!ar TTJjrjHT" "5FW THE SCRAXTON TWBUNE-FIUDAY, MAKCH 29, 190.T. 3 C VALUABLE Food Properties of Milk .ire lost hi tliu ordinary method of coiulons ing. Dr. Hand's process retain! every food clement of the richest milk, unci lias added tin bone, nerve and I'looiMiiiiUlinj; tio pliatcs and liyjKiphobpliites contained in a iliet of whole wheat, l'or thcsc reasons Dr.' Hand's Condensed Milk is t''- mo.it rcfrc.sliinj,' drink for the talile tUt '.in-st .jluable food for infants and grow in:, li'ldroii the irre.itest restorative for inw id or ajcvd people. Better than to-day's crain. II rile Jot l';s ii'il Titr )!: nil 'UvND COKDEWEO MILK CO., !7i P..H ON, HA. HDM? MRS. COGLIZER BRINGS SUIT SHE ASKS DAMAGES TOR DEATH OF HUSBAND. He Was a Fireman on the D., L. and W. Road, and Was Killed in a Wreck on July 3 Lant Non Suit in the Kilmnrttn Case Refused. Verdicts in Two Other Cases. Number of Deeds Acknowledged by the Sheriff Wills That Weie Admitted to Probate. MEt m..amMra Ice Cream. REST 25 IMAWAIfi DAIRY CO 'Jcirr:neOr(1trrrompttr Dt'.lvarai ,3rJ37 Adams Avenua. REST IN TOWN. Per ic rtitfiff Scranfon Transfer Co. l'aBBafte Checked Direct to Hotels ;inJ 1'iivate Resiliences. w, Olll-e Station. D.. L. Phone & PasseiiRtv Dr. H. B. WARK, M'lXIAUSr. UAR, NOSh .md THROAT l.V I HNM'1IIV '. I'.' ' a. in. ; ! UOl'lt-'. J I p. m. VHI.U.VMS BI.IV'. Opp. I'tMlOlllvC. -fX UNIONrggJ "$$5&- LABELS ttttttttt CITY NOTES ftf tTt T1IMVX I I M.li.VI,. -Iln' lM'i..l "I Paul Vi nt, inunt -on of Mr. ali.l Mi". .1. VI. 'litiruii. .. place truiti Hie tr.iiJuiif. I'm Mmliii lOiini', ' H'.Wl j. in. ActienUi. M.KU -IH1.VI.. -I lie Wilis Mil. . .1.1.1 1 I lull Will t'Otldlllt .1 '. alll.l Moii.'iiii' 'mil, VI i ..mini; .imiii.1'. 1.1 I'ttnlic April 1. il.:. 1.1 M 1 1 l'V lV. il.c Ikluivjw .mil llu...,ti mm. pin' imi jiXrnl.iy It the lielaa.ii'c lliltluioii', !. lUltlmnK', .o. .', lullimoro Tuum-l jiM iiii;ni;hutn iiiIiim .U U'lllvcu'lljitr. i.ii.ht nhvv jii:.nti:ii. -a ii'mim- t M -i.. IIoih"Ii"ii j- li"M tan itiglii i'i il.J . o'.i- oi tho lluil.lir' llMlnnsc. unit .in amount inipoitaul lniii)i'vt t,iii'.ii dil. Klulit no'V 1 i Ill'll'U "111' Illlll.ltCll. I Mil lT l'iKl'(iT,l.- II. in.pi it. uli.d - in linve InvD lirlil l.it iilu'ln m liii.i.ui' i" r- ijd I.illlillli.- MR. mill.;; Hi.' 'J .11 li i.i l.l'.i.u.lii i .li till n.i po.l, imi'il until u.nilii it 'i n ., i iitif I'uii.iui I'anu- In 1114 t)..' "ill.' int. -it inl i'. hi min n( Lackawanna Exclusion to New Yoik Cltv. Mi April Oili ili'kot iiki'Iiih m th I i rkuvvnniiii rall.-uail a III fll npi-i'tal . Nt'iii'Hloii lU'Ui-t.i li Now VmU city. i;oiiil KuliiK mi unv train thai dale, fur I I turn on any train until Apill tit It. ii flusivi-, at rate of uiic way fun jil'i 1 i for i he iiiiind trip. , Wnid'n Millinery Opening Sat m ilny. .Mundi !." IPS Wai-lilnstou tvi'iuie. "'' ..v - Will Be at Our New Store ununtimv. alntygiM'liic fnniwiur. Walt for iiii. ilnlnWsliui stmv, :ii !.ui'kiuunna uveiun-. H ANOTHER CHARMING RECITAL. Given by the Pupils of Conservatoiy of Music. The Conservatory of Miialc gave an other of ItH I'liarinltiK pianoforte rpcll oIm la.