ribmne. cmnttm THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPGRRncmVlNG THB COMPLETE NEWS SEIWICli OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCKANTOX. L'A., Tl'ESDAV JIOKXIXCJ, SEPTEMBER 3, 1J)01. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. ECHOES OF LABOR DAY Brie! Mention ot the Exercises Held at Various Industrial Gcnters Throughout the Land. BRYAN AT KANSAS CITY A Feature of the Largest Labor Day Celebration Evor Held There He Sounds a Note of Warning Against the Trust Observation of tho Day at Other Points. By EuIumvc Wire (rnn The ntn i 1 Pen Kiiiisis Cltv Sipl .' Liibin das ssus m.ukctl bs- tho Illicit iiml hum Im- povng IMIIIlIC llf llllml lllllnl HI I Till bote Hllll ll the pill til Ipllllnll of Will 1 1111 .1. Hl)Ull 111 Illl pliHl-xlllll llll'l e- oulses. I'lght iIiiiumiiiiI nun mint lied thloilgh the stints glollpul 1 tllill unions mid null un Imi stealing a dis tinguishing milfcu 111 Mi Mi nn uuii plfil 11 Ultllago at tin head nf tlio lino unit was 1 Ik 11 nl ii" In was icuignloil A Mllklllg Iciltllll- llf the ptlllcll' Wlis the Ilml i'.iiipi"' union nigtoos, -'.'"i moil, led In .1 n gto band Thoie was- speaking anil utlilctk games at Ulottilt jink In tin ultoi noou mid tonight thin- woio iikiii' 111I tli t:-0". Tin- 01 itm of tin- .ilti-inoon was Willi. 1111 .1 His. in .Ml Hi).iiitcnn foi 111-. tct tin- Mllilo sum M11.I0 rmt the n that tii'aili'lli out tin uou ' AlllOtlg otllCl tilings hi- -.iil "If tho labmlng tin 11 ieio half ns 11 tlc- on flci Hon d.i us tliij .110 In n- fmiemeut of thih .xtilkc- the) would wield n foue that would light tho rills W1I1 h beset tin 111 "Tin- guatcst dangei of tud.i) Is u l Mttu monopol). Not that an) 0110 inon opuly s whim' than othil-, hut the lulliilplt' I" had whli li toloiatie. an plisute monopol). 1 halo luaid that tin tine solution of tlio pioliliui Is- toi tho labmlng man to dlld piollti with tin- HIM Mull a thing would lit- I111 liini a I and Impolitic It would In like rllslcllng the spoils of tin IiIkIiw h moti It would ho pet milting a man to 1 lllo joui poikots and t lie 11 off 01 to dlsldo tho pinuod.s with oU Todas tin mil) people who i-.Miipatlilo with ) on an tho othein who toll In otlui pails of tho 1.0 id' slno)aid Jn tin pit "tut gicat .-dotl mi Ike whi'ii did tin flu-r opics-lotis of ssinpath) lonu from,' Ptom Texas They hae no stiel mills thoie. '1 he ato fiiiimis. The 1110 tillers of tho Mill and lubmois, like- nun poll cm. 1 want to wain oil to 11 slM the oscituitt. of the tiift ' At Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept 2 Labor da mm gcnciall) obsersod ill this tit). Mul 1 if? w.i piuitlially suspended mid the noil, exihungo. coninieii lal institu tions mid luuulciiul ilopaitiuonis who clrstd 'I ho saiimis llldustilal 1 stab-llf-hnu nt-- supplied hiindtuls of umk ivc 11 foi tho pat.nli wliii h took plate In the foionoon 'J'hcio was, a big di monstiatlon In tho tunic unions at Washington p.nk. 011 the Delnwaic ilsu, whoio spoils. sptCih-maUing mid lollllkatlon won- tho oidor during tin 1 ntuo das Among 111" spiakcis was ,M i S lla)ts of Cles eland Many thousand union woik mnn p.11 tlilpatod In Hu it'lelnation. Th-j vtather was tool and pleasant. Other Celobrations. Loulssillo. hepi 2 Lulim d i.v was oriLiiirii licic with a patndi this aftei noon and with spteihes and ginoial fmtsitles at loial pulks at night. Fifty-one unions wen- itpiesonied in thf llui' of paiado and it Is esllmutid that tlioi - wcio ,1 aoo inaiihei i.iaoing, i'a , bopt. . i.alioi uav w h nlelialii1 hole with a paiado ot 4. "in nun, wpii sentiiiK 111010 than foiiy t!..d(s unions At a iniisr, meeting fol low. n tin p 1 1 .nit the pilm Ipal t-pt.iki r win l' .11. k Mori N011 of WahliiKt(in, ) (', mil hij ot tin Allliilian I'ed 01 a lion ot Uiaoi. I!lclilinild, a, i pt J The l.ahoi day paiiiilo In Itliliniond was the lam st mil llni'st i mi siiii iu.lt. Tin 10 who lntu thousand men In line most ot tin 111 iieatH and uppmpi Intel) uul foii.it d Homo ten m tweut Himisiiiul p pli wltiiesnd the demoiistiatlon. Alhiiit. , (in.. Sept S U.1I101 dii) was i!elu.tu! lieio on mi olahmati nali (n.i .lonu iieopli 11.11 Hi ioatid in tin- pai.id . Xashxllle Sept. :' l.ahot Pay was eh united with the laiK'St and uiiwt lUboiat l.diihtilal paiado in tlio hls toi) of ,Na inlllf, i:ouIses wen- 1011 diuted Ii) the seioial lalmr oig.tnlsu Hour .Dallas TfMih. ept S. Lahoi Day was iiltliiaiul h ic nmio clalioiatel) than mei hefoie. Tin 00 thousand tiicii woio In lllll MoinphlH Sept J Lib,,, d.u paiad" In this city omlnaiod about j,-,no manheis in unlioiui. the Kieutest luinibct on tot mil The day was gen erally obseuod Knoxllli?. Tenn , Sept. .' Todn.v's was the laiKOst L.ihcn n.i) (olebi'a tion held In Know lllo in many jt.iii vhlch was pcihupt. due to tho iai t that two union strik s an mi heie, the utreet tallw ayunion and the nil May ninihinlsts. Tin 1 nado was pai tklpated In by fully 2,1.. laboiini; men and w onion. Biunlnehani, Ala, .Supt, .'