6 THE SOR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1901'. WEST SCRANTON s, Vn.1- BOARD WANTS LATESERVICE ASKS FOR ALL. NIGHT STREET CARS. Emphatic Protest Entcied Against the Overcrowding' of tho Street Cm 8. nnd Twenty-Minute Servlco Wnnted on Washburn Street Wed dhiR in Tripp ratk Funeral of Rlchnrd Harrington Funeral An nouncements Other Notes and Personals. T1h West Hidti board of Undo held n teuutar meeting Inst evening nnd passed a yet of resolution!', which, If taken cognizance of by the Scranton Hallway company, will greatly benefit Its patrons. Tint le.soltlllon.H wcto iu ttndncod by President Daniels, unci wen unanimously adopted. They art; s follows: Wlierra., The cltt f'l Ni.ii.tnii l-i la-rune i city nf the kcoiiiI rla-. ami t I In lnntiici-a cen tre of alioul U0O,n) people. -""I W litre u, The ScraMon ltiilw.iy company Is .1 foipnrallnii Inlcncleil 'to lint tin- noeil nf tliu piiili where It tut Irnncliiw, anil Whrrra, Tin- said N r.inton, 1l.illvr.iv cmniuiiy runi its car unit- until 12 p. in., tthlili mhIi lines unt innjirly .icenitiinnil.Ui- many luslnesi men, tradesmen, tilslil ttotlaiieti atnl others; tnerrlorr. Pet II Revolted, Hf 'lie Wel Mil" hoard f-t trade, thit the kiIiI Seiatitnti Ittlletae roiiiiuM- I o rr-pcctfiillv niRid tn inn .1 limited iiimlicr of run Jll iiialii. We Pelleto tlie I.eed it the 1 ily ilnniM 11 M night nrrtlce en the Mieet 1 ir i-Jntr-ni, and that the irjnten ttalltv.i.v crmpiny owe ti the . ity of f-cr.mtun the duly d prntldmtf 1111 ail niRlit tirtiie it i ilmie lv cumr-anles in oilier 1 'lies: ln it tint her ISev.lt ed, Tint tliH Pond of tride enter, It eirptiatir piotel !ijtilnt the otrrcioitilltijr cf the rtrret ears .14 U done 3 prc'c-M. during ccr. lain houH of lh'-' day. The inmpjnt'K Iilinxi innt.itn a MifiuliM 1.11111-Iti- of cars to latsely utrieinni; tliis tit.nl. le, arnl tiv optrallng thfNi! un Ihe company could rti dinri! a desire to cito public intcred. Mo it Jl.vt. Itetolvrd. Tli.it -ite irvperlfully aO. the h'i tuct lalltvjy eonipanr to put an additional 1 ir n the W.nhliuui Mini line, t-n as to make 1 ucnty minute tilm in pi ice of half hourly lilju . tiovt. tlil bond le.prrlfully call tre attention or the icmp.mv ti the otereiotidltig of the car in. I .iks that it be le'mcdlrd. nw-lted. That J prnpcily allMlfil ropy r.I tl.rec resolution be tontjuled to ll.c Seraiiteii Kjiluav coiripant. President Daniels was in the chair, and In the absence of secretary Oliver Wallace 1"!. Moser lecordcd the pro- -0(1111;?. The chalttii.'tn reported that nothing has a" yet been done- In the out tor I and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. An Exposition of Correct Fashions In Ladies' Spring Suits, Waists, etc. opcu today, which should attract much attention, as it is replete with everything that the best posted buyers can think of, and displays a class of workmanship aud careful finishing not to be found elsewhere in tin's citv fTjT m I Can be seen at their best in our comfortable show rooms, aud visitors will be welcome although they may have no further intention than merely making a tour of inspection. Some Very Striking; Values Will be found in Ktou Jacket Suits, with aud with 5 out collars, aud while SixButton Blouse Suits Are also popular, aud shown here iu cudless variety, Laiglon Collars and Bishop Sleeves With flounce and flare skirts, are considered top notch ideas, snd there's no end to the selectiou. as well as a score of other fashionable ideas just at hand A Very Extra Bargain in Fancy Sitk Waists at Globe Warehouse matter of guiding Plth street be cause Ihe charge lias been made Hint the work was to bo done In tho In terest of the Kcrnnton railway. It wns reported, however, that Contractor Curluecl is In favor of the hnpiovc mem. The matter of grading and repahlng l'cltchoni? street vn tii;aln brousht up, and