-t nlplit in St. Luke's pariah hinicc allilitoililin. Although tliu neat Inn raii.u-liy of this hall Is much prruat or than that of th" one used on lor- rii-r similar oceaMions, Iho uiidltorlutn win -i-ovd(d with mi eiithtlslastU' au dience. As iisiinl, the admission was flee, hut tile pllvlleire of lii'lniT aide to pick out all i xeollent scat and have It lvseiAcil fin (lie nominal sum of ten onts was taken nilviiuttiKf of by u latse number, fully half of tho ball 1x ItiK reserved. Thus the plan of Direc tor IVunltiKton to provide a sebolai rhip fund to assist needy but talented snuileuts has been inaiiRiirated villi excellent success, fur all money iccclved frmn received seals Is nppiopiiated to this U"P. Musically, tin- n-ctlal was piobably the best shell by the Coiis-ervatory thii year, and slunu'd mncb proKi'i'ss on the pari of Individual pupils. One of the ptoininctit features ot tbes.- leeltals is that all grades and depaitmeiits of the systematic trnlnlm; are repivnonted. Thus the piomainine Mas made np of solo pleii's raiu;llli; fiom the easleM. played by a tot of seven, to ditllcnlt si leetiiiils lioni Clmpln. Itulilnstelu. Half. I.lszt. Si hiibort.aud llcetlioven. varied by eiiseiubk' numbers rendeted by two dllTereul sets ol eisbt pupils eaeb at four iiinuiw. and class recitations by yoiinKor pupils. In all. sixty-live .vouiir people were upon the proRrumme. Tile leslllts obt lined by the use of iln Kaelun nyslem of plnnofort' in stuictlon are siirprl.'lucr and the lllus tlatlons ftlveii lint evei'lm,' by the younger pupils show -il a poslllvo knoMledHo of k'.v relationship anil tiiinsposltloii which Is never expected save In imisii Inns ol lonp study and ex leilence. That this knowledge Is pre-id-, ly what Is needed to seeuii- the ipdekest ivkiiUs In a nniMrnl cditciitlon Is apparent to every one aciiualnted with music study. As usual in these recltf.lt- the plnylni, of pieces in any kev aski d for by the audieilc e made n MMisitlon, and es I (.dally so when this was doii" by little i-ye.ir-old Jlnrjo.-lo I'liristiuu. the younses. pupils of the school. It would be unfair to sitmle out lor spe cial mention anv of the others since all who played, fiom tin- younscst to the more niatine. hethcr In Milm- or en semble nuiubeiH played mulcally and with iiioie than usual technical pro ticioniy. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Fl ml. r Hil- lii.nlnic klimt liltrii ..i h.i.Mi-.-t uil) de pnliljli'. win ii in c.inip.mliil, lor pnt.lli.'i lion. I.y iln- iwltivY n.niu-. 'Ihi' 'Inlmiii' i.'- ni.r .1,-inni- ii -)i"ii-il.iln ..i npiiiluiii Inn' iNpuxiil J Alts, f'athurino CoHlUcr .Ncsierday bejrau it suit uualnst the Uolawaro. liaekawanna unit Western Itnlltoad company, in behalf of heiself and thteo ehlldii'ii, to recover $50,000 dniu nRts for the death of her husband, Harry Cotrlls'.or, who was killed on that road ut Hcnryvlllo on July 3 last. Shu Is lepresented by Altornej-M Joseph O'Hrlcn, M. J. Martin and 1. II. Hums. Harry CoRllsser uas a llromuu on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western road, and was couilmr towards this city on the day of his death. The eiiRlnii on which he was