi: rutx w srrn-ppii to oeouc vcsiott. Falulilld' It ltd, Went Mde Ixiugi let K Wescntl, ( nntt.ii t(l HMl'Kt,"l'.IIM W VNTI'D For tir brlik woik (Vininiunlialion and personal applli niton will be icielud al m.t offiie In lliniock, N II .1 IliiMUian Help Wanted Female. WANTI D-Scpt 15, a competent ivaitrem Appl) b) letter, giving refeienie, to Mrs N (1 nobertson, Box- 112 Siranton, t'a WANTHl-dirl for eeneiil hounework at Ualton AddtCM II 1 , caie rrlbune Agents Wanted. CANVvsM lis t.ady or gentleman outside lh" clly of Scranton can hate a petminent agc.11 1 for the peifum of the centurv I'hinomniil ale Good In large demand I'.vervthtng fnr nihed on eiedlt liberal arrangement with Hi" tlglit nartv Addrea "Cut Itosei," '20th sttut and Hlh avenue, New Yoik BHANCII WANT OFFICIOS. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALDFnT ECllVVn, comer Mulberry rtreet and Webster avenue. CUSTAV riCHKL, c:0 Adams avenue. West Side OEOnOE V. JENKINS, 101 South SIMn avenue South Scranton FKED L. TElll'I'E, 720 Cedar avenus. North Scranton GEO. VV. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Bidge CIIAni.r.S P. JONES, 1357 Dlcluon avenue F. J JOHNS, 020 Oreen nidge street C. LOnF.NZ. corner Washington ave- rue and 'Marlon street. Petersburg W II KXI.PFrL. 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmorc J O DONE i. SON. Money to Loan. JiO to $30,0n0 AT ONCE I and h per cent, in terel 1 ay terms to repaj. (Jcorge W. Okell, Coal Exchange building $3J0,lKi0 TO LOAV Eoet rale; straight or monthly payment Stark i. Co.,Tradcr' bldi;. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I OAN'-CJuick, stralgl t leana or lluildlng and Ixian. At from t to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 81(315 (Vnnell building. LEGAL. Minn. Is HI'I1 (,1V EN that an application will 1 1 tiudi to tin ipiwrnni nt I'cntisdnnia on IhuiMlav, s, ntimbtr 12th, I'ml, by I .1 loi ter, It. .1 I'n-til, I. II I .mill,, I K (.tiltl'li, V I,. Cumuli, T. II Walklus, stanlev P Albn. lliuma H-lier ind David Cottle, under tho ait ot asxiuhltil entitled " Vti ait to provide ful tho imoipoiatio'i .iiul icgulition of urtiin inrpnri lions," appiotid ptil 2'ilh, 174, and the Mippb ments ami atnendniint therein, tor Hie ihartir of in intmd.d inrpui itlnu to lie tailed the tu titiiitiniiit ( nrrcHiiidcn e sdmols " the thai 11 tir ind nbjut n whtili i to it.ildih tourst u( hludi, nnd give instruction 1 1 it it 1 rt. b toir s pi lute niu ami ollniwisi. to nn li pusnin a miv tlt.-llt' it, in mitlicmitiis, plitshs. Ilie arts ami nit lit is, nml for iun 1 muuiM", ami 111 all rubiiita tuiistltutitig a teihiiuil Miuitillt, 1 Ijssu it, ir uiithmic tducntiou, .iiul to sri tut (liplnmi ur itilltk.itts nl pit tit lent) tn ilm-f who ttliall KU(ies.-tullv touiplilo tin. presi nbed lourscs of httiilt, and for these iiurpn-r.s to hive, pnsc, ami enj.iv all the light, hencflN ami privileges cf said Vit in Vunhly nml suppU menu anl .itiuiHlnuutii thertlo Will, Mill, WAIilllA K IxNM'P, Solicitor Strititnn, Pa , Vug 21, 1 )l NOIK I. ia heiehi gltm that an applliatton will be made to the (loterrior of lVntisiltanu 011 rue.ilav, Sept 17, Pall, h I J 1 ostci. It I, E. II I mall, I K. (iiitmh, llinm is Hsliei, W I, (onnell, T II Walknis, stanhj P Vllin anil Datnl ( ottle, tinder the ait ot ns nimbly, entitled "An act to piovldr for the in inipoutlon ami icgulalinn ol certain cotpora tions," appiovul Vpiil 2. 1$7I, and tlie supple Hunts then to, for the tliitiu of an intituled 1 ntpoi 1I11111 tn he i llleil the " t.t lot lie l lpiutlt ind ll.ii Clinu," lite thiuttti ami ol,tit nf ulili li is to applv cleetileitv ra) ami lifcht. iu tilth vatinua, in miilliliie, ni.tgiri. ami dfiiti.-ti.t, lit phisienn duly ipnlttitd and n.