the committed was Instructed to ask for u special apptoprlatlon by the estimate fominlttee, Tho names nf Attorney L. 1'. Wedemnn and Dr. A". Howlnnd D.ivles wero proposed for menibershlp. tloth wcto tmanhnously elected. .Air. Kairell tepottcd flint he hud conferred with tho city solicitor rela tive to tho kiiiIii ehuto which extends over tho rldowalk tit K. Itoblnson'H brewery, and that tin t-ollcltor will take up tho matter and tepoit on It.i legality as soon as he can find time to do bo. "'. M. Slorm, the A est Hcranlou tep tvfetitatlvo of tho Set anion Times, was elected an honorary member of tho boiud. Sir. Hoc so tftmrlcri that work on the ifW spike mill w'll be resumed, i.s soon as thr fiost Is out of tho Ktouuil. Tho boaid endoiffd the acllon of Coimcllm.iu (.'oytelln relative to tho water rates schedule, ami n vote of thanks wan tendered hl'.n nnd the members of councils for their action pn tho ninttcr. After several other mailers were ells cussed ni.d ii"ted upon the board adjourned. Weddlnpr at Tripp Patk. Vllllnm H. Davis and Miss Siim.ui Pi lee wero unlteii In mnrrliiRc l.i-it "Vetiinc; by Uev. Thomast do Ol itchy, D. P.. pastor of tho Jackson Street llapth'l church. The ceremony was pet lorried nt thr- homo of Thomas Pi lev. IfiuS Kllzabelh stteet. In the pii-iencii nf a number of relatives ami ItlVlleil KUCStS. The couple weie attendiicl by AVIlll.tm AVIIIIams ami Miss Maud Dm dun. The briil" wore a steel prey row 11 and eai lieii budal toFcs. The luusn was prel tilv decorated with plants In honor of the event, and a delicious weilillaff supper was served. Mr. anil Mw. Davis -v. til teslele on Howell sttcot. Richard Harrington Butied. The funeral pendens over tho te mains of (he late niehard HarrlnRton wero conducted at the house, 011 .lack son street, yesterday 11 f let noon by Rev. K. J. Mellenty, rector of Kt. David's Hplscopal ohurch. The p.ill-be'iitet.s were Tiiomas .lonex, Tames luilty. U. U. Jones. John Courier Morris. Benjamin Williams and It. S. Iteynolds. Interment was made In Dunmote cemetery. Functal Announcements. S. ivlctf over the remains of the late William H. Davis will be conducted al the house, near the Archbald mine, to morrow afternoon. Rev. Mr. Walker will olTiC'lale. Intennent will be made In the Wnshbuin stieet ci-'netery. The limeial of the late William Will iams Will tako ll.n e touioiiow al'iei noon fiom tho huue on Washburn All the New Weaves All the New Colorings All the New Styles All the New Combinations $3.95 TO PREVENT HEADACHES. Headaches Can Be Pieveuted if the Fit st Symptoms Are Properly Treated. Thete Is not the slightest necessity for anyone to suffer ft out Headache. Dr. Kutiise, tho Herman court physi cian, niuny years atro wtoto a famous preset Iptlon and mtltl to his pallenl: "My fee Is latKc but the teiuedy Is wotth inoi-o than you pay for It." If you will take this medicine when you feel n headache eomliiK on you will never have another erne. The patient was cured and with his pei mission Krattse's Headache Capsules weto pic tured ftom Ibis same ptescrlptlon. and put on the maikct. This temedy Is n purely cnctablo ptepatatlon ptcparcd In soft, soluble Kclutluc eapxulcs which ale easily dis solved by the warmth anil fluids of tho stoiuat h. They ate absolutely ftce from any substance that coiihl harm the mot delicate person. They aio KitHMiileed to elite Nervous llend uelie, Tlhetimatle or NetiralRle llenil achc. Malarial Hendaehe and all Head aches caused from dlKcstlvo disorders or lioin over IndtilKence In any kinds of foud or ill ink. They elite iiulcltly and leave the head el"itr and cool. Krause's Headache Capsules are sold on a Kiiarantee to cure or money re funded. Pi Ice L'.'i cenls a box, at iliutr sloies. street, and Rev. David Jones will eifll 1 late, lnietiniitt will be made iu the AVashburn street cemetery. The u mains of