THE SCBANTON TBIBUNJS-WJiDKKSDAV. alABOll 1, 1901. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA h'OREST CITY. Fprilal to the Scranton lillniiir. Vorcst City. Muiih lk -l'ianl Par- rOW, VllO lllli 1)l'CII KUlltlUMl)' 111 villi mi uiiionh. In now huimwlmt licit"!'. l.itKtno Sullivan has niutuil n lunch room In tli" place furiiidly oixtipleil 1 .luhn .lc imler. ' .Inliu li. 1 tuilil imil John It. Uell. our iv ih HiU'iii In litMinllioiitui-s, iniiilc nn liiiipci tl'iii f the loor farm t'lliliiy. Mim, I'olec, tin? milliner, lx I" " w Yoil: iltv , lm-iln'l social wan lit-M nl tliu home of li I. Taylor, on OniiitalC street, by tlic lnillo.i nf tin- MvtliodlMt rliurch last cm nlns l.tuis llolfmtl mid Willie 0vcn, tho latin vvlin iii'i'iitly vviic badly buinnl Villi )0Ml"l. Illl! Still 111 IhlH'lKl'lU'.V )ifni)it:il ll Uik- Mii'lul will li held 111 UK-' MrtlimlM i(iiiiiiubu Friday night. t in 1mm' Institute Ik'I'I hi tli HlKh m-liiiol liulldlni? Saturday nf-ts-union Then; was a laiKP attiiid mire ami tho impels voic hotll Inter efInT kiiJ Inslr -PtUf. Amoiii? the itprjl.t'ih veil' Pioli'Fbiir .1. V. Dt'lanuy, of caibfiiilnln: VrotVysor J !'. Dnoley. A iviiriit. .1. C Tin Kit, TlmiiU'son; I'uriiUiiii Mannliib'. Hcniek Center; Clarence Sn.veli'i. I'llffunl; tJ. U. Mo re stimuli Mls- SIcKcp ami MIsh Smith, TnloiulHlp WclllUKtoii UouiiilK unit Ml.s Pair. II. Vnn-llliiK: 1. C,rander, ,1 man rilklliKton. NEW MILFORD. t-f wt "lie Sraiiton Trllium. Nets Milior.1, MjiiIi ll.-V. S il called on 'I I. tllllKiill t'llll'is tills WCCk. Will bcstin I.U I limit Aiilil 1. Ml. Tliomn Mill take iharsin nf hit mill on thai It. II. I'. Mansr ar.'l wife attended the ( of their nicer, Ktltrl nimli, em Sunday. She died vt peritonitis, Lewis Union, aited Nl .Mara, mill u iishknt ct Aiilinin, was l'iirlt-l In tlic llunnill cemetery en Satunl.iy. I'mlt rtakcr Tnltle liul chaigc of the ' 'I lie bind members arc practicing uinler an Inrlnirtor tor their inliutirl .how, which I ti lie rImii Thursday t senilis: nevt at tlie Academy. Tills will ho ft iovr, listlni; aliout two hours. Tlic admission fee will be 10 and 1J sent. rprliiffvlllc people nc very much iirptlril nip morning ictetitly to find that llcriinuin, the Jeweler, had mddcnly ilkippratitl, tnklnir till Mock ami tools with him. It ai later learned that do hail irone to Ma-'jclm-rlU to arrcpt a Jub ut J r ily. AVOCA. Mi. hi' i. urn1 NiIi'Mh l a urt ol utr roiiMn, 51i nil, , iihiK in Milmlsoti. M l ii lit idlcy uprnt a few dais with h 4l l OlilliN IKtllll.t. M t.. .isr Leonard, of le Ilijsillle. Is Wt ju tit r in .i'ii i, M". I.. V. Mnous 111 till pljtc. r I itlit ' MlBflonary society will meet at tlic imil "i Mn. 1. Mtroiimll u Tlmifiliy ririn 'i. i tlii wctK. M VI. .-hlihU attfiidcd the W.uniiltis M 'li nrc at MchoNon last nrrk. I I nll, Mnule Aldrich, llessle lliadley in) Mr- I A'.iii l-ott were apiiolntetl last uii in a iitiniiilttw to arrancr a proiirainiiin fir .in Unci (iiteitalnineiit at the I'irflijtcrljti t in n M mt Mi- I'uil Mnore and tliuuliter, llilm, r Knitfrlit, fptnt Mind iy with rclatlns heir. In. U.-l. v Vale ipiarlcttc will kIc an enter- ' mint in ' ilie (iprr.1 llmi-c n 'I lunula- ccn-uij- Mjimi II I lit-, will he the hit munlier I ut -in li.iure coui'C wlilrh has lieen rondmtcd I utaiv I. -ut niik !' "pit's I liritian Kndeaior wcicl tn ttmi. M .ml Mi l.enrBP Putt in id daushter, Ml I oi pi hi. (.pint lat 'Ihurfd.iy with Heart I ,. ml. I. I'. Mir.miKlillii, A. .1. lUiifli. V. I. nr ran, Prof. ('. P. Ilolun, SI. .1. liion, lir. V. II. Ilercc, V. .1, Sainmuh, lleiijamln McCll.inn and Theodore lloc.m attended tin- rvenipllliiatlon of tho rrooml ihmcc li the KiiIrIiM of (.'oliim. lnn at I'ittxton on Monday ricnlnir. '. II. Anihmon will leaie this wnk to purthaio RoOtU la .New York. M. .1. 