t " w d iwsf TIKIP t "?? WJ. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 190T. WEST SALVATIONISTS HARVEST TIME ANNUAL FESTIVAL INAUGUR ATED THIS WEEK. Contributions Aio Being Received All Over the World to Cnny on the Woik Republican Club Meet ing Tomoirow Evening Hook and Ladder Tiuck Wanted Wil liam Connell Glee Club Rehears ing Base Ball Next Saturday. Other News Notes and Personals. The aniiuiil HaiveM Fi xilMil of the Salvation ium ha been inatiKiiialcel this vvtrk all over the ilvlllod wothl. and people In evoty walk of life an' Rlvinir uf tlicli means and pos"c"slonH to help the umk almiK. Tho aim i olo biatcs this lcslhal In the fall of cadi J'Cai, and It ha eeime In he a lee civ ilized tad that nm a iai not only all SitlviitlniiMf lint ulei all filemls mid fjiiip ithli i- !-lm1l luliifj "as ; mt him piiitpeicil them ' mi ofioiitiK to help on the wmk oven as (Sod's an. lent pfople In otiKlit of their host at the giPttt Ptiist of I'll xl I'l III t Thi Salvation ,um bpllovos In ful loivlt'i; out tlu Injiiiit tlon. "nfToi to the l.oid of thj utitnni i and the llit ft lilts of all thine In i east'." and lliote loie it Is that at till time thdi halls ate flllnl with (,'lfts to lie Milel fm the benefit "f their wink Aiiionsr the enn ttlhlltloiis ale vegetables of t v i t tie teliptlon, panels ol Hutu, Kloitiics, laillied koikIs, fiitniliiic, i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u ple tllu.s, fancy nitlde. and t vci.v thiiiR lmiiirlniilih The pioe ceils of tin -,il,. me foi the benefit of homo wink a liiiyi piopui tti'ii of what Is niKdi in (MII. ,n , town lieliw n-od fen the local woik and tliu icinaliuk'i soes- roi cattjlim on the vvotk thioiiKlioiit the cotiutiv The elates ()f the festival ,ue hoptein hei 1 to Stptemliei 11, anil the loi.il coiii.s pi(ipoes to have In roniicetlnii with the celoliiatlon.s u Iiiiro .motion s-a I e on .Monilav, St pte inbei ;i An ice until and i ak mhImI will he hehl on Tuudn. Septeinht r In All p,lftN should he nut to i:iisUn ,1 V l,i nt 10'iO Price- Mitel, not lain than Filcla.v of thin wk K. Republican Club Meeting. A losulat meeting or the West Mile Conilal ftopultlUaii i lull will lie ht.el nt tho looms toiuoiiow evonlnfi; foi th p.lipos-e of t.iKliiff linnii ditto adlon on a tinaiii'il in ittei whldi coneeins ev ci v menilii 1 of tin i lull SUNBURN ltoe anJ Almond Cream remove rednew of the skin nnd soothes the pain ct sunburn in one night, TaVe a bottle with jou on your vscation. FOrt SALE I!V G. W. JENKINS. The House Keeper's Thoughts Are naturally turned homeward now, for the rush of the summer season 13 over. The schools have opened again, and before a week has passed, the community will have settled down to the regular routine of every-day home life, which after all, is usually the most satisfactory. Our thoughts during business hours never wander far away from the best interests of our patrons, and this fact has led us to commence A Special Display of Standard House Keeping Linens At Specially Attractive Prices. Irish, Scotch and German Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Side Board and Bureau Scarfs, Doylies, Pure Flax Sheets, Pillow Cases, etc., of our own importation, and faultless as to quality and style. To lovers of High Class Bed Linen we offer the follow ing inducements in Sheets for this week only : Pure Linen Sheets, ready for use, size 72x99, were 5. 