-I.ahor Day was iclebtated hete today on a jnoie oxtenslse scale than usual l'p. nrds of 5,000 mm weie in thu paiado. Many unlquu trades displa)s woio in lino. The utturnonn was mu'iu nt tho ?tatt fair Ktnunds, wh"io hoiso rat ing and other spoils took place. Steamship Arrivals, Bjr Kiduihe Win from Iht Awocutfd VrrtM ,Nt nik, Sfpt .' -Ilitimn-irlrili lilul. rich lr (Jriiw-Ci from r ork, la suutinnii top houlluniplnn tiiud ht Willrhn Per Oiomf, Niw oik, fr Dremni (uri-nluii s-illnl: I'mliria ifrom I.liorimnl), S.w ml Ihe rrpnrtfil nallinir nl Hie tuimr I'trnrU I r New iirk uu -rrnr lure) hUml- I'lunlt iirn'il1 New Vurk tot MoNilK ami OUitou, LABOR DAY AT PITTSTON. Tho Largest Demonstration in tho History of the City. Fpfdil to the Scrinton Trlliiin, rittstoii, Sept. - -libor Day was 111010 unliersally obscivcd lion- today I hi. n upon all) pi el lolls oitiisiou All plans of business wci ' closed and the ill) pii'sciitcd a hollda) appeal, mi 0 A pat nil' was held at 10 o'cloik In the nioinliiK with about . ooo men In lino At tin i-oiii lilslou of the paiado tho I I owls Hpilit'd to i:ei Inn I'm Island, whi 11 tla llstenoil to spoeihes In Mis AiiiiIiiI Hoho) and V. A f'onn, of West plttston .lohn Mi liikmnn, of WashlliKton I) ', 11 rodenitloil of li bm oiKiililer. and Altoino) I A Uliinli' It was tho laiRost laboi delil iiiistnitloii ifi held in I'lttstoii MurltiK 'I o parade while the fninll) wis nut siionU thli-Ms ontoiod Hi. lmusi of IMkiii I'aspi-i of I2rtir stn'it mut stole a Rold watih $1" In i.ish ami a Kolil-hatidk'd iimbiella. The iobbi'i-1 a ft no 1 Hie FILIPINO MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION Dr. Paido do Taveia and Benito Le gardo Aie Inauguinted with Pioper Ceiemonles. Br FtiliHlre Wire from The Aomtiil l'rfa Mmilla hop! 2 Tluii' win appio in late leienionlis In tho palau this nii.inltii' nt the In uiKUiatlon of Pi Paido Di TaMia mid Menlto l.iK.itdo ns numbeis of the Phlllppliio inmiiils. son. .lose l.u.url.ifr.i the thlnl rill plno niembei. wiiri to lmi takm the oath of olilio at the same tiliu. but was unable to do so owIiik to Illtifj-ts Civil Hum nun T.i ft said tml.ix that till- u'lriiiiui) does not lllll) loluplele the giniinni lit tho piiidtnl Intonds foimlnp, but .sulllilent has been doiu to show the natuie of tho polli ) to hi follownl Jltinliipal pineininiiits lime Ik en Rein tall) foi iiml of a substantial ly autonomous ihaiaiUi. Thell olll-ii-is mo intlioly ii.iHmm The pnnln ilnl bom inments ,no p.ntl Annilian and pntl) rillplno Now tin Philip pine 1 oninissiin is puth Ameilian and puth Filipino It biluir the- pin -pnsi of tin piesldcnt to foi 111 11 Ro 11 111111 nt In whlih tin iintUi elenn nt will bo able to Mike tin dislus of tho peopli theli loial aspliatlons and ne icssitlos and pin tin rillpinos an 1 -ainiile of Ann-ilian institulons mid tin iiisloius and law a pitvallng In the L nited Mans DISORDERS IN TURKEY. Advices From Paris Show That There Is Trouble in 'Armenia and Macedonia. n Kvlusiie Wnr (rom fhp MAiutnl l'rf UiK J-i pi J - Tlio lesull of Munii Pi-, thi Tmklsli anibassiidoi In 1'i.iiui, 11 iiiiiur to Pails, in splto.of tin 1upt1.11 ot I'imiio-1'uiklsli illations, mil lioldlnc; a ti to In the must upon was it tin Tmklsli onibass) .Msteula) In l.uiioi ol the anulMisaii ot tin sul tan', autssloti to the thioni, has lie 1 11 that the I'liliih BOMininent sent him, the s.inu attiinoon u miiio! to luiio Pnnie imiiieillali l and Muiih I! ) ilipailiil fin MMleilaiid thu i-Miihu, Au lies ioiiImiI Inio tiom TuikiJ Indnato a dlsiiuli tin,; liittiual .situatl 111. Dhoium and inililai) upilsliiKs an upoiln1 In Aimeiila. .Maiidoula and tlio 1,1 iKllboi hood of Miua The ton ot a huh tuiiillonar) was i.ntlid oil Ii) biiB.iuds ni'.u Adilaiioplo who lotil'iil 11 bio nl t'UR.iKi iinnt Willi lliu lioops Miit against tlitni A dlspatih I10111 is.iluiiUii mi)s that N0111I lie) aide di i.iiup of the sultan, who was stnt In iiiM'stlK.ite the bil Kaniiari' In Albania, has bun killed by A l.aii'aus h also said that the Tuikl-h tioops ut 1 1 sind. Albania and I'skub an llolillr; beiausi tin) lniM' nol bun paid M oust. ins, the l'lciuh ambassadiu ti'iuiko) had uuothei 1 onfi leiuo with tin I'liliih foiilKti mlnlstei M. Del 1 is loda). Tlio (imi'i nun nt of 1 n in 1 is ilitumliud to 1 oiupol Tin -kt) 1 fulllll 1km outlie obllKations I nkfs tho Miltau ) it ids slioitl) In w II lii'i the bill nnnlnsl him liuieas Inn b) a nun' n o othei outstandiliK 1 Inn is 01 ,". o. iiaii 11, w hiih will niako (iii 111 pm I. Mo - 'ditlon to tho sum now diniaiidi-il PrTKR McNALLY'S JOUnNEY. He Expects to Swim fiom Boston to New Yoik. ll 1 iilmtu' W1.0 (10111 lit Awortatnl l'res Itoston, .S'Opl .' Pitei Mi Nail) who has made his mind up to mnIiii tioui Poston to Now Vmk mid who stalled )i'stt-idn nfliinoim was passed by in louiiiu; unit at .'. !o p m , a mile In stil of Kosli.n llKllt It Is it dent that ho leached l.meils Island eiKlit miles down thu limboi, last uIkIU and stinted toda) attei uuon on the Hood tld Ills iiiuiso nppaieiit- ly was to Point Alleitou on the IliiiK hum shoie. llf teen mills I10111 hole. CiiincRie Rewatds Biaveiy. lly KxcliKitc Wlro from The AoeUtd I'tev London, sept .' Andiiw i'aint;lo has f.lcn l.loo nub to fheddon Law .lemis aiiel Diil font minus who ills pln)od mnspli until" bniMi) In the ies 1 tie 'I theh lonundes at the Unit of the recent neilnlbtlMle (Perihbhlrr) 1 ol Uci) diastoi Mnilx Will Stay at Manila. II) txiluilif Wire I10111 Ihe .odatnl 1'rew U i.hlii.'luli s(i J - Ulnlial Item.) lul 1 iliU tl tin- mi) iiurlineiit Uul tho I'lalli pinu n iuiiiiicn lul uicuilh tec omiiu ii'l. cl tlioitt.ii. ilin ( 11 iiiul nllUii .1 niplilu of Hi. 1 mi 1 nl M.inili, pirisiiiu a ilonr Hill lluilinanl liu in 111 In Mull li ill it-111 tin in Hut no-il Hu' liiv.i li mini nt Inn aucilril tu the requinl, iiml I i nit 11 mt t iiiiiiiiiniliT lol, nliu Imi Imn oril. 1 1 il hriiu will l iv nt M mil 1 Accidentally Killed. Py Pxrluilvt Mro from The Amoclited Vtttt. Wlliiuii.li'ii, liil, sii - nimcl J While, .ll , UKIll II JIHk, Mill llf h I W lllll'. WAl Jill' ilintilli khit nil Mllnl while 1 jlilllilni,' a Kim wlilt li lie tliuu.lil u not Uu'U'l. MOB TRIES TO KILL A NEGRO William Jones, Who Was Mistaken lor a Non-Union Man, Has a Narrow Escape. NEW MEN AT STAR MILLS Duiing the Lnbot Day Patade tlio Ofllcinls Succeed in Seeming Sov cial Woikcis in the Absence of the Pickets The Pioposed Mnich to Suqttcsne Postponed Ofllcinls Re gaid It ns the Death Blown of tho Stilkc in Carnegie Mills. Ilr Erlulre Wire from The .Uioclatnl PrM I'lttslniiK'. Sept J. Tho IiIb Labor Di) deiiioiistiation inonopolli d tlio atteiilloii of woikmen and strikom heio and In tlio sin loiindliifi towns, hut tho stiol inaiiufiiituieis wint on 11111k Ini; piop.uatlons foi the opeulliB of tho Plants that mo shut down by the su ike mul Ini ii.isliiK the nunihct ot men at the mills alteuly In paitlal opeiatiou. P11I1II1 Interest In the sti ike Itself is luBKlnB ns the uintost seems to halo settled down to an Issue of endurance. Only the unusual inoldents lonnoiteil with null day's doings 101 olio notlie b those not dlieitl) alfoitod by the stiUBBlo J'lideneos of Impatlonio aio iioppliiK out on tlio side of tho stilk tis, and feus that the unlawful aits pm tlilpatod In In the stilkois 1 mt night and today about the Star tin plant may multiply mid spieud to other (Uit tom. Tho olim-Us of tho Stai plant claim Hut today tho pit kots nhmtt theii mill held up a spot lal iMImi) bo) fi 0111 the postoftlto. with a lottei for the ollinis while ho was lomiiiK down Twelfth stieot, mid Inspi etod the lot tei befoio he was allowid to pioned The 111 ittor will bo lepoitid to tin postal aiithoiltlos at mm It Is also ih'Ufciil that tin- stilltt-is stoned the toiiip.iii) tatrliBo on Ponns.ihaiilii iim nuo this moinliiB-, but did no spei -lul damage to tho on up nits Tlio nBBiesslienoss of the stilkiis was fui -thoi ileiuonstiati d late this am moon win 11 a mob suuounileil Wllllatn Joins a 1 olui id man. who was mis taken for a iiou-iiiiloii 111 m fioin the Stat woiks Ho had a naiiow i-suipe fimu sei lous Injui) and possili death bv the appeal 11110 of Pullet1 Lleuton Ult Pi oss m who t lino to bis ie(iie. Hefoie Pioss.tn 1 oulil siiuio addillonal aid. he was almost ooi whelnn d bv tho laiRo eiowd Hi it had k.iHioipiI Tlio pionipt millal of a laigo foue ot ollli eis piobablv MiM'il .lout s fiom bo IliB 1) in hod. us tin- mob appi 111 oil a dispoiate one and many demands win- made that he b sluing up Company Sccuics Mote Men. Dining the paiado most uf tho piik- isweioawai fnun tin-Mm mills ami the lompan) siunidod In stiuiing soxeial in w men of the lot that .11 1 H 1 1 In Plttsliing eaih thW uioiutng, It was saiii th u u good in 111 v ol tin 111 wire fiom the Demiulei plant in Me Koe.spoit and weie now In that plant, wheio opiiatlons an- to begin In .1 rhmt 1 1 111 1 Tin- Lindsi)-Mi('titoheon plant in Alleglienv did not stait up toda). bo i.itiso as tho inanagemeiit slid, tlio men them wanted to nlebiato l.iboi da)' The mills will be updated as ii-mil tomoiiow The Palutei mills u West Pan-on stieot stinted upas usual with inieiastd foioes Theie was no ilnngo In the L iw uiu e Illo dlstilit Tho falluie of the Amalgamated pin pie to nipple tlio Painegle eipen health plmt at l)uiuesii' this inoinliig Is lookod upon by tho Mcel ollli Inls as tho iliatb blow of the stilki In the '.u- 111 jlo mills at least. List night the stiiko managers at MtKtrspoit uniioiinied that a ni.iuh would hi in. lib- this moiiilng to I)u iiuesiio and piidlited coullilentl) that Hie inon would not go to woik mid the tntlio plant would be tied up This inoinliig 110 piiadons appiaud the in. mi wont to woik and the- plant Is In opeiatlon iim usual It Is nimi than piohahlo that this latest falluie at l)iuiun-ne has tin effeit ot making Hu stiiko nianagois wlthiliuw all effoi ts In that llt ot Hon While time Is sblo Inditatlon that tin- National Tube tompaii) Inti nils taitliig Its plant at MiKoespoit In the neat ftituie, the foiomni In tho mill sa) tonight that the ontlto plant will bo In opnatlon nit wiok. Di owned While Bathing. Hi Itilui-Uf VWri fp in Ihe wotntfil Vtttf. Hi mi'. In . it .' Wlllnm M P11I11 w 11 ilniwiiiil in u-uiiiiti iim in ir Inn. I nl. hi Mi. Jllllll i in Inlhiiis w'tll Millll I1I111 Is 11 I illinl fnni 1 1 hut He imn mi- i.-ini 1 m Htm' )eiri In mii aiiilltni tf tht- t hilliiio'u,i, Hiint-'iiml sniihiin lljllnml. wlili In itlvnitiM in Hi mt t Ihi time t hl ilenth hi w u ton. in ilnl nllh Ihe snithiin I illn ul in Noifo k, a Belgian Steamer Toundercd. By Exclusive Wire from The Awocut-il 1'rett linliiililinit, s, ,i j- 1 i,c 11, ui 111 i iimr Nil 111 mm "lmi 1 - lidi liiiiml limn Mil mil fui II mini ii h lepiilul trtrulj fniiiirl-ml n the HUik st 1 ilurlne Hu 111-ht t u.- it ill a ewn tlnim I Ik tolllnt Minlini if 1 ie "( ("il ii piiknl tip (our 1I111 liter In .in t pf n linnl ami u limlnl It lii'i, 1 il of lliii In title- Nniliini; U known jt to hm Hit otlicu met t In Ir tad Indiana at League Ibland. II) tiilufiin Wlr from 'Ihi Uimliti) I'rem l'hilnUIihli s, pi j -1 ho l,,m,,, inliini Jill. ul at hi lia.m l ml nit) v inl luliv diul mil In tliil up in mhiiiii 11111II fun! 1 r onlci Hie mt luil l 11 iu Ihi UM fill liioullt the I111I11111 ha Imn ilninir ihnt w 1 puuiio klllp (m llll' lllll li"ll- IjiIiK Planing Fnctoiy Binned. fly Ftcltnite Wire Irmn 'Ihe Awuiliteil l'nt Miiktnii, Mali, S i. 2 -'Ihe pliulnc, khln kle mil ali (Jilnl) (if V Mtlauh V 'ou, at 1 -ike side, was Imriinl tmliv, lu.-ilhir nllli ilm tlnl, Iml itmk low, ,H,IMI In.uiJiiit, almilt TWO MEN SHOT. The Outeomo of a Quarrel Between Fred Jenks and Hl3 Sweetheart. Dy Felul Wire frnm the AMseUled Prem. Walpole. Mass Sept L' Two men wire shot mul seiiously wounded thH o enlng. us tho ntiti 01110 of 11 ntianel between l'reUeilik L Jonks. 11 niai'hln lst, and M)in Hello Spent, a )oung woman with whom he had been keep ing t ompan). .lenks thought that Miss Spear did not i-aio for hint as niueli ns foiiuorlv. mid In wuy of oniphusl7liiK 11 protest ho thieateiiod to shoot hoi. Phuiles Maleis of Norwood, saw tho Infill -luted 11111 11 point a ioioImm at tlio girl mid when ho gnippled with .lenks the Inttei shot him In the body the lull lit iMiteilng four Inehes below the heart .li nks then shot himself ueai the lieait Ho is not opeotod to lle, but tbcio Is a slight 1 bunco that his lctliu will leeoiel .lenks Is ?,0 )oms old mul 11 veteran of the Spanish war. MAIL COACH HELD UF. Opals Valued at 1,400 Pounds Are Secured. Ilj- Melinite Mae from The Avoi Itleil PrrM S'tipci N S W.Sept "- A masked 111 in b.st night hold up tho White Piurs. Camilla 11111II toaih wouniled a patsi-ng! 1 seeuied tho mulls and opali Miiii'd at 111)0 pounds und eiuped. COLONEL ROOSEVELT AT MINNEAPOLIS The Vice President Orator at the Formal Opening of the Minne sota State Fair. By Fxrlulie Who from The AsuocUtetl PreM Minneapolis, Si-pt .'The ln pies Idem has had a stienuous ilit) Ai thing this moiniiirf he mis the 01a tot of tin da) at tho foimal opening of the Mlnui.ipolis statu fall b) ln I tatliin ol the Minneapolis Agiliultui.il soelity. Colonel Koosoielt oiiupled tin- iudgi s stand at tho 1.110 ti .it K with ikneinl Miles, Aiihblshop lrelan and Hum 1 1101 .m andt, of Minne apolis The giand stand was literal!) P 11 kid, and when Uoieinoi Van Nindl intiodiiiid tin bonoiod guist tho wel tonii was one whlth tho lio piesldcnt might long iini'inbei Tho audience was tispotisjie thiouglioiit tho atldiess and ho bad finiuentl) to pause befoio ho 0' uld inake-lilniself heaid. He oulil, In put:. It is nut mi'i huhli ili.irilile. hut nete in, llnl Ihirt flu ill I 'i I'Siilillini nhlih -li ill tre f til t shlclil Ihi mt. 1 1 t nf iii MirKin. .111 1 a lift Ii -hill ili-iriiiilinti in fum uf tin liwint uul liuiiuiii iiiiilntii In iuiii'iiri(r Ihe ili'iltiii I ui iiniiir whiih he MinltMlirn iniiipiinl wall uniiiiilniw ti iiipiimiK. Mho hni nn 1 ii-nemu mill mil il il.-hl nib iinrlir fi ir nf piiiiihm"nl Nor tin I (.inlilim slop with hit ur Urnuil lihir (nilli ii- Ihe wi-i In IU hlii il mil toipir iti f .1 1 lino-, Ihe it luiiihliulioii' if 1 ipit d Him Ii Inn lnakiil the 1I1 tile pinnit of ur lmln- IimI m.Iiiii 1 it iti neu iniililliui. mil inititaii' 11 thuiiri fri in ihe ohl ittitu.lt of tin it ite anrl nil m tnuai'l pni-pirlli lime is I In- si ml ii it imiifit nn 11 I -r 111 nl if tin- niitm imiiiit nun if wiallh h i-ih h jml il ou,lil ti hi uiimti-smii to 1 111 llnl 1111 ip p.il uhlih flnillt nil nl. Ihe p.iliiliti if h li.tiiM mul iilriiii- vit ill mul, uiiiiii Hu I mul inn nl ll inpntlt- 'I ineutui iiiriinlnp Uul lntilil. in luilh uiiiiiiiiiii, utnl in llu I uiu mil i S" UP " il"'i lo.elhn it iimri mul iiinrr It l.iililmt llnl tin et iti -uul if niiiN-lll Ihe nilliill, hl "! In pivs lite ii.ln nt ipeiii.li ii Tinl mnlri l ti ntnnli the ,-n it tniKirul in. huli ire 111 ireiliire. pir iniildilt it n-Mrilt tin i,reu luninii. loinhliu tun. whlih 1I1 1 lie 1 pvilnn nl tin fr Impf i on i fnun the rUltiiit ei( .nun iiiuiiuiiiilntii leu il in 1 I'm ilult 11111 tile 1111m fnni in Ihe future it it I111 liken mini fin lit In th pm N"i it ft pi.illle In In ilmn I Iiml uul fnl ink fur .ill tm i liiu-t ner fne Hi fnt of nur Khifiln' iiilionil neeili, it the ihi n ilun.-ll.' i llinrliinlllev that present tlieinn lu-i Hut no inn In intilii if mi 1I11114. win thi r Ml Mlll it nr mil u 1 innot mil I heirittrr I nliu lullit tn il.i in the fui of other nitlnn. Ml tint 1 hi .In . t 1 inttli uliriltr mi li ill pi 1 form tin iltilui Mill or ill In lit mile It f x iit lit llnl tie il.lrii 1 t 1 it 1 jii.lm Hun let in mile ll io,uilli rililrm tint lie will lint toll rile Inlnitite In ins il mi In 111 in uliirii l't ll fiirilin mile It iililent tint tie me nn m. lib Mhnli lie ,-iu mil prepir. il t 1 ul up with ilinl" llnl thil wlilli our jpert Ii Is aln.iii mmleriti. Me in lenli mil iilllnii In III lie. It Ei1 Ulll 111 lllltllili Mill In th. nire.t io-.ihh Liin nine nf llnl m If iepu lm pm tin 111 1I111111 nl f Ml ii h n nil mini inr Ihi the in Iim inn ! 1 "If u hi nunc l jI' Ilm Is llu uliinli in nimi I lie is ii.;jiiI lll ll in k il 1.111111 Tin- Io piosldotit was followed b) a few lllit lemnrks liyfienei.il Miles PALACE TRANSFERRED. The riench Have Foimnlly Handed Over tho Pehln Imperial City to the Chinese. Hi 1 xrlinlte Wire trim The Asuntliilfd Pre! Tails Sept -' M Do Inrc-smr, liiliilsnr of niailne, has lOiehod 11 ills pan Ii from Pt kill, miiiouutlng that the rn licit have foinially limdid oci the pilaio of mui'stois and tho impeilal 1 its to thu Chinese plenlpoieutlmies, mul Hut only one rtonth battalion lomains in tho rnnih tiunttet I'ao-Tlng-ru mul the other points ndjneont that wio oceuplod by llui J'toiuh hno boon ene uutod, the ells pateh s.i)s, after salutes -to tho trl 10I01 fiom Chlniso roglmouts. Massnchusotts Prohibition Ticket. By Kscl-mve Wirt 'rom The Aiif-IMed PreM. loston. rept 2 The rinblblllnnlsts of Mnss.ii I usolts 1111 mt d the following t'eki t foi the impending state politi cal e.tiiipalfin. Tot goietnoi, John 11, l,t wis, Jn, of Heading, for lieutenant giAoinor, lllluni 11. Paitiidgo, of Ne'.Moil, foi seiietaiy of tho 10111 iroiwtiilth, riodnlel; V I'l.iik, Hns ton: foi lioasuiir mid leiolier gen 01 il luoige U Ilittluldii, of l.nn iloM; Hu auditoi, ,1 v Smith, of Dil tmi: loi attoiney gniei.il, Allen t'offen, o' Niilitutket. CONSTITUTION-COLUMDIA YACHT RACE DECLARED OFr Dy Ftelusivu Who from The AasoclittelTie.s Nenpoit, It I. Npi J, till p 111 1 In tm M lutli 11 1 1'lunilii.i mil uir m ii ullnl 1 1) llu t .11 111. licit lito ami uiu hdf 111IU1 fit lit llio Hi.l Ii llnl I i. s.i.l.l.,n 111 llu. lojj. CARBONDALE'S GOLDEN JUBILEE Residents of the Pioneer City Cele brating Her Fiftieth Anniversary. ROUND OF BUSTLE Scenes of Activity That Characterized the Varied and Interesting Commemoration. Thousands of Visitors Arriving by Train, Trolley and Private Conveyance A Re Union of Old Friends and Former Resi dents City in Holiday Attire. c AltHONDAI.nS golden annivei- ai eelebratlon Is under was It opened htinday night at tho fttoke of twolso with a bedlam of noKo that must fores tt release tho of " plate fiom tho unkind tognoiuen The City nf Hternal Sabbath", It lontinui'd )estordas- and late into the night with an unending round of bustle mid ev Itoinont and sill go on for two tiass mine ssitlinut us nun h as a niln utf of usual slaking liouis ss anting something to make It meinotable Nut .dm o tho uns oiling of tho -ol-illois' monument has the tit) seen Mich a time, and that eselit, magnllltent as It sa- will base boon le legated to tninp itntlso ohsnulty b) the piesent lelebiatlon, pioslding tho tonialndoi of the esonts tomes up to oxepet tatlons us fulls ns tliil those of .ses-teid.i) Tialns and ti olios t.u mid ssugnn fioni tho iounti.s-e.lile began pouilng tholi holiday erowds Into the tit) ut i.uls- mom, ami at nightfall It is safe to say the tit) eontuined twite its usual population Mans of the slsltoi woio foitnoi I'.ubondallans, some of them entile from a disunite and not a foil of these woio 111011 who has-e gained lenovsn t ItiuniM rllied Ii) 111 mean bounds They letuined to tlulr bo) hood's homo as pioud of the iit) Hi. 11 ir.110 tliein till til as thell nitlse ut.,1111 is nt 1 111111 It wns an lii'-plring ipeilento to Mum! by and look and listen sshll thos and theli foi mei -i linolinatcs, now the p.itil.uihs of the iit) met and r-ihangi-d gitotltiRs and rimlnl-if in is. And no k--s Intt ie--tiiig was It to hem .some of the lossllei of the returned Mini nuetlng iIum-o with whom thos had winked a-- tolleis in the uphulld Ing of tho Industries tliat mado it pos. slblo for I'aibnndale to halo a -euil-tentennlHl "I'setl )nu sunk on the Uelawaio und Hudson'.' I Used, urn't )ou.'" ete ssas antklpatid of )estei daj. A Gnla Appemnnee. With all the dee oi.itions mid illum inations loniploio tho 1 Its lortainls pifiints a gala apptaiante. Those ssho had been leading of the embellishing t. ..1. 1.. ..e ,l.nn. in the dulls papets might base thought thete had hi en a lit t lo exaggi latlng lu the desirlptlons To those th" sight that was dismsorid on theli aillsal must base hien i ploasiuablo disap pointment Tho ginoial oxpipsslon was "I le ills- didn't think It ssas as lino as this" User) where ,ss 010 heard the ssurmest cm miliums for the innimli tees In charge of the sailotis piep.ua lions, and it is safe to say no one svont assay fooling tho slightest disappoint ment In an) single fc.ituio of the colo biatlon It was 'Just as adsortlsed ' and 1 onsitloiabls- moio, thus fai. and piomlM's to continue to 1 emu' up to ill aelsanco apei In osor) paititulai to-ilns- an I tonionow Yosterda) had tlueo long esonts The elslo ptiade-, stliool i-lillihens paiado and tho leiinlon Tho Hist oteuned in tlio moining at 10 :,n o'lloik, tho sotoiul In the nfteinoon, between 1 and 'J 10 o'lloik and the thin! beginning about 2 o'tlotk, oiiupled the icmalndei of llu afternoon The- leiinlon hosses-ei ssas on In nn liifoini.il way all day Visitors ssoio mot at the tialns by meinbeis of th" l"i option inmmltteo or peisonal friends nmnn.t tlv losldents mul est 01 tod to jits hall, wheio th"s woio icglsteietl nud ontertalnid Thoro was liandshak Ing. wholo-heaiteil handshiiklng and niithlng but handshaking hour after hour Thoie ssoio so many to huso theli hands shikon ami so many to shako their hands that theio ssas little time to eln mi) thing moio thmi hand Nlutke, if osnr)hody who wan ted to miet those who wauled to ho nut ssoio to bo iiimltted to meet th'tn HospitnUty Unbounded. Rig as was tho influx of stors. thoie was no stialnlug of the tltss I'ltpaeltv