1I.ij.ii, John Manuel, lluld Union and Colntlliu Mi I.sni(lillli Me attending tlie mliieiit' coinenlioii at I tariff on. Itlehard, tho ll-(.irnld son vt Mr. and Mm !eorgp II'mc, of the Noitli Dnd, U til ol a complication of illv.i-e.". Itmc uf the Valley l(nlue. No. S7. Sons of St ficoiKc, (clehralctl Its nineteenth annlicrsary a few turning nito. V. J. I"icmbith, wurthy arand msinjfr. vn picfent iind hpolse wohU of rnioiiMRpincnt to the inrinlxrt. Valler M iimiui cnttrlalned them with romlc niiii; John I'loomp fic an addri"K on tho Juiinllo Older: win;. William lii i addics on the order, Jjiiim Nnlth; koIo, Waller Odscn; tolo, V. .1. Trim tilth, The followhii ruiM wne pre-cnt fioni out of town: W. II. Ilaricy, lieoip' Ualnl', Dm inoiei .lolm C'niome, fioorco lllcU, Mow Nettin-ii, Pilcehurc; V. 11I(L, (i.oise Ilrali.. .lohn llkl.mii. lnoiRo Xeivinan, l'aioiHi .Sim nel Pctcit. Chailes Tnloi, Wlllhim Potl, Holi er tWttlnrlll, Kdwaid Mtliolu. Hilllam Klvle. 01 phanl: Wlllhm H.uler, Willi im .loli, .Mlnit .lull, V. liter 1-inioiH. .lohn Miutinr, HUoa-ll inn. Iliiuy ltlfle, William Hnlnun, imuel Hitch man, C'liarln bhaw, Jamci Mnlth, Seranton; Thomas Yoiiiik, l'rank Carter, William rinne, William i:ili, llany Painell, (leoigo Henr. Sainml Pear, IMtttton. llcfiolinirnK wiro keiied hy the Aioca lodge. 'Ilie Piimltlio Jlelhodiit tliuicli Iu7jir will open In the luxincnt of tho t-ilK mill on the SMIi iiKta. Theie will he a ttmteo, home mlv .lrn. Siuidi tclnol, Woley leatjuc" and randy buotln. An iiittrtalniritiit will he iioiMul tjih I'lcninj. Supper will alo he erricd. I. Soloimiii flethle l piesidint. Mis. V. Illcifp, ice piCfident, and I. J. llo,le, fee- SPRINGV1LLE. Fpreia) ' tlie Stranton Trilmr.c. prui(rille I.ii. li IS, ."now lanl-hid on at mil. ,i ,i rfieit late under the pentlo inttuiiice il 1 .t j in cUll. int. ' it 'liuimns of the liouv. Into which Niuini -innj;ir tin piepaiui; In moc, he U gitxug i ill In liuild one for lilm.eK on lu W nil's full! 'I'n lit i,il..ii . had anutliei hkIiI at the Imuie of ?iicr l'i.iis uii l'riday iveiilu; la-t, neaily forl nf Die iihiuIicij .illcmliiu- and an all aiuuml Rood Unit w.n I. i.l. t li Cultii has acicpted an .ismcy with the lluniiiutin r.uluiui company ami U shnviiui; i liui I"i if 'ampks iududius Until-, . I Inn v sill. ritlni;. M. I mil ltilcy hat. Itcciytlanffcroii-Iy ill for h . I tl.l . ' " I jr'i. h.i.i hlicil to I?. It. Tliomaf and HOLLISTERVILLE. Special to the Scran ton Trlhune. llolll.tcriille, Maich li. Ml. AinimU lliuwn died .it her late icshhnce lieto on M.uch f ut U o'clock a. m. Mi lliottii was .i qiilit, pe.ueiul nelghlior ami wa amoin,- the earliest tctllcrs i-f thil place. Mic died at the achanccd ai;e of fci ycait. The funeral sen ices were tomlucted in the P. M. cliuuli at 2 o'clock Mondav atteinuon. Hev. Mr. llmv, of Pliudale, olliclitcil. alstctl hy Itev. S. McVey, of tills plicc. Interment was niade In Ilolli-lenllle cemetery. Ilei it sin ied hy hie ehlldiiu: Ml. I. . Hrown, of StiJiitnn; Mi. I-ailni Mooia, the Mie- and OtU und Mr. N. Dolhcit III own, of tills place; aN hy tlilileen ri mikhllilien, twenty. two Ricat Riandihlldien and one Kieit Rieat Riandchlld. Tlie relatives of tlie liaic