Mr. and Mrs. flooi'Ro Utoun's nephew. Plticell l.ee, weie lu teneil In the Cambria ceinelery yes tetd.ty afternoon. General News Nofes. Complaint has been made 10 the !mllce that a number of young men, rauKlnK In acre from sixteen to nine teen years are utility of depredations on Luzerne street, near the end of the street ear Hue, and unless they desM, several at rests will follow, as their names have." been handed In to the proper authorities. The lire at 1.40 o'clock yesterday af ternoon was disco veied In tho dwelllnK hotlfco on See cmd stteet. occupied by Mortis Hauls and family. The cause was a, defective due. The damage wtihj lilllitiK. the tlamcs behur conllned to one; toom. The Hairles and Columbl.is rexpouded, ami did elfeetlve service. Tho Fi.inlillu Hmiliie eompnny held their tegular monthly meeting last evening, at which the regular loitllne business was transacted. A large delegation of the Hleelrle City Wheelmen attended the nreen Itldge Wheelmen's fair last evening. The mlnstiel ttoiipe g.iv-- a pleasing pel feu mane e. Some unset upiilou poi.un removed tho "Home, rile and Mailne Iniur nme" sIrh from In mint of U, d. Mor gan's lesldeiue at 2iS South Main ave nue, and the owner would uppieclate the leturn of the same. A special meeting of Washington coiunmndery. No. 23.', Knights of Malta, will be held this uvi nlng at V.M o'e lock sharp. Ry older of Sir Knight Ciiminimder C. .1. Jenkins. It was a young lady tileiid of the late Jiilm Davis who laid a crescent anil star on his bier. Instead of the li.iptlst Voting PeopleV union, as nn nounceel Iu some ol the papers. Alfred Roberts. preldent of the Hap tlst Young People's union of the Jack sou Stieet Uaptlft chuieh, extended the liuht hand of fellowship to twenty new tueiubeis at the meeting last even ing SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. The 1 c mains of fliailes Koons vlio eommiited sulelde Monday ulternoon by di Inking catbolie iiehl, weto taken to his home In Kingston yesterday atteinoon on the l:0,"i o'clock Delawate, Lackawanna ond Western ti alii. The funeinl will In held u 0111 the icsl dence of his patents with lut'-imcnt at Furiy Foit. The ftinei.il 01 .lulin Huydcu was iield fiom his late desldiuce at 10 Stone avenue at l' o'clock ye"tetday mm nlng. services were e uudneied at St. Peter's Cathedral, where a leiiulcm tnass wax celebrated. fnteriuent vim made lit the Cathedral c-uiiotei-y. Tho members of Ihe Royal Aiviiiiuiu will meet In regular session this even ing at Vhaimacy hall. The Serrnton Saengeiiuiule will meet for teheai-al this eveuliit, In Athletic hall. Miss Nellie Cosgiove ntsd MM Mar gaiet Motlarlly, nf South Scranton, hate retuined fiom vlltlng with iriemls ill Plttton, Tho V. W. C. A. inolheis' meeting v 111 bo held this nfte.'uoon at their looms. Miss Floiei.ee Weir will speak, and all moihcis nie Invited. lieOcsh mentrt lonshstlng of enifue and cako will hi- served ufler the meeting. Lenten forvlces will be held at St. Mary's church this evening. Janun Council lodge. No. 170. Inde pendent Older of Odd Fellows, will me. t at Fruohan's hall this evening. Mis. John Ciiillasl.er, of Palm stieet, i. siiiously ill. , Mls Anna Raeder has i tinned foun a two weeks' vl-I t at M.nieh Cliunl; The fuiliial of the late John Hay den was held from the family tesldcnre at It) Stone avenue voMemay morn ing. Services wero conducted at St. Peter's calheeluil, and Interment .vns made in the catliedial cemetery, Tho pall-beateis W"ie: .Mil. s Hill he, .linnet 'awloy, Mliharl Phllbln. .Michael Con. net ton, John Rtttlei and William -Mc draw. Tho mollieis' nieeil'it; will be held al the South Side Y. W. C. A. rooms. 