00, now $3.50 the pair Pure Linen Sheets, ready for use, size 90x99, were 5.00, now $3.75 the pair Pure Linen Sheets, ready tor use, size 90x99, were 6.00, now $4.50 the pair Pure Linen Sheets, ready for use, size 90x99, were 7.00, now $5.00 the pair Pillow Cases and fine Bed Spreads at proportionate values, House Keeping Linens of this Sort are a Luxury And there are a good many of us who have to get along with the best products of our domestic looms, which for all practical purposes and satisfactory service are just as good. There is no House in Northeastern Penn'a Carrying a line that will compare with ours for com pleteness of detail, extent or sterling values. A visit to the 'itore this week will emphasize all of these facts in a man 'jatr which intelligent housekeepers cannot fail to appreciate. You Will be a Welcome Visitor Should you have no other thought in mind beyond Hooking, Globe Warehouse SCRANTON DolcKaloi will also ho elected to at tend the imnltiR convention of State Jtepiiblldin clubs', which meets In this illy soon, and committees will he ap pointed limn tho club to assist In a petfial way tho committee In chaise of the riplallf. The vvotk of the approaihliiK cam paign will also he taken up and acted upcti, uml (ommlttpcs appointed to tin i j out the plans of the leadots. livery member iff the club Is requested to attend this inocllnK and pattlcltatu In the discussions. Hook nnd Lndder Tiuck. Now that the new Hook and l.adilrr truck lias been accepted by the city theie is a movement on foot to hno the old one located on the West Side, It Is a well-known fact that the Hooks iihwu s ovpetlonod Hindi dllllclllty in irspondlliK to alaiins on the hill here, and foi that leason It Is essential that a tiuck should he pernumentl located on this side. AiianKcmctits could be mud' for housing the ttiuk In one of the hat us bill; or the rianklin Ihinlne house, wheie It (otild be conveniently reached, oi Its laddeis InoiiKlit Into setvlio on slioit in the. It s uudeistond that Chief IVtber has the niattit lllidet consldeiatloil. William Connell Glee Club. A splendid i elicit fii or the William ''onnell IJlec dub wits held In Horlle hall last evculiiK pieparatoiy to their tilp to Voimont the latter pail or this mouth The t lnb has dedded to hold tin oo telicui pais p.iili week fiom now on until they ate toady to leae. Yh"si. be hold Tuesday, Thllisiluy and Sunday evonltiRs. The nicetlni; tonionow owning will emu one pioinpllj at V o'doik, and octy meiiiboi Is lequestod to be pies i nt Thiity siif,'eis will make up the pal iv whldi will go to Vetinout. In ad dition to the olllieis and they epit to cany oft the ptlo at the Poulliy eisteddfod. ' Nearly Endod in a Fight. The benefit onteitalnmont and elanee, held at Meais' hall. Monday night, mailv ended In a fight whldi nun oc casioned bv The man foi whom the af fair wax held A oiing man belonging to the Meadow I '.took Fife and Diuni ioiis wanted to announce their pknlc to be hold at Weber'." gioe next Saturd.i, but thr fdlow who tented the hall ob jected, and foi a time It looked as though a fiee-for-all light would take pluc c . The piomoter of the dance finally (Doled olf and the annonnt onu nt was made without .in turthei tumble. NOTES AND PERSONALS. A latge nillllbei of joiiiir fi lends of Miss M.ula HtMion or L'HOJ Washbuin snoot wete entettalned at hot home locently In honoi of hoi tenth blith daj MIj May Williams of ,Iai kon street, Is "-ponding a few dajs at Whllman dalo Pa The iiuidltion of CI A Williams was somewhat lmprocd yoftcrday, al though IihIh yet In a ery precarious condition. Charles Mathews, acting West b'einn ton correspondent of the Republican, spent jestcrday In Catbondale. Mrs. Cassie Morgan, son Huncoll, and Mlxs Small D.uls, of Ninth Sumner acnue, 111 e tnJolng the eights1 at tho I'an-Anieiloan exposition Miss Hesile Daniels, of South Main avenue, has lostimcil lit 1 Htudlew nt Miinsileld .State Normal school. Tho Swedish t'ltl.ens' club hold a mooting In the Kieneh IJoof hall la-a ovenltiK and iniule preparations for tho coming political campaign. William lititt. of Sloan