tho i-.unpalhy of their many friends in this their time of bcuMicment. Mi. Iljintt Walto I ciitlcallv 111. lkrtha Watiom li iccoierins iioin a f.'erc attack of pneumonia. Mr. A 11. llollister U slowly icaainlns' lietlih Mrs. l.hi I'es-rndcn, Mi4, f'airie llrown, ' THEORIES' A ROUT FOOD. Also ft Tew TnctB on the Sftmc Sub v Ject. V hear much nownilayB about health foods ntul hyglutilo living, about vpRPtuilnnlAiu nml many other fmla alotiK the fame llnu, HosUiunintH may ho fouml In thrj IniHc pltle.i whero no incut, pantry or pofffo Ih Bprvpii nml tin food crank Is In hht Kloty, mul urKUUipntH ami thno tk'M calo in advanced to prove that meat vaa nevpr Intoiiilod for hunian stoinuehx, and nlniost inako u be lieve that our Kturdy nneostoiH who lived four fcoro yeats lu tobtitt health on roast beer, pork mid million imiFt have been jtrossly Ignorant of tin; lawn of health. Our fotefatheiF Intel other things to do than formulate' theotlcs uliout the food tliuy ale. A win in velcoiiif vos I'Xtendoil to any kind from bacon to IIC'OlllH. A healthy tippotlte ami I'oininon are excellent mildes to follow In matteis of elli't, and a mixed dlol of Kialns, fruits and meats Is undoubted ly the best. As compared with grains and vege tables', meat furnishes the most nutri ment In a IiIrIiIx concentrated form and Is digested and assimilated more quickly than veKejablcs und Ktulus. Vr. Julius ltemnihoti on this subject my: Nervous pomms, people tun down In health and of low vltalltv, should eal meat and plenty of It. IC the dlirestlon Is too feeble ut Hist It may be easily corrected by the lesular ne ol Stuuit's Djhpepsla Tablets af ter each meal. Two of th"se exeel Imt tablets taken alter dinner will dlfiest hctuiat thousaml grains of meat, csrs or other animal food In tlnee hours, and no inatter how weak the stomach may be, no trouble will 1p expetlenced If a lemilar puietleo is niadp of using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets because- they supply tho pepsin nnd diastase necessary to perfect di gestion, and every form of Indigestion will be overcome by their use. That hit go cUifh of people who coin-' under the head ol" nervous dyspeptic should cat plenty of meat and Insure Its proper digestion by the dally use ot a safe, hainiless digestive nieill clnp like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets composed of the natural digestive prin ciples, pepsin diastase fruit nelils and salts, which actually perform the work of digestion. Cheap cathartic medi cines, ninseiuaradlng under the name of dyspepsia cures ale useless for In digestion, as they have absolutely no crfeet upon the actual digestion of food. Dyspepsia In all its many foiins li simply a failure of the stomach to di gest food and the sensible way to solve the llddle and cute tho dyspep. sla is to make daily use at meal time of a preparation like Stuart's dyspep sia Tablets, which Is endotsed by the niPillc.l1 profession and known to con tain active digestive- piluelplc-s. All druggists sell Sttutt's Dyspepsia Tablets at nOc. for full tteatni"iit. A little booklet on cauyo and cute of stomach tiouble mailed fiee by ad dressing K. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Helen Williams ami Itotett Itlddell. There arc twenty-nix, or twice thirteen, peaUnir, paits In tho play, which will be seen at the I. count lliurnla night. "New Dominion." (.Irinriil'i IMifit'tauffcn Is pie-rinlncutly the product ot thought and the mentality lint eon eehed It wjs in touch with the beauties of the brooks and the onn eit the birds. The romedy Is delightful, wholffome nnd bracing. "The New llomlnluii" U tin- pace In the hUtoiy of an old tale, but the portraits are draun with a Rcntlo hand, and llnouali the rciiIIc naitatlie Is the time of the liuitnly nf the nlrl of the moun tain', mingled with the flow uf the 'lory and temperliiK tin- sentiment. Mr. I Icmeiil'n ihar atlctlzatIon Is (trlMn and Ideal, tplnidld in t tint t pt Ion ainl character, ,t peiinanrut IIruic in the ranks of naluie's nohllitv. The moic limes em cp "The New Dniiiiiiloii" the belter oii like it Tin New Dominion" tomes to (lit- I.Jtiimi for tlueo peiloiniancts, I'rldiy and Satuuh iiIrIiIs and situulay matinee Stats ate now on wle. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Vrw oil.. March 1'.. The tlock ton tiiitieil ptiil and larccly due to oor'a. tloiw ot piolcj.lotiils lu IiitliiMital tocks. Trad ers prnfi vM'd to lie follonniR the IcadeiMilp of limiilci-, in their buln.. Iluurlrr. 11 v,,is ill lent liul puiely rpctiilatiio loiiillllons pl.ietl a Lirgt- part In tin- 'l.i'n tlr.illliR.. Ilieio was mix c- or lc. Inili'luu nil day, The piiinlpit leatturs ot the i,er was tlic et client liaftle n turns of tlie lailioids, ii.peelally the s0,itii wi'Mrin toatlii, the bituminous coal eoiriers ami Mime of the Southern i vails nlionrtl a lame In 1 1 ease In thtlr aioss ejndiiKi, oier those of the C'Hic'pondinR wetk of lat ear. Tlie fes..loii of the miners' lumentlon was dluw the eau nf the ilulliiivs ami silRht heal hit its In tuc an Ihratlle coal Rioup, .ittliougli was c.pif..cil tint no tllke was to be ftnied. A niiinljfr of the important movements of the tliy wcie in the locks nf mlnoi tadioad cuupiiites, anil ninior was bus wills projects to atcouiil Inr tlir.e adiauec. Tlie upu.iid inotinoiil In lviiuslaid.i was piomptcd by the annual mett tii ami the icports inado to -.It-tkholdti 'Hie sl,,t I., nhltli hale been tloiinant .nltaiit'ed olutplv, Wiie iNlnif tlnre, anil ltln It. Tin- sliciigth ill 'lobnco was tlut- It, a bi-lH in lictit fits in iitriiie lioni tethiccd I not. Amal eam.ilitl rupp-i .wcakenctl on icpoits ol a ie iuw.ll of pinjects lu Montuiia. Total tales, 7't, Jin) li.nes. 1h folio a In; imitations are furni-hrd The rribuie by M. S. .Ionian i Co., rooms TOVTM Mcars bulldini,', tciantcn, l'a. 'lelephone 5013. Open- With- Low- t'los-, est. ct. Im;. . i:-ii li'i'l I.':"1 mTs .lJl-'i izsi lil'4 l-'-"; . ,vn.. mi . ..-; w, J'OItK. May ... LAUD. Kav .. III11S May .. .. ni:v WHUAT. Mm- .lulv .. . COH.V. May .. ., . ii.s.-- M-37 Til N01IK CHAIN MAttKi:r. Open Opel Ins TVs lllRh Ct. re, TO'. lw et. Ill1 n.tu TOT T.U Clei-inc. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Pint National Hank Kersnton Sailntjs Hank Third National Hank Dime IHptwIt and Discount Dank.. Hconomy I.lRlit. II, k I'. Co laseka. Trust Sate Deposit Co Clatk k SnoTfr Co, I'r Scrsnlon Iron Fence k tlfff. Co. ... Fcrantrn Axle Works t.jcka-iatir.a Dairy Co.. Pr. County Kailnss Hank k Trust Co., Pirsl National flank (Carbondalc),. Standard Drlllli'S Co Trailers' National Hank Scranton Holt and Nut Co BONDS. Ecranlcn Tassfrirer HaUtray, flint MortKace, due lO'O People's Street Railway, first mort- gai-c, due 1018 . People' Street Itallnay, Central mortKacc, dua 1921 Dickson Manufacturing Co Ueka. Tounshlp fcchool 0 per cent. City ol fcuantcti si. imp. a per tent Scranton Tuition 0 per cent n;j. law 4MI 53(1 ivi 12 M II.'. luj in in 1!5 Asked. Itj 100 M 20 SCM 30 ino 102 10-2 ;PO25o:$5i505:k;;kk; tyg air 0. 