10J1 Cedar avenue, Wednesday after noon. Mnicli i::. Miss Florence Wler will sp"ak, aud all mothers are in vited in eoiiio and bilng their babies with them. Cake and cnli'iv will le tei ved. DUNiV.ORE. H.tily cute-relay nioriiluis tin- ies. dents of the sotithein e-nd ot Annie stteet, In the i ear of the I'nloii cash stores, wero rudely awakened by loud noises, caused by the s'nklng of tho e.u tli's surface. In some cases the settlliis was so Diuiiouneed that the Inmates of tho hoiibcs. affected weie thiown from their beds. The doors had to be torn down to pet inlt iheiu to escape. Tli area so far affected is about oncenmrter the sUe ol .1 elly block, and llil'eo piop cities mi- MJilously damaged. Fall of 1 oof lu 1J10 Spencer nilno caused the dive-In. The single house owned by Sam Uresslnsn, which was only teeeutly con strutted at a cost of about M.OUO, was 'damaged to ihe extent of ?I00. Tho dotiblo house of Demits Herri 1? itai badly shaken up, tho rear sealing nbout two feel, while a crack nine feel wjdo extends Enough the cellar. The. damagn clone heie will amount to about fM dollais. A Hiuall dwelling owned uud occu- pled by Frank Wllllnms was also dam aged lo the; extent of nbout $300, tho porches being lorn from the house In this case. The site or the cave-lit adjoins that which ocetirieel about two years ago, when tho propel ly of P. I). Mauley was affected Ho at that time scented an Injunction against A. D. & F. M. Spun err. restraining them from further op erations under his propel ty. Ills deed contained no mineral icservc clause, while In the case of those around him the minerals 1110 icservcd. The Inside vvoiklutts of tho colliery were not tiifeetcil at nil, the cave-In Indng conllned wholly to tho top or donkey vein, which Is winked out. The matter of the safety of the High school building, which Is only nbout 11 block away fiom the piesent disturb ance, was much illcused yesterday. The Tribune eoriespoudeut was In formed by one familiar with the work ings that ihe ground under the build lug hns not been mined. Mrs. John T. Mellali' and hiotlnr, John Doiighoity, of Pino street, have put chased the grocery store of James Poland, oil Mulberry stteet, .Scntnton. and will In tlie future coniluct tho business. Miss Fiances Dillon, who Is taking a nurse's com so at the liekawanua' hos pital, Is convali'seeiil, at the homo of her biothcr, after u severe attack of iiulnsy. Finnk Mauley letitiued to SI. Mary's college yesterday, titter a visit of sev eral days with his father. Olnsy tii-ove local, Fulled Mine Workers of Atactica, will meet In Temperance hall at T.!!0 o'clock tonight. The school board has Issued Invita tions for a meeting tonight. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. John Frit;; Assaulted by a Tiomn. Noith End Stars Again Victori ous Other News Notes. .'qIiii 1'i.lr, liiilit w.ililnnan at t lie l.nl.a Hut 111 tailiij.nl nomine it 'Ilicoduie Mre-et, -. linitally a-w.uiilti en 'DimJij nlulil hy .111 1111 Uiiotta tr imp. Mr. flit m.h ulitlnsr in liU cal.ln .tli'ti lli Uoit.t Willie ciine alonf, tiljO'lt 0.S1) o'cl'K.1,, ai.il iu-I.ccI lil'n foi Mime toinio. On IicIiik iffu.Ml tin- tramp picked up it hrtf fliine iitiil I1111I01I It throuiili tlie i.ibin ttimlotv, trll,ln' lr. fill npuu the- I11-.nl. iiuUiik .ill inl.t iutS. A itn.ilii..n tv.i 1 dint jml ilrcc-il the t iHir.il jiiiI lu-i Mi. I'tlt reiuovo-l lo liu liflin Basket Ball Game. 'Hi- Noitli ITixl M..l' lM-l.a lull (.jiii anil tin- t'i.ic!.cij..tk nf tlil-e ne-tlcti l-l.i.teil 11 tci Intcirtiiir; 7.11110 of Utsl.rl li.ill lit rtcuuiK .11 llic Atsllicriimi, 1'i.ni tt.it to Illicit tin- kjiiii. win CVi'llltlC. Jcj1.ii s-kitlntoii. cf ll.c stut; ll.11 1-. of 1 lie fr.iKrrJ.ick, uii-l .li.mv, of tliu si.iri. 1 ic only plittr to note eluiiii? the nicl.t BRIEFLY NOTED. An c-itiil mini. ul unci .lip.111' ttrililm; vol lr hcW .it tlie l'ii-t Pre J tlnian elitinli. Hick urn t ily, lliin'iljt ptii.lncr. 5li- H111I1110.U S1.1t ami .Mr. c lilnir Oing ttill be united In niir il.iRr. Tlicie ttlll bj icr crejni