employed was one of thict-attached ton heavy fielRhl tialu. Theie bad been a wreck on th east bound Hack and cars toppled over on the rails of the wcbt-bound track. Thu engines attached to the fielnht liiilu crashed Into the wreck and I'otjllwj' was killed. Common Pleas Couit. It was so cold lu the main court room yesterday that JuilRe Kelly had to move into No. :'. There was no cases fop JuiIkc AlhrlKht to try ill thai court, the last having been dis posed of and all of the Jurors weie dlschaiRid from further attendance at court, with the exception of those sworn In the ease of Mrs. Amil Kll martln ORalnst th" l''lre Insurance coinpany of rhlladelphta lo recover $1,000 on an Insuranee policy. Alter the plaintiff rested yesterday morning the defendant asked foi a non-suit, but it was denied. The de fense ai'Rlles thul the huildlllR oeull plod by Mrs. Kllmarlln was deliberate. ly set on lire. Tho case will gu to the Jury today. In the ease of II. V. WIIII.inu against the lOleetrlc City Land and Improve ment coinpany, a verdict was yester day returned lor the plaintiff for :.7...- A vitdie' for the plaintiff for :tl0,UT was returned yesterday lu the case of Tripp & Co. against .1. K. John'on. AN' KASY WAY. To Keep Well. It Is cusy to keep welt If we would only obxerve enih day n few simple lilies of health. Tho all Important thing Is to keep the stomach right and to do this it is nut neeesinry to diet or to follow a set rule or bill of fare. Such pam pering simply makes a capricious np pethe and n feeling ilia' tertnln fa vorite firtltbs of food must be avoided, 1'rof. Wdchold kIvcs pretty good ad vice on ibis subject, ho miyi: "t am (JS years old and lmn never had it Kcrlnun Illness, an 1 at tlv name time my life I. as been largely an Indoor one, but I c.nly discoveieil that tho wnv to Itr-cp liet.lthy m'iim to kei p a healthy slmiach. not by culiiu crnn oraehers oi iiieimii of any soit; on tb. non liary I always eni what my appetite craves, but lor the past eight yems 1 have ninth It . it' dallv practice to I like one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal and t litlllb ute my lobust he.iKb for n man of my age to tin icftiiliir dally ine of Stunt t'.i Tablils. Sly Phyili I'tn ibt. advised me to i si iheni becnuse lie saM tiny were pi'ifectly hatmless and weit not a se cret patent medicine, but contained only the natuial digestives, peptones and dli.tnre. anil after using them a few wer ks I have never ceased to thank him for his advice, "I honestly believe the halilt of tak ing '-tuurl'w Dyspepsia Tablets after meals Is the iciil health habit, because tin Ir n' brings health to the sick mid elllng and preserves health to the well (iiul strong.' Men and women past fifty rears of aue peed a safe dlgiblive nfter meals to Insure ii ported digestion and to watd off disease, md the safest, best known and ninsl widel.v ued Is Stuait's Dyspi pxla 1'ablets. Thty ;,!. founi1 lu every well regit luted housebolil front Maine to rul; foirhi and In (Jreat Mrltnln and Alls trallii iiii rapidly imshlng thli way Into popula" lavor. Al! diuggifts sell Stuail's Dvspepala Tablets, full l7. (! packages, at rcnti and foi a weak stomach n fifty cent paikagi' will of km: do fifty doltaia v. oil h of good, country hold their meetings at the noon hour and ninny advantages are claimed for the plan. The business men arc nil lu the business part of the city at that time and tin hopo of n cheerful hour or so In social luteteotirse with tlie other members of the organi zation Is said to bo a powerful Incen tive which secures a large attendance and eoneo.uontly n greater Interest In the matters up for eonslderntlnn. It I h plan is adopted. Secretin y Athetlou proposes to have ti lunch served lu Iho Hciatiton club ut the close of every meeting so that the members will not be able to otter the excuse Hint they've got to go home to luncheon. lu VVrV 2 5; 5 1 Havitand & Co.'s French tthinal f tlt t f f We offer subject to piivious .nle. $10,000 Lehlghton Water Supply Co. Gold Bonds d pet cent. Fiee of Tax. Ma ture 1020. Interest payable Mny and November. l-LCUIril h t'lll-t Mollgab' llpl.li Jll till' pic-pcrty ut Mit I'ornp.iny, iniislbtlm; ui icjI i'..tatr, UMivoll., nuni ln.iiiu, ul Uilili- ,t.a.i' light, i.uiliiuili, itt. 'Hit: lanillrfa Jl pri'n lit l.ua .ill niipV tutphu over flxeil .ii.i'sc-. to Answer. I I'M ill. y. .diet .ml, pliMti- an- O'Malley Requested i iiiiui- ut Tin' riiiniiii'. -Ir: Will Mr Willi, in u. i.iiil.i Ihn.ili i.i Mic Twi'iitiilli h'.lrl Mil' liillowlllg intClloiiNl rii.l Hill Mr. (I'Mallt-.v ii.l; tlie uilt; nf ilec ilmi in l lie nvir.il iliitiiitti In tin. Tni'iitii-Mi nil to pi.xuii' the lullnls e.nt ut the sp.vl.il Ii'il iun fur Koliit loiiiiilliiian, Itclil mi llw, , llitKi.' N'luiiO lijil Mi, it'Vtallu ii'cvirti thu ilil lull'!., limn tin' juJki' ii tliu stvim-jI ildiriiti i t liw lll.llll' II Ir.l-Plil llr. ir.Vtalk'1 iiuta' i !Nt i.t .ill ivl.ii iii.l u-.ilii-t dim, ulil ii.iiiil'1, l.t'ins uUi'ii Hum Hi" li.illiit mill li -t of vi.ti'i." I'nui 111-Dili .Mr. (I'Malli-y nuke tlunl. to !!. li.irgo null woililns umlrr litni uliu vutwl :tSillrtt lilm'.' I'lllli IHil Mr 0'Mallr.v jml Mii .i.f.il pntai.i ..I ili'itiuii laioir Hut tliln min ,i it.itr pii-i.Ti iilfi'ii.1'. A-. a mi it nf llir Tivnilalli w.uil, I tdlnl; u n Mr. lI'M.illi.i'n ilntr Hi a illlrn In ,nmv, i w jlioi iiiell(in. II null a mate of iIiImuh evNt (ulilili i rillni'ldl) It i .iliuiil time that .1 M,p -.li.'iilil lie pnl In It, mill ili.it pi'i-illly, It's ,ni I'U'iy ROOll llll'l'll Of tlie Man) hi. M'tiet 1i.ill.il U liotlilng dnt i outiagi on i li i nl: tli.it li int. If.nnli- lair Mill M. i'!l'jI1i'.i' klmnM Lu itlwn i iliai.-i' li the nlioie rumor aro nut connt to put .1 .tup to the in. I'I. .no in.(it Hi" allow -ii your iiilu.il.l.; p.ipir .nut .liiilu'. I'jiililt W.il.li, 2 1 Oil I'm-iml nvniui". . i.int'.n. I'.t . Sl.mli '!. vMik.fc.njnc -f H1.IB., f f HtMttttttttntt r f8 firmfiwn, f i. a N. V. Carlji.iiil.ik. ml C, CoiuiriuiiiH'4itli Sera n ton. Guernsey Hall, IHI Wasi.lnglon ave,, Scianiou. Is thu best and most lella.ble plnco lo pup. chuse a good Piano. It will pay you ten all anil sot prices and terms. J. V. Ciiitrnsey, Pi up. Fancy Northfork Valley Colorado Apples. The lines t and best peon In this city for many a day, at Marvel's .Market. Wills Admitted to Probate. The will of William Stern, late of South Si ronton, who i ouimltted suli Ide at South Scranton last Saturday, was admitted to probate ycstenlay and let tels testamentary gianied to Harriet Stem, ills widow-, who Is h ft his entile IMt.lii'. Tho will of Kllaibnth A. Sweet, Into of Menton, was admitted to probate and letters testamentary granted to Klllott Sweet. iillie Tiirack was named as exccit tlix n the will of Frank Trefta. late of I'rlcchurg. and letters testainentaty weie granted to her. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. l.iun lli'.iin. .ii-tiutay liogin an .ntii.ii in ti'pk'iln t" niunr h'.uv hnlil ;nnh iilm.l jt Hl, vilil.li lie ,illrs;t-i luio I n iiiilantiilli' ifioil dy Nn-.ih 1 Mic Jll. I (i.n-t.ilili' 1". S. lliillaijr. 'Ih.' tiptau.i ot Mi' i otul lmiiic .ipp.aieil in unlfi.iiii yc-ti-i.lay fi.r llir tint tlini-, llii'i' ,ni' ef il.nk l.lui', tlie eojt.-, aie ot tin. iluulilc-liri'.it-nl larlcly .mil ;ne i.ni mi. nli'.l with ln.i- l.in t.,in. l.ach tipitnll l i1nli;iiatri dy .1 iiiiitilci, ivliidi I. lii-iiil..i wpen a b.nls.' do iirjii. I'luli' .l.tle Itiller h No. I. "tlulll'H lliTlli Hill- J'tKtlllljy llkllU.'llilli'.l 111 op'll I'ulirl to Mi' tellollill'; for ptofu'llt" e i Italy unlil: Mic-4i ict .1. VleAiidrcii, V. itiiliiii-.it A- U.ioMi'i', ('.i-opii.tllie lliiitilin',' dink, I.i- m S. KlnilMll, (.'inn.iti lliilMlii-r V..ciation, No n. I'. I. Mjiili'i', (luili-i liolilnvm, "1 In- Cili.tt 11111)11111-; nml l.n,m .i.ioi i.it Ion, Jaim-s I. Vi I) ,. ,i., Jolni 11. Ycigir, I'Miul-.i-i Tadtiuo It' Vt. ilivi, Mli'li.n'1 .1. Mf.Vn.lriiv, ( o-opir.aiM llir'.i Inn l.mk. time prop.tl'.i .Inhn llapoli, I'I ivanl Sutlt. Coinun ll.iiMltitr an.l Loan i... 11 Hon. No. 1. Vntonl Silu..k. Tlie in-ria will ji1.itiiil.il(,o .nlilltiiiiul ili-ul-i n.'t Tluii-.t-ii In the matin ol Ilinri II.II11. Ji., .-main-t Jim tii' M. Kviiill nil nlhi'i-i, .liulirc A11I1I1.1I.I ! leiilay li.iii.l.'.l il.nni 1111 opinion illie-itim: tin' tolloiiltt-j ill-tiil'ii-.lon i M-Vi In tin- I1.111.I1 ol Iho fh.-illl, ln-lim a pari of the ttimls ihilvi'.l tlolll the klll'llll'- .lie of i-l.-fclli'l lilt's plopuH' I. .mil in limit, sIVi: iirtiK of .ni.llt. 1 Ic, sl'.i'i, l..il.iiici for illsltiliiilioii, l(r,.:i--., uliiili i-liall d .linliidiitid n- lolloiii.: To Iti-oiin II llliiuluiin. on uii'iliank'i Mm. sll.Ie. 'Iho inlani.-, mi u", 1 -evaiilctl to Iluni olin. Jr., on juiluun in on i. nuni in ilj;. i' ' l s'i'lii. THOMAS FORD WAS HELD. Alleged Highwayman Committed to Jail Without Bail. Thomas Ford, the man who was ar rested by I'aliolinan Lona Day at L' o'clock yesterday morning for assault ing and robbing Stanley Denlskl, was committed to the county jail without ball yesterday. Fold and his partner, at pieseiit un known, lined Deulslil to the Delaware and Hudson Hacks, under the Llnd. n street bildge, and while Ford graspi d him b the throat, the othei- hit him with his list They hurricillj. examined his clothing and oxtineicd Sir., About II o'clock tho I'lilnndoi- was lound In a lialf-eonsiious condition and tiiKeu to the Center strict station. lie described one of ills iiM-mimus as a man with a w union log. and with this due Patrolman Day succeeded in 11 nesting Ford In tlie rear of the Columbia hotel. Ford was analgued bcoie Ahl.