-ia teted under tho I iws if tho t tie of Pinnsvlviiiui, and for thee purpn-i's to hati, i os and enjo) all the lights, hmerit md piivilegia nf Mid at t if assimblt in I mippb inenl (iiul amciulmenta llieiilii. Wll.l.Mtl). M'.III.N KNVPP, sirinlon, l',i , Vug. 21, Ptfl Nibcilor (lltlitf of tlio Capitol Building Coiiiinivsinn. Iliirlsburg. Vui -21, l'ml The ('umiiilsslon cieateil uni'er the i t nf V si mbli iiiinteil the 1-th ilat nf .lull, V li 1' 01, Itu tlio (iinstrintloti and loiupletitii of iho apitol building and for othtr purpose. Invito tin auhlleils nf Pmnsjltanta tn Mibnnt pliiis ani hpecitii iliuna fur the lonslrui tiou, building' anil iniiiplctiiui of tin 'lite Cipitil at II mis biiig, lin lndln a pottir. li.'lit ami brat plint id Mitfiiient i ipiutt tn Mtltrtctotily supply the need of Mitl building, u protideil In the slid it nf Vsscinblv The btiihling must Iw nf .uf ln'ieut sire lo rotidt- ample aicoinmodaliou fir tin cxtcutiti' anil depirtmi tilal biinthis ul tho nite irnxeimninl a well a the gimral assrm bit, it ottttil and emidnte ami to iutl(l.tte tlie fuline nnd nf Iiu utate V cirt.iin mi unit it wuik lining aluadv lein dine, rompttitnia aie iinllktcd in i nieisuie In urliin outlines if extuior nnd Interim of all of which fun thev will herein take notlie I lie tntitt i "'t nf tin building complete, in ilinllng all ditnralloai, pmvir, light and In it pi ml, the nmnval of the two ilepartinetitil buthl nigs mm ouupieil bv the sei letirt of Intertill Vltili ami the s(,retirv of Vgriiulluri', as pin viditl hv the ald Vit of Vs.ernldv, in liltrx t (eea and I he expense nf the lomtnlwlnn ahall not eueed the sum of (H1(H1, us under no linum linns will ixlra be tttiislileied, noi will the ct ti iiiisaion ik for anv adililinul apninpinti n The luiilding I to be completed in ill its paita ri idt for ooiupaniv on or hifote the lirsi dn of Janujiv, I'lOO, unless the condition of tin tiei nrt lustifle il eailicr lotnpletlon Noplm-anI peiltiritlnn trom arihitect resldmt outside of the tate will be rueived, a the law pronde that the aiehltett seleited must be a lesldent of I'cnnsvltatiia Hie exterior or outer wall nf the building are to be of giantle of the best nualllv. and In so tar a piaitieihle the Intenor rleinration, finish antl eltle of the rongrestinn il librarv at WihlngMn will he taken a a Itpe re In me or nintlfl bv the i nnimi)tnn in pisatng upon Die plan and p eifii itinna submitted VII plan and specifl'allnne mut be soiled ind tiletj with the secular! in the otrlie of the com mission at llairUhurg on or befoie t lie WOi Hu nt Notcinber 1001, at 12 n'doik noon, at uhuli hour thet will be opened In the ti mini.. ion The anhllett, who hall be the inihor of t e pi in and .lecltiiatioin adnplid b tin minini sinn, villi he elicited a an Illicit to aupertito the rnnstiuitlon ami rompl'tlon nf tin. building the removal of the depaitmeutal building u fened to ami the install itlon of the pnttet light and heat plant, anil chill incite In full ininpen. Mtinn for hi seitue a lotutiiifeiun in auo . anie wllh tte M.he(lulc of commission adopted ami reinnimendid bt the uierir in Institute of Aiihllut d r full pinf,nnil eivlnH 'I lie ttte anhileiU piesentina" plaiL and sped lit it ion eousldired next bet in tin opinion of tho timmistton will cadi nulvi the mm nt $i,min VII drm ing shall be one slxlienlh stale Nn limit li pined upon the number of tltij.n. tn be iibmlttitl bt ant cnmpeltfor Ml tin.tiirccv.fu plan ami spedfieatlon will lie irtiirnel to timr lopeitltc .luthiis within a teatinihle lime dplia ef the Act of lull 1', I'iOI, under whldi this building I tn be constituted mil be oh talnetl bv applieitlon to 1 dgar C (ierwlg, seite taiv building tniumlstlnn, llitilsburg The piesent huildinu tie open tn the Inspec tion of compel liur architects Infotmillon at to Space for the different depaitment ean be oh, talned upon inquiry nf the heads thereof The right tn reject anv and alt plana and speelflca tlon la reserved Pv order of tie commission EDGAtl C, OEnw 10, Secretary- DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Tour Unci, 6 Cent lor liach Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. SSi SA Certified Fubllo Accountant. ''IVMI1 C. SPAIIEDINO. 