Ji.il cake tcrml y tlir ii1i1iiimIiI. The Mutmtis' Milonjiy luelcly of tlie Xmili 'liln Atrnue lljplpt clntrrli, nirt jcotcnljy ' I11nc1.11 al tie liomr of Mr. I'r.inl: fl.uk, an c liurrli atcmie. - MjiK lljlMrail. uf -lumoklll, lJ Is tbitins liU IMUIltc on (111. tlm1!, it, Willi 1 m Wolf and ikuislitir, Kjilmlnc, bate leluriiril from I.rttUbitri;, ttlicrr Ibcy ol lenilnl tlis fm.ri.il of 'h. Woll'it flctrf, Mi. Viiti 1 Vnitnou. Ml-i M.irniici ruull.ru, of pini; ktirfl, li Miti'iiii'i; Mitli tbr iui-uOc. M .1 ult, ul sprlni; uliict. l alii tiding tin- Vllm- VVorKrr' 1011' etitlon .it llmleti'li. (inker ( luilcs Peiry U ul7ciln; ttlih u trteic cold. 'Ilic (liri-tLn 111. do.it. ir mmIi'I.v of (lie I'ulllJll f 11fnciMtl1111.il (linreli b.i -e iiuilc- ai. i-neclle-nl 1'U (,'r.niiiiic. tthlcli ttlll Ih 1 r ti-Ieleil (omnuott I'tciilnar in tin- chuiili, 11 ml In .nldlllon tn ikr pre-n.itiiini- be 111.1111 .mil cil.c ttlll hr selteil. Wllllain 11, ll.it t, ihim.i.1, ttlll Inti- i.kUv toi bi liomr at I ujldili . Ml- W. II. .I.11 kmi, of IVidimiid fi.-el, li.u ItCciieied tielil IIIii'k" 'MiuiiiM .1. 1,11111111, nf 'llicodiii Mire-i, i 111 ll'idrlun. Mlv. Jluiy I'. Ibiii-. ul Wi-1 .nmt -lni-i, U 111 Xctt- ui!i illy, 1,'i't. e.'iijisi' 1 1. Ahicli ttill site thr lllldn lodlni; in tlie Yciiuie; H'ohkh's ( lnl.tljii j o cialiciu louiie, 'JiUS Nuilli M1I11 .itctnir, lliii jflillioiii .11 .'! ii'iluik. In-le.id ul Mr. Mention, ttlio U ill and cutiiot be pii--nt. lei .nr mci tnnlially Invite ) let Ik- promt. Mi r-pei lali.v intlii- liiollitl-. lo till ineilltnr. On 1liuiMl.iy rtinliii:, lllblr sllidt uf s unlit rilm.d 1i--iii, at r.:!n o'elit. k, VII tfelmiiir. 'J lie Nollll l.lnl vutt 'till plat llio Wtoillllia suiiliiiiy betlerl lull trim ne'.l Mond ij etiiilnu, mill Iu tln aitiiiw. n .1, l,n Tutu- ' t. Jin frm.'i Sillltll s, i,i)..t. GREEN RIDGE. .Mr. and .Mis. J. S. Miller cntcituliieil Up- meinbeis of Mr. Miller's Sunday school clas at their beautiful home, corner of Delawaie street and Penil avenue, last eveiilnu. The evening was ilcllghtl'illy spent Willi games and iniiflc, anil delicate lerreshiuents weie. srived. The lollowlng guests were piesent: Mlses Fiauecs lllwell. fllen nle Thomas, Lydla Itigrlek, (iene-vlevu Shook, Amanda TamblMi, Annie D111 Kilt. Miss U'ali 11 and Miss Lotilto Wall 11. On May W. limO, (liven llldue amp. No, Misit, Mullein Woodmen of Amer ica, was organized In Musonle hall, Dickson avenue, with a charter mem betshlp of thlity-thiee. Al the last regular meeting of IhN orgunlzi tluu Seeietitry Joseph Flelian's books sliowed n mi-mbeishl of two bundled and twenty-live, which places (ireeii IUiIkc e.uiiip at ihe head of this order In Peimsyhanla. A iinll'oinied team of sixteen, vtlth the latest paraphei nulla, make 1 In- Initiatory ceremonies highly Intel estliig. The camp epicts to lmva a grand Jolllilcatlon at tln-lr lit mI mini ver.saiy In May. when they hope to have a intiil inetnbershlp of three hun ch od. Mis. V. F, Aindt, of Hiooklyu, N. V., Is visiting Miss Hllle Davidson, oc Washington uvenue. Major Hicks has pin chased a lot on Columbia avenue, just below Wash ington, and will build upon it this spring. Dr. James L. Ilea, and family will occupy the Jacob Delttlik pioperty ufter tills month. The Green Rldgo Woman' dulbthin Temperance union will meet this after, noon at ". o'clock lu the Kvangollcal chutclt on Capouso' n venue. Subject for the meeting will bo "Finnehb?." Mrs. Depue. supciIntcnJeiil of tho de paitnient. will have 1 liaise nf iho nH-e-tlng ' " - Lady Cur.on's Retuin. I alculta, Mji-.1i 12. Ijdy fuiton, ttne 1.1 I u .1 fnimii, ol Ki-ill.