In tho way of hospitality Hi 01 1 bod) kept open houo and If any one ssns not losally entertained. It was IneniisO ho would not penult nf It To ntlil satiety to tho amusement end of tho lelebrntlon, n good-sized tent show Sun Hios' clrius held foi lb. on Sand)'s field, and two peifotm nn is of "I'udUln'hoail Wilson" woio Klsen at the tiiaud fipcin House The fakir, of lourso, was about eiuito ns liuinotiiusly mul industilously as might be expected tin stub an 01 ca (Ion Iladges eloquent In gold and plnl-, nf the soinl-ieiitennlal out- beai lntr a plituro of "Oin Heio, John Mltiholl," and Mini Tlist Mas or, James Arihbald," found load) sulo. The balloon man, tlio hot pop.ioiu man, and all the other feto day ton 1 militants of that Ilk woio not want ing. Tim HMoiInu1 had nu uditlcular eselit AND EXCITEMENT si heduled. outsido n concert by tho Moart band, at tho band stnnd, near tho Sixth nsenuo bridge. The cross tls pionionailod mid onJo)ed the musli; and llliiminntlons Tho w outlier throughout tho day ssas delightful, the tompeiaturo ssai niodciate, tho alt calm anil the sky blight oM opt for bnlf an hour, begin ning at ITI o'clock, sshen It clouded up and rained quite heavily. Tho sun came out again, hosses-ei, and tho csonlng gaso fair piomlse of a delight ful morrosv. Appended are the names of tho men ssho are responslnlo foi the Jubilee mul its auspicious liiatigutation: The Committees. l'xooutise Committee Hon- II. ft Her.dilik piesldcnt, Hon. J. J OWeUl, slie-presldi-nt V H Hiltinan, set-ro-tai), P P Connor, treasuier, Hon, J. W. Kllp.itrlek. Hon. J 1 Hosnnlds, A. j Sabin. d T Swlgoit. Hon S. S. Jones James Thompson. Alexander Kennedy C I2.Spciuci.lt A Jndssin, ft V Stuait. J T Wheelei H A. Kell) Wllllnm Mallo) and J. i: Hi oss 11 Hoi option and Reunion of Foniier Uisldent.s C i: Litluop, H H Jnd ssin John Mm 1 In. V It Hakoi P S. Joslln i: Clarksnn It. Ottman James Sunt Hugh Powdorls- John Kllleen. i:ii Hits, Andiess Mitchell Charles Hag in I) Scuri) Patibk MeCabe. M T Hurke Stephen Nealon J M Alex ander, IJ W Humphie) J H Thomas, and Mesdamo' S H Ra)neu V C. (liltman James Thompson J P I.of tus S S Joins A (iillis S. I) Hakti, lislng Dasis A Pastoe C O Mellon, W 1! I-eonaid O I-arkln J. 1" Wheelei Misn's l,oso Powderl) Jos lln lliennan Hsine and Kuto Hutlei. rinante J II Thomas mink Itoem nirlniiser J P H la)lioi P (5 .Me lJouoiigh ITie men's Pas P A Hlsvnbuig T. i: Cimpbill '1' P Hoibort. of Mltiholl Hose loiupui) No 1 Heni) Cook, Dennis Tool in T Cllffonl, H Uoudi iiin. A O Mulli ) of Cottage Hose 1 om pans No L', nnd T (3 Coughlln M. J. Murpli) J J Htenium W J Mt Don ough and J J Mi Null), of Colunibl 1 Hii'c conipaii) No 3 l.iboi Uts J ll W.ilh. pievldent; I? I Pari), seeietai). Janus ritiel lou assistant set 11 tat) J. H (laffiuy, grand mm-linl V 5 lleitog Jaliie Melilon .1 I'. lleime.s ("i A Spill N J Hiiftiiian A 1. Wiigllt, Jaines Llowe ll.sn Diulel l,oftus, Hlniei Hiok- enshire, J I'lanneis rrank Itoemmel inesoi Thomas Monoghan, Timoth) Hiilmi s, Stliool Childieii Paiado High sihool W. D Hi) den A. Wll-on aeniy. l.uey A Joslln Kiitlusn II Pate, C M I.eher, Mas I. Kllpatilik Cota Hsta bruok Haiilet Ilutihins Angela Hits. Prink ll Collins Thomas W Lnftus, Anna Heu.s Julia Kllhullen, Kill Hiiland S.imh Ssslgeit No 1 ollOOl Amu nunstan. Hllibetli Thompson Nt Hlt Shone Anna Muiphs No 2 stliool Janet His don. Jennie Poo Mai) Murphs- Hll.i Hmtt No. 3 sihool T Ciilmaitlu Kathi)ii Wnlh. Anna r.uiell Klla Hoian Hildgot Oll maitln No I sthonl Mmgaiot Mi Andiew No r. Mhool1 Mar) Coogan. Mmy M J Mel.ian No G sehnnl Noia Muipli). l.sdla Cilltnurtln Hmina lliiiiett Anna H Lnftus No 7 school: Amelia Peuikeit Jennie Kennies. Alice C0111101. Kutle Sum Katie (Jothlns. L) dla Mm 1 bein. LI..I0 Tlghe. No S silinol Katherln Jii), Alltt V llash lelgli Miss Plnnei.in Mai) Pengells. Hettlo Will ox. fialniella Coleinan Kllabith llaito. Anna M. Mi Lean No ii sihool Hlla Mulone, M. Loul.so Das Is Helen It Pdtsmoio, Llbble Htliki Ullliois of tho Day foi tho Reunion of the Vutt ntiiuds 11 n J.idwln, captain II. W. Posseleil), Hist lieuten ant. John Ta)loi -ttond lieutenant: T H Vaniuin Hist stigennt Loan i:hil)lt Mtsdamos J H Ruir, M. tl Watt C T Meakei O C. Monio, P C tliltmnn H M Peek A P Tiaut- wcls D is Id Xtcles. Ji R D Stuait and Misses Amanda Mot Allu- Hut- b't Hattle Pasioe, Lois Mon-s and Jenny Hutlei. Progiamme for Today. The pilnilpnl osents of today are iJsen belr.w In ehtonologli-al 01 tier: 10 h iu l.iboi paiado .' 