' " ""'." i7w7B w -m "fm i. THE SCRANtfON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, .MARCH 20, 1901. r-'H" Je cranon'rt8tme PuhlMied Dally, Except SiipiIj), by The Tr.b. litici Pnbllhlng Ccmpany, at Filly Cent Month. I.IVY S. lllCIIAItlt. letter. 0. F. llYMIEE, llutlmw llanaje.-. New Yelk Otllcei KO Nuwau it. h. b. VltEI'.L.vNP. Sole Asrnt fur 1 orelgn Adiertliln-. Enteicd at Hie Posloftiee at Scranton, I' J., ai Second Clasa Mall Mailer. Vv'hin space will tomlt, The Tillmne li always Klad to print short letters Irom Its friends bcai in? on eurrrr.t topic, but It tula Is that thco must bi eljnid, lor publication, by tho writer real namc and the condition proc. nl to ac ts ptance is that all cuiitrlluilont thill be auU'st to tuitorial '.evlilon. THE FLAT mill roll ADVERTISING. Tin following (able shone, the pilcc per Incli each linoition, rpact to lie used within one jean Hind , Mdlntioni Full I'.iper I Ibadin , l'cmltin I'lM'L.Y. I'm lli in Suo lii.'Inii ,M '" tin be U) " "M , , '"l " ...... .& II .Pi .1-1 .171 .1. .It-. .IC1 .l.'i lor cauls of thank", Kioliitlnim cf ectidoliucu and almilir cmittjbuf.oiM i!i 111! imtmo of '! "rtltifii- 'lb rrlbiin make, J ehurft of ."' ccnu line. Haiti for ( ItMiffd .vlvc-li'in furnished n application. Ki'liANT.v, .ikcii ::. iii. Tl!- l'lillmlelililn inurnliii; pupr-is pilntH Won., inidiiittiit mid finlii In Kfrmnnn hi lueiikfatu tini- ooiiteiliiol vfflptilnv ni n.-vvs oi tli" i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r; ; .:;iiiii.t1iii, a Mfs -vut .. Up :'i-t xlcrin.-'iiiif. Tin v ml.M trite noun nl- llleiKt rliilly. Tllos' . v l. , , j l01 jj,,,,,, l"i llir li. mm iiinfcv ;, ntlliih". Lift tlie Pal J. fl "-K y M.Ti:vi:it 11 xt-m m- ''" i'',.'oiiltloii cO(.'iirt,il V V ! I'l-fKlilt'lit Mitchell n.t a ifsnilt nf hit visit tn -Vi'W Voile, it Is Id lie Impotl Hint II "HI mute i tiillzf at lodny'H iiiiifoiulicc in tin' fmiii lit a ilcllllltf .iniioiuii't lin lit llnl llino will lf tin inure (linn .':lii(i mil; or a in-rnl mi Ike. The nirr.' tlin.it nf a stllke, as put loitli liy Hi., j trout llniiletun runven ii'iii, has wnuiBlit I'limnxuiH Injury to 'lie litlKlnrsH Intuii'StH uf Ntiitlie.'iste'in I'fiinpylv.itihi. It linn coiivi't'ti'il i-i-i-taliity into uiiriTtuiniy, iniiiliioiuo intu li-.-ir. tunl laiiH'tl a wliU'i-piLiul comrar Han In tho vnlunK' of oniiTH anil i oil lt., Nctlilnjr in .-i tliuld an lniclui'.-s. It N no rntltk'il to have an (ippoi timlty l j hitntho family An- a tlin-. McmlKTs r Hip pw.h Imiv.iu on- KUKL'il 111 tlK' Wink nf U'.iililiK I'oM m.istcr Ueiifial niith out of uilloc .ire 'ncrtfellc If not ai'iunilt. Mm Vauglian Bill Defeated. F-Hi: WCriJAT of tlie Vaugii.in Mil mi third lcadlnff In tho lioun- ends a contrnvusy Mhlcli, liml It fjol ln.oiid tin Bovcinor. would undoubtedly h.uu bi'cii taken Into the court, pinlonplni; mi (iTtalntv as to rlty i-lmltiup hi a tlnn Iitn all nvallabl" iivciiih- in tiiscntly lii'vdcd. Thu vlgiii'oiih dpp ii-it Inn i' i tin bill oisanlBC'il and mat. "haled by ili-v, Ur. Ali-'l-eoil, tdth able ru&lxtulici' fi-.un (Jtlier city p.u'turs and Horn thr KkIs l.itlve ooinmltlce appolnlrd to upu .'nt the chUHlii'!-, tuuloubtcilly had much to do with rvvorFliic? tho leslsla lurc. If It begun somewhat l.ttu It inorp than made up by the r?nim.-riiu.-ts and Toice of Its activity. Once ukjIii the chui'h militant dmrsos thu (.litircli trlttinpli.int. Hut the foi tint the lvvcuut- yUld inder the SllOu license fef fo iar ox ceded exptictatlont as to oveieuuni the Mguinuut that the lower fee would lw lllitly to produce the larger agqiogmo no doubt played an Important pan in '.'(using a legislative- i-haiiKu of mind. Willi thosR omieerniil In the icventie .'sptctn of the iiutstlou tlif problem is Milctly niathi-niatlral. As .i clilsju or (iu.im, Asuln.ildo V'Jtllil piobaMy lune a much uuaL-v time and be 1 : csp.'iulxe to the guv i imp in. djrnnton's Pree Scholarslilos. Z B- 1 1": r.vircusiTY of l-cun-jj .-.M'nnl.i Hut ttabilsii.il JL li'v siliohifiililjiij at tho Siiautun High School and t the School of the Lackawanna, f b tilled by one Miulmt irom eieh of thcie i-chools. tindiT coitulu conditions, u i tilt? collep; ilcpr.rtineiu or the unl Mrslty A "iiii"tlilve I'jaiiilnatlon lor tliire tcpolarshlps w! in. R.jri ,n Stttinton at a time convenient to the iHlnvlpalH of our high school anil tho School of the Lackawanna, to whom tin. cMimlnritiu'i papei tor entianee to the colloec will be lorwauled. 'hey aII conduct the fNamlnatlonii'nd iv tuin tli- answers to tho tinlvortlty for the purpose of having them markej, iM Ul whii h they ale to be rctm n..il t,, Seranton with the names of those who I l,lll fbUl-Mfjl tll l.Vtlliillinllii.i I. n..l I '7 ' , .iij.miiiiiiiiuiill, ICllVHIK to thTrmcp to decide to whom the scholarships shall bu awarded. 