-i 111.1 n Kasson In police couit yesteidny, when Denlskl preferred the cluirge--. The prisoner denied nil knowledge of the affair, but Denlskl unhesitatingly Iden tified him ns the man who knocked him down. Ford recently completed serving a three months' term for selling lleninr without 11 license In West Scranton. IT IS NOT MANDATORY. Collection of a Poll Tax Is Optional with Councils, .MuiiJ discussion lias aris'-n .us 10 whether the levy and collection of a poll tax oi" $1 as provided for cities of the second class Is mandatory or not. A careful reading of the law would seem to show that it Is not mandatory but rather optional with councils Common council sat down on tho prop. oslton on Wednesday night and amended the tax levy ordinance so as to exclude the provision for Its levy ami collection. The act of 1S7S explicitly sets forth that the councils of cities of the second (lass "shall" levy and 1 ollecl such a poll tax in lieu of an occupation tax. The ilpper bill, however, merely gives councils the "power lo Impose and col lect" such a tax. Th" early net makes It mandatory while the latter makes It optional. M0II1 provisions are Incon sistent one with another and the es--tabllshed 1 tile in such a ease Is that tlie later ad shall pievail. An occupation tax, however, cannot be colleelod In a city of the second class and with count lis refusing to Impose and eullcc t the poll tax. the city will be out during the coming year just about Sl.l.OOi) which is approxi mately tin; aggregate amount of the oi-itipatlon lax levied lal year. TO HOLD MEETINGS AT NOON. Secietaiy Atheiton Sounding- Boaid of Trade Membeis on Proposition. S.-cietar.v D. II. Athetioii. of the board of trade. Is sending out Ituiuliies to each memli.'i' of that organl.nilou asking them whether Ilu-y favor hold ing boaid of trade meetings in the fu ture at the noon hour Instead of at night. If a mn.lotity of the members signifying their approval of the plan it will be adopted and put into forci In ginning with the April meeting. All the lnie boards of ttadc In the STATUE OF LINCOLN, Suggestion That One Be Elected Charleston S. C. Made nt a Meet lug of Colored Citizens. An Indignation meeting was adver tised tu bo held ut tho Howard Place African Methodist F.plscopnl church last night, when It was pioposed lo pass resolutions protesting against tho stockade outrages of South t'arollnn. ISevordc.-i- Molr. Major W. S, .Miliar and City Solicitor A. A. Vosbttrg were Minted lo address the meeting, but other busi ness pn-veuted their presence. Hpv. D. S. Henlley. pastor of the church, pteslded over the meeting, and John Walker opened Iho exercises with n prayer, President Campbell Hughes, of the Keystone Hcpuhllcan club, stated the obl-ct of the meeting, denouncing In bitter terms tlie present attitude of Hits Southern people towards ills race. Am chairman of the conimlt'tee on nr langements, he Introduced tho follow ing resolutions: lli"olu-J, 1li.lt