0 0 0 0 T0 (Ml "0 nf ttir 0 Ur 0 M0 afU 0 0. M.0 5 0 o o Hr o 0 t0 The Great ire Sale of Mc-.r II. I., stone ami Mekhoir 1'iiirgteiii aie touiahsttut. lr. S. llaukliH, of Hinalumlou, . V., and htr on, Waltir, of the I lir'ltr Mllllaiy Vc id tiny, .ue at the- home of her mother, Min lljriitt Ma'lte. Mks I l.u. i (.irgoi)'. of ?iranton, was enter tained l.i.t sitnuljy at the home of her mother, Mis, Ilatiie liri'gnry. Mr, 'luiiicr. in this idace, spinl li.t wttl: In Vbi-rnw, at the lioni" ct l,i si.inddiiiuhtir, Mrs. limit I .1. l'liiu-e. NICHOLSOr. ..f Nttv Mis. M. F Clothing 0 10 S5 0X X0 nr 55 0M. 8 xr r 0 0. 0 Jftl H0 nfti 0 JU 0 li Hit n 0 0U. X0 0. r Ah iar Wl 0. 0X 6 0 VI Fpr. ijl tlie S.ranton Tiibiuie NicIihImiii. Mauli 12 Mr. P V. II ih VUlftiid, sptut Moudiy with In. nine, D. Kell llf. Itobcrt llnbeit'', of Huinkl.Mi, pleached in the l'ii'slin-rlali tliuich Suudav moiniliff and i-cnni. llcv. J. S. Wilkes, ot this place, tilled the pulpit al Hiooklin. Mi-s Hon- Wiitdit (.pint "undii with her parent-, at r.ittor.Mllle. Aiiioiii; tlioec who attended the djiite on I'riiliy ewuiui; Iroui out of town wtie . W. s,jm.m., ol lHliiiillo, and lltni lltimott, til l lifford Mr . W. Staik, of Stale- street, pent Tues day with lrnnds in Sciantoii. Catarrh Cannot Be Cuied wltlt LOCAL AI'I'IlCAilONS, as they ianii..t uath the ot the disease. Catanh i. .i blood tr toi.stltutionut th-case, and in ortUr to chip It jou must tal.o intciiidl irmciltcH, Hall's C.i l.inli Chip is taken iiittirnlly, am .ids dlrcUty on the blood and inusuiu suifjccf. Hall's Ca tanh Cuio Is not a iU.n-k uudlclne. It wai ircscrilcd by one ot the but phxlciaiis In tin, eoiintiy tor t'.ii. and is a icsulai inscription. It is toropoaed ot tho best tonM known, mm 1 Ined wills tho b.-t bljotl puuhere, acting di icctly on the mucous tin fat is. 'Ibe pcifect con Mliatlou ot tho two incrtilltiils Is what pio duces euch wonderful tcults in-curiic Catarrh, send for testimonials fit e 1' J. CHUNKY k CO., Piops , Toledo, 0. Sold bv eluucltii!, price IV. llall'a ltmlly Pills arc the Wt. Au.eiiiau - mar .. Ann l It. in I'tlutro Am. st,d fc Wim Atchison AlthlM'ii. Pi llrook. Trattion II ill. .V Oldn . .. ( nut. Toh, it i o ... I ln. ,V nhio ... ( tiir. (il. West (hit . II. & l(. .. St. Paul Hut!. Maml Dtl. .1: ... sp0 , l'ed lal Steel, I'r Kan. .t Te I'r. I.01.U & Vi-h. .. Man. r.lcialeil ... Mtt. '1 1 ail ion ... MI-...I. IMclllu ... I'n (lie's Has .... SOI I 111 111 Put III' . Ni'i mil Wc.t. Nt.itliiin 1 '.it t In Ni.ill em I'.it iii . N. . ( (Int. .(. WcHrili I'u.ii.i. It. It. . P.iiilit M.ill ... ll.adim; Iti. . Iltadliii. lit , Pi -.-in :,. in It. it st.illll. it. II 'I'mli. Coal K linn . I . . I.e.itlier .... C. s. .l.i.tlicr, Pr. I nlnii Pacific- l'i I in P. t inc. I'r. Waba-li. Pi Wcftcin lnlon .... CHICAGO VHIIAs. M.if July (OliN. Mn OATS. Miv Pi I'r.. ... : ... H! . . T-i'i . fi's, . . . -tli ... k.; ... 221a . . . i f; ...12V, ...PI? ... un ... ... Hi's ...12H'i ...l' ... M; ...101 . liii ... ."ill .. KIT ... 5 ...1131 . !fi .. r.i'i .. M'a .. :i .. T.1'1 ... il's ... T'i .... .-il'i .... ls .... ",.!St ... M'l .... sV4 ,....".Ha .... jsu ii'i; .'.yij fiT'i 'ri'.s Tli'i f2Td K.-i 4T 2i. t.".lI lSl"-s l:nn; 107i in SOli liVJ JSllT, 1 1 ill's M UII 11 Am' j si's vs 111 :t2'i 101 .:.,'; an i T.tiJ Trt IS'a vr, so" mi;. T-'j' !C" . til " lie1; 12,-iH infi'ti i,i.j S'l I'l 't 120 H. '-2 10,lj tils 4'1's SI1, SS ll..'i -T2'; 1 iPl 2H.. Ts't WIJ TV; mi K'l IIJAI.N MAHKIX HIbIi- Loir est. Ir.s 71" tst. TO.. Tt'a 10', 2l'j HI t T"'u 2'-i lo-l-. I'lk, 221 i liUi II". I 1211 j 111'", l-1"l i" IJll'i iH.'s '- W-i j m .10", MH s. lIP's I.'j'l i2n lj i: Trt isia, S.11, t-'l I Int. Iti. 7.1 Til's I'l's Scranton Wholeslo Mrket. (Coriretsel by II. 0. Dale, 27 Latkawantu Ave Huttir-( icainei, f.Pj.L'e.; dalr, IsjIOc. CUesc-Pull ru-atii, 12.il1c'. Prks Western liesh, IT'jatSc. ; neaiby ttate, 1 3.1 20c Heani-r-Per bu . choice marrow, .2 6jj2.W) Pea He .11 h l'i r bu , Medium Heans-P.-r Im.. "2.0iM", (iireu I'cas-Per Ins., (inlons-Per bu., M.IOal .In. I'Iour-ltet pilent, pet Mil., M.i.'i lied Kitlney lleans Per bu., si.C..i2 .'0 Philadelphia Ginlu and Produce. Philadelphia. Much 12. Wheat-Steady; caii tract Kia'le, TTije. Lurn l'nchant,ed; No. 2 mKctl. ll'4f. Oils Meadt; No. 2 white eUppul, S.!o. lluttci Steal; fancy w.'sleui cie.uuiii. S-,e.; elo. plint", '22t'.; do. lseatbv piints, '-22t. Ksffs Mtaib'S lush neaibv, lb ; Wtdtcili, lie.; uiillieili. l.V. I'lieeao Vinii; New York full tp.iin. fancy mull, 12ije.; do. fall to elioitp, luYil2c. Itt'.l'ied Mwars-l'ii-chanaetl. Cotton I'uelntitetl! live ponllry l'iim; old loostrt., TaTif. ; chlt'.elis, Hlalie ; sins K, 32..; rusi', II.iU'p.; turli-.., "litis ; llio-neil lonlll I'lini; fowh), tlmbP, UK : "Id rooi.lrrs, T.iTHc. ue.iiby thie'-f "is. Wa -t weslein. 0,il2c, ; lmkeit. tho'ne In fancy, near bv. 12ille.; westeiii.'2t.; ilml., ncniby, liable.: upsIpiii,'2e.; ';tesi. We. Ui'ciiplsPIoin. :i,is)0 Ihst.'I-. and iil,r1 lbs. ill e.iiks: 2.I.00H liltsliels; t'oril, MaeitH', and oats, H.nOtl bushel". sldp nenl- - Wlstai I'tnrj seiii, fsi.Kji); oals, 2il,'l luiilielt Special Diseases of Men S MY SPECIALTY. i Do "Jy Center Not iSmM' ' Them S c a tte r IJSHPb o n Faculties IBr' Specialty If 'oil flip sunerliis; fioni an dl-ea-e or roii'lltinii pmiliai m ins is, or if oi half 'if dlsappoliitesl in not pitting a pi'iiiiaueul e', I want toil to it ire- and have a social that with me I will chln to oti MY sYhlP.M 01' Till: ITMl'.M', ulilsli I half originated nnd dcielopcil after my whole llte's experience In treatim; diseases of men. I h no beltn, peeltlcs, free namples, trial tiMltiuiiU or eletlro iiutlieil tonibinallons or flmllar desfctis whirls dn t,ot nml tannot tuio pecullir lu men. My eduiatlon. my experl. elite, iiiv contcieuce, mv leputitinn eomlcmin nil nidi epiackerv. II ou will pay nir a visit I will t-iie ion l'HU: OP ' 11 MttU'. tlieionuh peiscnil e'.tniliiullon and an honest opinion of sour "case. If oi' nip Incinalilp I will trll ou m, ami adil.n ois mi that oti will not be liuiiilnuiiril bv iiittciiipulons praetitltuieiit who ilalni (o rum all. If after exini lilnpt nu, I find you curable, 1 will Ins'iie mt of a permanent euie. Inumueb as I will die uu a wiltten Riiataiitce to icfund von nery t rut nit bate paid me lu ease I fall to effect a imp, I make no chatEP for intdftliits, as Ihey art- nlttas ineluded in the nominal fee, sv-ketl, and inu know to the it'll. b'btP oil Matt what Oiir whnlp treitliient Is Roinic to cost, and l'tiill make mi labe as to Hip lini" (or II i ikp of settinc ou r1'!!, n I promise only what I 1.111 do, ami do as I pioinl-i-. CNNVTl'IIAI. DISCII vftClS stopped In 6 In 1(1 dais EMISSION'S and Drains ktoppetl In to l'i l'!.Ci:it. 1 care not of how Ions; ntandliis. I will ih llem up il .STItlCTl'ItP. cured without tiiltlntc or tlllitlnir. IIYDUOCKI.i: or any fwellinss cr nliracnitrits teduecd al oii'e. ISII'OTIJSCY In 1.1 -lciii id ireaUii'iit is curable lncpettlie of lie lime staiidtnc r jour age. HIiVDDCIt AND MDMA' iler-micn en., b t;i s.isleiu of tieiliuriit nliow lsn.' "' !' proiement (i mi the vtrv bealnnii it Iilll'.t'MAIIsM, belnft cauti'd I1.1 imp , re uniltiioii of blood, is tuied pciuiaiitiitly by me. M'KCH'IC I1I.00D I'ObOMN's!. ,111111 ituim; or Merii.r.v. Wlill'i: it ii anui'i 'II VI ill plain cnielt'v Imliwe "-ceui omf I' 1101 It.s, ti j in, tu P mI w tliont the ti-e of Iodide ot Potash . nr. I, siiali lire nit 1 ronAtlititi. I and nil lcplies ent m.hi'P to insure repl nd It 10 s p 111 vuiidis. Ill a 111 to I p m DR. MACKENZIE'S id iicu lilHi: JJevv York Qialn and Produce. New Yoik. M.ucli 12 l'bir Mideutelv .is 1 le and tcndlm; Inner, miowI.ix Mtakncss .it the tltvc in e 111 ii.,l li' with wheat. Wheal s ,nt Meads; No. 2 ictl. TSV . ; No. I milium Dilutli, Tt . Optlntii npi 1 1 tuic Jitt dim, but bir.iiiii weak and iinvtlled; t'ti'cd wi.ik 111 MaKi-- des Hue. Mitivh, .-.: Iilv, T'k ( om -spot use; v, -j, s,-.'.v. S'ticiit .1 Vtiv linn oniiimr. later, tlnall i.tllletl and thsed (is 1 1 ami "AaHt. hlslifl. Maieh li4n.; Mav, IO"-r.; .lull, IVMt.; stpt , iiit Oils ijiilet: No. 2 while, ii-l'sf. ; I. llllMtl WCettlll. .lU.olVjt.i win. , ikkitm't- Option iiitthct opened f.rui with corn and was fililv well Mhlatnril all dav, wllhonl featmc. lluttci l'inu ami irteaular; rreh cieamtiy, ltU'22i.; factor, Kiill'lt.: .Iimo sit.insi. liaJOt'.; Imitation tie.imry, ll.l.H'.c-. f'liccst -sfiouir. Puss tioiue; s'ale mid Peiin vli.mli. 11'sillUe.; wcstiui, it's ill'.: nn. th em. 1 ' stli . I I'ei'iiiiineiilly Lnt'tiled al Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building, ' 426428 Spruce St., SCRANTON, TAKE ELEVATOR. ES PA, 1 S Jfs It'UKli New York Live Stock. rhhaao. Manh 12. ('.itllr Itccclpts, .:; ihlutp stttis, bttjtly; I'theis, lo.v: l-ittt f.t i stock. Head; Texas tetvl. 'low, but stionc; liotitj to pilule steels, Watl.,VI; sto.-'; " teed il', s,i.,i"iii..Vi: litlf.r", M.-rla; ti.nnttl, stiiiiisT, si.'slu'2..10; tahes, rhoite, t.ttaily; welb ci., flow, fcl.-2iiit.10; Tev.H ft-tl stccu. $jl ill; Tesas sria nt'tn, .fl.'tal: Tea bull. vi.,1i IIors llppciipu. 1l.0i); Si.fmni lett oier, B.mO; csllnntfd tomonow, Klionir, clo-lni,- in in; top piler. i?'-'y. l.ilftl ,iud bunlici.. 1.1,71!, -. atKitl to tholtp lu-av.v. .1.('ia"i7gia. lieaev, . I'm i.!i 1 '. bulk of i.ali, 1. t.M.1 '. .slitep-lietelpt', ll.iniu-. st'ad.i i .irons:, laiiib-, olioissr to IC. hlnhei; snotl to 1 Inn. urllirrJ, M lftsl.5; fair tn tholtp iinvetl, ; I. HI; weMcin !itep, Sl..i".il..i; .vmrlliists, s , . al; weterii Iamb., H on !'). Chicago Gialn nnu Pioducs. llinaito. Maieh 12.-Ill tho .ili.tlne ol nulsnl. nupiKirt tin- wheat market cIomiI with .1 i.ei iheline of BV'.. while 1I10 other leiillns: spini l.itlic maikels lield linn, enii elo-lns: 'le1!' : oats. I.e., and piollon, .ItpK-. hixhir. I .i.'s iiot.tlhiiis wtie as fnlluns: rioiu Dull; Vo. .t spline when, s,-i7:t.: n. "2 retl. 7V1.: No- " coin, .:'i' : No. ' vtlhivr, 'I'lije. : No. '2 o.its, :M.i2i1.ji ; Nn. - itl lit-. ;a.l'2S,ae : No. 2 lie, X . bllle. 10c. ; No. I Hat sod, b.'slij; llniothy Mttl, M lu. poll.. MI7i: laid, S7.r.i: i-liouMeix. Il"-t . whiske, 1.27. ribs, 7i2'jt East Llhetty Stock Marlcst. lii.t l.lbeily.M.siils 12. Ciltte Ste.ld; piiin, l 'JUaj. in; tnmuiriii, &I.-2I1I..V). IbiBs sieadv; bt-t .voiktis and hea.y boas, st,; lihs, .voskers,".ni; ili, $1.70a5.S'1j iouah. s,2iij-,;in. slii-cp Menlt ; coinintui, fc2a:J .10; cliott a Ian lis, 3.Tni"H)s toinmou to sinod, l.