'J'hls oiler, coming as It does from one utalvi greatesi univeieltles in tho (iiintry nni! thu one t,at Institution ot tho 'kind-In the state, dhows the hlfc'h estimation In which tho Surat.ton Feliooltt have ionie to lm held In edu cational ciit'lb", and Is not only a com Pllment to the high standing ot tho sehcols, but r.lso a recognition ot the entire community as tin educational ci liter which cun support cchools of thf excellence of tho ones In question. Such rtenmerehlpa win be of value to our seljools In many ways. They will j'rumot-ji healthy rlvaliy nmong- the sttulenj;''ertaie an Inlcurt In higher edueatln and enable the brightest and moht aiaibltlous anions: them to secuie the lioni'llls of an education at one of the bg; colieges In the couutty. It will eiiuhln our young men to in.uk out for Ihenuelves c.trct-rs heretofoin unuttulriuVjIe to all hut i most favond lew, .ird In tho years to come they will return to their nallsc town successful nnd eminent men, anxious to return to her r.or.i& token of tho bsneiUs they re ceived from her nt tho time they fltst stHrtod out In life. Then will iho town ilrst fully reallza tlie depth of the benefit conferred upon It by tho founding of puch a. feholar hhlp. when It calla thf toll of the m"n who lend In the nffnlta of rlty, tnt" or coun'iy ur.d on that toll HmH many wlm iieur could l.ae ppeai-ed there had It not been for the alii given them tliiotigh this moat .ei'Hnnubli' nnd wlso piovlMou. t'lof. l'ctrlc. pio.)eellng foi idles tnar Abydot, claims to hnvo uiicai thed iccords of klnES I3la, Deb and Sam, who existed before Mena, the founder of the Mist (lMiaty. nearly 1.&00 11. . t'lilesrt the KgyptologleiR are "salting the mine" the cadaver of Noah ought l" b' rillic')iiiln? nevt. Pensions. Tllli AMOINT paid iinniidlly In pensions by Clrent Hrltuln to nlllrets who have llson fioni the ninks and to (lis charged soldiers prior to the South Afilcatt war was $S.1'-,2.17. The amount paid Inst year by tho t'nltcd States In pulsions was JK'.'.lb'-MT'.'.SI, mote than ilfieen tlms as much. Uusflu spends on her standing army of l.wn.uuo men only Jl.'.OOO.OOi) mote a enr than I'nclo Sam pjys out In pcnsluii" Trance, with a standing army of r.y.i,ui'.00ii only .'.".ooo.oou more, Cif'i'iitnny. with tho best army In the world. $3 tn.iO.000 les: and tJieut Uiltain. In notm.il times, spends on her army and nn com bined $l.00n,000 less. Hut as Pension t'umnilssloner Kvnni polnifii out In n rocent contribution to I'olllot's Wekly. tho Vnlted States Is not satisfied simply with rewarding lis defenders by granting the most lib eral pensions cei known. It sUxiadds the following hem Ills. I ir'l II j flilur b"! i limb in I Iw 'iil.c, oi ai Hit tiaull of 'it Kiinr in liirc ul ilutt Ihi- h pioi.,- ilul lit Mull lie fnniHiI, In ,'blll:uli I" hi, pittflixi, mi .utlllctl! limb, lie 't rut ',,.11 ry Hire: jnra) n iiiiinniit.ilioli itKrefoi, nliil traiiniit.illou fieni til Iioiiio tu Ibc phre uturo be m.ij nelrel the artlflcl.il limb ji.iI irtiirn, Ni 'IHl- I'lflrruin 111 appointment" In pll.'i' f (nut uiiil t'lolii, .mil pufircnua lor in-'ii-tb ii In all i iil ri'Kiii. poellloiK. llilnl -Nitloiul bbiiiiK, loiuttil at eonidiliii ui'l liiallliv point" In illllrmit p.ulii ef tlie niiniri, iiliin all Ibc intiitnrtH f 8 Imine flle plcihhil lire ul all npi'iie, imlttiHn; inimor t.ibb iiiatii, ilotlilnc, inula it altoirtinie, lue llbmy and aniutcinciiU ct itirTt rent Miul, tb' Linirr.iiunl pruililin; fiec lr.ni-portiitlon lu tin' licitii, ami '-.'ill li.tiitiR piiiiuuiH or pen "If.li ulnli' ,i I'limlnr nf I lie Imllie, Jliil IlliUli li n nut iih iliMblbilin Iihh.i-. f'linlli "-tut" In inn (tin lit i nine in iiiiinb.ii 1 ' pt tip bi ibc illfliniil slitf m, and kIiiiIIii In III. ir puipixc In tin iialbiii.il Iidiih.-: Ihr miiii "I Slij per e.ir bclin, annttill) paid h i lie smeral litrmiKnt in smli bonie, loi .. .ich lr.in.iti. llll nf lle rlatc tmim atfo in. lute fur the wlui iind f.iinlllr of Ibe iiiin.it(, h" Ibat Ihry nerd iml lie fip.ii.Ucil Mlnlc the .He tncnibirs cf tin liuiiii. I Illli Nilillcia' nipbau (tiuol?, estjlilMiol liy 'In illiferriit sutii". pruibllii? lor tin- nultitc n in-e .mil iluc.it i"ti ul miWhis' orpluim until tbry attain tin. aifi- ef II. jeais. siMb There lime bei n, In .iiMillou to all Ibis, Kiiintnl br nainn inllitjiy ferilnn. .i, piirti'lcil In Lm, nni fnfjiVn) .kick of land, Vi iimii a. Ih'IHii.i I'lil N'o one would have less liberal ar langements. Hut It lx satisfactory to note how tiivui'iihly they compare with the jirovlslons of oilier nations. .Mr. Hryan piopo'os to think tle betorn he speaks about the inpturu of Agulnaldo Reading's New School Plan. L'l'UHINTUNDEXT .M.tckey. of lt'idlnir. In icimunse to nub. - lie (lUcuhsloii of manual train ing and the ndi&abllily of es tablishing such a school in thai city, has given Its school board a plan, an estimate of cost or building, and that of yearly support for such school ac commodating sevm bundled clilldicn. It Is "not- to be a trade school," sav the Heading papers to their constitu ency. That Is a ma'ttur of course. Pub lic schools, of whatever grade, or what ever class of children may chiefly com pose their attendance, cannot take up the work of the trade school without dereatlng their own educational pur po?o. Heading's propositi expei intent, its It appears from such mention of It n Is now utlrartliig outside attention, has conic tunn a leallzcd need of doing something that shall bear good tiult In the training of children who aie usually voted dull or Incorrigible in thu ordinary school mom The advocates of the opening of a manual training school under the cue of the school bonul dwell on the advantages that would aeciue to those who had always bitted study when thej dlseoveied that theio were things they could do and the doing or which awakiiied Interest, jet deuiuuiled thought. As a well-known ("iillfoinla educator has said, speuklnr, of sloyd: "In a manual training school, pmpeily so called, no attempt Is made to cultivate dexteilty at thu expense of thought. No mere slelght-or-hand Is alined at. nor Is muscular exorcise of Itself held to be of educational value. An exer cise, whether with tools oi with books, K valuable only In piopoitlou to the demand It makes upon the mind for Intelligent, thoughtful work, in the school-shop the stage ot mechanical habit Is never ic.uhed. The only habit actually acijithed Is that ot thinking. No blow Is struck, no lino Is diawn. nci motion regulated I'mm muscular habit. The ritmllty of every act sprlngB tiom the conscious will, aceoinpanlcd by a definite! act of Judgment " Such tialn Ing In valuable to dull children, to ehll dien who hate books, to the mil ex lent claimed. It Is to be noted that It cannot be less valuable to bright (.,n; dien who uiu so often the victims of "the book habit" and of that of "mem orizing" what they learn irom tho pi lntcd page. It Is to be supposed that the Heading mnnual tialnlng school. If It does ma terialize, will develop In Its tlrst stage from the Kindergarten with Its model ing and drawing woik: fioni thence to woodwork lu two dimensions; from that to the tegular sloyd work. Intelli gent, uetlve work In natural science peisonal observation of tho simpler facts of botany and zoology, physiology and geology, Is, In all such schools as we know of, niti'lo a special feature. It helps not only to cnltlvale the eye, the perceptive faculties, and to awaken and stimulate tho brain to thought. It rvuets favorably on the actual woik of tho hand. It takes Its part In training eye, brain unci hand to work together. Hut such work as this In elementary natural science, "nature study," Is of no use Is often worse than useless unless can led on tiiubr wise and sym pathetic guidance. It needs the trained teacher, one who Is also lu fympalhy O with childhood, even though It he In the utllse of n child "dull," "stupid," "Incorrigible!" or "badly trained " Then would that school boanls would learn the lesson the teacher must lie given time, dlFcictlon lu the use or It. and generous eonlldenee. These things nic needful In evciy school that Is to do Its best work for the children, whether mnnual training lu any shape after Kindergarten days Is a part of Its cuiilcuHim or not. Also, no teacher In any community uble llitauclally to dippott schools nt all I ought to have nunc clilldicn given hliu or her than can have the stimulus of I dally Individual attention. A college ' piofossor may be able to Impart In- Nlrttrtlou and enthusiasm to classes counting hunch eds of young ttictt or women. A high school teacher may do as much tor scoics of tho youth who have attained Illness to enter such a school. Hut the Instiuctor and ttalner of tho young clilldicn, this most lm pottiint age of all, must 'be enabled to know the Individual needs ot each child If the b'st Is to be done for It, and de veloped lu it. The lower grade classes should be smaller In membership and their teachers be tho bet paid, al though that demands money. TOLD DY THE STABS. Dally Hoioscopo brawn by Ajacchua, The TrlbuitB Astrologer, A'tK'libe nut- .'.31 a. r.i.. for Trbtai, Matrli C'. 1-J1. & ililbl Imrn on tins day will bo ot Ibe opin ion tint .onie rue unlit hue Khlnippctl thu (Innuddcrttiottiect lamp luuiiUlnianlu rcie Iiillon. I'rleiida iilm tin rt lip In unevpicltd pl-iccs arc generally mot .ippinlilul. A fen my lonimoiiptioc renurks "III ome times stail an in,-ly minor in (iieiililloii. Mot piople luve i rami lo tula liltli In 'lu i old "ale tlaf. A bae ball club In soranlon Mould at leat leielie the iiirmirjgcincnl uf Ibc clement bold. Iiitf prrM ticket". roiiMlcnir li foinrlliltii; (bit Continually kefp, one iciuinded that oliicr pii'ple'nwy find U5 out, Nn man ran leally be rnn-bleiPil .t viocom Hiittl be lui had to delete "ine lime to clcnj. Ins the lit-iKiiitliii riimoi. Ajncchus' Advice. !' 'i in mind that the ability to Millie at linii l.ii'iiki 1- one of the jeiretn of ifiiuesi. Dr. McLeod and Christian Scienc? lalilor of the Muiiton liibime sir: Pr. Mel.eod Ins appatently complctrd Ins lnt Mrle-t of .iiinen on the irrrit mbjeit of rhrWIaii Si icik e. Will jou kindly extend to me the inurtoy ot .lour column or a incle paper bciring upon b i-.fr, important, but not Li ..iiLtlit out in Ills Million-, ,n piibliilied in )our papir? (i.i;ii(iMf:.N. ( liri-tiaii NtentlsU Me that tlie houi ba tome bin jpiilltiil eli i fj mcti may be indued with tin- pplilt and ijumr of Clul-llin lualinif, tor many iMinplu.i (lirli.ll.in Seienllt of today me icstdda.i cvtiiipbiy l hrli-tlaii U,imeu in onliiidii ihuielien, and in no way hoc they now ihpirled tiutn Ibe faith of their feimer paitors and tcaibioi, cviipt it be In step mote spirit ual; the-e ( hil-.tl.in livnun aie loii-uiitly heal tus the sbk thiouitli Iho spiritiul power of I'hrUliaii ScIcikc .done, and ale daily imlolUlnt; the ','iutlrne.s .aid punly of gmuliie ChiUtiin ilur.iilir. I he rpleudid attaltiiiiint of spiritual 1 i,i mm at thl poind bint of spliudld prc'tnt poibilities tor spiritual paitoH. liength and hrmt.i ol ibiiattir, a benlcu inlhiriu f .uiioni.' tin a pi'upb, the niiucl of I hrlitiiu Science ln.ililm. .VII tboc Hi today uitblii ci-i Hub .md at tlirlr (iiy door, tluoucli the (el luKiki of (liil.tlm vlriiii, and I" imdeiiiland these honl.s tlui hue null to Imbibe the spirit of loic thai ilratrojt sensuality and taltlilullv obey ita illihic rtHuircmcntf. IMT1IKI.HV. f sutil; if. in prailiti, lie, as Chiituu, at kuouliilce the neicltj .aid sutlirleney ol mailer to bed the lick, II ve, lu praetkt, aiknonlcdcc that our bodiis ate, by the iiliinal niture ol tbim'9, at the meny and lontnd of muter, lie may veil ak, tiutuitlistandlne; our beautiful tall;, Mhcrcin do ue, as Chilstlms. diller lu this repei I from tho lite Itubeit lu;ereoll. Hut if Chiistlaiii i! not, in practice, recelie Mr. Inger soil's teaibinjr in legnd to mattir's itlentlrn ptoic-fion of niuoilt and eliange and stufe and death, and mattr I 'a absolute fonirol ot man and lb.- iinlvfi.'. nliat poiib!c i'sue hale they, then, with I'tnUtiaii Siienei iihlcb ti.nhes to lay down fiery inattcrdioin seu- and to stake all In tills Morld and in Ibc nuibl to come on the actuality, the niklit, the benetliieuie of pilt, the lllc that l.s bur, uithoiit beclnnini; and without end? It all ilcis.Miitu reilly billeir in the actud reign and rule of the spirit, why should some of tliiiu to bitterly usitt the pontile, prod of ..us uhlib fhilstlau silence alone and abumlint Iv .ifl'irds" sine of tin if Chilstlan paibhloner.1 leielie the artualit and irtgri of Spirit with Inducible pmol. Aie tbev thcmsdie Chrlstlini tn tbe.iiy onl.i? nd iioubl such clciRjmrii llnil ly put the lilty to the unmiial icort ot plead ins nith their pa-loi to hair practical faith in Ciod lu cider io Kite the .indent IhrUtUu taltli In in obllilon In liilideliti ? 1K.T BOOhs. Van all material rinuillej hair filled many (hiitiaii SiltjitlMK bale been healed by the tiiise ol Cod' presence and control, ulilrh came to the in ublle rradlut; the test booktef Christian sdcnu, namely, the llible nnd science and Health, with Key In the Nilptun , by Mary Ilaker ('. lMdy. 'Ibe tcaihlng, of thee text books hiie lessened Mifliiln; and sin in this tin, aid rctnciic-c will be mien Inqnlirr tor full iniistiuatlnn. Indiildual irulu pioic the impoit of tliesc lvik to be a spiiltuit i)lllve trletice, width today Is, and tail be, lonipre bended and demonsliated, Now, foi one not eonipiehcndln(t how till silence l detiionstrated to attack tin se bookn ai aUuid U as foolish a would In a slmilai attack upon the duuoustiablc rulit. of iiijthematle by one who Mmply filled to coinprihend them. "inn WML. s.i lutig a hri.tlau science bettiis humanity, Million! diiigK m hjpnotl.m and spiiilual jKiucr alone, the Uai of (brWIins lest tliln healing U of tliu chill and lot God Is unable or me Mllllrh- to rrlloe niircrlntt humanity, tenipti tho query whether the dull Is moic powerful or more' humane than God. Ji.ua and Paul ti uly cauliomd theli follouir tu beware; but tlnir genuine splrltuillty enabled tliiiu coriTrtly to ilisirrn when iiomkii mcic moiuht by evil, and theie li no evidence that what they named and pro-cilbed as cliiil could do more (or Ire inanity than lould their CchI, If It U clurura t lull In a ( lirtist Lm to dream that be i litliolillni; u dciil, iihcn be U only beholding nod, in good. new and merry .(loins' lor men mote than he bad tier dated to hope fur In tbU premnt moiM, may the benign lier'picsenec btal the blind f)e till they behold the abundant poodncwi and leallty of the Holy One, iilm ivaita nltli auhllmv posibllltii', tor this tiotbl, lu eiety hour. "tit:i.o i:n rtMsKiAx." Paul w.ik ol l.ukc, lilt "beluicd ph.l ic Uu, ' and (liii.il.iiis hair iilnicd to thb pliu.e, ap parently Intniini; thai l.uke, a. u Christian, licahd only i chug iloctora do, and that Paul, in bis di.'iactir j thu sieat apo.tle, ivaa hit patient: but tlii.i 1 unie.iioiiable ..l,. 1 without piuoi. ( an lie think of Paul, so void ot .eu.uib liy and so filled with loir, that, without diujj or lopuoiUm, he healed the sick, i lie boiu-dt-foiliud mid oven raised the dead? Can ire think of tliU actual denionsttator of the ancient ClitU tlan sdence of the Matter really baling an an cient dme doctor traveling irlth Iilm tn cue (or liU hrallli, to dope him with ponders nude ot makes and tuadi, ivcrtmerihi of anlmalt, mould tiom ridavira nnd null ilelliaelm ,i might luie been found lu Ibe pllblujn ot Ibat time? Will a (lirlnl.ill daic to sa that I'aul'a bcallnt (hrlit uai belplcisly suborillnati' tn l.ukf'e uppoud catnip and ihp' I'"' I'm' lli 'airat 0000x0000000 gTHie People's Exchaoge A rorbXAIl CLEARING IIOUSK for th " Deneflt of All Who Hare House to Ikr.t. Ileal Lslatc or Other Troncrty to Sell cr Hxrhange, or Who Want Situation! or 1 lleln Thensi Small Arlierllinsn Cost One Cent a Word, Six tmertleni for Fliro i.euti Word-Kxtept SItuatloni Wtnted, ,iiwi .110 inscrica rree. oooooxoooooooooo Help Wanted Male. Nrnis-AV KXIKRir.N'CKt KNH'U CUTTF.n on coloted underskirts. tate rKtlenco md salary evpiclcd AiMicm Liucine -Ktit company, Wllkes-fiatif, Pa. Help Wanted Female. wan rnn-LAnv rraduatk or 111r.11 sciiooi. to do work on city director), ddirr V, F. smjllie, Ccmmonttcaltli building, dti V ANTKl)-ACOMI'ETKNT CO01C: MUST II MX jrood leferenec. Apply at e? Linden street. Dint- WA.STL'ti I OR aUN'EllAL House work. SID Qulncy aunuc. Situations Wanted. snuATtov vvANTKrnrTvTTrn'coLonF.ri woman as cook or doing; scncral homework. 5l'l Lackawanna avenue. MTL-'AIIOX WANT EDTO CO OFT WASllINt. and Ironing- taken home alw. Call or addrew h. II., 31 sinnncr avenue. HTFATION' WANTKD-IIV A WOMAN" TO CO out by day Mashlnc. Ironlmr and cleaning. Call or addresn Jim. Mary ilifscll, 1219 Cedar aunuc, i in. MH'ATION' WANIUP-HV A (IOOOI) AND RU spectal'Ie girt to do general lioinew ork In a tmall (amity. Can givv good reference. I'leiss call at .'sil Noitl. Rebetca a.inut. lldo I'a-U. VVAN'TCP-rLKRICAL POSITION OF ANY KINO by a competent .vo.mpr tnanj reference!'. Ad dief M. I'., iaie of The filbune. For Rent. rOI! RUNT-LAIKit: ROOM, sl'.l OMI l'LOOIt. .'I Wyoinlns aimiiL; -.tillable fur lnislneci purpi'H'a; all modern conienloicef, tuquiie 2J5 JciUrson avenue, near (spruce street. Lici;xsi:n itorni. for rent, toa pf.nn am:. PtMRAnr.E iiofsi; roit hi;nt. c-ji madimin aienue; modern Impiuirnuuts. Apply to A. Rose, '.':.M Iackaivanua annuo. I OR RENT-HALF UOL'llLK IIOl'si:. 0 ROOMS, Sis. Ml Harrison aienur. Apply, Thomas Russell, 650 Harmon aienue. FOR RENT-HALF POII1LE HOUSE. B ROOMS, modern implements. 1.1IS Vine street. FOR RENT-rFRN'lMlM) ROOM. FOR CENTLi: nun, in private fauill; . all convenieine?. S.':0 Washington aienue. !J3 RREF.N Rind'. STIU'.KT. TEN" ROOVW, inodtrn Imprnvemcnts; steam h-at liirnUlieil; desirable; fjj.00. HOTEL FOR RENT-INQUIRE Ol Mils. T. b. Joncj. Miln street, Taylor. For Sale. n. v-. x . -v-. - MM: IIORsI FOR SALE. AI LlOlIT ROll ster, weight fmo tn KM lln.; (olor, baj; t-se. A; stiind and kind; ptlee "lii; ran L fin at 1. II. Wjtts' latin, (ilcnbuin, or aip!y tu'i -Vlonrco aienue. For Sale or Bent. FOR ALE (Oil MIGHT RENT TO THE RICHT pirtj) fine corner pirperty In upper Crreti Ridge; mo,1eni Improifincnts: splendid yitd. Ap ply J. M. Walket, Vttorney, '.VJ Paull bulldin?. FOK SALE OR RENT-A SINOLF HOl'ST, IN' irouil condition at No. MS Qulr.c.i annue. Applj to John .Irrmin, 11!) Wjomit.g aie, city. FOIt SALE Oil RENT- THE DIIIVINO PARK Hold; ehgantly liiriii-li;ii. pose.sion givni on the Drst daj ot April pply to Villlani Craig, rare E Robinson' foils' brewety. Monoy to Loan. MONEV TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY REAL estate. HENRY UELIN. JR. ( HAS. It. u ELLES THOMAS Sl'RACLE. SlRAICIIT LOAN-, ANY AMOl'NT. INTEREST i to 6 per emt. Frank E. rionr.ellj, attor ney. Traders.' National Haul; building. 1I0'EY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MOltrCAOE, my amount. M. II. llol;a(c. Commonwealth building. AN.' AMOL'NT OF MONEY TO LOAN' -'JL'IC K. etralsbt leans or llullnin,' and toau. At from ! to h per cent. (.alt on N. V. VValkc, Sll'in ronnell bulldinr. apotlc, taVe pilb? li it necc-fary lor a Chrii tun to charge Paul with this in order to exui'i! his own luerssltv, iihen a neaier approuli to Paul', splntuallty would taslly tcmoie the nee CSsltl .' THE MAnii. Today riitlttan Scientist demonstrate their ability to lessen sickness and sin Mlthoiit drugs or hypnotism and through Cod alone. Thin Is the ixvitivr i,uitli! distlnguUhing mark of both "ancient and modem Christian sdence." He nullifies himself iiho announces hliusetl a CTnU tlan scientist if he cannot heal the sick and lessen ln III this nay, lor I lie public Mill ripcit hlni to proic his poltlon in this way or withdraw the claim. Mil. EUIlV. Their accompanied the spiritual riatuie of our leader. Maiy Raker G. Eddy, the ability lo .peak in a Christian spirit of other Christians and their denominations, and this ability is tin essential featutc of Christianity. INst'lltED DY I.Oi... When mc consider W scltHwesi. and tha hu mane marvel and magnitude of the lieallns which Jeus did we must conclude, he could only baie betii inptied bv infinite line, Whoenr aftr Iilm shall ncr giap the principle and pioof of His Christian science healing must lecclio hi inspiration of meeknesi and might and only from tlie .aine somce. HIE rCTILE (.HAlti'.E. If iy leligloue teacheis ot Jevis' time, cover in; their own lark oi taith in Cod, called .Iron "a pantheist," "a ivlraul," "an impure Ititlu ince," "a deill," "a deluded or deluding think ct"; If splrituil poverty hlndeied these teaehfra fioni coinprelieuding and cotrectly lepitsentiiig Mbat Jesus said and did, and it their pltlliil penury hindered tnini trorn doing, run in pail, the slniplei phases ot Ills uondrtltil healing, thiniigh Cod alone, this did nut annul Hit Chilstlan science healing nor hinder Its. m in cl ous peiceptlon and demonstiatioii by the .plrlt ual'mindcd ot that age, and in cietv age, if .i like outcry shall be made against any or.o who shall happily clUrcin and teach and demonstrate tin princlpio and pionl ot Ids (. hil.tian science luallnir. Thlii will no more hinder the ucecpt anec and dcmoustiation llmrof by the rplrltu il niluded of that age than did those diugrg nf old. A eiy sincerrly, Hiild X. MiKee, C. S. II. I'liu Ileadfi to 1 irti fhiuch ol Christ scientist, scranton, l'a. PAN-AMERICAN NOTES. Michigan Mill have a splendid Slate It'iibilns at the I'aii-Aineilian tvpewlllmi. C. uuil.V exhibit at the PaieAmeiiran expa.l timi will ocuipy a spate of about S.urn) square, feu. The Louisiana eblblt at the PanAiueilcaii ex position Mill occupy about iS.COO .rjuarc feet of space. New York Mate will have about l.uOO square feet of tpace tor Its cihlblt Jt thu Pan-Amitlcan imposition. htamp collectors all'oier the world aie adding the new Van-American ierie ol etamps to their collections. Tho supirb rolled Ions nude. In the far north ivesi by the Alaika fieograplilcil toilety will po.lbly be shown at Ibe I'an-An erlcan exposition Wanted To Utiy. SJIIV..S.SS VVANIED-SIXON'DIIAND SLOT M CIIIXI.S-. mini bo lii ffood orden stale panic nine, m to main ntnl price. Addresa I,. JL. gei.iril ilo llve-y, Piraiilun, Pa. Rooms nnd Rontd. LAIICi; FRONT ROOVI WITH HOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. (10 Vlims aienue. Recruits Wanted. VVVNfVVVHsArVVVVVNiAAVAi WW v-V WANTED FOR 1. P. ARMYl ARLE DODIED, unmarried men between ageti of CI ant ,'S; citltens of United Slates, of good charact-r and temperate dibits, who can (peak, lead and wilte English. Recruits speelalli declied d aertlce In riilllpplnes. For Informadon tpply (o Ileciultlng Oincv, 123 VVyomlnK .lie., Scran, (en, Ta. iMUcellaneous. TnTli'ANTTa old geesp fealhcrbedj, Addic M. II Rldi aids, General Delivery, city. DRESS 1'LAITKRS TOR SALE, 7J CENTS; I'OII- mcr price, tl.W. Mrs MacDonald, SS!) Wash ington amine. LEGAL. Noiici; is liununy oivux that on the fifteenth day of April, A. D. HXll, an ap plication will be made to the Ooiemor of t'enn sjlianla, by James D. Stacker, William Walker, Thomas A. Ilendriik. M, S. Collins, George Ed tnurida and s'. W. Cook, under the act of tho general aisembly of th Oimnionnealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An act to pioiide for the Incorporation and regulillon of certain torpoia Mens," approved the '."Jtli day of April, V. I). ISTf, and thct-ieral supplements theieto, foi the charter ol an lutended corporation to be called The l'eoplc'a Electric company of Jcrnijn; said corporation la formed for the p'npwo ul aupplj tng light, heit and power ny means of elietricili, (o (he public in (he boioiigti of Jcrmiii, and to persons, partnerships and corporations icslding theirin and adjacent theieto, as niav deslte the Mme, arid to liaie. pos-esi nnd enjoy nil the right, benefit and prlillegcH of said act of assembly und Its supplements. FRANK R. STOCKKR. silldioi. Sraiiloa, l'u., Match it. IDOL IN Tilt: LOL'RT OF COMMON PLEAS O. Lackawanni Counti ' Notlie Is hereby given that an application will be made to the loutt o( Common I'le.ij of said county on Monday, (be cinhth diy of Apill. A. D. 1001, under the "Corporation Act of 1571" and the supple mentn thereto, for the thartcr ol nn Intended torporatlon to be called "I'lluglpl Madeo Ditoilno Vvlgllaiire," the diararlri .mil ebjed of ulih li Ik to pioiide lellel tor lu iiiim tiers In case of aetldcnt or sickness and for th"lr families lu tu-e of death,, tiom the lunili i oiled ed therein and for these run pones to hive, po us and enjoy all the ilgb(, benelils and pilv lieges ronteirpil by said Aci of Asitnblv and tha supplemenls. JOHN M. UARRs!. Solidtui. ESTATE OF AMOi SAV, LATE OF THE ( I TY ol Sera'itou, Cmtntv ot Liikawanua and Stale of Pntisiltanli, deceased. I.i tlcin trstamiutary bat Ins been xiant! J In the undertigtieil, all pcisons li.nlot elaiin-, or demands aic.iltut tho said estate vdll prcm. Hum lor (ia)innt anil nil pusun ludebtod thereto .no leipiesled 1 1 make immediate pal lium lo IltVTN T. A, Executor. Vlilwaukee, La k.ivvanna foui.tv. I'" KI.lZVni.TH SV. Er. iittlx. HJJ Watbbiirn stieef, scranton, I'i. CHAIILFs L, HAW LEY, Atlorne.v tor (Male, 110-117 Council building, Seranton, Pa. XOrtCE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT AN Ap plication will be made to the Comnor of Pemisilianla, on tha 'JJtli day ot March, A D. 1(01, bv Cirus D. Jones, C. F. Rev nobis. Chirlc3 Schlagir, E. II. Sturges. John T. lllc hards, T. ('. Von fttorch, Samuel samlcr, lliihaul O'llricn, M. J. Ilcaley, VV. G. Fullon. ('. S. VVoolwoith, M. P. Carter, Thomas Sirague, and otheis, under (lie Ac( of Hie General Assembly of Pnii)I vaiiia entitled "An Alt lor the Incoipoiatlon and tr-ulatinn of banks of dlscnunl and deposit," appioved the Pith day ol Ma), 1:70, and the scl eral supplements thereto, for a charter for an Intended banking1 corporation to be located in Scranton. Pa., lo be called "The People's II. ink." with a capital stock ot One Hundred Thou-anl Dollais ($liA,(")e.) Hie character and objctt ot ivtilrli are In do a general banking binnrn, and shall have the power .Kid n.jy borrow or bnd money for sutli peilod as tiny ma) iliem luoper, may discount bills nf exchange, foicli.ii oi domes, tie piomissory notts or otl er negotiable papeis. and Hi" intciist may bt milled in nlume, and shall have the light (o bold in Irtist as lollat cial bceurlty for loans advaniej or discounts, es tate!, real, personal and mixed. Including tho notes, bond-, obllgatirns or accounts of the United stiles, indiiiduils or corpora tloni, and to purrhas-, collect and adjust the same and to dspoo thereof tor the benefit of the coipoialloii, or for the pjments of the debts ,i senility lur which the same liny be held, and for thco pui poeti". to have, povess nnd enjoy all tin rights, benefits and pill lieges of said Act of Assembly and supplements theieln. ARTHUR DUNN". Solieitoi. TO THE HOLDERS OF BONDS NrMHI.R- (.eieti (Tt. tight (i), ort-one (II) und forty-six (Id) of the ("oilier' 1 inducer t oiupain-, being (bo bonds bearing dale October 1st, Is", and secured by (lust rnoitgagc of that date, I'leas Take Nolite (hat in puisiunee of the prnvUloas of the said bomb, and the triol nioii gage given to cctuie Hit name, the boinl m numbered alovc hair bcn drawn bv tut for payment on (he tint day ot April, lt), and j u are herctiy notified that the sum will be paid on the first diy of April, inul. at the Lacka wanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Trustee named in the tnet mortgage above referred to, together with interest coupon., attached theieto and rcmaininff impalcl, and that Interest ivllj cease alter the silcl date THE COLLIERY ENGINEER COMPANY. Scranton, Ti , Fibiuary SSth, 1'sOl. PyOFECjOAfl .. Certified Public Accountant. E C SPAI'LDING, iM HltOADWAY, NEW York. Architects EDWARD H. DAYIs. AltCIIITI.CT, CtiNNEI.L bulldlni,. FREDERICK L. IlllOWN". AKdllThli. IMIK E building, I'.'U Washington aienue, ."vranlou. Dentists. DK. C. E. EILENTIEIKiER, PAFLI III'H.DINC, Spruce etrict, Sttanton. PR. O. C. LAUIIAf It, lb". WYOMING AVENUE. X.awyers. FRANK F. ROM.E, ATTORNFA VTI.AW. Rooms i:. II. Hi and IS llurr bulklln.