i-i-, (lie toK I liliin nt Prr-intnn, Inieliy inli-r our nmpiillui il pinlr-.t j-Mln-t tlu'W violation of tin- iiikjiiIc- Luis of tho country and Iho tiller ili-rrjnl of all tin?, ilbliie am) lmni.ui, ai c.!ilMtil in tlie npoalnl iiuli.ii;i'H pcrpilialetl upon the nr-ion by nioln in tllP Milllll. lti'tolivil, That ne nidi to tr a monument In the n.iilli irutiil to Aln.1h.1111 Lincoln an.) will aiit tn ovciy p-v-ilbta maimer (01 il ici'itul i '0nMitm11.it Inn. Itcsohtil, Thu Cluilotori, swilli Cuolina, l thi niet tlislr.idlo pl.110 tor r-uili louiuitriii.iralloii of I'rclilcnl l.liiiolu, ami it. pi-c,tiiti ulll at U-t uhc tin aisuiaiKP of no tint Id. no loutd, no la-t, tin net, .nut lnlng In IN train that tor villi It ut all dale MMltcil aid rfghe 1. pcrman---iit jKilitlc.il pioipctuy lo 0111 countiy .in. I all nt ill lnli.iliit.int-. After Koruc little discussion, lirouglil on by John Walker, who did not fully understand what connection the mon ument bad with tlie question under discussion, nnd who exp'eitsed some lit tle alarm as to how and by whom the money was to b. raised to defray the oxponfoK of the memorial, the resolu tions were adopted as rnonmieiided. Knr years Hnviland & Oo.'h China has been recognized as the leading China of France. D hat lent none of lis fori ner nre.-Ulge today, although their shapes and trade marks lire coplc H as near as itiifcrtimiloit manufaettiretM dare and li-op within t in bound of Inw. We give you an opiiotiunliy lo bu.v this cxccl'ivnt, satlsfac toty ware at price" lower, by far than most dciiei-w usk for In ferior ware. We have made Inr;;- iitiditlons to pp irtieii stock pat liirnx. which -were most deiitliil, sele(t sutit pieces tlH y01t witnt, it sIiiRle plute or complete Dinner Set, The Star, by ,'ur the best sell er, a graceful pretty shape wiih bonier and sou'.teied sprays ot dowers in delicate pink and arecn with coin gold stippled handles, is one tho-" patterns of which one never in-os. stmt now by selecting 11 rev pliees; in u rhurt time Von will have a com pMe scl! Tea Cups and Saucers, per dozen $5.50 Coffee Cups and Saucers, per dozen... 6.75 Tea Plates, per dozen... Breakfast Plates, per dozen.... Dinner Plates, per dozen Soup Plates, per dozen Sauce Dishes, per dozen Individual Butters, per dozen.. The line Is too largo to gtvo prices hen 4.00 4.75 5.00 4.00 2.65 1.55 of Indhidunl pieces, as li Includes everything made for tho table, Itauiakius, Chop Dishes, etc. We guarantee safe delivery tu all out ot town customers. Mall otder! reeeiv. prompt attention. 'YuxwaTVfeAX , I I i Geo. V. Millar & Co. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1.11 Wromins AvcttiiR VV'Mk In and l.onk Around. SUNDAY'S UNION SERVICE. C. A. National Secretaty of Y. W. Will Conduct It. The national city secretary of the Voting Women's Christian association Is visiting the central association and brunches of this city. She will eon duet the Sunday afternoon (Jospel ser vice at M.ir, at tho central rooms. This will be a union service of all the branch associations and nil wo men and gills are most cordially In vited to attend. A Beautiful Line of Tlie Terhune "Union .Made" shoes, the shoes that have made Mroekton famous, at .Million's shoe store tomor row, :!iS Lackawanna avenue. " Dr. Coii'iell Has Returned And will be In his olliee today at r lar hours. Ask for Kelly's union crackers. foi r l.llilun Moil, i iho ( lilhliin' Homo New Store, New Stock. The newest styles nt Million's shoo store. OpeultiB tomoirow, 3it Laeka Wiinn.i avenue. "" "" " ' J ill 1 11 HUCIUSfullj ""llll . Three Dollars' Worth of Artistic Pho- ami ptanii lu nn- iim toRiaphy. That Is what Sohrlever t, now i.iblnet pot traits atnnd for. &bMibWtM)biil osiery Sale! SATURDAY. tilt Every pair of Hose in f reduced. I LOOK. I All I2c Hose for 10c : All 15c Hose for 12c 25c Hose for 21c 35c Hose for 29c 50c Hose for 44c jr. Store 0 ESBSI All All j Mears & Hagen 1 : 115-11? Lnckinvaiimi Avcniiv. : MAURICE D. BRESCHEL, 2r II HI II AND D Nli THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 29 AND 30, 1901. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS Ask tor Kelly's union truckers, (irai', tor jut- 4 nurie r. V .1 iiL. liia.oU . I it lclllllli, now pl'ipaii'il ; t'..', 1 illul viuil . , I ll.11 Fner-l Powili'i- nil (I1II1I1 n ll'i-i arc 1 uiinli So ut milk, pli.cam In lake .. .il i,. vcr (i.i A cciljln cine for loivililitu,-.', . ..u.ilpjMi n. Iifjiljilie, tceililiiic aii'l ilonuih ilUonli'th mi, I Hliime moiiik. At all 'Imscl.-U. !''. Siliipli 1e.1t Vfli:i:. V'Mrii Vlldi - niiiiiti'.l. l,.ti.J, ,N. V. We Jesite to announce to our patrons and friends our bpiing Openinp, on the above dates, and also our re moval to a larger and more commodious store room, 1.2.I Wyoming Avenue (the Old Leader Stand), where wc will be better prepared to receive and supply your wail's ill our particular line. I httiikhie; Von lor Past Favor, tr. tn sr: LEWIS & REILLY Always Busy. Always Honest. 1 14 and 1 16 Wyoming Avenue SCRANTON. ?t9 )(IVtJ.fVf) (fyM?MIM0 (.! (IMfM!1 W 9V.il) fVf flfl) W (t)sf Genteel Shoes For Gentle Spring This is the sprouting time of life. We furnish shoes for humanity the noblest of all life. For the Ladies. We have four ol the most perfect creations in the art of shoe making, They are : The Always Busy $2.00 Oar Special 2,25 The Nay Aug - 2,50 The Beautiful Melba 3,00 These shoes are all the feet need.and all the heart desires. In style they are in perfect good taste. Our guarantee goes with every pair, For the Gentlemen. We have styles that are comfortable to the feet, and beautiful to the eyc The prices are : S2.00, $2,511 $3.00, S3.50, And $4.00. These shoes are in the prevailing leathers Vic! Kid, Valour Calf and Patent Leather. (iVs 1 sry. fern VASi U$ r LEWIS & REILLY ALWAYS BUSY. ALWAYS HONEST. 114 and 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. E STAB 1-1 SUED I ,M 1888. S5S5:so:u5:s5wasocK3ir:: 0 0 I irk 10 0 0 0 jr Is Your Bicycle lu good shape for the ridlug season? NOW Is the time to have your work done, it properly. We do II Bittenbender & Go.,'& H V ' BIf Q 126 and 128 Franklin Avcnup. Q X0000 0 000000 ''r0.0,i' 000jl 00000000'0',-0i000000 00i00i 1 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 ( jro.
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