111 I'nselllng tablet at site of flift undcigiound mine In Amenta. -' p. 111 Addiess-es by John Mltiholl and othei labor lcadeis at isatub'b Held lp m. Pantastlc patade Sp m. Hei option to John Mitchell S p m Hand e oncel t Tho festlsltles of the day will bo hi ought to a 1 lose with n giand ills pla) of Hi ess oiks on Sandy's Held, by the Llod)s Kliessorks lonipany, of Ness York. Following is tho piogiamiiio of tho labor piiiule mid mass meeting ( ii .mil Marshal John II tlaffiie) Chief of Staff -John 11 lleuius Allien to the tliand Mmshal John D. Jones, Vandllng. William Mi Mullen, Poich Pit) . Captain Mi Andiew, Aich bald. James Pluelltii and Andiew Nlcol. Platoon of Polke. ilarsltal and Aldis. f-9 i v??C ' JIOV. JOHN W KHPUIttCK, Ma) or ol Cjrhondile. Carriages containing clergy, Invited gucHts and hcadd of departments. FIRST DIVISION. Band. Local 1700. United Mine "Workers of America, Porcst Cltv. Local 1601. Pnlted Mine Workers of America, Forest City. Local 1015. Pnlted Mine Workers of Amerloa, Foi est City. Federal union 7424. Forest City. J.ocnl 61, United Mine Workers of America, Vandllng. Local P'6. United Mine Workers of America, Rlchmondale. SIX'OND DIVISION. Hand, Local 92.-1. United Mine "Workers of Ametlcn, Archbalel. Loial 1682. United Mlno Workers of America, Archbalel. Local 1707. United Mlno Workers of Ameilca. Archbalel. Local 102.1, United Mlno Workers ot Ameilia, Jermyn. redeial union 7174, Jermyn. Local 1111, United Jllno Workers of Ameilca, Jerni)n Local 1021 United Mine Workers of America, Mil) Held, THIRD DIVISION. Hand, Fedcial union 7201 International Association of Machin ists Carpenters and Jolneit 813. Federal union 91.'x Journeymen Harbors. T)pogiaphleal union 239. ClgarmakeiN' union 431. United Hiesser)- Workers. Silk Mill Unon. Retnll Clerks,' Asseielatlon. FOURTH DIVISION. Hand Local 811, Loial 1611, Local 1606, Local 36, Local 877, Local 969, Local 1616, Local 1716. United Mine Ameilca, United Mine Amerlia. United Mine America. United Mine America. United Mlno America. United Mine- Ameilca. United Mine A merle a. United Mlno Workers of Workers of Workers of "Workers ot Workers- of Workers of Workers of Workers of Ameriia. FORMATION. The Fit st dlsislon ssill form on River street, right resting on FJghth avenuo and Main street. Tho Second division will form on Riser street, right reMlns on Sixth asenue. The Third dlsislon will form on Chinch strict, right testing on Eighth asmuo and Mnln stieot. Line of March. Up Main to Churih street, from Church street to Helmont stieot, coun torinauh to Church, to Highlit asenue, to Riser, to Dund.iff streets; counter march to Salem nsenuo to Main, to Park place, ilrclo tho park and then dowr Main stieot to 1'lko; lounter lu.uih to elty building, when purado will disband. The parade will bo started liy .1 sig nal fiom the Hie alatin bell, Ona tap will bo 11 nutlet) for all societies to get lends and tlueo taps will signify that the piadi Is on tho incise riio paiedo will sunt piomptly nt 10 a m. It will bo teslesscd by Pusldent Mitchell fiom the balcony or tho Har rison house. A ret option will bo ton- cleied him at tho hotel In tho osening. Hsu: o(gnn!7utlon is uigeil to tutu out Its full membership In todiD's patade. The lomnion 1 mini II looms In tho city biilldint base been see 111 eel by tho commute o as ho.idiiu.it tois. 1 he spoet bos in tho afternoon on Nil.i'D's Held will begin piomptly nt 2 oiloik Those who will mako ad chesses are Piesldcnt Milt hell, Max Huji's of C'los eland, n , whoso suh Jet will be "Tiades Unionism," 11, W. MeKii), of Pittshutg, member of ni tlonul hoaul 'United Mlno Workcis. ' Mt.thot" Jones, of the Ameilian Fod eiatlon of Laboi ; Piesident Tuluskl, DIMilit 9. Vlte President Hyscasugi-, Dim lit 1. United Mine Workois, and Joseph Ceriu Piesiilent Nliholls and It niiiuiiitil on l'.i:i' it I YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I..M11 ilili t-r M-pmnhei llishe.t trmi irniiii . I.iiui.1 lempii mir lit., 1 In- lliiiuuliii : s .1 in . I mt. .. 7 decreet .. 02 lie-si tr S7 1 er ci 111 p 111 f-7 pir nut Pm ipit m 11. -'! Ii "in 1 mini h p, 111 , trite. f tMt 4-l l 4- 4 f WEATHER TORECAST. SSjihliisten, Stpt .' roieta.-t lor 1al- -f rrn Pniii.ili iiiIji itir luenit), WVil. -- 11 uiu 111 1 pioltbly Tliunrtiy, light to ri.t uinilt - t -f - -f- t -f -f -I -f t -- "f .t
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