-. F. K. T It.U. Y.ATTY.COMMON WEALTH lll.DG. D. II. REI'I.OCLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS M'C.O Hated on real estate security Meats btilliUn,-, corner Washington aienue and Sputie sttect. VVILLARD. WMHIEN !i KN'APP. A'FIORNEVs and rounsellois-at-law. Republican buildiui;, Vtashlngtmi avenue. .lEfixt'P .V JESSLT. ATTORNEYS ) Col V ellors-al'law, Commonivealth bulhllni, Rooms 10, "0 and SI. EDWARD W. THAYER. MTORNI',1. CO.j.'sii, Oih liooi. Mcars building. IIOOMs L. A. WAT RES. ATTORNEY-A'I-LAW, llOAHD of Trado building, Sciauton, Pa, PATTERSON" & WII.CO.S, TRADEl7sNTI0NT tlank building. C. fOML'OYS 0-1." IIEI'IIILIIVN III ll.PINC. A. W. HEIiritOLF. ATTORN'I'.Y, MEVRS lll.DO. Seeds. O. It. CLARKE & (O.. SELD-AIEN" AND NI It--crynicii, t.toie .01 Washlnglon aienue; giein lioiisei, lfVl Xotth Main aitnir; store tile, phone, TS-'. Wire Screens. JOSEPH Kt'ETTEL. REAR 5it"LVCKv7 AVE.," Sciauton. Pa, inanuiactuur of Wile scucii. iMiscellnneous. DRESSMAKING FOR "tTIILDREN T(i)ltl)l.lt! alsu ladies' waists, Louis Slnieiiul.ci . SU Adams avenue. A. II. DRICCS CI.EiXs PRIVY V.Vl'Ll'S AM) res pools; no odoi. hnpiovnl puiiips unl. A. R. Uilgn, proprleloi. Liaie ciders uoo N'oith Main avenue, or Licke't ding tou, coi ner Adam and Mulberry. Telephone Oil. MECAIICEE IIROS , PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. LV velopes, papir bags, Iwlni, Wan house. 13') Waililngtoii aienue, Sevinton, Pa, THE WILKESIIAIini; RECORD CAN Ilirino in Scianton at tha news stand of Rclmnii Dros.. (CW Spruce and Ml! Linden ; M. Nirlon, ('.' Laikavwnna airiiti-- I s sdiuiici 'II Sprue stcil, FlemSslh Oak Our assortment of furniture takes in all woods, but we wish now to call special attention to the large line of goods we carry in FLEMISH OAK, of most artis tic and unique de signs, suitable for lParlor. Mali, or u a Hill&Connell ishingtoii Avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. w. E. A1.LI.N. ill N0R1II W WIIMVION avenue. I) It. s. w. L'AMOIIEVU.V, OI'FK E :i!'i -ll-Inslon avenue. Residence', Ul Mnlbcrri ( liionle disease, lungs, bcarl, kldneiH und grnitn-urln.ity oigaus a sperlilty. Ilciui-, I In ( p. ni. Hotels nnd Resturnnte. THE ELK CUT.. 1J3 VNH li" FRAMiLIV uvenue. Rates iia-ou.ibh P. ZEICI.KII. Propiietnr -r RANI OX HOI -E, NEAR 1)., L. .V; Y. PA" Miisn depot. I'oiiiluitcd on the European plin. VICIOII KOC II. Piopilitor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In E'Vur March ::, 1(01. lot Philadelphia and New Yolk via P V II 11 II., at 0.15 and II " a. in., srd .'IS, 1-7 (illick Dnmnnd Eipic-l. ai.il 11 .'01 p. tn. s'l.i dais, p. & II. K R . ..-,, s.-.'T p. in lor Whii llaiiu, llidelou and piln.lpil poo,' ill tin io.ll legions, ii.c I). ..- 11. II. I! , "li. IS and I '.'7 p. ni. For Pottsvlllc. I.7 p. m. For lletlilelicm, Eu-b n, Itmihrg. Ilairls'uir mid pilndpal liiurincill iU staticuis vl.i D. v II, R. R., 0.13, ll.'n ii. in.: 2.1 , l.'J7 lllluk 111 i inond Evprts), 11 ;MJ p. in. -iinda.-, D. K II. 11. It , 1.. S27 p. in. For Tunkh.ii.nitk. lowaud.t. l.llulia. Itluci, (.encia and pilntipil liii.'itiitdl.ile stations, ill 1)., L. .V. W. II. II, S.Oj a. in., I.Oi and .1.1" p. in. For Geneva, Rn.hc.t.'i, Ilul'alo, Nl.ig.ua 1 all-, I hleago and nil points went, via D. II. R. II , II 55 a. m., y.i'l (lll.uk Diiuioiid Expiiss), .(, 1(1.41, II 3d p. ni, Suudjis, 1). A. II. II. Ii , 11 .", s '.7 p. m Pullman pallor and sleeping or Ldiluh nll pailois ens on all ttalus lielwecn Wilkts'lline und New nk, ITilladelplila, lli.flalo and sus pension bridge llol.LIX II. WII.IIIR, Gen. Supt., J.J Cotttand stieet. New Yolk. (II MILEs s. I.I'.E, Ocn. P. ss. Agt., -Jo Coiiland stltet, Nivv York. A W. N0N1'VV( lll.R, Hiv. Pa- A, I., sub lletlilelicm, Pa. For tickets and I'lilhn.iii icsctvations apply tn ::vi Lackawauui uvunu, sci.mlon, Pa. Delaware, Lacknwnnna and Western In Ellei t Doc. 2, 1!0. Smith Leave Siiantou tor N'cvv Vork nt I. I'I, .i.isi .",..i . sun nnd lu.nj a. m. ; U.Vi, u.:: n, ni. lor Philadelphia at S.i and Ului a. in,; l'.V, nnd II..V p. lu. lor siroud'burs at 0.10 p. III. Milk aicoiiuuoil.iliou nt 3.1U p. tu. tilie .'t llobol.en at H.I'e, 7.I-, 10..'s, IJ.Oi. 3.15, l.l, 7. I'i p. m. Virile at Phll.ddpliU at I.Oi, j.-J.J. o.is) and --j j,, m. Ami, tioi.i New York at 111), Lis) and P-... a in.; lis', I. ". 3 11, - I". nnd 11. .tu p. in. ITeui Sli-oud-bui'; at s.OJ i. in. Noitli Luic ' unlet, tui llullalo and lulu. iiiciliati' btullons ut I K, 1.10 und I'.m) .i. tu . L.'iJ, S.li al.it 11.31 p. ir. 1". i O-.wigi .nil s.vi,.euse at 1.10 a. in. .ilid I.. la p. in. I oi Llka at 1.10 n. in. nnd 1.5.1 p. in. For ,i.o'i ticse at PJO a in; 1.05 and Ci.ls p. tu. I ir Nltholiot' at I on and U 13 p. lu. For Itl'ig hniutoti nt pi.'.'i) i. in. Vrilvc In scranton ii.nn Uulfalo at l.'-'l, 2 VI, 3.1 1 and l'V) a. in., :t .ai and s.ue p. in. lion lliwego and ".viae use it -J.ii a. in.; li Zi and sis) p. ni I loin It1 a at 'J. li a. in.; 12. 'is and T."" p. in 1 1 "in MchoUou at 7.50 a. tu .mil o.fsi p. in, I'uun Mui'l-usu at lO.'Ki a. in ; :.M and sis) p in lllooinsbuig lavl-inn Least Sir.uiloii mi Nuithiimbcilanil, at nil, 10.01 ,i, in.; Ill ,m,l i.'o p. in. For Pliuiuiitli at l.n.1, J. ti, s,-,o p in For Kingston at s. 10 a, in. Vitivc .it Noitliuuibeilanil nt 'W.'i a. in.; I 1. 5 (si .md s li p. in. Anlvt at 1tim,'Slou ill s If. ,i. m. Anlve i.t Pl.vmoi'tli nt J.ui, I 12. HI, p. in. Miiv, In s-irantor. ITrtn Norlliiiuibcil.ind at ' J a, in . I'.'.;.i, 1.50 and s. 15 p. in. I'loin Kingston at ll.ni 3. r.i. From Pljtnoiilh at 7..1i a. nt , .' 20 and 5 33 p, lu SUNDAY TRAIN'."'. -iiulb-Leavu hi'ijiituti ai l.(o. B.on, .150, l.).ie, p. 111.; .I..'IS and b.PJ p. in. N'oith Leavs scranton .it 111, (.ID a tu. , 1.5.1, .LIS ..ml 11.S.1 p. tu. Illoom-buig Divl.iou l.caio Sciauton at Hi Oi n. in. and J.'JI p. in. Delaware and Hudson. In l.flifl Nov. 25. l;rl. 1 Tiallis tor .iiTiornLiln leave Sciantun at il .1'. 7.5.1, K'Ai. 10. ta .1. in : I'.Mi), 1.20. 2,, 1.12, 5 ."., Hi". 7 17, HI. 11.1,1 p. in.; 1.10 a. Ill For llonesdilc U.20. 10.1 11, n. j 2. ,md 3 211 p. tn. l'u WTlkea llirre-ti.li, .(, S.H, 03-. m 1 ,, Ib.'.lu. 111.; I.'.". '.'.Is. '!.). 