avenue, who tcccntly ictuincd fiom an extended nutopean tour, wps tcndeied an In formal tecepUon upon his tettiin, which was n eiy enjoyable nffali. Mr. and Mis It. W. Bryant, of New Yoik; Mi mid Mis. W 11. Hijunl, Mi.s. Thonvas Williams, Miss Lillian Williams, Thomas r.uitis and (Icoifte Itovan enjoyed a tilp throtiRh the Hello- up mines on Mondnj .liinui n. llnvle Co Imtc liioken Ktounit Tor the election of a tliroe stoiy bilck hulldltiK on the t-lto of the edd Moiilfleld homestead, adjoining the Masonic hall. Dr. and Mis W. .1 L Dials, of Main avenue and Jackson slieet, ate cntoi Mining Ml. Maj MiiRoe, of Paterson, N ,T Will Maish the well-known spoils man, stepped on a piece of kIiiss wh!l in bathing at Oi.imI pond on Monday, and Mncitly lnjined liv foot. A huge number of West Scianton people spoilt Labor ila at Lily lake. The Wet Side Dilvlng club will hold a meeting this evening at 110 South Main avenue ,Iooplii Wllllamsi and I'l oil Post, of Chestnut fitieet, are home fiom th" Pn n-Aiupt lean. Mls Alice Williams, of Lii70ine stieet. who has been "pending the sum mot nt Dolnwaie Watot Oap, lotuttied, home on Monday Holt Iloagland. of Dovoi. N .1 Is the guet of Wct Sc-tanton ft lends .Tosoph Himnll, of Noith Suninoi ave nui, ! spending his vacation at the Pan-Amoiican. Mr audi Mis William I Xi ill and two c liilili on. of IStonklMi, N V. ntegucts or lolatlvos on Lnfnotte stioot Mrs ii, p rei bet and daughtois, of Hock stlrtt, will leave toda to attend a wedding at Spilngvllle Miss Helen Schneider, of Hiookl.vn, N Y, N the gtiet or Mis. Scholl, of Noith 11 do Paik ave mio M Lnkln uf ('laike Hios , is spend ing a few das at Caiboudate. Mis David He.vnon, of Doe kei's couit. is the gueM of ulattvis and fi lends In Nantlookc Miss Kate Uonnc of Lafayette stieet s atendlng tho seml.ieiitciinl.il cell biatlon In Caibondcile, The lem.ilnonf mi Infant child of Mi and Mi .1. W Iteldonbaoh, of 41e; rvnon street, weiv Intetiod In tho ("athoilial eemotci je-tetda aftot no on Chillies K Daniel or Div Islcm Mioet. and Miss Lillian SlinpMiii, of list .Maiket stioot will be unlttd In inairlage at noon today at the home or tho bible's patents. Miss Itene Mosos, daitghtoi or Kcl niund Moses, was tondoiod a surpiKe pait.v .Moncln.v. Keficsliiucnts woie seived Musle was fiunlslied by Miss Moses and Mabel Miiigan. All enjoy able time was had bv all Mi Liithot Jones and daughter. Noun. i. have ictunud fiom Wilkes Hano vvhoic thov weie visiting ti lend. Tile .MNhCH Sadie nnd Mai gat et Wll him or Iminet sttcet, have teturnod fiom a two weeks' vacation with ft lends nt Matou Island New- Yoik, Ocean timvp and othoi places The following paitv of .veiling people vNitoil the (Vnttal Mine Tuesday evening. Misses Marv Tajlor, Maiv Neville, Sadie MeCaiiah, Maiv anil Kite Cosgiove and -jj! Neville, ltlih.nd Loneigan Lelwaid McLaln and (ipiu- Cosgiove Mis John Kollj. wife cif Mall Car llei John Kollv Is suffeiing fiom a seveie ntt.uk of theiiniatlt-m - NORTH SCRANTON. The Sons (lf s.t (i.iKe ttm nu,(H In pgiilar session on Tliiusday evening. The io will bo an old time social aftei thi business mooting At tho Phst Baptist chui.li the Ptovidem male voice pait.v, mult r the leadoishlp of V M. Davis (Clwllvm Moilais; will under "The Maitjts of the- Aiona," upon which they woie suc cessful at Lake Lodoie on Lahoi day, at the Installation .sot vice of th Ilev J V Davis tonight In the piesenie of a number or fi lends at noon epiday a pretty wielding took place at tho homo of the bildLs patents on Snyder avenue, l'he contiaetlng paitl?.s were Lewis J I. lie) nobis and Mls Margaiet, the eld est daughtu of Mr. and Mis. Reese Motgan. 'I lie btlde, who was eh.iiin liiKly attliod, was attendeI by her cousin, .Miss Maigatet .Moig.in. of New Yoik city. William Thomas, (,r Lincoln Iltights net -d as best man. Tho maiilage Htos wete perfot med by the Itev William Davios, or the Hello vuo c M. ehuich of which the blide Is an active and faithful menibei. Af ter the i oi oniony dainty rirreshments Mi'te solved to tlu assembled guests. Late in the day the liappv couple left lot a shoit wedding tilp They will ie- Mcle wltlt the brides patents Miss Maggie Williams of Audotitled. Pa, Is visiting at Llbbi Davenpott's, of Not tli Main nvonue. Ilev Di. (ieotge Citillil, pastot of the Piovldotico Piosbjteilan ehuich. le tuinod .vostorduj from Walton, N. V, wheie he spent his vacation. He will have thai ge of tho sei vices at tho chut eh toniuht, SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. The Scianton Sangorundo met In regular monthly session last evening at Athletic hull and elected olllceis for tho .-at They ate. President, Philip Hobluson, vIce-pieMdent. John Siluoedel, Ji , lecordlng soetetaty, Hetthold Schott; llnanclal soeiotaty, John fiielner; tteasuier, John Schnel det , llhi.itlan, Solias-llan lleibstei; singing Insliuctoi, Piof.Thoodote Ileim botger The meeting was laigely at tended and lmpoitant business was tiansaoled. The St. John Haskot Hall team, hot ter known as the Dofetuleis, has icor ganlzed fot the coming season. Ar tangements aie being made for their Hist gaiuo which thej will play the latter jid.it of this month. They aie SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a coush to run until It erti liouncl the reach ot iiinlklnc. 'tlicv titlin jy, "Oli, It will wear away," but In mot iacs It will wear tlicm uwa). Coiilil they ho Induced to tiy thi ucceutul mcclkinc called Kcmp'a IIjUjiii, uhlUi Ii uld on a pimitbo kuiuiiIco ti cuic, they would immediately ceo the excellent effect alter laUiiU' tho (let duc, 1'iico iJL. und iuc. t'liil tlie tree. At all dru.'sUt. billing to play nny tonm for a $50 purso. At a meeting recently held the following officers weie oloctod: Manager, J. T. Mcfltaw: assistant manager, John Monnhan; captain, Mnrlln T. Snydr. The plaers me: H. Holand. T. Melntyte, M. T. Snyder, P. Poneleigast, J. Kane, I', Itatchfoul. A. .Monlarlt, T. Qulnn, James Klguo and A. Ktnft Tho nioinbors of the .Tamos Connell Lodge. 'No, 1T0. Independent Older of Odd Follows, will meet in regular ses sion Ibis evening. The Oermnnla Sick nnd Hcnollclal Association will hold its legular monthly meeting this evening at Mltfs hall. Lieutenant Peter Hang Is ngaln on duty after spending two weeks at tho Pan-Am! lean. indies' AuMllaiy, Ancient Order of lllbeinluns, meet at Phatmacy hall to night. Miss Mary Koitlsehar, of Mount Dewey, Is the guest of the Misses I,ena and Lizzie Albrocht ot Hickory sttect. GREEN RIDGE. The WmniWii'r Home and Poioign MNsionaiy society of the (Iroon Itldge l'u sbytci Inn church will hold their ugulnr monthly mooting In the ehuich thaprl this afternoon at half past 3 o'c loc k Mir. J. It. Van Hoigan and Mis. M. P.. Kays, of Sanderson avenue, are at tending the senil-contennial colobia Lon at Catbondale this week. School No, 27 opened tho school car ycsloulay, with an attendance of about 60' f-c holms, .Miss Mae Henodlct was appointed to take chaigc of the prlmaiy A grade. The executive boatd of the Ladies' Aid society of the Oroon Itldgo Pios bjteilan church will hold a mooting in tho. church Immediately aftei the mid week sei vice this evening It is hoped all tho niembois will be piosent. All larilcr or tho congiogatlon whoso names begin with L, M, N, O, P oi Q aie also tocillestoil to moot with them, Miss Maty Hay, daughtoi of John l.a, of Dickson avenue, left estot cla.v foi ,i visit with hoi aunt, Mis. M 1. Pctinott, of Now- Yoik clt.v. Mi. and Mis J S Miller and daugh ter ('lai.i, or Ponn avenue, have to tal tied fiom Ocean Otovo The well ti.ilued horses of the Hon Pl.lnnev Hose company aie a souue of tntoi tnlnmoiit to the lesldents of th"; pail of the eltv P.vei ovonlng about S o'clock the sidewalk opposite the he so house Is tilled with people who galhoi to witness the lite fir 111 When the' bell Is sounded the stable doois allele open and the horses come out and lake theli places In ft out of the Vise e.niiage and irtc harnessed, aftei which tile- harness s lomoved and they io tmn to tho stables The Oieen Klelgo Women s Chilstlnn Tompci.inee union will moot this af ternoon at .1 o'clock at tho home of Mis. J Haioly, lul'J Point avenue. Sub ject, "Plower MKslon Wink " The les son will bo In chaise of Mis M. Nolcn. supcilnlendciu of the elopat tmont A full attendance Is diMied. All aie wel come. DUNMORE. Louis Pane, a special oftleer, was at us.cci jestcrday chargcl by J. T. rit7smmons, of Tluoop stioot, with assault and battery with intent to kill The ailogeel assault took place on r-unca evening about 7 SO o'c loc k Tho aectised entered ball in tho sum of $i)0 foi a fm tlipr hearing tonight befoie Seiulre Coonoy. On "September JO, In Washington hall, the Stanelatel Dramatic company, under thr diiectlon of Hobei t ' Hankln, will puidlice a ehllelien's ojotatie comedy entitled "The Falij's Dieaiit or the Di'fene'.ors of the Nations." The elcc u lea! effects will be In ehaigo of 1M waul Mltoor. Miss Mai gm et Hoaly i etui nod to her studies at Mllleisvllle Noiiual sLhnol yestPtna. c S Patter Is indisposed ajL his homo on Cheny Ftreet Miss Agins .Mongan has t etui nod 1 onio fiom her vacation spent at New "ioik oily Mi and Mi Thomas Mci'atin, of Piouin stiett, aie visiting ftlends in Old Poige Vs Maine Hat lie), of DoiiaiicUon, Is visiting fi lends in town Mis ntnma Ludwlg Is somewhat Im piovcd and stiong hopes me now cn tcitii'nod for her eailv ioiovhij Ilcni) Dn-)or will sing at thc-'.M. L. chut cl rtn next Sunda) evening. PARK PLACE. J Paul Lauet, of Plillidolphla nnd his slMei Miss titace Lauci, ihlldun of Hov. Lauei, of Slioit nvonue t-taittil toiia ten the Pan-Anieic an exposition The) will also visit lelatives ami tt lends In Huffalo and Hochester befoie u tuinitig lioiue again. C II Aulbsldz, of Hlnglianiton. N Y, spent Monday with Chaihs Hot ton, or SJ5 Coui t Ml eel St. John Manse), of Ninth Main ave nue, is spending a row d i)s at the Pan Ameilcau OBITUARY. WILLIAM MAKADY. a cliaiter niimboi of Colonel William N Monies' Post No 110, Hi and Aimy of the lie publle, ill -el at his homo In Mlnooka on Suntla). The funeial will take place this nioinlng at a o'clock, in. teituent will be In the Mlnooka I'atholiu ceniotei) A de location of Post p.is will attend the tunotal. Tho deccas-il was also a momboi of the Lac kaw anna Association of ex-Pilsonets of Wat and sotved dining the tobelllon in Company K, Klfty-ihinl Pennsj Jv.ml.i Volunteers He Is sutvhed by a vvlel env, his child! en having died seveial )eats ago. MILDRHD KHLLDIt. the lO-yoar-old child ot Mr and Mis. Keller, of Su7 Tenth stioot, died eaily )ostet,iay nieiinlng The funeral services will be hold at the house tomoirow afternoon at I .0 o'clock. Into meat will bo made in the WaMhburn stioot remote i)., MP.S Hl!ID(li:T MITCHIILL. aged 11 yeats, died yesteiclay at her homo, 20' Moildlan stieet, hoie she had to slded foi manv years. Doc eased Is suivlved by tluoe sons and font daugh lets, John, Patiick, Anthoti), Mis. W. V. McOoe, Sarah, Mllzabeth and Cath erlnc Mitchell. Tho funeial services will be lulu at Holy Cross chinch at 9 o'cloi k tomortow' illuming. Inter meal will be made in the Oathedial cemetery. Funerals. The funeial or tho late William Hay lot will tiiko place at Fketvillu this niotning at 10 