-kton. tlLi-re.t uf India, v ill -.ill f t lilisbnd Vlin.li CJ. HIE HOIYILIEST MAN IN SCRANTON r will in tbn batiiUiiin t. nnd otlnrj no intiinl to call on any iliuggUt and gt Ue? n ttlal bottle- of lt'ciiin' lUUjni fur Ilia Tluoat and I.unjv, it remedy Unit i cuaranteed to 1 urn and rellrtr all ( brnnlr and Acute foiiulx, Aktlinii, llioiulillli and rutitcuiiillon. Pliee- 'J'.f. and Ww Scranton Guernsey Hall IS THR BEST PLAOt IN SCHANTON TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN Don't fail to come an J see as great bargains are waiting for you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PHOP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. Ill New Guernsey HalMlne,. DAVIS STEAM DYE Co. 319 PENN AVE. Good! c.illrd lor and di-lltirrd. C'lcanlny, Dicing and Pievliijr. ALLWO"K aUARAVFED. PHONE 373B Golden Gate Dining Rooms. net 23 rnit mr.il In tlie elly. I'lte Meal TieKcH. M.oa. Sunday dinner a peculty. Home-made Paslry. 244 ADAMS 4VE. W. J. barriscale. l-b?T1'ci. ..... . COAL AND MANTELS. I Q1S grates l'lic-plarr lllniiulHKii Tililij for tloni. 312WASHINOTONAVE. TELCPHONr. W. A. HARVEY, lllcctrlc Wiring and rivturr. Hlt-ctrlc Dell and Telephone Moik 300 COMMONWEALTH BUILOINQ. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO CONTRA CrOPS AND BUILDERS. Djalers in Plate Glass and Lumber 0- ALL. KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. Mjnufacnnir.' Agents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. litiiiti AucnU tor 'olin V llorbluia; - Soli lo. Who Hope and Klnnli il Wne (,1111,1 1'rrili.i and Itul.ln-i MU lo.' neltinc Pa. killer, llo-r and Mr-liar.Ii.il ItiiUirr (J.iod- buoMlion Parklnir. ( .inn's CM ( lotlnii: llnnin .110 I-.nili 111,1c W. H. GORDON c SON. Horse Slmrlnt; and (.nnai lllnksmitl Inj Maon md (airlaje liulldlng. 339 ADAMS AVNUE OBITUARY. Mrs. Bridget McIIale. Mi- lliidiel Millalc. .ijed 07 teal.-, died je-c-tcnlay ineiiilus at lm lioine, ll.'U Vniirj ate nuc, tibi le -lu- bad btid lor 1 niimbu' el .te-.iri. sne tt.n a ttid.itv nnd i Miititcd lit one dandle trr. si-tn J me, .1 ( .illiullu ii'in MatiuiinI at Pillitoti. '1 In- filliual ttill In- In Id loiuoriotf luniiiiin; ut e.iuu'iluik from st. Paul's cliiiu'.i and in telineiit ttlll be inatlo In Mt. (arnnl teinetriy. Jauir. Hie brifflit and inlrroilnc iltrir old chllil of Mr. and Mi-. Jainii n'llu.tli- dud tn tt'lday moltiln; after .1 tut ilatt,' III111'. . I tic fiiiicial ttill l.il.i' pin.' em T.'iur-day .ifluuoou fintil the I inlly ii-iilciiec on lMiutli slicri, llollitiii. liitrtimui hi Ihe ( .illirili.il innctrrt. SUSQUEHANNA. 6pccUl to tlie Scrinton Trlbtin;. Suseiuehanii.i. Match 1-. The Tutn scilpt states that no wild eats lmv been slaughteied in this vicinity siiu last week. Put 11 H fe-nied Unit til--Trnn-Lilpt eni uiiteied a wild i"U Just befoiu It 'settled" the I7rie strike on Sntuielay last. H. P.. W. Senile, esi.. of ilil-i boi ough, stands a good chance of b-Ing appointed e-leik of the new centra! dls ttlet United States coutt. Mr. Seutle Is an able and hustling law iter, and he Is splendldlv equipped for the olllce to which he aspires. Jle ilcseives well of his pariv. and 11 hint of fi lends llnougl'out the db.11 let viiuld rejoleo to sej hint appoinli-d. The olllce hi a veiy liifrailve and mest desirable hip- Dr. and Mi. William Haskett. who liave spent the vvlnl-r in Callfoiula will soon leluni to Sus'iui hanna. Mrs. Finnic Diets I ill at iter hom -on the Oakland side. The icpnil that the Siisiiieh. 11111.1 shops were to be I emoted lo 1-.llltiwn, near Wavetly, pmves to be, as nearly evei.v scnsllile icr-nu Unevv, 11 myth ol' tic ihst water. Some chcetfiil liar had a 11101 phlno hallticlni.tlou. Pete-t- Frazcr. of the Oakland h I c 1 1. has pun based and will soon rainovo to a fat in at Lang-Ion. lilnghairtou's foremost hustler, J, P. link, bclb-ves Ihe city has leu jvais of pi cat piosperltv ahead oC her. Few cities Ii'ive lllnglmmtou's opportuni ties and prospect-', nnd fewer coinnum llies eoiiliilll nll-aimilld lltirtleis of .Mr. Chilli's splendid cnllbte. Fo.tunat-.-Ptlnghanitou' Th- Ceiiliuy elilb will hold a social hop In llog.in upcwi House on Friday evening. March IX. The Odd Fellows will hold a social 111 their hall on Weelne-.-iiny evening. Mis. Lydla llrowii, ot' Maple ave nue, is lecoveilnn ftom her lecout Ill ness, Chatlcs L. Depevt. of Lunesb'jio, and Mif, -I- C. Coon, of I'ttanilt, wero at Jetnivii mi Monday atte-ndlug tlrs funeral of their father, the Into Na thaniel Dope-w. During the temporal y thaw op Mon. day a cnuslnik'i.iblo body ol lee lu ihe liver lu tho vh Inlty of the Susriiie. hanna-Oiikland liver bildao bioke up and moved down siieani for a shoit distance. VKliilty ti.inte-M 1 oiiiplalii uf Uiu (li-picdatlons of petty sip-fck thieves. THOMPSON. ?ti.ial 10 llir s. union Tiilioi.c Thonips'on. Manh 1'.'. .Mlltou Spen cer, of Pleasant .Mount, spent the Sab bath with his biothe-r-ln-law. '. P.. Klnc, and alte-udi-d the Melhudlst Hplhcopal chiue-h lu the inoinlus. The dwelling of lit-oro Mead, near Mud pond, was burned to the ground Sunday. Part of the- household kockIu .t ere siivi d. Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Patten, of Mud pond, visited her sister. Mis. C. u. King, on Monday. K. D. Harnett was doing business J11 Hlughamton on Monday. Mr. Sproul, of Montio.se, was looking nftop tho lntctests of the Independent Uepuhllenii lu town last Saturday, Tho to lu clmi'co of the new cream- Business THESE ENTERPFtlSINQ DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Cos 1'lne Old Port, tlurRTjndlf. nd Siiitemrs. l'uinlly Trade Only. P. H. FRENOH. 40S CONNELL BLDQ. Brescheus t5 -,. jQ... I wrreBl er irxa 'e-l AT 430 SPftUCe ST. S'otv fJolnir On. Hue Pint and all Kind- of NnVtvcar, BRESCHEL A CO. Scranton Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Calls by telephone reecltc prompt attention. WLSOV cfi WASBERS. SPEOTACLES. MADE AND REPAIRED. "That'll all," S. H. TWINING. I3IPENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS For t idle, and firnt. All Milne., Cc. 433-SPrtUCB'433 Hanley's Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, Suctescer to HUNTINGTON We make a fpeclally ol fine bread stuff. Orders for Mladii, Ojitcis, Croiuette., etc., promptly filled. A full line cf Lee Cream and lie Eurekh Plating Works. Siller, Cold, Nieiert, Cepprr and Ilras. Cliandfllerc lteilnilird. 321 DIX COURT. REAR BO. TRADE, REISMAN BROTHERS. Leadm; Ncitadi-alcn. 405 SPRUCE ST. B03 LINDEN ST. CORNA Ql'BR.V OF KKY WKST CIGARri. DEAN, 403 CONNELL BLDQ, Tit-o rhoncs. 1 ffFfi at jour otvn price Ooodnun's Iti-tnotal tale. 432 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Th? scranton Vitrified Brick and Tile Manufacturing Company Maker of Patins llrlck. etc- M. 11 Pile (ni'c-ral sale Agent, OltiiC W) Wa-liinxinn K' Motk lit V.iy Vuer. Pa.. I. ft W. V It II 1901 BICYCLES New models now in. SpaldingStCleve lands, Iver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. 211 Washington Ave. HISTORIC Places in Virginia l an be cMitiforUlilv .mill easib leacheJhy the Steamers Mil daily rveept Sunday fiom Pier M S'oilli I!irr. fimt ot lb-nil -iiici e-tt- oik. fir Old Point Comfopf Norfolk RiChrRond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Connevtitin foi All Point-, south .uiil West. Tliruiih li.'Uits leturnuigirom a--li.iuioii In r.ul or water. I'oi full iufonratlon apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81-85 Beech St., New York. II.n.WALKL'n.Tiaf.Mcr. J.J.CnOttS.a.P.A. cry will open the same .if noon as they can sccui-' u Hrst -class buttcriuuker. Miss licsi-lc- HloNhaiii, who hat-; been wick for wiiii' weeks, Is Improving quite tapldl. ltc-v. A. D. David was In Scranton yesteiday. Mr. and Mis. A. W. tialet-. who have spent a couple of months with their chlldieti In .Sctouton, ate homo again. C. 11. Illlsi, who has conducted a general stoic heie' for tho past our, fchlps hb slotv goods today to Hal stead, whoie he will go Into like busi ness, ills Thonipuon fi lends wish him lilU'CCrP. P.iilles from Wllkes-Harro arc pros pecting fur foal nenr t'nlondale. Our Fieo Methodist fi lends are ar ranging to change their giouuds for camp meeting from Ararat to C. '.. Pickering's urnve, Just out of town, south of Thompson borough. Mis, I'.'mma Hulling went to Scran Inn yeslcrilay for a two weeks' visit with friends. IE! 1 E Houses. nV It not, ell upon F. L. Hitchcock 0 Son, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. &m. and 7 CominennMllh nulldlnr, SCIIAXION, l'A. Only flrl.rl-8i companies rcinfjenlcd. Claims promptly paid. O. S. BLOSS SK,f THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER, IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR. lltilldim: Contiactor. Kmploji union m-u. l,tlmalr cbrrrlully Klten. Ilemodelins; and repairing a Ipecially. 320 WASHINQTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STOREl win iirll an llielr impln ol line imported Madra Shirts for mm nt T.V, wortli-JltofiMi. (.old Medal riiotosraplicr " " MOORE Foster. INSURANCE tlnldrrn's i) Ailut. FOR SALE ll.iZKlci and wjijeini of all kind llmlrs and building lots at bargain. M. T. KELLER. 31 J Vdauis Ate. l.ickattanm farrljRr Work. 122 WYOMINQ AVE. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WB ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. Sl.i I.UK.VW VSSA AVT.NUi:. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM 2GCOAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING CO. V larer a ortnirut of line t'lnhrell.e and Parasols of 1 INK SII.K. I'p-lo-ditr. patterns. Prices ponltltilj LOW KU tlun any house in the city All good kept In Itr.PAtlt free of rliirk-c fur enr jrar. IlEPAIItl.NU and I1L' lOVKISINO a fprtialtj. 313 SPRUCE ST. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE - m.is .. m'nct'.NDKn. Ltteces. .1. J. HI TI V, Manager. ONI, Mdlll' 0M,T. Thursday, Tlarch 14 JlHiM - W liitiiMUII ll.-T's VI-IVB SCLNK3 I'KUPl.l'llOX, JUSTICE Vn liurrlran -la for tbr Vinrriran people. Kteii net ! pei i.i 1 Minrrt. The anginal Ueiabl Sqilair llllllrti Pi In iic . W. ; .1. mid M it). Seatn en sile l'urd.it at ' a in i iiiuAV .ah ii'iin.v and satuiipay MVTl.NLi;. MM!' 11 f- ANP lei. MR. CLAY CLEMENT lu III-, li. m n Utile Priot'atIon of Baion Hohcnstauffen. Ii. His 0n Pbllii I'oiiiidt-, ih NEW DOMINION Willi an ltli'.i.ji upporlliiR f ompanr, Plili r -I trnlti.. -ji.. 'A.-, 7.V and l n.t . . . ?'u and "ii. . ihildrrn to any par-, n lue hou-e, 1 - -mi 'ii .lc W eiini djj at 'i a. in. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, KIS& BIJUUUNURK IIARRV A. BROWM ll,ir..icers and Lessee. Local 5Ianjger. All THIS Wl'.I.K V The Keystone Dramatic Co. i iii;i-i.iiii"Hiii' I,,, i.,, t i V sriatm llanBlitcr'' T11..1I.11 l.tituiiK "Vl.lciy ot Woollen n" WhIiiimIh M ihi . "L'tai-" WiilriMl.iv Kicnin. "liicln Srnlnl Orders'1 M.nin. i I'll.. Ii) ..-I -'I ihi1 l.-iiiln-. Pi ne in. -il and -0 cents. (MewGaietyTheatre AI.P (i IIIIIlilM.lOV. Mams" llllll I PVs. f OJIMI INO iVlomcrJay, IVlsrcr-11, 20th CENTURY STARS Green Ridge Wheelmen's New Club House, 1G45 Wyoming Avo Opens Tuesday eve., March 12, continuing for balance of week Good Attractions Nightly. ADMISSION 10c. The Dickson Maiiiiracturlng Co. tcrinton and WUUen.lUrree IV., MKuufae-iurori of LOCOMOTIVES, SFATIONARV ENQINES llollrrs, HolstlnzandPuniplncMichlnery. Oeneral Office. Scranton, Pa. BEAUTY, UU CONQUEROR BELtAVITA Araenio Beauty Tablets aud Fills. A par JWtly cafe unci KiiuriiDtei-iltieatinoiil forallikln dlpordorn. Restore Ihe bloom ol youth to faded licet, 10 iliiTS1 troiittnent .'An ) clnyn' 81.00, by mill Sena for r I renin r. Addro-s, ifVITA MEPIl'AI. Ol., Clinton 4 Jtckiea Sis., ChUaf 8014 by McGarrah ft Thomas, Druu Clili,, V)i Lackunauna ave., Scranton, Pa,
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