1 27. 0.10,7.1. mil ll.to p. in. For L. V. It. 11. piiinU-t.l.i, 11.1.1a. in., i.', 4 27 and II. "l) p. in. For Pcnnsilvaniii It. It, jsch is 0 11. "s 1 in.; 2.1 and 1.27 p. 111. For Albany and all point noiih '0 a tn und ;l.52 p- in. sFXHAY TIIAIN-I. I'm (.tibontlali D.W, It. i: a. in ; 2 11, .152, 5 17, to ,3 p. 111. For VVIIki-rijtic-U.:is, 11. M .1 tn 1 1, .', I..27, s., p. ni For Albany und point north -.1.12 p. in. For lloiicsdalc .() a. in, nnd a. .13 p. in. t.ne.l lutes to .ill points in I tilled M.it.'i .Hid laiuda. .1 II. Ill lllllt li . P. A . Ubany. X. V. II. Vv ( ltl)ss, ('. P. A , scranton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. siatlutm lu Nt'V lulll loot 01 Llbcil) llu I, N, IL, und oiull I'eriv. TIMI". TAI1I.E IX EITEfT NOV. 25, VM, Trains Kave Scranton ii N'eii link, Nevvalk, lliMbcth. I'lill lib Ipbi i, lUisioti. lli'llililiini, A. ientowii, viamli fntuik and Whin- lliiui at s.:n 11. m,; e-vpiess. i.iot, evpreiu, AW a. ir. seti. il,ii, 2.15 p. III. For I'lti.ton and MiUifllarrc, f.M 1. m : 1.10 unl B.SO p. in. Mihilaj, 2.11 p lit. For Haltlniore and VVasldiiRimi und polnn -.'Utli and West via llelhleliem. s.uo a. in. ; 1 lu and il.r.) p. in. .-iiinla.i. S 11 p. 111. For Lone Ibaneh, Dn.iu l.iove, no,, at SWi a in. unit 1.10 P. III. I'oi llcjilinc. Lebanon .md llaul-luiiu, vii AI lentovin, s.oO a. in. and 1.10 p. 111. -uiidiy-, 2.1.1 p. 111. For Pntt.illle. S..1 ' in. and LM p. m Ihiouuli tickels In alt points ei-t, n,uiih and west ut lowest tales at I lie iliillou. II. P. llM.imiV, Oen. P.... i:t. .1, II. I'LIIAl.-EN", Hi 11. supt Erlo and Wyoming' Vnllcy. Time Table In l.ilect Sipt 17. ttsm. Tiains tor lliwley mid loo.il points, iciuust lui; at llawley with Eile lallioad loi New- York. Ncvvbiui; and intiiiiinllaln points, Irive S, iun I f.n at 7.0.1 .1 in. H"l "''" p in. iniiis miiv, 11 s, nut.iii it In ;n a in mi! ii 111 , ni FlNLEY'S Easter Sale of Ladies9 MysMmi Uederwear This -seasons second sale ol French and Domestic Fine Nainsook Cambric and Muslin Undergar ments, including many exclusive styles not found elsewhere. Fault less in cut, finish, superior work manship and trimmings. Bridal Lingerie iM .Sets. Complete line of exquisite gar ments in French, Nainsook, Hand made and Hand embroidered, trim med with real lace. Of fine iMuslm and Cambric, with lawn flounce, trimmed ir Point de Paris and Renaissance in serting and edgings. Ot tine Nainsook witli daint) Hamburg and l.acc trimmings. Corset Cwm, The Spencer Waiut of Nainsook, with Valenciennes edging, beading and ribbon. Ckmlse mi Brawcrs. Of Cjinbrk. Nainsook and Mus lin, with l.acc 'and Hamburg trim mings. We lead the market in the class of Underwear we handle, practi cally we have no competition in this line. An earlv call will secure best seleclions. Sale opens thii morning will continue dui ing th' week. 510-512 ' LACKAWAMA AVENUE EASTER NOVELTEE: We nie displaying an unusunl pretty line of Enstcr goods in Booklets, Cards, Hangers, .1 n d Hand painted Sachets nil of which serve as a suitable caster rcmeni Innnce. This year we hnvo added an impottcd line of chickens, ducks, nnd rabbits, which will inlet est nil caster buycis. ReyeoldsBros RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect Maich 17, 1001. Trains leave Scranton: 0.-15 n. m week days, for Sunbury, Hnirisburg, Philadelphia, Haiti more, WaBliington nnd for Flus hing nnd tho West. 0.38 n. m week days, for Hiiileton, nnd for Sunbuiy, Harrlsbutg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Wash ington and rittsbuig nnd the West. !I,18 p. m.. week clays, (.Sundays 1.5S p. m..) for Sunbury, Hanis liuig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsbuig ami the West. 10 1 Hnzleton, week clays only. I.U7 p. in., week days, for Sunbuiy. Hnzleton, Pottsville, Hairlsbmg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg, .1 H III KIllNsiiv. (. M-r ' II "HOP, l..t. P.ss. Vst Tfrnc Cnrr. f rffert Dec. XOtli, 1000, SCRANTON DIVISION. en so f sos j tc ?s i f : STVTIONS .-a Feiir? -. ' A I - wi I ' I PM 1 IM I " ..I 7 10 Ar S.Y ,VV IM St l.v . ID IM ,Vm , RM "M .. . 10 (11 OS Ar CmJoiiU Lv., . .3 Cit 0 . 10IU JSJ " llnneoek " . J JMji . 10 SI It! stnrliaht , " . I irmi in -11 a at it. .ion 1 'hi 1 " a suss .. nni'ti vii,su.i 1. aiijis Ipll tli rullllillc... " . SMJll l.Vill-'" ' .Olson. " ., JUSia U I'lill " I'lratniit Mt " .. 3CU11U IIMIIC' ' I nlollilalt' . " . I(ul4 .MIt.1V " lori.l I'ltv " . 11911 .... ft milisi ' ('HilKUictalalrt " IMS2DS51 . ...B 40 0 lull 'JO ' I'arlioiiilale 7(i3(lt( ....(. nor . Aililte Iirlii.-e. " Te ....83111(111111 ' Mavflclit VU ' IcYi-msA ....n5a uoui 11 - Ma n.ij itiniuoi .. 8 j. .. 11 1 a ' jorintii " ;isg(eca. .. .6l .VI 1 1 III Vrelit.abt "71iSHBOJ . ..8 71, ''HI eil IV'lutoii ' 7 1S M6 ! . 8 IJ K Hid h- IVfLvllle " I Ul Ml 1 ... 8 li, iijin.vt oivpliaiit "7;JtaCi .. .all1 aiDiols) 1'ii.tiiurv "72utr;etl ....-09,11'lao ' Tin., p ' 7 -11 lu e ST ....BOlUMIUIV I'ruilil.'uc ' 7 :c( ilf SI ...801 jS.DIllll 'rU I 'lace "TaMmft ... 600 annuioi.i sjcimitciti .Vr7,i'c06U IN 111 IM HI PM PM' Addilloril trslss leave farkun'tl- for alsvbcM Yanl 8.(1 nm rxrt lit tin iidsy, anil 7 60 tmi bunilsy enly,trriiliia aillnviisl.l ird7U)man.Uoe)pm ' .litaitl.insltreliisl.tvesrr.uteaft70eirniSiJtiti7onls. tcprSrif stsllststlnos to 1 arlmntlsls, tmvlpa at 7 (5 pin rml tr.lnlsB.ci M.vhslii lard (ur Csibouaiie atlll. all),arrtiliiattartionillea.Msiu. Kate) '4 centa per mile. Leineat Ilntea to nil I'olnta West. a. c -Nor-isoN, rsi'H'ait'r A-il . YerU it. t. WIltH, Tus. Aunt, (iaji,eu.re.
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