o'clock. AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTES Vn rxriliiiir k'lmi- of lull mi iUiul Ian Sun dj lifturrn the lirnde" and niiUidc brewer) nitn ol the Case) hclly Hrculng coiiiiaii), rcutt HBIilliwr fMb wnmymmspjSFT swesn oeu nne reos wwMmmw Mm ot WmPT jicfc5 Wa $&& comes into the world practically 'iliou' pain to tho period of gestation, "Fpvorito Psrriptkn " wtx tb" physical comfort which BWirru! ' suits n mpnv.' cures nervousness and noAisa. eneoiVciger. a ) . refreshing slumber. The hour of maternity cor shrinking, and the abundant strength and vitality birth oL a healthy, happy child. , As a tonic fc nursing mothers, " Favorite Prescription " cannot bo excelled. It promotes the nutritive secretions, and so furnishes abundant nourishment for the thriving infant. It has a great advantage ovr many so-calU'd "nourishing1' fluids which are in effect only stimulants and impciri: no ral -.trangth to tho mother. "Favorite Prescription " contains no alcohol, and i.-; noirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. Jt if a true temperance TeO-icine. When it is remembered that many a child qp received the first 'mu1. to Mcoholism at the mother's breast, it should be a matter of especial rnaxoriin) car, to avoid all alcoholic beverages and so-called " tonics" which are only at'iirnrJants. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is essentially a woman's medicine It reg ulates the periods, stops unhealthy drains, heals intlammation aio ulceration and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. The dealer who offers a substitute for " Favorite Prescription " does so for the sake of a little more profit. His profit is your loss in this case. Therefore, insist upon " Favorite Prescription," the medicine you can rely upon because it has cured so many other women. Women suffering from disease in aggravated form are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free of charge" All correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. Ii. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. THE B0GT&R HAD FAITH, "I have been using I)r Pierce's Favorite Prescription," writes Mrs. Victor J, Hadtn, of Leonardsvtlle, Riley Co., Kansas, "can say it is juct what you advertise it to be, and can cheerfully recommend it I began taking it just two months before I was confined and was greatlv bene-i fited by Us use. The doctor who attendee) me said I did about as well ns anyone he had seen (as I was stck only about three hours), and also that your 'Favorite Pre scription' was one 'patent medicine' which he did have faith in. "We now have a darling lnby boy, strong and hcilthy, who weighed nine pounds when born (July 2Sth) During this month he has gained three and one-half pounds. Have never given him one dose of medicine I shall cheerfully recommend I)r Pierce's Favorite Prescription to an) one m need of it I thank you for the Vnefit I liavc received from your medicine " KNOWLEDGE F$ UOTHL "Knowledge is povea" is true of applied knowledge only. The knowledge gathered into the 1008 pages of Drc Pierce's Gammon Sense MedSoal Adviser is a power to promote health and preserve life. Every woman who wants to know how to live en health and happiness should possess a copy of this great work, which is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLYc Send 21 one-cent stamps for the ,s Adviser" in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the book substantially bound in cloth. Addtcst Drr R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. V. inz in d t u f r ti iinl in n hi f. e ins if tli .inn e.ii ii. I iv lull n It k ami th i it m r ii. tf M lulim inni Vii.nt I ho iiu.mIi iii. ii vi ill I lik hi nitii tl ut. filler again awl stimuli fi hiiurs t ti suuda; llll KING F.EX IN NEW YORK. Will Stait Today for the Tloial Tete at Saiatoga, Special to the .sVranton Trlliun .New Votlv, ept J Kliirf Ue. and hl i' limit aitlveel lion' teiilay ntnl woio niiiililcel a 111 iKIlillclelU if e oitloil. Tllo (oiomunios woio nut einiilui tcel li tile ollie lal lieacN nt tho illl.ons, hut tint Ii mis nt tho mini-Inn woie p.iliI by n (iiuimilto of oiio bundled, appolntcel by llio Southern So. let ot Now VeuK. I!o I'taili a hIidi t piiiiulo attot an Iv iiiK and then tool; up his liiMileiuarteiH ut tho Vlililiilf-AHtm la A special Mcnmei mot tho tialn utt ita lunval, .tile! thN was o.coitod iicichm th" i Ivor by a nuinbei eif xnmllei j i aft V'lin-tlos lilow Iniicl and Iciiik, anil thee nieliostias on bo. ml of nil tho ocean Htoaiiiots ti ulK up "Hull to tho Chlol" as l!i' Ihnitcil b.v. Thoii wan lillt little- t-pooi hllinklllh' when the boat toiulieil tho iIiuKm, as tin weallioi w is i liniilv ami lain tl iiatoni'il Tllo panicle that thou foi lowed was ,iiki ami hIiiiIIiii to tin into In WilHlllniUiHl lo will leave line to inoiiow iiiniulUK feir HaratnRa, wlieto ho will entidlle t the (lland 1'loial loto teiiioiiow utte i noon, when all of his Maid Ot an lloatw will ho In lino Tho eoxiDinofi woin liy Klnu Ilev and his ictlnue woie tho most sotsocnm over noon In Now Yen K. In an Inlet view to tltt . KIllK Hex mild ho wnulil bo ki cutty dlt.ipl olnteel If tlio Mai ill dias natailo ai .Wiintofut tnmoiinw lluKed with tho rinial paiailu, illil mil HinpasH in beauty muthliiK ever hoc n nt New Or loan', i'l mil S.iiatntta iniiios wend nf iiiosc olalicuato piopaiatieiu ot a ii-cop. ttnn fm IIiik Ile.v that will bo nil nuii-Io, How ets and bounty. Ni'iuly eveiy Pullman cat neat in SatatoK.i tiiilim fiom Now Venk luivo bouti sold In advance fur u week, telllnc that u Of many a woman, carries i ' k che toucri bah" fhuseitf. Thon rha h'j&rWhp (if th? chiidlear, p mny bo made reality. IM womon v;hr. do r.ot b'sa.T are bor:t so fryma &.& they caickly fade avay, can hs made happy meters by the use of Dr. Pierce-'s Favrrite Presciption. This great medicine for mothers hop fortorrned wondpfs for a great many women, k aoirj upon ti.e orgarji of matornity, giving thexrt grey.l vigor and t-lasticitv, so that the baby ' Mil ill ,ii ins nf w Ymkeis Will llit Klllrf 11' v .11 Ml IH'B I KNIGHTS Or MALTA. I'.l.t 1 1 mm nidi i li llan V M'lw, nik.H' iri r nf Im ii n.. ittumiioili c. Vn r, it H iint tenl, ilinl Vui; I-, uliir two vnk' lllnen. V veie lingo iiuiiiIhi ul tttiiitii)ii ij., dttwitlnl Ui fmii i i! Mint He will l,i .cilh tn 1,-4 t in llnllli-liald. uhiri hi llld lull.' In i II i litl'lti in all fiaiiiiu nnd hii.himi allin- hiikmi i lilt in tin e;i mil i oiuiiiaiidi r nt Peiiiii.liiii a hi eeitii i litt nf IiiiihIj, lt Iuh taiiii'.i ami u u ai liilnii Sihilllkill inllililiin lii, V. "if1 al l'it!twll Pi In hi n I up It titii nihil ...i.l mlIii I i-t utrl,. ul uluili iiinh ami ntit mil nu tliiit i pait llir iiummiiiil hnii ileteimln tl It nuki 1 Krial i:iiiHili tliirinu the fall uml uinin .itl,c ( rnt.N it mniiiliilt n , Vt J, al Plililil pin, lu ilniiil fm ilu i niim- nai li I 1 ItivMiU prlttt lnit ttlii'ei'- '.it kinuht i muni mil , 'ii haili'S Nlnr.i; cciii'ialiwlino, Nt I) WiN n ImiiuokI, iuil iiii uenerul, vn .laiue It Ilu Mn pnlaii, -ii I Itiiitiui Uiikht Tin intii liii-lni Imi'M-. il limit i I i inninuli'i Wn-.in. in I o anil fin l In c crnwt'i i dualled lor Ilu n v tn in tli.il.iili it nun unit n, Vn ul. lien ntl at Ililliith. V J, iiuiiililed IN flri th. ml.' mi u- I, i it. I i.lilirainl I hi' nni innl dili h liollliu lu (rlimU In a itiilh aiinlwrun li-n-veil, uliuli i h. hi in 'linn lull, tehiili i i Ihit.iiuel i n Hi' iiui'Hi I'a.l Hi mil I miiiiainl ir sir V II I liulnm dilitued Ilu itnnu id- ilns., iitnr vtlnih lu Itiliiidutid I'a-i m and ii ir Itilm - Vlundnil nl Vnik, I'a . lm de I. Mini lil Inline mi "VW'la lt HUi.m in I Piiiiitt, ' uliltli hi ill'i.irattil wiili u laif aii.l liuilllfill lailet til iiiiiiiintii ehm lull tint ha iri ruidend b.e -u Naat IIkhius, after wins Ii r In .limeiiH en liniutifullt mtnl to tin mam cuit, li' immliiriil 'm li Ii pi pnuil i.i ureanlu a sinmil luinuuml in 1 lua. tx tit ditrins Ilu lull waKiii N'ldiilim Is miklnir nriaiiKiinriil l.n V.n 0 , uliin 1 1 it- iwilti inmiiiiniliiii'o id 1. J. kaw nun iMinit cull unite in iitiifiirltti; th, (Inlet if tint lti I i n" nid Siiilthn, in lull mil in... i rlalmraie fmni. and In a larirc lull In lie rfiuiel f ti ilu piiiui niiniliir nf i iml nlti. . i, Im . iili,nifliil 111' ii" dilii It be ireent nn tin ... . i hn whiili will 1" il 'iifiilnl lido 1 1iar.it f i liter l.Nii ininpinlnii will In irrnt, an I dniv i.itullilatt' alt' .llirnl.l lamed mi the ll.l uf Hi .., rniltlul to he nliiilltiil In the uixtiror l hrlt in Knlchlhonil iimn Hut ouajimi ami the tut il titnnltrr ttill irieli ii Viitliianle iiiiiiiiiimlrii, Vu 311, of thW tity, will li'jld iiKinviiJl autlun in Its palatial coun. hsr into baby-land. .. ot baby lips tho pressuro wakes to tho regret and woman. Yet that dream Tn a great many instances cniulrpn, or whose children mother. Taken during tho mother into o condition of qisb and confidGnce. It - lay appetite, and induces ; on without nny dread or of tho mother ensures the "GOT ALONG SPLENDIDLY." "I wish to add my testimony to hundreds of others as to the value of Dr. Pierce's medicines," writes Mrs. Ida M. De Ford, of I.atona, Hubbard Co., Minn. "Have doctored with a great many physicians some specialists; have twice been in hospital for treatment. My case has been regarded as a hopeless one, and they knew not what the trouble vtas. Heart was bad; stomach all out of order; tired out; severe pains in all parts of the body; sinking spells, and nearly every ailment a woman could have. I took many a bottle of different 'patent medicines ' without effect. I began tal.ing Dr. I'lercp s Favorite Prescription, and ten months afterwards I gave birth to a 'n-rjound boy. All physicians hael stateel as a fact that I never could bear a child. Both the lnby and ill) self were strong, nnd I got along splendidly thanks to vour medicine. I do my own work and feel very much encouraged. I wish all suffering women would thoroughly try jour ' Favorite Prescription.'" WG F -i AMUSEMENTS. Arfauaauaan.nst Wednesday Night, Sept, 4. bhii nun limit i I i-mi M ' lin ejuaint, Ull 1 1 i 1.1 udd'ntiead Wilson Vn t Mil i wi ii Vlt WilUim (all in tin i I r it V ii 1 1 i miii pmunns tho lili I I VI v. i I i i i'lllll " . ti '" m vi "V 'Vi i vinvnu vi 'i a il Academy of Husic VI 111 Is It V I HI 1 IV Minuter, M uIjv in nf iikI Wi In iliv V14 '- wall liiLnlil Mime li 1 I I 1 11 .1 Mr. Barney Gilmoio. i KIDNAPPED IN NEW YORK Vii lln. plat 1- I imiI ill III aliUntllOn cl 11 wn viviiiov 1 1 viih l'l( IVI VIVIIVI I I)IV Jlallnu P1I1 1 'V iml 1 1 t.i ti I trttini; pi it t VI 1 1 1 i nil II clam 1 it w I, 1 mm. n 'iu Ihin-MUt etcn in. wiili I 11 In 1 I -ii 1 1 1 in it in Mr V I lit I unit 1 1 1 11'. VM III in I In let Cal. 1 1I1111 n I n 1 NEW TOGO'S TERRY. VI 11 11 I'n - 1 1 1 1 I Minn.- Pi 1 -1 ,11 I I 1 I STAR THEATRE VI I I, III IIIIIVI lelV Mimcrr line ttul,, 1 1111 11 n. M ml mat rice Sept. tl CLARK'S NEW R3YALS" ul tiiiiiii 1 n s ,i 111 im i,rRP attend. uni 1 i i.. 1 1 I Unit luiiilt 1 mininliit V 1 at l.ewit. town l'a. ho In 1 n ki 1 l.n t Ihrnughmit t!ui lii.itnl term lit 1 hi dtiiie nf fm nitice ti trv. vel the ilium', de.ptte the ut atlirr The cnthu ilatttv iiitintnr. arc alwajs ullling,
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