&nj"l. Butl'alo Live Stock. l.aL ll.flal.i, M.11.I1 12. i:eefliU-l atlle. '21 eaist khttp, !2 t.trs; hogs, cus. Ship 111111U Catlle, 2.1 eats; sheep, 0 cai; hog', 12 t ar. ( .title senl ; t i!o, thohe, .tl.TisiT. I.imlv. ( hoiie to i-xlisi. Villi); heavy wesifu pltep, M iitiil.TH. llt'Xv Heavy, i '). a Of the Richards & Wirth stock last but a few days longer, as we jj $1 must make way for carpenters and masons. We guarantee better values to our customers and friends than we can afford to give again. Don't miss this opportunity to select high grade Union-Made Clothing at Less Than Cost of Manufacture Some of our better grade of goods S? still remains, and if you're wise you will come quickly. 0 jr 0 0 i 0M. a 0 s 00000000000000000 THEATRICAL. 00000000000000000 TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. nf. 8 nrv Xnr ni Al VD1.MY lestont! Diainjtlc coinpanj. Maiince and liisht. (,li:rY Went'. "Twentieth Ccntui tai-s " M.iuiHS and ni-iit The Great Fire Sale Still continues unabated. Buyers are so well satisfied that they not only tell their friends, but many of them come back themselves and buy again. And why shouldn't they? There never was such another moneysaving opportunity in the Footwear Line. Shoes for Everybody r. 'I ne lv Hieinooii Oidui " Bill for Today. -I nn Diamatiu company pit -cm . lliu ' I t.tli" and this iiculns ' I udet Saled 1 Richards & Wirth 1 326 Lackawanna Avenue, s ft KM nr 0 0 0 :5Ki5:osnMu)!nKKK5SJ Wrestling at Gaiety. Hjri Liui., a local amateur wirfttier, wj tue enl pc"U who appealed at the fiilejy theater laat ulalit to accept William Lealrr's otter to thiow any man lu Ida el.ui in tllteen inlnutcs or forfeit ?M. Kvau lattd just m-icii minutes', but toniKht betttrrporl is promised the audience, at l.eo I'ardcllo will meet Chatlei ZaiiK. An ct fori wai also made to buns M. ' Dcr to liiu city ami havo him meet the Italian Lester will tortiBht tnecl f-am IluUliinipj, ot JetHup, the man who nae him such a eiirprlie Mouda night by secutlni; a fall In four ininuic;. Iit nlk'IH s mitrh wa a very tame one. Ihe two men writ- pielty pvenly uiitLhcd in hclstht and wrlght, but Lester was far tatcr on hi. feet and wji u l.o inoro powrrlul than his op. poucnt 1 tic- latler seemed u half-Nil. mi III the tlr.t minute of the bout, but was unable to uvi It to any atliantago ami la. let, 1'iciUnc loo-r, tord with Duns for a tsw mlmitui and then tccured an ca.y, fall. "JuBtlce" Thursday Night. Ihom.ii W. Ilioadhiust baa lust found out tlut the number thirteen tlguies extensively In bin new pliy. It In announced as " MiMlce,' a diaiiia," whit h sentence sciitains thlitrrii let lri. r-oine of the pilntliiii leads " Modein I'our ct Draun, Mu.lliC,' " 'Ihc latter tell tciicc has twcnt)-lx, or twlco thirteen. The author, Cuy .ldiIolte; tho manager, Hd ward S. Salter; the ticaurer, baiimei Migulrc, and the following thirteen tucmbciii of the torn pany raeli have tlilileen Utlrra In their name.! Hecton Itadfoid, Khcnnan Itoivlrii, ('lurks Mallet, 'lliouias I'ailtuii, llanlo I'. Cokkc, William hevaae, Tere.j Maxwell, ('lira llalntoid, Julia M. Itoinalne, Nellie Mnil.rll, .I.ouln llarklns, Men, Worrier., and Infants here with Boys, Girls, Children can be supplied Honest Foot wear at unheard of Ioa prices. a Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy 330 Lackawanna Avenue rr. slf. . Tr- ft ft! ft! W(fMfWWWWWWWW(fWM0WW(fWWW(0WW5 v
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