23 THADEnS DA.N Uuildlng. Architects "J0 " UAVI3 AnciiiiEcrr, connell building. fiii.deiiick t,. nnowN, Ancn n. iieai, ltate Exchange Dldg , 12(1 Washington av Clvll and Mining Engineers. lJLl',-IURnlS"' m C0.VNFI.Ii nUILDINO. Dentists. "lSr,rS:H'.3lr":,,nK"' 1'AL'LI nUILDINO, frpruco street, Scranton, DIt. O. a LAUBvCH, 113 WVOMI.SO AVENUE. Lawyers. F. K TnACV,TrV,COMO.NWEM,Tll PI.U0. DH.i,h,'U)f'-L. ATTOIl.NKV-EOA"S NEC.O- corner Washington avenue and kpiuco atreet, "IIUIII). VVAIinKV ft KVAPP. ATTOnVETij nd counsellor at law. Itcpuhliean building, vvaslilngton atcnue. JnUI' ,J'Sst'P, AT.OItVFS AND COt'N ,n X!"".aw Cctinmonwealth building, Reoiru iu, 20 and 21 tD"''J",! W- THVM'.n. ATTOIINEV. nooMS '' "in uoor. Mean Dun nng. iA ,VATnKS- ATTOI1NFV ATI.WV, P0 VnD of Trade building, Scrsnton, Pa. ''"Trntov & wilcox, Tn.M)i:ns' nationaii nank building c covirovs, on nr.runi.CAN buiepino aw nrnritotF. office moved "to m 211 Wyoming avenue Physicians and Sugeons. DIt W E. ALLLN, S1J N011T1I WASII1NQT0N avenue. Dn 8 W I.'AVIOREAUX, OFFICE 330 WASH Irigton avenue Itcldcnee, 1319 Mulberry Clironh dleae, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto urlrary organ a specialty. Hour, 1 to 4 p m. Hotels and Hesturants. THE FI.K PUT, 15S AND 127 FRANKLIN' avenue. Hates reasonable. P. ZKIiUr.R, Proprietor ECnANTOV HOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W PAS senger depot. Conducted on the European plan VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. a n. nniGos cleans rmw vaults and ccs pools; no odor, only improved pumps used. A B. nrlggs, proprietor Ieve order 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug etore, cor tier Adam and Mulberry. Doth telephone Seeds. C n CLARKE & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUM. erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green bouse, 1DW North Main avenue; store tele phone, 782. Wiro Screens. JOSFPIt KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screens Miscellaneous. DIlKssVUKINO 1011 CHILDREN TO ORDER; alo ladies' waist. Loui Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MFOAROEE nROS , PR1NTFRS' SUPPLIER, EN- elopes, paper bag, twine, Warehouse, 131 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKFSDMtRE RECORD CAN BF. IUD In Scranton at tho new stand ot Relnvni Pros, 408 Spruce and 503 Linden: M. Norton, ?2 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. SchuUcr, 211 bpmce street. Situations Wanted. sin VI ION WVNfhP-ny a womin to go out waslurg sr tunning Please call or addresa 12PI ( idar annuo, ( II; .sin VI ION VV N I ID-Pi man a fireman, ha hid expi rii ni e 1220 tiottn atcnue. M1IAIION WAV11.D V witlott woman want a position as lioiisekicpir or at general housework, tlrst class expeiienic; willing to do un kind of work Addieas Mi- A. M , Tribune Otlkc. t-lll IIOV WVNII.II-Ilt coral reliahls girl at general Imu-ework in ntnll familv ; please state wagia Vldn h. i", lilbune otticc. Mil TIOV UVNri.D-Py a tlrl II jeara old tn lnlp with light housework. Address A II ,'20l Irving avenue. Mil V1ION W VNTFD U an) thing wheie there I a ihaixe lo worn up, bv a young nun who ha had cxprriente a bookkeeper and col It i tor ildrevsa I', lau ol Hit Irilmn'. W .N II ll-ll) nun nml wife, position a coach in in or u-iful mitl, wife good took or lioiiseketpcr. W. V, Itiliune hin V1ION VNTlD-ln go out washing, clean ing nr ironing, iny kind ut work, Mrs. Lee, 411 llallstiil i oui t WV.NIID V position a housekeeper to a wid own, In i mitllle igcd lad), large expeii enic, iifiiimt ixihantcd Appl) at o21 Waih iugtnn atctiut , City. MTl'VTIDN WVNllll H) )iuni nun a book keeper or anunt in oiliie work; has h seteral )ous' ixperienie ami tan gne reference from former einplnv en Vd Ire I K., Tribune. WANTED -Will seme weiltli) man give a )Oun? in ii t io. I man i Kisitinti where he tan get pro motion, honest and ttuslworth), V. A. W., Iriiniiic ill I VI ION WVNllll Tti go out by thf day waslilng or tleaning. Mrs Ruaell, 1213 Co dir avenue hiri'VllON WVNTHl-A coachman, whit, married, wheie hi tan hate llting apart ments A W , Tribune Office FINANCIAL. OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Earn Big .Monthly nrcri Returns. PL 31. The Investor' Fund I'a) s Semi monthly. Th oldest estaHWied In merica No certificate holder ha ever lost cent Pavments made to all subscriber every 1J da) No trouble No di la) Money refunded on demand Write to day for particulars, free to any address C 1. Macky i. Co., Hudson Rld'g . New Yotls. r 1 "Vp ow n yielding and offer at prices neurly llvo per cent. $1,000,000 5 I'irst MortciBO SlnUIng Fund GOLD BONDS. Denomination, 1,000. Biiffe Electric andPoWerConjpany of Dutte, Mont. Wiite for special circular, Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers